首页 南京免费旅游景点大全(2011更新)



南京免费旅游景点大全(2011更新)南京免费旅游景点大全(2011更新) 南京免费旅游景点【附收费景点大全(2011年更新)】 9家免费博物纪念馆: 南京中山陵 南京博物院 江苏省美术馆 南京梅园新村纪念馆 南京云锦博物馆 南京地质博物馆 南京航海博物馆 南京石头城社区历史文化博物馆 静海寺《南京条约》史料陈列馆 53家免费公园: 南京下马坊公园 南京琵琶湖景区 南京平山森林公园 南京竹镇森林公园 南京宝塔山森林公园 南京聚宝山森林公园 南京雨花宁南森林公园 南京仙林阳山森林公园 南京灵岩山森林公园 南京大荆山森林公园 南京方山...

南京免费旅游景点大全(2011更新) 南京免费旅游景点【附收费景点大全(2011年更新)】 9家免费博物纪念馆: 南京中山陵 南京博物院 江苏省美术馆 南京梅园新村纪念馆 南京云锦博物馆 南京地质博物馆 南京航海博物馆 南京石头城社区历史文化博物馆 静海寺《南京条约》史料陈列馆 53家免费公园: 南京下马坊公园 南京琵琶湖景区 南京平山森林公园 南京竹镇森林公园 南京宝塔山森林公园 南京聚宝山森林公园 南京雨花宁南森林公园 南京仙林阳山森林公园 南京灵岩山森林公园 南京大荆山森林公园 南京方山森林公园 南京油山森林公园 南京绿水湾湿地公园 南京龙袍黄天荡湿地公园 南京兴隆洲湿地公园 南京九龙湖湿地公园 南京凤凰公园 南京城东公园 南京滨江风光带 南京乌龙山公园 南京太平山公园 南京明故宫遗址公园 南京东水关遗址公园 南京午朝门遗址公园 南京东华门遗址公园 南京西华门遗址公园 南京西安门遗址公园 the model unit, and recognition. The organization and leadership carry out "two to learn a" theme activities, play a very important role in 2016 the grass-roots party construction work, towns street, various departments (units) to attach Attention, co-ordinate arrangements, meticulously organized, pay close attention to implementation, to ensure effectiveness. To attach great importance to, strengthen leadership. Towns street, the various departments (units) to set up special institutions, orderly activities carried out smoothly. Secretary of the party committees (party) as the first responsible person, must strengthen the leadership, and provide a powerful guarantee, to personnel in place, work in place, measures are in place. Second, we must do a good job with, to promote the overall. To "two studies and a" theme activities and promote work closely, do both hands, two not mistake, two promotion. To make this work for the implementation of the grass-roots party building of the mission objectives of the important measures, do a good job Education and training of Party members and party democratic appraisal, strictly regulate the party life, Chuang Jianji layer service oriented party organization of the work, to promote the overall progress of the grass-roots party construction work, all-round excellent. Third, we need to strengthen guidance, to ensure the effectiveness of. Municipal Party Committee Organization Department set up a special "two to learn a" theme of the activities of the office, responsible for the activities of the instruction scheduling, towns street, the 南京武定门公园 南京清凉山公园 南京石头城公园 南京大钟亭公园 南京神策门月城公园 南京鼓楼公园 南京乌龙潭公园 南京郑和公园 南京明御河公园 南京北极阁公园 南京和平公园 南京南湖公园 南京绣球公园 南京小桃园 南京菊花台公园 南京浦口凤凰山公园 南京江浦公园 南京龙口公园 南京湖心岛公园 南京东山公园 南京龙小山公园 南京文化公园 南京翠园 南京平顶山公园 南京炼油厂公园 雨花台烈士陵园 其他免费景点: 清凉山公园 石头城公园 夫子庙 绣球公园 紫金山 玄武湖环湖路 展览馆营业时间一览: 1、雨花台烈士陵园 开放时间为8:00—17:00,每日接待量控制在15000人,有园中园收费,周一闭馆 2、侵华日军南京大屠丨杀遇难同胞纪念馆 上午8:30—下午4:30,周一闭馆 3、静海寺《南京条约》史料陈列馆 上午9:00—下午5:00,周一闭馆 4、中丨共代表团梅园新村纪念馆 上午8:30—下午4:30,周一闭馆 the model unit, and recognition. The organization and leadership carry out "two to learn a" theme activities, play a very important role in 2016 the grass-roots party construction work, towns street, various departments (units) to attach Attention, co-ordinate arrangements, meticulously organized, pay close attention to implementation, to ensure effectiveness. To attach great importance to, strengthen leadership. Towns street, the various departments (units) to set up special institutions, orderly activities carried out smoothly. Secretary of the party committees (party) as the first responsible person, must strengthen the leadership, and provide a powerful guarantee, to personnel in place, work in place, measures are in place. Second, we must do a good job with, to promote the overall. To "two studies and a" theme activities and promote work closely, do both hands, two not mistake, two promotion. To make this work for the implementation of the grass-roots party building of the mission objectives of the important measures, do a good job Education and training of Party members and party democratic appraisal, strictly regulate the party life, Chuang Jianji layer service oriented party organization of the work, to promote the overall progress of the grass-roots party construction work, all-round excellent. Third, we need to strengthen guidance, to ensure the effectiveness of. Municipal Party Committee Organization Department set up a special "two to learn a" theme of the activities of the office, responsible for the activities of the instruction scheduling, towns street, the 5、南京市规划建设展览馆 上午9:00—下午4:00,周一闭馆 6、南京云锦博物馆 上午9:00—下午5:00 7、南京市档案馆 周一至周五,上午8:30—12:00,下午2:00—5:30。 8、南京国防园 免大门票,园内小馆暂不免票,上午7:00—下午5:00 9、中华农业文明博物馆 南京农业大学内,接受团体预约参观,联系电话:84399033 10、南京市税收文化教育基地 周一至周六开放,上午9:00—11:30,下午2:00—5:00 部分公园详尽介绍: 1.鼓楼公园 鼓楼公园被绿树掩隐着在风雨中飘摇,红墙和琉璃瓦在树丛中忽隐忽现.古老的城楼在朝霞里,在夕阳中散发着神秘的意味,那长条石铺制的地砖上覆盖着一些湿润的流翠般的青苔,错落着展示时间。 2.北极阁公园 以绿地园林为主的东广场、以“北极飞川”人工瀑布为主的中广场和以景观大道、几何树阵为主的西广场三个部分,通过有机组合绿化植被、喷泉水景和硬质铺装,力图构筑一个自然和谐、充满趣味的市民休闲空间。 3.大钟亭公园 大钟亭在鼓楼。现在的大钟亭在高楼的环绕下,蜷缩成了一方小小的园地,亭内亭外早已隔成了两个世界,外面的是喧闹的现代都市,里面是清茶幽香,青烟缭绕,回廊曲折,郁郁葱葱,,古色古香,于闹市中独保一份纯粹于自然。 4.明故宫遗址公园 南京明故宫是北京故宫的蓝本,是南京历史上第一个全国统一王朝的皇宫,在今中山路南北两侧。这座朱元璋的宫殿,由皇城与宫城两部分组成,合称皇宫。皇城在外,围护着宫城。 5.东水关公园 位于内外秦淮河分界处,公园集雄伟壮观的城墙、碧波荡漾的水面和婀娜多姿的碧树芳草于一体,展现了十里秦淮的秀丽景色 6.和平公园 北京东路和中山北路的交接处唤做鸡鸣寺,真正的鸡鸣寺傍山而立,这轩陌交错的路口横卧着的,就是和平公园。小山小水小庭院,树倒是高大挺拔,因而整个公园看上去更像是乖巧的女孩依偎在绿色的怀抱中。 7.白下艺术公园 位于瑞金路旁 8.中山门公园 包括中山门城墙 9.武定门公园 武定门公园位于秦淮区武定门外,沿明代城墙南北向全长千余米 10.神策门公园 神策门的神奇在其形制。一般的南京城门都是先有城门,后有瓮城,呈“凸”字形。而神策门却是将这个“凸”字倒了个个儿,把大大的瓮城“腆”在城门之外。 11.清凉山公园 清凉山古名石头山、石首山,踞于南京城西隅,以建有清凉寺得名,是南唐帝王的避暑行宫。清凉山上,名胜古迹随处可寻,有“驻马坡”、“南唐古井”、“清凉寺”、“崇正书院”及“扫叶楼”等. 12.石头城公园 位于清凉门旁.石头城又称“鬼脸城”,除了“鬼脸照镜子”,石头城公园还有不少历史传说呢. 13.菊花台公园 菊花台公园位于中华门外石子岗,总面积22.41 公顷,为纪念性公园。内有九烈士墓、六角亭、双竹亭、桂花亭、六角竹亭、雀梅王、天隆寺、塔林、玉丨乳泉等景观。古时园内盛产菊花,故名“菊花台”。 14.绣球公园 绣球公园位于挹江门外北侧,园内有一座石头山,形如一球,是狮子山的余脉,因与狮子山形成“狮子盘绣球”之势而名绣球山,公园也由此而得名。绣球山顶有亭,登亭远眺,可观览四周景色:东观宏伟的挹江门城楼,南望新建高楼林立,西看长江如带,the model unit, and recognition. The organization and leadership carry out "two to learn a" theme activities, play a very important role in 2016 the grass-roots party construction work, towns street, various departments (units) to attach Attention, co-ordinate arrangements, meticulously organized, pay close attention to implementation, to ensure effectiveness. To attach great importance to, strengthen leadership. Towns street, the various departments (units) to set up special institutions, orderly activities carried out smoothly. Secretary of the party committees (party) as the first responsible person, must strengthen the leadership, and provide a powerful guarantee, to personnel in place, work in place, measures are in place. Second, we must do a good job with, to promote the overall. To "two studies and a" theme activities and promote work closely, do both hands, two not mistake, two promotion. To make this work for the implementation of the grass-roots party building of the mission objectives of the important measures, do a good job Education and training of Party members and party democratic appraisal, strictly regulate the party life, Chuang Jianji layer service oriented party organization of the work, to promote the overall progress of the grass-roots party construction work, all-round excellent. Third, we need to strengthen guidance, to ensure the effectiveness of. Municipal Party Committee Organization Department set up a special "two to learn a" theme of the activities of the office, responsible for the activities of the instruction scheduling, towns street, the 北见狮岭雄胜。绣球公园中最富“传奇”色彩的,当属西崖石头上那个长84厘米,宽31厘米,深25厘米的“马娘娘脚印”。 15.南京大屠丨杀纪念馆 位于江东门附近.侵华日军南京大屠丨杀遇难同胞纪念馆通过大量文物史料和精心构建的纪念雕塑、建筑,生动 形象地展示了60多年前那段惨痛历史。 16.玄武湖滨湖大道 由解放门进入. 17.雨花台烈士陵园 今日的雨花台林木幽深,松柏苍翠。陵园中最雄伟壮丽的景观是位于南北中轴线上的一组纪念性建筑。这组建筑从建于北殉难处的烈 士就义群雕开始,中经烈士纪念碑、纪念桥和纪念馆,止于最南端的忠魂亭。整个建筑融中外艺术精华于一体,气势雄浑,风格庄严, 既体现了先烈们不朽的精神气质,又表达了后人对他们的崇敬和悼念之情。 附收费景点: 南京旅游景点门票价格(2010年更新) 南京中山陵 80元(含灵谷寺,凭门票可免费乘坐景区内小火车) 南京灵谷寺 80元(含中山陵,凭门票可免费乘坐景区内小火车) 南京明孝陵 70元(南京中山陵,南京灵谷寺,南京明孝陵三景联票140元,凭门票可免费乘坐景区内小火车) 南京太平天国历史陈列馆 15元 南京中华门 25元 南京红山森林动物园 30元 南京瞻园(大明王府) 50元 南京长江大桥公园 15元 南京长江二桥公园 25元 南京海底世界 110元(南京易游商务旅行社提醒您:含海豚表演,儿童1米-1.4米60元,1米以下免费) 南京总统府 40元 南京美龄宫 15元 南京玄武湖 25元 南京朝天宫 25元 南京珍珠泉 30元(含动物表演) 南京阅江楼 40元 南京莫愁湖 15元 南京电视塔 30元 南京紫金山天文台 15元 南京傅抱石纪念馆 2元 南京阳山碑材 48元 南京汤山古猿人洞 25元 南京汤山蒋介石别墅 12元 南京夫子庙 25元 南京王谢古居 8元 南京栖霞山 15元 南京鸡鸣寺 5元 南京将军山 35元 南京绿博园 30元(老年证免票) 南京渡江胜利纪念碑 3元 the model unit, and recognition. The organization and leadership carry out "two to learn a" theme activities, play a very important role in 2016 the grass-roots party construction work, towns street, various departments (units) to attach Attention, co-ordinate arrangements, meticulously organized, pay close attention to implementation, to ensure effectiveness. To attach great importance to, strengthen leadership. Towns street, the various departments (units) to set up special institutions, orderly activities carried out smoothly. Secretary of the party committees (party) as the first responsible person, must strengthen the leadership, and provide a powerful guarantee, to personnel in place, work in place, measures are in place. Second, we must do a good job with, to promote the overall. To "two studies and a" theme activities and promote work closely, do both hands, two not mistake, two promotion. To make this work for the implementation of the grass-roots party building of the mission objectives of the important measures, do a good job Education and training of Party members and party democratic appraisal, strictly regulate the party life, Chuang Jianji layer service oriented party organization of the work, to promote the overall progress of the grass-roots party construction work, all-round excellent. Third, we need to strengthen guidance, to ensure the effectiveness of. Municipal Party Committee Organization Department set up a special "two to learn a" theme of the activities of the office, responsible for the activities of the instruction scheduling, towns street, the 南京绣球公园 3元 南京宝船遗址公园 30元 南京白马公园 10元 南京太子山公园 1元 南京燕子矶 8元 南京天妃宫 10元 南京中山植物园 15元(南京中山植物博览园新园50元) 南京白马石刻公园 10元 南京月牙湖公园 2元 南京情侣园 12元 南京天生桥 30元 南京无想寺 7元 傅家边农业科技园 22元 the model unit, and recognition. The organization and leadership carry out "two to learn a" theme activities, play a very important role in 2016 the grass-roots party construction work, towns street, various departments (units) to attach Attention, co-ordinate arrangements, meticulously organized, pay close attention to implementation, to ensure effectiveness. To attach great importance to, strengthen leadership. Towns street, the various departments (units) to set up special institutions, orderly activities carried out smoothly. Secretary of the party committees (party) as the first responsible person, must strengthen the leadership, and provide a powerful guarantee, to personnel in place, work in place, measures are in place. Second, we must do a good job with, to promote the overall. To "two studies and a" theme activities and promote work closely, do both hands, two not mistake, two promotion. To make this work for the implementation of the grass-roots party building of the mission objectives of the important measures, do a good job Education and training of Party members and party democratic appraisal, strictly regulate the party life, Chuang Jianji layer service oriented party organization of the work, to promote the overall progress of the grass-roots party construction work, all-round excellent. Third, we need to strengthen guidance, to ensure the effectiveness of. Municipal Party Committee Organization Department set up a special "two to learn a" theme of the activities of the office, responsible for the activities of the instruction scheduling, towns street, the
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