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考勤休假管理制度考勤休假管理制度 山东思睿环境设备科技有限公司 考勤、休假管理制度 1 目的:规范考勤、休假管理,增强员工的集体意识和时间观念,保障员工的正常休假。 2 范围:公司全体员工 3 职责: 3.1 人事行政部负责员工考勤,并对制度执行情况进行不定期稽查。 3.2 财务部负责根据人事行政部提交的考勤请假资料进行工资核算。 3.3 总部人事行政部负责本制度的编制、修订、培训及落实工作。 3.4 本制度经公示由全体员工讨论确定,总经理批准执行。 4 制度内容: 4.1 本制度所指各分支机构指思睿环境各办...

考勤休假 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 山东思睿环境设备科技有限公司 考勤、休假管理 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 1 目的:规范考勤、休假管理,增强员工的集体意识和时间观念,保障员工的正常休假。 2 范围:公司全体员工 3 职责: 3.1 人事行政部负责员工考勤,并对制度执行情况进行不定期稽查。 3.2 财务部负责根据人事行政部提交的考勤请假资料进行工资核算。 3.3 总部人事行政部负责本制度的编制、修订、 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 及落实工作。 3.4 本制度经公示由全体员工讨论确定,总经理批准执行。 4 制度 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 : 4.1 本制度所指各分支机构指思睿环境各办事处、托管项目运行部门、子公司等。 4.2 考勤 4.2.1 公司实行一周5天工作制,每日工作为8小时,每周40小时。员工正常工作时间为 上午8时30分至12时,下午1时至5时30分。中午12时至下午1时为用餐和午 休时间。任何分支机构因当地政策或业主要求需要调整工作时间的,须经主管副总 经理及以上人员批准,报人事行政部备案。 4.2.2 公司员工一律实行上下班考勤打卡登记制度。 4.2.3 打卡登记制度如下: (一) 内勤员工上下班应打卡,外勤员工没出差或负责公司所在地销售业务的人员无 上午拜访客户任务的也按此规定执行; (二) 所有人员须先到公司打卡报到后,方能外出办理各项业务,特殊情况需经部门 经理批准,并事先告知考勤人员去向,如未说明去向,均视为缺勤,以旷工处 理; (三) 员工上下班,必须亲自打卡,若替人打卡,打卡者及被打卡者,按违纪处理; (四) 员工下午加班者,正常下班时间不必打卡,待加班完毕才予打卡; (五) 工作时间因事外出者,出入均不必打卡,但须征得部门主管同意,并在《外出 登记表》上登记出入时间;内勤人员因外出办事当天不回公司的,须向主管说 明,并于次日在登记表上注明; (六) 漏打卡者须经部门主管确认,向行政部说明原因,否则以迟到或早退论。 4.2.4 迟到、早退、旷工规定: (一) 上班时间开始后5至30分钟内到班者,按迟到计,超过30分钟以上者,按旷 工半日计;提前30分钟以内下班者按早退计,迟到早退每次扣款20元,超过 30分钟者按旷工半日计; or a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree planting: shall conform to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general principles of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. ? planting holes (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of underground pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole, slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the end, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a greater impact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to roots or mud-ball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), according to the tree root category to determine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, hand-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-point mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mining to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of the pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protecting water and soil (二) 每月迟到或早退累计三次按旷工半日计; (三) 因偶发事故迟到,经主管或人事行政部查明属实者可准予补办请假; (四) 不得在迟到后以调休或其他假期冲抵迟到时间; (五) 每旷工半日者扣发该员工一天日工资,不足半日按半日计算,超过半日按旷工 一日计算,每旷工一日者扣发该员工两日工资。 4.2.5 连续旷工达3日者、年累计旷工达4日者或月累计迟到、早退达10次者,为严重违 反公司制度行为,按辞退处理。 4.2.6 出差在外人员每48小时应向其直接领导汇报工作情况,超出48小时不联络视为失 去联系,自上次联络时间起,失去联络期间的差旅费及其补贴不予报销,且失去联 络期间视同旷工(部门经理需向总经理和人事行政部报告)。 4.2.7 未经批准擅自休假,不予补办休假手续,以旷工处理或擅自离岗处理。 4.3 加班、调休与加班薪资 4.3.1 公司不提倡加班,在工作时间内提高效率完成工作是每位员工应尽的职责。 4.3.2 内勤如确因工作需要延长工时或加班的,须填写《加班申请审批表》,经部门经理签 字认可方能加班,审批表“人事部留存”一联于加班后一日交考勤人员备案,作为 休或支付加班费。 加班依据。如经核实因员工本人原因造成加班工作,公司不予补 4.3.3 在公司规定工作时间以外工作即为延长工时或加班,对于加班加点公司安排补休。 4.3.4 补休在当年内享受,如确因工作原因无法在当年补休完的可酌情安排第二年第一季 度内调休,如仍无法安排补休的结算加班费。 4.3.5 根据劳动法加班补休的原则,部门可安排补休的,先以双休日加班的时间补休,员 工请事假如有剩余的加班时间,事假均用加班时间冲抵,加班时间不足,再按事假 处理。 4.3.6 延长工时及加班费支付 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 参照国家有关加班工资的规定执行。 4.4 薪酬 4.4.1 本公司本着劳资兼顾,互助互惠的原则,给予员工合理的薪酬待遇(具体办法另订) 4.4.2 员工薪资属公司机密,亦属员工个人隐私,公司对员工薪资予以严格保密,同时禁 止员工相互透露或议论薪资或利用各种不正当手段询问、探听他人薪资。一经发现 有以上情况者以违纪论处。 4.4.3 员工的薪资以自然月为考勤期,按实际出勤天数逐月支付,公司于每月10日前将薪 水支付在个人账户上。新进人员自报到日起薪,离职人员自离职日停薪,并按日计 算,试用人员工作不足三天离职不计薪。 4.4.4 临时性、特定性或计件等工作人员的薪酬待遇,另按有关办法办理。 4.5 考勤程序: 4.5.1 考勤由人事行政人员负责收集整理考勤数据和加班休假单,各分支机构考勤由分支 机构负责人或指定人员负责; e design and location, according to roots or mudto th nts in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a greater impact on plant growth after. In additionitions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the end, its specification should meet the requiremel condrements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter according to root, soil and soion. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole, slot fixed lines, the design drawings requitructire digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of underground pipeline to developers and ease of cons planting holes (pits) excavation. A, planting holes befo?vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. ne of istribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fixed line, must be correct, its lions 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general principles of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for ding: shall conform to the design, where the permissible deviatior a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree plant2all mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protecting water and soilThen pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of the pit (point) end of dig in Central make a sm ning to a defined depth.point mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mi-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-t length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, handg to the tree root category to determine points (pit) depth (generally greater rooball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), accordin- 思睿环境 4.5.2 每月1日各分支机构和人事行政人员负责将上月《考勤表》以电子邮件形式发送给 相应考勤管理人员,考勤人员汇总后交人事行政经理审批确认,如有请假、加班情 况,需附《员工请假单》和《加班申请审批表》。人事行政经理汇总所有考勤和假单 于每月3日前发送给财务部以便核算工资。原始请假单和加班单等存档备查。 4.6 休假 4.6.1 员工假期分为法定节假日、带薪年休假、事假、病假、婚假、丧假、产假、计划生 育假等。 4.6.2 员工除以上假期外,享受国家和地方规定的带薪法定节日休假,包括: (一) 新年,1天(1月1日) (二) 春节,3天(农历除夕、正月初一、初二) (三) 清明节,1天(农历清明当日) (四) 劳动节,1天(5月1日) (五) 端午节,1天(农历端午当日) (六) 中秋节,1天(农历中秋当日) (七) 国庆节,3天(10月1日、2日、3日) (八) 妇女节,半天(仅限女员工,如遇休息日不另补假) (九) 国家规定的其他休假日 4.6.3 带薪年休假 (一) 员工在本公司连续工作累计已满1年的可享受带薪年休假,今后工作每满一年 均可享受年休假; (二) 员工工作累计已满1年不满10年的,年休假5天,已满10年不满20年的,年 休假10天;已满20年的,年休假15天; (三) 国家法定休假日、休息日不计入年休假的假期; (四) 公司可根据生产经营和工作的具体情况,统筹安排员工年休假,以不妨害工作 为原则,由员工本人提前两周书面申请,如遇工作原因而中断休年假,剩余假 期顺延。 (五) 年休假原则上一次性使用,如确因工作原因不能连续休而需拆分休,须经部门 经理或大区经理及以上人员批准,最多不超过两次;最小休假单位为天; (六) 除公司根据工作需要可跨1个年度安排员工年休假的情况外,年休假不跨年度 安排。不允许员工超额提取年假,若超额提取,则须就超额部分赔偿公司; (七) 员工有以下情形之一的,不享受当年的年休假: (1)累计工作满1年不满10年的员工,请病假累计2个月以上的; (2)累计工作满10年不满20年的员工,请病假累计3个月以上的; (3)累计工作满20年以上的员工,请病假累计4个月以上的; (八) 员工请事假累计超过15天,年休假享受时间根据事假时间长短顺延。 fixed ne to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole, slotxcavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of underground pipeliits) e planting holes (p?xed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. andscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fis of le design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general principlebe fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree planting: shall conform to thor a single tree should 3oilt) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protecting water and sning to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of the pit (poinpoint mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mi-its). In fixeddigging planting holes (p-nts (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, handpoint size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), according to the tree root category to determine poi ball size, soil conditions to determine the-n plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to roots or mudication should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a greater impact oecifaccording to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the end, its sp lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter 4.6.4 事假规定: (一) 事假应最晚于事假前一日下班前向主管书面申请,经主管核准后方为有效;如 遇紧急情况临时请事假,需于上午上班前向主管电话申请,并转告考勤人员, 事假复工后第一个工作日补事假手续; (二) 全年累计事假不得超过15天,超时作旷工论处; (三) 事假未经批准擅自离岗视为旷工,但遇偶发事故,应于2日内提出申请,经主 管查明属实后准予补假; (四) 事假为无薪假期,凡请事假,均按实际事假时间计扣工资。 4.6.5 病假/医疗期规定: (一) 因病请假,可于病假复工后第一天内补办请假手续,经主管签核后交人事部备 案。病假在5个工作日以上的,须提供一级甲等以上医院开具的病假单; (二) 请病假半天以内者免附医师证明,半天以上者必须出具当日就医的公立医院休 假证明,不能出具医院休假证明的,病假申请无效,视为事假处理; (三) 员工患病或非因工负伤,需要停止工作医疗时,根据本人在本公司工作年限, 工作第一年,给予3个月的医疗期,以后工作每满1年医疗期增加1个月,但 最多不超过24个月。 (四) 因病情严重经一级甲等以上医院诊断必须继续治疗者,可由人事行政部经理请 示总经理后酌情给更长的病假或延长医疗期; (五) 员工疾病或非因工负伤休假日数应按实际休假日数计算,连续休假期内含有休 息日、节假日应予扣除; (六) 员工疾病或非因工负伤,按下列标准支付疾病休假工资或病假救济费: (1)疾病或非因工负伤,连续休假在六个月以内的,支付疾病休假工资: ?连续工龄不满二年者,病假工资为本人工资的60,; ?连续工龄满两年不满四年者,病假工资为本人工资的70,; ?连续工龄满四年不满六年者,病假工资为本人工资的80,; ?连续工龄满六年不满八年者,病假工资为本人工资的90,; ?连续工龄满八年及八年以上者,病假工资为本人工资的100%。 (2)疾病或非因工负伤,连续休假超过六个月的,支付疾病救济费: ?连续工龄不满一年者,疾病救济费为本人工资的40,; ?连续工龄满一年不满三年者,疾病救济费为本人工资的50,; ?连续工龄满三年及以上者,疾病救济费为本人工资的60,。 注:此款中本人工资是按职工正常情况下实得工资的70,计算,但最低不得低 于当年本市企业月最低工资标准的80%。 4.6.6 婚假 (一) 员工转正后,如为初次合法婚姻,且登记日期在入职以后,在领取结婚证一年 -t length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, handg to the tree root category to determine points (pit) depth (generally greater rooball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), accordin-e design and location, according to roots or mudto th nts in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a greater impact on plant growth after. In additionitions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the end, its specification should meet the requiremel condrements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter according to root, soil and soion. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole, slot fixed lines, the design drawings requitructire digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of underground pipeline to developers and ease of cons planting holes (pits) excavation. A, planting holes befo?vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. ne of istribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fixed line, must be correct, its lions 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general principles of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for ding: shall conform to the design, where the permissible deviatior a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree plant4all mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protecting water and soilThen pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of the pit (point) end of dig in Central make a sm ning to a defined depth.point mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mi-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed 思睿环境 内可享受带薪婚假。婚假为3天,符合晚婚条件的员工(男性25周岁以上,女 性23周岁以上)可增加婚假一周(遇双休日和法定假期不顺延); (二) 男、女职工婚前体检可享受半天全薪假; (三) 休婚假需提前两周填写《员工请假单》,附结婚证书复印件,报直接主管,并经 主管副总经理及以上人员批准,交人事行政部核准存档,方能生效。婚假须一 次用完。 (四) 试用期内员工不享受婚假。 4.6.7 产假、哺乳假 (一) 鼓励员工晚婚晚育,女员工可按国家计划生育政策和当地政府有关规定享受相 应时间的产假。符合享受生育保险待遇的女员工,其产假期间的津贴和医药费 由当地政府社会保险经办机构办理申领手续; (二) 员工需在怀孕后首三个月内,通知直接主管和人事行政部; (三) 怀孕女员工应在预产期前至少提前一个月提出产假申请,并附医生签发的证明; (四) 为保证怀孕员工和胎儿的健康,怀孕员工要接受产前检查,检查时间视同正常 出勤,每次半天; (五) 哺乳不满一周岁婴儿的女员工,公司给予其每天两次,每次三十分钟的哺乳时 间(包括人工喂养)。多胞胎生育的,每多一个婴儿哺乳时间增加三十分钟。一 天内的哺乳时间可以合并使用; 本人申请,(六) 妊娠七个月以上的,公司给予每天一小时工间休息,如工作许可,经 副总经理及以上人员批准,可申请产前假(不超过两个半月)。产假期满,如有 困难且工作许可,经本人申请,副总经理及以上人员批准,可申请哺乳假六个 半月。产前假和哺乳假期间按本人正常出勤工资的80%计发工资; (七) 产假所涉及的假期,均应包含节假日,即遇节假日不顺延; (八) 初婚或未生育过的再婚男员工可在妻子生育时给予3天带薪护理假。 4.6.8 计划生育假 (一) 员工实施节育手术期间的假期,按相关计划生育待遇实施。 (二) 女员工生育后第一次流产,公司将依据医生的诊断证明给予15天带薪假,以后 的流产休假均按病假计算。 4.6.9 丧假 (一) 员工直接家庭成员死亡,即父母、配偶、子女、及配偶的父母,可给予3天丧 假。 (二) 员工间接家庭成员死亡,如祖父母、外祖父母、兄弟、姐妹、配偶的祖父母、 外祖父母,可给予2天丧假。 (三) 员工直接家庭成员因病医院发出“病危通知”,员工可休假2天。 (四) 以上情况必须开具相关证明。 ball size, soil conditions to determine the-n plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to roots or mudication should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a greater impact oecifaccording to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the end, its sp lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter fixed ne to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole, slotxcavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of underground pipeliits) e planting holes (p?xed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. andscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fis of le design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general principlebe fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree planting: shall conform to thor a single tree should 5oilt) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protecting water and sning to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of the pit (poinpoint mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mi-its). In fixeddigging planting holes (p-nts (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, handpoint size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), according to the tree root category to determine poi 4.7 请假程序: 4.7.1 除法定假期外的其他休假,均应由员工填写《员工请假单》,报直接主管及以上人员 审批; 4.7.2 公司与办事处员工请假批准权限: 地区/办事 级别 请假时间 大区经理 部门经理 副总经理 总经理 人事部 处经理 三天以内 批准 办事处员工 会 办 三天以上 批准 五天以内 批准 部门员工 会 办 五天以上 初核 批准 五天以内 批准 地区/办事处会 办 经理 五天以上 初核 批准 五天以内 批准 大区经理 会 办 五天以上 初核 批准 部门经理 批准 会 办 副总经理 批准 会 办 其他分支机构员工请假批准权限: 级别 请假时间 部门主管 分支机构经理 副总经理 总经理 三天以内 批准 普通员工 三天以上 初核 批准 五天以内 批准 部门主管 五天以上 初核 批准 五天以内 批准 分支机构经理 五天以上 初核 批准 副总经理 批准 4.7.3 休假一天者,须至少提前一个工作日办理请假手续; 休假一到三天者,须至少提前三个工作日办理请假手续; 休假三到五天者,须至少提前五个工作日办理请假手续; 休假五天以上者,须至少提前两周办理请假手续; nts in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a greater impact on plant growth after. In additionitions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the end, its specification should meet the requiremel condrements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter according to root, soil and soion. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole, slot fixed lines, the design drawings requitructire digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of underground pipeline to developers and ease of cons planting holes (pits) excavation. A, planting holes befo?vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. ne of istribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fixed line, must be correct, its lions 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general principles of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for ding: shall conform to the design, where the permissible deviatior a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree plant6all mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protecting water and soilThen pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of the pit (point) end of dig in Central make a sm ning to a defined depth.point mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mi-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-t length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, handg to the tree root category to determine points (pit) depth (generally greater rooball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), accordin-e design and location, according to roots or mudto th 思睿环境 4.7.4 所有批准过的请假单均于批准后当日交人事行政部备案并做相应考勤处理。 4.7.5 各类休假如非特殊情况,必须事先妥善安排好工作后正式休假,未经批准的任何休 假视为擅自离岗,作旷工处理。 4.7.6 各办事处及其他分支机构负责人应提前将批准过的员工休假情况以电子邮件方式告 知有工作往来的内部人员及上级领导,同时抄送总经理和总部人事行政部。 4.7.7 休假人员应在休假之前安排妥当休假期间的工作,以及觅妥暂时接替工作的人员, 以电子邮件方式发送工作安排给直接主管,并以电子邮件、电话或传真方式告知有 工作往来的内部同事、重要客户及其他关联人士其休假的时间、休假期间的工作安 排、紧急情况下的联系人和联系电话等。 5 实施: 本制度在二?一一年《考勤休假管理制度》的基础上,经全体员工讨论、修改、公示,并经总经理批准后于二?一一年七月实施。 6 相关表单 6.1 《HR-001-外出登记表》 6.2 《HR-002-考勤表》 -员工请假单》 6.3 《HR-003 6.4 《HR-004-加班申请审批表》 6.5 《HR-005-加班情况一览表》(司机用) 二〇一一年七月 nts (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, handpoint size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), according to the tree root category to determine poi ball size, soil conditions to determine the-n plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to roots or mudication should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a greater impact oecifaccording to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the end, its sp lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter fixed ne to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole, slotxcavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of underground pipeliits) e planting holes (p?xed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. andscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fis of le design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general principlebe fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree planting: shall conform to thor a single tree should 7oilt) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protecting water and sning to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of the pit (poinpoint mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mi-its). In fixeddigging planting holes (p- 每 月 考 勤 填表日期: 请假情况 加班情况 姓名 事假 病假 其他假 调休 备注 加班 支付标准 备注: 填表人: 审核人: 财务: 8all mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protecting water and soilThen pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of the pit (point) end of dig in Central make a sm ning to a defined depth.point mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mi-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-t length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, handg to the tree root category to determine points (pit) depth (generally greater rooball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), accordin-e design and location, according to roots or mudto th nts in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a greater impact on plant growth after. In additionitions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the end, its specification should meet the requiremel condrements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter according to root, soil and soion. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole, slot fixed lines, the design drawings requitructire digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of underground pipeline to developers and ease of cons planting holes (pits) excavation. A, planting holes befo?vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. ne of istribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fixed line, must be correct, its lions 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general principles of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for ding: shall conform to the design, where the permissible deviatior a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree plant 思睿环境 员工请假单 申 请 人: 申请日期: 年 月 日 请假事由:请在合适位置打“?”,有关单据附后, ?年休假 ?事假 ?病假 ?调休 ?婚假 ?产假 ?其 他: 时 间: 月 日 时至 月 日 时 时间总计: 审 批 人: 年 月 日 员工请假单 申 请 人: 申请日期: 年 月 日 请假事由:请在合适位置打“?”,有关单据附后, ?年休假 ?事假 ?病假 ?调休 ?婚假 ?产假 ?其 他: 时 间: 月 日 时至 月 日 时 时间总计: 审 批 人: 年 月 日 n plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to roots or mudication should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a greater impact oecifaccording to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the end, its sp lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter fixed ne to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole, slotxcavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of underground pipeliits) e planting holes (p?xed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. andscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fis of le design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general principlebe fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree planting: shall conform to thor a single tree should 9oilt) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protecting water and sning to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of the pit (poinpoint mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mi-its). In fixeddigging planting holes (p-nts (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, handpoint size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), according to the tree root category to determine poi ball size, soil conditions to determine the- 员工加班申请审批表 员工加班申请审批表 申 请 人: 姓 名: 人 本 加班日期: 年 月 日 加班日期: 年 月 日 事 人 部 加班事由: 加班事由: 留 留 存 加班时间: 小时 加班时间: 小时 存 审 批 人: 审 批 人: 年 月 日 年 月 日 nts in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a greater impact on plant growth after. In additionitions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the end, its specification should meet the requiremel condrements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter according to root, soil and soion. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole, slot fixed lines, the design drawings requitructire digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of underground pipeline to developers and ease of cons planting holes (pits) excavation. A, planting holes befo?vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. ne of istribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fixed line, must be correct, its lions 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general principles of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for ding: shall conform to the design, where the permissible deviatior a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree plant10all mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protecting water and soilThen pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of the pit (point) end of dig in Central make a sm ning to a defined depth.point mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mi-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-t length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, handg to the tree root category to determine points (pit) depth (generally greater rooball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), accordin-e design and location, according to roots or mudto th 思睿环境 加班情况一览表 填表人 加班月份 调表日期 加班日期 内 容 开始时间 结束时间 共计/小时 工/休/假 用车人签名 合计加班时延时: 休息日: 节假日: 间 备注:工-工作日;休-双休日;假-法定节假日。本表专供驾驶员填报加班用。 核准人: 加班情况一览表 填表人 加班月份 调表日期 加班日期 内 容 开始时间 结束时间 共计/小时 工/休/假 用车人签名 合计加班时延时: 休息日: 节假日: 间 备注:工-工作日;休-双休日;假-法定节假日。本表专供驾驶员填报加班用。 核准人: lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter fixed ne to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole, slotxcavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of underground pipeliits) e planting holes (p?xed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. andscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fis of le design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general principlebe fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree planting: shall conform to thor a single tree should 11oilt) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protecting water and sning to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of the pit (poinpoint mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mi-its). In fixeddigging planting holes (p-nts (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, handpoint size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), according to the tree root category to determine poi ball size, soil conditions to determine the-n plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to roots or mudication should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a greater impact oecifaccording to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the end, its sp 外 出 登 记 表 日 期 姓 名 外 出 事 由 外出时间 返回时间 备 注 注:1、员工工作时间外出,须填写此表,说明出入时间和事由; 2、此表由前台或各办事处指定人员保存,并负责提醒外出人员及时登记,每月汇总交人事行政部。 12
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