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美女上错身第1季4集中英文剧本美女上错身第1季4集中英文剧本 Season 1, Episode 04 -Deb: See that aspiring model there? That was me, Deb. Until the day I died. aspiring: 有志气的,有抱负的 model: 模特儿 until: 直到 看到那个美丽模特儿了吗,那是我 Deb。但是我车祸死了。 -Deb: I thought I'd go straight to heaven, but there was a bit of a mix...

美女上错身第1季4集中英文剧本 Season 1, Episode 04 -Deb: See that aspiring model there? That was me, Deb. Until the day I died. aspiring: 有志气的,有抱负的 model: 模特儿 until: 直到 看到那个美丽模特儿了吗,那是我 Deb。但是我车祸死了。 -Deb: I thought I'd go straight to heaven, but there was a bit of a mix-up and I woke up insomeone else's body. thought: 【think】认为 I'd: 【I would】我将会 go straight to: 径直走向 straight: 直接 heaven: 天堂 a bit of: 一点 mix-up: 混乱 woke up: 【wake up】醒来 someone else's: 某人的 原以为会直接上天堂,但事情出了小差错。我醒来之后竟然变了个样。 -Deb: So now I'm Jane, a super-busy lawyer with my very own assistant. super-busy: 超级忙碌的 lawyer: 律师 own: 属于自己的 assistant: 助理 所以现在我是Jane,一位有着专属助理的超忙律师。 -Deb: I got a new life, a new wardrobe. The only people who really know what's going onwith me are my girlfriend Stacy and my guardian angel, Fred. wardrobe: 衣柜 really: 真正地 guardian: 守护者 我有了新的人生,新的行头。唯一知道事情真相的,只有我的好朋友Stacy 和守护天使Fred。 -Deb: I used to think everything happened for a reason... ...and, well, I sure hope I was right。 use to: 过去常常 happen: 发生 reason: 理由 sure: (加强语气)确实 hope:希望 我以前总认为事出必有因。现在呢,希望我是对的吧。 -Jane: I thought you are my friends. 我以为你们是我的好朋友。 -Fred: You're talking to your shoes. 你在跟鞋子讲话。 -Jane: No, only a crazy person does that. crazy: 疯狂的 那有疯子才会那样。 I'm talking to my feet. feet: 脚 我在跟我的脚讲话。 You've completely betrayed me. betray: 背叛 你们背叛了我。 -Fred: Oh, good. That's not crazy at all. 这样阿,一点也不像疯子。 -Jane: They're not only shorter than my old feet, these puppies are wide. not only … than: 不仅 puppies: 【复数】【美国俚语】脚 wide: 宽的 他们不只比我以前的腿短,还宽的不像话。 -Fred: They're for providing better support. providing: 提供 better: 更好的 support: 支撑 他们提供更好的支持。 -Jane: Fred, I don't care about support. care about: 关心 Fred,谁管支撑力阿。 I care about raising my heels to shape my calves. raising: 提高 heels: 脚跟 shape: 使……成形 calves: 小腿 我只管穿高跟鞋来修饰小腿。 I've been reading about these shoes for a year. reading about: 读知【研究】 这双鞋我在网路上盯了一年。 I order them online in my new size. And my feet are still too wide. order: 预定 online: 在线【网路】 size: 尺寸 终于用新尺寸买了,但脚还是太宽。 -Fred: Why don't you just give the shoes to Stacy? 那你送给Stazy阿, Or, better yet, why don't I give the shoes to Stacy, And then… 不然,让我送Stacy,然后… -Jane: And then What? 然后怎样, She'll fall madly in love with you? fall in love with: 爱上 madly: 疯狂地 她就会疯狂爱上你吗, Give it up! Give it up: 放弃 放弃吧~ -Fred: You know what? Be mad at the shoes, not me, ok? be mad at: 对…非常愤怒 你知道吗,气你的鞋,别气我。 Besides, base on the DVD collections I saw in your old condo, besides: 而且 base on: 基于 collections: 收藏 condo: 分户出售公寓大厦【公寓】 而且,就你旧公寓的DVD收藏看来, The old Jane was a huge romantic. huge: 极大的 romantic: 浪漫派 以前的Jane可是浪漫派的。 And you know what I learn from those movies? learn from: 向……学习 movies: 电影 你知道我从那些电影学到什么吗, -Jane: The female lead character wears twice as much make up in the final scene thanwe first meet her? female: 女人 character: (演员扮演的)角色 twice as much…than: 两倍多 make up: 化妆 final: 最后的 scene: (戏剧、电影等的)一个片断;一个情节 女主角最后结局的妆比开始的妆多两倍, -Fred: No... That perseverance... and true love, but mainly perseverance, conquers all. perseverance: 坚持不懈 mainly: 主要地 conquers: 克服 不是,是坚持不懈的精神,还有真爱啦,但主要是坚持不懈,能赢得美人归。 -Jane: You and Stacy are a total miss-match. total: 完全地 miss-match: 【不相配】 你和Stacy不相配。 -Fred: Exactly! exactly: 正是如此 没错~ Like Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan in "You've Got Mail." Or Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan in"Sleepless in Seattle.", or Tom Hanks... mail: 邮件 sleepless: 睡不着的 Seattle: 西雅图 就像Tom Hanks和Meg Ryan的"电子情书"。或者Tom Hanks和Meg Ryan的"西雅图夜未眠",或者Tom Hanks… -Jane: Are guardian angels even allowed to date normal people? guardian: 守卫 allow to: 允许 date: 约会 normal: 普通的 天使可以跟凡人交往吗, -Fred: Don't ask, don't tell. 不问就没事。 -man A: Bingum, you got a client waiting. client: 客户 Bingum 客户在等了。 -Fred: Your movies have taught everything I need to know about how to win Stacy's heart. win: 赢得 heart: 心 你的电影教了我赢得Stacy所需要的所有招数。 Just watch. 看着吧。 -Jane: I miss my ankles. miss: 怀念 ankles: 脚踝 我怀念我的脚踝。 -Paker: His name is David Beckham. name: 名字 客户叫David Beckham。 -Jane: What? 什么, -Kim: I just heard, David Beckham's in the office? heard: 听说 office: 公司 我刚听说 David Beckham来了, -Paker: He's in the conference room. He needs a lawyer. You two are on it. conference: 会议 在会议室,他需要律师,你们俩负责。 -Kim: Second chair. second chair: 【协助】 做副手。 -Jane: What? 什么, -Kim: You second chair. You're not ruining this for me. ruin: 毁掉 我做首席,这机会我要好好利用。 -Jane: Kim, he's married. Posh spice Victoria Beckham? married: 结婚 Kim 他结婚了辣妹Victoria Beckham 记得吗, -Kim: I'm in love with the man, Jane. in love with: 爱上 我爱上这男人了,Jane。 I bought his after-shave "David Beckham's Instinct”, just to spread his scent on my pillow. bought: 买 after-shave: 【须后水】 Instinct: 本能 just to: 【就为了】 spread: 涂 scent: 味道 pillow: 枕头 我买了他的胡后水 "Beckham本能香水",就为了喷枕头,闻他的味道。 I will handle the client. handle: 处理 client: 诉讼委托人 我负责案子。 -Kim: Hi, Kim Kaswell, lead attorney. attorney: 律师 嗨,Kim Kaswell 首席律师。 My colleague, Jane. colleague: 同事 我的同事,Jane。 So, where's our client? 我们的大客户在哪, -Jane: Um, Kim... 呃 Kim… -Kim: Shh.Second chair. 嘘,我才是首席 -Jane: Kim... Kim… -Kim: That's David Beckham? fan: 狂热者 那就是David Beckham, -Haft: I've always been a fan. 我是他粉丝。 When he smiles, it kinda lo诉讼委托人ok alike. smiles: 笑 kinda=kind of: 有一点 他笑起来还真有点像贝克汉 -Jane: Maybe he'll spread his scent on your pillow. You good boy! 你可以洒他的口水在枕头上。乖狗狗~ -Haft: He's an ottoman with fur. ottoman: 垫脚软凳 fur: 毛皮 他只是个长毛的绒脚垫。 -Kim: I'm sorry. Parker hasn't filled us in on this case. fill in: 提供情况 case: 案子 不好意思,Parker并没有告诉我们详情。 I'm not really a dog person. So... dog: 狗 我不太喜欢狗所以… -Haft: David Beckham was the only golden retriever ever to win the "Pedigree Cup." golden: 黄金 retriever: 猎犬 Pedigree: 纯种的 Cup: 奖杯 David Beckham是唯一赢过名犬杯的黄金猎犬。 Sadly, he passed away last year. sadly: 悲伤地 passed away: 死去 可惜的是,他去年过世了。 -Kim: Um, if he died, what am I looking at? died: 死了 他过世了,那这只是, -Haft: I had him cloned. cloned: 克隆 复制狗。 -Kim: come on. 拜托。 -Haft: I know it sounds like science fiction, but there's company that do that now. Cost my200,000. sounds: 听起来 science: 情节 fiction: 小说 我知道听起来很像电影情节,不过真的有公司在做。花了二十万。 But if you add up potential endorsement, it would've paid for itself. Had it work... add up: 合计达 potential: 潜在的 endorsement: 背书 paid for: 付出…的代价 work: 有效 如果算上替公司的签名背书,价钱应该可以打平,前提是要成功。 -Jane: Does he look like the first David Beckham? look like: 看起来像 他看起来像David Beckham一世吗, -Haft: Identical. But he never listens to me. identical: 相同的 外表分不出来,但他就不听话。 He doesn't understand the simplest command. He just eats, and sleeps, and lickshimself. understand: 理解 simplest: 简单的 command: 命令 licks: 舔 简单的指令都不懂,只会吃喝拉撒睡,舔自己。 -Kim: Oh. 喔。 -Haft: Look at this. David Beckham the second, come here. 看着,David Beckham二世,过来 Son of a bitch. son: 儿子 bitch: 母狗 贱狗。 I want my money back. Every cent. cent: 分 我要把钱拿回来,一毛都不少。 -Jane: I'll get him. Come here .Good boy. 我去找他。过来,乖狗狗。 -Bobbi: Hi, I'm looking for Grayson Kent. looking for: 寻找 嗨,我要找Grayson Kent。 Grayson Kent... He's a lawyer here. Grayson Kent 这里的律师。 -Kent: Oh, Bobbi. So good to see you. 喔,Bobbi,看到你真开心。 -Bobbi: You, too, darling. You, too. darling: 亲爱的 我也是,亲爱的,我也是。 -Kent: How are you? 你好吗, -Fred: You OK? 你还好吗, -Kent: This way. 这边。 -Bobbi: Thank you. 谢谢 -Jane: That woman... She's my mom... 那女人…是我妈妈… -Jane: I'm going in there. She's my mom. 我要进去,她是我妈。 -Fred: Not anymore, Jane. And I do mean Jane. 不是了,Jane。我是说Jane没错。 You know the rules. rule: 规程 规定就是规定。 -Jane: I'm not going to tell her who I am. 我又没有要告诉她。 -Fred: Oh, really? really: 真正地 最好是, -Jane: So what if I do tell her? 我告诉她又不会怎样, I told Stacy and nothing bad happened. happen: 发生 我跟Stacy说了也没怎样。 -Fred: Because I covered for you. And I'm not gonna do it again. covered: 被覆盖的【隐蔽着的】 gonna <美>=going to 将要 那是因为我没有呈报上去我不会再帮你了。 -Jane: She is my mom. 她是我妈阿。 We were close, like best-friend-close. close: 亲近的【亲密的】 best-friend-close: 【好朋友】 我们很亲,就像好朋友那样。 We told each other everything. Maybe she'd understand. each other: 互相 彼此没有秘密,她说不定会了解。 -Fred: Yeah, or maybe, you'll send her screaming into a loony bin maybe: 大概 send: 送 screaming: 发出尖叫的 loony bin: 疯人院 说不定会吓到发疯被关进疯人院。 People are not supposed to come back to life. be supposed to: 应该 come back: 复原 死人是不会复生的。 She misses Deb. You're not Deb. miss: 想念 她想念Deb,而你不是Deb。 You're Jane. 你是Jane。 -Jane: I'm going in. going in: 进入 我要进去。 -Jane: Hi. 嗨。 -Kent: Jane? Jane, -Jane: That's me. Um... 我是,呃… -Jane: Jane Bingum. Jane Bingum。 -Bobbi: Hi. 嗨。 -Kent: We're kinda in the middle of something here. kinda: 有一点,有几分(=kind of) in the middle of: 正在…当中 我们正在讲话。 -Jane: Which is why I interrupted? interrupted: 打断 所以我才打扰。 Grayson, while a phenomenal lawyer, is still new to the firm. Miss...? phenomenal: 非凡的 firm: 公司 Grayson虽然很出色,但还是个新人…请问贵姓, -Bobbi: Mrs. Dobkins. Call me Bobbi. Dobkins太太,叫我Bobbi就可以了。 - -Jane: Bobbi. Bobbi。 I thought you might require additional assistant to legal needs. require: 需要 additional: 附加的 legal: 法律 我想你可能需要额外的法律协助 -Bobbi: Well, I was kinda counting on Grayson, but he just informed me that he cannot bemy lawyer. counting on: 指望 inform: 通告 我本来想请Grayson帮忙,但他刚告诉我不能做我的律师 -Kent: Jane, Bobbi's Deb's mother, so... Jane, Bobbi是Deb的妈妈,所以… -Jane: I see. 我了解了。 And that’s why you’re not gonna representing her? gonna: <美> 将要(=going to) represent: 代表 所以…你才不能代表她, -Kent: No, I've already representing her husband. husband: 丈夫 不,因为我已经代表她丈夫了。 -Jane: You're both in trouble? both: 两者 in trouble: 处于困境 你们两个都惹上麻烦了, -Bobbi: No, we're just getting a divorce. divorce: 离婚 不,我们只是要离婚。 -Jane: Why? 为什么, It's Deb, isn't it? 因为Deb,对吧, Because she passed away...? pass away: 去世 因为她过世吗, -Kent: Are you OK? 你还好吗, -Jane: I'm so sorry for your loss. 我对您失去至亲,感到抱歉。 Major tragedy is often heighten emotional tensions. major: 主要的 tragedy: 悲剧 heighten: 提高 emotional: 感情的 tensions: 紧张 重大创伤常常导致情绪紧绷。 Grief makes people do crazy things. grief: 悲伤 悲伤常会让人做出后悔的决定。 I think you should give yourselves another chance. chance: 机会 我觉得你们要多给自己一点机会。 Take some time, really think about it. time: 时间 think about: 考虑 休息一阵子,好好想想。 -Kent: Jane, can I see you outside, please? Jane 可以借一步说话吗, -Jane: I really think I need to hear the whole story. 我觉得我有必要听听事情始末。 -Kent: Jane Jane -Bobbi: No, it's alright. 不,没关系。 I don't mind talking about it. 我不介意说出来。 -Kent: I understand, Bobbi. But the problem is, I can't hear it, because I can't representyou. problem: 问题 represent: 代表 我了解 Bobbi 但重点是我不能听,因为我不是你的律师。 -Jane: I can. 我可以当你律师。 -Kent: Excuse me? 什么, -Jane: If you like. I have time, Mrs. Dobkins. 如果你愿意,我有时间 Dobkins太太。 If you need a lawyer, I can represent you. 如果你需要律师,我可以代表你。 -Kent: Absolutely not. absolutely: 绝对地 当然不行。 -Bobbi: I'd love that. 我很乐意。 -Kent: Ok, now we're going outside. 好了我真的要借一步说话。 -Jane: Alright. 好嘛。 -Kent: I want to know what just happened in there. 我不清楚刚刚发生什么事, -Jane: A client hired a lawyer. hire: 雇用 一个当事人雇了一个律师。 -Kent: My client. client: 当事人 我的当事人。 -Jane: She wasn't your client. 他才不是你的当事人。 You said you couldn't represent her. 你自己说你不能代表她。 -Kent: We work in the same law firm. law: 法律 firm: 公司 我们是同一家事务所。 We can't represent both parties. parties: 每一方 不能代表两方当事人。 -Jane: That's not correct. Ow! correct: 正确的 Ow: 哎哟 错了,噢~ It's called "The Chinese Wall." called: 叫 Chinese: 中国的 wall: 墙壁 这叫"中国墙"。 We institute a metaphorical barricade within the firm to prevent the conflict of interests. institute: 创立 metaphorical: 隐喻性的【隐形的】 barricade: 障碍 within: 在…里面 prevent: 预防 conflict: 冲突 interests: 利益 我们在事务所里创造一道隐形的墙避免双方利益冲突。 As soon as it goes up, all communication, paperwork, and discourse between opposingcounsels are disallowed. as soon as: 一…就 goes up: 上升 communication: 通讯 paperwork: 文书 discourse: 交谈 opposing: 对立的 counsel: 法律顾问 disallowed: 禁止 一旦建立起来,双方律师间的通讯,文件,交谈一律禁止。 God, I never get use to that. 天阿,我就是没办法习惯。 -Kent: This is crazy. 这太夸张了。 -Paker: I'm going with Bingum on this one. going with somebody: 支持某人 我这次同意Bingum的。 Two clients mean double the fee on one divorce. Love those Chinese. double: 两倍 fee: 费用 divorce: 离婚 两位客户表示一件离婚官司赚两次,爱死中国人了。 -Kent: Ok, fine. 那好。 But you need to know that these clients are very important to me. important: 重要的 但你要知道他们对我来说很重要。 -Jane: I would hope so. 这样最好。 -Counselor A: What are we looking at here? 我们在看什么, -Haft: This is a video I put together for David Beckham's... The first David Beckham'sfuneral. video: 录像 together: 一起 funeral: 葬礼 这是我替David Beckham… David Beckham一世葬礼准备的剪辑影片。 Giving you the scene of his abilities. abilities: 才能 让你们看看这只狗有多灵敏。 -Counselor A: Objection. Your honor, a funeral video with a soundtrack, more prejudicialthan probative. objection: 反对 your honor: 法官大人 soundtrack: 电影配乐 more … than : 超过 prejudicial: 存 有偏见的 probative: 提供证据的 反对法官大人一支有配乐的葬礼影片当证据不是,引起偏见倒是。 -Kim: Your honor, if we're going to prove the new dog is nothing like the original, and thenthe jury needs to meet the original. prove: 证明 original: 原始的 jury: 陪审团 法官大人,如果我们要证明复制狗和原来的狗完全不同,那陪审团就该认识原来的狗。 -The honor: Overruled, but make your point, counselor. overruled: 不准 point: 要点 counselor: 法律顾问 反对无效,但说重点,律师。 -Kim: In the 2007 "Pedigree cup," how did David Beckham the first perform? perform: 表演 2007年的名犬杯大卫贝克汉一世表现如何, -Haft: Green ribbon, perfect 10s from every judge. green: 绿色 ribbon: 缎带 perfect: 完美的 judge: 法官【评审】 绿缎带(冠军) 每位评审都给满分10分。 Reported from Canine magazine, called him extremely intelligent and responsive. Reported: 报导 Canine: 犬类的 magazine: 杂志 extremely: 非常 intelligent: 聪明的 responsive: 反应力的 Canine杂志还报导说他极为聪明,反应力佳。 -Kim: This year's "Pedigree Cup" is happening right now here in town, isn't it? right now: 就在此刻 town: 城镇 今年的名犬杯,正好就是现在,在这里举办,对吧, Why aren't you there? 你怎么没去参赛, -Haft: That's because David Beckham the second win any of the qualifiers. qualifiers: 有资格者 那是因为大卫贝克汉二世资格赛没有赢得任何项目。 He didn't even qualify for any of the qualifiers, despite the exactly the same training asDavid Beckham the first. qualify: 取得资格 despite: 尽管 exactly: 完全的 same: 相同的 training: 训练 他甚至连赢到可以参加资格赛都没有。尽管我照着当时训练大卫贝克汉一世 的 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 训练他。 In fact, at a conformation show in Phenix, he ate one of the judges' shoes. conformation: 形态 show: 表演 Phenix: 凤凰城 而且在凤凰城的仪态表演秀他还吃掉一个评审的鞋子。 -Kim: Nothing further. further: 更进一步地。 没有问题了 -Counselor A: Mr. Haft, I am no expert, but that dog looks pretty darn identical to thepooch sitting right there. expert: 专家 pretty: 相当地 darn: 补钉 identical: 相同的 pooch: 狗 Haft先生我不是专家但是影片那只狗跟坐在那的狗看起来是一模一样 -Haft: You can put a Hyundai engine in a Porsche put: 放 Hyundai : 现代汽车 engine: 引擎 Porsche: 保时捷汽车 你可以把现代汽车(韩国)的引擎装到保时捷 You'll the it's a Porsche, right until the moment you drive it. until: 直到…为止 Porsche: 保时捷 moment: 瞬间 drive: 开车 你会以为是保时捷但开的时候你就会发现不同 -Counselor A: But isn't it possible that the problem lies not on the dog at all, but the driver。 possible: 可能的 lies …on: 依靠 driver: 驾驶员 但或许问题不再狗儿身上而是开的人身上 -Haft: I'm not following you. following: 跟随 我不懂。 -Counselor A: You said you trained the two dogs in exactly the same way, but you're notthe same man you were when you trained the first dog, aren't you? in the same way: 以相同的方式 你说两只狗用相同的训练方法,但你已经和以前的你训练第一只狗的你不同了,不是吗, You're grieving, maybe a little depressed. grieving: 悲伤 expressed: 沮丧 你很哀伤,也许还有点沮丧。 You clearly miss David Beckham one. clearly: 清楚的 你很明显的非常怀念大卫贝克汉一世。 Maybe, this little guy never had a chance. little: 小的 guy: 家伙 never: 从不 chance: 机会 也许这个小家伙一点机会也没有。 -Haft: I paid 200,000 for a clone of my dog, and that is not my dog. paid: 支付 我花了二十万复制我的狗。可那只就不是。 -Counselor A: Nothing further. 没有问题了。 -Teri: Slow down. What's going on? slow down: 放慢速度 going on: 发生 慢着点,怎么了, -Jane: There's a weirdo at the courthouse. weirdo: 古怪的人 courthouse: 法院大楼 法庭有个怪胎。 And I think he follow me out. 我觉得他追着我出来了 -Teri: Oh, what kinda weirdo? kinda: 有一点,有几分(=kind of) 喔,怎样的怪, -Jane: A weirdo in uniform. A bailiff. uniform: 制服 bailiff: 法庭监守 穿制服的怪胎,法警。 -Teri: Oh, no. Did he have a receding hairline, longish face, kinda goofy grin? receding: 减弱 hairline: 发际线 longish: 略长的 goofy: 愚笨的 grin: 裂口笑 喔,不。他是不是前面有点秃,脸有点长,笑起来呆呆的, -Jane: Yeah, why? 对怎样吗, -Teri: It's Hank the bailiff. 那是法警Hank阿。 He's been crushing on you for like a year. crushing: 打得支离破碎的 他喜欢你一年多了。 -Jane: He has crush on me? Ew. crush on: 喜欢 他喜欢我, -Teri: Don't act so surprise. act: 扮演 surprise: 惊奇 不这么惊讶。 You actually went out with him 2 or 3 times, couple of months before you was shot. couple of: 几个 shot: 射击 你还跟他约过二、三次会,就在枪击前几个月。 There's kissing. kissing: 亲吻 有接吻喔。 He's probably wondering why you didn't call him back. wondering: 觉得奇怪的 call … back: 给某人回电话 他可能还想说你为什么没回电。 -Jane: Apparently, old Jane kissed a bailiff. apparently: 显然 bailiff: 法警 很明显的旧Jane亲了个法警 -Fred: Good for her. 很好阿。 -Jane: Hey, any idea how he woo you? idea: 观念 woo: 向…求爱 嘿,那他是怎么追你的, -Jane: What? 什么, -Fred: 46 romantic comedies later, and I've narrowed it down. romantic: 浪漫的 comedy: 喜剧 later: 稍后 narrowed: 使…狭窄 narrowed down: 缩小 看完46部爱情喜剧片,我把范围缩小了。 Here's how the guy gets the girl. girl: 女孩 男孩追女孩招式如下。 A last minute race to the airport. last: 最后的 minute: 分钟【瞬间】 race: 跑 airport: 机场 最后一秒钟追到机场。 Or a humiliating but heartfelt public declaration of love. humiliating: 丢脸的 heartfelt: 真心实意的 public: 公共的 declaration: 宣言 真情大胆又丢脸的公共场合示爱。 Also in the form of a song. also: 还有 in the form of: 以…的形式 song: 歌曲 或是一首爱之歌。 -Jane: Fred, what are you doing...? Fred 你在干嘛, -Fred: Stacy... Stacy… You drive me crazy… 我为你疯狂。 -Jane: Don't do that. 别这么做。 -Teri: Mrs. Dobkins is in the conference room. conference: 会议 Dobkins太太已经在会议室等你了。 -Jane: Why? 为什么, -Teri: Dobkins' settlement conference. I texted you. settlement: 解决 texted: 发短信 Dobins夫妻的和解会议,我有简讯你。 -Jane: That means... Mr. Dobkins is there? 所以… Dobkins先生也来了吗, -Teri: Hard to have a divorce without a husband. hard: 困难的 divorce: 离婚的 离婚少了一个怎么离。 Are you OK? 你还好吗, -Jane: Yeah, I'll be right there. 恩,我等等过去。 -Fred: Jane, this is a bad idea. Jane,这是个坏主意。 -Jane: I can handle it. handle: 处理 我没事的。 -Kent: Oh, Jane Bingum, Bobbi's attorney. attorney: 律师 喔,这位是Jane Bingum Bobbi的律师。 Jane, I'd like you to meet my client Joe Dobkins. Jane 这位是我的当事人Joe Dobkins。 -Joe Dobkins: Miss Bingum. Bingum小姐。 -Jane: It's so nice to... nice: 令人愉快的 很高兴… -Joe Dobkins: Oh! 喔~ -Jane: I'm sorry. We're that kinda law firm. Just one big happy family. kinda: 有一点,有几分(=kind of) 抱歉,我们就是这样热情的事务所。走"我们都是一家人"的路线。 Isn't that right? 可不是吗, -Kent: Let's get started. 我们开始吧。 Joe has provided us the list of assets. provided: 提供 list: 明细表 assets: 资产 Joe提供了一张财产清单。 -Bobbi: I brought one too. brought: 拿来 我也准备了一张。 -Jane: Wait. Wait. Wait. Let's slow things down. slow down: 放慢速度 等一下,我们一件一件来。 -Kent: Jane... Jane… -Jane: I just think we may miss a step in the progress. step: 步骤 progress: 发展 我只是觉得好像步骤跳太快。 -Joe: Which step would that be? 那现在应该是哪一步, -Jane: Mediation. I mean, have you two really thought this through? mediation: 调解 through: 完全 调解。我意思是你们真的想清楚了吗 26 years of marriage is a long time. marriage: 婚姻 26年的婚姻不短阿。 -Joe: Is she for real? real: 真的 她是来真的吗, -Bobbi: My lawyer has a heart. It's very sweet, Jane. heart: 关心 sweet: 令人高兴的 我的律师真是有心谢谢你的好意 Jane But we know what we're doing. 但我们都想清楚了 -Jane: Bobbi. Joe. I know this is unorthodox, but maybe if you sat down and talk. unorthodox: 非传统的,异端的 sat down: 坐下 Bobbi,Joe……我知道我这样很怪。但我希望你们先好好谈谈。 -Kent: Jane, I'm gonna have to see you in private. Now. gonna: =going to将要 private: 私人的 Jane 我有话要说,外面。现在。 -Kent: I know you have seniority here. seniority: 老资格 我知道你比较资深。 But I love these people like my own parents, and you're upsetting them! own: 自己的 parents: 双亲 upsetting: 烦扰 但他们就像我的父母,而你在烦他们。 -Jane: Isn’t our obligation as their advocates to provide our client with the opportunity towork things out? obligation: 义务 advocate: 提倡者 client: 当事人 opportunity: 机会 work … out: 可以解决 身为律师,我们的义务不就是提供双方当事人解决问题的方法吗, -Kent: They didn't hire us to work things out! hire: 雇请 他们不是请我们解决问题的~ -Jane: But look at them, they belong together! belong: 属于 together: 彼此 看看他们,他们再登对不过了~ -Kent: Actually, they don't. actually: 实际上 事实是,他们不登对。 Joe wants out of this marriage. out of: 越出…的范围 marriage: 婚礼 Joe想离婚一阵子了。 We've been talked about it for months. talked about: 谈论 我们讨论了好几个月。 -Jane: Months? Don't be ridiculous. ridiculous: 可笑的 好几个月,别开玩笑了。 This is probably brought on by Deb's passing. brought on: 带来 passing: 逝去 他们是因为Deb过世才想离婚。 It's common to sublimate grief. common: 常见的 sublimate: 使升华 grief: 痛苦 是悲伤常有的举动。 -Kent: Jane, Joe came to me long before the accident. long before: 在…以前很久 accident: 意外的事 Jane Joe早在意外之前就来找我了。 -Jane: What? You never told Deb. 什么,你没跟Deb讲过。 -Kent: How do you know that? 你怎么知道, -Jane: Well... 呃… 'Cause if you did, she'd have told her mother. 'cause: =because 因为你有说的话,她会跟她妈妈说。 It seems they shared everything. share: 分享 他们看起来无话不谈。 But Bobbi just found out when Joe told her. 但Bobbi是到最近 Joe告诉她才知道。 -Kent: He asked me not to say anything. 他要求我别说。 It's divorce. He has his reasons. divorce: 离婚 离婚这么大的事他有他的理由 -Jane: So you didn't tell Deb, 所以你不告诉Deb, because he asked you to keep quiet? keep quiet: 保守秘密 就因为他要你保密吗, Something that important... you kept from her? kept from: 隐瞒 这么重要的事情,你竟然不告诉她, The woman you were gonna marry? marry: 结婚 她可是你要共度一辈子的女人 -Kent: What's going on with you? 你是怎么了, -Jane: You can tell Joe, this meeting is over. meeting: 会议 over: 结束 你去跟Joe说会议结束。 -Stacy: I don't know, I mean, Grayson's a lawyer. 我不知道耶我是说 Grayson是律师。 Maybe he took a vow not to share personal information with his girlfriend. vow: 誓约 share with: 与…共享 personal: 个人的 information: 资料 他说不定有发誓不能把客户资料告诉他的女朋友。 -Jane: Are you taking his side? side: 一方 你在帮他讲话吗, -Stacy: I'm on your side. He's a jerk. jerk: 笨蛋 我当然挺你,他是混蛋。 -Jane: Thank you. 谢谢喔。 -Stacy: Keep pacing. Good cardio. pacing: 步调 cardio: 心脏 继续踱步,对心脏好。 -Jane: He lied to me. lie: 欺骗 他骗我。 -Stacy: Well, technically he didn't lie to you, technically: 技术上【基本上】 恩,基本上他不是骗你。 He lied to Deb. 他是骗Deb。 And technically, it's not really a lie. technically: 专门地 lie: 谎言 还有基本上,那也不算骗。 He just didn't tell you something. 他只是有事情没有告诉你 Sorry. Technically, he's a jerk. 对不起喔,基本上他就是混蛋。 -Jane: It's called "a lie by omission." omission: 遗漏 这叫刻意遗漏的谎言。 I've discover so many types of lies since become a lawyer. discover: 发现 type: 类型 since: 自从 我变成律师之后,就知道好多谎言种类 -Stacy: At least the divorce isn't your fault. at least: 至少 fault: 过失 至少离婚不是因为你阿。 Your dad planning on leaving your mom before your accident. plan on: 打算 leaving: 离开 你爸早在意外前很久,就打算离开你妈了。 -Jane: My parents are splitting up. split up: 分裂 我的父母想要分手。 And my almost-fiance knows about it, and didn't tell me. fiance: 未婚夫 我的无缘未婚夫知道,竟然不告诉我。 How do you find the silver lining in that? silver: 银色的【乐观的】 lining in: 在于 你怎么还能这么乐观, -Stacy: It's a gift. Look, sweetie. gift: 天赋 sweetie: 情人 这是天赋阿。听着,甜心。 If Grayson had told you, what would you have done? 如果Grayson有跟你说,你会怎么做, -Jane: I would've told my mom. 我会告诉我妈。 -Stacy: And he knew that. 他知道你会。 -Jane: My dad didn't want my mom to know, and as a lawyer, I know what that means. 我爸不想让我妈知道律师的这个我,可知道这是什么意思。 -Stacy: I'm listening. 请说。 -Jane: He was probably taking extra time to hide his assets. probably: 可能 extra: 额外的 hide: 藏 asset: 财产 他想要先有时间,藏好他的财产。 Well, I'm not gonna let him get away with it. gonna: <美> 将要(=going to) get away with it: 侥幸成功 我才不会这样放过他。 -Stacy: Your mom has no idea how lucky she is to have you as her lawyer. lucky: 幸运的 你妈妈都不知道她有你这女儿来当她的律师多幸运 Silver lining! There I go again. lining: 内层【想法】 乐观的想法~真是停不了~ -Jane: Bobbi, California's a no-fault state, which means marital assets will split equally. California: 加州 state: 州 marital: 婚姻的 split: 分开 equally: 平等地 Bobbi 加州是无过错离婚制,也就是说婚姻财产一律平分。 But if one party has advance notice, they can hide assets. party: 一方 advance: 提前 notice: 注意 hide: 隐藏 但如果有一方先知道,他就能藏财产。 -Bobbi: But that does not really sound like him. 但他不像这种人。 -Jane: Unfortunately, as I recently learned, people can surprise you. unfortunately: 不幸地 recently: 最近 surprise: 使惊奇 不幸的是,我最近发现每个人都有不为所知的一面。 You have the Tahoe condo in the list, but what about the jeep? Tahoe: 太浩湖 condo: 公寓 in the list: 在名单中 jeep: 吉普车 你在太浩湖的公寓在清单上,那吉普车呢, -Bobbi: How'd you know about the jeep? 你怎么知道有吉普车, -Jane: Every condo at Tahoe has a jeep. 太浩湖的每间公寓都有吉普车。 -Bobbi: He can have them both. 都给他。 -Jane: What? Why? 为什么, -Bobbi: Because he loves the place, and I don't ski. ski: 滑雪 因为他喜欢那里我也不滑雪。 -Jane: Then you'll learn. Listen, Bobbi... 那你就去学阿。听我说,Bobbi。 It's time you did something for yourself. 是该好好宠爱你自己的时候了。 -Bobbi: Did you ever meet my daughter? ever: 曾经 daughter: 女儿 你认识我的女儿吗, Um, Grayson's girlfriend? 呃,就是Grayson他女友, -Jane: No. But from I've heard, she was terrific. terrific: 极好的 没有,不过我听说她人很好。 -Bobbi: Yeah, she was. You know, she was a pageant girl pageant: 盛会 是阿。她以前是个选美小姐。 Right up until her teens. And she did pretty well. right up until: 一直到 pretty: 相当地 一直到高中,她也表现的很好。 And I will shuttle her back and forth between the competitions. shuttle: 穿梭于 shuttle back and forth: 【如梭来回】 competitions: 比赛 比赛的时候,都是我载她来来回回。 The whole time, she'd be on my case, saying Mom, you gotta do something for yourself. whole: 整个的 case: 情况 gotta: <美俚> (=have got to) 必须 她每次都常念我说,妈,是该好好宠爱你自己的时候了。 You know what? I do want the condo. 你知道吗,我想要那栋公寓。 -Jane: There you go. 这就对了。 Let's take a look at the rest of the list. the rest of: …的其余部分 那我们来看看剩下的清单。 -Fred: Hey, Stacy. 嘿,Stacy。 -Stacy: Hey... 嘿… You. 你。 -Fred: It's Fred. 我是Fred。 -Stacy: Oh, well, Jane's at work right now. So if you... right now: 就在此刻 喔 Jane去上班了,所以如果你… -Fred: Oh, well, um, I won... 喔,呃,我在想… I was wondering if you wanted to... 我在想那个…你想不想… Um... I... Here it goes. 呃,我直接来好了。 There's this girl named Stacy. 有个女孩叫Stacy。 She drives me crazy. 我为她疯狂。 -Stacy: Oh, I... I have to take this. 喔我…要接这电话。 Should I tell Jane that you stop by? stop by: 访问 要我转告Jane你来过吗, -Fred: Actually, No. 呃,不用。 -Stacy: OK. See you later... You. 好。再见了…你。 -Fred: I... It's Fred. Jus...Just Fred. 我…叫Fred。短短的… Fred。 One little syllable. syllable: 音节 一个音节。 -Kent: What the here is this? 这是什么, -Jane: A revised asset distribution list. revised: 改进的 asset: 财产 distribution: 分配 修改后的财产分配清单。 -Kent: The condo at Tahoe? The jeep? Joe's golf clubs? golf: 高尔夫球 clubs: 俱乐部 太浩湖的公寓,吉普车,Joe的高尔夫球具, Bobbi doesn't golf. Bobbi不打高尔夫。 -Jane: Not yet. Not yet: 尚未 以后会。 -Kent: What's going on here? 到底是怎么回事 Will you please inform Mr. Kent that the Chinese wall precludes any informal discoursebetween attorneys regarding the case? inform: 通知 preclude: 杜绝 informal: 非正式的 discourse: 交谈 attorney: 律师regarding: 关于 可以麻烦你告诉Kent先生,中国墙严格禁止双方律师,对于案子的非正式场合交谈。 -Teri: What she said. 她刚说的。 -Kent: Why have we suddenly gone scorched earth on what's supposed to be anamicable divorce? suddenly: 突然地 scorched: 焦头烂额 earth: 地球 scorched earth: 自毁策略 be supposed to: 应该 amicable: 友好的 明明就是和平的离婚为什么硬是要开战, -Jane: Chinese Wall. 中国墙。 -Kent: Is this coming from you or the client? coming from: 感受 client: 当事人 是你还是当事人的意思。 -Jane: Chinese Wall. 中国墙。 -Teri: Don't look at me. I'm Korean. Korean: 韩国人 别看我,我是韩国人。 -Kim: Dr. Huxley, would you read the highlighted portion of your brochure? highlighted: 突出的 portion: 部分 brochure: 小册子 Huxley博士,你能否念出你的宣传单上萤光笔画线部分。 -Dr.Huxley: “What if you never had to say goodbye with your best friend?" goodbye: 再见 best: 最好的 “如果你有机会,能够永远不用向你的好朋友道别"。 BFF Bio Tech offers you a second chance, your dog a second life. offer: 提供 life: 生命 好朋友生物科技给你第二次机会,给你的狗第二个生命。 -Kim: Where would a pet owner find a brochure like this? pet: 宠物 owner: 主人 宠物的主人能在哪拿到这份传单。 -Dr.Huxley: We distribute these at veterinary hospitals. distribute: 分发 veterinary hospitals。: 家畜医院 我们在各个兽医院都有发。 -Kim: Where they're likely to be read by the grief-stricken dog owner who in theirdesperate hours would pay anything to get their dead dogs back. grief-stricken: 极度忧伤的 hours: 时刻 desperate: 绝望的 get back: 返回 所以,一个狗儿刚去世难过极了的狗主人。很可能发现这传单愿意用任何东西,换回他们的狗。 -Counselor A: Objection. Your honor, counsel is testifying. objection: 反对 testifying: 证明 反对,法官大人,律师在引导证词。 -Kim: With drawn. drawn: 抽出 撤回。 Dr. Huxley, is it possible for a cloned dog to look like the original dog, but share no otherpersonality traits? possible: 可能的 clone: 克隆 original: 原初的 personality: 个性 traits: 特征 Huxley博士,有没有可能复制狗与原本的狗外表一模一样,但却没有相同的个性特征。 -Dr. Huxley: Yes, environment dictates personality as much as DNA. environment: 环境 dictate: 对…有绝对影响 DNA: 脱氧核糖核酸 有可能,环境对个性的影响与DNA程度相同。 -Kim: So a customer can spend 200,000, and get a dog with the personality that isnothing like their best friend? customer: 客户 spend: 花费 所以,客户花了二十万做出来的复制狗有可能一点也不像他们的好朋友。 -Dr. Huxley: That could happen. Yes. 有可能,是的。 -Kim: And where does it say that in your brochure? 那你的传单哪里有写到这部份, -Dr. Huxley: It doesn't. 没有写。 -Kim: Nothing further. 没有问题了。 -Counselor A: Redirect, your honor. redirect: 再询问的 your honor: 法官大人 我还有问题,法官大人。 Dr. Huxley... Huxley博士 How was David Beckham the second created? created: 创造 可否请你叙述David Beckham二世的复制过程, -Dr. Huxley: Our scientist used skin cells from David Beckham first to extract DNA. scientist: 科学家 skin: 皮肤 cells: 组织 extract: 抽出 我们的科学家用大卫贝克汉一世的皮肤组织抽出DNA Which then they fused with an egg to create the clone. fuse with: 与……融合 egg: 卵子 之后与卵细胞融合,创造复制体。 -Counselor A: I see. 我了解了。 In the sales contract that your client sign, sales: 销售 contract: 合约 sign: 签 你的客户们签下的合约书里。 What does it say about personality traits? trait: 特征 对于个性特征的部份,怎么说明, -Dr. Huxley: It states that we cannot guarantee specific traits. guarantee: 保证 specific: 明确的 合约写明了我们无法保证相同的特征 -Counselor A: Did Wallace Haft sign this contract? Wallace Haft是否签下了合约, -Dr. Huxley: Yes. 是的。 -Counselor A: And did you supply with an exact genetic clone? supply with: 供应 exact: 精确的 genetic: 基因 而你是否也交出了相同基因的复制狗, -Dr. Huxley: Yes. 是的。 -Counselor A: In fact, the DNA match has been verified by three labs. match: 使…相配 verified: 经证实的 labs: 实验室 事实上,两只狗的DNA 我们送去三间实验室比对。 We'd like to enter the results as exhibit A, B, and C. enter: 参加 results: 结果 exhibit: 当庭出示(证件、物证等) 希望将其列为证物A, B,C。 And now, your honor. 现在法官大人 The defense moves for a directed verdict. defense: 被告 moves: 移动 directed: 有指导的 verdict: 判决 我们希望可以有直接裁决。 -Kim: Excuse me! 什么~ -Jane: Objection! objection: 反对 反对~ -Counselor A: We all feel badly for Mr. Haft's loss, loss: 损失 我们对于Haft先生的损失感到抱歉。 He misses his dog... And the endorsement. endorsement: 背书 他想念他的狗,和他的签名背书。 But the plaintiff hasn't provided an iota of evidence of any wrong doing. plaintiff: 原告 iota: 些微 evidence: 证据 wrong: 不正当的 但原告根本没有提出一丁点不当行为的证据。 -The honor: I'm inclining to agree. incline to: 倾向于 agree: 同意 我倾向于同意。 Counsel... do you have anything else? counsel: 律师 else: 其他 律师,你们还有其他需要说明吗, -Kim: Absolutely. absolutely: 绝对地 当然。 -The honor: And that would be? 请说, -Kim: Um... 恩… -Jane: I'll tell you what that would be. 我告诉你我们要说什么。 These "independent DNA test," are we gonna just take his word for it? independent: 独立的 test: 测试 gonna: <美> 将要(=going to) 那些"独立DNA测试"我们就该相信他们的话吗, How does the court know that they're reliable? court: 法院 reliable: 可靠的 庭上怎么能知道那足以采信, -Counselor A: They're from the three top labs of the state. top: 最高的 lab: 实验室 他们都是由加州三间顶尖实验室比对的 -Jane: So what? 那又怎样, Everyone knows you don't pick a hair stylist by the name of the salon. pick: 挑选 hair: 头发 stylist: 设计师 salon: 沙龙 每个人都知道,你挑发型设计师不是看沙龙的招牌。 Is the individual stylist that matters? individual: 个别的 matters: 情况 而是看各别的设计师的工夫, -The honor: So you want the defense to provide the qualifications of the technicians thatran the DNA test? defense: 被告 qualifications: 资格 technicians: 技术人员 所以你想请被告提供做那些DNA比对的技术人员的资格证明, -Jane: We demand it. demand: 要求 我们强烈要求。 -Counselor A: No problem, your honor. 没问题,法官大人。 Shouldn't take a day or two. 大概只要一两天。 -The honor: Assuming they check out, you'll have your directed verdict. assuming: 假定的 check out: 合格 directed: 直接地 verdict: 判决 假设证明都没问题就可以做出直接裁决。 -Kim: I didn't freeze, if that's what you're thinking. freeze: 呆住 我没有呆掉,如果你在想那件事的话。 -Jane: I wasn't thinking that at all. 我没有在想那件事。 -Kim: I was lining up argument... in my head. argument: 辩论 head: 头脑 我是在脑子里想,要拿什么辩论。 -Jane: I figure just as much. figure: 认为 just as much: 同样多的 我也是这么认为。 I was just buying us time, so that you can make that argument. buying: 换得 我只是争取时间等你想到你要说什么。 -Kim: Right, that's what I figured. 没错,我也这么想。 -Jane: So what are we coming back in with? coming back: 回复 那下次,我们要拿什么上法庭, -Kim: No idea. 我也不知道。 -Hank: Jane! Hi. Jane~嗨。 -Jane: Um, I have a... business on another case. business: 事务 呃,我有…其他案子要忙。 I'll just see you back in the office. 事务所见。 -Kim: Whatever floats your boat? Whatever floats your boat: 随便 你高兴就好。 -Jane: So... I think I might own you an apology. apology: 道歉 那…我想我欠你一个道歉。 -Hank: Because I set you flowers after you were shot, and you never thanked me? set: 放置 flowers: 花 因为你中枪后,我送了一束花给你然后你都没道谢吗, -Jane: No, I mean, yes, of course. of course: 当然 不,我是说…对,当然是。 Thank you for those flowers. 谢谢你的花。 -Hank: What's going on? 怎么了, I thought things are going well with us. 我以为事情都好好的。 -Jane: Yeah. I'm just thinking maybe we should ...slow it down. slow down: 放慢速度 是阿。我只是觉得,我们应该慢慢来。 -Hank: Ok, but, it can't get much slower. slower: 慢 可以是可以,但不能在慢了。 We had three dinners in two years. dinner: 晚餐 我们两年内只约会了三次。 I see my accountant or frequently then that. accountant: 会计 frequently: 经常地 我跟我的会计师还比较常见面。 -Jane: I think what happened... 我想是因为… Hank... Hank… Maybe it took me by surprise, by surprise: 突然 你突然吓到我了。 When, you know, you kissed me. 就是,你亲我的时候。 -Hank: When I kissed you? 我亲你的时候, Jane, you kissed me. Jane 是你亲我的。 -Jane: I did? 是吗, -Hank: Pretty sure, yeah. 蛮确定的,对。 Outside the Hamburger Hamlet? 就在汉堡雷特外面。 We are waiting for our cars... and... Bang. You just planted one on me. That not how youremember it? waiting for: 等候 car: 车 plant: 种植 remember: 记得 我们在等车…然后…砰你突然凑了上来。你记得的不是这样吗, -Jane: That evening's kinda blur. evening: 晚上 kinda: 有一点,有几分(=kind of) blur: 模糊 那天晚上有点模糊 -Hank: I know what you mean. 我懂你意思。 So, what do you think? 那你觉得呢, You wanna go out again and have another blur? wanna: 【方言,口语】=want to 想要在约会,再来模糊一下吗, -Jane: Can I get back to you on that? 我可以之后再给你回覆吗, -Hank: You know where to find me. 你知道上哪找我。 -Jane: OK. I kissed him. 好,我亲了他。 -Teri: What? 什么, The bailiff. He didn't kiss me. bailiff: 法警 法警,不是他亲我 I kissed him. 是我亲了他。 -Teri: Awesome. Was there tongue? I gotta update my blog. awesome: 出色的 tongue : 舌头 update: 更新 blog: 博客 太好了,有伸舌头吗,我要来更新网志。 -Jane: Teri Teri。 -Teri: Kidding. There's no blog. kidding: 开玩笑 开玩笑的,没有网志。 So far as you know. so far as: 就…说 才不会让你知道。 I wouldn't go in there just yet. 如果是我,我就不会进去 -Jane: Ah! That the hell is you doing? the hell: 到底 阿~你在搞什么鬼, -Fred: An Officer and a Gentleman, 1982. officer: 军官 Gentleman: 绅士 军官与绅士,1982年。 Made the most romantic movie of all time by dozens of internet news groups. movie: 电影 dozens of: 好多 internet: 网站 news: 新闻 groups: 组 当时各大新闻网站票选登上史上最浪漫电影。 I am gonna show up at Stacy's place for appointment. show up: 露面 appointment: 预约 我要去Stacy办公室假装有先预约。 Sweep her off her feet to the cheers of her colleague. sweep off: 使着迷 cheers: 干杯【欢呼】 colleague: 同事 然后在同事们的欢呼下,给她来个新娘抱。 And she will be mine. 抱得美人归。 Great plan or what? great : 很好的 plan: 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 这计划是不是很好, -Jane: Ok. First of all, Stacy doesn't have a place for appointment. first of all: 首先 appointment: 约会 不好,首先Stacy没有办公室可以让你预约。 -Fred: Yeah, I know. But she's got Yoga, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Yoga: 瑜珈 Monday: 星期一 Wednesday星期三 Friday: 星期五 我知道,但她会去瑜珈教室星期一三五。 So I'll just show up there. 我就去那边。 -Jane: Second, Richard Gere wasn't a stalker. second: 第二 stalker: 偷偷地跟踪 第二 Richard Gere不是跟踪狂。 -Fred: Ok. Good point. 恩,说的对。 -Jane: And third, Stacy's kept boxing since she was 12. third: 第三 boxing: 拳击 最后 Stacy从12岁起就练拳击了。 You trying to sweep her off her feet, you're gonna lose some teeth. gonna: <美> 将要(=going to) lose: 损失 teeth: 牙齿 你想给她新娘抱之前得先满地找牙。 -Fred: So I guess I should... return my uniform, I rented it by the hour. guess: 猜想 return: 归还 uniform: 套装 rented: 租用 那我想我应该…退还这套制服这是以时计费的。 -Jane: Fred, forget the movies. forget: 忘记 Fred 忘了电影吧。 They're not real life. 那些都是虚构的。 -Fred: But I gotta do something though, she doesn't even remember my name. gotta: <美俚> (=have got to) 必须 我总要试点东西她连我名字都不记得。 -Jane: Fred, you forgot your cellphone. cellphone: 手机 Fred 你的手机。 -Fred: Oh, I don't have a cellphone. 喔,我没有手机。 -Jane: Hello? 喂, -Richard: Hey, I'm just checking in. checking in: 报到 嘿,我只是打来问问。 Is it all signed yet? Are you finally all mines? 签了没,你是我的了吗, -Jane: Who is this? 你是哪位, -Richard: I'm sorry. I might have the wrong number. number: 号码 抱歉,我可能打错了。 -Jane: Who are you calling for? calling for: 要求 请问你要找谁, -Richard: Bobbi Dobkins. Bobbi Dobkins。 -Jane: This is Bobbi's lawyer. Who am I speaking to? 这是Bobbi的律师请问你是, -Richard: Oh, um... Just tell her Richard called. 喔恩…请告诉她Richard来电。 -Fred: Jane, everything alright? Jane 没事吧, -Jane: No, remember I thought my mom told me everything? 有,记得我说过,我妈什么事都告诉我吗, -Fred: Yeah. 记得。 -Jane: I think she forgot to mention her boyfriend. mention: 提及 boyfriend: 男朋友 我想她忘记告诉我他有个男朋友。 -Jane: Cancel my afternoon, Teri. cancel: 取消 afternoon: 下午 下午会议都取消,Teri。 -Teri: What? Where are you going? 什么,你要去哪, -Jane: Pasadena, an emergency client meeting. emergency: 紧急的 帕萨迪纳,紧急客户会议。 -Kent: Jane, we need to talk. Jane 我有事找你。 I need the updated tax information. updated: 更新的 tax: 税 information: 信息 我需要新的报税资料。 -Fred: Hello, Jane. 喂,Jane。 -Jane: Fred, What are you doing? Fred 你在干嘛, -Fred: What are you doing? 你才干嘛, -Jane: I'm going to talk to my... 我要去找我… -Fred: Your mother. 你妈。 -Jane: my client. 我的客户。 -Fred: No, you're not. 你才不是。 'Cause this gonna get us both in trouble. 'Cause: =because 因为 gonna: <美> 将要(=going to) 这样会有麻烦。 -Jane: Fred, listen. I know you just doing your job. Fred 听好了。我知道你只是做你的工作。 But what I need from you, is a little less guardian and a little more angel. guardian: 守护 angel: 天使 但我需要的是少一点守护,多一点天使。 -Joe: Can I help you? 有事吗, -Jane: I'm so sorry, Mr. Dobkins. I... 我很抱歉,Dobkins先生,我… -Joe: I assume you're here for meeting with Bobbi. assume: 猜测 我想你是来找Bobbi的吧。 -Jane: Yes, impromptu, last minute. impromptu: 临时地 对,蛮临时的通知。 But she wasn't here, and the door was open... 可是她不在门又没关。 -Joe: You want to wait? 你想等一下吗, -Jane: No. 不了。 -Joe: I can give her a message for you. message: 消息 有什么事我可以帮你转达。 -Jane: Could you, um... 可以请你…恩… Could you just... 可以请你… Just tell her I stop by? stop by: 过来一会 告诉她我来过。 -Joe: Miss Bingum... Bingum小姐… You mind leaving that? mind: 介意 leaving: 留下 你介不介意把那留下来, -Jane: Oh, right. I'm sorry. 喔,对喔。不好意思。 That was inappropriate. inappropriate: 不适当的 这样做很不恰当。 I have no business. 我没有别的意思。 I just want to see what it feels like to wear one of those things. feels like: 想要 wear: 戴 只是想戴戴看那个…感觉起来如何。 -Joe: For what is worth, it was nice on you. worth: 值得的 不管如何,你戴起来很好看。 -Jane: I have to go. 我要走了。 Next up, the crowds' voted friendliest breed, crowd: 观众 vote: 投票 friendliest: 友好的 breed: 品种 下个出场的是,观众票选最友善的狗, The Golden Retriever. 黄金猎犬。 -Teri: How was Pasadena? Pasadena怎样, -Jane: Both depressing and humiliating. depressing: 沮丧的 humiliating: 丢脸的 非常沮丧,非常丢脸。 -Teri: Oh, that's nice. 喔,很好阿。 -Jane: What are you doing? 你在干嘛, That the dog shows? 那是狗狗的选秀节目吗, -Teri: Well, I love me the pooches. pooches: 狗 我爱死狗狗了。 I've always wanted to go. But that's not why I'm watching. watching: 注意 我一直都想去看看,但我不是为了那个。 Kim's having all the assistants researching canine law, everything related to dog shows. research: 研究 canine: 犬的 related to: 与…相关 assistant: 助手 Kim要全部助理找犬类法律相关资料跟狗狗选秀相关的所有东西。 I've never seen her on panic mode before. panic: 惊慌的 mode: 模式 第一次看她启动应急模式。 First one who fined a helpful to her case, gets 50 bucks. buck: 钱 第一个找到对案子有帮助的有50块奖金。 -Jane: I think I just won 50 bucks. 我想我刚刚赢50块了。 -Teri: Damn it! 该死的~ -Jane: How's it going? 进展如何, -Kim: Oh. 喔。 Now I slept here last night, if that's the indication. slept: 睡 last night: 昨晚 indication: 暗示 我在这过夜,要随我请便。 I'm turning into you. turning into: 变成 我变的跟你一样了 This case and the dog it rode in on is a big stinking loser. rode in: 乘(骑,坐) stinking: 非常讨厌的 loser: 输家 这官司和那只狗都是臭死人的输家。 There's nothing here. 根本没有证据能用。 You should let us go down in flames yesterday. go down: 屈服 in flames: 燃烧 你应该昨天就让我们输一输。 -Jane: Well, maybe. 恩,也许吧。 But then we wouldn't figure out how to win this case. figure out: 想出 但我们就不可能找到赢案子的方法了。 -Kim: Oh, wake up, Jane. We haven't. wake up: 醒来 喔,醒醒吧,Jane 我们找不到。 -Jane: Are you sure? sure: 确信 你确定吗, -Jane: Look, check out this year's Green Ribbon winner. check out: 检验 winner: 冠军 看看今年名犬杯冠军狗。 -Kim: So you know, now dogs are my least favorite mammal. favorite: 最喜爱的 mammal: 哺乳动物 狗现在变成我最讨厌的哺乳类动物了。 Hey, is that David Beckham? 嘿那是David Beckham吗, -Jane: No, that's Macbeth. A different Golden Retriever. Golden Retriever: 黄金猎犬 不,那是Macbeth 另一只黄金猎犬。 But our client said that Beckham was the only Golden ever to win. client: 当事人 可是咱们当事人说贝克汉是唯一的冠军的猎犬。 -Kim: What are the odds that the other one coming around so quickly? odds: 机率 coming around: 来 quickly: 快 另一只这么快就这样窜出头来的机率是多少, -Jane: I've never been good at math, but something like eleventh -billion to one. be good at: 擅长 math: 数学 billion: 十亿 我数学很烂但机率大概是一千万亿兆分之一。 -Kim: That's not a real number. 没那个数字。 -Jane: Look, I spent a lot of time on the pageant circuit as a kid, a lot of: 很多 pageant: 盛会 circuit: 巡回 听我说我小时候也参加过很多选美比赛。 Yes, I was in beauty pageants, Kim. beauty: 美丽 对,我参加过选美,Kim。 Deal with it. 别怀疑。 Parents will do anything to help their kids win, and dog owners are no different. kids: 孩子 父母亲会不择手段,想让孩子赢狗主人也一样。 -Kim: Get to the point, Miss America. America: 美国 讲重点,美国小姐。 -Jane: I'm saying... 我是说… If you know how to clone dogs, and someone handled you a world-winning GoldenRetriever, clone: 克隆 handled: 处理 如果你有复制技术又有人送来了一只冠军黄金猎犬。 You can snuck some extra DNA, and create a litter of pedigree pups. snuck: 偷窃 pedigree: 纯种的 pup: 小狗 你就可以偷楷点DNA弄出一窝名犬小狗。 -Kim: Listen to yourself, it sounds crazy. 听你说的,这太夸张了。 -Jane: Do you have anything better? 你有更好的想法吗, You should go down to the dog show, and collect DNA samples; we can run our owntests. go down: 一直到 collect: 收集 sample: 样本 保单样本pdf木马病毒样本下载上虞风机样本下载直线导轨样本下载电脑病毒样本下载 你应该去选秀现场搜集DNA样本,我们可以自己比对看看。 -Kim: Ew, why don't you do it? 恶心,为什么不是你去, -Jane: 'Cause you're first chair... 'Cause: =because first chair: 首席地位 因为你是首席… And I have another case. 而我还有其他案子。 -Kim: I can't go alone. alone: 单独的 我不敢一个人去。 -Jane: Take Teri. She's always wanted to go to a dog show. 找Teri一起她一直很想去。 -Kim: This is a nightmare. nightmare: 噩梦 这是噩梦吧。 Smells like a... smell: 闻 闻起来像… -Teri: Dog show? 狗的选秀, -Kim: Don't make me leave you here alone. 别逼我留你一个人在这。 -Man: Can I help you? 有事吗, -Teri: I got this. 让我来。 Hi, we're the editors of the "Doggie Style," doing a back stage profile on the show. editor: 编辑 back stage: 后台 profile: 概要 我们是"狗儿时尚"的编辑想做一辑选秀后台特别报导。 -Man: Ladies, my pleasure. pleasure: 愉快 我的荣幸,小姐们。 I love your work. 爱死你们杂志了。 Let me know if I can be at any service. service: 服务 需要我帮忙请告诉我。 Go ahead. 请。 -Kim: Doggie Style? Is that even a real magazine? magazine: 杂志 狗儿时尚,真有这本杂志吗, -Teri: Yes, it's just not about dogs. 有,只是跟狗无关。 Here's Macbeth. Macbeth在那。 Go for it. 上吧。 -Kim: Above my pay grade. above: 在…上面 pay: 薪资 grade: 级别 不是我工作范围。 -Teri: Besides, aren't you first chair? 而且,你才是首席不是吗, -Kim: Now what are we going to do? 那现在要怎么办, We're supposed to collect his spit. be supposed to: 应该 spit: 唾液 应该要收集唾液的。 -Teri: Let him smell your nose. nose: 鼻子 让他闻你的鼻子。 -Kim: What? 什么, -Teri: Distract him so I can get in there before he barks again. distract: 分心 bark: 叫 分散他注意力,我才能伸进去拿。 Just do it. 快做就对了。 -Kim: Help... me... help: 帮助 帮…我… Clean... me... clean: 把…弄干净 擦…掉… You knew that would happen. 你早知道会这样。 -Teri: I was hoping. 我希望而已。 -Jane: Why didn't you tell me? 你为什么没告诉我, -Bobbi: Richard and I are not public yet, public: 公开的 Richard和我没有公开, so I really am not comfortable telling you. comfortable: 舒适的 所以告诉你,我觉得不太好。 -Jane: So the affair is pretty recent? affair: 事情 所以婚外情是最近的, -Bobbi: No, I've known Richard for 5, um, 6 years now. 不,我认识Richard已经五六年了。 -Jane: What? 什么, So when I was... 所以我还… When your daughter was still living at home? at home: 在家 你女儿还住在家的时候,就开始了, -Bobbi: By the time she was in high school, my marriage was over. marriage: 婚姻 over: 结束 她上高中之后,我的婚姻就完了。 Her father and I, we've grown apart for years. grown apart: 变行有隔阂 她爸和我,渐行渐远好几年了。 Living parallel lives, really. parallel: 平行的 生活没有交集,说真的。 -Jane: So why'd you stay together? 那为什么还要在一起, for Deb? 为了Deb, -Bobbi: Yes. 对。 She had this picture in her head, of a perfect, loving family. picture: 想象 perfect: 完美的 loving: 亲爱的 她一直认为我们是个完美,和乐融融的家庭。 We didn't want to take that away from her. take away from: 从…拿走 我们不想夺走。 -Jane: All those years, Deb thought you two were happy. happy: 幸福的 这些年来 Deb一直以为你们很幸福。 -Bobbi: You do it long enough, you're good faking it. long: 很久的 enough: 足够的 faking: 造假 装久了,就也习惯了。 But at night, when you go to sleep, the lie would chop inside. at night: 夜晚 lie : 谎言 chop: 剁碎 但每到夜晚,躺在床上,谎言就会侵蚀自己。 Oh, God. Feel good to just talk about it. 喔,天阿,讲出来舒服多了。 What a relief. relief: 减轻 好个解放阿。 Feel like I can breathe again. breath: 呼吸 觉得我又能呼吸了。 Jane, are you alright? Jane 你还好吗, -Jane: I can't be your lawyer. 我不能做你的律师了。 -Bobbi: Ex- Excuse me? 什…什么, -Jane: This was a mistake. mistake: 错误 这是错的决定。 I never should've... 我真不应该… You need to find yourself another lawyer. 你应该换个新律师。 -Bobbi: Jane Jane。 -Jane: Please go. 请走了。 -Kent: You're not thinking of jumping, are you? jumping: 跳跃 你不是想跳楼吧, -Jane: No. 不。 Wouldn't do any good. 跳了也没什么好处。 I'm sorry, Grayson. 对不起 Grayson。 I hope I didn't screw things up. screw up: 弄糟 我希望我没搞砸事情。 -Kent: It's fine. 没事。 Parker stepped in. All the assets are on the tables. stepped in: 插手 on the tables: 公开的 Parker帮忙了,财产也都摊开。 It's an easy 50-50 split. split: 分开 平分很简单。 -Jane: So now I'm no longer an opposing counsel, and the Chinese Wall was alreadycrumpled. opposing: 对立的 counsel: 律师 crumpled: 使崩溃 现在我们不是敌对的双方律师中国墙也瓦解了。 Can you tell me something totally off the record? record: 记录 你可以告诉我一件事吗,跟案子不相关的, -Kent: What's that? 什么事, -Jane: Why didn't Joe tell Bobbi he was seeing a lawyer about the divorce? 为什么一开始Joe不跟Bobbi说要离婚的事, Why did he keep it secrete for so long? keep secrete: 保守秘密 为什么还要保密这么久, -Kent: Joe came to see me a few months ago, said his marriage was over. Joe几个月前来找我。说他的婚姻结束了。 And it's time for divorce. it's time for: 是…的时候了 divorce: 离婚 是离婚的时候了。 The thing is, the timing was so good for me. 问题是,那时机对我来说不好。 -Jane: For you? 对你来说, -Kent: I was just about to ask Deb to marry me... 我正好想向Deb求婚。 -Jane: You didn't want anything to ruin it. ruin: 毁坏 而你不想破坏掉气氛。 -Kent: I know it sound selfish... selfish: 自私 我知道听起来很自私… -Jane: I sound sweet... And kind. sweet: 可爱的 听起来很贴心,而且善良。 -Kent: No, maybe I should've just told Deb. 不,也许我早该说的。 -Jane: For what is worth, I think what you did was amazing. amazing: 令人惊异的 不论如何,我觉得你这样做很体贴。 Deb was a lucky woman. Deb是个幸运的女人。 -Dr. Huxley: And what are we doing out here? 我们在外头干麻 -Kim: We just thought you might wanna settle. wanna: =want to想要 settle: 解决 我们想说你们应该想和解 -Dr. Huxley: Miss Kaswell, in about two seconds, second: 秒 Kaswell小姐,再两秒。 We are going to walk though that door, the judge's gonna announce a verdict in ourfavor. walk: 走 judge: 法官 gonna: <美> 将要(=going to) announce: 宣布 verdict: 判决 favor: 帮助 我们就要上法庭法官就要宣布我们赢了官司 Why in the hell do we wanna settle? wanna: 【方言,口语】=want to settle: 解决 那为什么我们想和解 -Jane: We will give you three reasons. 我们有三个理由 -Counselor A: Oh, God. 喔,天阿。 -Jane: I'd like you to meet Macbeth, Coach, and Big Poppy. 向你们介绍 Macbeth,Coach,Big Poppy。 -Kim: Turns out your genius of a client didn't make just one clone for Mr. Haft'sWorld-winning Beckham turn out: 证明是 genius: 天才 client: 当事人 clone: 克隆 原来你的天才当事人不只替Haft先生做了只冠军复制狗。 Without our client's knowledge consent, he made 4. without: 没有 knowledge: 知晓 consent: 同意 made: 做 未经我的当事人允许,他做了四只。 He gave puppy number 1 to Mr. Haft, and sold the other three to the highest bidders. puppy: 小狗 sold: 卖 bidders: 出价人 一只给了Haft先生另外三只卖给出价最高的买家。 -Dr. Huxley: You can't prove anything. prove: 证明 你们没有证据。 -Jane: Oh, actually, we can. 喔,其实有。 -Kim: DNA tests, from the same lab you guys tested. DNA比对和你们同一家实验室验的。 -Jane: You're right. They know their stuff. stuff: 材料 你说的对,他们真的蛮厉害的。 -Hank: The judge's ready. Court in session. judge: 法官 ready: 准备好的 in session: 在开庭 法官已经准备好,可以开庭了。 -Kim: Decision time, boys. decision: 决定 决定一下吧,两位。 Either we settle, or we walk Macbeth, Coach, and Big Poppy down to the DA's officewhere we will have a little talk about fraud and grand larceny. fraud: 欺骗 grand: 重大的 larceny: 盗窃罪 either: 要不 要不就和解要不我们就带着 Macbeth Coach Big Poppy到检察官办公室,我们可以聊聊诈欺和重大窃盗罪。 -Jane: Oh, that'll be fun. fun: 乐趣 喔,那就好玩了。 -Dr. Huxley: Could you let the judge know we need a few minutes? 可以请你告诉法官,我们需要一点时间吗, Why don't we talk... in private? in private: 私下的 我们来谈谈,私底下, -Jane: Congratulations! congratulations: 恭喜 恭喜~ -Haft: We won? 我们赢了, -Jane: Yeah. 对。 They're filling out the paperwork right now. fill out: 填写 paperwork: 文书工作 他们正在填写相关文件。 -Haft: Wow. Thank you. 哇,谢谢你。 -Jane: As soon as you return your dog, they'll refund the money. return: 归还 refund: 偿还 你退还了狗,他们就会退钱。 -Haft: What? 什么, -Jane: It's how this works. 事情就是这样阿。 It's no different than a broken refrigerator or bum stereo. broken: 坏掉的 refrigerator: 冰箱 bum: 质量低的 stereo: 立体声音响系统 这跟坏掉的冰箱,劣质音响一样。 To get your money back, you gotta return the merchandise. gotta: <美俚> (=have got to) 必须 merchandise: 商品 要退款的话,就得退还商品。 -Haft: They think David Beckham is merchandise? 他们觉得David Beckham是商品吗, -Jane: Under the law, yes. 法律上来说,是。 -Haft: Well, what's gonna happen to...to him? 那…他会…怎么样, -Jane: I don't know. You wanted the money, right? 我不知道,你想要钱,对吧, You said that yourself. 你自己说的阿。 This dog doesn't listen to you, he's total untrainable. untrainable: 【不可训练的】 这只狗不听你的话,完全没办法教。 He doesn't do anything. 什么都不会做。 -Haft: This dog never leaves my side, you know that? 这只狗从不离开我,你知道吗, He knows where I am every second of the day. 他随时都知道我在哪。 -Jane: He's not David Beckham the first. 他不是David Beckham一世。 -Haft: No, he definitely is not. definitely: 当然 不,他当然不是。 David Beckham the first would never just sit here... put his head on my lap lap: 膝盖 David Beckham一世才不会就这样坐在这把头躺在我腿上。 He'll be sitting in alert position. alert: 警觉的 position: 姿势 他会用警戒姿势坐着。 David Beckham the first I know, he couldn't come into my bedroom. come into: 进入 bedroom: 卧室 我所知道的David Beckham一世才不会进我卧房。 But this guy, he can't wait to wake me up in the morning. wake up: 醒来 但这家伙,每天早上就等不及叫醒我。 He just jumps right up in my bed. right up: 直到 直接跳到我床上。 Now you must think I am an idiot. idiot: 白痴 你现在应该觉得我是白痴。 I mean, turn down that kinda money, but... turn down: 拒绝 kinda: 有一点,有几分(=kind of) 我是说,拒绝那一大笔钱,但是… -Jane: I understand. 我懂。 Unconditional love. unconditional: 无条件的 无条件的爱。 They say you can't put a price on that, right? price: 定…的价格 这种爱是没办法标价,对吧, Listen, no promises, but perhaps we agree to keep the details of the settlementcompletely confidential, promises: 保证 perhaps: 也许 agree to: 同意 settlement: 解决 completely: 完全地 confidential: 机密的 这样吧,我不保证但如果我们能同意保密和解的细项, BFF will allow you to keep David Beckham, and still refund the money. allow: 允许 refund: 退还 他们可能会让你留着David Beckham还退你钱 -Haft: Ok. 好。 Well... That'll be great. 恩,这样就好。 But whatever happens, I'm keeping him. 不管怎样,我都要留下他。 -Jane: Hey. 嘿。 -Hank: Oh Oh. 喔喔。 This is not going well with me, is it? 事情不怎么好,是吧, -Jane: You're gonna tell all that by the way I say "hey"? gonna: <美> 将要(=going to) 我光讲一个"嘿" 你就知道了, -Hank: I've been here before. 我遇过这种情形。 -Jane: Hank... Hank… You seen like a really nice guy. 你是个好人。 -Hank: Yup, that's what comes next. 对,那就是"嘿"的下一句。 I'm a nice guy, Jane. 我是好人,Jane。 I thought you were figuring that out. figuring out: 想出 我以为你早就知道了。 It seems like we had a really nice time together. 我以为我们在一起蛮愉快的。 -Jane: I'm sure we did. 我想是吧。 I mean, I know we did. 我是说,我知道是。 And I'm not ruling anything out... ruling out: 排除 我也不是想排除所有可能。 -Hank: Great. Do you wanna go to the movies tonight? tonight: 今晚 那好,今晚想一起去看电影吗, -Jane: The truth is... truth: 事实 事实上是… There’s somebody else. 有别人。 -Hank: Ouch. 噢。 No way around that one, is there? No way: 无论如何 这就没办法了,对吧, Is he in love with you? in love with: 与…恋爱 他爱你吗, -Jane: He doesn't know I exist. exist: 存在 他根本不知道我的存在。 -Hank: Look, if you change your mind, mind: 心意 change: 改变 听着,你如果改变心意, it's just a movie, not lifetime commitment, ok? lifetime: 一生 commitment: 承诺 就只是场电影,不是一辈子的承诺,好吗, -Jane: Thanks, but... 谢谢,但是… -Hank: Maybe another time. 还是下一次吧。 -Fred: Well, looks like it all worked out. work out: 解决 看来事情都处理的不错。 -Jane: No thanks to me. 可不能谢我。 -Fred: Only if someone in a guardian capacity could have warned you beforehand. guardian: 守卫 capacity: 能力 warn: 警告 beforehand: 事先 如果有人能够守护你事先警告你的话… -Jane: Fred... Fred… Down here on earth, no one likes to hear "I told you so." 在我们凡间,没人喜欢听 "我早就告诉你了。" But I admit, I should've listened. admit: 承认 但我承认,我该听你的话。 Is that what you wanna hear? 这样行了吧, -Fred: Yeah, pretty much. 是阿,差不多。 Well, I'm off. off: 离开 那,我要走了。 -Jane: What are you doing? 你要去哪, -Fred: Say Anything..., 1989. 情到深处,1989年。 John Cusack wins the heart of America with a song, and a giant boombox. giant: 巨大的 boombox: 立体扬声器 John Cusack用一首歌和一台超大音响赢得美国人的心 I don't care what you said; I'm taking the shot with this one. care: 介意 shot: 机会 我不管你怎么说,我都要试试看。 -Jane: You know what? 你知道吗, Go for it. 去吧。 Good luck, Fred. 祝你好运,Fred。 -Stacy: Fred? Fred, -Fred: Hey, Stacy. 嘿,Stacy。 -Stacy: Hi. 嗨。 I thought that was you. What are you doing? 我就觉得是你,你在干麻阿, -Fred: Ah, just, um, hanging out. hanging out: 闲逛 阿就那个…随便晃晃。 -Stacy: Well, see you around. 好吧,那再见。 -Fred: Yes, you will. 会再见的。 She remembers my name. 她记得我名字。 -Bobbi: Am I interrupting? interrupting: 打扰 我有打扰到你吗, -Jane: No, Bobbi. Please come in. 没有,Bobbi 请进。 -Bobbi: Now everything's signed... 文件都签好了。 I'm divorced. divorce: 离婚 我离婚了。 -Jane: How do you feel? 感觉如何, -Bobbi: Anxious. anxious: 焦虑的 有点焦虑。 But I will be ok. 但我会没事的。 -Jane: I'm really sorry about the way I behaved. behaved: 举止 我真的对我的举止感到很抱歉。 -Bobbi: It all worked out. 都已经没事了。 Despite everything, I really did enjoy working with you. despite: 尽管 不论如何,我真的很高兴和你合作。 You didn't just care about the case; you seem to care about me. care about: 关心 你不只在乎案子,你似乎也很在乎我。 -Jane: 'Til I went a little nut... 'Til : =until 直到 nut: 疯狂的人 直到我像疯子一样… -Bobbi: About that... Can I ask, what happened? 关于…那件事我可以问原因吗, Did I do something? 是我做了什么吗, -Jane: I... I think... 我…我觉得… You reminded me of my own mother. remind: 使想起 你让我想起我妈妈。 Felt a little close to home. close to: 接近于 所以有点想家。
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