首页 香堤澜湾工程管理制度(章部修改版)



香堤澜湾工程管理制度(章部修改版)香堤澜湾工程管理制度(章部修改版) 苏州香堤澜湾工程项目施工管理规定 一、说明 1、本规定作为香堤澜湾工程的管理和处罚依据,参建单位在进场施工前应在业 主、监理方所制定的规定原件上签字,同意并在工程建设中遵守本规定; 2、本规定各项条款的执行以《合同》和建筑法等有关国家法规为依据; 3、本规定所指的处罚对象为施工单位项目部及现场施工人员、管理人员等,处 罚金将以现金形式上缴,不兑现不得报付款等工作。 二、施工(参建)单位进场须知 1、施工单位自合同签订之日起一周内,以书面形式向业主及监理项目部递交开 工报...

香堤澜湾工程管理制度(章部修改版) 苏州香堤澜湾工程项目 施工 文明施工目标施工进度表下载283施工进度表下载施工现场晴雨表下载施工日志模板免费下载 管理规定 一、说明 1、本规定作为香堤澜湾工程的管理和处罚依据,参建单位在进场施工前应在业 主、监理方所制定的规定原件上签字,同意并在工程建设中遵守本规定; 2、本规定各项条款的执行以《 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 》和建筑法等有关国家法规为依据; 3、本规定所指的处罚对象为施工单位项目部及现场施工人员、管理人员等,处 罚金将以现金形式上缴,不兑现不得报付款等工作。 二、施工(参建)单位进场须知 1、施工单位自合同签订之日起一周内,以书面形式向业主及监理项目部递交开 工 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 ; 2、施工单位自合同签订之日起一周内必须将本单位相关资料、符合本工程的施 工组织设计、项目部技术人员名单(联系电话)报业主及监理项目部备案(加 盖公司印章); 3、施工单位在进场开工前一周内必须安排出符合业主要求的详细进度 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 ,报 业主及监理部。 三、施工人员的管理 1、施工单位要服从香堤澜湾监理项目部的各项管理。施工单位的负责人必须对 本单位职工进行安全生产教育,以增强法制观念和提高职工的安全意识及自 我保护能力,自觉遵守安全生产六大纪律、安全生产制度; 2、施工单位的负责人应对所属施工及生活区域的安全、文明施工等各方面工作 全面负责。施工单位负责人离开现场,应指定专人负责,办理书面委托管理 手续。施工单位负责人和被委托负责管理的人员,应经常检查督促本单位职 工自觉做好各方面工作; 3、施工人员进入施工现场必须规范佩戴安全帽;高空作业人员必须佩带安全带,不许赤身和穿拖鞋,发现有1人次违反者罚款200元; 4、特殊工种操作人员必须持证上岗,上岗前必须报监理审查证件(无效证件视 为无证上岗),经同意方可上岗。无证上岗者一经发现,罚款300元/人次; 5、严禁酗酒后上岗,违者罚款500元/人次; development direction, prevention medical patient disputes, bad event, hospital of technology of, digital, network, intelligent of, information became currently and future measure hospital management level and operation efficiency of a key factors. currently domestic of medium hospital are this aspects constantly improve hospital information level, Technology management level, medical level in order to occupy a strong position in the market competition. The weak electricity system construction project is going digital, centralized management of the network. perform advanced, stable, reasonable structure, strong expansion, economic and practical standards of the integrated management system. Engineering range this times weak system construction project of engineering covers following system: integrated wiring system (including network system and voice communications system), wired TV system, information guide and the released system, monitoring system, access management system, parking management system, surgery monitoring teaching system, ICU visits system, call on told management system, queued station system, buildings control system, weak intelligent of management system. In the construction of weak current system, we believe that the needs of each independent and stable operation of the subsystem, and mutual interaction between and mutual support is a very important step. Because 6、保持施工现场和生活区的卫生,严禁随地大小便,违者罚款100元/人次; 7、全体人员都要有责任做好工程的成品保护工作,如破坏已粉刷好的内墙、踏 步、门窗及玻璃、已安装好的各种管子,已穿好的各种电线及其他,一经查 实,除损坏的材料和人工工资由其当事人承担外,再视情况罚款500—5000 元,情节严重者送公安机关处理; 8、不得无理顶撞和辱骂业主和监理人员,违者罚款2000元/人次,情节严重者 清除出场; 四、施工现场管理 1、各施工单位要绝对服从业主和监理单位的管理,对于业主和监理单位下达的 工程指令要及时保质、保量地执行,如对指令有异议可向监理和业主反馈。 如拒不执行的每次罚款2000元。屡教不改或给工程造成损失的罚款10000 元,情节严重的清除出场并承担所有的经济损失; 2、对于施工中存在的质量问题,监理工程师发出(口头)整改指令,施工单位 应立即整改,对同一质量问题监理签发的第二次通知单可处罚施工方1000 元,第三次签发通知单如再不整改到位的由监理签发暂停施工令,并由监理 召集业主、施工单位负责人开现场会,作出处理决定,并由施工单位承担一 切后果; 2、施工单位现场材料及物品要堆放整齐,松散材料不得混堆,危险物品要按规 定放在安全部位,并设警示牌。如有违反,发现一次,罚款1000元; 3、工程用脚手架的搭设应符合规范要求,并有专项施工方案(需专家论证的必 须要具备论证报告),发现与方案及规范要求不符且整改不及时的罚款500 元/次; 4、安全网架设应符合规范要求,严禁使用假冒伪劣安全网,施工如有损坏应及 时维修和更换,违者罚款500元/处; 5、电、气焊应采取防火措施,必要时下设接火盒,严禁火星四溅,违者罚款1000元/次;发生事故造成损失的施工单位全额承担,并罚款1000—5000元; 6、临时用电设施要满足有关行政主管部门的有关规定,严禁使用不合格产品, 违者罚款1000元,并限期整改,产生的一切后果施工单位自负; development direction, prevention medical patient disputes, bad event, hospital of technology of, digital, network, intelligent of, information became currently and future measure hospital management level and operation efficiency of a key factors. currently domestic of medium hospital are this aspects constantly improve hospital information level, Technology management level, medical level in order to occupy a strong position in the market competition. The weak electricity system construction project is going digital, centralized management of the network. perform advanced, stable, reasonable structure, strong expansion, economic and practical standards of the integrated management system. Engineering range this times weak system construction project of engineering covers following system: integrated wiring system (including network system and voice communications system), wired TV system, information guide and the released system, monitoring system, access management system, parking management system, surgery monitoring teaching system, ICU visits system, call on told management system, queued station system, buildings control system, weak intelligent of management system. In the construction of weak current system, we believe that the needs of each independent and stable operation of the subsystem, and mutual interaction between and mutual support is a very important step. Because 7、临时用电的架设应符合规范要求,电门箱要有专人负责,违者罚款1000元; 8、基坑、楼梯口和预留洞口等临边洞口必须防护到位,井架门必须随手关闭, 违者罚款500元; 9、危险部位要设警示牌(或警示灯),并有专人负责管理,违者罚款200元/处; 10、现场如设置广告牌,必须经业主方同意,有业主统一安排,不准擅自行动, 违者应立即拆除,并罚款1000元; 11、成品保护实施谁施工谁负责,谁破坏谁赔偿,赔偿须有确实依据。 12、每道工序完成后必须实行工序交接,工序未交接属于不合格或未完成,后道 工序擅自施工造成损失的,有该单位承担一切损失。 五、原材料(构配件)的管理 1、原材料(构配件)进场按要求必须有出场合格证,质保书,准用证,无证不 准进场,违者将材料退场,并罚款500元/次; 2、已进场的原材料(构配件)需要做复试的应在试验合格后单独堆放,并设专 门的 标志 禁止坐卧标志下载饮用水保护区标志下载桥隧标志图下载上坡路安全标志下载地理标志专用标志下载 牌进行区分;违者罚款500元; 3、所有进场材料的取样和送样,均由专职的监理工程师和承包单位的见证取样 员(均应有取样员证书)共同完成;材料使用前,承包单位应填写建筑材料 报验单(附原材料出厂合格证及试验报告)报监理工程师审核;未经审核认 可的材料不得使用,违者罚款1000元,并拆除擅自使用的材料,发生的一切 费用由承包单位自负。 六、工程进度及工程进度款的管理 1、承包单位每月25日前向业主呈报下列文件: ?、本月工程计划完成情况报告(上月26日—本月25日); ?、当月工程量及预算报表(预算报表可根据《施工合同》决定是否必要填报); ?、月工程款申请表(限按进度付款的《施工合同》); ?、下月施工进度计划和资金计划申请表(根据《施工合同》具体要求); 2、工程例会前向业主和监理工程师书面呈报施工周报,上周计划完成情况、质量情况和下周详细的施工计划(施工工序、位置、劳动力安排、完成数量),否则罚款500元; 3、施工单位应根据既定施工进度计划,严格组织实施,落实施工材料、机械、development direction, prevention medical patient disputes, bad event, hospital of technology of, digital, network, intelligent of, information became currently and future measure hospital management level and operation efficiency of a key factors. currently domestic of medium hospital are this aspects constantly improve hospital information level, Technology management level, medical level in order to occupy a strong position in the market competition. The weak electricity system construction project is going digital, centralized management of the network. perform advanced, stable, reasonable structure, strong expansion, economic and practical standards of the integrated management system. Engineering range this times weak system construction project of engineering covers following system: integrated wiring system (including network system and voice communications system), wired TV system, information guide and the released system, monitoring system, access management system, parking management system, surgery monitoring teaching system, ICU visits system, call on told management system, queued station system, buildings control system, weak intelligent of management system. In the construction of weak current system, we believe that the needs of each independent and stable operation of the subsystem, and mutual interaction between and mutual support is a very important step. Because 人员,发现进度滞后应立即采取赶工措施,分项工程每拖延一天罚款1000元;并承担下道工序延误造成的一切经济损失并从当月工程进度款中扣除。 4、如工程进度滞后严重,则由业主自行安排其他施工单位进行弥补性施工,工 程量由业主、监理核定,工程款按照投标价的2倍在施工单位的工程款中扣 除; 5、如果非承包单位原因造成工期拖延,承包单位必须在一周内向业主和监理工 程师提出工期顺延申请,监理工程师根据实际情况并征得业主同意后,酌情 批复承包单位的工期顺延申请;如承包单位在一周内不提出申请,将视为自 动放弃工期顺延的权利。 七、现场签证的管理 1、根据工程建设的需要须做现场签证的工程,施工单位必须按常发的签证管理 制度执行。; 2、现场签证必须附标明尺寸的简图和工程量算式,由监理工程师和业主相关部 门核实尺寸和工程量,并在签证单上签署审核意见。现场签证必须经现场总 监理工程师(代表)和业主联合审核会签盖章后方为有效; 八、内业档案资料、会议制度、文件传递的管理 1、承包单位应按有关规定及时详细地做好各种业内档案资料,业主和监理将进 行不定期检查,如有发现资料不全,记录不详细,伪造资料的,将视情节罚 款500—2000元,并限期改正。 2、各单位发出的文件或档案资料落款必须有单位名称、日期和负责人签字,必 要时还需加盖单位公章; 3、文件的传递实行对口部门负责制,由各单位的资料管理员或指定负责人负责, 文件实行必要的编号并办理签收、发登记; 4、文件的收发必须及时准确,以免影响工程的决策和施工。对误发、迟发的文 件的责任方和责任人,视情节罚款100—1000元/次; 5、送至各单位的文件等资料接收方必须签收,如对文件内容如有异议,可以以 书面文件或会议的形式提出并解决,如拒绝签收则罚款500元,并自负因此development direction, prevention medical patient disputes, bad event, hospital of technology of, digital, network, intelligent of, information became currently and future measure hospital management level and operation efficiency of a key factors. currently domestic of medium hospital are this aspects constantly improve hospital information level, Technology management level, medical level in order to occupy a strong position in the market competition. The weak electricity system construction project is going digital, centralized management of the network. perform advanced, stable, reasonable structure, strong expansion, economic and practical standards of the integrated management system. Engineering range this times weak system construction project of engineering covers following system: integrated wiring system (including network system and voice communications system), wired TV system, information guide and the released system, monitoring system, access management system, parking management system, surgery monitoring teaching system, ICU visits system, call on told management system, queued station system, buildings control system, weak intelligent of management system. In the construction of weak current system, we believe that the needs of each independent and stable operation of the subsystem, and mutual interaction between and mutual support is a very important step. Because 产生的一切后果; 6、每周二下午两点准时召开工程例会,各相关单位负责人必须准时参加,如有 特殊情况应提前通知,会议中不得随意接听手机、交头接耳,违者罚款500 元; 本罚款制度经建设、监理、施工方共同研究后一致通过,以文件形式下发 至施工单位(含各分包单位、各工种负责人),自下发之日起执行。 施工单位项目经理:(签字) 监理单位现场负责人:(签字) 建设单位现场负责人:(签字) 上海三凯建设管理咨询有限公司香堤澜湾监理项目部 2012年 8 月 日 development direction, prevention medical patient disputes, bad event, hospital of technology of, digital, network, intelligent of, information became currently and future measure hospital management level and operation efficiency of a key factors. currently domestic of medium hospital are this aspects constantly improve hospital information level, Technology management level, medical level in order to occupy a strong position in the market competition. The weak electricity system construction project is going digital, centralized management of the network. perform advanced, stable, reasonable structure, strong expansion, economic and practical standards of the integrated management system. Engineering range this times weak system construction project of engineering covers following system: integrated wiring system (including network system and voice communications system), wired TV system, information guide and the released system, monitoring system, access management system, parking management system, surgery monitoring teaching system, ICU visits system, call on told management system, queued station system, buildings control system, weak intelligent of management system. In the construction of weak current system, we believe that the needs of each independent and stable operation of the subsystem, and mutual interaction between and mutual support is a very important step. Because
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