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电大法专物业管理法作业答案电大法专物业管理法作业答案 电大作业参考答案 《物业管理法》参考答案 2010、9 作业一 一、填空题 1、不动产 单元性 空间性和环境性 2、民事法律 3、宪法 法律 行政法规 地方性法规 4、域内效率 域外效率 5、物业管理法规 物业管理 6、业主 7、国家 法人 二、名词解释 1、物业管理 教材第二页或第八页 2、物业管理法 教材13页 3、物业管理法律关系 教材22页 4、物业权属管理 教材没有 参考答案:物业权属管理即物业权属登记管理,是物业行政主管机关对物业权属状况持续...

电大法专物业管理法作业 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 电大作业参考答案 《物业管理法》参考答案 2010、9 作业一 一、填空题 1、不动产 单元性 空间性和环境性 2、民事法律 3、宪法 法律 行政法规 地方性法规 4、域内效率 域外效率 5、物业管理法规 物业管理 6、业主 7、国家 法人 二、名词解释 1、物业管理 教材第二页或第八页 2、物业管理法 教材13页 3、物业管理法律关系 教材22页 4、物业权属管理 教材没有 参考答案:物业权属管理即物业权属登记管理,是物业行政主管机关对物业权属状况持续记录,登记物业产权人的权利,在专门簿册上记载权利的种类、权利的范围等情况并向物业产权人颁发权利证书的一种法律行为。 二、简答题 1、 简述物业管理法的效力范围 指物业管理法律 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 的约束力所及的范围,即物业管理法的生效范围或适用 范围,包括物业管理法律规范的空间效力范围、时间效力范围和对人的效力 范围三个方面。 物业管理法的空间效力:指物业管理法律规范生效的地域范围。 物业管理法的时间效力:指物业管理法律规范的有效时间。 Uterine within film hyperplasia syndrome, ovarian cyst, and tumor (common type), pelvic inflammatory sex mass uterine within film cancer the 5 cases prostate hyperplasia, prostate inflammatory, prostate cancer, testicular tumor (common type) cryptorchidism, testicular development not full, Deputy testosterone inflammatory, testicular inflammatory, fine SAC cyst, fine cable varicose veins, semen cyst, sheath film product liquid, fine SAC cyst, fine cable reverse the 5 cases cardiovascular system congenital heart (common type), rheumatic valve disease, expansion type, and hypertrophy type myocardial disease... (Four) about nuclear medical Qu Wan ying Editor. nuclear medical Pei Zhuguo Editor. image nuclear medical Chen haozhu Editor, practical within science Chinese medical will Editor. clinical technology operation specification nuclear medical fascicles Chinese medical will Editor. clinical clinic guide nuclear medical fascicles Pan Zhongyun Editor, clinical nuclear medical Wang Shizhen Editor, molecular nuclear medical participation revised implementation rules personnel Li Minghua, chenkemin, Geng Daoying, Liu Shiyuan, song Wang, Hu Bing, Xu Zhizhang, Zhao, Sun Xiaoguang amendment date: 2010-2-25 Medical test section physician training rules medical test section (and said test medical section) is to diagnosis, and prevention, and treatment human disease or assessment health provides information for purpose, on from human of material for biology, and microbiology, and Immunology, and biochemistry, and blood Immunology, and blood learn, and biological physics, and cytology, test of clinical two level subject, its laboratory work has to clinical provides test information Advisory (including test results explained and for further appropriate check provides recommends), and participation clinical 物业管理法对人的效力:指物业管理法律规范可以适用的主体范围。 2、 物业相邻关系具有哪些特征 第一、 物业相邻关系基于物业地理位置的毗邻而发生。 第二、 物业为不同主体所有或为由不同主体使用时,才可能基于彼此提供 方便而产生相邻关系,如果相邻物业有同一主体所有和使用,则不发 生相邻关系。 第三、 物业相邻关系的客体是相邻各方在行使物业所有权或使用权时互相 给予方便所形成的利益。 第四、 物业相邻关系的内容是相邻一方要求他方为自己行使物业所有权或 使用权给予必要方便的权利和他放应当给予必要方便的义务。 3、 简述物业管理法律关系的特征 教材23页 、 公公商业楼宇内部管理和外部管理i运作方式有哪些区别 4 第一、 内部运作管理方式 若公共商业楼宇是商住两用型,商用部分和住宅部分的公共管理应由同一机 构负责;若公共商业楼宇为专业商场,管理公司的机构就是专为商场管理而 设的。 第二、 外部商场管理方式 成立商场管理委员会,在商场管理部设执行机构,让经营者参与管理;引进工商管理部门。 四、论述题 试述物业管理立法原则 第一 、实事求是,因地制宜 第二、科学的创建性 第三、协调配套 第四、保障物业合理使用 第五、依法维权,自制自律 Uterine within film hyperplasia syndrome, ovarian cyst, and tumor (common type), pelvic inflammatory sex mass uterine within film cancer the 5 cases prostate hyperplasia, prostate inflammatory, prostate cancer, testicular tumor (common type) cryptorchidism, testicular development not full, Deputy testosterone inflammatory, testicular inflammatory, fine SAC cyst, fine cable varicose veins, semen cyst, sheath film product liquid, fine SAC cyst, fine cable reverse the 5 cases cardiovascular system congenital heart (common type), rheumatic valve disease, expansion type, and hypertrophy type myocardial disease... (Four) about nuclear medical Qu Wan ying Editor. nuclear medical Pei Zhuguo Editor. image nuclear medical Chen haozhu Editor, practical within science Chinese medical will Editor. clinical technology operation specification nuclear medical fascicles Chinese medical will Editor. clinical clinic guide nuclear medical fascicles Pan Zhongyun Editor, clinical nuclear medical Wang Shizhen Editor, molecular nuclear medical participation revised implementation rules personnel Li Minghua, chenkemin, Geng Daoying, Liu Shiyuan, song Wang, Hu Bing, Xu Zhizhang, Zhao, Sun Xiaoguang amendment date: 2010-2-25 Medical test section physician training rules medical test section (and said test medical section) is to diagnosis, and prevention, and treatment human disease or assessment health provides information for purpose, on from human of material for biology, and microbiology, and Immunology, and biochemistry, and blood Immunology, and blood learn, and biological physics, and cytology, test of clinical two level subject, its laboratory work has to clinical provides test information Advisory (including test results explained and for further appropriate check provides recommends), and participation clinical 五、案例分析 1、物业管理民事法律关系。理由:物业管理民事法律关系主要体现在业主与 物业管理公司委托管理的 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 关系中。 2、违反。自己回答 3、可以。自己回答 作业二 一、填空题 1、占有 使用 收益 处分 2、业主公约 3、业主大会的决议 业主委员会 4、区县人民政府 、一权一票 5 6、资质 7、分级 8、相互信任 平等互利 自愿有偿 协商主义 9、要约 承诺 10、强制继续履行合同义务 支付违约金 赔偿损失 二、名词解释 业主的权利 教材34页 业主的义务 教材34页 业主自治 教材35页 资质 教材63页 物业管理专用基金 也叫物业管理专项维修基金 教材96页 二、简答题 1、 物业管理合同终止有哪几种情况 教材86页 2、 简述业主团体的运作 教材36---37页 Uterine within film hyperplasia syndrome, ovarian cyst, and tumor (common type), pelvic inflammatory sex mass uterine within film cancer the 5 cases prostate hyperplasia, prostate inflammatory, prostate cancer, testicular tumor (common type) cryptorchidism, testicular development not full, Deputy testosterone inflammatory, testicular inflammatory, fine SAC cyst, fine cable varicose veins, semen cyst, sheath film product liquid, fine SAC cyst, fine cable reverse the 5 cases cardiovascular system congenital heart (common type), rheumatic valve disease, expansion type, and hypertrophy type myocardial disease... (Four) about nuclear medical Qu Wan ying Editor. nuclear medical Pei Zhuguo Editor. image nuclear medical Chen haozhu Editor, practical within science Chinese medical will Editor. clinical technology operation specification nuclear medical fascicles Chinese medical will Editor. clinical clinic guide nuclear medical fascicles Pan Zhongyun Editor, clinical nuclear medical Wang Shizhen Editor, molecular nuclear medical participation revised implementation rules personnel Li Minghua, chenkemin, Geng Daoying, Liu Shiyuan, song Wang, Hu Bing, Xu Zhizhang, Zhao, Sun Xiaoguang amendment date: 2010-2-25 Medical test section physician training rules medical test section (and said test medical section) is to diagnosis, and prevention, and treatment human disease or assessment health provides information for purpose, on from human of material for biology, and microbiology, and Immunology, and biochemistry, and blood Immunology, and blood learn, and biological physics, and cytology, test of clinical two level subject, its laboratory work has to clinical provides test information Advisory (including test results explained and for further appropriate check provides recommends), and participation clinical 四、论述题 试述物业管理企业的法律地位 教材66页 五、案例分析 提示:可以。理由是原业主委员会仍有效。2000年经业主大会决定延长任期,还有效期内;另外,该区房屋土地管理局无权干预,未经业主大会同意。 作业三 一、填空题 1、 综合性强 专业性强 服务性强 2、 个体独有 共有 3、 业主自治管理 4、 私法 、 法律事件 法律行为 5 6、 专有部分所有权 成员权 7、 经营性房屋 8、 经济法律关系 行政法律关系 二、名词解释 1、物业管理法律事实 指物业管理法规所 规定 关于下班后关闭电源的规定党章中关于入党时间的规定公务员考核规定下载规定办法文件下载宁波关于闷顶的规定 或认可,能引起物业管理法律关系产生、变更、终止客观现象或条件。 2、物业产权特有形式 指物业的法律关系主体对于归属自己的物业财产的产权把持方式。 3、涉外物业管理民事法律关系 指某种物业管理民事关系在法律上的权利、义务、内容及其司法管辖涉及不同法域和经选择适用并先行处理后方能确定的民事法律关系。 4、共有 指两个或两个以上的人对同一项财产享有所有权。 三、简答题 1、简述物业管理法律关系的构成要素 教材24页~28页 Uterine within film hyperplasia syndrome, ovarian cyst, and tumor (common type), pelvic inflammatory sex mass uterine within film cancer the 5 cases prostate hyperplasia, prostate inflammatory, prostate cancer, testicular tumor (common type) cryptorchidism, testicular development not full, Deputy testosterone inflammatory, testicular inflammatory, fine SAC cyst, fine cable varicose veins, semen cyst, sheath film product liquid, fine SAC cyst, fine cable reverse the 5 cases cardiovascular system congenital heart (common type), rheumatic valve disease, expansion type, and hypertrophy type myocardial disease... (Four) about nuclear medical Qu Wan ying Editor. nuclear medical Pei Zhuguo Editor. image nuclear medical Chen haozhu Editor, practical within science Chinese medical will Editor. clinical technology operation specification nuclear medical fascicles Chinese medical will Editor. clinical clinic guide nuclear medical fascicles Pan Zhongyun Editor, clinical nuclear medical Wang Shizhen Editor, molecular nuclear medical participation revised implementation rules personnel Li Minghua, chenkemin, Geng Daoying, Liu Shiyuan, song Wang, Hu Bing, Xu Zhizhang, Zhao, Sun Xiaoguang amendment date: 2010-2-25 Medical test section physician training rules medical test section (and said test medical section) is to diagnosis, and prevention, and treatment human disease or assessment health provides information for purpose, on from human of material for biology, and microbiology, and Immunology, and biochemistry, and blood Immunology, and blood learn, and biological physics, and cytology, test of clinical two level subject, its laboratory work has to clinical provides test information Advisory (including test results explained and for further appropriate check provides recommends), and participation clinical 2、物业权属登记的功能有哪些 物业权属确认功能 ;物业权属公示功能 ; 物业权属管理功能。 3、物业管理发的地位和作用 教材 17页----19页 4、物业管理法律行为的种类 物业管理民事关系主体的合法行为 ;物业管理 行政关系主体的合法行为 ;物业管理违法行为 。 四、论述题 论住在小区的文明建设 见教参53页 五 案例分析 参考 1、不合法 2、措施:自觉与协商 调节 仲裁 诉讼 作业四 一、填空题 1、归责事由 2、过错原则 3、故意 过失 4、民事责任 行政责任 刑事责任 违约责任 5、自觉与协商 调解 仲裁 诉讼 二、名词解释 1、物业管理法律责任 教材107页 2、侵权责任 教材105页 3、违约责任 教材114页 4、仲裁 教材129页 三、简答题 1、简述仲裁的基本原则 教材 129页 2、答案 115页 3、教材 107页 Uterine within film hyperplasia syndrome, ovarian cyst, and tumor (common type), pelvic inflammatory sex mass uterine within film cancer the 5 cases prostate hyperplasia, prostate inflammatory, prostate cancer, testicular tumor (common type) cryptorchidism, testicular development not full, Deputy testosterone inflammatory, testicular inflammatory, fine SAC cyst, fine cable varicose veins, semen cyst, sheath film product liquid, fine SAC cyst, fine cable reverse the 5 cases cardiovascular system congenital heart (common type), rheumatic valve disease, expansion type, and hypertrophy type myocardial disease... (Four) about nuclear medical Qu Wan ying Editor. nuclear medical Pei Zhuguo Editor. image nuclear medical Chen haozhu Editor, practical within science Chinese medical will Editor. clinical technology operation specification nuclear medical fascicles Chinese medical will Editor. clinical clinic guide nuclear medical fascicles Pan Zhongyun Editor, clinical nuclear medical Wang Shizhen Editor, molecular nuclear medical participation revised implementation rules personnel Li Minghua, chenkemin, Geng Daoying, Liu Shiyuan, song Wang, Hu Bing, Xu Zhizhang, Zhao, Sun Xiaoguang amendment date: 2010-2-25 Medical test section physician training rules medical test section (and said test medical section) is to diagnosis, and prevention, and treatment human disease or assessment health provides information for purpose, on from human of material for biology, and microbiology, and Immunology, and biochemistry, and blood Immunology, and blood learn, and biological physics, and cytology, test of clinical two level subject, its laboratory work has to clinical provides test information Advisory (including test results explained and for further appropriate check provides recommends), and participation clinical 四、论述题 1、 教材 143页 2、自己发挥。 五、案例分析题 1、(1)能实现。自己分析理由 (2)自觉与协商 调解 仲裁 诉讼 2、不可以 。自己分析理由。 说明:按老师讲的做作业;简答题、论述题 讨论题 自己做答案,书上答案明确。 Uterine within film hyperplasia syndrome, ovarian cyst, and tumor (common type), pelvic inflammatory sex mass uterine within film cancer the 5 cases prostate hyperplasia, prostate inflammatory, prostate cancer, testicular tumor (common type) cryptorchidism, testicular development not full, Deputy testosterone inflammatory, testicular inflammatory, fine SAC cyst, fine cable varicose veins, semen cyst, sheath film product liquid, fine SAC cyst, fine cable reverse the 5 cases cardiovascular system congenital heart (common type), rheumatic valve disease, expansion type, and hypertrophy type myocardial disease... (Four) about nuclear medical Qu Wan ying Editor. nuclear medical Pei Zhuguo Editor. image nuclear medical Chen haozhu Editor, practical within science Chinese medical will Editor. clinical technology operation specification nuclear medical fascicles Chinese medical will Editor. clinical clinic guide nuclear medical fascicles Pan Zhongyun Editor, clinical nuclear medical Wang Shizhen Editor, molecular nuclear medical participation revised implementation rules personnel Li Minghua, chenkemin, Geng Daoying, Liu Shiyuan, song Wang, Hu Bing, Xu Zhizhang, Zhao, Sun Xiaoguang amendment date: 2010-2-25 Medical test section physician training rules medical test section (and said test medical section) is to diagnosis, and prevention, and treatment human disease or assessment health provides information for purpose, on from human of material for biology, and microbiology, and Immunology, and biochemistry, and blood Immunology, and blood learn, and biological physics, and cytology, test of clinical two level subject, its laboratory work has to clinical provides test information Advisory (including test results explained and for further appropriate check provides recommends), and participation clinical
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