首页 关于赛博喷绘机故障现象解答



关于赛博喷绘机故障现象解答关于赛博喷绘机故障现象解答 故障现象 排查方法 解决方案 打开软件时,电脑出现死机现象 1.拔掉像素板后打开软件电脑提示找不到像素板. 更换像素板 2.拔掉像素板后打开软件电脑还是出现死机现象. 重作系统或更换电脑 软件打不开,电脑任何没提示 1.看进程中有无软件在运行. 2.看电脑时间是否正常. 3.看电脑主板 的并口是否是开放的(EPP) 1-3点都正常就更换加密器 软件打不开,电脑提示:Home movement failed 1.按零位没反映,但像素板上的D3灯反映正常 更换像素板...

关于赛博喷绘机故障现象解答 故障现象 排查方法 解决方案 打开软件时,电脑出现死机现象 1.拔掉像素板后打开软件电脑提示找不到像素板. 更换像素板 2.拔掉像素板后打开软件电脑还是出现死机现象. 重作系统或更换电脑 软件打不开,电脑任何没提示 1.看进程中有无软件在运行. 2.看电脑时间是否正常. 3.看电脑主板 的并口是否是开放的(EPP) 1-3点都正常就更换加密器 软件打不开,电脑提示:Home movement failed 1.按零位没反映,但像素板上的D3灯反映正常 更换像素板 2.按零位没有反映,像素板上的D3灯也没有反映. 1.看端子板上的24V灯是否亮级指示2.24V电源是否正常 3.按零位软件能打开,进布退布正常,伺服器无报警. 更换像素板 4.按零位软件能打开,进布退布正常,伺服器报警. 按伺服器上的报警处理 软件打不开,电脑提示:Right limited switch activity 按右限位像素板上的限位信号灯显示正常. 1.将像素板更换PCI插槽,用橡皮擦像素板的金手指 2.更换像素板 软件打不开,电脑提示:left limited switch activity 按左限位像素板上的限位信号灯显示正常. 1.将像素板更换PCI插槽,用橡皮擦像素板的金手指 2.更换像素板 安装完软件后,像素板驱动装不上 在软件和像素板匹配的情况下 Comrades, to carry out "two to learn a" study and education, is of great significance, glorious mission. We must in accordance with the central and provincial, city and county unified deployment, the town Party committee in accordance with the unified arrangements, with a high degree of political responsibility, political enthusiasm, a solid political style, meticulous organization, and seriously carry out special education, high standard, high quality complete the various tasks, and make new and greater contributions to build a beautiful XX "! "Excellent extension of precision in the 45" grand opening, comprehensive decisive well-off, winning the poverty alleviation of the critical moment, the Party Central Committee decided to all Party members to carry out "two a" study and education, to promote Inner Party education from the "vital few" to all Party members to expand, from education to regular education. To do political, red gene inheritance. Loyalty is a Communist Party member "special symbols", into the blood of the "red gene", is due to a generation of Communist Party members loyal to create a and a "China miracle", let the Republic "ship braving the wind and waves, Yangfan Yuanhang. Be firm belief." there is no faith, no Love must be firm and famous in the conduct of life. Practice has proved, beliefs, and distant places to reach, dangerous rivers flowing through. As Party members and cadres, to adhere 更换像素板 软件打开后,Y轴只能单项运动,或只进,或只能退 Y轴驱动器正常工作的情况下,可能是像素板故障 更换像素板 出现单项打印 重新安装软件和系统都无效 更换像素板 打印时,出现车轮印,测试条里也有 将像素板上的金手指用橡皮或酒精擦试一下,无效. 更换像素板 打印时,喷出的画面里有四色的测试块 更换过26P线和喷头板都存在这种现象 更换像素板 画面旁边的彩条不正常,没有次序. 更换过26P线和喷头板都存在这种现象 更换像素板 软件能打开,按打印键不能打印 打喷头测试正常查看电脑的系统时间是否正常 更改正常的电脑时间或更换加密器 一般出在永久加密器上 软件能打开,四色黑测试出现阶梯状的乱码 英文加密器用在了中文的操作系统上了 更换加密器 软件能打开,没有闪喷,也不喷画 老的加密器用新软件和新的像素板 更换新加密器 全部喷头不喷墨 1.26P线是否插反也会造成喷头全不喷墨 正确顺序插入26线 2.用万用表量喷头板上的5V和35V是否正常,有一个电压没有或过低也会造成喷头全不喷墨. 更换喷头板或检查电源或继电器 3.电压和26P线都正常 Comrades, to carry out "two to learn a" study and education, is of great significance, glorious mission. We must in accordance with the central and provincial, city and county unified deployment, the town Party committee in accordance with the unified arrangements, with a high degree of political responsibility, political enthusiasm, a solid political style, meticulous organization, and seriously carry out special education, high standard, high quality complete the various tasks, and make new and greater contributions to build a beautiful XX "! "Excellent extension of precision in the 45" grand opening, comprehensive decisive well-off, winning the poverty alleviation of the critical moment, the Party Central Committee decided to all Party members to carry out "two a" study and education, to promote Inner Party education from the "vital few" to all Party members to expand, from education to regular education. To do political, red gene inheritance. Loyalty is a Communist Party member "special symbols", into the blood of the "red gene", is due to a generation of Communist Party members loyal to create a and a "China miracle", let the Republic "ship braving the wind and waves, Yangfan Yuanhang. Be firm belief." there is no faith, no Love must be firm and famous in the conduct of life. Practice has proved, beliefs, and distant places to reach, dangerous rivers flowing through. As Party members and cadres, to adhere 更换喷头板 4.更换26P线和喷头板,检查喷头也是好的. 更换像素板 一个喷头不喷墨 1.数据线在喷头板上交换后,测试没有信号 更换26P线 2.数据线在喷头板上交换后,测试没有信号更换26P线也是同样的现象. 更换喷头板 3.检查SCSI线是否有断的或其它损坏 更换SCSI线 一组喷头不出墨 1.在喷头板上把喷头数据线交叉插,就变成另一组喷头不喷 更换26P线 2.在喷头板上把喷头数据线交叉插,就变成另一组喷头不喷,更换26P线还是不出 更换喷头板 3.在喷头板上把喷头数据线交叉插,就变成另一组喷头不喷,更换26P线还是不出 更换像素板 黄色第一个或第二个喷头托长线 1.检查SCSI线的插针是否有短的或是断的 更换SCSI线 2.检查像素板的端子板上的SCSI口是否损坏 更换像素板或端子板 一个喷头托长线或多个喷头托长线 1.数据线在喷头板上交换后,喷头测试还是喷头板上的那个口托长线 更换26P线 2.数据线在喷头板上交换后,喷头测试还是喷头板上的那个口托长线更换26P线还是一样 Comrades, to carry out "two to learn a" study and education, is of great significance, glorious mission. We must in accordance with the central and provincial, city and county unified deployment, the town Party committee in accordance with the unified arrangements, with a high degree of political responsibility, political enthusiasm, a solid political style, meticulous organization, and seriously carry out special education, high standard, high quality complete the various tasks, and make new and greater contributions to build a beautiful XX "! "Excellent extension of precision in the 45" grand opening, comprehensive decisive well-off, winning the poverty alleviation of the critical moment, the Party Central Committee decided to all Party members to carry out "two a" study and education, to promote Inner Party education from the "vital few" to all Party members to expand, from education to regular education. To do political, red gene inheritance. Loyalty is a Communist Party member "special symbols", into the blood of the "red gene", is due to a generation of Communist Party members loyal to create a and a "China miracle", let the Republic "ship braving the wind and waves, Yangfan Yuanhang. Be firm belief." there is no faith, no Love must be firm and famous in the conduct of life. Practice has proved, beliefs, and distant places to reach, dangerous rivers flowing through. As Party members and cadres, to adhere 更换喷头板 3.数据线在喷头板上交换后,喷头测试还是喷头板上的那个口托长线更换喷头板和26P线 更换像素板 4.检查SCSI线是否插好 重新插SCSI线 打印画面时,刚喷出两PASS就撞零位 检查SCSI线连接是否正常 重新插SCSI线 打开软件时,小车不动 检查SCSI线连接是否正常 重新插或更换SCSI线 光栅不喷墨 用内部编码器正常,可以打印 检查光栅解码器和18P线 在软件和加密器都正常的情况下光栅解码器和18P线也正常 更换像素板 喷头闪喷不受控制 喷头板损坏 更换喷头板 喷头板上没有5V、35V电压或两种都没有 在确保20P线输入的5V和35V电压都正常的情况下 更换喷头板 打开稳压电源5V灯亮,打开35V开关,5V灯灭了 更换5V中间继电器 供墨板报警 按复位键也不正常 更换供墨板 一种颜色或几种颜色一直供墨 拔掉信号线也解决不了 Comrades, to carry out "two to learn a" study and education, is of great significance, glorious mission. We must in accordance with the central and provincial, city and county unified deployment, the town Party committee in accordance with the unified arrangements, with a high degree of political responsibility, political enthusiasm, a solid political style, meticulous organization, and seriously carry out special education, high standard, high quality complete the various tasks, and make new and greater contributions to build a beautiful XX "! "Excellent extension of precision in the 45" grand opening, comprehensive decisive well-off, winning the poverty alleviation of the critical moment, the Party Central Committee decided to all Party members to carry out "two a" study and education, to promote Inner Party education from the "vital few" to all Party members to expand, from education to regular education. To do political, red gene inheritance. Loyalty is a Communist Party member "special symbols", into the blood of the "red gene", is due to a generation of Communist Party members loyal to create a and a "China miracle", let the Republic "ship braving the wind and waves, Yangfan Yuanhang. Be firm belief." there is no faith, no Love must be firm and famous in the conduct of life. Practice has proved, beliefs, and distant places to reach, dangerous rivers flowing through. As Party members and cadres, to adhere 更换供墨板 打测试条或打画面过程中撞零位 检查端子板的电压是否正常 更换端子板 小车撞零位后不复位 检查端子板的24V电压是否正常 检查端子板的电源线和24V电源 打图乱码 1.更换过26P线和喷头板都存在这种现象 更换像素板 2.用万用表量喷头板上的5V和35V是否正常,有一个电压过低也会造成喷头全乱喷. 更换20P线 东元伺服器报01错误 外部电源电压低于额定电源电压 检查外部电源或更换伺服器 东元伺服器报02错误 外部电源电压高于额定电源电压或回生电压过大 检查外部电源电压是否超出(240V)或更换伺服器 东元伺服器报03错误 伺服电机的负载超过额定电机的负载 1.检查电机接线(U、V、W)线是否正常 2.检查电机的负载是否过大 3.更换伺服电机 东元伺服器报04错误 伺服器温度、电压、电流超出保护的范围。 1.检查电机接线(U、V、W)线及编码器线接头是否正常 2.请先将电源关闭,30分钟后重新开起,如果还是报警,更换伺服器 东元伺服器报05错误 Comrades, to carry out "two to learn a" study and education, is of great significance, glorious mission. We must in accordance with the central and provincial, city and county unified deployment, the town Party committee in accordance with the unified arrangements, with a high degree of political responsibility, political enthusiasm, a solid political style, meticulous organization, and seriously carry out special education, high standard, high quality complete the various tasks, and make new and greater contributions to build a beautiful XX "! "Excellent extension of precision in the 45" grand opening, comprehensive decisive well-off, winning the poverty alleviation of the critical moment, the Party Central Committee decided to all Party members to carry out "two a" study and education, to promote Inner Party education from the "vital few" to all Party members to expand, from education to regular education. To do political, red gene inheritance. Loyalty is a Communist Party member "special symbols", into the blood of the "red gene", is due to a generation of Communist Party members loyal to create a and a "China miracle", let the Republic "ship braving the wind and waves, Yangfan Yuanhang. Be firm belief." there is no faith, no Love must be firm and famous in the conduct of life. Practice has proved, beliefs, and distant places to reach, dangerous rivers flowing through. As Party members and cadres, to adhere 伺服电机编码器故障或连接编码器的电缆不良 1.检查伺服电机编码器接线是否接到伺服器上 2.检查编码器线接头是否短路、脱落. 东元伺服器报06错误 读取电机电流时,电流数值不正确 请先将电源关闭,30分钟后重新开起,如果还是报警,更换伺服器 东元伺服器报07错误 电子齿轮比没有在1/127-127倍的范围内 更换伺服器 东元伺服器报08错误 参数写入时发生错误 更换伺服器 东元伺服器报09错误 紧急停止错误 更换伺服器 东元伺服器报10错误 伺服电机电流值超过4倍的电机额定电流 1.检查伺服电机编码器接线和(U、V、W)线是否接到伺服器上 2.更换伺服器 东元伺服器报11错误 输入指令脉冲与编码器接受的脉冲差距超过标准的设值 更换伺服器或电机 东元伺服器报12错误 电机转速超过电机额定的转速 更换伺服电机 东元伺服器报13错误 脉冲输入频率过高 更换伺服器 东元伺服器报14错误 限位或零位被激活 1.检查限位或零位开关和端子板 Comrades, to carry out "two to learn a" study and education, is of great significance, glorious mission. We must in accordance with the central and provincial, city and county unified deployment, the town Party committee in accordance with the unified arrangements, with a high degree of political responsibility, political enthusiasm, a solid political style, meticulous organization, and seriously carry out special education, high standard, high quality complete the various tasks, and make new and greater contributions to build a beautiful XX "! "Excellent extension of precision in the 45" grand opening, comprehensive decisive well-off, winning the poverty alleviation of the critical moment, the Party Central Committee decided to all Party members to carry out "two a" study and education, to promote Inner Party education from the "vital few" to all Party members to expand, from education to regular education. To do political, red gene inheritance. Loyalty is a Communist Party member "special symbols", into the blood of the "red gene", is due to a generation of Communist Party members loyal to create a and a "China miracle", let the Republic "ship braving the wind and waves, Yangfan Yuanhang. Be firm belief." there is no faith, no Love must be firm and famous in the conduct of life. Practice has proved, beliefs, and distant places to reach, dangerous rivers flowing through. As Party members and cadres, to adhere 2.检查24V电源是否正常 没有写程序 重新写程序 东元伺服器报15错误 伺服器禁止错误 更换伺服器 东元伺服器报16错误 电流感应器回授错误 1.检查伺服电机编码器接线和(U、V、W)线是否接到伺服器上 2.更换伺服器 东元伺服器报17错误 控制系统无法正常工作 请先将电源关闭,30分钟后重新开起,如果还是报警,更换伺服器 东元伺服器报18错误 DC BUS 电压过高或电压探测电路故障 请先将电源关闭,30分钟后重新开起,如果还是报警,更换伺服器 台达伺服器报警ALE-01 检查电机与伺服器接线状态或导线本体是否短路 1.排除短路状态,并防止金属导体外露 过电流 2.更换伺服器 台达伺服器报警ALE-02 外部电源电压高于额定电源电压或回生电压过大 1.检查外部电源电压是否超出额定电压 过电压 2.更换伺服器 台达伺服器报警ALE03 外部电源电压低于额定电源电压或回生电压过大 1.检查外部电源电压是否低于额定电压 Comrades, to carry out "two to learn a" study and education, is of great significance, glorious mission. We must in accordance with the central and provincial, city and county unified deployment, the town Party committee in accordance with the unified arrangements, with a high degree of political responsibility, political enthusiasm, a solid political style, meticulous organization, and seriously carry out special education, high standard, high quality complete the various tasks, and make new and greater contributions to build a beautiful XX "! "Excellent extension of precision in the 45" grand opening, comprehensive decisive well-off, winning the poverty alleviation of the critical moment, the Party Central Committee decided to all Party members to carry out "two a" study and education, to promote Inner Party education from the "vital few" to all Party members to expand, from education to regular education. To do political, red gene inheritance. Loyalty is a Communist Party member "special symbols", into the blood of the "red gene", is due to a generation of Communist Party members loyal to create a and a "China miracle", let the Republic "ship braving the wind and waves, Yangfan Yuanhang. Be firm belief." there is no faith, no Love must be firm and famous in the conduct of life. Practice has proved, beliefs, and distant places to reach, dangerous rivers flowing through. As Party members and cadres, to adhere 低电压 2.更换伺服器 台达伺服器报警ALE-04 伺服器负载过大 检查电机和伺服器 电机过热 台达伺服器报警ALE-05 回生电阻损坏或回生晶体管失效 更换伺服器 回生异常 台达伺服器报警ALE-06 超过伺服器额定负载连续使用 检查是否负载过大 过负载 检查U、V、W及位置检出器接线 更换电机或连线 台达伺服器报警ALE-07 速度输入命令变动过剧 更换伺服器 过速度 台达伺服器报警ALE-08 脉冲命令频率高于额定输入频率 更换伺服器 异常脉冲控制命令 台达伺服器报警ALE-09 外部负载过大 检查外部负载 位置控制误差过大 台达伺服器报警ALE-10 晶片动作异常 更换伺服器 晶片执行超时 台达伺服器报警ALE-11 检查电机连线是否正常,有无松动 更换电机或连线 位置检出器异常 台达伺服器报警ALE-12 更换伺服器 校正异常 Comrades, to carry out "two to learn a" study and education, is of great significance, glorious mission. We must in accordance with the central and provincial, city and county unified deployment, the town Party committee in accordance with the unified arrangements, with a high degree of political responsibility, political enthusiasm, a solid political style, meticulous organization, and seriously carry out special education, high standard, high quality complete the various tasks, and make new and greater contributions to build a beautiful XX "! "Excellent extension of precision in the 45" grand opening, comprehensive decisive well-off, winning the poverty alleviation of the critical moment, the Party Central Committee decided to all Party members to carry out "two a" study and education, to promote Inner Party education from the "vital few" to all Party members to expand, from education to regular education. To do political, red gene inheritance. Loyalty is a Communist Party member "special symbols", into the blood of the "red gene", is due to a generation of Communist Party members loyal to create a and a "China miracle", let the Republic "ship braving the wind and waves, Yangfan Yuanhang. Be firm belief." there is no faith, no Love must be firm and famous in the conduct of life. Practice has proved, beliefs, and distant places to reach, dangerous rivers flowing through. As Party members and cadres, to adhere 台达伺服器报警ALE-13 限位或零位被激活 1.检查限位或零位开关和端子板 警急停止 2.检查23V电源是否正常 台达伺服器报警ALE-14 伺服器系统稳定度不够 更换伺服器 正向极限异常 台达伺服器报警ALE15 伺服器系统稳定度不够 更换伺服器 反向极限异常 台达伺服器报警ALE-16 超过伺服器额定负载连续使用或驱动器输出短路 检查是否负载过大或电机电流过高 IGBT温度过高异常 检查伺服器输出接线 台达伺服器报警ALE-17 存贮器资料存取异常 更换伺服器 存贮器异常 台达伺服器报警ALE-18 控制电源异常 更换伺服器 晶片通讯异常 台达伺服器报警ALE-19 通讯参数设定不当或数值不正确 更换伺服器 串列通讯异常 台达伺服器报警ALE-20 检查通讯线是否松动或断线 正确接线 串列通讯超时 台达伺服器报警ALE-21 检测又及重置控制电源 更换伺服器 命令写入异常 台达伺服器报警ALE-22 检查U、V、W电源线是否松动或仅单相输入 Comrades, to carry out "two to learn a" study and education, is of great significance, glorious mission. We must in accordance with the central and provincial, city and county unified deployment, the town Party committee in accordance with the unified arrangements, with a high degree of political responsibility, political enthusiasm, a solid political style, meticulous organization, and seriously carry out special education, high standard, high quality complete the various tasks, and make new and greater contributions to build a beautiful XX "! "Excellent extension of precision in the 45" grand opening, comprehensive decisive well-off, winning the poverty alleviation of the critical moment, the Party Central Committee decided to all Party members to carry out "two a" study and education, to promote Inner Party education from the "vital few" to all Party members to expand, from education to regular education. To do political, red gene inheritance. Loyalty is a Communist Party member "special symbols", into the blood of the "red gene", is due to a generation of Communist Party members loyal to create a and a "China miracle", let the Republic "ship braving the wind and waves, Yangfan Yuanhang. Be firm belief." there is no faith, no Love must be firm and famous in the conduct of life. Practice has proved, beliefs, and distant places to reach, dangerous rivers flowing through. As Party members and cadres, to adhere 更换线或伺服器 主回路电源异常 喷头打印时断墨(喷头有积墨现象) 1.墨盒在打印过程中是否出现抖动现象 更换小车上盖板(铝制)或调整墨盒篮筐 2.检查喷头墨管是否有抖动现象 把喷头墨管剪短 3.检查二级墨盒气压管是否进墨 清理或更换气压管 4.检查二级墨盒的白色弯头是否漏墨 更换白色弯头 SCSI线插在像素板上,瑞子板上的24V和电源的24V都没电了 1.检查SCSI线的针脚有无碰到一起的 更换SCSI线 2.查看放布控制系统的固态继电器 更换固态继电器 3.查看放布控制系统的光电开关 更换光电开关 光栅打印乱喷内部打印正常 1.检查其它没问题的情况下 更换电脑 2.检查18P线是否正常 更换18P线 光栅打印不喷内部打印正常 1.检查光栅探头的灯是否亮或磨损 不亮或磨损更换光栅探头 2.检查18P线是否正常 Comrades, to carry out "two to learn a" study and education, is of great significance, glorious mission. We must in accordance with the central and provincial, city and county unified deployment, the town Party committee in accordance with the unified arrangements, with a high degree of political responsibility, political enthusiasm, a solid political style, meticulous organization, and seriously carry out special education, high standard, high quality complete the various tasks, and make new and greater contributions to build a beautiful XX "! "Excellent extension of precision in the 45" grand opening, comprehensive decisive well-off, winning the poverty alleviation of the critical moment, the Party Central Committee decided to all Party members to carry out "two a" study and education, to promote Inner Party education from the "vital few" to all Party members to expand, from education to regular education. To do political, red gene inheritance. Loyalty is a Communist Party member "special symbols", into the blood of the "red gene", is due to a generation of Communist Party members loyal to create a and a "China miracle", let the Republic "ship braving the wind and waves, Yangfan Yuanhang. Be firm belief." there is no faith, no Love must be firm and famous in the conduct of life. Practice has proved, beliefs, and distant places to reach, dangerous rivers flowing through. As Party members and cadres, to adhere 更换18P线 3.检查像素板D9的灯是不是闪烁 更换25P小档板 Comrades, to carry out "two to learn a" study and education, is of great significance, glorious mission. We must in accordance with the central and provincial, city and county unified deployment, the town Party committee in accordance with the unified arrangements, with a high degree of political responsibility, political enthusiasm, a solid political style, meticulous organization, and seriously carry out special education, high standard, high quality complete the various tasks, and make new and greater contributions to build a beautiful XX "! "Excellent extension of precision in the 45" grand opening, comprehensive decisive well-off, winning the poverty alleviation of the critical moment, the Party Central Committee decided to all Party members to carry out "two a" study and education, to promote Inner Party education from the "vital few" to all Party members to expand, from education to regular education. To do political, red gene inheritance. Loyalty is a Communist Party member "special symbols", into the blood of the "red gene", is due to a generation of Communist Party members loyal to create a and a "China miracle", let the Republic "ship braving the wind and waves, Yangfan Yuanhang. Be firm belief." there is no faith, no Love must be firm and famous in the conduct of life. Practice has proved, beliefs, and distant places to reach, dangerous rivers flowing through. As Party members and cadres, to adhere
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