首页 分布式电源接入配电网运行控制规范



分布式电源接入配电网运行控制规范分布式电源接入配电网运行控制规范 三、《分布式电源接入配电网运行控制规范》 目 录 1 适用范围.................................................................................................................... 2 2 规范性引用文件....................................................................................

分布式电源接入配电网运行控制 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 三、《分布式电源接入配电网运行控制规范》 目 录 1 适用范围.................................................................................................................... 2 2 规范性引用文件........................................................................................................ 2 3 术语和定义................................................................................................................ 3 4 一般性技术规定原则................................................................................................ 4 5 功率控制和电压调节................................................................................................ 6 5.1 控制方式.......................................................................................................... 6 5.2 控制权归属...................................................................................................... 6 5.3 有功功率控制.................................................................................................. 6 5.3.1 控制目标................................................................................................ 6 5.3.2频率异常响应特性................................................................................. 6 5.3.3孤岛运行方式......................................................................................... 6 5.3.4孤岛运行方式......................................................................................... 6 5.4 电压/无功调节 ................................................................................................ 6 5.4.1 控制目标................................................................................................ 6 5.4.2 运行要求................................................................................................ 6 5.4.3 电压调节................................................................................................ 6 6 继电保护与安全控制................................................................................................ 6 6.1 基本要求.......................................................................................................... 8 6.2 过流与短路保护.............................................................................................. 8 6.3 防孤岛保护...................................................................................................... 8 6.4 逆功率保护...................................................................................................... 8 6.5 恢复并网.......................................................................................................... 8 7 自动化与通信............................................................................................................ 8 7.1监测................................................................................................................... 8 7.2控制................................................................................................................. 10 7.3通讯................................................................................................................. 10 8启停........................................................................................................................... 10 8.1 启动................................................................................................................ 10 8.2 停机................................................................................................................ 11 9 防雷与接地.............................................................................................................. 11 a year clean government work Conference of the CPC Committee, each quarter a honest analysis of the situation, troubleshoot the independent Commission against corruption risks, develop quality measures. Third, leaders speak low. Team lead told the independent Commission against corruption of the Party Committee of the Party Committee party lectures, lead reporting personal matters related to lead to honest commitment to the officers and men of the whole city, strictly abide by the party discipline and state laws and disciplinary rules of the ICAC against ourselves, behave yourself, to amend and improve themselves, strictly implement sharding bundled packages, contact points responsibility at work, construction and operational work with the deployment, with guidance, and inspection. (B) persistent grasping ideological education leads. A normalized, pay close attention to education. This year, the detachment has launched a "clean" series of education, special education and consolidation of network and information security, through large lecture hall, issued to the officers and men of the ICAC independent Commission against corruption books, visit education base, set warning education activities to further enhance self-discipline consciousness of officers and soldiers. Second, with typical lead. Organizations to carry out a diligent and honest Government advanced units and advanced individuals selected by broad to the third national "ten outstanding fire-guards" Liu Dajing, "" XX's top ten outstanding young persons "in 1 范围 本 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 规定了分布式电源接入配电网的运行控制应遵循的技术原则和要求。 本标准适用于国家电网公司经营区域内以同步电机、感应电机、变流器等形式接入35kV及以下电压等级配电网的分布式电源。 侧重于对公共联接点的控制 2 规范性引用文件 下列文件对于本文件的应用是必不可少的。凡是注日期的引用文件,仅注日期的版本适用于本文件。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本(包括所有修改单)适用于本文件。 GB 2894 安全标志及其使用导则 GB/T 12325-2008 电能质量 供电电压偏差 GB/T 12326-2008 电能质量 电压波动和闪变 GB/T 14285-2006 继电保护和安全自动装置技术规程 GB/T 14549-1993 电能质量 公用电网谐波 GB/T 15543-2008 电能质量 三相电压不平衡 GB/T 15945-2008 电能质量 电力系统频率偏差 GB/T 17883 0.2S和0.5S级静止式交流有功电度表 DL/T 584-2007 3kV~110kV电网继电保护装置运行整定规程 DL/T 1040 电网运行准则 DL/T 448 电能计量装置技术管理规定 DL/T 614 多功能电能表 DL/T 645 多功能电能表通信 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 DL/T 5202 电能量计量系统 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 技术规程 DL/T 634.5101 远动设备及系统 第5-101部分 传输规约 基本远动任务配套标准 DL/T 634.5104 远动设备及系统 第5-104部分 传输规约 采用标准传输协议集的IEC60870-5-101网络访问 guards" Liu Dajing, "" XX's top ten outstanding young persons "in-g fireiligent and honest Government advanced units and advanced individuals selected by broad to the third national "ten outstandindiscipline consciousness of officers and soldiers. Second, with typical lead. Organizations to carry out a d-o further enhance selfand men of the ICAC independent Commission against corruption books, visit education base, set warning education activities ticers ation, special education and consolidation of network and information security, through large lecture hall, issued to the offcation leads. A normalized, pay close attention to education. This year, the detachment has launched a "clean" series of educal eduwork, construction and operational work with the deployment, with guidance, and inspection. (B) persistent grasping ideologicve yourself, to amend and improve themselves, strictly implement sharding bundled packages, contact points responsibility at , behaof the whole city, strictly abide by the party discipline and state laws and disciplinary rules of the ICAC against ourselvesParty Committee party lectures, lead reporting personal matters related to lead to honest commitment to the officers and men Team lead told the independent Commission against corruption of the Party Committee of the measures. Third, leaders speak low. quarter a honest analysis of the situation, troubleshoot the independent Commission against corruption risks, develop quality a year clean government work Conference of the CPC Committee, each2 IEEE 1547 IEEE Standard for Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems (资料性附录) IEC61000-4-30 Testing and Measurement Techniques - Power Quality Measurement Methods(资料性附录) Q/GDW 370-2009 城市配电网技术导则 Q/GDW 156-2006 城市电力网规划设计导则 CSA Std(C22 3 9 Interconnection of Distributed Resources and Electricity Supply Systems-Draft(资料性附录) 分布式电源接入电网 参照发电厂运行控制规范(对分布式电源的发电容量、备用容量等调度相关内容) 3 术语和定义 (本规定采用了下列名词和术语。) 3.3 并网点(point of interconnection) 对于通过变压器接入公共电网的电源,并网点指与公用电网直接连接的变压器高压侧母线。对于不通过变压器直接接入公共电网的电源,并网点指电源的输出汇总点,并网点也称接入点。 (converter) 3.4 变流器 用于将电能变换成适合于电网使用的一种或多种形式电能的电气设备。 注1:具备控制、保护和滤波功能,用于电源和电网之间接口的静态功率变流器。有时被称为功率调节子系统、功率变换系统、静态变换器,或者功率调节单元。 注2:由于其整体化的属性,在维修或维护时才要求变流器与电网完全断开。在其他所有的时间里,无论变流器是否在向电网输送电力,控制电路应保持与电网的连接,以监测电网状态。“停止向电网线路送电”的说法在本规定中普遍使用。应该认识到在发生跳闸时,例如过电压跳闸,变流器不会与电网完全断开。变流器维护时可以通过一个电网交流断路开关来实现与电网完全断开。 3.5 变流器类型电源(converter-type power supply) 采用变流器连接到电网的电源。 guards" Liu Dajing, "" XX's top ten outstanding young persons "in-nal "ten outstanding firens to carry out a diligent and honest Government advanced units and advanced individuals selected by broad to the third natiodiscipline consciousness of officers and soldiers. Second, with typical lead. Organizatio-cation activities to further enhance selfed to the officers and men of the ICAC independent Commission against corruption books, visit education base, set warning edu, issuean" series of education, special education and consolidation of network and information security, through large lecture halling ideological education leads. A normalized, pay close attention to education. This year, the detachment has launched a "clgraspresponsibility at work, construction and operational work with the deployment, with guidance, and inspection. (B) persistent nst ourselves, behave yourself, to amend and improve themselves, strictly implement sharding bundled packages, contact pointsC agaie officers and men of the whole city, strictly abide by the party discipline and state laws and disciplinary rules of the ICAy Committee of the Party Committee party lectures, lead reporting personal matters related to lead to honest commitment to thTeam lead told the independent Commission against corruption of the Part sks, develop quality measures. Third, leaders speak low. CPC Committee, each quarter a honest analysis of the situation, troubleshoot the independent Commission against corruption ria year clean government work Conference of the 3 3.6 同步电机类型电源(synchronous-machine-type power supply) 通过同步电机发电的电源。 3.7 异步电机类型电源(asynchronous-machine-type power supply) 通过异步电机发电的电源。 3.8 孤岛现象(islanding) 电网失压时,电源仍保持对失压电网中的某一部分线路继续供电的状态。孤岛现象可分为非计划性孤岛现象和计划性孤岛现象。 非计划性孤岛现象(unintentional islanding) 非计划、不受控地发生孤岛现象。 计划性孤岛现象(intentional islanding) 按预先设置的控制策略,有计划地发生孤岛现象。 3.9 防孤岛(anti-islanding) 防止非计划性孤岛现象的发生。 注:非计划性孤岛现象发生时,由于系统供电状态未知,将造成以下不利影响:?可能危及电网线路维护人员和用户的生命安全;?干扰电网的正常合闸;?电网不能控制孤岛中的电压和频率,从而损坏配电设备和用户设备。 分布式电源系统 有效接地系统 分布式电源接入点 Parallel operation,并联运行 连接系统 4 一般性技术原则 4.1分布式电源接入的运行与控制应以不影响配电网的安全稳定为原则,分布式电源的接入应满足Q/GDW 370-2009《城市配电网技术导则》对分布式电源的要求。 4.2分布式电源接入公共线路时,其最大输出功率之和不应超过接入公共线路容量的30%;其采用专线接入时,其最大输出功率之和不应超过其所接入的上级变电站单台主变容量的30%。 guards" Liu Dajing, "" XX's top ten outstanding young persons "in-g fireiligent and honest Government advanced units and advanced individuals selected by broad to the third national "ten outstandindiscipline consciousness of officers and soldiers. Second, with typical lead. Organizations to carry out a d-o further enhance selfand men of the ICAC independent Commission against corruption books, visit education base, set warning education activities ticers ation, special education and consolidation of network and information security, through large lecture hall, issued to the offcation leads. A normalized, pay close attention to education. This year, the detachment has launched a "clean" series of educal eduwork, construction and operational work with the deployment, with guidance, and inspection. (B) persistent grasping ideologicve yourself, to amend and improve themselves, strictly implement sharding bundled packages, contact points responsibility at , behaof the whole city, strictly abide by the party discipline and state laws and disciplinary rules of the ICAC against ourselvesParty Committee party lectures, lead reporting personal matters related to lead to honest commitment to the officers and men Team lead told the independent Commission against corruption of the Party Committee of the measures. Third, leaders speak low. quarter a honest analysis of the situation, troubleshoot the independent Commission against corruption risks, develop quality a year clean government work Conference of the CPC Committee, each4 4.3分布式电源分三相和单相接入配电网,其输出电压、频率和相位应与接入点一致。 4.4分布式电源接入点的总容量小于50kW时仅对运行状况进行监视,当接入点的总容量为50kW及以上时应对其运行状况进行监测和控制,其输出功率应是可调节的。 4.5分布式电源单相接入配电网,在其运行中应满足三相平衡的技术要求,不满足时应退出运行。 4.6分布式电源的运行不应改变现有配电网保护的配置。 4.7分布式电源的接地和防雷应符合GB14050《系统接地的型式及安全技术要求》和DL/T621《交流电气装置的接地》的相关要求。 4.8各单位应遵照本规范,结合国家及行业现行有关标准、规范和规程的规定,结合本地区实际情况,制定、完善本地区分布式电源接入配电网运行控制相关规程、规定。 5 分布式电源的运行控制 5.1接入配电网的分布式电源,应按照容量和电压等级遵循分散布置、分层控制、分级调度的原则,其运行应按当地电力部门批准的运行 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 实施,当地电力部门负责分布式电源的运行和控制。(参考电厂的调度运行规范) 5.2接入配电网的分布式电源,应能向配电网输送电能质量合格、安全可靠的电能,实现有功的平衡,且不影响配电网的安全稳定运行。 5.3需要进行功率控制的分布式电源应安装有功功率控制系统,具备有功功率调节能力、远方控制和就地控制功能,能够执行电网调度部门远方发送的有功出力控制命令,调节电站的有功功率输出,分布式电源的最大输出功率及功率变化率应符合当地电力部门批准的 discipline consciousness of officers and soldiers. Second, with typical lead. Organizatio-cation activities to further enhance selfed to the officers and men of the ICAC independent Commission against corruption books, visit education base, set warning edu, issuean" series of education, special education and consolidation of network and information security, through large lecture halling ideological education leads. A normalized, pay close attention to education. This year, the detachment has launched a "clgraspresponsibility at work, construction and operational work with the deployment, with guidance, and inspection. (B) persistent nst ourselves, behave yourself, to amend and improve themselves, strictly implement sharding bundled packages, contact pointsC agaie officers and men of the whole city, strictly abide by the party discipline and state laws and disciplinary rules of the ICAy Committee of the Party Committee party lectures, lead reporting personal matters related to lead to honest commitment to thTeam lead told the independent Commission against corruption of the Part sks, develop quality measures. Third, leaders speak low. CPC Committee, each quarter a honest analysis of the situation, troubleshoot the independent Commission against corruption ria year clean government work Conference of the guards" Liu Dajing, "" XX's top ten outstanding young persons "in-nal "ten outstanding firens to carry out a diligent and honest Government advanced units and advanced individuals selected by broad to the third natio5 运行方案,保障配电网在故障和特殊运行方式时系统的稳定性。 5.4 分布式电源投运前应根据接入配电网的不同运行方式合理配置无功容量,使分布式电源的功率因数在合理的范围内。 5.5需要进行电压调节的分布式电源应具备无功功率调节能力,能自动调整无功出力,保证输出功率因数在合理范围内,改善配电网的电压水平。 5.6 分布式电源接入点的电压正弦波畸变率和注入配电网的谐波电流不得超过,,/,14549的规定。当分布式电源接入点注入的谐波电流和引起接入点电压正弦波畸变率超过标准时,分布式电源应退出运行。 5.7分布式电源的电压波动、闪变及三相不平衡度不得超过GB/T 12326-2008 、GB/T 15543-2008 的规定。当分布式电源接入点的电压波动、闪变及三相不平衡度对供电质量产生影响或对配电网安全运行构成干扰和妨碍时,分布式电源应退出运行。 5.8计划孤岛的运行方式应按照电力部门的调度运行方案执行。 6 继电保护与安全控制 6.1 通过380/220V电压等级并网的分布式电源,电源容量小于50kW,可配置低压过流保护开关和漏电保护装置。 6.2 通过380/220V电压等级并网的分布式电源,电源容量在50kW及以上,可配置快速熔丝及低压过流保护开关,并具有漏电保护功能。 6.3通过10kV(6kV),35kV电压等级接入公共线路的分布式电 iligent and honest Government advanced units and advanced individuals selected by broad to the third national "ten outstandindiscipline consciousness of officers and soldiers. Second, with typical lead. Organizations to carry out a d-o further enhance selfand men of the ICAC independent Commission against corruption books, visit education base, set warning education activities ticers ation, special education and consolidation of network and information security, through large lecture hall, issued to the offcation leads. A normalized, pay close attention to education. This year, the detachment has launched a "clean" series of educal eduwork, construction and operational work with the deployment, with guidance, and inspection. (B) persistent grasping ideologicve yourself, to amend and improve themselves, strictly implement sharding bundled packages, contact points responsibility at , behaof the whole city, strictly abide by the party discipline and state laws and disciplinary rules of the ICAC against ourselvesParty Committee party lectures, lead reporting personal matters related to lead to honest commitment to the officers and men Team lead told the independent Commission against corruption of the Party Committee of the measures. Third, leaders speak low. quarter a honest analysis of the situation, troubleshoot the independent Commission against corruption risks, develop quality a year clean government work Conference of the CPC Committee, eachguards" Liu Dajing, "" XX's top ten outstanding young persons "in-g fire6 源,宜配置电流电压保护和逆功率保护。 逆向功率保护 系统在不可逆流的并网方式下工作,当检测到供电变压器次级处的逆流器额定输出的5%时,逆向功率保护应在0.5-2s内将光伏系统与电网断开。 6.4通过10kV(6kV),35kV电压等级接入专用线路的分布式电源,宜配置光纤电流差动保护。 6.5 分布式电源需具备一定的过电流能力,在120,倍额定电流以下,分布式电源连续可靠工作时间应不小于 1 分钟;在120%~150%额定电流内,分布式电源连续可靠工作时间应不小于10秒。 接入点的分布式电源短路电流总和不允许超过接入点允许的短路电流。分布式电源应配置具有反时限特性的保护。 6.6当检测到配电网侧发生短路时,分布式电源系统向配电网输出的短路电流应不大于额定电流的150%,同时分布式电源应与配电网断开。 6.7接入配电网的分布式电源应具备一定的电压和频率响应特性,当接入点的电压和频率超出规定范围时,应与配电网的断开,其电压和频率的超出范围值和断开时间均应按照Q,GDW 480-2010《分布式电源接入电网技术规定》7.1和7.2条的规定执行。 6.8分布式电源应具备快速监测孤岛且立即断开与配电网连接的能力,其防孤岛保护应与配电网侧线路保护相配合。防孤岛保护应同时具备主动式和被动式两种保护。 主动防孤岛效应保护方式主要有频率偏离、有功功率变动、无功 -nal "ten outstanding firens to carry out a diligent and honest Government advanced units and advanced individuals selected by broad to the third natiodiscipline consciousness of officers and soldiers. Second, with typical lead. Organizatio-cation activities to further enhance selfed to the officers and men of the ICAC independent Commission against corruption books, visit education base, set warning edu, issuean" series of education, special education and consolidation of network and information security, through large lecture halling ideological education leads. A normalized, pay close attention to education. This year, the detachment has launched a "clgraspresponsibility at work, construction and operational work with the deployment, with guidance, and inspection. (B) persistent nst ourselves, behave yourself, to amend and improve themselves, strictly implement sharding bundled packages, contact pointsC agaie officers and men of the whole city, strictly abide by the party discipline and state laws and disciplinary rules of the ICAy Committee of the Party Committee party lectures, lead reporting personal matters related to lead to honest commitment to thTeam lead told the independent Commission against corruption of the Part sks, develop quality measures. Third, leaders speak low. CPC Committee, each quarter a honest analysis of the situation, troubleshoot the independent Commission against corruption ria year clean government work Conference of the guards" Liu Dajing, "" XX's top ten outstanding young persons "in7 功率变动、电流脉冲注入引起阻抗变动等。被动防孤岛效应保护方式主要有电压相位跳动、3次电压谐波变动、频率变化等。 6.9系统发生扰动,分布式电源脱网后,在电网电压和频率恢复到正常范围之前,分布式电源不允许并网。在电网电压和频率恢复正常后,对于容量小于50kW的分布式电源,延时20秒后且分布式电源满足电压、频率、相角等并网条件时才能恢复并网,对于容量在50kW及以上的分布式电源应得到当地电力部门的允许方能重新接入配电网。 6.11对于接入配电网的分布式电源,应由当地电力部门负责其继电保护定值的计算、整定,并定期进行校验。 7 自动化 (本章规定分布式电源接入配电网在监测、控制、通信方面的技术要求。其中,监测应涉及监测原则、监测对象、监测信号等方面的内容;控制应涉及控制所属权、分布式电源运行控制系统与配电自动化系统的控制配合等方面的内容;通信涉及通信方式、通信媒介、通信规约等方面的内容。,电能质量的谐波量(10min\2h\24h)) 7.1分布式电源接入配电网应对分布式电源接入点及相关设备进行监测和控制。 7.2监测的内容包括有: --电气模拟量:电源并网点的电压、电流、有功功率、无功功率、功率因数、频率(电网侧及电源侧),2-25次谐波值,电压不平衡度、直流电流分量; --电能量:电源并网点的正反向电量; --状态量:电源并网点的并网断路器状态、故障信息、分布式电源远 -o further enhance selfand men of the ICAC independent Commission against corruption books, visit education base, set warning education activities ticers ation, special education and consolidation of network and information security, through large lecture hall, issued to the offcation leads. A normalized, pay close attention to education. This year, the detachment has launched a "clean" series of educal eduwork, construction and operational work with the deployment, with guidance, and inspection. (B) persistent grasping ideologicve yourself, to amend and improve themselves, strictly implement sharding bundled packages, contact points responsibility at , behaof the whole city, strictly abide by the party discipline and state laws and disciplinary rules of the ICAC against ourselvesParty Committee party lectures, lead reporting personal matters related to lead to honest commitment to the officers and men Team lead told the independent Commission against corruption of the Party Committee of the measures. Third, leaders speak low. quarter a honest analysis of the situation, troubleshoot the independent Commission against corruption risks, develop quality a year clean government work Conference of the CPC Committee, eachguards" Liu Dajing, "" XX's top ten outstanding young persons "in-g fireiligent and honest Government advanced units and advanced individuals selected by broad to the third national "ten outstandindiscipline consciousness of officers and soldiers. Second, with typical lead. Organizations to carry out a d8 方终端状态信号和通信通道状态等信号; --其他数据量:分布式电源的总容量、投入容量、。。。等。 7.3分布式电源控制的功能包括有: 控制对象主要包括:分布式电源的功率调节控制设备、电源并网点无功补偿设备、并网断路器 1.2.2控制方式 1.2.3控制原则 8 通信 8.1通过10kV (6kV)~35kV电压等级并网的分布式电源应具备与电网调度机构之间进行数据通信的能力,能够采集电源的电气运行工况,上传至电网调度机构,应满足实时性要求,同时具有接受电网调度机构控制调节指令的能力。 并网双方的通信系统应以满足电网安全经济运行对电力系统通信业务的要求为前提,满足继电保护、安全自动装置、自动化系统及调度电话等业务对电力通信的要求。(是否放到一般性原则) 8.2分布式电源接入系统通信接口宜采用以太网、串行口等接口。 8.3分布式电源接入系统通信通道宜采用光纤专网、配电线载波、无线专网和无线公网。其中: (1)光纤专网通信方式宜选择以太网无源光网络、工业以太网等光纤以太网技术; (2)中压电力线载波通信方式可选择电缆屏蔽层载波等技术; -cation activities to further enhance selfed to the officers and men of the ICAC independent Commission against corruption books, visit education base, set warning edu, issuean" series of education, special education and consolidation of network and information security, through large lecture halling ideological education leads. A normalized, pay close attention to education. This year, the detachment has launched a "clgraspresponsibility at work, construction and operational work with the deployment, with guidance, and inspection. (B) persistent nst ourselves, behave yourself, to amend and improve themselves, strictly implement sharding bundled packages, contact pointsC agaie officers and men of the whole city, strictly abide by the party discipline and state laws and disciplinary rules of the ICAy Committee of the Party Committee party lectures, lead reporting personal matters related to lead to honest commitment to thTeam lead told the independent Commission against corruption of the Part sks, develop quality measures. Third, leaders speak low. CPC Committee, each quarter a honest analysis of the situation, troubleshoot the independent Commission against corruption ria year clean government work Conference of the guards" Liu Dajing, "" XX's top ten outstanding young persons "in-nal "ten outstanding firens to carry out a diligent and honest Government advanced units and advanced individuals selected by broad to the third natiodiscipline consciousness of officers and soldiers. Second, with typical lead. Organizatio9 (3)无线专网通信方式宜选择符合国际标准、多厂家支持的宽带技术; (4)无线公网通信方式宜选择GPRS/CDMA/3G通信技术,在采用 此方式时应符合电力二次系统安全防护规定。 8.4分布式电源接入系统通信规约一般可采取基于DL/T634.5101和DL/T634.5104通信协议。 基本要求 分布式电源与电力系统调度部门之间通信方式和信息传输由双方协商一致后作出规定、包括互相提供的模拟和开断信号种类提供信号的方式和实时性要求等。 正常运行信号 在 正 常 运行情况下,分布式电源向电力系统调度部门提供的信号至少应当包括:分布式电源公共连接点处电压、注人电力系统的电流、有功功率、功率因数、频率和电量。 故障信息 分布式电源需要安装故障录波仪,且应记录故障前10s 到故障后60s 的情况。该记录装置应该包括必要数量的通道。 9 启停 9.1通过0.38kV电压等级并网的分布式电源的启停管理方式可与电网企业协商确定;通过10kV(6kV)~35kV电压等级并网的分布式电源启停时应执行电网调度机构的指令。 9.2 分布式电源启动时需要考虑当前电网频率、电压偏差状态和 -g fireiligent and honest Government advanced units and advanced individuals selected by broad to the third national "ten outstandindiscipline consciousness of officers and soldiers. Second, with typical lead. Organizations to carry out a d-o further enhance selfand men of the ICAC independent Commission against corruption books, visit education base, set warning education activities ticers ation, special education and consolidation of network and information security, through large lecture hall, issued to the offcation leads. A normalized, pay close attention to education. This year, the detachment has launched a "clean" series of educal eduwork, construction and operational work with the deployment, with guidance, and inspection. (B) persistent grasping ideologicve yourself, to amend and improve themselves, strictly implement sharding bundled packages, contact points responsibility at , behaof the whole city, strictly abide by the party discipline and state laws and disciplinary rules of the ICAC against ourselvesParty Committee party lectures, lead reporting personal matters related to lead to honest commitment to the officers and men Team lead told the independent Commission against corruption of the Party Committee of the measures. Third, leaders speak low. quarter a honest analysis of the situation, troubleshoot the independent Commission against corruption risks, develop quality a year clean government work Conference of the CPC Committee, eachguards" Liu Dajing, "" XX's top ten outstanding young persons "in10 本地测量的信号,当电网频率、电压偏差超出本规定的正常运行范围时,电源不应启动。 9.3同步电机类型分布式电源应配置自动同期装置,启动时分布式电源与电网的电压、频率和相位偏差应在一定范围,分布式电源启动时不应引起电网电能质量超出规定范围。 9.4分布式电源启动时应确保其输出功率的变化率不超过电网所设定的最大功率变化率。由其引起的功率变化,(1.5秒内的最大最小值) 9.5除发生故障或接收到来自于电网调度机构的指令以外,分布式电源同时切除引起的功率变化率不应超过电网调度机构规定的限值。(无法约束多个小容量分布式电源同时切机) 9.6除 发 生 电气故障或接收到来自于电力系统调度中心的指令以外,分布式电源同时切除的功率应在电网允许的范围内。 分布式电源启动时需要考虑光伏子系统的当前状态、来自电力系统调度中心的指令和本地测量的信号。分布式电源启动时应确保分布式电源输出的有功功率变化不超过所设定的最大功率变化率,当分布式电源因系统要求而停运。,,, 启动分布式电源时需要考虑分布式电源的当前状态、来自电力系统调度中心的指令和本地测量的信号。 逆向功率保护 系统在不可逆流的并网方式下工作,当检测到供电变压器次级处的逆流器额定输出的5%时,逆向功率保护应在0.5-2s内将光伏系统与电网断开。 10 防雷与接地 10.1分布式电源系统的过电压保护和接地设计应符合DL/T 620《交流电气装置的 ns to carry out a diligent and honest Government advanced units and advanced individuals selected by broad to the third natiodiscipline consciousness of officers and soldiers. Second, with typical lead. Organizatio-cation activities to further enhance selfed to the officers and men of the ICAC independent Commission against corruption books, visit education base, set warning edu, issuean" series of education, special education and consolidation of network and information security, through large lecture halling ideological education leads. A normalized, pay close attention to education. This year, the detachment has launched a "clgraspresponsibility at work, construction and operational work with the deployment, with guidance, and inspection. (B) persistent nst ourselves, behave yourself, to amend and improve themselves, strictly implement sharding bundled packages, contact pointsC agaie officers and men of the whole city, strictly abide by the party discipline and state laws and disciplinary rules of the ICAy Committee of the Party Committee party lectures, lead reporting personal matters related to lead to honest commitment to thTeam lead told the independent Commission against corruption of the Part sks, develop quality measures. Third, leaders speak low. CPC Committee, each quarter a honest analysis of the situation, troubleshoot the independent Commission against corruption ria year clean government work Conference of the guards" Liu Dajing, "" XX's top ten outstanding young persons "in-nal "ten outstanding fire11 过电压保护和绝缘配合》和DL/T 621《交流电气装置的接地》要求。 10.2分布式电源系统和并网接口设备的防雷和接地,应符合SJ/T11127中的规定。 10.3分布式电源线路设备及站室设备防雷保护一般选用无间隙氧化锌避雷器。 无建筑物屏蔽的10kV绝缘线路在多雷地区应逐杆采取有效措施防止雷击断线,具体措施包括:安装带间隙氧化锌避雷器或防雷金具等。 iligent and honest Government advanced units and advanced individuals selected by broad to the third national "ten outstandindiscipline consciousness of officers and soldiers. Second, with typical lead. Organizations to carry out a d-o further enhance selfand men of the ICAC independent Commission against corruption books, visit education base, set warning education activities ticers ation, special education and consolidation of network and information security, through large lecture hall, issued to the offcation leads. A normalized, pay close attention to education. This year, the detachment has launched a "clean" series of educal eduwork, construction and operational work with the deployment, with guidance, and inspection. (B) persistent grasping ideologicve yourself, to amend and improve themselves, strictly implement sharding bundled packages, contact points responsibility at , behaof the whole city, strictly abide by the party discipline and state laws and disciplinary rules of the ICAC against ourselvesParty Committee party lectures, lead reporting personal matters related to lead to honest commitment to the officers and men Team lead told the independent Commission against corruption of the Party Committee of the measures. Third, leaders speak low. quarter a honest analysis of the situation, troubleshoot the independent Commission against corruption risks, develop quality a year clean government work Conference of the CPC Committee, eachguards" Liu Dajing, "" XX's top ten outstanding young persons "in-g fire12
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