首页 ABS-2011无损检测规范(更新至2012年2月)



ABS-2011无损检测规范(更新至2012年2月)ABS-2011无损检测规范(更新至2012年2月) 船体焊缝无损检测 指导 2011年9月(更新至2012年2月 – 见下页) 更新部分 2012年2月 详情包括: 相对2012年1月版 增加了注意1和勘误表/社论 2012年2月 详情包括: 相对2011年9月版增加了勘误表/社论 前言 “船体焊缝无损检测指南”原版发布于1975年,随后更新于1986年和2002年(第二版和第三版),此版本为第四版。此版本旨在介绍检测标准的详细细节和已在工业中得到广泛认可的新增检测技术,这些新增技术已经成为水面...

ABS-2011无损检测 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 (更新至2012年2月) 船体焊缝无损检测 指导 2011年9月(更新至2012年2月 – 见下页) 更新部分 2012年2月 详情包括: 相对2012年1月版 增加了注意1和勘误表/社论 2012年2月 详情包括: 相对2011年9月版增加了勘误表/社论 前言 “船体焊缝无损检测指南”原版发布于1975年,随后更新于1986年和2002年(第二版和第三版),此版本为第四版。此版本旨在介绍检测标准的详细细节和已在工业中得到广泛认可的新增检测技术,这些新增技术已经成为水面船舶和其它相关海洋结构建造过程中结构组件和焊缝检测的可靠手段。 此文件定义为检测规程和标准指导,而非规范,目的在于从工业应用过程中得到更多的反馈并及时在指导中得到体现。在深入的调整阶段之后,此指南将命名《船体焊缝无损检测规范》出版。 此规范于出版月的第一天生效。 第一章 概述 1.检测准备(2011.9.1)Preparation for Inspection (1 September 2011) 1.1焊接表面的外观Weld Surface Appearance Welding in hull construction is to comply with the requirements of Section 2-4-1 “Hull Construction” of the ABS Rules for Materials and Welding (Part 2) and IACS Recommendation No. 47 “Shipbuilding and Repair Quality Standard”. Methods used for preparing and cleaning welds and nondestructive test procedures are to be to the satisfaction of the Surveyor. Slag shall be removed from all completed welds. All welds and adjacent base metal shall be cleaned by wire brushing or by any other suitable means prior to inspection. Surface conditions that prevent proper interpretation may be cause for rejection of the weld area of interest. 船体结构的焊接,要遵从ABS原料和焊接规范(第二部分)中2-4-1节船体结构部分的要求,同时 遵守IACS第47条建议―船舶建造维修质量标准‖。 焊缝清理的 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 和无损检测程序要使验船师满意。 已完成的焊接处必须进行熔渣清理。所有的焊缝及邻近母材,在检测前必须用钢丝刷或其他适当的 方式清理干净。所有影响缺陷解释的表面状态都可能造成被检焊接区域的拒收。 1.3焊缝的目视检测Visual Inspection of Welds Welds are to be visually inspected to the satisfaction of the Surveyor. Visual inspection acceptance criteria are contained in Section 8 of this Guide. Visual inspections of welds may begin immediately after the completed welds have cooled to ambient 22temperature. However, delayed cracking is a concern for extra high-strength steels, 415 N/mm (42 kgf/mm, 60,000 psi) yield strength or greater. When welding these high-strength steels, the final visual inspection shall be performed not less than 48 hours after completion of the weld and removal of preheat. Refer to 1/1.5 below for requirements for delayed cracking inspection. 焊缝目视检测需达到验船师要求。目视检测的验收标准见本指南第8节。 焊缝的目视检测可在焊接完毕冷却到周围环境温度后立即进行。然而对于高强度钢,即屈服强度达22到或超过415N/mm(42kgf/mm, 60000psi),延迟裂纹是需要关注的因素。对于这类高强度钢焊接,最终 的目视检测须在焊接和预热处理完成至少48小时以后进行。根据1/1.5条的要求进行延迟裂纹的检查。 1.5延迟裂纹(氢致)的检查Inspection for Delayed (Hydrogen Induced) Cracking 1.5.1检查时间Time of Inspection 22Nondestructive testing of weldments in steels of 415 N/mm (42 kgf/mm, 60,000 psi) yield strength or greater is to be conducted at a suitable interval after welds have been completed and cooled to ambient temperature. The following guidance of interval is to be used, unless specially approved otherwise: 2• Minimum 48 hours of interval time for steels of 415 MPa (42 kgf/mm, 60,000 psi) yield strength or greater 2but less than 620 MPa (63 kgf/mm, 90,000 psi) yield strength. 2• Minimum 72 hours of interval time for steel greater than or equal to 620 MPa (63 kgf/mm,90,000 psi) yield strength. 2屈服强度达到或超过415N/mm2(42kgf/mm,60000psi)的高强钢,其焊缝的无损检测应在焊接完成冷 却到周围环境温度后的适当时间间隔后进行。除非特殊认可,时间间隔需参照以下指引设定: 22, 屈服强度达到或超过415MPa(42kgf/mm,60000psi),低于620MPa(63kgf/mm,90000psi)的高强钢,至 少48小时; 2, 屈服强度达到或超过620MPa(63kgf/mm,90000psi)的高强钢,至少72小时。 At the discretion of the Surveyor, a longer interval and/or additional random inspection at a later period may be required. The 72 hour interval may be reduced to 48 hours for radiography testing (RT) or ultrasonic testing (UT) inspection, provided a complete visual and random MT or PT inspection to the satisfaction of the Surveyor is conducted 72 hours after welds have been completed and cooled to ambient temperature. 验船师通过判定可要求延长时间间隔或在以后进行额外的抽检。若焊接完成冷却到周围环境温度后 72小时后的目视全检、MT或PT抽检达到验船师要求,射线照相检测(RT)或超声波检测(UT)的间 隔时间可由72小时减少到48小时。 1.5.2 产生延迟裂纹Delayed Cracking Occurrences When delayed cracking is encountered in production, previously completed welds are to be re- inspected for delayed cracking to the satisfaction of the Surveyor. At the discretion of the Surveyor, re-qualification of procedures or additional production control procedures may be required for being free of delayed cracking in that production welds. 若在产品中产生延迟裂纹,对已完成检测的焊缝应针对延迟裂纹重检,并达到验船师要求。验船师 通过判定可要求重新鉴定程序或编制额外的产品质量控制程序,以防此类焊缝产品中再次出现延迟裂纹。 3(检测方法Methods of Inspection (1 February 2012) Inspection of welded joints is to be carried out by approved nondestructive test methods, such as visual inspection (VT), radiography (RT), ultrasonic (UT), magnetic particle (MT), liquid penetrant (PT), etc.. A plan for nondestructive testing is to be submitted. Radiographic or ultrasonic inspection, or both, is to be used when the overall soundness of the weld cross section is to be evaluated. Magnetic-particle or liquid penetrant inspection or other approved method is to be used when investigating the outer surface of welds or may be used as a check of intermediate weld passes such as root passes and also to check back-gouged joints prior to depositing subsequent passes. Surface inspection of important tee or corner joints in critical locations, using an approved magnetic particle or liquid penetrant method, is to be conducted to the satisfaction of the Surveyor. Where a method (such as radiographic or ultrasonic) is selected as the primary nondestructive method of inspection, the acceptance standards of that method govern. However, if additional inspection by any method should indicate the presence of defects that could jeopardize the integrity of structure, removal and repair of such defects are to be to the satisfaction of the Surveyor. Welds that are inaccessible or difficult to inspect in service may be subjected to increase the levels of nondestructive inspection. 采用认可的无损检测方法检测焊缝,例如目视检测(VT)、射线照相检测(RT)、超声波检测(UT)、磁粉 检测(MT)、着色渗透检测(PT)等。检测前需提交无损检测 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 。若需评定焊缝全部横截面的完好性,则 需采用射线或超声波检测,或两种检测方法都采用。磁粉和着色检测或其它认可的方法一般用于焊缝的 外表面检测、中间焊道如根部焊道的检查以及铺设下一道焊道前对背扣的检查。对于关键部位的重要T 型接头和角接接头的表面检测,应采用认可的MT/PT检测方法进行检测并达到验船师的要求。若一种检 测方法(射线照相检测或超声波检测)被选定为主要检测方法,则验收标准按此方法决定。但是,如果 以任一种检测方法进行的额外检测检出了危害结构完整性的缺陷,那么这些缺陷需被去除和返修直至达 到验船师的要求。在役检测中,若焊缝难以接触或难以检测,则应提到NDT检测级别。 The extent and locations of inspection and selection of inspection method(s) are to be in accordance with: i) The applicable ABS Rules; ii) The material and welding procedures used; iii) The quality control procedures involved; iv) The results of the visual inspection, and v) The discretion of the Surveyor. 检测的范围、位置和检测方法的选择主要根据: i) 应用的ABS规范; ii) 焊接所用的材料和程序; iii) 相关质量控制程序; iv) 目视检测结果; v) 验船师斟酌。 Where the length and number of inspection points is over and above the minimum requirements indicated on the inspection plan and as specified herein, then the length of any supplementary NDE may be reduced subject to the agreement with the attending Surveyor. 如果检测部位的长度和数量超过检测计划和此规范规定的最低要求,那么补充NDE的长度可以在征得现 场验船师同意的情况下减少。 The extent of inspection of repaired locations is to be to the satisfaction of the attending Surveyor. 返修部位的检测范围应达到现场验船师的要求。 5(人员Personnel (1 September 2011) The Surveyor is to be satisfied that personnel responsible for conducting nondestructive tests are thoroughly familiar with the equipment being used and that the technique and equipment used are suitable for the intended application. For each inspection method, personnel are to be qualified by training, with appropriate experience and certified to perform the necessary calibrations and tests and to interpret and evaluate indications in accordance with the terms of the specification. Personnel certified in accordance with the International Standard ISO 9712 – Non-destructive testing – Qualification and certification of personnel, shall be classified in any one of the following three levels. Personnel who have not attained certification may be classified as trainees. The requirements of other internationally/nationally recognized certifying programs (e.g., ASNT Central Certification Program (ACCP), EN-473, etc., see Subsection 1/13 below) are to be specially considered. For future incorporation of phased-array ultrasonic (PAUT) and time of flight diffraction (TOFD) techniques, at the time of publication, only the EN-473 program has specific qualification and certification for these two advanced methods of NDT. 负责进行无损检测的人员对所用设备完全熟悉,且所用的设备、技术符合预期用途,达到验船师要求。 对于每种检测方法,无损检测人员要经过培训取得适当经验和资质以进行需要的校正和检测,能根据规 程条例对缺陷进行解释和评判。根据国际标准ISO9712《无损检测-人员资格鉴定与认证》进行资质认证 的无损检测人员应分成下列三级。没有获得资质证书的人员应列为实习生。 其它公认的国际国内认证程序将被特殊考虑,如美国无损检测学会统一认证规范(ACCP), EN-473等,见 1/13条。 此规范出版时,对于相控阵超声技术(PAUT)和超声衍射时差技术(TOFD)在未来的结合应用,只有 EN-473程序对这两种先进的NDT技术的资格鉴定与认证进行了规定。 5.1 无损检测实习生NDT Trainee A trainee is an individual who works under the supervision of certified personnel but who does not conduct any tests independently, does not interpret test results and does not write reports on test results. This individual may be registered as being in the process of gaining appropriate experience to establish eligibility for qualification to Level I or for direct access to Level II. 无损检测实习生应在持证人员的指导下进行工作,没有资格进行任何独立的检测、不能对检测结果做解 释,也不能撰写检测报告。实习生在进行I 级或者直接进行II级资质鉴定前积累所需经验的过程中应登 记在册。 5.3 无损检验I级NDT Level I An individual certified to NDT Level I may be authorized to: i) Set up the equipment; ii) Carry out NDT operations in accordance with written instructions under the direct supervision of level II and/or level III personnel; iii) Perform the tests; iv) Record the conditions and date of the tests; v) Classify, with prior written approval of a level III, the results in accordance with documented criteria, and report the results. An individual certified to Level I is not to be responsible for the choice of the test method or technique to be used. 持有I级证书的无损检测人员可以: i) 调试机器; ii) 在II级或III级无损检测人员的直接指导下,根据书面指示执行无损检测操作; iii) 执行检测; iv) 记录情况和检测数据; v) 在III级人员的书面认可下,根据书面标准对检测结果分级,并报告结果; I级无损检测人员不负责检测方法和检测技术的选择。 5.5 无损检验II级NDT Level II An individual certified to NDT Level II may be authorized to perform and direct nondestructive testing in accordance with established or recognized procedures. This may include: i) Defining the limitations of application of the test method for which the Level II individual is qualified; ii) Translating NDT codes, standards, specifications and procedures into practical testing instructions adapted to the actual working conditions; iii) Setting up and verifying equipment settings; iv) Performing and supervising tests; v) Interpreting and evaluating results according to applicable codes, standards and specifications; vi) Preparing NDT instructions; vii) Conducting or direct supervision of all Level I duties; viii) Training or guiding personnel below Level II, and ix) Organizing and reporting results of nondestructive tests. 持有II级证书的无损检测人员可以根据既定的检测规程执行或指导无损检测,包括: i) II级人员可确定其具有资质的检测方法的适用范围和限制; ii) 根据实际工作情况,把无损检测规范、标准、技术说明书和规程翻译成检验指导书; iii) 调试和校验检测设备; iv) 执行和指导检测; v) 根据可用的无损检测规范、标准、技术说明书对结果进行解释和评估; vi) 准备无损检测指导书; vii) 执行或直接监督所有I级人员的职责; viii) 培训和指导低于II级的人员; ix) 组织和报告无损检测结果。 5.7 无损检验证书III级NDT Level III 5.7.1 An individual certified to NDT Level III may be authorized to direct any operation in the NDT method(s) for which he is certified. This may include: i) Assuming full responsibility for an NDT facility and staff; ii) Establishing and validating techniques and procedures; iii) Interpreting codes, standards, specifications and procedures; iv) Designating the particular test methods, techniques and procedures to be used for specific NDT work; v) Interpreting and evaluating results in terms of existing codes, standards and specifications; vi) Managing qualification examinations, if authorized for this task by the certification body, and vii) Conducting or supervising all Level I and Level II duties. 持有3级证书的无损检测人员可以指导该种无损检测方法的下列任何操作: i) 对所有无损检测设备和人员负全部责任; ii) 编制和验证检测技术和程序; iii) 解释无损检测规范、标准、技术说明书和规程; iv) 为特殊的无损检测选定特定的检测方法、技术和程序; v) 根据现有无损检测规范、标准、技术说明书对检测结果进行解释和评估; vi) 管理资格证书的考试(假如认证机构赋予此项权利) vii) 执行或指导所有I级和II级人员的职责 5.7.2 An individual certified to Level III shall have: i) Sufficient practical background in applicable materials, fabrication and product technology to select methods and establish techniques and to assist in establishing acceptance criteria where none are otherwise available; ii) A general familiarity with other NDT methods; and iii) The ability to train or guide personnel below level III. 持有3级证书的无损检测人员应该具备: i) 在应用材料、装配、生产工艺方面具有充足的应用背景,以利于选择检测方法、编制检测技术,并 在无可行性验收标准的情况下协助制定验收标准; i) 总体上通晓其它检测方法; ii) 具有培训和指导III级以下人员的能力。 7(无损检测程序和技术NDT Procedures and Techniques (1 September 2011) Procedures and techniques shall be established and approved by personnel certified to NDT level III in the applicable inspection method. Techniques shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements stated in the applicable NDT section of this Guide. NDT inspection shall be performed by certified level I, II or III personnel. Interpretation and evaluation of inspection results shall be performed by personnel certified to NDT level II and/or III in the applicable NDT inspection method. 检测程序和技术应由具有相应资质的III级检测人员编制和认可。 检测技术应根据本指南中相关NDT部分的规定进行准备。 无损检测应由具有资质的I、II或III级无损检测人员进行。 检测结果的解释和评估应由具有相应资质的II或III级无损检测人员进行。 9(验收标准(2011年9月版)Acceptance Criteria (1 September 2011) Acceptance Criteria specified herein are only applicable to inspections required by the Rules and by the Surveyor. 这里所指的验收标准是指仅适用于本规范和验船师要求的检测。 11(文件Documentation Adequate information as to the NDT methods, extent, location(s) and results of inspection shall be included in inspection records or reports so that conformity with the applicable NDT requirements is properly documented. 检测记录或报告中应包含充足的信息如无损检测的方法、范围、位置和检验结果的信息,以确保文件符 合相应的无损检测要求。 13. 资质鉴定及认证系统参考文件References of Qualification/Certification Programs (1 September 2011) i) ISO 9712, Nondestructive Testing - Qualification and Certification of Personnel ii) ASNT Central Certification Program (ACCP) iii) ASNT ACCP Level II certification for meeting the requirements of ISO 9712 Level II certification iv) NAS 410, Minimum requirements for the qualification and certification of NDT personnel v) CGSB, Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) - Certification and Qualification Programs vi) EN 473, Non-Destructive Testing. Qualification and Certification of NDT Personnel 1)ISO 9712,无损检测人员的资格鉴定与认证 2)美国无损检测学会统一认证规范 3)满足ISO 9712二级认证要求的ACCP二级认证 4)NAS 410,无损检测人员标准认证和资格鉴定最低要求 5)CGSB,加拿大通用标准委员会-资格鉴定与认证规范 6)EN 473,无损检测人员资格鉴定和认证通则 15(无损检测术语Nondestructive Testing Terminology (1 September 2011) The standard terminology for nondestructive testing as described in ASTM E1316 shall be used, except as noted otherwise. 除另有说明,ASTM E1316中的无损检测术语应作为标准术语使用。 第二章 射线检测 1. 概述(2011年9月版)General (1 September 2011) 射线照相应使用单一的X射线或r射线源进行透照,以下要求适用于钢及铝合金的全熔透焊缝。 Radiographs shall be made using a single source of either x- or gamma radiation. These requirements are intended to apply to full penetration welds of steel and aluminum alloys. 3(表面状态Surface Condition 3.1概述General (1 September 2011) The inside and outside surfaces of the welds to be radiographed are to be sufficiently free from irregularities that may mask or interfere with interpretation. Welds and inspection surfaces are subject to the requirements of Subsection 1/1 of this Guide. 被检焊缝的内外表面应充分去除掩盖或妨碍缺陷显示解释的表明不规则。焊缝及检测表面应满足此指南 1/1条的要求。 3.3 拒收原因Cause for Rejection Surface conditions that prevent proper interpretation of radiographs may be cause for rejection of the weld area of interest. 妨碍射线照相胶片正常解释的表面状态可能导致被检焊缝区域的拒收。 5. 射线照相程序Radiographic Procedure 5.1 人员Personnel (1 September 2011) The Surveyor is to be satisfied that NDT personnel are qualified and certified in accordance with Subsection 1/5. NDT人员应根据1/5条进行资质鉴定及认证并达到验船师要求。 5.3技术Technique (1 September 2011) 5.3.1 Steel welds and structures can be radiographed by utilizing either gamma rays or x-rays. Aluminum alloys can be only radiographed by x-rays. Section 2, Table 1 below summarizes the methods to be used. 钢焊缝和结构既能采用X射线也能采用γ射线进行射线照相检测。铝合金只能用X射线检测。第二章表 1对检测方法进行了归纳。 5.3.2 Wherever geometry permits, radiography is to be performed by the single-wall technique. In this technique, radiation passes through only one wall of the weld or structure. The radiation source is to be centered with respect to the length and width of the weld being radiographed. 只要几何条件允许,射线照相即采用单壁透照技术。此时,射线只穿透一层焊缝或结构。射线源应对准 被检焊缝透照长度和宽度的中心。 表1 材料和检测方法 材料 厚度t, mm(in.) 检测方法 11t<9 mm(/ in.) X射线或铱192 3211钢材 9 mm(/ in.) ?t?75mm(3 in.) X射线或铱192 32 t,75mm(3 in.) 钴60 t?75mm(3 in.) 带铍窗口的X射线 铝合金 t,75mm(3 in.) 不建议采用RT检测方法 备注:选择X射线或伽马射线的原则取决于射线强度和被检材料的厚度。密度较低的材料要求较小的辐射能量。钴60发射 1170和1330keV两种伽马射线,铱192发射能量介于140和1200keV之间(平均能量340keV)的几种伽马射线。通常工业X 射线管的靶材料采用钨,其K层发射射线能量约60keV。 5.5 胶片识别标记Film Identification 5.5.1 常规General The radiographic film is to be properly marked to clearly indicate the hull number, or other equivalent traceable identification, and to identify the exact location of the area radiographed. 射线照相底片上应能清楚地标记着船体编号或其它等效识别编号,并显示出射线照相的具体位置。 5.5.2多重影像Multiple Films (1 September 2011) When more than one film is used to inspect a length of weld or a complete circumferential weld, identification markers are to appear on each film, such that each weld section reference marker location is common to two successive films to establish that the entire weld has been inspected. A radiograph of a repaired weld is to be identified with an “R”. Refer to Subsection 2/19. 当采用不止一张胶片检测某长度焊缝或一个完整的环缝时,每张底片上应出现识别标记,相邻的两张底 片上相关位置的相同标记表明整条焊缝已检测。 返修后的焊缝射线照相用R标注识别。参见2/29条。 5.7 射线照相质量等级Radiography Quality Level 5.7.1概要General The radiographic quality level is a combination of radiographic contrast and definition. 射线照相的质量水平是射线照相对比度和清晰度的结合。 5.7.2 射线照相对比度Radiographic Contrast (1 September 2011) Radiographic contrast is the difference in density between two adjacent areas on the film. It is primarily controlled by the energy level of the radiation source and type of film used. The fastest speed of film that provides the required quality level and definition may be used. The density contrast curve for the film, which is provided by film manufacturer, shall have a minimum of 5:1 ratio with the lightest density not less than 2.0. 射线照相对比度指的是在照片上两个相邻区域黑度上的差别。这主要由放射源能量等级和照片类型决定。 在保证被要求的射线照相质量水平和精确度的基础上可采用快速胶片。根据胶片生产厂家提供的胶片黑 度反差曲线,射线照相底片应具有最小5:1的黑度对比率且最小黑度不得低于2.0。 5.7.2(a) Radiographic contrast can be greatly affected and reduced by back-scattered radiation. Back-scattered radiation is radiation that has passed through the weld and film, but is reflected back to the film by surfaces behind the film. Dependent on the film location, the surfaces may be bulkheads, pipes, tanks, etc. To verify that backscatter radiation is not a problem, a lead letter “B” is to be attached to the center of the rear of the film cassette. The size of the lead letter “B” is to be 12.5 mm (1/2 in.) high and 1.6 mm (1/16 in.) thick. 射线照相对比度受背散射影响(降低)很大。背散射辐射是穿透焊缝和胶片的辐射,但是被胶片后方的 表面反射到胶片上的辐射。它由胶片位置决定,表面可以是舱壁、管道、水箱等。要验证背散射不是问 题,铅字― B ‖被附在胶片盒后面的中心位置。 铅字B高12.5毫米(0.55(1/2)英寸)厚1.6毫米(0.0625 (1/16)英寸)。 5.7.2(b) During interpretation of the radiograph, a light image of the lead letter “B” indicates a backscatter problem. The applicable radiograph(s) is to be considered unacceptable and the weld area of interest is to be re-radiographed. 在射线照片观片的时候,黑度较浅的铅字母―B‖影像表示存在背散射问题。这种射线照片被认为是不能接 收的,该焊接区域必须重新做射线检测。 5.7.2(c) To reduce the undesirable effects of back-scattered radiation, a thin sheet of lead can be placed behind the film cassette. 为减少背散射影响,可在暗盒后放置一块背铅板。 5.7.3 射线照相清晰度Radiographic Definition Radiographic definition refers to the sharpness of the image outline and is controlled by geometric unsharpness. 射线照相清晰度与影像轮廓的清晰度有关并由几何不清晰度决定。 5.7.4几何不清晰度Geometric Unsharpness Due to sources of penetrating radiation having physical dimensions, radiographic images have an inherent shadow. This is referred to as geometric unsharpness (Ug). To improve the ability to detect images of fine be kept to a maximum, see Section 2, Table 2 discontinuities, it is required that the physical dimension of Ug below. 由于射线源具有一定的几何尺寸,射线照相将随之产生阴影,即为几何不清晰度(Ug)。为提高检出细小 不连续性的能力,影响U的射线源几何尺寸有上限(如下参见第二章表2)。 g 表2 几何不清晰度Ug 检测部位的材料厚度,mm(in.) 几何不清晰度最大值,mm(in.) 0~50(0~2) 0.50(0.020) 50~75(2~3) 0.75(0.030) 75~100(3~4) 1.00(0.040) ,100(,4) 1.75(0.070) 5.7.5辐射源和胶卷的距离Source-to-Film Distance (1 September 2011) The correct source-to-film distance (SFD) is an important consideration in ensuring that the required radiographic quality level is obtained and controls the geometric unsharpness. 正确的放射源和胶片间的距离(SFD)是一个重要的考虑因素,以确保获得所需的X射线照片的质量并 且控制几何不清晰度。 Calculation of the correct U and SFD may be by a mathematical formula or prepared diagrams (nonograms). g 可通过一个数学公式或图表(诺模图)计算正确的U和SFD。 g where (as shown in Section 2, Figure 1) Ug = geometric unsharpness f = physical size of the radiation source d = distance from the front of the inspection component to the radiographic film D = distance from the front of the inspection component to the radiation source Therefore, d + D = SFD, and this calculation is to be included in the radiographic procedure/technique. The SFD is not to be less than the total length of the radiographic film being exposed. 式中(见第二章图1) Ug=几何不清晰度 f =辐射源的实际尺寸 d =检测部件前部到X射线胶片的距离 D =检测部件前部到辐射源的距离 因此, d + D= SFD ,射线照相程序/技术中将运用到此计算。SFD不能小于曝光的射线胶片的总长度。 5.7.6 最低质量等级Minimum Quality Level All radiographs are to have a minimum quality level of 2-4T or equivalent. The quality level may be considered as acceptable when the image of the applicable Image Quality Indicator (IQI) is clearly shown within the area of interest. 所有射线照相需至少达到2-4T或同等质量等级。 若采用的像质计在被检区域影像上清晰可见则考虑为此质量等级合格。 5.7.7 Film Length and Width (1 September 2011) Film shall have sufficient length and shall be placed to provide at least 12 mm (? in.) of film beyond the projected edge of the weld. Welds longer than 350 mm (14 in.) may be radiographed by overlapping film cassettes and making a single exposure, or by using single film cassette and making separate exposures. In such case, the provision in 2/5.7.4 geometric unsharpness (Ug) requirement shall apply. Film widths shall be sufficient to depict all portions of the weld joints, including heat-affected zones (HAZs), and shall provide sufficient additional space for the required hole-type IQIs or wire IQI and film identification without infringing upon the area of interest in the radiograph. 放置胶片时,胶片长度应足以覆盖便见焊缝端部至少12mm。 焊缝长度超过350mm时,可以单张分别曝光,也可多张搭接一次曝光,必须保证满足2/5.7.4条的几何 不清晰度要求。 胶片宽度应足以覆盖焊缝和HAZ,并留足孔型或线型像质计、识别标记的位置,避免影响被检区域。 图1 几何不清晰度 5.9像质计( IQI )Image Quality Indicator (IQI) 5.9.1 总则General (1 September 2011) Radiographic sensitivity shall be judged based on either standard hole-type (plaque) or wire IQIs. The radiographic technique and equipment shall provide sufficient sensitivity to clearly delineate the required IQIs with essential holes or wires as described in the following paragraphs and in Section 2, Tables 3 to 6 below. Hole-type IQI is to conform to ASTM Standard E 1025 and wire-type IQI is to conform to ASTM Standard E 747 or ISO Standard 1027. 射线照相灵敏度既可孔型(板型)像质计也可用线型像质计评定。射线照相技术和仪器应能提供足够的 灵敏度以使IQI要求出现的孔或丝在射线照相底片上清晰的显示出来,如下面段落和第二章表3~6所述。 11.3孔型IQI应符合ASTM E 1025标准,线型IQI应符合ASTM E 747标准或ISO 1027标准。 表3 孔型像质计的选择 源侧 胶片侧 材料公称厚度范围,mm(in.) 名称 需出现的孔 名称 需出现的孔 ?6.5 10 4T 7 4T 12 4T 10 4T ,6.5(0.25)~9.5 (0.375) 15 4T 12 4T ,9.5 (0.375)~12.5 (0.50) 15 4T 12 4T ,12.5 (0.50)~16.0 (0.625) 17 4T 15 4T ,16.0 (0.625)~19.0 (0.75) 20 4T 17 4T ,19.0 (0.75)~22.0 (0.875) 20 4T 17 4T ,22.0 (0.875)~25.0 (1.00) 25 4T 20 4T ,25.0 (1.00)~31.5 (1.25) 30 2T 25 2T ,31.5 (1.25)~38.0 (1.50) 35 2T 30 2T ,38.0 (1.50)~50.0 (2.00) 40 2T 35 2T ,50.0 (2.00)~62.5 (2.50) 45 2T 40 2T ,62.5 (2.50)~75.0 (3.00) 50 2T 45 2T ,75.0 (3.00)~100.0 (4.00) 60 2T 50 2T ,100.0 (4.00)~150.0 (6.00) 80 2T 60 2T ,150.0 (6.00)~200.0 (8.00) 表4线型像质计的选择 源侧 胶片侧 材料公称厚度范围,mm(in.) 最大线径,mm(in.) 最大线径,mm(in.) ?6.5 (0.25) 0.25 (0.010) 0.20 (0.008) 0.33 (0.013) 0.25 (0.010) ,6.5 (0.25) ~10.0 (0.375) 0.41(0.016) 0.33 (0.013) ,10.0 (0.375) ~16.0 (0.625) 0.51 (0.020) 0.41(0.016) ,16.0 (0.625) ~19.0 (0.75) 0.63 (0.025) 0.51 (0.020) ,19.0 (0.75) ~38.0 (1.50) 0.81 (0.032) 0.63 (0.025) ,38.0 (1.50) ~50.0 (2.00) 1.02 (0.040) 0.81 (0.032) ,50.0 (2.00) ~62.5 (2.50) 1.27 (0.050) 1.02 (0.040) ,62.5 (2.50) ~100.0 (4.00) 1.60 (0.063) 1.27 (0.050) ,100.0 (4.00) ~150.0 (6.00) 2.54 (0.100) 1.60 (0.063) ,150.0 (6.00) ~200.0 (8.00) 表5 ASTM线性像质计名称,丝径和丝号 A组 B组 C组 D 组 线径,mm(in.) 线号 线径,mm(in.) 线号 线径,mm(in.) 线号 线径,mm(in.) 线号 0.08 (0.0032) 1 0.25 (0.010) 6 0.81 (0.032) 11 2.54 (0.100) 16 0.10 (0.0040) 2 0.33 (0.013) 7 1.02 (0.040) 12 3.20 (0.126) 17 0.13 (0.0050) 3 0.41 (0.016) 8 1.27 (0.050) 13 4.06 (0.160) 18 0.16 (0.0063) 4 0.51 (0.020) 9 1.60 (0.063) 14 5.08 (0.200) 19 0.20 (0.0080) 5 0.63 (0.025) 10 2.03 (0.080) 15 6.35 (0.250) 20 0.25 (0.0100) 6 0.81 (0.032) 11 2.54 (0.100) 16 8.13 (0.320) 21 表6 ISO线性像质计名称,丝径和丝号 W1 铁(W1-W7) W6铁(W6-W12) W10铁(W10-W16) W13铁(W13-W19) 线径,mm(in.) 线号 线径,mm(in.) 线号 线径,mm(in.) 线号 线径,mm(in.) 线号 3.20 (0.125) 1 1.02 (0.040) 6 0.41 (0.016) 10 0.20 (0.0080) 13 2.54 (0.100) 2 0.81 (0.032) 7 0.33 (0.013) 11 0.16 (0.0063) 14 2.03 (0.080) 3 0.63 (0.025) 8 0.25 (0.010) 12 0.127 (0.0050) 15 1.60 (0.063) 4 0.51 (0.020) 9 0.20 (0.0080) 13 0.10 (0.0040) 16 1.27 (0.050) 5 0.41 (0.016) 10 0.16 (0.0063) 14 0.08 (0.0032) 17 1.02 (0.040) 6 0.33 (0.013) 11 0.127 (0.0050) 15 0.063 (0.0025) 18 0.81 (0.032) 7 0.25 (0.010) 12 0.10 (0.0040) 16 0.051 (0.0020) 19 5.9.2 孔型(Plaque – Penetrameter)IQI Hole-type (Plaque – Penetrameter) IQI With this type of IQI, the required quality level is achieved when, in addition to the image of the applicable hole, a minimum of three sides of the plaque image can be distinguished. A shim of material that is radiographically similar to the weld material may be used to provide the same amount of thickness below the IQI as the maximum thickness of the weld reinforcement. The size of the shim is to be a minimum of 3 mm (1/8 in.) larger than the plaque IQI. 这种类型的IQI,若除相对应孔外还有平板影像的至少三边可以分辨,则说明达到了所需的质量水平。可 使用类似焊接材料的垫片使IQI以下的材料达到焊缝余高的最高高度。垫片尺寸应至少比平板IQI大3 毫米(1 / 8 in.)。 The IQI is to be placed parallel to the longitudinal axis of the weld. The position of the IQI is to be such that the image of the IQI and shim is not to be projected within the area of interest. The area of interest is the weld, heat-affected zone (HAZ), and backing material, if used. IQI平行于焊缝的纵轴放置。这样的放置方法使IQI和垫片无法投影到相关区域。相关区域包括焊缝,热 影响区(HAZ)和基底材料。 5.9.3 线型IQI Wire IQI There are presently two types of wire IQIs in use. Both consist of parallel strips of wires of varying diameters encased vertically in a clear, sealed plastic pouch. The Surveyor is to verify that the required image of the correct diameter wire is shown within the area of interest. 目前有两种类型的线型像质计被使用。两种类型都由直径大小不同的金属丝,以平行线状竖直封装于一 个密封的透明的塑料袋中。验船师应验证恰当直径丝的影像在相关区域的显示。 5.9.3(a) (1 September 2011) The ASTM IQI consists of six (6) wires, see Section 2, Table 5, with the thickness of each wire increasing from left to right. 5.9.3(b) (1 September 2011) The ISO IQI consists of seven (7) wires, see Section 2, Table 6, with the thickness of each decreasing from left to right. 5.9.3(c) The ASTM or ISO IQI is to be placed perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the weld, such that the projected image is within the weld image. The required sensitivity is achieved when the required diameter wire image is visible within the weld image. 5.9.3(d) As the wire is placed in a transverse position across the face reinforcement, shims are not required. 5.9.3(a)ASTM标准的IQI由6根丝组成,每根丝的直径从左到右依次递增,见第二章表5。 5.9.3(b)ISO标准的IQI由7根丝组成,每根丝的直径从左到右依次递减,见第二章表6。 5.9.3(c)ASTM或ISO IQI都垂直于焊缝的纵轴放置,且IQI影像投在焊缝影像内。当规定直径丝的影 像在焊缝影像中清晰可见则表明获得了所需的灵敏度。 5.9.3(d)如果丝横跨焊缝余高表面垂直放置,则无需垫片。 5.9.4 IQI的选择 IQI Selection Selection of the applicable IQI quality level is to be based upon the plate thickness plus allowable weld reinforcement. Weld reinforcement is to be a combination of face plus root reinforcement. Backing material is not considered as part of the weld when selection of the IQI is made (refer to Section 2, Tables 3 and 4). 根据板厚加允许的余高厚度选择适当的IQI质量水平。焊缝余高包括正面和根部的余高。背衬材料部分 不作为IQI选择的考虑因素(见第二章表3和表4) 5.9.5 IQI的位置 Location of IQI Regardless of the IQI design, the IQI is to be placed on the side of the weld facing the source of radiation (source side) in the worst geometrical position which is required at either end of the applicable length of weld under inspection. 无论何种类型的像质计,都必须放置在工件源侧表面焊接接头的一端。透照焊缝厚度差大的区域,应在 区域的两端放置IQI。 5.9.5(a) Film Side Placement of IQIs . If an IQI cannot be physically placed on the side of the weld facing the source of radiation, the IQI may be placed in contact with the back surface of the weld. This is to be indicated by the placement of a lead letter ―F‖ adjacent to the IQI. 胶片侧IQI的放置。如果像质计无法放置在源侧,则可放置在胶片侧。要将一个铅字母“F”放在靠近像 质计上作为标记。 5.9.5(b) Level of Sensitivity. To maintain the required level of sensitivity, the plaque thickness or the wire diameter is to be one size less than stated for source side placement (refer to Section 2, Tables 3 and 4). 灵敏度等级。为保持所需的灵敏度等级,丝径尺寸小于源侧放置时的规定尺寸(参见第二章表3和表4)。 5.11射线照相黑度Radiographic Density 5.11.1 总则General Radiographic density is a measure of the film blackness. It is a logarithmic scale of light transmission through the film image and is accurately measured with a calibrated electronic transmission densitometer. 射线照相黑度是衡量影像黑度的一个尺度。它与穿透胶片的光成对数关系,用校准过的电子透射密度计 精确测量。 5.11.2黑度计的调校Calibration of Densitometer Calibration of the densitometer instrument is to be verified by comparison to a calibrated step- wedge film. 应使用经校准的阶梯密度片进行比照试验,从而验证黑度计的调校状态。 5.11.2(a) The calibrated step-wedge film is to be traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) or other equivalent national standard. 经校准的阶梯密度片应可溯源至 国家标准化与技术委员会 的标准或其他等同的国家标准。 5.11.2(b) Calibration of the instrument is to be verified and documented every 30 days. 仪器的调校状态应每30天验证一次并做记录。 5.11.3 阶梯密度片Step-Wedge Film Density Verification of radiographic film density by direct comparison with a step-wedge film is more subjective than when using an electronic densitometer. Improper storage can lead to degradation of the accuracy of step-wedge films. Therefore, close attention is to be paid to the physical condition of the step-wedge film. 不当的存储可能会导致阶梯密度片的精度降低,因此应特别注意阶梯密度片的物理状态。 5.11.3(a) When radiographic density is verified solely with the use of a calibrated step-wedge film, the calibration date of the film is to be within the previous 12 months of use. 当底片黑度仅使用经校准的阶梯密度片进行验证时,密度片的校准日期应在12个月内。 5.11.3(b) The calibrated step-wedge film is to be traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) or other equivalent national standard. 经校准的阶梯密度片应可溯源至国家标准化与技术委员会的标准或其他等同的国家标准。 5.11.4 射线照相底片黑度要求Radiographic Film Density Requirements The minimum density for single film viewing is to be 1.8 H&D for x-ray film and 2.0 H&D for gamma ray film. X射线的单张底片的最小黑度 应达到1.8 H&D,γ射线的为2.0 H&D。 5.11.4(a) The maximum density for single film viewing is to be 4.0 H&D for both x-ray and gamma ray films. 5.11.4(b) The base density of unexposed radiographic film is not to exceed 0.30 H&D. 5.11.4(c) When wire IQIs are used, a minimum of two density readings are required, one at each end of the area of interest. 5.11.4(d) When plaque IQIs are used, an additional density reading is to be taken through the body of the IQI on the shim. A density variation of +15% with the density of the area of interest is acceptable. 5.11.4(a)X射线和γ射线单张底片的最大黑度不应超过4.0 H&D。 5.11.4(b)未曝光射线胶片的本底灰雾度不应大于0.30 H&D。 5.11.4(c)当使用丝型像质计时,应至少测量两处的黑度值,在评定区两端各选一处。 5.11.4(d)当使用板型IQI时,还应读取垫片处IQI的黑度,黑度偏差允许在+15%。 A density reading lower than the area of interest is acceptable as long as the minimum required density and quality level are obtained. 若黑度值低于评定区的黑度值,只要其满足最低黑度和灵敏度级别的要求,是可以接受的。 5.13 射线照相底片质量Radiographic Film Quality 5.13.1 概述General Radiographs are to be processed in accordance with film manufacturer’s recommendations, especially with regard to temperature and time control. 射线照相底片按照胶片生产厂家的建议进行处理,特别是与温度和时间控制。 5.13.2人为缺陷和脏污Artifacts and Blemishes All radiographs are to be free of mechanical and/or processing artifacts and blemishes within the area of interest. Radiographs with artifacts or blemishes that interfere with interpretation of the area of interest are unacceptable. The weld area of interest is to be re-radiographed. 所有的射线底片评定区不应有机械或手工处理的污迹。若射线底片评定区内有干扰底片评定的污迹的伪 缺陷时,则该底片不可接受。应对射线底片评定区重新透照。 5.15 X射线片的分析Radiographic Film Interpretation 5.15.1概述(2011年9月1日)General (1 September 2011) Film interpretation and evaluation are only to be undertaken by qualified and certified Level II and/or Level III industrial radiographers. 照片的观片和评定要由具有资质证书的二级和(或者)三级工业射线照相检测人员进行。 5.15.2 观片设备Film Viewing Facilities Viewing and interpretation of finished radiographs are to be in an area that is clean, quiet, and provides subdued background lighting. 射线照相底片的观片和评片要在一个干净,安静的地方进行,并提供柔和的背景照明。 5.15.2(a) The viewing screen is to be clean and free of blemishes and marks. 观片屏幕应清洁,无污点和痕迹。 5.15.2(b) The viewing light is to provide sufficient and variable intensity to view radiographs with a maximum density of 4:0 H&D. 应提供足够的观片光线,且光强可调节,符合最高黑度为4.0 H,D的观片条件。 7. 射线照相底片的保存Storage of Radiographs 7.1 概述General (1 September 2011) The contract between the ship Owner and shipyard generally stipulates the period of time and storage location for completed radiographs. Archive quality of the film shall be according to ISO 18917: Photography – Determination of residual thiosulfate and other related chemicals in processed photographic materials – Methods using iodine-amylose, methylene blue and silver sulfide, or in accordance with the film manufacturer recommended techniques. ASTM E 1254 is referred for Guide to Storage of Radiographs and Unexposed Industrial Radiographic Films. 船东和船厂间的 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 应规定射线照相底片的存档年限和位置。 底片的存档质量应参照ISO 18917《在处理过的摄影材料上残留的硫代硫酸盐和其它相关的化学药品的测 定.碘-淀粉、亚甲蓝和硫化银方法》,或参照胶片生产厂家建议的方法进行。《射线照片和未曝光工业用 射线照相胶片的储存方法》应查阅ASTM E1254。 7.3 温度和湿度控制Temperature and Humidity Control (1 September 2011) Temperature and humidity control is required so that no deterioration of the radiographic image occurs. 为确保射线照相底片不变质需要控制合适的温度和湿度。 7.5文件编制和备案系统Documentation and Filing System An orderly documentation and filing system is to be implemented, such that the Surveyor can review radiographs within a reasonable period of time of request. 整齐有序的文件编制和备案系统可以满足检测人员在有需要的任何合理时间内随时查阅射线照相底片的 要求。 9. 报告Report (1 September 2011) Radiographic examination reports are to be filed for record and are to include the following items as a minimum: i) Hull number, exact location and length of the welds inspected ii) Base material type and thickness, weld thickness range and joint type iii) Radiation source used iv) X-ray voltage or isotope type used v) Distance from radiation source to weld vi) Distance from source side of weld to radiographic film vii) Angle of radiation beam through the weld (from normal) viii) Width of radiation beam ix) Film manufacturer’s type/designation and number of film in each film holder/cassette x) Number of radiographs (exposures) xi) IQI type and location (source side or film side) xii) Specific acceptance class criteria for radiographic examination xiii) Dates of inspection and signature of radiographic examination operator xiv) Evaluation of weld(s) examined, evaluation date, name and signature of evaluator 射线照相检测报告应记录存档并且至少包含一下信息: i) 船舶编号,被检焊缝的精确位置和检测长度 ii) 母材类型和厚度,焊缝的厚度范围和接头类型 iii) 采用的射线源 iv) 采用的X射线电压或r射线源种类 v) 射线源到焊缝的距离 vi) 焊缝源侧到射线胶片的距离 vii) 焊缝透照的射线束角度(相对于垂直) viii) 射线束宽度 ix) 胶片生产厂家的类型/名称和一盒胶片中的胶片数 x) 透照胶片数 xi) IQI类型和位置(源侧或胶片侧) xii) 采用的射线照相检测的验收标准等级 xiii) 检测日期和射线照相人员签名 xiv) 焊缝评定,评定日期,评片人员名称和签名 11. 数字成像系统Digital Imaging Systems (1 September 2011) 11.1 General In case of use of digital radiography (DR) to view and capture/store the image in electronic forms for viewing and evaluation for acceptance and rejection, the sensitivity of such examination as seen on the monitoring equipment and the recording medium shall not be less than that required for conventional film radiographic test. It is recommended to follow ASME Section V to meet the general requirements on DR method with regard to equipment, calibration, examination & inspection, evaluations, recording and documentation. 11.1 概述 若采用数字照相(DR)用电子的形式来观察和捕捉/保存图像并根据其观察、评定结果进行工件的接收或 者拒收时,监控设备和记录载体得到的检测灵敏度应不低于常规射线照相检测。建议遵循ASME V 标准 中关于DR检测设备、校准、检测、评定、记录、存档的通用要求。 11.3 Procedure and Report In addition to applicable items listed in Subsection 2/9 above, the procedure and report shall also contain the following essential items for a digital imaging system: i) Data of the monitoring equipment, including manufacturer, make, model, and serial number ii) Image acquisition equipment manufacturer, model, and serial number iii) Radiation and imaging control setting for each combination of variables established herein iv) Scanning speed, v) Image conversion screen to weld distance, vi) IQI type and location (source side or screen side), vii) Computer enhancement (if used), viii) Imaging software version and revision ix) Numerical values of the final image processing parameters (i.e., window (contrast), and level (brightness) for each view) x) Type of imaging recording medium, xi) Identification of the image file and its location The technique details may be embedded in the detail file. When this is done, ASTM E 1475, Standard Guide for Data Fields for Computerized Transfer of Digital Radiographical Examination Data, may be used as guidance. 11.3 规程及报告 除第2/9条列出的适用条目,采用DR系统检测时其规程和报告还应包含以下必要项目: i) 监控设备的日期,包括生产厂家、制造、型号和序列号 ii) 图像捕捉设备生产厂家、型号和序列号 iii) 在此建立的各变量组合的射线和成像控制装置 iv) 扫查速度 v) 图像转换屏到焊缝的距离 vi) IQI类型和位置(源侧或胶片侧) vii) 电脑增强器(如果使用) viii) 成像软件版本和修订 ix) 最终的图像处理参数数值(即窗口对比度,各视图的观察亮度等级) x) 图像记录载体类型 xi) 图像文件的识别编号和存储位置 方法详情将记录于具体文件中。若无其余说明,则参见ASTM E1475《数字式放射线试验数据计算机传 输用数据段的指南》。 11.5 记录Record Examinations used for acceptance or rejection of welds shall be recorded on an acceptable medium. The record shall be in-motion or static. A written record shall be included with the recorded images giving the following information as a minimum: i) Identification and description of welds examined ii) Procedure(s) and equipment used iii) Location of the welds within the recorder medium iv) Results, including a list of unacceptable welds, repairs and their locations within the recorded medium. The control of documentations on unprocessed original images (raw images) and the digitally processed images in DR method are to be to the satisfaction of the Surveyor. Permanent records of all interpretable indications are to be stored electronically (such as on CD-ROM), maintained and retrievable throughout the life of the vessels or structures. 焊缝合格检测应采用认可的载体记录。记录应是动态或静态数据。纸质记录应附有图像并至少包含一下 信息: i) 被检焊缝的识别编号和描述 ii) 检测采用的规程和仪器 iii) 记录载体中焊缝的位置 iv) 结果,包括拒收焊缝的清单,返修及其在记录载体中的位置 DR检测中未处理的原始图像及处理完毕的数字图像的文件控制都应符合验船师的要求。可解释的显示都 应永久记录在电子设备中(如CD-ROM),保存至船舶或结构的使用寿命期限并具有检索功能。 13. Extent of Radiographic Inspection射线照相检测范围 13.1 概述General Provision is to be made for the Surveyor to verify the radiographic inspection and examine radiographs of a representative number of checkpoints. The weld length of inspection is to be indicated in the inspection plan required by the applicable Rule requirements and by the Surveyor. If RT is the primary method of volumetric inspection and the minimum extent of RT coverage meets the extent requirements to the surveyors satisfaction, then any supplementary UT proposed is permitted to be to a minimum check length of 500 mm (20 in.) as indicated in 3/5.1. 为验船师提供校验设施以便验船师能够校验射线照相检测并检验典型数量的检测部位的射线照相底片。 检测图应根据可行规范和验船师的要求给出被检焊缝长度。 如果RT方法作为体积检测的主要方法,且RT覆盖的最小范围符合验船师的范围要求,则提交计划中的 任何补充UT可以减少到500mm (20 in.)的检测长度,如3/5.1条说明。 13.3 水面船舶Surface Vessels The minimum extent of radiographic inspection within the midship 0.6L of surface vessels is to be governed by the following equation: 水面船舶船舯部分0.6L长范围内的射线检测范围最小值由下列等式来确定: n = L(B + D)/46.5 SI and MKS units or n = L(B + D)/500 US units where n = minimum number of checkpoints L = length of the vessel between perpendiculars, in m (ft) B = greatest molded breadth, in m (ft) D = molded depth at the side, in m (ft), measured at L/2. n = L(B+D)/46.5 米制单位 或 n = L(B+D)/500 英寸制单位 式中 n——检验点的最少数量 L——船的两柱间长(米或英尺) B——最大型宽(米或英尺) D——在舷侧L/2处的型深(米或英尺) Consideration may be given for reduction of inspection frequency for automated welds where quality assurance techniques indicate consistent satisfactory quality. The number of checkpoints is to be increased if the proportion of non-conforming indications is abnormally high. 对于自动焊接,因为质量可靠可以考虑减少检验的频率。 若不合格显示的概率反常的高,则抽检的数量需增加。 13.5 其它海洋和近海工程结构Other Marine and Offshore Structures (1 September 2011) The extent of radiographic inspection for other marine and offshore structures is to be governed by the applicable Rule requirements (e.g., ABS Rules for Building and Classing Mobile Offshore Drilling Units). 其它海洋和近海工程结构的射线检验范围应根据相应的规范(如ABS移动近海钻井系统建造和分级规范) 要求来决定。 15. 射线检测位置Location of Radiographic Inspection 15.1 概述General In selecting checkpoints, the following should be given emphasis in the selection of inspection locations: i) Welds in high stressed areas ii) Other important structural elements iii) Welds which are inaccessible or very difficult to inspect in service iv) Field erected welds v) Suspected problem areas 选择检验位置时,下列检验部位应被重视: i) 高应力区的焊缝 ii) 其它重要的结构 iii) 使用中无法接近或难以检验的焊缝 iv) 现场合拢焊缝 v) 怀疑有问题的区域 15.3 水面船舶Surface Vessels Radiographic inspection within the midship 0.6L is to be carried out mainly in locations such as: i) Intersections of butts and seams in the sheer strakes, bilge strakes, deck stringer plates and keel plates ii) Intersections of butts in and about hatch corners in main decks iii) In the vicinity of breaks in the superstructure At the discretion of the Surveyor, radiographic inspection outside the midship 0.6L is to be carried out at random in important locations, such as those specified above. 船舯0.6L范围内的射线检验应主要在如下位置: i) 舷顶列板、舭列板、甲板纵桁、龙骨板的对接焊缝部位 ii) 主甲板舱口角及周围的对接缝 iii) 邻近上层建筑结构突变处的对接缝等部位 船舯0.6L范围以外的射线检测要由验船师自行决定在如上所列的重要部位上进行抽查。 15.5 其它海洋工程结构Other Marine and Offshore Structures (1 September 2011) Radiographic inspection is to be carried out at locations specified in the approved plans and by the Rules applicable to the structure (e.g., ABS Rules for Building and Classing Mobile Offshore Drilling Units). 其射线检测要在认可图上的指定部位并按相应的规范(如ABS移动近海钻井系统建造和分级规范)要求 进行。 17. 射线照相验收标准Acceptance Criteria for Radiographic Inspection 17.1 适用范围Applicability The acceptance criteria of Section 8 is applicable for full penetration butt welds in locations where radiographic inspection is carried out in accordance with this Guide and where required by the Surveyor. The acceptance criteria of Section 8 is not intended to apply to supplementary inspections conducted beyond Rule requirements. 第8节的验收标准适用于按照此指南或验船师要求的射线照相检测位置的全焊透对接焊缝检测。 第8节的验收标准不适用于超出此规范要求范围的任何补充检测。 19. 不合格缺陷的焊缝处理Treatment of Welds with Non-conforming Indications 19.1 总则General (1 September 2011) All radiographs of welds exhibiting non-conforming indications are to be brought to the attention of the Surveyor. Such welds are to be repaired and inspected as required by the Surveyor. 所有存在不合格缺陷的焊缝应告知验船师,并按验船师要求进行返修和重新检验。 19.3 集中缺陷的范围Extent of Indication at One Location Unless otherwise required by the Surveyor, when non-conforming indications are concentrated at one location away from the ends of the radiograph, only this location need be repaired or otherwise treated to the satisfaction of the Surveyor. No additional radiographic inspection is required in the adjacent area. 除非验船师另有要求,当不合格缺陷集中出现在一个位置并远离射线胶片的两端,则仅此处需返修或处 理使验船师满意为止,而不需要在附近焊缝区域增加检测。 19.5 底片端头的缺陷范围Extent of Indication at the End of a Radiograph When non-conforming indications are observed at the end of a radiograph, additional radiographic inspection is generally required to determine their extent. As an alternative, the extent of non-conforming welds may be ascertained by excavation, when approved by the Surveyor. 当发现不合格缺陷位于射线胶片的端部时,通常要求追加检测以确定其范围。 作为可选方法,经验船师允许,不合格焊缝的范围可由碳刨方法确定。 19.7 追加检测Additional Inspection When a series of non-conforming indications is observed on a radiograph, and the pattern of the indications suggests that non-conforming discontinuities may exist for an extended distance, additional inspection is to be carried out to the satisfaction of the Surveyor. 当射线照相底片上观察到一系列不合格缺陷,且缺陷的形状显示出其可能向远处延伸时,则应扩检以达 到验船师满意。 21. 参考文件References (1 September 2011) i) American Welding Society (AWS), D1.1, Structural Welding Code, Steel. ii) ASME Section V, Article 2 and Article 22 iii) ASTM E94, Standard Guide for Radiographic Examination. iv) ASTM E747, Standard Practice for Design, Manufacturer and Material Grouping Classification of Wire Image Quality Indicators (IQI) Used for Radiology. v) ASTM E1025, Standard Practice for Design, Manufacturer and Material Grouping Classification of Hole-Type Image Quality Indicators (IQI) Used for Radiology. vi) ASTM E1032, Standard Test Method for Radiographic Examination of Weldments. vii) ASTM E 1475, Standard Guide for Data Fields for Computerized Transfer of Digital Radiographical viii) Examination Data ix) ASTM E 1254, Standard Guide for Storage of Radiographs and Unexposed Industrial Radiographic Films x) ISO 1027, Radiographic Image Quality Indicators for Non-destructive Testing – Principles and Identification. xi) ISO 18917, Photography – Determination of residual thiosulfate and other related chemicals in processed photographic materials – Methods using iodine-amylose, methylene blue and silver sulfide. i) 美国焊接协会(AWS),D1.1, 钢结构焊接规范 ii) ASME V,第2章和第22章 iii) ASTM E94,射线检测标准指南 iv) ASTM E747,射线照相用线型像质指示器的设计、制造和材料分类的标准操作方法 v) ASTM E1025,射线照相用孔型像质指示器的设计、制造和材料分类的标准操作方法 vi) ASTM E1032,焊件射线照相检查的试验方法 vii) ASTM E1475,数字式放射线试验数据计算机传输用数据段的指南 viii) ASTM E1254,射线照片及未曝光工业射线照相胶片储藏指南 ix) ISO 1027,无损检测 射线照相像质计原则与标识 x) ISO 18917,在处理过的摄影材料上残留的硫代硫酸盐和其它相关的化学药品的测定.碘-淀粉、亚甲 蓝和硫化银方法 第三章 超声波检测 1. 概述General (1 September 2011) When ultrasonic inspection is to be used as an inspection method at a shipyard, it is to the Surveyor’s satisfaction of the yard’s capability with this inspection method. Several important considerations, which should be investigated, are the yard’s operator training and qualifying practices, reliability and reproducibility of results and the proper application of approved procedures and acceptance standards. Where a yard desires to use ultrasonic inspection as the primary inspection method, such testing is to be initially and periodically supplemented or complemented with random radiographic inspections to confirm ultrasonic flaw indications. This Guide currently covers conventional ultrasonic testing with straight beam and angle beam techniques. However, advanced techniques such as automated ultrasonic testing (AUT) with encoded computer program control or phased array ultrasonic testing (PAUT) with A, B, or C scan or time of flight diffraction (TOFD) technique may be used to provide permanent records, provided appropriate training of the operator in advanced techniques is to satisfaction of the Surveyor. Records are to be kept concerning the nature and severity of the indications and the amount of repair weld required based on each inspection method. In addition to the ultrasonic inspection, the Surveyors may, at their discretion, require supplementary nondestructive testing, such as radiography, to verify the adequacy of the quality control system. The acceptance requirements contained herein are intended for the ultrasonic inspection of full penetration welds in hull structures of surface vessels, and when indicated by ABS, may also be applied to other marine and offshore structures. They are not intended to cover material with thickness less than 8 mm (5/16 in.) for which modified techniques and standards would be required (see Appendix 2 for guidance). These requirements are primarily intended for the inspection of carbon and low alloy steels. The requirements may be applied for the inspection of material with different acoustical properties, such as aluminum or stainless steel, provided the transducer design and calibration block material used are appropriate to the acoustical properties of the material under inspection. Variations from the techniques recommended herein may be given consideration if they are shown to be more suitable to special situations. Ultrasonic inspection of materials with thickness less than 8 mm (5/16 in.) may be specially considered when proposed as a substitute for radiography. 当超声波检测在船厂作为一种检测方法时,船厂的超声波检测能力应满足验船师要求。需要调研的几个 重要方面包括:船厂操作人员的培训和实习经历、可靠性、检验结果的再现性、认可的程序和验收标准 的执行情况。 当船厂希望使用超声波检测做为主要的检测手段时,该项检验应从开始而且定期性的辅以或补充适量射 线检测以确认是否超声可以将缺陷显示出来。此指南目前覆盖了常规超声检测的直探头和斜探头技术。 然而,先进技术如采用编码数字系统控制的自动化超声检测(AUT)或超声相控阵检测(PAUT)的A/B/C 扫,或衍射时差技术(TOFD)可以用来提供永久的记录,检测人员需经过适当的培训并符合验船师的技 术要求。 应保留关于缺陷的性质及严重程度的记录以及焊缝修理数量(基于个检测方法)的记录。 除了超声检测外,验船师可自行决定要求用例如射线检测等补充方法来检验质量控制系统的可靠程度。 这里所指的验收标准适用于水面船舶船体结构的全熔透焊缝的超声波检测,若ABS认可,也可用于其它 海洋工程结构。本规范不适用于厚度低于8mm(0.3125英寸)的材料,对此种材料的验收标准应使用修定 后的规范和标准。本规范主要适用于碳钢和低合金钢。如果换能器的设计和所用校正试块材料的声学特 性与所检材料的声学特性相适应,这些标准也可用于铝、不锈钢等不同声学特性材料的检验。 本规范推荐技术方法的衍生方法在更适合它们的情况下可以考虑使用。对于厚度小于8mm(0.3125英寸) 的材料检测,特殊情况下可考虑用超声波检测来替代射线检测。 3. 超声波检测程序Ultrasonic Procedure (1 September 2011) 3.1人员Personnel The Surveyor is to be satisfied that NDT personnel are qualified and certified in accordance with Subsection 1/5. When inspection is conducted by PAUT or TOFD technique, the operator must provide proof of suitable training to apply this technique. NDT人员应具有如第1/5条的人员资质和认证并满足验船师要求。 当采用PAUT或TOFD技术进行检测时,检测人员必须提供运用此技术的适当培训的证明。 3.3技术Technique An acceptable pulse echo ultrasonic technique is to be followed, such as that indicated in ASTM E164 or other recognized standards. 采用在ASTM E164或其它已认可标准中的合适的脉冲回波超声技术进行检测。 3.5 校正试块 Calibration Blocks 3.5.1 IIW试块 IIW Block Distance calibration (horizontal sweep) is to be performed using The International Institute of Welding (IIW) ultrasonic reference block Type US-1 as shown in Section 3, Figure 1A. Other more portable blocks of approved design may be permitted for field use such as Type MAB Miniature Angle-Beam reference block (Section 3, Figure 1B) and Type DSC Distance and Sensitivity reference (Section 3, Figure 1C), provided they meet the intended requirements. For resolution calibration (RC) of angle beam transducer, the IIW reference block shown in Section 3, Figure 1D, may be used. 采用第三章图1 A所示的IIW超声波US-1型对比试块进行距离校准(水平扫描)。其它经过设计认可的更 便携的试块,如MAB微型斜探头对比试块(第三章图1 B)和DSC型距离灵敏度参考试块(第三章图1C), 倘若满足需求,也可现场使用。 斜探头的分辨力校正,第三章图1D所示的IIW对比试块可以使用。 3.5.2 基本的校正试块 Basic Calibration Block(s) Sensitivity calibration is to be performed using the Basic Calibration Block appropriate for the weld thickness to be inspected as shown in Section 3, Figure 2. Where the block thickness ?25 mm (?1 in.) spans two of the weld thickness ranges shown in Section 3, Figure 2, the block’s use is acceptable in those portions of each thickness range covered by 25 mm (1 in.). 灵敏度校正是用第三章图2所示的适合被检焊接厚度的基本校正试块进行。厚度为?25mm(?1英寸)试块 跨越了第三章图2提到的2个焊接厚度,那么两个厚度范围内包含25mm(1英寸)尺寸的试块均可使用。 3.5.2(a) Block Selection. The material from which the block is fabricated is to be of the same product form, heat treatment, material specification and acoustically similar as the materials being examined. For calibration blocks for dissimilar metal welds, the material selection is to be based on the material on the side of the weld from which the examination is to be conducted. If the examination is conducted from both sides, calibration reflectors are to be provided in both materials. Where two or more base material thicknesses are involved, the calibration block thickness is to be determined by the average thickness of the weld. 3.5.2(b) Surface Finish. The finish on the surfaces of the block (from which the scanning is to be conducted) is to be representative of the surface finishes on the components to be examined. 3.5.2(c) Block Quality. The material from which the calibration block is to be made is to be completely examined with a straight beam search unit and is to be free of internal discontinuities. Note: In the case of PAUT or TOFD technique, the reference calibration blocks are to be made to meet the ASME Section V requirements. 3.5.2(a)试块选择 制造试块的材料要和被检材料具有同样的生产工艺、热处理、材料规格和声学特性。为了校正不同金属 焊接件的试块,材料选择要基于焊接件被检测一侧的材料进行。如果要进行双侧检测,两种材料反射体 的校准都应进行。若检测涉及两种或多种母材厚度,校准试块的厚度取决于焊缝厚度平均值。 3.5.2(b)表面粗糙度 执行扫查的试块的表面粗糙度要能代表将要执行检验的部件的表面状况。 3.5.2(c)试块质量 制作校正试块的材料要用纵波探测器进行彻底检查,要求无内部不连续。 备注:如果采用PAUT或TOFD技术进行检测,对比校准试块应根据ASME V要求制作。 3.7 超声波检测设备Ultrasonic Equipment 3.7.1 总则General A pulse-echo ultrasonic instrument shall be used. The instrument shall be capable of displaying an A-scan rectified trace and operation at frequencies over a range of at least 1 to 5 MHz and shall be equipped with a stepped gain control in units of 2.0 dB or less. If the instrument has a damping control, it may be used if it does not reduce the sensitivity of the examination. The reject control shall be in the “off” position for all examinations unless it can be demonstrated that it does not affect the linearity of the examination. 应采用脉冲反射式超声仪。该仪器应可进行A型扫查显示且工作频率范围至少覆盖1~5 MHz,步进增益小 于等于2dB。若仪器具有阻尼控制,在不影响检测灵敏度的情况下可以使用。抑制器在所有检测中应处于 关闭状态除非证明其对检测线性无影响。 3.7.2 基本的设备校正Basic Instrument Qualification Basic instrument qualification is to be made once each three (3) months or whenever maintenance is performed which affects the function of the equipment (whichever is less). Basic instrument qualification is to include checks of vertical linearity and horizontal linearity. A 12.5 mm (1/2 in.) diameter 2.25 MHz (or nearest size and frequency) compressional (straight beam) transducer is to be used as a master transducer for instrument qualifications. The master transducer is to be used primarily for qualification purposes and is not to be used for general inspections. 基本的仪器鉴定应每3个月进行一次,或在进行会影响设备功能的维修保养后进行(无论哪个时间短)。 基本的仪器鉴定包括水平线性和垂直线性的检查。仪器检定的主探头为2.25MHz、直径12.5mm(或相近 的尺寸和频率)的直探头。此换能器主要用于设备校正而不能用于一般检验。 The standard International Institute of Welding (IIW) Reference Block Type US-1, shown in Section 3, Figure 1A is to be used for instrument qualification. Other types of reference blocks may also be used provided they provide the same sensitivity and functions, as does the IIW Reference Block. 第三章图1A所示的国际焊接学会(IIW)的US-1型对比试块用来进行设备校正。其它能提供和 IIW 的 标准试块相同灵敏度和作用的试块也可以采用。 3.7.2(a) 水平线性Horizontal Linearity. The horizontal (range) linearity of the test instrument shall be qualified over the full sound-path distance being used during testing. For this qualification, the master transducer creating longitudinal (compression) waves is used. The procedures for horizontal linearity qualification are outlined as follows: 被测仪器水平线性的校正范围应包括检测过程中覆盖的整个声程范围。校正中,采用的主探头应为纵波 探头。水平线性校正流程大致如下: • Couple the straight-beam master transducer on the end surface (position 1 in Section 3, Figure 1A) of the IIW reference block to calibrate for a full range of 200 mm (8 in.) • Place the master transducer over 100 mm (4 in.) width side (position 2 in Section 3, Figure 1A). Two (2) peaks at equal distance are expected. • Place the master transducer over the thickness of the block (position 3 in Section 3, Figure 1A) and eight (8) peaks at equal distance are expected. • When properly adjusted each intermediate trace deflection location shall be correct within ?5% of the screen width. , 将主直探头耦合在IIW对比试块端面(第三章图1A的位置1),且调节声程范围200mm(8 in.); , 将主探头耦合在100mm宽的面上(第三章图1A的位置2),找到等距的两个波峰; , 将主探头耦合在试块厚度方向上(第三章图1A的位置3),得到等距的8个波峰; , 适当调节后,中间的每个回波的位置偏离应在屏宽的?5%以内。 3.7.2(b) 垂直线性Vertical (Amplitude Control) Linearity. To determine the accuracy of the amplitude control of the instrument, position the master transducer over the 1.5 mm (1/16 in.) side drilled hole in the IIW block so that the indication is peaked on the screen. With the increases and decreases in attenuation or gain as shown in the table below, the indication must fall within the limits specified. 为测定仪器的幅度控制准确性(垂直线性),可将主探头置于IIW试块1.5mm横通孔的上方,使屏幕上的 显示波峰达到最高,在按下表增大和减小衰减或增益时,显示波峰必须在限定值范围内。 Indication set at Indication limits % of full screen height (FSH) % of full screen height (FSH) dB control change 显示波峰设定 显示波峰的限定值 dB控制器的变动值 满屏高度的%数 满屏高度的%数 80% -6dB 38 to 42% 80% -12dB 18 to 22% 40% +6dB 78 to 82% 20% +12dB 78 to 82% Alternative method is to use the dB drop method by adjusting the reference echo to 100% of full screen height (FSH) from back wall (use of a small weight on top of the transducer to get a steady echo is advisable). Reduce the gain by 6 dB and the resulting echo should be 50% of FSH (?1 dB). A further reduction of 6 dB in gain reduces the echo height to 25% of FSH (?1 dB) and a further reduction of 6 dB reduces the echo height to 12.5 % of FSH. 也可采用降dB法:调节底面回波(可在探头顶部施加小的重量以得到稳定的回波)至满屏高的100%。 增益减小6dB,此时回波高度应在满屏高的50%(?1 dB)。若增益再减小6dB,此时回波高度应在满屏 高的25%(?1 dB),继续减小6dB,回波高度降到满屏高的12.5%。 3.7.3 换能器Transducers The nominal frequency shall be from 1 MHz to 5 MHz unless variables such as production material grain structure require the use of other frequencies for adequate penetration or better resolution. 标称频率应为1~5Mhz,除非产品材料晶粒结构要求其他的频率以保证足够的穿透能力或更好的分辨力。 3.7.3(a) 直探头Straight Beam Transducer. Straight beam transducer size may vary from 12.5 mm (1/2 in.) to 25 mm (1 in.) in round or square shape. Resolution test for the straight beam transducer selected is required by coupling the transducer at position 4 as indicated in Section 3, Figure 1A. Instrumentation range is to be set for minimum 100 mm (4 in.) full scale. Adjust the gain so all three (3) echoes reach full screen height (FSH). Three (3) separate echoes must be displayed. 直(射)探头为圆形或方形,尺寸可在12.5mm~25mm之间变化。 所选直探头的分辨力测试是将探头耦合在第三章图1A的位置4。使用仪器的范围应至少100mm满量程。 调增益使3个回波都达到满屏高度,此时3个回波应该是相互独立的。 3.7.3(b) 斜探头Angle Beam Transducer. The angle beam transducer crystal size may vary from 10.0 mm (13/32 in.) to 20 mm (3/4 in.) in width and length. The transducer may be round, rectangular, or square. 斜(射)探头可以是圆形、长方形或正方形的。晶片的长和宽、或直径尺寸可在10mm~20mm之间变化。 Transducers are to have a nominal frequency of 2.25 or 2.5 MHz. Higher frequencies up to 5 MHz may be utilized for improved resolution or for material of thin cross section. Lower frequencies down to 1 MHz, when agreed to by the Surveyor, may be used for improved signal penetration or for material of heavy cross section (> 19 mm (3/4 in.)). The transducers are to be affixed to suitable wedges designed to induce refracted shear waves in steel within ?2? of the following angles: 70?, 60? and 45?. 探头的标称频率应为2.25或2.5MHz。5MHz以上的高频率可以用于提高分辨力或薄横截面的材料(薄板)。 当验船师同意时,1MHz以下的低频率可以用于提高信号穿透力或厚横截面的材料(厚板,>19mm)。选 好的斜探头应置于IIW型RC试块上标记了折射角的适当位置进行分辨力测试,见图2。探头置于合适的楔 块上以便在钢中产生折射横波,横波角度为45?、60?和70?,其误差在?2?以内。 Ultrasonic inspection of materials below 8 mm (5/16 in.) in thickness may be specially considered for ultrasonic test. Modified techniques and standards may be required by using smaller angle beam transducer element size (i.e., dimension of elements less than the wall thickness) to maintain a small beam cross section and reduce strong signals associated with boundary effects. See Appendix 2 for guidance. 厚度在8mm以下的材料,其超声检测应单独考虑。经修缮的技术和标准要求采用更小的斜探头晶片尺寸 (即,晶片尺寸应小于壁厚)以保证小的声束截面并减小强信号带来的边界效应。见本指南附录2。 The transducer and wedge unit are to be clearly marked to indicate the frequency, nominal angle of refraction and the index point. The transducer and wedges are to be checked using the IIW block before use and after each eight (8) hours of use to verify the index point, that the wear face is flat and that the refracted angle is within the ?2? of the proper angle. 探头和楔块要明确标明频率,标称折射角和入射点。探头和楔块在使用前和工作每8小时需用IIW试块检 验一次,以验证入射点,磨损面是否平,以及折射角度在适当角度? 2?的范围内。 The primary consideration for selecting the resulting angle of shear wave is the thickness of the plate. Other factors which may be considered in angle selection are weld joint geometry and groove angle and further evaluation of discontinuities to be detected. 钢板的厚度是所产生剪切波的角度选择首要考虑的因素。其他角度选择的考虑因素是焊接接头几何形状 和坡口的角度,需进一步评估的不连续性。 The shear wave angles to be used for various thicknesses are listed below: 适用于不同厚度的剪波角度如下: * 板厚 剪波角度 70? 8 mm (0.3125英寸)~19mm(0.75英寸) 60? 19 mm (1.5英寸) ~ 38 mm (1.5英寸) 45? 大于38 mm (1.5 英寸) *在证明可行的情况下,其它剪波角度也可使用。对于厚板,考虑到折射角应尽可能使声束打到焊缝坡口时与坡口面 垂直。对于薄板,被检材料内超声波的声程不得大于100mm(4 in.)。 Resolution test for the angle beam transducer selected is required by coupling the transducer at an appropriate position for the refracted angle marked on the IIW type RC reference block as shown in Section 3, Figure 1D. Three (3) distinguishable echo signals from the three (3) side-drilled holes must be displayed on A-scan screen. 选好的斜探头应置于IIW型RC试块上标记了折射角的适当位置进行分辨力测试,见图2。在A型显示屏上 必须显示出从3个横通孔反射的可分辨的3个回波信号。 3.7.4 耦合剂Couplant The couplant, including additives, shall not be detrimental to the material be examined. 耦合剂(包括添加剂)应对检测材料无害。 3.9 检测所需的校准 3.9.1 总则 The same couplant is to be used for both calibration and field inspection. For contact examination, the temperature differential between the calibration block and examination surfaces shall be within 20?F (12?C) . For immersion examination, the couplant temperature for the calibration shall be within 20?F (12?C) of the couplant temperature for examination. Attenuation in couplants, wedge materials and base material varies with temperature and a calibration performed at a given temperature may not be valid for examination at significantly hotter or colder temperatures. The ultrasonic equipment is to be calibrated for horizontal sweep distance and sensitivity with the reference calibration standards just prior to examination each time it is used. Recalibration is to be performed whenever there is a change in examiner (except for automated equipment), after every four (4) hours of continuous use, whenever the power supply to the transmitter has been changed or interrupted, or whenever the calibration of the equipment is suspected of being in error. 用于校准和现场检验的耦合剂应相同。对于接触式检测,校准试块和被检表面的温度差异需在20?F (12?C)之内。对于液浸法检测,校准试块和被检表面的温度差异需在20?F (12?C)之内。耦合剂的运用和 温度以及校正试块要能表现现场的条件。因为耦合剂、楔块和底部材料的衰减随温度而变化,因此在特 定温度下的仪器校正会因为稍热和稍冷的温度而变得无效。超声波设备每用一次之后,要用参考校验标 准校正水平扫描距离和敏感度。当检查员作了任何变动(自动化设备除外)、仪器每连续使用4小时、断 电或电压发生变化或者怀疑校验有误时,仪器均需要重新校正。 The basic calibration block configuration and reflectors are to be as shown in Section 3, Figure 2. The block size and reflector locations shall be adequate to perform calibrations for the beam angles used. 基本校准试块的形状和反射体应如图第三节图2所示。试块的尺寸和反射体的位置应能提供斜探头校准。 The calibration for examination to detect discontinuities pertinent to the item under inspection is to be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Surveyor, preferably using samples or reference blocks containing known discontinuities. 检测前的校准应符合验船师的要求,最好采用具有已知不连续的试样或对比试块。 3.9.2 斜射波和直射波的DAC校准DAC Calibration of Angle Beam and Straight Beam The transducer calibration for straight beam is required to be dual-element (twin-crystal) for steel plate thickness less than or equal to 50 mm (2 in.) or single element if steel plate thickness is greater than 50 mm (2 in.) for both lamination checks and weld inspection, such as Tee and Corner welds to be tested for incomplete penetration from the flat face opposite when accessible. 对于分层检查和焊缝检测,当钢板厚度小于等于50mm,校准直探头采用双晶探头;如钢板厚度大于50mm, 校准直探头采用单晶探头。例如检T型或角型焊缝的未焊透,需要从平面的对面进行(若对面可达)。 After determination of weld configuration, plate thickness, and transducer’s angle and frequency, ultrasonic sound path can be calculated for horizontal sweep distance. A formula is to be used to calculate the sound path by following: 在测完焊缝结构、板厚和探头角度后,水平扫查距离能够用超声波声程计算出来。下列公式用于计算声 程: Sound Path = 2 × Plate Thickness/COS(refracted angle) 声程=2 × 板厚/COS(折射角) A DAC curve is to be established from the responses from the Side drilled holes (SDH) in the appropriate thickness of Basic Calibration Block shown in Section 3, Figure 2. DAC曲线的建立是基于第3部分图2所示对比试块的适当厚度上的横通孔的反射回波。 The following method is used only for instruments without Automatic Distance Amplitude Correction (DAC). 下列方法仅适用于用于无自动DAC校准的仪器。 3.9.2(a) DAC of the Basic Calibration Block: Position the search unit for maximum response from the hole which gives the highest amplitude, and adjust the sensitivity control to provide an 80% (?5%) of FSH from the hole. Mark the peak of the indication on the screen. 3.9.2(a) 基本校准试块的DAC:将探头置于可得到孔的最大回波的的位置,调整灵敏度控制器使回波达到 满屏高(FSH)的80%(?5%),在屏上标记指示的波峰位置。 Without changing the sensitivity control, position the search unit to obtain a maximized response from at least two (2) other reflector holes which cover the calculated maximum sound path distance. Mark the peak of each indication on the screen and connect the points with a smooth line manually or automatically. 不改变灵敏度控制器,将探头置于可得到最大回波的其他反射孔(至少两个,应覆盖计算出的声程距离) 位置,在屏上标记每个指示的波峰位置,并且(用手工或自动)用一条平滑的线连接这些点。 3.9.2(b) Amplitude Reject Level (ARL). The DAC from 3/3.9.2(a) represents the DAC curve and serves as the Amplitude Reject Level (ARL). 3.9.2(b) 判废线(ARL):将按照7.2(a)所描绘的DAC曲线作为判废线(ARL)。 3.9.2(c) Disregard Level. (DRL). A second DAC curve is to then be plotted from the same reflector holes by dropping gain level by 6 dB. This lower DAC curve serves as the Disregard Level. (DRL) For instruments with automatic distance amplitude correction, the maximum response from the side drilled holes in the basic calibration block is to be equalized over the appropriate distance range and set at 80% and 40% of full screen height for the (ARL) and (DRL) respectively. 3.9.2(b) 定量线(DRL):第二条DAC曲线是基于相同反射孔的回波降低6dB增益绘制的。将较低的DAC 曲线作为定量线。作为自动修正振幅距离的仪器,从基准校准模块的侧孔得到的最大回响被补偿到适当的 距离范围,并(ARL)和(DRL)分别是全屏幕的高度的80,和40,。 3.11 焊缝检测Weld Inspection 3.11.1 表面状态Surface Condition Surfaces on which the transducer makes contact in the course of weld inspection are to be free from loose scale, loose paint, weld spatter, dirt, other foreign matter or excessive roughness to an extent that allows the transducer intimate contact with the scanning surface. Welds and inspection surface are subject to the requirements from Subsection 1/1. 传感器接触的焊缝表面要去除氧化皮,松散的油漆,焊接飞溅,污物,其他异物或过度粗糙表面,以使探 头可以很好地耦合在扫查表面。 3.11.2 直探头检测板的分层缺陷 Plate Lamellar Discontinuities Using Straight Beam Technique In order to detect lamellar discontinuities in the base plate (i.e., parallel to the surface of the plate) that may be present in way of welds which are to be inspected, the surface adjacent to the weld, on the side or sides where the weld inspection is carried out, is to be inspected by using a straight beam (compressional wave) technique (dual-element if steel plate thickness is less than or equal to 50 mm (2 in.) or single element if steel plate thickness is greater than 50 mm (2 in.)). When these inspections reveal lamellar discontinuities which would interfere with the shear wave weld inspection, the weld inspection is to be made from the opposite side of the weld. If a shear wave ultrasonic inspection cannot be conducted because of laminations on both sides of the weld, the weld location is to be inspected by an alternate nondestructive test technique, such as radiography. 为了检测可能出现在被检测板中可能干扰焊缝检测声束的分层不连续(即平行于板表面),焊缝进行检 测的一侧或两侧需用直波(纵波)技术检测(若钢板厚度小于等于50mm即2in.则采用双晶探头,若钢板 厚度大于50mm即2in.则采用单晶探头)。当检测显示某分层不连续将可能影响焊缝横波检测时,焊缝检 测将从焊缝的对面进行。如果因为焊缝的两侧都有分层而导致超声波横波检测无法进行时,需用另一种 无损检测技术进行检测,例如射线检测。 Discontinuities Using Angle Beam Technique 3.11.3 斜探头检测纵向不连续Longitudinal In order to detect longitudinal discontinuities (i.e., along the axis of the weld), the transducer is to be moved in a selected, overlapping pattern similar to that shown in Section 3, Figure 3 (left side of weld). Simultaneously, while moving along the path of inspection and detecting flaw indication, the transducer is to be oscillated through a small angle. The length of weld to be inspected is to be scanned with the transducer directed in two distinct paths: either on both sides of the weld from the same surface, or on opposite surfaces from the same side of the weld. 为了检测纵向的不连续(即沿焊缝的轴向),探头应采用选定的有重叠的方式移动,类似第三章图3所 示(焊缝左侧)。同时,当沿检测路径移动探头探测缺陷指示时,探头应有小角度的转动。该段被检焊 缝有两种扫查方式:单面双侧,或双面单侧。 3.11.4 斜探头检测横向不连续Transverse Discontinuities Using Angle Beam Technique In order to detect transverse discontinuities, the transducer is to be angled about 15 degrees from the weld axis and moved parallel to the weld length, as shown in Section 3, Figure 3 (right side of weld). The scan is then to be repeated on the same surface on the other side of the weld if accessible or on opposite surfaces from the same side of the weld. Both scans are to be made with the transducer moved in the same direction. For welds in which the surfaces have been ground, the transducer is placed on the weld surface and moved along the weld axis with the sound beam directed parallel to the weld. 为了探测横向不连续,探头应与焊缝中心线成15度角,并且沿着焊缝移动,如第三章图3所示(焊缝左 侧)。如果焊缝同一表面另一侧可以接触到,则在该侧进行相同的扫查,或者在焊缝另一面的同侧进行 扫查。两次扫查探头需沿同一方向移动。对于表面已打磨的焊缝,可将探头置于焊缝表面,声束平行于 焊缝,并沿着焊缝轴线移动。 3.11.5 不连续长度的测定 Discontinuity Length Determination When discontinuities are indicated, the sound beam is to be directed so as to maximize the signal amplitude. The transducer is then moved parallel to the discontinuity and away from the position of maximum signal amplitude until the indication drops toward the base line (6 dB drop). Using the centerline of the wedge of the transducer as an index, the extremity points of the discontinuities are determined as indicated in the following 3/3.11.5(a) and 3/3.11.5 (b): 当显示出不连续性的时候,声束应指向信号幅度最大的方向。然后将探头平行于不连续移动,探头离开 波幅最高位置直至指示降低到基准线(降6dB法)。将楔块和探头连线的中心作为原点,不连续的终点 按3/3.11.5(a)和 3/3.11.5(b)所示测定。 3/3.11.5(a) 高于ARL线的指示 Indications Greater than ARL For indications with peak amplitude greater than the ARL, the extremity points of the discontinuity are defined as the points at which the signal drops to 50% of the ARL. (6 db change) 对于波峰高于ARL线的指示,以信号降至ARL线的50%位置(6dB变化,即DRL线)确定缺陷的端点。 3/3.11.5(b) 高于DRL线的指示Indications Greater than DRL For indications with peak amplitudes equal to or less than the ARL, the extremity points remains below the DRL for a distance equal to 1/2 the major dimension of the transducer or drops to 1/2 the peak amplitude, whichever occurs first (i.e. the points which define the shortest discontinuity length). 对于波峰等于或低于ARL线的指示,将探头移动到波幅低于DRL的距离等于探头1/2主尺寸或波幅降到 1/2波峰的位置作为指示终点,以先达到条件的为准(即指示点定义最短不连续长度)。 3/3.11.6 Adjacent Discontinuity 邻近的缺陷 Adjacent discontinuities separated by less than 2L of sound metal (L equals length of longest discontinuity) shall be considered as a single discontinuity. 优质金属邻近不连续间距小于2L(L为最长的不连续长度)时,应作为一个单个不连续评定。 3.23超声波检测报告Ultrasonic Inspection Reports Ultrasonic inspection reports are to be filed for record and are to include the following items as a minimum: 超声波检测报告应归档,且至少应包括下列项目: • Hull number, exact location and length of the welds inspected 船号,被检焊缝的准确位置和长度 • Equipment used (instrument maker, model, and identity; transducer type, identity, size, frequency, and angle) 使用的设备(仪器厂家、型号和标识,探头型号、标识、尺寸、频率和角度) • Beam angle(s) used 使用的探头声束角度 • Couplant used (brand name or type) 使用的耦合剂(商标名称或型号) • Calibration block identification 校准试块鉴定证明 • Base metal type and thickness, weld process, surface condition such as any unusual condition of weld bead (ground, undercut, etc.), weld joint design 母材型号和厚度、焊接方法、表面状态如焊道的任何特殊状态(打磨、咬边等)、焊接接头图样 • Specific acceptance class criteria for examination 用于检测的具体验收级别、准则 • All reflections which are interpreted as failing to meet the specified requirements (as defined in Subsection 3/11 above) 判定为不符合规定要求的所有反射体(按第3/11条的规定) • Dates of inspection and signature of ultrasonic examination operator 检测日期,以及超声波检测人员签名 • Evaluation of weld(s) examined, evaluation date, name and signature of evaluator 被检焊缝的评定、评定日期,及评定人员签名 A typical report form, shown in Section 3, Figure 4, is considered acceptable. The method for review and evaluation of ultrasonic test reports is required for adequate quality control and is to be to the satisfaction of the Surveyor. 可采用第三章图4所示的典型报告格式。复检和超声波检测报告评定的方法需足够的质量控制且符合验 船师要求。 In case of using PAUT and TOFD, permanent records of all interpretable indications are to be stored electronically (such as on CD-ROM), maintained and retrievable throughout the life of the vessels or structures. 若采用PAUT和TOFD,所有可解释的显示的永久记录都应存入电子器件(如CD-ROM)中,保存船舶 或结构的寿命期限并可检索。 5 超声检测范围Extent of Ultrasonic Inspection 5.1 检验点Checkpoints Provision is to be made for the Surveyor to witness the ultrasonic inspection of a representative number of checkpoints. Each checkpoint is to consist of approximately 1250 mm (50 in.) of weld length. However, in cases where extensive production experience has indicated that a high proportion of checkpoints (such as 90 to 95%) are free of non-conforming indications, consideration may be given to reducing the length of checkpoints to 750 mm (30 in.). If the percentage of non-conforming indications rises then a 1250 mm (50 in.) of the length is to be reapplied. 为验船师提供校验设施以便验船师能够校验典型数量的检验点的超声波检测。每个检验点大约由1250 mm (50 in.)长的焊缝构成。然而,如果大量的生产经验表明大部分的检验点(如90%至95,)不含不合 格指示,可考虑缩短检验点的长度至750mm(30 in.)。如果不合格显示的比例非常高,将增加检验点 的长度至1250mm(50 in.)。 If the number of checkpoints is increased above the minimum required by this Guide, applicable ABS Rules or specified by the Surveyor, then consideration is to be given to reducing the length of each checkpoint to a minimum of 500 mm (20 in.) provided the total weld length checked by ultrasonic testing is at least equivalent to the multiple of 1250 mm (50 in.) × the minimum required number of checkpoints,. Reduction in ultrasonic inspection length to 500 mm (20 in.), as indicated above, is subject to prior agreement of the Owner. 若检验点的数量增加到超过了本指南、相应的ABS规范或验船师的要求,那么可考虑减少每个检验点的 长度,最小500mm(20 in.),此时超声检测的被检焊缝总长度应至少等同于 1250mm(50 in.)×被要 求的最小检验点数 的积,超声检验长度减小到500mm前需征得船东的认可。 Lengths of welds inspected at subassembly stage and final erection stage (as required under 3/7.1.1 below) may be combined to form a single checkpoint (of 1250 mm (50 in.) as appropriate). If the proportion of non-conforming indications is abnormally high, the number of checkpoints is to be increased. 装配阶段和最终的合拢阶段(如下文3/7.1.1的要求)超声检测的焊缝长度可以考虑为单个检验点(若可 行,长度为1250mm(50 in.))。如果不合格显示的比例非常高,将增加检验点数量。 5.3 船型船舶Ship-Type Vessels (1 February 2012) The minimum checkpoints of inspection within the midship 0.6L of ship-type vessels are to be governed by the following equation: n=L (B+D)/46.5 SI and MKS units n=L(B+D)/500 US units where n=minimum number of checkpoints L=length of the vessel between perpendiculars, in m (ft) B=greatest molded breadth, in m (ft) D=molded depth at the side, in m (ft), measured at L/2 Consideration may be given for reduction of inspection frequency for automated welds for which quality assurance techniques indicate consistent satisfactory quality. 水面船舶船舯部分0.6L长范围内的射线检测范围最小值由下列等式来确定: n = L(B+D)/46.5 米制单位 或 n = L(B+D)/500 英寸制单位 式中 n——检验点的最少数量 L——船的两柱间长(米或英尺) B——最大型宽(米或英尺) D——在舷侧1/2处的型深(米或英尺) 对于自动焊接,因为质量可靠可以考虑减少检验的频率。 5.5 其它海洋和近海工程结构Other Marine and Offshore Structures The extent of ultrasonic inspection for other marine and offshore structures is to be governed by the applicable Rule requirements (e.g., ABS Rules for Building and Classing Mobile Offshore Drilling Units). 其它海洋和近海工程结构的超声检验范围应根据相应的规范(如ABS移动近海钻井系统建造和分级规范) 要求来决定。 7 超声波检测的部位Location of Ultrasonic Inspection 7.1 总则General In selecting checkpoints the following should be given emphasis in the selection of inspection locations: i) Welds in highly stressed areas ii) Welds, which are inaccessible or very difficult to inspect in service iii) Field erected welds iv) Suspected problem areas v) Other important structural elements, which are required by the ABS Engineering/Materials/Survey department 选择检验位置时,下列检验部位应被重视: I) 高应力区的焊缝 II) 在役检测中难以接近或检验的焊缝 III) 现场合拢焊缝 IV) 怀疑有问题的区域 V) ABS工程/材料/监督部门要求的其它重要结构部件 7.1.1 水面船舶Surface Vessels Ultrasonic inspection within the midship 0.6L is to be carried out mainly in locations such as: i) Intersections of butts and seams in the sheer strakes, bilge strakes, deck stringer plates and keel plates ii) Intersections of butts in and about hatch corners in main decks i) In the vicinity of breaks in the superstructure 船舯0.6L范围内的射线检验应主要在如下位置: i) 舷顶列板、舭列板、甲板纵桁、龙骨板的对接焊缝部位 ii) 主甲板舱口角及周围的对接缝 iii) 邻近上层建筑结构突变处的对接缝等部位 Ultrasonic inspection outside the midship 0.6L is to be carried out at random in important locations, such as those specified above, at the discretion of the Surveyor. Where inspection is to be carried out at weld intersections, in general a minimum of 250 mm (10 in.) of weld, measured from the intersection in each direction transverse to the axis of the vessel (butt weld), is to be inspected. In addition, a minimum of 125 mm (5 in.) of weld, measured from the intersection in each direction longitudinal to the axis of the vessel (seam weld), is to be inspected. 船舯0.6L范围以外的超声波检测要由验船师自行决定在如上所列的重要部位上进行抽查。在交叉焊缝处 船体轴线(对接焊)两侧的横向焊缝至少250mm(10英寸)范围内进行检测。另外,交叉焊缝处沿船舶轴线 的两纵向焊缝至少125mm(5英寸)范围内也要进行检测。 r Marine and Offshore Structures (1 September 2011) 7.1.2其它海洋工程结构Othe Ultrasonic inspection is to be carried out at locations specified in the approved plans and by the Rules applicable to the structure, (e.g., ABS Rules for Building and Classing Mobile Offshore Drilling Units). 超声波检测要在已认可探伤图上规定的位置并按相应的规范(如ABS移动近海钻井系统建造和分级规范) 要求进行。 9 超声检测验收标准Acceptance Criteria for Ultrasonic Inspection 9.1 Applicability The acceptance standards of Section 8 are applicable for full penetration butt welds in locations where ultrasonic inspection is carried out in accordance with this Guide and where required by the Surveyor and are not intended to apply to supplementary inspections conducted beyond Rule requirements. 9.1 适用范围 第8节的验收标准适用于按照此指南或验船师要求的超声检测位置的全熔透对接焊缝检测,不适用于超出 此规范要求范围的任何补充检测。 11 不合格缺陷的焊缝处理Treatment of Welds with Non-conforming Indications 11.1 通则General All non-conforming ultrasonic indications are to be brought to the attention of the Surveyor and welds are to be repaired and re-inspected as required by the Surveyor. 所有不合格超声显示应通知验船师,并且按验船师的要求进行修理和重新检测。 11.3 缺陷范围Discontinuity Extent 11.3.1 集中缺陷At One Location Unless otherwise required by the Surveyor, when non-conforming indications are concentrated at one location, only this location need be repaired or otherwise treated to the satisfaction of the Surveyor, and no additional ultrasonic inspection need be carried out in the adjacent area. 除非验船师有其他要求,当不合格显示集中出现在一个位置时,仅该位置需进行返修或以其他方式处理 达到验船师要求,在相邻区域无需增加超声波检测。 11.3.2 检验点端头处的缺陷At the End of a Checkpoint When non-conforming indications are observed at the end of a checkpoint, additional ultrasonic inspection is required to determine the extent of the non-conforming area. 在检验点的端部发现不合格显示时,需增加超声波检测以测定不合格区域的范围。 11.3.3 扩检Additional Inspection When a series of non-conforming indications are observed at a checkpoint and the pattern of the indications suggests that non-conforming discontinuities may exist for an extended distance, additional inspection is to be carried out to the satisfaction of the Surveyor. 当在检验点发现一系列不合格缺陷,且缺陷的形状显示出其可能向远处延伸时,则应扩检以达到验船师 满意。 13 T型和角型全熔透焊缝的超声波检验Ultrasonic Inspection of Full Penetration Tee and Corner Joints When required by the applicable Rules or in the course of a periodic or damage survey, the acceptance standards are to be consistent with the guidance of Appendix 2. 当相应规范要求或在定期检验和有损检验时进行,验收标准要和本指南的附录2一致。 15 参考Reference ASTM E164 Standard Practice for Ultrasonic Contact Examination of Weldments 焊接件接触式超声波检测标准作法 ASTM E 797 Standard Practice for Measuring Thickness by Manual Ultrasonic Pulse-Echo Contact Method 手工超声脉冲回波接触法测厚标准操作方法 ASTM A 435/A 435M-90 (Reapproved 2007) Standard Specification for Straight-beam Ultrasonic Examination of Steel Plates 钢板的直束超声检查的标准规范 图1A US-1型IIW对比试块 (201191) 年月日 IIW Reference Block Type US-1, used for calibration of shear and longitudinal transducers, and verification of shear wedge exit point and refracted angle. It can also be used for resolution and sensitivity checking. US-1型IIW试块,用于横波探头和纵波探头的校准,横波楔块的入射点和折射角检定,以及灵 敏度和分辨力的检查。 材料=低碳钢 Material = Low carbon steel -6 = 表面粗糙度Surface finish 6.5 × 10rms meters (250 rms microinches微英寸) 图1B MAB微型斜射波束对比试块 (2011年9月1日) 图1C DSC(距离-灵敏度)型对比试块 (2011年9月1日) 图1D IIW型RC对比试块 (2011年9月1日) 图2 基本对比试块 (201191) 年月日 焊接接头厚度 基本校验试块厚度 25 mm (1 英寸)或更小 19 mm (0.75英寸) 或 T 大于25 mm (1英寸) 至50 mm (2英寸) 38 mm (1.5英寸) 或 T 大于50 mm (2英寸) 至100 mm (4英寸) 75 mm (3英寸) 或T 大于100 mm (4英寸) 至150 mm (6英寸) 125 mm (5英寸) 或 T 校验试块要求 1.材料制造形式和热处理方式要与被检材料相同; 2.将要执行扫描表面的粗糙度要能代表被检元件; 3.“L”应至少够容纳斜探头检测声束的2个半跨距(一个V形声程),“T”为被检焊接接头的厚度; 4. 校准反射孔应沿被检表面平行方向钻孔; 5. 校准反射孔直径1.2 mm (0.047英寸) × 深度38 mm (1.5 英寸) 。 1 图3 表面非平齐焊缝扫查工艺(2011年9月1日) 横向不连续的扫查 方向和移动方式 纵向不连续的扫查 方向和移动方式 超声信号路径 -图3- W — 应小于探头晶片宽度的90%(10%重叠) T — 材料厚度 O — 探头横波角度 D — 大于2t(tanθ),3.2mm(0.125(1/8)in. ) 2 表4 典型超声波检验报告 报告号 1.船体号 2.位置 3. a. 探头 认证 尺寸 角度 频率(兆赫兹) b.仪器构成及型号 c.耦合剂:品牌名称及型号 4. 验收标准 (ABS A级、B级 或 其它) 5.焊接详细资料 6.焊接接缝设计 (草图描述) *7.不能接受的指标 a. 明确的位置 b. 拒绝的根据(ARL,单一的DRL(S-DRL),多重的DRL(M-DRL) c. 振幅范围 d. 长度 e. 深度 f. 方位 g. 距表面的距离 h. 注释(指标的解释例如夹渣、熔接线、坡口根部边缘、HAZ、裂缝等等) 8(全部数量指标 全部长度指标 9(全部被检测的长度 10(检验由 日期 意见 11(审查由 日期 意见 12(修补——使完善而且被批准 , 日期 名字 *标题当的草图可以作为7a到7g的替代或补充 3 第四章 渗透检测 1. 概述General The requirements contained herein are primarily intended for liquid penetrant surface inspection of welds in hull structures of surface vessels. These requirements are intended to apply to full and partial penetration welds of steel and aluminum alloys. 本指南包含的要求主要用于水面船舶船体焊缝的液体渗透表面检测,也适用于钢和铝合金的全熔透和部 分熔透焊缝检测。 3. 表面处理情况Surface condition 3.1 总则 General The inside and outside surfaces of the welds to be inspected by liquid penetrant are to be sufficiently free from irregularities that may mask or interfere with interpretation. The surface to be inspected is to be thoroughly cleaned and degreased so that there are no contaminants and entrapped materials that impede penetration of the inspection media. 要用渗透检测的焊缝的内、外表面要充分保证没有影响和阻碍渗透的不规则。 检测表面应彻底清洁并除去油脂以保证没有杂质和截留材料阻碍检测介质的渗透。 3.2 拒收原因Cause for Rejection Surface conditions that prevent proper interpretation of welds may be cause for rejection of the weld area of interest. 妨碍正确评判焊缝的表面状态可能导致焊接区域拒收(Rejection)。 5. 渗透检测程序Liquid Penetrant Procedure 5.1 总则 General A liquid penetrant, which may be a visible red liquid or a fluorescent yellow-green liquid, is applied evenly over the surface being examined and allowed to enter open discontinuities. After a suitable dwell time, the excess surface penetrant is removed. A developer is applied to draw the entrapped penetrant out of the discontinuity and stain the developer. The test surface is then examined to determine the presence or absence of indications. 渗透检测是将可视的红色液体或黄绿色的荧光液体均匀的覆盖在被检表面,并且允许进入开放性缺陷。 间隔适当的时间后将表面多余的渗透剂除掉。若显影剂变色,表示已将渗入到缺陷中的渗透剂显示出来。 然后检查检测表面以决定是否有存在缺陷的显示。 5.3 人员Personnel The Surveyor is to be satisfied that NDT personnel are qualified and certified in accordance with Subsection 1/5. NDT人员应具有如第1/5条的人员资质和认证并满足验船师要求。 5.5 检测技术Technique Steel and aluminum welds are to be inspected by either the visible or fluorescent solvent removable method. Water-washable and post-emulsifiable penetrant methods are not recommended due to the strict requirements for water pressure and water temperature control. 钢和铝的焊缝可以使用可视的或荧光的可擦除渗透剂检测。 可水洗和后乳化的渗透剂由于水压和水温控制要求严格而不推荐。 The temperature of the penetrant and the surface to be inspected shall not be below 5?C (40?F) nor above 52?C (125?F) throughout the examination period. Local heating or cooling is permitted provided the surface part temperature remains in the range of 5?C (40?F) to 52?C (125?F) during the examination. Where it is not 4 practical to comply with these temperature limitations, other temperatures and times may be used, provided the procedures are qualified and to the satisfaction of the Surveyor. 检测期间,渗透剂和被检表面的温度应不低于5?(40?)且不高于52?(125?)。在检测过程中,可 采用局部加热或冷却的方法使被检的局部表面温度保持在5?~52?之间。若无法达到这些温度要求,可 在其它的温度和时效下检测,但需提供合格的程序并符合验船师要求。 5.7 程序Procedure Visible or fluorescent penetrant is to be applied to the inspection surface by spraying or brushing. 可视渗透剂或荧光渗透剂应采用喷涂法或刷涂法施加至检测表面。 5.7.1 (1 September 2011) A minimum dwell time (penetration time) of 5 minutes or time recommended by manufacturer is to be used. A longer dwell time is to be used for the detection of fine tight discontinuities. The minimum dwell penetration time shall be doubled when temperature is from 5?C (40?F) to 10?C (50?F). 应采用至少5min的滞留时间(渗透时间),或者为厂家推荐的时间。应使用较长的滞留时间以检测细小 紧密的缺陷。当温度在5?C (40?F)至10?C (50?F)之间时,最少的滞留渗透时间应为(原时间的)双倍。 5.7.2 At the completion of the applicable dwell time, removal of the excess surface penetrant is to be with lint-free material moistened with solvent remover. i) Solvent remover is not to be sprayed directly onto the inspection surface. ii) Sufficient time is to be allowed for the solvent to evaporate from the inspection surface. 在适当地滞留时间结束后,应使用溶剂清洗剂沾湿的不脱毛的材料去除表面多余渗透剂。 i) 溶剂清洗剂不得直接喷在检测表面上; ii)允许给予充足的时间以使溶剂从检测表面蒸发掉。 5.7.3(1 September 2011) A thin coating of non-aqueous developer is to be applied by spraying the inspection surface from a minimum distance of 300 mm (12 in.) as soon as possible after penetrant removal. i) A minimum developing time of 10 minutes, or twice the dwell time, whichever is greater, is to be used. ii) Developing time is to commence as soon as the non-aqueous developer is dry. iii) Developing time is not to exceed 60 minutes. 去除渗透剂后,应尽可快从至少300mm距离上将非水显像剂喷施在检测表面上,以形成一薄层。 i) 显像时间至少为10min,或为两倍的滞留时间,取其中大者。 ii) 显像时间应从非水显像剂干燥后开始计算。 iii)显像时间不应超过60min。 7. 检测Examination 7.1 概述General Preliminary examination of the inspection area may be carried out during the developing time. An indication that appears quickly would indicate a large discontinuity and, if not observed, may result in a diffused stain rather than a sharp indication after the full dwell time. 检测表面的初始检查可在显像期间进行。一个快速出现的显示表明是一个较大的缺陷,而如果不进行观 察,则在整个显像完成后可导致形成一个扩散的色斑,而不是一个边缘清晰的显示。 7.2 最终检测Final examination Final examination is to be made within 10 to 60 minutes at the completion of the applicable developing time as soon as possible after evaporation of solvent remover. If bleed-out does not alter the examination results, longer periods are permitted. If the surface to be examined is large enough to preclude complete examination within the prescribed or established time, the examination shall be performed in increments. 5 溶剂去除剂蒸发后,最终检查应尽可能在适当的显像时间结束10~60min内进行。如果回渗作用不会改变 检查结果,则允许较长的时间。如果被检表面较大,在规定的或制定的时间内难以完成检查,则应分段 检查。 7.5 可视渗透检测Visible Penetrant Examination 7.5.1 The visible penetrant is generally red in color and thus provides a high degree of contrast against the white developer. 可视渗透剂通常是红色,从而与白色显示剂形成高度反差。 7.5.2 A minimum light intensity of 1000 Lux (100 foot candles) at the inspection surface is to be obtained. i) Either natural or artificial light is acceptable. ii) Demonstration of the minimum light intensity is to be to the satisfaction of the Surveyor. iii) A calibrated photographic-type light meter is to be used to verify the required minimum intensity. iv) Calibration of the light meter is to be performed and documented every 6 months. v) The calibration standard is to be traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Testing (NIST). vi) Other recognized standards may be acceptable subject to the satisfaction of the Surveyor. 检测表面需最低光照强度为1000勒克斯( 100英尺烛光)的光。 i) 可以使用自然或人工光源; ii)最低光强时进行验证需达到验船师的要求; iii)校准过的射线照相型光照度计需用来验证所需的最小光强; iv)光照度计必须每6个月进行一次校准并记录; v)校正标准应可溯源至国家标准化与技术委员会(NIST); vi)验船师认可的其它公认标准也可以采用。 7.7 Fluorescent Penetrant Examination荧光渗透剂检测 7.7.1 The penetrant fluoresces when examined by ultraviolet (U/V) light. Fluorescent penetrant inspection provides the highest sensitivity level. Inspection by U/V light requires a darkened area for examination. 用紫外线照射时,渗透剂会发出荧光。荧光渗透剂检测能提供最高级别的敏感度。紫外线光检查时需要一个暗 区。 7.7.2 Visible ambient light in the darkened inspection area is not to exceed 20 Lux (2 foot candles). 暗区环境光的强度不能超过20勒克司(20英尺烛光)。 i) Before commencing inspection, a minimum period of 3 minutes is to be observed by the inspector to allow for the eyes to adapt to the lower light level. 检查开始前,检验员要用最少3分钟的时间来观察以让自己的眼睛适应暗区环境的弱光。 ii) Photochromic lenses are not to be worn by the inspector during the inspection. 检验中,检查员不允许佩戴光敏眼镜。 27.7.3 The U/V light is to be capable of providing a minimum intensity of 1000 μW/cm at the inspection surface. 2紫外线光要在被检表面产生不低于1000μW/cm 的强度。 7.7.4 The U/V light is to have a minimum of 10 minutes to stabilize before inspection or measurement of the required minimum U/V light intensity. i) The intensity of the U/V light is to be verified weekly. ii) Demonstration of the minimum U/V light intensity is to be to the satisfaction of the Surveyor. iii) A calibrated U/V light meter is to be used to verify the required minimum intensity. iv) Calibration of the U/V light meter is to be performed and documented every 6 months. v) The calibration standard is to be traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Testing (NIST). vi) Other recognized standards may be acceptable subject to the satisfaction of the Surveyor. 紫外线光在检验前或在测量最小强度前至少需要10分钟的稳定时间。 6 i) 紫外线光强度需要每星期校核一次; ii) 最低紫外线光强时进行验证需符合验船师的要求; iii) 校准过的黑光照度计用来校验最小紫外线光强度; iv) 黑光照度计每,个月要进行一次校正并记录; v) 校正标准应可溯源至国家标准化与技术委员会(NIST); vi) 验船师认可的其它公认标准也可以采用。 9. 渗透检测范围Extent of Liquid Penetrant Inspection (1 September 2011) The extent of liquid penetrant surface inspection is to be in accordance with the approval plans, applicable ABS Rules and to the satisfaction of the Surveyor. 渗透表面检测范围应符合认可的探伤图并按照相应的ABS规范和验船师的要求。 11. 渗透检测验收标准Acceptance Criteria for Liquid Penetrant Inspection The acceptance standards of Section 8 are applicable for all welds inspected by this method. 第8节中的验收标准适用于此方法检测的所有焊缝。 13. 不合格显示的焊缝处理Treatment of Welds with Non-conforming Indications 13.1 General Welds exhibiting non-conforming indications are to be brought to the attention of the Surveyor. Such welds are to be repaired and inspected as required by the Surveyor. 所有有有不合格显示的焊缝应通知验船师,并且按验船师的要求进行修理和重新检测。 15. 后清洗Post-Cleaning Removal of penetrant and developer shall be by non-aqueous solvent. i) It is permissible to spray the non-aqueous solvent directly onto the inspection area at this stage. ii) Mechanical/abrasive methods are not to be used. 渗透剂和显像剂的去除应使用非水溶剂。 (a) 在此阶段,允许将非水溶剂直接喷在检测区域上。 (b) 不应采用机械加工/打磨方法。 17. 参考References (1 September 2011) i) American Welding Society (AWS), D1.1, Structural Welding Code, Steel.美国钢结构焊接规范 ii) ASTM E165, Standard Test Method for Liquid Penetrant Examination. 通用工业液体渗透检测的标准作 法 iii) ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section V – Nondestructive Examination锅炉与压力容器规范,第五 卷—无损检测。 7 第五章 磁粉检测 1. 概述General The requirements contained herein are primarily intended for magnetic particle surface inspection of welds in hull structures of surface vessels. These requirements are intended to apply to full and partial penetration welds of ferromagnetic steel. 本指南包含的要求主要用于水面船舶船体焊缝的表面磁粉检测,也适用于铁磁性钢的全焊透或部分焊透 焊缝。 3. 表面处理状况Surface Condition 3.1 概述General The inside and outside surfaces of the welds to be inspected by magnetic particle are to be sufficiently free from irregularities that may mask or interfere with interpretation. 要用磁粉检测的焊缝的内、外表面要充分去除影响和干扰解释的表面不规则。 3.2 拒收原因Cause for Rejection Surface conditions that prevent proper interpretation of welds may be cause for rejection of the weld area of interest. 妨碍正确评判焊缝的表面状态可能导致焊接区域拒收(Rejection)。 5. 磁粉检测程序Magnetic Particle Procedure 5.1 概述General When a ferromagnetic material is magnetized, surface-breaking discontinuities may cause the induced magnetic flux to attract fine magnetic particles to the discontinuity site. The accumulated particles are to be viewed under adequate lighting in order to show the visual indication of the length and width of the discontinuity. 当铁磁材料被磁化,表面开口性不连续感生的磁性将引起不连续处的小磁粉聚集。在充足的光线条件下 聚集的磁粉能直观地显示出不连续的长度和宽度。 5.3 人员Personnel The Surveyor is to be satisfied that NDT personnel are qualified and certified in accordance with Subsection 1/5. NDT人员应具有如第1/5条的人员资质和认证并满足验船师要求。 5.5 技术 Steel welds are to be inspected by either the visible or fluorescent particle method. 钢板焊缝可用可视磁粉或荧光磁粉来检验。 5.5.1 The visible method may be performed with either wet or dry particles. Wet particle method is recommended for fine tight cracks. 可视磁粉法同时适用于干磁粉和湿磁粉。湿磁粉建议用于细密裂纹。 5.5.2 If a surface-breaking discontinuity is oriented parallel to the magnetic flux, it may not provide an indication. The sharpest indication may be obtained when the magnetic flux is perpendicular to the discontinuity. 如果表面开口不连续的方向平行于磁力线的方向将不能被显示出来。当磁力线垂直于不连续时,可以得 到最清晰的磁粉显示。 i) The area of interest is to be inspected in at least two (2) directions. 8 ii) Each direction is to be perpendicular to the other. I)至少要从两个方向对检测区域进行检验。 II)两个检测方向要互相垂直。 5.7 设备Equipment (1 September 2011) 5.7.1 概述General The equipment used to generate magnetic flux for in-situ inspection in the marine environment may be either an electromagnetic yoke or permanent magnets. Both devices provide portability and simplicity of use. 用来在海洋环境现场检测中产生磁通的仪器可以是电磁轭或永久磁铁,它们携带方便、使用简单。 • A yoke is a hand-held U-shaped electromagnet, which produces a longitudinal magnetic flux between the legs. The legs may be fixed or articulated. 电磁轭是一种在磁极之间产生一个纵向磁通的手持式U形电磁铁。磁极可以是固定式或铰接式的。 • A permanent magnet may be U-shaped, with a fixed distance between the legs. A variation is that a permanent magnet may consist of two (2) magnets connected by flexible steel cable. 永久磁铁可能是U形的,两腿之间有固定的距离。由此演变的永久磁铁可以由可弯曲的钢绳连接的两块 磁铁连接而成。 5.7.2 磁场强度Magnetic Field Strength i) When using an electromagnetic yoke or permanent magnet, adequate field strength is to be considered acceptable by lifting a calibrated test bar. 当使用电磁轭或永磁铁的时候,可采用已校准的提升力测试试块验证磁场强度。 ii) The weight of the test bar is to be • 4.5 kgs (10 lbs.) for an AC yoke • 18 kgs (40 lbs.) for a DC yoke or a permanent magnet 提升力测试试块的重量可以是: 对于交流磁轭 4.5 kgs (10 lbs.) 对于直流磁轭或永磁铁 18 kgs (40 lbs.) iii) The calibration weight of the test bar is to be traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Testing (NIST). Other recognized standards may be acceptable subject to the satisfaction of the Surveyor. The test bar is to be permanently marked with a unique serial number and actual weight. 测试试块的校准重量应可溯源至国家标准化与技术委员会(NIST)。验船师认可的其它公认标准也可使 用。测试试块将用唯一的序号和实际重量永久标记。 iv) Additional verification of the magnetic field strength is to be demonstrated by the detection of known artificial discontinuities in a magnetic field indicator. 磁场强度可用磁场指示器的已知人工不连续进行额外验证。 • The ―pie‖ gauge and slotted shim are acceptable examples of a magnetic field indicator. • Magnetic field strength is to be considered acceptable when the artificial discontinuities are clearly observed between the legs of the electromagnetic yoke or permanent magnet. • Both the lift test and artificial discontinuities test are to be performed at the beginning and completion of each inspection day. • 饼型试块和带槽试片可以作为磁场指示器。 • 当电磁轭和永久磁铁各磁极间的人工不连续清晰显示时可认为此时的磁场强度合格。 • 试块的提升测试和人工不连续试验应在每天检测的开始前和结束时进行。 5.7.3 可视磁粉Visible Magnetic Particles Visible magnetic particle inspection may be performed with dry powders or wet contrasting inks. 可视磁粉检测可采用干燥粉末或湿反差磁悬液进行。 9 i) Dry powders are to be applied by gently dusting the inspection area while the magnetizing flux is generated. ii) Examination of the inspection area is to be performed as the magnetic flux is still being generated. iii) The contrasting ink technique consists of a white lacquer under suspension, and is to be applied by spraying. The magnetic particles are suspended in black ink and are also to be applied by spraying. i) 干磁粉应在磁化的同时,轻轻吹拂于被检区域。 ii) 检测区域的检验将在磁力线仍然持续产生的时候进行。 iii)反差剂在由悬浮的白漆组成,应采用喷涂方式施加。悬浮在黑磁悬液中的磁粉也应采用喷涂方式施 加。 • The white lacquer and black ink are to be applied by spraying the inspection surface from a minimum distance of 300 mm (12 in.). 反差剂和黑色磁悬液应采用喷涂方式,喷涂时距备件表面至少300 mm (12 in.)的距离。 • The black ink is only to be applied when the white lacquer is fully dry. If the black ink is not in pressured spray can, a sitting test shall be performed on each batch when mixed. Concentration shall be between 1.2 and 2.4 per 180 ml. 黑色磁悬液只能在反差剂完全干燥时才可施加。若黑色磁悬液未盛在压力喷灌中,各批次的悬液在混合 前应进行沉淀测试。浓度应介于每180ml1.2到2.4之间。 5.7.4 荧光磁粉检测Fluorescent Magnetic Particles Magnetic particles are coated with a fluorescent material suspended in a light petroleum distillate and held under pressure in small spray cans. The fluorescent particles are to be applied by spraying the inspection surface from a minimum distance of 300 mm (12 in.). 磁粉表面覆上悬浮在轻汽油蒸馏物中的荧光材料,并盛入小压力喷罐中。施加荧光磁粉时,应从至少 300mm(12 in.)距离上喷涂至检测表面。 5.7.5 检验Examination Examination of the inspection area is to be performed as the magnetic flux is being generated. Examination, interpretation and evaluation of indications are to be performed by qualified and certified Level II or Level III magnetic particle inspectors. 检测区域的检验应在磁通持续产生的情况下进行。显示的检验、解释和 评价 LEC评价法下载LEC评价法下载评价量规免费下载学院评价表文档下载学院评价表文档下载 应由II级或III级磁粉检测员进 行。 5.9 可视磁粉检测Visible Particle Inspection 5.9.1 有色干粉能与检测表面形成一定的对比度。白色或黑色的磁悬液可以得到高的对比度。Colored dry powder particles provide contrast with the inspection surface. A higher level of contrast is obtained with the use of the white and black ink particles. 5.9.2 A minimum light intensity of 1000 Lux (100 foot candles) at the inspection surface is to be obtained. i) Either natural or artificial light is acceptable. ii) Demonstration of the minimum light intensity is to be to the satisfaction of the Surveyor. iii) A calibrated photographic-type light meter is to be used to verify the required minimum intensity. iv) Calibration of the light meter is to be performed and documented every 6 months. v) The calibration standard is to be traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Testing (NIST). vi) Other recognized standards may be acceptable subject to the satisfaction of the Surveyor. 检测表面需最低光照强度为1000勒克斯( 100英尺烛光)的光。 i) 可以使用自然或人工光源; ii)最低光强时进行验证需达到验船师的要求; iii)校准过的射线照相型光照度计需用来验证所需的最小光强; 10 iv)光照度计必须每6个月进行一次校准并记录; v)校正标准应可溯源至国家标准化与技术委员会(NIST); vi)验船师认可的其它公认标准也可以采用。 5.11 荧光磁粉检测Fluorescent Particle Inspection 5.11.1 The fluorescent particles fluoresce when examined by ultraviolet (U/V) light and provide the highest level of sensitivity. Inspection by U/V light requires a darkened area for examination. 用紫外线照射时,渗透剂会发出荧光。荧光渗透剂检测能提供最高级别的敏感度。紫外线光检查时需要一个暗 区。 7. 磁粉检测范围Extent of Magnetic Particle Inspection (1 September 2011) The extent of magnetic particle surface inspection is to be in accordance with the approval plans, applicable ABS Rules and to the satisfaction of the Surveyor. 磁粉表面检测范围应符合认可的探伤图并按照相应的ABS规范和验船师的要求。 9. 磁粉检测验收标准Acceptance Criteria for Magnetic Particle Inspection (1 September 2011) The acceptance standards of Section 8 are applicable for all welds inspected by this method. 第8节中的验收标准适用于此方法检测的所有焊缝。 11. 不合格显示的焊缝处理Treatment of Welds with Non-conforming Indications 11.1 总则General Welds exhibiting non-conforming indications are to be brought to the attention of the Surveyor. Such welds are to be repaired and inspected as required by the Surveyor. 所有有有不合格显示的焊缝应通知验船师,并且按验船师的要求进行修理和重新检测。 13. 退磁Demagnetization 13.1 在检测区域如果进行以下操作检测区域应做退磁处理:Demagnetization is to be required if any of the following operations are to be performed in the inspection area: • 焊接Welding • 上漆Painting • 电镀Plating 13.1.1 Demagnetization is to be required if the inspection area is in close proximity to sensitive electronic instrumentation or a compass. 在电子仪器和罗盘附近的检测区域应做退磁处理。 13.1.2 Demagnetization is to be performed by a sufficient number of passes over the inspection area by an energized electromagnetic yoke. 可以通过有足够强度的通电电磁轭对检测区域退磁。 13.3 After demagnetization, any remaining residual magnetism is not to exceed 3 Gauss (240 Am). 11 Verification of the level of residual magnetism is to be performed with a calibrated residual field meter. 退磁后,剩磁不能超过3高斯(Am-1 )。剩磁程度用标准的剩磁计量表测量。 15. 后清洗Post-cleaning 若需进行如下后续操作,则应对被检区域进行后清洗Post-cleaning of the inspection area is to be required if any of the following operations are to be performed: • 焊接Welding • 上漆Painting • 电镀Plating Post-cleaning is to be completed with the use of compressed air, brushing, or solvent cleaning. 后续处理应用压缩空气,刷子,或溶剂进行清理。 17. 参考References i) American Welding Society (AWS), D1.1, Structural Welding Code, Steel. 美国焊接学会, D1.1/D1.1M : 2002年,钢结构焊接法。 ii) ASTM E709, Standard Guide for Magnetic Particle Examination. ASTM E709,磁粉检测标准规范。 12 第六章 交流电场测量法(ACFM) 1. 概述General The requirements contained herein are primarily intended for the surface inspection of hull structures of surface vessels and, when indicated by ABS, may also be applied to other marine and offshore structures. These requirements are intended to apply to the welds of steel and aluminum alloys. 本指南包含的要求主要用于水面船舶船体焊缝的表面检测。若ABS指定,也可用于其它海洋或近海设施。 这些要求旨在用于钢和铝合金的焊缝检测。 3. 表面处理状况Surface Condition The system operator is to confirm that the surface condition is acceptable prior to carrying out the inspection. 3.1 The surface is to be free of loose flaking corrosion and in clean condition to allow smooth probe travel. 3.3 Coating removal is not required as long as it is not more than 6.5 mm (0.25 (1/4) in.) thick and non-conducting. 3.5 The surface being inspected is to be in an unmagnetized state. If the procedure is to be conducted after any previous magnetic inspection technique, demagnetization of the surface is to be carried out. 系统操作员在检验前要确认检测表面的状况: 3.1 表面不要有腐蚀片状剥离,保持清洁,以使探头光滑行进。 3.2 当表面涂层不超过6.5 mm (0.25 英寸)且不导电时,可以不去除。 3.3 被检表面要处于未磁化状态。假如程序要在任何前述的磁粉检测之后进行,需要对表面进行消磁。 5. ACFMT检测规程ACFMT Testing Procedure 5.1 人员Personnel The Surveyor is to be satisfied that NDT personnel are qualified and certified in accordance with Subsection 1/5. NDT人员应具有如第1/5条的人员资质和认证并满足验船师要求。 7. 技术Technique 7.1 概述General The capability of equipment calibrated to detect discontinuities pertinent to the item under inspection is to be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Surveyor, preferably using samples containing known discontinuities. 经校验的设备检测相关检测项目的能力要使验船师满意,此过程倾向于使用含已知缺陷的试样。 7.3 校准Calibration 7.3.1 The equipment and probes to be used are to be calibrated prior to the examination of the first weld using samples containing known discontinuities. 在第一个焊缝检查前,使用含已知缺陷的试样对要使用的设备和探头进行校正。 7.3.2 Each combination of ACFMT unit and probe to be used during the examination is to be used with the operations check block. 每一组在检验中要使用的ACFM设备和探头,要和操作校验试块一起使用。 7.3.3 Results obtained with the combinations used are to be the same as the slots in the block. If they differ by 10%, a check is to be performed that the correct probe files and gain have been used. 每一组ACFM设备和探头获得的结果要和试块的槽口相同。若误差达到10%,需要检查以确保使用探头的 研磨和开槽正确。 13 7.3.4 Recalibration is to be performed until the correct results are obtained. System performance is to be verified every four hours with the probe in use or at the end of the examination being performed. 系统应每4小时和在检查结束时用使用中的探头进行校验。 7.3.5 If the flaw responses from the operations check block have changed substantially, the welds examined since the last operations check block verification are to be re-examined. 假如从校验试块得到的缺陷信号完全改变,从上一个试块进行的校验后的检查,需要重新操作。 7.3.6 The ACFMT equipment is to be re-calibrated every 12 months by the manufacturer. ACFM设备需要厂家每12个月重新校正一次。 9. 设备的性能检查Capability and Performance Check of the Equipment 9.1 仪器设置Instrument Settings The procedure in 6/9.3 below is intended to help the user select an operating frequency. Demonstrably equivalent methods may be used. The standard operating frequency is 5 kHz, but depending on the type of equipment being used, higher or lower operating frequencies are available. A higher operating frequency gives better sensitivity on good surfaces, while a lower operating frequency may allow detection of sub-surface defects in non-magnetic metals. If the system available for inspection is not capable of operating at the frequency described by this practice, the inspector is to declare to the Surveyor that conditions of reduced sensitivity may exist. 6/9.3所述程序用来帮助使用者选择一个操作频率。确然的相同方法也可能使用。操作频率标准是5Khz, 但也取决于设备类型,更高、更低的频率都是可用的。高一些的操作频率在好的表面上会给出更佳的敏 感度,而高一些的操作频率被使用于探测非磁性金属的表面下缺陷。假如所用系统不能以上述频率进行 操作,操作员要向验船师阐明可能会存在敏感度减少的情况。 9.3设备操作检查Equipment Performance Check The test system is to consist of an ACFMT crack microgauge, a PC, the probe and the operation check block. 检测系统由ACFM裂纹测量精密表、一台个人电脑、探头和操作校验试块组成。 9.3.1 The equipment performance check is to be performed using the appropriate operation check block 2222containing slots of 50 × 5 mm (2.0 × 0.2 in.) and 20 × 2 mm (0.8 × 0.08 in.). 设备操作检查要使用一个含有50 mm X 5 mm (2.0英寸×0.2英寸) 和20 mm ×2 mm (0.8英寸×0.08英寸) 槽 口的操作校验试块。 9.3.2 The probe is to be placed at the toe of the weld with the nose of the probe parallel to the longitudinal direction of the weld. 探头要放在焊脚,前端要与焊缝的纵向平行。 229.3.3 The probe is then to be scanned across the operation check block and over the 50 × 5 mm (2.0 × 0.2 in.) slot, producing a standardized data plot. 探头在50 mm × 5 mm (2.0 英寸×0.2 英寸)槽口上方,越过操作校核试块扫描,产生一个标准数据曲线。 9.3.4 Flaw indications are created when: • The background level Bx value is reduced and then returns to the nominal background level (Figure 1), and this is associated with • A peak or positive (+ve) indication, followed by a trough or negative (–ve) indication (or a trough followed by a peak, depending on direction of scan) in the Bz values. 缺陷在下列情况产生: , Bx 背景值减少,然后又回到正常值(图,),这同下一条相关联 , 在Bz区,一个峰值或正值,尾随一个谷值或负值,(或者一个谷值尾随一个峰值,取决于扫描方向) 9.3.5 The resultant effect of the changes in B and B is a downward loop in the X-Y plot (Section 6, Figure 1). xz 14 Bx 值和Bz值改变的合成结果,是在X-Y曲线中一条向下凹的曲线(图1) 9.3.6 The presence of a flaw is confirmed when all three of these indications are present, (i.e., the B, the B and xz a downward loop in the X-Y plot). The loop is to fill approximately 50% of the height and 175% of the width of the X-Y plot. 当所有这三种缺陷指示存在时,例如Bx 值、Bz值及在X-Y曲线中一条向下凹的曲线,可以确认缺陷存在。 曲线图高度增益高度的50%,宽度增益175%。 9.3.7 The scanning speed or data sampling rate can then be adjusted if necessary, depending on the length and complexity of weld to be examined. 假如必要,扫描速度和数据采样率也要被考虑,这要取决于被检焊缝的长度和复杂性。 9.3.8 Once the presence of the flaw has been confirmed by the B and Bindications, the flaw is to be sized. xz 一旦用B值和B值确认了缺陷存在,则要测量缺陷尺寸。 xz 9.5 缺陷尺寸测量Flaw Sizing Flaw sizing is based upon the use of mathematical models constructed to simulate the current flow around defects and the changes in surface magnetic field which would result. The model is run for a large number of discrete defects with various lengths and depths, and the results of the model are used to compile look- up tables of expected response versus defect sized. These tables are an integral part of the inspection software. The operator enters background and minimum values of B, along with the B length and any coating thickness, to xx allow the software to predict length and depth. 缺陷尺寸取决于用于模拟缺陷周围电流所建立的数学公式,和能产生磁场的表面变化。数学公式对各种 长度和深度的离散缺陷进行大量运算,结果用来编辑与缺陷尺寸对应的预期的可查表。这些表是检测软 件的必备部分。操作者输入background和最小B值,根据B值和任何覆层厚度,以使公式计算长度和深xx 度。 The results from the model are to be rigorously checked against a library of real defects to confirm the validity of the sizing tables. 计算结果要同大量实际缺陷进行严格对比,以确认尺寸表的有效性。 9.7 Instrument and Probe Settings Check If these values differ from those expected from the operation check block, then the instrument and probe settings are to be checked. 假如这些值与从操作校核试块得到的预期值不同,则要检查设备和探头。 Each probe has a unique probe file, the validity of which has been checked against the flaw sizing tables in the mathematical model. The instrument settings can be checked using the same software package. 每一个探头有一个唯一的档案,其有效性已在数学公式中用缺陷尺寸表进行了检查。设备设置应由同样 的软件包检查。 11. ACFM 检测范围Extent of ACFMT Inspection The extent of ACFMT inspection is to be in accordance with the approval plans, applicable ABS Rules and to the satisfaction of the Surveyor. ACFM检测范围应遵照认可的计划、适当的ABS规范和并使验船师满意。 13 参考References i) ASTM E2261 Standard Practice for Examination of Welds Using the Alternating Current Field Measurement Technique ASTM E2261 用交流电场测量技术检查焊缝的规程 15 16 第七章 Eddy Current (EC) Inspection 涡流(EC)检测 1. 概述General The requirements contained herein are primarily intended for the surface inspection of hull structures of surface vessels and, when indicated by ABS, may also be applied to other marine and offshore structures. These requirements are intended to apply to the welds of steel and aluminum alloys. 本指南包含的要求主要用于水面船舶船体焊缝的表面检测。若ABS指定,也可用于其它海洋或近海设施。 这些要求旨在用于钢和铝合金的焊缝检测。 3. 表面处理状况Surface Condition The system operator is to confirm that the surface condition is acceptable prior to carrying out the inspection. 3.1 The inspection surface is to be free of dirt, flaking paint, excessive corrosion, or any contaminants which may interfere with the test results. 3.3 Coating removal is not required providing that it can be demonstrated that the discontinuities sought can be detected under these conditions. This may involve coating the reference specimen with a similar coating during calibration. 系统操作员在检验前要确认检测表面的状况: 3.1 被检表面应没有污物、剥离的油漆、腐蚀和其他影响检测结果的杂质。 3.3 假如缺陷探寻在这些条件能被演示,涂层不需去除。这也可能包括在校正时涂敷相同的涂层试样。 5. EC检测程序EC Testing Procedure 5.1 人员Personnel (1 September 2011) The Surveyor is to be satisfied that NDT personnel are qualified and certified in accordance with Subsection 1/5. NDT人员应具有如第1/5条的人员资质和认证并满足验船师要求。 7. 技术Technique 7.1 概述General The capability of equipment calibrated to detect discontinuities pertinent to the item under inspection is to be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Surveyor, preferably using samples containing known discontinuities. 经校验的设备检测相关检测项目的能力要使验船师满意,此过程倾向于使用含已知缺陷的试样。 7.3 校准Calibration EC Probes (Transducers) of sufficient diameter and frequency range are to be used. 使用足够直径和频率范围的EC探测头(能量转换器)校准。 7.3.1 A diameter of EC Probes less than 3.2 mm (1/8 in.) and a frequency range between 100 kHz – 2 MHz are acceptable for surface crack detection. 直径小于320毫米(0.125(1/8)英寸)和频率范围在100 KHz – 2 MHz之间的EC探测头用来检测表面裂 纹。 7.3.2 (1 September 2011) The area of influence for each scan is to be restricted to an area of less than 3.2 mm (1/8 in.) width. Therefore, many scans in a raster scan pattern are to be required for full coverage. 每次扫描的范围要限制在3.2 mm (0.125 英寸) 的宽度内。因此,在光栅扫描图中的许多扫描都是需要的, 以确保完全的覆盖。 7.3.3 The equipment and probes to be used are to be calibrated prior to the examination of the first weld using 17 samples containing known discontinuities. 在第一个焊缝检查前,使用含已知缺陷的试样对要使用的设备和探头进行校正。 7.3.4 System performance is to be verified every 30 minutes with the probe in use and at the end of the examination being performed. 系统应每30分钟和在检查结束时用使用中的探头进行校验。 7.3.5 If the system performance calibration has changed, the welds examined since calibration are to be re-examined. 假如从校验试块得到的缺陷信号发生改变,从上一个试块进行的校验后的检查,需要重新操作。 7.3.6 The EC equipment is to be re-calibrated every 12 months by the manufacturer. EC设备需要厂家每12个月重新校正一次。 9. 涡流应用EC Application 9.1 A high frequency oscillator circuit produces alternating current in the range typically of 100Hz – 10 MHz and is applied to a small coil. The alternating current flowing through the coil generates an alternating magnetic field around the coil. 一个高频率的振荡电路在小的线圈中能产生100赫兹—10兆赫兹的交流电。随着线圈而流动的交流电在线 圈附近产生了一个交流磁场。 9.3 When the alternating magnetic field is in close proximity to an electrically conductive material (the test item) a secondary electrical current is to be created in the test item due to electromagnetic induction. The distribution of the current will be determined by the test settings and material properties. The secondary electrical current will generate its own magnetic field which will interact with the magnetic field of the coil and modify it. The shape and magnitude of the secondary field will be determined by the secondary current induced into the specimen. 当交流磁场接近一个电传导材料(测试项目)时,由于电磁感应的存在,在测试项目中将产生一个二级电流。 电流的分配将取决于试验的设置以及材料的特性。二级电流将产生它自己的磁场,这个磁场将和线圈产 生的磁场相互作用并且可以改变它。二级磁场的形式和等级将取决于在样本中被感应的二级电流。 9.5 The secondary magnetic field will also modify the primary current flowing through the coil by changing the impedance of the coil. The change in impedance can be detected using sensitive bridge circuitry within the eddy current set. When the test settings are maintained constant during the test, the only changes in the impedance of the coil will be due to changing material properties. 二级磁场也可以通过改变线圈的阻抗来更改在线圈中流动的一级电流。可采用涡流设备中灵敏的电桥电 路探测阻抗的变化。如果测试设置在检测过程中保持不变,引起线圈中阻抗变化的因素是材料性能的变 化。 9.7 If reference specimens are available with varying degrees of the anomaly present the EC instrument can be calibrated to detect and quantify the condition of the inspection material. 对于缺陷的尺度表更,假如参考试样是可得到的,EC设备可被校正以检验和量化被检材料的情况。 11 涡流检查的范围Extent of EC Inspection The extent of EC inspection is to be in accordance with the approval plans, applicable ABS Rules and to the satisfaction of the Surveyor. 涡流检查的范围是符合批准的计划、可用的ABS规范以及验船师的满意度。 13 参考References (1 September 2011) i)ASTM E 376, Standard Practice for Measuring Coating Thickness by Magnetic-field or Eddy Current (Electromagnetic) Examination Methods. 美国材料实验协会E376,通过磁粉或涡流(电磁)实验方法测量外表面厚度实行标准。 18 第八章 Acceptance Criteria for Hull Welds船体焊缝验收标准 1. 概述General (1 September 2011) This Section contains the acceptance criteria for use in the visual and NDT inspection of Hull welds. The system operator is to confirm that the surface condition is acceptable prior to carrying out the inspection. 此节包含船体焊缝目视和NDT检测的验收标准。 系统操作员需在检测前确认表面条件是否合格。 3. 可用标准Applicable Criteria (1 September 2011) 3.1 水面船舶-A级标准 Surface Vessels – Class A Criteria Inspection of full penetration welds for all surface vessels 150 m (500 ft) and over, in the midship 0.6L is to meet the requirements of Class A. Class A may also be specified and applied to surface vessels less than 150 m (500 ft) when special hull material or hull design justifies this severity level. Full penetration welds in way of integral or independent tanks, except membrane tanks, of all vessels intended to carry liquefied natural gas (LNG) or liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) cargo are to meet the requirements of Class A. 对于大于等于150m(500英尺)的船舶船壳的全透型焊缝,船中0.6L范围内的超声波检验结果应满足A级 要求。当特殊船体材料或船体设计需要严格的等级时,A级也可被指定用于长度小于150米的水上船舶。 所有液化天然气(LNG)或液化石油气(LPG)的船舶上的整体或独立舱室,不包括薄膜舱,其全熔透 焊缝应符合A级要求。 3.3水面船舶-B级标准 Surface Vessels – Class B Criteria Inspection of full penetration welds for surface vessels under 150 m (500 ft), and for welds located outside midship 0.6L, regardless of the size of the vessels, is to meet the requirements of Class B, provided that Class A has not been specified in accordance with the special conditions noted in the Class A Criteria above. 对于船长小于150m(500英尺)的船舶的全透型焊缝,以及任意尺寸船舶的船体中部0.6L范围以外的全熔 透焊缝,如果A级在特殊条件下没有指定采用以上规定的A级标准,则超声波检测的结果应满足B级要求。 3.5 其它海洋工程设施Other Marine and Offshore Structures Inspection of full penetration welds is to be in accordance with Class A, unless otherwise specified in the applicable Rules (e.g., ABS Rules for Building and Classing Mobile Offshore Drilling Units). 除非在适用规则中有其他规定,全熔透焊缝的无损检测均应符合级别A的要求(如ABS移动近海钻井系统 建造和分级规范)。 5. 目视检测、磁粉检测和渗透检测的结果评定Evaluation from Visual Inspection (VT), Magnetic Inspection (MT) and Liquid Penetrant Inspection (PT) (1 September 2011) 5.1 形状Shape Flaw indications are to be classified as either linear or rounded. i) Linear flaw indications are classified as having a length equal to or greater than 3 times (3x) the width. ii) Rounded flaw indications are classified as having a circular or elliptical shape and the length of the ellipse is less than 3 times (3x) the width. 缺陷指示分为线形和圆形。 i) 长度大于、等于宽度3倍的显示分类为线形缺陷显示。 ii) 圆形或椭圆形,长度小于宽度3倍的显示分类为圆形缺陷显示。 5.3 缺陷显示(MT) Flaw Indications (MT) 19 All valid indications formed by magnetic particle examination are the result of magnetic leakage fields. Flaw indications may be relevant, non-relevant, or false. 磁粉检测得到的所有有效显示都是漏磁场产生的。缺陷显示分为相关显示、非相关显示或伪显示。 5.3.1 Relevant indications are produced by leakage fields which are the result of discontinuities. Relevant indications require evaluation with regard to the acceptance standards stated below. 相关显示是由缺陷的漏磁场产生的,它需要由以下规定的验收标准来评估。 5.3.2 Non-relevant indications can occur singly or in patterns as a result of leakage fields created by conditions that require no evaluation, such as changes in section (like keyways and drilled holes), inherent material properties (like the edge of a bimetallic weld), magnetic writing, etc. 非相关显示能够单独产生,或者由无需评定的条件引起漏磁场的形式,如横截面的变化(像键槽和钻孔), 固有的材料特性(像双金属焊缝的边界),磁写等。 5.3.3 False indications are not the result of magnetic forces. Examples are particles held mechanically or by gravity in shallow depressions, or particles held by rust or scale on the surface. 伪显示不是磁力导致的。例如磁粉被机械性的滞留,或在小凹陷中因重力滞留,或被表面的锈迹和刻度 滞留。 5.5 表面检测评定Evaluation from Surface Inspection Evaluation from surface inspection is to be made in accordance with the following acceptance criteria. 表面检测评定按如下验收标准进行。 5.5.1 焊缝外观、尺寸、形状Weld Appearance, Size and Shape Welds are to meet the following requirements: i) Welds are to be regular and uniform with a minimum amount of reinforcement. ii) Welds are to be free from excessive overlap, excessive convexity, and undersize weld or underfill. iii) Thorough fusion shall exist between adjacent layers of weld metal and between weld metal and base metal. iv) All craters shall be filled to their specified weld size. v) For welds exhibiting undercut, refer to 8/5.5.5 below. At the discretion of the Surveyor, undercut considered non-conforming is subject to be inspected further by other nondestructive test methods such as magnetic particle method, liquid penetrant method, radiographic method, or ultrasonic method. vi) Arc strikes outside the weld groove are to be dressed and removed. 焊缝需满足下列要求: i) 规则和均匀,达到最小余高要求; ii) 应去除焊缝的折叠及多余的凸起,焊缝的尺寸不足或未焊满; iii) 相邻的焊层、焊缝金属和母材间应完全熔合; iv) 所有的焊口应填至规定的焊缝尺寸; v) 存在咬边的焊缝,参见如下8/5.5.5。验船师认为有必要的情况下,咬边应考虑为不合格显示,并采 用其他无损检测方法如磁粉检测、渗透检测、射线照相检测或超声检测进行进一步的检查。 vi) 焊缝坡口外的引弧点应打磨和去除。 5.5.2 Cracks Welds are to be free of any type of crack. 5.5.2 裂纹 焊缝应没有任何形式的裂纹。 5.5.3 Incomplete Fusion Welds are to be free of any lack of fusion between weld metal and base metal. 5.5.3 不完全熔合 焊缝金属和母材之间应无任何未熔合。 20 5.5.4 Porosity i) Complete joint penetration (CJP) groove welds in butt joints transverse to the members subject to tensile stress are not to have piping porosity. For all other complete joint penetration (CJP) groove welds and full penetration fillet welds, the frequency of piping prosity is not to exceed one in each 100 mm (4 in.) of length and the maximum diameter is not to exceed 2.5 mm (0.1 in.). ii) For fillet welds connecting stiffeners to web and partial penetration fillet welds, the sum of the piping porosity 1 mm (1/24 in.) or greater in diameter is not to exceed 10 mm (3/8 in.) in any linear 25 mm (1 in.) of weld and is not to exceed 19 mm (3/4 in.) in any 300 mm (12 in.) length of weld. The maximum diameter of the piping porosity is not to exceed 2.5 mm (3/32 in.). 5.5.4 气孔 i) 承受横向拉应力的对接接头全熔透坡口焊缝不得有管状气孔;对于其他全熔透坡口焊缝和全熔透角焊 缝,在每段100mm(4 in.)焊缝内管状气孔不超过1个,并且其最大直径不超过2.5mm(0.1 in.)。 ii) 加强筋、腹板角焊缝和部分焊透角焊缝,在焊缝任意25mm直线长度内,?1mm(1/24in.)的管状气孔直 径总和不超过10mm(3/8in.),并且在任意300mm焊缝长度内不超过19mm(3/4in.);管状气孔最大直径不超 过2.5mm(3/32 in.)。 5.5.5 咬边Undercut Undercut refers to a groove melted in the base metal adjacent to a weld toe at the face or root of the weld. In addition to visual inspection requirement on undercut in 8/5.5.1 above, undercut revealed from VT, MT or PT have the following acceptance criteria for butt welds and fillet welds: 咬边指的是在焊缝表面或根部邻近焊趾的母材沟槽。除上述8/5.5.1咬边目视检测要求,对于对接焊缝和 角焊缝,目视检测、磁粉检测、渗透检测出的咬边按下列验收准则评定: i) In primary members, undercut is to be no more than 0.25 mm (0.01 in.) deep when the weld is transverse to tensile stress under any design loading condition. 在主要部件上,在设计荷载条件下承载拉应力时,咬边深度不超过0.25mm。 ii) 对于所有其他情况For all other cases: • Undercut depth up to 0.5 mm (1/64 in.) is acceptable, whatever the length 不论长度多少,咬边深度?0.5mm为合格; • Undercut depth up to 0.8 mm (1/32 in.) with a maximum continuous length of 90 mm (3? in.) is acceptable. Adjacent undercuts separated by a distance shorter than the shortest undercut should be regarded as a single continuous undercut. 咬边深度?0.8mm且最大连续长度为90mm的咬边是可接受的;相邻的咬边,如间距小于最短的咬边长度 时,应作为一个连续的咬边; iii) Assessment of depth is to be done by visual and mechanical means, and assessment of depth using magnetic particle or liquid penetrant method is not acceptable 应采用目视和机械方法测量咬边深度,不得用磁粉或渗透检测方法测深。 7. 射线检测评定Evaluation from Radiographic Inspection 射线检测评定应根据如下验收标准进行。Evaluation from radiographic inspection is to be made in accordance with the following acceptance criteria. 7.1 裂纹Cracks Welds in which radiographs exhibit any type of crack are to be considered unacceptable. 在射线照相底片中出现任何形式裂纹的焊缝将被拒收。 7.3 未熔合或未焊透Incomplete Fusion or Incomplete Penetration 21 Lack of fusion in any portion of the weld deposit or between the weld deposit and the adjacent base metal is to be treated as incomplete fusion or incomplete penetration. 焊缝金属任何位置或焊缝金属与邻近母材金属间出现的熔合不足视为未熔合或未焊透。 7.3.1 A级和B级 Class A and Class B Radiographs of welds exhibiting indications of incomplete fusion or incomplete penetration greater than those shown in the respective curves of Section 8, Figure 1 for single and total accumulated length are non-conforming. 射线照相底片上显示焊缝内未熔合和未焊透的长度大于第8部分图1中曲线分别所示的单一和总累计长度 时,则该焊缝为不合格。 7.5 夹渣Slag Non-metallic solid material entrapped in the weld deposit or between the weld deposit and the adjacent base metal is to be treated as slag. 焊缝金属中的非金属材料或者焊缝金属和邻近母材金属之间的非金属材料视为夹渣。 When determining the total accumulated length of slag for each class, acceptable incomplete fusion or incomplete penetration indications are to be treated as slag. 当确定每级别总累计夹渣长度时,合格的未熔合或未焊透均作为夹渣处理。 7.5.1 未熔合Incomplete Fusion Incomplete penetration and slag indications less than 3 mm (1/8 in.) in length may be evaluated as slag or porosity, whichever is less restrictive. 长度小于3毫米(0.125 (1/8) in.)的未熔合,未焊透和夹渣,可作为夹渣或气孔评定,取其中较低的限定值。 (取偏严评定)。 7.5.2 A级Class A Radiographs of welds exhibiting indications of slag greater than those shown in the respective curves of Section 8, Figure 2 for single or total accumulated length are non-conforming. 焊缝底片上夹渣的长度大于第8部分图2曲线中分别所示的单一或总累计长度时,为不合格。 7.5.3 B级Class B Radiographs of welds exhibiting indications of slag greater than those shown in the respective curves of Section 8, Figure 3 for single or total accumulated length are non-conforming. 焊缝底片上夹渣的长度大于第8部分图2曲线中分别所示的单一或总累计长度时,为不合格。 7.7 气孔Porosity Gas pockets, circular voids, and well-dispersed tungsten inclusions are to be treated as porosity. 气泡、圆孔和均匀散布的钨夹渣物均作为气孔处理。 7.7.1 A级和B级Class A and Class B Radiographs of welds exhibiting porosity concentrations greater than those shown in the charts of Section 8, Figures 4 through 10, for any 150 mm (6 in.) weld length, for material ranging from 6.2 mm (1/4 in.) to 50 mm (2 in.) in thickness, are non-conforming. 对于材料厚度从6.2毫米(1/4 in.)至50.0毫米(2 in.),任意长度为150毫米(6 in.)的焊缝,在底片上显示的气孔 密度超过第8部分图4至图10所示时,为不合格。 7.7.2 材料厚度大于50 mm (2 in.)Material Thickness Greater than 50 mm (2 in.) Radiographs of welds exhibiting porosity distributions and concentrations that differ significantly from those shown in Section 8, Figure 10 are to have the actual number and size of the pores recorded and the total area of porosity calculated. 焊缝底片上的气孔分布和密度与第8部分图10所示有明显不同的,应记录实际的气孔数目和大小以及计算 气孔的总面积。 22 2 2The calculated area is not to exceed 2.3t mm(0.09t in) in any 150 mm (6 in.) length of weld where t is the thickness of the material in mm (in.). 22 在任意150 mm (6 in.)长的焊缝内,气孔总面积不应超过2.3t mm(0.09t in),其中t为材料厚度(单位为mm 或in.)。 7.7.3 单个气孔Isolated Pores 3The maximum size of a single isolated pore may be 0.25t or 4.8 mm (/in.), whichever is less, where t is the 16 thickness of the material, provided that there is only one such pore in any 150 mm (6 in.) weld length and the total area of porosity is in accordance with 8/7.7.1 above. 若在任意150mm(6 in.)长的焊缝内,仅有一个气孔,且气孔总面积是符合上述8/7.7.1的规定,则这一气孔 的最大尺寸可为0.25t或4.8mm(3/16 in.),两者取其较小值者,t是材料厚度。 7.7.4 小气孔Fine Porosity Porosity smaller than 0.4 mm (1/64 in.) in diameter may be disregarded. 直径小于0.4 mm (0.015 (1/64) in.)的气孔,可以忽略不计。 7.7.5 线状气孔或线形排列圆形显示Linear Porosity or Aligned Round Indication (1 September 2011) Four or more indications in a line, where each is separated from the adjacent indication by less than 1.6 mm (1/16 in.) or D, whichever is greater, where D is the major diameter of the larger of the adjacent indications. This linear porosity or aligned round indications are to be judged as slag. 4个及以上的显示在一条直线上,其中每个相邻间距小于1.6 mm (1/16 in.)或D(D为相邻显示中较大者的尺 寸),取大值者。这样的线状气孔或线形排列圆形显示按夹渣评判。 7.9 多重显示Multiple Indications Radiographs of welds exhibiting indications of porosity and slag (including acceptable incomplete fusion or incomplete penetration) are to be judged as follows: 焊缝底片上,同时显示气孔、夹渣(包括合格的未熔合或未焊透)时,应按下述评判: 7.9.1 If the radiograph approximates all the permissible slag, only 50% of the permissible porosity is to be allowed. 若底片上显示的所有夹渣接近其容许值时,则容许的气孔值仅为50%。 7.9.2 If the radiograph approximates all the permissible porosity, only 50% of the total accumulated permissible slag is to be allowed. 若底片上显示的所有气孔接近其容许值时,则总累计的容许的夹渣值仅为50%。 7.9.3 The percent of permissible slag plus the percent of permissible porosity is not to exceed 150%. 可容许的夹渣的百分比与可容许的气孔的百分比之和,不应大于150%。 7.11 咬边Undercut (1 September 2011) Acceptance criteria for undercut indications are the same as the acceptance criteria from magnetic inspection and liquid penetrant inspection (8/5.5.5 above). Assessment of depth is to be done by visual and mechanical means. Assessment of depth using radiography is not acceptable. 咬边显示的验收标准同磁粉检测、渗透检测的验收标准。咬边深度的评估可通过目视或机械方法测量, 根据底片评估咬边深度不能接受的。 9. 超声检测评定Evaluation from Ultrasonic Inspection Evaluation from ultrasonic inspection is to be made in accordance with the following acceptance criteria. 超声检测评定应根据如下验收标准进行。 9.1 A级 Class A 9.1.1 高于ARL线的指示Indications Greater than the ARL (1 September 2011) 23 i) Flaw indications with amplitude responses exceeding the ARL (as established in 3/3.9) and having a length greater than 12.5 mm (1/2 in.) are non-conforming. 波幅高于ARL线(3/3.9所示),长度大于12.5mm的缺陷指示为不合格。, ii) Flaw indications less than 4.8 mm (3/16 in.) in length may be disregarded. 长度小于4.8mm(3/16 in.)的缺陷指示可忽略不计。 iii) Flaw indications 4.8 mm (3/16 in.) to 12.5 mm (1/2 in.) in length are to be evaluated in accordance with 8/9.1.2 below. 长度为4.8~12.5mm的缺陷指示应按下述8/9.1.2条评定。 9.1.2 高于DRL线的指示Indications Greater than the DRL (1 September 2011) i) Flaw indications with amplitude responses exceeding the DRL (as established in 3/3.9) are non-conforming if the signals are indicative of discontinuities greater in length than those shown in the respective curves of Section 8, Figure 11 for single or total accumulated length. 波幅超过DRL线(3/3.9所示)的缺陷指示,如果单个不连续长度或累积长度超过第8部分图11所示各自的 长度限值,则为不合格。 ii) Indications less than 4.8 mm (3/16 in.) in length may be disregarded. 长度小于4.8mm(3/16 in.)的指示可忽略不计。 9.1.3 低于DRL线的指示Indications Less than the DRL i) Ultrasonic signals which are less than the DRL are to be disregarded. 低于DRL线的超声信号可忽略不计。 9.3 B级Class B 9.3.1 高于ARL线的指示Indications Greater than the ARL (1 September 2011) i) Flaw indications with amplitude responses exceeding the ARL (as established in 3/3.9) and having a length greater than 12.5 mm (1/2 in) are non-conforming. 波幅超过ARL线(3/3.9所示)、长度大于12.5mm(1/2 in)的缺陷指示为不合格。 ii) Flaw indications less than 4.8 mm (3/16 in.) in length may be disregarded. 长度小于4.8mm(3/16 in.)的缺陷指示可忽略不计。 iii) Flaw indications 4.8 mm (3/16 in.) to 12.5 mm (1/2 in.) in length are to be evaluated in accordance with 8/9.3.2 below. 长度为4.8~12.5mm的缺陷指示应按下述8/9.3.2条评定。 9.3.2 高于DRL线的指示Indications Greater than the DRL (1 September 2011) i) Flaw indications with amplitude responses exceeding the DRL (as established in 3/3.9) are non-conforming if the signals are indicative of discontinuities greater in length than those shown in the respective curves of Section 8, Figure 12 for single or total accumulated length 波幅超过DRL线(3/3.9所示)的缺陷指示,如果单个不连续长度或累积长度超过第8部分图12所示各自的 长度限值,则为不合格。 ii) Indications less than 4.8 mm (3/16 in.) in length may be disregarded. 长度小于4.8mm(3/16 in.)的指示可忽略不计。 9.3.3 低于DRL线的指示Indications Less than the DRL i) Ultrasonic signals which are less than the DRL are to be disregarded. 低于DRL线的超声信号可忽略不计。 24 25 26 27 (续) 28 22每150mm(6in.)焊缝长度允许的总气孔面积为15mm(0.023 in.)。 气孔类型 气孔直径 允许气孔 混合 2.16mm(0.085in.) 2 0.75mm(0.03in.) 8 0.38mm(0.015in.) 34 大 2.16mm(0.085in.) 4 中 0.75mm(0.03in.) 32 小 0.38mm(0.015in.) 130 混合 大 中 小 29 22每150mm(6in.)焊缝长度允许的总气孔面积为22mm(0.034 in.)。 气孔类型 气孔直径 允许气孔 混合 2.36mm(0.093in.) 2 0.89mm(0.035in.) 10 0.46mm(0.018in.) 42 大 2.36mm(0.093in.) 5 中 0.89mm(0.035in.) 35 小 0.46mm(0.018in.) 133 混合 大 中 小 30 22每150mm(6in.)焊缝长度允许的总气孔面积为29mm(0.045 in.)。 气孔类型 气孔直径 允许气孔 混合 2.54mm(0.10in.) 2 1.02mm(0.04in.) 12 0.508mm(0.02in.) 45 大 2.54mm(0.10in. ) 6 中 1.02mm(0.04in.) 36 小 0.508mm(0.02in.) 143 混合 大 中 小 31 22每150mm(6in.)焊缝长度允许的总气孔面积为43.2mm(0.067 in.)。 气孔类型 气孔直径 允许气孔 混合 3.17mm(0.125in.) 2 1.14mm(0.045in.) 13 0.635mm(0.025in.) 44 大 3.17mm(0.125in.) 6 中 1.14mm(0.045in.) 42 小 0.635mm(0.025in.) 137 混合 大 中 小 32 22每150mm(6in.)焊缝长度允许的总气孔面积为58.1mm(0.09 in.)。 气孔类型 气孔直径 允许气孔 混合 3.17mm(0.125in.) 2 1.27mm(0.05in.) 17 0.762mm(0.03in.) 45 大 3.17mm(0.125in.) 7 中 1.27mm(0.05in.) 46 小 0.762mm(0.03in.) 127 混合 大 中 小 33 22每150mm(6in.)焊缝长度允许的总气孔面积为87.1mm(0.135 in.)。 气孔类型 气孔直径 允许气孔 混合 3.17mm(0.125in.) 4 1.4mm(0.055in.) 18 0.89mm(0.035in.) 45 大 3.17mm(0.125in.) 11 中 1.4mm(0.055in.) 57 小 0.89mm(0.035in.) 140 混合 大 中 小 34 22每150mm(6in.)焊缝长度允许的总气孔面积为116mm(0.180 in.)。 气孔类型 气孔直径 允许气孔 混合 3.17mm(0.125in.) 5 1.52mm(0.06in.) 21 1.02mm(0.04in.) 47 大 3.17mm(0.125in.) 15 中 1.52mm(0.06in.) 64 小 1.02mm(0.04in.) 143 混合 大 中 小 35 36 37 (续) 38 附录 一. 船体焊缝的射线检测和超声波检测指南 1( ABS关于船体焊缝的无损检测的目的Purpose of ABS Guide for Nondestructive Inspection of Hull Welds(1 September 2011) The purpose of this Guide is to provide means to ascertain that the internal soundness of full penetration butt welds in ship hull and other marine and offshore structures are of generally satisfactory quality. For other weld joints, see Appendix 2, ―Guidance for Ultrasonic Inspection‖. The use of RT or UT in accordance with this Guide provides a measure of general shipyard quality control. Acceptance levels for allowable sizes of discontinuities specified in this Guide are not based on fracture mechanics analyses since the variety and the complexity of factors involved could make such analyses of questionable validity. The acceptance/rejection levels of this Guide are based on experience and indicate the level of quality that should be reasonably expected with normal shipyard procedures and practices. The reject level at an isolated location does not necessarily indicate that the discontinuity represents a threat to the safety of the vessel. An abnormally high reject rate indicates that the fabrication and welding are not being adequately controlled, and may in some instances necessitate rejecting and repairing entire weldments. When relatively high levels of reject rate are being experienced, it is important to take immediate corrective action(s) to avoid the introduction of extensive areas of questionable weld quality. Corrective actions to improve the quality of welding may consist of re-examinations and/or re-qualifications of weld procedures and welder or in extreme cases, curtailment of welding until the causes producing the unsatisfactory level of overall weld quality are found and eliminated. Isolated rejectable indications within a vessel whose general weld quality is satisfactory are to be treated individually in accordance with Subsections 2/19 and 3/11 of this Guide. ABS船体焊缝的无损检测指南的目的是提供各种手段以证明船体和其它海洋及近海工程对接全熔透 焊缝的内部质量在总体上达到令人满意的效果。对其他的焊接接头,见附录2,―超声波检测指南‖。 根据规范中规定的的RT或UT检测方法对船厂的总体质量控制提供了一种手段。规范中所指定的不 合格缺陷的允许尺寸级别不是以断裂力学的分析为基础的,因为包含的因素复杂多样使得这种分析的有 效性令人怀疑。规范中接受和判废标准是以经验为基准的,并指出了该级别的质量在正常的船厂工艺和 施工中应该达到。个别部位达到判废标准不一定就意味着该不连续的存在会对船舶的安全造成威胁。异 常高的判废率表明制造和焊接质量没有得到足够的控制。在某些情况下可能有必要对所有焊缝进行判废 和返修。当出现了比较高的判废率时,要立即采取更正措施以避免大面积的焊接质量出现问题。改进焊 接质量的措施可以是重新检验和/或对焊接程序和焊工资格重新评审。在极特殊情况下,要减少焊接施工 直到影响整个焊接质量的原因找到并消除为止。总体焊接质量令人满意的船的个别不合格缺陷要按此规 范的2/19和3/11条款个别对待处理。 3( 无损检测方法的选择Choice of Nondestructive Testing (NDT) Method (1 September 2011) This Guide covers the use of RT and UT. However, the interpretation of indications using either of these methods is to be conducted in conjunction with visual examination of the corresponding welds. For example, a 39 surface condition such as undercut may give an indication with both RT and UT, and therefore, might be misinterpreted as a rejectable internal indication based on length on a radiograph or on percentage of full screen height (FSH). With a visual examination (Subsection 1/1 and IACS Recommendation No. 47 ―Shipbuilding and Repair Quality Standard‖ for maximum allowable size of undercuts), the indication caused by the undercut can be taken into account in interpretation of the indications obtained from RT or UT. An actual depth measurement of the undercut might change the acceptance/rejection status of the condition, depending on the code or other criteria used. The undercut, however, should be dealt with to the satisfaction of the Surveyor. For this and other reasons, a visual examination is essential prior to using NDT methods for detection of internal discontinuities. In addition, the person doing the interpretation, as well as all interested parties, should be thoroughly knowledgeable with the welding process and the joint design of the weld being evaluated. NDT的规范包括RT和UT在内,不管使用哪种方法,对缺陷的解释要与相应焊缝外观检验联系起 来。例如,表面状况(如咬边)在UT和RT检测下都会有缺陷显示,因而根据满屏高度(FSH)的百分 比或根据胶片上指示长度来判定,有可能误判为不可接收的内部缺陷。判定UT或RT的缺陷指示时,就 可以把外观检验(1/1条和IACS建议案47《船舶建造和修理质量标准》)观察到的咬边考虑进去。对实 际的咬边深度的测量有可能改变根据规范或其它准则而得出的接收或判废条件。然而,咬边的处理要达 到验船师的满意。鉴于这种原因或其它的原因,在使用NDT检验内部缺陷之前进行外观检验是十分必要 的。此外,评定人员以及与此相关的人员对所检测的焊缝的焊接工艺及接头形式要有彻底的了解。 RT and UT are used for detection of internal discontinuities, and in essence, they supplement and complement each other. Each method is suited for the detection of particular types and orientations of discontinuities. RT和UT用来检测内部缺陷,实际上它们是互补的,每种方法适用于检测特殊类型和为缺陷定位。 RT is generally most effective in detecting non-planar (three-dimensional) discontinuities, such as porosity and slag, and is less effective for detecting planar (two-dimensional) discontinuities, such as laminations or cracks. RT一般用来检验体积缺陷(三维)是最有效的,例如气孔和夹渣,而检验平面缺陷(二维),如分 层或裂纹则效果差些。 UT, on the other hand, is generally most effective for detecting planar discontinuities and is less effective for detecting non-planar discontinuities. 相反,一般UT用来检验二维缺陷是最有效的,而检验体积形缺陷就不那么有效了。 Either RT or UT can be chosen as the primary method of inspection. However, if a yard desires to use UT as the primary method, such testing is to be supplemented initially and by periodical checks with a reasonable amount of radiographic inspection to determine that adequate quality control is achieved as in Subsection 3/3 of this Guide. Although one method may not be directly relatable to the other, either one would indicate conditions of inadequate control of the welding process. Since either method is acceptable as an inspection method, the choice might be influenced the following considerations: 不论UT还是RT都可作为检验的主要手段,然而,若一家造船厂打算使用UT作为主要的方法,则 从一开始而且要定期地辅以合理数量的射线检验以达到如此规范3/3条所规定的那样,做到足够的质量 控制。虽然一种方法与另一种方法没有直接的联系,但不论哪种方法都会指出焊接工艺控制的不完善。 既然哪一种方法都可以作为检验方法,因此在选择时应考虑以下因素: • Need for permanent record (available with AUT, not generally provided by manual UT) • The type and orientation of discontinuities of concern • Equipment availability and cost • Yard experience with a particular method • Accessibility for inspection (i.e., UT generally requires access to only one surface, whereas RT 40 requires two) • Personnel safety • Portability , 需要永久记录(AUT自动化超声可行,一般不由手工UT来提供) , 考虑缺陷的类型及方向 , 设备的有效性及费用 , 船厂对某种方法的经验 , 能否接近检验部位(如UT通常只需一面,而RT需接近两面) , 人员的安全性 , 方便与否 The Surveyor, at his discretion, may require a specific NDT method where he believes the method selected by the shipyard (UT or RT) is not appropriate for types and orientation of discontinuities of concern. 如果验船师认为船厂所选用的检验方法(UT或RT)对所检测的缺陷类型和方向不适,则可指定一 种具体的检测方法。 RT and UT methods are supplementary and complementary to each other in that each has different discontinuity detection characteristics and capabilities, and therefore, each has its corresponding criteria which must be used accordingly. Because of distinct differences in characteristics between the two methods, it is not reasonable to expect that a weld examined and found acceptable by one method will always be acceptable by the other method. Therefore, the results obtained with the particular method originally selected as the basis for approval governs unless gross defects considered detrimental to the integrity of the structure are discovered when using the other method. It should be emphasized that the primary purpose of the Rules requiring NDT of hull structural welds is to provide means to verify that butt welds are of generally satisfactory quality. UT和RT两者互补,因为他们对缺陷的探测具有不同的特性和能力。因而各自有其相应的验收准则 必须遵照执行。因为两者的特性有明显的不同,因此不要以为以一种方法检验合格者就总会被另一种检 验方法通过。因此,当用另一种方法检验时,除非发现明显的大缺陷会对整体的结构造成危害之处,则 应以最初选用的评定方法所检测的结果为准。应该强调的是,此规范中船体结构焊缝NDT的主要目的是 提供方法以验证对接焊缝的质量在总体上令人满意。 5(RT和UT的部位和范围Extent and Location of RT or UT For surface vessels, details of extent and location of inspection are included in this Guide. For other structures, such as Mobile or Fixed Offshore Structures, see the welding section of the appropriate Rules. 对水面船舶,范围的详细资料和检验部位都被包括在此规范当中。对于诸如移动式或固定式的近海 工程的其他工程,参见相应规范的焊接章节。 Because the specified extent of inspection represents only a small percentage of total weld length, the results of the inspection only provide a general indication of the weld quality level, and it is generally reasonable to assume that the uninspected areas may have roughly the same proportion of unacceptable levels of indications as is found in the inspected locations. Indications beyond acceptable levels reflect a level of workmanship lower than the expected quality, and do not indicate a relationship to structural integrity, in that, for the reason previously noted, the allowable discontinuity sizes were not determined by fracture mechanic analysis. The following considerations should also be taken into account: 由于具体的检验范围仅代表着整个焊接长度的一小部分,因此,检验结果只能对焊接质量提供一个 大概的质量水平。因此可认为:未检部位和被检部位的不合格数量有大致相同的比例。不合格的指示程 度反映了工作水平比预料的质量要低,并不表明与结构的整体性有某种联系。因为如前所述,所允许的 41 缺陷长度不是有断裂力学分析得出的。以下内容需考虑进去: i) Important welds in special application and other important structure which are inaccessible or very difficult to inspect in service are to be subjected to an increased level of nondestructive inspection during construction. This provision may be relaxed for automated welds for which quality assurance techniques indicate consistent satisfactory quality. ii) Field erected welds are to be subjected to an increased level of nondestructive inspection. iii) Welds which impose high residual stresses should be ultrasonically inspected to an extent that provides the Surveyor assurance of freedom from lamellar tearing after welding. iv) Extent of inspection is at the discretion of the Surveyor depending on the type of structure, the material and welding procedures involved and the quality control procedures employed. v) If the proportion of unacceptable weld quality becomes abnormally high, the frequency of inspection is to be increased. vi) ABS does recognize and take into account Owner and designer specifications which are in excess of ABS requirements and may require 100% inspection of certain connections. When such additional inspection is conducted by RT or UT, unless approved otherwise, the following is applicable: • Full Penetration Butt Welds. For locations where inspection is specified on the approval plan or required by the Surveyor, the acceptance standards of this Guide appropriate to the structure involved are applicable. For other locations where inspection was not required by ABS, the guidance of Appendix 4 is applicable. • Full Penetration Tee or Corner Welds. The guidance of Appendix 2 is applicable. 1) 用于特殊用途以及其它重要结构的重要焊缝在使用中难以接近或难以检验时,在施工中对 其所做的无损检测级别要提高。若是自动焊缝则该条可放宽,因其质量一向令人满意。 2) 现场合拢的焊缝其无损检测级别要提高。 3) 高焊接残余力的焊缝应事先采用超声检测检验以向验船师保证焊后不会产生层状撕裂。 4) 基于结构类型、所用的材料及有关的焊接程序及所使用的质量控制程序,验船师可自行决 断检测范围。 5) 如果焊缝质量的不合格率异常地高,则应增加检验次数。 6) 对于船东和设计者任何提出的超过ABS规范要求的规定,ABS应予以考虑,并且在特定 接缝可能要求100%的检测。当用RT或UT进行额外的检验时,除非另有认可外,要使用 下列条款: a. 全熔透对接缝:在认可的图上或由验船师指定检验的地方,可使用此规范中相应结构的验收标 准。对ABS没有要求的其它部位的检验,可使用附录4的指南。 b. T型或角偶型的全熔透焊:可应用附录2的指南。 42 附录2 T型和角型全熔透焊的超声检测指南 Guidance for Ultrasonic Inspection 1(T型和角型全熔透焊的超声检测Ultrasonic Inspection of Full Penetration Tee and Corner Welds This Guide contains requirements for ultrasonic inspection of full penetration welds for ships and other marine and offshore structures. Some approved plans for offshore mobile and fixed structures may specially require ultrasonic inspection in way of critical full penetration tee and corner connections to verify weld soundness. In other cases, ultrasonic inspection of these connections may be required in the course of a periodic or damage survey. This Appendix is intended to provide guidance for such inspections. ABS的船体焊接无损检测规范包括了船舶及其它海洋工程全熔透对接焊的超声检测要求。近海移动 式或固定式机构的认可图可能对T型和角型全熔焊的重要部位要求超声以证明焊接质量完好。在其它情 况下,这些接头的超声检验可能为定期或破损调查过程中才有的要求。本附录对这些检验提供指导原则。 1.1 总则General Except for scanning methods and acceptance standards, the provisions of this Guide relative to ultrasonic inspection are applicable. 除了扫查方法和验收标准外,可采用此规范中适用于超声波检验的条例。 1.3 焊前板的检验Inspection of Plate Prior to Welding It is required to inspect plates in way of full penetration tee and corner welds prior to welding to avoid plate discontinuities in the joint area, which could interfere with the final ultrasonic inspection. Such plate discontinuities found during this examination shall be recorded and evaluated on a case-by-case basis. 在焊前,应对将采用全熔透T型和角型接头的焊板进行检验以避免接头区域缺陷会干扰最终的超声 检测。检验时发现板材有缺陷应做记录并根据当时情况做评定。 1.5 焊后超声检测程序Ultrasonic Testing Procedure After Welding The inspection procedure for verification of weld soundness is to be as follows: i) Shear wave technique and/or compression wave (dual-element probe is recommended for lamination detection) technique is to be employed. ii) Surfaces A and B are to be scanned as indicated in Appendix 2, Figure 1 to an extent which would provide the inspection of the complete weld area. iii) At the discretion of the Surveyor, Surface C or corner welds may be required to be scanned if accessible as indicated in Appendix 2, Figure 1 to an extent which would provide detection of lamellar tearing. 证实焊接质量完好的检测流程如下: a. 应采用剪波和(或)压缩波技术(分层检测建议用双晶探头); b. 如附录2图1所示,B面和A面都要扫查以保证全部焊接区域都得到检验; c. 验船师可以提出对附录2图1所示的C表面或角焊缝(如果可以接触到)进行扫查以检验是否 有层状撕裂。 1.7 焊后发现的板材缺陷Plate Discontinuities Detected After Welding In the course of weld inspection, indications may be obtained from plate discontinuities either pre-existing or developed as a result of welding. In some cases, the latter may be lamellar tearing caused by high residual 43 weld stresses. Indications which are attributable to discontinuities in plates in way of the weld may be considered acceptable if they are in accordance with the Class B standards of this Guide. Pre-existing indications observed in welded plate should be disregarded where there is no indication of propagation. Consideration as to the need, if any, for corrective measures should be based on the acceptability of the indications obtained, the functional requirements of the joint, as well as the practical level of workmanship quality which can be obtained. 在焊缝检测过程中,可能发现板材中有以前就存在的缺陷或焊后造成的缺陷,通常情况后者可能是 由于高焊接残余应力而造成的层状撕裂。对可归因于板材中靠近焊缝的缺陷指示,若其符合此规范的B 级标准,则可以接收。焊板中预先存在的缺陷,如果没有扩散的迹象则可忽略不计。如果需要考虑进行 修补,则应以所发现缺陷的可接收性、焊缝接头功能要求以及所能得到的实际工作水平为基准来确定。 1.9 验收标准Acceptance Criteria The Class A acceptance standard specified in this Guide is to apply, except for the root area of those welds for which design drawings provide less than full penetration welds. Indications of lamellar tearing beyond that permitted in A2/1.7 above are to be treated on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the applications and circumstances involved.。 如果设计图纸没要求全焊透,则除这些焊缝的焊根区域外,要应用此规范中的A级验收标准。超过 前述的A2/1.7规定的层状撕裂显示要根据现场情况来处理,并考虑到所涉及的实际用途情况。 1.11可选择的验收标准Alternate Acceptance Criteria Acceptance criteria submitted by the fabricator which are satisfactory to the designer/Owner may also be applied. 由制造厂家提出的并使设计者、船东满意的验收标准也可以使用。 1.13 验收标准的适用性Applicability of Acceptance Criteria The acceptance criteria of A2/1.9 or A2/1.11 above are only applicable to the specific locations indicated in the approved plans or as required by the Surveyor. Acceptance criteria for locations other than those required by ABS are considered as agreed upon between fabricator and Owner. 前述的A2/1.9条、A2/1.11条的验收标准仅适用于认可图所指定的或验船师所要求的具体检验部位。 ABS要求以外的部位的验收标准可由厂家和船东达成协议而定。 3. 小于8mm厚度薄板的焊缝超声波检测Ultrasonic Inspection of Welds in Thin Plate Less Than 8 mm Acceptance requirements for the ultrasonic inspection of carbon and low alloy steels in hull structures from this Guide are intended for full penetration welds only. They are not intended to cover material less than 8 mm (0.3125 in.). In case of inspection of thin steel plate in thickness less than 8 mm (0.3125 in.), modified techniques described here are to be considered. 此规范对船体结构碳钢和低合金钢超声检测的验收要求仅用于全熔透焊缝,不适用于厚度小于 8mm(0.3125 in.)的材料。对于厚度小于8mm(0.3125 in.)薄钢板的检测,可以采用这里叙述的改进技术。 3.1 探头尺寸的选择Selection of Probe Dimensions A statement made in 3/3.7.3 of this Guide indicates the probe element size should be selected to be less than or equal to the wall thickness of the plate in which the weld inspected. This is of particular advantage in very thin wall sections (?8 mm). 此规范3/3.7.3的规定表明探头晶片尺寸应小于等于被检焊缝板厚。这是超薄板部分(?8 mm)的独特 优势。 The primary reason for selection of a small probe used on thin wall plates relates to near zone 44 considerations. The approximate near zone distance from the element face is given as following: 选取小探头进行薄板检测的主要原因是近场区。近似的近场长度(至晶片表面)给出如下: 2N = D/4λ 对于圆形晶片for circular elements where N = near zone D = diameter of the element λ = wavelength of the sound in the test medium 此时 N = 近场长度 D = 晶片直径 λ = 检测介质中声波长 For a 5 MHz with 12.5 mm (0.5 in.) diameter element using the transverse (shear wave) velocity of steel (3240 m/s), N is approximately 60 mm from the probe element. When the probe element diameter is reduced to 6.4 mm (0.25 in.) the near zone reduces to about 16 mm in steel. When imaged with a fixed path length in a refracting wedge at 70? refracted angle on a 6.4 mm (0.25 in.) thick plate, the 12.5 mm diameter probe is seen to have the near zone in the third leg of the skip path while the 6.4 mm diameter probe has the near zone in the first leg of the skip path (well before the far side of the plate is reached). Appendix 2, Figure 2 illustrates the computed near zones for the two probe diameters mounted on typical wedges manufactured. 对于频率5 MHz直径12.5 mm (0.5 in.) 的晶片,采用钢中横波声速(3240 m/s),从探头晶片开始的近场 长度N近似为60mm。当探头晶片直径减小到6.4 mm (0.25 in.)时,钢中近场长度减小到16mm。采用6.4mm 厚的70?折射楔块上得到固定声程的波时,12.5 mm直径探头的近场区在第3个半跨距以内,6.4 mm直径 探头的的近场区在第1个半跨距以内(距离楔块的远端较远)。附录2图2举例说明了两不同直径探头在典 型加工楔块上的近场长度计算值。 From Appendix 2, Figure 3, it becomes immediately obvious that a second advantage exists in the ability of the smaller dimensioned probe to approach the weld cap closer. The closest approach of the larger wedge to the weld cap prevents centerline of the beam approaching and being incident on the weld bevel at the root. The larger dimensioned probe can approach the weld bevel at the root by pulling the probe back till the beam is in the fourth leg of the skip path. In contrast, the smaller dimensioned probe can be positioned for the beam to reach the root in the first leg of the skip path as shown in Appendix 2, Figure 3. 从附录2图3可以直接看出较小尺寸探头的第二个优势是能更靠近焊帽。较大楔块的最接近焊帽点阻 碍了声束中心线的靠近,使入射点落在根部焊缝坡口。较大尺寸探头可通过将探头拉回到声束处于第4 个半跨距的位置,更接近根部焊缝坡口。作为对比,较小尺寸探头的声束可在第一个半跨距内到达根部, 如附录2图3。 Further consideration for selection of a small probe used on thin wall plates comes from the ability of the beam to resolve flaws and discriminate from geometric conditions. Beam pressure modeling software indicates, as shown in Appendix 2, Figures 4 and 5, that the actual dimensions of the beam are significantly greater for the larger probe than the smaller probe in the practical working range (i.e., up to the end of the first full skip). Appendix 2, Figure 4 illustrates the beam profiles for the two probe conditions on the 6.4 mm plate and indicates that the pressure boundary dimensions of the smaller probe are significantly smaller than the larger probe. Appendix 2, Figure 5 illustrates the beam sizes on the entry surface and skip surface, from which it can be seen that although the length dimension is similar the width of the beam for the smaller probe is 2.5 times smaller than for the large diameter probe. 在薄板上选择小探头的更深层考虑来自于对几何状况和缺陷的区分。声束压力建模软件显示,在实 际检测范围中,大探头的实际声束尺寸显著大于小探头的实际声束尺寸(即增大直到第一个全跨距结束), 45 如附录2图4和5。附录2图4显示的是两不同声束轮廓的探头置于6.4mm板上,小探头的压力边界尺寸远小于大探头。附录2图5显示的是入射面和反射面的声束尺寸,尽管两探头的声束长度尺寸相同,小探头的声束宽度比大探头的声束宽度小2.5倍。 46 47 48 附录3 水下检验监督指导 Guidance for Monitoring Underwater Inspections 1(总则General (1 September 2011) This Appendix is intended for guidance for underwater inspection for ships in lieu of drydocking, mobile or fixed offshore units and other marine and offshore structures. In all cases, the Rules pertinent to the structure and applicable regulations are to be consulted. 本部分用于指导船舶的水下检验而不是干坞、移动式或固定式近海工程及其它海洋及近海结构。不 论哪种情况,与结构相关的规范或适用条例都要经过磋商。 The Surveyors should be satisfied that the chosen diving inspection company is competent, that the divers and top-side technicians are qualified for the operation and the equipment to be used is appropriate for the particular survey. Appendix 3, Figures 1 and 2 provide sample inspection and preplanning checklists, and are intended as guidance. The items in the checklist are essentially amplifications of the general remarks contained in the text of this Appendix. 所选用的水下检验公司能够胜任并使验船师满意,进行施工的潜水员和高级技术人员应合格,所用 检测的设备适合此特定检测。附录3中的图1、图2提供了试样检测和检测计划单作为指导。检测单上 的各项内容实际上是本附录所包括内容的详细说明。 The diving company is required to have a well-defined cleaning/inspection procedure available, as well as an inspection schedule. The intended nondestructive testing methods are to be discussed with the Surveyor prior to the inspection to reduce the likelihood of misunderstandings during the diving operation and expedite the entire operation. 要求潜水公司有一个确切的且可行的清理或检验程序以及检验计划,并在检验之前要与验船师商讨 有意选用的无损检测方法,以减少在潜水作业中误解的可能性并加快整个作业速度。 As a minimum, underwater examination consists of a visual inspection. ABS may on occasion require other nondestructive inspection methods [e.g., magnetic particle testing (MT), ultrasonic testing (UT)] for certain joints and designs. Also, an Owner/operator may specify methods other than visual examination. Depending on the intended nondestructive inspection method, the following should be given consideration. 水下检验至少要由一个外观检验组成。ABS有时会要求对特定的接头和设计结构进行其他的无损检 测方法(如MT和UT检测)。而且船东和操作人员也可指定外观检验之外的方法。根据无损检测方法的 不同,要考虑以下内容: 1.1 外观检验Visual Inspection (1 September 2011) When a visual inspection (see Appendix 3, Figure 3) is scheduled, a diver who regularly wears glasses or contact lenses should also wear them when diving. Adequate white light is needed for proper inspection. Water clarity with or without artificial lighting is to be sufficient to allow viewing from approximately 1 m (39 in.) or more. 当按计划进行外观检验时(见附录3图3),平时戴眼镜或戴隐形眼镜的潜水员在潜水时还应佩戴, 且需足够的白光照明。不论有无人工照明,水的清晰度应足以有1m(39英寸)以上的能见度。 A suitable closed-circuit television with two-way communication capable of being monitored by the Surveyor and/or a still photographic camera capable of providing good resolution photographs should be used. The methods for identifying the inspected area, acceptable quality of video and still photography and the extent of retaining permanent record is to be established before commencement of inspection. 49 应使用由验船师监控的配有双向通话电缆的闭路电视和/或一个能提供高分辨率照片的静止照相机。 识别被检区域的方法,摄像及静止照片的接收质量,以及保留永久记录的范围等问题要在开始检验之前 就确定下来。 Proper cleaning equipment must be available (e.g. wire brush, preferably hydraulic powered water blast). If the areas required to be cleaned are difficult to reach, a needle gun may be used, provided that precautions are taken so as not to excessively peen the surface. Please note that the use of pneumatic tools may hinder the view of the diver, as well as what is visible on video, by producing excessive bubbling. 要有合适的清洗设备(即钢丝刷,最好是液压冲水器)。对于难以接近的地方的清洗,则可使用针枪。 但应注意不要过分敲击表面。应注意的是使用气动工具会因其产生过高的气泡而妨碍潜水员的视野,也 会妨碍摄像效果。 1.3 MT检测Magnetic Particle Testing (MT) (1 September 2011) MT may be required for a particular application or may be specified by the Owner/operator. 可能需要MT做特别的检验或由船东及操作人员要求做MT。 If an MT is to be performed, the surfaces to be examined should be cleaned to bare metal in order to provide good contact and sensitivity. However, a thin protective coating on the surface area to be inspected may be acceptable provided the equipment used has good metal to poles contact (bare metal). 若施用MT,应对被检验的表面清理到裸露金属以保证有良好的接触和灵敏度。假定所用的设备有 良好的金属和磁极相接触,那么被检表面有一薄的保护涂层也是可以的。 Prior to diving, the proper working conditions of the MT equipment should be verified by the Surveyor. Appendix 3, Figure 4 provides a form of Magnetic Particle Testing (MT). If DC current or permanent magnets are used, the equipment should be demonstrated as capable of lifting 40 lbs in air, 10 lbs if AC current is used. Fixed electromagnetic yokes and permanent magnet yokes do not lend themselves to all geometries encountered and particular attention should be paid to the connection geometry vis-à-vis the surface contact provided by the yokes. For example, although all the MT methods mentioned earlier are generally acceptable for detection of cracks in ferromagnetic materials, the AC method has been proven to be the most sensitive for detection of cracks open to the surface. When using the coil method, amperage is to be in accordance with ASTM E709 or its equivalent. 在潜水之前,应由验船师验证一下MT设备具有良好的工作状态。附录3图4提供了一种磁粉检测 的方式。若用直流电磁轭或永久磁铁,则设备应表现出在空气中提升起40磅重物的能力。若为交流电磁 轭,则提升力为10磅。固定的电磁轭及永久磁轭并不对其所遇到的所有几何形状都起作用,故应注意与 磁轭接触表面的几何形状。例如,虽然之前提到的所有MT方法对铁磁性物质的裂纹的检测都令人满意, 但交流电对表面开口缺陷的检测灵敏度最高。当使用线圈法时,安培数应符合ASTM E709或相当的标准。 In addition, the concentration of the testing medium should be checked by use of a magnetic field indicator when utilizing a squirt bottle and with a centrifuge tube when an agitated tank is used. A magnetic field indicator is a pocket tool containing simulated cracks. 此外,检测媒介的浓度要用磁场指示仪来检查,利用一个喷壶,离心管及一种搅拌槽。磁场指示仪 是一个包含模拟裂纹的小型工具。 When the divers can clearly discern particles deposited and remaining on the magnetic field indicator along the appropriate linear direction, all of the following conditions are satisfactory: i) Adequacy of particle concentration ii) Adequacy of field strength iii) Field direction or orientation of detectable discontinuities iv) Adequacy of working conditions (e.g., visibility, turbulence) 50 当潜水员能够清晰地看到表面沉淀的磁粉并且在磁场指示仪上显示出线性方向沉淀时,则所有的下 列条件都达到了令人满意的程度: 1) 足够的磁粉浓度 2) 足够的磁场强度 3) 磁场方向或被探缺陷的方向 4) 适宜的工作条件(即可见性,湍流度) The diver should carry the magnetic field indicator with him while diving to enable him to verify the adequacy of these conditions regularly. 潜水员潜水时应携带磁场指示仪以证明这些条件始终满足。 Depending on the type of magnetic particles (visible or fluorescent) the Surveyor should be satisfied that the proper lighting condition is available: when using visible dye, the conditions should generally be the same as 2for visual inspection; when using a fluorescent dye, 125 foot-candles at 15 inches (equivalent to 120 μW/cm at 38 cm) from the ultraviolet light source is considered adequate. Fluorescent indications should be readily discernable on the magnetic field indicator from approximately 1 m (39 in.). 根据磁粉的类型不同(可见性或荧光性),应有合适的照明条件使验船师满意:当使用可见的染色剂 时,应同外观检查的条件一样;当使用荧光染料时,离紫外线光源15英寸远的125英尺烛光(相当于 2120µW/cm在38cm处)则认为是足够的。荧光显示应在远离1米(39英寸)的磁场指示器上就容易分 辨出来。 1.5 NDT的补充和可选择的方法Alternative and Supplementary NDT Methods Under some conditions, alternative inspection methods to supplement MT (e.g., eddy current) may be used. Any new technique must work side-by-side with MT until such time as it is proven to the Surveyor’s satisfaction that it is equally effective in detecting discontinuities under the conditions encountered with the inspection under consideration. A reasonable amount of MT is to be conducted periodically to verify the supplementary method. In addition, if an alternate method to MT is used, the proposed method and procedure is subject to special approval by the Surveyor. Ultrasonic examination may be used for crack depth determination provided that MT or an equivalent approved surface crack detection method is used to locate the crack and to verify that it has been removed. 在某些条件下,可选用如涡流等方法来补充MT。任何新的技术都要与MT在工作上同时使用,直 到在相同的检验条件下有同等的检测效果,并达到验船师的满意。应定期地做适量的MT检测以证明补 充方法的可靠性,此外,若使用另一种检验方法,则该方法及其规程应经验船师的特殊认可。 如果MT或一种认可的等同方法用来确定裂纹位置,则可用超声检验来确定裂纹深度,证明裂纹是 否必须去除。 1.7 超声测厚Ultrasonic Thickness Gauging (1 September 2011) When thickness gauging (Appendix 3, Figure 4) is to be performed using ultrasonic methods, the surfaces of the part to be measured should be cleaned to bright metal to provide a good probe-to-metal contact. Utilized equipment should be calibrated both topside and below the waterline at the inspection depth. Recognized standard blocks should be used for this calibration. 当使用超声方法测厚时(附录3图4),被测表面要清理到光洁的程度以保证探头和金属的良好接触。 所用设备在检测深度处,不论是干舷或是水线以下都要进行校对。进行校对要用认可的标准试块。 1.9 报告Reporting Reporting is to be as per existing practice. Appropriate figures of this Appendix may be used for 51 guidance. 按现有的条例写报告。附录里的适当图示可做参考。 52 图1 水下检验检测单 总则 日期 船舶 位置 检验公司 地址 电话 潜水/检验操作的负责人 相关人员(包括船东代表、政府授权人员等等) ABS验船师 在本次检验中所用的检验方法 外观检查 磁粉 超声波测厚 其它 (指定) 53 图2 检测计划单 人员 高级技术人员 名字: 无损检测方法和资格水平 潜水员/检查人员 名字: 无损检测方法和资格水平 在船上检查程序, 是 否 验船师检查程序, 是 否 验船师已看过潜水员及高级技术人员的个人档案, 是 否 潜水员和高级技术人员有资格水平的证明, 是 否 有一个明确地确定和证明检验位置的程序, 是 否 54 图3 外观检查 规程号: 潜水条件(核查) 天气 水况 水清晰度 深度 检验设备(核查) 电视 静止照相机 口头交流 照明 测量录音带 圆角规 凹规 其它 (指定) 清理设备(核查) 喷水枪 带砂喷水枪 针枪 钢刷:风动 液压 其它 (指定) 55 图4 MT检测 规程号 磁粉方法及设备(核查) 轭式 固定 活动 电流 交流 直流 永久磁铁 线圈(交流/直流) 磁粉类型(核查) 可见(粉末颜色) 荧光 照明 白光灯 黑光灯(UV) 校正设备(核查) 安培表 磁场指示器 离心管 1 0磅重 40磅重 其它 (指定) 清理设备(核查) 喷水枪 带砂喷水枪 针枪 钢刷:风动 液压 其它 (指定) 56 图5 超声波测厚 规程号 潜水条件(核查) 天气 水况 水清晰度 深度 设备 构造及样式 校准日期 传感器:构造、尺寸及频率 校准设备 IIW(国际焊接学会标准试验块) 其它 (指定) 清理设备(核查) 喷水枪 带砂喷水枪 针枪 钢刷:风动 液压 其它 (指定) 57 表6 报告要求 交流电场测量试验的数据报告表主要是为了专门地用来满足系统以及电流试验的要求的。一个数据表中 必要的信息包括: 总则信息 日期 操作人员姓名 操作人员组成 身份识别号码 档案号 使用的设备 扫描数据 文件名 页码 焊接位置 探头编号 探头方向 磁带位置 检查概要 详细的记录情况/异常 文件名 页码 焊接位置 裂纹开始(参考带子) 裂纹结束(参考带子) 裂纹长度(毫米/英寸) 备注 图表/检验中的成分图 58 附录4 ABS没提出要求的无损检测准则指导 1(总则 在船舶建造的过程中或交付使用的各阶段里,除此规范规定或验船师要求以外的焊缝,船东和船厂可主动地提出对其进行射线和超声检测。虽然ABS对此没提出要求,有些情况仍将这一指导作为指定的验收标准。例如,如下表格的指引为某些船厂和船东所采用的验收: 十字缝 十字缝 部位 十字缝 对接 纵缝 船舯0.6L区 A级 A级两倍 B级两倍 外壳 船舯0.6L外区 B级 B级两倍 B级两倍 船舯0.6L区 A级两倍 B级两倍 B级两倍 纵、横舱壁及类似 的内部结构 船舯0.6L外区 B级两倍 B级两倍 B级两倍 59
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