首页 2009年江苏省化学小高考试卷



2009年江苏省化学小高考试卷2009年江苏省化学小高考试卷 2009年江苏省普通高中学业水平测试(必修课目)试卷 化 学 本卷可能用到的相对原子质量 H:1 C:12 N:14 O:16 Na:23 Mg:24 Al:27 S:32 Cl:35.5 K:39 Fe:56 一、单项选择题:在每题的4个选项中,只有1个选项是符合要求的(本部分23题,每题3 分,共69分)。 1(全球气候变暖。据报道,江苏在最近47年里平均气温升高1.38?。下列哪种气体的增加 是导致这种情况出现的主要原因 A(N B(O C(CO D(SO 2222...

2009年江苏省化学小高考试卷 2009年江苏省普通高中学业水平测试(必修课目)试卷 化 学 本卷可能用到的相对原子质量 H:1 C:12 N:14 O:16 Na:23 Mg:24 Al:27 S:32 Cl:35.5 K:39 Fe:56 一、单项选择题:在每题的4个选项中,只有1个选项是符合要求的(本部分23题,每题3 分,共69分)。 1(全球气候变暖。据报道,江苏在最近47年里平均气温升高1.38?。下列哪种气体的增加 是导致这种情况出现的主要原因 A(N B(O C(CO D(SO 2222 2(“垃圾是放错了位置的资源”,应分类回收利用。生活中废弃的塑料制品、旧轮胎、废纸 等属于 A(单质 B(有机物 C(氧化物 D(无机物 3(当光束通过豆浆时,可观察到丁达尔效应, 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 明豆浆是 A(胶体 B(溶液 C( 悬浊液 D(乳浊液 4(欲配制浓度为1.00mol/L的氯化钠溶液100mL,用不到的仪器是 A(容量瓶 B(分液漏斗 C(玻璃棒 D(烧杯 5(下列元素中金属性最强的是 (K B(Na C(Al D(Mg A 6(下列物质属于离子化合物的是 A(O B(HO C(KSO D(CHOH 322425 7(下列物质与水反应生成强酸的是 A(NaO B(SO C(CO D(NH 2323 8(下列气体中无色无味的是 A(SO B(Cl C(NO D(N 2222 9(下列实验装置(部分仪器已省略)或操作,能达到相应实验目的的是 A(干燥氯气 B(闻气体气味 C(分离乙醇和水 D(进行喷泉实验 10(光导纤维已成为信息社会必不可少的高技术材料。下列物质用于制造光导纤维的是 A(金刚石 B(大理石 C(铝合金 D(二氧化硅 11(“脚印”、“笑脸”、“五环”等焰火让北京奥运会开幕式更加辉煌壮观,这些五彩缤纷的 焰火与元素的焰色反应有关。下列说法错误的是 (( A(观察KSO的焰色应透过蓝色的钴玻璃 24 B(Na与NaCl在灼烧时火焰颜色相同 dynamic publicity, timely reports on the rectification work achieved success, and create the experience, the emergence of a typical, timely exposure health corner, management of the blind spot, "filthy" phenomenon and buck passing, not as a phenomenon. The area units and responsible departments to use the blackboard newspaper, publicity column, publicity car, understand the paper, literature and art programs, promote the remediation work in the state organs, into the community, into the enterprise, into the school, family, and strive to create the city's mobilization, the people, the whole society Will be involved in a strong atmosphere. To strengthen supervision and security. The command department performance steering group to be in accordance with the municipal Party committee, municipal government of accountability measures, supervision and inspection plan formulation, implementation of "rectification process tracking supervision, remediation regular notification system, the supervision throughout the entire process of remediation work. Do not attach importance to, not as, sluggish, pull the hind legs of the city's local and departmental units to give notice of criticism until the start the administrative accountability procedures. Fifth, we must strengthen the security assessment. Command assessment group to effectively improve the intensify of the assessment, according to the acceptance and effectiveness of supervision, for all districts and counties, departments directly under C(可以用焰色反应来区别NaCl和KCl D(焰色反应一定发生化学变化 —+—212(某溶液中存在较多的OH、K、CO,该溶液中还可能大量存在的是 3+2+—+2A(H B(Ca C(NH D(SO 4413(下列化学用语表示正确的是 A(氯化钙的化学式 CaCl B(HCl分子的电子式 C(乙烯的结构简式 CHCH D(氯原子的结构示意图 22 14(常用于测定动植物标本的年龄。关于原子的说法正确的是 A(中子数为14 B(质子数为14 C(核外电子数为14 D(质量数为14 15(用N表示阿伏加德罗常数的值,下列说法错误的是 A(( A(在 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 状况下22.4L H中含有氢分子的个数为2N 2A2+B(24g Mg变为Mg时失去的电子数为2N A C(32g O中含有氧原子的个数为2N 2A D(1L 1mol/L NaCl溶液中含有钠离子的个数为N A 16(2008年我国的“神舟七号”宇宙飞船搭载3名宇航员顺利升空,并成功实现宇航员太空 行走。火箭和飞船升空所需的巨大能量可由下列化学反应提供: CHN + 2NO == 2CO? + 3N? + 4HO 28224222 有关该反应的说法正确的是 A(该反应是分解反应 B(反应中碳元素的化合价降低 C(氧化剂是NO D(该反应不是氧化还原反应 24 17(实验室用锌粒与2mol/L硫酸溶液抽取氢气,下列措施不能增大化学反应速率的是 ( A(用锌粉代替锌粒 B(改用3mol/L硫酸溶液 C(改用热的确2mol/L硫酸溶液 D(向该硫酸溶液中加入等体积的水 18(下列反应属于吸热反应的是 A(石灰石在高温下的分解反应 B(生石灰和水的反应 C(盐酸与氢氧化钠溶液的反应 D(木炭在氧气中燃烧 19(右图为番茄电池,下列说法正确的是 A(一段时间后,锌片质量会变小 B(铜电极附近会出现蓝色 C(电子由铜通过导线流向锌 D(锌电极是该电池的正极 20(下列关于甲烷的叙述错误的是 (( A(天然气的主要成分 B(最简单的有机物 ill be involved in a strong atmosphere.iety Wmunity, into the enterprise, into the school, family, and strive to create the city's mobilization, the people, the whole soclicity car, understand the paper, literature and art programs, promote the remediation work in the state organs, into the comn, pubuck passing, not as a phenomenon. The area units and responsible departments to use the blackboard newspaper, publicity columxperience, the emergence of a typical, timely exposure health corner, management of the blind spot, "filthy" phenomenon and bdynamic publicity, timely reports on the rectification work achieved success, and create the e ty procedures.d legs of the city's local and departmental units to give notice of criticism until the start the administrative accountabilihe hintem, the supervision throughout the entire process of remediation work. Do not attach importance to, not as, sluggish, pull tpection plan formulation, implementation of "rectification process tracking supervision, remediation regular notification syspal Party committee, municipal government of accountability measures, supervision and insTo strengthen supervision and security. The command department performance steering group to be in accordance with the munici 2ectly underthe assessment, according to the acceptance and effectiveness of supervision, for all districts and counties, departments dir Fifth, we must strengthen the security assessment. Command assessment group to effectively improve the intensify of 龙文教育-----您值得信赖的专业化个性化辅导学校 C(含碳质量分数最大的有机物 D(与氯气在光照条件下能发生取代反应 21(下列反应属于加成反应的是 A(2CHCHOH + 2Na ? 2CHCHONa + H? 32322 B( C( D( 22(X、Y、Z均为短周期元素,它们在周期表中相对位置如图所示。若Y原子的最外层电 子是内层电子数的3倍,下列说法正确的是 A(X的气态氢化物比Y的稳定 B(W的最高价氧化物对应水化物的酸性比Z的强 C(Z的非金属性比Y的强 D(X与Y形成的化合物都易溶于水 2—23(在硫酸铝、硫酸钾和明矾[KAl(SO)?12HO]的混合溶液中,SO的浓度为0.4mol/L,4224+当加入等体积0.4mol/L KOH溶液时,生成的沉淀恰好完全溶解。则反应后溶液中K的浓 度约为 A(0.225mol/L B(0.25mol/L C(0.45mol/L D(0.9mol/L 二、非选择题(本部分3题,共31分) 24((15分)本题为选做题,包括A、B两题。选学《化学与生活》模块的考生答A题,选学《有机化学基础》模块的考生答B题,每位考生只可选做1题。若两题都作答,则以A题计分。 A(《化学与生活》 (1)(3分)现有下列物质:维生素A、维生素C、碘元素、铁元素、淀粉、油脂。请选择正确 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 填在相应的空格里。 ?人体缺乏某种维生素会引起坏血病,这种维生素是__________。 ?人体缺乏某种微量元素会发生贫血,这种微量元素是__________。 ?既能为人体提供热量,又能提供必需脂肪酸的物质是__________。 (2)(5分)了解一些用药常识,有利于自我保健。现有下列药物:碳酸镁、青霉素、阿司匹林、氢氧化铝。 ?其中属于解热镇痛的药物是__________。 ?青霉素的作用是__________。 dynamic publicity, timely reports on the rectification work achieved success, and create the experience, the emergence of a typical, timely exposure health corner, management of the blind spot, "filthy" phenomenon and buck passing, not as a phenomenon. The area units and responsible departments to use the blackboard newspaper, publicity column, publicity car, understand the paper, literature and art programs, promote the remediation work in the state organs, into the community, into the enterprise, into the school, family, and strive to create the city's mobilization, the people, the whole society Will be involved in a strong atmosphere. To strengthen supervision and security. The command department performance steering group to be in accordance with the municipal Party committee, municipal government of accountability measures, supervision and inspection plan formulation, implementation of "rectification process tracking supervision, remediation regular notification system, the supervision throughout the entire process of remediation work. Do not attach importance to, not as, sluggish, pull the hind legs of the city's local and departmental units to give notice of criticism until the start the administrative accountability procedures. - 3 - Fifth, we must strengthen the security assessment. Command assessment group to effectively improve the intensify of the assessment, according to the acceptance and effectiveness of supervision, for all districts and counties, departments directly under南通龙文教育教学管理部 ?碳酸镁可治疗胃酸过多的原理是__________(用离子方程表示)。 ?药片常用淀粉作为黏合剂,淀粉水解的最终产物是__________。 (3)(7分)生活中处处有化学,化学已渗透到我们的“衣、食、住、行”之中。 ?衣:鉴别真假羊毛衫的方法是先取样,再__________。 ?食:水是人类生存的必需物质。在净水过程中,明矾作为__________剂;氯气或漂白粉作为剂__________。 ?住:玻璃和钢铁是常用的建筑材料。普通玻璃是由__________等物质组成的;钢铁制品不仅可发生化学腐蚀,在潮湿的空气中还能发生__________腐蚀。 ?行:铝可用于制造交通工具,铝制品不易生锈的原因是__________;橡胶是制造轮胎的重要原料,天然橡胶通过__________措施可增大强度和弹性。 B(《有机化学基础》 (1)(3分)同分异构现象在有机化合物中是非常普遍的。下列各组化合物: ?CHCHCHCH和(CH)CHCH;?CHCHOH和CHCHCHOH; 322332332322 ?CHCOOCHCH和CHCHCHCOOH;?CHCH=CHCH和CHCHCH=CH; 32332233322 ?和。其中互为同分异构体的是__________(填序号)。 )(5分)下列5种有机化合物:乙酸乙酯(CHCOOCHCH)、苯酚()、 (2323 乙醛(CHCHO)、乙酸(CHCOOH)、乙醇(CHCHOH)。 3332 ?其中能与NaHCO溶液反应产生气泡的是__________。 3 ?其中能与FeCl溶液发生显色反应的是__________。 3 ?其中能发生水解反应的是__________。 ?写出乙醛与银氨溶液发生银镜反应的化学方程式__________。 (3)(7分)?蛋白质是维持生命的重要物质,它是由氨基酸通过__________连接而成的一类高分子化合物;氨基酸因分子中含有氨基和羧基,而具有__________性。 ?2008年,三鹿婴幼儿奶粉由于人为添加三聚氰胺,导致长期食用该奶粉的部分婴幼儿出现肾结石病。三聚氰胺的结构简式如下图所示。 1请你预测三聚氰胺在核磁共振氢谱图(H核磁共振谱图)中会出现__________个峰;三聚氰胺中氮元素的质量分数为__________(结果用百分数表示,并保留一位小数),添加三聚氰胺会使食品中蛋白质的含量虚高。 25((6分)下图是由短周期元素组成的一些单质及其化合物之间的转化关系图。常温常压下,D、F、K均为无色无刺激性气味的气体,B是最常见的无色液体,A是由单质C在D中燃烧生成的淡黄色固体。(反应中生成的部分物质已略去) ill be involved in a strong atmosphere.iety Wmunity, into the enterprise, into the school, family, and strive to create the city's mobilization, the people, the whole soclicity car, understand the paper, literature and art programs, promote the remediation work in the state organs, into the comn, pubuck passing, not as a phenomenon. The area units and responsible departments to use the blackboard newspaper, publicity columxperience, the emergence of a typical, timely exposure health corner, management of the blind spot, "filthy" phenomenon and bdynamic publicity, timely reports on the rectification work achieved success, and create the e ty procedures.d legs of the city's local and departmental units to give notice of criticism until the start the administrative accountabilihe hintem, the supervision throughout the entire process of remediation work. Do not attach importance to, not as, sluggish, pull tpection plan formulation, implementation of "rectification process tracking supervision, remediation regular notification syspal Party committee, municipal government of accountability measures, supervision and insTo strengthen supervision and security. The command department performance steering group to be in accordance with the munici 4ectly underthe assessment, according to the acceptance and effectiveness of supervision, for all districts and counties, departments dir Fifth, we must strengthen the security assessment. Command assessment group to effectively improve the intensify of 龙文教育-----您值得信赖的专业化个性化辅导学校 请回答下列问题: (1)物质A的化学式为__________。 (2)化合物E的电子式为__________。 (3)反应?的离子方程式为__________;反应?的化学方程式为__________。 26((10分)两组同学对铁及其化合物的性质进行探究。 (1)一组同学用图1所示装置对铁与浓硫酸的反应进行实验。已知: (SO) + 3SO?+ 6HO。请你参与探究并回答相关问题。 2Fe + 6HSO(浓) Fe2432224 ?检查装置气密性后,将过量的铁屑和一定量的浓硫酸放入烧瓶,塞紧橡皮塞,开始 计时。t时开始加热,在铁屑表面逐渐产生气泡,当有大量气泡产生时,控制反应1 温度基本不变。甲同学将收集到的气体体积与时间的关系粗略地表示为图2。 图1 图2 在0,t时间段,铁屑表面没有气泡生成,说明铁在浓硫酸中发生了__________;t,11 t时间段,反应生成的气体是__________。 2 ?t时,取少量反应液,先滴加少量新制饱和氯水,然后滴加KSCN溶液,呈现血红2 色。若再滴加过量新制氯水,却发现红色褪去。同学们对红色褪去的原因提出各自 的假设。乙同学的假设是:溶液中的+3价铁被氧化为更高的价态。你的另一种假设 是__________;为了验证你的假设,请设计一种简便的实验 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 __________。 (2)另一组同学对铁和稀硝酸的反应进行探究。他们用a mol Fe和含有b mol HNO的3 dynamic publicity, timely reports on the rectification work achieved success, and create the experience, the emergence of a typical, timely exposure health corner, management of the blind spot, "filthy" phenomenon and buck passing, not as a phenomenon. The area units and responsible departments to use the blackboard newspaper, publicity column, publicity car, understand the paper, literature and art programs, promote the remediation work in the state organs, into the community, into the enterprise, into the school, family, and strive to create the city's mobilization, the people, the whole society Will be involved in a strong atmosphere. To strengthen supervision and security. The command department performance steering group to be in accordance with the municipal Party committee, municipal government of accountability measures, supervision and inspection plan formulation, implementation of "rectification process tracking supervision, remediation regular notification system, the supervision throughout the entire process of remediation work. Do not attach importance to, not as, sluggish, pull the hind legs of the city's local and departmental units to give notice of criticism until the start the administrative accountability procedures. - 5 - Fifth, we must strengthen the security assessment. Command assessment group to effectively improve the intensify of the assessment, according to the acceptance and effectiveness of supervision, for all districts and counties, departments directly under南通龙文教育教学管理部 a3+2+稀硝酸进行实验,若HNO只被还原成NO,且反应结束后溶液中含有Fe和Fe,则的3b a3+2+取值范围是__________;若反应结束后的溶液中n(Fe):n(Fe)=2:1,则的值为b__________。 2009年江苏省普通高中学业水平测试(必修课目)参考答案 化 学 一、单项选择题:在每题的4个选项中,只有1个选项是符合要求的(本部分23题,每题3 分,共69分)。 题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 C B A B A C B D 答案 题号 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 B D D D B D A C 答案 题号 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 D A A C C B C 答案 二、非选择题(本部分3题,共31分) 24((15分) A(《化学与生活》 (1)(3分)?维生素C ?铁元素 ?油脂 +2+ (2)?阿司匹林 ?消炎 ?MgCO+2H==Mg+HO+CO? ?葡萄糖 322 (3)(7分)?灼烧,若有烧焦羽毛气味,则为真羊毛衫 ?混凝 杀菌消毒 ?NaSiO、CaSiO、SiO; 电化学 2332 ill be involved in a strong atmosphere.iety Wmunity, into the enterprise, into the school, family, and strive to create the city's mobilization, the people, the whole soclicity car, understand the paper, literature and art programs, promote the remediation work in the state organs, into the comn, pubuck passing, not as a phenomenon. The area units and responsible departments to use the blackboard newspaper, publicity columxperience, the emergence of a typical, timely exposure health corner, management of the blind spot, "filthy" phenomenon and bdynamic publicity, timely reports on the rectification work achieved success, and create the e ty procedures.d legs of the city's local and departmental units to give notice of criticism until the start the administrative accountabilihe hintem, the supervision throughout the entire process of remediation work. Do not attach importance to, not as, sluggish, pull tpection plan formulation, implementation of "rectification process tracking supervision, remediation regular notification syspal Party committee, municipal government of accountability measures, supervision and insTo strengthen supervision and security. The command department performance steering group to be in accordance with the munici 6ectly underthe assessment, according to the acceptance and effectiveness of supervision, for all districts and counties, departments dir Fifth, we must strengthen the security assessment. Command assessment group to effectively improve the intensify of 龙文教育-----您值得信赖的专业化个性化辅导学校 ?表面被氧化生成一层致密的氧化物保护膜 ; 硫化 B(《有机化学基础》 (1)(3分)??? (2)(5分)?乙酸(CHCOOH) ?苯酚() 3 ?乙酸乙酯(CHCOOCHCH) 323 ? ?CHCHO + 2Ag(NH)OHCHCOONH+ 2Ag?+ 3NH+ HO 33234 3 2 (3)(7分)?肽键; 两 ?1;66.7, 25((6分)(1)NaO (2) 22 +—(3)2Na,2HO,2Na+2OH,H?;2NaHCONaCO,CO?,HO 2223232—26((10分)(1)?钝化;SO ?溶液中的SCN被氧化;向褪色后的溶液中加入FeCl23溶液,若不恢复红色,则我的假设成立(或:向褪色后的溶液中加入KSCN溶液,若恢复红色,则我的假设成立) 31a9 (2),,; 4b832 dynamic publicity, timely reports on the rectification work achieved success, and create the experience, the emergence of a typical, timely exposure health corner, management of the blind spot, "filthy" phenomenon and buck passing, not as a phenomenon. The area units and responsible departments to use the blackboard newspaper, publicity column, publicity car, understand the paper, literature and art programs, promote the remediation work in the state organs, into the community, into the enterprise, into the school, family, and strive to create the city's mobilization, the people, the whole society Will be involved in a strong atmosphere. To strengthen supervision and security. The command department performance steering group to be in accordance with the municipal Party committee, municipal government of accountability measures, supervision and inspection plan formulation, implementation of "rectification process tracking supervision, remediation regular notification system, the supervision throughout the entire process of remediation work. Do not attach importance to, not as, sluggish, pull the hind legs of the city's local and departmental units to give notice of criticism until the start the administrative accountability procedures. - 7 - Fifth, we must strengthen the security assessment. Command assessment group to effectively improve the intensify of the assessment, according to the acceptance and effectiveness of supervision, for all districts and counties, departments directly under南通龙文教育教学管理部
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