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化工原理实验基础知识化工原理实验基础知识 securely, no throwing tools and waste; The deployment of material should be tuned on the ground after the first, and then sent to the area, materials to be sealed after the remaining material; Material piled up must be kept away from fire, toxic su...

化工原理实验基础知识 securely, no throwing tools and waste; The deployment of material should be tuned on the ground after the first, and then sent to the area, materials to be sealed after the remaining material; Material piled up must be kept away from fire, toxic substances must be sealed, and fire equipment; When transporting material, watch out for falling hurts, is strictly prohibited in the construction close to Fireworks, meanwhile, had to carry fire-fighting equipment; When the operator, such as headache, nausea, and should cease operations. With materials stimulate the allergic persons, shall participate in the work; Side facing the House working at height, 1.2m and high fences, and hang buckles seat belt; Targeted security gives the low-down on construction site; Others. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams ... Eight, provided by the General machinery and equipment, scaffolding and other facilities, erection, installation is completed before delivery, the total package in conjunction with the acceptance of relevant subcontracted the construction units work in accordance with the regulations, and prepare written procedures for acceptance and delivery, is strictly prohibited in the case of unqualified acceptance or acceptance into use. Nine, all subcontractors and General units such as the mutual borrowing or rental equipment and tools you need, there should be both relevant personnel of borrowing or leasing procedures, develop safe use and management systems. Lending unit should ensure the loaned equipment and tools in good condition and in accordance with the requirements, borrowing unit must be checked and written handover records. Ten, the sub-contractor for scaffolding, construction site facilities, equipment safety protection facilities, safety signs and warning signs may be supplemented, removed, changed. If needed change, must be approved by the head of construction and safety managers agreed, and to take the necessary and reliable security measures can only be removed. Plenary and small mechanical operations, special operations and personnel, required training, after passing the examination by the relevant departments, with valid ID posts. Hoisting personnel must abide by "hanging ten" rule, strictly illegal, unlicensed operation; staff know nothing about electrical and mechanical equipment is strictly prohibited and unauthorized operations use electric appliances, machinery and equipment. 12, the subcontractor must strictly implement the system of fire prevention and explosion protection, flammable and explosive places non-smoking and the use of open flames, fire-fighting equipment are not allowed to divert it. Welding and gas cutting operation shall follow the provisions of fire approval procedures, strict compliance with the "ten does not burn" provisions, prohibited the use of furnaces. Construction such as open flame heating measures must be used, you should obtain the consent of General fire 第一篇 化工原理实验基础知识 绪论 化工原理实验是化工、制药、环境、食品、生物工程等院系或专业教学 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 中的一门必修课程。化工原理实验属于工程实验范畴,与一般化学实验相比,不同之处在于它具有工程特点。每个实验项目都相当于化工生产中的一个单元操作,通过实验能建立起一定的工程概念,同时,随着实验课的进行,会遇到大量的工程实际问题,对理工科学生来说,可以在实验过程中更实际、更有效地学到更多工程实验方面的原理及测试手段,可以发现复杂的真实设备与工艺过程同描述这一过程的数学模型之间的关系,也可以认识到对于一个看起来似乎很复杂的过程,一经了解,可以只用最基本的原理来解释和描述。因此,在实验课的全过程中,学生在思维方法和创新能力方面都得到培养和提高,为今后的工作打下坚实的基础。 一、化工原理实验教学目的 化工原理实验教学的目的主要有以下几点: 1(巩固和深化理论知识 在学习化工原理课程的基础上,进一步理解一些比较典型的已被或将被广泛应用的化工过程与设备的原理和操作,巩固和深化化工原理的理论知识。 2(提供一个理论联系实际的机会 将所学的化工原理等化学化工的理论知识去解决实验中遇到的各种实际问题,同时学习在化工领域内如何通过实验获得新的知识和信息。 3(培养学生从事科学实验的能力 实验能力主要包括:?为了完成一定的研究课题,设计实验 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 的能力;?进行实验,观察和分析实验现象的能力和解决实验问题的能力;?正确选择和使用测量仪表的能力;?利用实验的原始数据进行数据处理以获得实验结果的能力;?运用文字表达技术报告的能力等。学生只有通过一定数量的实验训练,才能掌握各种实验技能,为将来从事科学研究和解决工程实际问题打好坚实的基础。 4(培养科学的思维方法、严谨的科学态度和良好的科学作风,提高自身素质水平。 二、化工原理实验的特点 本课程内容强调实践性和工程观念,并将能力和素质培养贯穿于实验课的全过程。围绕《化工原理》课程中最基本的理论,开设有设计型、研究型和综合型实验,培养学生掌握实验研究方法,训练其独立思考、综合分析问题和解决问题的能力。 实验设备采用计算机在线数据采集与控制系统,引入先进的测试手段和数据处理技术;实验室开放,除完成实验教学基本内容外,可为对化工原理实验感兴趣的同学提供实验场所,培养学生的科研能力和创新精神。 securely, no throwing tools and waste; The deployment of material should be tuned on the ground after the first, and then sent to the area, materials to be sealed after the remaining material; Material piled up must be kept away from fire, toxic substances must be sealed, and fire equipment; When transporting material, watch out for falling hurts, is strictly prohibited in the construction close to Fireworks, meanwhile, had to carry fire-fighting equipment; When the operator, such as headache, nausea, and should cease operations. With materials stimulate the allergic persons, shall participate in the work; Side facing the House working at height, 1.2m and high fences, and hang buckles seat belt; Targeted security gives the low-down on construction site; Others. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams ... Eight, provided by the General machinery and equipment, scaffolding and other facilities, erection, installation is completed before delivery, the total package in conjunction with the acceptance of relevant subcontracted the construction units work in accordance with the regulations, and prepare written procedures for acceptance and delivery, is strictly prohibited in the case of unqualified acceptance or acceptance into use. Nine, all subcontractors and General units such as the mutual borrowing or rental equipment and tools you need, there should be both relevant personnel of borrowing or leasing procedures, develop safe use and management systems. Lending unit should ensure the loaned equipment and tools in good condition and in accordance with the requirements, borrowing unit must be checked and written handover records. Ten, the sub-contractor for scaffolding, construction site facilities, equipment safety protection facilities, safety signs and warning signs may be supplemented, removed, changed. If needed change, must be approved by the head of construction and safety managers agreed, and to take the necessary and reliable security measures can only be removed. Plenary and small mechanical operations, special operations and personnel, required training, after passing the examination by the relevant departments, with valid ID posts. Hoisting personnel must abide by "hanging ten" rule, strictly illegal, unlicensed operation; staff know nothing about electrical and mechanical equipment is strictly prohibited and unauthorized operations use electric appliances, machinery and equipment. 12, the subcontractor must strictly implement the system of fire prevention and explosion protection, flammable and explosive places non-smoking and the use of open flames, fire-fighting equipment are not allowed to divert it. Welding and gas cutting operation shall follow the provisions of fire approval procedures, strict compliance with the "ten does not burn" provisions, prohibited the use of furnaces. Construction such as open flame heating measures must be used, you should obtain the consent of General fire securely, no throwing tools and waste; The deployment of material should be tuned on the ground after the first, and then sent to the area, materials to be sealed after the remaining material; Material piled up must be kept away from fire, toxic substances must be sealed, and fire equipment; When transporting material, watch out for falling hurts, is strictly prohibited in the construction close to Fireworks, meanwhile, had to carry fire-fighting equipment; When the operator, such as headache, nausea, and should cease operations. With materials stimulate the allergic persons, shall participate in the work; Side facing the House working at height, 1.2m and high fences, and hang buckles seat belt; Targeted security gives the low-down on construction site; Others. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams ... Eight, provided by the General machinery and equipment, scaffolding and other facilities, erection, installation is completed before delivery, the total package in conjunction with the acceptance of relevant subcontracted the construction units work in accordance with the regulations, and prepare written procedures for acceptance and delivery, is strictly prohibited in the case of unqualified acceptance or acceptance into use. Nine, all subcontractors and General units such as the mutual borrowing or rental equipment and tools you need, there should be both relevant personnel of borrowing or leasing procedures, develop safe use and management systems. Lending unit should ensure the loaned equipment and tools in good condition and in accordance with the requirements, borrowing unit must be checked and written handover records. Ten, the sub-contractor for scaffolding, construction site facilities, equipment safety protection facilities, safety signs and warning signs may be supplemented, removed, changed. If needed change, must be approved by the head of construction and safety managers agreed, and to take the necessary and reliable security measures can only be removed. Plenary and small mechanical operations, special operations and personnel, required training, after passing the examination by the relevant departments, with valid ID posts. Hoisting personnel must abide by "hanging ten" rule, strictly illegal, unlicensed operation; staff know nothing about electrical and mechanical equipment is strictly prohibited and unauthorized operations use electric appliances, machinery and equipment. 12, the subcontractor must strictly implement the system of fire prevention and explosion protection, flammable and explosive places non-smoking and the use of open flames, fire-fighting equipment are not allowed to divert it. Welding and gas cutting operation shall follow the provisions of fire approval procedures, strict compliance with the "ten does not burn" provisions, prohibited the use of furnaces. Construction such as open flame heating measures must be used, you should obtain the consent of General fire 本课程的部分实验报告采用小论文形式撰写,这类型实验报告的撰写是提高学生写作能力、 综合应用知识能力和科研能力的一个重要手段,可为毕业论文环节和今后工作所需的科学研究和科学论文的撰写打下坚实的基础。 三、化工原理实验教学内容与方法 1. 化工原理实验教学内容 化工原理实验教学内容主要包括实验理论教学、计算机仿真实验和典型的单元操作实验三大部分。 (1)实验理论教学 主要讲述化工原理实验教学的目的、要求和方法;化工原理实验的特点;化工原理实验的研究方法;实验数据的误差分析;实验数据的处理方法;与化工原理实验有关的计算机数据采集与控制基本知识等。 (2)计算机仿真实验 包括仿真运行、数据处理和实验测评三部分。 (3)典型单元操作实验 典型单元操作实验内容和地点如下表所示。 实验内容 实验地点 阻力实验 化工楼114室 离心泵实验 化工楼114室 过滤实验 化工楼113室 传热实验 化工楼208室 吸收实验 化工楼108室 精馏实验 化工楼211室 干燥实验 化工楼208室 2(化工原理实验教学方法 由于工程实验是一项技术工作,它本身就是一门重要的技术学科,有其自己的特点和系统。为了切实加强实验教学环节,将实验课单独设课。每个实验匀安排现场预习(包括仿真实验)和实验操作两个单元时间。化工原理实验工程性较强,有许多问题需事先考虑、分析,并做好必要的准备,因此必需在实验操作前进行现场预习和仿真实验。化工原理实验室实行开放 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 ,学生实验前必须预约。 化工原理实验成绩实行结构成绩制,分为三部分: (1)预习情况、仿真实验、现场提问、实验操作共占20,,每项各占5,。 (2)实验报告质量占30,。 (3)期末笔试成绩占50,。 期末笔试为闭卷考试,主要考核学生对工程实验研究方法掌握和应用的程度,包括以下几方面的内容:实验方法、实验原理、实验设计、实验操作、数据处理、实验分析、工construction organization design of temporary power supply on-otection system serial number check acceptance requirements results 1plant pr ?icity in construction site acceptance form project name supply planning capacity (KW) rated current a wire cross section r the signature time Japan three copies of the form, team and keep a, filed a report, the security sector. Temporary electrdown on construction site; Others. Disclosure signatures to accept cards delive-rgeted security gives the lowto reliable power measures, should be hung at the switch box "action to suppress the closing" sign, and with special care; Taition ngerous job, someone must monitor at the safe distance; When debugging and maintenance of electric power transmission, in addy prohibited to use, and should be inspected regularly, check; Line no load on or off, and prohibit the charged operation; Daon site safety; All insulation, testing tools, and should be properly kept, it is strictllevel electrician; Electricians must be familiar with the technical specifications of the temporary electricity in constructi-ering shall not be completed by the lowernginewith which engaged in electrical work must meet the electrician required. On the more difficult and more complex electrical e ontent must be approved by the technical training hold special operations after passing the examination certificate; The easedown the c-1 content security technology to give the low-4-down (reference tables) construction construction construction organization name project name 5-rane installation acceptance form .. Site temporary power electrician safety technology gives the lowrise scaffolding) 10, scaffolding removed (including the main component) application form 11, Derrick and c-nce form (General, highm 8, a special type of scaffold (pick, try hung, attached lifting scaffolding) tables 9, scaffold erection acceptance acceptast foronitoring of Foundation pit support records in table 6, formwork supporting system acceptance table 7, template removal requepit support nursing acceptance table (1), and pit adjacent buildings settlement observation records table (1 ), Deformation m, and d construction site electrical equipment check records table (7), and distribution box each ten special check records table 5andheld mobile tool regularly insulation resistance test records (5), and electrical daily visits maintenance records (6), anbile and the hdown (2), and construction site temporary electricity acceptance table (3), and grounding resistance test records (4), and mo-site temporary electricity archives (1), and site temporary electricity electrical operation security technology lowction uction license, and factory certificate, and products detection report or its He proved material attached Hou) 4, and construhidden processing standard (4), and site security log 3, and security supplies acceptance records (business license, and prodform (3), and accident 2 securely, no throwing tools and waste; The deployment of material should be tuned on the ground after the first, and then sent to the area, materials to be sealed after the remaining material; Material piled up must be kept away from fire, toxic substances must be sealed, and fire equipment; When transporting material, watch out for falling hurts, is strictly prohibited in the construction close to Fireworks, meanwhile, had to carry fire-fighting equipment; When the operator, such as headache, nausea, and should cease operations. With materials stimulate the allergic persons, shall participate in the work; Side facing the House working at height, 1.2m and high fences, and hang buckles seat belt; Targeted security gives the low-down on construction site; Others. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams ... Eight, provided by the General machinery and equipment, scaffolding and other facilities, erection, installation is completed before delivery, the total package in conjunction with the acceptance of relevant subcontracted the construction units work in accordance with the regulations, and prepare written procedures for acceptance and delivery, is strictly prohibited in the case of unqualified acceptance or acceptance into use. Nine, all subcontractors and General units such as the mutual borrowing or rental equipment and tools you need, there should be both relevant personnel of borrowing or leasing procedures, develop safe use and management systems. Lending unit should ensure the loaned equipment and tools in good condition and in accordance with the requirements, borrowing unit must be checked and written handover records. Ten, the sub-contractor for scaffolding, construction site facilities, equipment safety protection facilities, safety signs and warning signs may be supplemented, removed, changed. If needed change, must be approved by the head of construction and safety managers agreed, and to take the necessary and reliable security measures can only be removed. Plenary and small mechanical operations, special operations and personnel, required training, after passing the examination by the relevant departments, with valid ID posts. Hoisting personnel must abide by "hanging ten" rule, strictly illegal, unlicensed operation; staff know nothing about electrical and mechanical equipment is strictly prohibited and unauthorized operations use electric appliances, machinery and equipment. 12, the subcontractor must strictly implement the system of fire prevention and explosion protection, flammable and explosive places non-smoking and the use of open flames, fire-fighting equipment are not allowed to divert it. Welding and gas cutting operation shall follow the provisions of fire approval procedures, strict compliance with the "ten does not burn" provisions, prohibited the use of furnaces. Construction such as open flame heating measures must be used, you should obtain the consent of General fire 程实践等几方面的内容。 四、实验各环节要求 化工原理实验包括?实验预习;?实验操作;?测定、记录和数据处理、?实验报告编写等四个主要环节,各个环节的具体要求如下: 1(预习环节 要满足达到实验目的中所提出的要求,仅靠实验原理部分是不够的,必须做到以下几点: (1)认真阅读实验讲义,复习课程教材以及参考书的有关内容,为培养能力,应试图对每个实验提出问题,带着问题到实验室现场预习。 (2)到实验室现场熟悉设备装置的结构和流程。 (3)明确操作程序与所要测定参数的项目,了解相关仪表的类型和使用方法以及参数的调整、实验测试点的分配等。 (4)进行仿真实验和仿真实验测评。 2(实验操作环节 一般以3,4人为一小组合作进行实验,实验前必须作好组织工作,做到既分工、又合作,每个组员要各负其责,并且要在适当的时候进行轮换工作,这样既能保证质量,又能获得全面的训练。实验操作注意事项如下: (1)实验设备的启动操作,应按教材说明的程序逐项进行,设备启动前必须检查: (a)对泵、风机、压缩机、真空泵等设备,启动前先用手扳动联轴节,看能否正常转动。 (b)设备、管道上各个阀门的开、闭状态是否合乎流程要求。 上述两点皆为正常时,才能合上电闸,使设备运转。 (2)操作过程中设备及仪表有异常情况时,应立即按停车步骤停车并报告指导教师,对问题的处理应了解其全过程,这是分析问题和处理问题的极好机会。 (3)操作过程中应随时观察仪表指示值的变动,确保操作过程在稳定条件下进行。出现不符合规律的现象时应注意观察研究,分析其原因,不要轻易放过。 (4)停车前应先后将有关汽源、水源、电源关闭,然后切断电机电源,并将各阀门恢复至实验前所处的位置(开或关)。 3( 测定、记录和数据处理: (1)确定要测定哪些数据 凡是对实验结果有关或是整理数据时必需的参数都应一一测定。原始数据记录表的设计应在实验前完成。原始数据应包括工作介质性质、操作条件、设备几何尺寸及大气条件等。并不是所有数据都要直接测定,凡是可以根据某一参数推导出或根据某一参数由手册查出的数据,就不必直接测定。例如水的粘度、密度等物理性质,一般只要测出水温后即可查出,因此不必直接测定水的粘度、密度,而应该改测水的温度。 (2)实验数据的分割: 一般来说,实验时要测的数据尽管有许多个,但常常选择其中一个数据作为自变量来控制,而把其它受其影响或控制的随之而变的数据作为因变量,如离心泵特性曲线就把流ireuse of furnaces. Construction such as open flame heating measures must be used, you should obtain the consent of General f al procedures, strict compliance with the "ten does not burn" provisions, prohibited thefighting equipment are not allowed to divert it. Welding and gas cutting operation shall follow the provisions of fire approv-smoking and the use of open flames, fire-nces nothe subcontractor must strictly implement the system of fire prevention and explosion protection, flammable and explosive plaechanical equipment is strictly prohibited and unauthorized operations use electric appliances, machinery and equipment. 12, and m sting personnel must abide by "hanging ten" rule, strictly illegal, unlicensed operation; staff know nothing about electricalions and personnel, required training, after passing the examination by the relevant departments, with valid ID posts. Hoioperatd to take the necessary and reliable security measures can only be removed. Plenary and small mechanical operations, special plemented, removed, changed. If needed change, must be approved by the head of construction and safety managers agreed, angns may be supcontractor for scaffolding, construction site facilities, equipment safety protection facilities, safety signs and warning si-n and in accordance with the requirements, borrowing unit must be checked and written handover records. Ten, the subditioprocedures, develop safe use and management systems. Lending unit should ensure the loaned equipment and tools in good conthe mutual borrowing or rental equipment and tools you need, there should be both relevant personnel of borrowing or leasing ch asrictly prohibited in the case of unqualified acceptance or acceptance into use. Nine, all subcontractors and General units suconstruction units work in accordance with the regulations, and prepare written procedures for acceptance and delivery, is st ed thetion, installation is completed before delivery, the total package in conjunction with the acceptance of relevant subcontractn form in duplicate, teams ... Eight, provided by the General machinery and equipment, scaffolding and other facilities, erecdown on construction site; Others. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japa-ed security gives the lowll participate in the work; Side facing the House working at height, 1.2m and high fences, and hang buckles seat belt; Targetlergic persons, shafighting equipment; When the operator, such as headache, nausea, and should cease operations. With materials stimulate the al-for falling hurts, is strictly prohibited in the construction close to Fireworks, meanwhile, had to carry fire ch outal piled up must be kept away from fire, toxic substances must be sealed, and fire equipment; When transporting material, wate tuned on the ground after the first, and then sent to the area, materials to be sealed after the remaining material; Materisecurely, no throwing tools and waste; The deployment of material should b 3 securely, no throwing tools and waste; The deployment of material should be tuned on the ground after the first, and then sent to the area, materials to be sealed after the remaining material; Material piled up must be kept away from fire, toxic substances must be sealed, and fire equipment; When transporting material, watch out for falling hurts, is strictly prohibited in the construction close to Fireworks, meanwhile, had to carry fire-fighting equipment; When the operator, such as headache, nausea, and should cease operations. With materials stimulate the allergic persons, shall participate in the work; Side facing the House working at height, 1.2m and high fences, and hang buckles seat belt; Targeted security gives the low-down on construction site; Others. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams ... Eight, provided by the General machinery and equipment, scaffolding and other facilities, erection, installation is completed before delivery, the total package in conjunction with the acceptance of relevant subcontracted the construction units work in accordance with the regulations, and prepare written procedures for acceptance and delivery, is strictly prohibited in the case of unqualified acceptance or acceptance into use. Nine, all subcontractors and General units such as the mutual borrowing or rental equipment and tools you need, there should be both relevant personnel of borrowing or leasing procedures, develop safe use and management systems. Lending unit should ensure the loaned equipment and tools in good condition and in accordance with the requirements, borrowing unit must be checked and written handover records. Ten, the sub-contractor for scaffolding, construction site facilities, equipment safety protection facilities, safety signs and warning signs may be supplemented, removed, changed. If needed change, must be approved by the head of construction and safety managers agreed, and to take the necessary and reliable security measures can only be removed. Plenary and small mechanical operations, special operations and personnel, required training, after passing the examination by the relevant departments, with valid ID posts. Hoisting personnel must abide by "hanging ten" rule, strictly illegal, unlicensed operation; staff know nothing about electrical and mechanical equipment is strictly prohibited and unauthorized operations use electric appliances, machinery and equipment. 12, the subcontractor must strictly implement the system of fire prevention and explosion protection, flammable and explosive places non-smoking and the use of open flames, fire-fighting equipment are not allowed to divert it. Welding and gas cutting operation shall follow the provisions of fire approval procedures, strict compliance with the "ten does not burn" provisions, prohibited the use of furnaces. Construction such as open flame heating measures must be used, you should obtain the consent of General fire 量选择作为自变量,而把其它同流量有关的扬程、轴功率、效率等作为因变量。实验结果又往往要把这些所测的数据标绘在各种坐标系上,为了使所测数据在坐标上得到分布均匀的曲线,这里就涉及到实验数据均匀分割的问题。化工原理实验最常用的有两种坐标纸;直角坐标和双对数坐标,坐标不同所采用的分割方法也不同。其分割值与实验预定的测x定次数以及其最大、最小的控制量之间的关系如下: x,xnmaxmin (a)对于直角坐标系: x,xmaxmin,x,x,x,x,x,,x imini,1in,1 (b)对于双对数坐标: logx,logxmaxminx,xlog,x, iminn,1 1 n,1,,xmax,,x,x,,x,x, ? i,1i,,xmin,, (3)读数与记录 (a)待设备各部分运转正常,操作稳定后才能读取数据,如何判断是否已达稳定,一般是经两次测定其读数应相同或十分相近。当变更操作条件后各项参数达到稳定需要一定的时间,因此也要待其稳定后方可读数,否则易造成实验结果无规律甚至反常。 (b)同一操作条件下,不同数据最好是数人同时读取,若操作者同时兼读几个数据时,应尽可能动作敏捷。 (c)每次读数都应与其它有关数据及前一点数据对照,看看相互关系是否合理,如不合理应查找原因,是现象反常还是读错了数据,并要在记录上注明。 (d)所记录的数据应是直接读取的原始数值,不要经过运算后记录,例如秒表读数1 〃〃分23秒,应记为1,38,不要记为83。 (e)读取数据必须充分利用仪表的精度,读至仪表最小分度以下一位数,这个数应为估计值。如水银温度计最小分度为0.1?,若水银柱恰指22.4?时,应记为22.40?。注意过多取估计值的位数是毫无意义的。 碰到有些参数在读数过程中波动较大,首先要设法减小其波动。在波动不能完全消除情况下,可取波动的最高点与最低点两个数据,然后取平均值,在波动不很大时可取一次波动的高低点之间的中间值作为估计值。 (f)不要凭主观臆测修改记录数据,也不要随意舍弃数据,对可疑数据,除有明显原因,如读错,误记等情况使数据不正常可以舍弃之外,一般应在数据处理时检查处理。 (g)记录完毕要仔细检查一遍,有无漏记或记错之处,特别要注意仪表上的计量单位。实验完毕,须将原始数据记录表格交指导教师检查并签字,认为准确无误后方可结束实验。 (4)数据的整理及处理: (a)原始记录只可进行整理,绝不可以随便修改。经判断确实为过失误差造成的不正确数据须注明后可以剔除不计入结果。 (b)采用列表法整理数据清晰明了,便于比较,一张正式实验报告一般要有四种表格:原始数据记录表、中间运算表、综合结果表和结果误差分析表。中间运算表之后应附有计construction organization design of temporary power supply on-otection system serial number check acceptance requirements results 1plant pr ?icity in construction site acceptance form project name supply planning capacity (KW) rated current a wire cross section r the signature time Japan three copies of the form, team and keep a, filed a report, the security sector. Temporary electrdown on construction site; Others. Disclosure signatures to accept cards delive-rgeted security gives the lowto reliable power measures, should be hung at the switch box "action to suppress the closing" sign, and with special care; Taition ngerous job, someone must monitor at the safe distance; When debugging and maintenance of electric power transmission, in addy prohibited to use, and should be inspected regularly, check; Line no load on or off, and prohibit the charged operation; Daon site safety; All insulation, testing tools, and should be properly kept, it is strictllevel electrician; Electricians must be familiar with the technical specifications of the temporary electricity in constructi-ering shall not be completed by the lowernginewith which engaged in electrical work must meet the electrician required. On the more difficult and more complex electrical e ontent must be approved by the technical training hold special operations after passing the examination certificate; The easedown the c-1 content security technology to give the low-4-down (reference tables) construction construction construction organization name project name 5-rane installation acceptance form .. Site temporary power electrician safety technology gives the lowrise scaffolding) 10, scaffolding removed (including the main component) application form 11, Derrick and c-nce form (General, highm 8, a special type of scaffold (pick, try hung, attached lifting scaffolding) tables 9, scaffold erection acceptance acceptast foronitoring of Foundation pit support records in table 6, formwork supporting system acceptance table 7, template removal requepit support nursing acceptance table (1), and pit adjacent buildings settlement observation records table (1 ), Deformation m, and d construction site electrical equipment check records table (7), and distribution box each ten special check records table 5andheld mobile tool regularly insulation resistance test records (5), and electrical daily visits maintenance records (6), anbile and the hdown (2), and construction site temporary electricity acceptance table (3), and grounding resistance test records (4), and mo-site temporary electricity archives (1), and site temporary electricity electrical operation security technology lowction uction license, and factory certificate, and products detection report or its He proved material attached Hou) 4, and construhidden processing standard (4), and site security log 3, and security supplies acceptance records (business license, and prodform (3), and accident 4 securely, no throwing tools and waste; The deployment of material should be tuned on the ground after the first, and then sent to the area, materials to be sealed after the remaining material; Material piled up must be kept away from fire, toxic substances must be sealed, and fire equipment; When transporting material, watch out for falling hurts, is strictly prohibited in the construction close to Fireworks, meanwhile, had to carry fire-fighting equipment; When the operator, such as headache, nausea, and should cease operations. With materials stimulate the allergic persons, shall participate in the work; Side facing the House working at height, 1.2m and high fences, and hang buckles seat belt; Targeted security gives the low-down on construction site; Others. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams ... Eight, provided by the General machinery and equipment, scaffolding and other facilities, erection, installation is completed before delivery, the total package in conjunction with the acceptance of relevant subcontracted the construction units work in accordance with the regulations, and prepare written procedures for acceptance and delivery, is strictly prohibited in the case of unqualified acceptance or acceptance into use. Nine, all subcontractors and General units such as the mutual borrowing or rental equipment and tools you need, there should be both relevant personnel of borrowing or leasing procedures, develop safe use and management systems. Lending unit should ensure the loaned equipment and tools in good condition and in accordance with the requirements, borrowing unit must be checked and written handover records. Ten, the sub-contractor for scaffolding, construction site facilities, equipment safety protection facilities, safety signs and warning signs may be supplemented, removed, changed. If needed change, must be approved by the head of construction and safety managers agreed, and to take the necessary and reliable security measures can only be removed. Plenary and small mechanical operations, special operations and personnel, required training, after passing the examination by the relevant departments, with valid ID posts. Hoisting personnel must abide by "hanging ten" rule, strictly illegal, unlicensed operation; staff know nothing about electrical and mechanical equipment is strictly prohibited and unauthorized operations use electric appliances, machinery and equipment. 12, the subcontractor must strictly implement the system of fire prevention and explosion protection, flammable and explosive places non-smoking and the use of open flames, fire-fighting equipment are not allowed to divert it. Welding and gas cutting operation shall follow the provisions of fire approval procedures, strict compliance with the "ten does not burn" provisions, prohibited the use of furnaces. Construction such as open flame heating measures must be used, you should obtain the consent of General fire 算示例,以说明各项之间的关系。 (c)运算中尽可能利用常数归纳法,以避免重复计算,减少计算错误。例如流体阻力实验,计算Re和λ值,可按以下方法进行。 例如:Re的计算 ,du Re,, ,d其中、、在水温不变或变化甚小时可视为常数,合并为,故有 dA,,,, Re,Au A的值确定后,改变值可算出Re值。 u 又例如,管内磨擦系数λ值的计算,由直管阻力计算公式 2,ul ,,,P,2d d2,P,P得 ,,, , , ,B22l,uu d2,B,式中常数 l, ,用U型压差计读数测定,则 又实验中流体压降,PR,P,gR(,,,),B"R0 式中常数 B",g(,,,)0 将代入上式整理为 ,P RR ,,B'B",B22uu ,,2g(,)d0B式中常数为 B,,,l R仅有变量和,这样λ的计算非常方便。 u (d)实验结果及结论用列表法、图示法或回归分析法来说明都可以,但均需标明实验条件。列表法、图示法和回归分析法详见第三章实验数据处理。 4、编写实验报告 实验报告根据各个实验要求按传统实验报告格式或小论文格式撰写,报告的格式详见本章第五部分。实验报告应按规定时间上交,否则报告成绩要扣分;不交实验报告者不允许参加期末笔试。 五、实验报告的编写 实验报告是实验工作的全面 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf 和系统概括,是实践环节中不可缺少的一个重要组成部分。化工原理实验具有显著的工程性,属于工程技术科学的范畴,它研究的对象是复杂的实际问题和工程问题,因此化工原理的实验报告可以按传统实验报告格式或小论文格式撰写。 1、 传统实验报告格式 本课程实验报告的内容应包括以下几项: ireuse of furnaces. Construction such as open flame heating measures must be used, you should obtain the consent of General f al procedures, strict compliance with the "ten does not burn" provisions, prohibited thefighting equipment are not allowed to divert it. Welding and gas cutting operation shall follow the provisions of fire approv-smoking and the use of open flames, fire-nces nothe subcontractor must strictly implement the system of fire prevention and explosion protection, flammable and explosive plaechanical equipment is strictly prohibited and unauthorized operations use electric appliances, machinery and equipment. 12, and m sting personnel must abide by "hanging ten" rule, strictly illegal, unlicensed operation; staff know nothing about electricalions and personnel, required training, after passing the examination by the relevant departments, with valid ID posts. Hoioperatd to take the necessary and reliable security measures can only be removed. Plenary and small mechanical operations, special plemented, removed, changed. If needed change, must be approved by the head of construction and safety managers agreed, angns may be supcontractor for scaffolding, construction site facilities, equipment safety protection facilities, safety signs and warning si-n and in accordance with the requirements, borrowing unit must be checked and written handover records. Ten, the subditioprocedures, develop safe use and management systems. Lending unit should ensure the loaned equipment and tools in good conthe mutual borrowing or rental equipment and tools you need, there should be both relevant personnel of borrowing or leasing ch asrictly prohibited in the case of unqualified acceptance or acceptance into use. Nine, all subcontractors and General units suconstruction units work in accordance with the regulations, and prepare written procedures for acceptance and delivery, is st ed thetion, installation is completed before delivery, the total package in conjunction with the acceptance of relevant subcontractn form in duplicate, teams ... Eight, provided by the General machinery and equipment, scaffolding and other facilities, erecdown on construction site; Others. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japa-ed security gives the lowll participate in the work; Side facing the House working at height, 1.2m and high fences, and hang buckles seat belt; Targetlergic persons, shafighting equipment; When the operator, such as headache, nausea, and should cease operations. With materials stimulate the al-for falling hurts, is strictly prohibited in the construction close to Fireworks, meanwhile, had to carry fire ch outal piled up must be kept away from fire, toxic substances must be sealed, and fire equipment; When transporting material, wate tuned on the ground after the first, and then sent to the area, materials to be sealed after the remaining material; Materisecurely, no throwing tools and waste; The deployment of material should b 5 securely, no throwing tools and waste; The deployment of material should be tuned on the ground after the first, and then sent to the area, materials to be sealed after the remaining material; Material piled up must be kept away from fire, toxic substances must be sealed, and fire equipment; When transporting material, watch out for falling hurts, is strictly prohibited in the construction close to Fireworks, meanwhile, had to carry fire-fighting equipment; When the operator, such as headache, nausea, and should cease operations. With materials stimulate the allergic persons, shall participate in the work; Side facing the House working at height, 1.2m and high fences, and hang buckles seat belt; Targeted security gives the low-down on construction site; Others. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams ... Eight, provided by the General machinery and equipment, scaffolding and other facilities, erection, installation is completed before delivery, the total package in conjunction with the acceptance of relevant subcontracted the construction units work in accordance with the regulations, and prepare written procedures for acceptance and delivery, is strictly prohibited in the case of unqualified acceptance or acceptance into use. Nine, all subcontractors and General units such as the mutual borrowing or rental equipment and tools you need, there should be both relevant personnel of borrowing or leasing procedures, develop safe use and management systems. Lending unit should ensure the loaned equipment and tools in good condition and in accordance with the requirements, borrowing unit must be checked and written handover records. Ten, the sub-contractor for scaffolding, construction site facilities, equipment safety protection facilities, safety signs and warning signs may be supplemented, removed, changed. If needed change, must be approved by the head of construction and safety managers agreed, and to take the necessary and reliable security measures can only be removed. Plenary and small mechanical operations, special operations and personnel, required training, after passing the examination by the relevant departments, with valid ID posts. Hoisting personnel must abide by "hanging ten" rule, strictly illegal, unlicensed operation; staff know nothing about electrical and mechanical equipment is strictly prohibited and unauthorized operations use electric appliances, machinery and equipment. 12, the subcontractor must strictly implement the system of fire prevention and explosion protection, flammable and explosive places non-smoking and the use of open flames, fire-fighting equipment are not allowed to divert it. Welding and gas cutting operation shall follow the provisions of fire approval procedures, strict compliance with the "ten does not burn" provisions, prohibited the use of furnaces. Construction such as open flame heating measures must be used, you should obtain the consent of General fire (1)实验名称,报告人姓名、班级及同组实验人姓名,实验地点,指导教师,实验日期,上述内容作为实验报告的封面。 (2)实验目的和内容 简明扼要地说明为什么要进行本实验,实验要解决什么问题。 (3)实验的理论依据(实验原理) 简要说明实验所依据的基本原理,包括实验涉及的主要概念,实验依据的重要定律、公式及据此推算的重要结果。要求准确、充分。 (4)实验装置流程示意图 简单地画出实验装置流程示意图和测试点、控制点的具体位置及主要设备、仪表的名称。标出设备、仪器仪表及调节阀等的标号,在流程图的下方写出图名及与标号相对应的设备、仪器等的名称。 (5)实验操作要点 根据实际操作程序划分为几个步骤,并在前面加上序数词,以使条理更为清晰。对于操作过程的说明应简单、明了。 (6)注意事项 对于容易引起设备或仪器仪表损坏、容易发生危险以及一些对实验结果影响比较大的操作,应在注意事项中注明,以引起注意。 (7)原始数据记录 记录实验过程中从测量仪表所读取的数值。读数方法要正确,记录数据要准确,要根据仪表的精度决定实验数据的有效数字的位数。 )数据处理 (8 数据处理是实验报告的重点内容之一,要求将实验原始数据经过整理、计算、加工成表格或图的形式。表格要易于显示数据的变化规律及各参数的相关性;图要能直观地表达变量间的相互关系。 (9)数据处理计算过程举例 以某一组原始数据为例,把各项计算过程列出,以说明数据整理表中的结果是如何得到的。 (10)实验结果的分析与讨论 实验结果的分析与讨论是作者理论水平的具体体现,也是对实验方法和结果进行的综合分析研究,是工程实验报告的重要内容之一,主要内容包括: (a)从理论上对实验所得结果进行分析和解释,说明其必然性; (b)对实验中的异常现象进行分析讨论,说明影响实验的主要因素; (c)分析误差的大小和原因,指出提高实验结果的途径; (d)将实验结果与前人和他人的结果对比,说明结果的异同,并解释这种异同; (e)本实验结果在生产实践中的价值和意义,推广和应用效果的预测等; (f)由实验结果提出进一步的研究方向或对实验方法及装置提出改进建议等。 (11)实验结论 结论是根据实验结果所作出的最后判断,得出的结论要从实际出发,有理论依据。 construction organization design of temporary power supply on-otection system serial number check acceptance requirements results 1plant pr ?icity in construction site acceptance form project name supply planning capacity (KW) rated current a wire cross section r the signature time Japan three copies of the form, team and keep a, filed a report, the security sector. Temporary electrdown on construction site; Others. Disclosure signatures to accept cards delive-rgeted security gives the lowto reliable power measures, should be hung at the switch box "action to suppress the closing" sign, and with special care; Taition ngerous job, someone must monitor at the safe distance; When debugging and maintenance of electric power transmission, in addy prohibited to use, and should be inspected regularly, check; Line no load on or off, and prohibit the charged operation; Daon site safety; All insulation, testing tools, and should be properly kept, it is strictllevel electrician; Electricians must be familiar with the technical specifications of the temporary electricity in constructi-ering shall not be completed by the lowernginewith which engaged in electrical work must meet the electrician required. On the more difficult and more complex electrical e ontent must be approved by the technical training hold special operations after passing the examination certificate; The easedown the c-1 content security technology to give the low-4-down (reference tables) construction construction construction organization name project name 5-rane installation acceptance form .. Site temporary power electrician safety technology gives the lowrise scaffolding) 10, scaffolding removed (including the main component) application form 11, Derrick and c-nce form (General, highm 8, a special type of scaffold (pick, try hung, attached lifting scaffolding) tables 9, scaffold erection acceptance acceptast foronitoring of Foundation pit support records in table 6, formwork supporting system acceptance table 7, template removal requepit support nursing acceptance table (1), and pit adjacent buildings settlement observation records table (1 ), Deformation m, and d construction site electrical equipment check records table (7), and distribution box each ten special check records table 5andheld mobile tool regularly insulation resistance test records (5), and electrical daily visits maintenance records (6), anbile and the hdown (2), and construction site temporary electricity acceptance table (3), and grounding resistance test records (4), and mo-site temporary electricity archives (1), and site temporary electricity electrical operation security technology lowction uction license, and factory certificate, and products detection report or its He proved material attached Hou) 4, and construhidden processing standard (4), and site security log 3, and security supplies acceptance records (business license, and prodform (3), and accident 6 securely, no throwing tools and waste; The deployment of material should be tuned on the ground after the first, and then sent to the area, materials to be sealed after the remaining material; Material piled up must be kept away from fire, toxic substances must be sealed, and fire equipment; When transporting material, watch out for falling hurts, is strictly prohibited in the construction close to Fireworks, meanwhile, had to carry fire-fighting equipment; When the operator, such as headache, nausea, and should cease operations. With materials stimulate the allergic persons, shall participate in the work; Side facing the House working at height, 1.2m and high fences, and hang buckles seat belt; Targeted security gives the low-down on construction site; Others. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams ... Eight, provided by the General machinery and equipment, scaffolding and other facilities, erection, installation is completed before delivery, the total package in conjunction with the acceptance of relevant subcontracted the construction units work in accordance with the regulations, and prepare written procedures for acceptance and delivery, is strictly prohibited in the case of unqualified acceptance or acceptance into use. Nine, all subcontractors and General units such as the mutual borrowing or rental equipment and tools you need, there should be both relevant personnel of borrowing or leasing procedures, develop safe use and management systems. Lending unit should ensure the loaned equipment and tools in good condition and in accordance with the requirements, borrowing unit must be checked and written handover records. Ten, the sub-contractor for scaffolding, construction site facilities, equipment safety protection facilities, safety signs and warning signs may be supplemented, removed, changed. If needed change, must be approved by the head of construction and safety managers agreed, and to take the necessary and reliable security measures can only be removed. Plenary and small mechanical operations, special operations and personnel, required training, after passing the examination by the relevant departments, with valid ID posts. Hoisting personnel must abide by "hanging ten" rule, strictly illegal, unlicensed operation; staff know nothing about electrical and mechanical equipment is strictly prohibited and unauthorized operations use electric appliances, machinery and equipment. 12, the subcontractor must strictly implement the system of fire prevention and explosion protection, flammable and explosive places non-smoking and the use of open flames, fire-fighting equipment are not allowed to divert it. Welding and gas cutting operation shall follow the provisions of fire approval procedures, strict compliance with the "ten does not burn" provisions, prohibited the use of furnaces. Construction such as open flame heating measures must be used, you should obtain the consent of General fire (12)参考文献(同以下小论文格式部分) 2、小论文格式 科学论文有其独特的写作格式,其构成常包括以下部分:标题,作者,单位,摘要,关键词,前言(或引言、序言),正文,结论(或结果讨论),致谢,参考文献等。 (1)标题 标题又叫题目,它是论文的总纲,是文献检索的依据,是全篇文章的实质与精华,也是引导读者判断是否阅读该文的一个依据。因此要求标题能准确地反映论文的中心内容。 (2)作者和单位 署名作者只限于那些选定研究课题和制定研究方案,直接参加全部或主要研究工作,做出主要贡献并了解论文报告的全部内容,能对全部内容负责解答的人。工作单位写在作者名下。 (3)摘要(abstract) 撰写摘要的目的是让读者一目了然本文研究了什么问题,用什么方法,得到什么结果,这些结果有什么重要意义,是对论文内容不加注解和评论的概括性陈述,是全文的高度浓缩,一般是文章完成后,最后提炼出来的。摘要的长短一般几十个字至300字为宜。 (4)关键词(Key words) 关键词是将论文中起关键作用的、最说明问题的、代表论文内容特征的或最有意义的词选出来,便于检索的需要。可选3,8个关键词。 (5)前言 前言,又叫引言、导言、序言等,是论文主体部分的开端。前言一般包括以下几项内容: (a)研究背景和目的:说明从事该项研究的理由,其目的与背景是密不可分的,便于读者去领会作者的思路,从而准确地领会文章的实质。 (b)研究范围:指研究所涉及的范围或所取得成果的适用范围。 (c)相关领域里前人的工作和知识空白:实事求是地交代前人已做过的工作或是前人并未涉足的问题,前人工作中有什么不足并简述其原因。 (d)研究方法:指研究采用的实验方法或实验途径。前言中只提及方法的名称即可,无须展开细述。 (e)预想结果和意义:扼要提出本文将要解决什么问题以及解决这些问题有什么重要意义。 前言贵在言简意明,条理清晰,不与摘要雷同。比较短的论文只要一小段文字作简要说明,则不用“引言”或“前言”两字。 (6)正文部分 这是论文的核心部分。这一部分的形式主要根据作者意图和文章内容决定,不可能也不应该规定一个统一的形式,下面只介绍以实验为研究手段的论文或技术报告,包括以下几部分: (a)实验原材料及其制备方法。 (b)实验所用设备、装置和仪器等。 ireuse of furnaces. Construction such as open flame heating measures must be used, you should obtain the consent of General f al procedures, strict compliance with the "ten does not burn" provisions, prohibited thefighting equipment are not allowed to divert it. Welding and gas cutting operation shall follow the provisions of fire approv-smoking and the use of open flames, fire-nces nothe subcontractor must strictly implement the system of fire prevention and explosion protection, flammable and explosive plaechanical equipment is strictly prohibited and unauthorized operations use electric appliances, machinery and equipment. 12, and m sting personnel must abide by "hanging ten" rule, strictly illegal, unlicensed operation; staff know nothing about electricalions and personnel, required training, after passing the examination by the relevant departments, with valid ID posts. Hoioperatd to take the necessary and reliable security measures can only be removed. Plenary and small mechanical operations, special plemented, removed, changed. If needed change, must be approved by the head of construction and safety managers agreed, angns may be supcontractor for scaffolding, construction site facilities, equipment safety protection facilities, safety signs and warning si-n and in accordance with the requirements, borrowing unit must be checked and written handover records. Ten, the subditioprocedures, develop safe use and management systems. Lending unit should ensure the loaned equipment and tools in good conthe mutual borrowing or rental equipment and tools you need, there should be both relevant personnel of borrowing or leasing ch asrictly prohibited in the case of unqualified acceptance or acceptance into use. Nine, all subcontractors and General units suconstruction units work in accordance with the regulations, and prepare written procedures for acceptance and delivery, is st ed thetion, installation is completed before delivery, the total package in conjunction with the acceptance of relevant subcontractn form in duplicate, teams ... Eight, provided by the General machinery and equipment, scaffolding and other facilities, erecdown on construction site; Others. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japa-ed security gives the lowll participate in the work; Side facing the House working at height, 1.2m and high fences, and hang buckles seat belt; Targetlergic persons, shafighting equipment; When the operator, such as headache, nausea, and should cease operations. With materials stimulate the al-for falling hurts, is strictly prohibited in the construction close to Fireworks, meanwhile, had to carry fire ch outal piled up must be kept away from fire, toxic substances must be sealed, and fire equipment; When transporting material, wate tuned on the ground after the first, and then sent to the area, materials to be sealed after the remaining material; Materisecurely, no throwing tools and waste; The deployment of material should b 7 securely, no throwing tools and waste; The deployment of material should be tuned on the ground after the first, and then sent to the area, materials to be sealed after the remaining material; Material piled up must be kept away from fire, toxic substances must be sealed, and fire equipment; When transporting material, watch out for falling hurts, is strictly prohibited in the construction close to Fireworks, meanwhile, had to carry fire-fighting equipment; When the operator, such as headache, nausea, and should cease operations. With materials stimulate the allergic persons, shall participate in the work; Side facing the House working at height, 1.2m and high fences, and hang buckles seat belt; Targeted security gives the low-down on construction site; Others. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams ... Eight, provided by the General machinery and equipment, scaffolding and other facilities, erection, installation is completed before delivery, the total package in conjunction with the acceptance of relevant subcontracted the construction units work in accordance with the regulations, and prepare written procedures for acceptance and delivery, is strictly prohibited in the case of unqualified acceptance or acceptance into use. Nine, all subcontractors and General units such as the mutual borrowing or rental equipment and tools you need, there should be both relevant personnel of borrowing or leasing procedures, develop safe use and management systems. Lending unit should ensure the loaned equipment and tools in good condition and in accordance with the requirements, borrowing unit must be checked and written handover records. Ten, the sub-contractor for scaffolding, construction site facilities, equipment safety protection facilities, safety signs and warning signs may be supplemented, removed, changed. If needed change, must be approved by the head of construction and safety managers agreed, and to take the necessary and reliable security measures can only be removed. Plenary and small mechanical operations, special operations and personnel, required training, after passing the examination by the relevant departments, with valid ID posts. Hoisting personnel must abide by "hanging ten" rule, strictly illegal, unlicensed operation; staff know nothing about electrical and mechanical equipment is strictly prohibited and unauthorized operations use electric appliances, machinery and equipment. 12, the subcontractor must strictly implement the system of fire prevention and explosion protection, flammable and explosive places non-smoking and the use of open flames, fire-fighting equipment are not allowed to divert it. Welding and gas cutting operation shall follow the provisions of fire approval procedures, strict compliance with the "ten does not burn" provisions, prohibited the use of furnaces. Construction such as open flame heating measures must be used, you should obtain the consent of General fire (c)实验方法和过程,说明实验所采用的是什么方法,实验过程是如何进行的,操作上应注意什么问题。要突出重点,只写关键性步骤。如果是采用前人或他人的方法,只写出方法的名称即可;如果是自己设计的新方法,则应写得详细些。在此详细说明本文的研究工作过程,包括理论分析和实验过程,可根据论文内容分成若干个标题来叙述其演变过程或分析结论的过程,每个标题的中心内容也是本文的主要结果之一。或者说整个文章有一个中心论点,每个标题是它的分论点,它是从不同角度、不同层次支持、证明中心论点的一些观点,他们又可以看作是中心论点的论据。 (7)实验结果与分析讨论 这部分内容是论文的重点,是结论赖以产生的基础。需对数据处理的实验结果进一步加以整理,从中选出最能反映事物本质的数据或现象,并将其制成便于分析讨论的图或表。分析是指从理论(机理)上对实验所得的结果加以解释,阐明自己的新发现或新见解。写这部分时应注意以下几个问题: (a)选取数据时,必须严肃认真,实事求是。选取数据要从必要性和充分性两方面去考虑,决不可随意取舍,更不能伪造数据。对于异常的数据,不要轻易删掉,要反复验证,查明是因工作差错造成的,还是事情本来就如此,还是意外现象。 (b)对图和表,要精心设计、制作,图要能直观地表达变量间的相互关系;表要易于显示数据的变化规律及各参数的相关性。 (c)分析问题时,必须以事实为基础,以理论为依据。 总之,在结果与分析中既要包含所取得的结果,还要说明结果的可信度、再现性、误差,以及与理论或分析结果的比较、经验公式的建立、尚存在的问题等等。 )结论(结束语) (8 结论是论文在理论分析和计算结果(实验结果)中分析和归纳出的观点,它是以结果和讨论(或实验验证)为前提,经过严密的逻辑推理做出的最后判断,是整个研究过程的结晶,是全篇论文的精髓。据此可以看出研究成果的水平。 (9)致谢 致谢的作用主要是为了表示尊重所有合作者的劳动。致谢对象包括除作者以外所有对研究工作和论文写作有贡献、有帮助的人,如:指导过论文的专家、教授;帮助搜集和整理过资料者;对研究工作和论文写作提过建议者等。 (10)参考文献 参考文献反映作者的科学态度和研究工作的依据,也反映作者对文献掌握的广度和深度,可提示读者查阅原始文献,同时也表示作者对他人成果的尊重。一般来说,前言部分所列的文献都应与主题有关;在方法部分,常需引用一定的文献与之比较;在讨论部分,要将自己的结果与同行的有关研究进行比较,这种比较都要以别人的原始出版物为基础。对引用的文献按其在论文中出现的顺序,用阿拉伯数字连续编码,并顺序排列。 被引用的文献为期刊论文的单篇文献时,著录格式为:“顺序号 作者(题名[J]( 刊名,出版年,卷号(期号),引文所在的起止页码”,例如[1]。 被引用的文献为图书、科技报告等整本文献时,著录格式为:“顺序号 作者(文献书名[M](版本(第一版本不标注)(出版地址:出版者,出版年”,例如[2] construction organization design of temporary power supply on-otection system serial number check acceptance requirements results 1plant pr ?icity in construction site acceptance form project name supply planning capacity (KW) rated current a wire cross section r the signature time Japan three copies of the form, team and keep a, filed a report, the security sector. Temporary electrdown on construction site; Others. Disclosure signatures to accept cards delive-rgeted security gives the lowto reliable power measures, should be hung at the switch box "action to suppress the closing" sign, and with special care; Taition ngerous job, someone must monitor at the safe distance; When debugging and maintenance of electric power transmission, in addy prohibited to use, and should be inspected regularly, check; Line no load on or off, and prohibit the charged operation; Daon site safety; All insulation, testing tools, and should be properly kept, it is strictllevel electrician; Electricians must be familiar with the technical specifications of the temporary electricity in constructi-ering shall not be completed by the lowernginewith which engaged in electrical work must meet the electrician required. On the more difficult and more complex electrical e ontent must be approved by the technical training hold special operations after passing the examination certificate; The easedown the c-1 content security technology to give the low-4-down (reference tables) construction construction construction organization name project name 5-rane installation acceptance form .. Site temporary power electrician safety technology gives the lowrise scaffolding) 10, scaffolding removed (including the main component) application form 11, Derrick and c-nce form (General, highm 8, a special type of scaffold (pick, try hung, attached lifting scaffolding) tables 9, scaffold erection acceptance acceptast foronitoring of Foundation pit support records in table 6, formwork supporting system acceptance table 7, template removal requepit support nursing acceptance table (1), and pit adjacent buildings settlement observation records table (1 ), Deformation m, and d construction site electrical equipment check records table (7), and distribution box each ten special check records table 5andheld mobile tool regularly insulation resistance test records (5), and electrical daily visits maintenance records (6), anbile and the hdown (2), and construction site temporary electricity acceptance table (3), and grounding resistance test records (4), and mo-site temporary electricity archives (1), and site temporary electricity electrical operation security technology lowction uction license, and factory certificate, and products detection report or its He proved material attached Hou) 4, and construhidden processing standard (4), and site security log 3, and security supplies acceptance records (business license, and prodform (3), and accident 8 securely, no throwing tools and waste; The deployment of material should be tuned on the ground after the first, and then sent to the area, materials to be sealed after the remaining material; Material piled up must be kept away from fire, toxic substances must be sealed, and fire equipment; When transporting material, watch out for falling hurts, is strictly prohibited in the construction close to Fireworks, meanwhile, had to carry fire-fighting equipment; When the operator, such as headache, nausea, and should cease operations. With materials stimulate the allergic persons, shall participate in the work; Side facing the House working at height, 1.2m and high fences, and hang buckles seat belt; Targeted security gives the low-down on construction site; Others. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams ... Eight, provided by the General machinery and equipment, scaffolding and other facilities, erection, installation is completed before delivery, the total package in conjunction with the acceptance of relevant subcontracted the construction units work in accordance with the regulations, and prepare written procedures for acceptance and delivery, is strictly prohibited in the case of unqualified acceptance or acceptance into use. Nine, all subcontractors and General units such as the mutual borrowing or rental equipment and tools you need, there should be both relevant personnel of borrowing or leasing procedures, develop safe use and management systems. Lending unit should ensure the loaned equipment and tools in good condition and in accordance with the requirements, borrowing unit must be checked and written handover records. Ten, the sub-contractor for scaffolding, construction site facilities, equipment safety protection facilities, safety signs and warning signs may be supplemented, removed, changed. If needed change, must be approved by the head of construction and safety managers agreed, and to take the necessary and reliable security measures can only be removed. Plenary and small mechanical operations, special operations and personnel, required training, after passing the examination by the relevant departments, with valid ID posts. Hoisting personnel must abide by "hanging ten" rule, strictly illegal, unlicensed operation; staff know nothing about electrical and mechanical equipment is strictly prohibited and unauthorized operations use electric appliances, machinery and equipment. 12, the subcontractor must strictly implement the system of fire prevention and explosion protection, flammable and explosive places non-smoking and the use of open flames, fire-fighting equipment are not allowed to divert it. Welding and gas cutting operation shall follow the provisions of fire approval procedures, strict compliance with the "ten does not burn" provisions, prohibited the use of furnaces. Construction such as open flame heating measures must be used, you should obtain the consent of General fire [1] 刘晓华,李淞平(螺旋线圈强化管内单相流体传热的研究[J](石油化工高等学校学报,2001,14 (3),57,59( [2] 赵汝溥,管国锋(化工原理[M](北京:化学工业出版社,1999.7 190,191 (11)附录 附录是在论文末尾作为正文主体的补充项目,并不是必需的。对于某些数量较大的重要原始数据、篇幅过大不便于作正文的材料、对专业同行有参考价值的资料等可作为附录,放在论文的最后(参考文献之后)。 (12)外文摘要 对于正式发表的论文,有些刊物要求要有外文摘要。通常是将中文标题(Topic)、作者(Author)、摘要(Abstract)、及关键词(Key Words)译为英文。排放位置因刊物而异。 用论文形式撰写《化工原理实验》的实验报告,可极大地提高学生写作能力、综合应用知识能力和科研能力。可为学生今后撰写毕业论文和工作后撰写学术论文打下坚实的基础,是一种综合素质和能力培养的重要手段,应提倡这种形式的实验报告。但无论何种形式的实验报告,均应体现出它的学术性、科学性、理论性、规范性、创造性和探索性。论文和参考文献的格式,具体可参考国家标准:GB7713,87《科学技术报告、学位论文和学术论文的编写格式》和GB7714,87《文后参考文献著录规则》。 ireuse of furnaces. Construction such as open flame heating measures must be used, you should obtain the consent of General f al procedures, strict compliance with the "ten does not burn" provisions, prohibited thefighting equipment are not allowed to divert it. Welding and gas cutting operation shall follow the provisions of fire approv-smoking and the use of open flames, fire-nces nothe subcontractor must strictly implement the system of fire prevention and explosion protection, flammable and explosive plaechanical equipment is strictly prohibited and unauthorized operations use electric appliances, machinery and equipment. 12, and m sting personnel must abide by "hanging ten" rule, strictly illegal, unlicensed operation; staff know nothing about electricalions and personnel, required training, after passing the examination by the relevant departments, with valid ID posts. Hoioperatd to take the necessary and reliable security measures can only be removed. Plenary and small mechanical operations, special plemented, removed, changed. If needed change, must be approved by the head of construction and safety managers agreed, angns may be supcontractor for scaffolding, construction site facilities, equipment safety protection facilities, safety signs and warning si-n and in accordance with the requirements, borrowing unit must be checked and written handover records. Ten, the subditioprocedures, develop safe use and management systems. Lending unit should ensure the loaned equipment and tools in good conthe mutual borrowing or rental equipment and tools you need, there should be both relevant personnel of borrowing or leasing ch asrictly prohibited in the case of unqualified acceptance or acceptance into use. Nine, all subcontractors and General units suconstruction units work in accordance with the regulations, and prepare written procedures for acceptance and delivery, is st ed thetion, installation is completed before delivery, the total package in conjunction with the acceptance of relevant subcontractn form in duplicate, teams ... Eight, provided by the General machinery and equipment, scaffolding and other facilities, erecdown on construction site; Others. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japa-ed security gives the lowll participate in the work; Side facing the House working at height, 1.2m and high fences, and hang buckles seat belt; Targetlergic persons, shafighting equipment; When the operator, such as headache, nausea, and should cease operations. With materials stimulate the al-for falling hurts, is strictly prohibited in the construction close to Fireworks, meanwhile, had to carry fire ch outal piled up must be kept away from fire, toxic substances must be sealed, and fire equipment; When transporting material, wate tuned on the ground after the first, and then sent to the area, materials to be sealed after the remaining material; Materisecurely, no throwing tools and waste; The deployment of material should b 9
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