首页 初中英语单词联系记忆法整理后



初中英语单词联系记忆法整理后初中英语单词联系记忆法整理后 英语单词联系记忆 第一讲 1. act v 行动,扮演 n 行为 动作 2. active a 活跃的 积极的 主动的 act+ive(形容词后缀) actor n 男演员 act+or(名词后缀表人) 扮演角色的男人 actress act+ress((名词后缀表人) 扮演角色的女人 中文串联:活跃的男女演员扮演动作很到位 2.air n.空气 airport n.机场 air+port(港口)[空气的港口是机场] 中文串联:空气的港口是机场 3.any a.任何的 ...

初中英语单词联系记忆法整理后 英语单词联系记忆 第一讲 1. act v 行动,扮演 n 行为 动作 2. active a 活跃的 积极的 主动的 act+ive(形容词后缀) actor n 男演员 act+or(名词后缀 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 人) 扮演角色的男人 actress act+ress((名词后缀表人) 扮演角色的女人 中文串联:活跃的男女演员扮演动作很到位 2.air n.空气 airport n.机场 air+port(港口)[空气的港口是机场] 中文串联:空气的港口是机场 3.any a.任何的 所有的 anything pron.任何事,任何东西 any(任何的)+thing(东西,事)---任何事,任何东西 anywhere ad.任何地方 any(任何的)+where(哪儿)----任何地方 中文串联:任何事,任何东西都能在任何地方发生 4.ball n.球 balloon n.气球 ball(球)+o(球的形状)+on(在----上) 气球 volleyball n.排球 volley(空中传)+ball(球)=排球 basketball n.篮球 basket(篮子)+ball(球)=篮球 football n.足球 foot(足)+ball(球)=足球 footballer n.足球运动员 foot(足)+ball(球)+er(人)=足球运动员 5.board n.板 木板 boat(船)[他抱船上的木板上了岸] keyboard n.键盘 key(钥匙,关键)+board(木板)[放着钥匙的木板是键盘] 中文串联:把钥匙放在木板上当键盘 personal and collective learning on your own, combining learning reading and discussion, read, learn, and understanding of the original principles, focused learning around topics discussion, ongoing positive and negative type education. Members should close their own thoughts, work, real life, comparing reflection and further improve the pertinence and effectiveness of learning, continue to unlock the buttons, correct wrong, think of practical realization in mind, party rules discipline, firm and correct political orientation, develop discipline, and being a qualified member of the adherence to the Constitution Party rules and political discipline. Second, "to do" as the key, seriously, do try to do, to set an example. Two lies in the doing. To learn to do, and the unity of knowledge, qualified party member, is the focus of this study and education and essential point. A qualified party members not only to watch his Constitution Party rules and talk to learn how, through, dark and light, and also what does he end up doing, is not a unity. This study and education, is essential to enhance the party's political awareness, awareness of overall, core, par. In learning education in the, each members are to control "told political, and has faith, do political qualified; told rules, and has discipline, do implementation discipline qualified; told moral, and has conduct, do conduct qualified; told dedication, and has as, do play role qualified" "four told four has" this put ruler, often measure himself, view himself, transformation himself, with actual action reflected learn of effectiveness, and reflected belief faith of power. To firm to to Central par, to XI General Secretary par, to party of theory, and route, and approach par, to Central of the decision deployment par, strongly maintenance Central of authority, maintenance XI General Secretary this core, strongly obey Central of concentrated unified led, in thought, and political 6.build v.建立 建筑 谐音:必要的[建立社会主义是必要的] building n大楼,建筑物 build+ing(名词后缀) rebuild v。重建 re(前缀再)+build(建立)=重建 中文串联:美国要重建建筑世贸大楼 7.class n. 班级 班级管理量化考核细则初中班级管理量化细则班级心理健康教育计划班级建设班级德育计划 classmate n同班同学 class(班级)+mate(伙伴)=同班同学 classroom n教室 class(班级)+room(房间)=教室 中文串联:同班同学在一个班级的教室里上学 8.cycle n循环,转 V.骑自行车 bicycle N.自行车 bi(前缀两)+cycle(循环)[两个轮子循环是自行车] cylist n 骑自行车的人 cycl(e)+ist(名词后缀的人)=骑自行车的人 motorcycle N.摩托车 motor(发动机)+cycle(循环,转)=摩托车 recycle v n 回收 利用 re(前缀再)+cycle(循环)=回收 利用 中文串联:骑自行车的人把就摩托车带回家回收利用 9.every a 每一 每个的 everybody pron 每人 人人 every(每个的)+body(身体)--每个身体是每人 人人 everyone pron 每人 人人 各人 every(每一)+one(一个)--每一个个体是各人 everything pron 每样东西 every(每一)+thing(东西)---每样东西 中文串联:每个人,各人都得到了每样的东西 10.fast a ad 快速的(地) fasten v 拴牢 系紧 fast(快速地)+en(动词后缀;是成为)[快速地成为一体---拴牢 系紧] breakfast n 早餐 break(bread;面包)+fast(快速)[面包快速地做好是早餐] 中文串联:快速地拴牢系紧早餐骑车上班去 11.friend n 朋友 friendly a 友好的 friend(朋友)+ly=友好的 friendship n 友谊 1. ship ----名词后缀 表示关系 [朋友的关系---友谊] 2. ship n 船[朋友乘船寻找友谊] 中文串联:朋友之间保持着友好的友谊 ified rongly maintenance Central of authority, maintenance XI General Secretary this core, strongly obey Central of concentrated un, to XI General Secretary par, to party of theory, and route, and approach par, to Central of the decision deployment par, stal parmation himself, with actual action reflected learn of effectiveness, and reflected belief faith of power. To firm to to Centration, and has as, do play role qualified" "four told four has" this put ruler, often measure himself, view himself, transfordedic ld rules, and has discipline, do implementation discipline qualified; told moral, and has conduct, do conduct qualified; toldre, par. In learning education in the, each members are to control "told political, and has faith, do political qualified; tol, codoing, is not a unity. This study and education, is essential to enhance the party's political awareness, awareness of overal s not only to watch his Constitution Party rules and talk to learn how, through, dark and light, and also what does he end upemberunity of knowledge, qualified party member, is the focus of this study and education and essential point. A qualified party m pline. Second, "to do" as the key, seriously, do try to do, to set an example. Two lies in the doing. To learn to do, and thedisciorientation, develop discipline, and being a qualified member of the adherence to the Constitution Party rules and political unlock the buttons, correct wrong, think of practical realization in mind, party rules discipline, firm and correct politicale to own thoughts, work, real life, comparing reflection and further improve the pertinence and effectiveness of learning, continu nciples, focused learning around topics discussion, ongoing positive and negative type education. Members should close theire original pripersonal and collective learning on your own, combining learning reading and discussion, read, learn, and understanding of th2led, in thought, and political 12.fun n 乐趣 有趣 玩笑 run v 跑 [边跑边开玩笑] funny a 滑稽的 可笑的 fun +n + y(形容词后缀)[形容很有趣---滑稽可笑的] 中文串联:有乐趣的玩笑是滑稽可笑的 附:fun 乐趣 run跑 sun太阳 迎着太阳跑很有乐趣 13.together ad 一起 to(向)+get(到)+her(她的)[同学们一起到她的家] altogether ad 总共 全部地 all(所有的)+ together----所有的在一起[总共全部的] get together n 联欢会 聚会 get(得到)+together(一起)[同学们得到在一起的机会便开联合会] 中文串联:在联欢会上,大家全部地聚会在一起 14.head n 头部 ahead ad 在前 a(一个)+head(头)[一个小脑袋出现在前面] headache n 头痛 head(头)+ache(疼痛)=头痛 headline n 报刊的大字标题 head(头)+line(线,行)---报考的头行 [报刊的大字 标题] headmaster n 校长 head(头)+master(掌握 主人 硕士) [头顶上是主人---校长] headphone n 耳机 head(头)+phone(电话)[头上挂着电话----耳机] 中文串联:校长的头上挂着耳机,在前面看报刊上的大字标题,看得头痛了 15.help v n 帮助 helper n 帮手 help +er (名词后缀----的人)[帮助的人---帮手] helpful a 有帮助的 help+ful(形容词后缀)----有帮助的 中文串联:帮手的帮助是有帮助的 16.lead v 领导 通向 领路 read(读 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf ) lead(通向) 读书可以通向领导的未来 leader n 领导人 领袖 leadership n 领导 ship(名词后缀;地位 资格) 中文串联:领导和领导人要领导人民通向幸福路 .nation n 国家 民族 national a 国家的 17 nation+al(形容词后缀) nationality n 民族 国籍 national+ity(名词后缀;有----特性的)[有国家特性的---民族,国籍] 中文串联:任何国家的民族都有合法的国籍 18.new ad 新的 news n 新闻 newspaper n 报纸 news(新闻)+paper(纸)=报纸 中文串联:新的新闻刊登上了报纸 he party's political awareness, awareness of overall, core, par. In learning education in the, each members are to control "tough, dark and light, and also what does he end up doing, is not a unity. This study and education, is essential to enhance t, threducation and essential point. A qualified party members not only to watch his Constitution Party rules and talk to learn how le. Two lies in the doing. To learn to do, and the unity of knowledge, qualified party member, is the focus of this study andexamp ence to the Constitution Party rules and political discipline. Second, "to do" as the key, seriously, do try to do, to set anparty rules discipline, firm and correct political orientation, develop discipline, and being a qualified member of the adhermind, e pertinence and effectiveness of learning, continue to unlock the buttons, correct wrong, think of practical realization in gative type education. Members should close their own thoughts, work, real life, comparing reflection and further improve the original principles, focused learning around topics discussion, ongoing positive and nepersonal and collective learning on your own, combining learning reading and discussion, read, learn, and understanding of th3his core, strongly obey Central of concentrated unified led, in thought, and politicalpar, to Central of the decision deployment par, strongly maintenance Central of authority, maintenance XI General Secretary troach flected belief faith of power. To firm to to Central par, to XI General Secretary par, to party of theory, and route, and appler, often measure himself, view himself, transformation himself, with actual action reflected learn of effectiveness, and reput rumoral, and has conduct, do conduct qualified; told dedication, and has as, do play role qualified" "four told four has" this litical, and has faith, do political qualified; told rules, and has discipline, do implementation discipline qualified; told old po 第二讲 1. pass v 传递 经过 passage n 通道 ;(文章)一节,一段 pass+age(名词后缀) passenger n pass+enger(名词后缀) passport n pass(经过)+port(港口)[经过入境港口须持护照] overpass over(在----之上)+pass(经过) [在上面经过的桥—天桥] past prep 过,经过 中文串联: 旅客经过(传递)天桥的一段通道得看护照 2. post n邮政 v 邮递 postage n 邮资 邮费 post+age(名词后缀) postcard n明信片 post(邮递)+card(卡片)[邮递的卡片---明信片] postman n 邮递员 post+man(男人[做邮政的男人----邮递员] 中文串联:做邮政的邮递员取走了已付邮资的明信片 3. phone n电话 headphone n 耳机 head(头)+phone(电话)[头上挂着电话---耳机] telephone n 电话 电话机 tele(前缀;远)+phone(电话) 中文串联:电话上挂着耳机 4. please v pleased a pleas(e)+ed(形容词后缀)[被人请是高兴的(的d同音)] pleasure n 愉快 高兴 pleas(e)+ure(名词后缀) 中文串联:被人请是愉快,高兴的 5. real a 真的 真正的 read(读书)[读书能获得真正的知识] realize v 实现 意识到 real+ize(动词后缀)[使其化为真的--实现] really ad 确实 真实的 real+ly(副词后缀) 中文串联:确实实现真正的理想,要付出努力 6. room v 房间 空间 bedroom n 卧室 bed(床)+room[放床的房间----卧室] showroom n 展览室 陈列室 show(显示,展示)+room[ 展现的房间----展览室] bathroom n 浴室 bath(沐浴)+room[沐浴的房间-----浴室] classroom n 教室 class(班级)+room[班级的房间----教室] 中文串联:房间里有卧室,展览室,浴室和放桌凳的教室 rongly maintenance Central of authority, maintenance XI General Secretary this core, strongly obey Central of concentrated un, to XI General Secretary par, to party of theory, and route, and approach par, to Central of the decision deployment par, stal parmation himself, with actual action reflected learn of effectiveness, and reflected belief faith of power. To firm to to Centration, and has as, do play role qualified" "four told four has" this put ruler, often measure himself, view himself, transfordedic ld rules, and has discipline, do implementation discipline qualified; told moral, and has conduct, do conduct qualified; toldre, par. In learning education in the, each members are to control "told political, and has faith, do political qualified; tol, codoing, is not a unity. This study and education, is essential to enhance the party's political awareness, awareness of overal s not only to watch his Constitution Party rules and talk to learn how, through, dark and light, and also what does he end upemberunity of knowledge, qualified party member, is the focus of this study and education and essential point. A qualified party m pline. Second, "to do" as the key, seriously, do try to do, to set an example. Two lies in the doing. To learn to do, and thedisciorientation, develop discipline, and being a qualified member of the adherence to the Constitution Party rules and political unlock the buttons, correct wrong, think of practical realization in mind, party rules discipline, firm and correct politicale to own thoughts, work, real life, comparing reflection and further improve the pertinence and effectiveness of learning, continu nciples, focused learning around topics discussion, ongoing positive and negative type education. Members should close theire original pripersonal and collective learning on your own, combining learning reading and discussion, read, learn, and understanding of th4led, in thought, and politicalified 7. sight n 景物 视力 light (光 ,灯) [蛇(s)爬到了灯光(光是直线)上形成了奇特的景观] eyesight n 视力 eye(眼睛)+sight(景观)[眼睛看多少景观便是视力] shortsighted a 近视的 目光短浅的 short(短的)+sight+ed(形容词后缀) [看到短短景观说明是近视的,目光短浅的] sightseeing n 观光 浏览 sight+see(看)+ing(名词后缀) [景观需要看----观光 游览] 中文串联:由于视力原因,他是近视的,目光短浅的,所以他的观光,游览和看到的景观就不是高质量的 8. side n 旁边 侧面 身体侧边 beside prep 在----旁边 be(是)+side =在-----旁边 inside prep 在---里面 在-----之内 in(在里面)+side=在-----里面 outside prep 在-----外边 out(在外面)+side=在-----外面 中文串联:在什么旁边,在什么里面,还是在什么外边,都少不了旁边,侧面 9. under prep .在----下面 underground a 地下的 under+ground (土地,地面) [在土地的下面---地下的] understand v 明白 理解 under+stand(站立) [站立在下面才能明白理解许多事情] 中文串联:在地下的什么下面,去明白理解考古队意义] 10. way n 路 方法 away ad 远离 a(一个)+way 一条路远离闹市 always ad 总是 al(l所有)+way(s)[ 所有的路总是通向罗马] halfway ad 半途 half(半)+way----半路---半途 railway n 铁路 rail(铁轨)+way----铁路 中文串联:远离铁路的方法总是半途而废 11. wait v 等待 waiter n 侍者 ,服务员 wait+er---等待的人---侍者 waitress n 女侍者 wait+ress(名词后缀)----等候的女人---女侍者 中文串联:男女服务员都要有等待客人的耐心 12. ace race v n 赛跑 竞赛 face n 脸 面孔 竞赛(race)时,脸上吹着风(音同f) surface n 表面 sur(sun太阳)+face---太阳的脸---表面(温度很高) 中文串联:在赛跑竞赛时,运动员脸的表面很紧张 5his core, strongly obey Central of concentrated unified led, in thought, and politicalpar, to Central of the decision deployment par, strongly maintenance Central of authority, maintenance XI General Secretary troach flected belief faith of power. To firm to to Central par, to XI General Secretary par, to party of theory, and route, and appler, often measure himself, view himself, transformation himself, with actual action reflected learn of effectiveness, and reput rumoral, and has conduct, do conduct qualified; told dedication, and has as, do play role qualified" "four told four has" this litical, and has faith, do political qualified; told rules, and has discipline, do implementation discipline qualified; told old pohe party's political awareness, awareness of overall, core, par. In learning education in the, each members are to control "tough, dark and light, and also what does he end up doing, is not a unity. This study and education, is essential to enhance t, threducation and essential point. A qualified party members not only to watch his Constitution Party rules and talk to learn how le. Two lies in the doing. To learn to do, and the unity of knowledge, qualified party member, is the focus of this study andexamp ence to the Constitution Party rules and political discipline. Second, "to do" as the key, seriously, do try to do, to set anparty rules discipline, firm and correct political orientation, develop discipline, and being a qualified member of the adhermind, e pertinence and effectiveness of learning, continue to unlock the buttons, correct wrong, think of practical realization in gative type education. Members should close their own thoughts, work, real life, comparing reflection and further improve the original principles, focused learning around topics discussion, ongoing positive and nepersonal and collective learning on your own, combining learning reading and discussion, read, learn, and understanding of th 13. place n 地方 palace n 宫 宫殿 谐音:怕累死在宫殿 peace n 和平 皮实--和平 space n 空间 ,太空 谐音:史佩斯----陈佩斯(在太空遨游) 中文串联:太空这个地方是人类的和平宫殿 14. ack back ad 向后地 a 后面的 n 背部 谐音:掰开[向后面的背部掰开] pack v 包装 捆扎 谐音:派克 [包装派克(笔)] jacket n 短上衣 夹克衫 谐音:夹克 中文串联:他后面的背部捆扎着包装好的夹克衫 15. add v 加上 addition n 加 增加 add +idion(名词后缀) address n 地址 ad+dress(服装)[服装加上了生产地址] 中文串联:俺弟弟的服装加上和增加了生产地址 16. age n 时代 年龄 page n 页 eager a 急切的 谐音:一个儿(ea:一,ger:个儿)[一个人急切的样子] 中文串联:时代又翻过来一页,人们更急切的奋斗 17. manage n 处理 管理 经营 man(男人)+age[男人的时代是管理,处理事情 manager n 经理 man +age+r(人)[男人时代要做经理] message n 消息 音信 mess(miss小姐)+age(年龄) [小姐的年龄是隐秘的消息,音信] 中文串联:经理的管理经营时要有灵通的消息 18. language n 语言 lang(long)+u(谐音:有)+age(年龄) [中国语言有很长的历史年龄] luggage n 行李 皮箱 lug(leg 腿)+g(谐音:搁)+age [腿上搁着长久的--行李,皮箱] 中文串联:语言不通,他拎着行李,皮箱徘徊在街头 19. fail v 失败 不及格 mail n 邮件 v 邮寄 daily n 日报 a 每日的 [day(日)(y)前加上(il)便是日报] rail n 铁轨 railway n 铁路 中文串联:失败后,他每日看通过铁路邮寄来的日报和邮件 20. air n空气 航空器 fair a公平的,合理的 f+air[浮(f)着的空气是失衡的---公平的,合理] pair n 一对 一双[ 一双,一对 ,是公平的] repair n 修理[re(瑞)的一双鞋要修理] 中文串联:在空气,修理一双鞋,价格是公平的,合理的 s not only to watch his Constitution Party rules and talk to learn how, through, dark and light, and also what does he end upemberunity of knowledge, qualified party member, is the focus of this study and education and essential point. A qualified party m pline. Second, "to do" as the key, seriously, do try to do, to set an example. Two lies in the doing. To learn to do, and thedisciorientation, develop discipline, and being a qualified member of the adherence to the Constitution Party rules and political unlock the buttons, correct wrong, think of practical realization in mind, party rules discipline, firm and correct politicale to own thoughts, work, real life, comparing reflection and further improve the pertinence and effectiveness of learning, continu nciples, focused learning around topics discussion, ongoing positive and negative type education. Members should close theire original pripersonal and collective learning on your own, combining learning reading and discussion, read, learn, and understanding of th6led, in thought, and politicalified rongly maintenance Central of authority, maintenance XI General Secretary this core, strongly obey Central of concentrated un, to XI General Secretary par, to party of theory, and route, and approach par, to Central of the decision deployment par, stal parmation himself, with actual action reflected learn of effectiveness, and reflected belief faith of power. To firm to to Centration, and has as, do play role qualified" "four told four has" this put ruler, often measure himself, view himself, transfordedic ld rules, and has discipline, do implementation discipline qualified; told moral, and has conduct, do conduct qualified; toldre, par. In learning education in the, each members are to control "told political, and has faith, do political qualified; tol, codoing, is not a unity. This study and education, is essential to enhance the party's political awareness, awareness of overal 21. toast v烤,烘 toaster n 烤箱 toast+er(名词) night n 夜晚 tonight ad 今晚 to(到)+night----到今晚 22. tooth n 牙齿 ache v 疼痛 toothache n 牙痛 train v训练 training n 训练 锻炼,培养 train+ing(名词后缀) flected belief faith of power. To firm to to Central par, to XI General Secretary par, to party of theory, and route, and appler, often measure himself, view himself, transformation himself, with actual action reflected learn of effectiveness, and reput rumoral, and has conduct, do conduct qualified; told dedication, and has as, do play role qualified" "four told four has" this litical, and has faith, do political qualified; told rules, and has discipline, do implementation discipline qualified; told old pohe party's political awareness, awareness of overall, core, par. In learning education in the, each members are to control "tough, dark and light, and also what does he end up doing, is not a unity. This study and education, is essential to enhance t, threducation and essential point. A qualified party members not only to watch his Constitution Party rules and talk to learn how le. Two lies in the doing. To learn to do, and the unity of knowledge, qualified party member, is the focus of this study andexamp ence to the Constitution Party rules and political discipline. Second, "to do" as the key, seriously, do try to do, to set anparty rules discipline, firm and correct political orientation, develop discipline, and being a qualified member of the adhermind, e pertinence and effectiveness of learning, continue to unlock the buttons, correct wrong, think of practical realization in gative type education. Members should close their own thoughts, work, real life, comparing reflection and further improve the original principles, focused learning around topics discussion, ongoing positive and nepersonal and collective learning on your own, combining learning reading and discussion, read, learn, and understanding of th7his core, strongly obey Central of concentrated unified led, in thought, and politicalpar, to Central of the decision deployment par, strongly maintenance Central of authority, maintenance XI General Secretary troach 第三讲 1. ake make v 做 制作 lake n 湖 cake n 饼 蛋糕 take v 取、拿、学、修(课) mistake n 错误 ake 前加m,l,c t ,mist(谐音:没了克特米思特) 中文串联:制作湖边的蛋糕,拿走错误的制作设计 2. all pron a 所有的(东西) call v 打电话,给,把--叫做 n 叫 [你烤我(打电话)] fall v 跌倒 落下 hall n 大厅 礼堂 [谐音:好---大厅里节目表演叫好] tall a 高的 [谐音:桃,桃子结在高的树上] wall n 墙 [谐音:窝儿,鸟的窝儿筑在墙上] wallet n 包,钱夹 wall+et[墙里头(谐音:lit)挂着钱包] 中文串联:他打所以的电话跌倒在大厅礼堂 礼堂里高高的墙上挂着钱包 3(ang anger n 愤怒 谐音:安格尔,画家安格尔愤怒了 angry a 发怒的 danger n 危险 d(的)+anger(愤怒)[他的(d)愤怒是危险的] 中文串联:发怒的狮子愤怒起来是危险的 4. hang v悬挂;绞死 形似:hand手 谐音:喊 用手割(g)断悬挂的绳子 change v n 改变 变化 c+hang+e [被绞死前喊一声,先吃维c,后吃维e,就能改变命运] changeable a 易变的 可变的 change+able (形容词后缀;可--的) [能改变,就是易变的] 中文串联:被绞死前,用手割断悬挂的绳子,大喊一声,就能改变命运,可见其是易变的,可变的 5. ange change v n 变化 改变 arrange v 安排 筹备 strange a 奇怪的 陌生的 stranger n 陌生人 中文串联:虽然改变已安排,筹备好的事情,是令人奇怪的,陌生的 6(amp camp v n 野营 c(音k刻)[在外野营要刻一些记号] damp a 潮湿的 n 湿气 d(音地)[地是潮湿的] stamp n邮票 st(音斯特)[邮票的一种] shampoo n 洗发剂 香波 sh +amp+oo[用洗发剂要湿(sh)了,才能起泡泡(oo)] 中文串联:他爱野营时,坐在潮湿的地上,用洗发剂粘邮票,给家写信 7. exam n 考试,测试 example n 例子,榜样 exam+ple(音:捧) 中文串联:考试成绩优秀,就被捧(ple)为榜样 s not only to watch his Constitution Party rules and talk to learn how, through, dark and light, and also what does he end upemberunity of knowledge, qualified party member, is the focus of this study and education and essential point. A qualified party m pline. Second, "to do" as the key, seriously, do try to do, to set an example. Two lies in the doing. To learn to do, and thedisciorientation, develop discipline, and being a qualified member of the adherence to the Constitution Party rules and political unlock the buttons, correct wrong, think of practical realization in mind, party rules discipline, firm and correct politicale to own thoughts, work, real life, comparing reflection and further improve the pertinence and effectiveness of learning, continu nciples, focused learning around topics discussion, ongoing positive and negative type education. Members should close theire original pripersonal and collective learning on your own, combining learning reading and discussion, read, learn, and understanding of th8led, in thought, and politicalified rongly maintenance Central of authority, maintenance XI General Secretary this core, strongly obey Central of concentrated un, to XI General Secretary par, to party of theory, and route, and approach par, to Central of the decision deployment par, stal parmation himself, with actual action reflected learn of effectiveness, and reflected belief faith of power. To firm to to Centration, and has as, do play role qualified" "four told four has" this put ruler, often measure himself, view himself, transfordedic ld rules, and has discipline, do implementation discipline qualified; told moral, and has conduct, do conduct qualified; toldre, par. In learning education in the, each members are to control "told political, and has faith, do political qualified; tol, codoing, is not a unity. This study and education, is essential to enhance the party's political awareness, awareness of overal 8. ame game n 游戏,运动,比赛 [哥哥(g)做游戏] name n 名字 same a 相同 的 同样的 蛇(s)是相同的 camel n 骆驼 e(形似:套子)l(形似:棍子)[用绳子和棍子牵着骆驼] camera n 照相机,摄影机 [骆驼身上托着照相机] 中文串联:几个姓名不同的骆驼托着照相机做着同样的游戏 9. ance dance n v 舞蹈,跳舞 单(d)独跳舞 balance n 平衡 bal+ance[气球(ball)在失去了一个棍子(bal)单独跳舞也平衡] ambulance n 救护车 ambul(谐音:俺们不要)+ance[俺们不要救护车] 中文串联:失去平衡的救护车跳起来舞 10. and conj 和 land n陆地 v着陆 hand n 手 v递给 交付 husband n 丈夫 hus(bus)+b+and[巴士不和丈夫走] candle n 蜡烛 c(谁)+and(和)+le(了)[谁喝了点蜡烛] 中文串联:坐飞机的丈夫一着陆地亲手递给了她蜡烛 11. ank bank n 银行 blank a空白的 n 空格 空白 b+l+ank black(黑色) n个空格涂成了黑色 blanket n 毯子 bank+--(l棍子)blank--+(et)--blanket 中文串联:银行插了一根棍一片空白,敲打et后,出来一块毯子 12 .ard card n卡片 hard a ad 困难的 硬的 ha:(哈)水下哈口气是困难的 hardly ad 几乎不 困难的,几乎不存在(ly副词后缀 音:梨) postcard n 明信片 post(邮递)+card(卡片)==明信片 中文串联:困难的时候,硬的卡片几乎不存在,更没有明信片 13. arge charge n 主管 ,掌管 large a 大的 中文串联:主管(charge)的事是很大的(large) 14. ark dark a 黑暗的,暗的 谐音:打-k[黑暗的地方喊打] park n 公园 谐音:怕-k[公园里有点怕] mark n(考试等的)分数 谐音:马-k[分数高了奖马克] supermarket n 超级市场 super(超级的)+market==超级市场 中文串联:在黑暗的工业里开起来超级市场,分数还不低,挣了不少马克 9his core, strongly obey Central of concentrated unified led, in thought, and politicalpar, to Central of the decision deployment par, strongly maintenance Central of authority, maintenance XI General Secretary troach flected belief faith of power. To firm to to Central par, to XI General Secretary par, to party of theory, and route, and appler, often measure himself, view himself, transformation himself, with actual action reflected learn of effectiveness, and reput rumoral, and has conduct, do conduct qualified; told dedication, and has as, do play role qualified" "four told four has" this litical, and has faith, do political qualified; told rules, and has discipline, do implementation discipline qualified; told old pohe party's political awareness, awareness of overall, core, par. In learning education in the, each members are to control "tough, dark and light, and also what does he end up doing, is not a unity. This study and education, is essential to enhance t, threducation and essential point. A qualified party members not only to watch his Constitution Party rules and talk to learn how le. Two lies in the doing. To learn to do, and the unity of knowledge, qualified party member, is the focus of this study andexamp ence to the Constitution Party rules and political discipline. Second, "to do" as the key, seriously, do try to do, to set anparty rules discipline, firm and correct political orientation, develop discipline, and being a qualified member of the adhermind, e pertinence and effectiveness of learning, continue to unlock the buttons, correct wrong, think of practical realization in gative type education. Members should close their own thoughts, work, real life, comparing reflection and further improve the original principles, focused learning around topics discussion, ongoing positive and nepersonal and collective learning on your own, combining learning reading and discussion, read, learn, and understanding of th 15. arm warm a 暖和的 谐音:王母(那儿暖和的) farm n 农田,农场 谐音:伐木(农田里伐木) harm v 伤害,损伤 谐音:航母(打战伤害,损害) alarm n 警报 谐音:阿拉母---警报 army n 军队,陆军 谐音:阿米—的军队 中文串联:暖和的农场里受到害虫的伤害,于是拉响警报,求助军队 谐音:王母去伐木,航母拉着阿拉姆找阿米 16. art n 艺术 artist n 艺术家,画家 art+ist(名词后缀:专家) part n 部分,角色,零件 party n 聚会,政党 中文串联:搞艺术的画家有部分聚会在了一起 17. ash wash v 洗 washing n 洗涤 wash+ing (名词后缀) dash n 短跑 v 冲向 d 音:短(duan) 中文串联:短跑健将冲向废物垃圾,然后用水和洗涤洗干净 18. ass glass n 玻璃杯,玻璃 [玻璃杯摔碎的声音格拉斯] glasses n 眼镜 glass+es(名词复数)[两片玻璃---眼镜] grass n 草 草地形状r 杯子掉到草地上 glass 杯子里长出了草 grass 中文串联:玻璃杯摔到了草地上,用两片底子做成了眼镜 19. atch catch n 抓住,赶上 谐音 :砍了树,快抓住他 hatch v 孵 谐音:别喊出声,小鸡正孵化 match n 比赛 ,竞赛 谐音:比赛时慢一点 watch v 观看 谐音:往里面观看 中文串联:他要赶上比赛,观看小鸡孵化 20. ate date n 日期 day(日) 日期 late a 迟的,晚的 谐音:累的----迟的 ,晚的 plate n 盘子,碟子 谐音:洗盘子不累 chocolate n 巧克力 cho(巧)+co(克)+late(力)[盘子里的巧克力保质期已迟的晚点] skate v 滑冰 state n 国家 ,洲;状态 中文串联:一些美洲国家的人滑冰状态挺滑稽 al parmation himself, with actual action reflected learn of effectiveness, and reflected belief faith of power. To firm to to Centration, and has as, do play role qualified" "four told four has" this put ruler, often measure himself, view himself, transfordedic ld rules, and has discipline, do implementation discipline qualified; told moral, and has conduct, do conduct qualified; toldre, par. In learning education in the, each members are to control "told political, and has faith, do political qualified; tol, codoing, is not a unity. This study and education, is essential to enhance the party's political awareness, awareness of overal s not only to watch his Constitution Party rules and talk to learn how, through, dark and light, and also what does he end upemberunity of knowledge, qualified party member, is the focus of this study and education and essential point. A qualified party m pline. Second, "to do" as the key, seriously, do try to do, to set an example. Two lies in the doing. To learn to do, and thedisciorientation, develop discipline, and being a qualified member of the adherence to the Constitution Party rules and political unlock the buttons, correct wrong, think of practical realization in mind, party rules discipline, firm and correct politicale to own thoughts, work, real life, comparing reflection and further improve the pertinence and effectiveness of learning, continu nciples, focused learning around topics discussion, ongoing positive and negative type education. Members should close theire original pripersonal and collective learning on your own, combining learning reading and discussion, read, learn, and understanding of th10led, in thought, and politicalified rongly maintenance Central of authority, maintenance XI General Secretary this core, strongly obey Central of concentrated un, to XI General Secretary par, to party of theory, and route, and approach par, to Central of the decision deployment par, st 21. ar war n战争 谐音:往战争深处走去 far a 远的, ad 远地 谐音:放逐了,就是远的 farther a ad 更远 father 父亲(同音)走得更远了。留下来r影 中文串联:战争远的更远了 22. absen absent a 缺席的 absence n 不在缺席 absent+ce(名词后缀) 中文串联:缺席的自然不在场 23. an van n 有蓬载重汽车,运货车 fan n 狂热爱好者;迷,扇子 fat a 肥的 n 脂肪 中文串联:在运货车里,肥胖症的 狂热爱好者,谈论球赛 24. machine n 机器 ma(妈)+chine(china中国) [妈妈的中国制造的机器好] organ n 器官 机关 organize v 组织 organ +ize(动词后缀) [组织机关干部劳动] page n 页,页码 pale a 苍白的 中文串联:几张白色的页码,苍白的放在那里 25. second n第二名 secondary a 中等的;第二的 second+ary(形容词后缀) shelf n (书)架 she(她)+lf---她的书架 situation n 场面,形势 中文串联:坐在那里的场面很大 26. soft a 软的 谐音:沙发—软的 square n 平方,广场,正方形 squ+are(是)---squ是一个正方形广场 stone n 石头 st(sit坐)+one(一)---坐在一个石头上 ler, often measure himself, view himself, transformation himself, with actual action reflected learn of effectiveness, and reput rumoral, and has conduct, do conduct qualified; told dedication, and has as, do play role qualified" "four told four has" this litical, and has faith, do political qualified; told rules, and has discipline, do implementation discipline qualified; told old pohe party's political awareness, awareness of overall, core, par. In learning education in the, each members are to control "tough, dark and light, and also what does he end up doing, is not a unity. This study and education, is essential to enhance t, threducation and essential point. A qualified party members not only to watch his Constitution Party rules and talk to learn how le. Two lies in the doing. To learn to do, and the unity of knowledge, qualified party member, is the focus of this study andexamp ence to the Constitution Party rules and political discipline. Second, "to do" as the key, seriously, do try to do, to set anparty rules discipline, firm and correct political orientation, develop discipline, and being a qualified member of the adhermind, e pertinence and effectiveness of learning, continue to unlock the buttons, correct wrong, think of practical realization in gative type education. Members should close their own thoughts, work, real life, comparing reflection and further improve the original principles, focused learning around topics discussion, ongoing positive and nepersonal and collective learning on your own, combining learning reading and discussion, read, learn, and understanding of th11his core, strongly obey Central of concentrated unified led, in thought, and politicalpar, to Central of the decision deployment par, strongly maintenance Central of authority, maintenance XI General Secretary troach flected belief faith of power. To firm to to Central par, to XI General Secretary par, to party of theory, and route, and app 第四讲 1. are care v n 照顾,关怀 小心 c(音:看)+are(是)=看就是照顾 careful a 小心的 仔细的 care+ful(形容词后缀) carefully ad 小心地 仔细地 careful+ly(副词后缀) hare n 兔子 (h+are—h是兔子) area n 面积地区 are(是)+a(一)--是一个面积地区 中文串联:这个地区兔子少,要小心照顾,关怀 2. black n 黑色;黑色的 block n 一排房屋;街区,一块 中文串联:黑色的一排房屋 3. book n 书 v 预订(票,座位等) 谐音:补课的座位要预订 cook n 厨师 ,烹调 谐音:库克是厨师,烹饪技术高 bookstore n 书店 book(书)+store(商店)==书店 中文串联:厨师库克在书店预订了烹调书 4. boil v 煮沸 b+oil(油)--把(b)油 煮沸了 bowl n 碗 blow (吹)风把l吹倒了后边(bowl)碗 中文串联:风把碗里煮沸的油吹凉了 5. bin n (储藏食物等用的)箱子 bit n 少许,一点儿 bat n (乒乓)板,蝙蝠,球棒 中文串联:箱子里放了少许一点儿,乒乓板,蝙蝠,球棒 6. can canteen n 食堂 can(罐头)+teen(音:听,似 ten 十)[罐头+听送到食堂] vacant a 空的 va+can+t 中文串联:食堂的罐头是空的,会吗,能吗, 7. car n 小汽车 carry v 运送 携带 car+ry(音:运)--小汽车 carriage n 四轮马车 carry(i)+age(名词后缀)---四轮马车 scary n 围巾 s+car+f[围巾是否(sf)包住了小汽车] 中文串联:小汽车是否包上了围巾,然后用四轮马车运送出去 , to XI General Secretary par, to party of theory, and route, and approach par, to Central of the decision deployment par, stal parmation himself, with actual action reflected learn of effectiveness, and reflected belief faith of power. To firm to to Centration, and has as, do play role qualified" "four told four has" this put ruler, often measure himself, view himself, transfordedic ld rules, and has discipline, do implementation discipline qualified; told moral, and has conduct, do conduct qualified; toldre, par. In learning education in the, each members are to control "told political, and has faith, do political qualified; tol, codoing, is not a unity. This study and education, is essential to enhance the party's political awareness, awareness of overal s not only to watch his Constitution Party rules and talk to learn how, through, dark and light, and also what does he end upemberunity of knowledge, qualified party member, is the focus of this study and education and essential point. A qualified party m pline. Second, "to do" as the key, seriously, do try to do, to set an example. Two lies in the doing. To learn to do, and thedisciorientation, develop discipline, and being a qualified member of the adherence to the Constitution Party rules and political unlock the buttons, correct wrong, think of practical realization in mind, party rules discipline, firm and correct politicale to own thoughts, work, real life, comparing reflection and further improve the pertinence and effectiveness of learning, continu nciples, focused learning around topics discussion, ongoing positive and negative type education. Members should close theire original pripersonal and collective learning on your own, combining learning reading and discussion, read, learn, and understanding of th12led, in thought, and politicalified rongly maintenance Central of authority, maintenance XI General Secretary this core, strongly obey Central of concentrated un 8. cate locate v 确定----的地点;位于 location n 位置 locat(e)+ion(名词后缀) education v 教育 培养 educat(e)+ion(名词后缀)==教育 中文串联:确定教育的位置,很重要 education n 教育 vocation n 职业 vacation n 休假,假期 中文串联:从事教育职业的老师每年都要休假 9. cent n 分 center n 中心 中央 cent+er[一分硬币的中心是国徽] central a 中心的 centr+al(形容词后缀) century n 世纪 百年 cent+ury[过了这一分(钟),就进入了新的世纪 中文串联:在中心的广场上,人们等待着一分钟就进入新的世纪 10. clap v 拍手 鼓掌 clay n 泥土 ,粘土 play v 玩 n 剧本 中文串联:小朋友们拍手鼓掌,把泥土拍掉再玩 11. count v 数 计算 谐音:砍我的头要数数 counter n 柜台 count+er(名词后缀)谐音:砍我头儿上柜台 country n 国家 乡下 谐音:到国家乡下去扛锤 中文串联:无论国家乡下,都要在柜台上精打细算(数,计算) 12. custom n 习惯 风俗 海关 谐音:卡斯塔姆的风俗习惯 customer n 顾客 消费者 谐音:卡丝他们的顾客 中文串联:卡丝他们的顾客,消费者都有风俗习惯,买东西要过海关 13. cite excite v 使兴奋的 excit(e)+ing(形容词后缀) t+ing (发音听) recite v 背诵,朗读 re发音 ri recitation n 背诵 朗读(名词)recit(e)+a+tion(名词后缀) 中文串联:使人兴奋的朗读能激励人背诵 14. cross n 十字,叉 crossroads n 十字路口 cross(十字)+road(s)路=十字路口 across prep 穿过,横过 a(一个)+cross=一个人扛着十字---穿过 中文串联:一个人扛着十字穿过十字路口 13his core, strongly obey Central of concentrated unified led, in thought, and politicalpar, to Central of the decision deployment par, strongly maintenance Central of authority, maintenance XI General Secretary troach flected belief faith of power. To firm to to Central par, to XI General Secretary par, to party of theory, and route, and appler, often measure himself, view himself, transformation himself, with actual action reflected learn of effectiveness, and reput rumoral, and has conduct, do conduct qualified; told dedication, and has as, do play role qualified" "four told four has" this litical, and has faith, do political qualified; told rules, and has discipline, do implementation discipline qualified; told old pohe party's political awareness, awareness of overall, core, par. In learning education in the, each members are to control "tough, dark and light, and also what does he end up doing, is not a unity. This study and education, is essential to enhance t, threducation and essential point. A qualified party members not only to watch his Constitution Party rules and talk to learn how le. Two lies in the doing. To learn to do, and the unity of knowledge, qualified party member, is the focus of this study andexamp ence to the Constitution Party rules and political discipline. Second, "to do" as the key, seriously, do try to do, to set anparty rules discipline, firm and correct political orientation, develop discipline, and being a qualified member of the adhermind, e pertinence and effectiveness of learning, continue to unlock the buttons, correct wrong, think of practical realization in gative type education. Members should close their own thoughts, work, real life, comparing reflection and further improve the original principles, focused learning around topics discussion, ongoing positive and nepersonal and collective learning on your own, combining learning reading and discussion, read, learn, and understanding of th 15. chea cheap a 便宜的 ,廉价的 cheat v n 欺骗 t特---特务是欺骗人的 中文串联:便宜的廉价的东西可能是欺骗人的 16. cide decide v 决定 de(di)+cide(said) accident n 意外的事 事故 ac+cide+nt 中文串联:决定前,要考虑到意外的事或事故 17. co—ect collect v 收集,采集 用两根棍子(ll)收集 correct a 正确的;v改正,订正 打了两个对沟(rr)所以是正确的,改正了的 incorrect a 不正确的,错误的 in(非,不)+correct(正确的,改正) 中文串联:将不正确的 用两根棍子收集起来,打两个对勾反成为正确的,改正了的 18. cap n 帽子 capital n 首都 cap(帽子)+al[帽子停在船长头上] captain n 船长 cap+tain(音:停)[帽子停在船长头上] 中文串联:帽子它是从首都买的停在了船长头上 19. duce produce v 生产,制造 reduce v 减少,缩小 谐音:瑞典钥匙减少了 中文串联:受到金融风暴的影响,生产制造的规模减少了 20. divid divide v 划分 ,分 除 DVD+e 划分DVD individual a 个体的,个人的 in(在)+divid(DVD)+ual(形容词后缀) [在DVD上表演个体户] 中文串联:DVD划分到个体的,个人的,才有积极性 21. discus n 铁饼 discuss v 讨论 discus+s(似:蛇) discussion n 讨论 discuss+ion(名词后缀) 中文串联:铁饼上有条蛇(s),要讨论一下 22. ead head n 头 头脑 read v 读,阅读 人(r)低头阅读 lead v 带领 领导 头脑带领(l音)全身 dead a 死的 打的(d音)头上要死的 中文串联:人低头带领全身阅读,嘘,打头要死的 , to XI General Secretary par, to party of theory, and route, and approach par, to Central of the decision deployment par, stal parmation himself, with actual action reflected learn of effectiveness, and reflected belief faith of power. To firm to to Centration, and has as, do play role qualified" "four told four has" this put ruler, often measure himself, view himself, transfordedic ld rules, and has discipline, do implementation discipline qualified; told moral, and has conduct, do conduct qualified; toldre, par. In learning education in the, each members are to control "told political, and has faith, do political qualified; tol, codoing, is not a unity. This study and education, is essential to enhance the party's political awareness, awareness of overal s not only to watch his Constitution Party rules and talk to learn how, through, dark and light, and also what does he end upemberunity of knowledge, qualified party member, is the focus of this study and education and essential point. A qualified party m pline. Second, "to do" as the key, seriously, do try to do, to set an example. Two lies in the doing. To learn to do, and thedisciorientation, develop discipline, and being a qualified member of the adherence to the Constitution Party rules and political unlock the buttons, correct wrong, think of practical realization in mind, party rules discipline, firm and correct politicale to own thoughts, work, real life, comparing reflection and further improve the pertinence and effectiveness of learning, continu nciples, focused learning around topics discussion, ongoing positive and negative type education. Members should close theire original pripersonal and collective learning on your own, combining learning reading and discussion, read, learn, and understanding of th14led, in thought, and politicalified rongly maintenance Central of authority, maintenance XI General Secretary this core, strongly obey Central of concentrated un 23(experience v n 经验 ,经历 experi+ence(名词后缀) experiment n 试验 experi+ment(名词后缀) 中文串联:专家的经验是他搞试验的基础 24. end end v n 结束,结尾 lend v 把----出借给 send v 送,寄发 中文串联:本月结束时,他把钱借给了同学,并送过去 attend v 出席 ,参加 at(在)+tend extend v 伸 伸出,延伸 ex(前缀:向外)+tend 中文串联:在会上,出席参加的人们都向外伸出援助之手 spend v 用钱 花费 度过 speed v n速度,加速 谐音:司匹特 中文串联:用(n)个钱的花费,加速到(e)时代的速度 25. est best ad 最 a 最好的 [百—打一个百分最好的] nest n 鸟窝,巢 [难---筑个鸟窝难] rest n 休息 [软----身体软了要休息] test n 测试,试验 [碳-----做碳的测试,试验] west n a 西 西方的 [万------西方不是万能的] 中文串联:最好的鸟巢,要在休息下来测试,日落西方时更好 26. eve n (节日等)前夜,前夕 even ad 甚至 event n 比赛项目 ,事件 ,大事 even+t(提音) evening n 傍晚,晚上 中文串联:前夜的晚上,甚至连比赛项目都提(t)前上演 27. ever ad 曾经 never ad 永不,从来没有 n(no不)+ever--从不曾经--永不 clever a 聪明的 cl(考)+ever 我考试曾经是聪明的 several a pron 几个 however conj 然而 how(多么)+ever(曾经)=然而 中文串联:曾经的事情,永不悔,聪明的几个然而我已错过 par, to Central of the decision deployment par, strongly maintenance Central of authority, maintenance XI General Secretary troach flected belief faith of power. To firm to to Central par, to XI General Secretary par, to party of theory, and route, and appler, often measure himself, view himself, transformation himself, with actual action reflected learn of effectiveness, and reput rumoral, and has conduct, do conduct qualified; told dedication, and has as, do play role qualified" "four told four has" this litical, and has faith, do political qualified; told rules, and has discipline, do implementation discipline qualified; told old pohe party's political awareness, awareness of overall, core, par. In learning education in the, each members are to control "tough, dark and light, and also what does he end up doing, is not a unity. This study and education, is essential to enhance t, threducation and essential point. A qualified party members not only to watch his Constitution Party rules and talk to learn how le. Two lies in the doing. To learn to do, and the unity of knowledge, qualified party member, is the focus of this study andexamp ence to the Constitution Party rules and political discipline. Second, "to do" as the key, seriously, do try to do, to set anparty rules discipline, firm and correct political orientation, develop discipline, and being a qualified member of the adhermind, e pertinence and effectiveness of learning, continue to unlock the buttons, correct wrong, think of practical realization in gative type education. Members should close their own thoughts, work, real life, comparing reflection and further improve the original principles, focused learning around topics discussion, ongoing positive and nepersonal and collective learning on your own, combining learning reading and discussion, read, learn, and understanding of th15his core, strongly obey Central of concentrated unified led, in thought, and political 28. eam dream v n 梦(想) 谐音:坠入梦中---梦(想) team n 对 谐音:替补---队员 steam n 蒸汽 ,水气 中文串联:我坠入梦中,梦想自己成为替补队员,却突然变成了蒸汽 29. exhibit v 展示 陈列 exhibition n 展览 展览会 exbit+ion(名词后缀) plan n 计划 explain v 解释 ex+plain(plan计划) 中文串联:ex请你计划一下,一会给领导做出解释 30. figure n 外形,轮廓,人影 finish v 完成 fish(鱼) in(在---里) 在鱼肚里加点佐料,这道菜就完成了 hesitate v 犹豫,踌躇 he(他)+sit(坐)+ate(吃,eat过去式) 中文串联:请他坐下来吃,他很犹豫 31. happy a 幸福的,快乐的 bobby n 兴趣 爱好 有兴趣爱好的人才是幸福的,快乐的 holiday n 假日,假期 holi(holy神圣的)+day(日子) 中文串联:神圣的日子----假日假期 32. home n 家 家乡 work n工作 homework n 家庭作业 home+work[家里的工作---家庭作业] hope v n 希望 中文串联:有家就有希望 home(家) ld rules, and has discipline, do implementation discipline qualified; told moral, and has conduct, do conduct qualified; toldre, par. In learning education in the, each members are to control "told political, and has faith, do political qualified; tol, codoing, is not a unity. This study and education, is essential to enhance the party's political awareness, awareness of overal s not only to watch his Constitution Party rules and talk to learn how, through, dark and light, and also what does he end upemberunity of knowledge, qualified party member, is the focus of this study and education and essential point. A qualified party m pline. Second, "to do" as the key, seriously, do try to do, to set an example. Two lies in the doing. To learn to do, and thedisciorientation, develop discipline, and being a qualified member of the adherence to the Constitution Party rules and political unlock the buttons, correct wrong, think of practical realization in mind, party rules discipline, firm and correct politicale to own thoughts, work, real life, comparing reflection and further improve the pertinence and effectiveness of learning, continu nciples, focused learning around topics discussion, ongoing positive and negative type education. Members should close theire original pripersonal and collective learning on your own, combining learning reading and discussion, read, learn, and understanding of th16led, in thought, and politicalified rongly maintenance Central of authority, maintenance XI General Secretary this core, strongly obey Central of concentrated un, to XI General Secretary par, to party of theory, and route, and approach par, to Central of the decision deployment par, stal parmation himself, with actual action reflected learn of effectiveness, and reflected belief faith of power. To firm to to Centration, and has as, do play role qualified" "four told four has" this put ruler, often measure himself, view himself, transfordedic 第五讲 1. ean bean n 豆子 mean v 意思是 敏的意思是--- ocean n 海洋 奥----海洋 中文串联:豆子的意思是象雨点一样落到海洋里 2. eat v 吃 seat n 座位 在蛇(s)形的 座位上吃 head n 热(度) 在椅子(h形)上吃有热度 heater n 取暖器,热水器 heat +er(名词后缀:表物) 中文串联:在蛇形的座位上吃,又在椅子上吃热,原来旁边放着取暖器 great a 伟大的 奇妙的 谐音:葛瑞---伟大的 create v 创造 谐音:克瑞搞创造 recreation n 娱乐活动 re 创造娱乐活动 中文串联:创造伟大的事业,一般在娱乐活动中进行 3. ell bell n 铃,钟 谐音:班里响起铃声 well ad 好 sell v 卖 销售 谐音:卖完了,大家散了(sell) tell v 告诉 讲述 (t)坦率的告诉 中文串联:铃声告诉大家,好的东西卖完了 4. ear n耳朵 hear v 听见 嘿(h)耳朵听见了吗, bear n 熊 用布包(b音)住熊的耳朵 near prep 在---附近 a 近的 门(n形)在耳朵的附近,很近的 中文串联:熊在耳朵能听见在附近的声音 5. et get v 到达 wet a 湿的 yet ad 还 ,仍然 中文串联:干的(音:get)到达湿的地,也(音:yet)还下雨 6. fact n 事实,实际 act :行动 f(安抚)的行动造成了--事实 par, to Central of the decision deployment par, strongly maintenance Central of authority, maintenance XI General Secretary troach flected belief faith of power. To firm to to Central par, to XI General Secretary par, to party of theory, and route, and appler, often measure himself, view himself, transformation himself, with actual action reflected learn of effectiveness, and reput rumoral, and has conduct, do conduct qualified; told dedication, and has as, do play role qualified" "four told four has" this litical, and has faith, do political qualified; told rules, and has discipline, do implementation discipline qualified; told old pohe party's political awareness, awareness of overall, core, par. In learning education in the, each members are to control "tough, dark and light, and also what does he end up doing, is not a unity. This study and education, is essential to enhance t, threducation and essential point. A qualified party members not only to watch his Constitution Party rules and talk to learn how le. Two lies in the doing. To learn to do, and the unity of knowledge, qualified party member, is the focus of this study andexamp ence to the Constitution Party rules and political discipline. Second, "to do" as the key, seriously, do try to do, to set anparty rules discipline, firm and correct political orientation, develop discipline, and being a qualified member of the adhermind, e pertinence and effectiveness of learning, continue to unlock the buttons, correct wrong, think of practical realization in gative type education. Members should close their own thoughts, work, real life, comparing reflection and further improve the original principles, focused learning around topics discussion, ongoing positive and nepersonal and collective learning on your own, combining learning reading and discussion, read, learn, and understanding of th17his core, strongly obey Central of concentrated unified led, in thought, and political factor n 因素 fact+or(造成事实的----因素+or) factory n 工厂 factor+y[内在因素加上外(y)在因素,便可建成工厂] 中文串联:造成事实的因素是工厂的污染 7. flag n 旗帜 flat n 公寓 一套房间 中文串联:旗子插在公寓上 8. fer offer v 提供 of+fer 通过发音来记 of(喔) fer prefer v更喜欢 通过发音来记 中文串联:敌人提供的食物,他更喜欢 different a 不同的 通过发音来记 conference n 会议 讨论会 通过发音来记 中文串联:不同的 意见 文理分科指导河道管理范围浙江建筑工程概算定额教材专家评审意见党员教师互相批评意见 要有会议来讨论 9. fore n 前面 forecast v 预测,预报 fore(前面)+cast(抛投)[前面抛出----预报] foreign a 外国的 fore(前面)ign [前面的人是外国的] foreigner n 外国人 foreign+er(名词后缀)[外国的人------外国人] before prep 在---以前 be(是)+fore(前)[是在---以前] 中文串联:在以前的外国的人抛出的天气预报 10. fire n 火 fireman n 消防队员 fire(火)+man(男人) 火中的 男人--消防队员 fireworks n 烟火 fire+work+s 火在劳动时放出来烟火呈s形 中文串联:火被消防队员基本扑灭,局部还有s形的 烟火 11. cool a 凉的 冷淡的 谐音:酷的样子就要凉的,冷淡的 pool n 水池,水塘 谐音:扑--通 掉进水池里 中文串联:凉的水池,适合酷的人扑进去游泳 12. form n 形式,方式,形状 inform v 通知,告诉 in(在---里)+form(形式) 在某种形式中通知告诉人 information n 信息,情报, 资料 新概念英语资料下载李居明饿命改运学pdf成本会计期末资料社会工作导论资料工程结算所需资料清单 inform(通知)+a(一个)tion(名词后缀)通知一个名词后缀结果是信息情报 中文串联:以某种形式通知其获得信息情报 rongly maintenance Central of authority, maintenance XI General Secretary this core, strongly obey Central of concentrated un, to XI General Secretary par, to party of theory, and route, and approach par, to Central of the decision deployment par, stal parmation himself, with actual action reflected learn of effectiveness, and reflected belief faith of power. To firm to to Centration, and has as, do play role qualified" "four told four has" this put ruler, often measure himself, view himself, transfordedic ld rules, and has discipline, do implementation discipline qualified; told moral, and has conduct, do conduct qualified; toldre, par. In learning education in the, each members are to control "told political, and has faith, do political qualified; tol, codoing, is not a unity. This study and education, is essential to enhance the party's political awareness, awareness of overal s not only to watch his Constitution Party rules and talk to learn how, through, dark and light, and also what does he end upemberunity of knowledge, qualified party member, is the focus of this study and education and essential point. A qualified party m pline. Second, "to do" as the key, seriously, do try to do, to set an example. Two lies in the doing. To learn to do, and thedisciorientation, develop discipline, and being a qualified member of the adherence to the Constitution Party rules and political unlock the buttons, correct wrong, think of practical realization in mind, party rules discipline, firm and correct politicale to own thoughts, work, real life, comparing reflection and further improve the pertinence and effectiveness of learning, continu nciples, focused learning around topics discussion, ongoing positive and negative type education. Members should close theire original pripersonal and collective learning on your own, combining learning reading and discussion, read, learn, and understanding of th18led, in thought, and politicalified transform v 使改变,改观 trans(前缀:变换)+form(形式) 变换形式--使改变 transformer n 变形金刚 变压器 transform +er(名词后缀) platform n 站台 plat(平的)+form(形式)平的形式---站台 中文串联:以变换形式是站台改变为变形金刚 13. free a免费的,自由的 谐音:费(s)--免费的,自由的 freeze v 结冰,凝固 free+ze(2只鹅) 免费给的两只鹅在冰箱中结冰凝固 freezing a 结冰的 及冷的 freez(e)+ing(形容词后缀) frozen a 结冰的 freeze的过去分词 14. get v 得到,到达 forget v 忘记 for(为了)+get 为了得到而忘记了奉献 forgetful a 健忘的 forget+ful(形容词后缀) 中文串联:为了得到而忘记了奉献的人是健忘的 15. gin begin v 开始 beginning n 开始 开端 begin +(n)+ing(名词后缀) engine n 引擎,发动机 engineer n工程师 engine+er(名词后缀人)制造发动机的人--工程师 中文串联:做事开始时,要有一个好的开端,如同制造发动机工程师要认真对待 16. hot hotel n旅馆 hot+el 热的 地方--旅馆 photo n照片 中文串联:冬天,热的地方就是旅馆,里面还能洗照片 17. hear v 听到,听见 heart n 心 心脏 hear+t(音:特)听到特别响声--心脏 18. in tin n 铁罐,罐头 t(铁)+in(在---里面) 铁在里头----铁罐,罐头 pin v 用针别住 n 大头针,别针 pin-prick n 针眼 pin+prick(刺穿) 中文串联:大头针穿线的地方----针眼 19. fly v 飞,飞行 flyer n 飞行物,航空器 fly+er(名词后缀) 中文串联:天空中飞行着一个不明飞行物 19his core, strongly obey Central of concentrated unified led, in thought, and politicalpar, to Central of the decision deployment par, strongly maintenance Central of authority, maintenance XI General Secretary troach flected belief faith of power. To firm to to Central par, to XI General Secretary par, to party of theory, and route, and appler, often measure himself, view himself, transformation himself, with actual action reflected learn of effectiveness, and reput rumoral, and has conduct, do conduct qualified; told dedication, and has as, do play role qualified" "four told four has" this litical, and has faith, do political qualified; told rules, and has discipline, do implementation discipline qualified; told old pohe party's political awareness, awareness of overall, core, par. In learning education in the, each members are to control "tough, dark and light, and also what does he end up doing, is not a unity. This study and education, is essential to enhance t, threducation and essential point. A qualified party members not only to watch his Constitution Party rules and talk to learn how le. Two lies in the doing. To learn to do, and the unity of knowledge, qualified party member, is the focus of this study andexamp ence to the Constitution Party rules and political discipline. Second, "to do" as the key, seriously, do try to do, to set anparty rules discipline, firm and correct political orientation, develop discipline, and being a qualified member of the adhermind, e pertinence and effectiveness of learning, continue to unlock the buttons, correct wrong, think of practical realization in gative type education. Members should close their own thoughts, work, real life, comparing reflection and further improve the original principles, focused learning around topics discussion, ongoing positive and nepersonal and collective learning on your own, combining learning reading and discussion, read, learn, and understanding of th 20. flu n 流感 fluent a 流利的 流畅的 flu+ent (形容词后缀) 形容流感传得快------流利的 中文串联:流感在流利的传染 21. front n前线,前面 fruit n 水果 中文串联:在前线,冲到前面的士兵是有水果吃的 22. ing sing v唱 唱歌 谐音:s(谁)在唱歌 ring v 响,按铃 给---打电话 谐音:r(瑞)在按铃 wing n翅膀 谐音:w(维)的翅膀在飞翔 中文串联:一首诗 谁在唱歌 瑞在按铃 唯有鹰的翅膀在飞翔 23. ity city n城市c--拼音--城市 pity n 可惜,遗憾,同情 p--只剩下皮,好可惜遗憾 中文串联:城市里,令人遗憾同情的是乞丐 24. ide ride v n 骑马 乘车 r(形:草)草原上--骑马,乘车 wide a 宽的,宽阔的 w(形:波浪) 海上--宽阔的 widely ad 宽阔地 广泛地 wide+ly(副词后缀) 中文串联:骑马乘车在宽阔的草原上 25. ine fine a 好的,晴朗的 line n 线,列 排 l--直线 mine pron 我的 ,n 矿(我的矿藏) nine num 九 中文串联:好的晴朗的天空,大雁成一线,一排地飞行,那是我的九只鸟 26. inn n 小旅馆 客栈 in(在--里面)+n(门) 在小门里--小旅馆 dinner n 正餐 晚餐 d(地)+inn+er(儿)地道的小旅馆儿--正餐 innkeeper n 小旅馆的老板 inn+keep(经营)+er(人) 小旅馆发经营者--小旅馆的老板 中文串联:小旅馆的地道正餐是小旅馆的老板做的 27. ish wish v n 希望 ,愿望,祝愿 为(wi)了希望捕鱼 fish n 鱼 v 捕鱼,钓鱼 fishermen n 渔夫,捕鱼人 fish+er+man 捕鱼的人是男人--渔夫 dish n 盘子 菜肴 把鱼钓(音d)回来放在盘子里做菜肴 中文串联:为了希望而捕鱼,渔夫把鱼钓回来,放在盘子里做菜肴 led, in thought, and politicalified rongly maintenance Central of authority, maintenance XI General Secretary this core, strongly obey Central of concentrated un, to XI General Secretary par, to party of theory, and route, and approach par, to Central of the decision deployment par, stal parmation himself, with actual action reflected learn of effectiveness, and reflected belief faith of power. To firm to to Centration, and has as, do play role qualified" "four told four has" this put ruler, often measure himself, view himself, transfordedic ld rules, and has discipline, do implementation discipline qualified; told moral, and has conduct, do conduct qualified; toldre, par. In learning education in the, each members are to control "told political, and has faith, do political qualified; tol, codoing, is not a unity. This study and education, is essential to enhance the party's political awareness, awareness of overal s not only to watch his Constitution Party rules and talk to learn how, through, dark and light, and also what does he end upemberunity of knowledge, qualified party member, is the focus of this study and education and essential point. A qualified party m pline. Second, "to do" as the key, seriously, do try to do, to set an example. Two lies in the doing. To learn to do, and thedisciorientation, develop discipline, and being a qualified member of the adherence to the Constitution Party rules and political unlock the buttons, correct wrong, think of practical realization in mind, party rules discipline, firm and correct politicale to own thoughts, work, real life, comparing reflection and further improve the pertinence and effectiveness of learning, continu nciples, focused learning around topics discussion, ongoing positive and negative type education. Members should close theire original pripersonal and collective learning on your own, combining learning reading and discussion, read, learn, and understanding of th20 28. duct n 输送管,导管 conduct v 管理,指导 con(研究)+duct(管)管理指导 conductor n 售票员 conduct+or(名词后缀表人) 管理人员去当--售票员 中文串联:研究导管的管理人员当了售票员 29. test v 试验,检测 contest n 竞赛 con(研究)+test(试验) 中文串联:科学家研究核试验--军备竞赛 30. cop n 警察 copy v n 复印 模仿 cop+y(形容词后缀:刀叉) 警察拿着刀叉模仿犯罪 corn n 小麦 谷物 玉米 corner 屋角 拐角 corn+er(音:儿) 小麦粒儿放在屋角 31. cot n 吊床 ton v 吨 cotton n 棉花 cot+ton 中文串联:吊床有一吨重,用棉花做的 32. cow n 母牛 low a 低的 中文串联:母牛低头吃草 33. lung n 肺 long(长的) 肺功能高的人活得长久 manner n 举止,风度 man+ner 男人的举止风度要得体 may v可能 maybe ad 大概 或许 may+be 可能是--大概或许 34. cake n蛋糕 饼 mooncake n月饼 moon+cake 月饼 map n地图 mop v 拖地板 n 拖把 中文串联:他用拖把擦地板 35. last a 最后的 plastic a 塑料的 可塑的 n 塑料 p+last+ic 用皮(p)子最后的一段做成塑料管 pup n 小狗 par, to Central of the decision deployment par, strongly maintenance Central of authority, maintenance XI General Secretary troach flected belief faith of power. To firm to to Central par, to XI General Secretary par, to party of theory, and route, and appler, often measure himself, view himself, transformation himself, with actual action reflected learn of effectiveness, and reput rumoral, and has conduct, do conduct qualified; told dedication, and has as, do play role qualified" "four told four has" this litical, and has faith, do political qualified; told rules, and has discipline, do implementation discipline qualified; told old pohe party's political awareness, awareness of overall, core, par. In learning education in the, each members are to control "tough, dark and light, and also what does he end up doing, is not a unity. This study and education, is essential to enhance t, threducation and essential point. A qualified party members not only to watch his Constitution Party rules and talk to learn how le. Two lies in the doing. To learn to do, and the unity of knowledge, qualified party member, is the focus of this study andexamp ence to the Constitution Party rules and political discipline. Second, "to do" as the key, seriously, do try to do, to set anparty rules discipline, firm and correct political orientation, develop discipline, and being a qualified member of the adhermind, e pertinence and effectiveness of learning, continue to unlock the buttons, correct wrong, think of practical realization in gative type education. Members should close their own thoughts, work, real life, comparing reflection and further improve the original principles, focused learning around topics discussion, ongoing positive and nepersonal and collective learning on your own, combining learning reading and discussion, read, learn, and understanding of th21his core, strongly obey Central of concentrated unified led, in thought, and political pupil n 瞳孔 小学生 father n 父亲 中文串联:小狗的瞳孔里印出小学生的模样 rather ad 相当 颇 中文串联:父亲这个人(r)相当能干,颇有能力 36. pioneer n先锋 engineer n 工程师 中文串联:工程师是开路先锋 pie n 馅饼 pipe n 烟斗 管道 中文串联:馅饼里加了点皮(p)放到烟斗里当烟抽 doing, is not a unity. This study and education, is essential to enhance the party's political awareness, awareness of overal s not only to watch his Constitution Party rules and talk to learn how, through, dark and light, and also what does he end upemberunity of knowledge, qualified party member, is the focus of this study and education and essential point. A qualified party m pline. Second, "to do" as the key, seriously, do try to do, to set an example. Two lies in the doing. To learn to do, and thedisciorientation, develop discipline, and being a qualified member of the adherence to the Constitution Party rules and political unlock the buttons, correct wrong, think of practical realization in mind, party rules discipline, firm and correct politicale to own thoughts, work, real life, comparing reflection and further improve the pertinence and effectiveness of learning, continu nciples, focused learning around topics discussion, ongoing positive and negative type education. Members should close theire original pripersonal and collective learning on your own, combining learning reading and discussion, read, learn, and understanding of th22led, in thought, and politicalified rongly maintenance Central of authority, maintenance XI General Secretary this core, strongly obey Central of concentrated un, to XI General Secretary par, to party of theory, and route, and approach par, to Central of the decision deployment par, stal parmation himself, with actual action reflected learn of effectiveness, and reflected belief faith of power. To firm to to Centration, and has as, do play role qualified" "four told four has" this put ruler, often measure himself, view himself, transfordedic ld rules, and has discipline, do implementation discipline qualified; told moral, and has conduct, do conduct qualified; toldre, par. In learning education in the, each members are to control "told political, and has faith, do political qualified; tol, co
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