首页 房地产销售经理的要求及岗位职责制度



房地产销售经理的要求及岗位职责制度房地产销售经理的要求及岗位职责制度 temporary construction organization design requires the implementation of the overall layout. 2 site near the high voltage line protection near power lines to have a reliable protective measures protective closely, to meet safety requirement...

房地产销售经理的要求及岗位职责制度 temporary construction organization design requires the implementation of the overall layout. 2 site near the high voltage line protection near power lines to have a reliable protective measures protective closely, to meet safety requirements. 3 branch set up distribution box into outlet sleeve and a cross arm to be used; Access to wires neatly, reasonable matching; Prohibited the use of insulation is poor, aging skin, broken wires, to prevent leakage; Should be fixed by insulators, and overhead laying; Line the hallway to have a reliable protection; Direct buried lines, laying depth of not less than 0.6m, leads to the ground from the 2m height to the ground at 0.2m, you must set up protective casing. 4 spot lights hand-held lamp 36V safe voltage should be used; 36V safety at hazardous voltages, particularly in hazardous areas using 12V; Lighting wires should be fixed on the insulators; Insulated rubber sheathed cable for field lights, lighting the use of sheathed wires; Lighting circuits and lighting from the ground not less than the prescribed distance, prohibited the use of electric arc furnace; To prevent the wire insulation is poor, aged, broken skin and leakage, with tungsten heating is strictly prohibited. 5 to set up low-voltage lines are not allowed to use bamboo poles, pole cross arm should be established and insulators; Fine wires can not be mounted on scaffolding or tree branch; Overhead lines required high enough off the ground. 6 electric ... Project name: 5-5-2 sequential order of the subsidence observation observation point number support (supporting) and diagrams year month day year month day year month Day, the distance (m) deformation (mm) the relative distance (m) deformation (mm) the relative distance (m) deformation (mm) today this this this this cumulation Engineering formwork supporting system self-test State observer records form template project name: construction site: construction: support materials: Ann 5-6 serial number check project check requirements behave records results 1 construction programme programme full, support system design calculation, and approval procedures complete, job Qian should for security low-down, low-down material full 2 support material support column material: wood Rod application pine or FIR, shall not used easy deformation, and decay, and split crack, and dry section of wood; as used pipe, pipe od shall not is less than φ 48x3.5 of pipe, no serious rust, and crack, and deformation 3 column stable column bottom of pad material, Shall conform to the construction design requirement, do not use bricks blocked up by construction organization design requirements, support height () when m, between columns of the level of support set () road horizontal support, vertical scissors spacing (), m, spacing for horizontal scissors () m. Column spacing in accordance with design requirements, portrait () mm, transverse () mm pole joints should be staggered, long bar 房地产销售经理的要求及岗位职责制度 1 销售经理素质要求及岗位职责(特详尽版本) 一、销售经理 (一)工作标准 在房地产销售的成长历程中,销售经理是一个非常关键的重要关卡,是否能在此行业出 人头地和是否能成为一名优秀的销售经理有着紧密的联系。现将优秀销售经理标准及岗 位要求公布如下,各销售经理可对照此标准进行自我检讨不断进步。 ? 自律面 总评:一个优秀的销售经理首先应具备高度的责任心与敬业精神,并有较强的意志控制 力,视案场综合表现为自己事业成就感的一部分,为自己生命的一部分,具体可划分为: 1、以身作则:只有自己首先做的最好,才有资格去领导别人,所以在各项规章制度的 遵守执行上,首先以身作则,更难能可贵的是先照顾下属的利益,再考虑自己的得失。 2、持之以恒:很多人可以把各方面管理的很好,但往往只能坚持几天,难就难在长期 如一日的保持高效的管理。因此优秀销售经理若想做到这一点,就必须在刚担当此岗位 时,一开始就高标准要求自己,使很多方面养成一种习惯,成习惯后,自然也就持之以 恒了。 3、保持精力:要做一个优秀的销售经理,对体力的要求很高,因为他的付出往往比一 般的业务员要高很多,即使晚上工作再晚,本着以身作则的原则,第二天仍需准时上班, 常常没有休息日,但在上班时间,尤其在下属面前,精神面貌非常重要,上班睡觉,打 哈欠等会给下属极不好的印象,也影响自身形象。 ? 管理面 总评:从一名业务员向销售经理过渡最大的区别点就在于从一名纯粹的销售人员向管理 者方向的发展,而工作的重心也从自身销售向全面管理、协调转化。因此,管理能力的 培养则成为销售经理第一要素,管理又可分人的管理和事的管理,在管理方式上即保持 一定的威严,与业务员保持一定的距离,又能成为业务员的朋友,谈心聊天。 1、严格执行公司及案场的各项规章制度:考勤、案场纪律、案场规章等。掌握的核心 是“不是为公司管好,而是自己要管好”。 2、现场清洁管理:现场的清洁一方面是使自己每天的工作环境良好,更重要的也是客 户进门第一眼产生对楼盘的印象,因此清洁卫生很重要。清洁管理的核心是在一开始让 所有业务员养成各种良好的卫生清洁习惯,客户走后桌椅归位,台面清洁,早晨的清洁 卫生分工,下班后柜台的整理等,同时要求销售经理有高标准要求及唯美的清洁态度。 3、现场设施管理:在设施设备的管理中,最重要也最容易疏忽的是灯的管理,售楼处 的每一个灯是否明亮,都代表一种人气,切记。 4、让业务员保持良好的习惯:有的时候销售经理担当的便是业务员的家长、父母,对 业务员的一言一行都有好的要求,进行督促,如:仪表整洁、坐姿、谈吐、卫生习惯, 日记的习惯,有难必问的习惯,好学的习惯等等,这些良好习惯的养成靠的是销售经理 第一以身作则,第二时刻督促。 5、时刻保持高度的触觉:指的是优秀的销售经理身在案场能头脑清醒,比别人更多一 只耳朵,多一双眼睛,哪儿出了状况,哪儿有些问题,都能随时觉察,及时解决,销售 经理必须具有这方面的敏锐力。 6、公平、公正、人人平等。俗话说“一碗水端平”,对下属不抱偏心,尤其是对偏爱的 业务员更加严格管理,有错误处理在前,这样才能保证管理的公平性。 7、奖罚分明:管理最怕的就是平平淡淡,干多干少一个样,今天明天一个样。因此奖 罚一定要分明,有的销售经理一年管理下来,即无一个表扬,也无一点处罚,这样对于 很多求上进的人会打消进取心。因此在制度的前提下,大胆奖罚很重要,但在罚之前要 讲技巧,要罚得心服口服。 8、业务员心态及积极性的调节:每个人都有弱点,人无完人,业务员更是如此,因此 2 优秀的销售经理能够在最适当的时机时常与业务员沟通思想,问长问短,问寒问暖,解 决心理上的症结,调整好心态,让业务员时刻保持高度的工作积极性。 9、对突发事件的处理具备独立的协调、解决能力。 ? 业务面: 总评:管理最终是为销售服务,销售经理最终的能力大小是表现在业务的带动上,最终 顺利完成指标。 1、充分利用各种业务报表。实际上日报表、周报表、周分析表等都有极有价值的作用。 善于利用报表、分析形势,对下阶段销售工作的计划制订有着重要的作用,但有的人不 注重这些报表的功能,使报表成为形式化而已。 2、珍惜客源、珍惜时间:不是让你本人珍惜,而是你要让每个业务员珍惜,珍惜每一 个电话,珍惜每组来人,珍惜每一分钟上班时间。要做到这点,销售经理必须对每一个 业务员的客户有充分的了解,用你的珍惜意识去感召每一个业务员,并给他们一种压temporary construction organization design requires the implementation of the overall layout. 2 site near the high voltage line protection near power lines to have a reliable protective measures protective closely, to meet safety requirements. 3 branch set up distribution box into outlet sleeve and a cross arm to be used; Access to wires neatly, reasonable matching; Prohibited the use of insulation is poor, aging skin, broken wires, to prevent leakage; Should be fixed by insulators, and overhead laying; Line the hallway to have a reliable protection; Direct buried lines, laying depth of not less than 0.6m, leads to the ground from the 2m height to the ground at 0.2m, you must set up protective casing. 4 spot lights hand-held lamp 36V safe voltage should be used; 36V safety at hazardous voltages, particularly in hazardous areas using 12V; Lighting wires should be fixed on the insulators; Insulated rubber sheathed cable for field lights, lighting the use of sheathed wires; Lighting circuits and lighting from the ground not less than the prescribed distance, prohibited the use of electric arc furnace; To prevent the wire insulation is poor, aged, broken skin and leakage, with tungsten heating is strictly prohibited. 5 to set up low-voltage lines are not allowed to use bamboo poles, pole cross arm should be established and insulators; Fine wires can not be mounted on scaffolding or tree branch; Overhead lines required high enough off the ground. 6 electric ... Project name: 5-5-2 sequential order of the subsidence observation observation point number support (supporting) and diagrams year month day year month day year month Day, the distance (m) deformation (mm) the relative distance (m) deformation (mm) the relative distance (m) deformation (mm) today this this this this cumulation Engineering formwork supporting system self-test State observer records form template project name: construction site: construction: support materials: Ann 5-6 serial number check project check requirements behave records results 1 construction programme programme full, support system design calculation, and approval procedures complete, job Qian should for security low-down, low-down material full 2 support material support column material: wood Rod application pine or FIR, shall not used easy deformation, and decay, and split crack, and dry section of wood; as used pipe, pipe od shall not is less than φ 48x3.5 of pipe, no serious rust, and crack, and deformation 3 column stable column bottom of pad material, Shall conform to the construction design requirement, do not use bricks blocked up by construction organization design requirements, support height () when m, between columns of the level of support set () road horizontal support, vertical scissors spacing (), m, spacing for horizontal scissors () m. Column spacing in accordance with design requirements, portrait () mm, transverse () mm pole joints should be staggered, long bar temporary construction organization design requires the implementation of the overall layout. 2 site near the high voltage line protection near power lines to have a reliable protective measures protective closely, to meet safety requirements. 3 branch set up distribution box into outlet sleeve and a cross arm to be used; Access to wires neatly, reasonable matching; Prohibited the use of insulation is poor, aging skin, broken wires, to prevent leakage; Should be fixed by insulators, and overhead laying; Line the hallway to have a reliable protection; Direct buried lines, laying depth of not less than 0.6m, leads to the ground from the 2m height to the ground at 0.2m, you must set up protective casing. 4 spot lights hand-held lamp 36V safe voltage should be used; 36V safety at hazardous voltages, particularly in hazardous areas using 12V; Lighting wires should be fixed on the insulators; Insulated rubber sheathed cable for field lights, lighting the use of sheathed wires; Lighting circuits and lighting from the ground not less than the prescribed distance, prohibited the use of electric arc furnace; To prevent the wire insulation is poor, aged, broken skin and leakage, with tungsten heating is strictly prohibited. 5 to set up low-voltage lines are not allowed to use bamboo poles, pole cross arm should be established and insulators; Fine wires can not be mounted on scaffolding or tree branch; Overhead lines required high enough off the ground. 6 electric ... Project name: 5-5-2 sequential order of the subsidence observation observation point number support (supporting) and diagrams year month day year month day year month Day, the distance (m) deformation (mm) the relative distance (m) deformation (mm) the relative distance (m) deformation (mm) today this this this this cumulation Engineering formwork supporting system self-test State observer records form template project name: construction site: construction: support materials: Ann 5-6 serial number check project check requirements behave records results 1 construction programme programme full, support system design calculation, and approval procedures complete, job Qian should for security low-down, low-down material full 2 support material support column material: wood Rod application pine or FIR, shall not used easy deformation, and decay, and split crack, and dry section of wood; as used pipe, pipe od shall not is less than φ 48x3.5 of pipe, no serious rust, and crack, and deformation 3 column stable column bottom of pad material, Shall conform to the construction design requirement, do not use bricks blocked up by construction organization design requirements, support height () when m, between columns of the level of support set () road horizontal support, vertical scissors spacing (), m, spacing for horizontal scissors () m. Column spacing in accordance with design requirements, portrait () mm, transverse () mm pole joints should be staggered, long bar 力, 及时督促业务员完成每一个追踪电话和每一个现场谈判。而且业务日记、业务会议、业 务讨论、业务汇总等手段方式的运用,要从形式转化成实用与实战。 3、销售控制:一个项目开案前,对销售策略的订制,楼盘推进顺序及开盘后的价格调 整策略等都有讲究。总而言之,好的销售经理有能力使一个案子能够均匀地、有条理地 销售。 4、制定销售计划、指标:项目销售过程中,销售经理要针对项目的运作情况及开发商 规定的回款额度定期制定销售计划及月度销售指标,也可适时组织促销活动,推动销售 工作的顺利开展。 5、发现瓶颈,解决困难:一个案子在销售过程中常会遇到很多困难。有的来自于市场, 有的来自于产品,有的来自于自身,也可能兼而有之。因此,销售经理要有敏锐的洞察 力发现问题的核心,找出解决困难的方法,或调整广告方向,或调整价格策略,或解决 业务说词,或提高业务员的积极性等,至于方式、方法就看各位的创造性了。 6、业务培训:优秀的销售经理明白一个道理,只有让大家的业绩普遍提高,才能使个 案业绩广泛提高。充分利用案场周会,平时提高大家的业务水准也至关重要。 7、销售总结:销售经理应分阶段性对案场情况作分析总结,并结合案场实际情况对近 期业务员及销售主管的工作进行评价。 8、广告企划:销售经理也应具备广告企划的意识,留心注意好的楼盘好的广告,能够 和策划部人员沟通广告的方向,有能力评判广告的好坏,并提出修正意见。 综上所述,一个优秀销售经理的三方面要求完整呈现。确实,要在各方面都十分优秀很 难,但这不是每个人奋发的目标吗,一旦你踏上这个台阶,你会发现你的境界、对人生 认识、对价值观的看法都会发生巨大变化,在此,也许真的已插上成功的翅膀。 (二)工作职责 1、执行及遵守公司及案场的规章制度 2、负责案场考勤监督及起表率作用 3、对案场出现的问题不包庇、不隐瞒并及时解决汇报 4、帮助业务员养成良好的生活和工作习惯 5、安排日常工作执掌表、轮排表 6、熟悉和精通销售流程及操作 7、案场环境卫生的管理 8、按时完成每周的周计划 9、每月及时下达本月度业绩指标并负责案场业绩指标的完成 10、负责控制过期大订、按揭资料未办、未齐的工作 11、过期大订及未签客户情况分析 12、负责各项业务推广活动(制定及起草各种信函内容及寄发) 3 13、各种大、小业务会议的安排、主持与 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 及整理确认工作 ? 晨会 ? 例会 ? 业务部例会 ? 经典案例讨论会 ? 除业务周会以外的所有与业务有关的会议 14、负责售后服务工作,如:联谊会、寄送节日贺卡等 15、负责楼盘开盘前底价表的制作,在销售经理提出调价申请得到批准后,制作完成价 目表并监督执行新的价目表(调价申请上必须有此价目的大概执行日期) 价目表制作程序: 销售经理起草调价申请?楼盘秘书打印?销售经理签字?公司相关领导签字?楼盘秘 书制作价目表?销售经理每页签字?案场执行 16、与各部门和案场业务员进行沟通,要多和业务员谈心,帮其确定目标 17、对销售情况有针对性措施、计划并能解决销售瓶颈 18、安排业务员进行市调 19、对案场的业绩销售,资金回笼状况了如指掌 20、提高下属的专业能力,专业知识,销售过程中的疑难杂症能妥善解决 21、确认各种房展会、展览会的位置 22、各类发包物品质量的验收 23、发包制作进度的控制 24、负责提供给业务员最新的房产信息,并针对其对业务员进行相应的培训与讲解 25、在业务及合同中遇到争议,负责和开发商协调 26、负责与开发商之间的协调 永康?锦园奠基典礼暨售楼部开业庆典策划 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 作为营销策划的组成部分,奠基典礼和开业庆典已经引起开发商愈来愈密切的重视,它 实际上已经构成了引导销售热潮的爆发口,一个精彩的活动策划,是综合文化素质和开 发商实力的全面展示,往往能收到事半功倍的效果。 一、 活动构思 1、以剪彩揭幕、奠基典礼为主线,通过售楼部剪彩揭幕、工地奠基典礼、馈赠礼品、 庆祝酒会来完成活动目的。 2、通过活动传播开始内部认购的信息,使潜在消费者获得信息。 3、通过活动的间接影响,使更多的潜在消费者对楼盘的开发建设和销售有一个基本的 了解,进而吸引既定的目标人群。 4、通过活动的各种新闻传播,让既定目标人群确认自己了解的楼盘信息,较其他方式 更为客观。 二、 整体气氛布置 整个会场将配合售楼部剪彩揭幕和奠基典礼的主题,以剪彩揭幕、奠基典礼的热烈喜 庆和庄重气氛为基调,工地四个空飘气球悬挂空中作呼应,并输出永康?锦园开始内部 认购的信息。售楼部内以红、黄、蓝相间的气球链造型装点一新。主干道及售楼部、工 地入口布置有永康?锦园标志的彩bar 50mm, shall not be located in the same room. Wooden long according to the design you want to ... An 5-16 organization name project name Inspector serial number check check check the comments on the contents of the project 1 mixer body with mortar installation smooth and solid, grounded or the zero connection protection meets the requirements, leakage protection is sensitive and reliable; Rain requires for operation shed meet, hanging for safe operation and drainage measures protection from transmission parts, clutches, brakes and other compliance, hopper wire rope must remain at least three times; Hopper safety chains, hooks, and lever safety devices are complete and valid; Protective cover, cover complete and valid; Mortar machine handles application disc. Inspection date 2 wood (pressure) exposed part of the plane must have a protective cover. For outdoor use, to shed rain operation; Plane blade with protective hand guard, rolling plane equipped with spring-back safety device; Leakage protection sensitive and effective, grounded or the zero connection protection meets the requirements. Inspection date 3 chain saws (circular saws), guard, safety devices and Crescent shield meets the requirements; Complete transmission parts guards firmly; Operations must be one-way push switches; Leakage protection sensitive effective ground-zero connection protection is good. Shield inspection date 4 hand-held electric motor operated tools are complete and valid, and the rubber lines may not be damaged; Earth leakage protective device shall be mounted correctly and sensitive and effective and ground fault protection is good; Grinding stone electric overhead lines, the operator should wear insulated shoes, wear insulated gloves; Frog-type ramming hand should be wrapped on insulating materials, the operator should wear insulating gloves. Inspection date 5 welding machine zero connection protection, leakage protection devices complete, secondary no load pressure or leakage protection device effectively; Reliable rain protection measures, protective covers to complete the access line and set a reasonable; Welding line, and well insulated, installed correctly, a power supply line length does not exceed 5M, two times the length does not exceed 30m, welder power supply be used moving boxes. Inspection date II serial number check check check 6 steel shields and reliable mechanical transmission parts randomly switches push button should be used; Neutral or ground meets the requirements, rain sheds for outdoor job settings. Check date 7 pump power cable insulation-good, shell the zero connection protection effective; Motor load lines shall be YHS waterproof rubber-sheathed cable, length should not be less than 15m, may not withstand external force; Leakage protection meet the grade requirements. Check date 8 cylinder gas bottles are clearly marked, there was shock, protection CAP, explosion-proof, shock-proof, Sun protection measures. Piling piling machinery, machinery, temporary construction organization design requires the implementation of the overall layout. 2 site near the high voltage line protection near power lines to have a reliable protective measures protective closely, to meet safety requirements. 3 branch set up distribution box into outlet sleeve and a cross arm to be used; Access to wires neatly, reasonable matching; Prohibited the use of insulation is poor, aging skin, broken wires, to prevent leakage; Should be fixed by insulators, and overhead laying; Line the hallway to have a reliable protection; Direct buried lines, laying depth of not less than 0.6m, leads to the ground from the 2m height to the ground at 0.2m, you must set up protective casing. 4 spot lights hand-held lamp 36V safe voltage should be used; 36V safety at hazardous voltages, particularly in hazardous areas using 12V; Lighting wires should be fixed on the insulators; Insulated rubber sheathed cable for field lights, lighting the use of sheathed wires; Lighting circuits and lighting from the ground not less than the prescribed distance, prohibited the use of electric arc furnace; To prevent the wire insulation is poor, aged, broken skin and leakage, with tungsten heating is strictly prohibited. 5 to set up low-voltage lines are not allowed to use bamboo poles, pole cross arm should be established and insulators; Fine wires can not be mounted on scaffolding or tree branch; Overhead lines required high enough off the ground. 6 electric ... Project name: 5-5-2 sequential order of the subsidence observation observation point number support (supporting) and diagrams year month day year month day year month Day, the distance (m) deformation (mm) the relative distance (m) deformation (mm) the relative distance (m) deformation (mm) today this this this this cumulation Engineering formwork supporting system self-test State observer records form template project name: construction site: construction: support materials: Ann 5-6 serial number check project check requirements behave records results 1 construction programme programme full, support system design calculation, and approval procedures complete, job Qian should for security low-down, low-down material full 2 support material support column material: wood Rod application pine or FIR, shall not used easy deformation, and decay, and split crack, and dry section of wood; as used pipe, pipe od shall not is less than φ 48x3.5 of pipe, no serious rust, and crack, and deformation 3 column stable column bottom of pad material, Shall conform to the construction design requirement, do not use bricks blocked up by construction organization design requirements, support height () when m, between columns of the level of support set () road horizontal support, vertical scissors spacing (), m, spacing for horizontal scissors () m. Column spacing in accordance with design requirements, portrait () mm, transverse () mm pole joints should be staggered, long bar 旗,售楼部内墙布置展板,保证做到气氛庄重热烈。 1、售楼部布置 (1)在主干道两侧插上路旗及指示牌。 (2)悬挂永康?锦园奠基典礼暨售楼部开业庆典横幅。 内容:文字“永康?锦园奠基典礼暨售楼部开业庆典” 颜色:字(中黄色)底色(红色) 4 字体:圆黑色 (3)充气拱形门一个(内容、颜色、字体同(2)) (4)门口铺红色地毯,摆花蓝和鲜花盆景。 (5)售楼部内四壁挂满红、黄、蓝相间的气球。 (6)售楼部门匾罩红绸布。 2、奠基现场(工地)布置 奠基现场四个空飘气球悬挂空中,文字“热烈祝贺永康?锦园奠基典礼暨售楼部开业 庆典顺利举行”或“欢迎您参加永康?锦园奠基典礼暨售楼部开业庆典”。 在奠基现场放置一块青石碑,若干把扎有红绸带的铁铲。 3、主会场区 (1)在主会场区的入口处设置一签到处,摆放一铺红布的长木桌,引导佳宾签到和控 制入场秩序。 (2)会场周围设置两只大音箱和有架话筒,便于主持和有关人员发言讲话。 (3)乐队和舞龙队位于主会场主持区一侧。 三、 活动程序设置 作为一个庆典活动,欢庆的气氛应浓烈,我们计划用一部分欢庆活动来起到调动会场 情绪的作用。由舞龙活动来制造喜庆气氛,也是为以后的项目打气助兴作准备。由于它 费用低、收益大、最容易制造气氛和场面。故而,以舞龙活动作为开业仪式上的一个组 成部分最为合理。另外,应当由司仪主持庆典活动全过程,由司仪来穿针引线,才能使 会场井然有序。 具体活动程序设置: 09:00 售楼部迎宾(礼仪小姐引导嘉宾签名和派发资料)。 09:20 礼仪小姐请嘉宾、记者到主会场。 09:30 乐队奏曲和司仪亮相,宣布永康?锦园奠基典礼暨售楼部开业庆典开始 并向嘉宾介绍庆典活动简况,逐一介绍到场领导及嘉宾。 09:50 为尔公司胡总致词(致词内容主要是感谢各级领导在百忙之中抽空前来参加 永康?锦园的开业仪式。并对为尔公司及本项目进行简短介绍。 10:00 市领导讲话(内容主要为祝贺词及为尔公司在赣州开发的意义)。 10:20 剪彩仪式。 10:30 揭幕仪式。 10:40 为两只龙头点睛(胡总、市领导)。 10:42 舞龙表演。 10:50 司仪请嘉宾随舞龙队的引领进入奠基现场。 11:00 燃放鞭炮,乐队乐曲再次响起。(礼仪小姐为嘉宾派发铁铲) 11:10 嘉宾手持铁铲参加奠基活动。 11:20 邀请嘉宾前往售楼部参观和稍作休息(这时售楼部应有专人为手持报纸 宣传单页的市民派发礼品)。 12:00 ××酒店,庆祝酒会开始(酒会可以以西式自助餐形式,气氛融洽又高雅)。 四、 活动配合 1、活动总负责――总务组:负责活动总体进展,确定嘉宾名单 人员配置:暂定1 人。 2、现场总协调――会场组:协调现场各工序间工作。 人员配置:暂定1 人。 3、道具准备――后勤组:负责购买活动所需材料及用品,活动结束的清理会场。 人员配置:暂定2 人。 5 4、对外联络――公关组:负责派送请柬,联系乐队、舞龙队、司仪、新闻媒体、酒店 等。 人员配置:暂定4 人。 5、宾客接待――接待组:负责嘉宾签到处,发放资料,为嘉宾佩戴贵宾花,引导车辆 停放,活动结束后,负责送客。 人员配置:暂定4 人。 五、 媒体配合 永康?锦园12 月18 日的开业仪式是楼盘的首次亮相。这次关键性的亮相将影响到今 后整个楼盘的销售。所以本阶段广告宣传以塑造企业形象和建立品牌知名度为目标,从 而尽快奠定永康?锦园在人们心目中的档次和形象。本阶段我们将主要采用报纸、电视、 宣传单页和条幅等传播媒体和传播方式,以大量的硬性广告来宣传项目。 1、在《赣南广播电视报》和《赣州晚报》上刊登 时间: 《赣南广播电视报》12 月15 日-21 日的一期1/4 版。 《赣州晚报》选择15 日、16 日、17 日连续3 天到刊登,1/4 版。 文案: 横排 “十二月十八日” 横排黑体小字:值永康?锦园12 月18 日售楼部开业之际,凡持本报莅临者均有精美 礼品赠送。 另:在版面上还应把楼盘标志和广告语“永康?锦园,一生的、幸福的”都标注上, 标志图案要显眼,广告语字体要有别于文案字体。 地址: 电话: 2、在赣州电视台一、二套节目八点黄金段广告中播放文字广告也可选择多台播放的游 字广告。时间:12 月15 日-12 月17 日三天。 3、 市各主要街道悬挂条幅(12 月11 日-12 月17 日七天) (1)12 月18 日 永康?锦园奠基典礼及售楼部开业庆典隆重举行。 (2)12 月18 日 永康?锦园今日开始内部认购。 (3)12 月18 日 永康?锦园将是您一生的、幸福的。 4、制作宣传单页,派销售员到各繁华地段及居民区散发。 时间: 12 月15 日-12 月17 日三天 文案: A 页:(参照报纸广告) B 页:(项目概况) 六、 费用预算 1、 报纸广告刊登费用: 2、 电视广告费用: 3、条幅9 条:60 元/条 4、请柬:100 张 1.00 元temporary construction organization design requires the implementation of the overall layout. 2 site near the high voltage line protection near power lines to have a reliable protective measures protective closely, to meet safety requirements. 3 branch set up distribution box into outlet sleeve and a cross arm to be used; Access to wires neatly, reasonable matching; Prohibited the use of insulation is poor, aging skin, broken wires, to prevent leakage; Should be fixed by insulators, and overhead laying; Line the hallway to have a reliable protection; Direct buried lines, laying depth of not less than 0.6m, leads to the ground from the 2m height to the ground at 0.2m, you must set up protective casing. 4 spot lights hand-held lamp 36V safe voltage should be used; 36V safety at hazardous voltages, particularly in hazardous areas using 12V; Lighting wires should be fixed on the insulators; Insulated rubber sheathed cable for field lights, lighting the use of sheathed wires; Lighting circuits and lighting from the ground not less than the prescribed distance, prohibited the use of electric arc furnace; To prevent the wire insulation is poor, aged, broken skin and leakage, with tungsten heating is strictly prohibited. 5 to set up low-voltage lines are not allowed to use bamboo poles, pole cross arm should be established and insulators; Fine wires can not be mounted on scaffolding or tree branch; Overhead lines required high enough off the ground. 6 electric ... Project name: 5-5-2 sequential order of the subsidence observation observation point number support (supporting) and diagrams year month day year month day year month Day, the distance (m) deformation (mm) the relative distance (m) deformation (mm) the relative distance (m) deformation (mm) today this this this this cumulation Engineering formwork supporting system self-test State observer records form template project name: construction site: construction: support materials: Ann 5-6 serial number check project check requirements behave records results 1 construction programme programme full, support system design calculation, and approval procedures complete, job Qian should for security low-down, low-down material full 2 support material support column material: wood Rod application pine or FIR, shall not used easy deformation, and decay, and split crack, and dry section of wood; as used pipe, pipe od shall not is less than φ 48x3.5 of pipe, no serious rust, and crack, and deformation 3 column stable column bottom of pad material, Shall conform to the construction design requirement, do not use bricks blocked up by construction organization design requirements, support height () when m, between columns of the level of support set () road horizontal support, vertical scissors spacing (), m, spacing for horizontal scissors () m. Column spacing in accordance with design requirements, portrait () mm, transverse () mm pole joints should be staggered, long bar temporary construction organization design requires the implementation of the overall layout. 2 site near the high voltage line protection near power lines to have a reliable protective measures protective closely, to meet safety requirements. 3 branch set up distribution box into outlet sleeve and a cross arm to be used; Access to wires neatly, reasonable matching; Prohibited the use of insulation is poor, aging skin, broken wires, to prevent leakage; Should be fixed by insulators, and overhead laying; Line the hallway to have a reliable protection; Direct buried lines, laying depth of not less than 0.6m, leads to the ground from the 2m height to the ground at 0.2m, you must set up protective casing. 4 spot lights hand-held lamp 36V safe voltage should be used; 36V safety at hazardous voltages, particularly in hazardous areas using 12V; Lighting wires should be fixed on the insulators; Insulated rubber sheathed cable for field lights, lighting the use of sheathed wires; Lighting circuits and lighting from the ground not less than the prescribed distance, prohibited the use of electric arc furnace; To prevent the wire insulation is poor, aged, broken skin and leakage, with tungsten heating is strictly prohibited. 5 to set up low-voltage lines are not allowed to use bamboo poles, pole cross arm should be established and insulators; Fine wires can not be mounted on scaffolding or tree branch; Overhead lines required high enough off the ground. 6 electric ... Project name: 5-5-2 sequential order of the subsidence observation observation point number support (supporting) and diagrams year month day year month day year month Day, the distance (m) deformation (mm) the relative distance (m) deformation (mm) the relative distance (m) deformation (mm) today this this this this cumulation Engineering formwork supporting system self-test State observer records form template project name: construction site: construction: support materials: Ann 5-6 serial number check project check requirements behave records results 1 construction programme programme full, support system design calculation, and approval procedures complete, job Qian should for security low-down, low-down material full 2 support material support column material: wood Rod application pine or FIR, shall not used easy deformation, and decay, and split crack, and dry section of wood; as used pipe, pipe od shall not is less than φ 48x3.5 of pipe, no serious rust, and crack, and deformation 3 column stable column bottom of pad material, Shall conform to the construction design requirement, do not use bricks blocked up by construction organization design requirements, support height () when m, between columns of the level of support set () road horizontal support, vertical scissors spacing (), m, spacing for horizontal scissors () m. Column spacing in accordance with design requirements, portrait () mm, transverse () mm pole joints should be staggered, long bar /张 5、司仪: 6、礼仪小姐:10 人 60 元/半天/人 7、乐队:1280 元 8、充气拱形门:一座×200 元/天 9、路旗:6.5 元×50 面 10、指示牌: 11、花蓝:60 元/个×20 个 12、佳宾胸花:4.00 元/束 13、鞭炮:200 元 14、酒会餐费:50 元/人 6 15、装饰品购买费: 16、宣传单页制作费: 17、石碑购买费: 18、铁铲购买费:8 把 19、空飘气球租赁费: 20、舞龙队:1280 元: 21、音响、话筒租用费: 22、签名用文具购买费: 23、剪彩、揭幕用红绸购买费: 24、礼品: 25、其它费用: 地产销售精英培训术 房地产行业经过了比实力、拼品牌、斗景观之后,新一轮的竞争正渐渐地转变为由硬件 的竞争升级到软件的竞争。因此企业在做好硬件方面的有关事项之后,必须要把精力集 中在软件方面,销售人员作为现在房地产软件战斗中的核心队伍,其战斗力显得尤为重 要。战斗前的准备——培训将成为日后战斗成败的关键要素。 步骤一:地产精英需要技术的培训 以下是加拿大著名地产经纪人徐澄川先生 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 的物业促销培训课程,仅作参考。 课程共分十天 时间内容 第一天详细介绍公司背景,在公众心目中的形象,公司的目标,包括项目推广目标和公 司发展目标,确立员工对公司的信心;讲解销售人员的行为准则以及制定销售员个人目 标 第二天介绍物业的详细情况,包括规模、定位、设施、价格、买卖条件;物业周边环境、 公共设施、交通条件;该区域的城市发展计划,宏观微观经济因素对物业的影响情况。 第三天讲解洽谈技巧。如何以问题套答案,询问客户的需求、经济状况、期望等,掌握 买家心理。 第四天展销会场气氛把握技巧。销售员依次序接待客户,与客户交谈的礼貌用语,多客、 少客及下雨天应该怎么做。 第五天物业管理课程。包括物业管理服务内容,管理规则,公共契约等。 7 第六天推销技巧,语言技巧,身体语言技巧,客户心理分析。 第七天签定买卖合约的程序。展销会签定买卖合约技巧。 第八天讲解房地产法规。包括土地管理法、房地产交易管理 条例 事业单位人事管理条例.pdf信访条例下载信访条例下载问刑条例下载新准则、条例下载 、房地产登记条例、租 赁条例、物业管理条例以及房屋抵押贷款管理规定等。 第九天以一个实际楼盘为例进行实习,运用全部所有方法技巧完成一个交易。 第十天实地参观他人展销场地。 以上课程已使销售人员掌握了物业促销的基本技巧,而在物业推广的整个过程当中, 还有许多细节是需要注意的。 地产销售精英作战前的培训演示 下列问答,它是房地产推销上最基本的知识,每一个推销员对任何一个案例,都可依本 问答,事先模拟答案,作为推销作战的准备。 1、本项目的地点及地址, 2、试述本项目大环境特色, 3、试述本项目小环境特色, 4、本项目所处位置,将来有何发展性, 5、本项目的交通情形, ——公车及公司路班车, ——各路线起止站名及经过路线, ——车次情形如何, ——本项目站名, 6、本项目附近有哪此市场,每一市场的位置及营业状况,与本项目距离路程, 7、本项目附件有哪些学校,(幼儿园、初中、高中、大学) 8、本项目的学区是哪所学校,距离路程多远, 8 9、本项目附近的保健设施有哪此,其位置和路程, 10、本项目附近有哪些娱乐设施,其位置和路程, 11、本项目占地面积多大,容积率是多少, 12、本项目邻近的马路宽度,防火巷宽多少, 13、本项目正同的长度多少,深度多少, 14、本项目的规划用途,有哪些公共设施, 15、本项目共有多少户,怎样区分, 16、本项目的造形设计有什么特色或特殊之处, 17、本项目座向如何, 18、本项目共有几层,全楼总高度,每层高度,及地下室高度, 19、本项目总建坪有多少,公共设施所占比例,阳台面积所占比例, 20、本项目一楼有无庭院,可否作商让用, 21、试述本项目建建材设备如何,(卫生设备、门窗、厨房、电梯、地板、天花板、电 源) 22、本项目电梯共几部,厂牌, 23、本项目附近有哪此工地,价格、建材优劣点与本项目作比较。 24、本项目采用何种形式交易,(买卖或委建) 25、本项目的产权情况,建照号码, 26、本项目座落地号,地段, 27、本项目何时开工,多少工作天,何时完工, 28、本项目有无停车场,如有,使用情形如何, 29、本项目屋顶如何处理,有无空中花园, 9 30、本项目平均价格如何,付款辨法如何,大约多久缴一次款, 31、本项目的贷款年限如何,由何家银行承货,每月摊还多少, 32、本项目购买时有无任何优待辩法,如有,如何优待, 33、本项目订购时须缴多少订金,何时签约,签约时应携带何种证件,在何处辨理签约 手续, 34、除总价外,尚须缴付哪些费用,大概多少, 35、本项目所需要契税,预估多少, 36、本项目的室内设计是否可以变更,如何变更, 37、本项目有无保bar 50mm, shall not be located in the same room. Wooden long according to the design you want to ... An 5-16 organization name project name Inspector serial number check check check the comments on the contents of the project 1 mixer body with mortar installation smooth and solid, grounded or the zero connection protection meets the requirements, leakage protection is sensitive and reliable; Rain requires for operation shed meet, hanging for safe operation and drainage measures protection from transmission parts, clutches, brakes and other compliance, hopper wire rope must remain at least three times; Hopper safety chains, hooks, and lever safety devices are complete and valid; Protective cover, cover complete and valid; Mortar machine handles application disc. Inspection date 2 wood (pressure) exposed part of the plane must have a protective cover. For outdoor use, to shed rain operation; Plane blade with protective hand guard, rolling plane equipped with spring-back safety device; Leakage protection sensitive and effective, grounded or the zero connection protection meets the requirements. Inspection date 3 chain saws (circular saws), guard, safety devices and Crescent shield meets the requirements; Complete transmission parts guards firmly; Operations must be one-way push switches; Leakage protection sensitive effective ground-zero connection protection is good. Shield inspection date 4 hand-held electric motor operated tools are complete and valid, and the rubber lines may not be damaged; Earth leakage protective device shall be mounted correctly and sensitive and effective and ground fault protection is good; Grinding stone electric overhead lines, the operator should wear insulated shoes, wear insulated gloves; Frog-type ramming hand should be wrapped on insulating materials, the operator should wear insulating gloves. Inspection date 5 welding machine zero connection protection, leakage protection devices complete, secondary no load pressure or leakage protection device effectively; Reliable rain protection measures, protective covers to complete the access line and set a reasonable; Welding line, and well insulated, installed correctly, a power supply line length does not exceed 5M, two times the length does not exceed 30m, welder power supply be used moving boxes. Inspection date II serial number check check check 6 steel shields and reliable mechanical transmission parts randomly switches push button should be used; Neutral or ground meets the requirements, rain sheds for outdoor job settings. Check date 7 pump power cable insulation-good, shell the zero connection protection effective; Motor load lines shall be YHS waterproof rubber-sheathed cable, length should not be less than 15m, may not withstand external force; Leakage protection meet the grade requirements. Check date 8 cylinder gas bottles are clearly marked, there was shock, protection CAP, explosion-proof, shock-proof, Sun protection measures. Piling piling machinery, machinery, temporary construction organization design requires the implementation of the overall layout. 2 site near the high voltage line protection near power lines to have a reliable protective measures protective closely, to meet safety requirements. 3 branch set up distribution box into outlet sleeve and a cross arm to be used; Access to wires neatly, reasonable matching; Prohibited the use of insulation is poor, aging skin, broken wires, to prevent leakage; Should be fixed by insulators, and overhead laying; Line the hallway to have a reliable protection; Direct buried lines, laying depth of not less than 0.6m, leads to the ground from the 2m height to the ground at 0.2m, you must set up protective casing. 4 spot lights hand-held lamp 36V safe voltage should be used; 36V safety at hazardous voltages, particularly in hazardous areas using 12V; Lighting wires should be fixed on the insulators; Insulated rubber sheathed cable for field lights, lighting the use of sheathed wires; Lighting circuits and lighting from the ground not less than the prescribed distance, prohibited the use of electric arc furnace; To prevent the wire insulation is poor, aged, broken skin and leakage, with tungsten heating is strictly prohibited. 5 to set up low-voltage lines are not allowed to use bamboo poles, pole cross arm should be established and insulators; Fine wires can not be mounted on scaffolding or tree branch; Overhead lines required high enough off the ground. 6 electric ... Project name: 5-5-2 sequential order of the subsidence observation observation point number support (supporting) and diagrams year month day year month day year month Day, the distance (m) deformation (mm) the relative distance (m) deformation (mm) the relative distance (m) deformation (mm) today this this this this cumulation Engineering formwork supporting system self-test State observer records form template project name: construction site: construction: support materials: Ann 5-6 serial number check project check requirements behave records results 1 construction programme programme full, support system design calculation, and approval procedures complete, job Qian should for security low-down, low-down material full 2 support material support column material: wood Rod application pine or FIR, shall not used easy deformation, and decay, and split crack, and dry section of wood; as used pipe, pipe od shall not is less than φ 48x3.5 of pipe, no serious rust, and crack, and deformation 3 column stable column bottom of pad material, Shall conform to the construction design requirement, do not use bricks blocked up by construction organization design requirements, support height () when m, between columns of the level of support set () road horizontal support, vertical scissors spacing (), m, spacing for horizontal scissors () m. Column spacing in accordance with design requirements, portrait () mm, transverse () mm pole joints should be staggered, long bar 证,保证年限多久, 38、本项目是否为自地自建, 39、试述该建设公司以往业绩及其概况。 40、该建设公司有哪些关系企业, 要点B:专业培训设计 1、在预售商品房时,得商品房预售许可证条件 ——已取得房地产开发资质证书,营业执照 ——按照土地管理部门有关规定交付土地使用权出让金,已取得土地使用权证书 ——资金投入达到总投入的30% ——持有建设工程规划许可证和建设工程施工许可证,并已办理建设工程质量和安全监 督手续 ——已确定施工进度和竣工交付使用时间 ——三层以下的商品房项目已完成基础和结构工程;四层以上的产品房项目,有地下室 工程的,已完成基础和首层结构工程;无地下室工程的,已完成基础和四层结构工程 ——已在项目所在地商业银行开设商品房预售款专用帐号 10 ——预售商品房项目及其土地使用权来设定其权项 ——法律、法规规定的其他条件 2、购买房地产的条件 ——成年人提供身份证 ——未成年人提供户口薄及监护人证明书(父母自然监护人,不用另外提供),弱智或 精神病人则需要。 3、商品房的预售、抵押、过户 预售 ——付定金,签署购房定购书 ——签署《房地产预售契约》付首期或全楼款,付契锐1.5% ——到房地产交易所鉴证办理登记手续 ——房地产买卖关系的确立 抵押(按揭) 购房人与地产开发商鉴定《房地产预售契约》并经鉴证后交按揭银行 购房备齐资料向银行提出申请。以下是购房人需提供资料: ——个人身份证及复印件3 份 ——首期购房款(不低于30%)收据及复印件两份 ——定金收据复印件两份 ——还款能力证明(可任造一项作为银行查验依据) 最近连续三个月工资单和工作证 单位出具的收入证明 可用于还款的借款人大额定期存单(折) 11 其他收入来源情况说明及其原始凭证 个人纳税税单 愿为借款人提供还款人收入证明和书面担何书过户(预售房转让) 过户 转让条件 ——经预售、未取得房地产权属证书 ——款过契约的交楼日期 交易所收取费用 ——转让0.65%(楼价)=0.4+0.2+0.5% ——受让方1.75%(楼价)=1.5%+0.2+0.05% ——开发商收取5000 元过户登记手续 凭《房地产预售契约》到房地产交易所办理过户登记手续。 4、二手房地产交易(租户和共有人有优先购买的权利) ——到房地产交易所办理买卖房屋的转移登记 需提交的证件:申请人身份证或身份证明或户口薄、房地产证、房地产交易签证证明书、 房屋及用地登记申请书 ——报价(填表收件) ——签署契约时缴付20%定金 ——实勘估价:一般只对商铺进行实地估价,对房层不进行实勘估价 ——审批:产权、价格 ——过户缴税(高价纳税) 契税:3%买方 12 手续费:0.5%卖方、0.3%买方 印花税:0.058 卖方、0.05%买方 补地价:住宅或个人买卖10%、非住宅或单位买卖25% 增值税(增值部分):3%(若增值较少情况下含采取30%-60%纳税) 5、房地产面积的测算 (1)建筑面积 夹层面积计算条件 ——夹层的结构要牢固 ——高度要在2.2 米以上(若部分超,部分不超,则计超高度部分) ——整个夹层面积要超过5 平方米可计算 梯间面积计算条件 ——整个梯间超过8 平方米计面积(纯梯间) ——梯间以外还附有其他建筑 物的,即使梯间少于8 平方米,都连同其他建筑物一并 计算面积 阳台面积计算条件 ——内阳台面积全计 ——外阳台(外飘部分有遮挡)面积计一半(露台面积不计) ——首层带阳台、基地面积计一半 飘式窗台面积计算条件 ——飘出部分的窗高度超过2.2 才全计面积,不够2.2 米就不计 ——以后的规范:阳台封还是不封闭来判断是否全面计面积 封闭面积全计(以规划局报建图为准,私人封闭的不算封闭)不封闭计一半 13 (2)共有建筑面积的分摊原则 ——产权双方有合法权属分割文件或 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 ,按其协议分摊 ——按共有建筑面积(实得建筑面积)比例分摊 步骤五:现场销售人员技巧培训手法 手法A:“一炮打响”的开场白培训 由于您不知道客户购买潜在动机,不能明确客户真正想要的是什么,因此你的开场白最 好以能引起客户注意、兴趣的方式,陈述您公司的商品能带给客户一般性利益。在陈述 一般性利益时,要注意客户对那些地方特别注意或发生兴趣。 掌握住客户的关心点后,您才能有效率地进行接下来的推销工作。 手法B:“抛砖引玉”的顾客把握手段 一、听觉 听觉涉及到口音。一家重要的保险公司在1997 年初对于地方口音和公立学校口音做 过一些调查。调查表明75%的人更喜欢地方口音,不足7%的人认为“华丽”的口音会激 发自信。所以对那些操地方口音的推销员来说这是一个好消息,然而另外一项调查表明, 操地方口音的人在工作中受到歧视。假设你是一位很成功的推销temporary construction organization design requires the implementation of the overall layout. 2 site near the high voltage line protection near power lines to have a reliable protective measures protective closely, to meet safety requirements. 3 branch set up distribution box into outlet sleeve and a cross arm to be used; Access to wires neatly, reasonable matching; Prohibited the use of insulation is poor, aging skin, broken wires, to prevent leakage; Should be fixed by insulators, and overhead laying; Line the hallway to have a reliable protection; Direct buried lines, laying depth of not less than 0.6m, leads to the ground from the 2m height to the ground at 0.2m, you must set up protective casing. 4 spot lights hand-held lamp 36V safe voltage should be used; 36V safety at hazardous voltages, particularly in hazardous areas using 12V; Lighting wires should be fixed on the insulators; Insulated rubber sheathed cable for field lights, lighting the use of sheathed wires; Lighting circuits and lighting from the ground not less than the prescribed distance, prohibited the use of electric arc furnace; To prevent the wire insulation is poor, aged, broken skin and leakage, with tungsten heating is strictly prohibited. 5 to set up low-voltage lines are not allowed to use bamboo poles, pole cross arm should be established and insulators; Fine wires can not be mounted on scaffolding or tree branch; Overhead lines required high enough off the ground. 6 electric ... Project name: 5-5-2 sequential order of the subsidence observation observation point number support (supporting) and diagrams year month day year month day year month Day, the distance (m) deformation (mm) the relative distance (m) deformation (mm) the relative distance (m) deformation (mm) today this this this this cumulation Engineering formwork supporting system self-test State observer records form template project name: construction site: construction: support materials: Ann 5-6 serial number check project check requirements behave records results 1 construction programme programme full, support system design calculation, and approval procedures complete, job Qian should for security low-down, low-down material full 2 support material support column material: wood Rod application pine or FIR, shall not used easy deformation, and decay, and split crack, and dry section of wood; as used pipe, pipe od shall not is less than φ 48x3.5 of pipe, no serious rust, and crack, and deformation 3 column stable column bottom of pad material, Shall conform to the construction design requirement, do not use bricks blocked up by construction organization design requirements, support height () when m, between columns of the level of support set () road horizontal support, vertical scissors spacing (), m, spacing for horizontal scissors () m. Column spacing in accordance with design requirements, portrait () mm, transverse () mm pole joints should be staggered, long bar temporary construction organization design requires the implementation of the overall layout. 2 site near the high voltage line protection near power lines to have a reliable protective measures protective closely, to meet safety requirements. 3 branch set up distribution box into outlet sleeve and a cross arm to be used; Access to wires neatly, reasonable matching; Prohibited the use of insulation is poor, aging skin, broken wires, to prevent leakage; Should be fixed by insulators, and overhead laying; Line the hallway to have a reliable protection; Direct buried lines, laying depth of not less than 0.6m, leads to the ground from the 2m height to the ground at 0.2m, you must set up protective casing. 4 spot lights hand-held lamp 36V safe voltage should be used; 36V safety at hazardous voltages, particularly in hazardous areas using 12V; Lighting wires should be fixed on the insulators; Insulated rubber sheathed cable for field lights, lighting the use of sheathed wires; Lighting circuits and lighting from the ground not less than the prescribed distance, prohibited the use of electric arc furnace; To prevent the wire insulation is poor, aged, broken skin and leakage, with tungsten heating is strictly prohibited. 5 to set up low-voltage lines are not allowed to use bamboo poles, pole cross arm should be established and insulators; Fine wires can not be mounted on scaffolding or tree branch; Overhead lines required high enough off the ground. 6 electric ... Project name: 5-5-2 sequential order of the subsidence observation observation point number support (supporting) and diagrams year month day year month day year month Day, the distance (m) deformation (mm) the relative distance (m) deformation (mm) the relative distance (m) deformation (mm) today this this this this cumulation Engineering formwork supporting system self-test State observer records form template project name: construction site: construction: support materials: Ann 5-6 serial number check project check requirements behave records results 1 construction programme programme full, support system design calculation, and approval procedures complete, job Qian should for security low-down, low-down material full 2 support material support column material: wood Rod application pine or FIR, shall not used easy deformation, and decay, and split crack, and dry section of wood; as used pipe, pipe od shall not is less than φ 48x3.5 of pipe, no serious rust, and crack, and deformation 3 column stable column bottom of pad material, Shall conform to the construction design requirement, do not use bricks blocked up by construction organization design requirements, support height () when m, between columns of the level of support set () road horizontal support, vertical scissors spacing (), m, spacing for horizontal scissors () m. Column spacing in accordance with design requirements, portrait () mm, transverse () mm pole joints should be staggered, long bar 员,谁又会在意呢,最 后一些坏消息就是对各种地方口音的可接受情很显著的差异。 不要激动,请注意可接受等级依赖于口音的温度,请记住,任何事情都是物极必反。 二、视觉 让学员回答以下的问题。从中引起的讨论,可以为推销工作的最初几分钟提供丰富的想 法和资料。 据说我们接受信息的方式有80%依*视觉。如果你给人们一条相反的信息,例如“我不希 望让你们想到那个红色的大型公共汽车”,我可以保证他们每个人都会在想那个红色的 大型公共汽车。因为他们在自己头脑中可以看见它。 顾客的感觉 作一个两分钟的发言,尽可能多地回答以下问题: 14 ——当你出现时潜在顾客希望看到什么, ——你的衣着看上去应是怎样的, ——你的头发应看上去如何, ——你的外貌,如果对顾客有影响的话,将会有什么影响, ——如果你的顾客不吸烟,他们是否会知道你吸烟,而这对他们会有什么影响, ——你随身携带的东西看上去应是什么样, ——顾客希望听到的是什么, ——你的声音听起来应该是怎样的, ——你的声音,谈话和叙述可能会让顾客分心甚至让顾客生气,那么你在这些方面能做 些什么, ——你希望潜在的顾客产生什么样的感觉, ——你打算怎样达到所有这些目的, 手法C:认清自我能力,有针对性培训 一、知识 知识可以说就是一组使我们了解自己在做什么的信息。例如,在销售中,知识是指以下 些内容: ——产品知识; ——消费者知识; ——竞争对手的知识; ——公司知识; ——工业或市场知识。 这些知识随首我们在机构中的不断发展而不断提高,获得这些知识,可以通过正式的学 习(某些课程),也可以通过实际工作的磨练,如观察、询问、倾听、合作等。每个换 过不同领域工作的人都会记得他们最初的那几个月,就好像在茫茫大海中一样,直到有 15 一天好像突然茅塞顿开,能将他们所得到的信息归入某种结构中,使他们能更好地了解 到自己到底是什么。 相反地,也正是这引起知识允许人们在属于同领域的行业或市场的不同公司间移动,并 能几乎立刻到位胜任,因为在相同的领域里,知识的组成是一样的,因此可以随时转换 的。 二、技能 技能是那些能使我们完成特定任务的活动。比如,秘书的技能包括熟悉几种计算机程序, 记录电话、安排旅行订票,管理文件等等。这引起都可以在一间正规的教室里进行教学 和学习,然后再在工作中实践和完善。对于销售来说,也有许多我们需要学习的技能。 例如: ——与客户见面、问侯; ——发现客户的需求: ——说明与介绍; ——处理反对意见; ——成交。 三、态度 态度可以大致地解释为我们向外在世界表达感觉的方式。态度的主要万分是感情或 感觉,所以我们常常把态度描绘成积极的、自信的、焦虑的、受挫的、进取的、消极的 等等。这引起都是我们内部感觉的外部表现形式。 一般说来,态度既不能从学校中学来,也不能通过日常工作中的实践学到。它们是 我们整个生活的产物,因此它戴上面具,用世故的客套来加以掩饰,但即使这样也需反 复操练,并常常会造成一些压力。无意识中我们也放将一些消极、侵犯或酸溜溜的态度 传给了客户。结果这种态度对双方都带来了影响。 我们在见到客户之前要意识到并努力使这三个要素达到最佳水平。如果其中的一个达到 标准,我们就很难在洽谈时达到预期目标,而且很可能会造成我们完全可以通过事先预 备而避免的困境。尤其是在那些对检验有更多要求领域,更要注意我们的态度,更要注 意我们的态度,因为我们的态度会随着一天内所经历的事情而时常变化。 步骤六:如何避免企业培训陷入“无解”方程 16 组织和管理员工培训需要从一开始就与企业的发展目标或子目标联系在一起,从而使员 工培训的投入是集约化的、是高效的。另一方面,员工培训又是自居体系的,在时间、 内容等方面是相对独立的,因此,对员工培训要做专项研究、专门看待。一定程度上, 特别是定位于“综合素质提高”的培训,要游离于企业的日常工作,以期取得最佳效果。 以培训售楼员为例,我们试列一个方程式: 成功的培训=明确宗缆目标+确立培训议程式+培训预算+培训的有效组织 策略A:明确宗旨和目标 即培训的大政方针是什么,期望值是什么。可以是全面的培训,也可以是分解式的、技 术性的培训,所期望达成的目标也有大有小,正如同做股票的人有长短线的取舍,这一 点是至关重要的~ 策略B:确立培训方式 培训式方可以有若干种,常用的是课堂式培训——这一方式无论从便于组织、节约开支 方面,还是从知识灌输、双向沟通等方面都有着显而易见的益处。只是问题有:a.请谁 来讲授;b.讲授效果怎么评价;c.讲授内容谁来定。如“谈判技巧”的内容是bar 50mm, shall not be located in the same room. Wooden long according to the design you want to ... An 5-16 organization name project name Inspector serial number check check check the comments on the contents of the project 1 mixer body with mortar installation smooth and solid, grounded or the zero connection protection meets the requirements, leakage protection is sensitive and reliable; Rain requires for operation shed meet, hanging for safe operation and drainage measures protection from transmission parts, clutches, brakes and other compliance, hopper wire rope must remain at least three times; Hopper safety chains, hooks, and lever safety devices are complete and valid; Protective cover, cover complete and valid; Mortar machine handles application disc. Inspection date 2 wood (pressure) exposed part of the plane must have a protective cover. For outdoor use, to shed rain operation; Plane blade with protective hand guard, rolling plane equipped with spring-back safety device; Leakage protection sensitive and effective, grounded or the zero connection protection meets the requirements. Inspection date 3 chain saws (circular saws), guard, safety devices and Crescent shield meets the requirements; Complete transmission parts guards firmly; Operations must be one-way push switches; Leakage protection sensitive effective ground-zero connection protection is good. Shield inspection date 4 hand-held electric motor operated tools are complete and valid, and the rubber lines may not be damaged; Earth leakage protective device shall be mounted correctly and sensitive and effective and ground fault protection is good; Grinding stone electric overhead lines, the operator should wear insulated shoes, wear insulated gloves; Frog-type ramming hand should be wrapped on insulating materials, the operator should wear insulating gloves. Inspection date 5 welding machine zero connection protection, leakage protection devices complete, secondary no load pressure or leakage protection device effectively; Reliable rain protection measures, protective covers to complete the access line and set a reasonable; Welding line, and well insulated, installed correctly, a power supply line length does not exceed 5M, two times the length does not exceed 30m, welder power supply be used moving boxes. Inspection date II serial number check check check 6 steel shields and reliable mechanical transmission parts randomly switches push button should be used; Neutral or ground meets the requirements, rain sheds for outdoor job settings. Check date 7 pump power cable insulation-good, shell the zero connection protection effective; Motor load lines shall be YHS waterproof rubber-sheathed cable, length should not be less than 15m, may not withstand external force; Leakage protection meet the grade requirements. Check date 8 cylinder gas bottles are clearly marked, there was shock, protection CAP, explosion-proof, shock-proof, Sun protection measures. Piling piling machinery, machinery, temporary construction organization design requires the implementation of the overall layout. 2 site near the high voltage line protection near power lines to have a reliable protective measures protective closely, to meet safety requirements. 3 branch set up distribution box into outlet sleeve and a cross arm to be used; Access to wires neatly, reasonable matching; Prohibited the use of insulation is poor, aging skin, broken wires, to prevent leakage; Should be fixed by insulators, and overhead laying; Line the hallway to have a reliable protection; Direct buried lines, laying depth of not less than 0.6m, leads to the ground from the 2m height to the ground at 0.2m, you must set up protective casing. 4 spot lights hand-held lamp 36V safe voltage should be used; 36V safety at hazardous voltages, particularly in hazardous areas using 12V; Lighting wires should be fixed on the insulators; Insulated rubber sheathed cable for field lights, lighting the use of sheathed wires; Lighting circuits and lighting from the ground not less than the prescribed distance, prohibited the use of electric arc furnace; To prevent the wire insulation is poor, aged, broken skin and leakage, with tungsten heating is strictly prohibited. 5 to set up low-voltage lines are not allowed to use bamboo poles, pole cross arm should be established and insulators; Fine wires can not be mounted on scaffolding or tree branch; Overhead lines required high enough off the ground. 6 electric ... Project name: 5-5-2 sequential order of the subsidence observation observation point number support (supporting) and diagrams year month day year month day year month Day, the distance (m) deformation (mm) the relative distance (m) deformation (mm) the relative distance (m) deformation (mm) today this this this this cumulation Engineering formwork supporting system self-test State observer records form template project name: construction site: construction: support materials: Ann 5-6 serial number check project check requirements behave records results 1 construction programme programme full, support system design calculation, and approval procedures complete, job Qian should for security low-down, low-down material full 2 support material support column material: wood Rod application pine or FIR, shall not used easy deformation, and decay, and split crack, and dry section of wood; as used pipe, pipe od shall not is less than φ 48x3.5 of pipe, no serious rust, and crack, and deformation 3 column stable column bottom of pad material, Shall conform to the construction design requirement, do not use bricks blocked up by construction organization design requirements, support height () when m, between columns of the level of support set () road horizontal support, vertical scissors spacing (), m, spacing for horizontal scissors () m. Column spacing in accordance with design requirements, portrait () mm, transverse () mm pole joints should be staggered, long bar 商业心理 学为主还是以实战分析为主,是高屋建瓴式的,还是解剖麻雀式的,——在这些问题上 一定要采取程序化的操作,即先解决什么,再解决什么,最后解决什么,操作以效用最 大为原则~ 策略C:预算 不做预算的培训一定是失败的培训~懂得经营的企业领导必须懂得投入的重要性。这不 仅表现在间接的投入上(如工作时间被子压缩),更表现在员工培训直接相关的经费投 入——组织费用、专家费用、信息资料费用等等。如果采取封闭式的培训,还会发生食 宿费用、差旅费用等。为保证培训工作的圆满完成,需要提前做好准确的预算。不做预 算、或预算规模与培训工作有着巨大缺口时,其它方面的努力都很难取代“钱”的分内 工作。 策略D:培训工作的事中组织 培训的事前组织工作是十分重要的,事中组织也同等重要~将培训的内容传授给员工是 容易,但让员工依此形成心得则是困难的。况且推销工作今后面对的人复杂、城市复杂、 文化背景复杂,这些需要大量的感性认识积累,培训是替代不了的。但也正是因为售楼 员将面对多变,所以他们需要掌握原则、拥有思路,并且能够激发想象、产生创造力~ 故而,要求受训人员积极地投入,积极地思考是非常重要的。这一定程度上要依赖组织 17 工作,即组织者的督促作用。 想像在这一方程式上,再加上一个企业营销活动的变量,员工培训就是“有解”了。 项目辐射半径&消费者购房半径 项目辐射半径&消费者购房半径 在确定目标用户时,我们可以从若干维度进行界定,本文试图从项目自身的“项 目辐射半径”与“消费者购房半径”之间的关系,以及各自的影响因素入手进行分析, 希望能够给开发商提供一些参考意见;“项目辐射半径”简而言之,就是指某个具体项 目影响的范围,它可以是某个特定的区域,也可能是某个城市,或者一个更大的区域; “消费者购房半径”是指在选择地产项目时考虑的范围。只有当项目的辐射半径比较好 地覆盖消费者的购房半径时,才可能吸引较多的目标客户,实现销售。 项目辐射半径主要受以下因素影响: 项目知名程度:项目知名程度与项目辐射半径呈正相关,一般在同类项目当中,项 目知名程度越高,项目辐射半径越大;无论是高档的别墅项目,还是低档的经济适用房, 当然,项目知名度与广告投入力度、推广方式等等都有一定的关系; 项目规模:项目规模与项目辐射半径半径同样呈正相关,项目规模越大,项目的辐 射半径也越大; 项目周边交通网络:项目交通便利程度也会影响项目的辐射半径,无论是低端项目 还是高端项目,相对而言,低端项目辐射半径受交通的制约程度会更大,而高端项目相 对而言受交通制约的程度会稍小一些,或者说不会过于敏感; 项目档次及属性:项目档次越高,一般而言其辐射程度会越高,有些项目的辐射范 围往往是跨区域或者跨国界的;比如经济适用房一般不会形成跨区域(指不同城市之间) 购买力,但高端别墅项目往往需要进行跨区域、甚至跨国界推广; 收入水平:消费群体收入水平应该说是最重要的影响因素,不同收入水平群体或者 说不同收入等级的群体基本上不可能选择同一个项目;收入水平越高相对而言,购房半 径会越大; 自由度:自由度指的是消费者对每天24 小时的自主支配程度,不同职业、不同职 位、不同性质单位的群体在“自由度”方面存在交大的差异,从职业方面看,“自由职 业者”(如,记者、艺术家、私营企业主等)应该是自由度最高的群体;从职位来看, 普通员工的自由度要小于高级管理人员;从公司/单位属性来看,机关/国有企业/事业 单位的自由度相对比较低,而私营企业相对自由度比较高;自由度在某种意义上决定了 18 该群体的选择范围,比如“朝九晚五的普通单位工作人员”与“自由支配时间的私营企 业主”在选择地产项目的考虑范围会存在一定差异;一般来讲自由度大的群体相对而言, 其购房半径相对比较大; 时间价值:“时间价值”是指消费者单位时间的价值,不同群体之间的时间价值差 异非常大,一般而言时间价值越大的群体,对时间越敏感,同时花费在工作地点和居住 地点往返通勤的时间越短,相对而言购房半径相对比较小; 我们将不同群体的“时间支配权”和“时间价值”进行对比分析,我们可以将消费 者划分成以下四个群体: 群体1:处于图中第一象限,属于“自由度比较高,同时时间价值比较高” 该群体 购房的选择半径相对较大,但不会选择非常远的项目; 群体2:处于图中第二象限,属于“自由度比较高,同时时间价值比较低” 该群体 购房的选择半径相对最大; 群体3:处于图中第三象限,属于“自由度比较低,同时时间价值比较低” 该群体 购房的选择半径相对比小; 群体4:处于图中第四象限,属于“自由度temporary construction organization design requires the implementation of the overall layout. 2 site near the high voltage line protection near power lines to have a reliable protective measures protective closely, to meet safety requirements. 3 branch set up distribution box into outlet sleeve and a cross arm to be used; Access to wires neatly, reasonable matching; Prohibited the use of insulation is poor, aging skin, broken wires, to prevent leakage; Should be fixed by insulators, and overhead laying; Line the hallway to have a reliable protection; Direct buried lines, laying depth of not less than 0.6m, leads to the ground from the 2m height to the ground at 0.2m, you must set up protective casing. 4 spot lights hand-held lamp 36V safe voltage should be used; 36V safety at hazardous voltages, particularly in hazardous areas using 12V; Lighting wires should be fixed on the insulators; Insulated rubber sheathed cable for field lights, lighting the use of sheathed wires; Lighting circuits and lighting from the ground not less than the prescribed distance, prohibited the use of electric arc furnace; To prevent the wire insulation is poor, aged, broken skin and leakage, with tungsten heating is strictly prohibited. 5 to set up low-voltage lines are not allowed to use bamboo poles, pole cross arm should be established and insulators; Fine wires can not be mounted on scaffolding or tree branch; Overhead lines required high enough off the ground. 6 electric ... Project name: 5-5-2 sequential order of the subsidence observation observation point number support (supporting) and diagrams year month day year month day year month Day, the distance (m) deformation (mm) the relative distance (m) deformation (mm) the relative distance (m) deformation (mm) today this this this this cumulation Engineering formwork supporting system self-test State observer records form template project name: construction site: construction: support materials: Ann 5-6 serial number check project check requirements behave records results 1 construction programme programme full, support system design calculation, and approval procedures complete, job Qian should for security low-down, low-down material full 2 support material support column material: wood Rod application pine or FIR, shall not used easy deformation, and decay, and split crack, and dry section of wood; as used pipe, pipe od shall not is less than φ 48x3.5 of pipe, no serious rust, and crack, and deformation 3 column stable column bottom of pad material, Shall conform to the construction design requirement, do not use bricks blocked up by construction organization design requirements, support height () when m, between columns of the level of support set () road horizontal support, vertical scissors spacing (), m, spacing for horizontal scissors () m. Column spacing in accordance with design requirements, portrait () mm, transverse () mm pole joints should be staggered, long bar temporary construction organization design requires the implementation of the overall layout. 2 site near the high voltage line protection near power lines to have a reliable protective measures protective closely, to meet safety requirements. 3 branch set up distribution box into outlet sleeve and a cross arm to be used; Access to wires neatly, reasonable matching; Prohibited the use of insulation is poor, aging skin, broken wires, to prevent leakage; Should be fixed by insulators, and overhead laying; Line the hallway to have a reliable protection; Direct buried lines, laying depth of not less than 0.6m, leads to the ground from the 2m height to the ground at 0.2m, you must set up protective casing. 4 spot lights hand-held lamp 36V safe voltage should be used; 36V safety at hazardous voltages, particularly in hazardous areas using 12V; Lighting wires should be fixed on the insulators; Insulated rubber sheathed cable for field lights, lighting the use of sheathed wires; Lighting circuits and lighting from the ground not less than the prescribed distance, prohibited the use of electric arc furnace; To prevent the wire insulation is poor, aged, broken skin and leakage, with tungsten heating is strictly prohibited. 5 to set up low-voltage lines are not allowed to use bamboo poles, pole cross arm should be established and insulators; Fine wires can not be mounted on scaffolding or tree branch; Overhead lines required high enough off the ground. 6 electric ... Project name: 5-5-2 sequential order of the subsidence observation observation point number support (supporting) and diagrams year month day year month day year month Day, the distance (m) deformation (mm) the relative distance (m) deformation (mm) the relative distance (m) deformation (mm) today this this this this cumulation Engineering formwork supporting system self-test State observer records form template project name: construction site: construction: support materials: Ann 5-6 serial number check project check requirements behave records results 1 construction programme programme full, support system design calculation, and approval procedures complete, job Qian should for security low-down, low-down material full 2 support material support column material: wood Rod application pine or FIR, shall not used easy deformation, and decay, and split crack, and dry section of wood; as used pipe, pipe od shall not is less than φ 48x3.5 of pipe, no serious rust, and crack, and deformation 3 column stable column bottom of pad material, Shall conform to the construction design requirement, do not use bricks blocked up by construction organization design requirements, support height () when m, between columns of the level of support set () road horizontal support, vertical scissors spacing (), m, spacing for horizontal scissors () m. Column spacing in accordance with design requirements, portrait () mm, transverse () mm pole joints should be staggered, long bar 比较低,同时时间价值比较高” 该群体 购房的选择半径相对最小; 通勤能力:“通勤能力”在这里是指消费者从居住地点往返工作地点的能力,这里 涉及两个方面的问题,第一,从宏观上讲,某个城市的总体通勤能力取决于该城市的交 通网络的发达程度;交通网络越发达的城市,消费者购房半径越大;第二,从微观上讲, 取决于消费者采用何种交通方式(与收入水平以及交通成本的承受能力有关),是私家 车,还是地铁/城铁,或者公交车,拥有私家车群体的购房半径明显大于没有私车的群 体; 工作地点:工作地点对于消费者购房半径存在较大的影响,尤其是当消费者对于目 前这份工作的依赖程度比较高时,而且工作单位近几年搬迁的可能性比较小,那么消费 者的购房半径将围绕目前工作地点而展开;工作地点对消费者购房半径的影响与以下因 素有关:?对工作的依赖程度,对工作的依赖程度越高,工作地点对购房半径的影响越 大;?办公场所搬迁概率,办公场所搬迁的概率越大(固定的可能性越小),工作地点 对购房半径的影响越小; 研究“项目辐射半径”与“消费者购房半径”的意义在于: 通过研究“项目辐射半径”与“消费者购房半径”的关系,可以很明确的知道,我 19 们的潜在用户在哪里;可以开展针对性非常强的营销推广活动; 通过研究“项目辐射半径”与“消费者购房半径”的关系,可以非常明确地界 定竞争对手是谁; 通过研究“项目辐射半径”与“消费者购房半径”的关系,在进行定位与市场细分 时,提供新的研究思路; 九力营销顾问公司王新明 战略,古称韬略,原为军事用语。顾名思义,战略就是作战的谋略。《辞海》中对战略 一次的定义是:“军事名词,指对战争全局的筹划和指挥。它依据敌对双方的军事、政 治、经济、地理等因素,照顾战争全局的各个方面,规定军事力量的准备和运用。”战 略最初多用于军事领域。在英文中战略一词为Strategy,它来源于希腊语的Stratagia, 也是一个与军事有关的词。《简明不列颠百科全书》称战略是“在战争中利用军事手段 达到军事目的的科学和艺术。”许多著名军事家都对战略一词做过精辟的解释。著名的 德国军事战略家毛奇曾说过:“战略是一位统率为达到他的预定目的而对自己手中掌握 的工具所进行的实际运用。”除了军事领域,战略的价值同样适用于诸如政治、经济等 其它领域。将战略思想运用到企业经营管理中,便产生了企业战略这一概念,关于企业 战略由于其内涵的丰富而在西方战略文献中没有一个统一的定义,不同的学者和管理人 员赋予了企业战略不同的涵义,通过目前几个有代表性的安德鲁斯、魁因、安索夫、名 茨伯格等人的观点我们可以看出战略只是一种观念的定义,强调战略都是一种抽象的概 念,只存在于需要战略的人的头脑中。战略是一种观念的重要实质在于,同价值观、文 化和理想等精神内容为组织成员所共有一样,战略的观念要通过组织成员的期望和行为 而形成共享,在这个定义里还需要强调的是集体的意识。战略储备只是战略系统的一个 有机组成部分, 我们看下列三个大型房地产集团公司统计数据:招商地产在推出“招商海月花园”时通 过大量的广告,吸引来2 万多人到蛇口后海看楼,最后成交的只是1000 多人;那些没 有买楼的19000 个“未成交客户”的信息是如何处理的呢,回答是“没统计”。 作为中国住宅业“领跑者”的万科,除了在总部所在地深圳开发住宅之外,还在北京、 天津、沈阳、大连、南京、南昌、上海、武汉、长春等10 个城市相继开发34 个项目, “城市花园”、“四季华城”、“金色家园”等项目,已经发展成全国性地产品牌,已 经入住22720 户,7.2 万人(这是2002 年的统计数据)。 中海在深圳就有1.5 万户业主大约4 万多人,4 万多人的数据即便是天才你也记不住。 北京城开总经理赵康也曾说过:“北京城开的存量客户可能会有60 万。”据说仅仅是 一个望京新城就会有十几万、二十万的客户。 乍一看这个一组组庞大的数字确实会让人感到振奋,遗憾的是这些客户的有效数据 资料并不存在于各大房地产集团的数据库之中,几十万客户还只是一个概念而已,看得 20 到、摸不着。那么这些信息是否能够保证经常充实、添加、更新,整理、分析了呢,怎 样检验效果,招商地产在推出“招商海月花园”时那些没有买楼的19000 人是为什么没 有买,是户型不合适,还是规划不合理,或者是价格难以接受。如果能够了解这些“未 成交客户”的信息,有针对性地提出解决的方法,就有可能会使过去楼盘的“未成交客 户”,变成为今天新楼盘的成交客户。这就需要通过“客户的战略储备”这个课题引进 一系列的制度和专门的运作体系来进行管理。 售楼人员培训实用教程全集 前言 作为一个专业的售楼人bar 50mm, shall not be located in the same room. Wooden long according to the design you want to ... An 5-16 organization name project name Inspector serial number check check check the comments on the contents of the project 1 mixer body with mortar installation smooth and solid, grounded or the zero connection protection meets the requirements, leakage protection is sensitive and reliable; Rain requires for operation shed meet, hanging for safe operation and drainage measures protection from transmission parts, clutches, brakes and other compliance, hopper wire rope must remain at least three times; Hopper safety chains, hooks, and lever safety devices are complete and valid; Protective cover, cover complete and valid; Mortar machine handles application disc. Inspection date 2 wood (pressure) exposed part of the plane must have a protective cover. For outdoor use, to shed rain operation; Plane blade with protective hand guard, rolling plane equipped with spring-back safety device; Leakage protection sensitive and effective, grounded or the zero connection protection meets the requirements. Inspection date 3 chain saws (circular saws), guard, safety devices and Crescent shield meets the requirements; Complete transmission parts guards firmly; Operations must be one-way push switches; Leakage protection sensitive effective ground-zero connection protection is good. Shield inspection date 4 hand-held electric motor operated tools are complete and valid, and the rubber lines may not be damaged; Earth leakage protective device shall be mounted correctly and sensitive and effective and ground fault protection is good; Grinding stone electric overhead lines, the operator should wear insulated shoes, wear insulated gloves; Frog-type ramming hand should be wrapped on insulating materials, the operator should wear insulating gloves. Inspection date 5 welding machine zero connection protection, leakage protection devices complete, secondary no load pressure or leakage protection device effectively; Reliable rain protection measures, protective covers to complete the access line and set a reasonable; Welding line, and well insulated, installed correctly, a power supply line length does not exceed 5M, two times the length does not exceed 30m, welder power supply be used moving boxes. Inspection date II serial number check check check 6 steel shields and reliable mechanical transmission parts randomly switches push button should be used; Neutral or ground meets the requirements, rain sheds for outdoor job settings. Check date 7 pump power cable insulation-good, shell the zero connection protection effective; Motor load lines shall be YHS waterproof rubber-sheathed cable, length should not be less than 15m, may not withstand external force; Leakage protection meet the grade requirements. Check date 8 cylinder gas bottles are clearly marked, there was shock, protection CAP, explosion-proof, shock-proof, Sun protection measures. Piling piling machinery, machinery, temporary construction organization design requires the implementation of the overall layout. 2 site near the high voltage line protection near power lines to have a reliable protective measures protective closely, to meet safety requirements. 3 branch set up distribution box into outlet sleeve and a cross arm to be used; Access to wires neatly, reasonable matching; Prohibited the use of insulation is poor, aging skin, broken wires, to prevent leakage; Should be fixed by insulators, and overhead laying; Line the hallway to have a reliable protection; Direct buried lines, laying depth of not less than 0.6m, leads to the ground from the 2m height to the ground at 0.2m, you must set up protective casing. 4 spot lights hand-held lamp 36V safe voltage should be used; 36V safety at hazardous voltages, particularly in hazardous areas using 12V; Lighting wires should be fixed on the insulators; Insulated rubber sheathed cable for field lights, lighting the use of sheathed wires; Lighting circuits and lighting from the ground not less than the prescribed distance, prohibited the use of electric arc furnace; To prevent the wire insulation is poor, aged, broken skin and leakage, with tungsten heating is strictly prohibited. 5 to set up low-voltage lines are not allowed to use bamboo poles, pole cross arm should be established and insulators; Fine wires can not be mounted on scaffolding or tree branch; Overhead lines required high enough off the ground. 6 electric ... Project name: 5-5-2 sequential order of the subsidence observation observation point number support (supporting) and diagrams year month day year month day year month Day, the distance (m) deformation (mm) the relative distance (m) deformation (mm) the relative distance (m) deformation (mm) today this this this this cumulation Engineering formwork supporting system self-test State observer records form template project name: construction site: construction: support materials: Ann 5-6 serial number check project check requirements behave records results 1 construction programme programme full, support system design calculation, and approval procedures complete, job Qian should for security low-down, low-down material full 2 support material support column material: wood Rod application pine or FIR, shall not used easy deformation, and decay, and split crack, and dry section of wood; as used pipe, pipe od shall not is less than φ 48x3.5 of pipe, no serious rust, and crack, and deformation 3 column stable column bottom of pad material, Shall conform to the construction design requirement, do not use bricks blocked up by construction organization design requirements, support height () when m, between columns of the level of support set () road horizontal support, vertical scissors spacing (), m, spacing for horizontal scissors () m. Column spacing in accordance with design requirements, portrait () mm, transverse () mm pole joints should be staggered, long bar员,其拥有的信息资源和客户资源就决定顾自已的业绩。“巧 妇难为无米之炊”,无客户资源怎能 创造出销售的业绩呢,售楼部只有建立了一个公平、 公正的客户轮接制度,使众多业务员在一 个合理、有序的氛围下参与业务竞争,才能加 快项目的销售,创造销售的佳绩。一般来说,售 楼部决定客户资源的归属应遵循以下原 则: 一、 第一接触点的原则(包括上客户和电话客户) 原 则上哪一个业务员首先接触该客户,该客户应被其所有。若该客户第二、第三次上 temporary construction organization design requires the implementation of the overall layout. 2 site near the high voltage line protection near power lines to have a reliable protective measures protective closely, to meet safety requirements. 3 branch set up distribution box into outlet sleeve and a cross arm to be used; Access to wires neatly, reasonable matching; Prohibited the use of insulation is poor, aging skin, broken wires, to prevent leakage; Should be fixed by insulators, and overhead laying; Line the hallway to have a reliable protection; Direct buried lines, laying depth of not less than 0.6m, leads to the ground from the 2m height to the ground at 0.2m, you must set up protective casing. 4 spot lights hand-held lamp 36V safe voltage should be used; 36V safety at hazardous voltages, particularly in hazardous areas using 12V; Lighting wires should be fixed on the insulators; Insulated rubber sheathed cable for field lights, lighting the use of sheathed wires; Lighting circuits and lighting from the ground not less than the prescribed distance, prohibited the use of electric arc furnace; To prevent the wire insulation is poor, aged, broken skin and leakage, with tungsten heating is strictly prohibited. 5 to set up low-voltage lines are not allowed to use bamboo poles, pole cross arm should be established and insulators; Fine wires can not be mounted on scaffolding or tree branch; Overhead lines required high enough off the ground. 6 electric ... Project name: 5-5-2 sequential order of the subsidence observation observation point number support (supporting) and diagrams year month day year month day year month Day, the distance (m) deformation (mm) the relative distance (m) deformation (mm) the relative distance (m) deformation (mm) today this this this this cumulation Engineering formwork supporting system self-test State observer records form template project name: construction site: construction: support materials: Ann 5-6 serial number check project check requirements behave records results 1 construction programme programme full, support system design calculation, and approval procedures complete, job Qian should for security low-down, low-down material full 2 support material support column material: wood Rod application pine or FIR, shall not used easy deformation, and decay, and split crack, and dry section of wood; as used pipe, pipe od shall not is less than φ 48x3.5 of pipe, no serious rust, and crack, and deformation 3 column stable column bottom of pad material, Shall conform to the construction design requirement, do not use bricks blocked up by construction organization design requirements, support height () when m, between columns of the level of support set () road horizontal support, vertical scissors spacing (), m, spacing for horizontal scissors () m. Column spacing in accordance with design requirements, portrait () mm, transverse () mm pole joints should be staggered, long bar
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