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查询学号,姓名,未选择的课程查询学号,姓名,未选择的课程 引导学生确立对真理的信仰 北京大学教授 教育部教材编写指导委员会 特邀专家 陈志尚 一、积极传授马克思主义哲学,引导学生确立对真理的信仰 高中思想政治课把哲学列为必修课,放到学生刚进入青年时期的中学教育的最后阶段,意义重大。学生上这门课,当然要获得哲学的基础知识,但更重要的目的是帮助他们树立正确的世界观、人生观、价值观,确立对真理的信仰,使他们今后无论是上大学还是就业,面对比中学阶段复杂得多的社会环境,能始终坚持正确的政治方向和人生目标,明辨是非,勇于进取,成长为合格的社会主...

查询学号,姓名,未选择的课程 引导学生确立对真理的信仰 北京大学教授 教育部教材编写指导委员会 特邀专家 陈志尚 一、积极传授马克思主义哲学,引导学生确立对真理的信仰 高中思想政治课把哲学列为必修课,放到学生刚进入青年时期的中学教育的最后阶段,意义重大。学生上这门课,当然要获得哲学的基础知识,但更重要的目的是帮助他们树立正确的世界观、人生观、价值观,确立对真理的信仰,使他们今后无论是上大学还是就业,面对比中学阶段复杂得多的社会环境,能始终坚持正确的政治方向和人生目标,明辨是非,勇于进取,成长为合格的社会主义建设者和接班人。教书和育人是所有教师都负有的责任,思想政治课,特别是哲学课,直接承担着这双重任务。哲学原理之中就蕴涵着科学知识和思想品德双重内容。如果我们的讲课只注意前者而忽略了后者,只是传授给学生哲学知识,而不去启发学生的“心智”,去认真思考世界、社会和人生的一系列根本问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 ,并通过教师的讲授和自己的学习找到正确的答案,进而初步树立正确的世界观、人生观、价值观,确立对马克思主义哲学的信仰,那么,我认为这门课就是不成功的。 怎样才能达到应有的效果呢,我的体会是,教师除了对马克思主义哲学的基本原理有全面正确的理解和把握、教学方法得当之外,最重要的是自己真诚地相信所学所教的马克思主义哲学,是人类知识系统中最高层次的科学真理,因而坚定地信仰并实践它。这里涉及“信仰”这个概念的理解。“信”是与“疑”相对的,指相信、信任。“仰”本义是抬头向上看,引申为崇敬(景仰)、依赖(仰仗)。两个单字合成“信仰”这个词,是指对某种主张、主义、科学、宗教,或人、物极其信服、尊重和崇敬的态度,以此作为自己行动的指南和榜样。信仰马克思主义,就是信服它是科学的真理,并以此作为自己行动的指南。如果我们不是这样,而是心存疑虑,或者根本不信,那就很难有好的教学效果。近年来,胡锦涛曾两次提到坚定信仰马克思主义。一次是2006年10月22日,《在纪念红军长征胜利70周年大会上的讲话》中,他要求大家学习红军长征精神,“始终保持对马克思主义的坚定信仰”。另一次是今年在看望方永刚教授时,胡锦涛高度赞扬方永刚“坚定信仰党的理论,积极传播和实践党的理论”。党的总书记如此重视和号召construction and safety, security, fire protection, prevent equipment loss or damage. Do well the management of three-level quality inspection and acceptance, not procedure does not check the acceptance on to the next step of construction to prevent unnecessary rework. When the ground surface does not meet human strength, construction personnel shall not be crushed, such as construction of construction protection measures need to be taken before, after the formation of the ground still needs to take the necessary protection measures for work before they can operate. Hidden works closed after inspection by the responsible departments. Construction to prevent hit, hit, hit, damage to the actuator. Electricity, fire welding should be carried out in the prevention cable fire, prevention measures. 6, prior to acceptance of the product protection organization dedicated staff responsible for the work product protection. Project finished product protection in the guardian in accordance with the quality assurance program responsibilities and methods of implementation of work product protection, until final acceptance, transfer procedure terminates. Construction measures and management of winter and rainy season in the 11th chapter, winter and rainy season construction and management (a) winter and rainy season to prepare 1, winter, rainy season rainy season construction earnestly organize relevant personnel to analyze construction and production plans, according to the construction project in rainy season construction measures for winter and rainy season, needed materials ready before the winter rainy season. 2, the establishment and the 大家坚定信仰马克思主义,使我深受启发和教育。我想,我们绝大多数政治课教师都是信奉马克思主义的,但我们要学习革命先辈和方永刚这样的模范人物在信仰上的高度自觉性和坚定性。 为什么马克思主义哲学值得信仰,我体会主要有三点理由:一是科学性;二是无产阶级性和人民性;三是创造性。 ,一,马克思主义哲学的基本原理是真理~有高度的科学性 什么是哲学,我的理解是,哲学是从整体上探索、思考、研究宇宙(自然界)、社会和人类自己的存在、本质、关系,以及它们运动、变化、发展的普遍规律等一系列重大问题的学问。这就是说,哲学既要研究世界是什么,又要研究人是什么,世界对人的意义,人在世界中的地位以及人对世界的意义,如何做人。所以通常说,哲学是关于世界观、人生观、价值观的学问。这样讲大致可以概括古今中外各派哲学所研究的对象。 那么,为什么我们强调马克思主义哲学的科学性,认为只有它才是真正科学的哲学呢,这是因为它的基本原理正确反映了世界和社会历史的本质和规律,经受过科学和社会革命实践的反复检验,而且为当代社会发展的现实所确证,因而具有客观的真理性,能起到启发人的心智,引领社会前进,指导人民去改变旧世界、创造新世界的伟大作用。马克思主义哲学的创始人和后继者都是我们时代的精神上的精华的凝聚者,他们最突出的优点是,对哲学问题的思考和研究从来不是凭主观的猜想或假设,而是从社会客观现实出发,站在时代潮流前列,吸取人类文明精华特别是现代自然科学和社会科学的成果,在此基础上,把当代人类先进的实践经验从哲学上加以总结和概括,这样才创造出了崭新的哲学。 拿它与自然科学的关系来说,虽然现在世界上自觉信奉马克思主义哲学的科学家还是少数,但是绝大多数科学家在他们所从事的专业领域内,他们的思维逻辑和工作方法,基本上是自发地符合唯物的和辩证的世界观和方法论的。伟大的科学家爱因斯坦有句名言:相信有一个离开知觉主体而独立的外在世界,是一切自然科学的基础。这是一切有成就的科学家都信奉的真理,也是辩证唯物主义的第一条基本原理:世界的物质性。我们大家都尊敬的国家杰出科学家钱学森教授,更是自觉信奉马克思主义哲学的典范。他所设计的现代科学技术体系,包括11大门类,每个门类都有基础科学、技术科学、工程技术三个层次,而在整个体系construction and safety, security, fire protection, prevent equipment loss or damage. Do well the management of three-level quality inspection and acceptance, not procedure does not check the acceptance on to the next step of construction to prevent unnecessary rework. When the ground surface does not meet human strength, construction personnel shall not be crushed, such as construction of construction protection measures need to be taken before, after the formation of the ground still needs to take the necessary protection measures for work before they can operate. Hidden works closed after inspection by the responsible departments. Construction to prevent hit, hit, hit, damage to the actuator. Electricity, fire welding should be carried out in the prevention cable fire, prevention measures. 6, prior to acceptance of the product protection organization dedicated staff responsible for the work product protection. Project finished product protection in the guardian in accordance with the quality assurance program responsibilities and methods of implementation of work product protection, until final acceptance, transfer procedure terminates. Construction measures and management of winter and rainy season in the 11th chapter, winter and rainy season construction and management (a) winter and rainy season to prepare 1, winter, rainy season rainy season construction earnestly organize relevant personnel to analyze construction and production plans, according to the construction project in rainy season construction measures for winter and rainy season, needed materials ready before the winter rainy season. 2, the establishment and the 中居于最高地位,起统领和指导作用的是辩证唯物主义哲学。他认为,马克思主义哲学是人类认识客观世界的最高概括。所以,他指导博士生,首先要求他们必须学好马克思主义哲学。北京大学哲学系赵光武教授所主持的“现代科学与哲学”讲座,从1989年5月开始至今已开设500多次,每周一次,18年持续不断,其内容都是现代科技前沿与哲学相关的重大理论问题,几百位主讲人中许多人是我国著名的科学家和哲学家。一个显著特点就是他们信奉辩证唯物主义世界观,认为现代科技所有成果都是对马克思主义哲学原理的新证实,而没有一件证伪。他们的讲座都需要用辩证唯物主义世界观和方法论对科技最新成果作出理论概括,这是对马克思主义哲学的充实和深化。 社会实践和社会科学同样确证了马克思主义哲学的科学性。马克思主义创建于19世纪中叶,20世纪俄国和中国先后发生了伟大的人民革命,它们的胜利是马克思主义哲学科学性的有力证明。了解这段历史的人都知道,领导俄国革命胜利的是列宁,他创作了《唯物主义和经验批判主义》、《哲学 笔记 哲学笔记pdf明清笔记pdf政法笔记下载课堂笔记下载生物化学笔记PDF 》、《帝国主义论》、《国家与革命》等一系列哲学名著,捍卫并创造性地发展了马克思主义哲学。正是唯物辩证法这个被列宁称为“革命的代数学”的精神武器,为人民群众所掌握,转化成推翻沙皇反动统治、建设第一个社会主义国家的伟大物质力量。同列宁一样,毛泽东在领导中国革命过程中,也是继承并创造性地发展了马克思列宁主义哲学,正是由于创作了《矛盾论》、《实践论》、《新民主主义论》、《关于正确处理人民内部矛盾的问题》等一系列哲学名著,才从世界观和方法论上纠正了党内左、右倾机会主义错误,解放并统一了党员和群众的思想,指引并保证了中国革命以及后来社会主义建设的胜利。有人对此持怀疑态度,说苏联最后不是瓦解了吗,中国不是犯了“文化大革命”这样严重的错误吗,是的,但从思想上总结教训,其错误和失败都是由于违背了辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义基本原理,这恰恰从反面证明马克思主义哲学的科学性。试问:是谁纠正了“文革”的错误,是党和人民自己。又是如何纠正的,首先是思想上拨乱反正,经过实践是检验真理 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 的大讨论,解放被“左”的错误所束缚的人们的思想,重新确立了实事求是的思想路线,也就是遵循马克思主义世界观和方法论,这才使党和国家得以顺利地实行改革开放,取得了建设中国特色社会主义的伟大胜利。 可见,哲学和科学、哲学和实践的紧密联系和一致性,是马克思主义哲学的construction and safety, security, fire protection, prevent equipment loss or damage. Do well the management of three-level quality inspection and acceptance, not procedure does not check the acceptance on to the next step of construction to prevent unnecessary rework. When the ground surface does not meet human strength, construction personnel shall not be crushed, such as construction of construction protection measures need to be taken before, after the formation of the ground still needs to take the necessary protection measures for work before they can operate. Hidden works closed after inspection by the responsible departments. Construction to prevent hit, hit, hit, damage to the actuator. Electricity, fire welding should be carried out in the prevention cable fire, prevention measures. 6, prior to acceptance of the product protection organization dedicated staff responsible for the work product protection. Project finished product protection in the guardian in accordance with the quality assurance program responsibilities and methods of implementation of work product protection, until final acceptance, transfer procedure terminates. Construction measures and management of winter and rainy season in the 11th chapter, winter and rainy season construction and management (a) winter and rainy season to prepare 1, winter, rainy season rainy season construction earnestly organize relevant personnel to analyze construction and production plans, according to the construction project in rainy season construction measures for winter and rainy season, needed materials ready before the winter rainy season. 2, the establishment and the 一个本质特征。可以毫不夸张地说,这种高度的科学性是马克思主义哲学所独具的,是古往今来任何其他哲学所没有的。 ,二,马克思主义哲学作为工人阶级的世界观有崇高的目的~这就是为人民群众,而不是少数人,谋利益~实现人类解放~是真正属于人民大众自己的哲学 马克思说:“哲学家们只是用不同的方式说明世界,问题在于改变世界。”这句名言出自被恩格斯誉为“包含着新世界观天才萌芽的第一个文件”的《关于费尔巴哈的提纲》。这一重要论断是对所有旧哲学的深刻批判,揭露了它们共同的要害,点明了作者创建新世界观的目的,赋予新哲学伟大的历史使命。 不同于马、恩、列、毛的古今中外哲学家们,著书立说的目的大多是从个人出发,多数人实际上是在为他所属的统治阶级出谋划策。能站在新兴的进步的阶级立场,为被剥削受压迫的劳苦大众说话、谋利益的是少数。而所有这些哲学家们在说明世界时,他们的观点和方法,虽然可能不同程度地具有唯物主义和辩证法的因素,但从整体上看,都没有超越唯心主义或形而上学的范围,因而无论是对整个宇宙,还是对社会和人类自己的理解和解释,不能不带有主观的或片面的性质,只能停留在事物的现象和表面,达不到本质和规律。中国宋代著名的哲学家张载说过,做学问的目的是“为天地立心,为生民立道,为去圣继绝学,为万世开太平。”应该说,这四句名言的思想境界是高的,所以常为我国文人、学者所引用。当然,人们对它的理解不完全一致。我的理解是,“为天地立心”,类似康德所说的“人为自然立法”。“心”可以解释为天地(世界)的本质和规律,即现在所讲的世界观。“道”可以解释为做人的基本原则、 行为规范 护士的素质和行为规范导医服务行为规范护士的素质和行为规范工作态度好的表现幼儿园教师行为规范 ,即价值观。可是,继承以孔、孟二位圣人为代表的儒家那套世界观、人生观、价值观,去“修身、齐家、治国、平天下”,就能“为万世开太平”吗,不可能。对儒家哲学不能简单肯定或否定,它有精华也有糟粕。在漫长的中国封建社会里,作为主导的意识形态,儒学所起的主要作用是帮助封建王朝加强精神统治,维护社会稳定。其他哲学也有各自的缺陷。只有马克思和恩格斯创立了唯物史观,揭示了人类社会的本质和规律,才得以从哲学上全面正确地说明世界,并第一次提出了哲学要参与改变世界的伟大任务。 所谓改变世界,对马克思主义来讲其含义很明确,不是在保存旧制度的前提下作点滴改良,也不是用一种剥削制度去取代另一种剥削制度,而是要求消灭存construction and safety, security, fire protection, prevent equipment loss or damage. Do well the management of three-level quality inspection and acceptance, not procedure does not check the acceptance on to the next step of construction to prevent unnecessary rework. When the ground surface does not meet human strength, construction personnel shall not be crushed, such as construction of construction protection measures need to be taken before, after the formation of the ground still needs to take the necessary protection measures for work before they can operate. Hidden works closed after inspection by the responsible departments. Construction to prevent hit, hit, hit, damage to the actuator. Electricity, fire welding should be carried out in the prevention cable fire, prevention measures. 6, prior to acceptance of the product protection organization dedicated staff responsible for the work product protection. Project finished product protection in the guardian in accordance with the quality assurance program responsibilities and methods of implementation of work product protection, until final acceptance, transfer procedure terminates. Construction measures and management of winter and rainy season in the 11th chapter, winter and rainy season construction and management (a) winter and rainy season to prepare 1, winter, rainy season rainy season construction earnestly organize relevant personnel to analyze construction and production plans, according to the construction project in rainy season construction measures for winter and rainy season, needed materials ready before the winter rainy season. 2, the establishment and the 在着阶级和阶级对立的旧社会,建立真正由人民当家作主的社会主义——共产主义制度,建设符合人民群众利益的新社会。不仅如此,它还要求在改变客观世界的同时改变人主体自身。正如大家所熟悉的,马克思和恩格斯在《共产党宣言》里提出了未来共产主义社会中,一切人都将得到自由发展的目标。后来,在《资本论》中,马克思作了更加精确的表达:替代资本主义社会的共产主义社会是“一个更高级的、以每一个个人的全面而自由的发展为基本原则的社会形式”。所以,马克思主义讲“改变世界”,它所要建立的,既不同于中国传统哲学的“大同世界”,不同于西方古代哲学的“理想国”,也不同于宗教的“极乐世界”和“天堂”。它不是基于人们主观的善良愿望,而是根据社会发展客观规律,人类社会内部矛盾运动的发展趋势所作出的科学预测,它揭示了资本主义最终为更高级的社会形态——共产主义所取代的必然性,以及未来新社会的基本特征。所以共产主义不是空想而是科学的理想。 那么,如何才能把理想变为现实呢,这就要把理论和实践结合起来,把理想化为行动的纲领,制定出路线、方针及一系列政策,贯彻到革命和建设的具体实践中去。依靠谁来实现改变世界的这项伟大工程呢,依靠党领导下的广大人民群众。正如《国际歌》中所说:“从来就没有什么救世主,也不靠神仙皇帝,要创造人类的幸福,全靠我们自己。”“是谁创造了人类世界,是我们劳动群众。”“不要说我们一无所有,我们要做天下的主人~”马克思创立科学世界观时,根据人民群众创造历史的基本原理,诉诸群众,诉诸无产阶级,认定无产阶级由于它所处的社会地位,是有远大前途的阶级,是“只有解放全人类才能最后解放自己”的彻底革命的阶级。无产阶级团结、领导广大人民群众,就完全能够肩负起推翻旧世界、建设新社会的伟大历史使命。他形象地说,实现人类解放的“头脑”是哲学,“心脏”是无产阶级。“哲学把无产阶级当作自己的物质武器,同样,无产阶级也把哲学当作自己的精神武器”。从古到今,如此自觉地把无产阶级和人类的解放事业作为哲学的目的和任务,马克思是第一位。可以说,从古到今没有任何一种哲学,像马克思主义那样,把自己的命运和无产阶级、人民群众的命运如此紧密地联系在一起。所以,无产阶级的阶级性和人民性的统一,是马克思主义哲学的又一本质特征。 ,三,马克思主义哲学是不断创新的活的理论~而不是停滞、封闭的教条~construction and safety, security, fire protection, prevent equipment loss or damage. Do well the management of three-level quality inspection and acceptance, not procedure does not check the acceptance on to the next step of construction to prevent unnecessary rework. When the ground surface does not meet human strength, construction personnel shall not be crushed, such as construction of construction protection measures need to be taken before, after the formation of the ground still needs to take the necessary protection measures for work before they can operate. Hidden works closed after inspection by the responsible departments. Construction to prevent hit, hit, hit, damage to the actuator. Electricity, fire welding should be carried out in the prevention cable fire, prevention measures. 6, prior to acceptance of the product protection organization dedicated staff responsible for the work product protection. Project finished product protection in the guardian in accordance with the quality assurance program responsibilities and methods of implementation of work product protection, until final acceptance, transfer procedure terminates. Construction measures and management of winter and rainy season in the 11th chapter, winter and rainy season construction and management (a) winter and rainy season to prepare 1, winter, rainy season rainy season construction earnestly organize relevant personnel to analyze construction and production plans, according to the construction project in rainy season construction measures for winter and rainy season, needed materials ready before the winter rainy season. 2, the establishment and the 因而能一直引领时代潮流~成为指导社会发展、人类进步的永远发光的明灯 回顾两千多年的哲学史,哲学家们对世界和人生确实提出过很多真知灼见,使后人从中得到启迪,汲取智慧和力量。因而他们的著作永远是人类宝贵的精神财富。但是,古代的哲学家以及当代很多非马克思主义哲学家,大多是所谓“学院派”,他们或者脱离社会现实,很少真正关心人民群众的命运,自恃清高,满足于个人在书斋里著书立说;或者脱离社会实践和科学发展的前沿,单凭个人的直观经验和抽象思辨,主观地制造各种哲学体系。因此,他们的作品尽管对人类文化有不同程度的贡献,但不可避免地同时存在很多不科学的、消极的成分,整体上不可能成为科学理论体系。特别是它们的生命力都很短,随着哲学家的去世,以他的名字命名的这个哲学的发展,也就很快终结,成为遗产了。 与此相反,马克思主义哲学坚决摒弃脱离实际的抽象思辨,坚决反对那种把哲学的命运依托于少数几个哲学家,制造所谓绝对真理体系,实际是扼杀哲学的真理性和生命力的庸俗之举。它认为真正的哲学同科学一样,是在真理与谬误、相对与绝对的辩证统一中发展的。哲学的生命力在于发展,而发展的唯一的源泉和动力只能是人民群众的实践和生活。因此,它始终自觉地把哲学和社会主义革命和建设事业的发展联系在一起,不断地从中汲取营养。它认为哲学不是少数精神贵族的专利,主张破除纯学术的抽象思辨色彩,使哲学普及到群众中去,成为亿万群众所掌握的精神武器,大家都能学习它、应用它、研究它、发展它。因而它的生命决不会由于某个人的去世而终结,而是能承前启后、继往开来、代代相传、发扬光大、生命永续。 马克思主义哲学的创始人是哲学创新的典范。他们始终自觉地站在时代潮流的前列,积极参加人民群众的革命实践,密切关注科学技术和社会经济文化的最新成就和发展趋势,在实践和科学的基础上,既认真批判吸收人类优秀哲学遗产,又坚决排除当时哲学家们对唯物主义和辩证法的偏见,把二者结合起来,创建了既唯物又辩证的宇宙观、社会历史观、人学、认识论、价值观、方法论等,构成了科学的哲学理论体系。在迎接新世纪、新千年的时候,马克思和爱因斯坦是举世公认名列前茅的两位千年伟人。我想,对包括哲学在内的人类文化所作的杰出贡献,是他们获得此项荣誉的重要理由。继马克思和恩格斯之后,列宁、毛泽东、邓小平都是哲学创新的典范。一部马克思主义哲学史,就是以马、恩、列、毛、construction and safety, security, fire protection, prevent equipment loss or damage. Do well the management of three-level quality inspection and acceptance, not procedure does not check the acceptance on to the next step of construction to prevent unnecessary rework. When the ground surface does not meet human strength, construction personnel shall not be crushed, such as construction of construction protection measures need to be taken before, after the formation of the ground still needs to take the necessary protection measures for work before they can operate. Hidden works closed after inspection by the responsible departments. Construction to prevent hit, hit, hit, damage to the actuator. Electricity, fire welding should be carried out in the prevention cable fire, prevention measures. 6, prior to acceptance of the product protection organization dedicated staff responsible for the work product protection. Project finished product protection in the guardian in accordance with the quality assurance program responsibilities and methods of implementation of work product protection, until final acceptance, transfer procedure terminates. Construction measures and management of winter and rainy season in the 11th chapter, winter and rainy season construction and management (a) winter and rainy season to prepare 1, winter, rainy season rainy season construction earnestly organize relevant personnel to analyze construction and production plans, according to the construction project in rainy season construction measures for winter and rainy season, needed materials ready before the winter rainy season. 2, the establishment and the 邓等为代表的几代马克思主义哲学家们,在最初创建的新世界观的基础上,不断创新的历史。 立足当前,展望未来,创新更是马克思主义哲学能否实现其历史使命的关键。进入21世纪,科技革命正在迅猛发展,科技成果向现实生产力的迅速转化,已成为推动生产持续发展的首要因素。社会生产力空前大发展,真正世界范围的大生产和大交往的格局开始形成。政治多极化、经济全球化和文化国际交流都呈现加速推进的态势,国家之间综合国力的竞争日趋激烈。与此相应,无论是整个世界还是各国内部,社会矛盾层出不穷,显得比已往更加复杂、尖锐。人们的生产方式、生活方式、思维方式、价值观念也都在迅速变化。社会制度、社会生活、社会意识形态的改革和创新,已经成为当代社会发展中带有普遍性的迫切要求。发展变革中的世界,提出了一系列重大问题,如时代特征、社会主要矛盾、世界前途、人类命运等,要求哲学作出新的更有说服力的回答。迅速发展的中国,也提出了一系列新的理论问题,其中一部分深层次的问题涉及世界观、人生观、价值观,也要求哲学给予正确的回答。此外,当前意识形态多元并存,哲学上分歧和争论日益加剧的新态势,也迫切要求马克思主义哲学正面应对。为了给党和国家的指导思想提供扎实的理论基础,保证马克思主义在意识形态领域的指导地位,哲学家们必须立足当代实践,认真分析新情况,研究新问题,集中主要力量抓住理论前沿的难点和哲学争论的焦点,勇敢探索创新,用新的论点、论据来充实、完善和发展马克思主义哲学,同时辨明理论是非。 创新是人类所独具的本质和发展规律。真正的哲学是自己时代的精神上的精华,而创新正是进入21世纪时代在精神上的首要的、集中的表现,创新已成为时代的最强音,已成为马克思主义哲学能否在新世纪完成其历史使命的关键。不断创新本来就是马克思主义哲学的一个本质特征,环顾全球,当代只有马克思主义哲学才能完成哲学创新的历史重任,继续成为党领导人民创造新世界的强大精神武器。 可见,我们有充足的理由坚定对马克思主义哲学的信仰。作为哲学工作者、教师,我们要不断深入学习马克思主义哲学,准确把握其真谛,研究创造新的理论。同时,要密切结合当代现实生活传播科学真理,引导和启发学生对马克思主义哲学的注意、兴趣、思考,进而自觉信仰,树立科学的世界观、人生观和价值construction and safety, security, fire protection, prevent equipment loss or damage. Do well the management of three-level quality inspection and acceptance, not procedure does not check the acceptance on to the next step of construction to prevent unnecessary rework. When the ground surface does not meet human strength, construction personnel shall not be crushed, such as construction of construction protection measures need to be taken before, after the formation of the ground still needs to take the necessary protection measures for work before they can operate. Hidden works closed after inspection by the responsible departments. Construction to prevent hit, hit, hit, damage to the actuator. Electricity, fire welding should be carried out in the prevention cable fire, prevention measures. 6, prior to acceptance of the product protection organization dedicated staff responsible for the work product protection. Project finished product protection in the guardian in accordance with the quality assurance program responsibilities and methods of implementation of work product protection, until final acceptance, transfer procedure terminates. Construction measures and management of winter and rainy season in the 11th chapter, winter and rainy season construction and management (a) winter and rainy season to prepare 1, winter, rainy season rainy season construction earnestly organize relevant personnel to analyze construction and production plans, according to the construction project in rainy season construction measures for winter and rainy season, needed materials ready before the winter rainy season. 2, the establishment and the 观,促使他们茁壮成长。 二、立足现实,结合主要实践经验,讲清基本理论 所谓立足现实,就是以当代世界和中国的实际情况为出发点。“主要实践经验”,集中体现为建设中国特色社会主义实践的最新理论成果,即十六大以来党中央提出的以人为本、实现科学发展、构建社会主义和谐社会等一系列重大战略思想。我的体会是,讲好哲学课,从方法上讲,一是要注重科学性。教师要善于把学生的注意力,集中到理解和把握基本原理的精神实质上,切忌分散。力求把哲学概念的含义(包括内涵和外延)、基本观点(即论断)、它的论据、逻辑论证以及它同错误观点之间的是非界限,都交代清楚,不能含糊。二是要立足现实。理论要说服人,一定要面对现实而决不能回避现实,要联系实际(包括学生中带有普遍性的实际问题),但不要牵强附会,更不能庸俗化。三是讲授尽可能生动活泼一些,使学生容易接受。这样,学生就可能自觉地用学到的哲理去观察现实生活,思考自己应选择什么信仰,树立什么样的世界观、人生观和价值观。 说到立足现实,我认为最好是基本理论和当前的主要实践相结合。因此,我想以中国特色社会主义最新理论成果与马克思主义哲学的关系为题,选择以下三个问题谈一谈自己的认识,供大家参考。 ,一,以人为本与历史唯物主义 党中央概括十六大以来提出的一系列重大战略思想时,以人为本排在前面。并明确指出它是科学发展观的核心,是党的执政理念和党的宗旨的集中体现。对此,从哲学的层面应如何理解呢, 这同马克思主义哲学的两个基本观点直接相关。一是辩证唯物主义关于主体的思想。在如何认识和处理自然和人、物质和精神、社会存在和社会意识的关系问题上,主张在坚持自然、物质是世界的本原,社会存在决定社会意识的前提下,充分肯定人作为主体的能动作用,即人在其活动所及的范围内,发挥他所特有的思维和实践能力,能对改变周围的世界起主导作用。二是历史唯物主义的群众观点。主张人民群众是社会历史活动的主体,是物质和精神财富的创造者,是推动社会发展和历史进步的决定力量。不仅如此,在社会主义社会中,人民是国家的主人,其在创造历史中的主体地位和能动作用,与旧社会相比,发生了质的变化construction and safety, security, fire protection, prevent equipment loss or damage. Do well the management of three-level quality inspection and acceptance, not procedure does not check the acceptance on to the next step of construction to prevent unnecessary rework. When the ground surface does not meet human strength, construction personnel shall not be crushed, such as construction of construction protection measures need to be taken before, after the formation of the ground still needs to take the necessary protection measures for work before they can operate. Hidden works closed after inspection by the responsible departments. Construction to prevent hit, hit, hit, damage to the actuator. Electricity, fire welding should be carried out in the prevention cable fire, prevention measures. 6, prior to acceptance of the product protection organization dedicated staff responsible for the work product protection. Project finished product protection in the guardian in accordance with the quality assurance program responsibilities and methods of implementation of work product protection, until final acceptance, transfer procedure terminates. Construction measures and management of winter and rainy season in the 11th chapter, winter and rainy season construction and management (a) winter and rainy season to prepare 1, winter, rainy season rainy season construction earnestly organize relevant personnel to analyze construction and production plans, according to the construction project in rainy season construction measures for winter and rainy season, needed materials ready before the winter rainy season. 2, the establishment and the 和飞跃。我想,这些观点是党中央提出“以人为本”的重要哲学理论根据。 认识“以人为本”应该把握两个要点。 第一,提出“以人为本”是充分肯定人对社会发展的主体地位和能动作用。 我们现在所讲的科学发展,主要是指社会和人自身的发展问题,它表达了人作为主体,对应该如何改变客观世界和人自身,才能实现自己的目的,这个主客体相互依存、相互作用的发展进程所持的基本观点。因此,它与描述自然界和社会运动客观过程的一般发展观不完全相同。从哲学上讲,发展是个系统概念,包含若干层次。对宇宙这个最广大的层次来说,发展的含义是指演化,即一切事物都处于永恒运动、变化的过程中。对生物层次来说,发展的含义是指生物的进化。无论是前者还是后者,发展都是物质形态自发的运动过程。而人类社会则不同,它是由人组成的,而人是具有自觉能动性的动物,他的行动是有意识、有目的的,这就使社会和人自身的发展带有一定的自觉性。在漫长的历史时期里,整个人类社会的发展仍然处于自发的状态。即便是现代发达的资本主义社会,也只有个别企业或特殊部门有发展规划,没有整个社会发展的总体规划和建设。人类真正自觉地设计整个社会发展的蓝图,全面规划,统筹安排,动员组织全社会成员的力量来予以实施,并使发展的成果惠及全体人民,只有从社会主义社会才真正开始。正如列宁所说的“生气蓬勃的创造性的社会主义是由人民群众自己创立的”。所以,科学发展观,其实就是讲人民如何建设社会主义社会的问题,因而更加需要突出人在发展中的主体地位。这种主体地位和主导作用,贯穿整个社会主义发展过程的始终。 第二,更重要的是突出人民当家作主这个社会主义的本质特征。 在发展问题上讲“以人为本”,最重要、最根本的,就是确认并保证人民当家作主的地位。我国宪法在序言中明确指出,1949年建立了中华人民共和国,“从此中国人民掌握了国家的权力,成为国家的主人”。宪法第二条规定:“中华人民共和国的一切权力属于人民。”人民在经济、政治、文化以及社会生活各个领域当家作主,这是社会主义的本质特征。在建设社会主义社会的伟大实践中,人民是推动各项事业发展的根本动力,为谁发展,靠谁发展,如何发展,都应体现人民的利益和意志,发展的成果也应该由全体人民共享。在整个发展过程中,人民始终起着决定性作用。因此,科学发展观讲“以人为本”,就是要确认并保证人construction and safety, security, fire protection, prevent equipment loss or damage. Do well the management of three-level quality inspection and acceptance, not procedure does not check the acceptance on to the next step of construction to prevent unnecessary rework. When the ground surface does not meet human strength, construction personnel shall not be crushed, such as construction of construction protection measures need to be taken before, after the formation of the ground still needs to take the necessary protection measures for work before they can operate. Hidden works closed after inspection by the responsible departments. Construction to prevent hit, hit, hit, damage to the actuator. Electricity, fire welding should be carried out in the prevention cable fire, prevention measures. 6, prior to acceptance of the product protection organization dedicated staff responsible for the work product protection. Project finished product protection in the guardian in accordance with the quality assurance program responsibilities and methods of implementation of work product protection, until final acceptance, transfer procedure terminates. Construction measures and management of winter and rainy season in the 11th chapter, winter and rainy season construction and management (a) winter and rainy season to prepare 1, winter, rainy season rainy season construction earnestly organize relevant personnel to analyze construction and production plans, according to the construction project in rainy season construction measures for winter and rainy season, needed materials ready before the winter rainy season. 2, the establishment and the 民的主人地位,以人民为根本。“以人为本”集中体现了我们党在发展问题上所持的根本立场。它要求所有共产党员和国家工作人员,特别是党的各级领导干部,都应该摆正自己的位置,正确处理个人和人民的关系,在思想上牢固地树立起人民是国家和社会的主人这一执政理念。任何个人无论职位高低、能力大小,都只是人民中的一员,他手中的权力是人民给的,是人民的公仆,其职责就是全心全意为人民服务,即“俯首甘为孺子牛”,除此之外没有任何特权。国家各项事业的建设都必须把人民放在首位,充分发挥人民群众的主体性、积极性和创造性,把实现、保障和发展人民各方面的需要和权益,作为一切活动的出发点和目的,作为衡量是非得失、成败功过的标准。真正做到“权为民所用、情为民所系、利为民所谋”。谁忘记了这个根本道理,把个人名利放在首位,“当官做老爷”,骑在人民头上作威作福,贪赃枉法、胡作非为,就是忘了“本”。无论是党的干部、国家公务员,还是各行各业的社会主义建设者,只有把这个世界观问题、立场问题正确解决了,才能使发展的成果真正惠及社会全体成员,即邓小平所说的“共同富裕”。这里需要说明的是:讲人民利益,首先是要满足当前最迫切、最现实的生存、发展、享受等各种需要和权益;同时也包括以使人人都过上富裕幸福生活、促进每个人自由全面发展为目标的长远的根本利益。也就是说,应体现党的最低纲领和最高纲领的统一,做到当前实践和未来理想的正确结合。这是我们共产党不同于其他政党的先进性的本质所在。 抓住这两个要点,才能把握“以人为本”的科学内涵和精神实质,深入体会党中央提出“以人为本”的重要意义。 也只有如此认识,才能分清理论是非。现在有的文章宣传“以人为本”和中国古代的“民本主义”、西方近代的“人本主义”是一回事,提出什么“马克思主义人本主义”等,这是完全错误的。中国共产党讲的“以人为本”,是一个基于马克思主义世界观、历史观、价值观提出的,是有着明确科学内涵的新概念。其中吸取借鉴了中国古代“民本主义”和西方近代“人本主义”中的合理因素,但是又与它们有本质的区别。中国古代的“民本主义”提出“民唯邦本,本固邦宁”,“天地之间,莫贵于人”,强调要利民、裕民、养民、惠民,体现了朴素的重民价值取向,在历史上起过缓和阶级矛盾,减轻人民负担的作用。西方近代的“人本主义”反对迷信、崇尚科学,反对专制、崇尚自由,反对神性、张扬个性,construction and safety, security, fire protection, prevent equipment loss or damage. Do well the management of three-level quality inspection and acceptance, not procedure does not check the acceptance on to the next step of construction to prevent unnecessary rework. When the ground surface does not meet human strength, construction personnel shall not be crushed, such as construction of construction protection measures need to be taken before, after the formation of the ground still needs to take the necessary protection measures for work before they can operate. Hidden works closed after inspection by the responsible departments. Construction to prevent hit, hit, hit, damage to the actuator. Electricity, fire welding should be carried out in the prevention cable fire, prevention measures. 6, prior to acceptance of the product protection organization dedicated staff responsible for the work product protection. Project finished product protection in the guardian in accordance with the quality assurance program responsibilities and methods of implementation of work product protection, until final acceptance, transfer procedure terminates. Construction measures and management of winter and rainy season in the 11th chapter, winter and rainy season construction and management (a) winter and rainy season to prepare 1, winter, rainy season rainy season construction earnestly organize relevant personnel to analyze construction and production plans, according to the construction project in rainy season construction measures for winter and rainy season, needed materials ready before the winter rainy season. 2, the establishment and the 对于反对封建主义、推进人的解放,在历史上也起过积极作用。可是“民本主义”中的“民”是相对于“君”、相对于统治者而言的,其本质是维护封建统治者的统治。“人本主义”离开具体的历史条件、离开人的社会性,用抽象的、永恒不变的人性说明社会历史,其作用主要是为资产阶级取得和维护统治地位服务的。而“以人为本”,如前所述,是坚持把人民的利益放在首位,体现了人民当家作主的执政理念。说到底,“以人为本”坚持历史唯物主义立场,而“民本主义”、“人本主义”则是站在历史唯心主义立场,彼此在世界观、社会历史观、价值观以及实现理想的道路和方法,即立论的基本前提和重大原则上,都是根本不同的。所以,深入理解“以人为本”的科学内涵和精神实质,在理论上必须分清是非界限,决不能因为字面上都含有“人”和“本”这两个字,就简单地把它们混淆一起,把“以人为本”等同于“民本主义”、“人本主义”。 ,二,科学发展观与辩证唯物主义 科学发展观是党中央研究社会主义社会发展问题的最新理论成果,转而指导实践,成为统领全局的战略思想。它的提出,标志着我们党在思想上对如何建设社会主义,即如何发展社会主义的认识进一步深化了,是一次重大的理论创新。 胡锦涛指出,科学发展观是关于发展的科学世界观和方法论的集中体现。在发展观前面加上“科学的”这个定语,意在强调对发展的理解的科学性。而它之所以是科学的,因为这个发展观是以马克思主义的科学世界观和方法论的统一、社会历史观和价值观的统一作为理论基础的。由此可以得到启发,理解和把握科学发展观的关键,在于抓住发展观与世界观、方法论之间内在的本质联系。循此思路可以认识到:科学发展观有三个要件或三项不可或缺的要素。 1(一切从实际出发,遵循社会发展客观规律,是实现科学发展的基本前提 大家知道,辩证唯物主义世界观认为,整个世界就是永恒运动着的物质世界,世界上无限多样、千变万化的事物,都是物质运动的不同形态。就物质世界与人的意识的关系来说,意识只是一种特殊物质??人脑的属性和机能,它的内容是对物质的能动的反映,意识通过人的实践可以改变物质世界,但这种主体能动的反作用归根到底要受物质运动客观规律的制约。所以,世界的统一性在于物质性。马克思把这个原理贯彻到社会领域,主张不是人们的意识决定人们的存在,而是人们的社会存在决定人们的意识。恩格斯说:“这个原理非常简单,它对于没有construction and safety, security, fire protection, prevent equipment loss or damage. Do well the management of three-level quality inspection and acceptance, not procedure does not check the acceptance on to the next step of construction to prevent unnecessary rework. When the ground surface does not meet human strength, construction personnel shall not be crushed, such as construction of construction protection measures need to be taken before, after the formation of the ground still needs to take the necessary protection measures for work before they can operate. Hidden works closed after inspection by the responsible departments. Construction to prevent hit, hit, hit, damage to the actuator. Electricity, fire welding should be carried out in the prevention cable fire, prevention measures. 6, prior to acceptance of the product protection organization dedicated staff responsible for the work product protection. Project finished product protection in the guardian in accordance with the quality assurance program responsibilities and methods of implementation of work product protection, until final acceptance, transfer procedure terminates. Construction measures and management of winter and rainy season in the 11th chapter, winter and rainy season construction and management (a) winter and rainy season to prepare 1, winter, rainy season rainy season construction earnestly organize relevant personnel to analyze construction and production plans, according to the construction project in rainy season construction measures for winter and rainy season, needed materials ready before the winter rainy season. 2, the establishment and the 被唯心主义的欺骗束缚住的人来说是不言自明的。但是,这个事实不仅对于理论,而且对于实践都是最革命的结论。”世界的物质统一性,是辩证唯物主义的第一条基本原理。运用这个原理来认识世界、改造世界,就成了科学方法论的第一条原则——客观性原则,即认识和处理一切问题都必须从对象、事物的实际情况出发。因此,在发展问题上集中体现科学的世界观和方法论,首先必须做到两点。一是从当代世界的实际情况出发。通过对进入21世纪以来世界复杂多变的形势和各种社会矛盾的科学分析,探索和掌握当代世界发展的基本规律。二是从中国的实际情况出发。通过正确分析当代中国的国情,特别是二十多年来经济和社会建设持续高速发展,全面开放、改革深化,既取得巨大成就,又产生一系列新矛盾和新问题的客观现实,深刻认识中国现阶段社会的基本矛盾、社会形态的基本性质和所处的发展阶段,从中发现和掌握建设中国特色社会主义的规律,搞清楚社会主义初级阶段与更高阶段的联系、区别,以及过渡的条件。这是党和国家正确制定社会发展战略、规划以及有关的方针、政策的基本根据。因此,各地区、各个领域的领导者和建设者贯彻落实科学发展观,首先必须坚持实事求是的思想路线,通过对国情(省、地、县、区,直至本部门)系统地、周密地调查研究,全面深刻地认识和把握自己所建设和服务的对象的实际情况。 一切从实际出发,说来似乎谁都承认,但真正做到并不容易。这里,有工作方法问题,但更重要的是立场、责任感和工作作风问题,即能否坚定社会主义信念,坚持从实现、维护和发展人民大众的根本利益出发,排除各种影响正确认识和反映实际情况的消极因素的干扰。回顾我国建国以来的历史经验和教训可以看到,一切成就的获得首先都是由于坚持从对象的实际情况出发,符合中国国情;而一切挫折和错误也首先在于没有从对象的实际情况出发,脱离甚至违背了中国国情。失去了这个基本前提就谈不上什么科学发展。改革开放之初,党中央提出建设中国特色社会主义时,一个极其重要的观点就是认定中国将长期处于社会主义初级阶段,而作出这个论断的根据正是对中国国情的深刻认识。当时流行的通俗的表述是:“一穷二白”,“人口多、底子薄、水平低”,“十亿人口、八亿农民”。时间过去二十多年了,我国总体上仍处于社会主义初级阶段,但也有一个根据正在变化着的现实,重新认识今日中国国情的问题。一切从实际出发是深刻认识和贯彻落实科学发展观所必须坚持的一个基本前提。 construction and safety, security, fire protection, prevent equipment loss or damage. Do well the management of three-level quality inspection and acceptance, not procedure does not check the acceptance on to the next step of construction to prevent unnecessary rework. When the ground surface does not meet human strength, construction personnel shall not be crushed, such as construction of construction protection measures need to be taken before, after the formation of the ground still needs to take the necessary protection measures for work before they can operate. Hidden works closed after inspection by the responsible departments. Construction to prevent hit, hit, hit, damage to the actuator. Electricity, fire welding should be carried out in the prevention cable fire, prevention measures. 6, prior to acceptance of the product protection organization dedicated staff responsible for the work product protection. Project finished product protection in the guardian in accordance with the quality assurance program responsibilities and methods of implementation of work product protection, until final acceptance, transfer procedure terminates. Construction measures and management of winter and rainy season in the 11th chapter, winter and rainy season construction and management (a) winter and rainy season to prepare 1, winter, rainy season rainy season construction earnestly organize relevant personnel to analyze construction and production plans, according to the construction project in rainy season construction measures for winter and rainy season, needed materials ready before the winter rainy season. 2, the establishment and the 2(“以人为本”是科学发展观的核心 前面已经说明了“以人为本”的科学内涵,这正是“以人为本”之所以成为科学发展观的核心的根据。简言之,就是由于人、人民是社会主义社会发展的主体,是推动发展的决定力量,实现、维护和发展全体人民的权益,促进人的全面发展是发展的出发点和目的,也是衡量各项事业发展成败功过的标准。 3(全面、协调、可持续是科学发展观的基本原则和方法 确定这个原则和方法的哲学理论根据正是唯物辩证法。大家知道,唯物辩证法是马克思主义科学世界观和方法论的重要组成部分,之所以称为唯物辩证法,是因为它把唯物主义与辩证法有机地结合起来,阐明了世界是运动着的物质世界,物质实体、运动、时空、属性、关系、规律等都是运动着的物质自身所固有的。唯物辩证法的前提是确认世界的物质统一性,它的实质和核心是对立统一规律,它的内容就是一系列范畴及其相互关系和运动规律,由此体现了物质世界全面、普遍联系、永恒发展的壮丽图景。人类要使社会得到全面、协调、可持续的发展,就必须使自己的行动自觉地遵循物质运动的客观规律。恩格斯说,唯物辩证法是“关于普遍联系的科学”。列宁说,它是“完整深刻而无片面性弊病的关于发展的学说”。这些论断体现了辩证发展观的两个要点:联系的观点和发展的观点。坚持这些基本观点,是实现全面、协调、可持续发展的理论前提。 如何才能把科学方法论运用到实践之中,保证社会主义建设实现全面、协调、可持续的发展呢,必须通过系统周密的调查研究,弄清楚建设对象、客体和主体的情况,运用对立统一规律(矛盾分析法),对制约发展的各种要素、各个方面、各个层次相互之间的复杂关系,作出科学的分析,遵循全面、协调与可持续的原则,提出正确的实施 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 。可见,实现科学发展是一项复杂的系统工程。 在马、恩、列之后,毛泽东写的《矛盾论》、《实践论》、《论十大关系》、《关于正确处理人民内部矛盾的问题》等一系列著作,丰富和发展了唯物辩证法。改革开放二十多年来,在中央很多文件和领导人的讲话中都蕴涵了全面、协调、可持续的辩证发展思想。我国的马克思主义哲学家们,也注意吸取系统论、环境可持续发展论等现代科学方法的新成果,充实和发展了唯物辩证法。因而,它始终保持着先进的科学方法论的地位。那种认为唯物辩证法已经过时的观点,不是无知,就是偏见。理解了科学发展观与马克思主义哲学的这种内在的本质联系,就construction and safety, security, fire protection, prevent equipment loss or damage. Do well the management of three-level quality inspection and acceptance, not procedure does not check the acceptance on to the next step of construction to prevent unnecessary rework. When the ground surface does not meet human strength, construction personnel shall not be crushed, such as construction of construction protection measures need to be taken before, after the formation of the ground still needs to take the necessary protection measures for work before they can operate. Hidden works closed after inspection by the responsible departments. Construction to prevent hit, hit, hit, damage to the actuator. Electricity, fire welding should be carried out in the prevention cable fire, prevention measures. 6, prior to acceptance of the product protection organization dedicated staff responsible for the work product protection. Project finished product protection in the guardian in accordance with the quality assurance program responsibilities and methods of implementation of work product protection, until final acceptance, transfer procedure terminates. Construction measures and management of winter and rainy season in the 11th chapter, winter and rainy season construction and management (a) winter and rainy season to prepare 1, winter, rainy season rainy season construction earnestly organize relevant personnel to analyze construction and production plans, according to the construction project in rainy season construction measures for winter and rainy season, needed materials ready before the winter rainy season. 2, the establishment and the 可以懂得坚持全面、协调、可持续发展,以及“五个统筹”等,正是把辩证唯物主义的科学方法论运用于认识和指导社会发展所得出的重要结论。 建设中国特色社会主义这项人类有史以来最复杂、最艰巨、最伟大的社会系统工程,迫切需要人们自觉地运用科学方法论。只有在认识和处理一切发展问题上贯彻全面、协调、可持续的观点和方法,全面规划、统筹兼顾、惠及各方,防止和克服各种主观的、片面的、不协调的、导致发展进程中断的消极因素的干扰,才能充分发挥各种积极因素,最大限度地化解影响发展的各种矛盾,避免各种风险和灾变,使发展得以长久地持续下去,顺利地实现建成社会主义的理想目标。 综上所述,我们可以得出以下结论。 第一,科学发展观是党坚持马克思主义基本观点,总结当代实践经验,对应该如何认识和处理社会发展问题的科学回答。它充分体现了辩证唯物主义世界观(包括社会历史观)和方法论的统一,认识论和价值观的统一,立场、观点和方法的统一,理论和实践的统一,确实是继承并向前推进了马克思主义的发展理论,是一项重大的理论创新。 第二,实际生活中可能存在着两种不同的发展观,一种是科学的,另一种是不科学的。只有从马克思主义的世界观、社会历史观和价值观的统一上,把从一切从实际出发和一切从人民利益出发,这两个出发点结合起来,把目的和手段结合起来,全面认识和实践发展问题,这样的发展才是科学的、是人民群众所需要的,才是可持续的。离开了这些基本理论前提、出发点和根本目的讲发展,就会偏离前进的正确方向,使社会主义事业遭受挫折甚至失败。 第三,科学发展观的提出,充分体现了党的求真务实精神。新中国成立五十多年来,特别是建设中国特色社会主义二十多年来的经验和现实情况都说明,全面、正确地解决认识发展问题,确实是当前关系到社会主义事业兴衰成败,甚至国家生死存亡的头等大事。抓住这一点,就抓住了牛鼻子(主要矛盾),其他问题才能迎刃而解。所以,党中央提出科学发展观是总揽全局的重大战略思维和决策,非常及时,切中时弊,有很强的现实针对性。 ,三,构建社会主义和谐社会与矛盾论 马克思主义哲学也是构建社会主义和谐社会的理论基础。在此,我想着重讨论一个问题:如何正确理解和谐与矛盾的关系。 construction and safety, security, fire protection, prevent equipment loss or damage. Do well the management of three-level quality inspection and acceptance, not procedure does not check the acceptance on to the next step of construction to prevent unnecessary rework. When the ground surface does not meet human strength, construction personnel shall not be crushed, such as construction of construction protection measures need to be taken before, after the formation of the ground still needs to take the necessary protection measures for work before they can operate. Hidden works closed after inspection by the responsible departments. Construction to prevent hit, hit, hit, damage to the actuator. Electricity, fire welding should be carried out in the prevention cable fire, prevention measures. 6, prior to acceptance of the product protection organization dedicated staff responsible for the work product protection. Project finished product protection in the guardian in accordance with the quality assurance program responsibilities and methods of implementation of work product protection, until final acceptance, transfer procedure terminates. Construction measures and management of winter and rainy season in the 11th chapter, winter and rainy season construction and management (a) winter and rainy season to prepare 1, winter, rainy season rainy season construction earnestly organize relevant personnel to analyze construction and production plans, according to the construction project in rainy season construction measures for winter and rainy season, needed materials ready before the winter rainy season. 2, the establishment and the 《中共中央十六届六中全会公报》指出:“目前,我国社会总体上是和谐的。但是,也存在不少影响社会和谐的矛盾和问题。人类社会总是在矛盾运动中发展进步的。构建社会主义和谐社会是一个不断化解社会矛盾的持续过程。我们要始终保持清醒头脑,居安思危,深刻认识我国发展的阶段性特征,科学分析影响社会和谐的矛盾和问题及其产生的原因,更加积极主动地正视矛盾、化解矛盾,最大限度地增加和谐因素,最大限度地减少不和谐因素,不断地促进社会和谐。”可见,党中央是从实际出发,即从中国进入全面建设小康社会新阶段的国情出发,通过对现实社会矛盾的科学分析,提出构建社会主义和谐社会这一战略任务的。也就是说,现实生活中存在的各种社会矛盾正是构建社会主义和谐社会的客观根据。党中央这一决策的正确和英明,恰恰在于不回避矛盾,而是正视矛盾,特别是抓住那些事关发展全局的十分复杂的、突出的矛盾,要求最大限度地减少不和谐因素,最大限度地增加和谐因素,不断促进社会和谐,保证顺利建成社会主义现代化国家。而这正是坚持唯物辩证法和矛盾论的有力证明。 理论上如何深刻认识“和谐”与“矛盾”二者的关系,还是要用马克思主义哲学的基本原理去求解。 唯物辩证法告诉我们,矛盾存在于一切事物中,并贯穿于每一事物发展过程的始终,矛盾着的对立面又统一,又斗争,由此推动事物的运动和变化,这是宇宙的根本规律。斗争和同一(统一)是一切矛盾普遍具有的两个基本属性,但在不同性质的矛盾中,对立双方如何斗争,又如何同一是不相同的,即矛盾有其特殊性。和谐(名词)一般是指非对抗性的矛盾中,对立面在同一性(相互依存、相互合作)处于主导方面时事物存在的一种状态。可以是指现存的状况,也可以是指追求未来发展的理想目标。和谐(动词)作为处理矛盾的一种方法,是指社会矛盾处于支配地位的一方,在处理矛盾时有意识地采用的一种方法,即用友好合作、互谅互让、平等互利等办法来缓和化解矛盾,避免激化,这是矛盾运动中同一和斗争两种形式的综合运用。由于矛盾的具体性质和状况都有特殊性,因而如何恰当地运用斗争和同一的形式来达到实现和谐的目的也是有所不同的。社会主义社会有一个从初级到高级的发展过程,社会主义和谐社会的建构也是一个长期的历史任务,在不同的发展阶段上,社会和谐的水平也是逐步提高的。总之,讨论社会和谐问题同样应该遵循具体地分析具体情况的原则。那种认为讲和谐就construction and safety, security, fire protection, prevent equipment loss or damage. Do well the management of three-level quality inspection and acceptance, not procedure does not check the acceptance on to the next step of construction to prevent unnecessary rework. When the ground surface does not meet human strength, construction personnel shall not be crushed, such as construction of construction protection measures need to be taken before, after the formation of the ground still needs to take the necessary protection measures for work before they can operate. Hidden works closed after inspection by the responsible departments. Construction to prevent hit, hit, hit, damage to the actuator. Electricity, fire welding should be carried out in the prevention cable fire, prevention measures. 6, prior to acceptance of the product protection organization dedicated staff responsible for the work product protection. Project finished product protection in the guardian in accordance with the quality assurance program responsibilities and methods of implementation of work product protection, until final acceptance, transfer procedure terminates. Construction measures and management of winter and rainy season in the 11th chapter, winter and rainy season construction and management (a) winter and rainy season to prepare 1, winter, rainy season rainy season construction earnestly organize relevant personnel to analyze construction and production plans, according to the construction project in rainy season construction measures for winter and rainy season, needed materials ready before the winter rainy season. 2, the establishment and the 是回避矛盾、否定斗争的观点,是对唯物辩证法矛盾论的肤浅片面的认识。 人类社会是物质世界高层次的运动系统,以社会基本矛盾,即生产力和生产关系、经济基础和上层建筑的矛盾为基础和核心构成了复杂的矛盾群。自古以来,社会和谐一直是人们所追求的一种美好愿望。但在几千年阶级社会中,处于统治地位的剥削阶级与被剥削、受压迫的广大劳动群众之间基于利益根本对立的阶级矛盾是主要矛盾,阶级之间既存在着对立、斗争、冲突和对抗,也存在着相互依存和相互渗透,有时也会有一定的妥协和合作,但社会的基本状态是不和谐。正如胡锦涛所说的“在存在阶级压迫和阶级剥削的旧制度下,这些设想是根本无法实现的”。进入20世纪的中国,由于特殊的历史条件和机遇,人民在共产党的领导下,经过长期艰苦奋斗,取得了新民主主义革命的胜利,推翻了反动统治,建立了新中国。之后又经过社会主义改造,消灭了地主阶级和资产阶级,建立了社会主义制度,大规模阶级斗争基本结束,在中国历史上第一次形成了社会和谐的局面,但矛盾依然存在。1957年,毛泽东及时发表了《论十大关系》、《关于正确处理人民内部矛盾的问题》等著作,明确指出,“没有矛盾的想法是不符合客观实际的天真的想法”。首先提出社会主义社会仍然存在矛盾,主张正确处理人民内部矛盾,用“团结——批评——团结”的公式和“统筹兼顾、适当安排”,“百花齐放、百家争鸣”,“长期共存、互相监督”等,作为解决人民内部矛盾的正确方法。他还指出,“我们的目标,是想造成一个又有集中又有民主,又有纪律又有自由,又有统一意志、又有个人心情舒畅、生动活泼,那样一种政治局面。”这在理论上是一大贡献。现在党中央提出构建社会主义和谐社会,与毛泽东当时提出的“目标”是一脉相承的。历史经验告诉我们,真正全面地认识和正确处理好各种社会矛盾,不是一次就能完成的。随着事物的运动变化,原有的矛盾解决了,又会产生新的矛盾。社会主义事业只能通过不断地正确处理各种社会矛盾而获得发展。而“和谐”既是处理矛盾所要达到的目标,也是处理矛盾的积极有效的方法。 党中央提出构建社会主义和谐社会这项战略任务不是偶然的,有很强的现实针对性。这就是社会发展过程中出现了一系列重大的社会矛盾和影响社会进步的不和谐因素。这些不和谐因素的存在不仅直接损害广大人民最关心、最直接、最现实的利益,而且威胁到人民的根本利益,引发群众的不满情绪,如果任其滋长construction and safety, security, fire protection, prevent equipment loss or damage. Do well the management of three-level quality inspection and acceptance, not procedure does not check the acceptance on to the next step of construction to prevent unnecessary rework. When the ground surface does not meet human strength, construction personnel shall not be crushed, such as construction of construction protection measures need to be taken before, after the formation of the ground still needs to take the necessary protection measures for work before they can operate. Hidden works closed after inspection by the responsible departments. Construction to prevent hit, hit, hit, damage to the actuator. Electricity, fire welding should be carried out in the prevention cable fire, prevention measures. 6, prior to acceptance of the product protection organization dedicated staff responsible for the work product protection. Project finished product protection in the guardian in accordance with the quality assurance program responsibilities and methods of implementation of work product protection, until final acceptance, transfer procedure terminates. Construction measures and management of winter and rainy season in the 11th chapter, winter and rainy season construction and management (a) winter and rainy season to prepare 1, winter, rainy season rainy season construction earnestly organize relevant personnel to analyze construction and production plans, according to the construction project in rainy season construction measures for winter and rainy season, needed materials ready before the winter rainy season. 2, the establishment and the 泛滥,则不仅可能动摇社会总体上的和谐局面,而且可能严重影响整个社会主义事业的可持续发展,甚至危及社会主义事业全局。正如党的十六届六中全会所指出的,我国发展所面临的机遇和面对的挑战都是前所未有的,形势紧迫,时不我待。党中央提出构建社会主义和谐社会的任务,具有强烈的现实针对性,正是为了“更加积极主动地正视矛盾、化解矛盾,最大限度地增加和谐因素,最大限度地减少不和谐因素,不断促进社会和谐”。 总之,提倡和谐决不意味着回避矛盾,否认斗争。恰恰相反,正视矛盾,正确处理矛盾,是促进和实现和谐所必然要求的。现在讨论和谐社会理论基础的文章中,有一种把和谐与矛盾对立起来,回避“矛盾”,否定“斗争”,试图用别的什么哲学来取代唯物辩证法和对立统一规律,作为我们的哲学理论基础,这显然是不对的。 construction and safety, security, fire protection, prevent equipment loss or damage. Do well the management of three-level quality inspection and acceptance, not procedure does not check the acceptance on to the next step of construction to prevent unnecessary rework. When the ground surface does not meet human strength, construction personnel shall not be crushed, such as construction of construction protection measures need to be taken before, after the formation of the ground still needs to take the necessary protection measures for work before they can operate. Hidden works closed after inspection by the responsible departments. Construction to prevent hit, hit, hit, damage to the actuator. Electricity, fire welding should be carried out in the prevention cable fire, prevention measures. 6, prior to acceptance of the product protection organization dedicated staff responsible for the work product protection. Project finished product protection in the guardian in accordance with the quality assurance program responsibilities and methods of implementation of work product protection, until final acceptance, transfer procedure terminates. Construction measures and management of winter and rainy season in the 11th chapter, winter and rainy season construction and management (a) winter and rainy season to prepare 1, winter, rainy season rainy season construction earnestly organize relevant personnel to analyze construction and production plans, according to the construction project in rainy season construction measures for winter and rainy season, needed materials ready before the winter rainy season. 2, the establishment and the
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