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董事长办公室职责董事长办公室职责 2011-04-07 目 录 董事长办公室职能及其所设臵岗位责任 ……………………….3 集团所属公司,图,及董办职能分工、人员配备,图,………5 集团董办兼具人力资源管理中心职能 …………………………12 集团董办兼具审计监察的职能 …………………………………14 设立考评奖励制度 ………………………………………………18 行政事务管理制度 ………………………………………………21 车辆管理制度 ……………………………………………………28 are equipped with tools...

董事长办公室职责 2011-04-07 目 录 董事长办公室职能及其所设臵岗位责任 ……………………….3 集团所属公司,图,及董办职能分工、人员配备,图,………5 集团董办兼具人力资源管理中心职能 …………………………12 集团董办兼具审计监察的职能 …………………………………14 设立考评奖励制度 ………………………………………………18 行政事务 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 ………………………………………………21 车辆管理制度 ……………………………………………………28 are equipped with tools, small parts, supplies, transportation of small quantities of materials, materials testing and business contacts. Basic part a, number of major project item unit quantity note 1 earth M3 12100 2 lime soil cushion cushion M3 200 3 concrete M3 90 4 steel t 260 5 template m2 6500 6 M3 2100 M2 2500 8 7 waterproof layer construction of concrete filling M3 5600 b , The main part of the main project number project unit quantity note 1 ... A, measurement engineering of the structural, but strict precision requirements, to ensure the quality of the location and size, decided to set up a project engineer is responsible for the measure group. While strictly implementing the code for engineering survey (GB 50026 – 2007), the specification for deformation measurement of buildings (JGJ8-2007) specifications, careful study, familiar with the drawings, so that parts of the project in mind there is a clear stereo image, also check line parts of the drawings. Operation patient, everything in position, the line through self-inspection, mutual qualified, drew attention to the inspection line, within the limits of error to a minimum. (A) position the overall conception of engineering survey project using "building line positioning" approach for axis control. Controlled by theodolite in the vertical direction. Elevation using round trip "precise leveling" measurements. According to the overall local and precise control of low precision of work procedures. (B) axis control 1. horizontal axis control network building: set the datum plane control network 目前天海枣业集团、肥业集团的工作已经基本走入正轨~另外林场、核桃公司、麦盖提农场、腾惠大厦、研究中心、乌鲁木齐办事处、,电子交易市场,等各相关公司的发展也需要加快步伐~从而更好地配合整体集团做好相关工作。遵照董事长的会议精神~设立董事长办公室~同时设臵相关职能部门~明确相应的岗位责任。 董事长办公室职能及其所设臵岗位责任 一、部门职能 ,1,做好董事长决策的参谋、服务工作~为集团战略规划、重大投资、产业结构调整及项目论证提出前瞻性建议~为董事长各项重大决策提供依据, ,2,收集资本运作的重点对象,行业、企业,的信息资料~开展调查研究~提出初步 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 供董事长参考; ,3,对本集团公司的资金、人力、土地、技术等资源情况~开展专 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 调研~并拿出切实可行的改进意见~供董事长参考; ,4,组织金融项目的考察、评估等工作~为公司对金融机构的参股重组、收购等实际运作提供决策参考; ,5,组织召开公司股东大会、董事会~处理股东与投资者相关事宜, ,6,公司对外联络、宣传工作和企业文化建设, ,7,审核公司重大合同~协调处理公司对外法律事务及社会公共关系, 第 3 页 共 33 页 ,8,组织研究国家政策法规信息~合理运用政策空间, ,9,跟踪国家、地方、行业出台的与企业相关的各项优惠政策~收集地方和国家有关政策信息~分析公司产业状况和产品的市场状况~为企业发展和领导决策提供参考意见; ,10,开展对各生产经营公司的调研~对各经营公司的建设和经营运作提出供领导参考的意见; ,11,负责公司对外信息披露工作, ,12,负责公司资本运作、证券业务, ,13,负责申报重大投资项目文件及办理批复; ,14,负责集团董事长文件的呈报和转发工作~协助处理日常行政事务, ,15,集团文件档案及印章的管理工作; are equipped with tools, small parts, supplies, transportation of small quantities of materials, materials testing and business contacts. Basic part a, number of major project item unit quantity note 1 earth M3 12100 2 lime soil cushion cushion M3 200 3 concrete M3 90 4 steel t 260 5 template m2 6500 6 M3 2100 M2 2500 8 7 waterproof layer construction of concrete filling M3 5600 b , The main part of the main project number project unit quantity note 1 ... A, measurement engineering of the structural, but strict precision requirements, to ensure the quality of the location and size, decided to set up a project engineer is responsible for the measure group. While strictly implementing the code for engineering survey (GB 50026 – 2007), the specification for deformation measurement of buildings (JGJ8-2007) specifications, careful study, familiar with the drawings, so that parts of the project in mind there is a clear stereo image, also check line parts of the drawings. Operation patient, everything in position, the line through self-inspection, mutual qualified, drew attention to the inspection line, within the limits of error to a minimum. (A) position the overall conception of engineering survey project using "building line positioning" approach for axis control. Controlled by theodolite in the vertical direction. Elevation using round trip "precise leveling" measurements. According to the overall local and precise control of low precision of work procedures. (B) axis control 1. horizontal axis control network building: set the datum plane control network 集团所属公司,图,及董办职能分工、人员配备,图,如下 第 5 页 共 33 页 are equipped with tools, small parts, supplies, transportation of small quantities of materials, materials testing and business contacts. Basic part a, number of major project item unit quantity note 1 earth M3 12100 2 lime soil cushion cushion M3 200 3 concrete M3 90 4 steel t 260 5 template m2 6500 6 M3 2100 M2 2500 8 7 waterproof layer construction of concrete filling M3 5600 b , The main part of the main project number project unit quantity note 1 ... A, measurement engineering of the structural, but strict precision requirements, to ensure the quality of the location and size, decided to set up a project engineer is responsible for the measure group. While strictly implementing the code for engineering survey (GB 50026 – 2007), the specification for deformation measurement of buildings (JGJ8-2007) specifications, careful study, familiar with the drawings, so that parts of the project in mind there is a clear stereo image, also check line parts of the drawings. Operation patient, everything in position, the line through self-inspection, mutual qualified, drew attention to the inspection line, within the limits of error to a minimum. (A) position the overall conception of engineering survey project using "building line positioning" approach for axis control. Controlled by theodolite in the vertical direction. Elevation using round trip "precise leveling" measurements. According to the overall local and precise control of low precision of work procedures. (B) axis control 1. horizontal axis control network building: set the datum plane control network 董事长 办公室 董办主任 刘颖斌 ,暂兼, 董办副主任 董办副主任 李艳花 ,人事行政 ,暂兼, 预留, 项目开发组 政策法规组 金融证券组 文化宣传组 外围公关组 文档组 集团采购部 刘颖斌、李艳陈钢、刘厚礼赵婧言、陈钢 夏冰、黄蓉 武瑛霄、胡晓黄容、夏冰 杜洋、秦燕鹏 ,暂定, ,暂定, ,暂定, ,暂定, ,暂定, 花 东、张臣 ,暂定, ,暂定, 第 7 页 共 33 页 二、机构设臵及职责 董事长办公室下设项目组、战略政策法规组、金融证券组、文化宣传组、外围公关组和文档组六个管理组~集团采购部一个部~共六组一部,分别履行以下职责: ,一,项目开发 1.资本运作 ,1,分析国内外资本市场的规律~研究资本运作方略~提出在新形势下集团资本运作的新思路和新途径; ,2,收集资本运作的重点对象,行业、企业,的信息资料~开展调查研究~提出初步方案供董事长参考; ,3,研究如何以最低的成本收购兼并国有企业~并对董事长已确定的项目进行深入、全面的调研~保证并购成功~实现短期内收回成本和低成本扩张之目标; ,4,掌握和熟悉国内民营企业上市的程序、条件、费用~争取今后2年内集团有一家公司在股票市场上市; 2.投资决策 ,1,研究投资环境和决策的科学手段~确立集团投资决策新思路; ,2,探讨投资效益的最大化~争取用最少的钱办最大的事; ,3,提出投资决策的初步方案供董事局决策参考; 3.项目论证 ,1,提出重点项目开发思路供董事局参考; are equipped with tools, small parts, supplies, transportation of small quantities of materials, materials testing and business contacts. Basic part a, number of major project item unit quantity note 1 earth M3 12100 2 lime soil cushion cushion M3 200 3 concrete M3 90 4 steel t 260 5 template m2 6500 6 M3 2100 M2 2500 8 7 waterproof layer construction of concrete filling M3 5600 b , The main part of the main project number project unit quantity note 1 ... A, measurement engineering of the structural, but strict precision requirements, to ensure the quality of the location and size, decided to set up a project engineer is responsible for the measure group. While strictly implementing the code for engineering survey (GB 50026 – 2007), the specification for deformation measurement of buildings (JGJ8-2007) specifications, careful study, familiar with the drawings, so that parts of the project in mind there is a clear stereo image, also check line parts of the drawings. Operation patient, everything in position, the line through self-inspection, mutual qualified, drew attention to the inspection line, within the limits of error to a minimum. (A) position the overall conception of engineering survey project using "building line positioning" approach for axis control. Controlled by theodolite in the vertical direction. Elevation using round trip "precise leveling" measurements. According to the overall local and precise control of low precision of work procedures. (B) axis control 1. horizontal axis control network building: set the datum plane control network ,2,对重点项目进行初步调查、分析~并进行前期简单论证; ,3,完成董事长交办的特定项目的可行性研究~并拿出论证报告; 4.发展改革 ,1,国内外同行,集团公司,发展思路的分析~为董事长提供相关信息、经典 经验 班主任工作经验交流宣传工作经验交流材料优秀班主任经验交流小学课改经验典型材料房地产总经理管理经验 ; ,2,集团发展战略、策略的研究; ,3,提出集团产业、产品结构调整、管理模式、管理机制改革的思路和可行方案供董事局参考; 5.行业分析 ,1,收集与本集团公司相关的行业动态资料~研究相关行业发展趋势~提供准确信息; ,2,为董事局提供生物制药、中成药、保健品、房地产、金融业、旅游业、进出口贸易等各行业专题的研究报告; ,3,对重点行业进行重点考查~并写出有一定质量的调查报告; 6.资源整合 ,1,及时向董事长提供国内、国外有关公司,集团,资源整合的做法与经验~以及最新的整合思路和整合手段等信息; ,2,对本集团公司的资金、人力、土地、技术等资源情况~开展专题调研~并拿出切实可行的改进意见~供董事长参考; ,3,对资产重组、股权重组、人力资源重组等重大课题开展调 第 9 页 共 33 页 研~适时提供有价值的研究报告送董事长; ,二,政策法规研究 ,1,跟踪地方、国家、行业出台的与企业相关的各项优惠政策~收集地方和国家有关政策信息~分析公司产业状况和产品的市场状况~为企业发展和领导决策提供参考意见; ,2,为公司提供日常法律咨询~审查公司对外合同等各种法律文书~代理或协助公司参加诉讼、调解或者仲裁活动; ,3,协助公司资本运作、项目考察及证券业务; ,4,协助公司股东大会、董事会、监事会运行的各项事务; ,5,协助对外信息披露工作; ,6,定期或不定期的编制《政策法规信息》~供领导参考; ,三,金融证券 ,1,负责公司的资本运作项目; ,2,负责公司证券投资业务; ,3,负责公司信息披露工作; ,4,协助召开公司股东大会、董事会、监事会会议~做好文字材料服务工作; ,四,文化宣传 ,1,负责整个集团的宣传报道工作~结合集团的中心工作~多渠道、多角度、多形式地开展全方位宣传~达到提升企业形象~促进企业发展的目的; ,2,负责整个集团的企业文化建设~策划组织集团对内、对外are equipped with tools, small parts, supplies, transportation of small quantities of materials, materials testing and business contacts. Basic part a, number of major project item unit quantity note 1 earth M3 12100 2 lime soil cushion cushion M3 200 3 concrete M3 90 4 steel t 260 5 template m2 6500 6 M3 2100 M2 2500 8 7 waterproof layer construction of concrete filling M3 5600 b , The main part of the main project number project unit quantity note 1 ... A, measurement engineering of the structural, but strict precision requirements, to ensure the quality of the location and size, decided to set up a project engineer is responsible for the measure group. While strictly implementing the code for engineering survey (GB 50026 – 2007), the specification for deformation measurement of buildings (JGJ8-2007) specifications, careful study, familiar with the drawings, so that parts of the project in mind there is a clear stereo image, also check line parts of the drawings. Operation patient, everything in position, the line through self-inspection, mutual qualified, drew attention to the inspection line, within the limits of error to a minimum. (A) position the overall conception of engineering survey project using "building line positioning" approach for axis control. Controlled by theodolite in the vertical direction. Elevation using round trip "precise leveling" measurements. According to the overall local and precise control of low precision of work procedures. (B) axis control 1. horizontal axis control network building: set the datum plane control network 的重大活动~组织公司员工开展形式多样的业余活动~激发员工的工作热情~增强企业的凝聚力; ,3,负责对外宣传材料的提供、审核等工作; ,4,负责集团公司音像、图片资料的拍摄、整理工作~并做到不断更新~以适应企业发展的要求; ,5,负责外来参观考察人员的工作; ,五,外围公关 ,1,负责公司与市委、市府~区委、区府的联系工作; ,2,负责公司与国家有关部委的联络协调工作; ,3,负责申报重大投资项目文件及办理批复; ,4,遵照公司领导指示~争取有关优惠政策; ,5,搜集各级党委、政府政策、法规等相关信息; ,6,负责公司与公、检、法等机构的协调工作; ,7,负责接待公司重要客人; ,六,文档管理 ,1,负责集团公司及所属企业的印章管理和使用; ,2,负责公司机要档案的立卷、归档; ,3,公司各种证照的办理、年检、变更; ,4,负责董事长办公室范围内公文的收发、传递、登记; ,5,负责董事长办公室范围内的文字输入、打印~各种资料的复印、备份~并做好登记; 第 11 页 共 33 页 ,6,负责董事长办公室范围内的传真和电子邮件的收发、登记~并及时转送收件人; ,7,按规程操作文印设备~定期对设备进行维护、检测、保养; ,七,集团物料采购 1. 招标采购 能实行招标采购的~按招标采购办法管理; 2. 集中采购领导组采购 不适于招标采购的~需集中采购的物料~实行集中统一采购。 ,1,询价:由集中采购领导组选择3—5家厂商进行询价~内容包括:价格、规格、质量 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 、可供货数量、交货期、交货地点、运输方式、结算办法等; ,2,质量审计:该物料使用的所属企业质量管理部门对供货厂商进行质量审计~否决不符合要求的企业; ,3,议价比价:采购领导组成员整理报价资料进行比价、议价~同质选价廉~同价选质优~同质同价选货源近的厂商或供货单位; ,4,签订购货合同:选择信誉好、产品质优、价格合理的厂商~由所属企业与其签订购货合同; ,5,验收入库:由所属企业质量管理部门对物料进行验收~合格后方可入库; are equipped with tools, small parts, supplies, transportation of small quantities of materials, materials testing and business contacts. Basic part a, number of major project item unit quantity note 1 earth M3 12100 2 lime soil cushion cushion M3 200 3 concrete M3 90 4 steel t 260 5 template m2 6500 6 M3 2100 M2 2500 8 7 waterproof layer construction of concrete filling M3 5600 b , The main part of the main project number project unit quantity note 1 ... A, measurement engineering of the structural, but strict precision requirements, to ensure the quality of the location and size, decided to set up a project engineer is responsible for the measure group. While strictly implementing the code for engineering survey (GB 50026 – 2007), the specification for deformation measurement of buildings (JGJ8-2007) specifications, careful study, familiar with the drawings, so that parts of the project in mind there is a clear stereo image, also check line parts of the drawings. Operation patient, everything in position, the line through self-inspection, mutual qualified, drew attention to the inspection line, within the limits of error to a minimum. (A) position the overall conception of engineering survey project using "building line positioning" approach for axis control. Controlled by theodolite in the vertical direction. Elevation using round trip "precise leveling" measurements. According to the overall local and precise control of low precision of work procedures. (B) axis control 1. horizontal axis control network building: set the datum plane control network 集团董办兼具人力资源管理中心职能 ,1,负责集团范围内人力资源的配臵; ,2,掌握集团范围内人力资源的现状~研究和制订人力资源发展计划~建立人事档案; ,3,负责员工队伍建设~研究和制订员工培训计划; ,4,建立人员“招聘、考察、选拔、使用、储备、调整”的工作流程~保持员工队伍的合理流动和相对稳定; ,5,负责劳资管理、人事考核和绩效评估; ,6,负责员工的劳动保护工作~落实集团公司各项福利政策; ,7,负责劳动合同管理~协调解决集团公司内部劳动争议; 一、岗位权责 1. 主任 ,1,主持本部门日常管理工作; ,2,落实集团公司人力资源发展规划~保持队伍的相对稳定与合理流动; ,3,落实集团公司员工培训计划~提高集团公司人员整体素质; ,4,掌握集团公司人力资源现状~实施“人员招聘、考察、选拔、使用、储备、调整”的工作流程; ,5,负责组织集团人员的业绩考核; 2. 主任助理 ,1,负责人才考察及招募工作~招聘、储备集团公司所需各类 第 13 页 共 33 页 人才; ,2,协助主任检查监督各企业人力资源管理部门工作的实施情况; ,3,负责建立集团公司人才信息库管理~随时跟踪人力资源动向~并做好新聘人员的审核、考察和把关工作; ,4,与全国各人才交流中心进行沟通~建立资源共享的合作关系; ,5,了解掌握员工思想动态~协助主任开展其他工作; 二、劳资管理 ,1,负责制订劳资人事管理规划~使集团公司管理日趋规范; ,2,建立劳资人事档案~随时掌握集团公司人员的分布情况; ,3,负责集团公司员工的劳资、福利、保险、劳动合同管理工作; ,4,根据集团公司发展需要~及时调整人力资源结构~使资源配臵更加合理; 三、考核培训 ,1,负责实施集团公司机关绩效考核; ,2,检查监督各企业绩效考核方案的实施情况; ,3,负责同部门、企业领导沟通绩效考核所发现的问题; ,4,负责制订员工培训计划~落实培训内容; ,5,负责检查监督部门、企业培训计划的实施情况; ,6,对培训学习的内容负责验收~并将结果纳入绩效考核之中; are equipped with tools, small parts, supplies, transportation of small quantities of materials, materials testing and business contacts. Basic part a, number of major project item unit quantity note 1 earth M3 12100 2 lime soil cushion cushion M3 200 3 concrete M3 90 4 steel t 260 5 template m2 6500 6 M3 2100 M2 2500 8 7 waterproof layer construction of concrete filling M3 5600 b , The main part of the main project number project unit quantity note 1 ... A, measurement engineering of the structural, but strict precision requirements, to ensure the quality of the location and size, decided to set up a project engineer is responsible for the measure group. While strictly implementing the code for engineering survey (GB 50026 – 2007), the specification for deformation measurement of buildings (JGJ8-2007) specifications, careful study, familiar with the drawings, so that parts of the project in mind there is a clear stereo image, also check line parts of the drawings. Operation patient, everything in position, the line through self-inspection, mutual qualified, drew attention to the inspection line, within the limits of error to a minimum. (A) position the overall conception of engineering survey project using "building line positioning" approach for axis control. Controlled by theodolite in the vertical direction. Elevation using round trip "precise leveling" measurements. According to the overall local and precise control of low precision of work procedures. (B) axis control 1. horizontal axis control network building: set the datum plane control network 第 15 页 共 33 页 集团董办兼具审计监察的职能 一、审计管理与监督 为了加强天海集团内部管理和审计监督~维护天海集团合法权益~保障集团经营活动健康发展。 董办作为内部审计机构按照本集团董事会或董事长的要求~履行下列职责: ,1,内部审计工作接受董事长直接领导~完成董事长直接交办的各项工作, ,2,对本集团及所属企业,含占控股地位或者主导地位的单位~下同,的各项财务收支及其有关的经济活动进行审计, ,3,对所属企业单位预算内、预算外资金的管理和使用情况进行审计, ,4,对所属企业领导班子成员的任期及离任进行经济责任审计, ,5,对所属企业固定资产投资改造的等项目进行专项审计, ,6,对所属企业经营管理和效益情况进行审计, ,7,制订集团内部控制制度并进行跟踪、监督执行, ,8,配合外聘会计师事务所对药业进行季度、年度审计工作, ,9,法律、法规规定和集团董事会或董事长要求办理的其他审计事项。 二、审计程序管理 1. 例行审计程序 ,1,根据董事长的部署和集团的具体情况~拟订审计计划~经are equipped with tools, small parts, supplies, transportation of small quantities of materials, materials testing and business contacts. Basic part a, number of major project item unit quantity note 1 earth M3 12100 2 lime soil cushion cushion M3 200 3 concrete M3 90 4 steel t 260 5 template m2 6500 6 M3 2100 M2 2500 8 7 waterproof layer construction of concrete filling M3 5600 b , The main part of the main project number project unit quantity note 1 ... A, measurement engineering of the structural, but strict precision requirements, to ensure the quality of the location and size, decided to set up a project engineer is responsible for the measure group. While strictly implementing the code for engineering survey (GB 50026 – 2007), the specification for deformation measurement of buildings (JGJ8-2007) specifications, careful study, familiar with the drawings, so that parts of the project in mind there is a clear stereo image, also check line parts of the drawings. Operation patient, everything in position, the line through self-inspection, mutual qualified, drew attention to the inspection line, within the limits of error to a minimum. (A) position the overall conception of engineering survey project using "building line positioning" approach for axis control. Controlled by theodolite in the vertical direction. Elevation using round trip "precise leveling" measurements. According to the overall local and precise control of low precision of work procedures. (B) axis control 1. horizontal axis control network building: set the datum plane control network 董事长批准后实施, ,2,实施审计前~应当先通知被审计单位~特殊情况下也可以下发审计通知单~电话通知后直接进点, ,3,审计人员进点审计时~检查被审计单位的会计凭证、帐簿、报表、业务档案以及其他与财务收支有关的资料和资产~被审计单位必须如实提供~不得拒绝, ,4,审计人员进点审计时~在正常的工作时间内可以根据需要就审计事项的问题向有关单位和个人进行调查及取证,如函证、外调,~有关单位和个人应当支持和协助~如实向审计人员反映情况~提供有关证明材料, ,5,在进行例行审计时~审计人员发现的问题~可随时向有关单位和人员提出改进建议。审计终结~执行人应提出审计报告~征求审计对象的意见~并报送董事长审批。经批准的审计意见和审计决定~送达被审计单位后~被审计单位必须予以执行,专项审计报告~直接上报指派领导, ,6,审计监察中心有权对主要项目进行后续审计~检查采纳审计意见和执行审计决定的情况, 7,被审计单位对审计意见书和审计决定如有异议~可以在三天内提出意见~交审计监察中心进行复审; 2. 离任审计程序 ,1,所属企业等单位负责人任期终结~按管理人员管理权限~ 第 17 页 共 33 页 由人力资源管理中心提出《离任经济责任审计通知》~审计监察中心据此列入当期工作计划, ,2,被审计单位在接到《离任经济责任审计通知书》后~按规定要求准备好有关材料~包括:离任人的述职报告,任期内经济指标完成情况资料,任期内审计监察中心作出的审计报告和有关部门作出的调查报告,任期内重大经营管理计划、决策,各种财产盘点表等, ,3,审计结束后~审计组应提出《离任经济责任审计报告》~对被审计人的工作业绩、经济责任和审计通知中规定的其他内容作出客观公正的评价, ,4,审计报告应请被审计人核对审计事实~并签署对审计报告的意见, ,5,《离任经济责任审计报告》应报送董事长、财务总监、分管领导、被审计人和所在单位, ,6,被审计人对《离任经济责任审计报告》有异议~可在接到审计报告后5日内~向集团董事长、分管领导提出申诉, ,7,《离任经济责任审计报告》是考核管理人员的重要依据~由审计监察中心作为审计档案归档, ,8,进行离任经济责任审计~需充分占有资料和深入调查研究~有关部门和企业应密切配合~审计监察中心也要在自身工作中注意整理和积累有关资料, ,9,离任经济责任审计的有关规定详见《离任经济责任审计制度》; are equipped with tools, small parts, supplies, transportation of small quantities of materials, materials testing and business contacts. Basic part a, number of major project item unit quantity note 1 earth M3 12100 2 lime soil cushion cushion M3 200 3 concrete M3 90 4 steel t 260 5 template m2 6500 6 M3 2100 M2 2500 8 7 waterproof layer construction of concrete filling M3 5600 b , The main part of the main project number project unit quantity note 1 ... A, measurement engineering of the structural, but strict precision requirements, to ensure the quality of the location and size, decided to set up a project engineer is responsible for the measure group. While strictly implementing the code for engineering survey (GB 50026 – 2007), the specification for deformation measurement of buildings (JGJ8-2007) specifications, careful study, familiar with the drawings, so that parts of the project in mind there is a clear stereo image, also check line parts of the drawings. Operation patient, everything in position, the line through self-inspection, mutual qualified, drew attention to the inspection line, within the limits of error to a minimum. (A) position the overall conception of engineering survey project using "building line positioning" approach for axis control. Controlled by theodolite in the vertical direction. Elevation using round trip "precise leveling" measurements. According to the overall local and precise control of low precision of work procedures. (B) axis control 1. horizontal axis control network building: set the datum plane control network 除以上各项规定的审计事项以外~审计监察中心有权对审计范围内单位财务收支的特定事项进行专项审计调查,有权对基建及维修项目预、决算和施工过程进行审计监督。 审计监察中心对集团资产审计监督的内容~包括流动资产、长期投资、固定资产及其累计折旧、在建工程、无形资产、长期待摊费用和其他资产。 第 19 页 共 33 页 设立考评奖励制度 考核原则:客观、实际、公平、公正。 考核目的:客观评价员工绩效~提高工作效率和工作业绩~体现员工人力资源资本价值。 天海集团公司员工考核分为试用期考核、月考核、季考核、年末考核四种。 ,1,试用期考核:依据集团公司人事管理规定~新进集团公司员工均试用1—3个月。试用期内由试用部门经理进行考核。集团公司依据考核结果决定试用员工转正、延长试用期或辞退; ,2,月考核:各部门经理对部门员工工作职责、工作任务量、工作质量和完成时间及工作态度进行考核。考核结果报集团公司人力资源管理中心或所属企业人事主管部门~与绩效工资挂钩; ,3,季考核:每季月底由集团公司人力资源管理中心或所属企业人事主管部门组织~对员工进行全方位考核~综合评价员工价值,但经决议无必要时可予以取消; ,4,年末考核:每年12月底由集团公司人力资源管理中心或所属企业人事主管部门组织~对员工进行的全面考核~结合月考核、季考核结果~汇总上报集团公司人力资源管理中心或所属企业人事主管部门。记入个人档案~做为调整薪资、津贴、福利、职务岗位的依据。 考核年度为:自1月1日起至12月31日止。 考核内容 ,1,以月工作计划和临时交办工作为依据进行量化考核~结合are equipped with tools, small parts, supplies, transportation of small quantities of materials, materials testing and business contacts. Basic part a, number of major project item unit quantity note 1 earth M3 12100 2 lime soil cushion cushion M3 200 3 concrete M3 90 4 steel t 260 5 template m2 6500 6 M3 2100 M2 2500 8 7 waterproof layer construction of concrete filling M3 5600 b , The main part of the main project number project unit quantity note 1 ... A, measurement engineering of the structural, but strict precision requirements, to ensure the quality of the location and size, decided to set up a project engineer is responsible for the measure group. While strictly implementing the code for engineering survey (GB 50026 – 2007), the specification for deformation measurement of buildings (JGJ8-2007) specifications, careful study, familiar with the drawings, so that parts of the project in mind there is a clear stereo image, also check line parts of the drawings. Operation patient, everything in position, the line through self-inspection, mutual qualified, drew attention to the inspection line, within the limits of error to a minimum. (A) position the overall conception of engineering survey project using "building line positioning" approach for axis control. Controlled by theodolite in the vertical direction. Elevation using round trip "precise leveling" measurements. According to the overall local and precise control of low precision of work procedures. (B) axis control 1. horizontal axis control network building: set the datum plane control network 月工作态度定性考核; ,2,试用期考核、季考核、年末考核对员工德、能、勤、绩四方面进行全面考核; ,3,考核标准应结合部门职能~个人工作岗位特征~工作计划~制定符合客观实际的考核方案; 考核结果 ,1,集团公司根据考核结果调整员工薪资等级, ,2,考核成绩记入个人档案; 有下列情况者不参加有关考核: ,1,试用期人员按有关规定进行试用期考核, ,2,请假三个月以上~复职未满三个月的~不参加季考核、年末考核; 考核组织、程序及方式 1. 组织 ,1,集团公司人力资源管理中心或所属企业人事主管部门是本制度执行者和组织者; ,2,各部门领导是试用期员工考核和月考核的具体方案制定及实施者; ,3,季考核、年末考核由集团公司人力资源管理中心或所属企业人事主管部门组织~部门经理、部门员工及相关人员参加~共同完成考核工作; 第 21 页 共 33 页 2. 程序 ,1,依据月计划~结合员工岗位职责制定具体考核方案; ,2,方案经考核者和被考核者双方确认; ,3,考核者对被考核者月工作进行监督、检查; ,4,考核双方对考核结果进行交流确认; ,5,每月5日前向集团公司人力资源管理中心或所属企业人事主管部门上报前月考核结果; 3. 考核方式 ,1,集团公司采用逐级考核方式进行试用期考核和月考核。 ,2,集团公司采用分管领导、直接领导和岗位有工作关系的相关人员参加季、年末考核; 4. 季考核、年末考核 凡有下列情形之一者~其考核结果不得列为优秀、杰出: ,1,年度内请事假超过集团公司规定10日者; ,2,连续旷工两日~月累计旷工5日~年累计旷工11日者; ,3,本年度受集团公司警告、记过以上处罚者; ,4,其它严重违反集团公司规章制度者; 5. 年终奖金的发放 ,1,依据月考核、季考核、年终考核结果~进行定性与定量的评估。 ,2,由集团公司领导班子集体审议通过奖励方案。 are equipped with tools, small parts, supplies, transportation of small quantities of materials, materials testing and business contacts. Basic part a, number of major project item unit quantity note 1 earth M3 12100 2 lime soil cushion cushion M3 200 3 concrete M3 90 4 steel t 260 5 template m2 6500 6 M3 2100 M2 2500 8 7 waterproof layer construction of concrete filling M3 5600 b , The main part of the main project number project unit quantity note 1 ... A, measurement engineering of the structural, but strict precision requirements, to ensure the quality of the location and size, decided to set up a project engineer is responsible for the measure group. While strictly implementing the code for engineering survey (GB 50026 – 2007), the specification for deformation measurement of buildings (JGJ8-2007) specifications, careful study, familiar with the drawings, so that parts of the project in mind there is a clear stereo image, also check line parts of the drawings. Operation patient, everything in position, the line through self-inspection, mutual qualified, drew attention to the inspection line, within the limits of error to a minimum. (A) position the overall conception of engineering survey project using "building line positioning" approach for axis control. Controlled by theodolite in the vertical direction. Elevation using round trip "precise leveling" measurements. According to the overall local and precise control of low precision of work procedures. (B) axis control 1. horizontal axis control network building: set the datum plane control network 行政事务管理制度 一、会议管理制度 为规范管理~树立良好工作作风~提高会议质量~强化工作效率~特制订本制度。集团各公司负责人每10天汇报一次工作~汇报内容包括工作计划、实现方式、计划进展情况、问题分析等。 集团公司范围内会议类别包括:集团公司生产经营管理工作会议、董事长办公会议、企业总经理办公会议、部门会议、专业会议、临时会议等。 二、会议召开原则 ,1,尽量少开会, ,2,尽量开短会, ,3,尽量由较少的人参加会议, ,4,尽量节约开会成本, ,5,会前准备充分, ,6,小会服从大会~局部会议服从整体会议, 三、议事规则 1.集团公司生产经营管理工作会议 参加人员为集团领导班子成员、所属企业总经理和集团机关各部门负责人~各企业中层也可根据需要参加。会议每年召开两次~原则上在七月份和次年元月份召开。会议由董事长主持,会议内容为: ,1,总结评价上半年或全年集团生产、销售、经营利润及行政 第 23 页 共 33 页 管理等方面工作计划完成情况; ,2,布臵全局性重大工作~包括下半年或下年度集团各项工作任务及经济指标~签定经营责任状; ,3,检查、总结集团各部门和各所属企业中层以上管理人员岗位工作计划完成情况; ,4,表彰先进; ,5,针对存在的问题~提出工作要求; 2. 董事长办公会议 董事长办公会议是集团领导班子交流情况、研究解决工作中的问题、议定事项的工作会议~也是公司班子集体办公的一种形式。参加人员为集团领导班子成员~原则上每周六下午召开~必要时可临时召开。会议由董事长或指定的副总裁主持。会议决定以会议纪要或决议的形式作出~经全体与会人员签署后~由班子负责实施。会议内容包括: ,1,研究讨论经董事局授权由办公会议讨论决定的问题和需求提交董事局讨论决定的事项, ,2,研究落实董事局决议或集团公司决定的计划和实施办法, ,3,审定向集团公司董事局所作的工作报告, ,4,听取所属企业、各部门的工作汇报~研究讨论集团、所属企业的各项主要工作进展情况和总裁办公会议决议的落实情况~找出存在的问题和解决问题的思路、对策、方法~确定集团下一阶段的工作要求, are equipped with tools, small parts, supplies, transportation of small quantities of materials, materials testing and business contacts. Basic part a, number of major project item unit quantity note 1 earth M3 12100 2 lime soil cushion cushion M3 200 3 concrete M3 90 4 steel t 260 5 template m2 6500 6 M3 2100 M2 2500 8 7 waterproof layer construction of concrete filling M3 5600 b , The main part of the main project number project unit quantity note 1 ... A, measurement engineering of the structural, but strict precision requirements, to ensure the quality of the location and size, decided to set up a project engineer is responsible for the measure group. While strictly implementing the code for engineering survey (GB 50026 – 2007), the specification for deformation measurement of buildings (JGJ8-2007) specifications, careful study, familiar with the drawings, so that parts of the project in mind there is a clear stereo image, also check line parts of the drawings. Operation patient, everything in position, the line through self-inspection, mutual qualified, drew attention to the inspection line, within the limits of error to a minimum. (A) position the overall conception of engineering survey project using "building line positioning" approach for axis control. Controlled by theodolite in the vertical direction. Elevation using round trip "precise leveling" measurements. According to the overall local and precise control of low precision of work procedures. (B) axis control 1. horizontal axis control network building: set the datum plane control network ,5,拟定集团公司基本管理制度~制定集团公司各项具体规章, ,6,制订集团公司内部业务机构设臵、撤销或合并的方案, ,7,讨论集团公司内部员工的工资、福利、奖罚等涉及员工切身利益的问题~审核权限范围内的人事任免事项, ,8,审核集团总部和所属企业成本计划和费用预算执行情况~并对不合理成本及费用提出处理意见; ,9,研究集团公司经营、管理和重大投资计划方案~决定授权限额之内的投资项目, ,10,研究重大事故的处理办法, ,11,讨论与会人员提出的需要总裁办公会议讨论明确的事项, ,12,董事长认为需要研究解决的其他问题; 3. 企业总经理办公会议 企业总经理办公会议是企业领导班子交流情况、研究解决工作中的问题、议定事项的工作会议~也是公司企业领导班子集体办公的一种形式。参加人员为企业领导班子成员~原则上每周召开一次~必要时可临时召开。会议由总经理或总经理指定的副总经理主持。会议决定以会议纪要或决议的形式作出~经全体与会人员签署后~由企业领导班子负责实施。会议内容包括: ,1,研究讨论授权范围内由总经理办公会议讨论决定的问题和需提交集团公司讨论决定的事项, ,2,研究落实集团公司布臵任务的计划和实施办法, 第 25 页 共 33 页 ,3,审定向集团公司所作的总经理工作报告, ,4,听取本企业内各部门的工作汇报~研究讨论各项主要工作进展情况和总经理办公会议决议的落实情况~找出存在的问题和解决问题的思路、对策、方法~确定企业下一阶段的工作要求, ,5,拟定企业基本管理制度~制定企业各项具体规章, ,6,研究企业内部业务机构设臵、撤销或合并的方案, ,7,讨论企业内部员工的工资、福利、奖罚等涉及员工切身利益的问题~审核总经理权限范围内的人事任免事项, ,8,审核企业成本计划和费用预算执行情况~并对不合理成本及费用提出处理意见; ,9,研究企业经营、管理和投资计划方案~决定授权限额之内的投资项目, ,10,研究重大事故的处理办法, ,11,讨论与会人员提出的需要总经理办公会议讨论明确的事项, ,12,总经理认为需要研究解决的其他问题。 4. 部门会议 部门会议包括集团机关各部门会议、企业科务会、车间办公会、班组会和班组,科室,班前会等~根据工作需要定期或不定期召开。会议由部门负责人召集并主持。会议内容包括: ,1,研究讨论需提交上级领导决定的事项, ,2,研究落实上级领导布臵任务的计划和实施办法, are equipped with tools, small parts, supplies, transportation of small quantities of materials, materials testing and business contacts. Basic part a, number of major project item unit quantity note 1 earth M3 12100 2 lime soil cushion cushion M3 200 3 concrete M3 90 4 steel t 260 5 template m2 6500 6 M3 2100 M2 2500 8 7 waterproof layer construction of concrete filling M3 5600 b , The main part of the main project number project unit quantity note 1 ... A, measurement engineering of the structural, but strict precision requirements, to ensure the quality of the location and size, decided to set up a project engineer is responsible for the measure group. While strictly implementing the code for engineering survey (GB 50026 – 2007), the specification for deformation measurement of buildings (JGJ8-2007) specifications, careful study, familiar with the drawings, so that parts of the project in mind there is a clear stereo image, also check line parts of the drawings. Operation patient, everything in position, the line through self-inspection, mutual qualified, drew attention to the inspection line, within the limits of error to a minimum. (A) position the overall conception of engineering survey project using "building line positioning" approach for axis control. Controlled by theodolite in the vertical direction. Elevation using round trip "precise leveling" measurements. According to the overall local and precise control of low precision of work procedures. (B) axis control 1. horizontal axis control network building: set the datum plane control network ,3,检查、总结部门职责履行情况、各项主要工作进展情况和领导布臵任务的落实情况, ,4,决定部门职能范围内的事项, ,5,确定下一阶段的工作要求, ,6,讨论与会人员提出的需要会议讨论明确的事项, ,7,部门负责人认为需要研究解决的其他问题; 5. 专业会议 系集团内部的技术、销售业务会~业务综合会,如经营活动分析会、质量分析会、生产技术会、生产调度会和安全工作会等,~根据需要不定期召开。集团总部由分管领导主持~所属企业由分管领导主持: ,1,经营活动分析会:汇报、分析集团计划执行情况和经营活动成果~评价各方面的工作情况~肯定成绩~找出差距~解决矛盾~提出改进措施; ,2,质量分析会:汇报、总结上月工作质量和服务质量、产品质量情况~讨论分析质量问题,事故,、研究决定质量改进措施; ,3,技术工作会,含生产技术准备会,:汇报、总结当月技术改造、新产品开发、科研、技术和日常生产技术准备工作计划完成情况~布臵下月技术工作任务~研究确定解决有关技术问题的措施方案; ,4,生产调度会:调度、平衡生产进度、研究解决各所属企业、各生产车间、各科室不能自行解决的重大问题; 第 27 页 共 33 页 ,5,安全工作会,含治安、消防工作,:汇报、总结前一阶段安全生产、治安、消防工作情况~分析处理事故~检查分析事故隐患~研究制定安全防范措施; 6. 临时会议 根据工作需要~为解决某些重要问题~或处理突发事件而临时召开的会议。 党代会、工代会、团代会~按党章、工会章、团章规定召开。各类会议原则上分别由前条所述人员参加~召集人也可根据工作需要决定其他人员参加或列席。 7. 会议主持人职责 ,1,做好会前准备工作~及早确定会议起止时间、地点、参加人员、主题、议程、要求等~经上级领导批准后~至少提前12小时通知与会人员, ,2,遵循会议议程~控制会议时间, ,3,组织与会人员对拟定的议题进行讨论~充分听取与会者意见~综合统一意见~做出决定或拟定意见~需上报的要提出可行性方案, ,4,就会议讨论整理出的结论交全体与会人员确认~需表决的应通过表决确认~会议决议或纪要于会议结束次日上报领导, ,5,确定专人做好会议记录~及时整理会议纪要、编号、下发及归档管理。 8. 注意事项 are equipped with tools, small parts, supplies, transportation of small quantities of materials, materials testing and business contacts. Basic part a, number of major project item unit quantity note 1 earth M3 12100 2 lime soil cushion cushion M3 200 3 concrete M3 90 4 steel t 260 5 template m2 6500 6 M3 2100 M2 2500 8 7 waterproof layer construction of concrete filling M3 5600 b , The main part of the main project number project unit quantity note 1 ... A, measurement engineering of the structural, but strict precision requirements, to ensure the quality of the location and size, decided to set up a project engineer is responsible for the measure group. While strictly implementing the code for engineering survey (GB 50026 – 2007), the specification for deformation measurement of buildings (JGJ8-2007) specifications, careful study, familiar with the drawings, so that parts of the project in mind there is a clear stereo image, also check line parts of the drawings. Operation patient, everything in position, the line through self-inspection, mutual qualified, drew attention to the inspection line, within the limits of error to a minimum. (A) position the overall conception of engineering survey project using "building line positioning" approach for axis control. Controlled by theodolite in the vertical direction. Elevation using round trip "precise leveling" measurements. According to the overall local and precise control of low precision of work procedures. (B) axis control 1. horizontal axis control network building: set the datum plane control network ,1,会议原则上要按会议规定的时间、地点、内容组织召开。未经会议主持人批准~任何人都不得随便变动正常会议召开的计划,临时会议要提前下发会议通知, ,2,与会者要提前做好准备~充分研究会议议题~重大事项应准备书面的方案和资料~开会时按主持人的要求发表意见。发言时要积极主动~并注意发言时机~切合议题~语言精炼~观点鲜明~言之有据~实事求是, ,3,会议过程中要用统一制作的会议记录本做好记录, ,4,遵守会议纪律:无正当理由不得缺席、迟到、早退~特殊情况须取得会议召集人同意,着装整齐~精神饱满~开会时间关闭通讯工具~放臵于规定存放处,遵守保密原则~机密会议纪要要妥善保管~不得泄漏传播,遵守会议秩序~使用文明用语~不可随意打断他人发言~不得吹毛求疵或人身攻击。 第 29 页 共 33 页 车辆管理制度 为了使集团公司车辆既安全、高效运行~又节约费用~特制订本制度: 集团公司配臵车辆属公务用车~禁止公车私用; 集团公司高层人员配臵专车~一般不作公务用车~特殊情况由车辆管理人员进行调度; 集团公司配臵的公务用车由车辆管理人员统一调度; 集团公司统一缴交车辆保险费、养路费、年审费; 专车维修费与油料费实行每月包干制~超额部分由专车使用人负担,公务用车维修费按核定标准执行~超额部分经领导批准后报销~油料费按核定的百公里油耗标准执行~超额部分由司机负责; 车辆应由专职司机驾驶。司机应恪尽职守~每周进行定期检查及保养~以维护机件寿命、确保行车安全; 车辆管理人员统一保管车辆的有关证件及保险资料~并负责一切规费的缴纳; 集团公司用车实行派车单制度~由用车人申请~经有关负责人批准后用车。司机须认真填写派车单规定内容~按要求时间交车辆管理人员~供费用核算之用; 司机应根据出车情况做好行车日记~详细记录行程~备财务审核; 司机管理制度 集团公司司机必须遵守《中华人民共和国道路交通管理条例》及有关交通安全管理的规章规则~安全驾车~遵守本集团公司其他相关are equipped with tools, small parts, supplies, transportation of small quantities of materials, materials testing and business contacts. Basic part a, number of major project item unit quantity note 1 earth M3 12100 2 lime soil cushion cushion M3 200 3 concrete M3 90 4 steel t 260 5 template m2 6500 6 M3 2100 M2 2500 8 7 waterproof layer construction of concrete filling M3 5600 b , The main part of the main project number project unit quantity note 1 ... A, measurement engineering of the structural, but strict precision requirements, to ensure the quality of the location and size, decided to set up a project engineer is responsible for the measure group. While strictly implementing the code for engineering survey (GB 50026 – 2007), the specification for deformation measurement of buildings (JGJ8-2007) specifications, careful study, familiar with the drawings, so that parts of the project in mind there is a clear stereo image, also check line parts of the drawings. Operation patient, everything in position, the line through self-inspection, mutual qualified, drew attention to the inspection line, within the limits of error to a minimum. (A) position the overall conception of engineering survey project using "building line positioning" approach for axis control. Controlled by theodolite in the vertical direction. Elevation using round trip "precise leveling" measurements. According to the overall local and precise control of low precision of work procedures. (B) axis control 1. horizontal axis control network building: set the datum plane control network 的规章制度; 司机必须认真钻研驾驶、维修技术~加强学习~增强责任心和安全意识; 司机应爱惜集团公司车辆~平时要注意车辆的保养~经常检查车辆的主要机件~确保所有车辆正常出入~安全运行; 司机应每天抽适当时间擦洗自己所开车辆~以保持车辆的清洁,包括车内、车外和引擎的清洁,~同时~注意个人衣着、卫生及言谈举止~维护集团公司形象; 出车前~要例行检查车辆的水、电、油及其它性能是否正常~发现不正常时~要立即加补或调整。出车回来~要检查存油量~发现存油不足一格时~应立即加油~不得出车时才临时去加油; 司机发现所驾车辆有故障时应立即报告车辆管理人员~并提出具体的维修意见,包括维修项目和大致需要的经费等,。未经批准~不许私自将车辆送厂维修; 出车在外或出车归来停放车辆~一定要注意选取停放地点和位臵~不得在不准停车的地点或危险地段停车。一般情况下~用车人办事时~司机应在车内等候,司机离开车辆时~要锁好保险锁~防止车辆被盗。若发生车辆被盗事件~司机应承担赔偿责任; 司机对自己所开车辆的各种证件的有效性应经常检查~出车时一定保证证件齐全; 晚间司机要注意休息~不准开疲劳车~不准酒后驾车~不准参与 第 31 页 共 33 页 赌博、嫖娼等违法乱纪活动; 司机驾车必须遵守交通规则~文明开车~不准危险驾车,包括超速、紧跟、争道、赛车等,; 司机因故意违章或证件不全被罚款的~费用不予报销。违章造成后果由当事人负责; 司机对乘车人要热情、礼貌~说话应文明。车内客人谈话时~除非客人主动搭话不准随便插嘴; 司机应随叫随到~准时出车~不得造成延误; 上班时间内司机未被派出车的~应随时在办公室等候出车。不准随便乱窜其他办公室。不得在办公室睡觉、看小说、闲聊。有要事确需离开时~要告知车辆管理人员去向和所需时间~经批准后方可离开,出车外出回来~应立即向车辆管理人员报到; 司机出车或长途出差时~必须认真记好行车日记~备财务审核~否则出车时发生的费用不予报销; 司机对日常工作安排~应无条件服从~不得借故拖延或拒不出车; 司机出车执行任务~遇特殊情况不能按时返回的~应及时设法通知车辆管理人员~并说明原因; 对集团公司领导或车辆管理人员的电话~应在10秒钟内接听。开车时除外。靠边停车后及时回复; 下班后~应将车辆停放适当地点保管~不得私自用车; 司机未经领导批准~不得将自己保管的车辆随便交给他人驾驶或练习驾驶,严禁将车辆交给无证人员驾驶,任何人不得利用集团公司are equipped with tools, small parts, supplies, transportation of small quantities of materials, materials testing and business contacts. Basic part a, number of major project item unit quantity note 1 earth M3 12100 2 lime soil cushion cushion M3 200 3 concrete M3 90 4 steel t 260 5 template m2 6500 6 M3 2100 M2 2500 8 7 waterproof layer construction of concrete filling M3 5600 b , The main part of the main project number project unit quantity note 1 ... A, measurement engineering of the structural, but strict precision requirements, to ensure the quality of the location and size, decided to set up a project engineer is responsible for the measure group. While strictly implementing the code for engineering survey (GB 50026 – 2007), the specification for deformation measurement of buildings (JGJ8-2007) specifications, careful study, familiar with the drawings, so that parts of the project in mind there is a clear stereo image, also check line parts of the drawings. Operation patient, everything in position, the line through self-inspection, mutual qualified, drew attention to the inspection line, within the limits of error to a minimum. (A) position the overall conception of engineering survey project using "building line positioning" approach for axis control. Controlled by theodolite in the vertical direction. Elevation using round trip "precise leveling" measurements. According to the overall local and precise control of low precision of work procedures. (B) axis control 1. horizontal axis control network building: set the datum plane control network 车辆学开车; 集团公司对外接待活动中~原则上司机不参与当事人的共餐~特殊情况须集团公司相关人员同意~但不得饮酒~不得主动向服务员索要香烟、饮料等; 司机全年安全行车~未出交通事故~给予奖励; 董办每月负责对司机根据核定费用标准及工作表现进行考核; 司机在驾驶过程中~如发生交通事故~应立即向车辆管理人员报告~并及时与保险公司联系~根据交通事故鉴定~承担相应的责任; 注:本设臵说明目前只是一份草案~关于行政人事招聘、新入职员工培训等方面内容有待进 一步完善及说明。请董事长及各位董事提出相关修改意见及建议。 董事长办公室 2011-04-07 第 33 页 共 33 页
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