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单词、短语这样的:(1) 1.为了达成目标,他很努力: 2.为了达成目标,他耗费那么多的努力: 3.他胖到不能动: 4.他脂肪多到自己不能动: 5.我来这里仅仅是为了道别: 6.类似光和风这些东西可以推动能源技术: 7.有些东西能够推动能源技术,比如光和风: 8.我们因被监视而害怕–这就是普里什蒂纳和科索沃其他城市的气氛: 9.某些句子会给你这样一种印象:仿佛看见一个盗匪突然剥下了衣服,露出一个有百合花 烙印的肩头: 10.我不是个准确意义上的初学者–我多年前常常骑自行车: 11.西蒙先生说过他并不...

这样的:(1) 1.为了达成目标,他很努力: 2.为了达成目标,他耗费那么多的努力: 3.他胖到不能动: 4.他脂肪多到自己不能动: 5.我来这里仅仅是为了道别: 6.类似光和风这些东西可以推动能源技术: 7.有些东西能够推动能源技术,比如光和风: 8.我们因被监视而害怕–这就是普里什蒂纳和科索沃其他城市的气氛: 9.某些句子会给你这样一种印象:仿佛看见一个盗匪突然剥下了衣服,露出一个有百合花 烙印的肩头: 10.我不是个准确意义上的初学者–我多年前常常骑自行车: 11.西蒙先生说过他并不反对税收本身,“但我确实反对以无根据或不诚实的理由征税,”他 说道: 答: such: 1.He tried so hard (as) to achieve his goal.(一般省略as) He tried hard so as to achieve his goal.(=in order to) 2.He exerted such an effort(such 后面基本都接冠词,不可数一般都用so much,如so much effort) as to achieve his goal. 3.He is so fat that he can’t move. 4.He earned so much/such a huge amount of fat that he can’t move. His fat is such that he can’t move.(他的脂肪竟然这样,以致于他动不了) 5.I come here only to say goodbye(作状语) 6.Such thing as light and wind/something like…(不存在something as…)could propel energy technology. 7.Something could propel energy technology, such as light and wind. 8.We are scared because we are being watched– such is the atmosphere in Pristina and other cities in Kosovo. 9.Such and such a phrase produces upon you the effect of the shoulder of a thief branded with the fleur-de-lys, which has suddenly been laid bare.(such and such + a/an + n.) 10.I am not a learner as such – I used to ride a bike years ago. 11.Mr. Simon said he was not against taxes as such, "but I do object when taxation is justified on spurious or dishonest grounds," he says. 数量、数额:(1),(2) 1.我有许多钱: 2.质量比数量更重要: 3.花销总计10亿元: 答: quantity, amount: 1. I have a large amount of money.(只可接不可数) I have a large quantity of money.(可数、不可数都行) I have large quantities of money.(同上) 2. Quality is more important than quantity.(指相对与质量的数量) 3. The expenses amount to a billion. 缺乏:(1) 1.尽管缺乏经验,他还是得到了那份工作: 2.这里缺乏药品: 3.他没有敏锐的判断力: 答: lack: 1. Despite his lack of experience, he got the job.(一般 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 原因不加冠词a) 2. There is a lack of medicine. 3. Critical judgment is lacking in him.(a quality be lacking in someone) 还有多久:(1) 还有多远:(2) 答:(1):How much longer/How long does it take to get to Sichuan? How long would/could/will it be until/before the thing arrives?(后面的句子成分不变, 动词加s) How much longer would/could/will it be until/before the thing arrives? For how long/how much longer will the work cease?(状语成分,所以加for) (2):How much further/How far (同上) 迅速发展:(1)(2)(3)(4) 1.词形变换:adj. n. 2.……迅速发展:something+(1):(对something造词) 3.他挥舞着杯子来强调这一点: 4.……迅速成长(stronger):something+(2):(对something造词) 5.(3)造词 6.该项运动普及程度的大幅提高带来了更多 要求 对教师党员的评价套管和固井爆破片与爆破装置仓库管理基本要求三甲医院都需要复审吗 更严格安全法规的呼声: 7.……迅速发展:something +(4):(对something 造词) 8.富裕的城市、富裕的人 答:flourish、burgeon、boom、thrive 1.Prosperous, thriving, burgeoning, flourishing/ prosperity, boom 2.business, tourism(some industry)/Boston(somewhere)/vegetable(a plant or an animal) 3.He flourished the glass to emphasize the point. (wave it about in a way that makes people notice it) 4.business, tourism(some industry)/a plant(less used on animals)/confidence, friendship, cooperation(something abstract)/a situation(此处作“萌芽”)/a company(蓝色为特殊) 5.an economic boom/a productivity boom(usually connected to business words) 6.当把“提高”转换为“某值的迅速增长”后, 翻译 阿房宫赋翻译下载德汉翻译pdf阿房宫赋翻译下载阿房宫赋翻译下载翻译理论.doc 如下: The boom in the sport's popularity has meant more calls for stricter safety regulations.(表示……的迅速增长,一切increase,rise等词都可以用a boom in……表示) 注:a boom in……替代increase等动词是典型的名词替代动词,当然动词也有许多高级词汇用于替代,但是名词替代动词是一个更高级的想法。总之两者都可以用。 7.完全同4. 8. A prosperous city A prosperous man argue见笔记和高考复习资料 barely/ seldom/ rarely/ hardly ever/scarcely ever(用法相同,作adv.) grade:年级、成绩、职工的等级rank:排名hierarchy:人的等级 scale:测量等级(an earthquake measuring 5.5 on the Richter scale) 规模/程度(the scale of the problem/on a massive scale) 比例尺(the scale of the map) 音阶 scales:鱼的鳞片 Level:层次(很熟悉了) guidance/instruction:指导direction:方向 chronic: 慢性的(病)a chronic disease 积习难改的a chronic smoker/worrier 长期的 a chronic war long-term:长期的 timeless/everlasting/eternal/ eonian永恒的(褒义词,比较神圣和唯美) perpetual/permanent永恒的(中性词)(a perpetual union) 持续不断的(her perpetual complaints) (perpetually interfered in political affairs) (a permanent state of tension)( permanent threat) permanent:(特) 1.他的信心已永久地被这次磨难影响了 2.试用期结束后,你将成为终身雇员 3.他们没有固定的地址 4.烫发 答: 1.His confidence had been permanently affected by the ordeal. 2.At the end of the probationary period you will become a permanent employee. 3.They had no permanent address. 4. a permanent ageless 不显老的(an ageless woman) 永恒的(拟人化)(the ageless oceans) abiding:持久的= constant constant:不变的 经常的(常态存在的)(constant pressure) =frequent consistent:稳定的(his consistent performance as a player) (ideas theory argument)一致的、自洽的(A theory should be internally consistent.) be consistent with 与…相符(This result is consistent with the findings of Garnett ) 一贯的主张(That has been our consistent stand.) desirable/satisfying令人满意的/不合适的(作否定时,语气较委婉) Prolonged negotiation was not desirable. Others:其他人(泛指)The others(某范围中的其他人)the other另外一个(一定范围内,一般用于两者的剩余那个,三者的最后一个)another另一个(大于等于三者时,不指示最后一个) the other + n.(一定范围内) other + n.(泛指) one… the other 只有两个 one/some…(another…)the others 有三个以上 one… another…the other…三个 some others 更多的东西 others = other people/things the others = the rest 剩余的全部 others 我们的 (1)泛指另一个用another。 (2)一定范围内两人(物),一个用one,另一个用the other。 (3)一定范围内三者,一个用one,另一个用one (another),第三个可用the oth er,a third。 (4)一定范围内,除去一部分人/物,剩余的全部用the others。 (5)泛指别的人或物时,用others当在一定范围内,除去一部分后,剩余部分但不是全部时,也用others。 1.我们有10个学生,一个来自美国,另外一个来自英国,其他全部来自中国 2.我不喜欢这双鞋子,能给我其它的吗 3.这里有一男一女,你是男的,那么另外一个就是女的 4.这里有三个人,一个是学生,一个是老师,另外一个是supervisor 5.这些东西是别人的 答: 1.We have 10 students , one is from America ,another is from Britain, and the others are from China. 2.I don’t like these shoes ,can you give me some others 3.There is a man and a woman, you are the man, then the other is the woman. 4.There are 3 people here, one is a student, another is a teacher, the other is a supervisor. 5.These things are others. 1.他朝着既定目标努力。 2.你做这些事情是为了什么? He strives hard towards his definite purpose. Towards what purpose did you do these things? 许多:见黄色笔记 Bob逃学了: Bob was absent from school. Immigrant/immigration/immigrate 迁入 此三者是从被迁入国的native people角度说的,比如美国人说中国留学生:They are immigrants,因为在他们眼中,中国留学生是迁入者 Emigrant/emigrate/emigration 迁出 此三者从任何人角度都可以说,形容的是“离开自己国家到另外一个国家生活”的人 以后会有更多严格的对。。。的限制 There will be stricter controls on …(善用零主语) 1.这些数字表明就业率的总体下降。 2.…生活质量的总体下降。 3.这个项目应该引起对恃强凌弱现象的 4.…从后颈部扩散开的全身疼痛。 5.总体上的幸福感普遍注意。 6.他加入桑德斯雷奥,之后一路升任至总经理。 7.我认为我们需要从总体上改进我们的教育体制。 8.总体而言,人们会支持我们的。 9.一般来讲,纯色的地毯使房间显得更大。 10.他把论文放在一个空白信封里。 11.这是一座简朴的灰色石头房子。 12.在这片平原上曾经生活着7000万头水牛。 1.The figures represent a general decline in employment. 2....a general deterioration in the quality of life. 3.The project should raise general awareness about bullying. 4. a general ache radiating from the back of the neck. 5....a general sense of well-being. 6.He joined Sanders Roe, moving on later to become general manager. 7.I think we need to improve our educational system in general. 8.People in general will support us. 9.In general, a plain carpet makes a room look bigger. 10.He placed the paper in a plain envelope. 11.It was a plain, grey stone house. 12.Once there were 70 million buffalo on the plains. 以下全部用有道,看例句翻译: Natural:自然的,合理的(形容事情) Common:常见的;共有的(The two peoples share a common language)(something in common) Regular:定期的;经常的(动作(exercise, shampooing),visitor, customer);普通的(物或人);中份的(fries)均匀的,规则的(regular beat/regular patterns) Ordinary(outstanding):平凡的,普通的(人或物)(跟regular一意思重合,但ordinary 更常用) Normal(oddity, freak):正常的(形容人时,强调身心健康,不强调平凡) Usual:常见的(形容事情) General:将军;总体的(见例句);普遍的,广泛的(见例句);全部的,整体的(见例句); Plain:平地(可数,a plain ,但更多用plains);纯色的;朴素的;
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