首页 校长的辛路历程



校长的辛路历程校长的辛路历程 澄城创新教育集团董事长 雷民孝 澄城创新中学是2000年由我一手创办的一所全日制民办完全中学。经过八年的规范办学和特色发展~办学规模逐年扩大~教学质量一路攀升~高考二本上线07年突破百人关~08再创新辉煌~达到150人~创造了历史最高水平。不仅实现了由规模扩张型向质量水平型的胜利转轨~而且现已发展壮大成为一个拥有高级中学、初级中学及幼儿园三个相对独立教学实体~4000余名师生的澄城创新教育集团。 经过广大师生八年的团结奋战、顽强拼搏创新中学从小到大~从弱到强~高考连年超额完成县局下达的目标任务...

校长的辛路历程 澄城创新教育集团董事长 雷民孝 澄城创新中学是2000年由我一手创办的一所全日制民办完全中学。经过八年的 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 办学和特色发展~办学规模逐年扩大~教学质量一路攀升~高考二本上线07年突破百人关~08再创新辉煌~达到150人~创造了历史最高水平。不仅实现了由规模扩张型向质量水平型的胜利转轨~而且现已发展壮大成为一个拥有高级中学、初级中学及幼儿园三个相对独立教学实体~4000余名师生的澄城创新教育集团。 经过广大师生八年的团结奋战、顽强拼搏创新中学从小到大~从弱到强~高考连年超额完成县局下达的目标任务~教学质量在渭南全市20多所民办学校中遥遥领先~办出了特色~铸就了品牌~严细的管理和高效的教学~赢得了社会各方面的广泛认可和可度赞誉。学校先后荣获“西部十佳明星学校”、“陕西省民办教育十佳学校”、“省级教育质量满意单位”、“省级卫生先进单位”、“澄城县社会满意学校”等荣誉称号~并被盛赞为“渭北民办教育的一支劲旅、澄城社会力量办学的一面旗帜”。本人也先后被授予“澄城县先进教育工作者”、“澄城县关心下一代先进工作者”、“第二届新世纪陕西教育界十大杰出新闻人物”、“首届西部精英人物”、“三秦名人”以及“西部民办教育贡献奖获得者”等殊荣。 下面~结合我校的管理和发展实际~谈一下自己几年来的一些工作经验和工作体会。 一、思想领先~具有前瞻意识 回首创业历程~令人感慨万千。当年~如果不是解放思想~善于抓住加快教育高中阶段教育的教育改革政策机遇~大胆开拓~敢于在一无资金、ultrasound 3 months; superficial vascular Sonography 1 month; Interventional Ultrasound 1 month. Nuclear Imaging: PET/CT 6 months; SPECT 4 months and radionuclide therapy for 2 months. Three, training contents and requirements (a) the 1th to 12th month (phase I) 1. purpose rotary system knowledge and understanding of the basic theory, basic skills and basic operations, master of the discipline involved in common diseases and frequently-occurring diseases of the basic principles of diagnosis and treatment. Understanding of these professional groups work programs, content and the related clinical knowledge. 2. basic requirements (1) Department of Radiology: the mastery: the basic theory of x-ray, including general radiology, CT and MRI Imaging principle and technique. Writing principles of radiographic diagnostic report and complete schedule 1 to the diseases, the number of cases of report writing, requiring trainees diagnostic report written at least 50 a week. Familiar: principles of radiographic methods of observation and analysis, diagnosis, understanding of x-ray diagnostic value and clinical application of limits. About: x-ray radiography, CT, and MRI examination methods of operation. Disease and case requirements: System (inspection) disease/operation name (times) (?) nervous system (dominated by CT and MRI) 15 15 15 brain brain tumor cerebral infarction of cerebral hemorrhage outside the ... ? complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 二无技术、三无借鉴经验的情况下~凭借一己之力和满腔热情~走上艰难坎坷的创业之路~奔上教育改革的风口浪尖~就不可能取得今天为数百名高校毕业生提供就业岗位~为数万名学生提供学习机会~为各类高校输送数千名合格人才~帮无数个家庭改变命运的骄人业绩。由于善抓各种机遇~具有较强的前瞻意识~敢于锐意进取~开拓创新~才使我们的学校迅速驶上了质量立校的快车道~进入了集团发展的新时期~才初步实现了创新教育事业的超常规跨越式发展及远大的办学理想和奋斗目标。因此我认为~作为一名校长~思想上必须领先别人一步~始终与时俱进~走在教育改革的前沿~充分利用国家大力发展教育各种政策机遇~不断扩充办学实体~增强办学实力~提升办学品位~突出办学特色~必须具有较强的前瞻意识~这种前瞻意识应该充分体现在准确定位办学特色和理念~科学规划发展蓝图和目标~认真制定学校发展工作思路上。 早在建校之初~我就从澄城是农业县和农家子弟上学难这一实际出发~明确提出要把学校根植于广大农民和工薪阶层之中~高扬素质教育大旗~坚持严管、细教、真抓、实干~在每个学生身上实现成功教育的办学理念和特色。同时~理性地提出了“四度跨越建名校”的总体发展规划及各个阶段的明确的奋斗目标。即:第一阶段——建校创业的三年~目标是“一年打开局面~两年再上规模~三年创造辉煌”。2003年双考~我校以培育出全县高考外语状元张明明和中考状元雷凯萌为标志~已圆满实现了这一阶段目标。第二阶段——持续发展的三年~即实现以在校人数为标志的办学规模翻番,以高考二本上线为标志的教学质量翻番,以主体阵容教师工资为标志的教职工待遇翻番。这一目标任务也已如期胜利完成。第三阶段——战略转轨的三年~即控制学生数量~提高教学质量~实现由规模扩张ultrasound 3 months; superficial vascular Sonography 1 month; Interventional Ultrasound 1 month. Nuclear Imaging: PET/CT 6 months; SPECT 4 months and radionuclide therapy for 2 months. Three, training contents and requirements (a) the 1th to 12th month (phase I) 1. purpose rotary system knowledge and understanding of the basic theory, basic skills and basic operations, master of the discipline involved in common diseases and frequently-occurring diseases of the basic principles of diagnosis and treatment. Understanding of these professional groups work programs, content and the related clinical knowledge. 2. basic requirements (1) Department of Radiology: the mastery: the basic theory of x-ray, including general radiology, CT and MRI Imaging principle and technique. Writing principles of radiographic diagnostic report and complete schedule 1 to the diseases, the number of cases of report writing, requiring trainees diagnostic report written at least 50 a week. Familiar: principles of radiographic methods of observation and analysis, diagnosis, understanding of x-ray diagnostic value and clinical application of limits. About: x-ray radiography, CT, and MRI examination methods of operation. Disease and case requirements: System (inspection) disease/operation name (times) (?) nervous system (dominated by CT and MRI) 15 15 15 brain brain tumor cerebral infarction of cerebral hemorrhage outside the ... ? complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 型向质量水平型转轨~达到高考突破百人关~且与县域公办普通高中基本持平。这一目标现已提前一年实现。第四阶段——创建名校的三年~即力争实现北大、清华录生零的突破~建成省级 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 化民办高中。目前我们正朝着这一目标阔步迈进。明确的奋斗目标如同茫茫大海中的灯塔~指引和召唤着我们乘风破浪、奋勇向前~直抵成功的彼岸。另外~值得一提的是~当初我们制定的“低收费保规模、好教师保质量、现代科技保效益”的“三保”工作思路及近年来县教育局提出的“教学是中心、质量是核心、全面发展是根本”的指导思想~对学校的稳健起步和健康持续快速发展起到了至关重要作用。 二、身先士卒~实施精细化管理 “严管、细教、真抓、实干”是我校的办学方针和办学特色。“爱岗、敬业、自强、创新”是我们的校训。在贯彻严细管理保证高效教学这一主导思想上~着重采取以下几方面重要措施。一是实行分部管理。各年级部设立政教两处~主管本部的管理和教学,综合部下设校办公室、总务处、团委和保卫科等处室~ 负责后勤保障服务及工作管理督察及综合协调全校各项工作。各部既相对独立~又互为一体。通过下放权力~落实责任~形成了良性竞争态势~使各项工作任务得到圆满完成。二是不断强化领导班子~坚持实行领导干部一线工作法。我不仅严格要求所有班子成员深入一线抓管理、抓教学~而且自己身先士卒~带头执行~经常深入教学和管理一线调研指导工作。在自己的影响和带动下~全体班子成员坚持管理就是服务的理念~深入一线~沉身实干~带头端正校风~下势管理教学~全心全意为师生服务~为教学服务~做到了工作创新在一线~问题解决在一线~难点突破在一线~ultrasound 3 months; superficial vascular Sonography 1 month; Interventional Ultrasound 1 month. Nuclear Imaging: PET/CT 6 months; SPECT 4 months and radionuclide therapy for 2 months. Three, training contents and requirements (a) the 1th to 12th month (phase I) 1. purpose rotary system knowledge and understanding of the basic theory, basic skills and basic operations, master of the discipline involved in common diseases and frequently-occurring diseases of the basic principles of diagnosis and treatment. Understanding of these professional groups work programs, content and the related clinical knowledge. 2. basic requirements (1) Department of Radiology: the mastery: the basic theory of x-ray, including general radiology, CT and MRI Imaging principle and technique. Writing principles of radiographic diagnostic report and complete schedule 1 to the diseases, the number of cases of report writing, requiring trainees diagnostic report written at least 50 a week. Familiar: principles of radiographic methods of observation and analysis, diagnosis, understanding of x-ray diagnostic value and clinical application of limits. About: x-ray radiography, CT, and MRI examination methods of operation. Disease and case requirements: System (inspection) disease/operation name (times) (?) nervous system (dominated by CT and MRI) 15 15 15 brain brain tumor cerebral infarction of cerebral hemorrhage outside the ... ? complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 干部考察在一线~为各项工作任务的全面落实~为教育教学质量的快速提升起到了很大的作用。三是发扬“三苦”精神。考虑到我校生源基础和公立学校相比普遍较差这一实际~我们号召广大师生发扬“教师苦教~学生苦学~行管人员苦管”的“三苦”精神~明确目标~坚定信念~团结奋战~克难攻坚~不断创造新的业绩。实践证明~这种精神的发扬~这种做法的提倡~对我们面对现实~奋力争先~各项工作取得令人瞩目的成绩起到了很好的作用。四是注重班级管理。在学校管理上~重视班主任在班级管理中的核心作用。坚持实行班主任对全班学生管理及教学质量负总责制。为了有效提升班主任工作水平~根据自己20多年的管理实践和本校班主任工作以验~撰写出《当好班主任的ABC》一文~要求各班主任精心制定“班魂”~认真做到“两查三到位”~严防进入“四大误区”~力戒“五大忌”~正确处理“八大关系”~努力提高班务工作艺术及水平。由于同志们对此充分认可~思想上高度重视~认识上高度统一~落实上十分到位~因而取得了非常良好的效果~班务工作呈现出令人可喜的新局面。 三、知人善任~推行人性化管理 任何行业的竞争~归根到底都是人才的竞争。教师是质量立校的关键因素。因此我们十分重视人才的选拔和培育。悬挂在自己办公室的一副对联很能说明我们的用人原则及价值去向:“与有肝胆人共事~从无字句处读书”。在人才招聘上~我们打破常规观念~注重品德知识及能力~面向八方揽贤士~不拘一格选人才。八年来~坚持“三不唯”即“不唯学历重能力、不唯职称重水平、不唯历史重现实”的原则精选英才。同时严把教师入口关~重视业务培训及师德建设~已打造出一支师德高尚~业务精通~作风过硬~纪律严明~爱生乐教~敬业奉献~能征善战的教师队伍。在教师的ultrasound 3 months; superficial vascular Sonography 1 month; Interventional Ultrasound 1 month. Nuclear Imaging: PET/CT 6 months; SPECT 4 months and radionuclide therapy for 2 months. Three, training contents and requirements (a) the 1th to 12th month (phase I) 1. purpose rotary system knowledge and understanding of the basic theory, basic skills and basic operations, master of the discipline involved in common diseases and frequently-occurring diseases of the basic principles of diagnosis and treatment. Understanding of these professional groups work programs, content and the related clinical knowledge. 2. basic requirements (1) Department of Radiology: the mastery: the basic theory of x-ray, including general radiology, CT and MRI Imaging principle and technique. Writing principles of radiographic diagnostic report and complete schedule 1 to the diseases, the number of cases of report writing, requiring trainees diagnostic report written at least 50 a week. Familiar: principles of radiographic methods of observation and analysis, diagnosis, understanding of x-ray diagnostic value and clinical application of limits. About: x-ray radiography, CT, and MRI examination methods of operation. Disease and case requirements: System (inspection) disease/operation name (times) (?) nervous system (dominated by CT and MRI) 15 15 15 brain brain tumor cerebral infarction of cerebral hemorrhage outside the ... ? complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 管理上~我坚持以人为本理念~严爱结合~知人善任~特别重视对中青年骨干教师的培养~采取了许多行之有效的措施和帮助他们成长~给他们提供锻炼的机会和展示的平台。现在一大批同志不仅能独当一面~而且能掌控全盘。部分教学和管理上的精英~已走上了学校领导岗位。他们敢想敢干~不畏艰难~勇挑重担~善于创新~工作十分出色。八年来~我校领导班子队伍稳定~教师阵容整齐~为学校发展起到了极其重要的作用。 四、精打细算~把学校当做企业经营 民办学校比之公立学校~从资金来源上相对艰难。把学校当做企业一样严格规范管理~认真悉心经营~在支出上精打细算~使保障和促进学校健康持续发展的客观要求。在财务、现金及资产管理上~学校设有专职会计、出纳和保管~不仅订立有严格的 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 ~而且坚持收支两条线必须分明。凡需要学校支出的款项~必须经我签字审批。重大事项必须经学校行政会讨论通过~主管领导草拟支出 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 ~审批后方能实施~让每一分钱用得清白~花得明晰~办在好事实事上。严格细致的财务管理为学校改善办学条件~增强综合实力~提升教师待遇~回报社会关爱~奉献博大爱心~构建创新教育集团~打造民办学校旗舰~实现创新教育事业的又好又快发展积聚了强大的财力保障。 五、重在调动~实施激励机制 在教师、学生及教学管理上~我们坚持评优树模~正面激励~制定了《基础年级教学质量评估 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 》和《高考、中考评奖方案》~坚持重奖并通报表彰阶段检测及终端检测中成绩突出的“教学优胜者”~坚持按《创新中学奖学金评定方案》~对检测中成绩优异的学生发放奖学金并送喜报,对阶段性“学习标兵”、遵规守纪的“文明规范生”、“优秀学生干部”、各方面进步ultrasound 3 months; superficial vascular Sonography 1 month; Interventional Ultrasound 1 month. Nuclear Imaging: PET/CT 6 months; SPECT 4 months and radionuclide therapy for 2 months. Three, training contents and requirements (a) the 1th to 12th month (phase I) 1. purpose rotary system knowledge and understanding of the basic theory, basic skills and basic operations, master of the discipline involved in common diseases and frequently-occurring diseases of the basic principles of diagnosis and treatment. Understanding of these professional groups work programs, content and the related clinical knowledge. 2. basic requirements (1) Department of Radiology: the mastery: the basic theory of x-ray, including general radiology, CT and MRI Imaging principle and technique. Writing principles of radiographic diagnostic report and complete schedule 1 to the diseases, the number of cases of report writing, requiring trainees diagnostic report written at least 50 a week. Familiar: principles of radiographic methods of observation and analysis, diagnosis, understanding of x-ray diagnostic value and clinical application of limits. About: x-ray radiography, CT, and MRI examination methods of operation. Disease and case requirements: System (inspection) disease/operation name (times) (?) nervous system (dominated by CT and MRI) 15 15 15 brain brain tumor cerebral infarction of cerebral hemorrhage outside the ... ? complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 较大的学生以及在各级各类竞赛中获奖的学生及时给予奖励和表彰。同时每学年每学期都要资助一大批贫困家庭子女上学。建校8年来~仅为优等生发放奖金~为贫生减免学费一项~就累计出资多达150余万元~这些正面激励措施的采取~对形成良好教风、 学风、班风、校风~促进管理和教学各项工作不断迈上新台阶起到了有力的推动作用~产生了良好的社会效应~赢得了社会的一片赞誉。 六、重视安全~构建和谐校园 没有安全~就保障不了稳定~没有和谐稳定的育人环境~就保证不了正常的教学~就会直接影响学校生存及发展~直接影响学校的社会信誉度。因此~作为一校之长~我深知其中利害~坚持采取“教育和管理并重~以预防为主”的方针~不断织密安全网络~落实安全责任~层层签订安全责任书~自上而下形成了由学校安全领导小组、保卫科、总务处、各年级部政教处、班主任、各班安全委员、值周员、公寓管理员、全体教职工和全体学生4个层次10个方面的力量组成的安全防范体系~形成了全校上下齐抓共管的管理格局~做到了安全工作人人都重视~个个责任清~处处有人管~事事有人抓。学校坚持邀请有关部门领导来校做安全工作报告~坚持认真排查并及时处理安全隐患~防患于未然。扎实开展以防食物中毒~楼梯踩踏~校园暴力~交通事故为中心的安全“四防”工作~严防各类突发事件发生。由于思想上高度重视~在防范上措施得力~建校至今八年来~无一例重大不安全事故发生~创造了千人以上学校安全管理的成功范例。 回顾自己做校长、办学校的创业奋斗历程~令人感慨万千~激动不已。这其中既有一言难尽的辛酸苦痛~又有述说不完的幸福喜悦,既有令人不解的各种困惑~也有催人奋进的万分欣慰。征程漫漫~重任在肩~身为一ultrasound 3 months; superficial vascular Sonography 1 month; Interventional Ultrasound 1 month. Nuclear Imaging: PET/CT 6 months; SPECT 4 months and radionuclide therapy for 2 months. Three, training contents and requirements (a) the 1th to 12th month (phase I) 1. purpose rotary system knowledge and understanding of the basic theory, basic skills and basic operations, master of the discipline involved in common diseases and frequently-occurring diseases of the basic principles of diagnosis and treatment. Understanding of these professional groups work programs, content and the related clinical knowledge. 2. basic requirements (1) Department of Radiology: the mastery: the basic theory of x-ray, including general radiology, CT and MRI Imaging principle and technique. Writing principles of radiographic diagnostic report and complete schedule 1 to the diseases, the number of cases of report writing, requiring trainees diagnostic report written at least 50 a week. Familiar: principles of radiographic methods of observation and analysis, diagnosis, understanding of x-ray diagnostic value and clinical application of limits. About: x-ray radiography, CT, and MRI examination methods of operation. Disease and case requirements: System (inspection) disease/operation name (times) (?) nervous system (dominated by CT and MRI) 15 15 15 brain brain tumor cerebral infarction of cerebral hemorrhage outside the ... ? complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 校之长~我将不断开拓视野~更新理念~带领创新教育集团两校一园4000 余名师生乘势而上~不落征帆~不懈追求创新教育事业的更大发展~努力 实现自己为国家培育创新型人才的教育理想~体现自己的人生价值和回报 社会、回报家乡的赤子情怀。 ultrasound 3 months; superficial vascular Sonography 1 month; Interventional Ultrasound 1 month. Nuclear Imaging: PET/CT 6 months; SPECT 4 months and radionuclide therapy for 2 months. Three, training contents and requirements (a) the 1th to 12th month (phase I) 1. purpose rotary system knowledge and understanding of the basic theory, basic skills and basic operations, master of the discipline involved in common diseases and frequently-occurring diseases of the basic principles of diagnosis and treatment. Understanding of these professional groups work programs, content and the related clinical knowledge. 2. basic requirements (1) Department of Radiology: the mastery: the basic theory of x-ray, including general radiology, CT and MRI Imaging principle and technique. Writing principles of radiographic diagnostic report and complete schedule 1 to the diseases, the number of cases of report writing, requiring trainees diagnostic report written at least 50 a week. Familiar: principles of radiographic methods of observation and analysis, diagnosis, understanding of x-ray diagnostic value and clinical application of limits. About: x-ray radiography, CT, and MRI examination methods of operation. Disease and case requirements: System (inspection) disease/operation name (times) (?) nervous system (dominated by CT and MRI) 15 15 15 brain brain tumor cerebral infarction of cerebral hemorrhage outside the ... ? complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing
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