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小学一年级日记十篇小学一年级日记十篇 天气晴2011.7.25 天气晴2011.7.25 2011.7.25天气晴 今天,是我爷爷的生日,我特别的高兴。我一大早就起 今天,是我爷爷的生日,我特别的高兴。我一大早就起 今天,是我爷爷的生日,我特别的高兴。我一大早就 起 床了。穿好衣服后,我等待着出发。等了好长时间爸爸妈妈 床了。穿好衣服后,我等待着出发。等了好长时间爸爸妈妈 床了。穿好衣服后,我等待着出发。等了好长时间爸爸妈 妈 就是不出发了。我就急着问:“爸爸妈妈,咱还去不去啊, 就是不出发了。我就急着问:“爸爸妈妈,咱还去不...

小学一年级日记十篇 天气晴2011.7.25 天气晴2011.7.25 2011.7.25天气晴 今天,是我爷爷的生日,我特别的高兴。我一大早就起 今天,是我爷爷的生日,我特别的高兴。我一大早就起 今天,是我爷爷的生日,我特别的高兴。我一大早就 起 床了。穿好衣服后,我等待着出发。等了好长时间爸爸妈妈 床了。穿好衣服后,我等待着出发。等了好长时间爸爸妈妈 床了。穿好衣服后,我等待着出发。等了好长时间爸爸妈 妈 就是不出发了。我就急着问:“爸爸妈妈,咱还去不去啊, 就是不出发了。我就急着问:“爸爸妈妈,咱还去不去啊, 就是不出发了。我就急着问:“爸爸妈妈,咱还去不去啊 , 去玩了爷爷不高兴的。”爸爸妈妈听到后,说:“嗯,这就去。” 去玩了爷爷不高兴的。”爸爸妈妈听到后,说:“嗯,这就去。” 去玩了爷爷不高兴的。”爸爸妈妈听到后,说:“嗯,这就去 。” 我兴奋的来到爷爷家,给爷爷过生日,大家让我尝生日歌, 我兴奋的来到爷爷家,给爷爷过生日,大家让我尝生日歌 ,我兴奋的来到爷爷家,给爷爷过生日,大家让我尝生日歌 , 我很害羞,但是和哥哥姐姐们一起为爷爷祝福,很开心。 我很害羞,但是和哥哥姐姐们一起为爷爷祝福,很开心 。我很害羞,但是和哥哥姐姐们一起为爷爷祝福,很开心 。 我祝爷爷生日快乐~ 我祝爷爷生日快乐~ 我祝爷爷生日快乐~ activities, noise, waste disposal, drilling mud and other environmental standards of stone, all power suspend production for rectification or removal. Will guide the wood stand To a gathering of local wood, bianqiao Park, electric central heating, Fei, compressed coal usage, decrease carbon emissions. Second, building site "six 100%" standards to be put in place. Advancing the construction site dust management and municipal engineering, strict implementation of the wall, spraying water, measures such as covering, washing, closed, where not up to "six 100%" 2011.7.26 天气晴 2011.7.26 天气晴 今天,妈妈很早就叫我起床。我就疑惑的问妈妈:“妈妈, 今天,妈妈很早就叫我起床。我就疑惑的问妈妈:“妈妈, 今天,妈妈很早就叫我起床。我就疑惑的问妈妈:“妈妈, 那么早叫我起床,有什么事啊?”妈妈笑嘻嘻的说:“当然有了, 那么早叫我起床,有什么事啊?”妈妈笑嘻嘻的说:“当然有了, 那么早叫我起床,有什么事啊?”妈妈笑嘻嘻的说:“当然有了, 你想不想去海边玩?”我说:“想啊想啊”妈妈说:“快起床,要 你想不想去海边玩?”我说:“想啊想啊”妈妈说:“快起床,要 你想不想去海边玩?”我说:“想啊想啊”妈妈说:“快起床,要 不就晚了。”我们一家四口去了日照,来到海边,真的很兴奋。 不就晚了。”我们一家四口去了日照,来到海边,真的很兴奋。 不就晚了。”我们一家四口去了日照,来到海边,真的很兴奋。 可是已经11点多了。我已经饿了,便嚷嚷着去吃海鲜,于是爸 可是已经11点多了。我已经饿了,便嚷嚷着去吃海鲜,于是爸 可是已经11点多了。我已经饿了,便嚷嚷着去吃海鲜,于是爸 爸妈妈答应了。海鲜真的很好吃!吃完了海鲜,我和爸爸就游泳 爸妈妈答应了。海鲜真的很好吃!吃完了海鲜,我和爸爸就游泳 爸妈妈答应了。海鲜真的很好吃!吃完了海鲜,我和爸爸就游泳 了,可是我还不会,喝了好多海水。姐姐和妈妈就去捡贝壳了。 了,可是我还不会,喝了好多海水。姐姐和妈妈就去捡贝壳了。 了,可是我还不会,喝了好多海水。姐姐和妈妈就去捡贝壳了。 4点了,便要回家了,很舍不得。 4点了,便要回家了,很舍不得。 4点了,便要回家了,很舍不得。 。大海,我明年一定再来找你玩 大海,我明年一定再来找你玩。 大海,我明年一定再来找你玩。 activities, noise, waste disposal, drilling mud and other environmental standards of stone, all power suspend production for rectification or removal. Will guide the wood stand To a gathering of local wood, bianqiao Park, electric central heating, Fei, compressed coal usage, decrease carbon emissions. Second, building site "six 100%" standards to be put in place. Advancing the construction site dust management and municipal engineering, strict implementation of the wall, spraying water, measures such as covering, washing, closed, where not up to "six 100%" 2011.7.27 天气晴 今天~爸爸突然对我说:“我今天放你 一天假。”我说:“真的~我想干什么就干什 么。还不用写作业”爸爸肯定的说:“嗯。” 听完了。我又接着睡了。到了8点~起床了。 我就和姐姐去奶奶家玩了。下午一点~姐姐 写作业~我看电视~看了我最喜欢的动画片。 但是到了6点~我看家里的碗没有刷~我就 把碗刷了~把桌子也抹了一遍。妈妈回家夸 我是好孩子。爸爸感叹道说:“没白放这一 天假啊:” activities, noise, waste disposal, drilling mud and other environmental standards of stone, all power suspend production for rectification or removal. Will guide the wood stand To a gathering of local wood, bianqiao Park, electric central heating, Fei, compressed coal usage, decrease carbon emissions. Second, building site "six 100%" standards to be put in place. Advancing the construction site dust management and municipal engineering, strict implementation of the wall, spraying water, measures such as covering, washing, closed, where not up to "six 100%" 2011.7.28 天气晴 今天~我很早就起床了。因为今天是我小侄子的 今天~我很早就起床了。因为今天是我小侄子的 一周岁生日。姐姐说:“看成他已经在地球上生活了 一周岁生日。姐姐说:“看成他已经在地球上生活了 365天了。”我感觉这样比一年还快。来到大哥家~我 365天了。”我感觉这样比一年还快。来到大哥家~我 就看到了大蛋糕~我看着都流口水了。姐姐便笑话我 就看到了大蛋糕~我看着都流口水了。姐姐便笑话我 是馋猫。我说:“哼:等我过生日我买一个大蛋糕~馋 是馋猫。我说:“哼:等我过生日我买一个大蛋糕~馋 死你。”我看到小侄子那么可爱~真想抱抱他~可是我 死你。”我看到小侄子那么可爱~真想抱抱他~可是我 又不会~只能看了。等长大了。他就可以和我一起玩 又不会~只能看了。等长大了。他就可以和我一起玩 了。 了。 小侄子~长大了咱们一起玩: 小侄子~长大了咱们一起玩: activities, noise, waste disposal, drilling mud and other environmental standards of stone, all power suspend production for rectification or removal. Will guide the wood stand To a gathering of local wood, bianqiao Park, electric central heating, Fei, compressed coal usage, decrease carbon emissions. Second, building site "six 100%" standards to be put in place. Advancing the construction site dust management and municipal engineering, strict implementation of the wall, spraying water, measures such as covering, washing, closed, where not up to "six 100%" 暑 暑 暑 假假假 小记小记 activities, noise, waste disposal, drilling mud and other environmental standards of stone, all power suspend production for rectification or removal. Will guide the wood stand To a gathering of local wood, bianqiao Park, electric central heating, Fei, compressed coal usage, decrease carbon emissions. Second, building site "six 100%" standards to be put in place. Advancing the construction site dust management and municipal engineering, strict implementation of the wall, spraying water, measures such as covering, washing, closed, where not up to "six 100%" 2011.7.29 天气晴 今天,我去了阿姨家,哥哥看见我很高 今天,我去了阿姨家,哥哥看见我很高 兴,要我和他一起踢足球。我的力量很小, 兴,要我和他一起踢足球。我的力量很小, 球滚出去的速度很慢,距离又很近。哥哥的 球滚出去的速度很慢,距离又很近。哥哥的 力量很大,一发力就把球踢飞出了游戏场 力量很大,一发力就把球踢飞出了游戏场 地。他像刘翔飞跃一样,用一百米冲刺的速 地。他像刘翔飞跃一样,用一百米冲刺的速 度飞跃,捡回了球。我和他玩得很尽兴,汗 度飞跃,捡回了球。我和他玩得很尽兴,汗 流夹背, 流夹背, activities, noise, waste disposal, drilling mud and other environmental standards of stone, all power suspend production for rectification or removal. Will guide the wood stand To a gathering of local wood, bianqiao Park, electric central heating, Fei, compressed coal usage, decrease carbon emissions. Second, building site "six 100%" standards to be put in place. Advancing the construction site dust management and municipal engineering, strict implementation of the wall, spraying water, measures such as covering, washing, closed, where not up to "six 100%" 2011.7.30 天气晴 今天~我和姐姐一起去我们家附近的一 个公园里玩。忽然~我听到了沙沙沙的声音~ 原来是一位白发苍苍的老爷爷在为小花浇 水、除草、施肥~那是为了让公园更美丽。 为了防止小孩子们破坏花草~保安叔叔还在 公园里值班呢: 我觉得我们从小就要养成爱护花草的好 习惯。 activities, noise, waste disposal, drilling mud and other environmental standards of stone, all power suspend production for rectification or removal. Will guide the wood stand To a gathering of local wood, bianqiao Park, electric central heating, Fei, compressed coal usage, decrease carbon emissions. Second, building site "six 100%" standards to be put in place. Advancing the construction site dust management and municipal engineering, strict implementation of the wall, spraying water, measures such as covering, washing, closed, where not up to "six 100%" 2011.7.31 天气晴 今天晚上,爸爸和我说帮他干活就能得 到应有的工钱,我听完后高兴的一蹦三尺 高,爸爸让我把门口的几只桶都拎到仓库里 去,我赶紧一手拿桶飞快的跑到了仓库,来 回跑了几次,手都酸了,不过我都坚持下来 了。最后,我数了数一共有十一只,爸爸就 给了我20元钱,我美滋滋的把钱藏了起来, 以后可以买些学习用品。 activities, noise, waste disposal, drilling mud and other environmental standards of stone, all power suspend production for rectification or removal. Will guide the wood stand To a gathering of local wood, bianqiao Park, electric central heating, Fei, compressed coal usage, decrease carbon emissions. Second, building site "six 100%" standards to be put in place. Advancing the construction site dust management and municipal engineering, strict implementation of the wall, spraying water, measures such as covering, washing, closed, where not up to "six 100%" 2011.8.1. 天气晴 2011.8.1. 天气晴 今天是星期日,早晨万里无云。我和爸爸 今天是星期日,早晨万里无云。我和爸爸 来到广场上。广场有放风筝的,有骑车的, 来到广场上。广场有放风筝的,有骑车的, 还有溜冰的,好多人啊,我们也拿出了风筝 还有溜冰的,好多人啊,我们也拿出了风筝 开始放。爸爸拿着线,我拿着风筝。爸爸说, 开始放。爸爸拿着线,我拿着风筝。爸爸说, “一……二……三,放,”我就放开了手。我 “一……二……三,放,”我就放开了手。我 们的风筝高高地飞了起来。我激动地大叫, 们的风筝高高地飞了起来。我激动地大叫, “爸爸,你好棒啊,” “爸爸,你好棒啊,” 2011.8.2 天气晴 2011.8.2 天气晴 activities, noise, waste disposal, drilling mud and other environmental standards of stone, all power suspend production for rectification or removal. Will guide the wood stand To a gathering of local wood, bianqiao Park, electric central heating, Fei, compressed coal usage, decrease carbon emissions. Second, building site "six 100%" standards to be put in place. Advancing the construction site dust management and municipal engineering, strict implementation of the wall, spraying water, measures such as covering, washing, closed, where not up to "six 100%" ~ activities, noise, waste disposal, drilling mud and other environmental standards of stone, all power suspend production for rectification or removal. Will guide the wood stand To a gathering of local wood, bianqiao Park, electric central heating, Fei, compressed coal usage, decrease carbon emissions. Second, building site "six 100%" standards to be put in place. Advancing the construction site dust management and municipal engineering, strict implementation of the wall, spraying water, measures such as covering, washing, closed, where not up to "six 100%" 2011.8.3 天气晴 今天,我在姥姥家里,听到蹦蹦跳跳 叽叽喳喳的叫声。 我问,这是什么叫声, 啊,原来是一群可爱的小鸡呀, 外婆对我说,小鸡可能饿了。 那么我就拿来米饭喂小鸡。 小鸡吃饱了,它就呼噜呼噜地睡起大觉来。 activities, noise, waste disposal, drilling mud and other environmental standards of stone, all power suspend production for rectification or removal. Will guide the wood stand To a gathering of local wood, bianqiao Park, electric central heating, Fei, compressed coal usage, decrease carbon emissions. Second, building site "six 100%" standards to be put in place. Advancing the construction site dust management and municipal engineering, strict implementation of the wall, spraying water, measures such as covering, washing, closed, where not up to "six 100%"
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