首页 7.1 醒脑开窍9005例(中英压缩版)06.12.06

7.1 醒脑开窍9005例(中英压缩版)06.12.06



7.1 醒脑开窍9005例(中英压缩版)06.12.06
null“醒脑开窍”针刺法治疗中风 的临床及基础实验研究 CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH ON “XNKQ”ACUPUNCTURE THERAPY“醒脑开窍”针刺法治疗中风 的临床及基础实验研究 CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH ON “XNKQ”ACUPUNCTURE THERAPY石学敏 教授 SHI Xuemin Prof. 全国针灸临床研究中心 天津中医药大学第一附属医院 The National Acupuncture Clinical Research Center of China No.1 Teaching Hospital of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine null 中风病是危害人类健康的四大主病之一,发病率在我国居首位,其死亡率高、后遗症多,给家庭和社会带来了巨大的负担。 Apoplexy is one of four kinds of main disease that endanger human health. Its morbidity lies in the first place in our country and its mortality is very high. Companied with many sequelae, it has brought a heavy burden to both the society and families. null 近些年来,全国各医疗及科研部门,对中风病的诊断、治疗及机理开展了多方面、多层次的研究,使得中风病的诊断与治疗水平日趋提高,发病和治疗机理的研究已达到了分子水平和基因水平。 In recent years, many medical institutes and hospitals all over the country have systematically made researches on its diagnosis,treatment and mechanism in various aspects and levels, and the diagnostic and therapeutic levels of stroke have been raised rapidly. The researches on its pathogenesis and therapeutic mechanism have already been reached molecular and gene levels. null 自1972年,我提出醒脑开窍针刺法以来,我们对于中风的诊断、治疗、机理探讨开展了系统的临床研究和深入的基础研究,临床治疗患者达200万人次,形成了一套以针灸治疗为中心的中风诊疗体系。 Since 1972, I have brought forward the theory of “Xing Nao Kai Qiao”(XNKQ, activating brain and opening orifices) treatment principle and concrete acupuncture method which have been widely applied to more than two millions patients with apoplexy, and have carried out a series of deep researches in treatment of apoplexy,the mechanism of acupuncture,and its diagnosis. null 1995年以“醒脑开窍针刺法治疗中风的临床及实验研究”为题的科学研究获国家级科技进步三等奖,为建国以来中医临床研究所获得的最高奖励。 In 1995 the research project named “Clinical and Experimental Research on Apoplexy Treated with XNKQ”won the “Award for Science and Technology Progress of China”,which is the highest prize that clinical research achievements of TCM have ever been given since the foundation of China. null 此外,在针灸教学和针灸科研成果推广应用方面分别获得国家教学成果一等奖和科技成果推广二等奖。 In addition,in the aspects of acupuncture teaching and promoting wider application of scientific accomplishments in acupuncture science we have respectively won the first and the second national prizes. null 1999年被国家中管局列为十大医药科技推广项目之一。2000年天津市科技兴市突出贡献奖。 In 1999 it became one of the ten important promoting wider applications of medicine scientific accomplishments in National Chinese Medicine Administration Bureau.We also won the “Award for Science and Technology promoting Tianjin” in 2000.醒脑开窍针刺法醒脑开窍针刺法 “醒脑开窍”法是针对中风病的基本病机为瘀血、肝风、痰浊等病理因素蒙蔽脑窍致“窍闭神匿,神不导气”而提出的治疗法则和针刺 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 。 XNKQ ACUPUNCTURE THERAPY “XNKQ” acupuncture therapy has been formulated on basis of our new knowledge on pathogenesis of stroke which is mainly due to obstruction of brain orifices and hiding of vitality resulting from upward invasion of blood stasis, liver wind and phlegm.null 在选穴上以阴经和督脉穴为主,并强调针刺手法量学规范,有别于传统的取穴和针刺方法。 The points on Yin meridians and Du meridian are mainly selected and standard quantitative manipulations are applied emphatically, which are quite different from traditional point selection and acupuncture manipulations in treatment of apoplexy. 临 床 研 究 部 分 CLINICAL RESEARCH临 床 研 究 部 分 CLINICAL RESEARCH 一 般 资 料 General Data 一 般 资 料 General Datanull中风病住院患者9005例:男性6029人,女性2976人,年龄最小19岁,最大87岁。 病种:脑出血3077例,脑梗死5928例;合并缺血性球麻痹者521例。 9005 inpatients with apoplexy: male 6029,female 2976,the youngest 19years old,the oldest 87years old. Category:3077 cases with cerebral hemorrhage , 5928 cases with cerebral infarction;521 cases with apoplexy with complication of ischemic bulbar paralysis. null病程:最短2小时,最长2年。 首次发病6765例,两次以上发病者2240例。 Course:the shortest 2 hours,the longest 2 years. First time onset 6765 cases,more than two time onset 2240 cases. 治 疗 方 法 Treatment 治 疗 方 法 Treatmentnull1. 处 方 主穴:内关(手厥阴心包经) 人中(督脉) 三阴交(足太阴脾经) 1. Point Prescription Mainpoints: Neiguan(PC 6,the Pericardium Meridian of Hand-Juejin) Renzhong(DU 26,the DU Meridian) Sanjinjiao(SP 6,the Spleen Meridian of Foot-Taiyin) null辅穴:极泉(手少阴心经) 委中(足太阳膀胱经) 尺泽(手太阴肺经) Supplementary points: Jiquan(HT 1,the Heart Meridian of Hand-shaoyin) Weizhong(BL 40,the Bladder Meridian of Foot- Taiyang) Chize(LU 5, the Lung Meridian of Hand-Taiyin) null配穴:吞咽障碍加风池、翳风、完骨;手指握固加合谷;语言不利加上廉泉,金津、玉液放血;足内翻加丘墟透照海。 Point Modification:For difficulty of swallowing, Fengchi(GB 20),Yifeng(SJ 17) and Wangu(GB 12) are added. For failing to extend fingers with stiffness, Hegu (LI 4) is added. For slurred speech, Shanglianquan(EX-HN) is added, and Jinjin(EX-HN 12) and Yuye(EX-HN13) are used with blood-letting method. For strephenopodia, penetrating method from Qiuxu(GB 40) to Zhaohai(KI 6) is used. 2.操作方法 Manipulation 2.操作方法 Manipulation内 关 Neiguan (PC 6) 直刺0.5~1寸,采用捻转提插结合泻法,施手法1分钟;First puncture bilateral Neiguan(PC 6) perpendicularly for 0.5-1 cun, using combinative reducing method of lifting-thrusting and twirling-rotating the needle for 1 minute; null补法(左侧顺时针;右侧逆时针)泻法(左侧逆时针;右侧顺时针)右 R左 L左 L右 Rnull人 中 Renzhong (DU 26)Secondly puncture Renzhong(DU 26) obliquely upwards to the nasal septum for 0.3-0.5 cun with heavy bird-pecking method until the patient’s eyeballs are moistened or tears flow down. 向鼻中隔方向斜刺0.3~0.5寸,用重雀啄法,至眼球湿润或流泪为度;null三 阴 交 Sanyinjiao (SP 6) 沿胫骨内侧缘与皮肤呈45度角斜刺,进针1~1.5,用提插补法,使患侧下肢抽动3次为度 Thirdly puncture Sanyinjiao(SP 6) obliquely for 1-1.5 cun, at the angle of 45 degrees with the skin surface along the posterior border of the medial aspect of the tibia, with reinforcing method of lifting and thrusting the needle to make the affected low limb have tic for three times. null极 泉 Jiquan (HT 1) 原穴沿经下移1寸,避开腋毛,直刺1~1.5寸, 用提插泻法,以患侧上肢抽动3次为度。Select Jiquan(HT 1) point at 1 cun below the original location along the heart meridian to keep away from the armpit hair,puncture perpendicularly for 1-1.5 cun with reducing method of lifting and thrusting the needle to make the affected upper limb have tic for three times.null尺 泽 Chize (LU 5)屈肘成120度角,直刺1寸,用提插泻法, 使患者前臂、手指抽动3次为度。 Perpendicularly puncture Chize(LU 5) for 1 cun depth while the forearm bends to form an angle of 120 degrees with reducing manipulation of lifting and thrusting the needle until the affected arm and fingers have tic for three times. null委 中 Weizhong (BL 40)仰卧直腿抬高取穴,直刺0.5~1寸,施提插泻法,使患侧下肢抽动3次为度。Select Weizhong(BL 40) point with the supine position and the lower limb lifted, puncture perpendicularly for 0.5-1 cun, with reducing method of lifting and thrusting to make the lower limb have tic for 3 times. null风池、完骨、翳风 Fengchi(GB 20) Wangu(GB 12) Yifeng(SJ 17)针向结喉,进针2~2.5寸采用小幅度高频率捻转补法, 每穴施手法1分钟;Puncture Fengchi(GB 20),Wangu(GB 12) and Yifeng(SJ 17) in the direction of the laryngeal protuberance for 2-2.5 cun, with reinforcing manipulation of twirling and rotating the needle in high frequency and small amplitude for 1 minute to each acupoint. null合谷针向三间穴 Hegu(LI 4) to Sanjian(LI 3) 进针1~1.5寸,采用提插泻法,使患者第二手 指抽动或五指自然伸展为度;Puncture Hegu(LI 4) 1-1.5 cun in depth with the needle tip toward Sanjian(LI 3), with reducing method of lifting and thrusting to make the patient’s second finger or five fingers extended freely. null上廉泉 Shanglianquan (EX-HN) 针向舌根1.5~2寸,用提插泻法;Puncture Shanglianquan(EX-HN) for 1.5-2 cun, with the needle tip towards the root of the tongue and reducing method of lifting and thrusting the needle.null金津、玉液 Jinjin(EX-HN12) Yuye(EX-HN13) 用三棱针点刺放血,出血1~2毫升;Prick Jinjin(EX-HN12) and Yuye(EX-HN13) with the three-edged needle to cause bleeding for 1-2ml. null丘墟透向照海穴 Qiuxu(GB 40) to Zhaohai(KI 6) 约1.5~2寸,局部酸胀为度。Puncture Qiuxu (GB 40) 1.5-2 cun in depth with the needle tip toward Zhaohai(KI 6),until soreness and distension occurred locally. null中风病其他并发症的治疗 Treatment of Complicationsnull便秘:针外水道、外归来、丰隆。 Constipation: Puncture Waishuidao(EX-CA), Waiguilai(EX-CA) and Fenglong(ST 40) null(2) 呼衰:针刺双侧气舍 Respiratory Failure:Puncture bilateral Qishe(ST 11) null(3) 尿失禁、尿潴留:针中极、曲骨、 关元、局部施灸、按摩或热敷 Incontinence of Urine, Retention of Urine: Puncture Zhongji(RN 3),Qugu(RN 4), Sanyinjiao (SP 6), Yinlingquan(SP 9). Moxibustion is applied on the local area, while massage and hot compress are applicable too. null(4) 共济失调:针风府、哑门、颈椎夹脊穴。Ataxia:Puncture Fengfu(DU 16),Yamen(DU 15) and cervical Jiaji points(EX-B2). null颈 椎 夹 脊 穴Cervical Jiaji Points(EX-B2)null(5) 复视:针天柱、晴明、球后Double Vision:Puncture Fengchi(GB 20), Tianzhu(BL 10), Jingming(BL 1) and Qiuhou(EX-HN7) null(6) 癫痫: 针大陵、鸠尾Epilepsy: Puncture Daling(PC 7), Jiuwei(RN 15) null(7) 肩周炎:针肩髃、肩髎、肩内陵、 肩贞、肩中俞、肩外俞,痛点刺络拔罐Periarthritis of Shoulder: Puncture Jianneiling(EX-UE), Jianliao(SJ 14), Jianzhen(SI 9), Jianzhongshu(SI 15), Jianwaishu (SI 14).Apply blood letting and cupping method to the local pain point. null(8) 血管性痴呆:针百会、四神聪、 四白、太冲Vascular Dementia:Puncture Baihui (DU 20), Sishencong(EX-HN1), Sibai(ST 2) and Taichong(LR 3). null太 冲Taichong(LR 3) null(9) 睡眠倒错:针上星、神门Paradoxic Sleep: Puncture Shangxing (DU 23), Shenmen(HT 7). 治疗时间 治疗时间 每日针2次,10天为1疗程,持续治疗3~5个疗程。 Course of Treatment Give acupuncture treatment twice a day, ten days as a course of treatment, commonly give the patients three to five courses of treatment. 中风病的诊疗原则中风病的诊疗原则 Diagnostic and Therapeutic Principles of Apoplexy null诊 断 原 则 Diagnostic Principle null中西医双重诊断,除临床症状和体征外,必须具备脑血管病的影像学证据,如CT、MRI。 Double diagnoses should be given by TCM and Western Medicine. Besides the symptoms and signs of apoplexy the image evidence such as CT and MRI must be possessed. null 治 疗 原 则Therapeutic Principlenull以“醒脑开窍”针刺法治疗为主,此外,根据病情需要,辅以降颅压,抗感染,降低血压之西药及支持疗法等。 “XNKQ”acupuncture therapy is taken as the main treatment. In addition, we should supplementally a apply western medications for reducing intracranial pressure, anti-infection and lowering blood pressure and some supporting treatment according to patients’ conditions. null有手术指征的脑出血患者,应采用手术和针刺结合治疗。对于各种并发症,配用相应的穴位。 For cerebral hemorrhage with operative indications the operation should be applied in combination with acupuncture. For various complications of stroke some other points should be added. 结 果 Effect 结 果 Effect 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 1 9005例中风病人疗效分析 Table 1 Analysis of Curative Effect of “XNKQ” Therapy 表 1 9005例中风病人疗效分析 Table 1 Analysis of Curative Effect of “XNKQ” Therapy 表2 病种与疗效 Table 2 Relation between Disease Categories and Curative Effect 表2 病种与疗效 Table 2 Relation between Disease Categories and Curative Effect 表 3 中风合并缺血性球麻痹疗效分析 Table 3 Therapeutic Analysis of Apoplexy with Complication of ischemic bulbar paralysis.表 3 中风合并缺血性球麻痹疗效分析 Table 3 Therapeutic Analysis of Apoplexy with Complication of ischemic bulbar paralysis.null表1、2、3表明:醒脑开窍针刺法不论对脑出血、脑梗塞、假球麻痹的治疗同样有效,且总效率均高达98%以上。 The results of table 1, 2 and 3 confirmed that “XNKQ” acupuncture method had similar curative effect in treatment of cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral infarction and pseudo bulbar paralysis. There was no obvious difference in curative effect between cerebral hemorrhage and cerebral infarction. The total effective rates of curative effect were all over 98%.基 础 研 究 部 分 EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCHES ON “XNKQ” ACUPUNCTURE THERAPY基 础 研 究 部 分 EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCHES ON “XNKQ” ACUPUNCTURE THERAPYnull基础实验目的: 探讨“醒脑开窍”针法作用机理 The Order of Experimental Research: To probe into therapeutic mechanism of “XNKQ”null实验内容包括: 微循环血流改善、超微结构改变、脑神经递质变化、脑学习记忆功能改善、再灌注损伤和自由基水平、细胞内钙离子超负荷、DNA、RNA转录活性。 The Research included: circulation improvement, ultrastructure changes in brain cells,reperfusion injury caused by free radicals,overload calcium ion in cells,changes of neurotransmitters in brain,improvement of apoptosis, transcription activity of DNA and RNA,etc. (一) “醒脑开窍”针刺法对脑缺血及再灌注损伤影响的实验研究 Experimental Research in the Influence of “XNKQ”Acupuncture Method on Cerebral Ischemia and Reperfusion Injury(一) “醒脑开窍”针刺法对脑缺血及再灌注损伤影响的实验研究 Experimental Research in the Influence of “XNKQ”Acupuncture Method on Cerebral Ischemia and Reperfusion Injurynull目的:观察针刺对缺血——再灌注损伤两个核心病理环节的影响 a.自由基损伤 b.钙离子超负荷 动物模型:再灌注家兔模型 Objective:to observe the influence of acupuncture on the two important aspects in ischemia and reperfusion injury. a. free radical injury b. calcium ion overload Animal model:perfusion rabbit null结果: a.针刺可提高SOD活性,降低LPO含量 b.针刺可改善脑组织钙离子超负荷 Effects: a. acupuncture could increase the activity of SOD, and decrease the content of LPO. b. acupuncture could reduce the overload of intracellular calcium ion in the brain. nullpseudo-operating groupischemia 54h groupischemia 54h and acupuncture groupperfusion groupischemia 6h groupperfusion and acupuncture groupSOD (u/mg)LPO (nmol/gwt)Ca2+ (u/gD) 提高SOD水平 降低LPO含量 抑制缺血区脑组织Ca2+浓度增加 raising SOD level reducing LPO content restraining the increase of Ca2+ concentration in ischemia area (二) “醒脑开窍”针法干预大鼠实验性脑梗塞的形态学研究 Experimental Research in the Effect of “XNKQ” Acupuncture Method on Morphological Changes in Brain of Rats with Local Cerebral Infarction (二) “醒脑开窍”针法干预大鼠实验性脑梗塞的形态学研究 Experimental Research in the Effect of “XNKQ” Acupuncture Method on Morphological Changes in Brain of Rats with Local Cerebral Infarctionnull目的:从形态学角度观察针刺作用 a.对脑组织缺血的影响 b.对缺血后亚细胞结构的影响 c.对缺血后RNA损伤的影响 动物模型:大脑中动脉梗塞(MCAO)模型大鼠 Objective:To observe the effect of acupuncture from morphology aspect. a.the influence of ischemic brain issue. b.the influence of subcellular structure after ischemia. c.the influence of RNA injury after ischemia. Animal model:MCAO rat. null结果: a.缺血改善:脑组织内可见多而充盈的代偿血管,脑缺血明显改善 b.亚细胞改善:对照组线粒体、内质网肿胀,胞核内异染质增多,针刺后上述改变较轻 c.RNA量:与对照组相比,针刺组RNA的量明显增多 Effects: a. Ischemia improvement: It was observed that there were many compensatory filling vessels in the brain tissue. The ischemic lesion of brain tissue got obvious improved. b. Improvement of subcellular structure: The brain cells of the control group appeared the swelling of mitochondria endoplasmic reticula, increase of heterochromatins in the cerebrocellular nuclei, which were greatly improve after the acupuncture. c. Increase of RNA content: compared with the control group, the quantity of RNA in cerebrocellular nuclei increase obviously in the acupuncture group.null大脑中动脉阻断后所见大脑表面缺血区 ischemia area on brain surface after middle cerebral artery obstruction 醒脑开窍针刺后的变化 the changes after “XNKQ” acupuncture method缺血后代偿情况 the compensation status after ischemia (三)“醒脑开窍”针法对局灶性脑缺血模型大鼠脑微血管系统机能、 形态、能量代谢的影响 (三)“醒脑开窍”针法对局灶性脑缺血模型大鼠脑微血管系统机能、 形态、能量代谢的影响Influence of “XNKQ” Acupuncture Method on the Function, Morphology and Energy Metabolism of Cerebral Micrangiums of the Rats with Cerebral Infarctionnull目的:从微循环及能量代谢角度探讨针刺机理 a.对脑血流及软脑膜微血管的自律运动的影响 b.对微血管形态的影响 c.对能量代谢的影响 动物模型:MCAO大鼠 Objective:To probe into the acupuncture mechanism from microcirculation and energy metabolism a.The influence of cerebral blood flow and microvascular autorhythmatic movement b.The influence of morphological changes of micrangiums c.The influence of energy metabolism Animal model: MCAO ratnull结果:a.脑血流及微血管自律运动:脑血流增加,自律运动改善 b.微血管形态:非针刺组血管形态僵直,呈串珠式阶段性痉挛,针刺组形态基本正常 c.能量代谢:非针刺组细胞色素氧化酶大量耗竭,针刺组有明显改善 Effect:a.Cerebral blood flow was increased and microvascular autorthythmatic movement was improved with the acupuncture b.The morphological changes of micrangium in the non-acupuncture group were manifested as stiffness, beading or segmental spasm, which became basically normal after the acupuncture c.The cytochrome oxidase was exhausted greatly in non-acupuncture group, which was improved remarkably in the acupuncture group (四)“醒脑开窍”针法对MCAO大鼠单胺类神经递质影响的实验研究 Experimental Research on the Influence of “XNKQ” Acupuncture Method in Levels of Monoamine Transmitters in the Brain of Rats with MCAO (四)“醒脑开窍”针法对MCAO大鼠单胺类神经递质影响的实验研究 Experimental Research on the Influence of “XNKQ” Acupuncture Method in Levels of Monoamine Transmitters in the Brain of Rats with MCAOnull目的:观察脑内主要神经递质——单胺类物质针 刺后的变化 动物模型:MCAO大鼠 Objective: To observe the changes of monoamine transmitters brain after acupuncture Animal model:MCAO ratnull结果:针刺可调节MCAO大鼠脑内单胺类递质的异常,表现为升高异常降低的纹状体、海马及大脑皮质的去甲肾上腺素和5-羟色胺水平,调节多巴胺的合成和降解代谢 Effects:Acupuncture could regulate the abnormal metabolism of monoamine transmitters in rat brain with MCAO,which was mainly manifested as increasing of the abnormal decrease levels of noradrenalin and 5-hydroxytryptamine in the striate body, hippocampus and cerebral cortex, and reglating constructive and degradative metabolism of dopamine (五)针刺的脑机制—正常大鼠对不同穴位刺激反应的形态学研究 (五)针刺的脑机制—正常大鼠对不同穴位刺激反应的形态学研究Central Mechanism of the Acupuncturenull目的:以脑脱氧葡萄糖图的方法观察针刺人中、涌泉、足三里、天枢、内关、神门等穴位的脑定位反应点 动物:正常大鼠 Objective:To observe brain location and reaction point of puncturing Renzhong(DU26), Yongquan(KI 1), Zusanli(ST 36), Tianshu(ST 25),Neiguan(PC 6)and Shenmen(HT 7) Animal:Normal ratnull结果:a.针刺足三里、天枢,兴奋了脑内调节内脏和情绪的结构、丘脑网状结构及镇痛环路 b.人中、涌泉等急救穴则显示出脑对外界环境及针刺反应性的显著降低 c.神门、内关可兴奋丘脑内侧背核(对形体和内脏冲动具有整合作用) Effects: a.Thalamic reticular structure, alagesic circulatory channels, and viscus and mood adjusting struture in the brain could be excited by puncturing Zusanli(ST 36)and Tianshu (ST 25) b.Reactivity of the brain to the changes of external environment was decreased by needling some emergent acupoints such as Renzhong(DU 26), Yongquan(KI 1) c.The medical dorsal nuclei of thalamus could be excited by puncturing Shenmen(HT 7) and Neiguan(PC 6) (六) 针刺对快速老化痴呆模型小白鼠(SAM-P/8)脑功能影响的实验研究 (六) 针刺对快速老化痴呆模型小白鼠(SAM-P/8)脑功能影响的实验研究Experimental Research on the Influence of Acupuncture in the Brain Function of SAMP8 with the Character of Aging Dementianull目的:观察醒脑开窍针法主穴内关、人中对痴呆鼠脑功能的影响 动物模型:日本京都大学快速老化模型小白鼠SAM-P/8 Objective:To observe the influence of main acupoints of “XNKQ” to the brain function with dementia rat Animal model:SAMP8 with the character of aging dementianull结果:a.针刺可改善SAM-P/8记忆力障碍及行为学 异常 b.针刺可提高SOD活性,降低LPO含量 c.针刺可降低兴奋性氨基酸含量,减轻其神经毒性作用 Effects: a.Acupuncture could improve memory ability and abnormal behavior of SAMP8. b.Acupuncture could increase the activity of SOD and decrease the content of LPO simultaneously. c.Acupuncture could reduce the content of excitatory amino acids in the brain an eliminate the neurotoxicity. (七) 针刺对多发梗塞性痴呆模型 大鼠影响的实验研究 (七) 针刺对多发梗塞性痴呆模型 大鼠影响的实验研究Experimental Research in the Effect of Acupuncture on the Rats with Multiple Infarction Dementianull目的:观察醒脑开窍针法对血管性痴呆的影响 动物模型:多发梗塞性痴呆(MID)模型大鼠 Objective: To observe the influence of acupuncture on vascular dementia. Animal model: Multiple Infarct Dementia(MID) ratnull结果: a.行为学实验表明针刺可改善记忆障碍 b.针刺可降低兴奋性氨基酸水平,提高脑及血浆SOD活性 ,降低LPO含量 Effects: a.Acupuncture could improve the ability of memory and study by behavior experiments b.Acupuncture could decrease the levels of excitatory amino acids in the brain and increase the activity of SOD in the brain and plasmanull c.针刺可提高脑内乙酰胆硷含量 d.针刺可提高血浆一氧化氮含量,可能是改善脑循环的重要因素 c.Acupuncture could increase the content of acetylcholine in the brain d.Acupuncture could increase the content of nitric oxide, which might be the key factor to improve the cerebral circulation (八) 针刺对快速老化脑萎缩模型小白鼠(SAM-P/10)脑和肝 核蛋白质的影响 (八) 针刺对快速老化脑萎缩模型小白鼠(SAM-P/10)脑和肝 核蛋白质的影响Influence of Acupuncture on Cerebrocellular and Hepatocellular Nucleoprotein of SAMP10null目的:观察醒脑开窍法主穴内关、人中对脑萎缩小鼠脑、肝核蛋白质及染色质非组蛋白质的影响 动物模型:日本京都大学快速老化模型小白鼠SAM-P/10Objective:To observe the influence of main acupoints of “XNKQ” to cerebrocellular and hepatocellular nucleoprotein of mice with encephalatrophy Animal model:SAMP10null结果:a.核膜蛋白随增龄有增加的趋势,针刺可降低此趋势,以人中、内关为最佳 b.高迁移率非组蛋白质随增龄有下降的趋势,针刺可使其上升,以人中、内关为最佳Effects:a.There was an age-related increasing trend of nonhisto
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