首页 2013年全县班主任心理健康培训试题库



2013年全县班主任心理健康培训试题库2013年全县班主任心理健康培训试题库 一、填空题 1.家庭教育专家孙云晓说过,好的 ,就是好的家庭教育。什么时候和孩子的关系是好的,你的教育就是成功的。 2.一个人无论是身体与心灵的病症的缘由如果可以追溯到 ,那几乎是很难医治的。——蒙台梭利 3. “罗森塔尔效应”又称“皮格玛利翁效应”,它给我们的启示是 4. 班主任专业发展通常经过三个阶段:班主任专业发展的 阶段、 阶段 和 阶段。 5. 班主任在工作中要做到五勤,即: 。 6. 为人处世四句箴言:对上以 ,对下以 ,对人以 ,对事以 7.后进...

2013年全县班主任心理健康培训试题库 一、填空题 1.家庭教育专家孙云晓说过,好的 ,就是好的家庭教育。什么时候和孩子的关系是好的,你的教育就是成功的。 2.一个人无论是身体与心灵的病症的缘由如果可以追溯到 ,那几乎是很难医治的。——蒙台梭利 3. “罗森塔尔效应”又称“皮格玛利翁效应”,它给我们的启示是 4. 班主任专业发展通常经过三个阶段:班主任专业发展的 阶段、 阶段 和 阶段。 5. 班主任在工作中要做到五勤,即: 。 6. 为人处世四句箴言:对上以 ,对下以 ,对人以 ,对事以 7.后进生一般可以分为 和 两种类型。 8.我们要关注后进生的学业成绩,更要关注后进生的 。 9.课堂上对后进生的过分关注会带来 、 、 等弊端。 10.中小学心理健康教育是根据学生 和 的发展特点,运用有关 的方法和手段,培养学生良好的心理素质,促进学生身心和谐发展和素质全面提高的教育活动。 11.学校心理健康教育的目标包含 目标和 目标,要注重 与 的结合,有 、 和矫正三个层次。 12.学校心理健康教育与德育的区别主要表现在: 的不同、 不同、 不同、原则不同和方法不同等方面。 13.学生心理档案主要包括下列几项:家庭状况; ;家长、任课教师及同学对该学生 评价 LEC评价法下载LEC评价法下载评价量规免费下载学院评价表文档下载学院评价表文档下载 ;本周违纪情况及 ; ;以往谈话纪录等。 14.学校心理健康教育的环境创设就包括 和 的创设。 二、选择题(单选) and contract product specifications, models, scale to match. Trunking, fittings and testing requirements for iron: a variety of trunking material, specifications, provisions of the model should comply with the design document, the surface should be smooth, flat, no deformation, fracture. Embedded metal raceways, cable boxes, junction boxes and iron pipe surface coating or plating a uniform, complete, not deformation and damage. All kinds of material quality and specifications of iron should be in line with quality standards, without distortion, distortion, burrs, breakage or damage. Surface treatment and coating of iron should be uniform and complete, with smooth surface, no shedding, bubbles and other defects. Cable testing requirements are as follows: projects using twisted-pair cable, should comply with the design specifications and contract requirements. Signs attached to the cable, the label content should be complete and clear. Cable sheath intact, the cable should be accompanied by a quality inspection certificate. If user requests shall be accompanied by the technical guidance of the bulk cable. Connector test requirements are as follows: wire modules and information part of the socket, and other sockets should be complete, check whether the plastic material meet the design requirements. Cabling 1(《民主主义与教育》的作者是( )。 A. 杜威 B. 艾斯奎斯 C. 亚米契斯 D. 苏霍姆林斯基 2. 心理学中艾利斯提出用来调节不良情绪的理论是( )。 A. 人本主义 B. 精神分析理论 C. 情绪ABC理论 D. 行为主义 3.有人提出“适当消隐对后进生课堂关注”观念,对“消隐”的错误理解是( ) A 是关注方式的隐蔽,关注强度的适当。 B 就是“无为”。 C 是一种实践智慧和心有大悲悯的童情怀。 4.班上一个学生成绩突然下降,作为班主任首先应该( ) A 指责和批评他。 B 熟视无睹。 C 倾心细谈,找出原因。 5.在学校教育过程中, 是造成学生心理问题的一个重要因素。 A.学习成绩 B.家庭环境 C.师源性心理障碍 D.亲子关系 6.学校心理健康教育的对象主要是 A.留守儿童 B.单亲家庭的学生 C.有轻度心理问题的学生 D.全体学生 7.在解决学生行为问题时更多关注做对的部分,而不是做错的部分,即进行正向思考,由“例外”带来问题解决。这种心理辅导的方法是 A.具体化技术 B.短期焦点解决法 C.马太效应 D.角色扮演 8.要求教师要对学生一视同仁,不可对好的学生过于“偏心眼”,相反,要更多地照顾后进学生,给他们以帮助和温暖。这种心理教育的方法是 A.共情技术 B.正面教育法 C.反“马太效应”法 D.皮格马利翁效应 9.在学校心理健康教育中, 对学生的心理健康发展负有重要责任。 A.学校所有教职工 B.班主任 C.心理咨询老师 D.学科任课老师 三、选择题(多选) and contract product specifications, models, scale to match. Trunking, fittings and testing requirements for iron: a variety of trunking material, specifications, provisions of the model should comply with the design document, the surface should be smooth, flat, no deformation, fracture. Embedded metal raceways, cable boxes, junction boxes and iron pipe surface coating or plating a uniform, complete, not deformation and damage. All kinds of material quality and specifications of iron should be in line with quality standards, without distortion, distortion, burrs, breakage or damage. Surface treatment and coating of iron should be uniform and complete, with smooth surface, no shedding, bubbles and other defects. Cable testing requirements are as follows: projects using twisted-pair cable, should comply with the design specifications and contract requirements. Signs attached to the cable, the label content should be complete and clear. Cable sheath intact, the cable should be accompanied by a quality inspection certificate. If user requests shall be accompanied by the technical guidance of the bulk cable. Connector test requirements are as follows: wire modules and information part of the socket, and other sockets should be complete, check whether the plastic material meet the design requirements. Cabling 1. 家庭关系不和谐的原因有哪些,( ) A父母感情不和 B父母的意见不一致 C家庭结构比较复杂 D隔代教育出现偏差 2. 孩子讨厌父母的哪些行为,( ) A不鼓励,经常贬低、嘲讽 B专制 C经常体罚 D将孩子作为攀比工具 3. 如何跟孩子进行有效的沟通,( ) A尊重 B倾听 C感同身受 D用心、耐心 四、简答题 1.课堂上适当关注后进生的策略有哪些, 2.你遇到的最突出的一名后进生主要问题表现有哪些, 3.你能列举上述后进生5个优点吗, 4.对于上述后进生你曾经采取了哪些帮扶措施,你有什么体会, 5.请简单论述中国第一圣人孔子平生之志:“老者安之,朋友信之,少者怀之”。 and contract product specifications, models, scale to match. Trunking, fittings and testing requirements for iron: a variety of trunking material, specifications, provisions of the model should comply with the design document, the surface should be smooth, flat, no deformation, fracture. Embedded metal raceways, cable boxes, junction boxes and iron pipe surface coating or plating a uniform, complete, not deformation and damage. All kinds of material quality and specifications of iron should be in line with quality standards, without distortion, distortion, burrs, breakage or damage. Surface treatment and coating of iron should be uniform and complete, with smooth surface, no shedding, bubbles and other defects. Cable testing requirements are as follows: projects using twisted-pair cable, should comply with the design specifications and contract requirements. Signs attached to the cable, the label content should be complete and clear. Cable sheath intact, the cable should be accompanied by a quality inspection certificate. If user requests shall be accompanied by the technical guidance of the bulk cable. Connector test requirements are as follows: wire modules and information part of the socket, and other sockets should be complete, check whether the plastic material meet the design requirements. Cabling 6.中小学生心理健康的 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 是什么, 7.学校心理健康教育的途径有哪些, 8.心理咨询中的倾听技术必须具备哪五个要素, 9.什么是空椅子技术疗法,它有哪三种形式, 五、案例分析题 1.爸爸带着小伟参加完朋友的生日宴,开车行驶在路上,看着身旁的儿子,想着这些年的打拼,给儿子创造了这么好的物质条件,爸爸不由一阵自豪:“儿子,跟爸爸在一起快乐吧~”“恩。”孩子应道。爸爸接着问:“说说看,什么时候最快乐~”小伟想了想,认真地说:“爸爸,你还记得吗,有一次吃完晚饭,我们在草丛里捉萤火虫,那个时候我最快乐~”听着儿子的话,爸爸陷入了沉思„„ 从这则案例中,我们读到了什么, 2.一位父亲苦恼地说:“我家教育孩子的事情全由我爱人包了。本来,我对教育孩子是挺有热情的,刚开始还经常给孩子讲讲故事。但我爱人老嫌我管不好孩子,说我讲故事的口气不对,腔调不对,手势也不对。我一张嘴说孩子,她就插嘴说,别听你爸的,他懂什么;或者说,你爸尽瞎说。现在连孩子也这样,我一说她什么,她就学着妈妈的样子说,你懂什么。” 这则案例要告诉我们什么, 3.王老师在晚自习时发现教室地面上纸屑很多,便让劳动委员打扫,自己就去另一个班上课去了。劳动委员见老师走后也停止了打扫,心想放学后就该值日生值日了。不料一会检查工作的校领导发现了班里卫生极差,给予班级以严厉的批评。 第二天有班会课,王老师决定以“让一切劳动都爆起火花”作为班训,同时结合“扫屋风波”,以此为主题召开主题班会,为养成爱学习、讲文明、守纪律、爱劳动的良好班风奠定思想基础。 and contract product specifications, models, scale to match. Trunking, fittings and testing requirements for iron: a variety of trunking material, specifications, provisions of the model should comply with the design document, the surface should be smooth, flat, no deformation, fracture. Embedded metal raceways, cable boxes, junction boxes and iron pipe surface coating or plating a uniform, complete, not deformation and damage. All kinds of material quality and specifications of iron should be in line with quality standards, without distortion, distortion, burrs, breakage or damage. Surface treatment and coating of iron should be uniform and complete, with smooth surface, no shedding, bubbles and other defects. Cable testing requirements are as follows: projects using twisted-pair cable, should comply with the design specifications and contract requirements. Signs attached to the cable, the label content should be complete and clear. Cable sheath intact, the cable should be accompanied by a quality inspection certificate. If user requests shall be accompanied by the technical guidance of the bulk cable. Connector test requirements are as follows: wire modules and information part of the socket, and other sockets should be complete, check whether the plastic material meet the design requirements. Cabling 第二天,王老师抓紧一切时间,找班干部谈话,分析得失,提高认识,统一思想。下午,班会如期举行。教室墙上贴上了火红的“班训“:让一切劳动都爆起火花。”同学们强烈受到了一种氛围,产生了强烈的共鸣。劳动委员和其他班委成员、同学们纷纷上台发了言,他们个个神情严肃,认为以前没有形成很好的配合,自身存在一些问题等,纷纷表示不会让“扫屋风波”在班级中重演。 同学们很快有了认同感,他们认识到自己属于这个集体,这个集体需要每个成员共同建设。大家一同制定了班级卫生责任制。劳动委员也打消了“引咎辞职”的念头,化内疚为动力,勤奋工作。 此后,班级卫生一直保持学校的先进,各方面也很有起色。他们很快就获得了学校“先进班集体”称号。 试问: (1)结合案例谈谈一个良好的班集体的标准是什么? (2)分析一下王老师组织的班会成功的原因。 (3)作为一个班主任要管理好班级具体应该怎么做, 小明的学习成绩一直跟不上班上的同学,大家总瞧不起他。每每进行小组4. 合作学习时,同学都不理他,于是成了“局外人”的小明总会自顾自地玩起来„„如果您是小明的老师,你打算怎样帮他, 5.分校下面这段师生对话,从心理辅导的角度看,老师对学生说的这句话没有运用什么技术,并谈谈在师生对话时运用这一技术的好处是什么,缺乏这一技术又会带来什么危害。 “学生:我这阵子情绪低落,干什么都没兴趣,期中考前,我很努力复习,结果还是很糟糕,看来我不是学习的料~ 老师:你千万不要灰心,要记住世上无难事,只怕有心人。” and contract product specifications, models, scale to match. Trunking, fittings and testing requirements for iron: a variety of trunking material, specifications, provisions of the model should comply with the design document, the surface should be smooth, flat, no deformation, fracture. Embedded metal raceways, cable boxes, junction boxes and iron pipe surface coating or plating a uniform, complete, not deformation and damage. All kinds of material quality and specifications of iron should be in line with quality standards, without distortion, distortion, burrs, breakage or damage. Surface treatment and coating of iron should be uniform and complete, with smooth surface, no shedding, bubbles and other defects. Cable testing requirements are as follows: projects using twisted-pair cable, should comply with the design specifications and contract requirements. Signs attached to the cable, the label content should be complete and clear. Cable sheath intact, the cable should be accompanied by a quality inspection certificate. If user requests shall be accompanied by the technical guidance of the bulk cable. Connector test requirements are as follows: wire modules and information part of the socket, and other sockets should be complete, check whether the plastic material meet the design requirements. Cabling
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