首页 可以治病的食物(强烈推荐) 已标注重点,希望帮助更多的人(Food that can be cured (strongly recommended) has been marked with emphasis on the wish to help more people)

可以治病的食物(强烈推荐) 已标注重点,希望帮助更多的人(Food that can be cured (strongly recommended) has been marked with emphasis on the wish to help more people)


可以治病的食物(强烈推荐) 已标注重点,希望帮助更多的人(Food that can be cured (strongly recommended) has been marked with emphasis on the wish to help more people)可以治病的食物(强烈推荐) 已标注重点,希望帮助更多的人(Food that can be cured (strongly recommended) has been marked with emphasis on the wish to help more people) 可以治病的食物(强烈推荐) 已标注重点,希望帮助更多的人(Food that can be cured (strongly recommended) has been marked with emphasis on the wish to...

可以治病的食物(强烈推荐) 已标注重点,希望帮助更多的人(Food that can be cured (strongly recommended) has been marked with emphasis on the wish to help more people)
可以治病的食物(强烈推荐) 已标注重点,希望帮助更多的人(Food that can be cured (strongly recommended) has been marked with emphasis on the wish to help more people) 可以治病的食物(强烈推荐) 已标注重点,希望帮助更多的人(Food that can be cured (strongly recommended) has been marked with emphasis on the wish to help more people) Grain category 1, people eat rice is rice, sweet, flat. Jianpiyangwei effect, suitable for gastrointestinal discord, spleen deficiency, pale complexion not edible Ze burnout. 2, also known as glutinous rice glutinous rice, Yuan meters, the soft sticky, sweet, flat. With the effect of Buzhong Yiqi Jianpi Wenzhong, and suitable for the spleen and stomach, pale or sallow complexion are edible 3, also known as corn millet, sweet, salty, slightly cold. With nourishing kidney, spleen and stomach, the effect of pure heat. Suitable for facial flushing, or seborrheic dermatitis, chloasma patients eating. 4, also known as millet and broomcorn millet. Sweet and mild in nature. It has the effect of invigorating liver and kidney, invigorating spleen and stomach, curing sores and detoxifying. Suitable for the infirm, strange boils edible. 5, corn, corn, corn and corn, sweet, flat. Can reconcile the stomach, the slimming effect, suitable for obese people suffering from eye or face xanthoma, seborrheic dermatitis are edible 6, wheat, wheat and buckwheat flowers triangle. Sweet and fair in sex. With Qingrejiedu, regulating gastrointestinal function, suitable for acne, alopecia areata, sycosis, 'white crumbs wind and rosacea are edible. 7, black beans, also known as black beans. Sweet and fair in sex. With heat clearing table, nourishing the spleen effect, suitable for weak, postpartum, face edema consumption. 8, soybean sex Gan, flat. It has the function of clearing away heat and toxic substances and regulating the intestines and stomach. Suitable for the accumulation of heat in the stomach, cause acne, rosacea are edible. 9, barley, sweet, salty, cool. It has the effect of strengthening the spleen and regulating the stomach. "Food Materia Medica" means that the "tonic deficiency", "strong blood", "beneficial color.". ---- long eating, cannibalism, white, slippery skin". 10, black sesame, sweet, flat, with the effect of invigorating the liver and kidney. "Jade" refers to the "Manchurian medicine therapy skin dry hair dry, less meat less milk, medicine all clear swollen sore, baidu". 11, also known as the South lentils, beans, sweet flat, with the spleen and stomach, light penetration dampness effect, suitable for spleen dampness, perioral dermatitis, angioedema, lip air consumption. Two, vegetables 1, eggplant sweet and cool, with tonic five zang organs, blood circulation and blood stasis effect. "The fresh" refers to the "main charge skin", suitable for the five viscera asthenia, no skin, dark edible old china. 2, celery, sweet and warm, with spleen and stomach, solid kidney hemostatic effect. Suitable for the yellow complexion, dry skin, bleeding gums are edible. 3, Chinese cabbage, sweet, flat, cold. Tongli has stomach healing efficacy of detoxification. Suitable for pressure sore or Hair Coloring allergic, facial edema, urination edible. 4, leek, sweet, warm. It has the effect of strengthening spleen and stomach and Wen Shenyang. For jiubingtixu, backache, cold limbs, pale complexion or prone to frostbite are edible. 5, cabbage sex sweet, flat. It has the effect of invigorating the spleen and replenishing the body and nourishing the skin, and it is suitable for dry skin and for the consumption of less hoary headed persons. 6, lotus flavor sweet, cold. It has the effect of invigorating spleen and appetite, clearing heat and promoting fluid production. "Doctors do not recorded" call it "the main heat thirst, scattered blood, muscle". Suitable for facial emaciation, dry mouth thirst, strange spots are edible. 7, Ma mushroom sweet and cool, with the benefit of the stomach, the effect of Invigorating Qi and blood. Suitable for a frail indigestion, sallow complexion, edible. 8, carrot, sweet, flat. It has the effect of clearing away heat and toxic substances and reinforcing the viscera. Suitable for dry skin, rough, or suffering from hair, moss, blackheads, keratosis eczema people eating. 9, spinach, sweet, cold. It has the effect of clearing intestines and stomach and activating blood to produce blood. Suitable pale or sallow complexion, stomach heat accumulation or alcohol toxicity outward facial rash wine consumption. 10, fungus, sweet, flat. It has the function of invigorating the five zang organs and supplementing qi and blood, and is suitable for the consumption of the five zang organs, such as weakness of the five zang organs, deficiency of Qi and blood, absence of complexion, and loss of hair. Three, fish class 1, pork, sweet, salty, flat, slightly cold. It has the function of nourishing viscera and invigorating qi. "Eating with each other" is called "Nourishing Yin, filling stomach juice, nourishing liver yin and moistening skin."." Suitable for weak and emaciated, yellow and dark edible 2, beef, sweet, flat. Jianpiyangwei, powerful Zhuangjing of bone. Suitable for waist, taking the dark complexion. 3, lamb sex sweet, warm. It has the effect of invigorating deficiency and dispelling cold, regulating qi and supplementing qi and blood. Suitable for Tixu, pale, or strange chloasma are edible. 4, dog meat, sweet, salty, sour, warm. It has an internal organs, warm waist and knee, kidney aphrodisiac effect. Suitable for weak body deficiency, deficiency of hot flushes, zygomatic red face red edible. 5, chicken sex, sweet, warm, flat. It has the effect of Invigorating Qi and nourishing blood. Apply to postpartum Qi deficiency, facial non Chinese consumption. 6, duck sex, sweet, cool, with Qingfei detoxification, nourishing yin and nourishing the blood. Suitable for the lung and kidney deficiency, melasma, skin dry noodles are edible. 7, goose and sweet, flat. It has the function of invigorating the five Zang organs. Deficiency of Qi and asthenia of body, Pale, sweating forehead, face to eat. 8, rabbit meat, sweet, cold. It has the effect of Invigorating Qi, nourishing yin and cooling blood. Suitable for yin deficiency is hot, facial flushing people eating. 9, quail meat, sweet, flat. With Buzhong, light penetration dampness effect, suitable for frail, malnutrition, lusterless complexion, facial swelling or eating. 10, eel sweet and warm. It has the effect of invigorating spleen and Invigorating Qi, removing dampness and regulating blood. Suitable for the lack of Qi and blood, or postpartum hemorrhage, complexion is no Chinese, dark, non Ze people eating 11, crucian carp, sweet, warm. And have tonic, Wenzhong Jianpi effect. Suitable for deficiency of Qi, weakness of Qi and blood, dull complexion, drooping eyes and more wrinkles 12, also known as turtle turtle, taste salty, cold. It has the effect of nourishing liver and kidney, nourishing essence and supplementing marrow. Suitable for small white hair, prematurely senile, wrinkles, dark complexion edible. 13, turtle sex, sweet, sour, warm. It has the effect of Nourishing Yin, tonifying kidney, removing dampness and regulating blood. Apply to dull complexion or chronic eczema or dermatitis. 14, sea cucumber, sweet, salty, slightly cold. It has the effect of tonifying kidney, benefiting essence, removing dampness and diuresis. Apply to blood deficiency, lusterless complexion, hair withered, pale nails are edible. 15, bird's nest, sweet, light, flat. It has the effect of Invigorating Qi and blood, nourishing yin and clearing the lung. Suitable for long weakness, no edible luster. Have a good beauty effect. Four, melons and fruits 1, water chestnut sweet, slightly cold and slippery. It has the effect of clearing heat, promoting fluid production, invigorating the stomach and invigorating qi. Suitable for the gas shortage, thirsty to drink, lusterless complexion, facial superficial consumption. 2, water chestnut sweet, cool. It has the effect of clearing away heat and invigorating qi and invigorating spleen. Suitable for spleen deficiency, pale complexion, or the Department of heat fumigation, noodles or boil food miliaria 3, chestnut sweet, warm, with the spleen and kidney, the effect of thick stomach. Suitable for the surface dull, prematurely senile, edible wrinkles. 4, cherry sex, sour, sweet, warm and astringent. Has the efficacy of health Zhike, adjusting the benefit Yan, suitable for young skin care or skin gloss under consumption 5, loquat sex Gan, acid, flat. With the cleaning effect of the lung and stomach, suitable for students' nose acne, lees are edible. 6, litchi sex, sweet, sour, astringent, flat. It has the effect of invigorating spleen and benefiting liver. Suitable for lack of temper, liver qi deficiency, facial color, yellow or chloasma, and the living food 7 figs are sweet and smooth. With gastrointestinal conditioning, insecticidal effect of ascaridole. Suitable for gastrointestinal discord, strange insect spots, or facial eczema dermatitis are edible. 8, taste of malic acid, sweet, flat, with Bu Xin Qi, Yi lung spleen function. Suitable for deficiency of heart, face ruddy, pale lips or pale complexion, dry and peeling edible. 9, walnut meat, sweet, warm. It has the effect of moistening the lung, strengthening the kidney and regulating the circulation of the meridians. "Therapeutic Materia Medica" refers to the "meridians, black hair, often wear smooth and delicate flesh". Suitable for facial emaciation, wrinkles and dark complexion. 10, longan meat, sweet, flat. It has the effect of nourishing the heart, calming the nerves, nourishing yin and nourishing blood, and is suitable for the weak and sickly, insomnia, dreams, dark eyes, and the complexion is not edible. 11, jujube sweet, flat. It has the effect of invigorating spleen and Invigorating Qi, nourishing blood and promoting fluid production. It is suitable for people who are weak, lack of Qi and blood or postpartum blood deficiency. 12, melon sex, sweet, cold. With Qingrejiedu, Shengjinzhike efficacy. Suitable for toxic heat inside, 'boil, edible mentagra, impetigo. 13, peach sweet, sour, warm, slightly toxic, efficacy with blood stasis. Suitable for Qi Xuan resistance, complexion dark purple, cyanosis, or strange spider telangiectasia, edible. 14, pear sweet, sour, cold. It has the effect of clearing the heart and moistening the lung. Suitable for lung hot face red, eyes red pain, dry skin for food. 15, orange, sweet, sour, flat, warm. Contains a lot of vitamin C has the effect of thirst Sheng Jin, Tom Lee urine. Suitable for facial dryness, dry mouth thirst or facial superficial consumption Five, seasoning category 1, the salt taste salty, cool, flat, has urged Tuli water, discharge heat softening effect. Can the medicine into the kidney. It is a condiment commonly used in medicated diet. 2, vinegar, sour, warm, nourishing Yin fluid, efficacy of stomachic. It can be applied to the liver meridian. 3, soy sauce sex, salty and cold, with detoxification, except the effect of trouble. Can the medicine into the kidney, and facial furuncle, burns, insect bite dermatitis has a certain therapeutic effect. 4, fermented bean sauce, bitter and cold, has the effect of clearing the exterior, clearing heat, clearing away the rash and detoxifying. It can lead the medicine to the heart meridian. For facial edema, seborrheic dermatitis, allergic dermatitis have therapeutic effect. 5, ginger sex, pungent, warm, with published cold, stomach, increase the effect of food. Applied to cold pain in the stomach, The person who is pale is edible. Effect of lead drug, lung and stomach. 6, taste spicy, cumin, warm with Qi and relieve pain, the efficacy of lower gas transfer. Suitable for lower Jiao cold, cold pain in the abdomen, pale or purple people eating. 7, taste spicy, pepper temperature or with stomach warming and help fire cold dispelling the effect, suitable for cold pain in the heart, stomach cold pain, indigestion disappear, pale or purple edible. Six, drinks category 1, milk, sweet, flat. It has the function of nourishing the five zang organs and nourishing the blood vessels. "Japanese Materia Medica" refers to the "lung heat, detoxification, Yangxin skin" this product is suitable for all kinds of skin care personnel. But individual allergic dermatitis is not suitable for drinking. 2, goat milk, sweet and warm. It has the effect of invigorating the lung and kidney, supplementing qi and filling essence. Suitable for sickly, pale people to drink. 3, rice wine has a sweet, bitter, pungent and warm taste. Has the efficacy of promoting blood circulation and dispersing cold appetizers. "Herbal supplements" refers to the "blood, thick stomach, moisten skin, drink less the ruddy. 4, tea sex bitter, sweet and cool. With pure polyester heat, cool liver Xiehuo effect, suitable for the heart and liver fire, red eyes, or thirsty upset, 'drink sore
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