首页 同步带轮尺寸选用表



同步带轮尺寸选用表 带轮 Pulley 圆弧齿同步带轮轮齿 Arc tooth Timing tooth 型号 Type 节距 pb 齿槽深 hg 齿槽圆弧半径 R 齿顶圆半角 r1 齿槽宽 s 两倍节顶距 2δ 齿形角 3M 3 1.28 0.91 0.26~0.35 1.90 0.762 ≈14° 5M 5 2.16 1.56 0.48~0.52 3.25 1.144 ≈14° 8M 8 3.54 2.57 0.78~0.84 5.35 1.372 ≈14° 14M 14 6.2...

带轮 Pulley 圆弧齿同步带轮轮齿 Arc tooth Timing tooth 型号 Type 节距 pb 齿槽深 hg 齿槽圆弧半径 R 齿顶圆半角 r1 齿槽宽 s 两倍节顶距 2δ 齿形角 3M 3 1.28 0.91 0.26~0.35 1.90 0.762 ≈14° 5M 5 2.16 1.56 0.48~0.52 3.25 1.144 ≈14° 8M 8 3.54 2.57 0.78~0.84 5.35 1.372 ≈14° 14M 14 6.20 4.65 1.36~1.50 9.80 2.794 ≈14° 20M 20 8.60 6.84 1.95~2.25 14.80 4.320 ≈14° 直边齿廓尺寸 Dimension of linear type pulley 型号 Type MXL XXL XL L H XH XXH 齿槽底宽 bw 0.84±0.05 1.14±0.05 1.32±0.05 3.05±0.10 4.19±0.13 7.90±0.15 12.17±0.18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 齿槽深 hg 0.69 -0.05 0.84 -0.05 1.65 -0.08 2.67 -0.10 3.05 -0.13 7.14 -0.13 10.31 -0.13 齿槽半角 Φ+1.5° 20 25 25 20 20 20 20 齿根圆角半径 rb 0.35 0.35 0.41 1.19 1.60 1.98 3.96 +0.05 +0.05 +0.05 +0.13 +0.13 +0.13 +0.13 齿顶圆角半径 rt 0.13 0 0.30 0 0.64 0 1.17 0 1.60 0 2.39 0 3.18 0 两倍节顶距 2β 0.508 0.508 0.508 0.762 1.372 2.794 3.048 1、同步带轮的型式 Pulley Types 2、齿型尺寸、公差及技术参数 Dimension, Tolerances & Technical Parameters 3、各种型号同步带轮齿面宽度尺寸表 Dimension of Pulley Tooth Flank Width 4、订购须知 Order Attention 圆弧齿轮传动类型: 1)圆弧圆柱齿轮分单圆弧齿轮和双圆弧齿 轮。 2)单圆弧齿轮的接触线强度比同等条件下渐 开线齿轮高,但弯曲强度比渐开线低。 3)圆弧齿轮主要采用软齿面或中硬齿面,采 用硬齿面时一般用矮形齿。 圆弧齿轮传动 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 步骤: 1) 简化设计:根据齿轮传动的传动功率、输 入转速、传动比等条件,确定中心距、模数 等主要参数。如果中心距、模数已知,可跳 过这一步。 2) 几何设计计算:设计和计算齿轮的基本参 数,并进行几何尺寸计算。 3) 强度校核:在基本参数确定后,进行精确 的齿面接触强度和齿根弯曲强度校核。 4) 如果校核不满足强度要求,可以返回 圆弧齿轮传动的特点: 1) 圆弧齿轮传动试点啮合传动,值适用于斜 齿轮,不能用于直齿轮。 2) 相对曲率半径比渐开线大,接触强度比渐 开线高。 3) 对中心距变动的敏感性比渐开线大。加工 时,对切齿深度要求较高,不允许径向变位 1, the type of synchronous belt round 2, tooth-size, tolerance and technical parameters 3, various models of synchronous belt tooth surface width size table 4, ordering notes Arc Gear types: 1) single-cylinder gear circular arc gear and double arc gear. 2) single-arc gear contact line intensity ratio under the same conditions involute gear, but bending strength than involute line low. 3) arc gear used mainly in the soft or hardened tooth surface, which tends to be used when using Hardened dwarf gear. Arc gear drive design steps: 1) simplify the design: According to the transmission gear transmission power, input speed, transmission ratio and other conditions to determine center distance, modulus, and other key parameters. If the center distance modulus known, can skip this step. 2) calculate the geometric design: design and the basic parameters of gear, and geometry calculation. 3) Strength Check: The basic parameters established, the precise tooth contact strength and flexural strength tooth root check. 4) Check if the requirements are not satisfied with intensity, can be returned 切削,并严格控制装配误差。 单圆弧齿轮传动 小齿轮的凸齿工作齿廓在节圆以外,齿廓圆 心在节圆上;大齿轮的凹齿工作齿廓在节圆 内﹐齿廓圆心略偏於节圆以外(图 2 单圆弧 齿轮传动的嚙合情况 )。由於大齿轮的齿廓 圆弧半径 p2 略大於小齿轮的齿廓半径 p1﹐ 故当两齿廓转到 K 点﹐其公法线通过节点 c 时﹐齿便接触﹐旋即分离﹐但与它相邻的另 一端面的齿廓随即接触﹐即两轮齿 K1﹑K'1 ﹐K2﹑K'2﹑K3﹑K'3 ……各点依次沿嚙合线 接触。因此﹐圆弧齿轮任一端面上凹﹑凸齿 廓仅作瞬时嚙合。一对新圆弧齿轮在理论上 是瞬时点嚙合﹐故圆弧齿轮传动又常称为圆 弧点嚙合齿 轮传动。轮齿经过磨合后﹐实际 上齿廓能沿齿高有相当长的一段线接触。圆 弧齿轮传动的特点是﹕(1)综合曲率半径比 渐开线齿轮传动大很多﹐其接触强度比渐开 线齿轮传动约高 0.5~1.5 倍﹔(2)两轮齿沿 嚙合线方向的滚动速度很大﹐齿面间易於形 成油膜﹐传动效率较高﹐一般可达 0.99~ 0.995﹔(3)圆 弧齿轮沿齿高方向磨损均匀 ﹐且容易跑合﹔(4)圆弧齿轮无根切现象﹐ 故最小齿数可以少。但圆弧齿轮对中心距﹑ 切齿深度和螺旋角的误差敏感性很大﹐这三 项误 差对承载能力影响较大﹐故圆弧齿轮 对製造和安装精度要求较高。此外,单圆弧 齿轮轮齿弯曲强度较弱﹔切削同一模数的 大、小齿轮,需用两把不同的滚刀。 双圆弧齿轮传动 工作时,从一个端面看,先是主动轮齿的凹 部推动从动轮齿的凸部,离开后,再以它的 凸部推动对方的凹部,故双圆弧齿轮传动在 理论上同时有两个接触点,经跑合后,这种 传动实际上有两条接触线,因此可以实现多 对齿和多点嚙合。此外,由於其齿根厚度较 大,双圆弧齿轮传动不仅承载能力比单圆弧 齿轮传动约高 30%以上,而且传动较平稳, 振动和噪声较小,并且可用同一把滚刀加工 相配对的两个齿轮。因此。高速重载时,双 圆弧齿轮传动有取代单圆弧齿轮传动的趋 向。 Arc gear transmission characteristics: 1) pilot arc Gear meshing transmission, value applicable to helical gear, the gear can not be used directly. 2) relative radius of curvature than involute line, contact involute line intensity than high. 3) changes in the center distance than the sensitivity of the involute. Processing, Cutting depth requirements for higher radial displacement does not allow cutting and careful control of assembly error. Single arc Gear The small convex tooth gear tooth profile work outside in the circular section, tooth profile in the center of circle; large concave tooth gear tooth profile work in the Festival Circle, Center 略偏 in the tooth profile outside the circle section (Figure 2 single arc Gear Transmission meshing). Due to the large gear tooth profile arc radius p2 slightly larger than the small gear tooth profile radius p1, so when two K tooth profile to the point, its normal line through the node c, the tooth will contact immediately separated, but it is the other end o the tooth profile immediately contacted, or two teeth K1 ﹑ K'1, K2 ﹑ K'2 ﹑ K3 ﹑ K'3…… points followed along the line contact meshing. Therefore, the arc gear ﹑ concave surface of the convex side tooth profile only for instantaneous meshing. A new circular gear in meshing theory is instantaneous point, it Arc Gear also often called point arc meshing gear transmission. After running-gear tooth after tooth profile can actually high gear along with a rather long period of exposure. Arc Gear is characterized by: (1) comprehensive than the radius of curvature of involute gear transmission line much bigger than the strength of its contacts involute gear transmission line of about 0.5 to 1.5 times (2) two teeth meshing line along the direction rolling great speed, easy form of tooth surface oil film, transmission more efficient, usually ranging from 0.99 to 0.995 (3) arc high gear tooth direction along wear uniform, and easy running-in (4) arc cutting gear rootless the phenomenon, it could be the smallest number of teeth less. But from the arc of the Center ﹑ Gear Cutting helix angle and depth of the great sensitivity of error, the three errors on a greater impact on carrying capacity, so arc gear on the manufacture and installation of high accuracy requirements. In addition, single-arc Gear bending strength, relatively low modulus of the same cutting large and small gear, preparing two different hob. ( 返回 Back ) 同步带轮的型式 Pulley Types AS 型 Type BS 型 Type AF 型 Type BF 型 Type W 型 Type (返回 Back) 齿型尺寸、公差及技术参数 Dimension, Tolerance & Technical Parameters 齿轮直边齿形尺寸和公差 Dimension & Tolerance of Linear Type Pulley (mm) 节线代号 type bw hg Ψ+1.5° rb rt 2δ 查 看 Details MXL 0.84±0.05 0.69 20 0.35 0.13 0.508 详细规格 Details XXL 1.14±0.05 0.84 25 0.35 0.30 0.508 详细规格 Details XL 1.32±0.05 1.65 25 0.41 0.64 0.508 详细规格 Details L 3.05±0.10 2.67 20 1.19 1.17 0.762 详细规格 Details H 4.19±0.13 3.05 20 1.60 1.6 1.372 详细规格 Details XH 7.90±0.15 7.14 20 1.98 2.39 2.794 详细规格 Details XXH 12.17±0.18 10.31 20 3.96 3.18 3.048 详细规格 Details T 型齿同步带轮齿型尺寸 Dimension of T Type Pulley (mm) 形状 type 形状 type S E br N br S E hg N hg y grad rb rt 2a 齿距 代号 Code 偏差 Devia -tion 偏差 Devia -tion 偏差 Devia -tion mix ±.15° max 偏差 Devia -tion 查看 Details T2.5 1.75 +0.05 0 1.83 +0.05 0 0.75 +0.05 0 1 25 0.2 0.3 +0.05 0 0.6 详细规格 Details T5 2.96 +0.05 0 3.32 +0.05 0 1.25 +0.05 0 1.95 25 0.4 0.6 +0.05 0 1 详细规格 Details T10 6.02 +0.1 0 6.57 +0.1 0 2.6 +0.1 0 3.4 25 0.6 0.8 +0.1 0 2 详细规格 Details T20 11.65 +0.15 0 12.6 +0.15 0 5.2 +0.13 0 6 25 0.8 1.2 +0.1 0 3 详细规格 Details HTD 同步带轮齿型尺寸 Dimension of HTD Type Pulley (mm) 节距型号 Type 节距 pb 齿高 ht 底圆半径 R 齿槽宽 S 齿顶圆半径 r 齿形角 Angle 查 看 Details 3M 3 1.28 0.91 1.90 0.3 ≈14° 详细规格 Details 5M 5 2.16 0.56 3.25 0.48 ≈14° 详细规格 Details 8M 8 3.54 2.57 5.35 0.8 ≈14° 详细规格 Details 14M 14 6.20 4.65 9.80 1.4 ≈14° 详细规格 Details (返回 Back) MXL 型同步带轮尺寸表 Dimension of MXL Type Pulley 单位:(mm) 规格 Type 齿数 Tooth No 节径 d Pitchdiameter 外径 do Outside diameter 档边直径 df Diameter of capped edge 档边内径 db Bore of capped edge 档边厚度 h Thick of capped edge 22MXL 22 14.23 13.72 18 12 1 23MXL 23 14.88 14.37 18 12 1 24MXL 24 15.52 15.02 18 12 1 25MXL 25 16.17 15.66 18 12 1 26MXL 26 16.82 16.31 22 11 1 27MXL 27 17.46 16.96 22 11 1 28MXL 28 18.11 17.60 22 11 1 29MXL 29 18.76 18.25 22 11 1 30MXL 30 19.40 18.90 22 11 1 32MXL 32 20.70 20.19 25 15 1 34MXL 34 21.99 21.48 25 15 1 36MXL 36 23.29 22.78 26 17 1 38MXL 38 24.58 24.07 29 18 1 40MXL 40 25.87 25.36 29 18 1 42MXL 42 27.17 26.66 29 18 1 44MXL 44 28.46 27.95 32 21 1 46MXL 46 29.75 29.25 32 21 1 48MXL 48 31.05 30.54 34.5 24.5 1 50MXL 50 32.34 31.83 34.5 24.5 1 52MXL 52 33.63 33.13 37.8 28 1 60MXL 60 38.81 38.30 44 32 1 72MXL 72 46.57 46.06 51 36 1 (返回 Back) XL 型同步带轮尺寸表单位 Dimension of XL type pulley (mm) 规格 Type 齿数 Tooth No 节径 d Pitchdiameter 外径 do Outside diameter 档边直径 df Diameter of capped edge 档边内径 db Bore of capped edge 档边厚度 h Thick of capped edge 10XL 10 16.17 15.66 22 11 1 11XL 11 17.79 17.28 22 11 1 12XL 12 19.40 18.90 25 15 1 13XL 13 21.02 20.51 25 15 1 14XL 14 22.64 22.13 26 17 1 15XL 15 24.26 23.75 29 18 1 16XL 16 25.87 25.36 29 18 1 17XL 17 27.49 26.98 32 21 1 18XL 18 29.11 28.60 32 21 1 19XL 19 30.72 30.22 34.5 24.5 1 20XL 20 32.34 31.83 37.8 28 1 21XL 21 33.96 33.45 40 27 1 22XL 22 35.57 35.07 40 27 1 23XL 23 37.19 36.68 40 27 1 24XL 24 38.81 38.30 44 32 1 25XL 25 40.43 39.92 44 32 1 26XL 26 42.04 41.43 49 29 1 27XL 27 43.66 43.15 48 38 1 28XL 28 45.28 44.77 48 38 1 30XL 30 48.51 48.00 51 36 1 32XL 32 51.74 51.24 58 47 1.5 34XL 34 54.97 54.47 58 47 1.5 36XL 36 58.21 57.70 61 45 1.5 38XL 38 61.45 60.94 64 48 1.5 40XL 40 64.68 64.17 68 52 1.5 42XL 42 67.91 67.41 73 61 1.5 44XL 44 71.15 70.64 78 66 1.5 46XL 46 74.38 73.87 78 66 1.5 48XL 48 77.62 77.11 82 64 1.5 50XL 50 80.85 80.34 86 70 1.5 60XL 60 97.02 96.51 102 70 1.5 72XL 72 116.43 115.92 121 109 1.5 (返回 Back) L 型同步带轮尺寸表单位 Dimension of L Type Pulley (mm) 规格 Type 齿数 Tooth No 节径 d Pitchdiameter 外径 do Outside diameter 档边直径 df Diameter of capped edge 档边内径 db Bore of capped edge 档边厚度 h Thick of capped edge 12L 12 36.38 35.62 40 27 1 13L 13 39.41 38.65 44 32 1 14L 14 42.45 41.68 49 29 1 15L 15 45.48 44.72 51 36 1 16L 16 48.51 47.75 54 39 1 17L 17 51.54 50.78 61 45 1.5 18L 18 54.57 53.81 61 45 1.5 19L 19 57.61 56.84 61 45 1.5 20L 20 60.64 59.88 64 48 1.5 21L 21 63.67 62.91 68 52 1.5 22L 22 66.70 65.94 75 55 1.5 23L 23 69.73 68.97 75 55 1.5 24L 24 72.77 72.00 80 60 1.5 25L 25 75.80 75.04 82 64 1.5 26L 26 78.83 78.07 86 70 1.5 27L 27 81.86 81.10 86 70 1.5 28L 28 84.89 84.13 90 70 1.5 30L 30 90.96 90.20 98 78 1.5 32L 32 97.02 96.26 102 90 1.5 34L 34 103.08 102.32 108.5 90 1.5 36L 36 109.15 108.39 115 95 1.5 38L 38 115.21 114.45 123 103 1.5 40L 40 121.28 120.51 131 111 1.5 42L 42 127.34 126.58 138 118 1.5 44L 44 133.40 132.64 146 126 1.5 46L 46 139.47 138.71 153 133 1.5 48L 48 145.53 144.77 50L 50 151.60 150.83 60L 60 181.91 181.15 72L 72 218.30 217.53 84L 84 254.68 253.92 96L 96 291.06 290.30 (返回 Back) H 型同步带轮尺寸表 Dimension of H Type Pulley (mm) 规格 Type 齿数 Tooth No 节径 d Pitchdiameter 外径 do Outside diameter 档边直径 df Diameter of capped edge 档边内径 db Bore of capped edge 档边厚度 h Thick of capped edge 14H 14 56.60 55.22 64 48 1.5 15H 15 60.64 59.27 68 52 1.5 16H 16 64.68 63.31 75 55 1.5 17H 17 68.72 67.35 75 55 1.5 18H 18 72.77 71.39 80 60 1.5 19H 19 76.81 75.44 82 64 1.5 20H 20 80.85 79.48 86 70 1.5 21H 21 84.89 83.52 90 70 1.5 22H 22 88.94 87.56 98 78 1.5 23H 23 92.98 91.61 98 78 1.5 24H 24 97.02 95.65 106 88 1.5 25H 25 101.06 99.69 106 88 1.5 26H 26 105.11 103.73 108.5 90 1.5 27H 27 109.15 107.78 115 95 1.5 28H 28 113.19 111.82 123 103 1.5 30H 30 121.28 119.90 131 111 1.5 32H 32 129.36 127.99 138 118 1.5 34H 34 137.45 136.07 146 126 1.5 36H 36 145.53 144.16 153 133 1.5 38H 38 153.62 152.24 164 142 2 40H 40 161.70 160.33 170 150 2 42H 42 169.79 168.41 44H 44 177.87 176.50 46H 46 185.96 184.58 48H 48 194.04 192.67 50H 50 202.13 200.75 60H 60 242.55 241.18 72H 72 291.06 289.69 84H 84 339.57 338.20 96H 96 388.08 386.71 (返回 Back) XH 型同步带轮尺寸表 Dimension of XH Type Pulley (mm) 规格 Type 齿数 Tooth No 节径 d Pitchdiameter 外径 do Outside diameter 档边直径 df Diameter of capped edge 档边内径 db Bore of capped edge 档边厚度 h Thick of capped edge 18XH 18 127.34 124.55 139 110 4.5 19XH 19 134.41 131.62 146 117 4.5 20XH 20 141.49 138.69 153 124 4.5 21XH 21 148.56 145.77 160 131 4.5 22XH 22 155.64 152.84 167 138 4.5 23XH 23 162.71 159.92 174 145 4.5 24XH 24 169.79 166.99 181 152 4.5 25XH 25 176.86 174.07 188 159 4.5 26XH 26 183.94 181.14 195 166 4.5 27XH 27 191.01 188.22 202 173 4.5 28XH 28 198.08 195.29 209 180 4.5 30XH 30 212.23 209.44 32XH 32 226.38 223.59 40XH 40 282.98 280.18 48XH 48 339.57 336.78 60XH 60 424.47 421.67 72XH 72 509.36 506.57 84XH 84 594.25 591.46 96XH 96 679.15 676.35 120XH 120 848.93 846.14 (返回 Back) XXH 型同步带轮尺寸表 Dimension of XXH Type Pulley (mm) 规格 Type 齿数 Tooth No 节径 d Pitchdiameter 外径 do Outside diameter 档边直径 df Diameter of capped edge 档边内径 db Bore of capped edge 档边厚度 h Thick of capped edge 18XXH 18 181.91 178.87 199 157 5.5 19XXH 19 192.02 188.97 209 167 5.5 20XXH 20 202.13 199.08 219 177 5.5 21XXH 21 212.23 209.19 229 187 5.5 22XXH 22 222.34 219.29 239 197 5.5 24XXH 24 242.55 239.50 25XXH 25 252.66 249.61 26XXH 26 262.76 259.72 27XXH 27 272.87 269.82 30XXH 30 303.19 300.14 40XXH 40 404.25 401.21 48XXH 48 485.10 482.06 60XXH 60 606.38 603.33 72XXH 72 727.66 724.61 (返回 Back) T2.5 型同步带轮尺寸表 Dimension of T2.5 Type Pulley (mm) 规格 Type 齿数 Tooth No 节径 d Pitchdiameter 外径 do Outside diameter 档边直径 df Diameter of capped edge 档边内径 db Bore of capped edge 档边厚度 h Thick of capped edge 18-T2.5 18 14.32 13.79 18 12 1 19-T2.5 19 15.12 14.59 18 12 1 20-T2.5 20 15.92 15.39 18 12 1 21-T2.5 21 16.71 16.18 18 12 1 22-T2.5 22 17.51 16.98 22 11 1 23-T2.5 23 18.30 17.77 22 11 1 24-T2.5 24 19.10 18.57 22 11 1 25-T2.5 25 19.89 19.36 22 11 1 26-T2.5 26 20.69 20.16 25 15 1 27-T2.5 27 21.49 20.96 25 15 1 28-T2.5 28 22.28 21.75 25 15 1 29-T2.5 29 23.08 22.55 25 15 1 30-T2.5 30 23.87 23.34 29 18 1 32-T2.5 32 25.46 24.93 29 18 1 34-T2.5 34 27.06 26.53 32 21 1 36-T2.5 36 28.65 28.12 32 21 1 38-T2.5 38 30.24 29.71 32 21 1 40-T2.5 40 31.83 31.30 34.5 24.5 1 42-T2.5 42 33.42 32.89 37.5 28 1 44-T2.5 44 35.01 34.48 40 27 1 46-T2.5 46 36.61 36.08 40 27 1 48-T2.5 48 38.20 37.67 40 27 1 50-T2.5 50 39.79 39.26 44 32 1 60-T2.5 60 47.75 47.22 51 36 1 (返回 Back) T5 型同步带轮尺寸表 Dimension of T5 Type Pulley (mm) 规格 Type 齿数 Tooth No 节径 d Pitchdiameter 外径 do Outside diameter 档边直径 df Diameter of capped edge 档边内径 db Bore of capped edge 档边厚度 h Thick of capped edge 10-T5 10 15.92 15.07 18 12 1 11-T5 11 17.51 16.66 22 11 1 12-T5 12 19.10 18.25 25 15 1 13-T5 13 20.69 19.84 25 15 1 14-T5 14 22.28 21.43 25 15 1 15-T5 15 23.87 23.02 26 17 1 16-T5 16 25.46 24.61 29 18 1 17-T5 17 27.06 26.21 29 18 1 18-T5 18 28.65 27.80 32 21 1 19-T5 19 30.24 29.39 34.5 24.5 1 20-T5 20 31.83 30.98 34.5 24.5 1 21-T5 21 33.42 32.57 37.8 28 1 22-T5 22 35.01 34.16 40 27 1 23-T5 23 36.61 35.76 40 27 1 24-T5 24 38.20 37.35 44 32 1 25-T5 25 39.79 38.94 44 32 1 26-T5 26 41.38 40.53 44 32 1 27-T5 27 42.97 42.12 48 38 1 28-T5 28 44.56 43.71 48 38 1 29-T5 29 46.15 45.30 51 36 1 30-T5 30 47.75 46.90 51 36 1 32-T5 32 50.93 50.08 54 39 1.5 34-T5 34 54.11 53.26 28 47 1.5 36-T5 36 57.30 56.45 61 45 1.5 38-T5 38 60.48 59.63 64 48 1.5 40-T5 40 63.66 62.81 68 52 1.5 42-T5 42 66.85 66.00 73 61 1.5 44-T5 44 70.03 69.18 73 61 1.5 46-T5 46 73.21 72.36 78 66 1.5 48-T5 48 76.39 75.54 82 64 1.5 50-T5 50 79.58 78.73 86 70 1.5 60-T5 60 95.49 94.64 102 90 1.5 (返回 Back) T10 型同步带轮尺寸表 Dimension of T10 Type Pulley (mm) 规格 Type 齿数 Tooth No 节径 d Pitchdiameter 外径 do Outside diameter 档边直径 df Diameter of capped edge 档边内径 db Bore of capped edge 档边厚度 h Thick of capped edge 12-T10 12 38.20 36.35 40 27 1 13-T10 13 41.38 39.53 49 29 1 14-T10 14 44.56 42.71 49 29 1 15-T10 15 47.75 45.90 51 36 1 16-T10 16 50.93 49.08 54 39 1 17-T10 17 54.11 52.26 61 45 1.5 18-T10 18 57.30 55.45 61 45 1.5 19-T10 19 60.48 58.63 64 48 1.5 20-T10 20 63.66 61.81 68 52 1.5 21-T10 21 66.85 65.00 75 55 1.5 22-T10 22 70.03 68.18 75 55 1.5 23-T10 23 73.21 71.36 80 60 1.5 24-T10 24 76.39 74.54 82 64 1.5 25-T10 25 79.58 77.73 26-T10 26 82.76 80.91 90 70 1.5 27-T10 27 85.94 84.09 90 70 1.5 28-T10 28 89.13 87.28 98 78 1.5 29-T10 29 92.31 90.46 98 78 1.5 30-T10 30 95.49 93.64 102 83 1.5 32-T10 32 101.86 100.01 106 88 1.5 34-T10 34 108.23 106.38 115 95 1.5 36-T10 36 114.59 112.74 123 103 1.5 38-T10 38 120.96 119.11 131 111 1.5 40-T10 40 127.32 125.47 131 111 1.5 42-T10 42 133.67 131.84 138 118 1.5 44-T10 44 140.06 138.21 146 126 1.5 46-T10 46 146.42 144.57 153 133 1.5 48-T10 48 152.79 150.94 50-T10 50 159.15 157.30 60-T10 60 190.99 189.14 (返回 Back) T20 型同步带轮尺寸表 Dimension of T20 Type Pulley (mm) 规格 Type 齿数 Tooth No 节径 d Pitchdiameter 外径 do Outside diameter 档边直径 df Diameter of capped edge 档边内径 db Bore of capped edge 档边厚度 h Thick of capped edge 18-T20 18 114.59 111.76 124 98 4.5 19-T20 19 120.96 118.13 130 104 4.5 20-T20 20 127.35 124.49 136 110 4.5 21-T20 21 133.69 130.86 143 117 4.5 22-T20 22 140.06 137.23 149 123 4.5 23-T20 23 146.42 143.59 156 130 4.5 24-T20 24 152.79 149.96 162 136 4.5 25-T20 25 159.15 156.32 168 142 4.5 26-T20 26 165.52 162.69 175 149 4.5 27-T20 27 171.89 169.06 181 155 4.5 28-T20 28 178.25 175.42 187 161 4.5 29-T20 29 184.62 181.79 194 168 4.5 30-T20 30 190.99 188.16 200 174 4.5 32-T20 32 203.72 200.89 34-T20 34 216.45 213.62 36-T20 36 229.18 226.35 38-T20 38 241.92 239.09 40-T20 40 254.65 251.82 42-T20 42 267.38 264.55 44-T20 44 280.11 277.28 46-T20 46 292.85 290.02 48-T20 48 305.58 302.75 50-T20 50 318.31 315.48 60-T20 60 381.97 379.14 (返回 Back) 3M 型同步带轮尺寸表 Dimension of 3M Type Pulley (mm) 规格 Type 齿数 Tooth No 节径 d Pitchdiameter 外径 do Outside diameter 档边直径 df Diameter of capped edge 档边内径 db Bore of capped edge 档边厚度 h Thick of capped edge 15-3M 15 14.32 13.56 18 10 1 16-3M 16 15.28 14.52 18 10 1 17-3M 17 16.23 15.47 22 11 1 18-3M 18 17.19 16.43 22 11 1 19-3M 19 18.14 17.38 22 11 1 20-3M 20 19.10 18.34 22 11 1 21-3M 21 20.05 19.29 22 11 1 22-3M 22 21.01 20.25 25 15 1 23-3M 23 21.96 21.20 25 15 1 24-3M 24 22.92 22.16 26 17 1 25-3M 25 23.87 23.11 26 17 1 26-3M 26 24.83 24.07 29 18 1 27-3M 27 25.78 25.02 29 18 1 28-3M 28 26.74 25.98 129 18 1 30-3M 30 28.65 27.89 32 21 1 32-3M 32 30.56 29.80 34.5 24.5 1 34-3M 34 32.47 31.71 37.8 28 1 36-3M 36 34.38 33.62 40 27 1 38-3M 38 36.29 35.53 40 27 1 40-3M 40 38.20 37.44 44 32 1 42-3M 42 40.11 39.35 44 32 1 44-3M 44 42.02 41.26 48 38 1 46-3M 46 43.93 43.17 48 38 1 48-3M 48 45.84 45.08 48 38 1 50-3M 50 47.75 46.99 51 36 1 60-3M 60 57.30 56.54 61 45 1.5 72-3M 72 68.75 67.99 73 61 1.5 (返回 Back) 5M 型同步带轮尺寸表 Dimension of 5M Type Pulley (mm) 规格 Type 齿数 Tooth No 节径 d Pitchdiameter 外径 do Outside diameter 档边直径 df Diameter of capped edge
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