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VISHAY薄膜电阻选型手册 R es is to rs - Fo r A pp lic at io ns in a ll M ar ke t S ec to rs Resistive Products What is a ResistoR? The resistor is the most common and well-known of the passive electrical components. A resistor resists or limits the flow of elec...

R es is to rs - Fo r A pp lic at io ns in a ll M ar ke t S ec to rs Resistive Products What is a ResistoR? The resistor is the most common and well-known of the passive electrical components. A resistor resists or limits the flow of electric current in a circuit. There are many uses for resistors: they are used to drop voltage, limit current, attenuate signals, act as heaters, act as fuses, furnish electrical loads and divide voltages. intRoduction This Resistors 101 provides an overview of the resistor types and common terminology, before going on to show a summary of resistor products and the various technologies. Resistor symbol (US and Japan) Resistor symbol (Europe) ThiS doCUmENT iS SUbJECT To ChANgE WiThoUT NoTiCE. ThE PRodUCTS dESCRibEd hEREiN ANd ThiS doCUmENT ARE SUbJECT To SPECiFiC diSCLAimERS, SET FoRTh AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000 ResistoRs 101 IN N O VA TI ON AND TECHN O L O G Y 1 9 6 2 - 2 0 1 2 V i S h Ay i N T E R T E C h N o Lo gy, i N C . VmN-Sg2113-12051/8iNSTRUCTioNAL gUidE Discrete Semiconductors and Passive Components One of the World’s Largest Manufacturers of Vishay dale, Vishay electro Films (eFi), Vishay dale thin Film (VtF), Vishay techno, Vishay angstrohm, Vishay huntington, Vishay Mills, Vishay Milwaukee VISHAY 特许专业代理商 WESTPAC ELECTRONICS LIMITED 威柏电子 富士 IGBT武汉技术支持,富士 IGBT华中,西南,西北技术支持: 王鹏 手机:15989854023 电话:027-8705 4728 电子邮件:JerryWang@westpac-hk.com.hk 富士 IGBT青岛技术支持,富士 IGBT青岛,东北技术支持: 牟军 手机:13589207451 电话:0532-8580 3033 电子邮件:TonyMu@westpac-hk.com.hk 富士 IGBT上海技术支持,富士 IGBT华东,华北技术支持: 杨雪 手机:15919925496 电话:021-5489 1461 电子邮件:CindyYang@westpac-hk.com.hk 富士 IGBT深圳技术支持,富士 IGBT华南技术支持: 吴龙 手机:13590310423 电话:0755-8826 2914 电子邮件:WuLong@westpac-hk.com.hk 中国区富士 IGBT模块应用技术支持团队 特许专业代理商 WESTPAC ELECTRONICS LIMITED 威柏电子 香港威柏电子(Westpac Electronics)创办於 1992年,为日本富士电机(FUJI ELECTRIC)半导体 器件之中国及香港地区专业代理。主要产品为 FUJI 富士电源 IC,FUJI 富士 MOSFET,FUJI 富士三极管,FUJI富士超快恢复二极管,FUJI 富士肖特基二极管,FUJI 富士单管 IGBT, FUJI富士 Super J-MOS,FUJI富士电机 IGBT模块,FUJI富士电机 IPM模块,FUJI富士电 机 PIM 功率集成模块,FUJI 富士电机分立 IGBT,FUJI 富士智能功率模块,FUJI 富士三电平 IGBT模块,FUJI富士汽车级 IGBT模块等。 威柏电子 以客为本 Westpac ELectronics Customer-based service FUJI ELECTRIC富士电机简介: 富士电机早在 1923年成立以来,一直致力于技术革新和挑战,为顾客提供高质量的服务。 富士电机集团是“向客户提供最大满足的企业”的代名词。不断向具有独创性的技术革新挑 战,为客户竭诚服务。 FUJI ELECTRIC富士电机发挥创业以来积累的“自由操控电力”的电力电子技术优势,成 为“环境,能源”领域举足轻重的国际企业。 FUJI ELECTRIC富士电机研发制造高品质电力电子功率半导体 IGBT/IPM,为太阳能发电, 风力发电,智能电网,工业自动化变频伺服,铁路机车,电动汽车等提供核心功率器件,为 高效化和节能做贡献! FUJI ELECTRIC富士电机功率半导体致力于在“节约电力”和“创造电力”可靠且高效的 应用,为人类绿色可持续发展不断努力! FUJI ELECTRIC Innovating Energy Technology 富士电机 不断创新的能源科技 Westpac威柏:WESTPAC威柏-FUJI富士 IGBT模块中国一级代理 WESTPAC威柏-FUJI富 士 IGBT一级代理商 WESTPAC威柏-FUJI富士 IGBT一级代理 WESTPAC威柏-FUJI富士 IGBT中国代理商 WESTPAC威柏-FUJI富士 IGBT代理商 WESTPAC威柏-富士 IPM代理 商 WESTPAC威柏-FUJI富士 IGBT模块代理 WESTPAC威柏-FUJI IGBT module distributor WESTPAC威柏-FUJI ELECTRIC IGBT MODULE DISTRIBUTOR WESTPAC 威柏-FUJI 富士 IGBT 深圳代理 WESTPAC 威柏-FUJI 富士 IGBT 授权分销 WESTPAC 威柏-FUJI 富士 IGBT 授权代理 WESTPAC 威柏-FUJI 富士 IGBT 上海代理 WESTPAC 威柏-FUJI 富士 IGBT 北京代理 WESTPAC 威柏-FUJI 富士 IGBT 成都代理 WESTPAC 威柏-FUJI 富士 IGBT 青岛代理 WESTPAC 威柏-FUJI 富士 IGBT 武汉代理 WESTPAC威柏-FUJI富士 IGBT西安代理 Westpac威柏针对工业电力电子领域以 FUJI ELECTRIC富士电机 IGBT模块(包括富士 IPM 模块、富士 PIM模块、FUJI富士 IGBT驱动 IC)為核心,威柏配合国际知名品牌功率器件: 富士 IGBT驱动器,富士 IGBT驱动器解决 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 ,富士 IGBT模块专用驱动,富士 IGBT模 块定制驱动晶闸管,WESTPAC威柏-可控硅 SCR、WESTPAC威柏-电力MOSFET、WESTPAC 威柏-MOSFET模块,WESTPAC威柏-电力二极管、WESTPAC威柏-二极管模块、单相整流 桥、叁相整流桥等。Westpac威柏同时可以為客户提供 IGBT驱动方案及配套单片机MCU、 DSP、高速光耦、隔离光耦、电源 IC、平波用铝电解电容及薄膜电容、IGBT突波吸收电容 等元件。业务遍及轨道交通、智能电网(HVDC)、通用变频器、高压变频器、伺服驱动器 、 UPS、变频与传动、电动汽车、电力系统无功补偿装置 UPS逆变器/UPS/EPS、风电变流器、 变频空调、光伏变流、机车主牵引变流器、电梯变频器 、起重专用变频器 、 感应加热、 电源电镀/电解电源 、有源滤波/无功补偿、机车辅助逆变器、逆变焊机;Westpac威柏在电 特许专业代理商 WESTPAC ELECTRONICS LIMITED 威柏电子 能质量(APF,SVG)、逆变焊机、不间断电源 UPS、Inverter变频器、数控伺服、电动汽车、 风力太阳能发电等领域与客户战略合作,全力支持中国电力电子工业发展! 威柏电子致力于工业节能和新能源市场的拓展 香港威柏电子(Westpac Electronics)于 1996年成为 BC components(后被 VISHAY收购)分 立元件授权分销商;威柏电子于 2005年正式成为 VISHAY国内汽车全线电子元器件代理及 各电子行业之分立元件代理; VISHAY, BCcomponents, Sprague, Dale, Beyschlag, Vishay Semiconductors, Sfernice, Siliconix VISHAY 代理(VISHAY 一级代理 VISHAY 中国代理商 VISHAY 汽车电子元器件专业代 理)。 vishay vishay代理商 vishay semiconductor vishay代理 vishay.com VISHAY威柏 www.vishay.com vishay 电阻 VISHAY 电容 vishay dale vishay 公司简介 vishay siliconix vishay电容 ESTA电力电容 Sfernice功率电阻 vishay 一级代理商 vishay 中国代理商 vishay 电容代理商 vishay 电阻代理商 vishay 代理 VISHAY代理商威世代理商 vishay 电阻代理 vishay 深圳代理 vishay 授权分销 VISHAY 授权代理 VISHAY 上海代理 VISHAY北京代理 VISHAY成都代理 VISHAY青岛代理 VISHAY西安代理 VISHAY武汉 代理 香港威柏电子(Westpac Electronics)于 2012年成为青铜剑电力电子科技(Bronze Tech)IGBT 驱动产品的代理,主要产品有 2QD30A17K-I,2QD15A17K-C,2QD23-S,IGBT 串联专用驱动器 等。作为富士电机半导体器件国内最大的代理商,威柏电子完善的销售网络、丰富的市场经 验和良好的客户关系,结合青铜剑科技专业的研发团队、高品质的产品和快速响应的技术支 持,必定能够实现双赢,与我们在新能源、智能电网、工业节能等领域的客户协力合作,促 进中国电力电子行业的飞速发展。 威柏电子致力于工业节能和新能源市场的拓展 特许专业代理商 WESTPAC ELECTRONICS LIMITED 威柏电子 R es is to rs - Fo r A pp lic at io ns in a ll M ar ke t S ec to rs Resistive Products What is ohm’s Law? • ohm’s law is a simple equation that shows the relationship between resistance, voltage and current through a metal wire, or some other type of resistive material. in mathematical terms, ohm’s law is written as: I = V/R where I is the current (amps), V is the voltage, and R is the resistance. • ohm’s law can also show the relationship between resistance, voltage and power using the following equation: P = V2/R where P is the power (watts), V is the voltage, and R is the resistance. types of Resistors Fixed Resistors A fixed resistor is one in which the value of its resistance cannot change. Variable Resistors A variable resistor is a resistor whose value can be adjusted by turning a shaft or sliding a control. They are also called potentiometers or rheostats and allow the resistance of the device to be altered by hand. non-Linear Resistors A non-linear resistor is a resistor that has resistances that vary significantly with applied voltage, temperature or light. Types of non-linear resistors are varistors, thermistors and photoresistors. P = Watts Watts = Watts = Amperes² x ohms Watts = Volts x Amperes V = Volts Volts = Watts x ohms Volts = Volts = Amperes x ohms R = ohms ohms = ohms = ohms = i = amperes Amperes = Amperes = Amperes = Volts² ohms Watts Amperes Volts2 Watts Volts Amperes Watts Amperes2 Volts ohms Watts Volts Watts ohms√ √ V•I I²•R I•R V²/R V²/P P/I² √P/R P/I V/I P/V P I V R√P•R V/R Watts Amps Volts Ohms ThiS doCUmENT iS SUbJECT To ChANgE WiThoUT NoTiCE. ThE PRodUCTS dESCRibEd hEREiN ANd ThiS doCUmENT ARE SUbJECT To SPECiFiC diSCLAimERS, SET FoRTh AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000 VmN-Sg2113-12052/8iNSTRUCTioNAL gUidE ResistoRs 101 IN N O VA TI ON AND TECHN O L O G Y 1 9 6 2 - 2 0 1 2 V i S h Ay i N T E R T E C h N o Lo gy, i N C . R es is to rs - Fo r A pp lic at io ns in a ll M ar ke t S ec to rs Resistive Products common Resistor terminology critical Resistance Value The maximum nominal resistance value at which the rated power can be loaded without exceeding the maximum working voltage. The rated voltage is equal to the maximum working voltage in the critical resistance value. derating curve The curve that expresses the relation between the ambient temperature and the maximum value of continuously loadable power at its temperature, which is generally expressed as a percentage. dielectric Withstanding Voltage The rated voltage that can be applied to a designated point between the resistive element and the outer coating, or the resistive element and the mounting surface, without causing dielectric breakdown. Maximum overload Voltage The maximum value of voltage capable of being applied to resistors for a short period of time in the overload test. Typically the applied voltage in the short time overload test is 2.5 times larger than the rated voltage. however, it should not exceed the maximum overload voltage. Maximum Working Voltage (or Maximum Limiting element Voltage) The maximum value of dC voltage or AC voltage (rms) capable of being applied continuously to resistors or element. however, the maximum value of the applicable voltage is the rated voltage at the critical resistance value or lower. noise Noise is an unwanted AC signal from within the resistor. Resistive noise can have a devastating effect on low-level signals, charge amplifiers, high gain amplifiers, and other applications sensitive to noise. The best approach is to use resistor types with low or minimal noise in applications that are sensitive to noise. Power Rating Power ratings are based on physical size, allowable change in resistance over life, thermal conductivity of materials, insulating and resistive materials, and ambient operating conditions. For best results, employ the largest physical size resistors at less than their maximum rated temperature and power. Rated ambient temperature The maximum ambient temperature at which resistors are capable of being used continuously with the prescribed rated power. The rated ambient temperature refers to the temperature around the resistors inside the equipment, not to the air temperature outside the equipment. ThiS doCUmENT iS SUbJECT To ChANgE WiThoUT NoTiCE. ThE PRodUCTS dESCRibEd hEREiN ANd ThiS doCUmENT ARE SUbJECT To SPECiFiC diSCLAimERS, SET FoRTh AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000 VmN-Sg2113-12053/8iNSTRUCTioNAL gUidE ResistoRs 101 IN N O VA TI ON AND TECHN O L O G Y 1 9 6 2 - 2 0 1 2 V i S h Ay i N T E R T E C h N o Lo gy, i N C . R es is to rs - Fo r A pp lic at io ns in a ll M ar ke t S ec to rs Resistive Products common Resistor terminology Rated Power The maximum amount of power that can be continuously loaded to a resistor at a rated ambient temperature. Network and array products have both rated power per package as well as per element. Rated Voltage The maximum value of dC voltage or AC voltage (rms) capable of being applied continuously to resistors at the rated ambient temperature. Reliability Reliability is the probability that a resistor (or any other device) will perform its desired function. There are two ways of defining reliability. one is mean Time between Failures (mTbF) and the other is Failure Rate per 1000 hours of operation. both of these means of evaluating reliability must be determined with a specific group of tests and a definition of what is the end of life for a device, such as a maximum change in resistance or a catastrophic failure (short or open). Various statistical studies are used to arrive at these failure rates and large samples are tested at the maximum rated temperature with rated load for up to 10 000 hours (24 hours per day for approximately 13 months). Reliability is generally higher at lower power levels. Resistor tolerance Resistor tolerance is expressed as the deviations from nominal value in percent and is typically measured at 25 °C. A resistor’s value will also change with applied voltage (VCR) and temperature (TCR). For networks, absolute resistor tolerance refers to the overall tolerance of the network. Ratio tolerance refers to the relationship of each resistor to the others in the package. stability Stability is the change in resistance with time at a specific load, humidity level, stress, or ambient temperature. When these stresses are minimized, the better the stability. temperature coefficient of Resistance (tcR also known as Rtc) TCR is expressed as the change in resistance in ppm (0.0001 %) with each degree Celsius of change in temperature. TCR is typically referenced at + 25 ˚C and changes as the temperature increases (or decreases). A resistor with a TCR of 100 ppm/°C will change 0.1 % over a 10 °C change and 1 % over a 100 °C change. in the context of a resistor network, the TCR value is called the absolute TCR in that it defines the TCR of a specific resistor element. The term TCR tracking refers to the difference in TCR between each specific resistor in a network. temperature Rating Temperature rating is the maximum allowable temperature at which the resistor may be used. it is generally defined with two temperatures. For example, a resistor may be rated at full load up to + 70 °C derated to no load at + 125 °C. This means that with certain allowable changes in resistance over the life of the resistor, it may be operated at + 70 °C at rated power. it also may be operated with temperatures in excess of + 70 °C if the load is reduced, but in no case should the temperature exceed the design temperature of + 125 ˚C with a combination of ambient temperature and self-heating due to the applied load. Voltage coefficient of Resistance (VcR) The voltage coefficient is the change in resistance with applied voltage. This is entirely different and in addition to the effects of self-heating when power is applied. A resistor with a VCR of 100 ppm/V will change 0.1 % over a 10 V change and 1 % over a 100 V change. in the context of a resistor network, this VCR value is called the absolute VCR in that it defines the VCR of a specific resistor element. The term VCR tracking refers to the difference in VCR between each specific resistor in a network. ThiS doCUmENT iS SUbJECT To ChANgE WiThoUT NoTiCE. ThE PRodUCTS dESCRibEd hEREiN ANd ThiS doCUmENT ARE SUbJECT To SPECiFiC diSCLAimERS, SET FoRTh AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000 VmN-Sg2113-12054/8iNSTRUCTioNAL gUidE ResistoRs 101 IN N O VA TI ON AND TECHN O L O G Y 1 9 6 2 - 2 0 1 2 V i S h Ay i N T E R T E C h N o Lo gy, i N C . R es is to rs - Fo r A pp lic at io ns in a ll M ar ke t S ec to rs Product overview surface Mount / substrates / Wirebondable Resistors technology * examples of Vishay Models Resistance Range Best tolerance (%) Best tcR (ppm/°c) strengths thick Film (chips) RCWP, RCWPm, RC, CRhV, m, CRmV 0.1 Ω to 50 gΩ ± 1 ± 100 • General purpose • Wide resistance range • Performance at high frequency thick Film (networks) dFP, dFm, SomC, SogC, CZA 10 Ω to 1 mΩ ± 1 ± 100 • General purpose thin Film (chips) E/h, P-NS, PTN, FC, L-NS, PAT, PLT, PLTT, PNm 0.03 Ω to 3 mΩ ± 0.01 ± 5 • Stability • Performance at high frequency • High density thin Film (networks) oRN, NomC, TomC, oSoP, mPm, mP, mPd, mPh, PR, LCC, FP200, VR, VTSR, VSSR, VSoR 10 Ω to 1.5 mΩ ± 0.02 ± 5 • Stability • Performance at high frequency • High density • Tight ratio tolerances • Tight TCR tracking • Integrated construction thin Film (Wirebondable) SFm, bCR, CTR 0.1 Ω to 25 mΩ ± 0.05 ± 10 • Small footprint thin Film (substrates) SPF, PSS, iNT 0.1 Ω to 2 mΩ ± 0.05 ± 10 • Low noise • Better tracking Wirewound WSC, WSN, WSZ 0.1 Ω to 15 kΩ ± 0.1 ± 20 • High power ratings • Performance in harsh environments Metal Film WSF, PSF 5 Ω to 100 kΩ ± 0.01 ± 5 • Stability • Performance at high frequency Power Metal strip® WSL, WSR, WSK, WSh, WSLP, WSLT, WSLS, WSbS, WSmS 0.00005 Ω to 1 Ω ± 0.1 ± 30 • Current sensing • Ultra low values * Resistor technology also offered by other divisions of Vishay ThiS doCUmENT iS SUbJECT To ChANgE WiThoUT NoTiCE. ThE PRodUCTS dESCRibEd hEREiN ANd ThiS doCUmENT ARE SUbJECT To SPECiFiC diSCLAimERS, SET FoRTh AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000 VmN-Sg2113-12055/8iNSTRUCTioNAL gUidE ResistoRs 101 IN N O VA TI ON AND TECHN O L O G Y 1 9 6 2 - 2 0 1 2 V i S h Ay i N T E R T E C h N o Lo gy, i N C . R es is to rs - Fo r A pp lic at io ns in a ll M ar ke t S ec to rs Product overview axial Leaded / through-hole Resistors technology * examples of Vishay Models Resistance Range Best tolerance (%) Best tcR (ppm/°c) strengths Metal Film CmF, PTF, CCF, ERL, ERC, gSR, hdN 0.1 Ω to 50 mΩ ± 0.01 ± 5 • General purpose • Wide resistance range • Good high frequency characteristics high Voltage, high Pulse Films CPF, FP, hVW, mVW, TR, Td, FhV 0.1 Ω to 3 TΩ ± 0.1 ± 25 • Pulse resistant • Flameproof • Good high frequency characteristics • High power Metal oxide RoX, RNX, RJU 100 Ω to 3 gΩ ± 0.5 ± 50 • High voltage • High resistance values carbon Film g, d, b, T, SPW 50 Ω to 500 mΩ ± 5 > ± 250 • High power • High wattages • High resistance values thick Film (networks) CSC, mSP, mSm, mdP, mdm, TxxS, T14L, T16L 10 Ω to 2.2 mΩ ± 1 ± 100 • General purpose • Wide resistance range • High frequency thin Film (networks) TSP, VTF, TdP, CS, hVPS, hd, 100-267, 100-268 20 Ω to 10 mΩ ± 0.01 ± 5 • Low noise • Stability • High frequency • Tight ratio tolerances • Tight TCR tracking Wirewound RW, RWR, g, RS, CW, CP, CA, CPR, CPL, CPCx, mR, mRA 0.01 Ω to 6 mΩ ± 0.005 ± 2 • Wide power ranges • Wide resistance range • Excellent overload capabilities Wirewound (tubular) hL, hLW, hLZ, FxE, FxT, AxE, AxT, Cmx, Fx 0.05 Ω to 645 kΩ ± 5 ± 30 • Wide power ranges • Wide resistance range • Excellent overload capabilities Wirewound (housed) Rh, RE, RER 0.01 Ω to 273 kΩ ± 0.05 ± 20 • Wide power ranges • Wide resistance range • Excellent overload capabilities Metal element LVR, SR, SPU open, SPU molded 0.001 Ω to 0.8 Ω ± 0.1 ± 30 • Wide power ranges • Excellent overload capabilities • Low ohmic values * Resistor technology also offered by other divisions of Vishay ThiS doCUmENT iS SUbJECT To ChANgE WiThoUT NoTiCE. ThE PRodUCTS dESCRibEd hEREiN ANd ThiS doCUmENT ARE SUbJECT To SPECiFiC diSCLAimERS, SET FoRTh AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000 VmN-Sg2113-12056/8iNSTRUCTioNAL gUidE ResistoRs 101 IN N O VA TI ON AND TECHN O L O G Y 1 9 6 2 - 2 0 1 2 V i S h Ay i N T E R T E C h N o Lo gy, i N C . R es is to rs - Fo r A pp lic at io ns in a ll M ar ke t S ec to rs Technologies Fixed Resistor technologies Wirewound (surface-Mount / Leaded) A type of resistor made from winding a metal wire, such as nichrome, on an insulating form, such as a ceramic, plastic, or fiberglass core. Power Metal strip® / Metal element (surface-Mount / Leaded) A type of resistor constructed using a solid metal alloy, such as nichrome or manganese- copper, as the resistive element, which is then welded to copper terminals. Used in current sense and shunt applications. Film (surface-Mount / Leaded) Metal Film (Leaded/MeLF) A type of cylindrical resistors made by depositing a resistive element made of a thin conducting film of a metal or metal alloy, such as nichrome, onto a cylindrical ceramic or glass core. The resistance is controlled by cutting a helical groove through the conducting film. Metal oxide (Leaded) A type of cylindrical resistor that uses materials such as ruthenium oxide or tin oxide as the resistive element. These resistors can be excellent high-voltage or high-power devices. thick Film (chip Resistors/chip arrays/networks) Specially built surface-mount film resistor that carries high power for the part size. For thick film resistors, the ruthenium oxide “film” is applied using traditional screen-printing technology. thin Film (chip Resistors/chip arrays/networks) A type of surface-mount film resistor with a relatively thin resistive element, measured in angstroms (millionths of an inch). Thin film resistors are made by sputtering (also known as vacuum deposition) a resistive material, such as nichrome or tantalum nitride, onto the surface of a substrate. carbon Film (Leaded/MeLF) A general class description for cylindrical resistors made by depositing a carbon film on the surface of a center core insulator. Metal Foil (surface Mount/Leaded) A type of resistor made from photo fabricating a homogeneous metal in a specific pattern onto a ceramic substrate. The uni
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