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英美文化基础教程 lecture 2


英美文化基础教程 lecture 2null Lecture 2 British History Part 1 Review and Assignments-Checking Part 1 Review and Assignments-Checking null (1) England is in the southern part of Great Britain. It is the largest, most populous section. (2) Scotland is in t...

英美文化基础教程 lecture 2
null Lecture 2 British History Part 1 Review and Assignments-Checking Part 1 Review and Assignments-Checking null (1) England is in the southern part of Great Britain. It is the largest, most populous section. (2) Scotland is in the north of Great Britain. It has three natural zones (the Highlands in the north; the Central lowlands; the south Uplands) Capital: Edinburgh (3) Wales is in the west of Great Britain. Capital: Cardiff (4) Northern Ireland is the fourth region of the UK. Capital: Belfast. The Scots The Scots Key words: kilt, tartan, bagpipeThe Welsh The Welsh Key words: love of music and poetry, the National EisteddfodThe Irish The Irish Key words: Ulster, long history with England, ethnic problem (Protestant—Catholic) Part II General Introduction to British HistoryPart II General Introduction to British History PHASE 1: Early settlementPHASE 1: Early settlementIce AgeGreat Britain was joined to the European continent. Men first came to BritainCave man6,000-5,000 BC, land bridge severedEarly settlementEarly settlement3,000 BCIberians (伊比利亚人) from the Mediterranean lands came. Sailed right up to the west coast and around Scotland to Scandinavia. (some settled)Early settlementEarly settlement750 BCGaels(盖尔人 came (Scotland)Belgaes(比利其人) cameBritons(不列颠人) came (Welsh)They all belonged to Celtic(凯尔特) tribes. The Britons were quite numerous. They developed knowledge of agriculture, began to trade with the continent, had their own civilization. Their society was kind of primitive communism.Phase 2: Roman OccupationPhase 2: Roman Occupation55 & 54 BCJulius Caesar invaded Britain twice.Romans came to govern and trade, not to settle; they were too few in number to change the language and customs of the people. True slave society was introduce into England. Real Roman Conquest. British defeated, a Roman province in nameLowland Britons (settled agriculture life) accepted and appreciated the Roman way of life. Picts in Pennines (奔宁山脉) and Scots in highlands (nomadic life) revolted against Romans. Resistance in Wales were stamped out. The downfall of Roman empire in Britain, a leaderless and defenseless land, northern tribes began to come innull British recorded history begins with the Roman invasion. In 55BC and 54BC, Julius Caesar, a Roman general, invaded Britain twice. In AD 43, the Emperor Claudius invaded Britain successfully. For nearly 400 years, Britain was under the Roman occupation, though it was never a total occupation.nullThe Roman built many towns, road, baths, temples and buildings. They make good use of Britain’s natural resources. They also brought the new religion, Christianity, to Britain. But the Roman influence on Britain is limited. First, the Romans always treated the Britons as a subject people of slave class. Second, never during the 4 centuries did the Romans and Britons intermarry. Third, the Romans had no impact on the language or culture of ordinary Britons. Phase 3: Anglo-Saxon Times (410-871)Phase 3: Anglo-Saxon Times (410-871) ≈ 450≈ 690Danish Vikings invaded at the turn of the 8th century. And established No- -mandy in 911.Christianity was introduced in late 6th centurynullThe Jutes, who fished and farmed in Jutland, came to Britain first. A Jutish chief became the King of Kent in 449. Then the Saxons, users of the short-sword from northern Germany, established their kingdom in Essex, Sussex and Wessex from the end of the 5th century to the beginning of the 6th century. In the second half of the 6th century. In the second half of the 6th century, the Angles, who also came from northern Germany and were to give their name to the English people, settled in East Anglia, Mercia and Northumbria. These seven principal kingdoms of Kent, Essex, Sussex, Wessex, East Anglia, Mercia and Northumbria have been given the name of Heptarchy.Phase 4: Viking Invasion and Danish RulePhase 4: Viking Invasion and Danish RuleKing AlfredPeace treatyGuthrum, Danish kingRuling south EnglandRuling north EnglandKing EthelredKing SweyenMaster of EnglandFled to NormandyEdmundMysterious and sudden deathEdward, the Confessor, became King of England in 1042103, capableIrritated somebodynullAlfred was a king of Wessex. He defeated the Danes and reached a friendly agreement with them in 879. The Danes gained control of the north and east, while he ruled the rest. He also converted some leading Danes into Christians. He founded a strong fleet and is known as “the father of the British navy”. He reorganized the Saxon army, making it more efficient. He translated a Latin book into English. He also established schools and formulated a legal system. All this earns him the title “Alfred the Great.”nullIt was said that king Edward had promised the English throne to William, but the Witan(贤人会) chose Harold as king. So William led his army to invade England. In October 1066, during the important battle of Hastings, William defeated Harold and killed him. One Christmas Day, William was crowned king of England, thus beginning the Norman Conquest of England.Phase 5: Norman Conquest and the Middle Ages(4th & 5th ---15th centuryPhase 5: Norman Conquest and the Middle Ages(4th & 5th ---15th century1066Sept, William landed on Sussex coast; Oct. battle of HastingsChristmas, William the Conqueror, was crowned. Feudalism and a strong monarchy were established.1. William II succeeded, but was shot dead accidentally in hunting in 1100. 2. Henry I( younger brother of William II) rushed back and became the King. (one of the most powerful: united Normandy and England) 3. Henry II established the House of Plantagenet/Angevin(金雀花王朝/安茹王朝) 4. Richard (lion’s heart): the 3rd Crusade 5. John (lack land): Great Charter in 1215……….Edward I (long shanks)nullThe Norman Conquest of 1066 is perhaps the best-known event in English history. William the Conqueror confiscated almost all the land and gave it to his Norman followers. He replaced the weak Saxon rule with a strong Norman government. He replaced the weak Saxon rule with a strong Norman government. So the feudal system was completely established in England. Relations with the Continent were opened, and the civilization and commerce were extended. Norman-French culture, language, manners and architecture were introduced. The Church was brought into closer connection with Rome, and the church courts were separated from the civil courts.nullIn the year 1095, people were shocked in Western Europe by the words of Pope Urban II, "The Muslims have conquered Jerusalem". Pope Urban wanted the Christians to retake Jerusalem from the Muslims. People shouted "God wills it". All over France these were the warring words of the Christians. The French, German, and Italians were the European Christians that went on Crusades. The word Crusade meant "a war of the cross“, later on it is also called “the holy war”. nullWhat is the next episode most people remember after the year 1066? After the year 1066, the next episode most people remember is the Crusades(十字军战士东征). These were a series of wars in which armies from all over Europe tried to snatch the ‘Holy Land’ (i.e. Palestine, where Jesus Christ once lived) from the Infidels (i.e. the Muslims). Palestine巴勒斯坦是耶稣曾经生活过的圣地,穆斯林占领Palestine后,基督教徒受到了迫害,他们称穆斯林人为Infidels “异教徒。”在11至14世纪之间,欧洲基督教徒在罗马教皇鼓动下,进行了九次十字军东征,企图把耶稣生活过的圣地巴勒斯坦从穆斯林手中夺回来,其真正的动机是欧洲国家企图借此向东扩展,争夺海外领地和财富。nullnullnullnullD (Richard I,1157年9月8日-1199年4月6日),又名狮心王理查(Richard the Lion-heart),是英格兰金雀花王朝的第二位国王,他在位期为1189年至1199年。他也是诺曼底公爵(称理查四世)。 理查是一个能征善战的君主。即位不久,由于伊斯兰英雄萨拉丁攻下了耶路萨冷,引起欧洲基督世界的震惊。1190年他与腓力二世一起发起了第三次十字军东征。1191年占领塞浦路斯,并与法军一起攻下了阿克。在进军耶路撒冷时,遭到萨拉丁的抵抗而未果,但他与萨拉丁之间英雄惜英雄的情操与风范,仍被后人传为美谈。   1192年9月,理查以基督徒可自由进出耶路撒冷为条件,与萨拉丁议和回国。中途理查被奥地利公爵利奥波德五世俘虏,并把他转交给神圣罗马帝国皇帝亨利六世。亨利六世将其监禁在特里斐尔丝的山上城堡。传说,在他被关押期间,一次亨利六世将他扔进有狮子的房间,想让他被狮子吃掉。没有想到,理查抢先一步,手从狮子喉部伸进,将狮子心脏取出,并且,在众人的眼皮底下将狮子心脏生吃掉,狮心王理查由此得名。 null亨利二世依靠城市支持,不断加强王权,扩大国王法庭的司法限,推行陪审团 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 以取代神判法。国王法庭活动的加强导致形成全国统一的普通法。此外,还进行军事改革。实施盾牌钱制度,加强国王的军事力量。理查一世(狮心王 ,1189~1199年在位)参加第三次十字军东征,长期在外作战,征敛繁多,招致贵族不满。约翰(失地王,1199~1216年在位)即位后,和贵族的冲突愈演愈烈,引起贵族的反抗,约翰被迫接受大宪章。 大宪章 (Great Charter)大宪章 (Great Charter)大宪章(拉丁文Magna Carta, 英文Great Charter)是英国于1215年订立的宪法,用来限制英国国王(主要是当时的约翰)的绝对权力。订立大宪章的主要原因是因为教皇、英王约翰及封建贵族对皇室权力出现不同的意见。大宪章要求皇室放弃部分权力,及尊重司法过程,接受王权受法律的限制。大宪章是英国在建立宪法政治这长远历史过程的开始。这张书写在羊皮纸卷上的文件在历史上第一次限制了封建君主的权力,日后成为了英国君主立宪制的法律基石。后人也称其为《自由大宪章》或《1215大宪章》。 1. Hundred Years’ War All the kings of the Middle Ages spoke French as their mother tongue. The Hundred Years’ War is the war between England and France which lasted , on and off, for a hundred years from 1337 to 1453. In the end of the war, the French drove the English from their country. England became completely severed from France, and the English language finally took the place of French in all classes of society. (Joan of Arc: 圣女贞德是英法百年战争期间法国传奇式的人物,她出身于一个农民家庭,出于爱国心参加抵抗英军对法国的入侵,她多次率兵出击,把英军打得一败涂地,后被英军俘获,被烧死。)Phase 6: the ending period of the middle agesnullnull2. The Black Death (plague) 黑死病(Black Death或Black Plague医学称之bubonic Plague)是人类历史上最严重的瘟疫之一。起源于亚洲西南部,约在1340年代散布到欧洲,而“黑死病”之名是当时欧洲的称呼。这场瘟疫在全世界造成了大约7500万人死亡,其中2500万为欧洲人。根据估计,中世纪欧洲约有三分之一的人死于黑死病。 nullnull1317: Great Famine in England May 1337: Declaration of the Hundred Years War by Edward III. June 1348: Black Death arrives at Melcombe Regis (Weymouth) Aug 1348: Black Death hits Bristol Sept 1348: Black Death reaches London Oct 1348: Winchester hit - Edendon's 'Voice in Rama' speech Jan 1349: Parliament prorogued on account of the plague. Jan-Feb 1349: Plague spreads into E. Anglia and the Midlands. April 1349: Plague known in Wales. May 1349: Halesowen hit. 18th June 1349: Ordinance of Labourers. null July 1349: Plague definitely hits Ireland. Autumn 1349: Plague reaches Durham. Scots invade northern England and bring back plague with them. Spring 1350: Massive outbreak of plague in Scotland. Sept 1350: First pestilence dies out. 9th Feb 1351: Statute of Labourers. 1361-64: Second Pestilence: 'The Plague of Children'. 1367: Birth of Richard II in Bordeau. 1368-69: Third Pestilence 1371-75: Fourth Pestilence (variously dated 1371 or 1373-5) 1381: The Peasant Revolt Assignments Assignments I have finished the 1st part in the textbook, how about you? Would you like to try? Finish one part for each class, discuss the content with your classmates, send several representatives to illustrate that part for all of us. (Better still if you can make the ppt 关于艾滋病ppt课件精益管理ppt下载地图下载ppt可编辑假如ppt教学课件下载triz基础知识ppt .) and let’s do it as a competition, to see which class can do the best job next week!!Lecture 3 British History (2)Lecture 3 British History (2)null What are the Wars of the Roses? It is the name given to the struggle(1455-1485)for the throne of England between two branches of the English royal families (the houses of Lancaster, whose badge was a red rose and the houses of York, whose badge was a white rose). Passing over the Wars of the Roses, we approach the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of the modern period.Phase 6: the 16th century Phase 6: the 16th century The 16th century, as the beginning of the modern period in English history and European history, in England was a period of the breaking up of feudal relations and the establishing of capitalism. nullJohn Bull “约翰牛”是英国人的绰号,16世纪英国著名作家约翰·阿布斯诺特(John Arbuthnot)写了一本讽刺小说,名叫《约翰牛的生平》(The History of John Bull),该书的主人公约翰牛为人粗暴冷酷,桀骜不逊,他盛气凌人、欺辱弱者,如果谁流露出对他稍微表示不满的反抗情绪,他立即摆出一副格斗的架势。作者通过这个赳赳武夫的形象,暗喻当年英国的专横跋扈, “约翰牛”的形象正是这个时期英国的体现。nullKey points: the invention of printing; the age of the great voyages of discovery (Columbus and Vasco da Gama); the beginning of the imperialist expansion (the American continent); the beginning of freedom thought in the Christian religion (Protestant churches sprang up). the biggest enemy— Spain.General introduction of several kingsGeneral introduction of several kings1. 亨利八世(1509年4月22日—1547年1月28日在位)。他在位的38年是英格兰发生重大变化的时期,其中最重要的是16世纪宗教改革。这次改革的基本意义在国家政治方面,而不在宗教方面,核心问题是亨利八世与罗马教廷决裂,导致英国形成完全的民族国家。亨利八世18岁即位并娶寡嫂凯瑟琳,但他妻子只为他生了一个女儿玛丽(后来的玛丽一世). null亨利八世的第二个妻子(安妮·博林)也只为他生了一个女儿伊丽莎白(后来的伊丽莎白一世女王),他一怒将第二个妻子以砍头处死,因为他离婚再也不需要教皇批准了,第三位为他生了一个儿子爱德华(后来的爱德华六世国王)又因肺病去世。他先后娶了6位夫人,全部没有好结果:第一位逼迫离婚,第四位德意志新教公主协议离婚,第三位因病去世,最后一位因他去世幸免于难,另外两位被他处死。null他临死时设下遗嘱,由爱德华和他的后代继位;如果爱德华没有后代,爱德华死后由玛丽和她的后代继位;如果玛丽没有后代,玛丽死后由伊丽莎白和她的后代继位。他没有想到如此严密的安排,最后三位继承人都没有后代,伊丽莎白一世去世后,都铎王朝也终结了,王位传给伊丽莎白的表侄女(苏格兰玛丽一世)的儿子。null2. 英国女王玛丽(Mary I),英王亨利八世之女。1553年即位后,恢复了天主教,因残酷迫害宗教改革家,烧死新教徒达300多人,而获此称谓。1554年与西班牙国王腓力二世结婚,并卷入西班牙对法国的战争,战败后,使英国丧失了法国北部的加来港。玛丽的宗教和外交政策遭到国内的强烈反对。在她的一生中,为她决斗而死的青年贵族,据说超过了100 个。甚至在她60岁那年,两位浪漫的青年诗人因为得不到她的垂青,而举剑自杀。连法皇路易十四也不远千里,拜倒在其石榴裙下。有一款鸡尾酒的名字叫“血腥玛丽”便由此而来。 null她的美丽,据说保持了近50年,而她的美丽秘方,实在令人恐怖万分。她用鲜血沐浴。而且只用纯洁少女的鲜血。她相信,只有浸泡在她们纯洁的血液中,方能不断吸取其中的精华,而让她永葆青春。每次洗澡前,她还要喝下至少半升的血液。她洗一次澡,至少要杀掉两个少女。就这样,在长长而黑暗的50年里,一共有2800名少女惨被杀害,所有的尸体全部埋在她私人的浴室底下。这也是她的主意,因为她相信,少女们的魂魄能够驱走衰老和迟钝。由于常用血液洗澡,她身上总带着浓烈的血腥气。但她却从不用任何香水掩盖,任其自然。 null一直到后来,大革命爆发。愤怒的群众将已经快70高龄的她抓住,群情激愤之下,大家将她活活烧死在她自己的浴室中。并且封掉了古堡。从此,一代艳后香消玉殒 。null3. Elizabeth Ⅰ, 1558年至1603年任英格兰王国和爱尔兰女王,是都铎王朝的第五位也是最后一位君主。她即位时不但成功地保持了英格兰的统一,而且在经过近半个世纪的统治后,使英格兰成为欧洲最强大的国家之一。英格兰文化也在此期间达到了一个顶峰,涌现出了诸如莎士比亚、弗朗西斯·培根这样的著名人物。英国在北美的殖民地亦在此期间开始确立。在英国历史上在位时被称为“伊丽莎白时期”,亦称为“黄金时代”。 nullA. Literature This period in literature is called ‘the renaissance’(文艺复兴), William Shakespeare(1564-1616) is the greatest of all English authors, his works are a great landmark in the history of world literature. He produced 37 plays, 2 narrative poems(叙事诗) and 154 sonnets(十四行诗). B. Adventure on the Sea Phase 7: 17th Century: Bourgeois RevolutionPhase 7: 17th Century: Bourgeois Revolution James Stuarts: King of Scotland (VI) and England (I) in 1603.Divine Right of Kings Charles I: persecuting Puritans Civil War: Cavaliers(骑士派) vs. Roundheads(平头派) //Cromwell’s New Model Army//1646 ended/ Jan 1649, Charles I beheaded The Commonwealth(共和政府), the protector:Diggers//invaded Ireland “The English Revolution shipwrecked on Ireland”—Marx /1653, parliament dissolved, Commonwealth military dictatorship nullRestoration and Glorious Revolution: 1660, Charles II. France (Louis XIV). James II (brother of Charles II, Catholic) succeeded, but opposed by Whig and Tory. 1688, Coup d’etat, William (III) and Mary(II) were welcomed back for a joint ruling.The Glorious Revolution. protestant only, no catholic–the House of Hanover (last step of Revolution, constitutional monarchy established) (conclusion of medieval feudalism, beginning of modern period—capitalism)Phase 8: 18th Century: Industrial RevolutionPhase 8: 18th Century: Industrial RevolutionBiggest enemy: France (rival imperialists). (Battle of Waterloo, defeated Napoleon; Lord Nelson, Battle of Trafalgar.) Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776(loss of her American colonies) Industrial revolution: Steam Engine Phase 9: 19th Century: VictorianismPhase 9: 19th Century: Victorianism In the nineteenth century, Britain was the super power in the world, the Empire on which the sun never sets. Social progress Great social progresses were made in the 19th century, such as the anti-slavery movement, the modern police force, the famous Reform Bill which extended the franchise, etc. But the greatest progress was made in the field of communications, marked by the invention of steam locomotive, telegraphy, electric telephone, electric lighting, electric trams, etc. Victorian era (1837-1901) an age of national development; family life had a similar stability, where the father had the absolute power, the wife was completely submissive and the children were strictly disciplined; Victorians were extremely religious. Every family had its Bible and went to church on Sundays; an age of imperialism; an age of novels (Thackeray & Dickens) Phase 10: 20th Century: two world warsPhase 10: 20th Century: two world warsVictorian stability had collapsed. Working classes became conscious of their inferior position and eager to claim their right. Women’s Movement: for equal rights , esp. vote Trouble Ireland WWI &WWII nullWORLD WAR I“THE WAR TO END ALL WARS”StatisticsStatisticsWorld War One included: 3 Continents 31 Countries 65 Million Soldiers 37 Million Casualties 91,198 Deaths by Gas 6,395 Allied and Neutral Ships Lost $186.3 Billion Financial Losses Countries InvolvedCountries InvolvedAllied Countries Central Countries Austria-Hungary Germany Ottoman Empire BulgariaCountries that only cut off trade Bolivia Ecuador Peru UruguaySerbia Russia France Belgium Great Britain Liberia Japan Montenegro Italy San Marino Portugal Romania Greece China U.S. Cuba Nicaragua Brazil Siam Costa Rica Guatemala Haiti HondurasThat Should Add Up To 31 CountriesImmediate CauseImmediate CauseAssassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand(奥匈帝国皇储) by Gavrilo Princip, June 28th, 1914.WeaponsWeaponsNo Man’s LandNo Man’s LandNo Man’s LandNo Man’s LandEnd ResultsEnd ResultsMillions KilledTreaty of Versailles(凡尔赛条约) – end of WWITreaty of Versailles(凡尔赛条约) – end of WWIThe main points of the Treaty [BRAT]   1.   Germany had to accept the Blame for starting the war 2.     Germany paid Reparations赔款 for the damage done during the war. Versailles cont. .Versailles cont. .3.     Germany was forbidden to have submarines or an air force.   She could have a navy of only six battleships, and an Army of just 100,000 men.  VersaillesVersailles4.     Germany lost Territory (land) in Europe (see map). Germany’s colonies were given to Britain and France. Review QuestionsReview Questions How did WWI help cause WWII? Depression in 1920s Europe Economy was bad in Europe WWI killed a lot of workers and customers After years of humiliation and starvation, Germans looked for a strong leader. World War II (1939-1945) World War II (1939-1945) Why do wars occur? Nations compete over natural resources. Individuals demand greater political and economic freedom. null What caused WWII in Europe? Appeasement – Great Britain and France gave Hitler land w/o fighting for it. Hitler was racist; he invaded countries simply to kill the Jews living there.NAZIs elected to power!NAZIs elected to power!Nazis promised to build up their army and get revenge for the WWI This is Adolf Hitler 1933.Totalitarianism Totalitarianism Mussolini (Italy) Hitler (Germany)Germany late 1930sGermany late 1930sGermany escaped the Depression by militarizing. This is Berlin 1936 Appeasement – Hitler wanted land, Britain and France let him have it without warAppeasement – Hitler wanted land, Britain and France let him have it without warnullOnce again the Germans invaded France, and this time within a few weeks France was conquered. Then Hitler planned to invade Britain. He sent his bombers day after day to bomb airfields and towns in the south, and then night after night, to bomb London. This was the ‘blitz’ of 1940, when sirens wailed every night, and every night hundreds of people lost their lives or their homes. But the British fighter planes fought back heroically: the ‘Battle of Britain’ was won and the planned invasion abandoned.Invasion of Normandy, FranceInvasion of Normandy, FranceBattle of BritainBattle of BritainBattle of BritainTank!Tank!Anti-tank weaponryAnti-tank weaponrynullEnglish Channel protected England Britain resisted German air forceGermany’s endGermany’s endGermany invaded the Soviet Union and lost a million troops due to the cold and Russian bravery. Germany spent too many resources trying to kill Jews and not supporting his troops Germans fought Russians in the east and Americans and Brits in the West.Germany surrenders April ‘45Germany surrenders April ‘45Allied PowersAllied PowersThe Allies were the USA, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union (USSR). These are called the “big three.” In addition,the colonies and territories of these countries. These include China, Canada, Australia, France, Poland and others.USA’s contribution was production, not blood.USA’s contribution was production, not blood.Rosie the RiveterRosie the RiveterThe Army was segregated, but African Americans served.The Army was segregate
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