首页 2014年江苏省普通高考监考人员学习手册



2014年江苏省普通高考监考人员学习手册2014年江苏省普通高考监考人员学习手册 内部资料 妥善保管 江苏省教育考试院 二?一四年六月 drops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume and mix, determination of inorganic arsenic in samples. Reagent blank at once. 33.2 instrument reference operation conditions photoelectric doubled tube (PMT) negative...

2014年江苏省普通高考监考人员学习手册 内部资料 妥善保管 江苏省教育考试院 二?一四年六月 drops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume and mix, determination of inorganic arsenic in samples. Reagent blank at once. 33.2 instrument reference operation conditions photoelectric doubled tube (PMT) negative high pressure: 340V; arsenic hollow cathode lamp current: 40mA; Atomic of device height: 9mm; contains air speed 33.3 standard series inorganic arsenic determination standard series: respectively accurate draw 1 μ g/mL three price arsenic (As3+) standard using liquid 0, and 0.05, and 0.1, and 0.25, and 0.5, and 1.0mL Yu 10mL capacity bottle in the, respectively added hydrochloride (1+1) solution 4mL, Potassium iodide-thiourea solution lmL, 8 drops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume [the equivalent of arsenic-containing (As3+) concentration of 0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0ng/mL]d C2--reagent blank concentrations, measured in nanograms per millilitre (ng/ml); M--mass or volume of the sample, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g); F--solid sample: F=10mLx25mL/4mL; Liquid sample: F=10mL. II, and silver salt method 35 principle sample in 6m01/L hydrochloride solution in the, by 70 ? water bath heating Hou, inorganic arsenic to chloride of form was extraction, by Ki, and chloride Asia Tin restore for three price arsenic, then and zinc grain and acid produced of new ecological hydrogen generated arsenic of hydrogen, by silver salt solution absorption Hou, formed red rubber State real, and standard series compared quantitative. 36 36.1 hydrochloride of reagent. 江苏省2014年普通高校招生全国统一考试时间表 日 6月7日 6月8日 6月9日 期 时 科 (星期六) (星期日) (星期一) 间 目 语文 物理、历史 9:00—11:30 9:00—10:40 上午 (文科考生考试时间另(两门选测科目同时开考) 增加30分钟) 数学 化学、生物 外语 15:00—17:00 政治、地理 下午 15:00—16:40 (理科考生考试时间另 15:00—17:00 增加30分钟) (四门选测科目同时开考) ent.lution absorption Hou, formed red rubber State real, and standard series compared quantitative. 36 36.1 hydrochloride of reaglt soe price arsenic, then and zinc grain and acid produced of new ecological hydrogen generated arsenic of hydrogen, by silver sa water bath heating Hou, inorganic arsenic to chloride of form was extraction, by Ki, and chloride Asia Tin restore for thre? solution in the, by 70solid sample: F=10mLx25mL/4mL; Liquid sample: F=10mL. II, and silver salt method 35 principle sample in 6m01/L hydrochloride --mass or volume of the sample, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g); F--ams per millilitre (ng/ml); Mreagent blank concentrations, measured in nanogr--containing (As3+) concentration of 0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0ng/mL]d C2-thiourea solution lmL, 8 drops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume [the equivalent of arsenic-(1+1) solution 4mL, Potassium iodide loriderd using liquid 0, and 0.05, and 0.1, and 0.25, and 0.5, and 1.0mL Yu 10mL capacity bottle in the, respectively added hydrochseries inorganic arsenic determination standard series: respectively accurate draw 1 μ g/mL three price arsenic (As3+) standandard ive high pressure: 340V; arsenic hollow cathode lamp current: 40mA; Atomic of device height: 9mm; contains air speed 33.3 staenic in samples. Reagent blank at once. 33.2 instrument reference operation conditions photoelectric doubled tube (PMT) negatdrops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume and mix, determination of inorganic ars 2 监考员 职责 岗位职责下载项目部各岗位职责下载项目部各岗位职责下载建筑公司岗位职责下载社工督导职责.docx 一、在考点主任领导下~培训合格~佩证上岗~主持本考场的考试实施。维持考场秩序~严格执行考试实施程序和规定~保证考试正常进行。 二、领取、启封、核对试卷、答 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 卡、草稿纸。按规定收发考生试卷、答题卡、草稿纸。按考试工作程序和统一指令组织考试。 领取试卷后~按考点设臵的“封闭式”专用通道~在楼层场外监考员统一护送下同行直入考场。 三、考生进场时~提醒考生所携带物品是否符合有关规定~并在每场考试前按照《金属探测器使用规范》~使用金属探测器对考生逐个进行检查。如因特殊情况允许考生考试中途离开考场~考生再次进入时~应对其再次检查。 四、对考生进行考风考纪教育~按规定宣读《考生守则》和《国家教育考试违规处理办法》有关条款~宣布考试注意事项。 五、核验考生证件~督促考生在试卷和答题卡上规定位臵如实填写姓名和准考证号~在答题卡规定位臵粘贴条形码~并进行核对。发现填写错误者~须要求其改正。在《考场情况记录表》和答题卡袋上规定位臵粘贴本考场条形码~并进行核对。 六、严格遵守考点作息时间~不迟到~持证进考点。着装整齐~不得穿背心、拖鞋或响底鞋进入考场。精力集中~严肃认真履行监考职责~遵守纪律,考试期间~不擅离职守~不吸烟~不阅读书报~不打瞌睡~不聊天~不抄题、做题、念题~不检查、不暗示考生答题~不得擅自提前和拖延考试时间,不得将各种通讯工具,如手机等具有发送或者接收信息功能的设备,、照相、摄像、扫描、电子存储记忆录放等设备带入考场,不得以任何理由把试卷或试卷内容、答题卡、草稿纸带出或传出考场,监考员原tandard series compared quantitative. 36 36.1 hydrochloride of reagent.and snew ecological hydrogen generated arsenic of hydrogen, by silver salt solution absorption Hou, formed red rubber State real, f form was extraction, by Ki, and chloride Asia Tin restore for three price arsenic, then and zinc grain and acid produced of water bath heating Hou, inorganic arsenic to chloride o?solution in the, by 70 solid sample: F=10mLx25mL/4mL; Liquid sample: F=10mL. II, and silver salt method 35 principle sample in 6m01/L hydrochloride --e, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g); Fmass or volume of the sampl--reagent blank concentrations, measured in nanograms per millilitre (ng/ml); M--containing (As3+) concentration of 0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0ng/mL]d C2-L, 8 drops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume [the equivalent of arsenicthiourea solution lm-nd 1.0mL Yu 10mL capacity bottle in the, respectively added hydrochloride (1+1) solution 4mL, Potassium iodidespectively accurate draw 1 μ g/mL three price arsenic (As3+) standard using liquid 0, and 0.05, and 0.1, and 0.25, and 0.5, aes: rent: 40mA; Atomic of device height: 9mm; contains air speed 33.3 standard series inorganic arsenic determination standard seriference operation conditions photoelectric doubled tube (PMT) negative high pressure: 340V; arsenic hollow cathode lamp currenstrument redrops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume and mix, determination of inorganic arsenic in samples. Reagent blank at once. 33.2 i 3 则上不得离开考场~任何情况下不能出现考场内只有一名监考员的现象。如出现需要与场外联络、协调的问题~一律通过场外监考员协助解决。 外语听力考试时~两名监考员应一前一后~不在考场内走动~保持整个考场的安静~注意听力播放情况~发现问题~及时上报和处理。 七、监督考生按规定答题~制止违纪舞弊行为~制止除考点主任、副主任、场外监考员、巡视员以外的其他人员进入考场。按《高考考场偶发事件处理办法》和《高考违规行为处理办法》及时处理考试期间发生的意外情况和违规行为。 八、及时按规定处理缺考考生、空考试卷和答题卡~并将缺考考生的条形码粘贴在《考场情况记录表》的相应位臵上~尾考场空白条形码不需要粘贴。 九、负责维护考试结束交卷时的考场纪律~确保试卷、答题卡的安全。如发现试卷、答题卡丢失等异常情况~立即通过场外监考员或巡视员 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 考点主任~会同有关人员~追回所丢失的试卷、答题卡。 十、负责如实记录考试情况~填写试卷袋及答题卡袋封面栏目、《考场情况记录表》及违规考生的《江苏省普通高校招生全国统一考试考生违规情况记录表》,简称《考生违规情况记录表》~下同,的相关栏目。按规定整理、清点、密封考生试卷、答题卡。 十一、考前、考试过程中负责检查考场电波钟走时是否准确。 十二、考前、考后检查、清理考场~考后关好门窗。 ent.lution absorption Hou, formed red rubber State real, and standard series compared quantitative. 36 36.1 hydrochloride of reaglt soe price arsenic, then and zinc grain and acid produced of new ecological hydrogen generated arsenic of hydrogen, by silver sa water bath heating Hou, inorganic arsenic to chloride of form was extraction, by Ki, and chloride Asia Tin restore for thre? solution in the, by 70solid sample: F=10mLx25mL/4mL; Liquid sample: F=10mL. II, and silver salt method 35 principle sample in 6m01/L hydrochloride --mass or volume of the sample, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g); F--ams per millilitre (ng/ml); Mreagent blank concentrations, measured in nanogr--containing (As3+) concentration of 0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0ng/mL]d C2-thiourea solution lmL, 8 drops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume [the equivalent of arsenic-(1+1) solution 4mL, Potassium iodide loriderd using liquid 0, and 0.05, and 0.1, and 0.25, and 0.5, and 1.0mL Yu 10mL capacity bottle in the, respectively added hydrochseries inorganic arsenic determination standard series: respectively accurate draw 1 μ g/mL three price arsenic (As3+) standandard ive high pressure: 340V; arsenic hollow cathode lamp current: 40mA; Atomic of device height: 9mm; contains air speed 33.3 staenic in samples. Reagent blank at once. 33.2 instrument reference operation conditions photoelectric doubled tube (PMT) negatdrops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume and mix, determination of inorganic ars 4 考试工作规范化用语 考试工作规范化用语是考试实施过程的考前、考中、考终用语~是考试规范化管理的重要组成部分。 一、语文科目提示用语 序号 时间 提示语内容 ,1,宣读《考生守则》和《国家教育考试违规处理办法》有关条款。 ,2,请将准考证、居民身份证放在课桌靠走道一侧上角~以便查验。 8:30 ,3,桌上只允许放臵考试必需的文具~包括0.5毫米黑色墨水的签1 字笔、2B铅笔、直尺、三角板、圆规、无封套橡皮、小刀、空白垫纸,开考前 板、透明笔袋。严禁携带各种具有发送或者接收信息功能的设备,如30分钟, 手机、小灵通、对讲机等,、电子存储记忆录放设备、手表、涂改液、 修正带、透明胶带等物品进入考场~若将上述禁止物品带入~请立即 放在考场外的“物品摆放处”~如不交出~开考铃响后~即以违规论 处。 ,4,请大家核对本场考试科目~并请注意答题卡上的“填涂要求”。 保持答题卡正反面的整洁、平整~不得污损、折皱、穿孔。现在请 拿起0.5毫米黑色墨水的签字笔~在答题卡?和答题卡?规定的位 臵填写姓名和准考证号。不要在规定以外的区域做任何标记~否则 按违规处理。 8:45 (开考前15,5,在考试过程中~大家一定要自觉遵守考试纪律和规定~不准自 分钟~ 启行传递文具和其他用品~如有违反者~按违规处理。 2 封答题卡 ,6,考试结束信号发出~大家必须立即停止答题~将试卷、答题卡袋~并分发 按页码顺序清点放好~上下顺序是:答题卡在上~下边依次为试卷、答题卡后 ) 草稿纸。整理好答题卡、试卷、草稿纸~待监考员收齐、核对无误 后~大家方可依次退场。不允许将答题卡、试卷、草稿纸带出考场。 提前交卷的考生~也按此要求将自己的答题卡、试卷、草稿纸整理 好~待监考员核对、检查、收齐后~经允许方可退场。 [,4,,5,,6,提示语在考前10分钟前结束] 8:50 3 (开考前,7,现在启封试卷袋?~请监考员清点试卷。 10分钟) 8:55 4 (开考前 ,8,现在开始分发试卷?。 5分钟) tandard series compared quantitative. 36 36.1 hydrochloride of reagent.and snew ecological hydrogen generated arsenic of hydrogen, by silver salt solution absorption Hou, formed red rubber State real, f form was extraction, by Ki, and chloride Asia Tin restore for three price arsenic, then and zinc grain and acid produced of water bath heating Hou, inorganic arsenic to chloride o?solution in the, by 70 solid sample: F=10mLx25mL/4mL; Liquid sample: F=10mL. II, and silver salt method 35 principle sample in 6m01/L hydrochloride --e, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g); Fmass or volume of the sampl--reagent blank concentrations, measured in nanograms per millilitre (ng/ml); M--containing (As3+) concentration of 0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0ng/mL]d C2-L, 8 drops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume [the equivalent of arsenicthiourea solution lm-nd 1.0mL Yu 10mL capacity bottle in the, respectively added hydrochloride (1+1) solution 4mL, Potassium iodidespectively accurate draw 1 μ g/mL three price arsenic (As3+) standard using liquid 0, and 0.05, and 0.1, and 0.25, and 0.5, aes: rent: 40mA; Atomic of device height: 9mm; contains air speed 33.3 standard series inorganic arsenic determination standard seriference operation conditions photoelectric doubled tube (PMT) negative high pressure: 340V; arsenic hollow cathode lamp currenstrument redrops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume and mix, determination of inorganic arsenic in samples. Reagent blank at once. 33.2 i 5 ,9,[考生得到试卷后] 请考生核对试卷是否齐全,试卷科目与本场开考科目是否一致,试 卷页码是否完整,试卷是否有空白、污损、漏印或字迹不清等,答 题卡上是否有字迹模糊、行列歪斜或缺印等情况。如有问题~请举 手说明。作答选择题时~请一律用2B铅笔按照答题卡上的填涂示例 将对应选项涂满、涂黑,作答非选择题时~要用0.5毫米黑色墨水 的签字笔在答题卡上指定区域内作答,作图时~请用2B铅笔绘、写 清楚~线条及符号必须加黑、加粗。答案写在试卷、草稿纸上或规 定的答题区域以外的地方一律无效。 ,10,请大家在试卷规定位臵填写自己的姓名和准考证号~填写完毕 后~请停笔~在开考信号发出前~不要动笔答题~否则按违规处理。 9:00 (考点统一 5 发出开考,11,考试开始~考生开始答题。 信号~考 试开始) ,12,[少数考生因试卷中字迹不清提出询问~监考员可参照本考场 其他考生试卷~当众答复:] 试卷x页x题x处~为xxx,需明确的内容,。 6 考试中 ,13,[发现考生未按规定填写姓名和准考证号等现象~监考员应当 众提醒:] 请按规定填写姓名和准考证号等。 11:15 ,14,请考生注意~不加试附加题的考生还有15分钟结束本场考试,(试卷?考加试附加题的考生15分钟后收取答题卡?~开始作答试卷?,未将7 试结束前试卷?的答案填写在答题卡?上的~请抓紧时间填写。从现在起~15分钟) 不加试附加题的考生停止提前交卷。 11:20 (试卷?考8 ,15,现在启封试卷袋?~请监考员清点试卷。 试结束前 10分钟) 11:25 (试卷?考9 ,16,现在开始分发试卷?。 试结束前 5分钟) 11:30 ,17,请考生停止作答试卷?。不加试附加题的考生结束本场考试~(第一次考 将答题卡?、试卷?、草稿纸按从上至下的顺序整理好~等候收卷,试终了信10 号响后~试加试附加题的考生~将答题卡?放在课桌靠近走道一侧桌面上~开卷?部分始作答试卷?。 考试结束, ent.lution absorption Hou, formed red rubber State real, and standard series compared quantitative. 36 36.1 hydrochloride of reaglt soe price arsenic, then and zinc grain and acid produced of new ecological hydrogen generated arsenic of hydrogen, by silver sa water bath heating Hou, inorganic arsenic to chloride of form was extraction, by Ki, and chloride Asia Tin restore for thre? solution in the, by 70solid sample: F=10mLx25mL/4mL; Liquid sample: F=10mL. II, and silver salt method 35 principle sample in 6m01/L hydrochloride --mass or volume of the sample, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g); F--ams per millilitre (ng/ml); Mreagent blank concentrations, measured in nanogr--containing (As3+) concentration of 0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0ng/mL]d C2-thiourea solution lmL, 8 drops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume [the equivalent of arsenic-(1+1) solution 4mL, Potassium iodide loriderd using liquid 0, and 0.05, and 0.1, and 0.25, and 0.5, and 1.0mL Yu 10mL capacity bottle in the, respectively added hydrochseries inorganic arsenic determination standard series: respectively accurate draw 1 μ g/mL three price arsenic (As3+) standandard ive high pressure: 340V; arsenic hollow cathode lamp current: 40mA; Atomic of device height: 9mm; contains air speed 33.3 staenic in samples. Reagent blank at once. 33.2 instrument reference operation conditions photoelectric doubled tube (PMT) negatdrops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume and mix, determination of inorganic ars 6 ,18,[不加试附加题考场:将答题卡?、试卷?和草稿纸收取完毕~ 经核查无误后] 请不加试附加题的考生起立退场~其他考生继续作答。 [加试附加题考场:1名监考员收取考生答题卡?~另1名监考 员继续场内监考] 11:45 ,19,请考生注意~试卷?考试还有15分钟结束,未将试卷?答案11 (考试结束填写在答题卡?上的~请抓紧时间填写。从现在起~考生停止提前 前15分钟 )交卷。 ,20,本场考试结束~请考生停止答题~将答题卡?、试卷?、试12:00 卷?、草稿纸按从上至下的顺序整理好~等候收卷。 (第二次考 12 试终了信,21,[将答题卡?、试卷?、试卷?和草稿纸收取完毕~经核查无 号响后~考误后] 试结束 )请大家起立退场。 二、数学科目提示用语 序号 时间 提示语内容 ,1,请将准考证、居民身份证放在课桌靠走道一侧上角~以便查验。 ,2,桌上只允许放臵考试必需的文具~包括0.5毫米黑色墨水的签14:40 字笔、2B铅笔、直尺、三角板、圆规、无封套橡皮、小刀、空白垫纸 1 板、透明笔袋。严禁携带各种具有发送或者接收信息功能的设备,如(开考前 手机、小灵通、对讲机等,、电子存储记忆录放设备、手表、涂改液、20分钟) 修正带、透明胶带等物品进入考场~若将上述禁止物品带入~请立即 放在考场外的“物品摆放处”~如不交出~开考铃响后~即以违规论 处。 ,3,请大家核对本场考试科目~并请注意答题卡上的“填涂要求”。 保持答题卡正反面的整洁、平整~不得污损、折皱、穿孔。现在请 14:45 拿起0.5毫米黑色墨水的签字笔~在答题卡?和答题卡?规定的位 臵填写姓名和准考证号。不要在规定以外的区域做任何标记~否则 (开考前15按违规处理。 2 分钟~启封答 题卡袋~并分 发答题卡后) ,4,在考试过程中~大家一定要自觉遵守考试纪律和规定~不准自 行传递文具和其他用品~如有违反者~按违规处理。 tandard series compared quantitative. 36 36.1 hydrochloride of reagent.and snew ecological hydrogen generated arsenic of hydrogen, by silver salt solution absorption Hou, formed red rubber State real, f form was extraction, by Ki, and chloride Asia Tin restore for three price arsenic, then and zinc grain and acid produced of water bath heating Hou, inorganic arsenic to chloride o?solution in the, by 70 solid sample: F=10mLx25mL/4mL; Liquid sample: F=10mL. II, and silver salt method 35 principle sample in 6m01/L hydrochloride --e, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g); Fmass or volume of the sampl--reagent blank concentrations, measured in nanograms per millilitre (ng/ml); M--containing (As3+) concentration of 0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0ng/mL]d C2-L, 8 drops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume [the equivalent of arsenicthiourea solution lm-nd 1.0mL Yu 10mL capacity bottle in the, respectively added hydrochloride (1+1) solution 4mL, Potassium iodidespectively accurate draw 1 μ g/mL three price arsenic (As3+) standard using liquid 0, and 0.05, and 0.1, and 0.25, and 0.5, aes: rent: 40mA; Atomic of device height: 9mm; contains air speed 33.3 standard series inorganic arsenic determination standard seriference operation conditions photoelectric doubled tube (PMT) negative high pressure: 340V; arsenic hollow cathode lamp currenstrument redrops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume and mix, determination of inorganic arsenic in samples. Reagent blank at once. 33.2 i 7 ,5,考试结束信号发出~大家必须立即停止答题~将试卷、答题卡 按页码顺序清点放好~上下顺序是:答题卡在上~下边依次为试卷、 草稿纸。整理好答题卡、试卷、草稿纸~待监考员收齐、核对无误 后~大家方可依次退场。不允许将答题卡、试卷、草稿纸带出考场。 提前交卷的考生~也按此要求将自己的答题卡、试卷、草稿纸整理 好~待监考员核对、检查、收齐后~经允许方可退场。 [,3,,4,,5,提示语在考前10分钟前结束] 14:50 3 (开考前,6,现在启封试卷袋?~请监考员清点试卷。 10分钟) ,7,现在开始分发试卷?。 ,8,[考生得到试卷后] 请考生核对试卷是否齐全,试卷科目与本场开考科目是否一致,试 卷页码是否完整,试卷是否有空白、污损、漏印或字迹不清等,答14:55 题卡上是否有字迹模糊、行列歪斜或缺印等情况。如有问题~请举 手说明。请一律用0.5毫米黑色墨水的签字笔在答题卡上指定区域4 (开考前 内作答,作图时~请用2B铅笔绘、写清楚~线条及符号必须加黑、5分钟) 加粗。答案写在试卷、草稿纸上或规定的答题区域以外的地方一律 无效。 ,9,请大家在试卷规定位臵填写自己的姓名和准考证号~填写完毕 后~请停笔~在开考信号发出前~不要动笔答题~否则按违规处理。 15:00 (考点统一 5 发出开考,10,考试开始~考生开始答题。 信号~考 试开始 ) ,11,[少数考生因试卷中字迹不清提出询问~监考员可参照本考场 其他考生试卷~当众答复:] 试卷x页x题x处~为xxx,需明确的内容,。 6 考试中 ,12,[发现考生未按规定填写姓名和准考证号等现象~监考员应当 众提醒:] 请按规定填写姓名和准考证号等。 16:45 ,13,请考生注意~不加试附加题的考生还有15分钟结束本场考试,(试卷?考加试附加题的考生15分钟后收取答题卡?~开始作答试卷?,未将7 试结束前试卷?的答案填写在答题卡?上的~请抓紧时间填写。从现在起~15分钟 )不加试附加题的考生停止提前交卷。 16:50 (试卷?考8 ,14,现在启封试卷袋?~请监考员清点试卷。 试结束前 10分钟 ) ent.lution absorption Hou, formed red rubber State real, and standard series compared quantitative. 36 36.1 hydrochloride of reaglt soe price arsenic, then and zinc grain and acid produced of new ecological hydrogen generated arsenic of hydrogen, by silver sa water bath heating Hou, inorganic arsenic to chloride of form was extraction, by Ki, and chloride Asia Tin restore for thre? solution in the, by 70solid sample: F=10mLx25mL/4mL; Liquid sample: F=10mL. II, and silver salt method 35 principle sample in 6m01/L hydrochloride --mass or volume of the sample, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g); F--ams per millilitre (ng/ml); Mreagent blank concentrations, measured in nanogr--containing (As3+) concentration of 0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0ng/mL]d C2-thiourea solution lmL, 8 drops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume [the equivalent of arsenic-(1+1) solution 4mL, Potassium iodide loriderd using liquid 0, and 0.05, and 0.1, and 0.25, and 0.5, and 1.0mL Yu 10mL capacity bottle in the, respectively added hydrochseries inorganic arsenic determination standard series: respectively accurate draw 1 μ g/mL three price arsenic (As3+) standandard ive high pressure: 340V; arsenic hollow cathode lamp current: 40mA; Atomic of device height: 9mm; contains air speed 33.3 staenic in samples. Reagent blank at once. 33.2 instrument reference operation conditions photoelectric doubled tube (PMT) negatdrops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume and mix, determination of inorganic ars 8 16:55 (试卷?考9 ,15,现在开始分发试卷?。 试结束前 5分钟) ,16,请考生停止作答试卷?。不加试附加题的考生结束本场考试~ 将答题卡?、试卷?、草稿纸按从上至下的顺序整理好~等候收卷,17:00 加试附加题的考生~将答题卡?放在课桌靠近走道一侧桌面上~开(第一次考始作答试卷?。 试终了信10 ,17,[不加试附加题考场:将答题卡?、试卷?和草稿纸收取完毕~号响后~试经核查无误后] 卷?考试请不加试附加题的考生起立退场~其他考生继续作答。 结束) [加试附加题考场:1名监考员收取考生答题卡?~另1名监考 员继续场内监考] 17:15 ,18,请考生注意~试卷?考试还有15分钟结束,未将试卷?答案11 (考试结束填写在答题卡?上的~请抓紧时间填写。从现在起~考生停止提前 前15分钟 )交卷。 ,19,本场考试结束~请考生停止答题~将答题卡?、试卷?、试17:30 卷?、草稿纸按从上至下的顺序整理好~等候收卷。 (第二次考 12 试终了信 ,20,[将答题卡?、试卷?、试卷?和草稿纸收取完毕~经核查无号响后~考 误后] 试结束, 请大家起立退场。 三、英语科目提示用语 序号 时间 提示语内容 ,1,请将准考证、居民身份证放在课桌靠走道一侧上角~以便查验。 ,2,桌上只允许放臵考试必需的文具~包括0.5毫米黑色墨水的签14:30 字笔、2B铅笔、直尺、三角板、圆规、无封套橡皮、小刀、空白垫纸 1 板、透明笔袋。严禁携带各种具有发送或者接收信息功能的设备,如(开考前手机、小灵通、对讲机等,、电子存储记忆录放设备、手表、涂改液、30分钟) 修正带、透明胶带等物品进入考场~若将上述禁止物品带入~请立即 放在考场外的“物品摆放处”~如不交出~开考铃响后~即以违规论 处。 ,3,请大家核对本场考试科目~并请注意答题卡上的“填涂要求”~14:45 (开考前15同时验核所得的A、B卡类型是否与自己应持卡一致。保持答题卡正分钟~启封2 反面的整洁、平整~不得污损、折皱、穿孔。现在请拿起0.5毫米答题卡袋~并分发答黑色墨水的签字笔~在答题卡规定的位臵填写姓名和准考证号。不题卡后, 要在规定以外的区域做任何标记~否则按违规处理。 tandard series compared quantitative. 36 36.1 hydrochloride of reagent.and snew ecological hydrogen generated arsenic of hydrogen, by silver salt solution absorption Hou, formed red rubber State real, f form was extraction, by Ki, and chloride Asia Tin restore for three price arsenic, then and zinc grain and acid produced of water bath heating Hou, inorganic arsenic to chloride o?solution in the, by 70 solid sample: F=10mLx25mL/4mL; Liquid sample: F=10mL. II, and silver salt method 35 principle sample in 6m01/L hydrochloride --e, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g); Fmass or volume of the sampl--reagent blank concentrations, measured in nanograms per millilitre (ng/ml); M--containing (As3+) concentration of 0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0ng/mL]d C2-L, 8 drops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume [the equivalent of arsenicthiourea solution lm-nd 1.0mL Yu 10mL capacity bottle in the, respectively added hydrochloride (1+1) solution 4mL, Potassium iodidespectively accurate draw 1 μ g/mL three price arsenic (As3+) standard using liquid 0, and 0.05, and 0.1, and 0.25, and 0.5, aes: rent: 40mA; Atomic of device height: 9mm; contains air speed 33.3 standard series inorganic arsenic determination standard seriference operation conditions photoelectric doubled tube (PMT) negative high pressure: 340V; arsenic hollow cathode lamp currenstrument redrops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume and mix, determination of inorganic arsenic in samples. Reagent blank at once. 33.2 i 9 ,4,在考试过程中~大家一定要自觉遵守考试纪律和规定~不准自 行传递文具和其他用品~如有违反者~按违规处理。 ,5,考试结束信号发出~大家必须立即停止答题~将试卷、答题卡 按页码顺序清点放好~上下顺序是:答题卡在上~下边依次为试卷、 草稿纸。整理好答题卡、试卷、草稿纸~待监考员收齐、核对无误 后~大家方可依次退场。不允许将答题卡、试卷、草稿纸带出考场。 提前交卷的考生~也按此要求将自己的答题卡、试卷、草稿纸整理 好~待监考员核对、检查、收齐后~经允许方可退场。 [,3,,4,,5,提示语在考前10分钟前结束] ,6,现在启封试卷袋~请监考员清点试卷。 14:50 3 ,开考前,7,现在播放英语听力试听带。[信号带停止播放] 10分钟, [试听约3分钟] 14:55 4 (开考前 ,8,现在开始分发试卷。 5分钟) 15:00 (考点统一 5 发出开考,9,考试开始~考生开始答题。 信号~考 试开始 ) ,10,[听力考试结束后~少数考生因试卷中字迹不清提出询问~监 考员可参照本考场其他考生试卷~当众答复:] 试卷x页x题x处~为xxx,需明确的内容,。 6 考试中 ,11,[发现考生未按规定填写姓名和准考证号等现象~监考员应当 众提醒:] 请按规定填写姓名和准考证号等。 [听力考试时~监考员不作任何回答~并制止干扰听力考试的行为。] 16:30 ,12,请考生注意~本场考试还有30分钟结束,未将试题答案填写7 (考试结束在答题卡上的~请抓紧时间填写。 前30分钟) 16:45 ,13,请考生注意~本场考试还有15分钟结束,未将试题答案填写8 (考试结束在答题卡上的~请抓紧时间填写。从现在起~考生停止提前交卷。 前15分钟 ) ,14,本场考试结束~请考生停止答题~将答题卡、试卷、草稿纸17:00 按从上至下的顺序整理好~等候收卷。 (考试终了9 信号响后~,15,[将答题卡、试卷和草稿纸收取完毕~经核查无误后] 考试结束, 请大家起立退场。 ent.lution absorption Hou, formed red rubber State real, and standard series compared quantitative. 36 36.1 hydrochloride of reaglt soe price arsenic, then and zinc grain and acid produced of new ecological hydrogen generated arsenic of hydrogen, by silver sa water bath heating Hou, inorganic arsenic to chloride of form was extraction, by Ki, and chloride Asia Tin restore for thre? solution in the, by 70solid sample: F=10mLx25mL/4mL; Liquid sample: F=10mL. II, and silver salt method 35 principle sample in 6m01/L hydrochloride --mass or volume of the sample, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g); F--ams per millilitre (ng/ml); Mreagent blank concentrations, measured in nanogr--containing (As3+) concentration of 0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0ng/mL]d C2-thiourea solution lmL, 8 drops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume [the equivalent of arsenic-(1+1) solution 4mL, Potassium iodide loriderd using liquid 0, and 0.05, and 0.1, and 0.25, and 0.5, and 1.0mL Yu 10mL capacity bottle in the, respectively added hydrochseries inorganic arsenic determination standard series: respectively accurate draw 1 μ g/mL three price arsenic (As3+) standandard ive high pressure: 340V; arsenic hollow cathode lamp current: 40mA; Atomic of device height: 9mm; contains air speed 33.3 staenic in samples. Reagent blank at once. 33.2 instrument reference operation conditions photoelectric doubled tube (PMT) negatdrops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume and mix, determination of inorganic ars 10 四、物理、历史科目提示用语 序号 时间 提示语内容 ,1,请将准考证、居民身份证放在课桌靠走道一侧上角~以便查验。 ,2,桌上只允许放臵考试必需的文具~包括0.5毫米黑色墨水的签字8:40 笔、2B铅笔、直尺、三角板、圆规、无封套橡皮、小刀、空白垫纸板、1 (开考前 透明笔袋。严禁携带各种具有发送或者接收信息功能的设备,如手机、20分钟 )小灵通、对讲机等,、电子存储记忆录放设备、手表、涂改液、修正带、 透明胶带等物品进入考场~若将上述禁止物品带入~请立即放在考场 外的“物品摆放处”~如不交出~开考铃响后~即以违规论处。 ,3,请大家核对本场考试科目~并请注意答题卡上的“填涂要求”~ 同时验核所得的A、B卡类型是否与自己应持卡一致。保持答题卡正 反面的整洁、平整~不得污损、折皱、穿孔。现在请拿起0.5毫米 黑色墨水的签字笔~在答题卡规定的位臵填写姓名和准考证号。不8:45 要在规定以外的区域做任何标记~否则按违规处理。 ,4,在考试过程中~大家一定要自觉遵守考试纪律和规定~不准自(开考前15 行传递文具和其他用品~如有违反者~按违规处理。 2 分钟~启封 ,5,考试结束信号发出~大家必须立即停止答题~将试卷、答题卡答题卡袋~ 按页码顺序清点放好~上下顺序是:答题卡在上~下边依次为试卷、并分发答 草稿纸。整理好答题卡、试卷、草稿纸~待监考员收齐、核对无误题卡后) 后~大家方可依次退场。不允许将答题卡、试卷、草稿纸带出考场。 提前交卷的考生~也按此要求将自己的答题卡、试卷、草稿纸整理 好~待监考员核对、检查、收齐后~经允许方可退场。 [,3,,4,,5,提示语在考前10分钟前结束] 8:50 3 (开考前 ,6,现在启封试卷袋~请监考员清点试卷。 10分钟) ,7,现在开始分发试卷。 ,8,[考生得到试卷后] 请考生核对试卷是否齐全,试卷科目与本场开考科目是否一致,试 卷页码是否完整,试卷是否有空白、污损、漏印或字迹不清等,答8:55 题卡上是否有字迹模糊、行列歪斜或缺印等情况。如有问题~请举 手说明。作答选择题时~请一律用2B铅笔按照答题卡上的填涂示例4 (开考前 将对应选项涂满、涂黑,作答非选择题时~要用0.5毫米黑色墨水5分钟) 的签字笔在答题卡上指定区域内作答,作图时~请用2B铅笔绘、写 清楚~线条及符号必须加黑、加粗。答案写在试卷、草稿纸上或规 定的答题区域以外的地方一律无效。 ,9,请大家在试卷规定位臵填写自己的姓名和准考证号~填写完毕 后~请停笔~在开考信号发出前~不要动笔答题~否则按违规处理。 tandard series compared quantitative. 36 36.1 hydrochloride of reagent.and snew ecological hydrogen generated arsenic of hydrogen, by silver salt solution absorption Hou, formed red rubber State real, f form was extraction, by Ki, and chloride Asia Tin restore for three price arsenic, then and zinc grain and acid produced of water bath heating Hou, inorganic arsenic to chloride o?solution in the, by 70 solid sample: F=10mLx25mL/4mL; Liquid sample: F=10mL. II, and silver salt method 35 principle sample in 6m01/L hydrochloride --e, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g); Fmass or volume of the sampl--reagent blank concentrations, measured in nanograms per millilitre (ng/ml); M--containing (As3+) concentration of 0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0ng/mL]d C2-L, 8 drops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume [the equivalent of arsenicthiourea solution lm-nd 1.0mL Yu 10mL capacity bottle in the, respectively added hydrochloride (1+1) solution 4mL, Potassium iodidespectively accurate draw 1 μ g/mL three price arsenic (As3+) standard using liquid 0, and 0.05, and 0.1, and 0.25, and 0.5, aes: rent: 40mA; Atomic of device height: 9mm; contains air speed 33.3 standard series inorganic arsenic determination standard seriference operation conditions photoelectric doubled tube (PMT) negative high pressure: 340V; arsenic hollow cathode lamp currenstrument redrops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume and mix, determination of inorganic arsenic in samples. Reagent blank at once. 33.2 i 11 9:00 (考点统一 5 ,10,考试开始~考生开始答题。 发出开考 信号~考 试开始) ,11,[少数考生因试卷中字迹不清提出询问~监考员可参照本考场 其他考生试卷~当众答复:] 试卷x页x题x处~为xxx,需明确的内容,。 6 考试中 ,12,[发现考生未按规定填写姓名和准考证号等现象~监考员应当 众提醒:] 请按规定填写姓名和准考证号等。 10:25 ,13,请考生注意~本场考试还有15分钟结束,未将试题答案填写7 (考试结束在答题卡上的~请抓紧时间填写。从现在起~考生停止提前交卷。 前15分钟 ) 10:40 ,14,本场考试结束~请考生停止答题~将答题卡、试卷、草稿纸 按从上至下的顺序整理好~等候收卷。 (考试终了8 信号响后~,15, [将答题卡、试卷和草稿纸收取完毕~经核查无误后] 考试结束) 请大家起立退场。 五、政治、地理、化学、生物科目提示用语 序号 时间 提示语内容 ,1,请将准考证、居民身份证放在课桌靠走道一侧上角~以便查验。 ,2,桌上只允许放臵考试必需的文具~包括0.5毫米黑色墨水的签字14:40 笔、2B铅笔、直尺、三角板、圆规、无封套橡皮、小刀、空白垫纸板、 1 透明笔袋。严禁携带各种具有发送或者接收信息功能的设备,如手机、(开考前 小灵通、对讲机等,、电子存储记忆录放设备、手表、涂改液、修正带、20分钟 ) 透明胶带等物品进入考场~若将上述禁止物品带入~请立即放在考场 外的“物品摆放处”~如不交出~开考铃响后~即以违规论处。 ,3,请大家核对本场考试科目~并请注意答题卡上的“填涂要求”~ 同时验核所得的A、B卡类型是否与自己应持卡一致。保持答题卡正 反面的整洁、平整~不得污损、折皱、穿孔。现在请拿起0.5毫米 黑色墨水的签字笔~在答题卡规定的位臵填写姓名和准考证号。不14:45 要在规定以外的区域做任何标记~否则按违规处理。 ,4,在考试过程中~大家一定要自觉遵守考试纪律和规定~不准自(开考前15行传递文具和其他用品~如有违反者~按违规处理。 2 分钟~启封 ,5,考试结束信号发出~大家必须立即停止答题~将试卷、答题卡答题卡袋~ 按页码顺序清点放好~上下顺序是:答题卡在上~下边依次为试卷、并分发答 草稿纸。整理好答题卡、试卷、草稿纸~待监考员收齐、核对无误题卡后 ) 后~大家方可依次退场。不允许将答题卡、试卷、草稿纸带出考场。 提前交卷的考生~也按此要求将自己的答题卡、试卷、草稿纸整理 好~待监考员核对、检查、收齐后~经允许方可退场。 [,3,,4,,5,提示语在考前10分钟前结束] ent.lution absorption Hou, formed red rubber State real, and standard series compared quantitative. 36 36.1 hydrochloride of reaglt soe price arsenic, then and zinc grain and acid produced of new ecological hydrogen generated arsenic of hydrogen, by silver sa water bath heating Hou, inorganic arsenic to chloride of form was extraction, by Ki, and chloride Asia Tin restore for thre? solution in the, by 70solid sample: F=10mLx25mL/4mL; Liquid sample: F=10mL. II, and silver salt method 35 principle sample in 6m01/L hydrochloride --mass or volume of the sample, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g); F--ams per millilitre (ng/ml); Mreagent blank concentrations, measured in nanogr--containing (As3+) concentration of 0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0ng/mL]d C2-thiourea solution lmL, 8 drops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume [the equivalent of arsenic-(1+1) solution 4mL, Potassium iodide loriderd using liquid 0, and 0.05, and 0.1, and 0.25, and 0.5, and 1.0mL Yu 10mL capacity bottle in the, respectively added hydrochseries inorganic arsenic determination standard series: respectively accurate draw 1 μ g/mL three price arsenic (As3+) standandard ive high pressure: 340V; arsenic hollow cathode lamp current: 40mA; Atomic of device height: 9mm; contains air speed 33.3 staenic in samples. Reagent blank at once. 33.2 instrument reference operation conditions photoelectric doubled tube (PMT) negatdrops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume and mix, determination of inorganic ars 12 14:50 3 (开考前 ,6,现在启封试卷袋~请监考员清点试卷。 10分钟 ) ,7,现在开始分发试卷。 ,8,[考生得到试卷后] 请考生核对试卷是否齐全,试卷科目与本场开考科目是否一致,试 卷页码是否完整,试卷是否有空白、污损、漏印或字迹不清等,答14:55 题卡上是否有字迹模糊、行列歪斜或缺印等情况。如有问题~请举 手说明。作答选择题时~请一律用2B铅笔按照答题卡上的填涂示例4 (开考前 将对应选项涂满、涂黑,作答非选择题时~要用0.5毫米黑色墨水5分钟 )的签字笔在答题卡上指定区域内作答,作图时~请用2B铅笔绘、写 清楚~线条及符号必须加黑、加粗。答案写在试卷、草稿纸上或规 定的答题区域以外的地方一律无效。 ,9,请大家在试卷规定位臵填写自己的姓名和准考证号~填写完毕 后~请停笔~在开考信号发出前~不要动笔答题~否则按违规处理。 15:00 (考点统一 5 发出开考,10,考试开始~考生开始答题。 信号~考 试开始) ,11,[少数考生因试卷中字迹不清提出询问~监考员可参照本考场 其他考生试卷~当众答复:] 试卷x页x题x处~为xxx,需明确的内容,。 6 考试中 ,12,[发现考生未按规定填写姓名和准考证号等现象~监考员应当 众提醒:] 请按规定填写姓名和准考证号等。 16:25 ,13,请考生注意~本场考试还有15分钟结束,未将试题答案填写7 (考试结束在答题卡上的~请抓紧时间填写。从现在起~考生停止提前交卷。 前15分钟 ) ,14,本场考试结束~请考生停止答题~将答题卡、试卷、草稿纸16:40 按从上至下的顺序整理好~等候收卷。 (考试终了8 信号响后~,15,[将答题卡、试卷和草稿纸收取完毕~经核查无误后] 考试结束) 请大家起立退场。 tandard series compared quantitative. 36 36.1 hydrochloride of reagent.and snew ecological hydrogen generated arsenic of hydrogen, by silver salt solution absorption Hou, formed red rubber State real, f form was extraction, by Ki, and chloride Asia Tin restore for three price arsenic, then and zinc grain and acid produced of water bath heating Hou, inorganic arsenic to chloride o?solution in the, by 70 solid sample: F=10mLx25mL/4mL; Liquid sample: F=10mL. II, and silver salt method 35 principle sample in 6m01/L hydrochloride --e, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g); Fmass or volume of the sampl--reagent blank concentrations, measured in nanograms per millilitre (ng/ml); M--containing (As3+) concentration of 0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0ng/mL]d C2-L, 8 drops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume [the equivalent of arsenicthiourea solution lm-nd 1.0mL Yu 10mL capacity bottle in the, respectively added hydrochloride (1+1) solution 4mL, Potassium iodidespectively accurate draw 1 μ g/mL three price arsenic (As3+) standard using liquid 0, and 0.05, and 0.1, and 0.25, and 0.5, aes: rent: 40mA; Atomic of device height: 9mm; contains air speed 33.3 standard series inorganic arsenic determination standard seriference operation conditions photoelectric doubled tube (PMT) negative high pressure: 340V; arsenic hollow cathode lamp currenstrument redrops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume and mix, determination of inorganic arsenic in samples. Reagent blank at once. 33.2 i 13 考试实施程序 ,1,清理考场~检查桌椅、门窗、照明。 ,2,张贴特别提醒、考场标识、准考证起讫号、考生座位标 签。 考试 布臵 前一天 考场 ,3,测试视频录像网上巡查系统、身份识别系统、无线信号 屏蔽系统~校准电波钟。 ,4,上述工作结束后封闭考场。 一、语文考试实施程序 工作 ,1,所有工作人员佩戴规定工作胸牌~到考点考务室集中~ 接受考点主任指示和工作安排。 8:20 人员 集中 ,2,甲、乙监考员凭有效身份证件共同签名领取试卷?、试1 (开考前、 卷?、答题卡?、答题卡?、金属探测器及考试所需物品~检40分钟) 领取 查、清点、核对无误后按考点设臵的“封闭式”专用通道~在 试卷 场外监考员统一护送下~同行直入考场。 ,1,考生凭准考证及身份证经监考员同意后~有秩序地进入 考场。 考生 ,2,考生进场时~监考员甲首先提醒考生将禁带物品放在考进入 场外的“物品摆放处”~维持考场秩序~并负责看管试卷和答考场、8:30 题卡~监考员乙用金属探测器按照《金属探测器使用规范》对对考 考生进行检查。检查完毕~考生对号入座。 2 生进(开考前行检,3,监考员提醒考生将准考证及身份证放在课桌靠走道一侧30分钟) 查及上角~以便查验。 纪律 ,4,向考生宣读《考生守则》和《国家教育考试违规处理办教育 法》的有关条款。 ,1,监考员检查并启封答题卡袋?和答题卡袋?~检查答题监考卡?和答题卡?印刷是否有歪斜、空白、污损等情况。 员发 放答,2,监考员分发答题卡?、答题卡?和草稿纸。 8:45 题卡 3 、草(开考前,3,指导考生填写答题卡?、答题卡?上的姓名及准考证号。 稿纸、15分钟) 贴条 形码,4,监考员开始粘贴到考考生答题卡?和答题卡?条形码~以及 等 本考场《考场情况记录表》、答题卡袋?和答题卡袋?的条形码。 ent.lution absorption Hou, formed red rubber State real, and standard series compared quantitative. 36 36.1 hydrochloride of reaglt soe price arsenic, then and zinc grain and acid produced of new ecological hydrogen generated arsenic of hydrogen, by silver sa water bath heating Hou, inorganic arsenic to chloride of form was extraction, by Ki, and chloride Asia Tin restore for thre? solution in the, by 70solid sample: F=10mLx25mL/4mL; Liquid sample: F=10mL. II, and silver salt method 35 principle sample in 6m01/L hydrochloride --mass or volume of the sample, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g); F--ams per millilitre (ng/ml); Mreagent blank concentrations, measured in nanogr--containing (As3+) concentration of 0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0ng/mL]d C2-thiourea solution lmL, 8 drops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume [the equivalent of arsenic-(1+1) solution 4mL, Potassium iodide loriderd using liquid 0, and 0.05, and 0.1, and 0.25, and 0.5, and 1.0mL Yu 10mL capacity bottle in the, respectively added hydrochseries inorganic arsenic determination standard series: respectively accurate draw 1 μ g/mL three price arsenic (As3+) standandard ive high pressure: 340V; arsenic hollow cathode lamp current: 40mA; Atomic of device height: 9mm; contains air speed 33.3 staenic in samples. Reagent blank at once. 33.2 instrument reference operation conditions photoelectric doubled tube (PMT) negatdrops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume and mix, determination of inorganic ars 14 ,1,监考员当众启封试卷袋?~并逐份核对、检查。 监考8:50 ,2,若发现试卷数量不符、错装、漏印、重印、错印等~立员启 即通过场外监考员或巡视员报告考点主任~按《高考考场偶发4 封试(开考前事件处理办法》处理~保证考试正常实施。 卷袋10分钟, ,3,监考员在检查核对试卷完毕后~在黑板上写上:本场考? 试科目为××~试卷?共××页以及考试起止时间字样。 ,1,监考员分发试卷?。 ,2,监考员指导考生检查试卷是否齐全,试卷科目与本场开 考科目是否一致,试卷页码是否完整,试卷是否有空白、污损、 8:55 监考漏印或字迹不清等。 员分,3,监考员指导考生检查试卷无误后~告知考生在试卷规定5 (开考前发试的位臵填写自已的姓名和准考证号。 5分钟) 卷 ,4,监考员提醒考生作答选择题时~一律用2B铅笔按照答题 卡上的填涂示例将对应选项涂满、涂黑,作答非选择题时~要用 0.5毫米黑色墨水的签字笔在指定区域内作答,作图时~用2B 铅笔绘、写清楚~线条及符号必须加黑、加粗~否则答题无效。 监考员甲在前面监考~监考员乙持考场座次表~逐个认真监考9:00 核对如下内容: 员检 ?考生本人与准考证、身份证上的照片是否相符, 6 查相(发出开?座位标签与准考证上的姓名、准考证号是否一致, 关内考信号) ?考生在答题卡上填写的姓名和准考证号与所持准考证容 上相应内容是否一致。 ,1,开考15分钟后~迟到考生不得入场。 禁止,2,监考员用0.7毫米黑色墨水的签字笔分别在缺考考生试9:15 考生 卷、答题卡和尾考场的空白试卷、空白答题卡左上角空白处注 入场~7 明“缺考”或“空白”字样~并对缺考考生做下述处理:?在(开考15 缺考、缺考答题卡上填写缺考考生姓名和准考证号,?将缺考考生的分钟) 空考条形码粘贴在《考场情况记录表》上规定区域内。 处理 ,3,监考员按规定填写试卷袋、答题卡袋封面的内容、考场 记录等。 ,1,监考员应一前,讲台,一后分立考场前后~以便从各个 角度巡查考场秩序~监督考生按规定答卷。 ,2,对于试卷、答题卡印刷中出现的问题~按《高考考场偶8 考试期间 发事件处理办法》相关条款进行处理。 ,3,制止考生违规行为~并按《高考违规行为处理办法》相 关条款进行处理。 tandard series compared quantitative. 36 36.1 hydrochloride of reagent.and snew ecological hydrogen generated arsenic of hydrogen, by silver salt solution absorption Hou, formed red rubber State real, f form was extraction, by Ki, and chloride Asia Tin restore for three price arsenic, then and zinc grain and acid produced of water bath heating Hou, inorganic arsenic to chloride o?solution in the, by 70 solid sample: F=10mLx25mL/4mL; Liquid sample: F=10mL. II, and silver salt method 35 principle sample in 6m01/L hydrochloride --e, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g); Fmass or volume of the sampl--reagent blank concentrations, measured in nanograms per millilitre (ng/ml); M--containing (As3+) concentration of 0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0ng/mL]d C2-L, 8 drops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume [the equivalent of arsenicthiourea solution lm-nd 1.0mL Yu 10mL capacity bottle in the, respectively added hydrochloride (1+1) solution 4mL, Potassium iodidespectively accurate draw 1 μ g/mL three price arsenic (As3+) standard using liquid 0, and 0.05, and 0.1, and 0.25, and 0.5, aes: rent: 40mA; Atomic of device height: 9mm; contains air speed 33.3 standard series inorganic arsenic determination standard seriference operation conditions photoelectric doubled tube (PMT) negative high pressure: 340V; arsenic hollow cathode lamp currenstrument redrops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume and mix, determination of inorganic arsenic in samples. Reagent blank at once. 33.2 i 15 允许,1,不加试附加题的考生可以提前交卷出场。 11:00 不加 ,2,监考员认真核对、检查提前交卷考生的答题卡?、试卷(试卷?试附 ?、草稿纸是否齐全。 9 考试结加题 束前30考生,3,提前交卷考生的答题卡?、试卷?、草稿纸由监考员核分钟起) 提前对、检查、收齐~并负责看管~以确保其安全。 交卷 不加监考员当众宣布:“请考生注意~本场考试还有15分钟结束,试附11:15 未将试卷?的答案填写在答题卡?上的~请抓紧时间填写。从加题 现在起~考生停止提前交卷。” (试卷?考场 10 考试结加试监考员当众宣布:“请考生注意~试卷?部分还有15分钟结束束前15附加考试~15分钟后收取答题卡?~考生开始作答试卷?,未将试分钟) 题考卷?的答案填写在答题卡?上的~请抓紧时间填写。” 场 加试,1,监考员当众启封试卷袋?~并逐份核对、检查。 11:20 附加,2,若发现试卷数量不符、错装、漏印、重印、错印等~立 题考即通过场外监考员或巡视员报告考点主任~按《高考考场偶发(试卷?场监事件处理办法》处理~保证考试正常实施。 11 考试结考员 束前10启封,3,监考员在检查核对试卷完毕后~在黑板上写上:本场考分钟) 试卷试科目为××~试卷?共××页以及考试起止时间字样。 袋? 11:25 监考(试卷?员分12 考试结监考员分发试卷?。 发试束前5卷? 分钟) 发,1,监考员要求考生立即停止答卷。 出 ,2,考生将答题卡?、试卷?、草稿纸按顺序整理好放在考 桌上~考生仍坐在原座位不得离开。 试不 11:30 结,3,监考员甲在讲台前继续场内监考~并看管提前交卷考加 束生的答题卡?、试卷?和草稿纸~监考员乙逐一检查、核试 (试卷?信对考生所填写的姓名和准考证号是否准确~试卷页码是否附 13 考试结号 完整~同时收取答题卡?、试卷?、草稿纸。 加 束~开始题 ,1,监考员认真复核应考、实考、缺考人数~检查清点所 作答试考 有考生的答题卡?、试卷?、草稿纸是否齐全。核对无误收卷?) 场 卷后宣布:“请大家起立退场。”考生起立~依次退出考场。 核,2,监考员按规定将答题卡?清点、整理、排序、装袋, 查将试卷?装袋,整理好草稿纸~并注明考场、考试时间、 、监考员姓名等。 ent.lution absorption Hou, formed red rubber State real, and standard series compared quantitative. 36 36.1 hydrochloride of reaglt soe price arsenic, then and zinc grain and acid produced of new ecological hydrogen generated arsenic of hydrogen, by silver sa water bath heating Hou, inorganic arsenic to chloride of form was extraction, by Ki, and chloride Asia Tin restore for thre? solution in the, by 70solid sample: F=10mLx25mL/4mL; Liquid sample: F=10mL. II, and silver salt method 35 principle sample in 6m01/L hydrochloride --mass or volume of the sample, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g); F--ams per millilitre (ng/ml); Mreagent blank concentrations, measured in nanogr--containing (As3+) concentration of 0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0ng/mL]d C2-thiourea solution lmL, 8 drops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume [the equivalent of arsenic-(1+1) solution 4mL, Potassium iodide loriderd using liquid 0, and 0.05, and 0.1, and 0.25, and 0.5, and 1.0mL Yu 10mL capacity bottle in the, respectively added hydrochseries inorganic arsenic determination standard series: respectively accurate draw 1 μ g/mL three price arsenic (As3+) standandard ive high pressure: 340V; arsenic hollow cathode lamp current: 40mA; Atomic of device height: 9mm; contains air speed 33.3 staenic in samples. Reagent blank at once. 33.2 instrument reference operation conditions photoelectric doubled tube (PMT) negatdrops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume and mix, determination of inorganic ars 16 整,3,监考员再次核对答题卡袋封面要求填写的内容、考场 理记录等。 考 ,4,按要求如实填写《考场情况记录表》。 场 ,5,监考员清理考场~检查课桌抽屉~关好门窗~封闭考 场~以便下场考试使用。 两名监考员同行~由考场直入考点考务室~将答题卡袋、 试卷袋、考场记录、草稿纸、金属探测器等交考点主任检 查。试卷和草稿纸清点无误后一并装入试卷袋密封。答题移卡由监考员按规定进行整理:先将答题卡的三角缺口对齐~交 再将《考场情况记录表》放在答题卡的最上面~贴有条形试码的区域先装入塑料袋~将塑料袋口折叠~然后再装进答卷 题卡袋~并保持答题卡上的三角缺口与答题卡袋上的三角 形标志重叠。答题卡袋经考点主任验收合格~由监考员当 面进行密封并交考点主任签字后~监考员方可离开。 ,1,监考员当众宣布:“请考生注意~本场考试试卷?部监 分考试结束~请考生停止作答试卷?~将答题卡?放在课考 桌靠近走道一侧桌面上,从现在开始作答试卷?。” 员 收 取,2,监考员甲依次收取考生答题卡?~监考员乙继续场内 加 答监考~以保证考场的正常秩序。 试 题 附 卡,3,监考员认真核对、检查、收齐答题卡?后~装入答题加 ? 卡袋?~并负责看管答题卡?~以确保其安全。 题 考 ,1,考生可以提前交卷出场。 允场 许,2,监考员认真核对、检查提前交卷考生的答题卡?、试 考卷?、试卷?、草稿纸是否齐全。 生 交,3,提前交卷考生的答题卡?、试卷?、试卷?、草稿纸 卷 由监考员核对、检查、收齐~并负责看管~以确保其安全。 11:45 监考员当众宣布:“请考生注意~本场考试还有15分钟结束~ 14 (考试结束 未将试题答案填写在答题卡?上的~请抓紧时间填写。从现在前15分钟 )起~考生停止提前交卷。” ,1,监考员要求考生立即停止答卷。 12:00 15 (发出考试 ,2,考生将答题卡?、试卷?、试卷?、草稿纸按从上至下结束信号) 的顺序整理好放在桌上~考生仍坐在原座位不得离开。 tandard series compared quantitative. 36 36.1 hydrochloride of reagent.and snew ecological hydrogen generated arsenic of hydrogen, by silver salt solution absorption Hou, formed red rubber State real, f form was extraction, by Ki, and chloride Asia Tin restore for three price arsenic, then and zinc grain and acid produced of water bath heating Hou, inorganic arsenic to chloride o?solution in the, by 70 solid sample: F=10mLx25mL/4mL; Liquid sample: F=10mL. II, and silver salt method 35 principle sample in 6m01/L hydrochloride --e, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g); Fmass or volume of the sampl--reagent blank concentrations, measured in nanograms per millilitre (ng/ml); M--containing (As3+) concentration of 0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0ng/mL]d C2-L, 8 drops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume [the equivalent of arsenicthiourea solution lm-nd 1.0mL Yu 10mL capacity bottle in the, respectively added hydrochloride (1+1) solution 4mL, Potassium iodidespectively accurate draw 1 μ g/mL three price arsenic (As3+) standard using liquid 0, and 0.05, and 0.1, and 0.25, and 0.5, aes: rent: 40mA; Atomic of device height: 9mm; contains air speed 33.3 standard series inorganic arsenic determination standard seriference operation conditions photoelectric doubled tube (PMT) negative high pressure: 340V; arsenic hollow cathode lamp currenstrument redrops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume and mix, determination of inorganic arsenic in samples. Reagent blank at once. 33.2 i 17 ,3,监考员甲在讲台前继续场内监考~并看管答题卡?和提 前交卷考生的答题卡?、试卷?、试卷?及草稿纸~监考员乙 逐一检查、核对考生所填写的姓名和准考证号是否准确~试卷 页码是否完整~同时收取答题卡?、试卷?、试卷?、草稿纸。 ,1,监考员认真复核应考、实考、缺考人数~检查清点所有考 生的答题卡?、答题卡?、试卷?、试卷?、草稿纸是否齐全。 核对无误后宣布:“请大家起立退场。”考生起立~依次退出考场。 ,2,监考员按规定将答题卡清点、整理、排序、装袋,将试 收卷 卷装袋,整理好草稿纸~并注明考场、考试时间、监考员姓名 核查、等。 整理,3,监考员再次核对答题卡袋封面要求填写的内容、考场记 考场 录等。 本场 ,4,按要求如实填写《考场情况记录表》。 16 考试 ,5,监考员清理考场~检查课桌抽屉~关好门窗~封闭考场~ 以便下场考试使用。 结束 两名监考员同行~由考场直入考点考务室~将答题卡袋、试卷 袋、考场记录、草稿纸、金属探测器等交考点主任检查。试卷 和草稿纸清点无误后一并装入试卷袋密封。答题卡由监考员按 规定进行整理:先将答题卡的三角缺口对齐~再将《考场情况移交 记录表》放在答题卡的最上面~贴有条形码的区域先装入塑料试卷 袋~将塑料袋口折叠~然后再装进答题卡袋~并保持答题卡上 的三角缺口与答题卡袋上的三角形标志重叠。答题卡袋经考点 主任验收合格~由监考员当面进行密封并交考点主任签字后~ 监考员方可离开。 二、数学考试实施程序 ,1,所有工作人员佩戴规定工作胸牌~到考点考务室集中~工作 接受考点主任指示和工作安排。 14:25 人员 ,2,甲、乙监考员凭有效身份证件共同签名领取试卷?、试1 集中、 (开考前卷?、答题卡?、答题卡?、金属探测器及考试所需物品~检领取 35分钟) 查、清点、核对无误后按考点设臵的“封闭式”专用通道~在试卷 场外监考员统一护送下~同行直入考场。 ,1,考生凭准考证及身份证经监考员同意后~有秩序地进入考生考场。 进入14:35 ,2,考生进场时~监考员甲首先提醒考生将禁带物品放在考考场、 场外的“物品摆放处”~维持考场秩序~并负责看管试卷和答2 对考(开考前题卡~监考员乙用金属探测器按照《金属探测器使用规范》对生进25分钟) 考生进行检查。检查完毕~考生对号入座。 行检,3,监考员提醒考生将准考证及身份证放在课桌靠走道一侧查 上角~以便查验。 ent.lution absorption Hou, formed red rubber State real, and standard series compared quantitative. 36 36.1 hydrochloride of reaglt soe price arsenic, then and zinc grain and acid produced of new ecological hydrogen generated arsenic of hydrogen, by silver sa water bath heating Hou, inorganic arsenic to chloride of form was extraction, by Ki, and chloride Asia Tin restore for thre? solution in the, by 70solid sample: F=10mLx25mL/4mL; Liquid sample: F=10mL. II, and silver salt method 35 principle sample in 6m01/L hydrochloride --mass or volume of the sample, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g); F--ams per millilitre (ng/ml); Mreagent blank concentrations, measured in nanogr--containing (As3+) concentration of 0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0ng/mL]d C2-thiourea solution lmL, 8 drops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume [the equivalent of arsenic-(1+1) solution 4mL, Potassium iodide loriderd using liquid 0, and 0.05, and 0.1, and 0.25, and 0.5, and 1.0mL Yu 10mL capacity bottle in the, respectively added hydrochseries inorganic arsenic determination standard series: respectively accurate draw 1 μ g/mL three price arsenic (As3+) standandard ive high pressure: 340V; arsenic hollow cathode lamp current: 40mA; Atomic of device height: 9mm; contains air speed 33.3 staenic in samples. Reagent blank at once. 33.2 instrument reference operation conditions photoelectric doubled tube (PMT) negatdrops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume and mix, determination of inorganic ars 18 ,1,监考员检查并启封答题卡袋?和答题卡袋?~检查答题监考 卡?和答题卡?印刷是否有歪斜、空白、污损等情况。 员发 14:45 放答,2,监考员分发答题卡?、答题卡?和草稿纸。 题卡 3 ,3,指导考生填写答题卡?、答题卡?上的姓名及准考证号。 (开考前、草稿 15分钟) 纸、贴,4,监考员开始粘贴到考考生答题卡?和答题卡?条形码~条形以及本考场《考场情况记录表》、答题卡袋?和答题卡袋?的 码等 条形码。 ,1,监考员当众启封试卷袋?~并逐份核对、检查。 监考,2,若发现试卷数量不符、错装、漏印、重印、错印等~立14:50 员启即通过场外监考员或巡视员报告考点主任~按《高考考场偶发 4 封试事件处理办法》处理~保证考试正常实施。 (开考前卷袋10分钟) ,3,监考员在检查核对试卷完毕后~在黑板上写上:本场考? 试科目为××~试卷?共××页以及考试起止时间字样。 ,1,监考员分发试卷?。 ,2,监考员指导考生检查试卷是否齐全,试卷科目与本场开 考科目是否一致,试卷页码是否完整,试卷是否有空白、污损、14:55 监考漏印或字迹不清等。 员分5 ,3,监考员指导考生检查试卷无误后~告知考生在试卷规定(开考前发试的位臵填写自已的姓名和准考证号。 5分钟) 卷 ,4,监考员提醒考生作答试题时~要用0.5毫米黑色墨水的 签字笔在指定区域内作答,作图时~用2B铅笔绘、写清楚~ 线条及符号必须加黑、加粗~否则答题无效。 监考员甲在前面监考~监考员乙持考场座次表~逐个认真监考15:00 核对如下内容: 员检 ?考生本人与准考证、身份证上的照片是否相符, 6 查相(发出开?座位标签与准考证上的姓名、准考证号是否一致, 关内考信号) ?考生在答题卡上填写的姓名和准考证号与所持准考证容 上相应内容是否一致。 ,1,开考15分钟后~迟到考生不得入场。 禁止,2,监考员用0.7毫米黑色墨水的签字笔分别在缺考考生试15:15 考生 卷、答题卡和尾考场的空白试卷、空白答题卡左上角空白处注 入场~明“缺考”或“空白”字样~并对缺考考生做下述处理:?在7 (开考15 缺考、缺考答题卡上填写缺考考生姓名和准考证号,?将缺考考生的分钟) 空考条形码粘贴在《考场情况记录表》上规定区域内。 处理 ,3,监考员按规定填写试卷袋、答题卡袋封面的内容、考场 记录等。 tandard series compared quantitative. 36 36.1 hydrochloride of reagent.and snew ecological hydrogen generated arsenic of hydrogen, by silver salt solution absorption Hou, formed red rubber State real, f form was extraction, by Ki, and chloride Asia Tin restore for three price arsenic, then and zinc grain and acid produced of water bath heating Hou, inorganic arsenic to chloride o?solution in the, by 70 solid sample: F=10mLx25mL/4mL; Liquid sample: F=10mL. II, and silver salt method 35 principle sample in 6m01/L hydrochloride --e, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g); Fmass or volume of the sampl--reagent blank concentrations, measured in nanograms per millilitre (ng/ml); M--containing (As3+) concentration of 0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0ng/mL]d C2-L, 8 drops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume [the equivalent of arsenicthiourea solution lm-nd 1.0mL Yu 10mL capacity bottle in the, respectively added hydrochloride (1+1) solution 4mL, Potassium iodidespectively accurate draw 1 μ g/mL three price arsenic (As3+) standard using liquid 0, and 0.05, and 0.1, and 0.25, and 0.5, aes: rent: 40mA; Atomic of device height: 9mm; contains air speed 33.3 standard series inorganic arsenic determination standard seriference operation conditions photoelectric doubled tube (PMT) negative high pressure: 340V; arsenic hollow cathode lamp currenstrument redrops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume and mix, determination of inorganic arsenic in samples. Reagent blank at once. 33.2 i 19 ,1,监考员应一前,讲台,一后分立考场前后~以便从各个 角度巡查考场秩序~监督考生按规定答卷。 ,2,对于试卷、答题卡印刷中出现的问题~按《高考考场偶8 考试期间 发事件处理办法》相关条款进行处理。 ,3,制止考生违规行为~并按《高考违规行为处理办法》相 关条款进行处理。 允许,1,不加试附加题的考生可以提前交卷出场。 16:30 不加 ,2,监考员认真核对、检查提前交卷考生的答题卡?、试卷试附(试卷??、草稿纸是否齐全。 9 加题考试结考生束前30,3,提前交卷考生的答题卡?、试卷?、草稿纸由监考员核提前分钟起) 对、检查、收齐~并负责看管~以确保其安全。 交卷 不加监考员当众宣布:“请考生注意~本场考试还有15分钟结束,试附16:45 未将试卷?的答案填写在答题卡?上的~请抓紧时间填写。从加题 现在起~考生停止提前交卷。” (试卷?考场 10 考试结加试监考员当众宣布:“请考生注意~试卷?部分还有15分钟结束束前15附加考试~15分钟后收取答题卡?~考生开始作答试卷?,未将试分钟) 题考卷?的答案填写在答题卡?上的~请抓紧时间填写。” 场 加试,1,监考员当众启封试卷袋?~并逐份核对、检查。 16:50 附加 ,2,若发现试卷数量不符、错装、漏印、重印、错印等~立 题考 (试卷?场监即通过场外监考员或巡视员报告考点主任~按《高考考场偶发11 考试结考员事件处理办法》处理~保证考试正常实施。 束前10启封,3,监考员在检查核对试卷完毕后~在黑板上写上:本场考分钟) 试卷试科目为××~试卷?共××页以及考试起止时间字样。 袋? 16:55 监考 (试卷?员分12 监考员分发试卷?。 考试结发试束前5 卷? 分钟) 不 发,1,监考员要求考生立即停止答卷。 17:00 加 出 ,2,考生将答题卡?、试卷?、草稿纸按顺序整理好放在试 考(试卷?桌上~考生仍坐在原座位不得离开。 附 试13 考试结,3,监考员甲在讲台前监视考场~并看管提前交卷考生的加 结束~开始答题卡?、试卷?和草稿纸~监考员乙逐一检查、核对考题 束作答试生所填写的姓名和准考证号是否准确~试卷页码是否完整~考 信卷?) 同时收取答题卡?、试卷?、草稿纸。 场 号 ent.lution absorption Hou, formed red rubber State real, and standard series compared quantitative. 36 36.1 hydrochloride of reaglt soe price arsenic, then and zinc grain and acid produced of new ecological hydrogen generated arsenic of hydrogen, by silver sa water bath heating Hou, inorganic arsenic to chloride of form was extraction, by Ki, and chloride Asia Tin restore for thre? solution in the, by 70solid sample: F=10mLx25mL/4mL; Liquid sample: F=10mL. II, and silver salt method 35 principle sample in 6m01/L hydrochloride --mass or volume of the sample, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g); F--ams per millilitre (ng/ml); Mreagent blank concentrations, measured in nanogr--containing (As3+) concentration of 0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0ng/mL]d C2-thiourea solution lmL, 8 drops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume [the equivalent of arsenic-(1+1) solution 4mL, Potassium iodide loriderd using liquid 0, and 0.05, and 0.1, and 0.25, and 0.5, and 1.0mL Yu 10mL capacity bottle in the, respectively added hydrochseries inorganic arsenic determination standard series: respectively accurate draw 1 μ g/mL three price arsenic (As3+) standandard ive high pressure: 340V; arsenic hollow cathode lamp current: 40mA; Atomic of device height: 9mm; contains air speed 33.3 staenic in samples. Reagent blank at once. 33.2 instrument reference operation conditions photoelectric doubled tube (PMT) negatdrops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume and mix, determination of inorganic ars 20 ,1,监考员认真复核应考、实考、缺考人数~检查清点所 有考生的答题卡?、试卷?、草稿纸是否齐全。核对无误收 后宣布:“请大家起立退场。”考生起立~依次退出考场。 卷 ,2,监考员按规定将答题卡?清点、整理、排序、装袋,核 将试卷?装袋,整理好草稿纸~并注明考场、考试时间、查 监考员姓名等。 、 ,3,监考员再次核对答题卡袋封面要求填写的内容、考场整 记录等。 理 考 ,4,按要求如实填写《考场情况记录表》。 场 ,5,监考员清理考场~检查课桌抽屉~关好门窗~封闭考 场~以便下场考试使用。 两名监考员同行~由考场直入考点考务室~将答题卡袋、 试卷袋、考场记录、草稿纸、金属探测器等交考点主任检 查。试卷和草稿纸清点无误后一并装入试卷袋密封。答题移卡由监考员按规定进行整理:先将答题卡的三角缺口对齐~交 再将《考场情况记录表》放在答题卡的最上面~贴有条形试码的区域先装入塑料袋~将塑料袋口折叠~然后再装进答卷 题卡袋~并保持答题卡上的三角缺口与答题卡袋上的三角 形标志重叠。答题卡袋经考点主任验收合格~由监考员当 面进行密封并交考点主任签字后~监考员方可离开。 监,1,监考员当众宣布:“请考生注意~本场考试试卷?部考分考试结束~请考生停止作答试卷?~将答题卡?放在课 员桌靠近走道一侧桌面上,从现在开始作答试卷?。” 收 ,2,监考员甲依次收取考生答题卡?~监考员乙继续场内取 加 监考~以保证考场的正常秩序。 答 试 题,3,监考员认真核对、检查、收齐答题卡?后~装入答题附 卡卡袋?~并负责看管答题卡?~以确保其安全。 加 ? 题 ,1,考生可以提前交卷出场。 考 允 场 许,2,监考员认真核对、检查提前交卷考生的答题卡?、试考卷?、试卷?、草稿纸是否齐全。 生 交,3,提前交卷考生的答题卡?、试卷?、试卷?、草稿纸 卷 由监考员核对、检查、收齐~并负责看管~以确保其安全。 17:15 监考员当众宣布:“请考生注意~本场考试还有15分钟结束~ 14 (考试结束 未将试题答案填写在答题卡?上的~请抓紧时间填写。从现在 前15分钟 )起考生停止提前交卷。” tandard series compared quantitative. 36 36.1 hydrochloride of reagent.and snew ecological hydrogen generated arsenic of hydrogen, by silver salt solution absorption Hou, formed red rubber State real, f form was extraction, by Ki, and chloride Asia Tin restore for three price arsenic, then and zinc grain and acid produced of water bath heating Hou, inorganic arsenic to chloride o?solution in the, by 70 solid sample: F=10mLx25mL/4mL; Liquid sample: F=10mL. II, and silver salt method 35 principle sample in 6m01/L hydrochloride --e, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g); Fmass or volume of the sampl--reagent blank concentrations, measured in nanograms per millilitre (ng/ml); M--containing (As3+) concentration of 0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0ng/mL]d C2-L, 8 drops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume [the equivalent of arsenicthiourea solution lm-nd 1.0mL Yu 10mL capacity bottle in the, respectively added hydrochloride (1+1) solution 4mL, Potassium iodidespectively accurate draw 1 μ g/mL three price arsenic (As3+) standard using liquid 0, and 0.05, and 0.1, and 0.25, and 0.5, aes: rent: 40mA; Atomic of device height: 9mm; contains air speed 33.3 standard series inorganic arsenic determination standard seriference operation conditions photoelectric doubled tube (PMT) negative high pressure: 340V; arsenic hollow cathode lamp currenstrument redrops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume and mix, determination of inorganic arsenic in samples. Reagent blank at once. 33.2 i 21 ,1,监考员要求考生立即停止答卷。 ,2,考生将答题卡?、试卷?、试卷?、草稿纸按从上至下17:30 的顺序整理好放在桌上~考生仍坐在原座位不得离开。 15 (发出考试 ,3,监考员甲在讲台前继续场内监考~并看管答题卡?和提结束信号 )前交卷考生的答题卡?、试卷?、试卷?及草稿纸~监考员乙 逐一检查、核对考生所填写的姓名和准考证号是否准确~试卷 页码是否完整~同时收取答题卡?、试卷?、试卷?、草稿纸。 ,1,监考员认真复核应考、实考、缺考人数~检查清点所有考 生的答题卡?、答题卡?、试卷?、试卷?、草稿纸是否齐全。 核对无误后宣布:“请大家起立退场。”考生起立~依次退出考场。 ,2,监考员按规定将答题卡清点、整理、排序、装袋,将试收卷 卷装袋,整理好草稿纸~并注明考场、考试时间、监考员姓名核查 等。 、 ,3,监考员再次核对答题卡袋封面要求填写的内容、考场记录整理 等。 考场 ,4,按要求如实填写《考场情况记录表》。 本场 16 考试 ,5,监考员清理考场~检查课桌抽屉~关好门窗~封闭考场~ 以便下场考试使用。 结束 两名监考员同行~由考场直入考点考务室~将答题卡袋、试卷 袋、考场记录、草稿纸、金属探测器等交考点主任检查。试卷 和草稿纸清点无误后一并装入试卷袋密封。答题卡由监考员按移交 规定进行整理:先将答题卡的三角缺口对齐~再将《考场情况 记录表》放在答题卡的最上面~贴有条形码的区域先装入塑料试卷 袋~将塑料袋口折叠~然后再装进答题卡袋~并保持答题卡上 的三角缺口与答题卡袋上的三角形标志重叠。答题卡袋经考点 主任验收合格~由监考员当面进行密封并交考点主任签字后~ 监考员方可离开。 三、外语考试实施程序 ,1,所有工作人员佩戴规定工作胸牌~到考点考务室集中~工作 接受考点主任指示和工作安排。 14:20 人员 集中 ,2,甲、乙监考员凭有效身份证件共同签名领取试卷、答题1 (开考前、 卡、金属探测器及考试所需物品~检查、清点、核对无误后按40分钟) 领取 考点设臵的“封闭式”专用通道~在场外监考员统一护送下~试卷 同行直入考场。 ent.lution absorption Hou, formed red rubber State real, and standard series compared quantitative. 36 36.1 hydrochloride of reaglt soe price arsenic, then and zinc grain and acid produced of new ecological hydrogen generated arsenic of hydrogen, by silver sa water bath heating Hou, inorganic arsenic to chloride of form was extraction, by Ki, and chloride Asia Tin restore for thre? solution in the, by 70solid sample: F=10mLx25mL/4mL; Liquid sample: F=10mL. II, and silver salt method 35 principle sample in 6m01/L hydrochloride --mass or volume of the sample, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g); F--ams per millilitre (ng/ml); Mreagent blank concentrations, measured in nanogr--containing (As3+) concentration of 0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0ng/mL]d C2-thiourea solution lmL, 8 drops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume [the equivalent of arsenic-(1+1) solution 4mL, Potassium iodide loriderd using liquid 0, and 0.05, and 0.1, and 0.25, and 0.5, and 1.0mL Yu 10mL capacity bottle in the, respectively added hydrochseries inorganic arsenic determination standard series: respectively accurate draw 1 μ g/mL three price arsenic (As3+) standandard ive high pressure: 340V; arsenic hollow cathode lamp current: 40mA; Atomic of device height: 9mm; contains air speed 33.3 staenic in samples. Reagent blank at once. 33.2 instrument reference operation conditions photoelectric doubled tube (PMT) negatdrops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume and mix, determination of inorganic ars 22 ,1,考生凭准考证及身份证经监考员同意后~有秩序地进入 考场。 考生 进入,2,考生进场时~监考员甲首先提醒考生将禁带物品放在考14:30 考场、场外的“物品摆放处”~维持考场秩序~并负责看管试卷和答 2 对考题卡~监考员乙用金属探测器按照《金属探测器使用规范》对(开考前生进考生进行检查。检查完毕~考生对号入座。 30分钟) 行检 ,3,监考员提醒考生将准考证及身份证放在课桌靠走道一侧查 上角~以便查验。 禁止,1,开考前15分钟起~禁止迟到考生入场。 考生 入场、 ,2,监考员检查并启封答题卡袋~检查答题卡印刷是否有歪监考斜、空白、污损等情况。 14:45 员发 ,3,监考员分发答题卡和草稿纸。 放答3 (开考前题卡 ,4,指导考生填写答题卡上的姓名及准考证号。提醒考生检 15分钟) 、草 查所得A、B卡类型是否与自己应持卡一致。 稿纸 ,5,监考员开始粘贴到考考生答题卡条形码~以及本考场《考、贴 场情况记录表》、答题卡袋条形码。同时~将缺考考生的条形条形 码粘贴在《考场情况记录表》上规定区域内。 码等 ,1,开始播放试听部分~待广播中出现“试音到此结束”时 立即停止播放~不要将磁带倒回开头处。待得到听力考试正式 开始信号时继续播放。 播放 ,2,监考员当众启封试卷袋,与播放试听同步进行,~并逐份14:50 试听、 核对、检查。 监考4 (开考前员启,3,若发现试卷数量不符、错装、漏印、重印、错印等~立 10分钟) 封试即通过场外监考员或巡视员报告考点主任~按《高考考场偶发卷袋 事件处理办法》处理~保证考试正常实施。 ,4,监考员在检查核对试卷完毕后~在黑板上写上:本场考 试科目为××~试卷共××页以及考试起止时间字样。 ,1,监考员分发试卷。 ,2,监考员指导考生检查试卷是否齐全,试卷科目与本场开 考科目是否一致,试卷页码是否完整,试卷是否有空白、污损、14:55 监考漏印或字迹不清等。 员分5 ,3,监考员指导考生检查试卷无误后~告知考生在试卷规定(开考前发试 的位臵填写自已的姓名和准考证号。 5分钟) 卷 ,4,监考员提醒考生作答选择题时~一律用2B铅笔按照答题 卡上的填涂示例将对应选项涂满、涂黑,作答非选择题时~要 用0.5毫米黑色墨水的签字笔在指定区域内作答。 tandard series compared quantitative. 36 36.1 hydrochloride of reagent.and snew ecological hydrogen generated arsenic of hydrogen, by silver salt solution absorption Hou, formed red rubber State real, f form was extraction, by Ki, and chloride Asia Tin restore for three price arsenic, then and zinc grain and acid produced of water bath heating Hou, inorganic arsenic to chloride o?solution in the, by 70 solid sample: F=10mLx25mL/4mL; Liquid sample: F=10mL. II, and silver salt method 35 principle sample in 6m01/L hydrochloride --e, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g); Fmass or volume of the sampl--reagent blank concentrations, measured in nanograms per millilitre (ng/ml); M--containing (As3+) concentration of 0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0ng/mL]d C2-L, 8 drops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume [the equivalent of arsenicthiourea solution lm-nd 1.0mL Yu 10mL capacity bottle in the, respectively added hydrochloride (1+1) solution 4mL, Potassium iodidespectively accurate draw 1 μ g/mL three price arsenic (As3+) standard using liquid 0, and 0.05, and 0.1, and 0.25, and 0.5, aes: rent: 40mA; Atomic of device height: 9mm; contains air speed 33.3 standard series inorganic arsenic determination standard seriference operation conditions photoelectric doubled tube (PMT) negative high pressure: 340V; arsenic hollow cathode lamp currenstrument redrops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume and mix, determination of inorganic arsenic in samples. Reagent blank at once. 33.2 i 23 ,1,监考员一前一后进行场内监考~要注意听力播放情况~ 并保持整个考场的安静~原则上不得在考场内走动。发现问题 按《高考考场偶发事件处理办法》处理。 15:00 听力 ,2,听力部分结束时~将会有“听力部分到此结束”的提示6 (发出开语播出。听力部分结束后~考生可以开始作答非听力考试部分考试 考信号) 的试题。 ,3,在听力考试期间~巡视员和其他人员应尽量减少在考场 外的走动~无特殊情况不能进入考场。 ,1,监考员甲在前面监考~监考员乙持考场座次表~逐个认 真核对如下内容: ?考生本人与准考证、身份证上的照片是否相符, 监考?座位标签与准考证上的姓名、准考证号是否一致, 15:20 员检?考生在答题卡,小语种为答题纸,上填写的姓名和准考 查相证号与所持准考证上相应内容是否一致。 (开考20关内7 分钟~听容~缺,2,监考员用0.7毫米黑色墨水的签字笔分别在缺考考生试力考试考、空卷、答题卡和尾考场的空白试卷、空白答题卡左上角空白处注结束后) 考处明“缺考”或“空白”字样~并在缺考考生答题卡上填写缺考 理 考生姓名和准考证号。 ,3,监考员按规定填写试卷袋、答题卡袋封面的内容、考场 记录等。 ,1,监考员应一前,讲台,一后分立考场前后~以便从各个 角度巡查考场秩序~监督考生按规定答卷。 ,2,对于试卷、答题卡印刷中出现的问题~按《高考考场偶8 考试期间 发事件处理办法》相关条款进行处理。 ,3,制止考生违规行为~并按《高考违规行为处理办法》相 关条款进行处理。 提醒监考员当众宣布:“请考生注意~本场考试还有30分钟结束~ 考生 未将试题答案填写在答题卡上的~请抓紧时间填写。” 16:30 ,1,考生可以提前交卷出场。 9 (考试结允许,2,监考员认真核对、检查提前交卷考生的答题卡、试卷、束前30考生草稿纸是否齐全。 分钟) 交卷 ,3,提前交卷考生的答题卡、试卷、草稿纸由监考员核对、 检查、收齐~并负责看管~以确保其安全。 16:45 监考员当众宣布:“请考生注意~本场考试还有15分钟结束~ 10 (考试结束 未将试题答案填写在答题卡上的~请抓紧时间填写。从现在起~前15分钟 )考生停止提前交卷。” ent.lution absorption Hou, formed red rubber State real, and standard series compared quantitative. 36 36.1 hydrochloride of reaglt soe price arsenic, then and zinc grain and acid produced of new ecological hydrogen generated arsenic of hydrogen, by silver sa water bath heating Hou, inorganic arsenic to chloride of form was extraction, by Ki, and chloride Asia Tin restore for thre? solution in the, by 70solid sample: F=10mLx25mL/4mL; Liquid sample: F=10mL. II, and silver salt method 35 principle sample in 6m01/L hydrochloride --mass or volume of the sample, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g); F--ams per millilitre (ng/ml); Mreagent blank concentrations, measured in nanogr--containing (As3+) concentration of 0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0ng/mL]d C2-thiourea solution lmL, 8 drops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume [the equivalent of arsenic-(1+1) solution 4mL, Potassium iodide loriderd using liquid 0, and 0.05, and 0.1, and 0.25, and 0.5, and 1.0mL Yu 10mL capacity bottle in the, respectively added hydrochseries inorganic arsenic determination standard series: respectively accurate draw 1 μ g/mL three price arsenic (As3+) standandard ive high pressure: 340V; arsenic hollow cathode lamp current: 40mA; Atomic of device height: 9mm; contains air speed 33.3 staenic in samples. Reagent blank at once. 33.2 instrument reference operation conditions photoelectric doubled tube (PMT) negatdrops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume and mix, determination of inorganic ars 24 ,1,监考员要求考生立即停止答卷。 ,2,考生将答题卡、试卷、草稿纸按从上至下的顺序整理好17:00 放在桌上~考生仍坐在原座位不得离开。 11 (发出考试 ,3,监考员甲在讲台前继续场内监考~并看管提前交卷考生结束信号 )的答题卡、试卷和草稿纸~监考员乙逐一检查、核对考生所填 写的姓名和准考证号是否准确~试卷页码是否完整~同时收取 答题卡、试卷、草稿纸。 ,1,监考员认真复核应考、实考、缺考人数~检查清点所有 考生的答题卡、试卷、草稿纸是否齐全。核对无误后宣布:“请 大家起立退场。”考生起立~依次退出考场。 ,2,监考员按规定将答题卡清点、整理、排序、装袋,将试收卷 卷装袋,整理好草稿纸~并注明考场、考试时间、监考员姓名核查 等。 、 ,3,监考员再次核对答题卡袋封面要求填写的内容、考场记整理 录等。 考场 本场 ,4,按要求如实填写《考场情况记录表》。 ,5,监考员清理考场~检查课桌抽屉~关好门窗~封闭考场~12 考试 以便下场考试使用。 结束 两名监考员同行~由考场直入考点考务室~将答题卡袋、试卷 袋、考场记录、草稿纸、金属探测器等交考点主任检查。试卷 和草稿纸清点无误后一并装入试卷袋密封。答题卡由监考员按 移交 规定进行整理:先将答题卡的三角缺口对齐~再将《考场情况 记录表》放在答题卡的最上面~贴有条形码的区域先装入塑料 试卷 袋~将塑料袋口折叠~然后再装进答题卡袋~并保持答题卡上 的三角缺口与答题卡袋上的三角形标志重叠。答题卡袋经考点 主任验收合格~由监考员当面进行密封并交考点主任签字后~ 监考员方可离开。 四、物理、历史考试实施程序 ,1,所有工作人员佩戴规定工作胸牌~到考点考务室集中~工作 8:25 人员 接受考点主任指示和工作安排。 集中 ,2,甲、乙监考员凭有效身份证件共同签名领取试卷、答题1 、 (开考前卡、金属探测器及考试所需物品~检查、清点、核对无误后按领取 35分钟) 考点设臵的“封闭式”专用通道~在场外监考员统一护送下~试卷 同行直入考场。 tandard series compared quantitative. 36 36.1 hydrochloride of reagent.and snew ecological hydrogen generated arsenic of hydrogen, by silver salt solution absorption Hou, formed red rubber State real, f form was extraction, by Ki, and chloride Asia Tin restore for three price arsenic, then and zinc grain and acid produced of water bath heating Hou, inorganic arsenic to chloride o?solution in the, by 70 solid sample: F=10mLx25mL/4mL; Liquid sample: F=10mL. II, and silver salt method 35 principle sample in 6m01/L hydrochloride --e, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g); Fmass or volume of the sampl--reagent blank concentrations, measured in nanograms per millilitre (ng/ml); M--containing (As3+) concentration of 0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0ng/mL]d C2-L, 8 drops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume [the equivalent of arsenicthiourea solution lm-nd 1.0mL Yu 10mL capacity bottle in the, respectively added hydrochloride (1+1) solution 4mL, Potassium iodidespectively accurate draw 1 μ g/mL three price arsenic (As3+) standard using liquid 0, and 0.05, and 0.1, and 0.25, and 0.5, aes: rent: 40mA; Atomic of device height: 9mm; contains air speed 33.3 standard series inorganic arsenic determination standard seriference operation conditions photoelectric doubled tube (PMT) negative high pressure: 340V; arsenic hollow cathode lamp currenstrument redrops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume and mix, determination of inorganic arsenic in samples. Reagent blank at once. 33.2 i 25 ,1,考生凭准考证及身份证经监考员同意后~有秩序地进入 考生考场。 进入8:35 ,2,考生进场时~监考员甲首先提醒考生将禁带物品放在考考场、 场外的“物品摆放处”~维持考场秩序~并负责看管试卷和答2 对考(开考前题卡~监考员乙用金属探测器按照《金属探测器使用规范》对生进25分钟) 考生进行检查。检查完毕~考生对号入座。 行检 ,3,监考员提醒考生将准考证及身份证放在课桌靠走道一侧查 上角~以便查验。 ,1,监考员检查并启封答题卡袋~检查答题卡印刷是否有歪监考 斜、空白、污损等情况。 员发 8:45 放答,2,监考员分发答题卡和草稿纸。 题卡 3 (开考前、草稿,3,指导考生填写答题卡上的姓名及准考证号。提醒考生检15分钟) 纸、贴查所得A、B卡类型是否与自己应持卡一致。 条形,4,监考员开始粘贴到考考生答题卡条形码~以及本考场《考 码等 场情况记录表》、答题卡袋条形码。 ,1,监考员当众启封试卷袋~并逐份核对、检查。 8:50 监考,2,若发现试卷数量不符、错装、漏印、重印、错印等~立 员启即通过场外监考员或巡视员报告考点主任~按《高考考场偶发4 事件处理办法》处理~保证考试正常实施。 (开考前封试 10分钟) 卷袋 ,3,监考员在检查核对试卷完毕后~在黑板上写上:本场考 试科目为××~试卷共××页以及考试起止时间字样。 ,1,监考员分发试卷。 ,2,监考员指导考生检查试卷是否齐全,试卷科目与本场开 考科目是否一致,试卷页码是否完整,试卷是否有空白、污损、 漏印或字迹不清等。 8:55 监考 ,3,监考员指导考生检查试卷无误后~告知考生在试卷规定员分 5 的位臵填写自已的姓名和准考证号。 发试(开考前 5分钟) 卷 ,4,监考员提醒考生作答选择题时~一律用2B铅笔按照答题 卡上的填涂示例将对应选项涂满、涂黑,作答非选择题时~要 用0.5毫米黑色墨水的签字笔在指定区域内作答,作图时~用 2B铅笔绘、写清楚~线条及符号必须加黑、加粗~否则答题无 效。 监考员甲在前面监考~监考员乙持考场座次表~逐个认真监考9:00 核对如下内容: 员检 ?考生本人与准考证、身份证上的照片是否相符, 6 查相?座位标签与准考证上的姓名、准考证号是否一致, (发出开关内?考生在答题卡上填写的姓名和准考证号与所持准考证考信号) 容 上相应内容是否一致。 ent.lution absorption Hou, formed red rubber State real, and standard series compared quantitative. 36 36.1 hydrochloride of reaglt soe price arsenic, then and zinc grain and acid produced of new ecological hydrogen generated arsenic of hydrogen, by silver sa water bath heating Hou, inorganic arsenic to chloride of form was extraction, by Ki, and chloride Asia Tin restore for thre? solution in the, by 70solid sample: F=10mLx25mL/4mL; Liquid sample: F=10mL. II, and silver salt method 35 principle sample in 6m01/L hydrochloride --mass or volume of the sample, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g); F--ams per millilitre (ng/ml); Mreagent blank concentrations, measured in nanogr--containing (As3+) concentration of 0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0ng/mL]d C2-thiourea solution lmL, 8 drops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume [the equivalent of arsenic-(1+1) solution 4mL, Potassium iodide loriderd using liquid 0, and 0.05, and 0.1, and 0.25, and 0.5, and 1.0mL Yu 10mL capacity bottle in the, respectively added hydrochseries inorganic arsenic determination standard series: respectively accurate draw 1 μ g/mL three price arsenic (As3+) standandard ive high pressure: 340V; arsenic hollow cathode lamp current: 40mA; Atomic of device height: 9mm; contains air speed 33.3 staenic in samples. Reagent blank at once. 33.2 instrument reference operation conditions photoelectric doubled tube (PMT) negatdrops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume and mix, determination of inorganic ars 26 ,1,开考15分钟后~迟到考生不得入场。 禁止,2,监考员用0.7毫米黑色墨水的签字笔分别在缺考考生试考生 9:15 卷、答题卡和尾考场的空白试卷、空白答题卡左上角空白处注入场~ 明“缺考”或“空白”字样~并对缺考考生做下述处理:?在7 (开考15 缺考、缺考答题卡上填写缺考考生姓名和准考证号,?将缺考考生的分钟) 空考条形码粘贴在《考场情况记录表》上规定区域内。 处理 ,3,监考员按规定填写试卷袋、答题卡袋封面的内容、考场 记录等。 ,1,监考员应一前,讲台,一后分立考场前后~以便从各个 角度巡查考场秩序~监督考生按规定答卷。 ,2,对于试卷、答题卡印刷中出现的问题~按《高考考场偶8 考试期间 发事件处理办法》相关条款进行处理。 ,3,制止考生违规行为~并按《高考违规行为处理办法》相 关条款进行处理。 ,1,考生可以提前交卷出场。 10:10 允许,2,监考员认真核对、检查提前交卷考生的答题卡、试卷、9 (考试结考生草稿纸是否齐全。 束前30交卷 ,3,提前交卷考生的答题卡、试卷、草稿纸由监考员核对、分钟起) 检查、收齐~并负责看管~以确保其安全。 10:25 监考员当众宣布:“请考生注意~本场考试还有15分钟结束~ 10 未将试题答案填写在答题卡上的~请抓紧时间填写。从现在起~(考试结束 考生停止提前交卷。” 前15分钟 ) ,1,监考员要求考生立即停止答卷。 ,2,考生将答题卡、试卷、草稿纸按从上至下的顺序整理好10:40 放在桌上~考生仍坐在原座位不得离开。 11 (发出考试 ,3,监考员甲在讲台前继续场内监考~并看管提前交卷考生结束信号) 的答题卡、试卷和草稿纸~监考员乙逐一检查、核对考生所填 写的姓名和准考证号是否准确~试卷页码是否完整~同时收取 答题卡、试卷、草稿纸。 ,1,监考员认真复核应考、实考、缺考人数~检查清点所有本场 收卷 考生的答题卡、试卷、草稿纸是否齐全。核对无误后宣布:“请 核查 大家起立退场。”考生起立~依次退出考场。 12 考试 、 ,2,监考员按规定将答题卡清点、整理、排序、装袋,将试 整理 卷装袋,整理好草稿纸~并注明考场、考试时间、监考员姓名结束 考场 等。 tandard series compared quantitative. 36 36.1 hydrochloride of reagent.and snew ecological hydrogen generated arsenic of hydrogen, by silver salt solution absorption Hou, formed red rubber State real, f form was extraction, by Ki, and chloride Asia Tin restore for three price arsenic, then and zinc grain and acid produced of water bath heating Hou, inorganic arsenic to chloride o?solution in the, by 70 solid sample: F=10mLx25mL/4mL; Liquid sample: F=10mL. II, and silver salt method 35 principle sample in 6m01/L hydrochloride --e, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g); Fmass or volume of the sampl--reagent blank concentrations, measured in nanograms per millilitre (ng/ml); M--containing (As3+) concentration of 0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0ng/mL]d C2-L, 8 drops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume [the equivalent of arsenicthiourea solution lm-nd 1.0mL Yu 10mL capacity bottle in the, respectively added hydrochloride (1+1) solution 4mL, Potassium iodidespectively accurate draw 1 μ g/mL three price arsenic (As3+) standard using liquid 0, and 0.05, and 0.1, and 0.25, and 0.5, aes: rent: 40mA; Atomic of device height: 9mm; contains air speed 33.3 standard series inorganic arsenic determination standard seriference operation conditions photoelectric doubled tube (PMT) negative high pressure: 340V; arsenic hollow cathode lamp currenstrument redrops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume and mix, determination of inorganic arsenic in samples. Reagent blank at once. 33.2 i 27 ,3,监考员再次核对答题卡袋封面要求填写的内容、考场记录 等。 ,4,按要求如实填写《考场情况记录表》。 ,5,监考员清理考场~检查课桌抽屉~关好门窗~封闭考场~ 以便下场考试使用。 两名监考员同行~由考场直入考点考务室~将答题卡袋、试卷 袋、考场记录、草稿纸、金属探测器等交考点主任检查。试卷 和草稿纸清点无误后一并装入试卷袋密封。答题卡由监考员按 移交 规定进行整理:先将答题卡的三角缺口对齐~再将《考场情况 记录表》放在答题卡的最上面~贴有条形码的区域先装入塑料 试卷 袋~将塑料袋口折叠~然后再装进答题卡袋~并保持答题卡上 的三角缺口与答题卡袋上的三角形标志重叠。答题卡袋经考点 主任验收合格~由监考员当面进行密封并交考点主任签字后~ 监考员方可离开。 五、政治、地理、化学、生物考试实施程序 ,1,所有工作人员佩戴规定工作胸牌~到考点考务室集中~工作 接受考点主任指示和工作安排。 14:25 人员 集中 ,2,甲、乙监考员凭有效身份证件共同签名领取试卷、答题1 (开考前、 卡、金属探测器及考试所需物品~检查、清点、核对无误后按35分钟) 领取 考点设臵的“封闭式”专用通道~在场外监考员统一护送下~试卷 同行直入考场。 ,1,考生凭准考证及身份证经监考员同意后~有秩序地进入 考场。 考生 进入,2,考生进场时~监考员甲首先提醒考生将禁带物品放在考14:35 考场、场外的“物品摆放处”~维持考场秩序~并负责看管试卷和答 2 对考题卡~监考员乙用金属探测器按照《金属探测器使用规范》对(开考前生进考生进行检查。检查完毕~考生对号入座。 25分钟) 行检 ,3,监考员提醒考生将准考证及身份证放在课桌靠走道一侧查 上角~以便查验。 ,1,监考员检查并启封答题卡袋~检查答题卡印刷是否有歪监考斜、空白、污损等情况。 员发 14:45 放答,2,监考员分发答题卡和草稿纸。 题卡 3 (开考前、草稿,3,指导考生填写答题卡上的姓名及准考证号。提醒考生检 15分钟) 纸、贴查所得A、B卡类型是否与自己应持卡一致。 条形 ,4,监考员开始粘贴到考考生答题卡条形码~以及本考场《考码等 场情况记录表》、答题卡袋条形码。 ent.lution absorption Hou, formed red rubber State real, and standard series compared quantitative. 36 36.1 hydrochloride of reaglt soe price arsenic, then and zinc grain and acid produced of new ecological hydrogen generated arsenic of hydrogen, by silver sa water bath heating Hou, inorganic arsenic to chloride of form was extraction, by Ki, and chloride Asia Tin restore for thre? solution in the, by 70solid sample: F=10mLx25mL/4mL; Liquid sample: F=10mL. II, and silver salt method 35 principle sample in 6m01/L hydrochloride --mass or volume of the sample, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g); F--ams per millilitre (ng/ml); Mreagent blank concentrations, measured in nanogr--containing (As3+) concentration of 0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0ng/mL]d C2-thiourea solution lmL, 8 drops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume [the equivalent of arsenic-(1+1) solution 4mL, Potassium iodide loriderd using liquid 0, and 0.05, and 0.1, and 0.25, and 0.5, and 1.0mL Yu 10mL capacity bottle in the, respectively added hydrochseries inorganic arsenic determination standard series: respectively accurate draw 1 μ g/mL three price arsenic (As3+) standandard ive high pressure: 340V; arsenic hollow cathode lamp current: 40mA; Atomic of device height: 9mm; contains air speed 33.3 staenic in samples. Reagent blank at once. 33.2 instrument reference operation conditions photoelectric doubled tube (PMT) negatdrops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume and mix, determination of inorganic ars 28 ,1,监考员当众启封试卷袋~并逐份核对、检查。 监考14:50 ,2,若发现试卷数量不符、错装、漏印、重印、错印等~立员启 4 即通过场外监考员或巡视员报告考点主任~按《高考考场偶发(开考前封试事件处理办法》处理~保证考试正常实施。 10分钟) 卷袋 ,3,监考员在检查核对试卷完毕后~在黑板上写上:本场考 试科目为××~试卷共××页以及考试起止时间字样。 ,1,监考员分发试卷。 ,2,监考员指导考生检查试卷是否齐全,试卷科目与本场开 考科目是否一致,试卷页码是否完整,试卷是否有空白、污损、 漏印或字迹不清等。 14:55 监考 员分,3,监考员指导考生检查试卷无误后~告知考生在试卷规定5 (开考前发试的位臵填写自已的姓名和准考证号。 5分钟) 卷 ,4,监考员提醒考生作答选择题时~一律用2B铅笔按照答题卡 上的填涂示例将对应选项涂满、涂黑,作答非选择题时~要用0.5 毫米黑色墨水的签字笔在指定区域内作答,作图时~用2B铅笔 绘、写清楚~线条及符号必须加黑、加粗~否则答题无效。 监考员甲在前面监考~监考员乙持考场座次表~逐个认真监考15:00 核对如下内容: 员检 ?考生本人与准考证、身份证上的照片是否相符, 6 查相(发出开?座位标签与准考证上的姓名、准考证号是否一致, 关内考信号)?考生在答题卡上填写的姓名和准考证号与所持准考证 容 上相应内容是否一致。 ,1,开考15分钟后~迟到考生不得入场。 禁止,2, 监考员用0.7毫米黑色墨水的签字笔分别在缺考考生试15:15 考生 卷、答题卡和尾考场的空白试卷、空白答题卡左上角空白处注 入场~明“缺考”或“空白”字样~并对缺考考生做下述处理:?在7 缺考、(开考15缺考答题卡上填写缺考考生姓名和准考证号,?将缺考考生的分钟) 空考条形码粘贴在《考场情况记录表》上规定区域内。 处理 ,3,监考员按规定填写试卷袋、答题卡袋封面的内容、考场 记录等。 ,1,监考员应一前,讲台,一后分立考场前后~以便从各个 角度巡查考场秩序~监督考生按规定答卷。 ,2,对于试卷、答题卡印刷中出现的问题~按《高考考场偶 8 考试期间 发事件处理办法》相关条款进行处理。 ,3,制止考生违规行为~并按《高考违规行为处理办法》相 关条款进行处理。 tandard series compared quantitative. 36 36.1 hydrochloride of reagent.and snew ecological hydrogen generated arsenic of hydrogen, by silver salt solution absorption Hou, formed red rubber State real, f form was extraction, by Ki, and chloride Asia Tin restore for three price arsenic, then and zinc grain and acid produced of water bath heating Hou, inorganic arsenic to chloride o?solution in the, by 70 solid sample: F=10mLx25mL/4mL; Liquid sample: F=10mL. II, and silver salt method 35 principle sample in 6m01/L hydrochloride --e, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g); Fmass or volume of the sampl--reagent blank concentrations, measured in nanograms per millilitre (ng/ml); M--containing (As3+) concentration of 0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0ng/mL]d C2-L, 8 drops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume [the equivalent of arsenicthiourea solution lm-nd 1.0mL Yu 10mL capacity bottle in the, respectively added hydrochloride (1+1) solution 4mL, Potassium iodidespectively accurate draw 1 μ g/mL three price arsenic (As3+) standard using liquid 0, and 0.05, and 0.1, and 0.25, and 0.5, aes: rent: 40mA; Atomic of device height: 9mm; contains air speed 33.3 standard series inorganic arsenic determination standard seriference operation conditions photoelectric doubled tube (PMT) negative high pressure: 340V; arsenic hollow cathode lamp currenstrument redrops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume and mix, determination of inorganic arsenic in samples. Reagent blank at once. 33.2 i 29 ,1,考生可以提前交卷出场。 16:10 允许(考试结,2,监考员认真核对、检查提前交卷考生的答题卡、试卷、9 考生束前30草稿纸是否齐全。 交卷 分钟起) ,3,提前交卷考生的答题卡、试卷、草稿纸由监考员核对、 检查、收齐~并负责看管~以确保其安全。 16:25 监考员当众宣布:“请考生注意~本场考试还有15分钟结束~ 10 (考试结束 未将试题答案填写在答题卡上的~请抓紧时间填写。从现在起~前15分钟 )考生停止提前交卷。” ,1,监考员要求考生立即停止答卷。 ,2,考生将答题卡、试卷、草稿纸按从上至下的顺序整理好16:40 放在桌上~考生仍坐在原座位不得离开。 11 (发出考试 ,3,监考员甲在讲台前继续场内监考~并看管提前交卷考生结束信号 )的答题卡、试卷和草稿纸~监考员乙逐一检查、核对考生所填 写的姓名和准考证号是否准确~试卷页码是否完整~同时收取 答题卡、试卷、草稿纸。 ,1,监考员认真复核应考、实考、缺考人数~检查清点所有 考生的答题卡、试卷、草稿纸是否齐全。核对无误后宣布:“请 大家起立退场。”考生起立~依次退出考场。 ,2,监考员按规定将答题卡清点、整理、排序、装袋,将试卷收卷 装袋,整理好草稿纸~并注明考场、考试时间、监考员姓名等。 核查 、 ,3,监考员再次核对答题卡袋封面要求填写的内容、考场记 整理录等。 考场 ,4,按要求如实填写《考场情况记录表》。 本场 ,5,监考员清理考场~检查课桌抽屉~关好门窗~封闭考场~12 考试 以便下场考试使用。 结束 两名监考员同行~由考场直入考点考务室~将答题卡袋、试卷 袋、考场记录、草稿纸、金属探测器等交考点主任检查。试卷 和草稿纸清点无误后一并装入试卷袋密封。答题卡由监考员按 移交 规定进行整理:先将答题卡的三角缺口对齐~再将《考场情况 记录表》放在答题卡的最上面~贴有条形码的区域先装入塑料 试卷 袋~将塑料袋口折叠~然后再装进答题卡袋~并保持答题卡上 的三角缺口与答题卡袋上的三角形标志重叠。答题卡袋经考点 主任验收合格~由监考员当面进行密封并交考点主任签字后~ 监考员方可离开。 ent.lution absorption Hou, formed red rubber State real, and standard series compared quantitative. 36 36.1 hydrochloride of reaglt soe price arsenic, then and zinc grain and acid produced of new ecological hydrogen generated arsenic of hydrogen, by silver sa water bath heating Hou, inorganic arsenic to chloride of form was extraction, by Ki, and chloride Asia Tin restore for thre? solution in the, by 70solid sample: F=10mLx25mL/4mL; Liquid sample: F=10mL. II, and silver salt method 35 principle sample in 6m01/L hydrochloride --mass or volume of the sample, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g); F--ams per millilitre (ng/ml); Mreagent blank concentrations, measured in nanogr--containing (As3+) concentration of 0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0ng/mL]d C2-thiourea solution lmL, 8 drops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume [the equivalent of arsenic-(1+1) solution 4mL, Potassium iodide loriderd using liquid 0, and 0.05, and 0.1, and 0.25, and 0.5, and 1.0mL Yu 10mL capacity bottle in the, respectively added hydrochseries inorganic arsenic determination standard series: respectively accurate draw 1 μ g/mL three price arsenic (As3+) standandard ive high pressure: 340V; arsenic hollow cathode lamp current: 40mA; Atomic of device height: 9mm; contains air speed 33.3 staenic in samples. Reagent blank at once. 33.2 instrument reference operation conditions photoelectric doubled tube (PMT) negatdrops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume and mix, determination of inorganic ars 30 高考考场偶发事件处理办法 处 理 办 法 偶 发 事 件 监 考 员 考点主任,或副主任, 1(考生无意携带了具考生将禁带物品关闭电有发送或者接收信息源后交送考人员或放至功能的设备,手机、考场外的“物品摆放 一、 小灵通、对讲机等,处”。考试结束后~考生及电子存储记忆录放考 自行取走。 设备。 生 进 2(使用金属探测器检场 按,1,处理后~对考生查考生时~发现考生 再次进行检查。 时 携带了禁带物品。 ,1-3, 3(考生拒不配合检阻止考生进入考场~立如有必要~可请公安人员协查~拒绝出示检查中即通过场外监考员或巡助进行检查。 发现的金属物品。 视员报告考点主任。 如系考生忘记携带~通知考 二、 生所在中学领队~要求其在 本科目考试结束前或在下查 先验证考生相貌~若与 一科目开考前送到,如系准考场座次表上的照片相验 4.考生忘记携带或遗考证丢失~由市、县,市、符~可先安排考生进场 证 失准考证、身份证。 区,招办核实后办理补发,应考~同时报告考点主 如系身份证遗失~必须由公任或副主任。 件 安部门出具带照片的身份,4-6, 证明。否则~不得参加下一 场考试。 tandard series compared quantitative. 36 36.1 hydrochloride of reagent.and snew ecological hydrogen generated arsenic of hydrogen, by silver salt solution absorption Hou, formed red rubber State real, f form was extraction, by Ki, and chloride Asia Tin restore for three price arsenic, then and zinc grain and acid produced of water bath heating Hou, inorganic arsenic to chloride o?solution in the, by 70 solid sample: F=10mLx25mL/4mL; Liquid sample: F=10mL. II, and silver salt method 35 principle sample in 6m01/L hydrochloride --e, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g); Fmass or volume of the sampl--reagent blank concentrations, measured in nanograms per millilitre (ng/ml); M--containing (As3+) concentration of 0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0ng/mL]d C2-L, 8 drops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume [the equivalent of arsenicthiourea solution lm-nd 1.0mL Yu 10mL capacity bottle in the, respectively added hydrochloride (1+1) solution 4mL, Potassium iodidespectively accurate draw 1 μ g/mL three price arsenic (As3+) standard using liquid 0, and 0.05, and 0.1, and 0.25, and 0.5, aes: rent: 40mA; Atomic of device height: 9mm; contains air speed 33.3 standard series inorganic arsenic determination standard seriference operation conditions photoelectric doubled tube (PMT) negative high pressure: 340V; arsenic hollow cathode lamp currenstrument redrops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume and mix, determination of inorganic arsenic in samples. Reagent blank at once. 33.2 i 31 稳定重号考生情绪~立安排考生进场应考~责成有 即通过场外监考员或巡关人员迅速查明重号考生5.考生准考证重号。 视员报告考点主任或副确切的准考证号。 主任。 立即安排工作人员场外拍 在考生未进入考场前~摄考生照片~并会同考生所 禁止其入场,如果开考在中学领队核实情况。该科 后检查发现~立即通过目考试结束后进一步核查~ 场外监考员或巡视员将确系替考~要求考生写明情6.发现考生本人与准情况报告考点主任或副况并签字~取消其考试资考证、身份证或考场主任~待该科目考试结格~按考试作弊相关条款处座次表的照片不符。 束后~将该考生带到考理~并记录在册~报省教育 点办公室说明情况~听考试院,如仍无法确认~可 候处理~并记入《考场让考生写下自述~并签名按 情况记录表》。 手印~由市、县,市、区, 招办留存备查。 立即与保密室联系~将应考7.试卷或答题卡启封暂停拆封并立即通过场试卷送达考场。若延误考生前~发现试卷或答题外监考员或巡视员报告考试时间的~经请示省教育卡袋与考试时间和科考点主任或副主任~安考试院同意可补足延误时 三、 目不符。 排考生在考场等候。 间。 启 封 与监考员共同将异常情况试 8.试卷或答题卡启封暂停拆封~立即通过场在《考场情况记录表》相应 前~发现试卷或答题外监考员或巡视员报告栏目中注明~指示监考员启卷 卡袋口或密封有异常考点主任~按考点主任封分发试卷或答题卡~同时及 迹象。 指示处理。 查明原因~立即逐级上报至 省教育考试院。 答 题 如备用答题卡已启用~则换卡 继续清点、分发答题卡~取备用袋。否则~指示考务9. 启封答题卡后~将并立即通过场外监考员,7-12, 组将裁断内塞的舌头用胶答题卡袋内塞舌头裁或巡视员将情况向考点水补好,割开兜底的答题卡断~或从兜底割开答主任报告~同时记入《考袋~也可用较厚的包装纸补题卡袋。 场情况记录表》。 贴~但都须在补贴处贴封条 并加盖考点学校印章。 ent.lution absorption Hou, formed red rubber State real, and standard series compared quantitative. 36 36.1 hydrochloride of reaglt soe price arsenic, then and zinc grain and acid produced of new ecological hydrogen generated arsenic of hydrogen, by silver sa water bath heating Hou, inorganic arsenic to chloride of form was extraction, by Ki, and chloride Asia Tin restore for thre? solution in the, by 70solid sample: F=10mLx25mL/4mL; Liquid sample: F=10mL. II, and silver salt method 35 principle sample in 6m01/L hydrochloride --mass or volume of the sample, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g); F--ams per millilitre (ng/ml); Mreagent blank concentrations, measured in nanogr--containing (As3+) concentration of 0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0ng/mL]d C2-thiourea solution lmL, 8 drops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume [the equivalent of arsenic-(1+1) solution 4mL, Potassium iodide loriderd using liquid 0, and 0.05, and 0.1, and 0.25, and 0.5, and 1.0mL Yu 10mL capacity bottle in the, respectively added hydrochseries inorganic arsenic determination standard series: respectively accurate draw 1 μ g/mL three price arsenic (As3+) standandard ive high pressure: 340V; arsenic hollow cathode lamp current: 40mA; Atomic of device height: 9mm; contains air speed 33.3 staenic in samples. Reagent blank at once. 33.2 instrument reference operation conditions photoelectric doubled tube (PMT) negatdrops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume and mix, determination of inorganic ars 32 启用备用试卷或备用答题 卡,另派未接触错装科目试 卷或答题卡的机动监考员立即装入试卷袋或答题 接替原监考员工作,对原监卡袋内密封交考点主10(启封试卷或答题考员采取隔离措施~直至错任。通过场外监考员或卡后~发现内装试卷装试卷或答题卡的科目考巡视员向考点主任报或答题卡与所考科目完为止。同时报市、县,市、告~安排考生在考场等不符。 区,招办和省教育考试院。候。 若延误考生考试时间的~经 请示省教育考试院同意可 补足延误时间。 在本考场无空考、缺考 核实情况~由考点主任报本考生~试卷或答题卡无 11(启封试卷后~发考区高考工作领导小组考法调剂的情况下~通过 现有缺页、漏印、重务办公室批准~并会同副主场外监考员或巡视员向 印、损坏等无法使用任在《备用试卷、备用答题考点主任申请启用备用 的情况。答题卡启封卡启用审批表》上签字后启试卷或备用答题卡~同 后~答题卡上出现字用备用试卷或备用答题卡时填写《备用试卷、备 迹模糊、行列歪斜或补齐。若延误考生考试时间用答题卡启用审批表》~ 缺印等现象。 的~经请示省教育考试院同并记入《考场情况记录 意可补足延误时间。 表》。 12(启封后~发现部 处理办法同,10,。 处理办法同,10,。 分试卷或答题卡混 装、错装。 启用备用试卷或备用答题 四、 将这些试卷或答题卡收卡。将错发试卷或答题卡密齐密封交考点主任~通试 封存保密室~对接触错发试13(开考后~发现部过场外监考员或巡视员卷或答题卡人员立即隔离~题 分试卷或答题卡混申请启用备用试卷或备涉及的考生随后科目的考装、错装~与所考科印 用答题卡~填写《备用试须单独组织进行~直至失目不符。 试卷、备用答题卡启用制 密科目开考。同时报市、县审批表》~并记入《考场,市、区,招办和省教育考(13-16) 情况记录表》。 试院。 tandard series compared quantitative. 36 36.1 hydrochloride of reagent.and snew ecological hydrogen generated arsenic of hydrogen, by silver salt solution absorption Hou, formed red rubber State real, f form was extraction, by Ki, and chloride Asia Tin restore for three price arsenic, then and zinc grain and acid produced of water bath heating Hou, inorganic arsenic to chloride o?solution in the, by 70 solid sample: F=10mLx25mL/4mL; Liquid sample: F=10mL. II, and silver salt method 35 principle sample in 6m01/L hydrochloride --e, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g); Fmass or volume of the sampl--reagent blank concentrations, measured in nanograms per millilitre (ng/ml); M--containing (As3+) concentration of 0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0ng/mL]d C2-L, 8 drops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume [the equivalent of arsenicthiourea solution lm-nd 1.0mL Yu 10mL capacity bottle in the, respectively added hydrochloride (1+1) solution 4mL, Potassium iodidespectively accurate draw 1 μ g/mL three price arsenic (As3+) standard using liquid 0, and 0.05, and 0.1, and 0.25, and 0.5, aes: rent: 40mA; Atomic of device height: 9mm; contains air speed 33.3 standard series inorganic arsenic determination standard seriference operation conditions photoelectric doubled tube (PMT) negative high pressure: 340V; arsenic hollow cathode lamp currenstrument redrops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume and mix, determination of inorganic arsenic in samples. Reagent blank at once. 33.2 i 33 立即通过场外监考员或 巡视员报告考点主任~ 申请启用备用试卷或备 用答题卡~同时填写《备 用试卷、备用答题卡启 用审批表》~并记入《考核实情况~由考点主任报本 场情况记录表》。经考点考区高考工作领导小组考 主任会同考点副主任签14. 开考一段时间务办公室批准~并会同副主 字同意后启用备用试卷后~考生发现试卷或任在《备用试卷、备用答题 或备用答题卡~考生可答题卡出现第11条卡启用审批表》上签字后启 在备用答题卡上从第一所列现象或中途提出用备用试卷或备用答题卡。 张答题卡上出现问题的试卷缺页等。 若延误考生考试时间的~经 题目开始连续答题、不请示省教育考试院同意可 必全部重答。监考员要补足延误时间。 提醒考生在第二张答题 卡指定位臵填写姓名和 准考证号。通过场外监 考员领取备用条码~并 予以粘贴。 如少数考生试卷或答题 卡字迹不清~可参阅本 考场其他考生的试卷或参阅本考点其他考场试卷15. 开考后~因试卷答题卡~并当众大声答或答题卡,如整个考点出现或答题卡印刷字迹不复,如整个考场考生试同样问题~立即报市招办和清~考生提出询问。 卷或答题卡同一处或几省教育考试院。 处字迹不清~则立即通 过场外监考员请示考点 主任。 先不作回答~立即通过 16(开考后~试卷或将情况逐级上报~得到更正场外监考员或巡视员报 答题卡中发现试题明通知后及时更正,在未得到告考点主任~并按考点 显错误且无勘误表。 更正通知前~则维持原状。 主任指示进行答复。 五、 17(个别考生忘记带考 2B铅笔、橡皮、空白由本考场监考员调剂~试 垫纸板等~或所带仍不能满足时~应立即 过 0.5毫米黑色墨水的通过场外监考员或巡视指示考务室提供。 程 签字笔写不出~数学员报告考点主任或副主 科目考试忘记带圆规任动用备用文具。 中 和三角板等。 (17-25) ent.lution absorption Hou, formed red rubber State real, and standard series compared quantitative. 36 36.1 hydrochloride of reaglt soe price arsenic, then and zinc grain and acid produced of new ecological hydrogen generated arsenic of hydrogen, by silver sa water bath heating Hou, inorganic arsenic to chloride of form was extraction, by Ki, and chloride Asia Tin restore for thre? solution in the, by 70solid sample: F=10mLx25mL/4mL; Liquid sample: F=10mL. II, and silver salt method 35 principle sample in 6m01/L hydrochloride --mass or volume of the sample, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g); F--ams per millilitre (ng/ml); Mreagent blank concentrations, measured in nanogr--containing (As3+) concentration of 0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0ng/mL]d C2-thiourea solution lmL, 8 drops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume [the equivalent of arsenic-(1+1) solution 4mL, Potassium iodide loriderd using liquid 0, and 0.05, and 0.1, and 0.25, and 0.5, and 1.0mL Yu 10mL capacity bottle in the, respectively added hydrochseries inorganic arsenic determination standard series: respectively accurate draw 1 μ g/mL three price arsenic (As3+) standandard ive high pressure: 340V; arsenic hollow cathode lamp current: 40mA; Atomic of device height: 9mm; contains air speed 33.3 staenic in samples. Reagent blank at once. 33.2 instrument reference operation conditions photoelectric doubled tube (PMT) negatdrops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume and mix, determination of inorganic ars 34 不影响答题和评卷的~一 般不予更换,必须更换 的~通过场外监考员报告核实情况~由考点主任报本考点主任~申请启用备用考区高考工作领导小组考试卷或备用答题卡~同时务办公室批准~并会同副主18(考生无意弄脏或填写《备用试卷、备用答任在《备用试卷、备用答题损坏试卷或答题卡~题卡启用审批表》~并记卡启用审批表》上签字后启要求更换。 入《考场情况记录表》。用备用试卷或备用答题卡。经考点主任会同考点副但因此耽误的考试时间不主任签字同意后启用备予补足。 用试卷或备用答题卡。考 生处理办法同,14,。 指导考生按《普通高考19(考生向监考员报计算机网上评卷考生作告~在答题卡上答错答须知》进行修改~并 区域~或超出规定区记入《考场情况记录域答题等。 表》。 指导考生做适当修改~20.考生向监考员报 并只许在规定区域内答告~答题卡规定答题 题。 区域书写不下。 立即通过场外监考员或 巡视员报告考点主任~核实情况~由考点主任报本申请启用备用答题卡~考区高考工作领导小组考填写《备用试卷、备用务办公室批准~并会同副主21(答题卡上有较大答题卡启用审批表》~并任在《备用试卷、备用答题面积的蜡或油~不能记入《考场情况记录卡启用审批表》上签字后启正常书写~要求更换表》~经考点主任会同考用备用试卷或备用答题卡。答题卡。 点副主任签字同意后启指示监考员指导考生从有用备用试卷或备用答题蜡或油写不出的题目开始卡。考生处理办法同在备用答题卡上往下作答。 ,14,。 通过场外监考员报告考 点主任。经简易治疗能指挥和监督医疗组予以就坚持本场考试的~可继地治疗或送至就近医院治22(考生发生晕场或续考试,难以坚持者~疗。如果距考试结束时间超其他疾病。 劝其退场治疗。无论发过30分钟~则实行隔离治生何种情况~考场两名疗。 监考员必须坚守岗位。 tandard series compared quantitative. 36 36.1 hydrochloride of reagent.and snew ecological hydrogen generated arsenic of hydrogen, by silver salt solution absorption Hou, formed red rubber State real, f form was extraction, by Ki, and chloride Asia Tin restore for three price arsenic, then and zinc grain and acid produced of water bath heating Hou, inorganic arsenic to chloride o?solution in the, by 70 solid sample: F=10mLx25mL/4mL; Liquid sample: F=10mL. II, and silver salt method 35 principle sample in 6m01/L hydrochloride --e, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g); Fmass or volume of the sampl--reagent blank concentrations, measured in nanograms per millilitre (ng/ml); M--containing (As3+) concentration of 0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0ng/mL]d C2-L, 8 drops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume [the equivalent of arsenicthiourea solution lm-nd 1.0mL Yu 10mL capacity bottle in the, respectively added hydrochloride (1+1) solution 4mL, Potassium iodidespectively accurate draw 1 μ g/mL three price arsenic (As3+) standard using liquid 0, and 0.05, and 0.1, and 0.25, and 0.5, aes: rent: 40mA; Atomic of device height: 9mm; contains air speed 33.3 standard series inorganic arsenic determination standard seriference operation conditions photoelectric doubled tube (PMT) negative high pressure: 340V; arsenic hollow cathode lamp currenstrument redrops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume and mix, determination of inorganic arsenic in samples. Reagent blank at once. 33.2 i 35 如在考点内隔离治疗的~经23(考生在考场上生立即通过场外监考员或医生证明无生命危险的~可病~经场外治疗后~巡视员报告考点主任。 允许继续应考~延误时间不要求继续考试。 补。 了解考生情况~如属特殊病 因~可在开考60分钟后~ 24(考试中途考生需与场外监考员联系报告指派一名同性场外监考员 上厕所。 考点主任。 随其前往~但必须寸步不 离~并使考生处于场外监考 员视线之内。 与场外监考员联系。由 25(考试中途考生提场外监考员提供温开水 出要喝开水。 给场内监考员~再由场 内监考员提供给考生。 通知场外监考员到考务 室领取备用条形码~贴 在原贴错的条形码上~ 26(监考员在答题卡将其覆盖~并写上考生 上贴错条形码。 姓名和准考证号。同时~ 将此情况如实填入《考 场情况记录表》中相应 栏目。 六、 其 尽力排除外来干扰~并27(考场秩序遇到外如无法排除~则请有关部门立即通过场外监考员或他 来干扰。 协助处理~并向上级报告。 巡视员报告考点主任。 (26-32) 监考员听到信号后~应 先对照时间~若与规定立即予以纠正~并组织有关时间不符~先稳定考生人员维持秩序~查明原因~28(考点发错信号。 情绪~并立即通过场外采取措施~防止类似问题再监考员或巡视员报告考次发生。 点主任~予以确认后~ 按规定时间执行。 ent.lution absorption Hou, formed red rubber State real, and standard series compared quantitative. 36 36.1 hydrochloride of reaglt soe price arsenic, then and zinc grain and acid produced of new ecological hydrogen generated arsenic of hydrogen, by silver sa water bath heating Hou, inorganic arsenic to chloride of form was extraction, by Ki, and chloride Asia Tin restore for thre? solution in the, by 70solid sample: F=10mLx25mL/4mL; Liquid sample: F=10mL. II, and silver salt method 35 principle sample in 6m01/L hydrochloride --mass or volume of the sample, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g); F--ams per millilitre (ng/ml); Mreagent blank concentrations, measured in nanogr--containing (As3+) concentration of 0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0ng/mL]d C2-thiourea solution lmL, 8 drops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume [the equivalent of arsenic-(1+1) solution 4mL, Potassium iodide loriderd using liquid 0, and 0.05, and 0.1, and 0.25, and 0.5, and 1.0mL Yu 10mL capacity bottle in the, respectively added hydrochseries inorganic arsenic determination standard series: respectively accurate draw 1 μ g/mL three price arsenic (As3+) standandard ive high pressure: 340V; arsenic hollow cathode lamp current: 40mA; Atomic of device height: 9mm; contains air speed 33.3 staenic in samples. Reagent blank at once. 33.2 instrument reference operation conditions photoelectric doubled tube (PMT) negatdrops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume and mix, determination of inorganic ars 36 报告考点主任~通知答立即报上级招办或省教育考题卡被撕破、污染的考试院~按指示进行处理。在29(监考员回收、清生等候~如启用备用答对原答题卡无法作处理的情点考生试卷或答题卡题卡~应填写《备用试况下启用备用答题卡。由考时~将答题卡撕破、卷、备用答题卡启用审点正副主任、省市巡视员、污染。 批表》~并记入《考场情保卫人员和监考员共同监督 况记录表》。 该考生抄写答题~共同核对。 及时安排治疗~并同时安排30(个别监考员发生立即通过场外监考员或机动监考员接替监考员工晕场或其他疾病。 巡视员报告考点主任。 作。 按考点统一的文字通31(考试期间~需要召开有关人员会议~形成文知~原原本本向考生传向考生传达有关通字通知~分头传达到所有考达~并统一书写在考场知。 场的监考员~再传达到考生。 黑板上。 32(自然灾害及非人 立即逐级上报。 为因素影响考试的。 播音组、小语种监考员 发现问题~记录所耽误启用备用听力磁带~同时向的考试时间~立即请示33(听力考试开始时~省教育考试院报告~经批准 七、 考点主任启用备用听力听力磁带无声或不清后顺延考试结束时间。将有磁带~填写《备用试卷、外 楚。 问题的磁带单独保存~送省备用答题卡启用审批语 教育考试院核查。 表》~并记入《考场情况考 记录表》。 试 听 力 部 播音组、小语种监考员 分 发现问题~记录所耽误换用备用设备~同时向省教(33-38) 34(听力考试开始时~的考试时间~立即请示育考试院报告~经批准后顺 播放设备出现故障。 考点主任启用备用设延考试结束时间。将有问题 备, 并记入《考场情况的听力播放设备封存备查。 记录表》。 tandard series compared quantitative. 36 36.1 hydrochloride of reagent.and snew ecological hydrogen generated arsenic of hydrogen, by silver salt solution absorption Hou, formed red rubber State real, f form was extraction, by Ki, and chloride Asia Tin restore for three price arsenic, then and zinc grain and acid produced of water bath heating Hou, inorganic arsenic to chloride o?solution in the, by 70 solid sample: F=10mLx25mL/4mL; Liquid sample: F=10mL. II, and silver salt method 35 principle sample in 6m01/L hydrochloride --e, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g); Fmass or volume of the sampl--reagent blank concentrations, measured in nanograms per millilitre (ng/ml); M--containing (As3+) concentration of 0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0ng/mL]d C2-L, 8 drops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume [the equivalent of arsenicthiourea solution lm-nd 1.0mL Yu 10mL capacity bottle in the, respectively added hydrochloride (1+1) solution 4mL, Potassium iodidespectively accurate draw 1 μ g/mL three price arsenic (As3+) standard using liquid 0, and 0.05, and 0.1, and 0.25, and 0.5, aes: rent: 40mA; Atomic of device height: 9mm; contains air speed 33.3 standard series inorganic arsenic determination standard seriference operation conditions photoelectric doubled tube (PMT) negative high pressure: 340V; arsenic hollow cathode lamp currenstrument redrops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume and mix, determination of inorganic arsenic in samples. Reagent blank at once. 33.2 i 37 通知各考场进行笔试部分 考试~同时向省教育考试院35(听力考试开始时~按考点主任指示~安排报告~经批准后顺延考试结磁带、播放设备出现考生先进行笔试部分考束时间。排除故障~在笔试故障~短期内解决不试。 结束后,考生不得离开考了问题。 场,立即按程序进行听力部 分的考试。 在《考场情况记录表》启用备用听力磁带~从出现 中记录出现问题时的题问题时的前一道题开始重36(听力考试进行中号~记录所耽误的考试新放音~同时向省教育考试途~听力磁带无声或时间~及时请示考点主院报告~经批准后顺延考试不清楚。 任启用备用听力磁带~结束时间。将有问题的磁带 并填写《备用试卷、备单独保存~送省教育考试院 用答题卡启用审批表》。 核查。 立即在《考场情况记录 37(听力考试过程中~表》中记录下故障发生立即排除故障~并按照,35,考场播放设备发生故的时间和题号~通知考或,36,进行处理。 障。 点主任~并维持好考场 秩序。 38(听力考试进行中~立即通过场外监考员或因自然现象或无法预巡视员报告考点主任~处理办法参照,35,或,36,。 计的因素干扰造成考并维持好考场秩序。 试受到影响。 注: 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 化考点网上巡查系统、身份识别仪、无线信号侦测及屏蔽仪、电波钟等使用过程中的偶发事件应急处臵预案按《标准化考点管理办法》执行。 ent.lution absorption Hou, formed red rubber State real, and standard series compared quantitative. 36 36.1 hydrochloride of reaglt soe price arsenic, then and zinc grain and acid produced of new ecological hydrogen generated arsenic of hydrogen, by silver sa water bath heating Hou, inorganic arsenic to chloride of form was extraction, by Ki, and chloride Asia Tin restore for thre? solution in the, by 70solid sample: F=10mLx25mL/4mL; Liquid sample: F=10mL. II, and silver salt method 35 principle sample in 6m01/L hydrochloride --mass or volume of the sample, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g); F--ams per millilitre (ng/ml); Mreagent blank concentrations, measured in nanogr--containing (As3+) concentration of 0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0ng/mL]d C2-thiourea solution lmL, 8 drops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume [the equivalent of arsenic-(1+1) solution 4mL, Potassium iodide loriderd using liquid 0, and 0.05, and 0.1, and 0.25, and 0.5, and 1.0mL Yu 10mL capacity bottle in the, respectively added hydrochseries inorganic arsenic determination standard series: respectively accurate draw 1 μ g/mL three price arsenic (As3+) standandard ive high pressure: 340V; arsenic hollow cathode lamp current: 40mA; Atomic of device height: 9mm; contains air speed 33.3 staenic in samples. Reagent blank at once. 33.2 instrument reference operation conditions photoelectric doubled tube (PMT) negatdrops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume and mix, determination of inorganic ars 38 高考违规行为处理办法 处 理 办 法 违 规 行 为 监 考 员 考点主任,或副主任, 将违规所带物品集中统一确认考生违纪行为~报县放臵~如实记入《考场情况,市、区,招办~并由市1(开考后~考生记录表》和《考生违规情况招办汇总报省教育考试仍携带规定以外记录表》~监考员签字确认院。省教育考试院根据《国的物品进入考场并通知违纪考生~同时通过家教育考试违规处理办或者未放在指定场外监考员或巡视员报告法》有关规定~按考试违位臵。 考点主任或副主任。该科考纪处理~取消考生该科目试结束后~要求考生对暂扣考试成绩。 物品签字确认。 首先核实考生身份~核查答 卷上所填写姓名和准考证 一、 号是否为该考生本人。如系考 考生坐错座位~立即纠正并 2(考生未在规定如实记入《考场情况记录生 处理办法同,1,。 的座位参加考试。 表》和《考生违规情况记录考 表》~监考员签字确认并通 知违纪考生~同时通过场外试 监考员或巡视员报告考点违 主任或副主任。 纪 立即制止~如实记入《考场,1-9, 3(考生在考试开情况记录表》和《考生违规始信号发出前答情况记录表》~监考员签字题或者考试结束处理办法同,1,。 确认并通知违纪考生~同时信号发出后继续通过场外监考员或巡视员答题。 报告考点主任或副主任。 4(考生在考试过 程中旁窥、交头接处理办法同,3,。 处理办法同,1,。 耳、互打暗号或手 势。 tandard series compared quantitative. 36 36.1 hydrochloride of reagent.and snew ecological hydrogen generated arsenic of hydrogen, by silver salt solution absorption Hou, formed red rubber State real, f form was extraction, by Ki, and chloride Asia Tin restore for three price arsenic, then and zinc grain and acid produced of water bath heating Hou, inorganic arsenic to chloride o?solution in the, by 70 solid sample: F=10mLx25mL/4mL; Liquid sample: F=10mL. II, and silver salt method 35 principle sample in 6m01/L hydrochloride --e, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g); Fmass or volume of the sampl--reagent blank concentrations, measured in nanograms per millilitre (ng/ml); M--containing (As3+) concentration of 0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0ng/mL]d C2-L, 8 drops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume [the equivalent of arsenicthiourea solution lm-nd 1.0mL Yu 10mL capacity bottle in the, respectively added hydrochloride (1+1) solution 4mL, Potassium iodidespectively accurate draw 1 μ g/mL three price arsenic (As3+) standard using liquid 0, and 0.05, and 0.1, and 0.25, and 0.5, aes: rent: 40mA; Atomic of device height: 9mm; contains air speed 33.3 standard series inorganic arsenic determination standard seriference operation conditions photoelectric doubled tube (PMT) negative high pressure: 340V; arsenic hollow cathode lamp currenstrument redrops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume and mix, determination of inorganic arsenic in samples. Reagent blank at once. 33.2 i 39 5(考生在考场或者 教育考试机构禁止 的范围内~喧哗、处理办法同,3,。 处理办法同,1,。 吸烟、或者实施其 他影响考场秩序的 行为。 6(考生未经监考 员同意~在考试过处理办法同,3,。 处理办法同,1,。 程中擅自离开考 场。 立即制止并取证~追回考生 带出的考试用纸~如实记入7(考生将试卷、《考场情况记录表》和《考答题卡、草稿纸等生违规情况记录表》~监考处理办法同,1,。 考试用纸带出考员签字确认并通知违纪考场。 生~同时通过场外监考员或 巡视员报告考点主任或副 主任。 首先核实考生身份~核查答8(考生用规定以卷上所填写姓名和准考证外的笔或者纸答号是否为该考生本人。立即题或者在答题卡制止~如实记入《考场情况规定以外的地方记录表》和《考生违规情况处理办法同,1,。 书写姓名、准考证记录表》~监考员签字确认号或以其他方式并通知违纪考生~同时通过在答题卡上标记场外监考员或巡视员报告信息。 考点主任或副主任。 予以制止~如实记入《考场9(考生有其他违情况记录表》和《考生违规根据情节~处理办法同反考场规则但尚情况记录表》~监考员签字,1,~或移送司法机关处未构成作弊的行确认并通知违纪考生~同时理。 为。 通过场外监考员或巡视员 报告考点主任或副主任。 ent.lution absorption Hou, formed red rubber State real, and standard series compared quantitative. 36 36.1 hydrochloride of reaglt soe price arsenic, then and zinc grain and acid produced of new ecological hydrogen generated arsenic of hydrogen, by silver sa water bath heating Hou, inorganic arsenic to chloride of form was extraction, by Ki, and chloride Asia Tin restore for thre? solution in the, by 70solid sample: F=10mLx25mL/4mL; Liquid sample: F=10mL. II, and silver salt method 35 principle sample in 6m01/L hydrochloride --mass or volume of the sample, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g); F--ams per millilitre (ng/ml); Mreagent blank concentrations, measured in nanogr--containing (As3+) concentration of 0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0ng/mL]d C2-thiourea solution lmL, 8 drops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume [the equivalent of arsenic-(1+1) solution 4mL, Potassium iodide loriderd using liquid 0, and 0.05, and 0.1, and 0.25, and 0.5, and 1.0mL Yu 10mL capacity bottle in the, respectively added hydrochseries inorganic arsenic determination standard series: respectively accurate draw 1 μ g/mL three price arsenic (As3+) standandard ive high pressure: 340V; arsenic hollow cathode lamp current: 40mA; Atomic of device height: 9mm; contains air speed 33.3 staenic in samples. Reagent blank at once. 33.2 instrument reference operation conditions photoelectric doubled tube (PMT) negatdrops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume and mix, determination of inorganic ars 40 立即制止并取证~将考生作确认考生违规行为~报县弊相关物品集中统一放臵,市、区,招办~由市招10(考生携带与考留证~如实记入《考场情况办汇总后报省教育考试试内容相关的材记录表》和《考生违规情况院~省教育考试院根据《国料或者存储有与记录表》~监考员签字确认家教育考试违规处理办考试内容相关资并通知作弊考生~同时通过法》有关规定~按考试作料的电子设备参场外监考员或巡视员报告弊处理~该生当次报名参加考试。 考点主任或副主任。该科考加考试的各阶段、各科成试结束后~对暂扣物品由考绩无效。 生签字确认。 11.考生抄袭或者 协助他人抄袭试题处理办法同,10,。 处理办法同,10,。 答案或者与考试内 容相关的资料。 二、 12(考生抢夺、窃 考 取他人试卷、答卷处理办法同,10,。 处理办法同,10,。 或者胁迫他人为自生 己抄袭提供方便。 考 确认考生违规行为~报县 ,市、区,招办~由市招试 办汇总后报省教育考试作 院。省教育考试院根据《国 家教育考试违规处理办弊 法》有关规定~按考试作 ,10-23, 弊处理~该生当次报名参 加考试的各阶段、各科成 绩无效。其中~对于组织 团伙作弊的、向考场外发13(考生在考试过送、传递试题信息的、使程中携带具有发处理办法同,10,。 用相关设备接收信息实施送或者接收信息作弊的~视情节轻重~同功能的设备。 时给予暂停参加高考1至 3年的处理,情节特别严重 的~可以同时给予暂停参 加各种国家教育考试1至 3年的处理,触犯法律的~ 依法追究法律责任。如有 传递试题或答案的~应通 知公安协助查清手机信息 来源~防止大面积集体舞 弊发生。 tandard series compared quantitative. 36 36.1 hydrochloride of reagent.and snew ecological hydrogen generated arsenic of hydrogen, by silver salt solution absorption Hou, formed red rubber State real, f form was extraction, by Ki, and chloride Asia Tin restore for three price arsenic, then and zinc grain and acid produced of water bath heating Hou, inorganic arsenic to chloride o?solution in the, by 70 solid sample: F=10mLx25mL/4mL; Liquid sample: F=10mL. II, and silver salt method 35 principle sample in 6m01/L hydrochloride --e, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g); Fmass or volume of the sampl--reagent blank concentrations, measured in nanograms per millilitre (ng/ml); M--containing (As3+) concentration of 0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0ng/mL]d C2-L, 8 drops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume [the equivalent of arsenicthiourea solution lm-nd 1.0mL Yu 10mL capacity bottle in the, respectively added hydrochloride (1+1) solution 4mL, Potassium iodidespectively accurate draw 1 μ g/mL three price arsenic (As3+) standard using liquid 0, and 0.05, and 0.1, and 0.25, and 0.5, aes: rent: 40mA; Atomic of device height: 9mm; contains air speed 33.3 standard series inorganic arsenic determination standard seriference operation conditions photoelectric doubled tube (PMT) negative high pressure: 340V; arsenic hollow cathode lamp currenstrument redrops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume and mix, determination of inorganic arsenic in samples. Reagent blank at once. 33.2 i 41 详细调查~如系替考~立 即报县,市、区,招办~ 由市招办汇总后报省教育 考试院。省教育考试院根 据《国家教育考试违规处 理办法》有关规定~按考 试作弊处理~被替考生当 立即制止并取证~该科考试次报名参加考试的各阶 结束后~将其带到考务室听段、各科成绩无效。其中~ 候处理~如实记入《考场情对于伪造、变造身份证、14(考生由他人冒 况记录表》和《考生违规情准考证及其他证明材料~名代替参加考试。 由他人代替或者代替考生况记录表》~并立即通过场 参加考试的~视情节轻重~外监考员或巡视员报告考 同时给予暂停参加高考1点主任或副主任。 至3年的处理,情节特别 严重的~可以同时给予暂 停参加各种国家教育考试 1至3年的处理。同时~核 准替考者的真实身份~必 要时~可请公安机关协助 查实。 15(考生故意销毁 试卷、答题卡或者处理办法同,10,。 处理办法同,10,。 考试材料。 立即制止并取证~将考生作 弊物品集中放臵留证~如实 16.考生在答题卡记入《考场情况记录表》和 上填写与本人身《考生违规情况记录表》~并处理办法同,14,。 份不符的姓名和通过场外监考员或巡视员报 准考证号等信息。 告考点主任或副主任~该科 考试结束后~将其带到考务 室听候处理。 17.考生有传、接 物品或者交换试 卷、答题卡、草稿处理办法同,10,。 处理办法同,10,。 纸等其他作弊行 为。 应立即全力制止并取证~立18(考场纪律混 即通过场外监考员或巡视乱、考试秩序失立即组织力量制止~并按 员报告考点主任或副主任~控~出现大面积考,10,处理~同时立即向 如实记入《考场情况记录试作弊现象或其市招办和省教育考试院报 表》和《考生违规情况记录他应认定为作弊告。 表》。 行为。 ent.lution absorption Hou, formed red rubber State real, and standard series compared quantitative. 36 36.1 hydrochloride of reaglt soe price arsenic, then and zinc grain and acid produced of new ecological hydrogen generated arsenic of hydrogen, by silver sa water bath heating Hou, inorganic arsenic to chloride of form was extraction, by Ki, and chloride Asia Tin restore for thre? solution in the, by 70solid sample: F=10mLx25mL/4mL; Liquid sample: F=10mL. II, and silver salt method 35 principle sample in 6m01/L hydrochloride --mass or volume of the sample, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g); F--ams per millilitre (ng/ml); Mreagent blank concentrations, measured in nanogr--containing (As3+) concentration of 0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0ng/mL]d C2-thiourea solution lmL, 8 drops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume [the equivalent of arsenic-(1+1) solution 4mL, Potassium iodide loriderd using liquid 0, and 0.05, and 0.1, and 0.25, and 0.5, and 1.0mL Yu 10mL capacity bottle in the, respectively added hydrochseries inorganic arsenic determination standard series: respectively accurate draw 1 μ g/mL three price arsenic (As3+) standandard ive high pressure: 340V; arsenic hollow cathode lamp current: 40mA; Atomic of device height: 9mm; contains air speed 33.3 staenic in samples. Reagent blank at once. 33.2 instrument reference operation conditions photoelectric doubled tube (PMT) negatdrops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume and mix, determination of inorganic ars 42 立即组织力量制止~根据 《国家教育考试违规处理 办法》有关规定~终止其继19(考生故意扰乱尽力排除干扰~并立即通过续参加本科目考试~其当次考点、考场等考试场外监考员或巡视员报告报名参加考试的各科成绩工作场所秩序或考点主任或副主任~如实记无效。考生及其他人员的行有其他扰乱考试入《考场情况记录表》和《考为违反《中华人民共和国治管理秩序的行为。 生违规情况记录表》。 安管理处罚法》的~由公安 机关进行处理,构成犯罪 的~由司法机关依法追究刑 事责任。 20.考生拒绝、妨 处理办法同,19,。 碍考试工作人员处理办法同,19,。 履行管理职责的。 21.考生威胁、侮 辱、诽谤、诬陷或 者以其他方式侵处理办法同,19,。 处理办法同,19,。 害考试工作人员、 其他考生合法权 益的。 22(考生故意损坏处理办法同,19,。 处理办法同,19,。 考场设施设备的。 会同监考员核实举报情 注意观察~考试结束后~将况~若情况属实或有其他23(接到场外举报被举报考生留下核实情况。违纪舞弊行为的~按《国本考场内考生有如情况属实~由监考员如实家教育考试违规处理办违纪舞弊行为。 记入《考场情况记录表》和法》相关条款进行处理~ 《考生违规情况记录表》。 并立即向省教育考试院报 告。 按《国家教育考试违规处 三、 理办法》相关要求~立即考 终止其当年参加考试工试 工 作~调换其他工作人员接24.考试工作人员作 替~并停止其参加下一年在考试管理、组织立即通过场外监考员或巡人 度的国家教育考试工作~员 等工作过程中~应视员报告考点主任或副主违 由教育考试机构或者建议回避考试工作却任。 反 其所在单位视情节轻重分隐瞒不报的。 考 别给予相应的行政处分。试 纪 如实记入《考场情况记录律 表》。同时立即向省教育考,24-37, 试院报告。 tandard series compared quantitative. 36 36.1 hydrochloride of reagent.and snew ecological hydrogen generated arsenic of hydrogen, by silver salt solution absorption Hou, formed red rubber State real, f form was extraction, by Ki, and chloride Asia Tin restore for three price arsenic, then and zinc grain and acid produced of water bath heating Hou, inorganic arsenic to chloride o?solution in the, by 70 solid sample: F=10mLx25mL/4mL; Liquid sample: F=10mL. II, and silver salt method 35 principle sample in 6m01/L hydrochloride --e, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g); Fmass or volume of the sampl--reagent blank concentrations, measured in nanograms per millilitre (ng/ml); M--containing (As3+) concentration of 0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0ng/mL]d C2-L, 8 drops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume [the equivalent of arsenicthiourea solution lm-nd 1.0mL Yu 10mL capacity bottle in the, respectively added hydrochloride (1+1) solution 4mL, Potassium iodidespectively accurate draw 1 μ g/mL three price arsenic (As3+) standard using liquid 0, and 0.05, and 0.1, and 0.25, and 0.5, aes: rent: 40mA; Atomic of device height: 9mm; contains air speed 33.3 standard series inorganic arsenic determination standard seriference operation conditions photoelectric doubled tube (PMT) negative high pressure: 340V; arsenic hollow cathode lamp currenstrument redrops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume and mix, determination of inorganic arsenic in samples. Reagent blank at once. 33.2 i 43 25. 考试工作人员在考试管理、组织等工作过程中~处理办法同,24,。 处理办法同,24,。 擅自变更考试时间、地点或者考试安排的。 26. 考试工作人员在考试管理、组 处理办法同,24,。 织等工作过程中~处理办法同,24,。 提示或暗示考生答题的。 27.考试工作人员在考试管理、组织等工作过程中~擅自将试题、答题卡处理办法同,24,。 处理办法同,24,。 或者有关内容带出考场或者传递给他人的。 28.考试工作人员在考试管理、组织等工作过程中~未认真履行职责~造成所负责考场出处理办法同,24,。 处理办法同,24,。 现秩序混乱、作弊严重或者视频录像资料损毁、视频系统不能正常工作的。 29. 考试工作人员在考试管理、组织等工作过程中~因未认真履行职责~造成所负责考处理办法同,24,。 处理办法同,24,。 场出现雷同试卷以及有其他违反监考等管理规定的行为。 ent.lution absorption Hou, formed red rubber State real, and standard series compared quantitative. 36 36.1 hydrochloride of reaglt soe price arsenic, then and zinc grain and acid produced of new ecological hydrogen generated arsenic of hydrogen, by silver sa water bath heating Hou, inorganic arsenic to chloride of form was extraction, by Ki, and chloride Asia Tin restore for thre? solution in the, by 70solid sample: F=10mLx25mL/4mL; Liquid sample: F=10mL. II, and silver salt method 35 principle sample in 6m01/L hydrochloride --mass or volume of the sample, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g); F--ams per millilitre (ng/ml); Mreagent blank concentrations, measured in nanogr--containing (As3+) concentration of 0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0ng/mL]d C2-thiourea solution lmL, 8 drops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume [the equivalent of arsenic-(1+1) solution 4mL, Potassium iodide loriderd using liquid 0, and 0.05, and 0.1, and 0.25, and 0.5, and 1.0mL Yu 10mL capacity bottle in the, respectively added hydrochseries inorganic arsenic determination standard series: respectively accurate draw 1 μ g/mL three price arsenic (As3+) standandard ive high pressure: 340V; arsenic hollow cathode lamp current: 40mA; Atomic of device height: 9mm; contains air speed 33.3 staenic in samples. Reagent blank at once. 33.2 instrument reference operation conditions photoelectric doubled tube (PMT) negatdrops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume and mix, determination of inorganic ars 44 如实记入《考场情况记录 表》。同时立即向省教育考 试院报告。按《国家教育30. 考试工作人考试违规处理办法》相关 要求~立即停止其参加国员因玩忽职守~致 家教育考试工作~调换其使考生未能如期处理办法同,24,。 他工作人员接替。由教育参加考试的或者考试机构或者其所在单位使考试工作遭受视情节轻重分别给予相应重大损失的。 的行政处分~并调离考试 工作岗位,情节严重~构 成犯罪的~由司法机关依 法追究刑事责任。 31. 考试工作人 员利用监考或者 处理办法同,24,。 从事考试工作之处理办法同,30,。 便~为考生作弊提 供条件的。 32. 考试工作人 员在场外组织答处理办法同,24,。 处理办法同,30,。 卷、为考生提供答 案的。 33. 考试工作人 处理办法同,24,。 员指使、纵容或者处理办法同,30,。 伙同他人作弊的。 34. 考试工作人 员偷换、涂改考生 处理办法同,24,。 答卷、考试成绩或处理办法同,30,。 者考场原始记录 材料的。 35.考试工作人员 利用考试工作便 处理办法同,24,。 利~索贿、受贿、处理办法同,30,。 以权徇私或者诬 陷、打击报复考生。 立即终止其参加考试工作~ 调换其他工作人员接替~并36(个别监考、考根据情况~按《国家教育考处理办法同,24,。 务人员发生违纪、试违规处理办法》相关条款舞弊行为。 进行处理~并立即向省教育 考试院报告。 37(个别监考员不 履行职责~如串 予以提醒~经指出仍不改正经指出仍不改正的~处理岗、离岗、密封试 的~报告考点主任。 办法同,36 ,。 卷或答题卡不符 合要求、使用通讯 工具等。 tandard series compared quantitative. 36 36.1 hydrochloride of reagent.and snew ecological hydrogen generated arsenic of hydrogen, by silver salt solution absorption Hou, formed red rubber State real, f form was extraction, by Ki, and chloride Asia Tin restore for three price arsenic, then and zinc grain and acid produced of water bath heating Hou, inorganic arsenic to chloride o?solution in the, by 70 solid sample: F=10mLx25mL/4mL; Liquid sample: F=10mL. II, and silver salt method 35 principle sample in 6m01/L hydrochloride --e, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g); Fmass or volume of the sampl--reagent blank concentrations, measured in nanograms per millilitre (ng/ml); M--containing (As3+) concentration of 0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0ng/mL]d C2-L, 8 drops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume [the equivalent of arsenicthiourea solution lm-nd 1.0mL Yu 10mL capacity bottle in the, respectively added hydrochloride (1+1) solution 4mL, Potassium iodidespectively accurate draw 1 μ g/mL three price arsenic (As3+) standard using liquid 0, and 0.05, and 0.1, and 0.25, and 0.5, aes: rent: 40mA; Atomic of device height: 9mm; contains air speed 33.3 standard series inorganic arsenic determination standard seriference operation conditions photoelectric doubled tube (PMT) negative high pressure: 340V; arsenic hollow cathode lamp currenstrument redrops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume and mix, determination of inorganic arsenic in samples. Reagent blank at once. 33.2 i 45 金属探测器使用规范 一、每个考场配备1把金属探测器。考试工作人员应做好金属探测器的电池安装、调试工作。在考生进场前~监考员应将金属探测器的使用模式设臵在声响报警模式~并确认探测器处于正常工作状态。 二、每个考场要在考前25分钟,语文、外语科目为30分钟,时间内完成对30名考生的检查。 三、考生进场时~一名监考员负责提醒考生将禁带物品放在考场外的“物品摆放处”~维持考场秩序~并看管试卷,另一名监考员负责用金属探测器对进场考生逐个进行检查~检查完毕后~提醒考生须对号入座。 四、检查工作按照下列程序进行: ,一,检查工作主要由女性监考员实施。监考员对考生的检查顺序应由正面至背面~从上至下~检查的部位包括头部,含耳朵,、躯干、四肢,含脚部,等~要重点检查有可能放臵通讯工具的部位~这些部位有:耳朵、腋下、手腕处、腰部、皮带扣背后、衣袋、鞋袜内等~透明笔袋也要进行检查。检查时尽量避免金属探测器接触考生身体。 ,二,如在检查过程中出现报警声~监考员必须询问考生并要求考生解释、出示相关金属物品。物品出示后~监考员须对报警部位再次检查~以防同一部位藏有两个以上禁带物品~直至确定无禁带物品后~方可让考生进场对号入座。如检查出的物品属于禁带物品~如手机等现代化通讯工具~监考员应立即按《高考考场偶发事件处理办法》有关条款处理。 ,三,监考员在检查过程中如发现可疑物品~应要求考生本人出示~不得搜身。如考生拒不配合检查~拒不出示可疑物品~监考员有权阻止其进入考场~必要时请公安人员协助进行检查。 五、考生接受检查合格后~须直接入座。如在考前或考试中因特ent.lution absorption Hou, formed red rubber State real, and standard series compared quantitative. 36 36.1 hydrochloride of reaglt soe price arsenic, then and zinc grain and acid produced of new ecological hydrogen generated arsenic of hydrogen, by silver sa water bath heating Hou, inorganic arsenic to chloride of form was extraction, by Ki, and chloride Asia Tin restore for thre? solution in the, by 70solid sample: F=10mLx25mL/4mL; Liquid sample: F=10mL. II, and silver salt method 35 principle sample in 6m01/L hydrochloride --mass or volume of the sample, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g); F--ams per millilitre (ng/ml); Mreagent blank concentrations, measured in nanogr--containing (As3+) concentration of 0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0ng/mL]d C2-thiourea solution lmL, 8 drops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume [the equivalent of arsenic-(1+1) solution 4mL, Potassium iodide loriderd using liquid 0, and 0.05, and 0.1, and 0.25, and 0.5, and 1.0mL Yu 10mL capacity bottle in the, respectively added hydrochseries inorganic arsenic determination standard series: respectively accurate draw 1 μ g/mL three price arsenic (As3+) standandard ive high pressure: 340V; arsenic hollow cathode lamp current: 40mA; Atomic of device height: 9mm; contains air speed 33.3 staenic in samples. Reagent blank at once. 33.2 instrument reference operation conditions photoelectric doubled tube (PMT) negatdrops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume and mix, determination of inorganic ars 46 殊原因经同意离开考场~或从书包内取拿物品~回到考场时~监考员必须对考生再次进行检查,如系考试过程中~监考员必须将金属探测器调整至振动报警状态对考生进行检查,。 六、在检查过程中~监考员应处理好各种细节~注意工作方式方法~做到有礼有节~体现人性化管理~如遇特殊情况~应立即报考务室研究处理。 七、考试开始~监考员应及时关闭金属探测器~以免在考试过程中发出干扰声。 八、金属探测器检查区域示意图 金属探测器检查区域示意图 考 监考员甲 监考员乙 考生候检区 场 门 讲 台 检查 区域 物 品 考场座位 摆 放 处 备注:监考员甲负责维持考场秩序~监考员乙负责检查。 本使用规范由省教育考试院负责解释。 tandard series compared quantitative. 36 36.1 hydrochloride of reagent.and snew ecological hydrogen generated arsenic of hydrogen, by silver salt solution absorption Hou, formed red rubber State real, f form was extraction, by Ki, and chloride Asia Tin restore for three price arsenic, then and zinc grain and acid produced of water bath heating Hou, inorganic arsenic to chloride o?solution in the, by 70 solid sample: F=10mLx25mL/4mL; Liquid sample: F=10mL. II, and silver salt method 35 principle sample in 6m01/L hydrochloride --e, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g); Fmass or volume of the sampl--reagent blank concentrations, measured in nanograms per millilitre (ng/ml); M--containing (As3+) concentration of 0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0ng/mL]d C2-L, 8 drops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume [the equivalent of arsenicthiourea solution lm-nd 1.0mL Yu 10mL capacity bottle in the, respectively added hydrochloride (1+1) solution 4mL, Potassium iodidespectively accurate draw 1 μ g/mL three price arsenic (As3+) standard using liquid 0, and 0.05, and 0.1, and 0.25, and 0.5, aes: rent: 40mA; Atomic of device height: 9mm; contains air speed 33.3 standard series inorganic arsenic determination standard seriference operation conditions photoelectric doubled tube (PMT) negative high pressure: 340V; arsenic hollow cathode lamp currenstrument redrops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume and mix, determination of inorganic arsenic in samples. Reagent blank at once. 33.2 i 47 考 生 守 则 一、严格履行《考生诚信考试承诺书》的相关内容。 二、自觉服从考试工作人员管理~不得以任何理由妨碍考试工作人员履行职责~不得扰乱考场及其他考试工作的秩序。 三、凭准考证和居民身份证~按规定时间和地点参加考试。 四、只准携带2B铅笔、0.5毫米黑色墨水的签字笔、直尺、圆规、三角板、无封套橡皮、小刀、空白垫纸板和透明笔袋进入考场~其他任何物品不准带入考场,考场内不得自行传递文具和其他用品等。否则按违规论处。 严禁携带各种具有发送或者接收信息功能的设备,如手机、对讲机等,、电子存储记忆录放设备、手表,考场内设臵时钟~为考生提供时间参考,以及涂改液、修正带、透明胶带等物品进入考场。凡携带者~考前如不交出~开考后一律按违规论处。 五、考生入场时~监考员将使用金属探测器检查违规物品~考生须自觉接受检查~并对监考员予以协助和配合,入场后~须对号入座~并将准考证、身份证放在课桌靠走道一侧上角以备查验。 六、考生领到答题卡和试卷后~须检查所得答题卡A、B卡类型,语文答题卡?、?和数学答题卡?、?均不分A、B卡,是否与自己应持卡一致~并在规定的时间内和指定位臵准确填写姓名和准考证号等栏目。监考员贴好条形码后~考生须核对条形码上打印的姓名和准考证号是否与本人相符。如有问题~须立即报告监考员。 七、考生考前25分钟,语文、外语为考前30分钟,进入考场~ent.lution absorption Hou, formed red rubber State real, and standard series compared quantitative. 36 36.1 hydrochloride of reaglt soe price arsenic, then and zinc grain and acid produced of new ecological hydrogen generated arsenic of hydrogen, by silver sa water bath heating Hou, inorganic arsenic to chloride of form was extraction, by Ki, and chloride Asia Tin restore for thre? solution in the, by 70solid sample: F=10mLx25mL/4mL; Liquid sample: F=10mL. II, and silver salt method 35 principle sample in 6m01/L hydrochloride --mass or volume of the sample, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g); F--ams per millilitre (ng/ml); Mreagent blank concentrations, measured in nanogr--containing (As3+) concentration of 0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0ng/mL]d C2-thiourea solution lmL, 8 drops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume [the equivalent of arsenic-(1+1) solution 4mL, Potassium iodide loriderd using liquid 0, and 0.05, and 0.1, and 0.25, and 0.5, and 1.0mL Yu 10mL capacity bottle in the, respectively added hydrochseries inorganic arsenic determination standard series: respectively accurate draw 1 μ g/mL three price arsenic (As3+) standandard ive high pressure: 340V; arsenic hollow cathode lamp current: 40mA; Atomic of device height: 9mm; contains air speed 33.3 staenic in samples. Reagent blank at once. 33.2 instrument reference operation conditions photoelectric doubled tube (PMT) negatdrops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume and mix, determination of inorganic ars 48 考点发出开考信号后才能开始答题~开考15分钟后,外语考试开考前15分钟起,不得入场~考试结束前30分钟起方可交卷出场~考试结束前15分钟停止提前交卷~考点发出考试结束信号后立即停止作答~交卷出场后不得再进场续考~也不得在考场附近逗留或交谈。 八、除外语科目外~笔试一律用国家通用语言文字作答。作答选择题时~必须用2B铅笔在答题卡上按照填涂示例将对应的选项涂满、涂黑,作答非选择题时~必须使用0.5毫米黑色墨水的签字笔在答题卡规定的区域内答题,作图时~用2B铅笔绘、写清楚~线条及符号等须加黑、加粗。不准用规定以外的笔答题~不准用规定以外的语言文字答题~不准在试卷、草稿纸及规定的答题卡答题区域外作答~不准在答题卡上做任何标记~否则答题无效。 九、在考场内须保持安静~不准吸烟~不准喧哗~不准交头接耳、左顾右盼、打手势、做暗号~不准夹带、旁窥、抄袭或有意让他人抄袭~不准传抄答案或交换试卷、答题卡、草稿纸~不准将试卷、答题卡或草稿纸带出考场。 十、遇试卷分发错误及试题字迹不清等问题~可举手询问,涉及试题内容的疑问~不得向监考员询问。 十一、考试结束信号发出~立即停笔~将答题卡、试卷、草稿纸整理好~根据监考员指令依次退出考场~不准在考场及附近逗留。 十二、对考生违反考试纪律和规定的行为~将依据《国家教育考试违规处理办法》等有关规定予以处理~并记入高考诚信电子档案~在高校录取时~提供给高校作为录取与否的重要参考。 tandard series compared quantitative. 36 36.1 hydrochloride of reagent.and snew ecological hydrogen generated arsenic of hydrogen, by silver salt solution absorption Hou, formed red rubber State real, f form was extraction, by Ki, and chloride Asia Tin restore for three price arsenic, then and zinc grain and acid produced of water bath heating Hou, inorganic arsenic to chloride o?solution in the, by 70 solid sample: F=10mLx25mL/4mL; Liquid sample: F=10mL. II, and silver salt method 35 principle sample in 6m01/L hydrochloride --e, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g); Fmass or volume of the sampl--reagent blank concentrations, measured in nanograms per millilitre (ng/ml); M--containing (As3+) concentration of 0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0ng/mL]d C2-L, 8 drops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume [the equivalent of arsenicthiourea solution lm-nd 1.0mL Yu 10mL capacity bottle in the, respectively added hydrochloride (1+1) solution 4mL, Potassium iodidespectively accurate draw 1 μ g/mL three price arsenic (As3+) standard using liquid 0, and 0.05, and 0.1, and 0.25, and 0.5, aes: rent: 40mA; Atomic of device height: 9mm; contains air speed 33.3 standard series inorganic arsenic determination standard seriference operation conditions photoelectric doubled tube (PMT) negative high pressure: 340V; arsenic hollow cathode lamp currenstrument redrops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume and mix, determination of inorganic arsenic in samples. Reagent blank at once. 33.2 i 49 国家教育考试违规处理办法(教育部令第33号) (针对考生部分) 一、考生不遵守考场纪律,不服从考试工作人员的安排与要求,有下列行为之一的,认定为考试违纪,取消该科目的考试成绩: (一)携带规定以外的物品进入考场或者未放在指定位置的; (二)未在规定的座位参加考试的; (三)考试开始信号发出前答题或者考试结束信号发出后继续答题的; (四)在考试过程中旁窥、交头接耳、互打暗号或者手势的; (五)在考场或者教育考试机构禁止的范围内,喧哗、吸烟或者实施其他影响考场秩序的行为的; (六)未经考试工作人员同意在考试过程中擅自离开考场的; (七)将试卷、答卷(含答题卡、答题纸等,下同)、草稿纸等考试用纸带出考场的; (八)用规定以外的笔或者纸答题或者在试卷规定以外的地方书写姓名、考号或者以其他方式在答卷上标记信息的; (九)其他违反考场规则但尚未构成作弊的行为。 二、考生违背考试公平、公正原则,有下列行为之一的,认定为考试作弊,其所报名参加考试的各阶段、各科成绩无效: (一)携带与考试内容相关的材料或者存储有与考试内容相关资料的电子设备参加考试的; (二)抄袭或者协助他人抄袭试题答案或者与考试内容相关的资料的; (三)抢夺、窃取他人试卷、答卷或者胁迫他人为自己抄袭提供方便的; (四)携带具有发送或者接收信息功能的设备的; (五)由他人冒名代替参加考试的; (六)故意销毁试卷、答卷或者考试材料的; ent.lution absorption Hou, formed red rubber State real, and standard series compared quantitative. 36 36.1 hydrochloride of reaglt soe price arsenic, then and zinc grain and acid produced of new ecological hydrogen generated arsenic of hydrogen, by silver sa water bath heating Hou, inorganic arsenic to chloride of form was extraction, by Ki, and chloride Asia Tin restore for thre? solution in the, by 70solid sample: F=10mLx25mL/4mL; Liquid sample: F=10mL. II, and silver salt method 35 principle sample in 6m01/L hydrochloride --mass or volume of the sample, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g); F--ams per millilitre (ng/ml); Mreagent blank concentrations, measured in nanogr--containing (As3+) concentration of 0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0ng/mL]d C2-thiourea solution lmL, 8 drops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume [the equivalent of arsenic-(1+1) solution 4mL, Potassium iodide loriderd using liquid 0, and 0.05, and 0.1, and 0.25, and 0.5, and 1.0mL Yu 10mL capacity bottle in the, respectively added hydrochseries inorganic arsenic determination standard series: respectively accurate draw 1 μ g/mL three price arsenic (As3+) standandard ive high pressure: 340V; arsenic hollow cathode lamp current: 40mA; Atomic of device height: 9mm; contains air speed 33.3 staenic in samples. Reagent blank at once. 33.2 instrument reference operation conditions photoelectric doubled tube (PMT) negatdrops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume and mix, determination of inorganic ars 50 (七)在答卷上填写与本人身份不符的姓名、考号等信息的; (八)传、接物品或者交换试卷、答卷、草稿纸的; (九)其他以不正当手段获得或者试图获得试题答案、考试成绩的行为。 三、教育考试机构、考试工作人员在考试过程中或者在考试结束后发现下列行为之一的,认定相关的考生实施了考试作弊行为,其所报名参加考试的各阶段、各科成绩无效: (一)通过伪造证件、证明、档案及其他材料获得考试资格、加分资格和考试成绩的; (二)评卷过程中被认定为答案雷同的; (三)考场纪律混乱、考试秩序失控,出现大面积考试作弊现象的; (四)考试工作人员协助实施作弊行为,事后查实的; (五)其他应认定为作弊的行为。 四、考生有下列情形之一的,认定相关的考生实施了考试作弊行为,除其所报名参加考试的各阶段、各科成绩无效外,可以视情节轻重,同时给予暂停参加高考1至3年的处理;情节特别严重的,可以同时给予暂停参加各种国家教育考试1至3年的处理: (一)组织团伙作弊的; (二)向考场外发送、传递试题信息的; (三)使用相关设备接收信息实施作弊的; (四)伪造、变造身份证、准考证及其他证明材料,由他人代替或者代替考生参加考试的。 五、考生及其他人员应当自觉维护考试工作场所的秩序,服从考试工作人员的管理。有下列扰乱考试秩序行为之一的,终止其继续参加本科目考试,其当次报名参加考试的各科成绩无效;考生及其他人员的行为违反《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚法》的,由公安机关进行处理;构成犯罪的,由司法机关依法追究刑事责任: (一)故意扰乱考点、考场、评卷场所等考试工作场所秩序; tandard series compared quantitative. 36 36.1 hydrochloride of reagent.and snew ecological hydrogen generated arsenic of hydrogen, by silver salt solution absorption Hou, formed red rubber State real, f form was extraction, by Ki, and chloride Asia Tin restore for three price arsenic, then and zinc grain and acid produced of water bath heating Hou, inorganic arsenic to chloride o?solution in the, by 70 solid sample: F=10mLx25mL/4mL; Liquid sample: F=10mL. II, and silver salt method 35 principle sample in 6m01/L hydrochloride --e, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g); Fmass or volume of the sampl--reagent blank concentrations, measured in nanograms per millilitre (ng/ml); M--containing (As3+) concentration of 0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0ng/mL]d C2-L, 8 drops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume [the equivalent of arsenicthiourea solution lm-nd 1.0mL Yu 10mL capacity bottle in the, respectively added hydrochloride (1+1) solution 4mL, Potassium iodidespectively accurate draw 1 μ g/mL three price arsenic (As3+) standard using liquid 0, and 0.05, and 0.1, and 0.25, and 0.5, aes: rent: 40mA; Atomic of device height: 9mm; contains air speed 33.3 standard series inorganic arsenic determination standard seriference operation conditions photoelectric doubled tube (PMT) negative high pressure: 340V; arsenic hollow cathode lamp currenstrument redrops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume and mix, determination of inorganic arsenic in samples. Reagent blank at once. 33.2 i 51 (二)拒绝、妨碍考试工作人员履行管理职责; (三)威胁、侮辱、诽谤、诬陷或者以其他方式侵害考试工作人员、其他考生合法权益的行为; (四)故意损坏考场设施设备; (五)其他扰乱考试管理秩序的行为。 六、考生以作弊行为获得的考试成绩并由此取得相应的学位证书、学历证书及其他学业证书、资格资质证书或者入学资格的,由证书颁发机关宣布证书无效,责令收回证书或者予以没收;已经被录取或者入学的,由录取学校取消录取资格或者其学籍。 ent.lution absorption Hou, formed red rubber State real, and standard series compared quantitative. 36 36.1 hydrochloride of reaglt soe price arsenic, then and zinc grain and acid produced of new ecological hydrogen generated arsenic of hydrogen, by silver sa water bath heating Hou, inorganic arsenic to chloride of form was extraction, by Ki, and chloride Asia Tin restore for thre? solution in the, by 70solid sample: F=10mLx25mL/4mL; Liquid sample: F=10mL. II, and silver salt method 35 principle sample in 6m01/L hydrochloride --mass or volume of the sample, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g); F--ams per millilitre (ng/ml); Mreagent blank concentrations, measured in nanogr--containing (As3+) concentration of 0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0ng/mL]d C2-thiourea solution lmL, 8 drops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume [the equivalent of arsenic-(1+1) solution 4mL, Potassium iodide loriderd using liquid 0, and 0.05, and 0.1, and 0.25, and 0.5, and 1.0mL Yu 10mL capacity bottle in the, respectively added hydrochseries inorganic arsenic determination standard series: respectively accurate draw 1 μ g/mL three price arsenic (As3+) standandard ive high pressure: 340V; arsenic hollow cathode lamp current: 40mA; Atomic of device height: 9mm; contains air speed 33.3 staenic in samples. Reagent blank at once. 33.2 instrument reference operation conditions photoelectric doubled tube (PMT) negatdrops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume and mix, determination of inorganic ars 52 国家教育考试违规处理办法(教育部令第33号) (针对考试工作人员部分) 一、考试工作人员应当认真履行 工作职责 党支部工作制度和职责国库集中支付中心工作职责安全生产工作职责分工财务部工作职责城市社区居委会工作职责 ,在考试管理、组织及评卷等工作过程中,有下列行为之一的,应当停止其参加当年及下一年度的国家教育考试工作,并由教育考试机构或者建议其所在单位视情节轻重分别给予相应的行政处分: ,一,应回避考试工作却隐瞒不报的, ,二,擅自变更考试时间、地点或者考试安排的, ,三,提示或暗示考生答题的, ,四,擅自将试题、答卷或者有关内容带出考场或者传递给他人的, ,五,未认真履行职责~造成所负责考场出现秩序混乱、作弊严重或者视频录像资料损毁、视频系统不能正常工作的, ,六,在评卷、统分中严重失职~造成明显的错评、漏评或者积分差错的, ,七,在评卷中擅自更改评分细则或者不按评分细则进行评卷的, ,八,因未认真履行职责~造成所负责考场出现雷同卷的, ,九,擅自泄露评卷、统分等应予保密的情况的, ,十,其他违反监考、评卷等管理规定的行为。 二、考试工作人员有下列作弊行为之一的,应当停止其参加国家教育考试工作,由教育考试机构或者其所在单位视情节轻重分别给予相应的行政处分,并调离考试工作岗位;情节严重,构成犯罪的,由司法机关依法tandard series compared quantitative. 36 36.1 hydrochloride of reagent.and snew ecological hydrogen generated arsenic of hydrogen, by silver salt solution absorption Hou, formed red rubber State real, f form was extraction, by Ki, and chloride Asia Tin restore for three price arsenic, then and zinc grain and acid produced of water bath heating Hou, inorganic arsenic to chloride o?solution in the, by 70 solid sample: F=10mLx25mL/4mL; Liquid sample: F=10mL. II, and silver salt method 35 principle sample in 6m01/L hydrochloride --e, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g); Fmass or volume of the sampl--reagent blank concentrations, measured in nanograms per millilitre (ng/ml); M--containing (As3+) concentration of 0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0ng/mL]d C2-L, 8 drops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume [the equivalent of arsenicthiourea solution lm-nd 1.0mL Yu 10mL capacity bottle in the, respectively added hydrochloride (1+1) solution 4mL, Potassium iodidespectively accurate draw 1 μ g/mL three price arsenic (As3+) standard using liquid 0, and 0.05, and 0.1, and 0.25, and 0.5, aes: rent: 40mA; Atomic of device height: 9mm; contains air speed 33.3 standard series inorganic arsenic determination standard seriference operation conditions photoelectric doubled tube (PMT) negative high pressure: 340V; arsenic hollow cathode lamp currenstrument redrops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume and mix, determination of inorganic arsenic in samples. Reagent blank at once. 33.2 i 53 追究刑事责任: ,一,为不具备参加国家教育考试条件的人员提供假证明、证件、档案~使其取得考试资格或者考试工作人员资格的, ,二,因玩忽职守~致使考生未能如期参加考试的或者使考试工作遭受重大损失的, ,三,利用监考或者从事考试工作之便~为考生作弊提供条件的, ,四,伪造、变造考生档案,含电子档案,的, ,五,在场外组织答卷、为考生提供答案的, ,六,指使、纵容或者伙同他人作弊的, ,七,偷换、涂改考生答卷、考试成绩或者考场原始记录材料的, ,八,擅自更改或者、编造、虚报考试数据、信息的, ,九,利用考试工作便利~索贿、受贿、以权徇私的, ,十,诬陷、打击报复考生的。 三、因教育考试机构管理混乱、考试工作人员玩忽职守,造成考点或者考场纪律混乱,作弊现象严重;或者同一考点同一时间的考试有1/5以上考场存在雷同卷的,由教育行政部门取消该考点当年及下一年度承办国家教育考试的资格。 对出现大规模作弊情况的考场、考点的相关责任人、负责人及所属考区的负责人,有关部门应当分别给予相应的行政处分;情节严重,构成犯罪的,由司法机关依法追究刑事责任。 四、违反保密规定,造成国家教育考试的试题、答案及评分参考(包括副题及其答案及评分参考,下同)丢失、损毁、泄密,或者使考生答卷ent.lution absorption Hou, formed red rubber State real, and standard series compared quantitative. 36 36.1 hydrochloride of reaglt soe price arsenic, then and zinc grain and acid produced of new ecological hydrogen generated arsenic of hydrogen, by silver sa water bath heating Hou, inorganic arsenic to chloride of form was extraction, by Ki, and chloride Asia Tin restore for thre? solution in the, by 70solid sample: F=10mLx25mL/4mL; Liquid sample: F=10mL. II, and silver salt method 35 principle sample in 6m01/L hydrochloride --mass or volume of the sample, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g); F--ams per millilitre (ng/ml); Mreagent blank concentrations, measured in nanogr--containing (As3+) concentration of 0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0ng/mL]d C2-thiourea solution lmL, 8 drops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume [the equivalent of arsenic-(1+1) solution 4mL, Potassium iodide loriderd using liquid 0, and 0.05, and 0.1, and 0.25, and 0.5, and 1.0mL Yu 10mL capacity bottle in the, respectively added hydrochseries inorganic arsenic determination standard series: respectively accurate draw 1 μ g/mL three price arsenic (As3+) standandard ive high pressure: 340V; arsenic hollow cathode lamp current: 40mA; Atomic of device height: 9mm; contains air speed 33.3 staenic in samples. Reagent blank at once. 33.2 instrument reference operation conditions photoelectric doubled tube (PMT) negatdrops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume and mix, determination of inorganic ars 54 在保密期限内发生重大事故的,由有关部门视情节轻重,分别给予责任人和有关负责人行政处分;构成犯罪的,由司法机关依法追究刑事责任。盗窃、损毁、传播在保密期限内的国家教育考试试题、答案及评分参考、考生答卷、考试成绩的,由有关部门依法追究有关人员的责任;构成犯罪的,由司法机关依法追究刑事责任。 五、有下列行为之一的,由教育考试机构建议行为人所在单位给予行政处分;违反《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚法》的,由公安机关依法处理;构成犯罪的,由司法机关依法追究刑事责任: ,一,指使、纵容、授意考试工作人员放松考试纪律~致使考场秩序混乱、作弊严重的, ,二,代替考生或者由他人代替参加国家教育考试的, ,三,组织或者参与团伙作弊的, ,四,利用职权~包庇、掩盖作弊行为或者胁迫他人作弊的, ,五,以打击、报复、诬陷、威胁等手段侵犯考试工作人员、考生人身权利的, ,六,向考试工作人员行贿的, ,七,故意损坏考试设施的, ,八,扰乱、妨害考场、评卷点及有关考试工作场所秩序后果严重的。 国家工作人员有前款行为的~教育考试机构应当建议有关纪检、监察部门~根据有关规定从重处理。 tandard series compared quantitative. 36 36.1 hydrochloride of reagent.and snew ecological hydrogen generated arsenic of hydrogen, by silver salt solution absorption Hou, formed red rubber State real, f form was extraction, by Ki, and chloride Asia Tin restore for three price arsenic, then and zinc grain and acid produced of water bath heating Hou, inorganic arsenic to chloride o?solution in the, by 70 solid sample: F=10mLx25mL/4mL; Liquid sample: F=10mL. II, and silver salt method 35 principle sample in 6m01/L hydrochloride --e, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g); Fmass or volume of the sampl--reagent blank concentrations, measured in nanograms per millilitre (ng/ml); M--containing (As3+) concentration of 0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0ng/mL]d C2-L, 8 drops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume [the equivalent of arsenicthiourea solution lm-nd 1.0mL Yu 10mL capacity bottle in the, respectively added hydrochloride (1+1) solution 4mL, Potassium iodidespectively accurate draw 1 μ g/mL three price arsenic (As3+) standard using liquid 0, and 0.05, and 0.1, and 0.25, and 0.5, aes: rent: 40mA; Atomic of device height: 9mm; contains air speed 33.3 standard series inorganic arsenic determination standard seriference operation conditions photoelectric doubled tube (PMT) negative high pressure: 340V; arsenic hollow cathode lamp currenstrument redrops of Octyl alcohol, constant volume and mix, determination of inorganic arsenic in samples. Reagent blank at once. 33.2 i 55
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