首页 毕业生离校教育



毕业生离校教育毕业生离校教育 辅导员日常工作项目——毕业生离校教育 一、项目简介 毕业离校是大学生顺利完成学业、奔赴新征途的起点。对母校的印象好坏~学生既有首因效应也会有近因效应~所以毕业生离校教育工作对学校长期发展的重要性是不容置疑的。毕业生离校教育不仅是学校教育与管理工作的重要组成部分,人才培养的重要环节,也是辅导员针对学生的日常教育管理工作的收官之作也可以称为“点睛之作”。 二、工作要点 毕业生文明离校教育,是大学生毕业前的一项重要工作,也是检验我校学生成功素质教育成果的一个重要环节。开展形式多样、内容丰富、贴近学...

毕业生离校教育 辅导员日常工作项目——毕业生离校教育 一、项目简介 毕业离校是大学生顺利完成学业、奔赴新征途的起点。对母校的印象好坏~学生既有首因效应也会有近因效应~所以毕业生离校教育工作对学校长期发展的重要性是不容置疑的。毕业生离校教育不仅是学校教育与管理工作的重要组成部分,人才培养的重要环节,也是辅导员针对学生的日常教育管理工作的收官之作也可以称为“点睛之作”。 二、工作 要点 综治信访维稳工作要点综治信访维稳工作要点2018综治平安建设工作要点新学期教学工作要点医院纪检监察工作要点 毕业生文明离校教育,是大学生毕业前的一项重要工作,也是检验我校学生成功素质教育成果的一个重要环节。开展形式多样、内容丰富、贴近学生、主题鲜明的毕业生离校系列教育活动,旨在为全校师生搭建起相互交流、情感沟通、展示风采的平台,引领毕业生坚定理想信念,明确奋斗目标,加快角色转变,科学规划职业生涯,增强克服困难、建功立业的信心,更好地帮助毕业生从心理上踏入社会,培养毕业生以母校为荣的自豪感,使毕业生健康快乐地度过最后的大学时光,顺利开启崭新的事业征程。 deformation small; Dang engineering pile also for perfusion pile Shi, can synchronization construction, to construction conducive to organization, and convenient, and duration short; pile between gap easy caused soil erosion, special Shi in high level soft clay quality area, needed according to engineering conditions take note pulp, and cement mixing pile, and spin spray pile, construction measures to solution block water problem; Suitable for soft clayey and sandy areas, but construction should be used with caution in the gravel and pebbles; between pile and pile through the pile top beam and wall purlins into overall and thus relatively poor overall, as in important areas, special projects and large Foundation pit in excavation depth application requires special care. 2.1.6 steel piles using steel piles supporting the Foundation pit for temporary support features, construction convenient, short, finished construction in Foundation pit backfill after the channel pulled out, re-use, can minimize the cost of support. Used steel piles supporting a fatal weakness, that is impervious to water and small soil particles, and also called as high water precipitation or water, and the underground water level is high, water-rich geological conditions did not match. Flexural capacity of steel sheet pile supporting weaker excavation depth does not exceed 4m deflection of more general application. Obviously the soft water of Foundation pit excavation depth of geological conditions of 10m, and is located in the city centres of Flex ... Limited to, work hard, and it can take full advantage of building line the walls within a limited number of ground and space, can give full play to its economic benefits, in the course of construction, 为进一步做好毕业生的离校教育工作,保证和维护毕业生离校前学校的安全稳定,营造一个健康有序的文明环境和营造充满感恩之情的校园氛围,让毕业生能够文明离校、温暖离校,结合我校工作实际,将毕业生离校教育工作要点梳理如下: (一)制定学校毕业生离校教育 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 。根据学校毕业生离校工作方案要求,党委学生工作部(学生处)制定毕业生离校教育工作方案,确定指导思想、活动主题、活动内容、和工作要求等。(附件) (二)毕业生离校教育 实施方案 关于机房搬迁实施方案高中班级自主管理实施方案公交公司安全生产实施方案成立校园管乐队的实施方案中层管理人员竞聘上岗实施方案 的落实。各学院根据学校毕业生离校教育方案的实施意见结合本学院实际制定具体实施方案,抓好常规工作和特色工作。 (三)毕业生离校教育的跟进、总结和汇报。各学院要及时对毕业生离校教育活动全过程进行监督指导,对各项活动全面总结,查找不足,及时完善,使该项活动更有针对性和实效性。 三、工作要求 ,一,项目实施者~毕业班辅导员必须具备高度的责任感、良好的服务意识和扎实的就业指导功底。 deformation small; Dang engineering pile also for perfusion pile Shi, can synchronization construction, to construction conducive to organization, and convenient, and duration short; pile between gap easy caused soil erosion, special Shi in high level soft clay quality area, needed according to engineering conditions take note pulp, and cement mixing pile, and spin spray pile, construction measures to solution block water problem; Suitable for soft clayey and sandy areas, but construction should be used with caution in the gravel and pebbles; between pile and pile through the pile top beam and wall purlins into overall and thus relatively poor overall, as in important areas, special projects and large Foundation pit in excavation depth application requires special care. 2.1.6 steel piles using steel piles supporting the Foundation pit for temporary support features, construction convenient, short, finished construction in Foundation pit backfill after the channel pulled out, re-use, can minimize the cost of support. Used steel piles supporting a fatal weakness, that is impervious to water and small soil particles, and also called as high water precipitation or water, and the underground water level is high, water-rich geological conditions did not match. Flexural capacity of steel sheet pile supporting weaker excavation depth does not exceed 4m deflection of more general application. Obviously the soft water of Foundation pit excavation depth of geological conditions of 10m, and is located in the city centres of Flex ... Limited to, work hard, and it can take full advantage of building line the walls within a limited number of ground and space, can give full play to its economic benefits, in the course of construction, ,二,毕业生各方面较其他年级成熟~对其开展教育活动的方式方法应注意不能过于生硬~更加注意以情动人。要注意开展对毕业生有一定情感冲击和毕业生乐于参与的活动。 ,三,要依靠毕业生群体中的学生骨干~依靠毕业生党支部在毕业生群体中营造良好的爱校、荣校和文明离校氛围。 ,四,毕业生离校关键时间段~每年3-5月份~毕业生辅导员应该更加注意深入学生宿舍~掌握学生动态~为学生毕业出路做到想方设法、出谋划策。从短期看~少一个没有出路的问题学生~就少一个离校期间的不稳定源。从长远看~学生毕业发展好~学校才能发展的更好。 ,五,毕业生离校核心时间段~每年6月份~毕业生辅导员应该尽可能参加学生班集体的最后一次聚会聚餐~引导学生合理发泄情绪情感。同时密切关注学业困难学生、心理困难学生的状态。从金石滩校区近两年的经验来看~最关键的几天一般在学生毕业答辩的日期前后~此时是毕业班聚会的高峰期~也是学生晚归现象的高发期~毕业班辅导员在近几日应在校做好学生的情感陪伴和引导工作。 deformation small; Dang engineering pile also for perfusion pile Shi, can synchronization construction, to construction conducive to organization, and convenient, and duration short; pile between gap easy caused soil erosion, special Shi in high level soft clay quality area, needed according to engineering conditions take note pulp, and cement mixing pile, and spin spray pile, construction measures to solution block water problem; Suitable for soft clayey and sandy areas, but construction should be used with caution in the gravel and pebbles; between pile and pile through the pile top beam and wall purlins into overall and thus relatively poor overall, as in important areas, special projects and large Foundation pit in excavation depth application requires special care. 2.1.6 steel piles using steel piles supporting the Foundation pit for temporary support features, construction convenient, short, finished construction in Foundation pit backfill after the channel pulled out, re-use, can minimize the cost of support. Used steel piles supporting a fatal weakness, that is impervious to water and small soil particles, and also called as high water precipitation or water, and the underground water level is high, water-rich geological conditions did not match. Flexural capacity of steel sheet pile supporting weaker excavation depth does not exceed 4m deflection of more general application. Obviously the soft water of Foundation pit excavation depth of geological conditions of 10m, and is located in the city centres of Flex ... Limited to, work hard, and it can take full advantage of building line the walls within a limited number of ground and space, can give full play to its economic benefits, in the course of construction, ,六,毕业生离校教育的开展的核心是与学生的情感基础~而这些情感基础的建立和夯实是在大学四年的各项点滴工作中慢慢进行的。绝不仅仅是毕业季一时就能做好的。 四、工作流程图 毕业生就业动员大会,进入毕业生离以情动人~为毕业生解决实际困惑和困校教育周期,时间:大四学年初 难,打基础阶段,时间:大四学年 深入毕业生~做好情感陪伴和就业各带动骨干~开展系列活动~引导群体意项服务工作,攻坚阶段,次年6-7月 识,提升阶段,时间:次年3-5月 deformation small; Dang engineering pile also for perfusion pile Shi, can synchronization construction, to construction conducive to organization, and convenient, and duration short; pile between gap easy caused soil erosion, special Shi in high level soft clay quality area, needed according to engineering conditions take note pulp, and cement mixing pile, and spin spray pile, construction measures to solution block water problem; Suitable for soft clayey and sandy areas, but construction should be used with caution in the gravel and pebbles; between pile and pile through the pile top beam and wall purlins into overall and thus relatively poor overall, as in important areas, special projects and large Foundation pit in excavation depth application requires special care. 2.1.6 steel piles using steel piles supporting the Foundation pit for temporary support features, construction convenient, short, finished construction in Foundation pit backfill after the channel pulled out, re-use, can minimize the cost of support. Used steel piles supporting a fatal weakness, that is impervious to water and small soil particles, and also called as high water precipitation or water, and the underground water level is high, water-rich geological conditions did not match. Flexural capacity of steel sheet pile supporting weaker excavation depth does not exceed 4m deflection of more general application. Obviously the soft water of Foundation pit excavation depth of geological conditions of 10m, and is located in the city centres of Flex ... Limited to, work hard, and it can take full advantage of building line the walls within a limited number of ground and space, can give full play to its economic benefits, in the course of construction, 附件1: 大连民族大学2015届毕业生文明离校教 育工作方案 各学院: 毕业生文明离校教育是大学生思想政治教育教育的重要环节~也是学生教育管理的重点工作。2015届毕业生即将毕业离校~为了加强毕业生的思想政治教育和切实做好毕业生文明离校教育工作~展现毕业生良好的精神风貌~营造健康、文明、和谐的毕业生离校氛围。 一、做好毕业生思想政治教育工作 1.各学院要召开毕业生离校动员大会~利用主题班会、宣传条幅、展板、校园网、广播站、新媒体等宣传媒介开展毕业生文明离校的宣传~将学校有关文件精神和要求传达给每一位毕业生。以“爱国情、母校情、师生情、同学情、校友情”的五情教育为主线~积极开展感恩教育、诚信教育、毕业生党员教育、文明离校承诺等教育活动。 2. 在毕业生中开展认领毕业树活动~以“扎根母校 携梦飞翔”为主题~组织以班级、专业为单位~按照自愿原则~每个单位认领一棵毕业树。各学院要认真做好前期的宣传和动员工作~确保学生能领会活动主旨~积极参与活动。 3.拍摄“毕业故事”宣传短片。在2015届毕业生中征集毕业故事拍摄视频短片~回忆学生在校大学生活~展示青春向上的精神风貌~激发学生的爱校荣校意识。各学院通过deformation small; Dang engineering pile also for perfusion pile Shi, can synchronization construction, to construction conducive to organization, and convenient, and duration short; pile between gap easy caused soil erosion, special Shi in high level soft clay quality area, needed according to engineering conditions take note pulp, and cement mixing pile, and spin spray pile, construction measures to solution block water problem; Suitable for soft clayey and sandy areas, but construction should be used with caution in the gravel and pebbles; between pile and pile through the pile top beam and wall purlins into overall and thus relatively poor overall, as in important areas, special projects and large Foundation pit in excavation depth application requires special care. 2.1.6 steel piles using steel piles supporting the Foundation pit for temporary support features, construction convenient, short, finished construction in Foundation pit backfill after the channel pulled out, re-use, can minimize the cost of support. Used steel piles supporting a fatal weakness, that is impervious to water and small soil particles, and also called as high water precipitation or water, and the underground water level is high, water-rich geological conditions did not match. Flexural capacity of steel sheet pile supporting weaker excavation depth does not exceed 4m deflection of more general application. Obviously the soft water of Foundation pit excavation depth of geological conditions of 10m, and is located in the city centres of Flex ... Limited to, work hard, and it can take full advantage of building line the walls within a limited number of ground and space, can give full play to its economic benefits, in the course of construction, 毕业晚会、网络平台等媒介加强宣传推广~营造文明离校的良好氛围。 4.做好特殊学生群体的思想教育工作。强对经济困难学生、就业困难学生、心理素质差的学生及有其他特殊情况的学生群体和个体的教育引导工作。深入开展个别谈心工作~把不能正常毕业的学生作为重点谈心对象~并帮助他们解决困难。对就业存在困难的学生要深入了解他们的所思所想~悉心指导求职技巧~鼓励学生正确面对求职中的挫折~帮助他们树立自信~确保毕业生离校前的思想稳定。 二、做好毕业生的教育管理工作 1.做好毕业生解除处分的申报工作。各学院要确保将解除处分申报工作通知到每一位受过处分的学生~对于学生的申报材料进行严格的初审。对于未满足解除处分条件~不能予以解除处分的学生要及时做好教育引导工作。 2.做好助学贷款还款 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 签订与诚信还款教育工作。学校与中国银行将统一组织办理过助学贷款的毕业班学生签订还款协议。通过签订诚信还款承诺书等方式加强学生的诚信还款意识~确保助学贷款的偿还工作顺利完成。 3.加强毕业生基层就业政策的宣传。各学院通过召开毕业生班会等形式加强对基层就业政策的宣传~为学生讲解学费代偿等相关政策~鼓励和引导毕业生到基层就业。 4.加强毕业生离校前的纪律教育。各学院要在毕业生离校期间~重申学校各项规章制度~坚决查处各类违规违纪行deformation small; Dang engineering pile also for perfusion pile Shi, can synchronization construction, to construction conducive to organization, and convenient, and duration short; pile between gap easy caused soil erosion, special Shi in high level soft clay quality area, needed according to engineering conditions take note pulp, and cement mixing pile, and spin spray pile, construction measures to solution block water problem; Suitable for soft clayey and sandy areas, but construction should be used with caution in the gravel and pebbles; between pile and pile through the pile top beam and wall purlins into overall and thus relatively poor overall, as in important areas, special projects and large Foundation pit in excavation depth application requires special care. 2.1.6 steel piles using steel piles supporting the Foundation pit for temporary support features, construction convenient, short, finished construction in Foundation pit backfill after the channel pulled out, re-use, can minimize the cost of support. Used steel piles supporting a fatal weakness, that is impervious to water and small soil particles, and also called as high water precipitation or water, and the underground water level is high, water-rich geological conditions did not match. Flexural capacity of steel sheet pile supporting weaker excavation depth does not exceed 4m deflection of more general application. Obviously the soft water of Foundation pit excavation depth of geological conditions of 10m, and is located in the city centres of Flex ... Limited to, work hard, and it can take full advantage of building line the walls within a limited number of ground and space, can give full play to its economic benefits, in the course of construction, 为~对酗酒闹事、夜不归寝、聚众赌博等行为发现一起查处一起~绝不姑息。辅导员要了解和掌握学生的动向~严格执行请销假制度。同时~辅导员要加强对学生寝室的管理~加大对违章电器、寝室饮酒等问题的检查和管理。 5.加强毕业生离校前的值班工作。认真安排好毕业生离校期间的值班工作~毕业生辅导员要经常深入毕业生寝室~做好学生的思想教育~加强日常管理~确保学生在校期间的人身财产安全~确保校园的和谐稳定。 deformation small; Dang engineering pile also for perfusion pile Shi, can synchronization construction, to construction conducive to organization, and convenient, and duration short; pile between gap easy caused soil erosion, special Shi in high level soft clay quality area, needed according to engineering conditions take note pulp, and cement mixing pile, and spin spray pile, construction measures to solution block water problem; Suitable for soft clayey and sandy areas, but construction should be used with caution in the gravel and pebbles; between pile and pile through the pile top beam and wall purlins into overall and thus relatively poor overall, as in important areas, special projects and large Foundation pit in excavation depth application requires special care. 2.1.6 steel piles using steel piles supporting the Foundation pit for temporary support features, construction convenient, short, finished construction in Foundation pit backfill after the channel pulled out, re-use, can minimize the cost of support. Used steel piles supporting a fatal weakness, that is impervious to water and small soil particles, and also called as high water precipitation or water, and the underground water level is high, water-rich geological conditions did not match. Flexural capacity of steel sheet pile supporting weaker excavation depth does not exceed 4m deflection of more general application. Obviously the soft water of Foundation pit excavation depth of geological conditions of 10m, and is located in the city centres of Flex ... Limited to, work hard, and it can take full advantage of building line the walls within a limited number of ground and space, can give full play to its economic benefits, in the course of construction,
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