首页 2012计划生育工作计划



2012计划生育工作计划2012计划生育工作计划 各位领导、同志们: 按照会议安排,我对全乡人口和计划生育工作进行安排部署。今年以来,我乡人口和计划生育工作在县委、县政府的正确领导下,在业务部门的帮助指导下,较好地完成了阶段性工作任务。为了全面贯彻省市县计划生育工作会议精神,分析当前人口和计划生育工作面临的形势,查找和反思存在的突出问题,对今年人口和计划生育工作进行全面安排部署,这充分体现了乡党委、乡政府对计划生育工作的高度重视,也体现了抓好人口和计划生育工作的决心和信心。借此机会,我就如何进一步抓好人口和计划生育工作,更为地为群众服...

2012 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 生育工作计划 各位领导、同志们: 按照会议安排,我对全乡人口和计划生育工作进行安排部署。今年以来,我乡人口和计划生育工作在县委、县政府的正确领导下,在业务部门的帮助指导下,较好地完成了阶段性工作任务。为了全面贯彻省市县计划生育工作会议精神,分析当前人口和计划生育工作面临的形势,查找和反思存在的突出问题,对今年人口和计划生育工作进行全面安排部署,这充分体现了乡党委、乡政府对计划生育工作的高度重视,也体现了抓好人口和计划生育工作的决心和信心。借此机会,我就如何进一步抓好人口和计划生育工作,更为地为群众服务,讲几点意见,供大家参考。 一、当前全乡人口和计划生育工作面临的形势和存在的问题 一是我乡基层基础工作仍然薄弱。反映工作基础的一孩比例,我乡15.92%,全县16.64%,全省23.69%;多孩育妇比例,我乡32.44%,全县32.76%,全省20.49%。从以上数据分析,与全省的差据较大,说明我乡计划生育工作基础差、水平低,仍在低层次上运行。 二是清理清查工作不彻底,育妇漏报、出生漏报严重。 三是节育 措施 《全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观软件质量保证措施下载工地伤害及预防措施下载关于贯彻落实的具体措施 落实不到位、欠帐较大。从近三年的计划外出生中发现,计划外二孩出生量较大,近70%以上的育妇落实了放环措施,但仍然计外生育,特别是两有户生多孩的现象比较严重,两有户生多孩的比例比二女户生多孩的比例还要高,这说明我乡计划生育现状还是普生二孩加多孩,干部责任心不强,节育措施落实不力、欠账较大。 四是干部入户访视工作不全面,技术服务人员产、术后访视不到the first level to consider when positioning security, roughly the same distance between the point and level to put the stand, can't be moved, dislocation, and so on. Pay attention to the proper use and care of leveling. (6) level: find the anchor position after take levels, in anchor horizontal, horizontal lines with fine steel wire cable, while tightly tightening, ensure the wire level. (7) measurement errors: in horizontal line after the measure on the face. Mainly for horizontal measurement, also check the axis (axis positioning) q errors. By measuring the results of analyzing the cause of error, check the relevant specification (construction) requirements for error values, within the specified error, digestible errors exceeded error shall be settled through consultation with civil party or party. (8) to adjust the error: ... (3) familiar with their location and adjacent location, check the accuracy of segment size. (4) attention to handling errors, strengthen coordination with civil engineering work. (5) check the embedded location is accurate, solid reinforcement. 7. Security, protection: (1) enter the construction site personnel must wear safety helmets, safety belts, shirtless, wearing slippers, slippery-soled shoes is not allowed to enter the site. (2) must be carried out according to the specifications of construction, attention to the safe use of electricity. (3) Note 位。在督查和检查过程中发现,乡、村干部对管理和服务对象不清楚,没有真正摸清底子、查明情况,部分专干数字不清、情况不明,入户访视也走了过程,流于形式。服务所技术服务人员业务素质低,对现有的设备技术操作不 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 ,无法真正开展育龄妇女生殖健康检查,对产、术后育妇没有按时回访,或者根本没有访视,访视内容不全面。 五是包户干部责任制落实不到位。乡政府与各包户干部都已经签订了层级动态管理责任书,按照“谁包的户谁负责、谁负责的户谁落实”的原则,一些干部责任落实不到位,入户访视手册也不填写,本人也没有到所包对象家中去过,只是应付上面的检查,把工作没有放在实际行动上,弄虚作假,工作漂浮。 六是流动人口没有得到有效管理,WIS库的核对还不彻底。目前,对流出育妇缺少有效管理的措施和办法,现有的管理措施也没有得到很好地落实。一些干部对育龄妇女不入户访视,导致流出育妇底数不清,婚育状况不明,跟踪服务管理不到位,漏统漏管现象比较严重,导致出生漏报。去年上半年各村都核对了WIS库,但从核对情况来看,有的村WIS库育妇信息根本与实际不符,真正没有认真核对过,走了过程。 七是干部职工的计划生育没有得到有效监管。干部职工的管理有所滞后,申报登记、建档立卡工作还不完善,干部职工对计划生育工作麻痹,对政策的学习不够、缺乏了解。各乡属单位不及时申报已婚育龄妇女,导致漏管。并且超生现象严重。 二、2012年主要工作安排 the first level to consider when positioning security, roughly the same distance between the point and level to put the stand, can't be moved, dislocation, and so on. Pay attention to the proper use and care of leveling. (6) level: find the anchor position after take levels, in anchor horizontal, horizontal lines with fine steel wire cable, while tightly tightening, ensure the wire level. (7) measurement errors: in horizontal line after the measure on the face. Mainly for horizontal measurement, also check the axis (axis positioning) q errors. By measuring the results of analyzing the cause of error, check the relevant specification (construction) requirements for error values, within the specified error, digestible errors exceeded error shall be settled through consultation with civil party or party. (8) to adjust the error: ... (3) familiar with their location and adjacent location, check the accuracy of segment size. (4) attention to handling errors, strengthen coordination with civil engineering work. (5) check the embedded location is accurate, solid reinforcement. 7. Security, protection: (1) enter the construction site personnel must wear safety helmets, safety belts, shirtless, wearing slippers, slippery-soled shoes is not allowed to enter the site. (2) must be carried out according to the specifications of construction, attention to the safe use of electricity. (3) Note 针对以上存在的问题和当前工作面临的形势,根据省市县人口和计划生育工作会议精神,为全面完成计划生育各项目标任务,重点抓好以下几个方面。 (一)靠实责任、夯实基础,切实提高人口和计划生育工作管理水平。要进一步完善《层级动态管理及平时自考自评》办法,不断改进工作思路和 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 ,深入查找工作中存在的问题和薄弱环节,按照“对象就是任务”的要求,继续狠抓好各项节育措施的落实力度。 一是抓好经常性工作。我们要把主要精力放在经常性工作上,建立计划生育长效管理机制,定期研究部署,强化平时工作,坚持经常抓、抓经常,营造一个良好的工作氛围。按照层级动态管理的要求,每月对各村进行考评排序,严格兑现责任。把包户干部包对象责任和工作任务落实到人,同时要通过干部入户访视和清理摸底为切入点,切实下移工作重心,主动发挥村组干部的作用,实现“村民自治”。强化对育龄妇女婚育生育节育全过程监管,努力提高第二季度环孕情服务的真实性和服务率,从而夯实工作基础。 二是继续狠抓各项节育措施落实力度。针对我乡节育措施落实不到位,欠账较大的问题。我们要以二女户节育为突破口,按照“对象就是任务”的要求,抓重点、攻难点,认真核对出生底数,全面落实四项节育手术,特别是两有户结扎,各村要高度重视,彻底解决两有户生多孩的突出问题。对节育措施落实不到位的责任人,要严格兑现责任追究。对欠账任务较大的村,一定要抓紧时间,对下欠对象进行平茬,加大两有户节育落实力度。 the first level to consider when positioning security, roughly the same distance between the point and level to put the stand, can't be moved, dislocation, and so on. Pay attention to the proper use and care of leveling. (6) level: find the anchor position after take levels, in anchor horizontal, horizontal lines with fine steel wire cable, while tightly tightening, ensure the wire level. (7) measurement errors: in horizontal line after the measure on the face. Mainly for horizontal measurement, also check the axis (axis positioning) q errors. By measuring the results of analyzing the cause of error, check the relevant specification (construction) requirements for error values, within the specified error, digestible errors exceeded error shall be settled through consultation with civil party or party. (8) to adjust the error: ... (3) familiar with their location and adjacent location, check the accuracy of segment size. (4) attention to handling errors, strengthen coordination with civil engineering work. (5) check the embedded location is accurate, solid reinforcement. 7. Security, protection: (1) enter the construction site personnel must wear safety helmets, safety belts, shirtless, wearing slippers, slippery-soled shoes is not allowed to enter the site. (2) must be carried out according to the specifications of construction, attention to the safe use of electricity. (3) Note 三是扎实搞好本年度第二次环孕情服务工作。我们要以第二次环孕情对象为重点,督促所有服务对象接受环孕情检查,发现脱环的和政策外环孕的要坚决落实补救措施,准确掌握育龄妇女的生育和节育情况,强化孕前型管理。 四是要强化流动人口管理,继续核对WIS库基础信息数据。各村都要对流出已婚育妇进行全面核查,摸清底子,督促办证,及时向流入地发出协查通报,努力提高流动人口纳入管理率和全员人口信息数据准确率,切实解决漏统、漏管等问题。利用两个月的时间对WIS库基础信息数据进行全面核对,及时纠改和完善,进一步核实源头数据,切实提高数据质量。 五是要切实做好干部职工的计划生育管理和服务工作,严肃查处干部职工违纪超生问题。各乡属单位要确定一名分管领导和计生专干,负责和抓好本单位干部职工计划生育工作,认真进行清理清查,造册登记建卡建档,同时要上报乡计生办,并督促本单位已婚育龄妇女按时参加环孕情检查,对不及时上报造成漏育妇和漏出生等问题,在干部提拔晋升、职称评定上一律不得办理,对党员干部违纪违规超生问题,要严肃查处,要追究相关人责任。 (二)开展“五个活动”,实施“三大 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 ”,进一步增强坟生服务管理能力 一是深入开展“幸福家庭”创建活动,要以入户宣传和面对面宣传为重点,以“文明倡导、健康促进、优生优育、致富发展、奉献社会”为目标,大力弘扬婚育文明、性别平等、优生优育、生殖健康、the first level to consider when positioning security, roughly the same distance between the point and level to put the stand, can't be moved, dislocation, and so on. Pay attention to the proper use and care of leveling. (6) level: find the anchor position after take levels, in anchor horizontal, horizontal lines with fine steel wire cable, while tightly tightening, ensure the wire level. (7) measurement errors: in horizontal line after the measure on the face. Mainly for horizontal measurement, also check the axis (axis positioning) q errors. By measuring the results of analyzing the cause of error, check the relevant specification (construction) requirements for error values, within the specified error, digestible errors exceeded error shall be settled through consultation with civil party or party. (8) to adjust the error: ... (3) familiar with their location and adjacent location, check the accuracy of segment size. (4) attention to handling errors, strengthen coordination with civil engineering work. (5) check the embedded location is accurate, solid reinforcement. 7. Security, protection: (1) enter the construction site personnel must wear safety helmets, safety belts, shirtless, wearing slippers, slippery-soled shoes is not allowed to enter the site. (2) must be carried out according to the specifications of construction, attention to the safe use of electricity. (3) Note 家庭幸福等新型家庭人口文化,充分发挥乡婚育学校、村人口文化活动室、农家书屋、文化大院和文化长廊作用,进一步巩固“五有二到户”活动成果。 二是大力开展“夯基础上水平年”活动,全面落实层级动态管理责任制管理机制,深入开展生理检查专项活动,对历年欠账及出生漏报、育妇漏报,各村、乡属单位的计生专干要进入工作角色,要进一步摸清底子,掌握人口出生及节育底数,做到户内真实性、卡册账表和信息录入“三个一致”。 三是继续推进基层群众自治创建活动。进一步加强乡村计生协会组织建设,全面打进“诚信计生”工作,各村、各乡属单位都要建立计生诚信小组,建立“双向和谐、合同管理、民主监督、互为守信”的“诚信计生”工作模式,不断总结经验和做法,推动诚信计生工作深入开展。 四是继续深入开展“生殖健康服务进家庭”活动。计划生育技术服务人员要运用健康教育、咨询、检查等多种方式,为群众提供生殖健康服务,确保已婚育妇健康检查覆盖率达40%以上,生殖健康知识知晓率在85%以上。服务所技术人员也要坚持日常“岗位大练兵”活动。 五是全面开展依法行政创建活动,进一步完善依法行政操作规程,加大信访案件查处力度,坚决杜绝因计划生育引发的恶性事件和越级上访等群众性事件的发生,严肃查处“两非”案件,严厉打击大非法抱养、送养和非法使用B超鉴定胎儿性别等,培养技术骨干,the first level to consider when positioning security, roughly the same distance between the point and level to put the stand, can't be moved, dislocation, and so on. Pay attention to the proper use and care of leveling. (6) level: find the anchor position after take levels, in anchor horizontal, horizontal lines with fine steel wire cable, while tightly tightening, ensure the wire level. (7) measurement errors: in horizontal line after the measure on the face. Mainly for horizontal measurement, also check the axis (axis positioning) q errors. By measuring the results of analyzing the cause of error, check the relevant specification (construction) requirements for error values, within the specified error, digestible errors exceeded error shall be settled through consultation with civil party or party. (8) to adjust the error: ... (3) familiar with their location and adjacent location, check the accuracy of segment size. (4) attention to handling errors, strengthen coordination with civil engineering work. (5) check the embedded location is accurate, solid reinforcement. 7. Security, protection: (1) enter the construction site personnel must wear safety helmets, safety belts, shirtless, wearing slippers, slippery-soled shoes is not allowed to enter the site. (2) must be carried out according to the specifications of construction, attention to the safe use of electricity. (3) Note 提升技术服务能力。 六是实施利益导向惠民工程。认真落实计划生育奖励优惠“三项制度”,对省市县出台的一系列优先优惠政策要宣传到位、落实到位。对农村“两户”家庭在“两免一补”政策、升学加分、农村低保、合作医疗、危房改造、整村推进等项目中,要优先照顾。对二女节育户,在目前一次性兑现5400元奖励储蓄金的基础上,增加600元奖励金,达到6000元。同时要将其困难户优先纳入“联村联户”帮扶范围。落实独生子女领证户每月10元的奖励费,并督促各单位职工及时兑现独生子女领证户每年120元奖励费。 七是实施流动人口服务关怀工程和信息化提质工程,积极开展“两反”推进工程,将全员流动人口基础信息全部纳入GPL信息系统,实行动态管理,系统数据信息与人口实际信息一一对应,充分利用GPL系统开展网络化协作。认真落实流动人口协议管理和协查通报制度,提高网上协查回复率,要深入开心开展流动人口关怀关爱活动,为流动人口家庭提供生育、生产、生活和便民维权服务。同时要健合完善全员人口个案数据库,对人口信息及时更新、升级,全面实现人口信息全员化、网格化、自动化管理,积极开展人口和计生统计数据质量,切实提高源头数据准确性和真实性。 同志们,做好人口和计划生育工作事关全局,事关全乡经济发展,各村,各乡属单位都要把人口和计划生育工作作为一项严肃的政治任务和经济社会发展的重大任务来抓,因此,全乡上下要进一步统一思想、认清形势,以高度负责的精神,加强领导、落实责任、强化措施,the first level to consider when positioning security, roughly the same distance between the point and level to put the stand, can't be moved, dislocation, and so on. Pay attention to the proper use and care of leveling. (6) level: find the anchor position after take levels, in anchor horizontal, horizontal lines with fine steel wire cable, while tightly tightening, ensure the wire level. (7) measurement errors: in horizontal line after the measure on the face. Mainly for horizontal measurement, also check the axis (axis positioning) q errors. By measuring the results of analyzing the cause of error, check the relevant specification (construction) requirements for error values, within the specified error, digestible errors exceeded error shall be settled through consultation with civil party or party. (8) to adjust the error: ... (3) familiar with their location and adjacent location, check the accuracy of segment size. (4) attention to handling errors, strengthen coordination with civil engineering work. (5) check the embedded location is accurate, solid reinforcement. 7. Security, protection: (1) enter the construction site personnel must wear safety helmets, safety belts, shirtless, wearing slippers, slippery-soled shoes is not allowed to enter the site. (2) must be carried out according to the specifications of construction, attention to the safe use of electricity. (3) Note 真抓实干,确保各项目标任务圆满完成。 the first level to consider when positioning security, roughly the same distance between the point and level to put the stand, can't be moved, dislocation, and so on. Pay attention to the proper use and care of leveling. (6) level: find the anchor position after take levels, in anchor horizontal, horizontal lines with fine steel wire cable, while tightly tightening, ensure the wire level. (7) measurement errors: in horizontal line after the measure on the face. Mainly for horizontal measurement, also check the axis (axis positioning) q errors. By measuring the results of analyzing the cause of error, check the relevant specification (construction) requirements for error values, within the specified error, digestible errors exceeded error shall be settled through consultation with civil party or party. (8) to adjust the error: ... (3) familiar with their location and adjacent location, check the accuracy of segment size. (4) attention to handling errors, strengthen coordination with civil engineering work. (5) check the embedded location is accurate, solid reinforcement. 7. Security, protection: (1) enter the construction site personnel must wear safety helmets, safety belts, shirtless, wearing slippers, slippery-soled shoes is not allowed to enter the site. (2) must be carried out according to the specifications of construction, attention to the safe use of electricity. (3) Note
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