首页 煤矿劳动用工管理制度



煤矿劳动用工管理制度煤矿劳动用工管理制度 第一节 总 则 第1条 为了使我矿的劳动人事管理工作科学化、规范化、有序化,以起到调动、保护、发挥好各方面的积极性、主动性、创造性,促进我矿各项任务的顺利完成,按照国家颁布的《劳动法》、《劳动合同法》、《劳动就业促进法》等有关政策法规和上级主管部门的有关规定,结合我矿实际情况制定本管理制度。 第二节 人事调配管理制度 第2条 人事调配,要本着精简、高效的原则,用人单位需调入人员时,结合所安排的工作岗位在劳资科核定的合理编制内时,提交矿人力科审定。 第3条 机关工作人员的调配,根据年初...

煤矿劳动用工 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 第一节 总 则 第1条 为了使我矿的劳动人事管理工作科学化、规范化、有序化,以起到调动、保护、发挥好各方面的积极性、主动性、创造性,促进我矿各项任务的顺利完成,按照国家颁布的《劳动法》、《劳动 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 法》、《劳动就业促进法》等有关政策法规和上级主管部门的有关规定,结合我矿实际情况制定本管理制度。 第二节 人事调配管理制度 第2条 人事调配,要本着精简、高效的原则,用人单位需调入人员时,结合所安排的工作岗位在劳资科核定的合理编制内时,提交矿人力科审定。 第3条 机关工作人员的调配,根据年初矿上定员,在定员不足的情况下,由部门写出书面申请,经主管矿长同意后,由劳资科负责招聘,试用期为六个月,试用期满经考核符合岗位条件后办理正式调动手续。 第4条 职工个人申请矿内调动的,本人写出工作调动申请书,到劳资科领取职工调动审批表,原单位和新接收单位均加注同意 意见 文理分科指导河道管理范围浙江建筑工程概算定额教材专家评审意见党员教师互相批评意见 后,经主管矿领导审批后,方可到劳资科办理调动手续。 第5条 对于从事直接生产、特种作业和某些技术性较强的工作的人员,不宜随意调动,以保证生产等工作的连续性、正常性。但符合下列情况的,用人单位或本人向劳资科申请,经矿长或矿务会议同dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency training standards. , Training objectives through a comprehensive, formal, rigorous training, and was trained in to complete the training content is reached after neurological specialist level, more accurate diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases and emergencies, and has some medical teaching and research capacities. Training and specialist training in neurology for 3 years, Department of Neurology and clinical rotations. (A) clinical Rotary Department and the time arrangements Rotary Department name time (months) Rotary Department name time (months) Neural medical 18 neuropathy acting 1 endocrine section 2 neural electric physiological 2 breathing medical 2 medical image 2 heart medical 2 spirit section 2 neural medical N-ICU or emergency room 4 neural surgical 1 (ii) theory training content and requirements training project participate in requirements (? hours) neuropathy learn 120 within science 60 medical image learn (including CT And the MRI, SPECT, PET, and TCD etc) 40 neurophysiology (including EMG, EEG, evoked potentials) 20 40 neuropathology 20 case discussion note: theoretical training should be a combination of two forms of learning and teaching. Three, training contents and requirements (a) Neurology (18 month) 1. purpose 意后,方可办理调动手续。 (1)经整顿劳动组织,核定定编定员后,人员大于或小于定员人数的。 (2)职工因伤、病、残经劳动鉴定委员会鉴定,不能适应原工作岗位的。 (3)技术等级与岗位要求等级不相称,不能胜任本职工作的。 (4)组织决定,必须调动的。 (5)因各种特殊原因申请调离本矿的。 第6条 职工矿内跨单位借调或外借,需经矿长同意,并到劳资科办理借调手续。借调期限超过三个月的,若借调单位继续需用。经矿长同意,可调入借调单位。 第7条 经组织研究决定,需要部门或单位调动人员时,该单位必须配合、支持,不得以任何理由拒绝。 第8条 被调职工在接到调令后,必须服从组织分配,在规定期限内办完调动手续,按时到报到上班。 第9条 部门或单位之间,不允许直接进行职工调动(包括借调)。 第10条 各单位不得随意将职工介绍到劳资科。 第三节 劳动用工管理制度 第11条 每年年初要根据当年的经营 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 ,生产任务,编制(修订)全矿职工定编定员 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 。方案的编制要本着既能满足生产经营各项工作的需要,又有利于提高劳动生产率的原则,做到科学、先进、合理。 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency training standards. , Training objectives through a comprehensive, formal, rigorous training, and was trained in to complete the training content is reached after neurological specialist level, more accurate diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases and emergencies, and has some medical teaching and research capacities. Training and specialist training in neurology for 3 years, Department of Neurology and clinical rotations. (A) clinical Rotary Department and the time arrangements Rotary Department name time (months) Rotary Department name time (months) Neural medical 18 neuropathy acting 1 endocrine section 2 neural electric physiological 2 breathing medical 2 medical image 2 heart medical 2 spirit section 2 neural medical N-ICU or emergency room 4 neural surgical 1 (ii) theory training content and requirements training project participate in requirements (? hours) neuropathy learn 120 within science 60 medical image learn (including CT And the MRI, SPECT, PET, and TCD etc) 40 neurophysiology (including EMG, EEG, evoked potentials) 20 40 neuropathology 20 case discussion note: theoretical training should be a combination of two forms of learning and teaching. Three, training contents and requirements (a) Neurology (18 month) 1. purpose 第12条 定编定员方案的编制要以生产经营任务、作业条件、职工的技能水平、管理人员的管理水平、职工的年龄及体质状况、劳动定额、职工出勤率等为依据,综合分析、核定。 第13条 定编定员方案,由劳资科牵头、生产调度室、生产科配合,共同编制。 第14条 定编定员方案编制完成后,经矿务会议讨论通过后执行。 第15条 各单位按照定编定员方案,对各自的人员进行内部优化组合。优化组合的原则是既保持生产、经营队伍的精干又兼顾矿上生产情况。对在原单位工作确有困难的老弱病残职工(只包括劳合工),可报劳资科协调安置。但对个别纪律松弛、技能差、懒惰成性的人员,属农民工的,予以辞退,并报办公室除名;属劳合工的,直接送职工培训中心加以教育培训。培训期满,考试合格后,自找单位上岗。 第16条 职工在待岗期间,其劳动关系仍在原单位,下岗期间在劳资科。 第17条 劳动用工计划经矿长或矿长办公会议同意、并报上级主管部门审查批准后,劳资科即按计划招收(录用)或辞退职工。 第18条 对招收录用的劳合工或录用的临时工,一律要实行培训上岗制度。进矿后先到矿培训中心进行安全基础知识和岗位技术教育培训,经培训考试合格后方可分配工作。被招收的临时工必须缴纳dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency training standards. , Training objectives through a comprehensive, formal, rigorous training, and was trained in to complete the training content is reached after neurological specialist level, more accurate diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases and emergencies, and has some medical teaching and research capacities. Training and specialist training in neurology for 3 years, Department of Neurology and clinical rotations. (A) clinical Rotary Department and the time arrangements Rotary Department name time (months) Rotary Department name time (months) Neural medical 18 neuropathy acting 1 endocrine section 2 neural electric physiological 2 breathing medical 2 medical image 2 heart medical 2 spirit section 2 neural medical N-ICU or emergency room 4 neural surgical 1 (ii) theory training content and requirements training project participate in requirements (? hours) neuropathy learn 120 within science 60 medical image learn (including CT And the MRI, SPECT, PET, and TCD etc) 40 neurophysiology (including EMG, EEG, evoked potentials) 20 40 neuropathology 20 case discussion note: theoretical training should be a combination of two forms of learning and teaching. Three, training contents and requirements (a) Neurology (18 month) 1. purpose 1000元的财产及安全生产押金。 第19条 对新招收(录用)的劳动力,实行试用期制度。自分配工作之日起,从事井下工作的为三个月,地面工作的为半年。 第20条 新招收的工人在试用期间,如果不服从组织分配,不遵守纪律,不听从指挥,劳动表现差,或体质差,综合评定为不合格者,由所在单位报材料到劳资科,劳资科即予以辞退。 第21条 新分配来的大中专毕业生,原则上先安排从事生产一线工作,再根据其德、能、勤、绩择优使用。 第22条 为加强全矿的劳动用工管理,禁止任何单位随意招收临时工、季节工,更不允许冒名顶替,一经发现矿上将对本部门行政正职处以3000元的罚款,若在冒名顶替期间出现工伤及其它伤害,对责任人行政警告处分,并承担50%的医疗费。 第23条 无论招收或录用任何工种,均须签订劳动用工合同,劳动合同由劳资科统一管理。 第24条 职工离退休、调离、除名,其与矿方的劳动合同关系自行解除,劳资科应及时办理注销手续。 第25条 临时工自行离矿或被辞退时,须到劳资科办理离矿手续并解除劳动合同,办完离矿手续后,退还本人缴纳的1000元押金。 第26条 对一月内连续旷工15天或者一年内累计旷工超过30天者,是劳合工的,按国家《职工奖惩条例细则》,上报股份公司劳资科予以处理,企业与之解除劳动关系;是临时工的,矿上直接与之dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency training standards. , Training objectives through a comprehensive, formal, rigorous training, and was trained in to complete the training content is reached after neurological specialist level, more accurate diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases and emergencies, and has some medical teaching and research capacities. Training and specialist training in neurology for 3 years, Department of Neurology and clinical rotations. (A) clinical Rotary Department and the time arrangements Rotary Department name time (months) Rotary Department name time (months) Neural medical 18 neuropathy acting 1 endocrine section 2 neural electric physiological 2 breathing medical 2 medical image 2 heart medical 2 spirit section 2 neural medical N-ICU or emergency room 4 neural surgical 1 (ii) theory training content and requirements training project participate in requirements (? hours) neuropathy learn 120 within science 60 medical image learn (including CT And the MRI, SPECT, PET, and TCD etc) 40 neurophysiology (including EMG, EEG, evoked potentials) 20 40 neuropathology 20 case discussion note: theoretical training should be a combination of two forms of learning and teaching. Three, training contents and requirements (a) Neurology (18 month) 1. purpose 解除劳动合同予以辞退(特殊情况除外)。 第27条 职工受到国家刑事处理(制裁)的,其劳动关系按国家有关规定执行。是临时工的,其劳动合同自行解除。 第28条 对办理停薪留职超过一年请长假(连续请假超过6个月或一年累计请假超过6个月,工伤病除外)或外借(聘)超过一年的职工,其劳动关系由原单位介绍到劳资科,不再属原单位在职职工。期满返矿后,待岗,自找单位上岗。 第29条 劳合工合同到期时,矿上要及时办理合同的续签手续;临时工合同到期时,必须及时解除。如果确因生产经营用工的需要,可根据本人技术水平、劳动表现、健康状况、年龄等方面的情况,劳资科考虑办理合同续签手续。 第30条 职工上班期间必须按时上下班,不得迟到、早退更不允许无故旷工,严格按各岗位的制度要求自己。 第31条 女职工确因身体状况或其它原因不能正常上班的,可办理长假手续,请长假期间工资只发给保障工资+年功工资,但假期最长不得超过一年。 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency training standards. , Training objectives through a comprehensive, formal, rigorous training, and was trained in to complete the training content is reached after neurological specialist level, more accurate diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases and emergencies, and has some medical teaching and research capacities. Training and specialist training in neurology for 3 years, Department of Neurology and clinical rotations. (A) clinical Rotary Department and the time arrangements Rotary Department name time (months) Rotary Department name time (months) Neural medical 18 neuropathy acting 1 endocrine section 2 neural electric physiological 2 breathing medical 2 medical image 2 heart medical 2 spirit section 2 neural medical N-ICU or emergency room 4 neural surgical 1 (ii) theory training content and requirements training project participate in requirements (? hours) neuropathy learn 120 within science 60 medical image learn (including CT And the MRI, SPECT, PET, and TCD etc) 40 neurophysiology (including EMG, EEG, evoked potentials) 20 40 neuropathology 20 case discussion note: theoretical training should be a combination of two forms of learning and teaching. Three, training contents and requirements (a) Neurology (18 month) 1. purpose
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