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New wordsNew words fresher n. [C] (AmE freshman) 大学一年级学生 residence n. [C] (fml) 住所;住宅 The building is partly a museum and partly a private residence. warden n. [C] 看守人;监管人;管理员 unlock vt. (通常用钥匙)打开(门或窗的锁) Which of these keys unlocks the safe? barely ad. 几乎不;几乎没有 ...

New words
New words fresher n. [C] (AmE freshman) 大学一年级学生 residence n. [C] (fml) 住所;住宅 The building is partly a museum and partly a private residence. warden n. [C] 看守人;监管人;管理员 unlock vt. (通常用钥匙)打开(门或窗的锁) Which of these keys unlocks the safe? barely ad. 几乎不;几乎没有 The roads were barely wide enough for two cars to pass. muscle n. [C, U] 肌肉 spill v. (使)溢出,(使)泼出,(使)洒出 He slipped and the wine spilt all over the carpet. sip n. [C] 一小口 If the food is too hot, take a sip of water. intelligent a. 有智慧的;悟性高的;聪明的 Surely an intelligent person like you can deal with this. gap n. [C] 1. 间隔;间断 2. 缺口;裂口;缝隙;裂缝 1. The second volume in the series came out after a gap of seven years. 2. Through the gaps between the trees I could see a river in the distance. ignorant a. ( ~ of) 无知的;愚昧的;无学识的 I was ignorant of the terms used in business. sign v. 签字(于);签名(于) You haven't signed Rory's birthday card yet. ballroom n. [C] 大舞厅;舞场 dramatics n. [U] 戏剧 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 演 choir n. [C] (学校的)合唱团;(教堂的)唱诗班 assure vt. 1. (fml) 向(某人)保证;使确信 2. 确保 1. There's not much more I can say to assure you. 2. We all worked hard to assure the mayor's re-election. disco n. [C] 迪斯科舞厅;迪斯科舞会 wardrobe n. [C] 衣柜;衣橱 Phrases and expressions check in 1. 登记住宿;登记住院 2.(在机场)办理登机手续 1. He checked in at the Europa Hotel. 2. You must check in at least one hour before your flight. go along 1. 和(某人)一起去 2. 继续;进展 1. As everyone else was going to the pub, I decided to go along with them. 2. Things seem to be going along nicely. sign up for 报名参加;同意从事 She's decided to sign up for a music school. rent out 出租(房屋、办公室等) He rented out his spare flat for ?1,000 a month. burst into tears / song / laughter 突然哭 / 唱/ 笑起来 Terri keeps bursting into tears for no reason. run out of 用光;耗尽 They ran out of money and had to abandon the project. Edinburgh 爱丁堡(苏格兰首府) Artificial Intelligence Society 人工智能协会 Extreme Sports Club 极限运动俱乐部 New words Tis (literary) it is memoir n. 1. (~s) 见闻录;回忆录 2. [C] 传略;实录 admirable a. 令人赞赏的;令人钦佩的 It is an admirable book, the first to tell the whole truth about the war. cultural a. 1. 文化(上)的 2.(音乐、文学等)文化艺术的 1. It is important to look at the political and cultural context in which the novel was written. 2. London is still very much the cultural capital of the country. inadequate a. 不充分的;不够格的;不适当的 We are trying to provide basic education with inadequate resources. subway n. [C] (BrE Underground) 地铁 admiringly ad. 钦佩地;赞赏地;羡慕地 Everybody looked at him admiringly. Pilgrim n. [C] 1.(17世纪早期离开英国到了如今的美国的) 清教徒移民 2. 朝圣者;香客 scribble v. 1. 潦草 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 写 2. 乱涂;涂写;乱画 1. I scribbled the numbers down as they were read out. 2. Someone had scribbled all over my picture. detect vt. 1. 察觉,发觉,发现(尤指不明显的事) 2. 查出;测出 1. I thought I detected a hint of irony in her words. 2. The system is so sensitive that it can detect changes in temperature as small as 0.003 degrees. Irish a. 1. 爱尔兰的;爱尔兰语的;爱尔兰文化的 2. 爱尔兰人的 brogue n. [sing] 土腔,地方腔(尤指爱尔兰腔或苏格兰腔) persecution n. [C, U] (尤指因种族、宗教或政治信仰而进行 的)迫害,残害 He may face persecution if he returns to his homeland. persecute vt. (尤指因种族、宗教或政治信仰而)迫害,残 害 The narrators have been persecuted for standing up for their principles. diploma n. [C] 毕业文凭;学位证书 He has a diploma in marketing. surely ad. 1. 无疑;肯定 2.(用于表明相信某事极有可能)想必,谅必 1. That is surely the stupidest thing I have ever done. 2. Surely she didn't mean it — it was just a thoughtless remark. cafeteria n. [C] 自助食堂;自助餐馆 Puritan n. [C] 清教徒 Phrases and expressions in the long run 从长远来看;终究 Moving to Spain will be better for you in the long run. frighten the life out of sb / frighten sb to death (infml) 把某人吓 得没命/ 使某人紧张得要死 Don't do that! You frightened the life out of me! Proper names Dostoyevsky 陀思妥耶夫斯基(1821—1881,俄国作家) Melville 梅尔维尔(1819—1891 ,美国小说家) NYU (New York University) 纽约大学 Limerick 利默里克(爱尔兰西部城市) Maxine Green 玛克辛 • 格林(人名) the Reformation 宗教改革运动(欧洲 16 世纪的一次宗教运动, 导致新教各教派的成立) Greenwich Village 格林尼治村 New words dorm n. [C] (infml)(学校、军营等的)寝室,宿舍 unfriendly a. 不友好的;不友善的 responsible a. (never before noun) (~ for) 负责……的 New words oyster n. [C] 牡蛎;蚝 frown vi. (因烦恼、焦虑或沉思而)皱眉,蹙额 Sarah frowned and shook her head. nonsense n. [sing, U] 愚蠢的想法;胡闹;胡说 So you believe the nonsense about ghosts? frank a. 坦诚的;直率的;直言不讳的 They were perhaps not entirely frank with you. nasty a. (味道、气味、样子或感觉)令人作呕的,令人厌恶 的 They were cheap and nasty watches, the kind you see on special offer. resort n. [C] 度假地;游览胜地 enormous a. 巨大的;极大的;很多的 The stress they're under is enormous. portion n. [C] 1.(食物的)一份,一客 2. ( ~ of ) (数量或总数的)一部分,一份 1. If you eat smaller portions, you will begin to lose weight. 2. We're spending a larger portion of our income on entertainment. seafood n. [U] 海产品;海鲜;海味 crab n. [C] 螃蟹 prawn n. [C] 对虾;明虾 lobster n. [C] 龙虾 shellfish n. (pl shellfish) [C] 有壳水生动物 cling vi. ( ~ to) 1. 粘着;紧贴 2.(因害怕等)抱住,抓紧 1. Gareth's dripping clothes clung to his body. 2. Some children were sobbing and clinging to their mothers. bucket n. [C] 提桶;圆桶 yummy a. (infml) 1. 美味的;可口的 2. 性感的;迷人的 1. This cake is really yummy. 2. Marilyn Monroe is a very yummy actress. juicy a. (食物)多汁的 As a starter, we had delicious juicy tomatoes stuffed with rice. gloomy a. 1. 阴暗的;幽暗的 2. 沮丧的;悲观的 1. It was a gloomy room with one small window. 2. He became very gloomy and depressed. emotion n. [C, U] 情绪;情感;感情 As a nurse, I learnt to control my emotions. innocence n. [U] 1. 无知;幼稚;天真 2. 清白;无罪 1. She arrived in London with all the native innocence of a small-town girl. 2. This new evidence would hopefully prove his innocence. chip n. [C] (usu pl) (AmE French fry) 炸土豆条;炸薯条 homesick a. 想家的;思乡的 Most people get homesick the first time they leave home. region n. [C] 地区;区域 complain v. 抱怨;发牢骚;投诉 What are you complaining about? perception n. 1. [U] 洞察力,认识能力 2. [C, U] 理解;看法;认识 1. Ross shows unusual perception for a boy of his age. 2. The public's perception of him is slowly changing. discard vt. 丢弃 The gang discarded their weapons after the attack. implement n. [C] 工具;器具;用具 crack vt. 1. 打开;砸开 2. 使裂开;使破裂;使爆裂 1. They used a hammer to crack open the coconuts. 2. I dropped a plate and cracked it. shell n. [C, U] (海洋动物的)硬壳 scrape vt. 刮;削;擦 v. (使)刮擦 1. You'll have to scrape the walls before you paint them. 2. She scraped her nails along the blackboard. mouthful n. [C] (食物或饮料的)一口 Betty drank a mouthful of beer. tease vt. 逗弄;戏弄;取笑 John's always teasing me about my accent. despair n. [U] (in ~) 绝望 In despair he phoned the embassy. bake v. 烘,烤,焙(面包、蛋糕等) I'm baking a cake for Tom's birthday. thumb n. [C] 大拇指 slippery a. 湿滑的;滑的 In places, the path can be wet and slippery. Phrases and expressions to be frank 坦率地说;说老实话 To be perfectly frank, I think it's a bad idea. come of age 成年;到法定年龄 He'll inherit the money when he comes of age. a battery of 一组;一套;一批;一系列 This is quite a battery of questions. New words cacao n. [C] 可可树(热带植物,种子用于制作巧克力及可可 粉) crush vt. 压碎 The drink is served over crushed ice. paste n. [U] 糊,糨糊 spice n. [C, U] 香料,调味品 stimulating a. 1. 令人有活力的 2. 饶有兴味的 1. The 17th-century doctors puzzled over the stimulating effects of coffee and tea. 2. Her lectures were always stimulating and covered a variety of subjects. nourishing a. 滋养的;富有营养的 A simple chicken soup is both nourishing and delicious. highly ad. 极;非常 flavour n. 1. [C] 味;味道;滋味;风味 2. [sing, U] 风格;风味;风韵 1. Fresh ginger gives an Eastern flavour to the dish. 2. The music gives some flavour of the traditional ways of singing. luxury n. [C] 奢侈品 a. 奢华的;豪华的;高档的 1. She likes to have a few luxuries like fresh flowers. 2. The Smiths live in a very luxury flat. cocoa n. 1. [C, U] 可可饮料;一杯可可饮料 2. [U] 可可粉 mould n. [C] 模子;铸模;模型 snap v. (使)喀嚓一声断裂 When the rope snapped, Davis fell into the water. melt v. (使)融化;(使)熔化 vi. (逐渐地)消失 1. It was warmer now, and the snow was beginning to melt. 2. Opposition to the government melted away. manufacturer n. [C] 制造商;厂商 condense v. (使)凝结;(使)冷凝 Steam from the shower condensed on the cold bathroom mirror. condensed milk n. [U] 炼乳 manufacture vt. (大量)生产,制造 The firm manufactures women's clothing. popularity n. [U] 流行;普及 Small cars have gained in popularity as petrol prices have risen. property n. 1. [C] (usu pl) 特性;特质 2. [U] 所有物;财产;资产 1. All sound has three properties: pitch, volume and duration. 2. The books are my personal property. confess v. (~ to) 1. 承认(尴尬或令人失望的事) 2. 承认;供认;招供;交代 1. I had to confess my ignorance when they asked me to operate the truck. 2. Eventually he confessed to the police. chocaholic n. [C] 嗜吃巧克力的人 inherit vt. 经遗传而得(相同的外貌或特征) v. 继承(财产) 1. The boys inherited his mother's good looks. 2. He inherited a fortune from his grandmother. genetic a. 基因的;遗传学的 They now have a genetic test for that disease. trait n. [C] 个性特征;品质 Is it associated with remediable personality traits? release vt. 1.(尤指化学反应中)释放(物质或能量) 2. 释放;放出 1. Oxygen from the water is released into the atmosphere. 2. The authorities had recently released two political prisoners. hormone n. [C] 激素;荷尔蒙 endorphin n. [C] (medical) 内啡肽(体内产生的一种有镇痛作用的荷尔蒙) vitamin n. [C] 维生素 Phrases and expressions account for 是……的原因;引起;导致 A number of factors account for the differences between the two scores. have an / some / little / no effect on 对……有一些/ 很少/ 没有影响 Any change in lifestyle will have some effect on your health. Proper names Theobroma cacao 可可树 New words conjure v. (~ up) 使浮现于脑海;使想起 hamburger n. [C] 汉堡包 excess a. (only before noun) 过量的;过多的 encounter vt. 遇到 vendor n. [C] 小贩;摊贩 ingredient n. [C] (烹调用的)原料,配料 freshly ad. 刚,新(与过去分词连用) industrial a. 工业的;产业的 snack n. [C] (正餐以外的)点心,小吃 hygiene n. [U] 卫生 unreliable a. 不可信赖的;靠不住的 seller n. [C] 卖者;卖方;销售者 falafel n. [U] 香炸豆丸(中东地区的一种食品,由鹰嘴豆加洋葱和香料制成) commuter n. [C] 每日经很远路程上下班的人;通勤者 bento n. [C] 盒饭 satay n. [U] 加香烤肉(印度尼西亚或马来西亚菜肴,通常配花生酱和米饭食用) cart n. [C] (用于送食品或饮料的)手推车 spicy a. (食物)辛辣的 varied a. 各种各样的;各不相同的 Chaat n. 恰特(印度菜肴,拌有调味料的煮熟蔬菜或未经烹煮的水果) characterize vt. 成为……的特征 Proper names McDonald's 麦当劳(美国连锁快餐企业) Shinkansen 新干线(日本的高速铁路客运专线系统) New words radical a. 激进的;极端的 He surprised us all with his radical views. particularly ad. 1. 尤其 2. 非常;特别 1. Rice grows well in their county, particularly in their village. 2. His remarks were particularly helpful. suspicion n. 1. [U] 不信任;猜疑 2. [C](对某人做错事的)怀疑,猜疑,疑心 1. She always treated us with suspicion. 2. She had a suspicion that Mr Engel was not honest. thwart vt. (fml) 阻挠;作梗;使……受挫 Fierce opposition thwarted the government's plans. organizational a. 组织的;结构的 This is a political and organizational task. vision n. [U] 1.(尤指政治和商业方面的)远见;眼光,前瞻性 2. 视力 1. To tackle these environmental challenges will require real vision and leadership. 2. He suffers from bad vision. dearth n. (~ of ) [sing] (fml) 缺乏;不足 Many soldiers died because of dearth of food. revere vt. (fml) 尊崇;崇敬 He is revered as a national hero. thinker n. [C] (尤指著名的)思想家 unmitigated a. (用于强调某事糟糕或令人不快的程度)全然 的,十足的 Last night's performance was an unmitigated disaster. occasionally ad. 偶然;偶尔 Disputes occasionally occur between them. mentor n. [C] 指导者;导师 glimpse n. [C] (~ of / into) 1. 窥见某物之一斑 2. 一瞥;一看 1. In the villages you'll have a glimpse of Turkish country life. 2. The crowd were anxious for a glimpse of the President. advanced a. 1. 高级的;高等的 2. 先进的 1. My younger sister studied advanced math. 2. Modern armies consist of fewer soldiers and more advanced weapons systems. algebra n. [U] 代数学 malign vt. 诽谤;中伤;污蔑 She had seen herself repeatedly maligned in the newspapers. sum n. [C] (~ of) 总数;总和 That is the sum of what he has done in the last two years. pubescent a. 青春期的;发育期的 aisle n. [C] (教堂、剧院或飞机上两排座位间的)过道,走 廊 lean vi. 1. (~ forward / back / towards / across) 探身;弯腰; 屈身 2. (~ against) 倾斜;倚靠;斜靠 1. The girl leaned forward to hear what was going on. 2. Corey leaned against the apple tree. peer vi. (~ into / through / at / over) 仔细看;(尤指)费力地 看 She was peering through the window. rub v. (用手或物体)擦,摩擦 She began rubbing her hair with a towel. agony n. [C, U] 1. 痛苦;煎熬 2. 剧痛 1. She had to go through the agony of leaving her children. 2. The instant the light hit my pupils, the agony began. tactile a. (technical) 触觉的 What is most notable about the exhibition is its tactile quality. prevalent a. 盛行的;普遍的 This negative attitude is surprisingly prevalent among young boys. presence n. [U] (in sb's ~ ) 1. 有某人在场;有某人出席 2. 存在;在场 1. I asked you not to smoke in my presence. 2. Your presence is requested at the club meeting on Friday. gradually ad. 逐渐地;渐渐地 She gradually built up a reputation as a successful lawyer. humiliate vt. 使蒙羞;使丢脸 Her boss humiliated her in front of all her colleagues. affirm vt. (fml)(尤指公开地)断言,声明,肯定 The school affirmed its commitment to its students. powerfully ad. 1. 有力地 2. 有影响力地;能控制他人地 Phrases and expressions on purpose 为了特定目的;特意地,故意地 They think the fire was started on purpose. not think much of 不大喜欢 I don't think much of Hajime's new girlfriend. find out 发现,查明,弄清(事实或信息) We may never find out the truth about what happened. for that matter (spoken) 而且(用于强调其他事情也是真的) Ben never touched beer, or any kind of alcohol for that matter. at (great / some) length 详尽地;唆地;长久地 Austin was questioned at length by detectives. start up 发动 She got into the car and started up the engine. be about to do 即将做某事 I was about to get undressed when there was a knock on the door. in sb's presence 有某人在场;有某人出席 She feared to speak in his presence. New words hone vt. 磨炼;磨砺 Mark used the waiting period to improve relationships and hone his skills. financial a. 财政的; 金融的 We offer a range of financial services. resource n. (~ for ) (usu pl)(人力、财力、物力等)资源 We are increasing resources for the health service. transfer vt. 移动 v. (在同一公司或组织内)调动,调职 1. Wait until the cakes cool before transferring them to a plate. 2. Helen was transferred from marketing to sales. lecturer n. [C] 演讲者;讲师 notepad n. [C] 记事本 context n. [C, U] 上下文;文章的前后关系 detail n. 1. [C] 细节;详情 2. (~s ) 详细情况 1. They knew everything about me, down to the last detail. 2. Full details are available from the following address. critical a. 1. 批判的;爱挑剔的;吹毛求疵的 2. 非常重要的;关键的 1. He gave a highly critical speech. 2. Classroom practice is a critical factor in children's learning. critically ad. 1.批判地;爱挑剔地;吹毛求疵地 2. 非常重要地;关键地 1. He has spoken critically of the government's refusal to support the industry. 2. This is a critically important meeting. handout n. [C] (尤指发给学生的)讲义 integrate vt. 1. (usu passive) 使结合;使成为一体 2. ( ~ sb into sth) 使融入;使打成一片 1. Colourful illustrations are integrated into the text. 2. Many children with learning difficulties are integrated into ordinary schools. tutorial n. [C] 辅导班 questionnaire n. [C] 调查表, 问卷 identify vt. 确认,识别(某物) Several key problems have already been identified. activist n. [C] 积极分子,活动家(尤指属于某组织的成员) learner n. [C] 学习者;初学者 generate vt. 1. 引起;引发 2. 赚(钱);创造(财富) 1. The program would generate a lot of new jobs. 2. Tourism generates income for local communities. solve vt. 解决(问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 ) We can help you solve your financial problems. reflector n. [C] 思考者;反省者 theorist n. [C] 理论家 logical a. 合乎逻辑的;合理的 It seems like the most logical solution to the problem. logically ad. 合乎逻辑地;合理地 She presented her ideas clearly and logically. assimilate vt. 1. 吸收;吸取 2. 使同化 1. It will take time to assimilate all these facts. 2. Many ethnic groups have been assimilated into American society. rational a. 1. 基于理性的,合理的 2. 有理性的,理智的 1. There didn't seem to be any rational explanation for his actions. 2. Calm down and try to be rational. scheme n. [C] 1.(用于组织或整理信息的)系统,体系 2.(政府或大型组织提供某种服务的) 规划,计划 1. Libraries organize books according to a subject classification scheme. 2. The department has introduced several new training schemes. subjective a. 主观的 The assessment of a student's work is often subjective. creative a. 有创造力的;有想象力的 We offer people the opportunity to be creative. pragmatist n. [C] 实用主义者 setting n. [C] 环境;背景 bog vt. ( ~ down in / with) 使陷入;使不能前进 Don't let yourself get bogged down in minor details. overwhelm vt. 1. (usu passive)(数量大得)使无法对付 2.(感情上)使受不了,使不知所措 1. She was overwhelmed by expenses. 2. We were overwhelmed by the sacrifices they had made. factual a. 真实的;确凿的 Try to keep your account of events as factual as possible. specialized a. 专门的;专业的 Many of the employees receive specialized training in programming. effective a. 有效的;显著的 You need effective communication within the organization. vary vt. 使……有变化;使……更多样 vi. (情况)有变化,相异 1. I'm trying to vary the children's diet a little. 2. Test scores vary from school to school. recall vt. 1. 回忆;回想起 2. 召回;唤回 1. Twenty years later he could still clearly recall the event. 2. He was recalled to active duty in the Royal Navy. contrast n. 1. [C, U] 差别;差异 2. [C] 对照物;对比物 1. While there are similarities in the two cultures, there are also great contrasts. 2. The little village is a total contrast to San Francisco. carefully ad. 小心地;谨慎地 He washed the precious plates very carefully. structure vt. 计划;组织;安排 If you work at home, you need to be able to structure your days. thrust n. (~ of ) [sing] 主旨;要点 The main thrust of their work is to help kids finish high school. reader n. [C] 读者 extent n. [sing, U] 程度;限度 The extent to which your diet is successful depends on your willpower. parliament n. [C] 议会;国会 Phrases and expressions focus on / upon 集中注意力于…… We will focus upon three main topics. strike a balance 取得合适的平衡;达到两全其美 We want the classes to be both enjoyable and useful---we're trying to strike a balance. more or less 差不多;几乎 Roger's idea had been more or less ignored. try sth out 试验;试用 She enjoys trying out new ways of doing things. bog down in / with 使陷入;使不能前进 Our discussions got bogged down in irrelevant details. break up (被)分解;(被)分离 There are plans to break the company up into several smaller companies. keep sth in mind 记得(尤指重要的)某事 Keep that in mind when you come to make your decision. by / in contrast 对比之下 By contrast, she is much more easy-going. work out (满意地)解决问题 We've worked out our differences. New words linguistics n. [U] 语言学 systematically ad. 有系统地;有计划地;有条理地 Semitic a. 闪语族的 Arabic n. 阿拉伯语 Hebrew n. 希伯来语(以色列官方语言之一) backtrack vi. 回到先前的话题 Oriental a. 东方的;东亚的(尤指中国和日本) Romance language n. [C] 罗曼语(源于拉丁语的语言,如法 语、西班牙语或意大利语) Spanish n. 西班牙语 stray vi. 离题;(从某一个话题)扯开 Slav a. 斯拉夫语的 frequently ad. 经常地;频繁地 illustrate vt. 举例说明;阐明;表明 series n. [C] (usu sing) (~ of) 连续发生的一组类似事件;系列 criticism n. [U] 批评;批判;指责 simplistic a. 过于简单化的 insufficient a. (fml) 不充足的;不充分的 biased a. 有偏见的;偏袒一方的 efficient a. 效率高的 effectively ad. 有效地 rhetorical a. 修辞的;修辞学的 device n. [C] (fml)(作家、艺术家等的)手法 repetition n. [U] 重复 figurative a. 比喻的;借喻的 New words apparently ad. 1. 据说;听说 2. 似乎,貌似(真实) 1. Apparently, she resigned because she had an argument with her boss. 2. Seven people were shot yesterday in two apparently unrelated incidents. factor n. [C] 因素;要素 subscriber n. [C] (报纸、杂志、服务等的)订阅者,用户 handset n. [C] 电话听筒 impact n. (~ on) 1. [C] 作用;影响 2. [C, U] 撞击;冲击 v. 对……有作用(或影响) 1. We need to assess the impact on climate change. 2. I was thrown to the ground by the impact. 3. The failure of the transport system impacts daily on all our lives. lifestyle n. [C, U] 生活方式 whereas conj. 尽管,但是,却(用于比较两个事物、人或情 景等,显示两者有重要差别) Whereas knowledge can be acquired from books, skills must be learnt through practice. extend vi. (~ from / into / over / beyond / for etc) 延伸,延续 v. 扩大,扩建 1. The beach extends beyond the horizon. 2. The company has recently extended its range of products. businessman n. [C] 商人;实业家;(尤指)经理 landline n. [C] 固定电话;座机 necessarily ad. 总是;必定;必然 Expensive restaurants aren't necessarily the best. urgently ad. 紧迫地;紧急地 New facilities are urgently needed. tedious a. 冗长乏味的 The work was tiring and tedious. practically ad. 1. (spoken) 差不多;几乎 2. 讲求实际地;实际可行地 1. The system is practically impossible to deal with most of the time. 2. They will do everything practically possible to protect the public. impulse n. [C, U] 冲动;一时的念头;突然的欲望 Jenny felt a sudden impulse to play some music. completely ad. (用于强调)完全地,彻底地 Doctor said the operation was completely successful. voicemail n. [U] 语音信箱;语音邮递 essential n. 1. (usu pl) 必需品;不可缺的东西 2. (~s)(某学科的)基础,基本知识 1. She packed a few essentials and headed for the airport. 2. He agreed to teach me the essentials of web page design. a. 1. 绝对必要的;必不可少的 2. 最本质的;最典型的;最基本的 1. In a large organization, good internal communication is essential. 2. The essential point of relay racing is that it is a team effort. fuss n. (~ about / over) [sing, U] 紧张不安;大惊小怪;小题大 做 If you ask me, it's a fuss about nothing. bold a. 1. 冒风险的;大胆的 2. 显眼的;醒目的 1. In a bold move to try and cut pollution, the city council has banned private cars. 2. The most important items are listed in bold type. risky a. 冒险的;有风险的 The decision is a politically risky one. solitary a. 单独的;独自的 Mathematical research is a largely solitary pursuit. speculate v. 思索;推测 We can only speculate on the reasons for his sudden resignation. utter a. 完全的;十足的;彻底的 She gazed at me in utter confusion. therapy n. 1. [U] 心理疗法;心理治疗 2. [C, U](疾病的)疗法;治疗 interfere vi. (~ with) 妨碍;扰乱 Mum says I can get a job if it doesn't interfere with my homework. distract vt. 分散,转移(注意力) She was distracted by the sound of running water. undoubtedly ad. 无疑;肯定 Excessive drinking will undoubtedly affect one's health. Phrases and expressions make an impact on 产生影响 The comments of the media made a great impact on the judgment of the case. beyond / within the reach of 达不到/ 达得到 Her behaviour is beyond the reach of my imagination. switch off 关掉(电灯或机器等);使停止运行 I parked the car and switched off the engine. be meant to do 有意(或打算)做某事 It was meant to be an apology but it only made her angry. end up 最终达到;最终到达 Keep on doing that and you'll end up in serious trouble. on the plus side 从有利方面看 This plan seems a little bit risky, but on the plus side, it is time-saving. on (an) impulse 凭一时冲动;一时冲动之下 He saw them get into the car and on an impulse he followed them. check up on (尤指悄悄地)调查,核实(某人) It seems that every time I turn around, he is checking up on me. switch on 打开(电灯或机器);(使)开始运行 Don't switch on the light. make a fuss (about / over) 大惊小怪 I don't know why you're making such a fuss about it. get hold of sb 联系上某人 Can you get hold of Mike and tell him the meeting is postponed? New words Parisian a. 1. 巴黎人的 2. 巴黎的;巴黎文化的 occasion n. 1. [C](某事发生的)时刻,时节 2. [U] (fml) 理由 1. On one occasion we had to walk all the way home. 2. I've had no occasion to complain their service. arouse vt. 引起;激起;唤起 Matt's behaviour was arousing the interest of the neighbours. breadth n. 1. [C, U] 宽度;阔度 2. [U] 广泛性;广度 findings n. [pl] 发现;研究结果 episode n. [C] 1.(一系列事件中的)一个事件,一段经历 2.(电视剧或广播剧的)一集 1. After this episode, relations between them were worse. 2. Watch next week's thrilling episode! involve vt. 1.(作为必要的部分)包含,需要 2. 牵涉;牵连 1. The course involves a great deal of hard work. 2. Forty-six vehicles were involved in the accident. bump n. [C] 1.(身体部位的)碰撞,撞击 2.(表面的)隆起部分,凸块 1. She got a nasty bump on the back of her head. 2. The car hit a bump on the road. curiosity n. [sing, U] 好奇心 I opened the packet just to satisfy my curiosity. embarrassment n. [U] 尴尬;难堪;窘迫 I felt my face burning with embarrassment. Spanish a. 来自西班牙的 uneasy a. 紧张的,担心的,忧虑的 He looks uneasy in interview situations. weird a. 奇怪的;古怪的;不寻常的 I had a weird dream last night. unnecessary a. 1. 不需要的 2. 不必要的;可避免的 1. Remove all unnecessary files from your computer. 2. The delay was totally unnecessary. perceive vt. 1. (usu passive) 理解;思考;认为 2. (fml) 注意到;意识到 1. Computers were often perceived as a threat. 2. He quickly perceived the truth. response n. [C] 反应;回应;响应 Her response was to leave the room and slam the door. inquire v. (also enquire) 询问;打听 Why don't you telephone the theatre and inquire about tickets? thoughtful a. 1. 认真思考的 2. 为他人着想的;考虑周到的 1. Beth stood there, silent and thoughtful for a long time. 2. Caroline is such a thoughtful young woman. confusion n. [U] 1. 迷惑;困惑 2. 混乱状态 1. There seems to be some confusion about who actually won. 2. Inside the building was a scene of total confusion. miserable a. 苦恼的;痛苦的;难受的 He looked cold and miserable in the rain. convention n. [C, U] 常例;惯例;准则;社会习俗 She hated convention and refused to marry. ritual n. [C, U] 1. 例行公事;老规矩 2. 正式仪式;典礼 1. Their meetings became a weekly ritual. 2. The lady of the house performs the sacred ritual of lighting two candles. tolerance n. [U] 1. ( ~ of / towards) 容忍;宽容 2. ( ~ to / of) 忍受能力;忍耐力 1. We need to show greater tolerance of each other. 2. Children have a very low tolerance to hot weather. awareness n. [sing, U] 认识;意识 There was a general lack of awareness about safety issue. generally ad. 1. 大致上说;大体上讲 2. 普遍地;广泛地 1. His attitude to me was generally unfriendly. 2. He is generally accepted as the world's greatest expert in the field. dressing gown n. [C] (在家中穿的)晨衣 Phrases and expressions the length and breadth of 整个地区;到处 The police searched the length and breadth of the country. come to a conclusion 得出结论 We came to the conclusion that there was no other way back to the camp. get on (with / in) (用于询问)进展如何,干得怎么样 Jim seems to be getting on very well with the cleaning. carry on 继续下去 He moved to London to carry on his work. get / grow tired of doing sth 厌烦做某事的 She's getting tired of going into that office every day. come to an end 结束 At last it seemed the war might be coming to an end. New words misunderstanding n. [C, U] 误解;误会;曲解 restricted a. 限制使用的;限于某人(或某种目的)的 self-conscious a. 害羞的;忸怩的;怕难为情的 performer n. [C] 表演者;演出者 modesty n. [U] 谦逊;谦虚 palm n. [C] 手掌;掌心 forefinger n. [C] 食指 offensive a. 冒犯的;使人不快的;令人难堪的 cute a. 娇小可爱的;乖巧的 elsewhere ad. 在别处;到别处 insult n. [C] 侮辱 perfectly ad. 完全地;十足地 acceptable a. 可接受的;可允许的 toss vt. 使……上下晃动 Latin American a. 拉丁美洲的;拉丁美洲文化的 circular a. 循环的;环形移动的 New words hum v. 哼(曲子) Jerry hummed softly to himself. hearth n. [C] 壁炉炉床;壁炉边 asunder ad. 分开地 The boat was torn asunder on the rocks. resume v. (短暂停断之后)重新开始,继续 vt. 重回;重返 1. After saying that, Tom resumed his work and ignored us completely. 2. He came back from the window and resumed his seat. contradict vt. 1. 反驳;否认 2. 与……相矛盾;与……抵触 1. He didn't dare to contradict his parents. 2. The witness statements contradicted each other. doze n. [sing](尤指白天)小睡,打盹儿 trickle vi. 滴;淌 A solitary tear trickled down his cheek. shameful a. 可耻的;丢脸的 This is a shameful waste of our natural resources. novelty n. 1. [C] 新鲜事物;新奇事物 2. [U] 新鲜感;新奇感;新颖 1. In the 1950s, television was still a novelty. 2. Many toys have no attraction beyond their novelty value. save prep. (fml) 除……之外 No one, save perhaps his wife, knows where he is. pursue vt. 1. 追究;追查 2. 从事;奉行;实行 1. I feel I have been treated wrongly and I intend to pursue the matter. 2. He wants to pursue a career in medicine. kneel vi. 跪下 She knelt in front of the fire to warm herself. winsome a. 惹人喜爱的;迷人的 He was winsome and diffident, with a quiet sense of humour. temper n. 1. [sing, U] 情绪;心情 2. [C, U] 暴躁脾气;坏脾气 1. He seems to be in a good temper. 2. That temper of yours is going to get you into trouble. indulge vt. 放纵,纵容(他人) vi. (~in) 沉迷于,沉溺于(不被认可的事物) 1. He loves his wife and indulges his sons. 2. A funeral is not an appropriate time to indulge in gossip. sulkily ad. 生闷气地;愠怒地 "What else could I do?" said Graham sulkily. consent n. [U] 同意;赞同;准许 vi. 同意;赞同;准许 1. He entered the building without the owner's consent. 2. The child's parents would not consent to the treatment. denial n. [C, U] 否认 The company has issued a strong denial of responsibility for the mistake. pledge vt. 承诺;发誓 He has pledged to fight for a fairer system. retract v. 撤回;收回 He confessed to the murder but later retracted his statement. exclaim v. (尤因吃惊、印象深刻或疼痛而)呼喊,感叹,惊 叫 She exclaimed when she saw the bill. irritated a. 被激怒的;不耐烦的 I was beginning to get irritated at the long delay. properly ad. 合适地;恰当地 You're not properly dressed for this weather. sententiously ad. 说教地 foremost a. 最重要的;最著名的 He is one of Mexico's foremost authorities on biology. queer a. 古怪的 His behaviour seemed queer. alter vt. 使变样;改变;改动 This doesn't alter the fact that what you did was wrong. angel n. [C] 天使 fling vt. 猛扔;猛掷;乱抛 She flung a book across the room at me. heath n. [C] (灌木和杂草丛生的)荒野,荒地 sob v. 啜泣;呜咽 He began sobbing uncontrollably. degrade vt. 使丢脸;侮辱 How can you degrade yourself by writing such trash? moonbeam n. [C] (一道)月光 Phrases and expressions draw a deep breath 深吸气 He drew a deep breath and dived into the water. come / get to the point 直切要点;直入主题 We haven't got all day, so please get to the point. first and foremost 首先,首要的是 He was first and foremost an educator who cared about his students. now and then / again 有时;时而;偶尔 Now and then I receive letters from my former students. New words servitude n. [U] (fml) 奴役;束缚 grace n. [U] 优雅;优美 She moved with natural grace. shed vt. 1. 使自然脱落 2. 摆脱;丢掉 1. Some trees shed their leaves each autumn. 2. He is keen to shed his "badboy" image. valentine n. [C] 情人节贺卡;情人节礼物 satin n. [U] 缎子 wrap vt. (用纸、布等)包,裹 Keep the cheeses fresh by wrapping each one individually. undress v. 脱去(……的)衣服 Joe still needs an adult to undress him. lover n. [C] 情人;爱人 reflection n. 1. [C](反射的)影像 2. [U] 深思熟虑;仔细考虑 1. Anna stared at her reflection in the hall mirror. 2. After a period of reflection, Russell decided to leave. wobble vi. (使)晃动;(使)摇摆 The pile of bricks wobbled and fell. grief n. [U] 悲痛;悲伤 The grief she felt over Helen's death was almost unbearable. truthful a. (人)诚实的,讲真话的,不说谎的 You and I must be truthful with each other. cute a. 娇小可爱的;乖巧的 He's really naughty, but he's so cute. kissogram n. [C] 吻信;吻电 possessive a. (对某人的感情)占有欲强的,想独占的 She was terribly possessive of our eldest son. faithful a. (~ to)忠诚的;忠实的 He remained faithful to his beliefs. platinum a. 铂的;白金的 loop n. [C] 环形,圈 lethal a. 致命的;能致死的 Almost any sharp object can be a lethal weapon. scent n. [C] 气味;(尤指)香味 The sweet fresh scent of newly baked bread filled the house. embroider v. 刺绣 The dress was embroidered with flowers. enwrought a. (织物等)织有图案(或花纹等的) dim a. (光)暗淡的;昏暗的 It was impossible to read by the dim light of the fire. tread v. 踩;踏 John kept his eyes on the rocks, treading carefully. New words online ad. 在线地;联网地 millennium n. [C] 千年 investigate v. 调查;侦查;查明,探究 poetry n. [U] 诗;诗歌 Persian a. 古波斯人的 traditionally ad. 传统上;传统地 matchmaker n. [C] 媒人;介绍人 contact vt. 与……联系 groom n. [C] 新郎 formality n. [C] (usu pl) 礼节; 礼仪 关于商务司机的礼仪须知经典商务礼仪礼仪中的美术巫鸿教师职业形象与礼仪文明礼仪主题班会 ;手续 carve v. 雕刻 padlock n. [C] 挂锁;扣锁 lucchetti d'amore n. 连心锁 mayor n. [C] 市长;镇长 protest n. [C, U] (强烈的)抗议,异议
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