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钓鲤鱼饵料配方钓鲤鱼饵料配方 钓鲤鱼专用饵料配方 第一种: 玉米面窝头 用料:玉米面95%,白面5% 做法:两种料掺合一起,装盆用开水浇烫,边浇水边搅动,约烫熟8-9成,另加冷水和匀至软硬适度,做成窝头或面饼,上屉蒸熟.自然冷却后装料袋或其它容器备用,以防表皮风干龟裂.临用时掰小块用手揉搓,用力搓、碾,越揉越粘,直至不软不硬又不粘手,即可装钩使用。装单钩、组钩均可。装单钩稍硬些,装组钩可略软。 揉搓时发觉干硬,可沾水或加酒再揉;如过于稀软,可加少许干面粉或干豆饼粉再揉,直至软硬适用为止。这是揉搓面饵的要领,为节省篇幅,...

钓鲤鱼饵料配方 钓鲤鱼专用饵料配方 第一种: 玉米面窝头 用料:玉米面95%,白面5% 做法:两种料掺合一起,装盆用开水浇烫,边浇水边搅动,约烫熟8-9成,另加冷水和匀至软硬适度,做成窝头或面饼,上屉蒸熟.自然冷却后装料袋或其它容器备用,以防表皮风干龟裂.临用时掰小块用手揉搓,用力搓、碾,越揉越粘,直至不软不硬又不粘手,即可装钩使用。装单钩、组钩均可。装单钩稍硬些,装组钩可略软。 揉搓时发觉干硬,可沾水或加酒再揉;如过于稀软,可加少许干面粉或干豆饼粉再揉,直至软硬适用为止。这是揉搓面饵的要领,为节省篇幅,以下各例中涉及窝头时,其制做过程和揉搓要领均从略。 第二种: 字串1 玉米膨化酥粘香饵。 用料:玉米窝头,玉米膨化酥(一种袋装儿童食品,市面有售)。做法与使用:每次用膨化酥1-2袋,用手搓碎(如已受潮皮软,可回勺加温,烘干后再搓),有条件过程箩更好,不过箩亦可,搓成粉状装袋备用。临用时用面团沾膨化粉反复揉搓,用量无严格要求,掺的越多,粘度越大。它既有扑鼻的炒玉注的香味,而又具有胶性,对饵团起粘结作用。掺多到一定程度可揉成橡皮泥状,用于装单钩耐水又抗泡,钓鲤鱼有特效。装组钩时掺膨化粉不宜多,掺多了粘度过大,鱼咬钩时不易散碎。 第三种: 字串3 苏子两用饵 用料:玉米窝头加苏子粉。做法与用法:将苏子入勺炒熟,用面棍擀碎成粉末状,装袋备用。到钓场临用时掰小块窝头揣苏子粉揉,用一块揉一块。 苏子粉既是香味浓郁的佐料,又是调节粘度的松散剂,掺的越多,粘度越降低。通过增减用量即可分别配制成诱饵和钓饵。面中掺少量苏子粉,保持其粘度少变即是钓饵,用于装单钩和组钩均可;还可在用纯面饵装钩以后,在面令表面蘸一层苏子粉,一钩一蘸,同样发挥其芳香诱鱼的作用;在面中掺入较多的苏子粉,即可使面食变得松散,近似糟食,即可做诱饵,用于投竿甩窝。用量要适度,以甩钩不脱落,入水易分解为宜。 苏子粉的浓香味对鲤、鲫鱼有强烈的魅力,而其丰富的植物脂肪具有防水性能,有助于延长饵团在水中的浸泡时间。 第四种: while the lawn is still in a great stage of life activities, compared with the previous two periods, lawn water requirements increase at this stage, if not timely irrigation, not only affect the growth of grass, also causes yellow. At this stage, according to 4-5 of irrigation. In short, grass types, water requirements are different, you mustAccording to the climate conditions and plant species to determine irrigation of the lawn. About a day, when irrigation is better depends on irrigation. In theory, the same period as long as the amount of irrigation water is less than the infiltration capacity of the soil, irrigation all the time in a day. Then depends on the irrigation way. If intermittent intermittent spray or spray irrigation (high degree of atomization), irrigation is best with the Sun. Not only can add moisture, but also significantly improve the microclimate and photosynthesis and transpiration and gas exchange, facilitated the coordination of water, air, fertilizer and soil thermal and vegetative organs of root and root expansion, and could lead the entire transit storage of the plant material, breathing, lawns and lush. If using water, irrigation, and so on, should be watching season, early spring, late autumn around the heel as well and the rest take twilight as much. (2) irrigation irrigation quantity should be based on the soil, growing, grass and other factors to determine. General lawn growing season drought period, takes about a week to pay 20-40mm; vigorously growing lawn in the heat and severe drought situations, need to pay 50-60mm per week or more. In General, regardless of the method, should be irrigated more than once, each time less water, maximum surface runoff that just occurred. 2, fertilizing to maintain lawn dark green leaves, grows, portions must be fertilized. Lawn plants for leaf growth and blossom-free requirements, so nitrogen is more important, response to nitrogen fertilizer is the most obvious. Should be basic application 字串1 豆粉两用饵 用料:玉米面、大豆粉或细豆饼粉。做法与用法:将玉米面按1号钓饵的做法蒸成窝头。豆粉用文火炒至散发香味,出勺装袋备用。临用时按3号钓饵用苏子的方法,往面饵中掺豆粉,通过控制豆粉用量,可分别揉成粘性钓饵和较松散的诱饵供投竿甩窝。 玉米面饵添加熟豆粉增加豆香味,其诱效比1号饵更胜一筹。须注意豆粉具有很强的吸水性,窝头应较1号钓饵做得稀软一些,否则掺入豆粉后会使面饵变得过硬。 第五种: 字串6 粘性蜜香饵 用料:玉米面、芝蔴粉、蜂蜜。做法与用法:玉米面按1号饵的做法蒸成窝头。芝蔴熟擀碎后装袋备用。蜂蜜须到养蜂场或中药店购买原蜜,原蜜具有天然花粉的清香味,其诱效优于加工蜜。原蜜中百花蜜又优于槐花蜜。三种料分别包装携带,到钓场临用时先将面团加芝蔴粉揉合后,再用手指沾蜜揣揉。反复沾蜜、反复揉搓,直至粘而又柔软,表面光滑不沾手即可装单钩或组钩使用。此饵香、甜味俱浓,钓鲤有特效。 第六种: 字串7 粘性甜奶饵 用料:玉米面80%、奶粉10%、白糖或沙糖10%。做法与用法:三种饵料混合一起拌匀后,按1号钓饵的做法蒸成窝头即可使用.其用法也同1号钓饵.奶粉易溶于水,牛羊膻味在水中能扩散。此饵甜、香、膻味俱全,对鱼类有强烈的诱惑力,钓鲤鱼效果很好。 如用含糖速溶奶粉,可携带干粉到现场临用时往面团中揉合。亦可先用面饵装钓,然后将饵钩沾水湿润,再蘸一层奶粉,一钩一蘸,钓鲤鱼也会收到良好的效果。 第七种: 高甜度豆饼粘饵 用料:豆饼渣50%,玉米面30%,白糖20%。做法:先将豆饼渣用温水或冷水浸泡4小时以上。用水不宜多,豆饼渣泡开后,水面浸过豆饼不要超过1厘米。用手捏豆饼渣确认无硬芯时,连汤带水放入锅里煮。开锅后再继续用小火炖30分钟左右,见豆饼呈现淡茶色,用筷子搅拌见汤有粘稠性,加糖搅匀后,再炖15-20分钟,直至用筷子一挑见汤呈粘条(似做拔丝菜肴的糖稀)状,开始撒玉米面.撒头两把面子搅匀后停顿片刻,使面子熟透并成稀糊,以它为粘合剂。然后连续撒面,边撒面边搅动,不求全熟,只待硬度适中(看来散落,一捏成快),立刻盖锅、撤火,约闷5分钟出锅,待自然冷却后装袋或其它容器备用.不上屉蒸,也不可在家揉搓成团,揉后易变稀软. 此饵甜度高并具豆香味,钓鲤鱼有特效.有人曾在彰武县小青沟水库试用,实钓4while the lawn is still in a great stage of life activities, compared with the previous two periods, lawn water requirements increase at this stage, if not timely irrigation, not only affect the growth of grass, also causes yellow. At this stage, according to 4-5 of irrigation. In short, grass types, water requirements are different, you mustAccording to the climate conditions and plant species to determine irrigation of the lawn. About a day, when irrigation is better depends on irrigation. In theory, the same period as long as the amount of irrigation water is less than the infiltration capacity of the soil, irrigation all the time in a day. Then depends on the irrigation way. If intermittent intermittent spray or spray irrigation (high degree of atomization), irrigation is best with the Sun. Not only can add moisture, but also significantly improve the microclimate and photosynthesis and transpiration and gas exchange, facilitated the coordination of water, air, fertilizer and soil thermal and vegetative organs of root and root expansion, and could lead the entire transit storage of the plant material, breathing, lawns and lush. If using water, irrigation, and so on, should be watching season, early spring, late autumn around the heel as well and the rest take twilight as much. (2) irrigation irrigation quantity should be based on the soil, growing, grass and other factors to determine. General lawn growing season drought period, takes about a week to pay 20-40mm; vigorously growing lawn in the heat and severe drought situations, need to pay 50-60mm per week or more. In General, regardless of the method, should be irrigated more than once, each time less water, maximum surface runoff that just occurred. 2, fertilizing to maintain lawn dark green leaves, grows, portions must be fertilized. Lawn plants for leaf growth and blossom-free requirements, so nitrogen is more important, response to nitrogen fertilizer is the most obvious. Should be basic application 小时,钓获500-1500克的鲤鱼27尾、重约15千克,其成绩在同场垂钓的20多人中领先。 第八种: 字串3 六种合一果味广谱钓饵 用料:江注10% 、红小豆5%、小米15%、豆饼粉20%、麦麸20%、玉米面30%,1次制做5千克。另加“甜米酒药“2包,大蒜10头. 炮制方法:把江米蒸成饭,红小豆煮熟碾成豆沙,合在一起,加入“甜米酒药“2包(北京有售,粉剂,每包1克,可做甜酒1.5-2千克,没有酒药,也可用酒曲)趁微热拌匀,放入大口容器内封闭,外加3层塑料食品袋密封,发酵一星期制成带有苹果味的江米甜酒酿备用. 小米装在广口瓶内,750克小米加150克曲酒,盖好盖儿闷一星期制成酒泡小米备用. 豆饼粉和麦麸分别用文火炒香.将玉米面用凉水和好蒸成窝头,趁热掰开揉碎.再把10头大蒜去皮捣成蒜泥. 各粉备齐后,全部混合一起,拌匀,分装在10只塑料食品袋内(每袋500克),每份3层袋,密封干荫凉处,继续发酵一星期即可使用. 制做过程,一定要注意清洁卫生,容器和用具都要经过水烫消毒,以免细菌污染使饵料变质发臭.制成后检查一下,如果打开封存的袋口看,饵呈棕黄略带褐色,有一种甜、香略带曲酒芳香和大蒜微臭味。捏在手中不稀、不澥象软面团一般,说明炮制成功了。如果饵带黑褐色,表面有白色霉点或桔红色硬块,饵质变稀而澥犹如烂柿子,闻无甜香味,说明在制作过程受污染,生长霉菌变质变味,不能使用。 字串6 制成后,用一包开一包,暂时不用的可放在荫凉处保存,只要不开封,可用一个夏天不变质。 这种钓饵是介乎粘食与糟食之间的一种“半糟食“。在夏季使用时,须带新蒸的窝头,视饵的软硬情况随时掺入调整。此饵广谱型,在人工养殖的鱼糖使用效果特别好,食性不同的鲤、草、鲢、鳙都爱吃。专钓鲤鱼则须增加酒泡小米的用量,再加一些鱼骨粉。使饵料酒的芳香味提高,且略带腥味,这就排除了其它鱼的干扰。 这种“六种合一果味广谱钓饵“配方,中国钓鱼杂志,,,,年第,期介绍后,有的钓者采用此方,在法库县牛其堡水库创造了日钓鱼,,千克的奇迹,并在多次比赛中取得了众人瞩目的极好成绩。 while the lawn is still in a great stage of life activities, compared with the previous two periods, lawn water requirements increase at this stage, if not timely irrigation, not only affect the growth of grass, also causes yellow. At this stage, according to 4-5 of irrigation. In short, grass types, water requirements are different, you mustAccording to the climate conditions and plant species to determine irrigation of the lawn. About a day, when irrigation is better depends on irrigation. In theory, the same period as long as the amount of irrigation water is less than the infiltration capacity of the soil, irrigation all the time in a day. Then depends on the irrigation way. If intermittent intermittent spray or spray irrigation (high degree of atomization), irrigation is best with the Sun. Not only can add moisture, but also significantly improve the microclimate and photosynthesis and transpiration and gas exchange, facilitated the coordination of water, air, fertilizer and soil thermal and vegetative organs of root and root expansion, and could lead the entire transit storage of the plant material, breathing, lawns and lush. If using water, irrigation, and so on, should be watching season, early spring, late autumn around the heel as well and the rest take twilight as much. (2) irrigation irrigation quantity should be based on the soil, growing, grass and other factors to determine. General lawn growing season drought period, takes about a week to pay 20-40mm; vigorously growing lawn in the heat and severe drought situations, need to pay 50-60mm per week or more. In General, regardless of the method, should be irrigated more than once, each time less water, maximum surface runoff that just occurred. 2, fertilizing to maintain lawn dark green leaves, grows, portions must be fertilized. Lawn plants for leaf growth and blossom-free requirements, so nitrogen is more important, response to nitrogen fertilizer is the most obvious. Should be basic application 第九种: 字串3 粘性三味饵 用料:玉粘面85%,白面5%,白糖10%,另备香油和食盐少量.做法用法:白面加次序水(按每制,千克钓饵用水0.6千克)搅成稀糊,入勺加火炖熟成浆糊做粘结液.然后加入白糖、香油和少许食盐等佐料,见白糖溶解并搅匀后开始撒玉米面,边撒边搅动,直至硬度适中,停止撒面,立即撤火。自然冷却后装塑料袋或其它容器备用。到钓场临用时揉捏成形,用多少揉多少,现用现揉。用于装组钩、单钩均可,前者宜从软,后者宜从硬。 此饵具甜、香并略带咸味,对鲤鱼有较强的诱惑力。 第十种: 字串7 三合成两用饵 用料:江米面、细豆饼粉、麦麸、按体积比,大约各占3分之1。做法与用法:先将豆饼粉和麦麸分别熟之后,掺合一起备用。再将江米面(无江米面亦可用白面)加次序水搅成稀糊状,入勺用文火炖熟成稀浆糊,紧接着撒入掺合好的豆饼粉和麦麸,边撒边搅动,至硬度适中立刻撤火出勺,次冷后装袋备用。到钓场现用现揉,用一团揉一团,用于装单钩和组钩均可。如做糟食和诱饵用于投竿甩窝,可再加掺豆饼粉和麦麸,生熟均可,边揣边揉,至粘散度达到所需程度为止。 第十一种: 字串4 江米甜奶饵 用料:江米面70%、白糖20%、奶粉10%。另备熟豆粉或芝蔴粉少许。做法与用法:将三种料混合一起,用温水和成软面团,擀成厚4-5毫米的薄饼片,上屉蒸熟。出屉后,切成比较规整、便于携带的许多片,其表面干撒以炒熟的豆粉或芝蔴粉,一则防止各片互相粘连,二则它也起芳香诱鱼的作用。然后装塑料袋或其它容器密封保存,防止风干后变得过硬。另一做法是先做成面团上屉蒸熟,然后趁热放在撒有熟豆粉或芝蔴的面板上擀成薄片,再毁好装袋备用。实际上这就是北方民间的一种传统食品,,豆面卷了,绰号“驴打滚“的做法。临用时把饼片剪成玉米粒宽的条条,再断成小方块,实际就是人造玉米粒,适于挂单钩、葡萄钩和组钩中的悠荡钩。但比玉米粒更具甜、香和奶膻味,因此对鲤科鱼类有较强的魅力。 江米面有极好的粘结作用和耐水性,入水后可持续2小时以上不解体。具有用料节省、携带方便和比较不易发酵霉变的优点。 第十二种: while the lawn is still in a great stage of life activities, compared with the previous two periods, lawn water requirements increase at this stage, if not timely irrigation, not only affect the growth of grass, also causes yellow. At this stage, according to 4-5 of irrigation. In short, grass types, water requirements are different, you mustAccording to the climate conditions and plant species to determine irrigation of the lawn. About a day, when irrigation is better depends on irrigation. In theory, the same period as long as the amount of irrigation water is less than the infiltration capacity of the soil, irrigation all the time in a day. Then depends on the irrigation way. If intermittent intermittent spray or spray irrigation (high degree of atomization), irrigation is best with the Sun. Not only can add moisture, but also significantly improve the microclimate and photosynthesis and transpiration and gas exchange, facilitated the coordination of water, air, fertilizer and soil thermal and vegetative organs of root and root expansion, and could lead the entire transit storage of the plant material, breathing, lawns and lush. If using water, irrigation, and so on, should be watching season, early spring, late autumn around the heel as well and the rest take twilight as much. (2) irrigation irrigation quantity should be based on the soil, growing, grass and other factors to determine. General lawn growing season drought period, takes about a week to pay 20-40mm; vigorously growing lawn in the heat and severe drought situations, need to pay 50-60mm per week or more. In General, regardless of the method, should be irrigated more than once, each time less water, maximum surface runoff that just occurred. 2, fertilizing to maintain lawn dark green leaves, grows, portions must be fertilized. Lawn plants for leaf growth and blossom-free requirements, so nitrogen is more important, response to nitrogen fertilizer is the most obvious. Should be basic application 字串6 米饭两用饵 用料:主料是大米干饭。辅料有鱼粉、血粉、骨粉、虾粉、炒熟的芝蔴粉、苏子粉、豆饼粉、麦麸等任取一种。做法与用法:先把米饭揉成团,把饭粒搓碎,然后蘸一种辅料揉合,边蘸边揉。根据用途酌定辅料的用量,如做钓饵用于装单钩和组钩,掺辅料不宜多,以保持饭团固有的粘性;如做诱饵和糟食,则可适当多掺些辅料,揉至手感粘散度合乎要求为宜。 米饭钓饵,在我国南方使用较多,经试验发现,北方的鱼也吃米饭。携带野炊用具的钓者当面饵用尽或因天气闷热使面饵发酵变质不能用时,即可以米饭应急。至于辅料,有什么掺什么,如无任何辅料,白米饭团依然可甩竿投饵。 第十三种: 字串7 豆饼糟食用料:豆饼粉60%、白面30%、麦麸10%。做法:先将豆饼粉和麦麸分别用文火炒至桔黄色致放香味,然后和白面掺一起拌均匀,遂后浇温水搅拌,边浇水、涟搅拌、边试验,当试一捏成块,一抓成团儿时,停止加水,再双手揉匀成大面团儿即妥。 这种糟食具有浓郁的豆香气味,可做钓饵装组钩钓鱼,又可做诱饵用于投竿甩窝。 第十四种: 发酵饵。用料:玉米面、豆饼粉、曲酒。做法:先将玉米面用开水浇烫到一捏成块的程度。待冷却到不烫手时,往里掺豆饼粉加曲酒,边加料边揉,豆饼粉用量达玉米面的一半时即停止加料。继续用曲酒调至软硬适度,揉和均匀后,装入大口容器或塑料袋密封。常温下存放5-7天,待发酵至闻有清香、微酸稍带甜味,证明发酵成功,可以使用。发酵后如变得稀软,临用时再加新鲜窝头或干豆粉调剂。调至所需硬度即可用于装组钩或单钩,亦可用于投竿甩窝。 第十五种: 字串2 酒糟饵 用料:酒糟、玉米面。用量比例无严格要求。酒糟如太粗糙,应设法研碎成米糠状。做法:先将玉米面用开水烫熟成干糊状,然后加入细酒糟揉搓,边揉边加糟,直至软硬适中,一攥成团,甩钩不散落为宜。 此饵可根据用途要,通过增减酒糟比重以调节软硬、粘散度。用做钓饵装组钩,可少掺酒糟,在烫玉米面时就得略干些;做诱饵则酒糟的比重要大些,玉米面就得烫得略稀些。 第十六种: while the lawn is still in a great stage of life activities, compared with the previous two periods, lawn water requirements increase at this stage, if not timely irrigation, not only affect the growth of grass, also causes yellow. At this stage, according to 4-5 of irrigation. In short, grass types, water requirements are different, you mustAccording to the climate conditions and plant species to determine irrigation of the lawn. About a day, when irrigation is better depends on irrigation. In theory, the same period as long as the amount of irrigation water is less than the infiltration capacity of the soil, irrigation all the time in a day. Then depends on the irrigation way. If intermittent intermittent spray or spray irrigation (high degree of atomization), irrigation is best with the Sun. Not only can add moisture, but also significantly improve the microclimate and photosynthesis and transpiration and gas exchange, facilitated the coordination of water, air, fertilizer and soil thermal and vegetative organs of root and root expansion, and could lead the entire transit storage of the plant material, breathing, lawns and lush. If using water, irrigation, and so on, should be watching season, early spring, late autumn around the heel as well and the rest take twilight as much. (2) irrigation irrigation quantity should be based on the soil, growing, grass and other factors to determine. General lawn growing season drought period, takes about a week to pay 20-40mm; vigorously growing lawn in the heat and severe drought situations, need to pay 50-60mm per week or more. In General, regardless of the method, should be irrigated more than once, each time less water, maximum surface runoff that just occurred. 2, fertilizing to maintain lawn dark green leaves, grows, portions must be fertilized. Lawn plants for leaf growth and blossom-free requirements, so nitrogen is more important, response to nitrogen fertilizer is the most obvious. Should be basic application 字串5 面筋钓饵 这在我国已是历史悠久的传统钓饵.用料只有白面一味.把白面用淡盐水和成面团,搁置2-3小时,上面须覆盖湿布或扣盆,以防风干。然后放入水中攥、抻、揉、揣反复涮洗,除去淀粉,剩下的便是面筋。它具有极好的韧性,入水不易溶解和散落,有效时间长。临用时现揪小块装单钩。串钩、葡萄钩均可使用。 若在装钩后把饵球沾湿,其表面蘸一层奶粉或芝蔴粉香料,效果更佳。手竿定点垂钓运用此法,香料不断向水底散落,钩下会自然形成饵窝,效果会越钓越好。 第十七种: 字串8 地瓜块钓饵 地瓜,地方名称红薯、白薯。它也是钓鲤鱼的好饵料。做法:把地瓜蒸或煮至八分熟,切成8-15的正方形或菱形块,挂单钩,鲤鱼草鱼都爱吃它. 地瓜块儿入水不溶解,不散碎,耐水抗泡。但气味在水中散发性较差,为此在挂好地瓜块的饵钩外面,包裹一层香糟食,把饵钩包严捏紧。饵钩入水后,糟食很快散落水底并放出香味,起着诱鱼进窝的作用。鱼儿闻味而来看见地瓜快,吞食上钩。如此反复施钓,钓点就喂成了丰盛的饵窝。 第十八种: 字串5 玉米粒钓饵 这是每逢夏去秋来的玉米乳熟时节,北方钓者较普遍爱用的一种经济而又方便实用的钓饵. 选择比较鲜嫩、沿有乳浆的玉米粒,用于挂单钩。每钩挂1-2粒。鲤、草、鲫鱼翥都爱吃。玉米粒生的可用,煮熟的也好用。还可把熟玉米粒剥去外皮,或者在其顶端切成“十“字裂口(生粒亦可切),使玉米清香味外溢可提高诱鱼效力。 人们钓鲤鱼并不以玉米粒作为唯一的主饵,通常是与面饵混合使用或交替使用。例如在串钩或葡萄钩中用 ,,,只钩挂玉米粒。野营驻钓和临时夜钓在深夜睡觉前,常把各钩全换上玉一。因为它水泡不溶解,小鱼啃不掉,而大鱼食饵必吞钩,钩有铃铛报信,想逃也逃不掉。所以每逢秋钓、几乎人人必备玉米粒。 第十九种: 面包钓饵 取无馅面包搓碎,加入少量米饭汤为粘合剂,用力揉搓,揉至粘合成团,软硬度如打粘糕状即可备用。不仅能装单钩,而且可装组钩。面包固有的香甜气味很适鲤鱼口味,鲂、草、鲫鱼也爱吃。 面包饵最好是当天揉当天用,揉过的面包团隔夜会变得稀软。不过再加干粉揉搓仍可复硬再用,只有气味略减。如无米饭汤可取少量白面用开水烫成浆糊做粘合剂。还可带面包到钓场揉制,做法是:将面包剥去硬皮,手沾清水用力揉碾,反复沾水搓碾揉揣,可揉成富有粘性的面团装钩使用。这种制法入水后容易溶解,while the lawn is still in a great stage of life activities, compared with the previous two periods, lawn water requirements increase at this stage, if not timely irrigation, not only affect the growth of grass, also causes yellow. At this stage, according to 4-5 of irrigation. In short, grass types, water requirements are different, you mustAccording to the climate conditions and plant species to determine irrigation of the lawn. About a day, when irrigation is better depends on irrigation. In theory, the same period as long as the amount of irrigation water is less than the infiltration capacity of the soil, irrigation all the time in a day. Then depends on the irrigation way. If intermittent intermittent spray or spray irrigation (high degree of atomization), irrigation is best with the Sun. Not only can add moisture, but also significantly improve the microclimate and photosynthesis and transpiration and gas exchange, facilitated the coordination of water, air, fertilizer and soil thermal and vegetative organs of root and root expansion, and could lead the entire transit storage of the plant material, breathing, lawns and lush. If using water, irrigation, and so on, should be watching season, early spring, late autumn around the heel as well and the rest take twilight as much. (2) irrigation irrigation quantity should be based on the soil, growing, grass and other factors to determine. General lawn growing season drought period, takes about a week to pay 20-40mm; vigorously growing lawn in the heat and severe drought situations, need to pay 50-60mm per week or more. In General, regardless of the method, should be irrigated more than once, each time less water, maximum surface runoff that just occurred. 2, fertilizing to maintain lawn dark green leaves, grows, portions must be fertilized. Lawn plants for leaf growth and blossom-free requirements, so nitrogen is more important, response to nitrogen fertilizer is the most obvious. Should be basic application 需要勤换饵。 第二十种: 字串6 混合发酵饵 主料:玉米面30%、大米粉30%、豆饼粉或黄豆粉20%、白面10%。辅料:按每千克主料加曲酒100克、黄酒30克。 将除白面外的主料全部掺合一起,入勺以文火炒熟,再掺入白面拌匀后,加温水搅拌至一攥成团的程度。然后上屉蒸,开锅10分钟,出屉放入盆中却。估计降温至30度左右,加曲酒和黄酒拌匀并装入广口容器或塑料袋封严。常温下搁置5-10天(气温越高,发酵越快,所需时间越少),打开容器可闻到浓郁的清香、甜并带微酸味,即可成功。转放荫凉处封存备用。装单钩、组钩均可。 饵料发酵后,常会变得稀软,为此,首先在配料时尽量少加水和得硬些。其次如已稀软,可加干粉调剂成软硬适宜再用。如过于稀软,可掺入新鲜面团当诱饵使用。 第二十一种: 字串5 粘性虾泥面饵 用料:玉米面,河虾。数量、比例不限。 做法与用法:将玉米面蒸成窝头。鲜河虾去头,剥壳去皮取肉捣成肉泥。临用时掰小块窝头掺虾泥揉搓,边掺边揉,至粘度和硬度适中即可使用。装单钩和组钩钓鲤鱼效果很好。 第二十二种: 豆腐粉钓饵 袋装豆腐粉,每袋一般500克,在北方副食品商店有售。该粉非常细腻,无需添加任何调料,只要用冷水搅和成团,就越揉越粘。用于装单钩、串钩和葡萄钩。 豆腐粉所固有的豆腥气味并有微甜味,对鲤鱼有极好的吸引力。其弱点是耐水性差,不抗泡,饵团入水后层层溶解散落,,,分钟无鱼咬钩就该换饵。因此适用于手竿垂钓,因手竿换食方便,而且饵料落水底形成饵窝,无需另撒诱饵。其优点是可携带干粉出钓,现用现和,用多少和多少,简便易行,伏天亦可不必担心饵料霉变。 第二十三种: 字串4 香精钓饵 用料:玉米面,食用香精(以香蕉和菠萝味较好)。用量不限。做法和用法:将玉米面蒸成窝头,冷却后袋装备用。出钓时窝头与香精分别携带,现while the lawn is still in a great stage of life activities, compared with the previous two periods, lawn water requirements increase at this stage, if not timely irrigation, not only affect the growth of grass, also causes yellow. At this stage, according to 4-5 of irrigation. In short, grass types, water requirements are different, you mustAccording to the climate conditions and plant species to determine irrigation of the lawn. About a day, when irrigation is better depends on irrigation. In theory, the same period as long as the amount of irrigation water is less than the infiltration capacity of the soil, irrigation all the time in a day. Then depends on the irrigation way. If intermittent intermittent spray or spray irrigation (high degree of atomization), irrigation is best with the Sun. Not only can add moisture, but also significantly improve the microclimate and photosynthesis and transpiration and gas exchange, facilitated the coordination of water, air, fertilizer and soil thermal and vegetative organs of root and root expansion, and could lead the entire transit storage of the plant material, breathing, lawns and lush. If using water, irrigation, and so on, should be watching season, early spring, late autumn around the heel as well and the rest take twilight as much. (2) irrigation irrigation quantity should be based on the soil, growing, grass and other factors to determine. General lawn growing season drought period, takes about a week to pay 20-40mm; vigorously growing lawn in the heat and severe drought situations, need to pay 50-60mm per week or more. In General, regardless of the method, should be irrigated more than once, each time less water, maximum surface runoff that just occurred. 2, fertilizing to maintain lawn dark green leaves, grows, portions must be fertilized. Lawn plants for leaf growth and blossom-free requirements, so nitrogen is more important, response to nitrogen fertilizer is the most obvious. Should be basic application 用现掺。按每揉鸡蛋大小一团面,加香 1-2滴,揉合均匀即可装钩使用. 食用香精钓鲤鱼有特效,1986年6月笔者在抚顺县英守水库试钓,起初用的是纯玉米面钓饵,钓约1个小时无鱼问津.后将面饵滴两滴萝香精,上一条近0.5千克重的鲤鱼.后即用此饵,每隔15-20分钟就咬一阵钩,一共钓36条鲤鱼. 食用香精的气味浓香.在使用时,不需再添加任何香精. 第二十四种: 字串1 粘性维生素饵 用料:玉米面,维生素,,维生素,2、红糖、曲酒。做法与用法:将玉米面蒸成窝头备用。再将一定量的两种维生素丸碾碎成粉状,掺入红糖中并加曲酒搅拌,边搅动边慢慢加酒,至红糖和维生素充分溶解成稀糊,即作为辅料装入广口瓶内封存备用。临装钩前,掰小块窝头蘸取适量辅料揉匀,即可装钩使用。 主料与辅料的用量和比重均无严格要求,由钓者酌情而定,以能闻到酒香味中伴有维生素的醇香味为宜。依靠这种香味刺激鱼的听嗅觉,诱发其食欲而吞饵上钩。 第二十五种: 字串8 粘性血粉饵 用料:玉米面,血粉(饵料商店有售)。做法与用法:方法有二:一是出钓前将一定量的血粉加温水搅成糊状,装入容器备用。临用时取少量血糊揉入面团,使面团呈茶褐色并闻有血腥味即可,不宜多用。另一做法是携带干血粉出钓,到钓场直接用干血粉揉入面团,如面饵较干硬,可沾水或加酒揉搓,揉至既柔软而又具粘韧性为佳。高温季节采用此法可避免血糊变质。 血腥气味对鲤鱼有较好的魁力,比单纯玉米面钓饵更胜一筹。有条件使用畜禽鲜血浆,效果更好些,其中以羊血为最佳。 第二十六种: 字串7 玉米面颗粒饲料饵 用料:玉米面,颗粒饲料用量酌定。做法与用法:先将玉米面蒸成窝头备用。再将颗粒饲料加水浸泡20分钟以上,待其充分溶解后,掺入面团揉均匀。通过控制饲料用量的多与少,可分别配制成钓饵和诱饵。少掺饲料,用力狠揉,保持面饵的粘度和韧性,即可做钓饵用于装单钩和组钩;适当多掺些饲料,面饵会变得松散,只要控制在一攥成团而甩钩不散落的程度,即可做诱饵用于投竿甩窝。颗粒饲料是鲤鱼所爱吃的多味饵料,它和玉米面结合用于养鱼塘,以及有网箱养鱼的水域钓鲤鱼,均可获得令人满意的效果。颗粒饲料和玉米面结合,解决了颗粒饵料不能用于组钩的难题,也使颗粒饵料提高了耐水性,延长了有效时间。 第二十七种: while the lawn is still in a great stage of life activities, compared with the previous two periods, lawn water requirements increase at this stage, if not timely irrigation, not only affect the growth of grass, also causes yellow. At this stage, according to 4-5 of irrigation. In short, grass types, water requirements are different, you mustAccording to the climate conditions and plant species to determine irrigation of the lawn. About a day, when irrigation is better depends on irrigation. In theory, the same period as long as the amount of irrigation water is less than the infiltration capacity of the soil, irrigation all the time in a day. Then depends on the irrigation way. If intermittent intermittent spray or spray irrigation (high degree of atomization), irrigation is best with the Sun. Not only can add moisture, but also significantly improve the microclimate and photosynthesis and transpiration and gas exchange, facilitated the coordination of water, air, fertilizer and soil thermal and vegetative organs of root and root expansion, and could lead the entire transit storage of the plant material, breathing, lawns and lush. If using water, irrigation, and so on, should be watching season, early spring, late autumn around the heel as well and the rest take twilight as much. (2) irrigation irrigation quantity should be based on the soil, growing, grass and other factors to determine. General lawn growing season drought period, takes about a week to pay 20-40mm; vigorously growing lawn in the heat and severe drought situations, need to pay 50-60mm per week or more. In General, regardless of the method, should be irrigated more than once, each time less water, maximum surface runoff that just occurred. 2, fertilizing to maintain lawn dark green leaves, grows, portions must be fertilized. Lawn plants for leaf growth and blossom-free requirements, so nitrogen is more important, response to nitrogen fertilizer is the most obvious. Should be basic application 字串5 玉米面蚕蛹粘性钓饵 用料:玉米面,蚕蛹或蛹粉。做法与用法:将玉米面蒸成窝头备用。临用时掰小块窝头掺入适量蛹粉,或者取鲜活蚕蛹挤出蛹浆揉入团饵,揉至粘合一体、软硬适合度即可使用。装单钩、组钩均可。 蚕蛹本身具有的浓郁而独特的气味,对于杂食性和肉食性鱼类都有较强的诱惑力,当然也是钓鲤鱼的好饵料。 第二十八种: 海绵窝红虫 用料:海绵块,红虫(水丝蚓、活鱼虫)。做法与用法:将红虫装入广口瓶内,瓶底放少许清水以维持湿润。将海绵洗净,切成若干个5-10毫米的方形块,浸水湿润后投入放养红虫的瓶内.红虫寻找隐身之处,会自然钻进海绵块的毛细孔之中,每一块海绵会钻入许多红虫.临用时每钩挂一海绵块,使海绵块越过倒刺,钩尖外露撒钩入水后,红虫会探头于海绵体外摆动,诱鱼上钩 今天我去钓鲤鱼得了二十多条。公开钓饵配方。 打窝:小鸡饲料500克,玉米粒50克,南方黑芝麻糊100克。 饵料:老鬼巨鲤50%,南方黑芝麻糊40%,虾粉小量,普通米酒50克。该料非常香甜,很适合钓鲤鱼。我昨天用此料一共收获26条鲤鱼,总重超30斤 while the lawn is still in a great stage of life activities, compared with the previous two periods, lawn water requirements increase at this stage, if not timely irrigation, not only affect the growth of grass, also causes yellow. At this stage, according to 4-5 of irrigation. In short, grass types, water requirements are different, you mustAccording to the climate conditions and plant species to determine irrigation of the lawn. About a day, when irrigation is better depends on irrigation. In theory, the same period as long as the amount of irrigation water is less than the infiltration capacity of the soil, irrigation all the time in a day. Then depends on the irrigation way. If intermittent intermittent spray or spray irrigation (high degree of atomization), irrigation is best with the Sun. Not only can add moisture, but also significantly improve the microclimate and photosynthesis and transpiration and gas exchange, facilitated the coordination of water, air, fertilizer and soil thermal and vegetative organs of root and root expansion, and could lead the entire transit storage of the plant material, breathing, lawns and lush. If using water, irrigation, and so on, should be watching season, early spring, late autumn around the heel as well and the rest take twilight as much. (2) irrigation irrigation quantity should be based on the soil, growing, grass and other factors to determine. General lawn growing season drought period, takes about a week to pay 20-40mm; vigorously growing lawn in the heat and severe drought situations, need to pay 50-60mm per week or more. In General, regardless of the method, should be irrigated more than once, each time less water, maximum surface runoff that just occurred. 2, fertilizing to maintain lawn dark green leaves, grows, portions must be fertilized. Lawn plants for leaf growth and blossom-free requirements, so nitrogen is more important, response to nitrogen fertilizer is the most obvious. Should be basic application
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