首页 六年级下册课内阅读题2



六年级下册课内阅读题2六年级下册课内阅读题2 inspection date 9 permit card complete and valid; Pile driver ultra high limit device meets the requirements, work around the 5M no power lines; Hoist wire rope lubrication good, no broken wires exceeds phenomenon; Pile driving track-laying should...

年级 六年级体育公开课教案九年级家长会课件PPT下载六年级家长会PPT课件一年级上册汉语拼音练习题六年级上册道德与法治课件 下册课内阅读题2 inspection date 9 permit card complete and valid; Pile driver ultra high limit device meets the requirements, work around the 5M no power lines; Hoist wire rope lubrication good, no broken wires exceeds phenomenon; Pile driving track-laying should be consistent with the original said ... Date number name 5-20 engineering machinery mechanical overlap signed shift, successor to Chengdu city, signing the transfer table construction safety supervision and an 5-21 record number record date the successful bidder number processes number project name Project cost structure, layer an area of base type type and height and depth scaffold construction site name mobile (paging) supervision unit, field representative mobile (paging) construction unit, project manager mobile (paging) address safety coordinators name phone (paging) start date completion date telephone note table a-II , Construction units, safety supervision Department hold a copy. (By construction units fill in, units name please with full name), safety station contact phone: 86257682 construction project starts conditions review table Ann prison number: engineering name: engineering address: serial number review content 1 construction project safety by required of funds input has get guarantee (bearing employer both has by into construction sent [2002] No. 347, paper provides signed has project security civilization construction increased fee meter take standard and allocated term of single agreement). 2 construction, supervision of construction projects (construction) units have been set up, the sound, the unit responsibility system for production safety, developed departments at all levels of the project safety production and civilized construction responsibility system and a complete set of safety inspection system, signed a construction guarantee. 3 construction project has established a safe and civilized construction guarantee system, implemented the project security management institutions and full-time safety Manager. 4 construction project site has been a detailed investigation into the surrounding environment, combined with structural features produced targeted construction organization design and special programmes, develop emergency plans and superior technical Department for approval. 5 project has been the development of equipment management and equipment move in inspection system, special operations personnel have made People's Republic of China "special operations". 6 construction project in China had, by law, to handle the accident insurance. 7 main road construction site in the urban area have been set a height of not less than 2.5m (section 1.8M), wall of thickness not less than 0.24m. Hoisting of the size of not less than 1.4x0.9m "five-figure". ... Safety number: an area ? structural layer engineering 5-24 project name address telephone project manager construction figure progress, the construction unit (paging) project self-evaluation 六年级下册课内阅读题 一、(选自苏教国标版六年级下册第2课《三亚落日》。) 活跃了一天的太阳,依旧像一个快乐的孩童。它歪着红扑扑的脸蛋,毫无倦态,潇潇洒洒地 从身上抖落下赤朱丹彤,在大海上溅出无数夺目的亮点。于是,天和海都被它的笑颜感染了, 金红一色,热烈一片。 时光悄悄地溜走,暑气跟着阵阵海风徐徐地远离。夕阳也渐渐地收敛了光芒,变得温和起来, 像一只光焰柔和的大红灯笼,悬在海与天的边缘。兴许是悬得太久的缘故,只见它慢慢地下 沉,刚一挨到海面,又平稳地停住了。它似乎借助了大海的支撑,再一次任性地在这张硕大 无朋的床面上顽皮地蹦跳。大海失去了原色,像饱饮了玫瑰酒似的,醉醺醺地涨溢出光与彩。 人们惊讶得不敢眨眼,生怕眨眼的那一瞬间,那盏红灯笼会被一只巨手提走。我瞪大双眼正 在欣赏着,突然那落日颤动了两下,最后像跳水员那样,以一个轻快、敏捷的弹跳,再以一 个悄然无声、水波不惊的优美姿势入了水,向人们道了“再见”。 1.文中“赤朱丹彤”的意思是( )。 2.从短文中找出“渐渐”的两个近义词写在横线上: 3.在作者的眼中,三亚的落日一会像( ),一会像( ),一会 像( )。 4.这两段主要描写了三亚落日时的景象,你最喜欢哪些描写落日景象的语句,请选两句写下 来,并写出喜欢的理由。 喜欢的语句: 喜欢的理由: 喜欢的语句: 喜欢的理由: 5、三亚落日景象十分美丽,请你用一两句话 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 达自己发自内心的赞美之情。 二、(选自苏教国标版六年级下册第3课《烟台的海》。) 片段一: 小山似的涌浪像千万头暴怒的狮子,从北边的天际前赴(fù pù)后继、锲而不舍地扑向堤 inspection date 9 permit card complete and valid; Pile driver ultra high limit device meets the requirements, work around the 5M no power lines; Hoist wire rope lubrication good, no broken wires exceeds phenomenon; Pile driving track-laying should be consistent with the original said ... Date number name 5-20 engineering machinery mechanical overlap signed shift, successor to Chengdu city, signing the transfer table construction safety supervision and an 5-21 record number record date the successful bidder number processes number project name Project cost structure, layer an area of base type type and height and depth scaffold construction site name mobile (paging) supervision unit, field representative mobile (paging) construction unit, project manager mobile (paging) address safety coordinators name phone (paging) start date completion date telephone note table a-II , Construction units, safety supervision Department hold a copy. (By construction units fill in, units name please with full name), safety station contact phone: 86257682 construction project starts conditions review table Ann prison number: engineering name: engineering address: serial number review content 1 construction project safety by required of funds input has get guarantee (bearing employer both has by into construction sent [2002] No. 347, paper provides signed has project security civilization construction increased fee meter take standard and allocated term of single agreement). 2 construction, supervision of construction projects (construction) units have been set up, the sound, the unit responsibility system for production safety, developed departments at all levels of the project safety production and civilized construction responsibility system and a complete set of safety inspection system, signed a construction guarantee. 3 construction project has established a safe and civilized construction guarantee system, implemented the project security management institutions and full-time safety Manager. 4 construction project site has been a detailed investigation into the surrounding environment, combined with structural features produced targeted construction organization design and special programmes, develop emergency plans and superior technical Department for approval. 5 project has been the development of equipment management and equipment move in inspection system, special operations personnel have made People's Republic of China "special operations". 6 construction project in China had, by law, to handle the accident insurance. 7 main road construction site in the urban area have been set a height of not less than 2.5m (section 1.8M), wall of thickness not less than 0.24m. Hoisting of the size of not less than 1.4x0.9m "five-figure". ... Safety number: an area ? structural layer engineering 5-24 project name address telephone project manager construction figure progress, the construction unit (paging) project self-evaluation inspection date 9 permit card complete and valid; Pile driver ultra high limit device meets the requirements, work around the 5M no power lines; Hoist wire rope lubrication good, no broken wires exceeds phenomenon; Pile driving track-laying should be consistent with the original said ... Date number name 5-20 engineering machinery mechanical overlap signed shift, successor to Chengdu city, signing the transfer table construction safety supervision and an 5-21 record number record date the successful bidder number processes number project name Project cost structure, layer an area of base type type and height and depth scaffold construction site name mobile (paging) supervision unit, field representative mobile (paging) construction unit, project manager mobile (paging) address safety coordinators name phone (paging) start date completion date telephone note table a-II , Construction units, safety supervision Department hold a copy. (By construction units fill in, units name please with full name), safety station contact phone: 86257682 construction project starts conditions review table Ann prison number: engineering name: engineering address: serial number review content 1 construction project safety by required of funds input has get guarantee (bearing employer both has by into construction sent [2002] No. 347, paper provides signed has project security civilization construction increased fee meter take standard and allocated term of single agreement). 2 construction, supervision of construction projects (construction) units have been set up, the sound, the unit responsibility system for production safety, developed departments at all levels of the project safety production and civilized construction responsibility system and a complete set of safety inspection system, signed a construction guarantee. 3 construction project has established a safe and civilized construction guarantee system, implemented the project security management institutions and full-time safety Manager. 4 construction project site has been a detailed investigation into the surrounding environment, combined with structural features produced targeted construction organization design and special programmes, develop emergency plans and superior technical Department for approval. 5 project has been the development of equipment management and equipment move in inspection system, special operations personnel have made People's Republic of China "special operations". 6 construction project in China had, by law, to handle the accident insurance. 7 main road construction site in the urban area have been set a height of not less than 2.5m (section 1.8M), wall of thickness not less than 0.24m. Hoisting of the size of not less than 1.4x0.9m "five-figure". ... Safety number: an area ? structural layer engineering 5-24 project name address telephone project manager construction figure progress, the construction unit (paging) project self-evaluation (tī、dī)岸,溅起数丈高的浪花,发出雷鸣般的轰响,有时竟把岸边数百斤重的石凳(搬 、掀 、扔)到十几米的马路中央。每到这巨浪拍岸的日子,许多烟台人和外地的游客,纷纷顶着寒风跑到岸边,观赏这蔚为壮观的景象。还有的不顾被浪花打湿衣服,站在岸边,以那数丈高的浪花作背景拍照留念,形成一道壮丽的风景线。 在括号里选择正确的注音。 1、 在括号里选择正确的读音和词语,用“?”表示。 2、 画出文中的比喻句(用“,,,”),拟人句用(“———”) 3、 划线的话生动形象地描写了 。 4、 读读这段话,说说文中“千万头”说明 “数百斤”说明了 ;“十几米远”说明 ,这些关键词语,让你体会出 。这是我们描写事物常用的一种说明方法。 ,.这一段文字写出了烟海的 和烟台人的 ,表达了作者 思想感情。 ,.仿词写词。 气势汹汹: 前赴后继: 片段二: 夏天,来自南太平洋的风使许多南面临海的城市感到湿漉漉的?而这股带着潮气的风经过胶东半岛( )的阻拦?过滤?到达北面临海的烟台时?只剩下凉爽和惬意? 因此?夏天烟台的海常常( ),宛如一个恬静?温柔的少女。清晨,太阳像被水冲洗过的红色气球。( )地浮出水面,海面上拖着长长的倒影,每一次的海边日出都使人( )。傍晚,平静的海面上倒映着( ),岸边的是凳上坐满了游人,他们脚下是海浪与堤岸的( )。 1. 把文中( )补充完整,在?里添上标点符号。 2. 在文中找出词语的反义词。 炎热( ) 暴躁( ) 3. 用?给文章分层。写出段意。 total scoring (100) of safety civilization construction scaffolding projects and score pit template "Sambo," "four "Construction material hoist and lift crane hoisting construction equipment for external use (10) (20) (10) (10) (10) (10) (10) (10) (5) (5), head of corporate self-examination (signature): construction enterprises (seal) Supervision supervision date signature: year month day supervision and evaluation supervisor (signature): oversight units (seal) Year month day Note: two copies of this form, construction units, safety inspection station and a Chengdu city construction safety supervision station producer Chengdu construction safety inspection evaluation form (decoration and construction) safety number: 5-25 project construction area square address structural layer engineering project manager construction figure progress, construction unit Contact phone number (pager) project self-evaluation total scoring (100) of safety civilization construction scaffolding projects and score pit template "Sambo," "four" of construction material hoist and lift crane hoisting construction equipment for external use (10) (20) (10) (10) (10) (10) (10) ... Note: to enter the construction site an 6-1-level 13 safety education, safety education requirements, main contents are: first level: basic knowledge of safety, regulations, legal education, the main content is: safety guidelines and policies of the party and State; Safety regulations and standards, and the legal system; The unit construction and safety regulations, safety and discipline; The work safety situation and the history of major accidents and the lessons to be learned; After the accident to rescue the wounded, remove danger, protect the scene and reported in a timely manner. Secondary education: site rules and regulations and compliance, discipline, education, main contents are: basic knowledge of the characteristics of construction and safety; This unit (including construction, production site) safety systems, requirements and security considerations; This type of security technology practice: working at height, machinery and equipment, electrical safety basics; Fire, gas, dust-proof, explosion-proof knowledge and knowledge of safe disposal and emergency evacuation; Protective equipment protective supplies, appliances and issuing standard basic knowledge. Tertiary education: this type of system of job safety, operation and safety, discipline, the main content is: the team's operating features and safety rules; Safety activities system and discipline; Care and proper use of safety equipment (facilities) and PPE; The job insecurity prone to accidents and enemy; This position working environment and the use of machinery and equipment, tools, safety requirements. Attachment: safety precautions: new worker safety notes before new workers entering the site, you must study hard and become familiar with inspection date 9 permit card complete and valid; Pile driver ultra high limit device meets the requirements, work around the 5M no power lines; Hoist wire rope lubrication good, no broken wires exceeds phenomenon; Pile driving track-laying should be consistent with the original said ... Date number name 5-20 engineering machinery mechanical overlap signed shift, successor to Chengdu city, signing the transfer table construction safety supervision and an 5-21 record number record date the successful bidder number processes number project name Project cost structure, layer an area of base type type and height and depth scaffold construction site name mobile (paging) supervision unit, field representative mobile (paging) construction unit, project manager mobile (paging) address safety coordinators name phone (paging) start date completion date telephone note table a-II , Construction units, safety supervision Department hold a copy. (By construction units fill in, units name please with full name), safety station contact phone: 86257682 construction project starts conditions review table Ann prison number: engineering name: engineering address: serial number review content 1 construction project safety by required of funds input has get guarantee (bearing employer both has by into construction sent [2002] No. 347, paper provides signed has project security civilization construction increased fee meter take standard and allocated term of single agreement). 2 construction, supervision of construction projects (construction) units have been set up, the sound, the unit responsibility system for production safety, developed departments at all levels of the project safety production and civilized construction responsibility system and a complete set of safety inspection system, signed a construction guarantee. 3 construction project has established a safe and civilized construction guarantee system, implemented the project security management institutions and full-time safety Manager. 4 construction project site has been a detailed investigation into the surrounding environment, combined with structural features produced targeted construction organization design and special programmes, develop emergency plans and superior technical Department for approval. 5 project has been the development of equipment management and equipment move in inspection system, special operations personnel have made People's Republic of China "special operations". 6 construction project in China had, by law, to handle the accident insurance. 7 main road construction site in the urban area have been set a height of not less than 2.5m (section 1.8M), wall of thickness not less than 0.24m. Hoisting of the size of not less than 1.4x0.9m "five-figure". ... Safety number: an area ? structural layer engineering 5-24 project name address telephone project manager construction figure progress, the construction unit (paging) project self-evaluation 4. 你最喜欢文中的哪一句话,用“----”画出,并说说原因。 三、阅读苏教国标版六年级下册第6课《半截蜡烛》第五自然段,完成下列练习。 1.写出四个“截”的同音字:( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 2.“你不用蜡烛就部行吗,”这句话如果用商量的语气说应该是: 。 3.“烛光摇曳,发出微弱的光,此时此刻,它仿佛成了屋子里最可怕的东西”一句中的“仿佛”能去掉吗,为什么, 4.这段话通过描写人物的( )、( )、( )等,刻画伯若的夫人一家人在危急关头与德军周旋的情景。 5.你觉得文中的“大儿子”是一个什么样的人, 6.假如你是文中的大儿子,你默默地坐待着那儿,心理会想此什么呢,把你想到的写下来。 四、(选自苏教国标版六年级下册第10课《螳螂捕蝉》。) 少年说:“花园里有一棵树上,树上有一只蝉。蝉高高在上、悠闲地叫着,自由自在地喝着露水,却不知道有只螳螂在它的身后。那螳螂拱着身子,举起爪子,要去捕蝉,却不知道有只黄雀在它的身后。”少年接着说:“是的,黄雀伸长脖子正要啄食螳螂,却不知道我拿着弹弓在瞄准他呢。蝉、螳螂、黄雀,它们都一心想得到眼前的利益,却没顾到自己身后正隐伏着祸患呢~” 1.这段话写了少年向吴王讲述了一件挺有意思的事 ,讲述时,少年抓住了 , , 的动作,蝉是 inspection date 9 permit card complete and valid; Pile driver ultra high limit device meets the requirements, work around the 5M no power lines; Hoist wire rope lubrication good, no broken wires exceeds phenomenon; Pile driving track-laying should be consistent with the original said ... Date number name 5-20 engineering machinery mechanical overlap signed shift, successor to Chengdu city, signing the transfer table construction safety supervision and an 5-21 record number record date the successful bidder number processes number project name Project cost structure, layer an area of base type type and height and depth scaffold construction site name mobile (paging) supervision unit, field representative mobile (paging) construction unit, project manager mobile (paging) address safety coordinators name phone (paging) start date completion date telephone note table a-II , Construction units, safety supervision Department hold a copy. (By construction units fill in, units name please with full name), safety station contact phone: 86257682 construction project starts conditions review table Ann prison number: engineering name: engineering address: serial number review content 1 construction project safety by required of funds input has get guarantee (bearing employer both has by into construction sent [2002] No. 347, paper provides signed has project security civilization construction increased fee meter take standard and allocated term of single agreement). 2 construction, supervision of construction projects (construction) units have been set up, the sound, the unit responsibility system for production safety, developed departments at all levels of the project safety production and civilized construction responsibility system and a complete set of safety inspection system, signed a construction guarantee. 3 construction project has established a safe and civilized construction guarantee system, implemented the project security management institutions and full-time safety Manager. 4 construction project site has been a detailed investigation into the surrounding environment, combined with structural features produced targeted construction organization design and special programmes, develop emergency plans and superior technical Department for approval. 5 project has been the development of equipment management and equipment move in inspection system, special operations personnel have made People's Republic of China "special operations". 6 construction project in China had, by law, to handle the accident insurance. 7 main road construction site in the urban area have been set a height of not less than 2.5m (section 1.8M), wall of thickness not less than 0.24m. Hoisting of the size of not less than 1.4x0.9m "five-figure". ... Safety number: an area ? structural layer engineering 5-24 project name address telephone project manager construction figure progress, the construction unit (paging) project self-evaluation inspection date 9 permit card complete and valid; Pile driver ultra high limit device meets the requirements, work around the 5M no power lines; Hoist wire rope lubrication good, no broken wires exceeds phenomenon; Pile driving track-laying should be consistent with the original said ... Date number name 5-20 engineering machinery mechanical overlap signed shift, successor to Chengdu city, signing the transfer table construction safety supervision and an 5-21 record number record date the successful bidder number processes number project name Project cost structure, layer an area of base type type and height and depth scaffold construction site name mobile (paging) supervision unit, field representative mobile (paging) construction unit, project manager mobile (paging) address safety coordinators name phone (paging) start date completion date telephone note table a-II , Construction units, safety supervision Department hold a copy. (By construction units fill in, units name please with full name), safety station contact phone: 86257682 construction project starts conditions review table Ann prison number: engineering name: engineering address: serial number review content 1 construction project safety by required of funds input has get guarantee (bearing employer both has by into construction sent [2002] No. 347, paper provides signed has project security civilization construction increased fee meter take standard and allocated term of single agreement). 2 construction, supervision of construction projects (construction) units have been set up, the sound, the unit responsibility system for production safety, developed departments at all levels of the project safety production and civilized construction responsibility system and a complete set of safety inspection system, signed a construction guarantee. 3 construction project has established a safe and civilized construction guarantee system, implemented the project security management institutions and full-time safety Manager. 4 construction project site has been a detailed investigation into the surrounding environment, combined with structural features produced targeted construction organization design and special programmes, develop emergency plans and superior technical Department for approval. 5 project has been the development of equipment management and equipment move in inspection system, special operations personnel have made People's Republic of China "special operations". 6 construction project in China had, by law, to handle the accident insurance. 7 main road construction site in the urban area have been set a height of not less than 2.5m (section 1.8M), wall of thickness not less than 0.24m. Hoisting of the size of not less than 1.4x0.9m "five-figure". ... Safety number: an area ? structural layer engineering 5-24 project name address telephone project manager construction figure progress, the construction unit (paging) project self-evaluation ,螳螂是 黄雀是 。少年讲得生动,传神,其实,这是少年借题发挥,以蝉、螳螂、黄雀影射国事。少年想告诉吴王的道理是: 。这段话表现了少年的 。 2.从少年这翻话中我们想到了的成语是: 。 五、阅读苏教国标版六年级下册第12课《夜晚的实验》第2到6自然段,完成下列练习。 1.从短文中找出两对近义词在下面括号里。 ( )-----( ) ( )-----( ) 2.因为那几只蝙蝠,眼睛全被他蒙上可,都是“瞎子”呀。这句话引号的用法是( ) (1)表示引用的话;(2)表示特殊含义;(3)表示着中论述的对象。 3.“难道它薄漠似的翅膀,不仅能够飞翔,而且能在夜间洞察一切,”这是一个反问句,请你不改变句子原意,换一种方式表达。 4.斯帕拉捷为了解开蝙蝠夜行的秘密有共做了几次实验,从中你获得了什么启发, 。 5、 用上画横线的词语仿写句子。 假如它们的眼睛瞎了,就不可能在黑安中灵巧地躲过障碍物,并且敏捷地捕捉飞蛾了。 六、(选自苏教国标版六年级下册第13课《海洋——21世纪的希望》。) 片段一: 蔚蓝色的海洋,波(涛 滔)汹涌。自从人类社会(诞 延)生以来,人与海洋的关系就非常(密 蜜)切。海洋给予人类提供(gōng gong)了航行的便(biàn pīán)利;它慷total scoring (100) of safety civilization construction scaffolding projects and score pit template "Sambo," "four "Construction material hoist and lift crane hoisting construction equipment for external use (10) (20) (10) (10) (10) (10) (10) (10) (5) (5), head of corporate self-examination (signature): construction enterprises (seal) Supervision supervision date signature: year month day supervision and evaluation supervisor (signature): oversight units (seal) Year month day Note: two copies of this form, construction units, safety inspection station and a Chengdu city construction safety supervision station producer Chengdu construction safety inspection evaluation form (decoration and construction) safety number: 5-25 project construction area square address structural layer engineering project manager construction figure progress, construction unit Contact phone number (pager) project self-evaluation total scoring (100) of safety civilization construction scaffolding projects and score pit template "Sambo," "four" of construction material hoist and lift crane hoisting construction equipment for external use (10) (20) (10) (10) (10) (10) (10) ... Note: to enter the construction site an 6-1-level 13 safety education, safety education requirements, main contents are: first level: basic knowledge of safety, regulations, legal education, the main content is: safety guidelines and policies of the party and State; Safety regulations and standards, and the legal system; The unit construction and safety regulations, safety and discipline; The work safety situation and the history of major accidents and the lessons to be learned; After the accident to rescue the wounded, remove danger, protect the scene and reported in a timely manner. Secondary education: site rules and regulations and compliance, discipline, education, main contents are: basic knowledge of the characteristics of construction and safety; This unit (including construction, production site) safety systems, requirements and security considerations; This type of security technology practice: working at height, machinery and equipment, electrical safety basics; Fire, gas, dust-proof, explosion-proof knowledge and knowledge of safe disposal and emergency evacuation; Protective equipment protective supplies, appliances and issuing standard basic knowledge. Tertiary education: this type of system of job safety, operation and safety, discipline, the main content is: the team's operating features and safety rules; Safety activities system and discipline; Care and proper use of safety equipment (facilities) and PPE; The job insecurity prone to accidents and enemy; This position working environment and the use of machinery and equipment, tools, safety requirements. Attachment: safety precautions: new worker safety notes before new workers entering the site, you must study hard and become familiar with inspection date 9 permit card complete and valid; Pile driver ultra high limit device meets the requirements, work around the 5M no power lines; Hoist wire rope lubrication good, no broken wires exceeds phenomenon; Pile driving track-laying should be consistent with the original said ... Date number name 5-20 engineering machinery mechanical overlap signed shift, successor to Chengdu city, signing the transfer table construction safety supervision and an 5-21 record number record date the successful bidder number processes number project name Project cost structure, layer an area of base type type and height and depth scaffold construction site name mobile (paging) supervision unit, field representative mobile (paging) construction unit, project manager mobile (paging) address safety coordinators name phone (paging) start date completion date telephone note table a-II , Construction units, safety supervision Department hold a copy. (By construction units fill in, units name please with full name), safety station contact phone: 86257682 construction project starts conditions review table Ann prison number: engineering name: engineering address: serial number review content 1 construction project safety by required of funds input has get guarantee (bearing employer both has by into construction sent [2002] No. 347, paper provides signed has project security civilization construction increased fee meter take standard and allocated term of single agreement). 2 construction, supervision of construction projects (construction) units have been set up, the sound, the unit responsibility system for production safety, developed departments at all levels of the project safety production and civilized construction responsibility system and a complete set of safety inspection system, signed a construction guarantee. 3 construction project has established a safe and civilized construction guarantee system, implemented the project security management institutions and full-time safety Manager. 4 construction project site has been a detailed investigation into the surrounding environment, combined with structural features produced targeted construction organization design and special programmes, develop emergency plans and superior technical Department for approval. 5 project has been the development of equipment management and equipment move in inspection system, special operations personnel have made People's Republic of China "special operations". 6 construction project in China had, by law, to handle the accident insurance. 7 main road construction site in the urban area have been set a height of not less than 2.5m (section 1.8M), wall of thickness not less than 0.24m. Hoisting of the size of not less than 1.4x0.9m "five-figure". ... Safety number: an area ? structural layer engineering 5-24 project name address telephone project manager construction figure progress, the construction unit (paging) project self-evaluation 慨地给(gěi jǐ)予人类丰富的水产品和每日不可缺少的食盐。但是,海洋发起脾气来,也 会无(情 晴)地掀翻船只,冲(跨 垮)海堤(dī tī),毁灭沿海的城镇,给人类带来可怕 的灾难。 1. 划去文中括号里不正确的汉字和读音。 2. 用“~~~~~~~”画出文中的中心句,并说说这段话围绕中心句是从那几方面来写的, 3. 人们热爱海洋,是因为 人们畏惧海洋,是因为 片段二: 科学家发现( )海洋是个聚宝盆( )它蕴藏(cáng zàng)着丰富的石油( )天然 气( )煤( )铁( )铜( )锡( )锰( )硫等( )目前陆地上的煤、 石油等矿藏(zàng cáng),由于长期开采,已越来越少,世界上许多地方都在闹“能源危 机”。为了解决这个问题,人类把目光转向海洋,致力于海洋矿产资源的开发。如今,一座 座海洋石油平台已(矗立 屹立 耸立)在海涛之中,一艘艘海洋考察船已驶向大洋深处, 新近的海洋探测器已潜入深海大显神威。 1. 在文中方框内加上标点。 2. 用“,”画掉文中不正确的读音和词语。 3. 用“因为……所以……”的句式说说为什么海洋是聚宝盆, 4. 读读画“——”的句子,用带电的词造句。 5. 这一自然段的段意是: 6. 人类开发、利用海洋,除了这段介绍的之外,你还知道哪些, inspection date 9 permit card complete and valid; Pile driver ultra high limit device meets the requirements, work around the 5M no power lines; Hoist wire rope lubrication good, no broken wires exceeds phenomenon; Pile driving track-laying should be consistent with the original said ... Date number name 5-20 engineering machinery mechanical overlap signed shift, successor to Chengdu city, signing the transfer table construction safety supervision and an 5-21 record number record date the successful bidder number processes number project name Project cost structure, layer an area of base type type and height and depth scaffold construction site name mobile (paging) supervision unit, field representative mobile (paging) construction unit, project manager mobile (paging) address safety coordinators name phone (paging) start date completion date telephone note table a-II , Construction units, safety supervision Department hold a copy. (By construction units fill in, units name please with full name), safety station contact phone: 86257682 construction project starts conditions review table Ann prison number: engineering name: engineering address: serial number review content 1 construction project safety by required of funds input has get guarantee (bearing employer both has by into construction sent [2002] No. 347, paper provides signed has project security civilization construction increased fee meter take standard and allocated term of single agreement). 2 construction, supervision of construction projects (construction) units have been set up, the sound, the unit responsibility system for production safety, developed departments at all levels of the project safety production and civilized construction responsibility system and a complete set of safety inspection system, signed a construction guarantee. 3 construction project has established a safe and civilized construction guarantee system, implemented the project security management institutions and full-time safety Manager. 4 construction project site has been a detailed investigation into the surrounding environment, combined with structural features produced targeted construction organization design and special programmes, develop emergency plans and superior technical Department for approval. 5 project has been the development of equipment management and equipment move in inspection system, special operations personnel have made People's Republic of China "special operations". 6 construction project in China had, by law, to handle the accident insurance. 7 main road construction site in the urban area have been set a height of not less than 2.5m (section 1.8M), wall of thickness not less than 0.24m. Hoisting of the size of not less than 1.4x0.9m "five-figure". ... Safety number: an area ? structural layer engineering 5-24 project name address telephone project manager construction figure progress, the construction unit (paging) project self-evaluation inspection date 9 permit card complete and valid; Pile driver ultra high limit device meets the requirements, work around the 5M no power lines; Hoist wire rope lubrication good, no broken wires exceeds phenomenon; Pile driving track-laying should be consistent with the original said ... Date number name 5-20 engineering machinery mechanical overlap signed shift, successor to Chengdu city, signing the transfer table construction safety supervision and an 5-21 record number record date the successful bidder number processes number project name Project cost structure, layer an area of base type type and height and depth scaffold construction site name mobile (paging) supervision unit, field representative mobile (paging) construction unit, project manager mobile (paging) address safety coordinators name phone (paging) start date completion date telephone note table a-II , Construction units, safety supervision Department hold a copy. (By construction units fill in, units name please with full name), safety station contact phone: 86257682 construction project starts conditions review table Ann prison number: engineering name: engineering address: serial number review content 1 construction project safety by required of funds input has get guarantee (bearing employer both has by into construction sent [2002] No. 347, paper provides signed has project security civilization construction increased fee meter take standard and allocated term of single agreement). 2 construction, supervision of construction projects (construction) units have been set up, the sound, the unit responsibility system for production safety, developed departments at all levels of the project safety production and civilized construction responsibility system and a complete set of safety inspection system, signed a construction guarantee. 3 construction project has established a safe and civilized construction guarantee system, implemented the project security management institutions and full-time safety Manager. 4 construction project site has been a detailed investigation into the surrounding environment, combined with structural features produced targeted construction organization design and special programmes, develop emergency plans and superior technical Department for approval. 5 project has been the development of equipment management and equipment move in inspection system, special operations personnel have made People's Republic of China "special operations". 6 construction project in China had, by law, to handle the accident insurance. 7 main road construction site in the urban area have been set a height of not less than 2.5m (section 1.8M), wall of thickness not less than 0.24m. Hoisting of the size of not less than 1.4x0.9m "five-figure". ... Safety number: an area ? structural layer engineering 5-24 project name address telephone project manager construction figure progress, the construction unit (paging) project self-evaluation 七、(选自苏教国标版六年级下册第14课《学会合作》。) 怎样才能卓有成效地合作呢,你一定在音乐厅或电视里看到交响乐团的演奏吧,这算是人与 人合作的典范呢了。你瞧,指挥家轻轻一扬手里的指挥棒,悠扬的乐曲就从乐师的嘴唇边、 指缝倾泻出来,流向天宇,也流进人们的心田。是什么力量使上百位乐师,数十种不同的乐 器合作得这样完美和谐,我想,这住要是依靠高度统一的团体目标和为了实现这个目标每人 必须具有的协作精神。 1. 写出下列次的近义词。 典范( ) 倾泻( ) 和谐( ) 2. 在括号里填写合适的词。 ( )的乐曲 ( )的力量 ( )的目标 ( )的精神 3.说说文中两个问句的作用。? ? 4.从这个事列中,你明白了什么, 八、阅读苏教国标版六年级下册第15课《天游峰的扫路人》第二、七自然段,完成下列练 习。 1. 文中“得意”的意思是: 你觉得“我”得意是原因是( ) 2.“天游峰———武夷山第一险峰。”这句话的破折号表示( ) 3.用“~~~”标出文中的比喻句,读一读,你从中感觉了什么,把你感觉到的写下来。 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ total scoring (100) of safety civilization construction scaffolding projects and score pit template "Sambo," "four "Construction material hoist and lift crane hoisting construction equipment for external use (10) (20) (10) (10) (10) (10) (10) (10) (5) (5), head of corporate self-examination (signature): construction enterprises (seal) Supervision supervision date signature: year month day supervision and evaluation supervisor (signature): oversight units (seal) Year month day Note: two copies of this form, construction units, safety inspection station and a Chengdu city construction safety supervision station producer Chengdu construction safety inspection evaluation form (decoration and construction) safety number: 5-25 project construction area square address structural layer engineering project manager construction figure progress, construction unit Contact phone number (pager) project self-evaluation total scoring (100) of safety civilization construction scaffolding projects and score pit template "Sambo," "four" of construction material hoist and lift crane hoisting construction equipment for external use (10) (20) (10) (10) (10) (10) (10) ... Note: to enter the construction site an 6-1-level 13 safety education, safety education requirements, main contents are: first level: basic knowledge of safety, regulations, legal education, the main content is: safety guidelines and policies of the party and State; Safety regulations and standards, and the legal system; The unit construction and safety regulations, safety and discipline; The work safety situation and the history of major accidents and the lessons to be learned; After the accident to rescue the wounded, remove danger, protect the scene and reported in a timely manner. Secondary education: site rules and regulations and compliance, discipline, education, main contents are: basic knowledge of the characteristics of construction and safety; This unit (including construction, production site) safety systems, requirements and security considerations; This type of security technology practice: working at height, machinery and equipment, electrical safety basics; Fire, gas, dust-proof, explosion-proof knowledge and knowledge of safe disposal and emergency evacuation; Protective equipment protective supplies, appliances and issuing standard basic knowledge. Tertiary education: this type of system of job safety, operation and safety, discipline, the main content is: the team's operating features and safety rules; Safety activities system and discipline; Care and proper use of safety equipment (facilities) and PPE; The job insecurity prone to accidents and enemy; This position working environment and the use of machinery and equipment, tools, safety requirements. Attachment: safety precautions: new worker safety notes before new workers entering the site, you must study hard and become familiar with inspection date 9 permit card complete and valid; Pile driver ultra high limit device meets the requirements, work around the 5M no power lines; Hoist wire rope lubrication good, no broken wires exceeds phenomenon; Pile driving track-laying should be consistent with the original said ... Date number name 5-20 engineering machinery mechanical overlap signed shift, successor to Chengdu city, signing the transfer table construction safety supervision and an 5-21 record number record date the successful bidder number processes number project name Project cost structure, layer an area of base type type and height and depth scaffold construction site name mobile (paging) supervision unit, field representative mobile (paging) construction unit, project manager mobile (paging) address safety coordinators name phone (paging) start date completion date telephone note table a-II , Construction units, safety supervision Department hold a copy. (By construction units fill in, units name please with full name), safety station contact phone: 86257682 construction project starts conditions review table Ann prison number: engineering name: engineering address: serial number review content 1 construction project safety by required of funds input has get guarantee (bearing employer both has by into construction sent [2002] No. 347, paper provides signed has project security civilization construction increased fee meter take standard and allocated term of single agreement). 2 construction, supervision of construction projects (construction) units have been set up, the sound, the unit responsibility system for production safety, developed departments at all levels of the project safety production and civilized construction responsibility system and a complete set of safety inspection system, signed a construction guarantee. 3 construction project has established a safe and civilized construction guarantee system, implemented the project security management institutions and full-time safety Manager. 4 construction project site has been a detailed investigation into the surrounding environment, combined with structural features produced targeted construction organization design and special programmes, develop emergency plans and superior technical Department for approval. 5 project has been the development of equipment management and equipment move in inspection system, special operations personnel have made People's Republic of China "special operations". 6 construction project in China had, by law, to handle the accident insurance. 7 main road construction site in the urban area have been set a height of not less than 2.5m (section 1.8M), wall of thickness not less than 0.24m. Hoisting of the size of not less than 1.4x0.9m "five-figure". ... Safety number: an area ? structural layer engineering 5-24 project name address telephone project manager construction figure progress, the construction unit (paging) project self-evaluation 4.最后说“我不禁倒抽了一口气”,“我”为什么要倒抽一口气, ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.文中的四字成语,再任选一个造句。 九、阅读苏教国标版六年级下册第15课《天游峰的扫路人》第八、十二自然段,完成下列 练习。 1. 用“?”给下列画横线的多音字选择正确读音。 瘦削(xue xiao) 削苹果(xue xiao ) 2. 写出下列词的近义词。 打量——( ) 慈善——( ) 3. 阅读文章不仅要读懂文字表面的意思,还要读透文字背后的意思。你觉得“30年后我照 样请你喝茶~”这一句话文字背后的意思是什么, ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4、你觉得天游峰的扫路人是个怎样的人,你是从哪些地方看出来的, ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5、 读了段文字,你最想对天游峰的扫路人说什么?请把你想说的话写下来 ,不少于三句。 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 十、(选自苏教国标版六年级下册第16课《最大的麦穗》。) inspection date 9 permit card complete and valid; Pile driver ultra high limit device meets the requirements, work around the 5M no power lines; Hoist wire rope lubrication good, no broken wires exceeds phenomenon; Pile driving track-laying should be consistent with the original said ... Date number name 5-20 engineering machinery mechanical overlap signed shift, successor to Chengdu city, signing the transfer table construction safety supervision and an 5-21 record number record date the successful bidder number processes number project name Project cost structure, layer an area of base type type and height and depth scaffold construction site name mobile (paging) supervision unit, field representative mobile (paging) construction unit, project manager mobile (paging) address safety coordinators name phone (paging) start date completion date telephone note table a-II , Construction units, safety supervision Department hold a copy. (By construction units fill in, units name please with full name), safety station contact phone: 86257682 construction project starts conditions review table Ann prison number: engineering name: engineering address: serial number review content 1 construction project safety by required of funds input has get guarantee (bearing employer both has by into construction sent [2002] No. 347, paper provides signed has project security civilization construction increased fee meter take standard and allocated term of single agreement). 2 construction, supervision of construction projects (construction) units have been set up, the sound, the unit responsibility system for production safety, developed departments at all levels of the project safety production and civilized construction responsibility system and a complete set of safety inspection system, signed a construction guarantee. 3 construction project has established a safe and civilized construction guarantee system, implemented the project security management institutions and full-time safety Manager. 4 construction project site has been a detailed investigation into the surrounding environment, combined with structural features produced targeted construction organization design and special programmes, develop emergency plans and superior technical Department for approval. 5 project has been the development of equipment management and equipment move in inspection system, special operations personnel have made People's Republic of China "special operations". 6 construction project in China had, by law, to handle the accident insurance. 7 main road construction site in the urban area have been set a height of not less than 2.5m (section 1.8M), wall of thickness not less than 0.24m. Hoisting of the size of not less than 1.4x0.9m "five-figure". ... Safety number: an area ? structural layer engineering 5-24 project name address telephone project manager construction figure progress, the construction unit (paging) project self-evaluation inspection date 9 permit card complete and valid; Pile driver ultra high limit device meets the requirements, work around the 5M no power lines; Hoist wire rope lubrication good, no broken wires exceeds phenomenon; Pile driving track-laying should be consistent with the original said ... Date number name 5-20 engineering machinery mechanical overlap signed shift, successor to Chengdu city, signing the transfer table construction safety supervision and an 5-21 record number record date the successful bidder number processes number project name Project cost structure, layer an area of base type type and height and depth scaffold construction site name mobile (paging) supervision unit, field representative mobile (paging) construction unit, project manager mobile (paging) address safety coordinators name phone (paging) start date completion date telephone note table a-II , Construction units, safety supervision Department hold a copy. (By construction units fill in, units name please with full name), safety station contact phone: 86257682 construction project starts conditions review table Ann prison number: engineering name: engineering address: serial number review content 1 construction project safety by required of funds input has get guarantee (bearing employer both has by into construction sent [2002] No. 347, paper provides signed has project security civilization construction increased fee meter take standard and allocated term of single agreement). 2 construction, supervision of construction projects (construction) units have been set up, the sound, the unit responsibility system for production safety, developed departments at all levels of the project safety production and civilized construction responsibility system and a complete set of safety inspection system, signed a construction guarantee. 3 construction project has established a safe and civilized construction guarantee system, implemented the project security management institutions and full-time safety Manager. 4 construction project site has been a detailed investigation into the surrounding environment, combined with structural features produced targeted construction organization design and special programmes, develop emergency plans and superior technical Department for approval. 5 project has been the development of equipment management and equipment move in inspection system, special operations personnel have made People's Republic of China "special operations". 6 construction project in China had, by law, to handle the accident insurance. 7 main road construction site in the urban area have been set a height of not less than 2.5m (section 1.8M), wall of thickness not less than 0.24m. Hoisting of the size of not less than 1.4x0.9m "five-figure". ... Safety number: an area ? structural layer engineering 5-24 project name address telephone project manager construction figure progress, the construction unit (paging) project self-evaluation 片段一: 地里到处都是大麦穗,哪有个才是最大的呢,弟子们埋头向前走。看看这一株,摇了摇头,再看看那一株,又摇了摇头。他们总认为最大的那一穗还在前面呢。虽然弟子们也试着摘了几穗,但并不满意,便随手扔掉了。他们总以为机会还很多,完全没必要过早地定夺。 弟子们一边低着头往前走,一边用心得挑挑拣拣,经过了很长一段时间。 1. 填空 这段话主要写了弟子们 。从 、 可以体会到弟子们摘麦穗的态度是认真的;从 、 又可以看出他们的眼光不够开阔;从 、 还可以看出他们不能当机立断。 2. 说一说他们为什么没有摘到最大的一穗。 片段二: 苏格拉底的弟子们听了老师的话,悟出了这样一个道理:人的一生仿佛也在麦地中行走,也在寻找那最大的一穗。有的人见到了颗粒饱满的“麦穗”,就不失时机得摘下它;有的人则动东张西望,一再错失良机。当然,追求才是最大的,但把眼前的一穗拿在手中,这才是实实在在的。 1.标出文中使用了分号的句子,这里分号的用法是( ) 2.“最大的追求”在日常生活中指 ,“把眼前的一穗拿在手中”是指 。 3.请你根据这段话,写一句名言(可以是你积累的,也可以是你自己创作的)。 十一、(选自苏教国标版六年级下册第17课《山谷中的谜底》。) 少倾,另一位想明白了什么似的,说:“我得到了一个启示—对于外界的压力,可以通过正面抗争胜它,但有时也需要像雪松那样先弯曲有下,作出适当的让步,以求反弹的机会。” 确实,弯曲不屈服和毁灭,而是为了生存和更好的发展。 1.写出“少倾”的三个近义词。( )( )( ) total scoring (100) of safety civilization construction scaffolding projects and score pit template "Sambo," "four "Construction material hoist and lift crane hoisting construction equipment for external use (10) (20) (10) (10) (10) (10) (10) (10) (5) (5), head of corporate self-examination (signature): construction enterprises (seal) Supervision supervision date signature: year month day supervision and evaluation supervisor (signature): oversight units (seal) Year month day Note: two copies of this form, construction units, safety inspection station and a Chengdu city construction safety supervision station producer Chengdu construction safety inspection evaluation form (decoration and construction) safety number: 5-25 project construction area square address structural layer engineering project manager construction figure progress, construction unit Contact phone number (pager) project self-evaluation total scoring (100) of safety civilization construction scaffolding projects and score pit template "Sambo," "four" of construction material hoist and lift crane hoisting construction equipment for external use (10) (20) (10) (10) (10) (10) (10) ... Note: to enter the construction site an 6-1-level 13 safety education, safety education requirements, main contents are: first level: basic knowledge of safety, regulations, legal education, the main content is: safety guidelines and policies of the party and State; Safety regulations and standards, and the legal system; The unit construction and safety regulations, safety and discipline; The work safety situation and the history of major accidents and the lessons to be learned; After the accident to rescue the wounded, remove danger, protect the scene and reported in a timely manner. Secondary education: site rules and regulations and compliance, discipline, education, main contents are: basic knowledge of the characteristics of construction and safety; This unit (including construction, production site) safety systems, requirements and security considerations; This type of security technology practice: working at height, machinery and equipment, electrical safety basics; Fire, gas, dust-proof, explosion-proof knowledge and knowledge of safe disposal and emergency evacuation; Protective equipment protective supplies, appliances and issuing standard basic knowledge. Tertiary education: this type of system of job safety, operation and safety, discipline, the main content is: the team's operating features and safety rules; Safety activities system and discipline; Care and proper use of safety equipment (facilities) and PPE; The job insecurity prone to accidents and enemy; This position working environment and the use of machinery and equipment, tools, safety requirements. Attachment: safety precautions: new worker safety notes before new workers entering the site, you must study hard and become familiar with inspection date 9 permit card complete and valid; Pile driver ultra high limit device meets the requirements, work around the 5M no power lines; Hoist wire rope lubrication good, no broken wires exceeds phenomenon; Pile driving track-laying should be consistent with the original said ... Date number name 5-20 engineering machinery mechanical overlap signed shift, successor to Chengdu city, signing the transfer table construction safety supervision and an 5-21 record number record date the successful bidder number processes number project name Project cost structure, layer an area of base type type and height and depth scaffold construction site name mobile (paging) supervision unit, field representative mobile (paging) construction unit, project manager mobile (paging) address safety coordinators name phone (paging) start date completion date telephone note table a-II , Construction units, safety supervision Department hold a copy. (By construction units fill in, units name please with full name), safety station contact phone: 86257682 construction project starts conditions review table Ann prison number: engineering name: engineering address: serial number review content 1 construction project safety by required of funds input has get guarantee (bearing employer both has by into construction sent [2002] No. 347, paper provides signed has project security civilization construction increased fee meter take standard and allocated term of single agreement). 2 construction, supervision of construction projects (construction) units have been set up, the sound, the unit responsibility system for production safety, developed departments at all levels of the project safety production and civilized construction responsibility system and a complete set of safety inspection system, signed a construction guarantee. 3 construction project has established a safe and civilized construction guarantee system, implemented the project security management institutions and full-time safety Manager. 4 construction project site has been a detailed investigation into the surrounding environment, combined with structural features produced targeted construction organization design and special programmes, develop emergency plans and superior technical Department for approval. 5 project has been the development of equipment management and equipment move in inspection system, special operations personnel have made People's Republic of China "special operations". 6 construction project in China had, by law, to handle the accident insurance. 7 main road construction site in the urban area have been set a height of not less than 2.5m (section 1.8M), wall of thickness not less than 0.24m. Hoisting of the size of not less than 1.4x0.9m "five-figure". ... Safety number: an area ? structural layer engineering 5-24 project name address telephone project manager construction figure progress, the construction unit (paging) project self-evaluation 2.旅行者从雪松身上得到什么启示, 3. 读读文中画“—”的部分,你明白了什么道理,可以联系生活实际说说。 4.“—”叫 号,在文中的作用是 。 十二、阅读苏教国标版六年级下册第18课《广玉兰》第三自然段,完成下列练习。 1.“蕊”用音序查字法先查大写字母( ),再查音节( );用部首查字法先查( )部,再查( )画。 ,.从文中找出下列词的近义词。 纯白( )凋落( )耸立( )培育( ) ,.这一段话的构段式是总分总式,请用“—”标出总写的句子。分写部分具体写了( )、( )、( )、( )等四种花开的形态。 4. 结合上文,谈谈你对“远远看上去,一株广玉兰就像是一个数世同堂,生生不息的大家族。”这句话的理解。 5. 在的作着的笔下,你觉得广玉兰是一种什么样的花, 6.依照这一段的构段方式,用一段话写一种你喜欢的花。 inspection date 9 permit card complete and valid; Pile driver ultra high limit device meets the requirements, work around the 5M no power lines; Hoist wire rope lubrication good, no broken wires exceeds phenomenon; Pile driving track-laying should be consistent with the original said ... Date number name 5-20 engineering machinery mechanical overlap signed shift, successor to Chengdu city, signing the transfer table construction safety supervision and an 5-21 record number record date the successful bidder number processes number project name Project cost structure, layer an area of base type type and height and depth scaffold construction site name mobile (paging) supervision unit, field representative mobile (paging) construction unit, project manager mobile (paging) address safety coordinators name phone (paging) start date completion date telephone note table a-II , Construction units, safety supervision Department hold a copy. (By construction units fill in, units name please with full name), safety station contact phone: 86257682 construction project starts conditions review table Ann prison number: engineering name: engineering address: serial number review content 1 construction project safety by required of funds input has get guarantee (bearing employer both has by into construction sent [2002] No. 347, paper provides signed has project security civilization construction increased fee meter take standard and allocated term of single agreement). 2 construction, supervision of construction projects (construction) units have been set up, the sound, the unit responsibility system for production safety, developed departments at all levels of the project safety production and civilized construction responsibility system and a complete set of safety inspection system, signed a construction guarantee. 3 construction project has established a safe and civilized construction guarantee system, implemented the project security management institutions and full-time safety Manager. 4 construction project site has been a detailed investigation into the surrounding environment, combined with structural features produced targeted construction organization design and special programmes, develop emergency plans and superior technical Department for approval. 5 project has been the development of equipment management and equipment move in inspection system, special operations personnel have made People's Republic of China "special operations". 6 construction project in China had, by law, to handle the accident insurance. 7 main road construction site in the urban area have been set a height of not less than 2.5m (section 1.8M), wall of thickness not less than 0.24m. Hoisting of the size of not less than 1.4x0.9m "five-figure". ... Safety number: an area ? structural layer engineering 5-24 project name address telephone project manager construction figure progress, the construction unit (paging) project self-evaluation inspection date 9 permit card complete and valid; Pile driver ultra high limit device meets the requirements, work around the 5M no power lines; Hoist wire rope lubrication good, no broken wires exceeds phenomenon; Pile driving track-laying should be consistent with the original said ... Date number name 5-20 engineering machinery mechanical overlap signed shift, successor to Chengdu city, signing the transfer table construction safety supervision and an 5-21 record number record date the successful bidder number processes number project name Project cost structure, layer an area of base type type and height and depth scaffold construction site name mobile (paging) supervision unit, field representative mobile (paging) construction unit, project manager mobile (paging) address safety coordinators name phone (paging) start date completion date telephone note table a-II , Construction units, safety supervision Department hold a copy. (By construction units fill in, units name please with full name), safety station contact phone: 86257682 construction project starts conditions review table Ann prison number: engineering name: engineering address: serial number review content 1 construction project safety by required of funds input has get guarantee (bearing employer both has by into construction sent [2002] No. 347, paper provides signed has project security civilization construction increased fee meter take standard and allocated term of single agreement). 2 construction, supervision of construction projects (construction) units have been set up, the sound, the unit responsibility system for production safety, developed departments at all levels of the project safety production and civilized construction responsibility system and a complete set of safety inspection system, signed a construction guarantee. 3 construction project has established a safe and civilized construction guarantee system, implemented the project security management institutions and full-time safety Manager. 4 construction project site has been a detailed investigation into the surrounding environment, combined with structural features produced targeted construction organization design and special programmes, develop emergency plans and superior technical Department for approval. 5 project has been the development of equipment management and equipment move in inspection system, special operations personnel have made People's Republic of China "special operations". 6 construction project in China had, by law, to handle the accident insurance. 7 main road construction site in the urban area have been set a height of not less than 2.5m (section 1.8M), wall of thickness not less than 0.24m. Hoisting of the size of not less than 1.4x0.9m "five-figure". ... Safety number: an area ? structural layer engineering 5-24 project name address telephone project manager construction figure progress, the construction unit (paging) project self-evaluation 十三、(选自苏教国标版六年级下册第19课《夹竹桃》。) 片段一: 然而,在 的大门内,夹竹桃却在那里 ,一朵花 ,又开出一朵,一嘟噜花 ,又长出一嘟噜。在 里,在 里,在 里,看不出有什么特别茂盛的时候,也看不出有什么特别衰败的时候,无日不 。从春天一直到秋天,从 一直到 ,无不 。这一点 ,同院子里那些花比起来,不是显得非常可贵吗, 1. 将课文补充完整。 2. 将最后一句改为陈述句。 3. 这一接主要写夹竹桃的 用“~~~~~~”画出文中最能表现这一特点的两个句子。 4. 用“无……不……”,“无不”分别写一句话。 片段二: 但夹竹桃的妙处还不至于此。我特别喜欢月光下的夹竹桃。你站在它下面,花朵是一团(模糊 含糊);但是香气却毫不(模糊 含糊),浓浓烈烈地从花枝上(飘 袭)了下来。它把影子投到墙上,叶影参差(nāchā cēncī),花影迷离,可以引起我许多幻想。我幻想它是地图,它居然就是地图了。这堆影子是亚洲,那堆影子是非洲,中间空白的地方是大海。碰巧有几只虫子爬过,这就是远渡重洋的海轮。我幻想它是水中的荇藻,我眼前就真的展现出一个小池塘。夜蛾飞过,映在墙上的影子就是游鱼。我幻想它是一幅画竹,我就真的看到一幅画。微风乍起,叶影吹动,这一幅画(竟 却)变成活话了。 1. 用“—”画出文中正确的读音和恰当的词语。 2. 文中的“亚洲”指夹竹桃在月光下地图一般的影子,那么,“大海”是指 , “远渡重洋的海轮”是指 ,而“游鱼”其实就是 。 total scoring (100) of safety civilization construction scaffolding projects and score pit template "Sambo," "four "Construction material hoist and lift crane hoisting construction equipment for external use (10) (20) (10) (10) (10) (10) (10) (10) (5) (5), head of corporate self-examination (signature): construction enterprises (seal) Supervision supervision date signature: year month day supervision and evaluation supervisor (signature): oversight units (seal) Year month day Note: two copies of this form, construction units, safety inspection station and a Chengdu city construction safety supervision station producer Chengdu construction safety inspection evaluation form (decoration and construction) safety number: 5-25 project construction area square address structural layer engineering project manager construction figure progress, construction unit Contact phone number (pager) project self-evaluation total scoring (100) of safety civilization construction scaffolding projects and score pit template "Sambo," "four" of construction material hoist and lift crane hoisting construction equipment for external use (10) (20) (10) (10) (10) (10) (10) ... Note: to enter the construction site an 6-1-level 13 safety education, safety education requirements, main contents are: first level: basic knowledge of safety, regulations, legal education, the main content is: safety guidelines and policies of the party and State; Safety regulations and standards, and the legal system; The unit construction and safety regulations, safety and discipline; The work safety situation and the history of major accidents and the lessons to be learned; After the accident to rescue the wounded, remove danger, protect the scene and reported in a timely manner. Secondary education: site rules and regulations and compliance, discipline, education, main contents are: basic knowledge of the characteristics of construction and safety; This unit (including construction, production site) safety systems, requirements and security considerations; This type of security technology practice: working at height, machinery and equipment, electrical safety basics; Fire, gas, dust-proof, explosion-proof knowledge and knowledge of safe disposal and emergency evacuation; Protective equipment protective supplies, appliances and issuing standard basic knowledge. Tertiary education: this type of system of job safety, operation and safety, discipline, the main content is: the team's operating features and safety rules; Safety activities system and discipline; Care and proper use of safety equipment (facilities) and PPE; The job insecurity prone to accidents and enemy; This position working environment and the use of machinery and equipment, tools, safety requirements. Attachment: safety precautions: new worker safety notes before new workers entering the site, you must study hard and become familiar with inspection date 9 permit card complete and valid; Pile driver ultra high limit device meets the requirements, work around the 5M no power lines; Hoist wire rope lubrication good, no broken wires exceeds phenomenon; Pile driving track-laying should be consistent with the original said ... Date number name 5-20 engineering machinery mechanical overlap signed shift, successor to Chengdu city, signing the transfer table construction safety supervision and an 5-21 record number record date the successful bidder number processes number project name Project cost structure, layer an area of base type type and height and depth scaffold construction site name mobile (paging) supervision unit, field representative mobile (paging) construction unit, project manager mobile (paging) address safety coordinators name phone (paging) start date completion date telephone note table a-II , Construction units, safety supervision Department hold a copy. (By construction units fill in, units name please with full name), safety station contact phone: 86257682 construction project starts conditions review table Ann prison number: engineering name: engineering address: serial number review content 1 construction project safety by required of funds input has get guarantee (bearing employer both has by into construction sent [2002] No. 347, paper provides signed has project security civilization construction increased fee meter take standard and allocated term of single agreement). 2 construction, supervision of construction projects (construction) units have been set up, the sound, the unit responsibility system for production safety, developed departments at all levels of the project safety production and civilized construction responsibility system and a complete set of safety inspection system, signed a construction guarantee. 3 construction project has established a safe and civilized construction guarantee system, implemented the project security management institutions and full-time safety Manager. 4 construction project site has been a detailed investigation into the surrounding environment, combined with structural features produced targeted construction organization design and special programmes, develop emergency plans and superior technical Department for approval. 5 project has been the development of equipment management and equipment move in inspection system, special operations personnel have made People's Republic of China "special operations". 6 construction project in China had, by law, to handle the accident insurance. 7 main road construction site in the urban area have been set a height of not less than 2.5m (section 1.8M), wall of thickness not less than 0.24m. Hoisting of the size of not less than 1.4x0.9m "five-figure". ... Safety number: an area ? structural layer engineering 5-24 project name address telephone project manager construction figure progress, the construction unit (paging) project self-evaluation 3. 请用“~~~~~”画出文中一过渡句。 4. 短文第一句话中加点字的“此”是指什么,请你从课文中找出句字写在下面。 5.月光下的夹竹桃把影子投到墙上,还能引起“我”的什么幻想呢,请你展开想象,模仿文中划线的句子写法,也来写一写。 十四、(选自苏教国标版六年级下册第23课《孔子游春》。) 片段一: 水奔流不息,是哺育一切生灵的乳汁,它好像有德行。水没有一定的形状,或方或长,流必向下,和顺温柔,它好像有情义。水穿山岩,凿石壁,从无惧色,它好像有志向。万物入水,必能荡涤污垢,它好像善施教化……由此看来,水是真君子啊~ 1、这段话中的省略号表示,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,。 2、联系上下文,“奔流不息”的“息”可以解释为,,,,,,;“或方或长”的“或”可以解释为,,,,,,。 3、孔子说“水是真君子”的理由有四点,分别是因为水,,,,,,、,,,,,,、,,,,,,、,,,,,,。 4、这段从孔子对水的论述中,可以看出孔子是一位,,,,,,的老师(从文中找一个词填在横线上)。 片段二: 子路是个急性子,老师的话音未落就开了腔:“我愿意把车马、衣服拿出来跟朋友们一块儿享用,就是用坏了、穿破了,我也不会在意。朋友之间就应该有福同享嘛。” 温文尔雅的颜回经过深思熟虑,从容不迫地说:“我希望成为一个不为自己表功的人。” 孔子用赞许的目光看着他们,微微地点了点头。 1、“有福同享”在文中指的是_________________ 。 inspection date 9 permit card complete and valid; Pile driver ultra high limit device meets the requirements, work around the 5M no power lines; Hoist wire rope lubrication good, no broken wires exceeds phenomenon; Pile driving track-laying should be consistent with the original said ... Date number name 5-20 engineering machinery mechanical overlap signed shift, successor to Chengdu city, signing the transfer table construction safety supervision and an 5-21 record number record date the successful bidder number processes number project name Project cost structure, layer an area of base type type and height and depth scaffold construction site name mobile (paging) supervision unit, field representative mobile (paging) construction unit, project manager mobile (paging) address safety coordinators name phone (paging) start date completion date telephone note table a-II , Construction units, safety supervision Department hold a copy. (By construction units fill in, units name please with full name), safety station contact phone: 86257682 construction project starts conditions review table Ann prison number: engineering name: engineering address: serial number review content 1 construction project safety by required of funds input has get guarantee (bearing employer both has by into construction sent [2002] No. 347, paper provides signed has project security civilization construction increased fee meter take standard and allocated term of single agreement). 2 construction, supervision of construction projects (construction) units have been set up, the sound, the unit responsibility system for production safety, developed departments at all levels of the project safety production and civilized construction responsibility system and a complete set of safety inspection system, signed a construction guarantee. 3 construction project has established a safe and civilized construction guarantee system, implemented the project security management institutions and full-time safety Manager. 4 construction project site has been a detailed investigation into the surrounding environment, combined with structural features produced targeted construction organization design and special programmes, develop emergency plans and superior technical Department for approval. 5 project has been the development of equipment management and equipment move in inspection system, special operations personnel have made People's Republic of China "special operations". 6 construction project in China had, by law, to handle the accident insurance. 7 main road construction site in the urban area have been set a height of not less than 2.5m (section 1.8M), wall of thickness not less than 0.24m. Hoisting of the size of not less than 1.4x0.9m "five-figure". ... Safety number: an area ? structural layer engineering 5-24 project name address telephone project manager construction figure progress, the construction unit (paging) project self-evaluation inspection date 9 permit card complete and valid; Pile driver ultra high limit device meets the requirements, work around the 5M no power lines; Hoist wire rope lubrication good, no broken wires exceeds phenomenon; Pile driving track-laying should be consistent with the original said ... Date number name 5-20 engineering machinery mechanical overlap signed shift, successor to Chengdu city, signing the transfer table construction safety supervision and an 5-21 record number record date the successful bidder number processes number project name Project cost structure, layer an area of base type type and height and depth scaffold construction site name mobile (paging) supervision unit, field representative mobile (paging) construction unit, project manager mobile (paging) address safety coordinators name phone (paging) start date completion date telephone note table a-II , Construction units, safety supervision Department hold a copy. (By construction units fill in, units name please with full name), safety station contact phone: 86257682 construction project starts conditions review table Ann prison number: engineering name: engineering address: serial number review content 1 construction project safety by required of funds input has get guarantee (bearing employer both has by into construction sent [2002] No. 347, paper provides signed has project security civilization construction increased fee meter take standard and allocated term of single agreement). 2 construction, supervision of construction projects (construction) units have been set up, the sound, the unit responsibility system for production safety, developed departments at all levels of the project safety production and civilized construction responsibility system and a complete set of safety inspection system, signed a construction guarantee. 3 construction project has established a safe and civilized construction guarantee system, implemented the project security management institutions and full-time safety Manager. 4 construction project site has been a detailed investigation into the surrounding environment, combined with structural features produced targeted construction organization design and special programmes, develop emergency plans and superior technical Department for approval. 5 project has been the development of equipment management and equipment move in inspection system, special operations personnel have made People's Republic of China "special operations". 6 construction project in China had, by law, to handle the accident insurance. 7 main road construction site in the urban area have been set a height of not less than 2.5m (section 1.8M), wall of thickness not less than 0.24m. Hoisting of the size of not less than 1.4x0.9m "five-figure". ... Safety number: an area ? structural layer engineering 5-24 project name address telephone project manager construction figure progress, the construction unit (paging) project self-evaluation 2、颜回温文尔雅,可以从__________、____________ 这两个词语体现出来。 3、孔子赞许的是子路的____________和颜回的______________ 。 4、你知道孔子的一句关于学习或者做人方面的名言吗,请写下来: _______________________________________________________ 5、曾经,有老师、爸爸妈妈或者其他人用赞许的目光注视着你,把当时的情况和你的感受 写下来。 。 片段三: 孔子凝望着泗水的绿波,意味深长地说:“水奔流不息,是哺育一切生灵的乳汁,它好像有 德行。水没有一定的形状,或方或长,流必向下,和顺温柔,它好像有情义。水穿山岩,凿 石壁,从无惧色,它好像有志向。万物入水,必能荡涤污垢,它好像善施教化,――――― 由此看来,水是真君子啊~” 1、根据下列意思写出相应的词语. 看惯了不觉得奇怪。( ) ,、除课堂学习外,你还可以通过哪些学习途径了解孔子,(至少3点)关于孔子,你知 道哪些信息,请写出他的一句名言。 ___________________________________________________________ ,、孔子的这段言论运用的是_______________修辞手法,你能照样子写一段话吗, ___________________________________________________________ ,、“善施教化”中的“施”用三种解释:(1)施行(,)给予(,)施舍,在这儿选 ( ) 十五、(选自苏教国标版六年级下册第24课《明天,我们毕业》。) 片段一: 敬爱的老师,回顾6年的历程,我们的每一点成绩,都凝聚着您的心血和汗水;我们的每 total scoring (100) of safety civilization construction scaffolding projects and score pit template "Sambo," "four "Construction material hoist and lift crane hoisting construction equipment for external use (10) (20) (10) (10) (10) (10) (10) (10) (5) (5), head of corporate self-examination (signature): construction enterprises (seal) Supervision supervision date signature: year month day supervision and evaluation supervisor (signature): oversight units (seal) Year month day Note: two copies of this form, construction units, safety inspection station and a Chengdu city construction safety supervision station producer Chengdu construction safety inspection evaluation form (decoration and construction) safety number: 5-25 project construction area square address structural layer engineering project manager construction figure progress, construction unit Contact phone number (pager) project self-evaluation total scoring (100) of safety civilization construction scaffolding projects and score pit template "Sambo," "four" of construction material hoist and lift crane hoisting construction equipment for external use (10) (20) (10) (10) (10) (10) (10) ... Note: to enter the construction site an 6-1-level 13 safety education, safety education requirements, main contents are: first level: basic knowledge of safety, regulations, legal education, the main content is: safety guidelines and policies of the party and State; Safety regulations and standards, and the legal system; The unit construction and safety regulations, safety and discipline; The work safety situation and the history of major accidents and the lessons to be learned; After the accident to rescue the wounded, remove danger, protect the scene and reported in a timely manner. Secondary education: site rules and regulations and compliance, discipline, education, main contents are: basic knowledge of the characteristics of construction and safety; This unit (including construction, production site) safety systems, requirements and security considerations; This type of security technology practice: working at height, machinery and equipment, electrical safety basics; Fire, gas, dust-proof, explosion-proof knowledge and knowledge of safe disposal and emergency evacuation; Protective equipment protective supplies, appliances and issuing standard basic knowledge. Tertiary education: this type of system of job safety, operation and safety, discipline, the main content is: the team's operating features and safety rules; Safety activities system and discipline; Care and proper use of safety equipment (facilities) and PPE; The job insecurity prone to accidents and enemy; This position working environment and the use of machinery and equipment, tools, safety requirements. Attachment: safety precautions: new worker safety notes before new workers entering the site, you must study hard and become familiar with inspection date 9 permit card complete and valid; Pile driver ultra high limit device meets the requirements, work around the 5M no power lines; Hoist wire rope lubrication good, no broken wires exceeds phenomenon; Pile driving track-laying should be consistent with the original said ... Date number name 5-20 engineering machinery mechanical overlap signed shift, successor to Chengdu city, signing the transfer table construction safety supervision and an 5-21 record number record date the successful bidder number processes number project name Project cost structure, layer an area of base type type and height and depth scaffold construction site name mobile (paging) supervision unit, field representative mobile (paging) construction unit, project manager mobile (paging) address safety coordinators name phone (paging) start date completion date telephone note table a-II , Construction units, safety supervision Department hold a copy. (By construction units fill in, units name please with full name), safety station contact phone: 86257682 construction project starts conditions review table Ann prison number: engineering name: engineering address: serial number review content 1 construction project safety by required of funds input has get guarantee (bearing employer both has by into construction sent [2002] No. 347, paper provides signed has project security civilization construction increased fee meter take standard and allocated term of single agreement). 2 construction, supervision of construction projects (construction) units have been set up, the sound, the unit responsibility system for production safety, developed departments at all levels of the project safety production and civilized construction responsibility system and a complete set of safety inspection system, signed a construction guarantee. 3 construction project has established a safe and civilized construction guarantee system, implemented the project security management institutions and full-time safety Manager. 4 construction project site has been a detailed investigation into the surrounding environment, combined with structural features produced targeted construction organization design and special programmes, develop emergency plans and superior technical Department for approval. 5 project has been the development of equipment management and equipment move in inspection system, special operations personnel have made People's Republic of China "special operations". 6 construction project in China had, by law, to handle the accident insurance. 7 main road construction site in the urban area have been set a height of not less than 2.5m (section 1.8M), wall of thickness not less than 0.24m. Hoisting of the size of not less than 1.4x0.9m "five-figure". ... Safety number: an area ? structural layer engineering 5-24 project name address telephone project manager construction figure progress, the construction unit (paging) project self-evaluation 一点进步,都离不开您的帮助和教诲。是您,在课堂上一丝不苟地向我们传授各种知识;是您,和我们一起参加“雏鹰假日小队”活动;是您,为了指导我们科技小组搞小发明,利用星期天跑图书馆,查阅资料……日夜操劳,您的额头上已爬满了皱纹;粉笔的灰尘,已把您的青丝染成了白发。然而,无论什么都改变不了您对教育事业的热爱和痴情;无论什么都改变不了您那颗永远年轻而富于创造的心。老师啊老师,您以自己的言行为我们树立了榜样。在我们心目中,您是天使,您是大树,您是海洋。 1、结合课文内容,解释下面的词: ?青丝:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ?一丝不苟:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2(用“~~~~”画出文中同时用了排比和比喻等修辞手法的一个句子。 3(想想文中的省略号省略了什么?请在“——”上填写合适的内容 ________________________________________________________ 4(你也将毕业了,此时此刻,请写出你最想对老师说的话:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 片段二: 我还清楚地记得,6年前,我们依偎着爸爸妈妈,怀着对学校的憧憬,对老师的敬仰走进校园。( )的操场,( )的教室,( )的同学,( )的老师,散发出油墨香气的课本,一切都是那样诱人。 1、选择下面的词语,填到文中的括号里。 天真烂漫 和蔼可亲 窗明几净 绿草如茵 2、在文中找出与下列词语意思相近的词。 向往( )引人( )尊敬( ) inspection date 9 permit card complete and valid; Pile driver ultra high limit device meets the requirements, work around the 5M no power lines; Hoist wire rope lubrication good, no broken wires exceeds phenomenon; Pile driving track-laying should be consistent with the original said ... Date number name 5-20 engineering machinery mechanical overlap signed shift, successor to Chengdu city, signing the transfer table construction safety supervision and an 5-21 record number record date the successful bidder number processes number project name Project cost structure, layer an area of base type type and height and depth scaffold construction site name mobile (paging) supervision unit, field representative mobile (paging) construction unit, project manager mobile (paging) address safety coordinators name phone (paging) start date completion date telephone note table a-II , Construction units, safety supervision Department hold a copy. (By construction units fill in, units name please with full name), safety station contact phone: 86257682 construction project starts conditions review table Ann prison number: engineering name: engineering address: serial number review content 1 construction project safety by required of funds input has get guarantee (bearing employer both has by into construction sent [2002] No. 347, paper provides signed has project security civilization construction increased fee meter take standard and allocated term of single agreement). 2 construction, supervision of construction projects (construction) units have been set up, the sound, the unit responsibility system for production safety, developed departments at all levels of the project safety production and civilized construction responsibility system and a complete set of safety inspection system, signed a construction guarantee. 3 construction project has established a safe and civilized construction guarantee system, implemented the project security management institutions and full-time safety Manager. 4 construction project site has been a detailed investigation into the surrounding environment, combined with structural features produced targeted construction organization design and special programmes, develop emergency plans and superior technical Department for approval. 5 project has been the development of equipment management and equipment move in inspection system, special operations personnel have made People's Republic of China "special operations". 6 construction project in China had, by law, to handle the accident insurance. 7 main road construction site in the urban area have been set a height of not less than 2.5m (section 1.8M), wall of thickness not less than 0.24m. Hoisting of the size of not less than 1.4x0.9m "five-figure". ... Safety number: an area ? structural layer engineering 5-24 project name address telephone project manager construction figure progress, the construction unit (paging) project self-evaluation
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