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初中人教版英语单词表(2014全英英解释版)初中人教版英语单词表(2014全英英解释版) 初中人教版英语单词表,2014全英英解释版, 一,作者对于本英英词汇表的说明, A、百度文库和网络上有非常多的初中英语及中考词汇资源,但都是以中文解释的。本词汇表全部引用Longman英英词典对单词的解释,非常有助于学生、家长或者教师查询(可以不用查询英英词典,一本朗文英英词典真重~); B、采用英英对单词的解释的意义或者作用这里就不用多说,只讲一点:如果将初中生送到英美留学,他接触不到中英词典,只会找到英英词典,也只会找到英英解释; C、可能最开始时,还不能用...

初中人教版英语单词表(2014全英英解释版) 初中人教版英语单词表,2014全英英解释版, 一,作者对于本英英词汇表的说明, A、百度文库和网络上有非常多的初中英语及中考词汇资源,但都是以中文解释的。本词汇表全部引用Longman英英词典对单词的解释,非常有助于学生、家长或者教师查询(可以不用查询英英词典,一本朗文英英词典真重~); B、采用英英对单词的解释的意义或者作用这里就不用多说,只讲一点:如果将初中生送到英美留学,他接触不到中英词典,只会找到英英词典,也只会找到英英解释; C、可能最开始时,还不能用英英解释的方式去理解,但这是方向; D、希望本文作者原创的这份资源对初中生能够学会英语思维、在英语学习之路的过程中有一定的帮助~ E、本词汇表采用alphabet的排序方式 (从A-Z)。 F、由于文档的篇幅所限(太长不好上传),本词汇表仅有A部分,其余的部分是分开的。若需要全部,请与作者联系:邮箱为2487452826@qq.com。 二,作者对于初中英语及中考学习的建议, 经过小学三年的时间学习英语,广大初中生一定有很多心得,但可能在口语有听力方面还需要有比较大的提高。 还有,自己在学英文时,自己的母语---中文始终扮演着中介和桥梁的作用,也就是借助中文去理解英文 。但在学习一门外语时,自己的母语对外语学习的最大障碍,在中国尤其严重,因为东方文化和东西文化基本是冲突的。 但英语,我们却一定要学,而且要花的时间少,效率高,学的好。为了这个简单的目标,以下是在初中生学习英语的基本建议(仅仅是作者给出的建议,如认可,可以参考): A、学到一个单词,想到一张图片或场景,也就是将单词放“翻译”图片,直接将单词和图片关联,减少母语的影响,对快速形成英语思维,提高兴趣有非常大的帮助; 这个一个典型的 例子: B、关于单词的发音。即使学会了英文音标,也可能不能够正确的读出某个单词的发音,更有可能连英文教师的读音也不一定准确。所以在开始时,尽可以听原版的英文单词发音。 C、小学已经学了大概1000个左右的常用词汇,我们已经比较熟悉。如果再学新的词汇,努力用这1000个词汇去解释新的单词,也就是用常用的英语去理解新的词汇,这样做有非常多的好处。 关于以前两项(将单词“翻译”成图片和提供原版的英式和美式发音),由于其它方面的原因,不能在本文档中提供。同时,我们还有一份关于初中生如何学习英语的建议,以上 如有需要,请与我联系。 除此之外,我们还有非常多的初中生学习的资源可以分享给大家,请发信至2487452826@qq.com索取。 希望本文作者分享对你或者你的孩子在初中英语及中考的学习过程中有一定的帮助~ propertpronunciatioWord explanation y n indefiniused to show that you are talking about someone or a te something that has not been mentioned before, or that /? strong e?/ article your listener does not know about have the necessary physical strength, mental power, skill to able adj /'e?b?l/ do something able adj clever or good at what you do /'e?b?l/ a little more or less than the stated number or amount; about adv /?'baut/ approximately adv,prein many different directions within a particular about /?'baut/ p place,around adverb, preposipositioned or moving in or near a place, often without a about tion, /?'baut/ clear direction, purpose or order adjecti ve about prep on the subject of; connected with /?'baut/ refer to something mentioned in an earlier part of the above adj /?'b?v/ same piece of writing adv, above in a higher position than something else /?'b?v/ prep /?'br??d US abroad adv in or to a foreign country ?'br??d/ adverb, from one side to the other of something with clear limits, /?'kr?s US across preposisuch as a road or river ?'kr??s/ tion active adj always busy doing things, especially physical activities /'ækt?v/ involved in an organization or activity and doing lots of active adj /'ækt?v/ practical things to achieve your aims something that is done for enjoyment, especially an activity noun /æk't?v?ti/ organized event when a lot of things are happening or people are moving activity noun /æk't?v?ti/ around activity noun the work of a group or organization to achieve an aim /æk't?v?ti/ a picture,or a short film, which is intended to persuade ad noun /æd/ people to buy a product /?'dres US noun,vthe details of the place where someone lives or works, that address ?'dres, erb you use to send them letters, emails etc 'ædres/ /?'dres US address noun a formal speech that someone makes to a group of people ?'dres, 'ædres/ /?d'v??t?sm? advertisemea picture,or a short film, which is intended to persuade nt noun nt people to buy a product US ,ædv?r'ta? z-/ /?'f??d US -afford verb have enough money&have enough time to do something ??rd/ /?'f??d US -afford verb provide something or allow something to happen ??rd/ feeling fear, or feeling anxiety about the possible results of afraid adj /?'fre?d/ a particular situation worried about what might happen, or that something bad afraid adj /?'fre?d/ will happen the second largest continent; located south of Europe and Africa noun bordered to the west by the South Atlantic and to the east /'afrik?/ by the Indian Ocean prep, /'ɑ?ft? US after conj, following in time, place or order 'æft?r/ adv /'ɑ?ft? US after adv later than someone or something else 'æft?r/ /'ɑ?ft? US after conj at a time which is later than another event 'æft?r/ the part of the day after the morning and before the /,ɑ?ft?'nu?n afternoon noun evening US ,æft?r-/ /?'gen, again adv back to the same state or situation that you were in before ?'ge?n US ?'gen/ /?'gen, one more time - used when something has happened or again adv ?'ge?n US been done before ?'gen/ again and adv repeatedly again /?'genst, against prep in opposition or opposition direction to ?'ge?nst US ?'genst/ /?'genst, against prep as a protection or defence from the bad effects of ?'ge?nst US ?'genst/ the number of years someone has lived or something has age noun /e?d?/ existed age noun one of the particular periods of someone's life or history /e?d?/ /?'g?u US ago adv used to show how far back in the past something happened ?'gou/ have the same opinion, or to accept a suggestion or idea or agree verb /?'gri?/ something two or more statements, ideas, they are the same or very agree verb /?'gri?/ similar if two pieces of information agree with each other, they agree with verb match or are the same air noun the mixture of gases around the Earth, that we breathe /e??/ US /er/ a place where planes take off and land, with buildings for /'e?p??t US airport noun passengers to wait in 'erp??rt/ alive adj living; having life; not dead or continues to exist /?'la?v/ all adv completely /??l US ??l/ determ iner, all predetthe whole of an amount, thing or every one of a number /??l US ??l/ ermine r, pron all kinds of many different kinds of something adv in every part of the world, used especially to say how much all over phrase] a particular idea, organization etc has spread allow verb admit or agree that something is true /?'lau/ make it possible for someone to do something, or to not allow verb /?'lau/ prevent something from happening; permit exclamall right not ill, hurt, or upset or not having any problems 0 ation exclamall right safe, well or not harmed 0 ation exclamall right satisfactory, but not excellent 0 ation /'??lm?ust US almost adv nearly, but not completely or not quite '??lmoust, ??l'moust/ adj, /?'l?un US alone without any friends or people or only adv ?'loun/ /?'l?? US along adv going forward ?'l???/ from one place on something such as a line, road, or edge /?'l?? US along prep towards the other end of it ?'l???/ /??l'redi US already adv before the present time or earlier than the time expected ??l-/ used to say something has been done before and not need /??l'redi US already adv doing again ??l-/ /'??ls?u US also adv in addition to something else that you have mentioned '??lsou/ /??l'ð?u US although conj but & despite the fact that ??l'ðou/ /??l'ð?u US although conj despite the fact that, in spite of the fact that ??l'ðou/ /'??lw?z, - always adv for ever we?z US '??l- / /'??lw?z, - always adv all the time, at all times, or every time,for ever we?z US '??l- / /'??lw?z, - always adv for a very long time we?z US '??l- / /m, ?m am verb the first person singular of the present tense of the verb be strong æm/ a.m. adv between midnight and midday (from Latin 'ante meridiem') amaze verb to surprise someone very much,astonish /?'me?z/ America noun The United States /?'mer?k?/ adj,nouAmerican relating to the US or its people or someone from the US /?'mer?k?n/ n among prep in or through the middle of a group of people or things /?'m??/ indefiniindefinite article,used when the following word begins with /?n strong an te a vowel sound æn/ article used to join two words, phrases etc referring to things that /?nd, ?n and conj are related in some way strong ænd/ a spirit who is God's servant in heaven, and who is often angel noun /'e?nd??l/ shown as a person dressed in white with wings feeling strong emotions which make you want to shout at angry adj /'æ?gri/ or hurt someone noun,aanimal a living creature such as a dog or cat, that is not an insect /'æn?m?l/ n dj determone more person or thing of the same type or a different /?'n?ð? US -another iner, one ?r/ pron /'ɑ?ns? US answer verb write a letter to the person who has written it 'æns?r/ noun,vsomething you say when you reply to a question that /'ɑ?ns? US answer erb someone has asked you 'æns?r/ /'ɑ?ns? US answer noun a way of dealing with a problem 'æns?r/ determsome, or even the smallest amount or number of or one of any iner, /'eni/ or each pron /'eni,b?di, refer to any person, when it is not important to say exactly anybody pron 'enib?di US -who ,bɑ?di/ used in questions and negatives to mean 'a person or anyone pron /'eniw?n/ people' any event, act or object whatever, or (especially in anything pron /'eniθ??/ questions or negatives) something in, to or at any place or (especially in questions or /'eniwe? US -anywhere adv negatives) some place wer/ start to be seen, to arrive, or to exist in a place, especially /?'p?? US appear verb suddenly ?'p?r/ a hard round fruit that has red, light green, or yellow skin apple noun /'æp?l/ and is white inside April noun the fourth month of the year, between March and May /'e?pr?l/ /? strong ɑ? are verb the present tense and plural of 'be' $ ?r strong ɑ?r/ one of the two long parts of your body between your /ɑ?m US arm noun shoulders and your hands ɑ?rm/ verb,noprovide weapons for yourself, an army, a country etc in /ɑ?m US arm un order to prepare for a fight or a war ɑ?rm/ about,used when guessing a number, amount, time etc, around adv /?'raund/ without being exact adv, surrounding or on all sides of something or someone or around /?'raund/ prep near arrive verb if something arrives, it is brought or delivered to you /?'ra?v/ arrive verb if an event or particular period of time arrives, it happens /?'ra?v/ arrive verb reach a place, especially at the end of a journey /?'ra?v/ the use of painting, drawing, sculpture etc to represent art noun /ɑ?t US ɑ?rt/ things or express ideas art noun paintings, drawings and or relating to object or skill /ɑ?t US ɑ?rt/ art noun e skill of drawing or painting /ɑ?t US ɑ?rt/ someone who produces art, especially paintings or /'ɑ?t?st US artist noun drawings or a singer, dancer 'ɑ?r-/ n /?z strong as conj because æz/ /?z strong as adv used in comparisons to refer to the degree of something æz/ /?z strong as conj like,in the same way æz/ /?z strong as prep describe the purpose or quality of someone or something æz/ in a way that makes it seem that something is true or that as if conj something is happening /ɑ?sk US ask verb expect or demand something æsk/ request or invite someone to go somewhere with you or to /ɑ?sk US ask verb come to your home æsk/ put a question to someone, or to request an answer from /ɑ?sk US ask verb someone æsk/ asleep adj sleeping or not awake /?'sli?p/ as long as conj during the time that; since noun,asomeone who helps someone else in their work, especially assistant /?'s?st?nt/ dj by doing the less important jobs as soon as conj immediately at or shortly after the time that as well adv in addition to something or someone else,also /at strong at perp show place or time or feeling or condition or price æt/ make someone interested in something, or make them attract verb /?'trækt/ want to take part in something a group of people who come to watch and listen to /'??di?ns US audience noun someone speaking or performing in public '??-, 'ɑ?-/ /'??di?ns US audience noun a formal meeting with a very important person '??-, 'ɑ?-/ /'??g?st US August noun the eighth month of the year, between July and September '??-/ e sister of someone's father or mother, or the wife of /ɑ?nt US aunt noun someone's uncle ænt/ the sister of your father or mother, or the wife of your /?'stre?li? US Australia noun father's or mother's brother ??-, ɑ?-/ /?'stre?li?n noun,aAustralian relating to Australia or someone from Australia US ??-, ɑ?-/ dj adj the season between summer and winter, when leaves /'??t?m US autumn noun change colour and the weather becomes cooler '??-/ awake verb stop sleeping or to make someone stop sleeping /?'we?k/ used to say that someone leaves a place or person, or stays away adv /?'we?/ some distance from a place or person away adv at a distance (of or from here) /?'we?/ noun,vbaby very young child or animal or treat baby /'be?bi/ erb the part of your body that is opposite to the front, from back noun /bæk/ your shoulders to your bottom the inside or outside part of an object, vehicle, building, etc. back noun /bæk/ that is furthest from the front in, into or towards a previous place or condition, or an back adv /bæk/ earlier time bad adj harmful to eat because of being decayed /bæd/ bad adj (of people or actions) evil or morally unacceptable /bæd/ bad adj low quality; not acceptable /bæd/ bad adj causing or experiencing pain /bæd/ bad adj unpleasant; causing difficulties or harm /bæd/ badly adv a great or serious degree /'bædli/ badly adv in an unsatisfactory or unsuccessful way /'bædli/ noun,va container made of paper, cloth,which usually opens at the bag /bæg/ erb top someone who bakes bread and cakes, especially in order to /'be?k? US -baker noun sell them in a shop ?r/ ball noun a large formal occasion where people dance /b??l US b??l/ any object in the shape of a sphere,such as tennis and ball noun /b??l US b??l/ football a tall tropical plant with hollow stems that is used for bamboo noun /,bæm'bu?/ making furniture /b?'nɑ?n? US banana noun a long curved tropical fruit with a yellow skin -'næ-/ a flat, narrow piece of something with one end joined to band noun /bænd/ the other to form a circle a group of musicians, especially a group that plays popular band noun /bænd/ music verb,no(cause something to) make a sudden very loud noise or bang /bæ?/ un noises verb,noa business that keeps and lends money and provides other bank /bæ?k/ un financial services verb,nobank land along the side of a river or lake /bæ?k/ un a large farm building for storing crops, or for keeping /bɑ?n US barn noun animals in bɑ?rn/ the bottom part of an object,or the lowest part of base noun /be?s/ something the main place where a person lives and works, or a place base noun /be?s/ that a company does business from one of the four places that a player must touch in order to base noun /be?s/ get a point in games such as baseball an outdoor game in which players try to get points by /'be?sb??l US baseball noun hitting a ball and running around four bases -b??l/ basic rights, needs etc are ones that everyone needs or basic adj /'be?s?k/ should have basic adj at the simplest or least developed level /'be?s?k/ a container made of thin pieces of plastic, wire, or wood /'bɑ?sk?t US basket noun woven together, used to carry things or put things in 'bæ-/ /'bɑ?sk?tb??l a game played indoors ,each team tries to win points by basketball noun US throwing a ball through a net or ball in this game 'bæsk?tb??l/ noun,van area of sand or small stones at the edge of the sea or a beach /bi?t?/ erb lake bear verb accept, tolerate or endure especially something unpleasant /be? US ber/ a large, strong wild mammal with a thick furry coat that bear noun /be? US ber/ lives bear verb formal to give birth to a baby /be? US ber/ bear verb to carry and move something to a place /be? US ber/ get the most points, votes etc in a game, race, or beat verb /bi?t/ competition hit someone or something many times with your hand, a beat verb /bi?t/ stick etc beat verb to (cause to) make a regular movement or sound /bi?t/ extremely attractive to look at or very good or giving you beautiful adj /'bju?t?f?l/ great pleasure /b?'k?z, b?'k?z US because conj used when you are giving the reason for something b?'k??z, b?'k?z/ noun,va large rectangular piece of furniture, often with four legs, bed /bed/ erb which is used for sleeping on beef noun the flesh of cattle which is eaten,the meat from a cow /bi?f/ beer noun an alcoholic drink made from grain /b?? US b?r/ perp,ad/b?'f?? US -before at or during a time earlier than (the thing mentioned) v,conj 'f??r/ /b?'f?? US -before prep in front of 'f??r/ ask for something in an anxious or urgent way, because you beg verb /beg/ want it very much ask people to give you food, money etc, usually because beg verb /beg/ you are very poor begin verb start to be, do, etc /b?'g?n/ beginning noun the start or first part of an event, story, period of time etc /b?'g?n??/ adv,prebehind at the back of or responsible for or the cause of /b?'ha?nd/ p believe verb think that something is true, correct or real /b?'li?v/ adv,pre/b?'l?u US -below in a lower position (than), under p 'lou/ feeling pleased about something that you have done or be proud of adj something that you own at the side of, next to or compared to another person or beside perp /b?'sa?d/ thing best noun the most excellent in a group of things or people /best/ of the highest quality, or being the most suitable, pleasing best adj /best/ or effective type of thing or person in the most suitable, pleasing or satisfactory way, or to the best adv /best/ greatest degree verb,no/'bet? US -better improve a situation,to a higher standard or quality un ?r/ /'bet? US -better adj,adv of a higher standard, or more suitable or more suitable ?r/ between perp among two or more people or things /b?'twi?n/ perp,adin or into the space which separates two places, people or between /b?'twi?n/ v objects big adj large in size or amount,older or more like an adult /b?g/ noun,vbike a bicycle or ride a bicycle /ba?k/ erb a formal statement of a planned new law that is discussed bill noun /b?l/ before being voted on bill noun a piece of paper money /b?l/ noun,va request for payment of money owed, or the piece of bill /b?l/ erb paper on which it is written the number 1,000,000,000 or an extremely large number of billion noun /'b?lj?n/ things or people /ba?'?l?d?i US biology noun the scientific study of the natural processes of living things -'ɑ?l-/ a creature with wings and feathers that can usually fly. /b??d US bird noun Many birds sing and build nests, and female birds lay eggs. b??rd/ the day that is exactly a year or number of years after a /'b??θde? US birthday noun person was born 'b??r-/ noun,abit a small piece or amount of something /b?t/ dv bit noun the sharp part of a tool for cutting or making holes /b?t/ adj,nouthe darkest colour there is, like night without light or put a black /blæk/ n,verb black substance on something a board with a dark smooth surface, used in schools for /'blækb??d blackboard noun writing on with chalk US -b??rd/ a covering, especially one made of cloth, that can be rolled blind noun /bla?nd/ up and down to cover a window inside a building, blind adj unable to see /bla?nd/ verb,adblind make someone unable to understand something /bla?nd/ j /blauz US blouse noun a shirt for a woman or girl blaus/ move and make currents of air or make a sound by forcing /bl?u US blow verb air out of your mouth blou/ an action or event that causes difficulty or sadness for /bl?u US blow noun someone blou/ /bl?u US blow noun a hard hit with someone's hand, a tool, or a weapon blou/ move or to move something by the force of the wind or a /bl?u US blow verb current of air blou/ adj,noublue having the colour of the sky or the sea on a fine day /blu?/ n blue adj feeling or showing sadness /blu?/ /b?ut US boat noun a small vehicle for travelling on water,a ship bout/ /'b?ut?? US boating noun the activity of travelling in a small boat for pleasure 'bout-/ /'b?di US body noun the dead body of a person 'bɑ?di/ a group of people who have joined together or a large /'b?di US body noun amount of something 'bɑ?di/ /'b?di US body noun the main, central, or most important part of something 'bɑ?di/ the whole physical structure that forms a person or /'b?di US body noun anima,the main part ,a dead person 'bɑ?di/ set of printed pages that are held together in a cover so book noun /buk/ that you can read them arrange to have a seat, room, entertainer, etc. at a book verb /buk/ particular time in the future paper or card that you put in a book to show you the last /'bukmɑ?k US bookmark noun page you have read -mɑ?rk/ /'buk??p US -bookshop noun especially BrE a shop that sells books ?ɑ?p/ a type of shoe that covers your whole foot and the lower boot noun /bu?t/ part of your leg boring adj not interesting in any way /'b??r??/ When a person or animal is born, they come out of their /b??n US born adj mother's body and start to exist b??rn/ /'b?r?u US take or copy someone's ideas, words etc and use them in borrow verb 'bɑ?rou, 'b??-your own work,ect / /'b?r?u US take that belongs to someone else and that you must give borrow verb 'bɑ?rou, 'b??-back to later / pron,d/b?uθ US both etermi(referring to) two people or things together bouθ/ ner used to emphasize that something is true not just of one both...and conj but also of another noun,va container for liquids, usually made of glass or plastic, with /'b?tl US bottle erb a narrow neck 'bɑ?tl/ a wide round container that is open at the top, used to hold /b?ul US bowl noun liquids, food, flowers etc boul/ /b?ul US bowl noun a wide round container that is open at the top boul/ a small building or structure used for a particular /b?ks US box noun purpose,=booth bɑ?ks/ a square or rectangular container with stiff sides and /b?ks US box noun sometimes a lid bɑ?ks/ to fight someone as a sport by hitting them with your /b?ks US box verb closed hands inside big leather gloves bɑ?ks/ boy noun a male child or, more generally, a male of any age /b??/ food made from flour, water and usually yeast, mixed bread noun /bri?t?/ together and baked break verb to damage a bone in your body by making it crack or split /bre?k/ break verb to disobey a rule or law or promise /bre?k/ verb,nobreak force damange, divide into,move,end /bre?k/ un verb,nobreak interrupt or to stop something for a brief period /bre?k/ un break verb if something breaks, it separates into two or more pieces /bre?k/ breakfast noun the meal you have in the morning /'brekf?st/ breathe verb take air into your lungs and send it out again /bri?ð/ a structure built over a river, road etc that allows people or bridge noun /br?d?/ vehicles or connect something bright adj (of a person) clever and quick to learn /bra?t/ bright adj strong in colour /bra?t/ bright adj full of light, shining /bra?t/ take or carry someone or something to a place or a person, bring verb /br??/ or in the direction of the person speaking bring verb cause, result in or produce a state or condition /br??/ Britain noun Great Britain or the UK / `br?tn / adj,nouBritish relating to Britain or its people or people from Britain /'br?t??/ n /'br?uk?n US broken adj cracked because you have had an accident 'brou/ /'br?uk?n US broken adj in small pieces because it has been hit, dropped etc 'brou/ /'br?uk?n US broken verb not working properly 'brou/ /bru?m, broom noun a brush with a long handle, used for cleaning the floor brum/ a male who has the same parents as you or a male member /'br?ð? US -brother noun of a group ?r/ adj,nouthe colour of chocolate or earth or make food brown by brown /braun/ n,verb cooking it brush verb clean something or make something smooth with a brush /br??/ an object that you use for cleaning, painting, making your brush noun /br??/ hair tidy etc, made with a lot of hairs build verb make something develop or form /b?ld/ make something by putting bricks or other materials build verb /b?ld/ together or create and develop something a structure such as a house,that has a roof and walls or the building noun /'b?ld??/ process or business of building things noun,vbus a large vehicle that people pay to travel on or take by bus /b?s/ erb if it is someone's business to do something, it is their duty business noun /'b?zn?s/ or responsibility to do it business noun work that you do as part of your job /'b?zn?s/ the activity of making money by producing or buying and business noun /'b?zn?s/ selling goods, or providing services a man who works in business, especially if he has a high businessman noun /'b?zn?sm?n/ position in a company working hard and have a lot of things to do or full of work busy adj /'b?zi/ something used to introduce an added statement, usually something /b?t strong but conj that it different from what you have said before b?t/ conj,pr/b?t strong but except ep b?t/ noun,va solid yellow food made from milk or cream that you /'b?t? US -butter erb spread on bread or use in cooking ?r/ button verb fasten clothes with buttons or to be fastened with buttons /'b?tn/ a small round flat object on your shirt, coat etc which you button noun /'b?tn/ pass through a hole to fasten it buy verb obtain something by paying money for it /ba?/ according to a particular rule, method, or way of doing by prep /ba?/ things by prep not later than; at or before /ba?/ by prep show or describe the person or thing that does something /ba?/ by prep show how something is done /ba?/ prep,prby near, beside or (in distance or time) past,during /ba?/ ep by air adv travelling by, or using a plane interjec bye tion,noused when someone leaves or is left /ba?/ un introduce a new subject for consideration or to give further by the way adv information cabbage noun a large round vegetable with thick green or purple leaves /'kæb?d?/ noun,va structure made of wires or bars in which birds or animals cage /ke?d?/ erb can be kept or keey animal in it a sweet food made with a mixture of flour, eggs, fat and cake noun /ke?k/ sugar or cake shape call verb ask someone to come to you or consider /k??l US k??l/ give someone or something a name, or to know or address call verb /k??l US k??l/ someone by a particular name say something in a loud voice, especially in order to attract call verb /k??l US k??l/ someone's attention call verb telephone someone /k??l US k??l/ a device for taking photographs or making films or camera noun /'kæm?r?/ television programmes /k?n strong can verb ability,be able to kæn/ a closed metal container, especially a cylindrical one, in noun,v/k?n strong can which some types of drink and food are sold or put food in erb kæn/ can /k?n strong can verb permit or request something kæn/ Canada noun a country in North America, north of the US /'kæn?d?/ adj,nouCanadian relating to Canada or its people or someone from Canada /k?'ne?di?n/ n a very serious disease in which cells in one part of the body /'kæns? US -cancer noun start to grow in a way that is not normal or an evil influence ?r/ that affects a stick of wax with a string through the middle, which you candle noun /'kændl/ burn to give light a long light boat that is pointed at both ends and which you canoe noun /k?'nu?/ move along using a paddle cap noun protective covering that put on the end or top of an object /kæp/ a type of flat hat that has a curved part sticking out at the cap noun /kæp/ front, and is often worn as part of a uniform an important city where the main government of a country, capital noun /'kæp?tl/ state etc is or center activity noun,aa capital letter is one that is written or printed in its large capital /'kæp?tl/ dj form noun,amoney or property, especially when it is used to start a capital /'kæp?tl/ dj business or to produce more wealth verb,nolead a group or team of people and be their captain or be in captain /'kæpt?n/ un charge of a ship, aircraft etc an officer's rank in the army or navy, or in the US air force, captain noun /'kæpt?n/ or in the US police and fire departments the sailor in charge of a ship, or the pilot in charge of an captain noun /'kæpt?n/ aircraft or team leader a road vehicle with an engine, four wheels, and seats for a car noun /kɑ? US kɑ?r/ small number of people a small piece of plastic or paper use for information, /kɑ?d US card noun money,games and so on kɑ?rd/ serious attention, especially to the details of a situation or care noun /ke? US ker/ something the process of protecting and looking after someone or care noun /ke? US ker/ something care noun used in polite offers and suggestions /ke? US ker/ verb,nocare a feeling of worry or anxiety /ke? US ker/ un paying a lot of attention to details, so that something is /'ke?f?l US careful adj done correctly and thoroughly 'ker-/ not paying enough attention to what you are doing, so that /'ke?l?s US careless adj you make mistakes, damage things etc 'ker-/ a long pointed orange vegetable that grows under the carrot noun /'kær?t/ ground verb,noto have something with you in your pocket, on your belt, in carry /'kæri/ un your bag etc everywhere you go (of a newspaper, radio or television broadcast) to contain carry verb /'kæri/ particular information verb,nocarry hold,take,support,or lift something /'kæri/ un carry on verb especially BrE to continue doing something 0 a small animal with four legs that people often keep as a cat noun /kæt/ pet. Cats sometimes kill small animals and birds get an illness, especially one caused by bacteria or a virus or catch verb /kæt?/ get something catch verb hit something, especially unintentionally /kæt?/ catch verb find and hunt a person or animal that is trying to escape /kæt?/ take hold of something, especially something that is moving catch verb /kæt?/ through the air catch up come from behind and reach someone in front of you by verb with going faster /k??z US cause verb make something happen, especially something bad k??z/ the reason why something, especially something bad, /k??z US cause noun happens,a socially valuable principle k??z/ compact disc:a small circular piece of hard plastic on which CD noun / ,si `di / information can be stored celebrate verb to praise someone or something /'sel?bre?t/ show that an event or occasion is important by doing celebrate verb /'sel?bre?t/ something special or enjoyable a unit of money worth 0.01 of the US dollar and of the main cent noun /sent/ monetary unit of many countries, or a coin with this value one of the 100-year periods measured from before or after century noun /'sent??ri/ the year of Christ's birth /'s??tnli US certainly adv without any doubt 's??r-/ a piece of furniture for one person to sit on, which has a chair noun /t?e? US t?er/ back, a seat, and four legs the position of being in charge of a meeting or committee, chair noun /t?e? US t?er/ or the person who is in charge of it when someone tries to win something or invites someone challenge noun /'t?æl?nd?/ to try to beat them in a fight, competition etc something that tests strength, skill, or ability, especially in a challenge noun /'t?æl?nd?/ way that is interesting challenge verb to refuse to accept that something is right, fair, or legal /'t?æl?nd?/ an occasion which allows something to be done; an /t?ɑ?ns US chance noun opportunity t?æns/ /t?ɑ?ns US chance noun the level of possibility that something will happen,likelihood t?æns/ change noun money in the form of coins, not paper money /t?e?nd?/ verb,nochange when something becomes different,such as clothes,,speed /t?e?nd?/ un get or give money in exchange for money, either because verb,nochange you want it in smaller units, or because you want the same /t?e?nd?/ un value in foreign money a passage for water or other liquids to flow along or way channel noun /'t?ænl/ out of an airport a television station and all the programmes that it channel noun /'t?ænl/ broadcasts /t?ɑ?t US chart noun a detailed map of an area of water t?ɑ?rt/ verb,noshow something on a chart or a drawing which shows /t?ɑ?t US chart un information in a simple way or a map t?ɑ?rt/ not at all expensive, or lower in price than you expected or cheap adj /t?i?p/ lack of something a printed form, used instead of money, to make payments check noun /t?ek/ from your bank account,BrE cheque verb,noexamine,do something in order to find out whether check /t?ek/ un something really is correct a solid food made from milk, which is usually yellow or cheese noun /t?i?z/ white in colour, and can be soft or hard the science that is concerned with studying the structure of chemistry noun substances and the way that they change or combine with /'kem?stri/ each other a game for two players, who move their playing pieces chess noun /t?es/ according to particular rules across a special board a type of bird kept on a farm for its eggs or its meat, or the chicken noun /'t??k?n/ meat of this bird which is cooked and eaten young person from the time of birth until he or she is an child noun /t?a?ld/ adult children noun the plural of child /'t??ldr?n/ a vertical pipe that allows smoke from a fire to pass out of a chimney noun building up into the air, or the part of this pipe that is above /'t??mni/ the roof China noun the largest country in eastern Asia,Capital: Beijing /'t?a?n?/ china noun a hard white substance produced by baking a type of clay /'t?a?n?/ noun,athe language used in China or people from China or relating Chinese /,t?a?'ni?z/ dj to China /'t??kl?t US a sweet, usually brown, food made from cacao seeds, that chocolate noun 't?ɑ?k?l?t, is usually sold in a block, or a small sweet made from this 't???k-/ /'t??p-st?k US chopsticks noun one of the two thin sticks that you use to eat food in Asia 't?ɑ?p-/ the period of time around 25 December, the day when Christmas noun /'kr?sm?s/ Christians celebrate the birth of Christ /t???t? US Church noun a building for Christian religious activities t???rt?/ /t???t? US Church noun an official Christian religious organization t???rt?/ a building in which films are shown or the skill or industry of cinema noun /'s?n?m?/ making films cinema noun BrE if go to the cinema, you go to a cinema to see a film /'s?n?m?/ noun,va completely round shape, like the letter O or draw a circle /'s??k?l US circle erb around something 's??r-/ city noun a large important town /'s?ti/ a group of students who are taught together at school, /klɑ?s US class noun college or university or group of something klæs/ a period of time during which someone teaches a group of /klɑ?s US class noun people, especially in a school klæs/ a member of the same class in a school, college or, in the /'klɑ?sme?t classmate noun US, a university US 'klæs-/ /'klɑ?s-rum, classroom noun a room that you have lessons in at a school or college -ru?m US 'klæs-/ adj,verclean not dirty or remove dirt from something /kli?n/ b,noun /'kli?n? US -cleaner noun a machine or substance used for cleaning ?r/ especially BrE someone whose job is to clean other people's /'kli?n? US -cleaner noun houses ?r/ clear adj certain, having no doubt, or obvious /kl?? US kl?r/ clear adj (weather)clean and fresh, without clouds or mist /kl?? US kl?r/ easy to understand, hear, read or see or pure or easy to see clear adj /kl?? US kl?r/ through(not cloud) to make somewhere emptier or tidier by removing things clear verb /kl?? US kl?r/ from it /'kl??li US clearly adv without any doubt,obviously 'kl?rli/ /'kl??li US clearly adv in a way that is easy to see, hear, or understand 'kl?rli/ /'klev? US -clever adj the ability to learn and understand things quickly and easily ?r/ /'klev? US -clever adj especially BrE skilful at doing a particular thing ?r/ to (cause a computer instruction to) operate by pressing a click verb /kl?k/ button on the mouse (= small control device) of a computer grow upwards or go up, or to go towards the top of climb verb /kla?m/ something noun,van instrument that shows what time it is, in a room or /kl?k US clock erb outside on a building klɑ?k/ verb,no/kl?uz US close end or stop something un klouz/ verb,no/kl?uz US close not distant in position or time,near relationship un klouz/ verb,nochange from being open to not being open or no open for /kl?uz US close un something klouz/ /kl?uðz, the things that people wear to cover their body or keep kl?uz US clothes noun warm klouðz, klouz/ a white or grey mass in the sky that forms from very small cloud noun /klaud/ drops of water a cloudy sky, day etc is dark because there are a lot of cloudy adj /'klaudi/ clouds cloudy adj (of liquids) not clear or transparent /'klaudi/ club noun a playing card showing the black sign with three leaves. /kl?b/ an organization of people with a common purpose or club noun interest, who meet regularly and take part in shared /kl?b/ activities an outer piece of clothing with sleeves which is worn over /k?ut US coat noun other clothes, usually for warmth kout/ a piece of clothing with long sleeves that is worn over your /k?ut US coat verb clothes to protect them or to keep you warm kout/ /k?ut US coat noun the fur, wool, or hair that covers an animal's body kout/ thin layer of a paint or other substance pread thinly over /k?ut US coat noun the surface kout/ a set of numbers, letters, or symbols that shows what /k?ud US code noun something is or gives information about it koud/ a set of rules, laws, or principles that tell people how to /k?ud US code noun behave koud/ /k?ud US coffee noun a hot dark brown drink that has a slightly bitter taste koud/ noun,va small round piece of metal, usually silver or copper coin /k??n/ erb coloured, which is used as money solid black substance produced from coal and burned to /k?uk US coke noun provide heat kouk/ a common infection especially in the nose and throat which /k?uld US cold adj often causes a cough kould/ adj,nouat a low temperature, especially when compared to the /k?uld US cold n temperature of the human body, and not hot or warm kould/ get things of the same type from different places and bring collect verb /k?'lekt/ them together a school for advanced education, especially in a particular /'k?l?d? US college noun profession or skill,university 'kɑ?-/ colour verb change the colour of something, especially by using dye /'k?l? US -?r/ colour noun red, blue, yellow, green, brown, purple etc /'k?l? US -?r/ come verb arrive at or reach a place /k?m/ come verb move or travel towards the speaker or listener /k?m/ come down verb fall to the ground,gets lower come in verb if a train, bus, plane comes in, it arrives at a place come on verb spoken used to tell someone to hurry 0 if a book, record etc comes out, it becomes publicly come out verb available If a hope or wish comes true, it happens although it was come true verb unlikely that it would come up verb informal to produce an amount of money with come up verb think of an idea, answer etc with /'k?mft?b?l, 'k?mf?t- US comfortable adj not have any worries about it or a good standard of living 'k?mf?rt-, 'k?mft-/ /'k?mft?b?l, making you feel physically relaxed, without any pain or 'k?mf?t- US comfortable adj without being too hot, cold etc 'k?mf?rt-, 'k?mft-/ a business organization that makes or sells goods or company noun /'k?mp?ni/ services a situation in which people or organizations try to be more /,k?mp?'t???n competition noun successful than other people or organizations US ,kɑ?m-/ to say that you are annoyed, not satisfied, or unhappy complain verb /k?m'ple?n/ about something or someone a short piece of writing about a particular subject, that is /,k?mp?'z???composition noun done at school n US ,kɑ?m-/ /,k?mp?'z???composition noun a piece of music, a poem, or a piece of writing n US ,kɑ?m-/ the way in which something is made up of different parts, /,k?mp?'z???composition noun things, or members n US ,kɑ?m-/ an electronic machine that can store and deal with large /k?m'pju?t? computer noun amounts of information US -?r/ a performance of music by one or more musicians or /'k?ns?t US concert noun singers 'kɑ?ns?rt/ a person who stands in front of an orchestra or choir and /k?n'd?kt? conductor noun directs its performance US -?r/ /k?n'd?kt? conductor noun the person whose job is to sell tickets to the passengers US -?r/ /'k?nf?d?ns confidence noun a secret that you tell someone US 'kɑ?n-/ the quality of being certain of your abilities or of having /'k?nf?d?ns confidence noun trust in people, plans, or the future US 'kɑ?n-/ feeling certain that something will happen in the way that /'k?nf?d?nt confident adj you want or expect US 'kɑ?n-/ sure that you have the ability to do things well or deal with /'k?nf?d?nt confident adj situations successfully US 'kɑ?n-/ congratulatiwords saying you are happy that someone has achieved /k?n,græt??'lnoun on something e???n/ connect verb join two or more things together /k?'nekt/ realize or show that a fact, event, or person is related to connect verb /k?'nekt/ something /,k?nv?'se???an informal talk in which people exchange news, feelings, conversation noun n and thoughts US ,kɑ?nv?r-/ cook verb prepare food for eating by using heat /kuk/ cook noun someone who prepares and cooks food as their job /kuk/ cookie noun especially AmE a small flat sweet cake /'kuki/ very attractive, fashionable, interesting etc in a way that cool adj /ku?l/ people admire - used in order to show approval adj,verslightly cold; of a low temperature or slightly cold in a cool /ku?l/ b pleasant way something that has been made to be exactly like something /'k?pi US copy noun else or produce something that is exactly like another thing 'kɑ?pi/ deliberately make or produce something that is exactly like /'k?pi US copy verb another thing 'kɑ?pi/ a hard red, white, or pink substance formed from the bones /'k?r?l US coral noun of very small sea creatures, which is often used to make 'k??-, 'kɑ?-/ jewellery the point, area or line which is formed by the meeting of /'k??n? US corner noun two lines, surfaces, roads, etc 'k??rn?r/ verb,adcorrect make something right or to make it work the way it should /k?'rekt/ j correct adj suitable and right for a particular situation /k?'rekt/ verb,nothe amount of money needed to buy, do or make /k?st US cost un something or calculate the future cost k??st/ cloth or thread made from cotton or a plant with white /'k?tn US cotton noun hairs on its seeds that are used for making cotton cloth 'kɑ?tn/ noun,vsuddenly push air out of your throat with a short sound, cough /k?f US k??f/ erb often repeatedly past simple of can, used to talk about what someone or /k?d strong could verb something was able or allowed to do kud/ used as a more polite form of 'can' when asking for /k?d strong could verb permission kud/ verb,nocount calculate the total number of things or people in a group /kaunt/ un land that is outside towns and cities, including land used for country noun /'k?ntri/ farming an area of land that has its own government, army, etc or country noun /'k?ntri/ the people countryside noun land that is outside cities and towns /'k?ntrisa?d/ a child of a person's aunt or uncle, or, more generally, a cousin noun /'k?z?n/ distant relative shelter or protection in an unpleasant or dangerous /'k?v? US -cover noun situation ?r/ verb,noput or spread something over something, or to lie on the /'k?v? US -cover un surface of something ?r/ a large female farm animal kept to produce meat and milk cow noun /kau/ or Large female adult mammals verb,noif a computer crashes, or if you crash the computer, it crash /kræ?/ un suddenly stops working verb,noto hit something or someone extremely hard while moving, crash /kræ?/ un in a way that causes a lot of damage or makes a lot of noise the thick yellowish-white liquid that forms on the top of cream noun /kri?m/ milk a method of paying for goods or services at a later time, credit noun /'kred?t/ usually paying interest as well as the original money approval or praise that you give to someone for something credit noun /'kred?t/ they have done noun,va plant such as a grain, fruit or vegetable grown in large /kr?p US crop erb amounts or grow crops on land krɑ?p/ verb,no/kr?s US cross go across from one side of something to the other un kr??s/ adj,ver/kr?s US cross especially BrE annoyed or angry or annoy someone b kr??s/ a written mark (x), usually used to show where something is noun,v/kr?s US cross or a written mark (x), usually used to show where erb kr??s/ something is /kr?s US cross noun a mixture of two things, breeds, or qualities kr??s/ /'kr?s?? US crossing noun a place where you can safely cross a road, railway etc 'kr??-/ make someone feel uncomfortable by standing too close to crowd verb /kraud/ them or by continually watching them crowd noun a large group of people who have gathered together /kraud/ verb,nocall out loudly or a loud high sound that expresses an cry /kra?/ un emotion verb,noproduce tears as the result of a strong emotion, such as cry /kra?/ un unhappiness or pain noun,va small round container, usually with a handle, that you use cup /k?p/ erb to drink tea, coffee etc a piece of furniture with doors, and sometimes shelves, /'k?b?d US -cupboard noun used for storing clothes, plates, food etc ?rd/ verb,nobreak the surface of something, or to divide or make cut /k?t/ un something smaller, using a sharp tool, especially a knife verb,nomake something shorter, lower, smaller, etc or remove cut /k?t/ un something cut through the main part of a tree so that it falls on the cut down verb ground dad noun father /dæd/ verb,noa series of movements and steps that are usually performed /dɑ?ns US dance un to music dæns/ /'de?nd?? US danger noun the possibility of harm or death to someone -?r/ dangerous adj likely to injure or harm sb, or to damage or destroy sth /'de?nd??r?s/ adj,nou/dɑ?k US dark with little or no light or nearer to black than white in colour n dɑ?rk/ date noun time arranged to meet someone, especially socially /de?t/ a particular day of the month or year, especially shown by a date noun /de?t/ number date noun sweet sticky brown fruit with a long hard seed inside /de?t/ /'d??t? US daughter noun someone's female child 'd??t?r/ a period of 24 hours, especially from 12 o'clock one night to day noun /de?/ 12 o'clock the next night dead adj not now living or work /ded/ deaf adj physically unable to hear anything or unable to hear well /def/ an agreement or arrangement, especially in business or deal noun /di?l/ politics, that helps both sides involved deal noun a good/great deal a large amount; much /di?l/ verb,nodo business,an agreement or an arrangement,especially deal /di?l/ un in business dear adj costing too much;BrE expensive /di?n/ formal a dear friend or relative is very important to you and dear adj /di?n/ you love them a lot exclamdear used to show that you are surprised, upset, or annoyed /di?n/ ation death noun the end of the life of a person or animal /deθ/ the 12th month of the year, between November and /d?'semb? US December noun January -?r/ choose something, especially after thinking carefully about decide verb /d?'sa?d/ several possibilities a choice or judgment that you make after a period of decision noun /d?'s???n/ discussion or thought make something look more attractive by putting something decorate verb /'dek?re?t/ pretty on it deep adj going far down from the top or from the surface /di?p/ very strongly felt or experienced and usually lasting a long deep adj /di?p/ time a large wild animal that can run very fast, eats grass, and deer noun /d?? US d?r/ has horns delicious adj very pleasant to taste or smell /d?'l???s/ describe verb say or write what someone or something is like /d?'skra?b/ a piece of writing or speech that gives details about what description noun /d?'skr?p??n/ someone or something is like leave someone or something or leave a place so that it is /'dez?t US -desert verb completely empty ?rt/ /'dez?t US -desert verb to leave the army, navy etc without permission ?rt/ a large area of land where it is always very hot and dry, and /'dez?t US -desert noun there is a lot of sand ?rt/ to have earned or to be given something because of the /d?'z??v US -deserve verb way you have behaved or the qualities you have ??rv/ a type of table that you can work at, often one with desk noun /desk/ drawers a police officer whose job is to discover information about detective noun /d?'tekt?v/ crimes and catch criminals make a photograph out of a photographic film, using develop verb /d?'vel?p/ chemicals to grow or change into something bigger, stronger, or more develop verb /d?'vel?p/ advanced, or to make someone or something do this design or make a new idea, product, system etc over a develop verb /d?'vel?p/ period of time noun,va simple drawing or plan that shows exactly where diagram /'da??græm/ erb something is or how something works a book in which you write down the things that happen to /'da??ri US diary noun you each day 'da?ri/ a reference book containing an alphabetical list of words /'d?k??n?ri dictionary noun with information about them US -neri/ die verb stop living and become dead or stop working /da?/ difference noun two or more things are not the same or a disagreement /'d?f?r?ns/ different adj not the same /'d?f?r?nt/ difficult adj not easy;hard to do, understand, or deal with /'d?f?k?lt/ difficult adj not friendly, easy to deal with, or behaving well /'d?f?k?lt/ verb,nomove earth, snow etc, or to make a hole in the ground, dig /d?g/ un using a spade or your hands using a system in which information is recorded or sent out digital adj electronically in the form of numbers, usually ones and /'d?d??tl/ zeros adj,verdim not giving or having much light or become less bright /d?m/ b dim adj literary dim eyes are weak and cannot see well /d?m/ dining room noun a room used mainly for eating meals in 0 dining room noun a room where you eat meals in a house or hotel 0 the main meal of the day, eaten in the middle of the day or /'d?n? US -dinner noun the evening ?r/ a formal occasion when an evening meal is eaten, often to /'d?n? US -dinner noun celebrate something ?r/ in a direct line or manner,with no other person, action, /d?'rektli, directly adv process etc between da?-/ /d?'rektli, directly adv immediately,without delay,at once da?-/ adj,ver/'d??ti US dirty not clean b 'd??r-/ /,d?s?'p?? US disappear verb go somewhere where they cannot be seen or found -'p?r/ disappearanwhen someone or something becomes impossible to see or /,d?s?'p??r?nnoun ce find s US -'p?r-/ verb,nofind information, a place or an object, especially for the first /d?s'k?v? US discover un time -?r/ talk about something with another person or a group in discuss verb /d?'sk?s/ order to exchange ideas or decide something (an) illness of people, animals, plants, etc., caused by disease noun /d?'zi?z/ infection or a failure of health or bad thing a flat container with low sides, for serving food from or dish noun /d??/ cooking food in dish noun food cooked or prepared in a particular way as a meal /d??/ verb,noput it in a place where people can see it easily,or show display /d?'sple?/ un something to people to clearly show a feeling, attitude, or quality by what you do display verb /d?'sple?/ or say /d?'st??b US disturb verb to change a normal situation in a way that causes problems -??rb/ interrupt someone so that they cannot continue what they /d?'st??b US disturb verb are doing -??rb/ verb,nodive jump into water,or to move down under the water /da?v/ un verb,noto jump into deep water with your head and arms going in dive /da?v/ un first do verb act or take action /du?/ /'d?kt? US doctor noun someone who is trained to treat people who are ill 'dɑ?kt?r/ someone who holds the highest level of degree given by a /'d?kt? US doctor noun university 'dɑ?kt?r/ /'d?kj?m?nt document noun a piece of paper that has official information on it US 'dɑ?k-/ /'d?kj?m?nt document verb record the details of an event, a process, etc US 'dɑ?k-/ a common four-legged animal, especially kept by people as /d?g US dog noun a pet or to hunt or guard things d??g/ /d?l US dɑ?l, doll noun a child's toy that looks like a small person or baby d??l/ the standard unit of money in the US, Canada, Australia, /'d?l? US dollar noun and some other countries, divided into 'dɑ?l?r/ a very intelligent sea animal like a fish with a long grey /'d?lf?n US dolphin noun pointed nose 'dɑ?l-, 'd??l-/ do one's verb perform a task as well as possible best a flat object, often fixed at one edge, that is used to close door noun /d?? US d??r/ the entrance of something a bell operated by a button on or next to the door of a /'d??bel US doorbell noun house, which you ring to tell the people inside that you are 'd??r-/ there adj,noutwice the size, amount, price, etc., or consisting of two double /'d?b?l/ n similar things together at or to a place that is further along something such as a down perp /daun/ road or path adj,advdown in or towards a low or lower position, from a higher one /daun/ ,verb /,daun'l?ud move information or programs from a computer network to download verb US a small computer 'daunloud/ to or on a lower floor of a building, especially the ground /,daun'ste?z downstairs adj,adv floor US -'sterz/ get money from a bank,etc,or receive money regularly from /dr?? US draw verb the government dr??/ /dr?? US draw verb move in a particular direction, especially in a vehicle dr??/ make a picture of something or someone with a pencil or /dr?? US draw verb pen dr??/ to take something out of a container, pocket etc,especially /dr?? US draw verb blood, to come out of a body dr??/ noun,vsomething that you want to happen very much but that is dream /dri?m/ erb not very likely noun,vexperience events and images in your mind while you are dream /dri?m/ erb sleeping verb,nodress put clothes on yourself or someone else, especially a child /dres/ un clothes for someon of a particular type or for a particular dress noun /dres/ occasion dress verb put clothes on yourself or someone else /dres/ skirt,a piece of clothing worn by a woman or girl that covers dress noun /dres/ the top of her body and part or all of her legs dress verb wear a particular kind of clothes /dres/ noun,vdrink drink alcohol, especially regularly or too much /dr??k/ erb noun,v(an amount of) liquid which is taken into the body through drink /dr??k/ erb the mouth,take liquid into your mouth and swallow it force someone or something to go somewhere or do drive verb /dra?v something move or travel on land in a motor vehicle, especially as the drive verb /dra?v person controlling the vehicle's movement /'dra?v? US -driver noun someone who drives a car, bus etc ?r/ /dr?p US drop verb fall or to allow something to fall or move to a lower level drɑ?p/ /dr?p US drop noun a very small amount of liquid that falls in a round shape drɑ?p/ /dr?p US drop verb stop doing or planning something, especially an activity drɑ?p/ take someone to a particular place, usually in a car, and /dr?p US drop verb leave them there drɑ?p/ drought noun a long period of time when there is little or no rain /draut/ dry adj boring, very serious, and without humour /dra?/ adj,verdescribes something that has no water or other liquid in, dry /dra?/ b on, or around a bird that lives by water, has webbed feet or the meat of duck noun /d?k/ this bird a round lump of flour and fat mixed with water, cooked in dumpling noun /'d?mpl??/ boiling liquid at some time between the beginning and the end of a /'dju?r?? US during perp period 'dur-/ BrE a large container outside your house, used for holding dustbin noun /'d?stb?n/ waste until it is taken away /'dju?ti US duty noun something that you have to do because it is part of your job 'du?-/ DVD noun a digital video disc or digital versatile disc /,di? vi? 'di?/ adv,proevery thing, person, etc. in a group of two or more, each /i?t?/ n considered separately used to show that each of two or more people does each other pron 0 something to the other or others ear noun used to talk about hearing /?? US ?r/ one of the organs on either side of your head that you hear ear noun /?? US ?r/ with the top part of a grain plant, such as wheat, that contains ear noun /?? US ?r/ the seeds near the beginning of a period of time, or before the usual, /'??li US early adj,adv expected or planned time '??rli/ earth noun the hard surface of the world, as opposed to the sea or air /??θ US ??rθ/ earth noun the substance that plants grow in,soil /??θ US ??rθ/ earth noun the planet that we live on /??θ US ??rθ/ a sudden shaking of the earth's surface that often causes a /'??θkwe?k earthquake noun lot of damage US '??rθ-/ adj,nouthe direction from which the sun rises in the morning, east /i?st/ n,adv opposite to the west easy adj not difficult; needing little effort /'i?zi/ eat verb put or take food into the mouth, chew it, and swallow it /i?t/ the outer or furthest point of something or the side of a edge noun /ed?/ blade which cuts the process of teaching and learning, usually at school, /,edju'ke???n education noun college, or university US ,ed??-/ a round object with a hard surface, that contains a baby egg noun /eg/ bird etc egg noun an egg, especially one from a chicken, that is used for food /eg/ eight noun the number 8 /e?t/ adj,nou9th written as a word or one of eight equal parts of eighth /e?tθ/ n something /'a?ð? US either adv used in negative sentences instead of 'also' or 'too' 'i?ð?r/ determ iner, pronouused when referring to a choice between two /'a?ð? US either n, possibilities,both 'i?ð?r/ conjun ction describes a situation in which there is a choice between two either...or different plans of action, but both together are not possible /,el?k'tr?n?k, electronic equipment, such as computers and televisions, electronic adj uses electricity that has passed through computer chips ?,lek- US -transistors, etc 'trɑ?-/ a very large grey animal with four legs, two tusks (=long elephant noun /'el?f?nt/ curved teeth) and a trunk eleven noun the number 11 /?'lev?n/ else adv besides or in addition to someone or something /els/ noun,vsystem that allows you to send and receive messages by e-mail /'i? me?l/ erb computer adj,vernot containing any things or people or remove everything empty /'empti/ b from inside something /?n'k?r?d? US encourage verb give someone the courage or confidence to do something ?n'k??r-/ end noun an aim or purpose, or the result you hope to achieve /end/ noun,vfinish or stop, or to make something finish or stop or the end /end/ erb last part noun,vsomeone whose job is to design or build roads, bridges, /,end??'n?? engineer erb machines etc US -'n?r/ the largest country in Britain; population 49,138,831 (2001). England noun /'??ɡl?nd/ The capital is London the language used in Britain, the US, Australia, and some English noun /'??gl??/ other countries English adj relating to England or its people or the language /'??gl??/ enjoy verb have a particular ability or advantage /?n'd???/ enjoy verb get pleasure from something /?n'd???/ enjoyable adj something enjoyable gives you pleasure /?n'd????b?l/ enjoy verb get pleasure from the situation which you are in oneself adv,proas much as is necessary; in the amount or to the degree enough /?'n?f/ n needed or wanted /'ent? US -enter verb go or come into a place or something ?r/ entrance noun a door, gate, etc. by which you can enter a building or place /'entr?ns/ entrance noun the right or ability to go into a place /'entr?ns/ the conditions that you live or work in and the way that /?n'va?r?nm?environment noun they influence how you feel nt/ small piece of rubber used to remove the marks made by a /?'re?z? US -eraser noun pencil s?r/ get away from a place or dangerous situation when verb,noescape someone is trying to catch you or stop you or to avoid /?'ske?p/ un something emphasize that something is more important or happens especially adv /?'spe??li/ more with one particular thing than with others essential adj extremely important and necessary,most basic /?'sen??l/ the night or day before an important day or an important eve noun /i?v/ event emphasize something that is unexpected or surprising in even adv /'i?v?n/ what you are saying divided equally, so that there is the same amount of even adj /'i?v?n/ something in each place, for each person etc even adj an even number can be divided exactly by two /'i?v?n/ used to add a stronger, more exact word to what you are even adv /'i?v?n/ saying the part of the day between the end of the afternoon and evening noun /'i?vn??/ night one of the races or competitions that are part of a large event noun /?'vent/ sports competition something that happens, especially something important, event noun /?'vent/ interesting or unusual used to emphasize that something is true although even though something else has happened or is true /'ev? US ever adv formal always,continually 'ev?r/ at any time,used mostly in questions, negatives, /'ev? US ever adv comparisons 'ev?r/ ever since continually since that time,from the time when determused to refer to all the people or things in a particular group every /'evri/ iner or all the parts of something /'evrib?di US everybody pron every person -bɑ?di/ everyone pron every person /'evriw?n/ everything pron each thing or all things /'evriθ??/ /'evriwe? US everywhere adv to, at or in all places or the whole of a place -wer/ used when you are giving or asking for information that is exactly adv /?g'zæktli/ completely correct exam noun AmE a set of medical tests /?g'zæm/ a spoken or written test of knowledge, especially an exam noun /?g'zæm/ important one someone whose behaviour is very good and should be /?g'zɑ?mp?l example noun copied by others, or this type of behaviour US ?g'zæm-/ a specific fact, idea, person,or to show what is typical of a /?g'zɑ?mp?l example noun larger group US ?g'zæm-/ excellent adj extremely good or of very high quality /'eks?l?nt/ conj, except not including; but not /?k'sept/ prep happy, interested, or hopeful because something good has excited adj /?k'sa?t?d/ happened or will happen exciting adj making you feel excited /?k'sa?t??/ a reason that you give to explain why you did something excuse noun /?k'skju?z/ wrong forgive someone for doing something that is not seriously excuse verb /?k'skju?z/ wrong, such as being rude or careless noun,vphysical activity that you do to make your body strong and /'eks?sa?z US exercise erb healthy -?r-/ an activity or process that helps you practise a particular /'eks?sa?z US exercise noun skill -?r-/ a set of questions in a book that test student's knowledge /'eks?sa?z US exercise noun or skill -?r-/ a door or space through which you can leave a public room, /'egz?t, exit noun building etc 'eks?t/ /'egz?t, exit verb formal to leave a place 'eks?t/ think that someone should behave in a particular way or do expect verb /?k'spekt/ a particular thing think that something will happen because it seems likely or expect verb /?k'spekt/ has been planned expensive adj costing a lot of money /?k'spens?v/ verb,nosomething that happens to you or something you do, /?k'sp??ri?ns experience un especially when this has an effect on what you feel or think US -'sp?r-/ (the process of getting) knowledge or skill which is obtained /?k'sp??ri?ns experience noun from doing, seeing or feeling things US -'sp?r-/ noun,a/'eksp??t US expert a person with a high level of knowledge or skill; a specialist dj -??rt/ /?k'spl?? US -explore verb to search and discover (about something) 'spl??r/ someone who travels through an unknown area to find out /?k'spl??r? US explorer noun about it -?r/ one of the two organs in your face, which you use to see eye noun /a?/ with face verb If you face a problem, you have to deal with it /fe?s/ the front or surface of an object or put an extra layer in face verb /fe?s/ front of what is already there face noun the front of the head, where the eyes, nose and mouth are /fe?s/ something which is known to have happened or to exist, fact noun /fækt/ especially something for which proof exists a building or group of buildings in which goods are factory noun /'fækt?ri/ produced in large quantities, using machines verb,nosuddenly go down onto the ground or towards the ground fall /f??l US f??l/ un unintentionally or accidentally,lower the season after summer and before winter,when the fall noun /f??l US f??l/ leaves fall off the trees fall asleep verb to begin to sleep family noun a large group of related types of animal or plant /'fæm?li/ group of people who are related to each other, such as a family noun /'fæm?li/ mother, a father, and their children the name someone shares with all the members of their family name noun 0 family famous adj known and recognized by many people /'fe?m?s/ verb,nomake air move around by waving a fan, piece of paper etc fan /fæn/ un so that you feel cooler someone who likes a particular sport or performing art very fan noun /fæn/ much, or who admires a famous person far adj,adv at, to or from a great distance in space or time /fɑ? US fɑ?r/ far adv very much, or to a great degree /fɑ? US fɑ?r/ far away a long distance /fɑ?m US farm noun an area of land, used for growing crops or keeping animals fɑ?rm/ /'fɑ?m? US farmer noun someone who owns or takes care of a farm 'fɑ?rm?r/ /fɑ?st US fast adj,adv become or be firmly fixed and unable to move fæst/ adj,vermoving or happening quickly, or able to move or happen /fɑ?st US fast b quickly fæst/ weighing too much because you have too much flesh on fat adj /fæt/ your body the substance under the skin of humans and animals that fat noun /fæt/ stores energy noun,v/'fɑ?ð? US -father a male parent erb ?r/ adj,noufavourite best liked or most enjoyed or a favourite thing /'fe?v?r?t/ n a letter or message that is sent in electronic form down a fax noun /fæks/ telephone line /'feð? US -feather noun one of the light soft things that cover a bird's body ?r/ /'febru?ri, February noun the second month of the year, between January and March 'febjuri US 'febjueri/ verb,nofeed give food to a person, group or animal or eat or drink food /fi?d/ un feel verb experience a particular physical feeling or emotion /fi?l/ verb,nofeel touch something in order to discover something about it /fi?l/ un an occasion when there are performances of many films, festival noun plays, pieces of music etc, usually happening in the same /'fest?v?l/ place every year a special occasion when people celebrate something such festival noun /'fest?v?l/ asreligious event,often a public holiday pronou n, few noun, a small number, not many or not enough /fju?/ adjecti ve determ iner, few a few some, or a small number of something or people /fju?/ pronou n field noun an area of land or an area of activity or interest /fi?ld/ fifteen noun the number 15 /,f?f'ti?n/ adj,noufifth 5th written as a word /f?fθ/ n fifty noun the number 51 /'f?fti/ fill verb make or become full; to use empty space /f?l/ put a substance into an empty space or give a job or fill verb /f?l/ position to someone (a length of) dark plastic-like material which can record film noun /f?lm/ images as photographs noun,va series of moving pictures, usually shown in a cinema or on film /f?lm/ erb television and often telling a story adj,noufinal last in a series of actions, events, parts of a story etc /'fa?n?l/ n verb,nodiscover, see, or get something that you have been find /fa?nd/ un searching for discover that someone or something is in a particular find verb condition or doing a particular thing when you see or touch /fa?nd/ them discovers that you have been doing something dishonest or find out illegal verb,noan amount of money that has to be paid as a punishment fine /fa?n/ un for not obeying a rule or law fine adj,adv satisfactory or good or good enough; healthy and well /fa?n/ fine adj very thin or in very small pieces or drops /fa?n/ noun,vany of the long thin separate parts of the hand, touch or /'f??g? US -finger erb feel something with your fingers ?r/ verb,nofinish complete something or come to the end of an activity,end /'f?n??/ un a special place in the wall of a room, where you can make a /'fa??ple?s US fireplace noun fire 'fa?r-/ (a person or thing) coming before all others in order, time, /f??st US first adj amount, quality or importance f??rst/ used before saying the first of several things you want to first of all adv say noun,vfish an animal that lives in water,try to catch fish in water /f??/ erb fish noun the flesh of a fish used as food /f??/ verb,nofit to be the right size or shape for someone or something /f?t/ un fit adj strong and healthy, especially because exercise regularly /f?t/ adj,advfit suitable or good enough for something /f?t/ ,noun pronoufive the number 5 /fa?v/ n,noun fix verb spoken to make arrangements for something /f?ks/ fix verb repair something that is broken or not working properly /f?ks/ when you leave a place in order to try and escape from a flight noun /fla?t/ person or a dangerous situation a set of steps built for going from one level of a building to flight noun /fla?t/ another a journey in a plane or space vehicle, or the plane or vehicle flight noun /fla?t/ that is making the journey verb,noto send a very large number of things to a place or flood /fl?d/ un organization verb,noto cover a place with water, or to become covered with flood /fl?d/ un water floor noun one of the levels in a building /fl?? US fl??r/ the flat surface of a room on which you walk or a public floor noun /fl?? US fl??r/ space noun,va coloured or white part that a plant or tree produces /'flau? US -flower erb before fruit or seeds ?r/ fly noun a small flying insect with two wings /fla?/ fly verb move or go quickly,wave or move about in the air /fla?/ travel by aircraft, or to go somewhere or cross something in fly verb /fla?/ an aircraft cloudy air near the ground which is difficult to see /f?g US fɑ?g, fog noun through,mist f??g/ /'f?gi US foggy adj filled or abounding with fog or mist 'fɑ?gi, 'f??gi/ /'f?l?u US follow verb go, walk, drive etc behind or after someone else 'fɑ?lou/ /'f?l?u US follow verb happen or come after something 'fɑ?lou/ something that people and animals eat, or plants absorb, to food noun /fu?d/ keep them alive the part of the body at the bottom of the leg on which a foot noun /fut/ person or animal stands,bottom a unit of measurement, equal to twelve inches or 0.3048 foot noun /fut/ metres, sometimes shown by the symbol ' pay for something, especially something expensive that you foot verb /fut/ do not want to pay for a game played by two teams of eleven players who try to /'futb??l US -football noun carry or kick an oval ball into the other team's goal b??l/ a game played by two teams of eleven players who try to /'futb??l US -football noun kick a round ball into the other team's goal b??l/ /f? strong f?? preposifor because of or as a result of something US f?r strong tion f??r/ /f? strong f?? preposiintended to get or use something, or where something is for US f?r strong tion intended to be used f??r/ /f? strong f?? preposifor used to say what the purpose of an object, action etc is US f?r strong tion f??r/ /f? strong f?? preposiin relation to someone or something,towards; in the for US f?r strong tion direction of f??r/ /'f?r?n US foreign adj belonging or connected to a country which is not your own 'f??-, 'fɑ?-/ /'f?r?n? US foreigner noun someone who comes from a different country 'f??r?n?r, 'fɑ?-/ /'f?r?st US forest noun a large area of land that is covered with trees 'f??-, 'fɑ?-/ /f?r'ev? US -forever adv for all time,for all future time ?r/ for example used when giving an example of the type of thing you mean verb,no/f??k US fork If a road or river forks, it divides into two parts un f??rk/ a tool you use for picking up and eating food, with a handle /f??k US fork noun and three or four points f??rk/ a tool you use for picking up and eating food, with a handle /f??k US fork noun and three or four points f??rk/ a paper or set of papers printed with marked spaces in /f??m US form noun which answers to questions can be written f??rm/ /f??m US form noun the shape or appearance of something f??rm/ a particular type of something that exists in many different /f??m US form noun varieties f??rm/ the remains of an animal or a plant which have become /'f?s?l US fossil noun hard and turned into rock 'fɑ?-/ build a support in the ground for a large structure or base a found verb /faund/ belief, claim, idea, etc. on something pronoufour the number 4 /f?? US f??r/ n, noun pronou/,f??'ti?n fourteen the number 14 n, noun US ,f??r-/ a wild animal like a dog with reddish-brown fur, a pointed /f?ks US fox noun face, and a thick tail fɑ?ks/ /'fræd?a?l US fragile adj easily damaged, broken or harmed -d??l/ /'frɑ?ns/ or France noun a republic in western Europe;Capital: Paris /'fræns/ free adj costing nothing; not needing to be paid for /fri?/ adj,verfree not doing anything planned or important, or not being used /fri?/ b allowed to do or say whatever you want, or allowed to adj,verfree happen, without being controlled or restricted by anyone or /fri?/ b anything adj,verfree not a prisoner any longer, or having unlimited movement /fri?/ b becomes hard and solid because the temperature is very freeze verb /fri?z/ cold adj,nourelating to France, its people, or its language or people from French /frent?/ n France Frenchman noun a man from France /'frent?m?n (of air) clean and cool; found outside rather than in a /'fra?di, -Friday noun room,in a natural condition de?/ a large piece of electrical kitchen equipment, used for fridge noun /fr?d?/ keeping food and drinks cool someone who you know and like very much and enjoy friend noun /frend/ spending time with behaving towards someone in a way that shows you like friendly adj /'frendli/ them and are ready to talk to them or help them friendship noun the feelings and behaviour that exist between friends /'frend??p/ verb,nomake someone feel fear or the feeling of fear, especially if frighten /'fra?tn/ un felt suddenly /fr?m strong fr?m $ fr?m from prep show the distance between two places strong fr?m, frɑ?m/ /fr?m strong fr?m $ fr?m from prep show the origin of something or someone strong fr?m, frɑ?m/ /fr?m strong fr?m $ fr?m from prep show the place or time where someone or something starts strong fr?m, frɑ?m/ from now on from this moment and always in the future the part of something that is furthest forward in the front noun /fr?nt/ direction that it is facing or moving the front of something is the side or surface that faces front noun /fr?nt/ forward verb,nothe usually sweet-tasting part of a tree or bush which holds fruit /fru?t/ un seeds and which can be eaten the good results that you have from something, after you fruit noun /fru?t/ have worked very hard to make sb feel annoyed or impatient because they cannot /fr?'stre?t US frustrate verb do or achieve what they want 'fr?stre?t/ to prevent sb from doing sth; to prevent sth from /fr?'stre?t US frustrate verb happening or succeeding 'fr?stre?t/ /fr?'stre?t?d feeling annoyed, upset, and impatient, because you cannot frustrated adj US control or change a situation, or achieve something 'fr?stre?t?d/ complete; whole; containing a lot of detail,the greatest full adj,adv /ful/ possible (of a container or a space) holding or containing as much as full adj /ful/ possible or a lot; filled fun noun experience or activity that is very enjoyable and exciting /f?n/ funny adj amusing; causing laughter /'f?ni/ /'fju?t?? US -future noun the possibility of being successful or surviving at a later time ?r/ adj,nou/'fju?t?? US -future likely to happen or exist at a time after the present n ?r/ children's activity in which play with toys, pretend to be game noun /ge?m/ someone else etc children's activity in which play with toys, pretend to be game noun /ge?m/ someone else etc an entertaining activity or sport, especially one played by game noun /ge?m/ children, or the equipment needed for such an activity activity or sport in which people compete with each other game noun /ge?m/ according to rules a piece of land next to and belonging to a house, where /'gɑ?dn US garden noun flowers and other plants are grown, and often containing 'gɑ?r-/ an area of grass the part of a fence or outside wall that you can open and gate noun /ge?t/ close so that you can enter or leave a place /,d?en?'r?s?ti generosity noun a generous attitude, or generous behaviour US -'rɑ?-/ /d?i'?gr?fi, the study of the countries, oceans, rivers, mountains, cities geography noun 'd??g- US etc of the world d?i'ɑ?g-/ Germany noun a country in central Europe,Capital: Berlin /'d??rm?ni/ get verb catch or become ill with a disease, virus, etc /get/ get verb obtain something by finding it, asking for it, or paying for it /get/ get verb understand or hear something /get/ get back verb return to a place after you have been somewhere else lower your body until you are sitting, kneeling, or lying on get down verb the ground get off verb leave a place, usually in order to start a journey wake up and get out of bed, or to tell or help someone to get up do this give verb put something in someone's hand /g?v/ give verb offer something to someone, or to provide them with it /g?v/ give up verb stop doing something or stop trying to do something glad adj pleased and happy about something /glæd/ a small container for drinks made of glass or similar /glɑ?s US glass noun material glæs/ two pieces of specially cut glass or plastic,in order to see /glɑ?s US glass noun more clearly glæs/ a hard transparent material which is used to make /glɑ?s US glass noun windows, bottles and other objects glæs/ noun,va piece of clothing that you wear on your hand in order to glove /gl?v/ erb protect it or keep it warm leave a place, especially in order to travel to somewhere /g??/ US go verb else /go?/ /g??/ US go verb travel or move to another place /go?/ /g?ul US goal noun something that you hope to achieve in the future,aim goul/ the area between two posts where the ball must go in /g?ul US goal noun order to score in games goul/ a game in which the players hit a small white ball into holes /g?lf US golf noun in the ground with a set of golf clubs, using as few hits as gɑ?lf, g??lf/ possible good adj of a high quality or level /gud/ good adj very satisfactory, enjoyable, pleasant or interesting /gud/ the quality of being good,the part of food which good for goodness noun /'gudn?s/ health go on verb continue or move to the next thing leave a room or building, especially in order to do go out verb something for entertainment If you go over a document or problem, you examine, go over verb discuss, or think about it very carefully. to take or hold sb/sth with your hand suddenly, firmly or grab verb /græb/ roughly to take the opportunity to get, use or enjoy something grab verb /græb/ quickly mark that a student is given for their work or for an grade noun /gre?d/ examination grade noun a particular level of quality that a product, material etc has /gre?d/ one of the 12 years that students are at school in the grade noun /gre?d/ American school system, or the students in a particular year to obtain a degree, especially a first degree, from a college graduate verb /'græd?u?t/ or university splendid in style and appearance; attracting admiration and grand adj /grænd/ attention /'grænd,fɑ?ðgrandfather noun the father of your father or mother ? US -?r/ informal grandmother,the mother of a person's father or grandma noun /'grænmɑ?/ mother grandmothe/'græn,m?ð? noun the mother of your mother or father r US -?r/ informal grandfather,the father of a person's mother or grandpa noun /'grænpɑ?/ father a small round purple or pale green fruit that you can eat or grape noun /gre?p/ make into wine noun,va very common plant with thin leaves that covers the /grɑ?s US grass erb ground in fields and gardens græs/ grateful adj showing or expressing thanks, especially to another person /'gre?tf?l/ great adj excellent,(especially spoken)very good /gre?t/ great adj very good or generous in a way that people admire /gre?t/ great adj important or having a lot of influence /gre?t/ green adj of a colour between blue and yellow; of the colour of grass /gri?n/ (especially of fruit) not ripe enough to eat, or (of wood) not green adj /gri?n/ dry enough to use greet verb say hello to someone or welcome them /gri?t/ noum,a(of) the colour that is a mixture of black and white, the grey /gre?/ dj colour of rain clouds noun,vground the surface of the Earth,soil,an area of land /graund/ erb noun,vseveral people or things that are all together in the same group /gru?p/ erb place /gr?u US grow verb gradually become tired/old/calm, etc grou/ increase in size or amount, or to become more advanced or /gr?u US grow verb developed grou/ /gr?u US grow verb make plants or crops develop and produce fruit or flowers grou/ grow up verb gradually become an adult try to answer a question or form an opinion when you are guess verb /ges/ not sure whether you will be correct someone whose job is to take tourists to a place and show guide noun /ga?d/ them around a tall tree which produces a strong-smelling oil that is used gum tree noun in medicine,= eucalyptus hair noun the mass of things like fine threads that grows on your head /he? US her/ noun, exactly or about 51% of an amount, time, distance, number /hɑ?f US half pronouetc hæf/ n a building or large room used for events involving a lot of hall noun /h??l US h??l/ people a passage in a building or house that leads to many of the hall noun /h??l US h??l/ rooms the room just inside the main entrance of a house, hall noun apartment or other building which leads to other rooms /h??l US h??l/ and usually to the stairs a sandwich consisting of a fried cake of minced beef served /'hæmb??g? hamburger noun on a bun, often with other ingredients US -b??rg?r/ the part of the body at the end of the arm which is used for hand noun /hænd/ holding, moving, touching and feeling things one of the long, thin pieces that point to the numbers on a hand noun /hænd/ clock or watch hand verb give something to someone else with your hand /hænd/ hand in verb give something to someone in authority kill someone by dropping them with a rope around their hang verb /hæ?/ neck, or to die in this way, hang verb stay in the air /hæ?/ fasten or support something at the top leaving the other hang verb /hæ?/ parts free to move when something happens, there is an event, especially one happen verb /'hæp?n/ that is not planned (of a situation or an event) to have existence or come into happen verb /'hæp?n/ existence happily adv in a happy way /'hæp?li/ happy adj feeling, showing or causing pleasure or satisfaction /'hæpi/ /hɑ?d US hard adj [only before noun] very strong or strongly alcoholic hɑ?rd/ /hɑ?d US hard adj difficult to understand, do, experience or deal with hɑ?rd/ /hɑ?d US hard adj,adv needing or using a lot of physical or mental effort hɑ?rd/ /hɑ?d US hard adj not pleasant or gentle; severe hɑ?rd/ /hɑ?d US hard adj firm and stiff; not easy to bend, cut or break hɑ?rd/ /'hɑ?dli US hardly adv only just; almost not 'hɑ?rdli/ verb,nodamage, injury, or trouble caused by someone's actions or /hɑ?m US harm un by an event hɑ?rm/ noun,vthe time when crops are gathered from the fields, or the act /'hɑ?v?st US harvest erb of gathering them 'hɑ?r-/ /z, ?z, h?z has verb the third person singular of the present tense of have strong hæz/ hat noun a covering for the head that is not part of a piece of clothing /hæt/ verb,nohate dislike someone or something very much /he?t/ un /v, ?v, h?v have verb perform the action mentioned,do something strong hæv/ /v, ?v, h?v have verb eat or drink something strong hæv/ especially BrE used to say that someone owns something or /v, ?v, h?v have verb that it is available for them to use strong hæv/ have a good verb enjoy oneself greatly time have to show that you must do sth pronouused to refer to a man, boy or male animal that has already /i, hi strong he n,noun been mentioned hi?/ the top part of your body that has your face at the front head noun /hed/ and is supported by your neck noun,vhead someone in charge of or leading an organization, group, etc /hed/ erb head noun the mind and mental abilities /hed/ head verb go towards a particular place, especially in a deliberate way /hed/ headache noun a pain in your head /'hede?k/ /,hed'mɑ?st? headmaster noun a male teacher who is in charge of a school US 'hed,mæst?r/ (especially BrE) (AmE usually principal) a teacher who is in headteacher noun charge of a school make or become well or healthy again,especially after a cut heal verb /hi?l/ or other injury the condition of the body and the degree to which it is free health noun /helθ/ from illness, or the state of being well healthy adj physically strong and not likely to become ill or weak /'helθi/ receive or become aware of a sound using your ears,listen hear verb /h?? US h?r/ to hear verb to be told or informed (of); receive news /h?? US h?r/ hear of verb to be told or find out a piece of information /hɑ?t US heart noun the suit of playing cards that have these shapes on them hɑ?rt/ /hɑ?t US heart noun the central or most important part hɑ?rt/ the organ in your chest that sends the blood around your /hɑ?t US heart noun body hɑ?rt/ very,in large amounts, to a high degree, or with great heavily adv /'hev?li/ severity heavy adj weighing a lot; needing effort to move or lift /'hevi/ height noun how tall someone or something is /hi?l/ noun,in/h?'l?u, he- hello terjectiused as a greeting when you see or meet someone US -'lou/ on make it possible or easier for someone to do something, by help verb doing part of the work yourself or by providing advice, /help/ money, support, etc helpful adj providing useful help in making a situation better or easier /'helpf?l/ pronou/?, h? strong n, a woman, girl or female animal that has just been her h?? $ ?r, h?r determmentioned or is known about strong h??r/ iner here adv in, at, or to this place /h?? US h?r/ pronouused to show that something belongs to or is connected /h??z US hers n with a woman h??rz/ pronou/?'self, h?- n, used to show that the woman or girl who does something is herself strong determaffected by her own action h??'self/ iner interjechey informal hello /he?/ tion interjecused as an informal greeting, usually to people who you hi /ha?/ tion know adj,nouhigh greater than the usual level or amount /ha?/ n high adj,adv measuring a long distance from the bottom to the top /ha?/ verb,nohike increase prices, taxes, etc. suddenly by large amounts /ha?k/ un verb,nohike a long walk in the mountains or countryside /ha?k/ un hiking noun the activity of taking long walks in the mountains or country /'ha?k??/ hill noun an area of land that is higher than the surrounding land /h?l/ hill noun a slope on a road /h?l/ pronou/?m strong him used, usually after a verb or preposition, to refer to a man n h?m/ /?m'self pronouused to refer to a male object of a verb that is the same himself strong n person or animal as the subject of the verb h?m'self/ determ iner, belonging to or connected with a man, boy or male animal /?z strong his pronouthat has just been mentioned h?z/ n past events considered together, especially events of a history noun /'h?st?ri/ particular period, country or subject history noun the study of past events as a subject in school or university /'h?st?ri/ hit verb a thing or person that is very popular or successful /h?t/ swing your hand or an object onto the surface of something hit verb /h?t/ so that it touches it, usually with force /'h?bi US hobby noun an activity that you enjoy doing in your free time 'hɑ?-/ /h?uld US hold verb have a meeting, party, election etc in a particular place hould/ verb,no/h?uld US hold keep something, especially when it might have been lost un hould/ verb,no/h?uld US hold take and keep something in your hand or arms un hould/ hold on verb wait for a short time an empty space in an object, usually with an opening to the /h?ul US hole noun object's surface houl/ noun,v/'h?l?di, -de? holiday leisure time away from work devoted to rest or pleasure erb US 'hɑ?l?de?/ noun,athe house, apartment, etc. where you live, especially with /h?um US home dj your family houm/ /,h?um'taun hometown noun the place where you were born and spent your childhood US ,houm-/ /'h?umw??k homework noun work which teachers give their students to do at home US 'houmw??rk/ An administrative region of southeast China on the coast Hong Kong noun southeast of Guangzhou verb,nowant something to happen or to be true, and usually have a /h?up US hope un good reason to think that it might houp/ a large strong animal that people ride and use for pulling /h??s US horse noun heavy things h??rs/ hot adj having a high temperature /h?t US hɑ?t/ /'h?t.d?g/ US hot dog noun a cooked sausage in a long piece of bread /'hɑ?t.dɑ?g/ a building where you pay to have a room to sleep in, and /h?u'tel US hotel noun where you can eat meals hou-/ hour noun a period of 60 minutes /au? US aur/ noun,vhouse a building which people, usually one family, live in /haus/ erb /'hausw??k housework noun the work of keeping a house clean and tidy US -w??rk/ used in questions which ask what an experience or event how adv /hau/ was like how adv in what way; by what methods /hau/ /hau'ev? US -however adv despite whatever amount or degree ?r/ /hau'ev? US -however conj in whatever way ?r/ verb,noto put your arms around someone and hold them tightly to hug /h?g/ un show love or friendship,= embrace huge adj extremely large in size, amount, or degree /hju?d?/ belonging to or relating to people, especially as opposed to human adj /'hju?m?n/ machines or animals belonging to or relating to people, especially as opposed to human being noun /'hju?.m?n/ machines or animals determ iner, hundred noun, the number 100 /'h?ndr?d/ pronou n hungry adj feeling that you want to eat sth: /'h??gri/ move or do things more quickly than normal or to make /'h?ri US hurry verb someone do this 'h??ri/ hurry up spoken used to tell someone to do something more quickly verb,nofeel pain in a part of your body, or to injure someone or /h??t US hurt un cause them pain h??rt/ verb,no/h??t US hurt make someone feel very upset, unhappy, sad etc un h??rt/ husband noun the man that a woman is married to /'h?zb?nd/ used by the person speaking or writing to refer to himself I pron /a?/ or herself ice noun water which has frozen and become solid, or pieces of this /a?s/ a very large mass of ice floating in the sea, most of which is /'a?sb??g US iceberg noun under the surface of the water -b??rg/ idea noun someone's opinion or belief about something /a?'d??/ a general understanding of something, based on some idea noun /a?'d??/ knowledge about it a plan or suggestion for a possible course of action, idea noun /a?'d??/ especially one that you think of suddenly used when talking about something that might happen or if conj /?f/ be true used to mention fact or situation someone asks about,or if conj /?f/ not certain about ill adj not feeling well, or suffering from a disease /?l/ ill adj not feeling well, or suffering from a disease /?l/ think that something is true or may happen, but without imagine verb /?'mæd??n/ being sure or having proof form a picture or idea in your mind about what something imagine verb /?'mæd??n/ could be like /?m'p??t?nt important adj necessary or of great value,great effect or influence US -??r-/ /?m'p?s?b?l impossible adj something that is impossible cannot happen or be done US ?m'pɑ?-/ improve verb make something better, or to become better /?m'pru?v/ preposiin during part or all of a period of time /?n/ tion preposi in tion, inside or towards the inside of a container, place or area /?n/ adverb preposiin involved or connected with a particular subject or activity /?n/ tion in a hurry more quickly than usual increase verb (make something) become larger in amount or size /?n'kri?s/ a republic in the Asian subcontinent in southern India noun /'?ndi?/ Asia,Capital: New Delhi adj,nouIndian relating to the Indians of North, South, and Central America /'?ndi?n/ n adj,nouIndian relating to India or its people /'?ndi?n/ n ways of saying what the real truth of a situation is especially in fact when this is different from what people say or think it is facts or details that tell you something about a situation, /,?nf?'me???n information noun person, event etc US -f?r-/ in front of close to the front part of something an act of putting a drug into someone's body using a special injection noun /?n'd?ek??n/ needle adj,nouinside the inner part, space or side of something /?n'sa?d/ n,adv an official whose job is to check that something is inspector noun /?n'spekt/ satisfactory and that rules are being obeyed in place of someone or something else, or as an alternative instead adv /?n'sted/ to in place of someone or something else, or as an alternative instead of verb to instruction noun written information tells how to do or use something /?n'str?k??n/ instruction noun statement telling someone what they must do /?n'str?k??n/ instruction noun teaching that given in a particular skill or subject /?n'str?k??n/ verb,noa quality or feature of something that attracts your interest /'?ntr?st/ un attention or makes you want to know more about it money which is charged by a bank or other financial interest noun /'?ntr?st/ organization for borrowing money interesting adj give it your attention because it seems unusual or exciting /'?ntr?st??/ a computer system that allows millions of computer users /'?nt?net US -Internet noun around the world to exchange information t?r-/ in the end after a period of time, or after everything has been done in time early enough /'?nt? before into prep used to say that starts being in a different state or form vowels '?ntu strong '?ntu?/ /'?nt? before towards the inside or middle of something and about to be into prep vowels '?ntu contained strong '?ntu?/ /'?nt? before into prep becomes involved in a situation or activity vowels '?ntu strong '?ntu?/ create a reason, excuse, story etc. which is not true, usually invent verb /?n'vent/ to deceive someone invent verb make, design, or think of a new type of thing /?n'vent/ invention noun useful machine, tool that been invented,the act of inventing /?n'ven??n/ invention noun the ability to think of new and clever ideas /?n'ven??n/ someone who has invented something, or whose job is to /?n'vent? US inventor noun invent things -?r/ invite verb politely ask someone to do something /?n'va?t/ invite verb ask someone to come to a party, wedding, meal etc /?n'va?t/ island noun a piece of land completely surrounded by water /'a?l?nd/ pronou(as subject or object) the thing, animal or situation which it /?t/ n has already been mentioned adj,nourelating to Italy, its people, or its language or someone from Italian /?'tæli?n/ n Italy a country in southern Europe,, surrounded on three sides Italy noun /'?t?li/ by the Mediterranean Sea. Capital: Rome determbelonging to or relating to something that has already been its /?ts/ iner mentioned jacket noun a short, light coat /'d?æk?t/ /'d?ænju?ri, the first month of the year, between December and January noun -njuri US -February njueri/ a country in East Asia consisting of four large Japan noun /d??'pæn/ islands,Capital: Tokyo adj,nourelating to Japan, its people, or its language,people from Japanese /,d?æp?'ni?z/ n Japan jeep noun a type of car made for travelling over rough ground /d?i?p/ /d??b US job noun the regular work which a person does to earn money d?ɑ?b/ join verb connect or fasten things together /d???n/ join verb become a member of an organization /d???n/ someone who writes news reports for newspapers, /'d???n?l-?st journalist noun magazines, television, or radio,reporter US -??r-/ noun,vespecially BrE a time spent travelling from one place to /'d???ni US -journey erb another, especially over a long distance ??r-/ noun,vthe liquid that comes from fruit and vegetables, or a drink juice /d?u?s/ erb that is made from this July noun the seventh month of the year, between June and August /d?u'la?/ jump verb attack someone suddenly /d??mp/ change quickly and often from one idea, place, position etc jump verb /d??mp/ to another - used to show disapproval jump verb increase suddenly by a large amount /d??mp/ verb,nopush yourself suddenly off the ground and into the air using jump /d??mp/ un your legs BrE a woollen item of clothing which covers the upper part /'d??mp? US jumper noun of the body and the arms, and which does not open at the -?r/ front June noun the sixth month of the year, between May and July /d?u?n/ /d??st strong just adv exactly or equally d??st/ /d??st strong just adj morally right and fair d??st/ /d??st strong just adv now, very soon, or very recently d??st/ only; nothing more than the thing, amount, action etc that /d??st strong just adv you are mentioning d??st/ just now adv a very short time ago just now adv at this moment,at the present time If you keep animals, you own and take care of them, but keep verb /ki?p/ not in your home as pets keep verb have or continue to have in your possession /ki?p/ keep verb if food keeps, it stays fresh enough to be eaten /ki?p/ keep verb (cause to) stay in a particular place or condition,no change /ki?p/ key noun the printed answers to a test or set of questions in a book /ki?/ key adj very important or necessary /ki?/ a small specially shaped piece of metal that you put into a key noun /ki?/ lock and turn in order to lock or unlock a door a board that are pressed to put information into a /'ki?b??d US -keyboard noun computer or other machine b??rd/ kid noun a child or a young animal /k?d/ verb,nokill make a person or animal die /k?l/ un /'ki?l?u US -kilo noun a kilogram lou/ kind adj generous, helpful and caring about other people's feelings /ka?nd/ kind noun a group with similar characteristics, or a particular type /ka?nd/ noun,vkite an object which is fly in the air,a large bird /ka?t/ erb noun,va metal blade fixed into a handle, used for cutting or as a knife /na?f/ erb weapon verb,no/n?k US knock hit, especially forcefully, and cause to move or fall un nɑ?k/ /n?k US knock verb repeatedly hit something, producing a noise nɑ?k/ to hit a door or window with your closed hand to attract knock at verb the attention of the people inside verb,noknow have information in your mind /n?u US nou/ un know verb to be able to recognize someone or something /n?u US nou/ know verb realize, find out about, or understand something /n?u US nou/ the information, skills, and understanding that you have /'n?l?d? US knowledge noun gained through learning or experience 'nɑ?-/ a room or building with scientific equipment for doing lab noun /læb/ scientific tests or for teaching science a polite or old fashioned way of referring to or addressing a lady noun /'le?di/ woman a large area of water surrounded by land and not lake noun /le?k/ connected to the sea except by rivers or streams (cause to) arrive at a place after moving down through the land verb /lænd/ air an area of ground, especially when used for farming or land noun /lænd/ building land noun the surface of the Earth that is not covered by water /lænd/ a system of communication by written or spoken words, language noun /'læ?gw?d?/ which is used by the people of a particular country or area lap noun the upper part of your legs when you are sitting down /læp/ noun,vlap a single journey around a race track /læp/ erb /lɑ?d? US large adj big in size, amount, or number lɑ?rd?/ /lɑ?st US last verb continue to exist or continue being good or suitable læst/
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