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葛洲坝实习报告葛洲坝实习报告 葛洲坝实习报告 姓 名:______________ 班 级:______________ 学 号:______________ requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective ...

葛洲坝实习 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 葛洲坝实习报告 姓 名:______________ 班 级:______________ 学 号:______________ requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 1实习单位简介 1.1.1 葛洲坝水利枢纽 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 介绍 葛洲坝水利枢纽工程位于湖北省宜昌市三峡出口南津关下游约3公里处,横跨大江、葛洲坝、二江、西坝和三江,是我国万里长江上建设的第一个大坝,是三峡水利枢纽工程完工前我国最大的一座水电工程。其水利枢纽的设计水平和施工技术,都体现了我国当时水电建设的最新成就,是我国水电建设史上的里程碑。葛洲坝水利枢纽工程于1970年12月30日破土动工,1974年10月主体工程正式施工。整个工程分为两期,第一期工程于1981年完工,实现了大江截流、蓄水、通航和二江电站第一台机组发电;第二期工程1982年开始,1988年底整个葛洲坝水利枢纽工程建成。葛洲坝水利枢纽工程由船闸、电站厂房、泄水闸、冲沙闸及挡水建筑物组成,两座河床式电站厂房,分设在二江和大江。二江电站设2台17万千瓦和5台 12(5万千瓦的水轮发电机组,装机容量为96(5万千瓦,转速为65.5n/min(3-7号机组)和54.6n/min(1-2号机组)。大江电站设14台125万千瓦的水轮发电机组,总装机容量为175万千瓦。电站总装机容量为 271(5万千瓦。二江电站的17万千瓦水轮发电机组的水轮机,直径11(3米,发电机定子外径17(6米,是当前世界上最大的低水头转桨式水轮发电机组之一。二江泄水闸共27孔,最大泄洪量为83900米3,秒。三江和大江分别建有6孔9孔冲沙闸,最大泄水量分别为10500米3,秒和20000米3,秒,主要功能是引流冲沙,以保持船闸和航道畅通;同时在防汛期参加泄洪。挡水大坝全长2595米,最大坝高47米,水库库容约为 15(8亿立方米。葛洲坝水利枢纽工程具有发电、改善峡江航道等效益。它的电站发电量年发电量达160多亿千瓦时。相当于每年节约原煤1020万吨,对改变华中地区能源结构,减轻煤炭、石油供应压力,提高华中、华东电网安全运行保证度都起了重要作用。葛洲坝水库回水 110至180公里,大大改善了航道,增加了长江客货运量。 葛洲坝水利枢纽工程施工条件差、范围大,它的建成不仅发挥了巨大的经济和社会效益,同时提高了我国水电建设方面的科学技术水平,培养了一支高水平的水电建设设计、施工和科研队伍,为我国的水电建设积累了宝贵的经验。这项工程的完成,再一次向全世界显示了中国人民的聪明才智和巨大力量。 requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 1.1.2二江电厂220KV开关站参观实习 继理论知识学习之后,在老师的陪同下我们前往开关站现场参观实习。参观过程中,工作人员讲解了开关站的整体布局,并以某几条线路为例跟我们解说了进出线回路具体走向、线路上各电气设备连接关系及相应的作用。经指导后,我们掌握了如何在短时间内据母线布置迅速判断出开关站电气主接线的 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 ;同时对理论课上学习到的各电气设备,如母线、断路器、刀闸、避雷器等,有了比较感性的认识。此外,工作人员还讲解了理论课上未提到的两类重要设备。一是用于整个开关站防雷措施的避雷器,此设备安装在主母线进线侧,目的是将雷电冲击波限制在站外仿止进入站内破坏电气设备的绝缘。二是站内用的国产出线串联阻波器,三相排列成等边三角形,目的是阻高频通工频防止用于通信的叠加在电压互感器上的高频信号进入站内。此次实习不仅让我们将理论知识具体化实际化,而且也收获了新知识。 requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 1.1.3 二江电厂厂房参观实习 220KV开关站参观后,在工作人员的带领下我们参观了二江电厂厂房,此过程我们主要学习了两大知识。一是主变散热系统,二是电厂的励磁电流和导水叶开度两大调节控制系统。二江电厂主变散热系统由油冷改为风冷,每台主变安装12台风扇,风扇的启停均由相应的计算程序据主变工作情况来控制。在工作人员的讲解下,我们基本弄清楚了风冷系统是如何达到冷却效果的。由水电厂同步发电机工作原理知,发电机发出电的频率与转速紧密相关,频率恒定为50HZ是电能质量的一个重要指标,也是发电机并网稳定运行的必不可少条件之一,因此必须维持发电机转速稳定。实现这一目标主要是要时刻保持发电机电磁功率与原动机输入功率平衡,前者可由励磁电流控制 ,后者可由水流闸门开口控制。具体而言就是要控制励磁系统整流部分晶闸管的导通角和导水叶开度角。 requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and 1.1.4 发电机中性点接地方式 发电机中性点接线形式是调度部门据当前电力系统运行方式潮流分布而决定的,实习中发现二江电厂发电机中性点是经消弧线圈接地的。等效分析电路如图2所示。经电路知识推导可知,当发电机定子绕组或引出线(包括分支引线)发生单相接地故障时,流过接地点的电流相对故障相而言是一纯容性电流,而流过消弧线圈的电流是滞后感性电流,二者正好反相。实际经验表明,当不接消弧线圈时,若流过接地点的电流I>30A,则在接地点产生永久性电弧,发电机定子绕组、铁芯或有关设备将被严重烧损;若10A<接地电流I<30A,则在接地点产生间歇性电弧,既会烧损设备,又会引起过电压.因此,为了确保接地电流小于10A,必须在中性点接上消弧线圈并选择合理的补偿度。葛洲坝电厂采用的是欠补偿形式。欠补偿用于发变单元接线或扩大单元接线的场合,且具有防雷效果。 requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating instructions on the product provides for lifting the protection requirements in the process. 7.7.3 shipped to the secondary databases for temporary storage or delivered to the installation site the temporary storage of products, the ZHDB 306051-2003 storage management procedures should be in accordance with the requirements of section 2.4 of protection. 7.8 Installing and debugging before the change to the requirements of protection7.8.1 the construction units responsible for installation and commissioning during the transfer to product maintenance within the scope of construction and maintenance. 7.8.2 maintenance card protection equipment, construction units in accordance with the maintenance tab on the maintenance requirements and frequency of professional maintenance of the product, and
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