首页 2012年重庆物理高考题及答案



2012年重庆物理高考题及答案2012年重庆物理高考题及答案 2012?重庆卷(理综物理) 14( [2012?重庆卷] 装有砂粒的试管竖直静浮于水面,如图所示(将试管竖直提起少许,然后由静止释放并开始计时,在一定时间内试管在竖直方向近似做简谐运动(若取竖直向上为正方向,则以下描述试管振动的图象中可能正确的是( ) 15([2012?重庆卷] 如图所示,理想变压器的原线圈接u,110002sin100πt(V)的交变电压,副线圈通过电阻r,6 Ω的导线对“220 V/880 W”的电器R供电,该电器正常工作(由此可知( ) L A(原、副...

2012年重庆物理高考题及 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 2012?重庆卷(理综物理) 14( [2012?重庆卷] 装有砂粒的试管竖直静浮于水面,如图所示(将试管竖直提起少许,然后由静止释放并开始计时,在一定时间内试管在竖直方向近似做简谐运动(若取竖直向上为正方向,则以下描述试管振动的图象中可能正确的是( ) 15([2012?重庆卷] 如图所示,理想变压器的原线圈接u,110002sin100πt(V)的交变电压,副线圈通过电阻r,6 Ω的导线对“220 V/880 W”的电器R供电,该电器正常工作(由此可知( ) L A(原、副线圈的匝数比为50?1 B(交变电压的频率为100 Hz C(副线圈中电流的有效值为4 A D(变压器的输入功率为880 W 16([2012?重庆卷] 图为伽利略 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 的一种测温装置示意图,玻 璃管的上端与导热良好的玻璃泡连通,下端插入水中,玻璃泡中封闭有一定量的空气(若玻璃管内水柱上升,则外界大气的变化可能是( ) A(温度降低,压强增大 B(温度升高,压强不变 C(温度升高,压强减小 D(温度不变,压强减小 17([2012?重庆卷] 质量为m的人站在质量为2m的平板小车上,以共同的速度在水平地面上沿直线前行,车所受地面阻力的大小与车对地面压力的大小成正比(当车速为v时,人从车上以相对于地面大小为v的速度水平向后跳下(跳00 离瞬间地面阻力的冲量忽略不计,则能正确 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示车运动的v,t图象为( ) A B C D 18([2012?重庆卷] 冥王星与其附近的另一星体卡戎可视为双星系统,质量比约为7?1,同时绕它们连线上某点O做匀速圆周运动(由此可知,冥王星绕O点运动的( ) 11A(轨道半径约为卡戎的 B(角速度大小约为卡戎的 77dynamic publicity, timely reports on the rectification work achieved success, and create the experience, the emergence of a typical, timely exposure health corner, management of the blind spot, "filthy" phenomenon and buck passing, not as a phenomenon. The area units and responsible departments to use the blackboard newspaper, publicity column, publicity car, understand the paper, literature and art programs, promote the remediation work in the state organs, into the community, into the enterprise, into the school, family, and strive to create the city's mobilization, the people, the whole society Will be involved in a strong atmosphere. To strengthen supervision and security. The command department performance steering group to be in accordance with the municipal Party committee, municipal government of accountability measures, supervision and inspection plan formulation, implementation of "rectification process tracking supervision, remediation regular notification system, the supervision throughout the entire process of remediation work. Do not attach importance to, not as, sluggish, pull the hind legs of the city's local and departmental units to give notice of criticism until the start the administrative accountability procedures. Fifth, we must strengthen the security assessment. Command assessment group to effectively improve the intensify of the assessment, according to the acceptance and effectiveness of supervision, for all districts and counties, departments directly under C(线速度大小约为卡戎的7倍 D(向心力大小约为卡戎的7倍 719([2012?重庆卷] 以下是物理学史上3个著名的核反应方程:x,Li―?2y,y31417912,N―?x,O,y,Be―?z,C.x、y和z是3种不同的粒子,其中z是 7 84 6 ( ) A(α粒子 B(质子 C(中子 D(电子 20([2012?重庆卷] 空间中P、Q两点处各固定一个点电荷, 其中P点处为正电荷,P、Q两点附近电场的等势面分布 如图所示,a、b、c、d为电场中的4个点,则( ) A(P、Q两点处的电荷等量同种 B(a点和b点的电场强度相同 C(c点的电势低于d点的电势 D(负电荷从a到c,电势能减少 21([2012?重庆卷] 如图所示,正方形区域MNPQ内有垂直纸面向里的匀强磁场(在外力作用下,一正方形闭合刚性导线框沿QN方向匀速运动,t,0时刻,其四个顶点M′、N′、P′、Q′恰好在磁场边界中点(下列图象中能反映线框所受安培力f的大小随时间t变化规律的是( ) A B C D 22([2012?重庆卷] (1)如图所示为光学实验用的长方体玻璃砖,它的________面不能用手直接接触( 在用插针法测定玻璃砖折射率的实验中, 、b、两位同学绘出的玻璃砖和三个针孔a c的位置相同,且插在c位置的针正好挡 住插在a、b位置的针的像,但最后一个针 孔的位置不同,分别为d、e两点,如图所 示,计算折射率时,用________(填“d”或 “e”)得到的值较小,用________(填“d”或 “e”)点得到的值误差较小( (2)某中学生课外科技活动小组利用铜片、锌片和 家乡盛产的柑橘制作了果汁电池,他们测量这种 电池的电动势E和内阻r,并探究电极间距对E 和r的影响,实验器材如图所示( ?测量E和r的实验 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 为:调节滑动变阻器, 改变电源两端的电压U和流过电源的电流I,依 据公式______,利用测量数据作出U,I图象, 得出E和r. ?将电压表视为理想表,要求避免电流表分压作用对测量结果的影响,请在图中用笔画线代替导线连接电路( ?实验中依次减小铜片与锌片的间距,分别得到相应果汁电池的U,I图象如图中(a)(b)(c)(d)所示,由此可知: 在该实验中,随电极间距的减小,电源电动势________(填“增大”、“减小” family, and strive to create the city's mobilization, the people, the whole society Will be involved in a strong atmosphere. chool,ature and art programs, promote the remediation work in the state organs, into the community, into the enterprise, into the sits and responsible departments to use the blackboard newspaper, publicity column, publicity car, understand the paper, literrea untimely exposure health corner, management of the blind spot, "filthy" phenomenon and buck passing, not as a phenomenon. The apublicity, timely reports on the rectification work achieved success, and create the experience, the emergence of a typical, dynamic e prof "rectification process tracking supervision, remediation regular notification system, the supervision throughout the entir Party committee, municipal government of accountability measures, supervision and inspection plan formulation, implementation palTo strengthen supervision and security. The command department performance steering group to be in accordance with the munici ntal units to give notice of criticism until the start the administrative accountability procedures.ocess of remediation work. Do not attach importance to, not as, sluggish, pull the hind legs of the city's local and departme ance and effectiveness of supervision, for all districts and counties, departments directly undersecurity assessment. Command assessment group to effectively improve the intensify of the assessment, according to the accept Fifth, we must strengthen the2 或“不变”),电源内阻________(填“增大”、“减小”或“不变”)( 曲线(c)对应的电源电动势E,__________V,内阻r,________Ω,当外电路总电阻为2500 Ω时,该电源的输出功率P,________mW.(均保留三位有效数字) 23([2012?重庆卷] 图所示为一种摆式摩擦因数测量仪,可测量轮胎与地面间动摩擦因数,其主要部件有:底部固定有轮胎橡胶片的摆锤和连接摆锤的轻质细杆(摆锤的质量为m,细杆可绕轴O在竖直平面内自由转动,摆锤重心到O点距离为L.测量时,测量仪固定于水平地面,将摆锤从与O等高的位置处静止释放(摆锤到最低点附近时,橡胶片紧压地面擦过一小段距离s(s,L),之后继续摆至与竖直方向成θ角的最高位置(若摆锤对地面的压力可视为大小为F的恒力,重力加速度为g,求: (1)摆锤在上述过程中损失的机械能; (2)在上述过程中摩擦力对摆锤所做的功; (3)橡胶片与地面之间的动摩擦因数( 24([2011?重庆卷] 有人设计了一种带电颗粒的速率分选装置,其原理如图所示,两带电金属板间有匀强电场,方向竖直向上,其中PQNM矩形区域内还有方向 1垂直纸面向外的匀强磁场(一束比荷(电荷量与质量之比)均为的带正电颗粒,k以不同的速率沿着磁场区域的水平中心线为O′O进 入两金属板之间,其中速率为v的颗粒刚好从Q点处0 离开磁场,然后做匀速直线运动到达收集板(重力加 速度为g,PQ,3d,NQ,2d,收集板与NQ的距离为 l,不计颗粒间相互作用(求: (1)电场强度E的大小; (2)磁感应强度B的大小; (3)速率为λv(λ,1)的颗粒打在收集板上的位置到O点的距离( 0 strive to create the city's mobilization, the people, the whole society Will be involved in a strong atmosphere.and programs, promote the remediation work in the state organs, into the community, into the enterprise, into the school, family, nsible departments to use the blackboard newspaper, publicity column, publicity car, understand the paper, literature and artrespo re health corner, management of the blind spot, "filthy" phenomenon and buck passing, not as a phenomenon. The area units andmely reports on the rectification work achieved success, and create the experience, the emergence of a typical, timely exposudynamic publicity, ti give notice of criticism until the start the administrative accountability procedures. diation work. Do not attach importance to, not as, sluggish, pull the hind legs of the city's local and departmental units tof remecation process tracking supervision, remediation regular notification system, the supervision throughout the entire process otee, municipal government of accountability measures, supervision and inspection plan formulation, implementation of "rectifipal Party commitTo strengthen supervision and security. The command department performance steering group to be in accordance with the munici ectiveness of supervision, for all districts and counties, departments directly underessment. Command assessment group to effectively improve the intensify of the assessment, according to the acceptance and effFifth, we must strengthen the security ass3 25( [2012?重庆卷] 某校举行托乒乓球跑步比赛,赛道为水平直道,比赛距离为s.比赛时(某同学将球置于球拍中心,以大小为a的加速度从静止开始做匀加速直线运动,当速度达到v时,再以v做匀速直线运动跑至终点(整个过程中00 球一直保持在球拍中心不动(比赛中,该同学在匀速直 线运动阶段保持球拍的倾角为θ,如图所示,设球在运0 动中受到的空气阻力大小与其速度大小成正比,方向与 运动方向相反,不计球与球拍之间的摩擦,球的质量为 m,重力加速度为g. (1)求空气阻力大小与球速大小的比例系数k; (2)求在加速跑阶段球拍倾角θ随速度v变化的关系式; (3)整个匀速跑阶段,若该同学速度仍为v,而球拍的倾角比θ大了β并保持不00 变,不计球在球拍上的移动引起的空气阻力变化,为保证到达终点前球不从球拍上距离中心为r的下边沿掉落,求β应满足的条件( 参考答案 14(D [解析] 根据题中规定的正方向~开始计时时刻位移为正的最大值~由于 简谐运动的图象是正弦或余弦曲线~可知D正确( 15(C [解析] 输入电压的有效值为11000 V~用电器的额定电压为220 V~所 50以变压器的输出电压大于220 V~原副线圈的匝数比小于~A错误,由输1 100 π入电压的表达式知~f, Hz,50 Hz~B错误,副线圈中的电流与用电2 π P,4 A~C正确,变压器的输出功率为用电器的功率器中的电流相同~I,U 和导线电阻损耗的功率之和~大于880 W~所以变压器的输入功率大于880 W~D错误( 16.A [解析] 设玻璃泡中气体压强为p~外界大气压强为p′~则p′,p,ρgh~且玻璃泡中气体与外界大气温度相同(液柱上升~气体体积减小~根据理想气 pVpp′体的状态方程,C可知~变大~即变大~BCD均不符合要求~A正确( TTT 17(B [解析] 人跳车前~人和车以大于v的初速度做匀减速直线运动~加速度0 μ×3mg大小为a,,μg,人跳车瞬间~人和车组成的系统动量守恒~规定初3m family, and strive to create the city's mobilization, the people, the whole society Will be involved in a strong atmosphere. chool,ature and art programs, promote the remediation work in the state organs, into the community, into the enterprise, into the sits and responsible departments to use the blackboard newspaper, publicity column, publicity car, understand the paper, literrea untimely exposure health corner, management of the blind spot, "filthy" phenomenon and buck passing, not as a phenomenon. The apublicity, timely reports on the rectification work achieved success, and create the experience, the emergence of a typical, dynamic ntal units to give notice of criticism until the start the administrative accountability procedures.ocess of remediation work. Do not attach importance to, not as, sluggish, pull the hind legs of the city's local and departmee prof "rectification process tracking supervision, remediation regular notification system, the supervision throughout the entir Party committee, municipal government of accountability measures, supervision and inspection plan formulation, implementation palTo strengthen supervision and security. The command department performance steering group to be in accordance with the munici ance and effectiveness of supervision, for all districts and counties, departments directly undersecurity assessment. Command assessment group to effectively improve the intensify of the assessment, according to the accept Fifth, we must strengthen the4 速度方向为正方向~则3mv,,mv,2mv~得v,2v~此后车做减速运动000 μ×2mg的加速度a′,,μg,a~B项正确( 2m 18(A [解析] 双星系统内的两颗星运动的角速度相同~B错误,双星的向心力 22为二者间的万有引力~所以向心力大小也相同~D错误,根据mωr,mωr~1122 rm1vr11211得,,~A正确,根据v,ωr~得,,~C错误( rm7vr(C [解析] 将上述三个方程相加~整理后得Li,N,Be―?O,C3 74 8 6,z~根据电荷数守恒和质量数守恒~z的质量数为1~电荷数为0~为中子~C正确( 20(D [解析] 由图中等势面的对称性知~P、Q两处为等量异种电荷~A错误,由于电场线与等势面垂直~所以ab两处的电场强度方向不同~B错误,P处为正电荷~c在离P更近的等势面上~c点的电势高于d点的电势~C错误,从a到c~电势升高~负电荷电势能减少~D正确( 21(B [解析] 第一段时间从初位置到M′N′离开磁场,图甲表示该过程的任意一个位置,切割磁感线的有效长度为MA与1 NB之和,即为MM′长度的2倍,此时电动势E,2Bvtv,线112324Bvt框受的安培力f,2BIvt,,图象是开口向上的抛物线,CDR 错误;如图乙所示,线框的右端MN刚好出磁场时,左端QP恰与MP共线,2222此后一段时间内有效长度不变,一直到线框的左端与M′N′重合,这段时间内电流不变,安培力大小不变;最后一段时间如图丙所示,从匀速运动至MN开22始计时,有效长度为A′C′,l,2vt′,电动势E′,B(l,2vt′)v,线框受的22B,l,2vt′,v安培力F′,,图象是开口向上的抛物线,A错误,B正确( R 甲 乙丙 22([答案] (1)光学 d e (2)?U,E,Ir ?如图所示 ?不变 增大 0.975 478 0.268 [解析] (1) 玻璃砖的光学面不能用手直接接触~接 触面的污渍会影响接触面的平整~进而影响折射率 的测定(连接dc、 ec并延长至玻璃砖的光学面与 白纸的交线~交点为出射点~入射点与出射点的连 线即为折射光线~入射角一定~用d点时~折射角 大~折射率小,对于两光学面平行的玻璃砖~入射 光线和出射光线平行~ec连线与入射光线平行~误差小( (2)?根据闭合电路的欧姆定律~U,E,Ir. ?如图所示( ?图线与纵轴的交点的纵坐标即为电动势~交点纵坐标不变~所以电动势不变~为0.975 V,图线斜率的绝对值即为内阻~斜率的绝对值变大~内阻变大((c)对 strive to create the city's mobilization, the people, the whole society Will be involved in a strong atmosphere.and programs, promote the remediation work in the state organs, into the community, into the enterprise, into the school, family, nsible departments to use the blackboard newspaper, publicity column, publicity car, understand the paper, literature and artrespo re health corner, management of the blind spot, "filthy" phenomenon and buck passing, not as a phenomenon. The area units andmely reports on the rectification work achieved success, and create the experience, the emergence of a typical, timely exposudynamic publicity, ti give notice of criticism until the start the administrative accountability procedures. diation work. Do not attach importance to, not as, sluggish, pull the hind legs of the city's local and departmental units tof remecation process tracking supervision, remediation regular notification system, the supervision throughout the entire process otee, municipal government of accountability measures, supervision and inspection plan formulation, implementation of "rectifipal Party commitTo strengthen supervision and security. The command department performance steering group to be in accordance with the munici ectiveness of supervision, for all districts and counties, departments directly underessment. Command assessment group to effectively improve the intensify of the assessment, according to the acceptance and effFifth, we must strengthen the security ass5 应图线斜率绝对值约为478(从线上选取两点即可求斜率)~电源的输出功率P, E0.975,,,,,224,,R,,,×2500 W,2.68×10 W,0.268 mW. ,R,,r,2500,478, 23.[答案](1)损失的机械能ΔE,mgLcosθ (2)摩擦力做功W,,mgLcosθ f mgLcosθ(3)动摩擦因数μ, Fs 24.[解析] (1)设带电颗粒的电荷量为q~ 质量为m.有 Eq,mg 1q将,代入~得E,kg mk (2)如图~有 2v0qvB,m 0R222R,(3d),(R,d) kv0得B, 5d (3)如图所示~有 2,,λv0qλvB,m 0R1 3d tanθ,22R,,3d,1 22y,R,R,,3d, 111 y,ltanθ 2 y,y,y 12 3l2得y,d(5λ,25λ,9), 225λ,925([解析] (1)在匀速运动阶段~有mgtanθ,kv 00 mgtanθ0得k, v0 (2)加速阶段~设球拍对球的支持力为N′~有 N′sinθ,kv,ma N′cosθ,mg av得tanθ,,tanθ 0gv0 mg(3)以速度v匀速运动时~设空气阻力与重力的合力为F~有F, 0cosθ0 球拍倾角为θ,β时~空气阻力与重力的合力不变~设球沿球拍面下滑的加速度0 大小为a′~有 Fsinβ,ma′ 设匀速跑阶段所用时间为t~有 sv0t,, v2a0 family, and strive to create the city's mobilization, the people, the whole society Will be involved in a strong atmosphere. chool,ature and art programs, promote the remediation work in the state organs, into the community, into the enterprise, into the sits and responsible departments to use the blackboard newspaper, publicity column, publicity car, understand the paper, literrea untimely exposure health corner, management of the blind spot, "filthy" phenomenon and buck passing, not as a phenomenon. The apublicity, timely reports on the rectification work achieved success, and create the experience, the emergence of a typical, dynamic ntal units to give notice of criticism until the start the administrative accountability procedures.ocess of remediation work. Do not attach importance to, not as, sluggish, pull the hind legs of the city's local and departmee prof "rectification process tracking supervision, remediation regular notification system, the supervision throughout the entir Party committee, municipal government of accountability measures, supervision and inspection plan formulation, implementation palTo strengthen supervision and security. The command department performance steering group to be in accordance with the munici ance and effectiveness of supervision, for all districts and counties, departments directly undersecurity assessment. Command assessment group to effectively improve the intensify of the assessment, according to the accept Fifth, we must strengthen the6 12球不从球拍上掉落的条件a′t?r 2 2rcosθ0得sinβ? sv,,02,,g,,,v2a0 strive to create the city's mobilization, the people, the whole society Will be involved in a strong atmosphere.and programs, promote the remediation work in the state organs, into the community, into the enterprise, into the school, family, nsible departments to use the blackboard newspaper, publicity column, publicity car, understand the paper, literature and artrespo re health corner, management of the blind spot, "filthy" phenomenon and buck passing, not as a phenomenon. The area units andmely reports on the rectification work achieved success, and create the experience, the emergence of a typical, timely exposudynamic publicity, ti To strengthen supervision and security. The command department performance steering group to be in accordance with the munici give notice of criticism until the start the administrative accountability procedures. diation work. Do not attach importance to, not as, sluggish, pull the hind legs of the city's local and departmental units tof remecation process tracking supervision, remediation regular notification system, the supervision throughout the entire process otee, municipal government of accountability measures, supervision and inspection plan formulation, implementation of "rectifipal Party commit ectiveness of supervision, for all districts and counties, departments directly underessment. Command assessment group to effectively improve the intensify of the assessment, according to the acceptance and effFifth, we must strengthen the security ass7
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