首页 14年商业银行经营学试题(含答案两套题)



14年商业银行经营学试题(含答案两套题)14年商业银行经营学试题(含答案两套题) 考核科目 商业银行经营学 课程类别 必修 考核类型 考试考核方式闭卷卷别 (注:考生务必将答案写在答题纸上,写在本试卷上的无效) 一、填空题:(共15分,每题1分) 1、实行单元银行制的典型国家是 。 2、 已成为当代商业银行的主要组织形式。 3、 是商业银行最基本的功能。 4、商业银行经营管理的原则是 、 和 。 5、 商业银行资本充足度包括 与 两个方面的内容。 6、 提高我国商业银行的资本充足率应从两方面入手:一是增加 ;二是减少 。 7、银行的筹资策略...

14年商业银行经营学试 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 (含答案两套题) 考核科目 商业银行经营学 课程类别 必修 考核类型 考试考核方式闭卷卷别 (注:考生务必将答案写在答题纸上,写在本试卷上的无效) 一、填空题:(共15分,每题1分) 1、实行单元银行制的典型国家是 。 2、 已成为当代商业银行的主要组织形式。 3、 是商业银行最基本的功能。 4、商业银行经营管理的 原则 组织架构调整原则组织架构设计原则组织架构设置原则财政预算编制原则问卷调查设计原则 是 、 和 。 5、 商业银行资本充足度包括 与 两个方面的内容。 6、 提高我国商业银行的资本充足率应从两方面入手:一是增加 ;二是减少 。 7、银行的筹资策略有两方面的主要内容: 与 。 、 和 。 8、消费者贷款按偿还方式可以分为以下三类: 9、按照巴塞尔委员会提出的要求狭义的表外业务包括 、担保和金融衍生工具类业务。 10、商业银行经常进行的互换交易主要是 和 。 11、从理论上说,银行保持流动性的途径主要有两条:一是 ;另一条途径就是 。 12、同业拆借净值率,即 与同业拆入之差占总资产的比重,该比率上升则流动性增强。 13、银行存款按其稳定与否可分为 和 。 14、商业银行的流动性风险管理,通常从 和 两个方面着手。 15、 是指在贷款决策时,以贷款风险度为主要参照标准,主动放弃或拒绝风险较大的贷款方案。 3—1 二、不定项选择题:(共20分,每小题2分) 1、商业银行的功能有 ( )。 position for future reference. Installation using special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of ? 0.10MM, qualified before the official lifting. Hoisting of the rotor dynamic and static clearance should be measured, rotors check clearance to prevent rotor colliding. stationary blade carrier, diaphragm and sealing upper cylinder on the inside and install the mounting bolts, bolts and bolt holes in the surface should be coated with molybdenum disulfide. Follow the manufacturers stamp marked to install good sealing ring and spring. Check the sealing ring and spring plate, shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Bolt: ... Measurement with measurement tools, special tools, temporary connection bolts and connection tool equipped and in good condition. The rotor shaft to have fixed, such as thrust, bearing plates fixed installation, in case of wear of the rotor is too large. The coupling gasket check measurements: measured data processing according to gasket, clean the coupling gasket surface clean and Burr-free, check the coupling gasket thickness data, shim thickness deviation of ? 0.02mm, parallel degree deviation of ? 0.02mm. Coupling temporary bolts ready: preparing 4-8 bolt diameter coupling bolt hole diameter 0.5-1.0mm. shaft coupling General requirements in both the relative position of the flange according to the manufacturer's mark, if there is no mark, two flange scoop bias complement each other and take care of the bolt hole alignment, hit the mark as basis for alignment and coupling is finally being joined. Each measurement in the two couplings along A、信用中介 B、支付中介 C、信用创造 D、金融服务 E、表外业务的创新 2、银行增发( ),原有股东对银行经营的控制权会有所减弱。 A、优先股 B、资本期票 C、资本债券 D、普通股 3、存款是商业银行的( )。 A、资本负债 B、主动负债 C、被动负债 D、同业负债 4、下列指标中属于负债程度比率的是( )。 A、流动比率 B、负债资本比率 C流动负债比率 D、应收账款周转率 E、存货周转率 5、在经营实践中,银行会努力使其存款总量和成本之间保持哪几种组合( )。 A、逆向组合模式 B、同向组合 C、总量单向变化模式 D、成本单向变化模式 6、商业银行在经营中面临的信用风险是指( )。 A、由各种自然灾害、意外事故等引起的风险 B、由于激烈的同业竞争带来的风险 C、由于债务人无法清偿债务而使银行蒙受损失的风险 D、由于市场利率变化带来的风险 7、由于市场利率变动的不确定性所导致的银行金融风险是( )。 A、信用风险 B、流动性风险 C、利率风险 D、操作性风险 8、负债是商业银行最基本的业务,其作用具体表现为( )。 A、是银行经营的先决条件 B、保持银行流动性的手段 C、构成社会流通中的货币量 D、同社会各界联系的主要渠道 E、银行业竞争的焦点 9、在负债总量一定下商业银行的负债成本主要受( )等因素影响。 3—2 A、营业成本 B、利息成本 C、负债数量 D、可用资金成本 E、负债结构 10、商业银行接受委托代办一些经双方议定的经济事务的业务称为( )。 position for future reference. Installation using special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of ? 0.10MM, qualified before the official lifting. Hoisting of the rotor dynamic and static clearance should be measured, rotors check clearance to prevent rotor colliding. stationary blade carrier, diaphragm and sealing upper cylinder on the inside and install the mounting bolts, bolts and bolt holes in the surface should be coated with molybdenum disulfide. Follow the manufacturers stamp marked to install good sealing ring and spring. Check the sealing ring and spring plate, shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Bolt: ... Measurement with measurement tools, special tools, temporary connection bolts and connection tool equipped and in good condition. The rotor shaft to have fixed, such as thrust, bearing plates fixed installation, in case of wear of the rotor is too large. The coupling gasket check measurements: measured data processing according to gasket, clean the coupling gasket surface clean and Burr-free, check the coupling gasket thickness data, shim thickness deviation of ? 0.02mm, parallel degree deviation of ? 0.02mm. Coupling temporary bolts ready: preparing 4-8 bolt diameter coupling bolt hole diameter 0.5-1.0mm. shaft coupling General requirements in both the relative position of the flange according to the manufacturer's mark, if there is no mark, two flange scoop bias complement each other and take care of the bolt hole alignment, hit the mark as basis for alignment and coupling is finally being joined. Each measurement in the two couplings along A、支付结算 B、代理业务 C、租赁 D、咨询业务 三、名词解释(共15分,每小题3分) 1、商业银行 2、分支银行制 3、债务资本 4、现金资产 5、贷款分类 四、简答题:(共30分,每小题6分) 1、简述目前我国商业银行资产负债比例管理存在的缺陷。 2、商业银行经营环境有什么新变化, 3、商业银行筹集资本的途径有哪些, 4、简述金融债券的特点。 5、银行办理票据贴现的业务操作要点是什么,票据贴现有哪些特点,, 五、论述题:(共20分,每小题10分) 1、什么是资金缺口,试 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 资金缺口和利率变动对银行收益的影响。 2、如何预测商业银行的资金头寸, 3—3 考核科目 商业银行经营学 课程类别 必修 考核方式 闭卷 卷 别 A position for future reference. Installation using special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of ? 0.10MM, qualified before the official lifting. Hoisting of the rotor dynamic and static clearance should be measured, rotors check clearance to prevent rotor colliding. stationary blade carrier, diaphragm and sealing upper cylinder on the inside and install the mounting bolts, bolts and bolt holes in the surface should be coated with molybdenum disulfide. Follow the manufacturers stamp marked to install good sealing ring and spring. Check the sealing ring and spring plate, shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Bolt: ... Measurement with measurement tools, special tools, temporary connection bolts and connection tool equipped and in good condition. The rotor shaft to have fixed, such as thrust, bearing plates fixed installation, in case of wear of the rotor is too large. The coupling gasket check measurements: measured data processing according to gasket, clean the coupling gasket surface clean and Burr-free, check the coupling gasket thickness data, shim thickness deviation of ? 0.02mm, parallel degree deviation of ? 0.02mm. Coupling temporary bolts ready: preparing 4-8 bolt diameter coupling bolt hole diameter 0.5-1.0mm. shaft coupling General requirements in both the relative position of the flange according to the manufacturer's mark, if there is no mark, two flange scoop bias complement each other and take care of the bolt hole alignment, hit the mark as basis for alignment and coupling is finally being joined. Each measurement in the two couplings along 一、填空题:(共15分) 1、美国;2、分支银行制;3、信用中介;4、安全性、流动性、盈利性; 5、数量充足、结构合理;6、核心资本和附属资本、风险资产的规模; 7、开发存款新产品、加强已有存款工具的吸引力; 8、分期偿还贷款、信用卡贷款、一次性偿还贷款; 9、承诺;10、货币互换、利率互换; 11、“存储”流动性、“购买”流动性;12、同业拆出; 13、核心存款,非核心存款;14、存量,流量;15、贷款风险的回避。 二、不定项选择题:(共20分,每小题2分) 1、ABCD;2、D;3、C;4、BC;5、AC;6、C;7、C;8、ABCDE;9、ABDE;10、B。 三、名词解释(共15分,每小题3分) 、商业银行是以追求最大利润为目标,以多种金融负债和金融资产为经营对1 象,能够利用负债进行信用创造,全方位经营各类金融业务的综合性的、多功能的金融服务企业。 2、分支银行制:又称总分行制。实行这一制度的商业银行可以在总行以外普遍设立分支机构,分支银行的各项业务统一遵照总行的指示办理。 3、债务资本:债务资本所有者的求偿权排在各类银行存款所有者之后,并且其原始期限较长。债务资本通常有资本票据和债券两类。 4、现金资产是指银行可以用来应付现金需要的资产,是银行资产中最富有流动性的部分。 5、贷款分类:是指银行的信贷分析和管理人员或监管当局的检查人员,综合能获得的全部信息并运用最佳判断,根据贷款的风险程度对质量做出评价并通过评价把结果划分为若干类别,因此贷款分类既包括分类的过程,也包括分类的结果。 四、简答题:(共30分,每小题6分) 1、答:(1)从中央银行的角度来说,目前我国商业银行资产负债比例管理制定的监测指标体系在一定程度上缺乏科学性,且监管乏力。 position for future reference. Installation using special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of ? 0.10MM, qualified before the official lifting. Hoisting of the rotor dynamic and static clearance should be measured, rotors check clearance to prevent rotor colliding. stationary blade carrier, diaphragm and sealing upper cylinder on the inside and install the mounting bolts, bolts and bolt holes in the surface should be coated with molybdenum disulfide. Follow the manufacturers stamp marked to install good sealing ring and spring. Check the sealing ring and spring plate, shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Bolt: ... Measurement with measurement tools, special tools, temporary connection bolts and connection tool equipped and in good condition. The rotor shaft to have fixed, such as thrust, bearing plates fixed installation, in case of wear of the rotor is too large. The coupling gasket check measurements: measured data processing according to gasket, clean the coupling gasket surface clean and Burr-free, check the coupling gasket thickness data, shim thickness deviation of ? 0.02mm, parallel degree deviation of ? 0.02mm. Coupling temporary bolts ready: preparing 4-8 bolt diameter coupling bolt hole diameter 0.5-1.0mm. shaft coupling General requirements in both the relative position of the flange according to the manufacturer's mark, if there is no mark, two flange scoop bias complement each other and take care of the bolt hole alignment, hit the mark as basis for alignment and coupling is finally being joined. Each measurement in the two couplings along (2)从商业银行的执行情况来看,并没有达到资产负债管理的真正要求。 2、答:商业银行经营国内外经济环境的变化;金融产业竞争加剧,商业银行在金融业中的地位有所下降;银行监管在不断加强,内部控制机制在逐渐加强。 3、答:商业银行筹集资本有两条主要途径。一是资本的内部筹集,二是资本的外部筹集。资本的内部筹集一般采取增加各种准备金和收益留存的方法。资本的外部筹集可采用发行普通股、优先股和发行资本票据和债券等方法。 4、答:(1)筹资的目的不同;(2)筹资机制不同;(3)所吸收资金的稳定性不同; (4)资金的流动性程度不同;(5)筹资的效率不同。 5、答:(1)票据贴现的审批(2)票据贴现的具体内容 (3)票据贴现的期限与额度 特点:(1)它是以持票人作为贷款直接对象(2)它是以票据承兑人的信誉作为还款保证 (3)它是以票据的剩余期限为贷款期限(4)实行预收利息的方法 五、论述题:(共20分,每小题10分) 1、答:所谓利率敏感资产和利率敏感负债,是指那些在一定期限内(考察期内)到期的或需要重新确定利率的资产和负债,这类资产和负债的差额便被定义为资金缺口(Funding GAP)。 资金缺口用于衡量银行净利息收入(即利息总收入和总支出之间的差额)对市场利率的敏感程度。显然,资金缺口有正缺口、零缺口、负缺口三种状态。当利率敏感资产大于利率敏感负债时,资金缺口为正值,处于利率敞口的该部分资金使得银行在利率上升时获利,利率下降时受损;反之,当处于负缺口时,利率敏感资产此时小于利率敏感负债,利率风险敞口部分使得银行在利率上升时受损,利率下降时获利;而当银行资金配置处于零缺口时,利率敏感资产等于利率敏感负债,此时如果借、贷款利率的变化完全一致,则银行对利率风险处于“免疫状态”。 2、答:商业银行现金资产管理的核心任务是保证银行经营过程中的适度流动性,也就是说,银行一方面要保证其现金资产能够满足正常的和非正常的现金支出需position for future reference. Installation using special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of ? 0.10MM, qualified before the official lifting. Hoisting of the rotor dynamic and static clearance should be measured, rotors check clearance to prevent rotor colliding. stationary blade carrier, diaphragm and sealing upper cylinder on the inside and install the mounting bolts, bolts and bolt holes in the surface should be coated with molybdenum disulfide. Follow the manufacturers stamp marked to install good sealing ring and spring. Check the sealing ring and spring plate, shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Bolt: ... Measurement with measurement tools, special tools, temporary connection bolts and connection tool equipped and in good condition. The rotor shaft to have fixed, such as thrust, bearing plates fixed installation, in case of wear of the rotor is too large. The coupling gasket check measurements: measured data processing according to gasket, clean the coupling gasket surface clean and Burr-free, check the coupling gasket thickness data, shim thickness deviation of ? 0.02mm, parallel degree deviation of ? 0.02mm. Coupling temporary bolts ready: preparing 4-8 bolt diameter coupling bolt hole diameter 0.5-1.0mm. shaft coupling General requirements in both the relative position of the flange according to the manufacturer's mark, if there is no mark, two flange scoop bias complement each other and take care of the bolt hole alignment, hit the mark as basis for alignment and coupling is finally being joined. Each measurement in the two couplings along 要,另一方面又要追求利润的最大化,为此,需要银行管理者准确地计算和预测资金头寸,为流动性管理提供依据。 对银行资金头寸的预测,事实上就是对银行流动性需要量的预测。而积极的流动性风险管理首先要求银行准确地预测未来一定时期内的资金头寸需要量或流动性需要量。 银行资金头寸或流动性准备的变化,最主要取决于银行存贷款资金运动的变化。任何存款的支出和贷款的增加,都减少头寸;反之,存款的增加和贷款的减少则会增加银行的资金头寸。银行的有些资金来源和资金运用的变化,不会影响银行头寸总量的变化,但会引起头寸结构的变化。如向中央银行缴存准备金的变化,收回或增加存放同业存款等。 position for future reference. Installation using special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of ? 0.10MM, qualified before the official lifting. Hoisting of the rotor dynamic and static clearance should be measured, rotors check clearance to prevent rotor colliding. stationary blade carrier, diaphragm and sealing upper cylinder on the inside and install the mounting bolts, bolts and bolt holes in the surface should be coated with molybdenum disulfide. Follow the manufacturers stamp marked to install good sealing ring and spring. Check the sealing ring and spring plate, shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Bolt: ... Measurement with measurement tools, special tools, temporary connection bolts and connection tool equipped and in good condition. The rotor shaft to have fixed, such as thrust, bearing plates fixed installation, in case of wear of the rotor is too large. The coupling gasket check measurements: measured data processing according to gasket, clean the coupling gasket surface clean and Burr-free, check the coupling gasket thickness data, shim thickness deviation of ? 0.02mm, parallel degree deviation of ? 0.02mm. Coupling temporary bolts ready: preparing 4-8 bolt diameter coupling bolt hole diameter 0.5-1.0mm. shaft coupling General requirements in both the relative position of the flange according to the manufacturer's mark, if there is no mark, two flange scoop bias complement each other and take care of the bolt hole alignment, hit the mark as basis for alignment and coupling is finally being joined. Each measurement in the two couplings along 商业银行经营管理试题(模拟题) 得 分 评卷人 一、填空(每空1分,共11分) 1(我国商业银行的组织形式的是_____制。 2(我国商业银行的核心资本包括_____、_____、_____ 和_____ 。 3(总体而言,银行风险与预测有_____、_____两类手段。 4(资产或负债的利率敏感性可用其_____ 或 _____对利率变化的调整时间长短来测量。 5. 成本加成定价法是以银行_____的成本加上一定利差来决定贷款利率的方法。 6. 卖方信贷是_____银行提供给出口商的中、长期贷款。 二、不定项选择题(下面各题所给的备选答案至少得 分 评卷人 有一项是正确的,将正确答案的字母填入括号,多 选或少选均不得分。每小题2分 共20分) 1.商业银行结算的原则有(ABC) A. 恪守信用,履约付款 B. 谁的钱进谁的账,由谁支配 C. 银行不垫款 D. 单位和个人办理结算业务,不准出租账户 E. 不准签发空头支票 2. 信托业务主要有(ABCDE) A. 信托存款 B. 信托贷款 C. 金融租赁 D. 代理业务 E. 经济咨询 3.按照贷款五级分类法,属于不良贷款的贷款种类为(BCD) A.关注类贷款 B.次级类贷款 C.可疑类贷款 D.损失类贷款 4.商业银行来自投资活动的现金流出项目是(B) A.再贴现 B.发行金融债券 C.向客户发放贷款 D.支付员工工资 5(商业银行保持现金资产的目的是(AD)。 A(保持清偿性,满足客户提存 B(实现盈利需要 C(满足法规要求 D(保持流动性 6.资本主义商业银行产生的最主要途径是(AB) A.由高利贷性质的银行转变而来 B.按照资本主义原则建立的银行 C.政府组建 D.开明地主阶级出资组建 position for future reference. Installation using special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of ? 0.10MM, qualified before the official lifting. Hoisting of the rotor dynamic and static clearance should be measured, rotors check clearance to prevent rotor colliding. stationary blade carrier, diaphragm and sealing upper cylinder on the inside and install the mounting bolts, bolts and bolt holes in the surface should be coated with molybdenum disulfide. Follow the manufacturers stamp marked to install good sealing ring and spring. Check the sealing ring and spring plate, shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Bolt: ... Measurement with measurement tools, special tools, temporary connection bolts and connection tool equipped and in good condition. The rotor shaft to have fixed, such as thrust, bearing plates fixed installation, in case of wear of the rotor is too large. The coupling gasket check measurements: measured data processing according to gasket, clean the coupling gasket surface clean and Burr-free, check the coupling gasket thickness data, shim thickness deviation of ? 0.02mm, parallel degree deviation of ? 0.02mm. Coupling temporary bolts ready: preparing 4-8 bolt diameter coupling bolt hole diameter 0.5-1.0mm. shaft coupling General requirements in both the relative position of the flange according to the manufacturer's mark, if there is no mark, two flange scoop bias complement each other and take care of the bolt hole alignment, hit the mark as basis for alignment and coupling is finally being joined. Each measurement in the two couplings along 7.《巴塞尔协议》规定,银行核心资本比率应大于或等于(C) A.1.25% B.4% C.8% D.50% 8.租赁业务的基本特征是(A) A.租赁物的使用权与所有权相分离 B.承租人必须拥有租赁物的所有权 C.租金必须一次性回流 D.出租人具有对租赁标的物的选择权 9.衡量商业银行经营成果的指标有( ) A.资产收益率 B.资本收益率 C.银行利润率 D.流动比率 E.存款资产比率 10.借款企业直接用来偿还贷款的只能是( ) A.存货 B.应收账款 C.现金 D.短期有价证券 得 分 评卷人 三、判断题(每小题1分 共10分) 1. 在办理抵押贷款时,贷款风险越大,抵押率越低。 ( ) 2. 商业银行经营风险是指商业银行在经营活动中,因不确定因素的影响使商业银行遭受损失的可能性. ( ) 3. 贷款对象的信用等级越高,银行贷款的风险亦就越高. ( ) 4. 抵押贷款条件下,借款人的抵押物必须转移占管权归属银行保管. ( ) 5. 贷款利率是银行货款价格的唯一表现形式. ( ) . 一般来说银行财务杠杆比率越高,其投资风险越小. ( ) 6 7. 从现代商业银行发展经历看,英,美商业银行长期以来走的是综合银行传统发展模式. ( ) 8. 基础头寸 = 库存现金 + 中央银行超额准备金. ( ) 9. 所谓资本管理的分母策略就是通过控制风险和调整银行资产结构来达到资本充足要求的对策. ( ) 10. 当市场利率上升时,银行所持固定收入的金融工具的市场价值亦上升. ( ) 得 分 评卷人 四、计算题(每小题10分 共20分) 1.已知贴现率为12%,银行承兑汇票面值为100万元,到期日为2005年6月2日,贴现日2005年5月11日,计算贴现利息和实付贴现额? ,的美国中期国债,如果购入价格为900美元,2. 一张5年期、面值为1 000美元,息票率为8 计算此投资的到期收益率。 position for future reference. Installation using special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of ? 0.10MM, qualified before the official lifting. Hoisting of the rotor dynamic and static clearance should be measured, rotors check clearance to prevent rotor colliding. stationary blade carrier, diaphragm and sealing upper cylinder on the inside and install the mounting bolts, bolts and bolt holes in the surface should be coated with molybdenum disulfide. Follow the manufacturers stamp marked to install good sealing ring and spring. Check the sealing ring and spring plate, shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Bolt: ... Measurement with measurement tools, special tools, temporary connection bolts and connection tool equipped and in good condition. The rotor shaft to have fixed, such as thrust, bearing plates fixed installation, in case of wear of the rotor is too large. The coupling gasket check measurements: measured data processing according to gasket, clean the coupling gasket surface clean and Burr-free, check the coupling gasket thickness data, shim thickness deviation of ? 0.02mm, parallel degree deviation of ? 0.02mm. Coupling temporary bolts ready: preparing 4-8 bolt diameter coupling bolt hole diameter 0.5-1.0mm. shaft coupling General requirements in both the relative position of the flange according to the manufacturer's mark, if there is no mark, two flange scoop bias complement each other and take care of the bolt hole alignment, hit the mark as basis for alignment and coupling is finally being joined. Each measurement in the two couplings along 得 分 评卷人 五、简答题(每小题5分 共25分) 1. 商业银行在贷款定价时应遵循什么原则? 2. 商业银行取得短期借款的主要渠道有哪些, 3. 什么是表外业务,它有哪些特点, 透明度低 盈亏巨大 灵活性大 交易集中 规模巨大 4.商业银行的经营目标有哪些,它们之间存在什么关系, 5. 贷款程序由哪些步骤组成, 申请 信用等级评估 贷前调查 贷款审批 签订借款合同和担保合同 贷款的发放 检查 收回 得 分 评卷人 五、论述题(每小题14分 共14分) 1.商业银行管理理论中,有哪些管理思想,它们各自强调哪些管理重心,又分别有哪些特点, 商业银行经营管理模拟题参考答案 一、填空题 1(总分行制 2(实收资本 未分配利润 资本公积 盈余公积 3(定量分析 定性分析 4(收益 成本 5. 借入资金 6. 出口地 二、不定项选择 1.ABC 2.ABCDE 3.BCD 4.B 5. AD 6. AB 7.C 8.A 9. 10.ABC 三、判断 1. ? 2.? 3. × 4. × 5. × 6. × 7. × 8. ? 9. ? 10. × 四、计算 position for future reference. Installation using special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of ? 0.10MM, qualified before the official lifting. Hoisting of the rotor dynamic and static clearance should be measured, rotors check clearance to prevent rotor colliding. stationary blade carrier, diaphragm and sealing upper cylinder on the inside and install the mounting bolts, bolts and bolt holes in the surface should be coated with molybdenum disulfide. Follow the manufacturers stamp marked to install good sealing ring and spring. Check the sealing ring and spring plate, shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Bolt: ... Measurement with measurement tools, special tools, temporary connection bolts and connection tool equipped and in good condition. The rotor shaft to have fixed, such as thrust, bearing plates fixed installation, in case of wear of the rotor is too large. The coupling gasket check measurements: measured data processing according to gasket, clean the coupling gasket surface clean and Burr-free, check the coupling gasket thickness data, shim thickness deviation of ? 0.02mm, parallel degree deviation of ? 0.02mm. Coupling temporary bolts ready: preparing 4-8 bolt diameter coupling bolt hole diameter 0.5-1.0mm. shaft coupling General requirements in both the relative position of the flange according to the manufacturer's mark, if there is no mark, two flange scoop bias complement each other and take care of the bolt hole alignment, hit the mark as basis for alignment and coupling is finally being joined. Each measurement in the two couplings along 1.贴息,100×21×(12,/360),0.7(万元) 实付贴现额,100-0.7,99.3(万元) 2. 80,(1 000,900),10YTM,,10, ,100%900 五、简答1. (1)利润最大化原则,(2)扩大市场份额原则,(3)保证贷款安全原则,(4)维护银行形象原则 2. (1)同业拆借(2)向中央银行借款(3)转贴现、回购协议、大额可转让存单、欧洲货币市场借款。 3. 表外业务是指商业银行从事的,按照通行的会计准则可以不列入资产负债表内,不影响其资产负债总额,但能影响银行当期损益,改变银行资产报酬率的经营活动。银行表外业务有狭义和广义之分。灵活性大,规模庞大。交易集中,盈亏巨大,透明度低。 4.(1)安全性(2)流动性(3)盈利性 这些目标有是有商业银行经营管理的基本要求决定的,但目标的实现又实现存在一定的矛盾,应是在保证安全性的基础上,争取利润最大化,而解决安全性与盈利性矛盾的最好选择是提高经营的流动性。 5. (1)借款人提出贷款申请,(2)对借款人的信用等级进行评估,(3)对贷款项目进行贷前 )对贷款进行审批,(5)签订借款合同及有关的担保合同,(6)贷款的发放,(7)贷调查,(4 后的检查,(8)贷款的收回。 五、 1. (一)资产管理理论 资产管理理论,又称流动性管理理论。根据其发展,主要有三种资产管理理论。 ,、商业贷款理论,又叫真实票据理论。 ,、可转换理论。 ,、预期收入理论。 资产管理理论有其自身的很大局限性。 (二)负债管理理论 负债管理的基本思想是银行通过在金融市场上寻找资金来源的方法,特别是充分利用短期负债增加银行资金来源,从而增加银行的资金运用,满足贷款或其它资产的需求。 负债管理的主要工具。 在实施负债管理时,首先要在这个经济中存在一个相对完善有效的货币市场。 负债管理基本上有两种方法:1、储备头寸负债管理。,、贷款头寸负债管理 对整个银行体系来讲,负债管理的风险也是明显的。如果每家银行都采取积极的负债管理战略,整个市场的资金都处于一种相当紧张的状态,由于经济的周期性特征,一旦进入经济循环低谷,几乎所有的银行都会面临头寸紧张,其债务链条就会绷断,进一步加深经济的困难。 (三)资产-----负债管理 position for future reference. Installation using special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of ? 0.10MM, qualified before the official lifting. Hoisting of the rotor dynamic and static clearance should be measured, rotors check clearance to prevent rotor colliding. stationary blade carrier, diaphragm and sealing upper cylinder on the inside and install the mounting bolts, bolts and bolt holes in the surface should be coated with molybdenum disulfide. Follow the manufacturers stamp marked to install good sealing ring and spring. Check the sealing ring and spring plate, shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Bolt: ... Measurement with measurement tools, special tools, temporary connection bolts and connection tool equipped and in good condition. The rotor shaft to have fixed, such as thrust, bearing plates fixed installation, in case of wear of the rotor is too large. The coupling gasket check measurements: measured data processing according to gasket, clean the coupling gasket surface clean and Burr-free, check the coupling gasket thickness data, shim thickness deviation of ? 0.02mm, parallel degree deviation of ? 0.02mm. Coupling temporary bolts ready: preparing 4-8 bolt diameter coupling bolt hole diameter 0.5-1.0mm. shaft coupling General requirements in both the relative position of the flange according to the manufacturer's mark, if there is no mark, two flange scoop bias complement each other and take care of the bolt hole alignment, hit the mark as basis for alignment and coupling is finally being joined. Each measurement in the two couplings along 资产负债管理是银行在利润最大化目标下,将银行的资产和负债加以合理搭配,以使银行资产的安全性、流动性和盈利性达到和谐统一。 资产-负债管理的核心实际是利率风险管理。 1、利率敏感性分析。 在浮动利率情况下,某些资产或负债的利率会随市场利率的变化而改变。资产或负债的利率敏感性可用其收益或成本对利率变化的调整时间长短来测量。通过同业市场拆入或拆出资金,其利率敏感度最高。敏感性最低的是长期固定利率的资产和负债。 2、"缺口"模型 3、持续期模型 position for future reference. Installation using special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of ? 0.10MM, qualified before the official lifting. Hoisting of the rotor dynamic and static clearance should be measured, rotors check clearance to prevent rotor colliding. stationary blade carrier, diaphragm and sealing upper cylinder on the inside and install the mounting bolts, bolts and bolt holes in the surface should be coated with molybdenum disulfide. Follow the manufacturers stamp marked to install good sealing ring and spring. Check the sealing ring and spring plate, shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Bolt: ... Measurement with measurement tools, special tools, temporary connection bolts and connection tool equipped and in good condition. The rotor shaft to have fixed, such as thrust, bearing plates fixed installation, in case of wear of the rotor is too large. The coupling gasket check measurements: measured data processing according to gasket, clean the coupling gasket surface clean and Burr-free, check the coupling gasket thickness data, shim thickness deviation of ? 0.02mm, parallel degree deviation of ? 0.02mm. Coupling temporary bolts ready: preparing 4-8 bolt diameter coupling bolt hole diameter 0.5-1.0mm. shaft coupling General requirements in both the relative position of the flange according to the manufacturer's mark, if there is no mark, two flange scoop bias complement each other and take care of the bolt hole alignment, hit the mark as basis for alignment and coupling is finally being joined. Each measurement in the two couplings along
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