首页 2010年度夏雪新会计工作总结



2010年度夏雪新会计工作总结2010年度夏雪新会计工作总结 2010年度会计工作总结 2010年~本人在总公司、各分公司领导及同事们的帮助指导下~通过自身的努力~个人无论是在敬业精神、思想境界~还是在业务素质、工作能力上都得到很大提高~圆满地完成了领导赋予的各项工作任务~并取得了一定的工作成绩~现将本人一年以来的工作、学习情况汇报如下: 一、主要个人情况 1.加强业务学习,提高工作能力 我是2008年从泉州华侨大学的会计专业毕业的~刚到公司时是一名初出茅庐、没有任何经验的会计人员~我深知会计是一项专业性相当强的工作~在这么重要的岗位...

2010年度夏雪新会计 工作总结 关于社区教育工作总结关于年中工作总结关于校园安全工作总结关于校园安全工作总结关于意识形态工作总结 2010年度会计工作总结 2010年~本人在总公司、各分公司领导及同事们的帮助指导下~通过自身的努力~个人无论是在敬业精神、思想境界~还是在业务素质、工作能力上都得到很大提高~圆满地完成了领导赋予的各项工作任务~并取得了一定的工作成绩~现将本人一年以来的工作、学习情况汇报如下: 一、主要个人情况 1.加强业务学习,提高工作能力 我是2008年从泉州华侨大学的会计专业毕业的~刚到公司时是一名初出茅庐、没有任何经验的会计人员~我深知会计是一项专业性相当强的工作~在这么重要的岗位担任会计人员~我感到肩头的担子是沉重的~压力是极大的。有压力才有动力~紧张而又充实的工作氛围给予了我积极向上的动力~任何一项业务核算对于我来说就像是崭新的一页。每当工作中遇到棘手的问题~我都虚心向其他的会计请教~直到弄懂弄通为止~真正做到“三人行必有我师”~取别人之长~补已之短。 同时~为了能增强自己的工作实践能力~我还利用业余时间自学了《EXCEL在财务工作中的应用》等 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 籍~提高了自己的业务水平~丰富财务理论知识~为更好地做好公司财务工作打下了坚实的基础。在2008年6月份~我刚接触用友软件系统时~每办理一笔业务需要2分钟以上~而现在办理一笔业务只需要不到1分钟。 2.勤奋敬业,热情服务 Beijing-Zhuhai Expressway viaduct. 6m vehicular pavement width of 3, the new society, the Earth filling rolled, and 30cm four-base +9cm thick asphalt concrete pavement; construction of pioneer road in 6m, Pu 30cm four-base. 4, Wan Lai Road, Yangzi crossing set a washing trough, construction vehicles must be washed in order to play. 5, traffic measures (1) during construction, face road entrances and set up road marks and warning marks, and traffic safety officer on duty 24 hours, to ensure the safety of passers-by and residents. (2) during construction, prohibition of construction vehicles and miscellaneous personnel access to the construction site to ensure safety. (3) the initiative to get in touch with the police departments, cooperate with the police in her crossing main entrance directing traffic to divert vehicles, guide the people. (4) on residential areas, such as along the pedestrian entrance, warning signs, and someone on duty to ensure pedestrians stay safe. 6, transportation system, floor plan attached 12, rationalization proposal 1, the first section of southern and Northern road parcels mixed lane portrait has a combined sewer pipes, recommended drain Michihira moved to the sidewalk outside the green zone, reducing pavement covers and makes mix-lane roadbed. Synchronous crushed stone seal coat of asphalt 2, design for 0.9kg/m2, but does not indicate the bitumen, based on past experience, such as the use of heavy-traffic asphalt, recommends that the asphalt content for 1.5kg/m2-1.8kg/m2 to ensure project quality 在会计工作中~本人始终以敬业、热情、耐心的态度投入到本职工作中。面对公司业务量大、品种多、结算复杂的情况~严格要求各分公司的会计及业务人员按照《财务管理办法》的规定~从报销单的登记到业务员考核工资的核算~都遵守财务保密 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 ~对未公开的财务数据严格保密~决不泄漏。 3.遵纪守法,廉洁自律,树立财务工作者的良好形象 本人一年来~认真学习《廉政准则》~坚持以自律为本~以廉洁奉公为起点~正确处理“自律”与“他律”的关系~在实际工作中严格遵守法纪~时刻以反面 教材 民兵爆破地雷教材pdf初中剪纸校本课程教材衍纸校本课程教材排球校本教材中国舞蹈家协会第四版四级教材 警示自己~不断强化廉洁自律意识~努力做到“自重、自省、自警、自励”~树立了财务工作者的良好形象~始终以饱满的精神状态投入到每一项工作中。 二、主要工作 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 (一)登记费用报销单 1、财务经理复核完报销单拿给我~把报销单编号登记到《费用登记明细》。 2、登记完拿给总经理审批~审批完~拿回来做财务与出纳交接单给出纳签字确认~把报销单给出纳~流程结束。 (二)核算业务员考核工资 1、找业务部输单员要当月的接单、发货、新客户,找往来会计要银行收款明细、现金收款明细、应收账款汇总表,找仓库小陈要退货表 2、根据上述表格核算业务员考核工资~算完发给财务经理审核 (三)做收支平衡表 Beijing-Zhuhai Expressway viaduct. 6m vehicular pavement width of 3, the new society, the Earth filling rolled, and 30cm four-base +9cm thick asphalt concrete pavement; construction of pioneer road in 6m, Pu 30cm four-base. 4, Wan Lai Road, Yangzi crossing set a washing trough, construction vehicles must be washed in order to play. 5, traffic measures (1) during construction, face road entrances and set up road marks and warning marks, and traffic safety officer on duty 24 hours, to ensure the safety of passers-by and residents. (2) during construction, prohibition of construction vehicles and miscellaneous personnel access to the construction site to ensure safety. (3) the initiative to get in touch with the police departments, cooperate with the police in her crossing main entrance directing traffic to divert vehicles, guide the people. (4) on residential areas, such as along the pedestrian entrance, warning signs, and someone on duty to ensure pedestrians stay safe. 6, transportation system, floor plan attached 12, rationalization proposal 1, the first section of southern and Northern road parcels mixed lane portrait has a combined sewer pipes, recommended drain Michihira moved to the sidewalk outside the green zone, reducing pavement covers and makes mix-lane roadbed. Synchronous crushed stone seal coat of asphalt 2, design for 0.9kg/m2, but does not indicate the bitumen, based on past experience, such as the use of heavy-traffic asphalt, recommends that the asphalt content for 1.5kg/m2-1.8kg/m2 to ensure project quality 1、根据往来会计发来的银行收款明细、现金收款明细整理出收支平衡表 2、做完发给财务经理审核 (四)做保税仓库 1、做保税仓库明细表、登记报关单、做生产通知单、开出入库单 2、做完与报关员核对余额 (五)做每星期六财务部例会的会议纪要 三、存在的不足 2010年是紧张而繁忙的一年~自己所取得了一些成绩~除了自己努力工作外~更主要是领导指导和同事们帮助的结果~但这些成绩离公司的要求还有较大的差距~还存在许多不足。一是学习的深度和广度还需要加强,二是遇到困难强调客观原因较多~没有充分发挥主观能动性,三是还有算错业务员工资的事情~不过已经改进很少出现了。上述不足~自己决心在今后的工作中将认真加以改正。 总之~在2010年的工作中~自己学到了很多~也知道了自己有哪些不足~在2011年里我将吸取以往的教训~发扬自己的长处~扎扎实实的做好工作~希望能在2011年提交一份领导满意的答卷。 龙飞天下有限公司 夏雪新 2011年01月05日 Beijing-Zhuhai Expressway viaduct. 6m vehicular pavement width of 3, the new society, the Earth filling rolled, and 30cm four-b-3- ase +9cm thick asphalt concrete pavement; construction of pioneer road in 6m, Pu 30cm four-base. 4, Wan Lai Road, Yangzi crossing set a washing trough, construction vehicles must be washed in order to play. 5, traffic measures (1) during construction, face road entrances and set up road marks and warning marks, and traffic safety officer on duty 24 hours, to ensure the safety of passers-by and residents. (2) during construction, prohibition of construction vehicles and miscellaneous personnel access to the construction site to ensure safety. (3) the initiative to get in touch with the police departments, cooperate with the police in her crossing main entrance directing traffic to divert vehicles, guide the people. (4) on residential areas, such as along the pedestrian entrance, warning signs, and someone on duty to ensure pedestrians stay safe. 6, transportation system, floor plan attached 12, rationalization proposal 1, the first section of southern and Northern road parcels mixed lane portrait has a combined sewer pipes, recommended drain Michihira moved to the sidewalk outside the green zone, reducing pavement covers and makes mix-lane roadbed. Synchronous crushed stone seal coat of asphalt 2, design for 0.9kg/m2, but does not indicate the bitumen, based on past experience, such as the use of heavy-traffic asphalt, recommends that the asphalt content for 1.5kg/m2-1.8kg/m2 to ensure project quality
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