首页 牛津译林版七年级下Unit6OutdoorFun全程学案



牛津译林版七年级下Unit6OutdoorFun全程学案牛津译林版七年级下Unit6OutdoorFun全程学案 Unit 6 Outdoor fun 经过 名词 击中,撞 野营 注意,察觉 足够的,充分的 骑自行车运动 使惊奇,使措手不及 介词 骑马 在...旁边,靠近 开始变得,变成 溜冰 决定 到...里面 家兔 进入 穿过,通过 洞 忘记 向,朝 手表 伸手(脚)够到 其他 侧,边 爬,攀登 哎呀,天哪 帐篷 失败 她自己 木头,木材 形容词 词组 一段时间,时期 户外的 快点,赶快 朝代,王朝 独自的,单独的 站起身,起立 世纪,百...

牛津译林版七年级下Unit6OutdoorFun全程学案 Unit 6 Outdoor fun 经过 名词 击中,撞 野营 注意,察觉 足够的,充分的 骑自行车运动 使惊奇,使措手不及 介词 骑马 在...旁边,靠近 开始变得,变成 溜冰 决定 到...里面 家兔 进入 穿过,通过 洞 忘记 向,朝 手 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 伸手(脚)够到 其他 侧,边 爬,攀登 哎呀,天哪 帐篷 失败 她自己 木头,木材 形容词 词组 一段时间,时期 户外的 快点,赶快 朝代,王朝 独自的,单独的 站起身,起立 世纪,百年 低的,矮的 逃脱,离开 省 锁上的 通过 动词 意大利的 搭,竖立 急忙,匆忙 激动地 从那时起 抱怨 甜的 手机 骑 副词 一点,少许 经过,通过 那么,那样 太...而不能 落下,掉落 在外面 Part 1 (P68 -69) 课前自主学习 I. 重点单词 1.户外的_____________ 2.赶快__________ 3.抱怨___________ 4.那么,那样____________ 5.野营_____________ 6.骑自行车运动_____________ 7.骑马_______________ 8.溜冰_________ 9.骑(马,自行车等)_____________ 10.在外面______________ II. 重点词组 1.快点,赶快________________________2.太重了___________________3.帮我提着它______________________ 4.抱怨太多了________________________5.那么重___________________6.户外乐趣________________________ 7.户外活动__________________________8.去骑马___________________9.去野营__________________________ 10.喜欢呆在外面_____________________________11.美丽的湖泊和小山__________________________________ 课堂 知识点 高中化学知识点免费下载体育概论知识点下载名人传知识点免费下载线性代数知识点汇总下载高中化学知识点免费下载 拨 1.You complain too much. 译:___________________________________________ 解析1 too much --- 太多,过分(副词短语,修饰动词) 链接 too much ---太多的…(修饰不可数名词) 辨析 too many ---太多的… (修饰可数名词) 练习 a. 在这上面你不必花太多钱。You don’t ________ ______ spend ________ ________ money ______ it. b. 昨天我买了太多的蔬菜。I __________ _______ _______ _________________ yesterday. c. 晚会不要过分准备。_________ prepare ________ ________ ________ the party. 解析2 complain --- 抱怨(不及物动词) 链接 complain to sb. --- 向某人抱怨complain about sth. --- 抱怨某事 练习 a. She never complains to us about her hard (艰难的) life. 译:_________________________________________ b.不要总是抱怨你的作业太多。_______ always _________ ________ your _______ _______ homework. 2. ---What do you like about camping.? ---I like being outside. 译:________________________________________ 解析 What do/ does + 主语+ like about...,--- 喜欢...的什么(方面)? 练习 a.---你喜欢中国的什么,---人民和美食. ______ ____ you ______ _______ China? _________ and ________. b. Lily喜欢二中什么方面,---乐于助人的老师和友好的学生。 _______ _______ Lily _______ ________ No.2 Middle School? _________ teachers and _________ student. Part 2 (P70 -72) 课前自主学习 I. 重点单词 1.家兔__________ 2.洞__________ 3.在...旁边,靠近__________4.经过;通过___________ 5.经过_______________ 6.哎呀,天哪___________7.手表_________________8.落下,掉落__________ 9.到达;击中,撞________________ 10.她自己________________ 11.独自,单独___________ 12.低的,矮的__________ 13.锁上的________________ 14.注意,察觉______________15.到...里面____________16.侧,边_____________17.穿过,通过_______________ 18.使惊奇,使措手不及_____________ II. 重点词语 1.站起身,起立____________________ 2.逃脱,离开_____________________ 3.通过________________________ 4.一个阳光灿烂的日子_________________ 5.坐在河边__________________ 6.听见一个声音__________________ 7.向上看____________8.一只穿着大衣的白兔__________________________________9.走过_________________ 10.从它兜里掏出一块表________________________________________11.看了看时间________________________ 12.跟着兔子穿过田野____________________________________13.跳进一个大洞___________________________ 14.下落很长时间____________________________________15.撞到了地面上________________________________ 16.发现她独自一人__________________________________17.到处________________________________________ 18.把钥匙插到里面_____________________________19.在(两边的)另外一边_______________________________ 20.努力穿过那扇门_____________________________21.用钥匙来打开小门_________________________________ 课堂知识点拨 1. She looked up and saw a white rabbit in a coat passing by. 译:_________________________________________ 解析1 look up --- 向上看;(在词典中)查找 链接 look for --- __________ look after --- 照顾;保管 look at… --- 看… look out --- 向外看;小心 练习 a.向上看,你就能看见蓝天白云。______ _____, and ______ _______ _____the blue sky and white clouds. b.恐怕你得在词典里查这个词。I’m ______ you _____ ___ ______ ____the word in the dictionary. 解析2 see sb. doing sth. --- 看见某人正在干某事 链接 see sb do sth. --- 看见某人干某事 练习 a.我去年经常看见Bob乘地铁去上学。I often ______ Bob _____ to school _____ underground ______ _______. b.刚才我看见Bob正在乘地铁去上学。I _______ Bob ________ to school _____ underground _____ ______. 解析3 pass --- 经过,通过;传,递 pass by --- 经过,过去 链接 pass sth to sb. = pass sb. ath.--- 把某物递给某人 练习 a. 刚才他看见一辆公交车正在经过。 He _______ a bus _________ _____ _______ _______. b. 明天我将让Lucy把这封信递给你。 I will ________ Lucy _____ ________ the letter _______ you tomorrow. 2 解析4 by --- 经过(副词);在…旁边;不迟于;通过…方式 (介词) 练习 a. Suddenly, he heard someone walk by quickly. 译:____________________________________________ b. There’re some children playing by the river. 译:_____________________________________________ c. By 1935, there’re about 2,000 TVs in use. 译:_______________________________________________ d. You can learn English by listening to songs. 译:______________________________________________ e. They went to England by plane last month. 译:______________________________________________ 2. Alice did not want to let the rabbit get away, so she jumped down the hole too. 译:________________________________________________________________ 解析1 let sb. do sth. --- 让某人干某事 链接 make sb do sth. --- 使某人干某事 练习 a. 让我们后天去湖上划船吧。 ______ ____ _______ a boat _____ the lake _____ _____ _______ _________. b. 这个有趣的故事使我们哈哈大笑。The __________ story ________ _____ _________. 解析2 so --- 因此,所以(连词) 注意 英语 关于好奇心的名言警句英语高中英语词汇下载高中英语词汇 下载英语衡水体下载小学英语关于形容词和副词的题 中,连词so 和because不能同时出现在一个句子中 练习 a. It's cold outside, so I have to stay at home. (同义句) ? __________ it’s cold, I have to stay at home. b. He was late for my party, because he took the wrong bus. (同义句) ? He took the wrong bus, ________ he was late for my party. 链接 so --- 那么,那样(副词) 同义词 --- that 练习 a. 别担心~这个包没有那么重。________ _________. The bag isn't _______/_______ ________. b. 这个老人不能走那么远。The old man _______ _______ _______/_______ _______. 3. She found herself alone in a long, low hall. 译:_____________________________________________________ 解析 alone --- 独自的,单独的(形容词) 拓展 alone --- 独自地,单独地(副词) 练习 a.人们注意到这位老人总是独自一个人在家。People _________ the old man _____ always _______ at home. b. Amy不敢独自走夜路。Amy _____ ________ to _______ _________ at night. 4. There were doors all around, but they were all locked. 译:__________________________________________ 解析 all around --- 四周,到处 locked --- 锁着的(形容词) 链接 lock --- 锁(名词);上锁(动词) 练习 a. 他两个小时前用锁把门锁上了。He ________ the door ________ the ________ two hours ________. b. 看~这个门没有锁。 Look! The door _______ _________. 5. Alice saw a small key on the table, but it didn't fit any of the doors. 译:______________________________________________________ 解析 fit --- 适合(动词) 链接 fit --- 合适的,健康的(形容词) 练习 a. 这双鞋很适合我穿。This _______ _____ shoes _______ me very well. b. 这些玩具很适合这些孩子们。The toys ________ the children ______ ________. c. 我们应该学会如何保持健康。We ________ learn ______ ______ ________ ______. 6. Then Alice noticed a small door and put the key into it. 译:___________________________________________ 解析1 notice --- 觉察到,注意到(感官动词) notice --- 通知(名词) 链接 notice sb. do sth. --- 注意到某人干了某事 notice sb. doing sth. --- 注意到某人正在干某事 练习 a. 墙上有一张通知。There ______ _____ _________ ______ the wall. b. 刚才我注意到Lily锁上了门。 I _________ Lily _________ the door _______ ________. c. 我注意到一个穿红衣服的男孩正在经过。 I _________ a boy _____ ______ _________ ______. 解析2 into --- 进入...里(强调动态) 链接 in --- 在...里(强调静态) 练习 a. 一个男孩正走进教室。 A boy ______ _________ _______ the classroom. b. 教室里有一个男孩。 ________ ______ a boy ______ the classroom. 7. Alice tried to go through the door, but she was too big. 译:________________________________________ 3 ____ 解析1 try --- 尝试,努力 链接 try to do sth. --- 努力干某事 拓展 try doing sth. --- 尝试干某事 练习 a. 我一直盼望着尝试一下独自做饭。 I always look forward to ___________ ___________ alone. b. 如果你努力学英语,你就能上大学。____ you _______ ____ learn English, you can ____ ____ __________. 解析2 through (介) ---(从物体内部)穿过 辨析 across (介) ---(从物体表面横向)穿过 over---(从物体上面)跨过 练习 a. 看~一个老太太正在过马路。Look! _____ old woman is going __________ the road. b. 一个八岁的小男孩正在穿过窗户进房间。____ 8-year-old boy is going _________ the window into the room. c. The two boys jumped over the wall and ran away. 译:______________________________________________ 8. Alice opened a small door with the key. 译:___________________________________________ 解析 with --- 用…(介词) 链接 with --- 和…;伴随;带有…(介词) 练习 a. I slept with my parents when I was young. 译:___________________________________________________ b. They own a big house with a beautiful garden. 译:________________________________________________ c. You mustn’t draw on the wall with chalk. 译:____________________________________________________ Part 3 (P73-74) 课前自主学习 重点单词 1.搭,竖立________ 2.帐篷_____________ 3.和他的朋友们练习打排球________________________________ 4.昨天下午______________________5.呆在家里____________________________ 6.上周__________________ 7.上月____________8.在湖边搭帐篷__________________________9.整夜呆在外边________________________ 语法知识点拨(一般过去式 ) 1.含有be 动词的一般过去式的句式变化: 句式 构成 例句 肯定句 主语+was/were+其它+过去的时间状语 They ________ (be) young 10 years ago. 否定句 主语+was/were +not+其它+过去的时间状语 I ________ (be not) at school yesterday. 一般疑问句 Was/Were +主语+其它+过去的时间状语, ________ (be) you born(出生) in 1999? Yes,主语+was/were. Yes, I ________. / No. I __________ . No, 主语+wasn't/weren't. ________ (be) they happy? Yes, they ________. 特殊疑问句 特殊疑问词 + 一般疑问句, Where _______ (be) your father last Sunday? 2.含有行为动词一般过去式的句式变化: 句式 构成 例句 肯定句 主语+过去式+其它+过去的时间状语 He _______ (play) basketball yesterday. 否定句 主语+did not/didn't+动原+其它+过去的时间状语 They ___________(not work) in the shop last year. 一般疑问句 Did+主语+动原+其它+过去的时间状语 _______ he ________ (borrow) the book just now? 肯定回答:Yes,主语+did. Yes, they _______. / No, they _________. 否定回答:No,主语+didn't. 特殊疑问句 疑问词+一般疑问句, When _______ he ______ (go) to work yesterday? 句型转换: 1. There were some tigers in the forest.(变为否定句) ? There _________ _______ tigers in the forest. 4 2. Kate was in the classroom just now.(一般疑问,否定回答)______ Kate in the classroom just now? No, _____ ______. 3. I was born in Xinxiang. (对划线部分提问) _________ ________ _______ born? 4. I asked my father to fix my desk the day before yesterday. (改为一般疑问句) ______ _______ _____ your father to fix ________ desk the day before yesterday? 5. She spent two hours reading the book this morning.(改为否定句) She ______ _______ two hours ______ the book this morning. 6. I came to school at 7:20 am yesterday morning. (对划线部分提问) ________ _______ _______ you ________ to school yesterday morning? 7. Bob will buy some pens in the shop next Sunday. (把next Sunday改为last Sunday) Bob ________ some pens in the shop ________ __________. 8. Does Tom often play football? (加上when引导的时间状语) _______ Tom often ________ football when he was 10 years old? Part 4 (P75-76) 课前自主学习 I. 重点单词 1.木头,木材___________ 2.一段时间,时期___________ 3.朝代,王朝_____________ 4.世纪,百年___________ 5.意大利的__________ 6.省___________ 7.手机___________ 8.感到激动的__________ 9.从那以后_____________ II. 重点词语 7.in the Eastern Han dynasty____________________ 1.有着悠久的历史______________________________ 8.一个造纸的新方法__________________________ 2.开始扎风筝__________________________________ th 3. in the Warring States period _____________________ 9.in the 13century ___________________________ 4.make a bird out of wood_________________________ 10.一个叫…的意大利人__________________________ 5.历史上第一个风筝_____________________________ 11.变成一项非常流行的活动______________________ 6.用竹子扎风筝_________________________________ 12.become famous for…__________________________ 课堂知识点拨 1…a famous man made a bird out of wood. 译:________________________________________________ 解析 make sth. out of sth. --- 用某种材料制做成某物 = use sth. to make sth. 练习 a. His student used bamboo to make kites. = His student ________ ________ ______ ______ _________. b.中国人很久以前就会用木材造纸。 Chinese _________ make ________ _____ _____ _______ a long time ______. = Chinese ________ ________ _____ make _________ a long time ______. c. 我妈妈会用橘子做灯笼。My mother can ________ lanterns _______ _______ _________. 2. He found a new way to make paper. 译:_____________________________________________________ 解析 a way to do sth. --- 一个做某事的方法(动词不定式做后置定语) 链接 on one’s way to… ---_______________ 练习 a. He tries to find a good way to learn English. 译:____________________________________________ b.朗读是学英语的最佳方法。_________ is ______ best ________ ______ learn English. 3. Weifang, a city in Shangdong Province, has become famous for making kites from then on. 译:_________________________________________________________________________ 解析1 become famous for…--- 因为…而变得出名 练习 a. 十年前姚明因为NBA而出名。Yao Ming _________ _________ _____ ________basketball 10 years ______. 5 b. 因为大熊猫中国世界闻名。China ________ _________ ______ pandas _____ _______ _____ _________. 解析2 from then on --- 从那以后 思考 from now on --- ________________ 练习 a. 从那以后,她再也不怕蛇了。She _______ ________ ____ snakes _____ ______ _______ ______ ____. b. 从今往后,我打算努力学习。I ____ ________ _____ learn English _______ ______ ______. 4. I am so excited. 译:______________________________________ 解析 excited --- (感到)激动的(形容词)常用来修饰人 链接 exciting --- 令人激动的(形容词)常用来修饰事物 练习 a. 这本书使我感到激动。 The book ________ ______ __________. b. 昨天的比赛令人激动。___________ match ________ ___________. c. 学生们听到这个令人兴奋的消息很激动. The students _________ all very __________ when they __________ the ____________ news. 5. It's dangerous to swim in the lake. 译:________________________________________________ 解析 It's + 形容词 + (for sb) + to do sth. --- (对某人来说)做某事是...的 练习 a.对我们来说把英语学好很重要。_______ ___________ _____us _____ _________ English well. b.对Bob来说做数学作业很难。 _______ ___________ _____ Bob ______ _______ math homework. 6. Remember to take your mobile phone. 译:___________________________________________ 解析 remember to do sth. --- 记得去干某事(事情还没做) 辨析 remember doing sth. --- 记得干过某事(事情已做) 拓展 forget to do sth. --- ___________________ forget doing sth. --- _____________________ 练习 a. Tom~Remember to lock the door when you leave. 译:____________________________________________ b. I remember locking the door, but it is open now. 译:_______________________________________________ c. 昨天他忘记写作业了。He _________ ____ ______ his homework yesterday. d. 真有趣他忘记写过作业了。It’s _________ that he ___________ ___________ his homework. Part 5 (P78 -79) I. 重点单词 1一点,少许___________ 2.甜的_____________ 3.开始变得,变成___________ 4.足够的,充分的______________ 5.决定___________ 6.进入__________7.向,朝___________8.忘记___________9.太...而不能..._________________ 10.伸手够到_____________11.爬,攀登_____________12.失败____________ II. 重点词语 1.回到桌子那儿________________ 6.向下看____________________ 10.决定进到花园里 2.喝了一点___________________ 7.变得越来越小 ___________________________ 3.尝起来甜的_________________ __________________________ 11.朝那扇门走去_______________ 4.又喝了一些__________________ 8.足够小_____________________ 12.伸手够钥匙_________________ 5.感觉有点不舒服 9.穿过那扇门 13.努力爬上去_________________ ___________________________ ____________________________ 14.一块蛋糕.__________________ 课堂知识点拨 1. Alice didn’t know what to do. 译:___________________________________________ 思考 what to do 在句中作动词know的______语。 练习 a. Do you know how to use it? 译:______________________________________ b. 我不知道首先做什么。I don’t know _______ _______ _______ _________. c. 你能告诉我们下一步去哪儿吗, _______ you _______ us _________ _____ _____ next? 2. A note on the table said "DRINK ME". 译:___________________________________________ 6 解析 said --- say --- 说…(强调说的 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 ), 此处say是习惯用法,英语中还有:信上说;书上说;通知上说…… 辨析 tell --- 告诉 speak --- 说话,说语言 talk (about) --- 谈论 练习 a.Bob自言自语说:“太奇怪了。” Bob _______ ____ __________, ‘It’s ____________’. b.我打算告诉你一些奇怪的事。 I am going to ________ you ___________ ___________. c.学生们说好英语是很重要的。 It's __________ that students _________ _________ ___________. d.他们正在讨论各种各样的动物。 They ________ _________ ________ all ________ _____ animals. 3. She looked down and saw that her body became smaller and smaller. 译:_______________________________________________________ 解析 look down --- 向下看 smaller and smaller---越来越小 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf 比较级 + and + 比较级 --- 越来越... 练习 a.That boy is becoming fatter and fatter. 译:_________________________________________ b. Tom runs faster and faster. 译:______________________________________ 3. Soon Alice was small enough to go through the door, so she decided to enter the garden. 译:__________________________________________________________________ 解析 形容词/副词 + enough to do sth. --- 足够...去干某事 decide to do sth. --- 决定干某事 enter --- 进入(动词) = go into 练习 a.这个男孩壮得足够去搬这个箱子。 The boy is _________ _________ ______ _________ the box. b.她年龄够大可以去上学了。 She is ________ __________ _____ go to school. c.我决定明年去环游世界。 I _________ _____ ___________ __________ the world ________ _________. d.这个画家决定用粉笔画三D画。 The artist __________ _____ draw 3-D pictures _______ ________. 4. When she walked towards the door, she forgot about the key. 译:________________________________________________________ 解析1 towards --- 向,朝(只表示朝某个方向,并不意味着到达) 辨析 to --- 朝,向(含有到达之意) 练习 a.这些窗户都朝南。The window are all _________ _________. b.我刚才去了图书馆。I ________ _______ the library ________ ________. 解析2 forget (about) sth.--- 忘记某事 链接 forget doing sth. --- 忘记干过某事 forget to do sth. --- 忘记去干某事 练习 a. Tom always forgets his homework on weekends. 译:_____________________________________ b. Tom忘记已经把窗户关上了。 Tom ___________ ___________ the windows. c.当你离开的时候不要忘记关窗户。 Don’t ________ _____ ________ the windows _______ you ________. 5. Alice had to go back to the table, but she was too small to reach the key. 译:______________________________ 解析 go back to… --- 回到… reach --- (伸手;脚)够到… __________________________________ too + 形容词/副词+ to do sth. --- 太...而不能做某事 = not + 形容词/副词 + enough to do sth. 练习 a.我够不着树上的苹果。 I ________ _________ the apples _____ _______ _______. b.这个男孩太胖了而跑不快。 The boy is ______ _______ ______ _______ fast. c.你太小了不能上学。 You are _______ _________ ______ go to school. = You are _______ _______ enough ______ go to school. d.他太矮了,够不到树上的苹果。He is ________ ________ ______ ________ the apples ______ the tree. = He is ______ _______ enough ______ ________ the apples ______ the tree. d.那张床太小了,Alice不能谁在上面。The bed is____ _________ for Alice _____ _________ on it = The bed _______ _______ enough for Alice _____ _________ on it. She's going off about something that you said. You're on the phone with your girl friend, she's upset. She doesn't, get your humor like I do... 7 I'm in the room. It's a typical Tuesday night. You say you're fine. I know you better than that. I'm listening to the kind of music she doesn't like Hey watch doing with a girl like that. and she'll never know your story like I do ... She wears high heels. I wear sneak‎‎ers. But she wears short skirts. I wear T-shirts. She’s cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers. She's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers. Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find that Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find what you're looking for has been here the whole time. what you're looking for has been here the whole time. If you could see that I'm the one who understands you been If you could see that I'm the one who understands you here all along so why can't you see. You belong with me. been here all along so why can't you see. >>>Standing by and waiting at your back door You belong with me. You belong with me. >>>all this time how could you not know baby.You belong… WalkinOh I remember you driving the streets with you and your worn-out jeans. g to my house in the middle of I can't help thinking this is how it ought to be. the night. I'm the one who makes you laugh. Laughing on a park bench, thinking to myself. When you know you're about to cry and I know your Hey isn't this easy and you’ve got a smile that could favorite songs. And you tell me about your dreams. light up this whole town. Think I know where you belong. Think I know it's with me... Can't you see that I'm the one who understands you been here all along. So why can't you see. I haven't seen it in a while since she brought you down You belong with me <<< 8
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