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内蒙古大学学年论文格式内蒙古大学学年论文格式 cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Digging holes, hoisting, Dado, residue used in transportation of all equipment, facilities, safety equipment, gas masks, accessories, materials and personal protective equipme...

内蒙古大学学年论文格式 cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Digging holes, hoisting, Dado, residue used in transportation of all equipment, facilities, safety equipment, gas masks, accessories, materials and personal protective equipment must be checked before use, ensure the safety of use; Every day must be in service for toxic gas detection and record, consistent with requirements to lower production; Excavation pile construction of excavation process must have special care; Intervals the excavation hole pile on the required distance to dig, dig deep each 500-1000mm wall once; Section one wall higher than hole 250mm, required opening protection facilities; Lighting hole job safety miner's lamp or the safety voltage of 12 volts; Lower personnel must wear helmets, seat belts, by the rigid ladder, into the hole after work or job, you must set 1.2m high fence around the hole and gaikongkou; Digging when pumping, operating personnel must be on the ground before they can be carried out after the pump power supply must be disconnected; 10, acceptance may be homework, not qualified for acceptance or acceptance not made the next processes work. Site specific security disclosure disclosure signatures; 11, targeted the construction site safety disclosure; 12, the other. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Earthwork construction technology to give the low-down (reference tables) 4-2-2 construction organization name project name the construction site construction requirements of security technical cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Manual excavation should be from the top down, layer-by-layer excavation dig gods Earth is strictly prohibited, there should be adequate lighting at night; Deep Foundation pit when soil wall changes at any time, if there are any large cracks had to stop construction, reporting to the project manager for processing; In the pit or deep in work, must wear a helmet, no dirt and other objects above fall head injury, in the event of groundwater seepage, water well should be excluded; At the side, if there are any unidentifiable goods or prior did not foresee the coming of cables, pipes and so on, should stop operations, reporting to the superior, no knocking or play with; Artificial lift dirt, you should review the tools, ropes, hook is solid, lifting vertical and not someone, wheel, should be the formation of walkways, to remove barriers; Underwater operations to strictly check the electrical zero connection and leakage protection switch, cable should be in good condition and wear PPE; Slope, to be carried out in accordance with the requirements, and cannot concentrate too much, such as when the soil is poor, shall assign a person in custody; Acceptance can be carried out operations, acceptance or unqualified acceptance not made 内蒙古大学本科毕业论文(设计)撰写 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 (试行) 本科毕业论文(设计)是本科教学 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 的重要组成部分,是高等学校培养学生综合运用本学科的基本理论、专业知识和基本技能,提高分析和解决实际问题的能力的重要环节。为了统一和规范我校本科生毕业论文(设计)的写作,保证我校本科生毕业论文(设计)的质量,根据《中华人民共和国国家标准科学技术 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 、学位论文和学术论文的编写格式》(国家标准GB7713-87)的规定,参照其他高校有关规定,特制定《内蒙古大学本科生毕业论文(设计)撰写规范》。 一、内容要求 (一)论文题目 论文题目应该简短、明确、有概括性。读者通过题目,能大致了解论文的内容、专业的特点和学科的范畴。但字数要适当,一般不宜超过20字。必要时可加副标题。 (二)摘要与关键词 1、论文摘要 论文摘要应概括地反映出毕业论文(设计)的目的、内容、方法、成果和结论。摘要中不宜使用cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Digging holes, hoisting, Dado, residue used in transportation of all equipment, facilities, safety equipment, gas masks, accessories, materials and personal protective equipment must be checked before use, ensure the safety of use; Every day must be in service for toxic gas detection and record, consistent with requirements to lower production; Excavation pile construction of excavation process must have special care; Intervals the excavation hole pile on the required distance to dig, dig deep each 500-1000mm wall once; Section one wall higher than hole 250mm, required opening protection facilities; Lighting hole job safety miner's lamp or the safety voltage of 12 volts; Lower personnel must wear helmets, seat belts, by the rigid ladder, into the hole after work or job, you must set 1.2m high fence around the hole and gaikongkou; Digging when pumping, operating personnel must be on the ground before they can be carried out after the pump power supply must be disconnected; 10, acceptance may be homework, not qualified for acceptance or acceptance not made the next processes work. Site specific security disclosure disclosure signatures; 11, targeted the construction site safety disclosure; 12, the other. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Earthwork construction technology to give the low-down (reference tables) 4-2-2 construction organization name project name the construction site construction requirements of security technical cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Manual excavation should be from the top down, layer-by-layer excavation dig gods Earth is strictly prohibited, there should be adequate lighting at night; Deep Foundation pit when soil wall changes at any time, if there are any large cracks had to stop construction, reporting to the project manager for processing; In the pit or deep in work, must wear a helmet, no dirt and other objects above fall head injury, in the event of groundwater seepage, water well should be excluded; At the side, if there are any unidentifiable goods or prior did not foresee the coming of cables, pipes and so on, should stop operations, reporting to the superior, no knocking or play with; Artificial lift dirt, you should review the tools, ropes, hook is solid, lifting vertical and not someone, wheel, should be the formation of walkways, to remove barriers; Underwater operations to strictly check the electrical zero connection and leakage protection switch, cable should be in good condition and wear PPE; Slope, to be carried out in accordance with the requirements, and cannot concentrate too much, such as when the soil is poor, shall assign a person in custody; Acceptance can be carried out operations, acceptance or unqualified acceptance not made cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Digging holes, hoisting, Dado, residue used in transportation of all equipment, facilities, safety equipment, gas masks, accessories, materials and personal protective equipment must be checked before use, ensure the safety of use; Every day must be in service for toxic gas detection and record, consistent with requirements to lower production; Excavation pile construction of excavation process must have special care; Intervals the excavation hole pile on the required distance to dig, dig deep each 500-1000mm wall once; Section one wall higher than hole 250mm, required opening protection facilities; Lighting hole job safety miner's lamp or the safety voltage of 12 volts; Lower personnel must wear helmets, seat belts, by the rigid ladder, into the hole after work or job, you must set 1.2m high fence around the hole and gaikongkou; Digging when pumping, operating personnel must be on the ground before they can be carried out after the pump power supply must be disconnected; 10, acceptance may be homework, not qualified for acceptance or acceptance not made the next processes work. Site specific security disclosure disclosure signatures; 11, targeted the construction site safety disclosure; 12, the other. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Earthwork construction technology to give the low-down (reference tables) 4-2-2 construction organization name project name the construction site construction requirements of security technical cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Manual excavation should be from the top down, layer-by-layer excavation dig gods Earth is strictly prohibited, there should be adequate lighting at night; Deep Foundation pit when soil wall changes at any time, if there are any large cracks had to stop construction, reporting to the project manager for processing; In the pit or deep in work, must wear a helmet, no dirt and other objects above fall head injury, in the event of groundwater seepage, water well should be excluded; At the side, if there are any unidentifiable goods or prior did not foresee the coming of cables, pipes and so on, should stop operations, reporting to the superior, no knocking or play with; Artificial lift dirt, you should review the tools, ropes, hook is solid, lifting vertical and not someone, wheel, should be the formation of walkways, to remove barriers; Underwater operations to strictly check the electrical zero connection and leakage protection switch, cable should be in good condition and wear PPE; Slope, to be carried out in accordance with the requirements, and cannot concentrate too much, such as when the soil is poor, shall assign a person in custody; Acceptance can be carried out operations, acceptance or unqualified acceptance not made 公式、图表,不标注引用文献编号。摘要以300,500字为宜(外文摘要与中文摘要相对应)。 2、关键词 关键词是供检索用的主题词条,应采用能覆盖论文主要内容的通用技术词条(参照相应的技术术语标准)。关键词一般为3,5个,按词条的外延层次排列(外延大的排在前面)。 3、目录 目录按章、节、条三级标题编写,要求标题层次清晰。目录中的标题要与正文中标题一致。目录中应包括绪论、论文主体、结论、致谢、参考文献、附录等。 4、论文正文 论文正文是毕业论文(设计)的主体和核心部分,一般应包括绪论、论文主体及结论等部分。 (1)绪论 绪论一般作为第一章,是毕业论文(设计)主体的开端。绪论应包括:毕业设计的背景及目的;国内外研究状况和相关领域中已有的研究成果;课题的研究方法;论文构成及研究内容等。 (2)论文主体 论文主体是毕业论文(设计)的主要部分,应该结构合理,层次清楚,重点突出,文字简练、通顺。论文主体的内容应包括以下各方面: (1) 毕业论文(设计)总体 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 设计与选择的论证。 (2) 毕业论文(设计)各部分(包括硬件与软件)的设计计算。 (3) 试验方案设计的可行性、有效性以及试验数据的处理及分析。 (4) 对本研究内容及成果应进行较全面、客观的理论阐述,应着重指出本研究内容the next processes work; 10, the construction site . 42-1 -construction organization name project name the construction site construction requirements of security technical cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Digging holes, hoisting, Dado, residue used in transportation of all equipment, facilities, safety equipment, gas masks, accessories, materials and personal protective equipment must be checked before use, ensure the safety of use; Every day must be in service for toxic gas detection and record, consistent with requirements to lower production; Excavation pile construction of excavation process must have special care; Intervals the excavation hole pile on the required distance to dig, dig deep each 5001000mm wall once; Section one wall higher than h-ole 250mm, required opening protection facilities; Lighting hole job safety miner's lamp or the safety voltage of 12 volts; Lower personnel must wear helmets, seat belts, by the rigid ladder, into the hole after work or job, you must set 1.2m high fence around the hole and gaikongkou; Digging when pumping, operating personnel must be on the ground before they can be carried out after the pump power supply must be disconnected; 10, acceptance may be homework, not qualified for acceptance or acceptance not made the next processes work. Site specific security disclosure disclosure signatures; 11, targeted the construction site safety disclosure; 12, the other. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Earthwork construction technology to give the lowdown (reference tables) 4-2-2 construction organization name project name the construction site construction requirements of security technical cards on -he table in accordance twith the construction plan operations; Manual excavation should be from the top down, layerby-layer excavation dig gods Earth is strictly prohibited, there should be adequate lighting at night; Deep Foundation pit when -soil wall changes at any time, if there are any large cracks had to stop construction, reporting to the project manager for processing; Inthe pit or deep in work, must wear a helmet, no dirt and other objects above fall head injury, in the event of groundwater se epage, water well should be excluded; At the side, if there are any unidentifiable goods or prior did not foresee the coming of cables, pipes and so on, should stop operations, reporting to the superior, no knocking or play with; Artificial lift dirt, youshoul d review the tools, ropes, hook is solid, lifting vertical and not someone, wheel, should be the formation of walkways, to remove barriers; Underwater operations to strictly check the electrical zero connection and leakage protection switch, cable should be in good condition and wear PPE; Slope, to be carried out in accordance with the requirements, and cannot concentrate too much, such as when the soil is poor, 2 cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Digging holes, hoisting, Dado, residue used in transportation of all equipment, facilities, safety equipment, gas masks, accessories, materials and personal protective equipment must be checked before use, ensure the safety of use; Every day must be in service for toxic gas detection and record, consistent with requirements to lower production; Excavation pile construction of excavation process must have special care; Intervals the excavation hole pile on the required distance to dig, dig deep each 500-1000mm wall once; Section one wall higher than hole 250mm, required opening protection facilities; Lighting hole job safety miner's lamp or the safety voltage of 12 volts; Lower personnel must wear helmets, seat belts, by the rigid ladder, into the hole after work or job, you must set 1.2m high fence around the hole and gaikongkou; Digging when pumping, operating personnel must be on the ground before they can be carried out after the pump power supply must be disconnected; 10, acceptance may be homework, not qualified for acceptance or acceptance not made the next processes work. Site specific security disclosure disclosure signatures; 11, targeted the construction site safety disclosure; 12, the other. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Earthwork construction technology to give the low-down (reference tables) 4-2-2 construction organization name project name the construction site construction requirements of security technical cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Manual excavation should be from the top down, layer-by-layer excavation dig gods Earth is strictly prohibited, there should be adequate lighting at night; Deep Foundation pit when soil wall changes at any time, if there are any large cracks had to stop construction, reporting to the project manager for processing; In the pit or deep in work, must wear a helmet, no dirt and other objects above fall head injury, in the event of groundwater seepage, water well should be excluded; At the side, if there are any unidentifiable goods or prior did not foresee the coming of cables, pipes and so on, should stop operations, reporting to the superior, no knocking or play with; Artificial lift dirt, you should review the tools, ropes, hook is solid, lifting vertical and not someone, wheel, should be the formation of walkways, to remove barriers; Underwater operations to strictly check the electrical zero connection and leakage protection switch, cable should be in good condition and wear PPE; Slope, to be carried out in accordance with the requirements, and cannot concentrate too much, such as when the soil is poor, shall assign a person in custody; Acceptance can be carried out operations, acceptance or unqualified acceptance not made 中的创新、改进与实际应用之处。理论分析中,应将他人研究成果单独书写,并注明出处,不得将其与本人提出的理论分析混淆在一起。对于将其他领域的理论、结果引用到本研究领域者,应说明该理论的出处,并论述引用的可行性与有效性。 (5) 自然科学的论文应推理正确,结论清晰,无科学性错误。 (6) 管理和人文学科的论文应包括对研究问题的论述及系统分析、比较研究、模型或方案设计、案例论证或实证分析、模型运行的结果分析或建议、改进措施等。 (3)结论 学位论文的结论单独作为一章排写,但不加章号。 结论是毕业论文(设计)的总结,是整篇论文的归宿。要求精炼、准确地阐述自己的创造性工作或新的见解及其意义和作用,还可进一步提出需要讨论的问题和建议。 5、致谢 致谢中主要感谢导师和对论文工作有直接贡献及帮助的人士和单位。 6、参考文献 按论文正文中出现的顺序列出直接引用的主要参考文献。 毕业论文(设计)的撰写应本着严谨求实的科学态度,凡有引用他人成果之处,均应按论文中所出现的先后次序列于参考文献中。并且只应列出正文中以标注形式引用或参考的有关著作和论文。一篇论著在论文中多处引用时,在参考文献中只应出现一次,序号以第一次出现的位置为准。 7、附录 对于一些不宜放入正文中、但作为毕业论文(设计)又是不可缺少的部分,或有重要参考价值的内容,可编入毕业论文(设计)的附录中。例如,过长的公式推导、重复性的cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Digging holes, hoisting, Dado, residue used in transportation of all equipment, facilities, safety equipment, gas masks, accessories, materials and personal protective equipment must be checked before use, ensure the safety of use; Every day must be in service for toxic gas detection and record, consistent with requirements to lower production; Excavation pile construction of excavation process must have special care; Intervals the excavation hole pile on the required distance to dig, dig deep each 5001000mm wall once; Section one wall higher than hole 250mm, required opening protection facilities; Lighting hole job safety m-iner's lamp or the safety voltage of 12 volts; Lower personnel must wear helmets, seat belts, by the rigid ladder, into the hole after work or job, you must set 1.2m high fence around the hole and gaikongkou; Digging when pumping, operating personnel must be on the ground before they can be carried out after the pump power supply must be disconnected; 10, acceptance may be homework, not qualified for acceptance or acceptance not made the next processes work. Site specific security disclosure disclosure signatures; 11, targeted the construction site safety disclosure; 12, the other. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Earthwork construction technology to give the lowdown (reference tables) 4-2-2 construction organization name project name the constr-uction site construction requirements of security technical cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Manual excavation should be from the top down, layerby--layer excavation dig gods Earth is strictly prohibited, there shouldbe adequate lighting at night; Deep Foundation pit when soil wall changes at any time, if there are any large cracks had to stop construction, reporting to the project manager for processing; In the pit or deep in work, must wear a helmet, nodirt and oth er objects above fall head injury, in the event of groundwater seepage, water well should be excluded; At the side, if there are any unidentifiable goods or prior did not foresee the coming of cables, pipes and so on, should stop operations, reporting to the superior, no knocking or play with; Artificial lift dirt, you should review the tools, ropes, hook is solid, lifting vertical and not someone, wheel, should be the formation of walkways, to remove barriers; Underwater operations to strictly check the electrical zero connection and leakage protection switch, cable should be in good condition and wear PPE; Slope, to be carried out in accordance with the requirements, and cannot concentrate too much, such as when the soil is poor, shall assign a person in custody; Acceptance can be carried out operations, acceptance or unqualified acceptance not made 3 cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Digging holes, hoisting, Dado, residue used in transportation of all equipment, facilities, safety equipment, gas masks, accessories, materials and personal protective equipment must be checked before use, ensure the safety of use; Every day must be in service for toxic gas detection and record, consistent with requirements to lower production; Excavation pile construction of excavation process must have special care; Intervals the excavation hole pile on the required distance to dig, dig deep each 500-1000mm wall once; Section one wall higher than hole 250mm, required opening protection facilities; Lighting hole job safety miner's lamp or the safety voltage of 12 volts; Lower personnel must wear helmets, seat belts, by the rigid ladder, into the hole after work or job, you must set 1.2m high fence around the hole and gaikongkou; Digging when pumping, operating personnel must be on the ground before they can be carried out after the pump power supply must be disconnected; 10, acceptance may be homework, not qualified for acceptance or acceptance not made the next processes work. Site specific security disclosure disclosure signatures; 11, targeted the construction site safety disclosure; 12, the other. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Earthwork construction technology to give the low-down (reference tables) 4-2-2 construction organization name project name the construction site construction requirements of security technical cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Manual excavation should be from the top down, layer-by-layer excavation dig gods Earth is strictly prohibited, there should be adequate lighting at night; Deep Foundation pit when soil wall changes at any time, if there are any large cracks had to stop construction, reporting to the project manager for processing; In the pit or deep in work, must wear a helmet, no dirt and other objects above fall head injury, in the event of groundwater seepage, water well should be excluded; At the side, if there are any unidentifiable goods or prior did not foresee the coming of cables, pipes and so on, should stop operations, reporting to the superior, no knocking or play with; Artificial lift dirt, you should review the tools, ropes, hook is solid, lifting vertical and not someone, wheel, should be the formation of walkways, to remove barriers; Underwater operations to strictly check the electrical zero connection and leakage protection switch, cable should be in good condition and wear PPE; Slope, to be carried out in accordance with the requirements, and cannot concentrate too much, such as when the soil is poor, shall assign a person in custody; Acceptance can be carried out operations, acceptance or unqualified acceptance not made 数据、图表、程序全文及其说明等。 二、书写规范与打印要求 (一)论文文字和字数 除外语专业、蒙授专业和留学生外,一般用汉语简化文字书写,字数在5000—10000字左右。 (二)论文书写 论文一律由本人在计算机上输入、编排并打印在A4幅面白纸上,单面印刷。 (三)字体和字号 论 文 题目: 2号黑体 章 标 题: 3号黑体 节 标 题: 小4号黑体 条 标 题: 小4号黑体 正 文: 小4号宋体 页 码: 5号宋体 数字和字母: Times New Roman体 (四)扉页 (5号黑体) 分类号__________ _ (5号黑体) 单位代码___________ (5号黑体) 学号_________ __ (5号黑体) 密级___________ the next processes work; 10, the construction site . 42-1 -construction organization name project name the construction site construction requirements of security technical cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Digging holes, hoisting, Dado, residue used in transportation of all equipment, facilities, safety equipment, gas masks, accessories, materials and personal protective equipment must be checked before use, ensure the safety of use; Every day must be in service for toxic gas detection and record, consistent with requirements to lower production; Excavation pile construction of excavation process must have special care; Intervals the excavation hole pile on the required distance to dig, dig deep each 5001000mm wall once; Section one wall higher than h-ole 250mm, required opening protection facilities; Lighting hole job safety miner's lamp or the safety voltage of 12 volts; Lower personnel must wear helmets, seat belts, by the rigid ladder, into the hole after work or job, you must set 1.2m high fence around the hole and gaikongkou; Digging when pumping, operating personnel must be on the ground before they can be carried out after the pump power supply must be disconnected; 10, acceptance may be homework, not qualified for acceptance or acceptance not made the next processes work. Site specific security disclosure disclosure signatures; 11, targeted the construction site safety disclosure; 12, the other. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Earthwork construction technology to give the lowdown (reference tables) 4-2-2 construction organization name project name the construction site construction requirements of security technical cards on -he table in accordance twith the construction plan operations; Manual excavation should be from the top down, layerby-layer excavation dig gods Earth is strictly prohibited, there should be adequate lighting at night; Deep Foundation pit when -soil wall changes at any time, if there are any large cracks had to stop construction, reporting to the project manager for processing; Inthe pit or deep in work, must wear a helmet, no dirt and other objects above fall head injury, in the event of groundwater se epage, water well should be excluded; At the side, if there are any unidentifiable goods or prior did not foresee the coming of cables, pipes and so on, should stop operations, reporting to the superior, no knocking or play with; Artificial lift dirt, youshoul d review the tools, ropes, hook is solid, lifting vertical and not someone, wheel, should be the formation of walkways, to remove barriers; Underwater operations to strictly check the electrical zero connection and leakage protection switch, cable should be in good condition and wear PPE; Slope, to be carried out in accordance with the requirements, and cannot concentrate too much, such as when the soil is poor, 4 cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Digging holes, hoisting, Dado, residue used in transportation of all equipment, facilities, safety equipment, gas masks, accessories, materials and personal protective equipment must be checked before use, ensure the safety of use; Every day must be in service for toxic gas detection and record, consistent with requirements to lower production; Excavation pile construction of excavation process must have special care; Intervals the excavation hole pile on the required distance to dig, dig deep each 500-1000mm wall once; Section one wall higher than hole 250mm, required opening protection facilities; Lighting hole job safety miner's lamp or the safety voltage of 12 volts; Lower personnel must wear helmets, seat belts, by the rigid ladder, into the hole after work or job, you must set 1.2m high fence around the hole and gaikongkou; Digging when pumping, operating personnel must be on the ground before they can be carried out after the pump power supply must be disconnected; 10, acceptance may be homework, not qualified for acceptance or acceptance not made the next processes work. Site specific security disclosure disclosure signatures; 11, targeted the construction site safety disclosure; 12, the other. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Earthwork construction technology to give the low-down (reference tables) 4-2-2 construction organization name project name the construction site construction requirements of security technical cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Manual excavation should be from the top down, layer-by-layer excavation dig gods Earth is strictly prohibited, there should be adequate lighting at night; Deep Foundation pit when soil wall changes at any time, if there are any large cracks had to stop construction, reporting to the project manager for processing; In the pit or deep in work, must wear a helmet, no dirt and other objects above fall head injury, in the event of groundwater seepage, water well should be excluded; At the side, if there are any unidentifiable goods or prior did not foresee the coming of cables, pipes and so on, should stop operations, reporting to the superior, no knocking or play with; Artificial lift dirt, you should review the tools, ropes, hook is solid, lifting vertical and not someone, wheel, should be the formation of walkways, to remove barriers; Underwater operations to strictly check the electrical zero connection and leakage protection switch, cable should be in good condition and wear PPE; Slope, to be carried out in accordance with the requirements, and cannot concentrate too much, such as when the soil is poor, shall assign a person in custody; Acceptance can be carried out operations, acceptance or unqualified acceptance not made (小初号黑体居中) 本科毕业论文(设计) (2号黑体居中加边框) (论文题目) (小3号黑体) 院(系)名称 (小3号黑体) 专业名称 (小3号黑体) 年级 (小3号黑体) 学生姓名 (小3号黑体) 指导教师 (小3号黑体居中) 年 月 日 (Times New Roman体加粗) 数字和字母 1、单位代码 单位代码由教务处统一填写。 2、学号 学号以在教务处管理系统录入的学号为准。 3、分类号 分类号需到图书馆或网上查《中国图书资料分类法》后准确填写。 4、密级 密级分为“绝密”、“机密”、“秘密”三级。论文必须按国家规定的保密条例在右上角注明密级(如系公开型论文则可不注明密级)。 (五)论文页面设置 cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Digging holes, hoisting, Dado, residue used in transportation of all equipment, facilities, safety equipment, gas masks, accessories, materials and personal protective equipment must be checked before use, ensure the safety of use; Every day must be in service for toxic gas detection and record, consistent with requirements to lower production; Excavation pile construction of excavation process must have special care; Intervals the excavation hole pile on the required distance to dig, dig deep each 5001000mm wall once; Section one wall higher than hole 250mm, required opening protection facilities; Lighting hole job safety m-iner's lamp or the safety voltage of 12 volts; Lower personnel must wear helmets, seat belts, by the rigid ladder, into the hole after work or job, you must set 1.2m high fence around the hole and gaikongkou; Digging when pumping, operating personnel must be on the ground before they can be carried out after the pump power supply must be disconnected; 10, acceptance may be homework, not qualified for acceptance or acceptance not made the next processes work. Site specific security disclosure disclosure signatures; 11, targeted the construction site safety disclosure; 12, the other. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Earthwork construction technology to give the lowdown (reference tables) 4-2-2 construction organization name project name the constr-uction site construction requirements of security technical cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Manual excavation should be from the top down, layerby-layer excavation dig gods Earth is strictly prohibited, there should-be adequate lighting at night; Deep Foundation pit when soil wall changes at any time, if there are any large cracks had to stop construction, reporting to the project manager for processing; In the pit or deep in work, must wear a helmet, nodirt and oth er objects above fall head injury, in the event of groundwater seepage, water well should be excluded; At the side, if there are any unidentifiable goods or prior did not foresee the coming of cables, pipes and so on, should stop operations, reporting to the superior, no knocking or play with; Artificial lift dirt, you should review the tools, ropes, hook is solid, lifting vertical and not someone, wheel, should be the formation of walkways, to remove barriers; Underwater operations to strictly check the electrical zero connection and leakage protection switch, cable should be in good condition and wear PPE; Slope, to be carried out in accordance with the requirements, and cannot concentrate too much, such as when the soil is poor, shall assign a person in custody; Acceptance can be carried out operations, acceptance or unqualified acceptance not made 5 cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Digging holes, hoisting, Dado, residue used in transportation of all equipment, facilities, safety equipment, gas masks, accessories, materials and personal protective equipment must be checked before use, ensure the safety of use; Every day must be in service for toxic gas detection and record, consistent with requirements to lower production; Excavation pile construction of excavation process must have special care; Intervals the excavation hole pile on the required distance to dig, dig deep each 500-1000mm wall once; Section one wall higher than hole 250mm, required opening protection facilities; Lighting hole job safety miner's lamp or the safety voltage of 12 volts; Lower personnel must wear helmets, seat belts, by the rigid ladder, into the hole after work or job, you must set 1.2m high fence around the hole and gaikongkou; Digging when pumping, operating personnel must be on the ground before they can be carried out after the pump power supply must be disconnected; 10, acceptance may be homework, not qualified for acceptance or acceptance not made the next processes work. Site specific security disclosure disclosure signatures; 11, targeted the construction site safety disclosure; 12, the other. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Earthwork construction technology to give the low-down (reference tables) 4-2-2 construction organization name project name the construction site construction requirements of security technical cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Manual excavation should be from the top down, layer-by-layer excavation dig gods Earth is strictly prohibited, there should be adequate lighting at night; Deep Foundation pit when soil wall changes at any time, if there are any large cracks had to stop construction, reporting to the project manager for processing; In the pit or deep in work, must wear a helmet, no dirt and other objects above fall head injury, in the event of groundwater seepage, water well should be excluded; At the side, if there are any unidentifiable goods or prior did not foresee the coming of cables, pipes and so on, should stop operations, reporting to the superior, no knocking or play with; Artificial lift dirt, you should review the tools, ropes, hook is solid, lifting vertical and not someone, wheel, should be the formation of walkways, to remove barriers; Underwater operations to strictly check the electrical zero connection and leakage protection switch, cable should be in good condition and wear PPE; Slope, to be carried out in accordance with the requirements, and cannot concentrate too much, such as when the soil is poor, shall assign a person in custody; Acceptance can be carried out operations, acceptance or unqualified acceptance not made 1、页眉 页眉为 内蒙古大学本科毕业论文(设计) 第 页 。 2、页边距 论文的上边距:30mm;下边距:25mm;左边距:30mm;右边距:20mm;行间距为1.5倍行距。 3、页码的书写要求 论文页码从绪论部分开始,至附录,用阿拉伯数字连续编排,页码位于页眉右侧。扉页、摘要和目录不编入论文页码。 (六)摘要 1、中文摘要 中文摘要包括:论文题目(小3号黑体)、“摘要”字样(3号黑体)、摘要正文和关键词。 摘要正文后下空一行打印“关键词”三字(4号黑体),关键词一般为3,5个,每一关键词之间用逗号分开,最后一个关键词后不打标点符号。 2、英文摘要 英文摘要另起一页,其内容及关键词应与中文摘要一致,并要符合英语语法,语句通顺,文字流畅。并在英文题目下面第一行写作者(Author)姓名,作者姓名下面的一行写指导教师(Tutor)姓名,作者姓名和指导教师姓名用汉语拼音写,右对齐。 英文和汉语拼音一律为Times New Roman体,字号与中文摘要相同。 (七)目录 the next processes work; 10, the construction site . 42-1 -construction organization name project name the construction site construction requirements of security technical cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Digging holes, hoisting, Dado, residue used in transportation of all equipment, facilities, safety equipment, gas masks, accessories, materials and personal protective equipment must be checked before use, ensure the safety of use; Every day must be in service for toxic gas detection and record, consistent with requirements to lower production; Excavation pile construction of excavation process must have special care; Intervals the excavation hole pile on the required distance to dig, dig deep each 5001000mm wall once; Section one wall higher than h-ole 250mm, required opening protection facilities; Lighting hole job safety miner's lamp or the safety voltage of 12 volts; Lower personnel must wear helmets, seat belts, by the rigid ladder, into the hole after work or job, you must set 1.2m high fence around the hole and gaikongkou; Digging when pumping, operating personnel must be on the ground before they can be carried out after the pump power supply must be disconnected; 10, acceptance may be homework, not qualified for acceptance or acceptance not made the next processes work. Site specific security disclosure disclosure signatures; 11, targeted the construction site safety disclosure; 12, the other. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Earthwork construction technology to give the lowdown (reference tables) 4-2-2 construction organization name project name the construction site construction requirements of security technical cards on -he table in accordance twith the construction plan operations; Manual excavation should be from the top down, layerby-layer excavation dig gods Earth is strictly prohibited, there should be adequate lighting at night; Deep Foundation pit when -soil wall changes at any time, if there are any large cracks had to stop construction, reporting to the project manager for processing; Inthe pit or deep in work, must wear a helmet, no dirt and other objects above fall head injury, in the event of groundwater se epage, water well should be excluded; At the side, if there are any unidentifiable goods or prior did not foresee the coming of cables, pipes and so on, should stop operations, reporting to the superior, no knocking or play with; Artificial lift dirt, youshoul d review the tools, ropes, hook is solid, lifting vertical and not someone, wheel, should be the formation of walkways, to remove barriers; Underwater operations to strictly check the electrical zero connection and leakage protection switch, cable should be in good condition and wear PPE; Slope, to be carried out in accordance with the requirements, and cannot concentrate too much, such as when the soil is poor, 6 cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Digging holes, hoisting, Dado, residue used in transportation of all equipment, facilities, safety equipment, gas masks, accessories, materials and personal protective equipment must be checked before use, ensure the safety of use; Every day must be in service for toxic gas detection and record, consistent with requirements to lower production; Excavation pile construction of excavation process must have special care; Intervals the excavation hole pile on the required distance to dig, dig deep each 500-1000mm wall once; Section one wall higher than hole 250mm, required opening protection facilities; Lighting hole job safety miner's lamp or the safety voltage of 12 volts; Lower personnel must wear helmets, seat belts, by the rigid ladder, into the hole after work or job, you must set 1.2m high fence around the hole and gaikongkou; Digging when pumping, operating personnel must be on the ground before they can be carried out after the pump power supply must be disconnected; 10, acceptance may be homework, not qualified for acceptance or acceptance not made the next processes work. Site specific security disclosure disclosure signatures; 11, targeted the construction site safety disclosure; 12, the other. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Earthwork construction technology to give the low-down (reference tables) 4-2-2 construction organization name project name the construction site construction requirements of security technical cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Manual excavation should be from the top down, layer-by-layer excavation dig gods Earth is strictly prohibited, there should be adequate lighting at night; Deep Foundation pit when soil wall changes at any time, if there are any large cracks had to stop construction, reporting to the project manager for processing; In the pit or deep in work, must wear a helmet, no dirt and other objects above fall head injury, in the event of groundwater seepage, water well should be excluded; At the side, if there are any unidentifiable goods or prior did not foresee the coming of cables, pipes and so on, should stop operations, reporting to the superior, no knocking or play with; Artificial lift dirt, you should review the tools, ropes, hook is solid, lifting vertical and not someone, wheel, should be the formation of walkways, to remove barriers; Underwater operations to strictly check the electrical zero connection and leakage protection switch, cable should be in good condition and wear PPE; Slope, to be carried out in accordance with the requirements, and cannot concentrate too much, such as when the soil is poor, shall assign a person in custody; Acceptance can be carried out operations, acceptance or unqualified acceptance not made 理工类专业目录的三级标题,建议按(1„„、1.1„„、1.1.1„„)的格式编写,社科类专业目录的三级标题,建议按(一、(一) 1、)的格式编写,目录中各章题序的阿拉伯数字用Times New Roman体,第一级标题用小4号黑体,其余用小4号宋体。 (八)论文正文 1、章节及各章标题 论文正文分章节撰写,每章应另起一页。各章标题要突出重点、简明扼要。字数一般在15字以内,不得使用标点符号。标题中尽量不采用英文缩写词,对必须采用者,应使用本行业的通用缩写词。 2、层次 层次以少为宜,根据实际需要选择。正文层次的编排和代号要求统一,层次为章(如“1”)、节(如“1.1”)、条(如“1.1.1”)、款(如“1、”)、项(如“(1)”)。层次用到哪一层次视需要而定,若节后无需“条”时可直接列“款”、“项”。“节”、“条”的段前、段后各设为0.5行。 (九)引用文献 引用文献标示方式应全文统一,并采用所在学科领域内通用的方式,用上标的形式置于所引内容最末句的右上角,用小4号字体。所引文献编号用阿拉数字置于方括号中, [1]如:“„成果”。当提及的参考文献为文中直接说明时,其序号应该用小4号字与正 -14]可知”。 文排齐,如“由文献[8,10 不得将引用文献标示置于各级标题处。 (十)名词术语 科技名词术语及设备、元件的名称,应采用国家标准或部颁标准中规定的术语或名cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Digging holes, hoisting, Dado, residue used in transportation of all equipment, facilities, safety equipment, gas masks, accessories, materials and personal protective equipment must be checked before use, ensure the safety of use; Every day must be in service for toxic gas detection and record, consistent with requirements to lower production; Excavation pile construction of excavation process must have special care; Intervals the excavation hole pile on the required distance to dig, dig deep each 5001000mm wall once; Section one wall higher than hole 250mm, required opening protection facilities; Lighting hole job safety m-iner's lamp or the safety voltage of 12 volts; Lower personnel must wear helmets, seat belts, by the rigid ladder, into the hole after work or job, you must set 1.2m high fence around the hole and gaikongkou; Digging when pumping, operating personnel must be on the ground before they can be carried out after the pump power supply must be disconnected; 10, acceptance may be homework, not qualified for acceptance or acceptance not made the next processes work. Site specific security disclosure disclosure signatures; 11, targeted the construction site safety disclosure; 12, the other. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Earthwork construction technology to give the lowdown (reference tables) 4-2-2 construction organization name project name the constr-uction site construction requirements of security technical cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Manual excavation should be from the top down, layerby-layer excavation dig gods Earth is strictly prohibited, there should-be adequate lighting at night; Deep Foundation pit when soil wall changes at any time, if there are any large cracks had to stop construction, reporting to the project manager for processing; In the pit or deep in work, must wear a helmet, nodirt and oth er objects above fall head injury, in the event of groundwater seepage, water well should be excluded; At the side, if there are any unidentifiable goods or prior did not foresee the coming of cables, pipes and so on, should stop operations, reporting to the superior, no knocking or play with; Artificial lift dirt, you should review the tools, ropes, hook is solid, lifting vertical and not someone, wheel, should be the formation of walkways, to remove barriers; Underwater operations to strictly check the electrical zero connection and leakage protection switch, cable should be in good condition and wear PPE; Slope, to be carried out in accordance with the requirements, and cannot concentrate too much, such as when the soil is poor, shall assign a person in custody; Acceptance can be carried out operations, acceptance or unqualified acceptance not made 7 cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Digging holes, hoisting, Dado, residue used in transportation of all equipment, facilities, safety equipment, gas masks, accessories, materials and personal protective equipment must be checked before use, ensure the safety of use; Every day must be in service for toxic gas detection and record, consistent with requirements to lower production; Excavation pile construction of excavation process must have special care; Intervals the excavation hole pile on the required distance to dig, dig deep each 500-1000mm wall once; Section one wall higher than hole 250mm, required opening protection facilities; Lighting hole job safety miner's lamp or the safety voltage of 12 volts; Lower personnel must wear helmets, seat belts, by the rigid ladder, into the hole after work or job, you must set 1.2m high fence around the hole and gaikongkou; Digging when pumping, operating personnel must be on the ground before they can be carried out after the pump power supply must be disconnected; 10, acceptance may be homework, not qualified for acceptance or acceptance not made the next processes work. Site specific security disclosure disclosure signatures; 11, targeted the construction site safety disclosure; 12, the other. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Earthwork construction technology to give the low-down (reference tables) 4-2-2 construction organization name project name the construction site construction requirements of security technical cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Manual excavation should be from the top down, layer-by-layer excavation dig gods Earth is strictly prohibited, there should be adequate lighting at night; Deep Foundation pit when soil wall changes at any time, if there are any large cracks had to stop construction, reporting to the project manager for processing; In the pit or deep in work, must wear a helmet, no dirt and other objects above fall head injury, in the event of groundwater seepage, water well should be excluded; At the side, if there are any unidentifiable goods or prior did not foresee the coming of cables, pipes and so on, should stop operations, reporting to the superior, no knocking or play with; Artificial lift dirt, you should review the tools, ropes, hook is solid, lifting vertical and not someone, wheel, should be the formation of walkways, to remove barriers; Underwater operations to strictly check the electrical zero connection and leakage protection switch, cable should be in good condition and wear PPE; Slope, to be carried out in accordance with the requirements, and cannot concentrate too much, such as when the soil is poor, shall assign a person in custody; Acceptance can be carried out operations, acceptance or unqualified acceptance not made 称。标准中未规定的术语要采用行业通用术语或名称。全文名词术语必须统一。一些特殊名词或新名词应在适当位置加以说明或注解。 采用英语缩写词时,除本行业广泛应用的通用缩写词外,文中第一次出现的缩写词应该用括号注明英文全文。 (十一)物理量名称、符号与计量单位 1、物理量的名称和符号 物理量的名称和符号应符合GB3100~3102-86的规定。论文中某一量的名称和符号应统一。 2、物理量计量单位 物理量计量单位及符号应按国务院1984年发布的《中华人民共和国法定计量单位》及GB3100~3102执行, 不得使用非法定计量单位及符号。计量单位符号,除用人名命名的单位第一个字母用大写之外,一律用小写字母。 非物理量单位(如件、台、人、元、次等)可以采用汉字与单位符号混写的方式,如“万t?km”。 文稿叙述中不定数字之后允许用中文计量单位符号, 如“几千克至1000kg”。 表达时刻时应采用中文计量单位,如“上午8点3刻”,不能写成“8h45min”。 计量单位符号一律用正体。 (十二)外文字母的正、斜体用法 物理量符号、物理常量、变量符号用斜体,计量单位等符号均用正体。 (十三)数字 the next processes work; 10, the construction site . 42-1 -construction organization name project name the construction site construction requirements of security technical cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Digging holes, hoisting, Dado, residue used in transportation of all equipment, facilities, safety equipment, gas masks, accessories, materials and personal protective equipment must be checked before use, ensure the safety of use; Every day must be in service for toxic gas detection and record, consistent with requirements to lower production; Excavation pile construction of excavation process must have special care; Intervals the excavation hole pile on the required distance to dig, dig deep each 5001000mm wall once; Section one wall higher than h-ole 250mm, required opening protection facilities; Lighting hole job safety miner's lamp or the safety voltage of 12 volts; Lower personnel must wear helmets, seat belts, by the rigid ladder, into the hole after work or job, you must set 1.2m high fence around the hole and gaikongkou; Digging when pumping, operating personnel must be on the ground before they can be carried out after the pump power supply must be disconnected; 10, acceptance may be homework, not qualified for acceptance or acceptance not made the next processes work. Site specific security disclosure disclosure signatures; 11, targeted the construction site safety disclosure; 12, the other. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Earthwork construction technology to give the lowdown (reference tables) 4-2-2 construction organization name project name the construction site construction requirements of security technical cards on -he table in accordance twith the construction plan operations; Manual excavation should be from the top down, layerby-layer excavation dig gods Earth is strictly prohibited, there should be adequate lighting at night; Deep Foundation pit when -soil wall changes at any time, if there are any large cracks had to stop construction, reporting to the project manager for processing; Inthe pit or deep in work, must wear a helmet, no dirt and other objects above fall head injury, in the event of groundwater se epage, water well should be excluded; At the side, if there are any unidentifiable goods or prior did not foresee the coming of cables, pipes and so on, should stop operations, reporting to the superior, no knocking or play with; Artificial lift dirt, youshoul d review the tools, ropes, hook is solid, lifting vertical and not someone, wheel, should be the formation of walkways, to remove barriers; Underwater operations to strictly check the electrical zero connection and leakage protection switch, cable should be in good condition and wear PPE; Slope, to be carried out in accordance with the requirements, and cannot concentrate too much, such as when the soil is poor, 8 cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Digging holes, hoisting, Dado, residue used in transportation of all equipment, facilities, safety equipment, gas masks, accessories, materials and personal protective equipment must be checked before use, ensure the safety of use; Every day must be in service for toxic gas detection and record, consistent with requirements to lower production; Excavation pile construction of excavation process must have special care; Intervals the excavation hole pile on the required distance to dig, dig deep each 500-1000mm wall once; Section one wall higher than hole 250mm, required opening protection facilities; Lighting hole job safety miner's lamp or the safety voltage of 12 volts; Lower personnel must wear helmets, seat belts, by the rigid ladder, into the hole after work or job, you must set 1.2m high fence around the hole and gaikongkou; Digging when pumping, operating personnel must be on the ground before they can be carried out after the pump power supply must be disconnected; 10, acceptance may be homework, not qualified for acceptance or acceptance not made the next processes work. Site specific security disclosure disclosure signatures; 11, targeted the construction site safety disclosure; 12, the other. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Earthwork construction technology to give the low-down (reference tables) 4-2-2 construction organization name project name the construction site construction requirements of security technical cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Manual excavation should be from the top down, layer-by-layer excavation dig gods Earth is strictly prohibited, there should be adequate lighting at night; Deep Foundation pit when soil wall changes at any time, if there are any large cracks had to stop construction, reporting to the project manager for processing; In the pit or deep in work, must wear a helmet, no dirt and other objects above fall head injury, in the event of groundwater seepage, water well should be excluded; At the side, if there are any unidentifiable goods or prior did not foresee the coming of cables, pipes and so on, should stop operations, reporting to the superior, no knocking or play with; Artificial lift dirt, you should review the tools, ropes, hook is solid, lifting vertical and not someone, wheel, should be the formation of walkways, to remove barriers; Underwater operations to strictly check the electrical zero connection and leakage protection switch, cable should be in good condition and wear PPE; Slope, to be carried out in accordance with the requirements, and cannot concentrate too much, such as when the soil is poor, shall assign a person in custody; Acceptance can be carried out operations, acceptance or unqualified acceptance not made 按国家语言文字工作委员会等七单位1987年发布的《关于出版物上数字用法的试行规定》,除习惯用中文数字表示的以外, 一般均采用阿拉伯数字。年份一概写全数,如2003年不能写成03年。 (十四)公式 公式应另起一行写在稿纸中央,公式和编号之间不加虚线。公式较长时最好在等号“,”处转行,如难实现,则可在,、,、×、?运算符号处转行,运算符号应写在转行后的行首,公式的编号用圆括号括起来放在公式右边行末。 公式序号按章编排,如第一章第一个公式序号为“(1.1)”, 附录A中的第一个公式为“(A1)”等。 文中引用公式时,一般用“见式(1.1)”或“由公式(1.1)”。 公式中用斜线表示“除”的关系时应采用括号,以免含糊不清,如a/(bcosx)。通常“乘”的关系在前,如acosx/b而不写成(a/b)cosx。 (十五)表格 每个表格应有自己的表序和表题。并应在文中进行说明,例如:“如表1.1”。 表序一般按章编排,如第一章第一个插表的序号为“表1.1”等。表序与表名之间空一格,表名中不允许使用标点符号,表名后不加标点。表序与表名置于表上居中(5号黑体加粗,数字和字母为5号Times New Roman体加粗)。 表头设计应简单明了,尽量不用斜线。表头与表格为一整体,不得拆开排写于两页。 全表如用同一单位,将单位符号移至表头右上角。 表中数据应正确无误,书写清楚。数字空缺的格内加“,”字线(占2个数字),不允许用“,”、“同上”之类的写法。 cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Digging holes, hoisting, Dado, residue used in transportation of all equipment, facilities, safety equipment, gas masks, accessories, materials and personal protective equipment must be checked before use, ensure the safety of use; Every day must be in service for toxic gas detection and record, consistent with requirements to lower production; Excavation pile construction of excavation process must have special care; Intervals the excavation hole pile on the required distance to dig, dig deep each 5001000mm wall once; Section one wall higher than hole 250mm, required opening protection facilities; Lighting hole job safety m-iner's lamp or the safety voltage of 12 volts; Lower personnel must wear helmets, seat belts, by the rigid ladder, into the hole after work or job, you must set 1.2m high fence around the hole and gaikongkou; Digging when pumping, operating personnel must be on the ground before they can be carried out after the pump power supply must be disconnected; 10, acceptance may be homework, not qualified for acceptance or acceptance not made the next processes work. Site specific security disclosure disclosure signatures; 11, targeted the construction site safety disclosure; 12, the other. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Earthwork construction technology to give the lowdown (reference tables) 4-2-2 construction organization name project name the constr-uction site construction requirements of security technical cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Manual excavation should be from the top down, layerby-layer excavation dig gods Earth is strictly prohibited, there should-be adequate lighting at night; Deep Foundation pit when soil wall changes at any time, if there are any large cracks had to stop construction, reporting to the project manager for processing; In the pit or deep in work, must wear a helmet, nodirt and oth er objects above fall head injury, in the event of groundwater seepage, water well should be excluded; At the side, if there are any unidentifiable goods or prior did not foresee the coming of cables, pipes and so on, should stop operations, reporting to the superior, no knocking or play with; Artificial lift dirt, you should review the tools, ropes, hook is solid, lifting vertical and not someone, wheel, should be the formation of walkways, to remove barriers; Underwater operations to strictly check the electrical zero connection and leakage protection switch, cable should be in good condition and wear PPE; Slope, to be carried out in accordance with the requirements, and cannot concentrate too much, such as when the soil is poor, shall assign a person in custody; Acceptance can be carried out operations, acceptance or unqualified acceptance not made 9 cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Digging holes, hoisting, Dado, residue used in transportation of all equipment, facilities, safety equipment, gas masks, accessories, materials and personal protective equipment must be checked before use, ensure the safety of use; Every day must be in service for toxic gas detection and record, consistent with requirements to lower production; Excavation pile construction of excavation process must have special care; Intervals the excavation hole pile on the required distance to dig, dig deep each 500-1000mm wall once; Section one wall higher than hole 250mm, required opening protection facilities; Lighting hole job safety miner's lamp or the safety voltage of 12 volts; Lower personnel must wear helmets, seat belts, by the rigid ladder, into the hole after work or job, you must set 1.2m high fence around the hole and gaikongkou; Digging when pumping, operating personnel must be on the ground before they can be carried out after the pump power supply must be disconnected; 10, acceptance may be homework, not qualified for acceptance or acceptance not made the next processes work. Site specific security disclosure disclosure signatures; 11, targeted the construction site safety disclosure; 12, the other. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Earthwork construction technology to give the low-down (reference tables) 4-2-2 construction organization name project name the construction site construction requirements of security technical cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Manual excavation should be from the top down, layer-by-layer excavation dig gods Earth is strictly prohibited, there should be adequate lighting at night; Deep Foundation pit when soil wall changes at any time, if there are any large cracks had to stop construction, reporting to the project manager for processing; In the pit or deep in work, must wear a helmet, no dirt and other objects above fall head injury, in the event of groundwater seepage, water well should be excluded; At the side, if there are any unidentifiable goods or prior did not foresee the coming of cables, pipes and so on, should stop operations, reporting to the superior, no knocking or play with; Artificial lift dirt, you should review the tools, ropes, hook is solid, lifting vertical and not someone, wheel, should be the formation of walkways, to remove barriers; Underwater operations to strictly check the electrical zero connection and leakage protection switch, cable should be in good condition and wear PPE; Slope, to be carried out in accordance with the requirements, and cannot concentrate too much, such as when the soil is poor, shall assign a person in custody; Acceptance can be carried out operations, acceptance or unqualified acceptance not made 表内文字说明(5号宋体),起行空一格、转行顶格、句末不加标点。 表中若有附注时,用小5号宋体,写在表的下方,句末加标点。 仅有一条附注时写成:注:;有多条附注时,附注各项的序号一律用阿拉伯数字,例 如:注1:。 (十六)图 毕业论文(设计)的插图应与文字紧密配合,文图相符,技术内容正确。选图要力求精练。 1、制图标准 插图应符合国家标准及专业标准。 机械工程图:采用第一角投影法,严格按照GB4457~4460-84, GB131-83《机械制图》标准规定。 电气图:图形符号、文字符号等应符合有关标准的规定。 流程图:原则上应采用结构化程序并正确运用流程框图。 对无规定符号的图形应采用该行业的常用画法。 2、图题及图中说明 每幅插图均应有图题(由图号和图名组成)。图号按章编排,如第一章第一图的图号为“图1.1”等。图题置于图下,用5号宋体。有图注或其他说明时应置于图题之上,用小5号宋体。图名在图号之后空一格排写。引用图应说明出处,在图题右上角加引用文献号。图中若有分图时,分图号用(a)、(b)等置于分图之下。 图中各部分说明应采用中文(引用的外文图除外)或数字项号,各项文字说明置于the next processes work; 10, the construction site . 42-1 -construction organization name project name the construction site construction requirements of security technical cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Digging holes, hoisting, Dado, residue used in transportation of all equipment, facilities, safety equipment, gas masks, accessories, materials and personal protective equipment must be checked before use, ensure the safety of use; Every day must be in service for toxic gas detection and record, consistent with requirements to lower production; Excavation pile construction of excavation process must have special care; Intervals the excavation hole pile on the required distance to dig, dig deep each 5001000mm wall once; Section one wall higher than h-ole 250mm, required opening protection facilities; Lighting hole job safety miner's lamp or the safety voltage of 12 volts; Lower personnel must wear helmets, seat belts, by the rigid ladder, into the hole after work or job, you must set 1.2m high fence around the hole and gaikongkou; Digging when pumping, operating personnel must be on the ground before they can be carried out after the pump power supply must be disconnected; 10, acceptance may be homework, not qualified for acceptance or acceptance not made the next processes work. Site specific security disclosure disclosure signatures; 11, targeted the construction site safety disclosure; 12, the other. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Earthwork construction technology to give the lowdown (reference tables) 4-2-2 construction organization name project name the construction site construction requirements of security technical cards on -he table in accordance twith the construction plan operations; Manual excavation should be from the top down, layerby-layer excavation dig gods Earth is strictly prohibited, there should be adequate lighting at night; Deep Foundation pit when -soil wall changes at any time, if there are any large cracks had to stop construction, reporting to the project manager for processing; Inthe pit or deep in work, must wear a helmet, no dirt and other objects above fall head injury, in the event of groundwater se epage, water well should be excluded; At the side, if there are any unidentifiable goods or prior did not foresee the coming of cables, pipes and so on, should stop operations, reporting to the superior, no knocking or play with; Artificial lift dirt, youshoul d review the tools, ropes, hook is solid, lifting vertical and not someone, wheel, should be the formation of walkways, to remove barriers; Underwater operations to strictly check the electrical zero connection and leakage protection switch, cable should be in good condition and wear PPE; Slope, to be carried out in accordance with the requirements, and cannot concentrate too much, such as when the soil is poor, 10 cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Digging holes, hoisting, Dado, residue used in transportation of all equipment, facilities, safety equipment, gas masks, accessories, materials and personal protective equipment must be checked before use, ensure the safety of use; Every day must be in service for toxic gas detection and record, consistent with requirements to lower production; Excavation pile construction of excavation process must have special care; Intervals the excavation hole pile on the required distance to dig, dig deep each 500-1000mm wall once; Section one wall higher than hole 250mm, required opening protection facilities; Lighting hole job safety miner's lamp or the safety voltage of 12 volts; Lower personnel must wear helmets, seat belts, by the rigid ladder, into the hole after work or job, you must set 1.2m high fence around the hole and gaikongkou; Digging when pumping, operating personnel must be on the ground before they can be carried out after the pump power supply must be disconnected; 10, acceptance may be homework, not qualified for acceptance or acceptance not made the next processes work. Site specific security disclosure disclosure signatures; 11, targeted the construction site safety disclosure; 12, the other. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Earthwork construction technology to give the low-down (reference tables) 4-2-2 construction organization name project name the construction site construction requirements of security technical cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Manual excavation should be from the top down, layer-by-layer excavation dig gods Earth is strictly prohibited, there should be adequate lighting at night; Deep Foundation pit when soil wall changes at any time, if there are any large cracks had to stop construction, reporting to the project manager for processing; In the pit or deep in work, must wear a helmet, no dirt and other objects above fall head injury, in the event of groundwater seepage, water well should be excluded; At the side, if there are any unidentifiable goods or prior did not foresee the coming of cables, pipes and so on, should stop operations, reporting to the superior, no knocking or play with; Artificial lift dirt, you should review the tools, ropes, hook is solid, lifting vertical and not someone, wheel, should be the formation of walkways, to remove barriers; Underwater operations to strictly check the electrical zero connection and leakage protection switch, cable should be in good condition and wear PPE; Slope, to be carried out in accordance with the requirements, and cannot concentrate too much, such as when the soil is poor, shall assign a person in custody; Acceptance can be carried out operations, acceptance or unqualified acceptance not made 图题之上(有分图题者,置于分图题之上)。 3、插图编排 插图与其图题为一个整体,不得拆开排写于两页。插图处的该页空白不够排写该图整体时,可将其后文字部分提前排写,将图移至次页最前面。 4、坐标与坐标单位 对坐标轴必须进行说明,有数字标注的坐标图,必须注明坐标单位。 5、论文原件中照片图及插图 毕业设计(论文)原件中的照片图应是直接用数码相机拍照的照片,或是原版照片粘贴,不得采用复印方式。照片可为黑白或彩色,应主题突出、层次分明、清晰整洁、反差适中。照片采用光面相纸,不宜用布纹相纸。对金相显微组织照片必须注明放大倍数。 (十七)注释 毕业论文(设计)中有个别名词或情况需要解释时,可加注说明,注释可用页末注(将注文放在加注页稿纸的下端)或篇末注(将全部注文集中在文章末尾),而不用行中注(夹在正文中的注)。若在同一页中有两个以上的注时,按各注出现的先后,须序编列注号,注释只限于写在注释符号出现的同页,不得隔页。 (十八)参考文献 参考文献的著录均应符合国家有关标准(按GB7714—87 《文后参考文献著录格式》执行)。以“参考文献”居中排作为标识;参考文献的序号左顶格,并用数字加方括号表示,如,1,,,2,,…,以与正文中的指示序号格式一致。每一参考文献条目的最后均以“(”结束。各类参考文献条目的编排格式及示例如下。 1、连续出版物 cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Digging holes, hoisting, Dado, residue used in transportation of all equipment, facilities, safety equipment, gas masks, accessories, materials and personal protective equipment must be checked before use, ensure the safety of use; Every day must be in service for toxic gas detection and record, consistent with requirements to lower production; Excavation pile construction of excavation process must have special care; Intervals the excavation hole pile on the required distance to dig, dig deep each 5001000mm wall once; Section one wall higher than hole 250mm, required opening protection facilities; Lighting hole job safety m-iner's lamp or the safety voltage of 12 volts; Lower personnel must wear helmets, seat belts, by the rigid ladder, into the hole after work or job, you must set 1.2m high fence around the hole and gaikongkou; Digging when pumping, operating personnel must be on the ground before they can be carried out after the pump power supply must be disconnected; 10, acceptance may be homework, not qualified for acceptance or acceptance not made the next processes work. Site specific security disclosure disclosure signatures; 11, targeted the construction site safety disclosure; 12, the other. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Earthwork construction technology to give the lowdown (reference tables) 4-2-2 construction organization name project name the constr-uction site construction requirements of security technical cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Manual excavation should be from the top down, layerby-layer excavation dig gods Earth is strictly prohibited, there should- be adequate lighting at night; Deep Foundation pit when soil wall changes at any time, if there are any large cracks had to stop construction, reporting to the project manager for processing; In the pit or deep in work, must wear a helmet, nodirt and oth er objects above fall head injury, in the event of groundwater seepage, water well should be excluded; At the side, if there are any unidentifiable goods or prior did not foresee the coming of cables, pipes and so on, should stop operations, reporting to the superior, no knocking or play with; Artificial lift dirt, you should review the tools, ropes, hook is solid, lifting vertical and not someone, wheel, should be the formation of walkways, to remove barriers; Underwater operations to strictly check the electrical zero connection and leakage protection switch, cable should be in good condition and wear PPE; Slope, to be carried out in accordance with the requirements, and cannot concentrate too much, such as when the soil is poor, shall assign a person in custody; Acceptance can be carried out operations, acceptance or unqualified acceptance not made 11 cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Digging holes, hoisting, Dado, residue used in transportation of all equipment, facilities, safety equipment, gas masks, accessories, materials and personal protective equipment must be checked before use, ensure the safety of use; Every day must be in service for toxic gas detection and record, consistent with requirements to lower production; Excavation pile construction of excavation process must have special care; Intervals the excavation hole pile on the required distance to dig, dig deep each 500-1000mm wall once; Section one wall higher than hole 250mm, required opening protection facilities; Lighting hole job safety miner's lamp or the safety voltage of 12 volts; Lower personnel must wear helmets, seat belts, by the rigid ladder, into the hole after work or job, you must set 1.2m high fence around the hole and gaikongkou; Digging when pumping, operating personnel must be on the ground before they can be carried out after the pump power supply must be disconnected; 10, acceptance may be homework, not qualified for acceptance or acceptance not made the next processes work. Site specific security disclosure disclosure signatures; 11, targeted the construction site safety disclosure; 12, the other. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Earthwork construction technology to give the low-down (reference tables) 4-2-2 construction organization name project name the construction site construction requirements of security technical cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Manual excavation should be from the top down, layer-by-layer excavation dig gods Earth is strictly prohibited, there should be adequate lighting at night; Deep Foundation pit when soil wall changes at any time, if there are any large cracks had to stop construction, reporting to the project manager for processing; In the pit or deep in work, must wear a helmet, no dirt and other objects above fall head injury, in the event of groundwater seepage, water well should be excluded; At the side, if there are any unidentifiable goods or prior did not foresee the coming of cables, pipes and so on, should stop operations, reporting to the superior, no knocking or play with; Artificial lift dirt, you should review the tools, ropes, hook is solid, lifting vertical and not someone, wheel, should be the formation of walkways, to remove barriers; Underwater operations to strictly check the electrical zero connection and leakage protection switch, cable should be in good condition and wear PPE; Slope, to be carried out in accordance with the requirements, and cannot concentrate too much, such as when the soil is poor, shall assign a person in custody; Acceptance can be carried out operations, acceptance or unqualified acceptance not made ,序号,主要责任者(文献题名[J] (刊名,出版年份,卷号(期号) :起止页码( 2、专著 ,序号,主要责任者(文献题名[M] (出版地:出版者,出版年:起止页码( 3、会议论文集 ,序号,主要责任者(文献题名[A]?主编(论文集名[C](出版地:出版者,出版年:起止页码( 学位论文 4、 ,序号,主要责任(文献题名[D] (保存地:保存单位,年份( 5、报告 ,序号,主要责任(文献题名[R] (报告地:报告会主办单位,年份( 6、专利文献 ,序号,专利所有者(专利题名[P] (专利国别:专利号,发布日期( 7、国际、国家标准 ,序号,标准代号,标准名称[S] (出版地:出版者,出版年( 8、报纸文章 ,序号,主要责任者(文献题名[N] (报纸名,出版日期(版次)( 9、电子文献 ,序号,主要责任者(电子文献题名[文献类型/载体类型] (电子文献的出版或可获得地址,发表或更新的期/引用日期(任选)( 外国作者的姓名书写格式一般为:名的缩写、姓。例如A. Johnson,R.O.Duda 引用参考文献类型及其标识说明如下: 根据GB3469规定,以单字母方式标识以下各种参数文献类型,如表2.1: the next processes work; 10, the construction site . 42-1 -construction organization name project name the construction site construction requirements of security technical cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Digging holes, hoisting, Dado, residue used in transportation of all equipment, facilities, safety equipment, gas masks, accessories, materials and personal protective equipment must be checked before use, ensure the safety of use; Every day must be in service for toxic gas detection and record, consistent with requirements to lower production; Excavation pile construction of excavation process must have special care; Intervals the excavation hole pile on the required distance to dig, dig deep each 5001000mm wall once; Section one wall higher than h-ole 250mm, required opening protection facilities; Lighting hole job safety miner's lamp or the safety voltage of 12 volts; Lower personnel must wear helmets, seat belts, by the rigid ladder, into the hole after work or job, you must set 1.2m high fence around the hole and gaikongkou; Digging when pumping, operating personnel must be on the ground before they can be carried out after the pump power supply must be disconnected; 10, acceptance may be homework, not qualified for acceptance or acceptance not made the next processes work. Site specific security disclosure disclosure signatures; 11, targeted the construction site safety disclosure; 12, the other. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Earthwork construction technology to give the lowdown (reference tables) 4-2-2 construction organization name project name the construction site construction requirements of security technical cards on -he table in accordance twith the construction plan operations; Manual excavation should be from the top down, layerby-layer excavation dig gods Earth is strictly prohibited, there should be adequate lighting at night; Deep Foundation pit when -soil wall changes at any time, if there are any large cracks had to stop construction, reporting to the project manager for processing; Inthe pit or deep in work, must wear a helmet, no dirt and other objects above fall head injury, in the event of groundwater se epage, water well should be excluded; At the side, if there are any unidentifiable goods or prior did not foresee the coming of cables, pipes and so on, should stop operations, reporting to the superior, no knocking or play with; Artificial lift dirt, youshoul d review the tools, ropes, hook is solid, lifting vertical and not someone, wheel, should be the formation of walkways, to remove barriers; Underwater operations to strictly check the electrical zero connection and leakage protection switch, cable should be in good condition and wear PPE; Slope, to be carried out in accordance with the requirements, and cannot concentrate too much, such as when the soil is poor, 12 cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Digging holes, hoisting, Dado, residue used in transportation of all equipment, facilities, safety equipment, gas masks, accessories, materials and personal protective equipment must be checked before use, ensure the safety of use; Every day must be in service for toxic gas detection and record, consistent with requirements to lower production; Excavation pile construction of excavation process must have special care; Intervals the excavation hole pile on the required distance to dig, dig deep each 500-1000mm wall once; Section one wall higher than hole 250mm, required opening protection facilities; Lighting hole job safety miner's lamp or the safety voltage of 12 volts; Lower personnel must wear helmets, seat belts, by the rigid ladder, into the hole after work or job, you must set 1.2m high fence around the hole and gaikongkou; Digging when pumping, operating personnel must be on the ground before they can be carried out after the pump power supply must be disconnected; 10, acceptance may be homework, not qualified for acceptance or acceptance not made the next processes work. Site specific security disclosure disclosure signatures; 11, targeted the construction site safety disclosure; 12, the other. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Earthwork construction technology to give the low-down (reference tables) 4-2-2 construction organization name project name the construction site construction requirements of security technical cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Manual excavation should be from the top down, layer-by-layer excavation dig gods Earth is strictly prohibited, there should be adequate lighting at night; Deep Foundation pit when soil wall changes at any time, if there are any large cracks had to stop construction, reporting to the project manager for processing; In the pit or deep in work, must wear a helmet, no dirt and other objects above fall head injury, in the event of groundwater seepage, water well should be excluded; At the side, if there are any unidentifiable goods or prior did not foresee the coming of cables, pipes and so on, should stop operations, reporting to the superior, no knocking or play with; Artificial lift dirt, you should review the tools, ropes, hook is solid, lifting vertical and not someone, wheel, should be the formation of walkways, to remove barriers; Underwater operations to strictly check the electrical zero connection and leakage protection switch, cable should be in good condition and wear PPE; Slope, to be carried out in accordance with the requirements, and cannot concentrate too much, such as when the soil is poor, shall assign a person in custody; Acceptance can be carried out operations, acceptance or unqualified acceptance not made 表2.1 参数文献的标识 参考文献类型 专著 论文集 (单篇论文) 报纸文章 期刊文章 文献类型标识 M C (A) N J 参考文献类型 学位论文 报告 标准 专利 其它文献 文献类型标识 D R S P Z 对于数据库、计算机程序及光盘图书等电子文献类型的参考文献,以下列字母作为标识,如表2.2: 表2.2 电子文献的标识 参考文献类型 数据库(网上) 计算机程序(磁盘) 光盘图书 文献类型标识 DB(DB/OL) CP(CP/DK) M/CD 关于参考文献的未尽事项可参见国家标准《文后参考文献著录规则》(GB7714,87)。 (十九)附录 论文的附录依序用大写正体A,B,C„„编序号,如:附录A。附录中的图、表、式等另行编序号,与正文分开,也一律用阿拉伯数字编码,但在数码前冠以附录序码,如:图A1;表B2;式(B3)等。 (二十)论文印刷与装订 毕业论文(设计)按以下排列顺序印刷并左侧装订: (一)扉页 (五)正文 (二)中文摘要 (六)致谢 cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Digging holes, hoisting, Dado, residue used in transportation of all equipment, facilities, safety equipment, gas masks, accessories, materials and personal protective equipment must be checked before use, ensure the safety of use; Every day must be in service for toxic gas detection and record, consistent with requirements to lower production; Excavation pile construction of excavation process must have special care; Intervals the excavation hole pile on the required distance to dig, dig deep each 5001000mm wall once; Section one wall higher than hole 250mm, required opening protection facilities; Lighting hole job safety m-iner's lamp or the safety voltage of 12 volts; Lower personnel must wear helmets, seat belts, by the rigid ladder, into the hole after work or job, you must set 1.2m high fence around the hole and gaikongkou; Digging when pumping, operating personnel must be on the ground before they can be carried out after the pump power supply must be disconnected; 10, acceptance may be homework, not qualified for acceptance or acceptance not made the next processes work. Site specific security disclosure disclosure signatures; 11, targeted the construction site safety disclosure; 12, the other. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Earthwork construction technology to give the lowdown (reference tables) 4-2-2 construction organization name project name the constr-uction site construction requirements of security technical cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Manual excavation should be from the top down, layerby-layer excavation dig gods Earth is strictly prohibited, there should-be adequate lighting at night; Deep Foundation pit when soil wall changes at any time, if there are any large cracks had to stop construction, reporting to the project manager for processing; In the pit or deep in work, must wear a helmet, nodirt and oth er objects above fall head injury, in the event of groundwater seepage, water well should be excluded; At the side, if there are any unidentifiable goods or prior did not foresee the coming of cables, pipes and so on, should stop operations, reporting to the superior, no knocking or play with; Artificial lift dirt, you should review the tools, ropes, hook is solid, lifting vertical and not someone, wheel, should be the formation of walkways, to remove barriers; Underwater operations to strictly check the electrical zero connection and leakage protection switch, cable should be in good condition and wear PPE; Slope, to be carried out in accordance with the requirements, and cannot concentrate too much, such as when the soil is poor, shall assign a person in custody; Acceptance can be carried out operations, acceptance or unqualified acceptance not made 13 cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Digging holes, hoisting, Dado, residue used in transportation of all equipment, facilities, safety equipment, gas masks, accessories, materials and personal protective equipment must be checked before use, ensure the safety of use; Every day must be in service for toxic gas detection and record, consistent with requirements to lower production; Excavation pile construction of excavation process must have special care; Intervals the excavation hole pile on the required distance to dig, dig deep each 500-1000mm wall once; Section one wall higher than hole 250mm, required opening protection facilities; Lighting hole job safety miner's lamp or the safety voltage of 12 volts; Lower personnel must wear helmets, seat belts, by the rigid ladder, into the hole after work or job, you must set 1.2m high fence around the hole and gaikongkou; Digging when pumping, operating personnel must be on the ground before they can be carried out after the pump power supply must be disconnected; 10, acceptance may be homework, not qualified for acceptance or acceptance not made the next processes work. Site specific security disclosure disclosure signatures; 11, targeted the construction site safety disclosure; 12, the other. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Earthwork construction technology to give the low-down (reference tables) 4-2-2 construction organization name project name the construction site construction requirements of security technical cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Manual excavation should be from the top down, layer-by-layer excavation dig gods Earth is strictly prohibited, there should be adequate lighting at night; Deep Foundation pit when soil wall changes at any time, if there are any large cracks had to stop construction, reporting to the project manager for processing; In the pit or deep in work, must wear a helmet, no dirt and other objects above fall head injury, in the event of groundwater seepage, water well should be excluded; At the side, if there are any unidentifiable goods or prior did not foresee the coming of cables, pipes and so on, should stop operations, reporting to the superior, no knocking or play with; Artificial lift dirt, you should review the tools, ropes, hook is solid, lifting vertical and not someone, wheel, should be the formation of walkways, to remove barriers; Underwater operations to strictly check the electrical zero connection and leakage protection switch, cable should be in good condition and wear PPE; Slope, to be carried out in accordance with the requirements, and cannot concentrate too much, such as when the soil is poor, shall assign a person in custody; Acceptance can be carried out operations, acceptance or unqualified acceptance not made (三)英文摘要 (七)参考文献 (四)目录 (八)附录 每位学生的毕业论文(设计)学院至少保存一册,存期3年,校级优秀毕业论文(设计)由学校档案管永久保存。 毕业论文(设计)用教务处统一印制的封皮进行装订。学院按照指导计划书、开题报告、开题报告 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 、毕业论文(设计)原件、指导教师评语与成绩、评阅意见及成绩、答辩小组意见及答辩成绩、答辩记录单等顺序进行整理、归档、保存。 附: 样张1、本科毕业论文(设计)扉页样式 样张2、本科毕业论文(设计)正文样式 the next processes work; 10, the construction site . 42-1 -construction organization name project name the construction site construction requirements of security technical cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Digging holes, hoisting, Dado, residue used in transportation of all equipment, facilities, safety equipment, gas masks, accessories, materials and personal protective equipment must be checked before use, ensure the safety of use; Every day must be in service for toxic gas detection and record, consistent with requirements to lower production; Excavation pile construction of excavation process must have special care; Intervals the excavation hole pile on the required distance to dig, dig deep each 5001000mm wall once; Section one wall higher than h-ole 250mm, required opening protection facilities; Lighting hole job safety miner's lamp or the safety voltage of 12 volts; Lower personnel must wear helmets, seat belts, by the rigid ladder, into the hole after work or job, you must set 1.2m high fence around the hole and gaikongkou; Digging when pumping, operating personnel must be on the ground before they can be carried out after the pump power supply must be disconnected; 10, acceptance may be homework, not qualified for acceptance or acceptance not made the next processes work. Site specific security disclosure disclosure signatures; 11, targeted the construction site safety disclosure; 12, the other. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Earthwork construction technology to give the low-down (reference tables) 42-2 construction organization name project name the construction site construction requirements of security technical cards on -he table in accordance twith the construction plan operations; Manual excavation should be from the top down, layerby-layer excavation dig gods Earth is strictly prohibited, there should be adequate lighting at night; Deep Foundation pit when -soil wall changes at any time, if there are any large cracks had to stop construction, reporting to the project manager for processing; Inthe pit or deep in work, must wear a helmet, no dirt and other objects above fall head injury, in the event of groundwater se epage, water well should be excluded; At the side, if there are any unidentifiable goods or prior did not foresee the coming of cables, pipes and so on, should stop operations, reporting to the superior, no knocking or play with; Artificial lift dirt, youshoul d review the tools, ropes, hook is solid, lifting vertical and not someone, wheel, should be the formation of walkways, to remove barriers; Underwater operations to strictly check the electrical zero connection and leakage protection switch, cable should be in good condition and wear PPE; Slope, to be carried out in accordance with the requirements, and cannot concentrate too much, such as when the soil is poor, 14
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