首页 2011年职称英语(理工类)阅读理解中英文背诵模板



2011年职称英语(理工类)阅读理解中英文背诵模板2011年职称英语(理工类)阅读理解中英文背诵模板 2011职称英语 2011年职称英语,理工类,阅读理解中英文背诵模板 ................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 第一篇 Ford Abando...

2011年职称英语(理工类)阅读理解中英文背诵模板 2011职称英语 2011年职称英语,理工类,阅读理解中英文背诵模板 ................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 第一篇 Ford Abandons Electric Vehicles ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 第二篇 (新增)World Crude Oil Production May Peak a Decade Earlier Than Some Predict ....................................................................................................................... 3 第三篇 Citizen Scientists ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4 第四篇 Motoring Technology ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4 第五篇 Late-Night Drinking .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 第六篇 (新增) Weaving with Light ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 第七篇 Sugar Power for Cell Phones ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 6 第八篇 Eiffel Is an Eyeful .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7 第九篇 Egypt Felled by Famine ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 第十篇 Young Female Chimps Outlearn Their Brothers ................................................................................................................................................................................. 8 第十一篇 The Net Cost of Making a Name for Yourself ................................................................................................................................................................................. 8 第十二篇 Florida Hit by Cold Air Mass ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 第十三篇 Invisibility Ring ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 第十四篇 Japanese Car Keeps Watch for Drunk Drivers........................................................................................................................................................................... 10 第十五篇 Winged Robot Learns to Fly ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 第十六篇 Japanese Drilling into Core of Earth .................................................................................................................................................................................. 11 第十七篇 A Sunshade for the Planet .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 12 第十八篇 Thirst for Oil...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 第十九篇 Prolonging Human Life........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 13 第二十篇 Explorer of the Extreme Deep............................................................................................................................................................................................. 13 第二十一篇 Plant Gas ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 14 第二十二篇 Snowflakes............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 14 第二十三篇 Powering a City? It's a Breeze. ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 15 第二十四篇 Underground Coal Fires -- a Looming Catastrophe..................................................................................................................................................................... 16 第二十五篇 Eat to Live ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 16 第二十六篇 Male and Female Pilots Cause Accidents Differently ............................................................................................................................................................. 17 第二十七篇 Driven to Distraction ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 17 第二十八篇 Sleep Lets Brain File Memories ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 18 1 2011职称英语 第二十九篇 Food Fright .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18 第三十篇 Digital Realm .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19 *第三十一篇 Hurricane Katrina .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 20 *第三十二篇 Mind-reading Machine ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20 *第三十三篇 Experts Call for Local and Regional Control of Sites for Radioactive Waste (B级) ................................................................................................................ 21 *第三十四篇 (新增) Batteries Built by Viruses .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 21 *第三十五篇 Putting Plants to work ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 22 *第三十六篇 Listening Device Provides Landslide Early Warning ................................................................................................................................................................ 23 *第三十七篇 "Don't Drink Alone" Gets New Meaning .............................................................................................................................................................................. 23 *第三十八篇 (新增) Longer Lives for Wild Elephants(理B)................................................................................................................................................................ 24 *第三十九篇 Clone Farm ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 24 *第四十篇 Air Pollution Cloud Measured on Both Sides of Pacific ................................................................................................................................................................ 25 +第四十一篇 Too Little for Global Warming ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 25 +第四十二篇 Renewable Energy Sources ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 26 +第四十三篇 Forecasting Methods .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 27 +第四十四篇 Defending the Theory of Evolution Still Seems Needed ........................................................................................................................................................ 27 +第四十五篇 (新增) Some People Do Not Taste Salt Like Others ............................................................................................................................................................ 28 +第四十六篇 (新增)Marvelous Metamaterials ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 28 +第四十七篇 Listening to Birdsong ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 29 +第四十八篇 "Hidden" Species May Be Surprisingly Common ................................................................................................................................................................ 29 +第四十九篇 U.S. Scientists Confirm Water on Mars ................................................................................................................................................................................. 30 +第五十篇 Cell Phones Increase Traffic, Pedestrian Fatalities ..................................................................................................................................................................... 30 2 2011职称英语 2011年职称英语,理工类,阅读理解中英文背诵模板 第一篇 Ford Abandons Electric Vehicles 文章名称 问题 答案 1. Ford Abandons Electric Vehicles(理C) 1) What have the Ford motor company, General Motor’s and Honda done 1. Ford Abandons Electric Vehicles(理C) concerning electric cars? 1) They have given up producing electric cars. Ford Abandons 2) According to Tim Holmes of Ford Europe, battery-powered cars 2) Will not be the main transportation vehicles in the future. Electric Vehicles 3) Which auto manufactures are still producing electric vehicles? 3) Toyota and Nissan. 4) According to the eighth paragraph, hybrid cars 4) run more miles than petrol driven cars. 5) Which of the following is true about the hope of car manufacturers 5) The legislation will allow more low-emission to produced. according to the last paragraph? 1. 福特放弃电动汽车(理C) ? 福特放弃电动汽车 (理C) ?针对电动汽车,通用汽车公司和本田汽车公司采取了_____________。 ?它们停止生产电动汽车。 ?据福特欧洲区的Tim Holmes反应,电池动力汽车________。 ?将不会是未来的主要交通工具。 福特放弃电动汽车 ?_________等汽车生产商仍在生产电动车。 ? 丰田和日产汽车公司 ?混合动力汽车______________。 ? 比汽油机车运行里程更长。 ?汽车生产商希望____________。 ? 法令能允许他们生产低排放的汽车。 第二篇 (新增)World Crude Oil Production May Peak a Decade Earlier Than Some Predict 文章名称 问题 答案 2. World Crude Oil Production May Peak a Decade Earlier 2. World Crude Oil Production May Peak a Decade Earlier Than Than Some Predict (理C) Some Predict (理C) World Crude Oil 1)Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word 1)stimulated Production May "sparked" appearing in paragraph 2? 2)start to decline after global oil production peaks. Peak a Decade 2) The term "a bell shaped curve" appearing in paragraph 2 Earlier Than Some 3)It provides a very realistic and accurate oil production. indicates that global oil production will Predict 4)It predicts global oil production will peak in 2014.. 3) Which of the following is NOT true of the Hubbert model? 5)Kuwaiti scientists. 4)What is the major achievement of the new study mentioned 3 2011职称英语 in the last paragraph? 5)Who develop the new version of the Hubbert mode!? 2(世界原油产量可能提前十年达到峰值(理C) 2(世界原油产量可能提前十年达到峰值(理C) ?下列__________和第二段中的点燃的意思最接近。 ?刺激 ?在第二段中的钟形曲线暗示着全球石油产量将会世界原油产量可能提?当达到石油产量峰值时开始下降 __________。 前十年达到峰值 ?它提供了一个很现实也很准确地石油产量。 ?关于赫尔伯特模型,下列哪项是不对的____________。 ?它预示着全球的石油产量在2014年会达到峰值 ?在文中最后一段提到的,新研究的主要成果是_________。 ?科威特科学家 ?__________发展了赫尔伯特模型。 第三篇 Citizen Scientists 文章名称 问题 答案 3. Citizen Scientists(理C) 3. Citizen Scientists(理C) ? to collect data of the life cycle of living things. 1) Ecologists turn to non-scientist citizens for help because they need them ? To send their research observations to a professional database. 2) What are citizen scientists asked to do? ? a citizen scientist. Citizen Scientists 3) In "All that's needed to become one ... (paragraph2)", ? Only experts can participate in it. what does the word "one" stands for? 4) What is NOT true of Project BudBurst? ? To investigate how plants and animals will respond as the climate 5) What is the final purpose of Project BudBurst? changes. 3(公民科学家(理C) 3(公民科学家(理C) ?生态学家求助于非科学家因为他们需要他们 。 ?收集有关生物的生命周期的数据。 ?公民科学家被要求做什么, 。 ?把研究观察结果送交给专门的数据库。 公民科学家 ?在第2段“All that's needed to become one ...”句中,单词?公民科学家 “one”代 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 。 ?只有专家能够参加这个 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 。 ?那一项有关BudBurst计划不是正确的是____________。 ?研究气候变化对生物的影响。 ?BudBurst计划最终目的是什么____________。 第四篇 Motoring Technology 文章名称 问题 答案 Motoring 4. Motoring Technology(理C) 4. Motoring Technology (理C) Technology 1) What are researchers interested in doing as the road accidents 1) They focus their research on safety and new fuels. 4 2011职称英语 worldwide increase to a shocking rate? 2) because drivers make mistakes. 2) According to the second paragraph, most road accidents happen 3) Windscreens that can help drivers to improve their vision. 3) Which of the safety developments is NOT mentioned in the 4) To call for help when the car gets jammed in the traffic. passage? 5) It will take some time before robotic drivers can be put to 4) What is NOT the purpose of innovations that use satellite tracking practical use. and remote communications? 5) What is true of robotic drivers? 4. 汽车技术(理C) 4( 汽车技术(理C) ?当世界道路交通事故发生率惊人之时,研究者旨在___________。 ?他们将研究的注意力集中在行车安全与新燃料上。 ?大多数道路交通事故发生是因为_____________。 汽车技术 ?司机的失误 ?文中提到的安全设施不包括_____________。 ?帮助司机改善视野的挡风玻璃。 ?运用卫星跟踪和远程通讯技术进行创新的目标不包括?交通堵塞时进行求救 ____________________。 ?距离付诸实际使用还需要一段时间。 ?被编程的机器人______________。 第五篇 Late-Night Drinking 文章名称 问题 答案 5. Late-night Drinking(理C) 5. Late-night Drinking(理C) 1) The author mentions “pick-me-up” to indicate that 1) coffee is a stimulant. 2) Which of the following tells us how caffeine affects Late-night 2) Caffeine halves the body’s levels of sleep hormone. sleep? Drinking 3) Different effects of caffeinated coffee and decaf on sleep. 3) What does paragraph 3 mainly discuss? 4) Caffeine drinkers produce less sleep hormone. 4) What does the experiment mentioned in paragraph 4 5) we should not drink coffee after supper. prove? 5) The author of this passage probably agrees that. 5. 深夜喝咖啡(理C) 5(深夜喝咖啡 (理C) ?"pick-up"表明咖啡是_________________。 ?刺激物 ?咖啡影响睡眠的方式是_________________。 ?咖啡因使得体内睡眠激素的浓度减半 深夜喝咖啡 ?第三段主要在讨论_________________。 ?含咖啡因的咖啡和脱咖啡因咖啡对于睡眠的影响 ?第四段的实验证明_________________。 ?喝含咖啡因的咖啡的人产生更少的睡眠激素 ?文章的作者认为_________________。 ?晚餐后不宜喝咖啡 5 2011职称英语 第六篇 (新增) Weaving with Light 文章名称 问题 答案 Weaving with Light Weaving with Light 1) sell it in cities far away from their villages. 1) To make a living, the Huichol create artwork and 2) All of the above. Weaving with 2) Why can Portable Lights emit light? 3) Portable Lights can help poor people around the world to 3) What does Sheila Kennedy say about Portable Lights? Light get light. 4) What is the most important part of the Portable Light 4) HB LEDs technology? 5) LEDs emit colored light while most light bulbs don't. 5) LEDs are different from light bulbs in that 编制灯光(理C) 编制灯光(理C) ?维克人为了谋生,制作了精美的工艺品和______________. ?到几百英里以外的城市去销售工艺品 ?移动光源能够发出光的原因是________。 ?以上所有选项 编制灯光 ?希拉.肯尼迪针对移动光源说了 。 ?移动光源能够让全世界的穷人得到光 ?移动光源的核心技术是____________. ?高度发光二极管 ?发光二极管与电灯泡的区别是 。 ?发光二极管可以发出各种颜色的光,但是灯泡不能 第七篇 Sugar Power for Cell Phones 文章名称 问题 7(Sugar Power for Cell Phones(理C) 7(Sugar Power for Cell Phones(理C) 1) When the technology of a new type of fuel cell is suitable 1) According to the first paragraph, when can we share our sweet for mass production. drinks with our cell phones? 2) They had trouble keeping enzymes in fuel cells active. Sugar Power for 2) What trouble did Minteer and Klotz Bach have in their research? 3) When the enzyme oxidizes the glucose from a sugary Cell Phones 3) According to Paragraph 5, electrons are released liquid that goes through a pocket. 4) What is exciting about the new fuel cells? 4) Their limited power generation capacity is a good 5) According to the last paragraph, what is NOT true of the new beginning. fuel cells? 5) It will take some time before the new fuel cells can be used in popular products. 7(用糖为手机发(理C) 7(用糖为手机发电(理C) 用糖为手机发电 ?根据第1段,当___ 时与我们的手机分享甜饮料。 ?当一项新型燃料细胞技术大量生产 ?M和K研究中苦恼的是____________________。 ?他们很难维持燃料细胞酶的活性 6 2011职称英语 ?根据第5段,释放电子____________________。 ?当含糖液体中的葡萄糖进入袋子将酶氧化 ?关于新的燃料细胞令人兴奋的是_______________。 ?他们产生有限的能量是一个好的开始 ?根据最后一段,有关新的燃料细胞不正确的是_________。 ?在新的燃料细胞能够用在普通产品之前他们需要一些时间 第八篇 Eiffel Is an Eyeful 文章名称 问题 答案 8. Eiffel Is an Eyeful(理C) 8. Eiffel Is an Eyeful(理C) 1) Why does the author think the Eiffel Tower is transformed into 1) Tourists of all nationalities come to scribble on the cold symbol of a world of the move? iron of the tower. 2) What seems strange to the author? 2) Visitors prefer wasting time scribbling to enjoying the Eiffel Is an Eyeful 3) Which statements is NOT true of Hugues Richard? view. 4) What did the builder use the Eiffel Tower for? 3) He climbed 747 steps up the tower in 19 minutes and 4 5) Which of the following is nearest in meaning to “(The Eiffel seconds. Tower is like) a blank canvas for visitors to make of it what they 4) Conducting research in various fields. will”? 5) Visitors can imagine freely what the tower represents. 8. 引人注目的埃菲尔铁塔l(理C) 8(引人注目的埃菲尔铁塔 (理C) ?艾菲尔铁塔之所以成为动感世界的象征的原因是?全世界的旅游者都来涂鸦 _________________。 引人注目的埃菲尔铁?游客们宁愿涂鸦而不愿意去欣赏风景 ?作者感到奇怪的事是_____________。 塔 ?他爬上了塔顶 ?_____________不是正确描述HR同志。 ?进行各个领域的研究 ?建筑师 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 艾菲尔铁塔的目的是 _____________ 。 ?艾菲尔铁塔的象征意义 ?人们可以自由想象_____________。 第九篇 Egypt Felled by Famine 文章名称 问题 答案 22.Egypt Felled by Famine(理C) 22.Egypt Felled by Famine(理C) 1)Why does the author mention “pyramid builders”? 1)Because even they were unable to rescue their civilization. 2)Which of the following factors was ultimately responsible for the 2)Change of climate. Egypt Felled by fall of the civilization of ancient Egypt? 3)The White Nile and the Blue Nile are branches of the River Famine 3. Which of the following statements is true? Nile. 4.According to Krom, Egypt’s Old Kingdom fell 4)immediately after a period of drought. 5.The word “devastating” in the last paragraph could be best replaced 5)“damaging”. by 7 2011职称英语 22. 埃及由于饥荒而灭亡(理C) 22.埃及由于饥荒而灭亡(理C) 1)为什么作者要提及“金字塔的建造者” 1) 因为甚至是他们也不能挽救他们的文明 2)下面哪个因素最终要为古埃及文明的灭亡负责, 2) 气候的变化 埃及由于饥荒而灭亡 3)下面哪个说法是正确的, 3) White Nile和Blue Nile是River Nile的分支 4)根据Krom,埃及的古老王国衰败 4) 在旱灾期过后很快衰败 5)最后一段的单词“devastating”能被替换的是_______ 5) Damaging(破坏性的) 第十篇 Young Female Chimps Outlearn Their Brothers 文章名称 问题 答案 10. Young Female Chimps Outlearn Their Brothers(理C) 1) Why do young female chimps learn faster than young male 10. Young Female Chimps Outlearn Their Brothers(理C) chimps at fishing for termites? 1) Because young female chimps begin to study their mothers Young Female Chimps 2) What are the tools with which chimps fish for termites. earlier. Outlearn Their 3) Which of the following is true about chimps fishing for 2) Vegetation. Brothers termites according to paragraph 6? 3) Females could get out more termites with every dip. 4) How did the researchers explain the fact that boy chimps 4) It will make them good fighters and hunters in the future. spent more time on playing? 5) Adult chimps hunt monkeys while young chimps fish for 5) According to the last paragraph, which of the following is NOT termites. true? 10. 年轻雌猩猩学习优于她们的弟兄(理C) 10(年轻雌猩猩学习优于她们的弟兄(理C) ?年轻雌猩猩在捕食白蚁方面比雄猩猩学得快的原因是?雌猩猩向母亲学得早 _________________。 年轻雌猩猩学习优于?蔬菜 ?猩猩捕食白蚁的工具是_________________。 她们的弟兄 ?捕获更多的白蚁 ?雌猩猩比雄猩猩_________________。 ?使得它们成为更好的猎手和斗士 ?雄猩猩贪玩的原因是_________________。 ?成年猩猩捕食猴子,年轻猩猩捕食白蚁 ?在__________情况下,不可能使用相似物方法。 第十一篇 The Net Cost of Making a Name for Yourself 文章名称 问题 答案 The Net Cost of 11. The Net Cost of Making a Name for Yourself(理C) 11. The Net Cost of Making a Name for Yourself(理C) Making a Name for 1) The domain name “.edu” is operated by 1) the company Nerwork Solutions. Yourself 2) The .firm, .shop, .web, .arts, .rec, .info and .nom domains are 2) the US government. NOT run by 3) a registrar. 8 2011职称英语 3) Global Names of Singapore is 4) It must pay up to $10, 000 or a nonrefundable deposit. 4) How can a company successfully register a name with the 5) The registration fee for a domain name on the Internet. Internet? 5) What is the meaning of the phrases “net cost” in the title? 11. 申请个人域名的网上费用(理C) 11(申请个人域名的网上费用 (理C) ? edu的域名由_____________管理。 ?the Network Solutions 申请个人域名的网上?域名不受_____________的管理。 ?美国政府 费用 ?新加坡全球域名公司是_____________。 ?一个域名登记处 ?一个公司在网上成功登记域名的方式是_________________ 。 ?支付10000美元或者一个不能退的保证金 ?net cost的意思是_____________。 ?网上域名登记费 第十二篇 Florida Hit by Cold Air Mass 文章名称 问题 答案 12. Florida Hit by Cold Air Mass(理C) 12. Florida Hit by Cold Air Mass(理C) 1) Which of the following statements is not meant in the first two 1) The temperature in the United States except the South dropped below paragraphs? Florida Hit by Cold the freezing mark. 2) According to the second paragraph, in which area (s) did the Air Mass 2) Parts of interior South Florida. temperature fall below zero? 3) He was caught by the sudden cold. 3) King’s statement that “We brought shorts, T-shirt, and I had to 4) Wanted to encourage trucks to transport as much fruit to market as go out and buy another coat,” shows that possible. 4) Governor Jeb issue the emergency order because he 5) Florida Citrus Mutual sprayed trees with sprinklers for citrus growers. 5) Which statement is NOT true according to the last paragraph? 12. 佛罗里达遭受冷气团袭击(理C) 12( 佛罗里达遭受冷气团袭击 (理C) ?_____________在第一段和第二段没有提到。 ?美国除了南部以外温度降到零度以下 佛罗里达遭受冷气团?_____________的温度降到了零度以下。 ?南佛罗里达的部分地区 袭击 ?金的观点表明_____________。 ?他被寒流袭击 ?GJ发布紧急命令是为了_____________。 ?他想尽可能鼓励用卡车去运送更多的水果 ?_____________不符合最后一段的内容。 ?佛罗里达柑橘互助协会为柑橘种植者提供防冻措施 第十三篇 Invisibility Ring 文章名称 问题 答案 Invisibility Ring 13(Invisibility Ring(理C) 13(Invisibility Ring(理C) 9 2011职称英语 1) Harry Potter is mentioned in the passage, because scientists 1) Try to invent a device similar in idea to the invisible cloak 2) What is true of microwaves? he uses. 3) What is NOT true of the invisibility device? 2) Their wavelengths are longer than those of visible light. 4) What does the word "coaster" mean in the passage? 3) Microwaves bounce off it when they strike it. 5) Harry Potter's invisibility cloak doesn't have any real competition 4) A disk or plate placed under a drinking glass to protect a yet, because table top. 5) The cloaking device works only for microwaves. 13(隐形环(理C) 13(隐形环(理C) ?在文章中提到H P(哈利伯特),因为科学家 _______。 ?他们尝试发明一个与哈利伯特使用过的隐形斗篷相似的装置 ?关于微波正确的是____________________。 ?他的波长比可见波长 隐形环 ?隐形装置不正确的是____________________。 ?当微波射向它(隐形装置)时,光会反射回去 ?“coaster”单词的意思是____________________。 ?玻璃杯下面一个圆盘或盘子去保护桌面 ?HP的隐形斗篷没有真正的竞争对手,因为________。 ?隐形斗篷只能作用与微波 第十四篇 Japanese Car Keeps Watch for Drunk Drivers 文章名称 问题 答案 14(Japanese Car Keeps Watch for Drunk Drivers 14(Japanese Car Keeps Watch for Drunk Drivers (理C) (理C) 1) Which of the following statements is NOT true of the Japanese Japanese Car Keeps 1) It has sensors locked up in the ignition system. concept car? Watch for Drunk 2) A breathalyzer attached to a car's seat belt. 2) What has Volvo devel6pedq Drivers 3) It monitors the driver's eyes to see if he needs a rest. 3) What is the function of the camera mentioned in Paragraph 4? 4) Nissan aims to improve the detection technology to reduce 4) According to Doi, the fatality rate. 5) Which of the following is NOT mentioned in Paragraph 6? 5) The ear will automatically keep to its lane. 14(日本汽车监控醉酒司机(理C) 14(日本汽车监控醉酒司机(理C) ?日本概念车下面____________________不正确。 ?传感器被锁在引擎系统内。 ?Volvo公司研制出____________________。 ?呼汽酒精监测器安装在汽车安全带上 日本汽车监控醉酒司?在第4段相机的作用____________________。 ?通过监视司机的眼睛来看他是否需要(休息监测司机的清醒机 ?根据Doi____________________。 程度) ?在第6段没提及的是____________________。 ?尼桑的目的是为了改善检测技术减少死亡率 ?这个车将自动走入正轨。 10 2011职称英语 第十五篇 Winged Robot Learns to Fly 文章名称 问题 答案 15. Winged Robot Learns to Fly(理C) 15. Winged Robot Learns to Fly(理C) 1) Which of the following is NOT true of what is mentioned about 1) The two professors of CUT programmed the data on how the winged robot in the second paragraph? the robot flapped its wings. Winged Robot Learns 2) How did the robot behave at the beginning of the test? 2) It twitched but gradually gained height. to Fly 3) Which of the following is nearest to Peter Bentley’s view on the 3) The winged robot could never really fly. winged robot? 4) A movement detector. 4) What measured how much lift the robot produced? 5) All the above. 5) What does “the process” appearing in the last paragraph refer to? 15. 肋生双翅机器人学飞行(理C) 15(肋生双翅机器人学飞行(理C) ?_________________是错误的。 ?在机器人中安放了编好的关于翅膀扇动的资料 肋生双翅机器人学飞?机器人测试之初的表现方式是_________________。 ?抽动获得高度 行 ?PB同志认为_________________。 ?机器人永远不会飞翔 ?用_________________测量机器人飞起的高度。 ?运动探测仪 ?"the process"指的是_________________。 ?以上所有选项答案 第十六篇 Japanese Drilling into Core of Earth 文章名称 问题 答案 16. Japanese Drilling into Core of Earth(理C) 16. Japanese Drilling into Core of Earth(理C) 1) According to the passage. Mount Unzen 1) erupted in 1991. Japanese Drilling 2) According to the passage, the study of the Mount Unzen volcano 2) predicting volcano eruptions. into Core of Earth may benefit Japan in all the following aspects EXCEPT 3) Because Japan has many living volcanoes. 3) Why is this research project so important to Japan? 4) about half way up the mountain. 4) The drilling site on Mount Unzen is 5) drill a hole into the core of a volcano. 5) The title of this passage Japanese Drilling into Core of Earth actually means that they 16. 日本人的地心旅行(理C) 16(日本人的地心旅行(理C) ?Unzen山爆发于_____________。 ?1991年 日本人的地心旅行 ?_____________不是研究Unzen山的目的。 ?预测火山的爆发 ?研究对于日本很重要的原因是_____________。 ?日本有许多活火山 ?钻探地点选在_____________ 。 ?半山腰 11 2011职称英语 ?本文标题的确切含义是_____________。 ?钻一个通往火山中心的孔 第十七篇 A Sunshade for the Planet 文章名称 问题 答案 17(A Sunshade for the Planet(理C) 1) According to the first two paragraphs, the author thinks that 17(A Sunshade for the Planet(理C) 2) Scientists resist talking about their options because they 1) despite the difficulty, scientists have some options to don't want people to prevent global warming. A Sunshade for the 3) What does Stephen Schneider say about a heroin addict and 2) think the problem has been solved. Planet methadone? 3) Methadone is an effective way to treat a hard heroin 4) What is Stephen Schneider's idea of preventing global addict. warming? 4) To apply sunscreen to the Earth. 5) What is NOT true of the effectiveness of "sunscreen", 5) It decreases greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. according to the last paragraph? 17(给地球涂上防晒霜(理C) 17(给地球涂上防晒霜(理C) ?根据前2段,作者认为____________________。 ?尽管很难,科学家们还是有一些办法预防全球变暖 ?科学家们拒绝讨论他们选择的办法因为他们不想人们?认为这个问题被解决 给地球涂上防晒霜 ________。 ?镁沙酮是一个有效的治疗顽固性海洛因上瘾方法 ?SS说了关于海洛因上瘾与镁沙酮的_____。 ?给地球涂上防晒霜 ?预防全球变暖,SS的想法是_____________。 ?减少大气中温室气体的排放 ?根据最后一段,下面防晒霜的效果____是不对的。 第十八篇 Thirst for Oil 文章名称 问题 答案 18(Thirst for Oil(理C) 1) "... we will need to cure our addiction to oil. " Why does the 18(Thirst for Oil(理C) author say so? 1) Oil supply is decreasing. 2) Which of the following statements is NOT meant by the 2) Coal is the most environmentally unfriendly fuel next to Thirst for Oil author, according to the second paragraph? oil. 3) Which country is the biggest consumer of petroleum? 3) The United States. 4) What do experts say about the earth's fuel reserves? 4) There will soon be an energy crisis, 5) What is NOT the result of consuming fossil fuels according 5) The sea level will go up. to the last paragraph? 12 2011职称英语 18(石油贫乏(理C) 18.石油贫乏(理C) ?“我们将需要克服我们依赖石油”作者说这句话的目的是?石油减少 ___________________。 ?煤是仅次于石油对环境不好的燃料 ?在第2段作者没有提到的一句是_________________。 ?美国 石油贫乏 ?消费汽油最大的国家是____________________。 ?很快能源危机 ?关于地球燃料储备专家们说____________________。 ?使海平面上升 ?根据最后一段___________________不是使用化石燃料的结 果。 第十九篇 Prolonging Human Life 文章名称 问题 答案 Prolonging Human Life(理C) Prolonging Human Life (理C) 1. The writer believes that the population explosion results from 1)a decrease in death rates 2. It can be inferred from the passage that in hunting and gathering 2,infants could be left dead in times of starvation. cultures 3)Many of them have a very hard life. Prolonging Human Life 3. According to the passage, which of the following statements 4)the need to take care of sick and weak people. about retired people in the United States is true? 5)Critical. 4. In Paragraph 3, the phrase “this need” refers to 5. Which of the following best describes the writer’s attitude toward most of the nursing homes, and convalescent hospitals? 延长人类的生命(理C) 延长人类的生命(理C) 1) 作者相信人口膨胀归因于 1) 死亡率的减少 2) 从本文可以推断出打猎收集文化 2) 婴儿由于饥饿会立即死亡 延长人类的生命 3) 根据本篇文章,下列哪个选项关于美国的退休人员的说法是3) 他们中多数过着艰难生活 正确的, 4) 需要照顾病人及虚弱的人 4) 第三段中“this need”指的是 5) 批判的 5) 下列哪个选项最能描述作者关于护理院和康复院的态度 第二十篇 Explorer of the Extreme Deep 文章名称 问题 答案 Explorer of the Extreme 20(Explorer of the Extreme Deep(理C) 20(Explorer of the Extreme Deep(理C) Deep 1) What is Alvin? 1) A submersible. 2) Which of the following statements is NOT a fact about 2) It can carry explorers as deep as 6,500 meters. 13 2011职称英语 Alvin? 3) The ocean. 3) "... a world that is still full of mysteries" refers to 4) Shape. 4) In what aspects are the new HOV and :Alvin similar'? 5) Both A and B. 5) In what aspects are the new HOV and Alvin different? 20(深海探索器(理C) 20(深海探索器(理C) ?____________________是Alvin。 ?一个潜艇 ?关于Alvin____________________的描述是不对的。 ?他可以携带探测仪深达6500米 深海探索器 ?“一个充满神秘的事件”指的是__________________。 ?海洋 ?HOV和Alvin 在____________________方面相似。 ?形状 ?HOV和Alvin 在____________________方面不同。 ?提供较好的观测环境和速度 第二十一篇 Plant Gas 文章名称 问题 答案 21.Plant Gas (理C) 21.Plant Gas (理C) 1) What was scientists' understanding of methane? 1) It was produced in oxygen-free environments. 2) To test whether plants are a source of methane, the scientists 2) An environment with the same concentration of oxygen created as the Earth has. 3) Which statement is true of the methane emissions of plants in Plant Gas 3) The higher the temperature, the greater the amount of the experiment! methane emissions. 4) which of the following about methane is Not mentioned in the 4) Microbes in plants produce methane. passage? 5) Less methane reaches the atmosphere. 5) What is the beneficial point of some microbes consuming plant-produced methane? 21. 植物,沼气的又一来源(理C) 21.植物,沼气的又一来源(理C) ?科学家们理解的沼气是____________________。 ?在缺氧环境中产生 植物,沼气的又一来?去测试植物是否是沼气的来源,科学家们发明了___。 ?一个与地球环境氧的浓度相同 源 ?在实验中,关于植物释放沼气正确的一句是_______。 ?温度升高,沼气的释放量较大 ?文中关于沼气没有提到的是__________。 ?植物中的微生物长生沼气 ?一些微生物消耗植物产生的沼气有益的一点是______。 ?更少的沼气到达大气中 第二十二篇 Snowflakes 文章名称 问题 答案 Snowflakes 22. Snowflakes(理C) 22. Snowflakes(理C) 14 2011职称英语 1) What does Professor Libbrecht believe to be true? 1) No two snowflakes are exactly the same in shape. 2) What do the simplest snow crystals look like? 2) They are six-sided. 3) What are the factors that affect the shape and growth rate of a 3) Humidity and temperature. snow crystal? 4) Admires the beauty of the snowflakes. nd4) It can be felt from the description in the 2 paragraph that the 5) Create snowflakes that are exactly alike. author 5) Libbrecht is not able to 22. 雪 花(理C) 22(雪 花 (理C) ?教授认为_________________。 ?世界上没有两片完全相同的雪花 ?最简单的雪花晶体是_____________。 ?六边形 雪 花 ?影响雪花晶体的形状与成长速度的因素有_______。 ?湿度与温度 ?作者对于雪花晶体的感受是_____________。 ?欣赏雪花晶体的美丽 ?教授不能够_____________。 ?制造出两片完全相同的雪花 第二十三篇 Powering a City? It's a Breeze. 文章名称 问题 答案 23. Powering a City? It's a Breeze(理C) 23. Powering a City? It's a Breeze(理C) 1) What are the symbols of Netherlands according to the first 1) Wooden shoes and wooden windmills. paragraph? 2) It is a high-tech machine designed to generate energy for Powering a City? 2) Which statement is best describes the urban turbine mentioned in urban people. It's a Breeze the second paragraph? 3) can be carried up to the rooftop without a crane. 3) The smallest models of an urban turbine 4) The Netherlands is a small country with a large 4) Netherlands leads in the urban turbine technology because population. 5) According to the last paragraph, what are the advantages of wind 5) It can be installed in one’s backyard. power technology? 23. 风力发电,轻而易举(理C) 23(风力发电,轻而易举 (综B) ?荷兰的象征是_____________。 ?木鞋与风车 ?城市里涡轮机的作用是_____________。 风力发电,轻而易?用来为城市的人们产生能量的高科技的机器 ?最小的涡轮机_____________。 举 ?可以不用吊车就能够放到屋顶 ?荷兰之所以能够在城市涡轮技术方面处于领先地位是因为?荷兰人口多 _____________。 ?可以用于不同目的,可以被安装在后院 ?风力发电技术的优点是_____________。 15 2011职称英语 第二十四篇 Underground Coal Fires -- a Looming Catastrophe 文章名称 问题 答案 24. Underground Coal Fires -- a Looming Catastrophe(理C) 1) According to the first paragraph, one of the warnings given by the 24. Underground Coal Fires -- a Looming Catastrophe scientists is that (理C) 2) According to the third paragraph, what will happen when the 1) poisonous elements released by the underground fires Underground Coal underground heat does not disappear? can pollute water sources. Fires -- a Looming 3) What did Stracher analyze in his article published in the 2) Coal heats up on its own and catches fire and burns. Catastrophe International Journal of Coal Ecology? 3) Coal fires can have an impact on the environment. 4) Which of the following statements about Paul Van Dijk is NOT 4) He has detected and monitored underground fires in true? Netherlands. 5) According to the fifth paragraph, what is the suggested method to 5) Cutting off the oxygen supply. control underground fires? 24. 地下煤引发即将来临的灾难(理C) 24(地下煤引发即将来临的灾难(理C) ?科学家的警告是_____________。 ?地下火释放的有毒元素会污染水源。 地下煤引发即将来?地热如果不消失的话,_____________。 ?煤能够自己提高温度并在充足的氧气时能自燃。 临的灾难 ?Stracher的观点是_____________。 ?煤火对自然环境影响重大 ?关于PVD的描述,不正确的是_____________ 。 ?他在荷兰发现了地下火并对其进行监测。 ?控制地下火的方法是_____________。 ?切断氧气供应 第二十五篇 Eat to Live 文章名称 问题 答案 25. Eat to Live(理C) 1) According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true? 25. Eat to Live(理C) 2) Why does the author mention an elderly mouse in 1) We have to begin dieting from childhood. paragraph 2? 2) To illustrate the effect of meager food on mice. Eat to Live 3) What can be inferred about completely normally fed mice 3) They are more likely to suffer from inflammation. mentioned in the passage? 4) The mice that started dieting in old age. 4) According to the author, which of the following most 5) Dieting is not a go0d method to give us health and a long life. interested the researchers? 5) According to the last two paragraphs, Spindler believes that 16 2011职称英语 25. 为了活着吃饭(理C) 25(为了活着吃饭 (理C) ?_________________是不正确的。 ?童年时代就开始减肥 ?作者提到老老鼠的目的是_________________。 ?证明节食对老鼠的影响 为了活着吃饭 ?从正常喂养的老鼠中可以看出_________________。 ?它们更可能得炎症 ?研究者最感兴趣的是_________________。 ?老年开始节食的老鼠 ?S同志认为_________________。 ?节食并不是带来健康与长寿的方法 第二十六篇 Male and Female Pilots Cause Accidents Differently 文章名称 问题 答案 26(Male and Female Pilots Cause Accidents Differently (理C) 26(Male and Female Pilots Cause Accidents Differently(理C) Male and Female 1) What is the research at Johns Hopkins University about? 1) Gender difference in relation to types of aircraft crashes. Pilots Cause 2) Which of the statements is NOT true according to the 2) Only mature pilots are studied to determine the gender differences in Accidents second paragraph? the reasons for aircraft crash. Differently 3) How did the researchers carry out their study? 3) They studied the findings of several previous research projects. 4) What is the most common circumstance of crash with 4) Loss of control on landing or takeoff and stalling. female pilots? 5) male pilots are found to make more errors in decision-making. 5) In the comparison of female and male pilots. 26(男女飞行员引起飞行事故的差异(理C) 26(男女飞行员引起飞行事故的差异(理C) ?约翰?霍普金斯大学致力于研究_______________。 ?性别差异与飞机坠毁类型之间的关系 男女飞行员引起飞?根据第二段,下列哪项是不正确的________________。 ?只对成熟的飞行员进行研究,以确定性别差异造成的坠机 行事故的差异 ?研究者如何开展他们的研究_____________。 ?他们对前几次研究项目的结果进行研究 ?女飞行员最常见的失控发生于_____________。 ?起飞或降落时 ?对比男女飞行员,_____________。 ?男飞行员更容易做出错误的决定 第二十七篇 Driven to Distraction 文章名称 问题 答案 27(Driven to Distraction(理C) 27(Driven to Distraction(理C) 1) Which statement is true of the description in the first two 1) Coyne is not really driving so it is impossible for him to have Driven to paragraphs? hit the woman. Distraction 2) What do researchers want to find out, according to the third and 2) All of the above. fourth paragraphs? 3) In challenging driving situations, drivers do not have any 3) What are the preliminary results given in the fifth paragraph? additional mental energy to deal with something else. 17 2011职称英语 4) The sixth paragraph mainly state that the researchers. 4) Want to determine the best ways of giving navigational 5) What kind of directions do men and women prefer? information system. 5) Men prefer more general directions and women prefer route direction. 27(分散注意力驾驶(理C) 27(分散注意力驾驶(理C) ?Coyne不会真正开车,所以不可能撞到妇女 ?头两段的主题是_________________。 ?以上选项全部正确 ?第四段的段落大意是_________________。 分散注意力驾驶 ?在挑战性的环境里,司机没有额外的注意力处理其他的事情 ?第五段得出的初步结果是_____________。 ?研究者想去确定导航系统的最好方法 ?第六段表明_________________。 ?route directions(线路指示),general directions(笼统?男士喜欢_____________和女士喜欢______。 信息) 第二十八篇 Sleep Lets Brain File Memories 文章名称 问题 答案 28.Sleep Lets Brain File Memories(理C) 1) Which of the following statements is nearest in meaning to 28.Sleep Lets Brain File Memories(理C) the sentence “To sleep. Perchance to file?”? 1) Does brain arrange memories in useful order during sleep? 2) What is the result of the experiment with rats and mice Sleep Lets Brain 2) Somatosensory neocortex and hippocampus work together tin carried out at Rutgers University? File Memories memory consolidation. 3) What is the relation of memory to glucose tolerance, as is 3) The poorer the memory, the poorer glucose tolerance. indicated by a research mentioned in paragraph 4? 4) The more hippocampus shrinks, the poorer one’s memory. 4) In what way is memory related to hippocampus shrinkage? 5) To control glucose levels. 5) According to the last paragraph, what is the ultimate reason for going to the gym? 28. 睡眠促使记忆归档存储(理C) 28(睡眠促使记忆归档存储(理C) ?_____________最接近句子的含义。 ?睡眠时大脑对记忆组织 睡眠促使记忆归档存?老鼠实验的结果是_________________ 。 ?新皮质与海马质互相作用 储 ?葡萄糖耐量与记忆的关系是_________________。 ?记忆越差葡萄糖耐量越少 ?记忆与海马萎缩的联系是_________________。 ?海马越萎缩记忆越差 ?去健身房的最终原因是_________________ ?保持葡萄糖水平 第二十九篇 Food Fright 文章名称 问题 答案 18 2011职称英语 29.Food Fright(理C) 29.Food Fright(理C) 1) Paragraphs 1, 2 & 3 tries to give the idea that 1) GM foods may bring about great benefits to humans. 2) Why is the case of the pollen-sprayed milkweed cited in Paragraph 6? 2) It is cited to show GM foods also have a dark side. Food Fright 3) What happens to those insects when not killed by the spray of 3) They may have a higher ability to adapt to the insecticide? environment. 4) Which of the following statements concerning banning GM foods is 4) The United States has not banned GM foods. true according to the passage? 5) We cannot tell from the passage. 5) What is the writer’s attitude to GM foods? 29. 古怪食物(理C) 29(古怪食物 (理C) ?前三段的中心思想是_________________。 ?基因食物给人类带来的美好前景 ?作者在第六段举例子的目的是_________________。 ?证明基因食物也会有不好的一面 古怪食物 ?如果昆虫不被杀虫剂杀死的话,_________________。 ?它们可能会对环境有更强的适应能力 ?美国政府_________________基因食物。 ?不禁止 ?作者对于基因食物的态度是_________________。 ?我们无法判断 第三十篇 Digital Realm 文章名称 问题 答案 30.Digital Realm(理C) 30.Digital Realm(理C) 1) The techniques of voice recognition 1) are in is initial stage of development. 2) According to the second paragraph, when we reach the stage of artificial 2) machines can be out agents as they understand our intelligence, Digital Realm thoughts. 3) What’s the best description of Gordon Moore’s law as mentioned in the 3) It motivates the development of the digital world. third paragraph? 4) All of the above. 4) What can people do in a future scene as described in the fourth 5) In a personalized market, products are tailored to each paragraph? consumer. 5) Which of the following statements is true of a personalized market? 30( 数码王国(理C) 30. 数码王国(理C) ?初级 ?语音识别技术还处在_________________ 发展阶段。 ?代理人,它们理解我们的思想 ?当我们进入人工智能阶段时,机器将成为我们的____,因为________。 数码王国 ?推动数码时代的发展 ?Gordon Moore法则的作用_________________。 ?作曲,拍电影,写 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf ?在未来,人们可以 _________、_________、_______。 ?产品可以满足每个消费者的需求 ?个性化市场的特点:_________________。 19 2011职称英语 *第三十一篇 Hurricane Katrina 文章名称 问题 答案 31.Hurricane Katrina(理B) 31.Hurricane Katrina(理B) 1) What is the eye of a hurricane? 1) A calm central region of low pressure between 12 to 60 miles 2) Which of the following is NOT the “requirements” mentioned in the in diameter. Hurricane second paragraph? 2) The tropical waters are warm and calm. Katrina 3) Which of the following is the best explanation of the word “drive” in 3) To supply the motive force or power and cause to function. the third paragraph? 4) Low pressure. 4) What does the warm air mentioned in the fourth paragraph produce 5) The humanitarian crisis is as serious as that of the great when it is rising from the sea surface? depression. 5) What is NOT true of Hurricane Katrina according to the last paragraph? 31. 卡特里娜飓风(理B) 31.卡特里娜飓风(理,) ?飓风眼是指____________。 ?中心的无风区域的气压低,直径在12到60英里之间 ?飓风形成的要求不包括______________。 ?热带水域的水温较暖,水面平静 卡特里娜飓风 ?第三段中,单词drive 的最好解释是___________。 ?提供动力,并促使形成 ?当暖空气从海平面上升时,它_______________。 ?形成了低气压 ?关于卡特里娜飓风,不正确一项是___________。 ?造成的人道主义危机如经济大萧条一样严重。 *第三十二篇 Mind-reading Machine 文章名称 问题 答案 Mind-reading Machine Mind-reading Machine 1) Neurons in the brain. 1) What is responsible for processing the information sent by your eyes? 2) fMRI helps scientists to discover how the brain Mind-reading 2) Which of the following statements is NOT meant by the writer? develops intelligently. Machine 3) "Highlighting the areas of the brain at work" means 3) "marking the parts of the brain that are processing 4) What did the researchers experiment on? information" 5) Which of the following can be the best replacement of the title? 4) Two volunteers. 5) Your Thoughts Can Be Scanned. 读心机(理B) 读心机(理B) ? 什么负责处理通过眼睛发送的信息, ?大脑中的神经元 读心机 ? 下面哪个观点不是作者的意思, ?fMRI帮助科学家去发现大脑如何智能地开发, ? “Highlighting the areas of the brain at work”的意思是?标记出大脑部分来处理信息(大脑部分作出记号来处理信 ___________。 息) 20 2011职称英语 ?研究人员用什么做实验, ?2名志愿者 ?下列哪个选项最能替换标题, ?你的想法可以被扫描(知晓) *第三十三篇 Experts Call for Local and Regional Control of Sites for Radioactive Waste (B级) 文章名称 问题 答案 33. Experts Call for Local and Regional Control of Sites for Radioactive 33. Experts Call for Local and Regional Control of Sites for Waste(理B) Radioactive Waste(理B) Experts Call 1) Which of the following words can best substitute the word “withdrawal" 1) Canceling. for Local and in the first paragraph? 2) should be approved by local people and states. Regional 2) According to Rodney Ewing and Frand von Hippel, where to locate 3) The decision by Congress was accepted by local Control of nuclear facilities communities. Sites for 3) What is NOT true about the 1987 decision by Congress concerning 4) Efforts should be made to develop nuclear disposal sites to suit Radioactive siting of nuclear waste disposal? the circumstances of the region. Waste 4) What does the author of the essay in the fourth paragraph want to say? 5) Waste disposal sites are located close to reactors and in places 5) What is meant by "regional approach" as mentioned in the last paragraph? suitable for the regional circumstances. 33. 专家呼吁局部和区域控制放射性废物地点(理B) 33. 专家呼吁局部和区域控制放射性废物地点(理B) ?撤销(中止) ?下面哪一个单词能够替换第一段的单词“withdrawal" 。 ?州政府或地方政府应该有最终决定权。 专家呼吁局部?据Rodney Ewing和Frand von Hippel认为,哪里去安置核设备 , ?国会的决定被地方社区所接受。 和区域控制放?哪一项是有关1987年国会有关对存放核废物的地点的决定不正确的?我们应该制定 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 把安放存储设备的地点来适应当地特定射性废物地点 是 。 的环境。 ?文章作者在第四段想要说什么_______, ?地方政府应考虑当地的特殊环境,对核废物的处置的选择负?最后一段提到"regional approach"的是_________。 责。 *第三十四篇 (新增) Batteries Built by Viruses 文章名称 问题 答案 3(Batteries built by viruses(理B) 34. Batteries Built by Viruses(理B) Batteries built by 1)According to the first paragraph, people try to 1 )stay away from viruses because they are causes of various viruses diseases. 2) What is Belcher's team doing at present? 2)It is making batteries with viruses. 3) What expression below is opposite in meaning to the word 3) Expand. "shrink" appearing in paragraph 5? 21 2011职称英语 4)It is a metallic disk with viruses inside it. 5)Its width is one tenth of a hair. 4) Which of the following is true of Belcher's battery mentioned in paragraph 6? 5) How tiny is one battery part? 34.病毒电池(理B) 34(病毒电池(理B) ?根据第一段,人们试着去做_________ ? 远离病毒,因为他们能够导致各种疾病 ?贝尔彻的团队现在在做___________- ?制作用病毒构成的电池 病毒电池 ?下面哪一个词的意思和文中第五段的“萎缩”的意思相反。 ?扩展 ?在文中第六段中提到的关于贝尔彻的团队,哪一项是正确的。 ?有病毒在里面的金属圆盘 ?一个电池能够有多小, ?它的宽度是头发的十分之一 *第三十五篇 Putting Plants to work 文章名称 问题 答案 35.Putting Plants to work(理B) 1) What does the writer say about plants concerning solar energy? 35.Putting Plants to work(理B) 2) Why do some scientists study how plants convert sunlight carbon 1) Plants have been using solar energy for billions of years. dioxide, and water into sugars and starches? 2) Because they want green plants to become a new source Putting Plants to 3) According to the fifth paragraph, under what conditions are algae able of energy. work to use solar energy to make hydrogen? 3) When there is no oxygen in the air. 4) Researchers have met with difficulties when trying to make algae 4) It is too slow for algae to produce hydrogen when the produce hydrogen efficiently. Which one of the following is one such sulfate is removed. difficulty, 5) They are cheap to eat. 5) What is NOT true of algae? 让植物发挥作用(理B) ? 关于植物涉及太阳能,作者说________ 让植物发挥作用(理B) ? 一些科学家研究植物如何把阳光、二氧化碳、水转化成糖和淀粉的?植物数十亿年来一直利用太阳能 让植物发挥作用 原因是________。 ?因为他们想让绿色植物变成新的能源 ? 根据第五段,________时,海藻能用太阳能制造氢气, ?当空气中没有氧气 ? 研究员们发现在努力使海藻有效产生氢气时存在困难,这样的困难? 硫酸盐被清除后,海藻太慢而不能产生(更多)的氢气 是_________ ? 作为食物,它们很便宜 ? 于海藻的说法,错误的是_________ 22 2011职称英语 *第三十六篇 Listening Device Provides Landslide Early Warning 文章名称 问题 答案 36. Listening Device Provides Landslide Early Warning(理B) 1) What does "Such natural disasters" in the first paragraph refer to? 36. Listening Device Provides Landslide Early Warning(理Listening Device 2) Which of the following statements is true of landslides? B) Provides 3) Why do researchers develop a new device to monitor signs of 1) Landslides. Landslide Early landsides? 2) All of the above. Warning 4) Which of the following statements is NOT true of the device, 3) Because the common methods .can cause false alarms. according to Paragraph 4? 4) It is filled in with gravel. 5) According to the context, what does the word "positives" in the fifth 5) Evidences. paragraph mean? 36. 听觉仪器提供早期山崩预警(理B) 25.听觉仪器提供早期山崩预警(理B) ?第1段提到的“这样的自然灾害”是____________。 ?山崩 ?关于山崩下面正确的一句是____________。 ?以上都对(早期很难发现、土粒和石块开始移动、数小时数分钟听觉仪器提供早期?为什么科学家们研制一种新的仪器来监控山崩征兆, 带来破坏性的麻烦) 山崩预警 ?根据第4段,关于这个设备不正确的一句是________。 ?因为普通方法可能导致假的预警 ?根据上下文,单词“positives”的意思是_________。 ?它添满了沙粒 ?证据 *第三十七篇 "Don't Drink Alone" Gets New Meaning 文章名称 问题 答案 37."Don't Drink Alone" Gets New Meaning(理B) 1) Researchers have found that the risk of cancer in the mouth and neck 37."Don't Drink Alone" Gets New Meaning(理B) is higher with people 1) Who drink alcohol outside of meals. "Don't Drink 2) Which of the following is NOT the conclusion made by the 2) It increases by 20 percent the possibility of cancer in all sites. Alone" Gets New researchers about “drinking with meals”? 3) 3 drinks. Meaning 3) Approximately how many drinks do the lowest-intake group average 4) Laryngeal cancer. per day? 5) Reduces the risk of laryngeal cancer. 4) Which cancer risk is the lowest among all the four kinds of cancer mentioned in the passage? 5) 5. According to the last paragraph, tissue’s lower exposure to alcohol 不要在就餐时间37. 不要在就餐时间以外饮酒有了新含义(理B) 37.不要在就餐时间以外饮酒有了新含义 (理B) 以外饮酒有了新?口腔与颈椎癌症的高危人群是________。 ?就餐时间外饮酒 23 2011职称英语 含义 ?_________________ 不是就餐饮酒的情况。 ?癌症几率增加20% ?每天酒精最低摄入量是_________________。 ?三杯 ?患_________________的几率最低。 ?喉癌 ?组织酒精的降低会_________________ ?降低喉癌的机率 *第三十八篇 (新增) Longer Lives for Wild Elephants(理B) 文章名称 问题 答案 38. Longer Lives for Wild Elephants(理B) 38. Longer Lives for Wild Elephants(理B) 1)According to the first two paragraphs, unlike other zoo animals, zoo elephants 1)develop health problems. 2) Which of the following about the international scientists' research on the life 2)They kept detailed records of all the elephants in their care. spans of elephants is NOT true? (See paragraph 3)? Longer Lives for 3) Female zoo elephants die much earlier than their wild 3)What do the scientist find in their research? Wild Elephants counterparts. 4)What are the possible causes of stress and obesity Zoo-raised elephants 4) Both B and C. generally suffer from? 5) It may not be a wise policy to keep elephants in the zoo. 5)Which of the following does the author suggest in the last paragraph? 38. 野生大象寿命更长(理B) 38. 野生大象寿命更长(理B) ?根据前面2段,和其它动物不同, 动物园的大象_____________. ?健康发展的问题 野生大象寿命更?国际科学家对于大象的生命周期的研究,______________是不对的, ?他们保留了饲养大象的详细记录。 长 ?科学家们在他们的研究中发现了______________ ?动物园雌象比起它们的野生的同伴来说要死得早。 ?动物园中饲养的大象遭受压力和肥胖的可能的原因是______________. ?A 和B都对。 ?在最后一段,作者暗示了______________ ?把动物养在动物园里是不明智的做法。 *第三十九篇 Clone Farm 文章名称 问题 答案 39. Clone Farm(理B) 39. Clone Farm(理B) 1) Which statement is the best description of the new era of factory farming 1) Cloned chickens are bulk-produced with the same growth according to the first paragraph? rate, weight and taste. Clone Farm 2) Which institution has offered $4.7 million to fund the research? 2) The US’s National Institute of Science and Technology. 3) In the third paragraph, by saying “Producers would like the same meat 3) chickens could grow to the same weight but with less feed. quantity but to use reduced inputs to get there.” Mike Fitzgerald means that 4) Origen has joined hands with Embrex in producing he wishes cell-injecting machines. 4) Which of the following statements about Origen and Embrex is correct 5) farmers can order certain strains of chicken only. 24 2011职称英语 according to the fifth paragraph? 5) The technology of freezing stem cells from different strains of chicken can do all the following EXCEPT that 39. 克隆农场(理B) 39( 克隆农场(理B) ?工业化农场这个新时代是指_________________。 ?克隆出来的小鸡在成长速度、体重和口味上一样 ?_____________提供了470万美元资助克隆研究。 ?美国国家科学技术研究院 克隆农场 ?养殖者的希望是_________________。 ?投入减少但是产量不变 ?两大公司_________________。 ?联手生产细胞注射机器 ?冷冻干细胞技术的作用不可能是_________________。 ?农民只能订购某些品种的小鸡 *第四十篇 Air Pollution Cloud Measured on Both Sides of Pacific 文章名称 问题 答案 40.Air Pollution Cloud Measured on Both Sides of 40.Air Pollution Cloud Measured on Both Sides of Pacific(理B) Pacific(理B) 1) The haze of pollution mentioned in the first paragraph is a cloud Air Pollution 1) Of desert dust and hydrocarbons. 2) one of the Prices’s findings (Paragraph2) about the particles of the air is Cloud Measured 2) Their ability to reflect light is much stronger. that on Both Sides of 3) She collected samples of pollutants on the Northwest 3) What did Price not do during her research? Pacific coast for further tests. 4) According to the last paragraph, which of the following statements about 4) The two research teams whose findings Price correlates the two research teams is true? hers with are based in Asia. 5) Which of the statements is closest in meaning to the sentence “.., we 5) Pollutants coming from Europe are not the main source expect that sources in Europe will contribute less than Asian sources.”? of pollution in North America. 40. 污染云团在太平洋两岸均被测量(理B) 40.污染云团在太平洋两岸均被测量(理B) ?第一段提到的污染空气流是_____________。 ?沙漠灰尘和碳氢化合物 A污染云团在太?关于空气中的微粒的研究结果是_____________。 ?反光能力比较强 平洋两岸均被测?Price 没有做的事情是_____________。 ?在西南海岸收集污染物的样品 量 ?关于两个研究团队的正确描述是_____________。 ?以亚洲为基础进行研究 ?来自欧洲的污染物不是_____________。 ?北美污染的最主要来源 +第四十一篇 Too Little for Global Warming 文章名称 问题 答案 25 2011职称英语 41.Too Little for Global Warming(理A) 41.Too Little for Global Warming(理A) 1) Oil and gas will run out so fast that Earth's doomsday will 1) What do the authors of the new analysis presented at the University of never materialize. Uppsala intend to say? Too Little for 2) Cut COemissions. 2 2) Nations that signed the Kyoto Protocol agree to Global Warming 3) 3,500 billion by a growing number of scientists. 3) What are the estimates of the world's oil and gas reserves? 4) He thinks that IPCC's estimates are more optimistic than the 4) Which of the following about Nebojsa Nakicenovic is true? Swedes. 5) Which of the following is the near explanation of Nakicenovic's assertion 5) A switch to burning coal would produce disastrous that "... such a switch would be disastrous ..."? environmental problems. 41. 全球变暖“缺油”(理A) 41(全球变暖“缺油”(理A) ?根据乌普萨拉大学发表的新论文,作者试图说明_________。 ?石油和天然气将耗尽如此之快,地球的末日将永远不会实现。 ?国家签署了《京都议定书》,同意_____________。 ?减少二氧化碳的排放 全球变暖“缺油” ?世界石油和天然气储量估计有_______________。 ?3,500亿桶 ?Nebojsa Nakicenovic的观点是________________。 ?IPCC过于乐观 ?对Nakicenovic的观点,正确的解释是________________。 ?改用燃煤会导致灾难性的环境问题。 +第四十二篇 Renewable Energy Sources 文章名称 问题 答案 42.Renewable Energy Sources(理A) 1) What are the energy resources that are not renewable according to the 42.Renewable Energy Sources(理A) article? 1) A and B. Renewable 2) China’s Three Gorges Dam 2) is the largest of all the hydroelectric dams in the world. Energy Sources 3) Which is the country with the first commercial power station that makes 3) Norway. use of ocean currents produced by tides. 4) All of the above. 4) Which of the following statements is true of wind power? 5) are renewable so sustainable. 5) According to the article, resources such as wind 42. 可再生能源(理A) 42(可再生能源(理A) ?可再生能源不包括_______________。 ?石油、煤与天然气 ?中国三峡大坝____________________。 ?是世界上规模最大的水坝 可再生能源 ?第一个利用海上的潮汐能发电的商业电站在_______建成。 ?挪威 ?关于风力发电,正确的是_______________。 ?全部正确(选D) ?根据文章,风能等能源是___________。 ?是可再生,可持续的 26 2011职称英语 +第四十三篇 Forecasting Methods 文章名称 问题 答案 43.Forecasting Methods(理A) 43.Forecasting Methods(理A) 1) What factor is NOT mentioned in choosing a forecasting method? 1) Imagination of the forecaster. Forecasting 2) Persistence method will work well 2) If weather conditions do not change much. Methods 3) The limitation of the trends method is the same as the persistence 3) The weather features need to be constant for a long method in that period of time. 4) Which method may involve historical weather data? 4) Both climatology method and analog method 5) It will be impossible to make weather forecast using the analog 5) When the current weather scenario differs from the method analog. 43. 天气预报的方法(理A) 43(天气预报的方法(理A) ?作为预测方法,_____________没有提到。 ?预测者的想象力 ?如果_________________,持续性方法就会起作用。 ?气候条件不发生变化 天气预报的方法 ?趋向性方法与持续性方法的缺陷是一样的,那是因为?气候特征需要在很长的时间里较稳定 _________________。 ?气候学方法和相似物方法 ?_____________涉及历史的数据资料。 ?当目前的气候状况不同于相似物 ?在_____________情况下,不可能使用相似物方法。 +第四十四篇 Defending the Theory of Evolution Still Seems Needed 文章名称 问题 答案 44. Defending the Theory of Evolution Still Seems 44. Defending the Theory of Evolution Still Seems Needed(理A) Needed(理A) 1) According to the first paragraph, which of the following 1) School boards oppose AIBS’s effort to defend the statements about the theory or evolution is true? Defending the theory of evolution. 2) Which one of the following is NOT the reason for an overall lack Theory of 2) Darwin’s theory is denied as the central theory of of teaching Darwin’s theory? Evolution Still biology. 3) AIBS’s is composed of Seems Needed 3) more than 80 societies and 250,000 members. th4) According to Weis in the 5 paragraph, the theory of evolution 4) is fundamental to the development of modern genetics, 5) Why do people replace the term creationism with the term molecular biology and genomics. intelligent design nowadays? 5) Because the term creationism is too direct. 44. 捍卫进化论仍必要(理A) 44(捍卫进化论仍必要(理A) 捍卫进化论仍必?关于第一段的正确描述是___________。 ?学校委员会反对AIBS努力捍卫进化论 要 ?____________不是不教授达尔文理论的原因。 ?达尔文理论被确定为生物学中心理论 27 2011职称英语 ?AIBS由_________________组成。 ?80多个协会与250,000个成员 ?达尔文进化论是_____________的发展基础。 ?遗传学、分子生物学、基因学 ?人们用intelligent 这个词替换creationism,是因为creationism? 太直接了(意即太过于宗教色彩) 这个词____________。 +第四十五篇 (新增) Some People Do Not Taste Salt Like Others 文章名称 问题 答案 45. Some People Do Not Taste Salt Like Others(理A) 45. Some People Do Not Taste Salt Like Others(理A) 1) In paragraph 2, John Hayes points out that 1)many people accept low-salt tasteless food reluctantly 2) The fourth paragraph describes briefly Some People Do 2) how to select subjects and what to do in the research. Not Taste Salt 3) The article argues that supertasters Like Others 3)like snack foods as saltiness is their primary flavor. 4)Which of the following applies to supertasters in terms of bitter 4)They prefer high-salt cheese, which tastes less bitter.. taste? 5)What message do the last two paragraphs carry'? 5)Taste acuity is genetically determined. 45. 咸度味觉因人而异(理A) 45(咸度味觉因人而异 (理A) ?在第二段中,约翰.海斯指出了___________________。 ?有很多人不情愿的去接受低盐度的食物 咸度味觉因人而?第四段简要的介绍了_________________。 ?怎样选择被试以及研究中做了什么。 异 ?文章指出口味超重的人________________. ?快餐食品是他们最主要的食品 ?对于口味超重的人,下列哪项比较适用于苦味, ?他们更喜欢高盐度的而不是很苦的奶酪, ?文章的最后两段所带有的信息是____。 ?一般情况下,味觉的敏感度具有决定性。 +第四十六篇 (新增)Marvelous Metamaterials 文章名称 问题 答案 46. Marvelous Metamaterials(理A) 46. Marvelous Metamaterials(理A) 1) What is true for metamaterials? 1) They are nonexistent in nature. Marvelous 2) A hyperlens is a more powerful tool than a traditional lens 2) as it can help scientists to see even the wavelengths of Metamaterials 3)Scientists at the Polytechnic University of Valencia try to to visible light. 28 2011职称英语 invent 3) an acoustic cloak that can shuffle waves of sound. 4)According to Sánchez-Dehesa, 4) it is possible to build an acoustic cloak in theory but far 5)What ways are some scientists looking into to protect the island from reality. and oil rig from tsunamis?(Read the last paragraph.) 5) Surround them with metamaterials as protective shields.. 46. 不可思议的超材料(理A) 46.不可思议的超材料(理A) ?对于金属材料,________的说法是正确的 ?它们在自然界中不存在。 ?超透镜比传统的镜片更强大的原因是________. ?它可以帮助科学家看到和可见光一样小的事物。 ?瓦伦西亚理工大学的科学家正尝试着发明_________ 不可思议的超材料 ?隐身衣可以移动声波。 ?根据Sánchez-Dehesa的意思,可以推出_________. ?在理论上能够制成隐身衣,但是实际上可能无法制成。 ?科学家为了防护岛屿和石油钻塔采取了________的方法(根据?用金属材料作为保护片围绕着它们。 文中最后一段) +第四十七篇 Listening to Birdsong 文章名称 问题 答案 Listening to Birdsong Listening to Birdsong 1) Male zebra finches change their songs in female zebra Listening to 1) What does the first paragraph say about zebra finches? finches’ presence. Birdsong 2) What did the researchers find in their study of female zebra finches? 2) Female finches liked songs male finches sang for them. 3) What is meant by "concert songs" in the seventh paragraph? 3) Songs sung by male finches for female finches. 4) What is NOT true of directed communication? 4) Male zebra finches sing to themselves. 5) Which of the following can best reflect the theme of the passage? 5) Birdsongs as communication. 倾听鸟鸣(理A) 倾听鸟鸣(理A) ? 第一段对斑胸草雀说_________ ?雄斑胸草雀在雌斑胸草雀面前变换了嗓音 ? 研究人员在对雌斑胸草雀的研究中发现_________ ?雌斑胸草雀喜欢雄斑胸草雀给她们唱歌 倾听鸟鸣 ? 在第七段中,“concert songs”的意思是_________ ?雄斑胸草雀唱歌给雌斑胸草雀 ? 关于“直接交流”________的说法是错误的 ?雄斑胸草雀唱歌给自己 ? ________最能反映文章的主题 ?鸟鸣作为一种交流 +第四十八篇 "Hidden" Species May Be Surprisingly Common 文章名称 问题 答案 ‘Hidden’ Species 48. ‘Hidden’ Species May Be Surprisingly Common (理A) 48. ‘Hidden’ Species May Be Surprisingly Common (理A) May Be 1) Which of the following about the significance of the research on 1) The results of the research can help our understanding of 29 2011职称英语 Surprisingly cryptic species is NOT true? "survival of the fittest. " Common 2) What was scientists' understanding of cryptic species? 2) Both Band C. 3) Do scientists know how many cryptic species exist? 3) Not yet. 4) Which of the following about the African bush elephant and the 4) They are two genetically distant species. African elephant is true? 5) identified only one mosquito species instead of six species. 5) People were confused in their attempts to control malaria in Europe in the early 1900s. because scientists 48. “隐种”可能令人惊叹地普遍存在(理A) 25.“隐种”可能令人惊叹地普遍存在(理A) ?对隐蔽性物种的研究意义下面不正确的是________。 ?适者生存 “隐种”可能令人惊?科学家们理解的隐蔽性物种是____________。 ?昆虫和爬行动物、在热带非温带区域 叹地普遍存在 ?科学家们知道有____________种隐蔽物种存在, ?不了解 ?关于非洲丛林象和非洲象下面正确的是___ 。 ?他们是两个基因疏远的物种 ?早在20世纪欧洲人们企图控制疟疾,因为科学家们_ 。 ?鉴别蚊子这一物种不是由一个种类而是由六个种类组成 +第四十九篇 U.S. Scientists Confirm Water on Mars 文章名称 问题 答案 U.S. Scientists Confirm Water on Mars(理A) U.S. Scientists Confirm Water on Mars(理A) 1) What was discovered by NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander on Mars? 1) Water in a soil sample. 2) Why did the first two attempts to deliver samples fail? 2) The samples got stuck inside the scoop. U.S. Scientists 3) Which one of the following statements is NOT meant by the writer? 3) Scientists have been trying to break the ice-rich layers of Confirm Water on 4) Where are the scientists involved in the research from? soil on Mars. Mars(理A) 5) Which of the following do you think is the best description of Phoenix's 4) They are from both America and Canada. Surface Stereo Imager camera, according to your understanding of the 5) It imitates human vision and is able to capture passage? three-dimensional images. 美国科学家们确认火星上有水(理A) 美国科学家们确认火星上有水(理A) ?NASA的凤凰号火星登陆器在火星上发现了什么, ?土壤样品中有水 美国科学家们确认?为什么头两次试图发送样品失败了, ?样品粘在了铲子里 火星上有水 ?下面哪种陈述不是作者的意思, ?科学家们一直在尝试在火星上打破含冰丰富的土壤层 ?参与这个研究的科学家们来自哪里_______, ?他们来自美国和加拿大 ?下面哪个选项最能描述凤凰号的表面立体呈像照相机,根据你对本?它模仿人类视野并且能够捕捉三维呈像 文的理解, +第五十篇 Cell Phones Increase Traffic, Pedestrian Fatalities 文章名称 问题 答案 Cell Phones 50. Cell Phones Increase Traffic, Pedestrian Fatalities(理A) 50. Cell Phones Increase Traffic, Pedestrian Fatalities(理A) Increase 1) The two new studies, lead-authored by Professor Peter D. Loeb 1) both A and C. 30 2011职称英语 Traffic, 2) According to the second paragraph, when did cell phones actually help to 2) Before the number of cell phone users reached a critical mass Pedestrian reduce pedestrian and traffic fatalities? 3) The number of traffic deaths was reduced in the late 1980s and Fatalities 3) What is said about cell phone use in paragraph 4 ? part of the 1990s due to cell phone use. 4) What is said about cell phone use in the mid-1980s in paragraph 5? 4) It had a life-taking effect because there weren't enough cell 5) Which of the following statements DOES NOT answer the question phones in use then. "What caused the "life-saving effect" to occur in the early 1990s?" 5) The number of cell phone users reached about 100 million. 50. 手机增加交通行人死亡(理A) 50. 手机增加交通行人死亡(理A) ?第一作者是Professor Peter D. Loeb的两个新的研究发明是 。 ?A项和C项(A:开车或行走时打手机使司机和行路的人死亡率 ?根据第二段, 时手机的使用的确帮助减少了行人和交通事故的死上升;C:建议采取严厉的措施限制司机和行路人使用手机。) 亡率, ?在手机使用者达到临界点之前。 手机增加交?第四段说了有关手机使用的 。 ?由于手机使用,在20世纪80年代末和90年代。交通事故死亡通行人死亡 ?第五段中,有关手机在80年代中期使用 。 率在减少。 ?下面 的观点没有回答清楚问题在,,年代早期“什么引起了致命?那时产生了“致命的效果”, 因为在那时手机还没有得到足够的使 效果”, 用。 ?手机使用者达到了一亿。 31
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