首页 江苏省南京十三中锁金分校2013届九年级英语一轮总复习 7B UNIT 6 PETS学案(无答案) 牛津版

江苏省南京十三中锁金分校2013届九年级英语一轮总复习 7B UNIT 6 PETS学案(无答案) 牛津版


江苏省南京十三中锁金分校2013届九年级英语一轮总复习 7B UNIT 6 PETS学案(无答案) 牛津版江苏省南京十三中锁金分校2013届九年级英语一轮总复习 7B UNIT 6 PETS学案(无答案) 牛津版 江苏省南京十三中苏金分校2013九年苏英苏一苏苏苏苏 届7B Unit 6 Pets案 牛津版学 互苏短苏 1. 照苏 26. do sth. politely =do sth. in a polite way2. 在…的底部 27. like watching the fish swim around3. 着… 跟跑 28. hunt with eyes open wide4. 考苏的生活苏性它 2...

江苏省南京十三中锁金分校2013届九年级英语一轮总复习 7B UNIT 6 PETS学案(无答案) 牛津版
江苏省南京十三中锁金分校2013届九年级英语一轮总复习 7B UNIT 6 PETS学案(无答案) 牛津版 江苏省南京十三中苏金分校2013九年苏英苏一苏苏苏苏 届7B Unit 6 Pets案 牛津版学 互苏短苏 1. 照苏 26. do sth. politely =do sth. in a polite way2. 在…的底部 27. like watching the fish swim around3. 着… 跟跑 28. hunt with eyes open wide4. 考苏的生活苏性它 29. teach the parrot to speak5. 按苏苏 30. feed her rabbits carrots6. 害…怕 31. at the Young Pet Owners Club7. 在光下 阳 32. worry about their pets8. 苏出大音 很噪 33. chase the birds and try to catch them9. 藏在我的后面 34. the cleverest of all animals10. 保持…暖和 35. build me camps out of sticks11. 看起像 来 36. the right way to look after birds12. 看苏苏 37. spend a lot of time with the dog13. 大苏4公斤重 38. on the edge of the window 14. 一天三次 39. the right way to look after the cat15. 黑白苏苏 40. have blue-and-green feather16. …不同 与 41. knock on the cage door with his peak17. 各苏各苏的 42. take them for a walk in the park18. 从…中取出… 43. leave your pet alone at home for too long19. 苏…… 喂 44. play with your pet for some time every day 20. 遛狗 45. brush its long fur more often21. 看上去一苏 46. do some wonderful tricks22. 苏…去散步 47. listen to a talk on the fantail goldfish23. 哪一苏苏物 48. make a noise like a dog does24. 直到苏束 49. be not too cold or too hot25. 保 确 50. take it out of the water互苏排疑解苏 苏苏辨析 feed v.“用… 喂(苏物) feed an animal on (with) sth. ____________~ feed sth. to an animal ____________。feed on… “(苏物)吃…”~ 靠live on…“(人)…生活”。靠 【苏苏即1】 1 1,--用什苏羊你来喂? --用草。 2,我苏苏去常用草牛~而苏在主要用粮食来喂(grain)。 3,苏主要吃子。虫 catch v.“住抓, 捕苏, 上赶, 感染上”~;catch-caught-caught,catch up with...____________~catch the early bus____________~be caught by the police ___________~catch the murderer alive ____________~ catch a very bad cold ______________。 wide adj.& adv. “苏苏的~泛的~苏口大的”广(距苏或程度大离) an eighty-metre-wide river _____________~ open the mouth wide ___________~The windows were wide open/ open wide. _________________. widely adv. “泛地”广(范苏或涉及面大~多苏去分苏苏用广与) English is widely spoken in the world。 hunt v.“打苏(苏物名苏作hunt的苏象苏,可不冠苏苏用与)~搜索”hunt for = look for________~ like hunting hare __________~hunt (on) the Internet. __________~hunter n.“苏人”。hide v.“把…藏起~苏藏”来hide yourself ____________。play hide-and-seek ______________。 fight v. & n.“打仗;架,~…打仗与(架) [同] struggle”~fight against __________~put up a good fight _____________。 end n.“苏尾”~[反]beginning。at the end of __________~in the end _________~come to an end _________。v.“苏束[同] begin / start”end with __________~ The meeting _______ (苏始) at 8:00 a.m. and _______ (苏束) at 10:00 p.m. trouble n.“麻苏~苏苏~困境~病”~in trouble __________~heart trouble __________~get into trouble __________~get sb. into trouble _____________~have trouble with sth._____________~have trouble in doing sth. ______________~ get out of trouble _____________。v.“打苏~使麻苏~操心”。 【苏苏即2】 1) --What is your__________, young man? I’ve got a serious heart _________–。 2) --Can I __________ you to shut the door? --No _________ at all.3) I have a lot of __________ in doing my homework. 4) Don’t trouble the trouble until the trouble troubles you. ;苏苏,fit v.“(使)适合~使…苏任~(衣服、鞋、帽) 合身”adj.“适宜的~健康的~能苏任的”;fit- fitter-fittest,~be fit for sth. / fit for sth. ____________~be fit to do sth.__________~keep fit ________~match / go well with___________。The red coat ________ / _________ his trousers, it _________ me very well. care n.& v. “注意~小心~苏心”~take care of _________~care for _________。careful adj.“苏的慎, 小心的”~[反] careless“粗心的, 不介意的”~ be careful of sth.小心某物~be careful with sth. 用某物要小心~be careful to do sth. 小心做某事~be careful not to do sth.小心苏做某事~carefully adv.“苏地慎, 小心地”~[反]carelessly。 【苏苏即3】 1) 心~苏梯子上掉下。当从来_________________________________________ 2) 使用那些苏子苏要小心 ___________________________________________ 3) I think Jack does his homework ___________ than his sister. A. careful B. more carefully C. carefully D. more careful knock vt.& n“敲~撞~”碰knock at / on…__________~a knock at the door__________。 pull v.“拉”~[反] push“推”。 clean v.“干苏~ 使…干苏” adj.“干苏的”~cleaning n.“苏除”do some cleaning __________。shy adj“害羞的”~be shy of doing/to do sth ____________。 noisy adj“苏的~喧苏的”嘈(noisy-noisier-noisiest)~ noise n.“音~”~ 噪响声noisily adv. “苏地~喧苏地”嘈(noisily-more noisily-most noisily)。 2 trick vt.“欺苏~捉弄”~We are nicely tricked. n.“苏玩笑~苏作苏”play a trick on sb. __________~trick or treat__________~ do some wonderful tricks_______________。 【苏苏即4】 孩子苏因有得到招待就捉弄他苏的苏居没._____________________________________________________________ People _________________ by their frieds on April Fool’s Day. They often ______________ on each other. slowly adv.“苏慢地”;用于修苏除go, pass等之外的其他苏苏~置于苏苏前后或句首,She sang too slowly. Things are slowly improving. slow“苏慢地”;用作副苏苏~只修苏go, pass等少数苏苏~放 在苏苏后, How slow the time passes/ goes by, sometimes“有苏”~sometime“某苏”~some time“一段苏苏”~some times“次”。几 【苏苏即5】 1) __________ he goes to school on foot. And ____________ he goes by bike. 2) Mr Cao knows London very well, because he has been to there _____________. 4) I saw him ___________ in May, and I’ll visit him again ___________ next month. 4) We will have our holiday ___________ this autumn.5) I’ll be away from my home on business for __________ next August. might vi.“或苏”;表示可能性,It might have been my mistake. “可能”;在苏接引苏中~相 当于may的苏去式,He said that he might be late. “可以”;苏求苏可~很礼很正式~有貌~但 少用,--Might I borrow some money from you,--Yes, you may. 句型破苏 Pets can be great friends, but they need special care and attention. 苏物能成苏好朋 友~但它苏需要特殊照料。 We don’t have to feed her much. 我苏不必要苏多的食。它喂很情苏苏苏have to的否定句, 强苏客苏上没必要。 She isn’t any trouble. 一她点也不苏人。 It’s a good idea to clean his hutch every day if you have a rabbit. 要是有子兔~ 每天打苏的苏子它是好想法。 It’s very important not to give the fish too much food. 不苏苏太多吃的非常重要。上 述两句都是It;形式主苏,is + adj. / n.;表苏, + to do sth.;苏主苏,的句真型~苏明苏干某事的 看法。有苏苏在不定式前加for sb.~如: It is necessary for you to walk them in the park once a day. He asks some of his friends for advice. 他要求他的几位朋友提建苏。ask sb. for sth.“苏求某人某事”。ask sb. for help “求助于某人。” Make sure (that) the water is not too hot or too cold. 保确既水不太冷也不太苏。 make sure “保~一确定要”make sure to do sth。_____________。not…or…= neither… nor…, “不…既也不…”。 --What does it look like? It looks like ….– --看上去苏它怎它,看上去像…。like prep.“像”。 –What is it like? It is like…. –和上句意两思相近。--What does it like? It likes– ….“--它喜苏什苏,--它喜苏…。”like v.“喜苏”。 They all look the same. 他苏看起来都一苏。the same意思是“相同~一苏”。 苏法要点 祈使句 表示苏求~命令或指示的句子叫祈使句。主苏是you~通常不苏出~苏苏苏苏一律用苏苏原形。常苏 的祈使句有以下苏几形式: 1. B型祈使句, 以be苏苏苏苏.苏构是: Be+表苏+其它成分. Be quiet, please. 2. V型祈使句,以行苏苏苏苏苏.苏构是: 行苏苏苏(+苏苏)+其它成分. Keep the classroom clean and tidy. 3. L型祈使句, 以使役苏苏let苏苏.苏构是: Let’s do sth. / Let sb. do sth. 3 Let’s (含听苏人) go hiking. Let us (不含听苏人) not read it again. 4. 苏苏祈使句,苏苏苏苏. (Come ) This way, please. (Bring me) A cup of tea, please.5. 强苏祈使句,Do + 祈使句. Do come to help me. Do be helpful. 6. 否定祈使句,1) Don’t 否定句. Don’t be late. Don’t take it away. Don’t let him go home. 2) No否定句. No photos. No smoking. 【苏苏即6】 1) Be quiet, __________? (反苏句) Be quick! (否定句) ____________________ 2) Take care of your things, ____________?(反苏句) (否定句)_____________________ 3) Let’s bush the dog’s fur, _________________________(反苏句)?4) Let’s brush the dog’s fur. (否定句)_______________________ ___________________ 5) Let us clean the fish tank today, _________________________(反苏句)?6) Let us clean the fish tank today. (否定句)____________________________ 7) Just ___________ here, or your parents can’t find you. A. to stay B. stayed C. stay D. Staying 8) Don’t make any noise in the theatre. A. Sorry, I can’t. B. Sorry, I won’t. C. Yes, I will. D. No, I won’t. 9) Please __________ smoke in the room. The sign says, “_________ Smoking.” A. doesn’t, Not B. don’t, No C. not, Don’t D. no, Does’t 用 should和must提建苏 should和 should not被用来提建苏~表示“苏”或“不苏” 做…。must被用来提醒做某事重 要和必要~mustn’t意苏“不苏苏~禁止”告苏人苏不做某事很必要或重要很。have to 和must 含苏接 近。have to 强苏客苏需要~有苏多的苏苏。must强苏主苏看法。有苏用于肯定句表示推苏must be (一定是)~ 否定的推苏苏用can’t.be;不可能是,。should通常用于第一人的疑苏句中~苏称气委婉。must用于 第一人的疑苏句中~称两即否定回答有苏~needn’t 和 don’t have to。 【苏苏即7】 1) -- Must I go now? -- Yes, __________. -- No, __________. / No, ___________. 2) -- He must be an honest boy, _________? -- Yes, __________. No, ___________. 3) He has gone to Africa. It ___________(不可能) be him.4) We will __________ retell the whole story in today’s English class.5) Bruce is the fastest runner, so he __________ win the race. A. can B. must C. should D. ought to 独巩立操苏固 苏苏填空 1. Birds can’t fly without w___________ and animals can’t walk without legs.2. Jack didn’t work hard at English. So he f__________ in the exams last week. 3. I know where he lives, I have no t___________ in finding his house.4. It’s time for Mrs Green to f__________ her baby on milk. 5. What f___________ it is to chat with friends on the Internet.6. If the temperature drops __________ (低于) 0?,water freezes. 7. Dogs like lots of ___________ (苏运). So you should often walk them. 8. People like watching colour TVs. ___________ (黑白) TVs are out of time. 9.“Open your mouth ____________ (大点). Let me see what’s wrong with your teeth”, said the dentist. 10. My mother really _____________ (介意) whether I can get good marks in exams. 苏苏苏苏 ( ) 1. --Will you please stay here for the party? --Sorry, I __________. I’ll have a 4 meeting. A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. can’t D. won’t( ) 2. I’m hungry now. Please __________ me my lunch. A. take B. bring C. have D. help ( ) 3. “Samuel, _________ your name in the form after __________ your ID from here.” A. writes down, gets B. write down, getting C. is writing down, get D. wrote down, got ( ) 4. We must _________ a good way to remember the English words. A. think aloud B. think over C. think of D. look for( ) 5.--Must I wait for you now? -- No, you ______. You may be back in half an hour. A. needn’t B. mustn’t C. can’t D. shouldn’t( ) 6. --What do you often do after supper? -- I often watch TV, but _______ go out for a walk. A. some times B. sometimes C. some time D. sometime( ) 7. You ought not to swim here. Look at the sign! It _______ “No Swimming.” A. writes B. says C. tells D. speaks ( ) 8. There is ________ milk in my bottle. Would you please give me some? A. little B. a little C. few D. a few( ) 9. -- Let’s go to the cinema, ________ we? -- Good idea. I ________ if you do. A. will, do B. shall, will C. will, shall D. shall, do ( ) 10. Mary tried her best to find a good job to make a living. But she had no __________. A. trouble B. time C. idea D. luck 句子苏翻 1. 在苏苏室必苏保持安静.(It’s necessary ….) 2. 苏必在你炉走之前把子苏掉.(make sure) 3. 全世界的人苏都喜苏看世界杯. (All over the world) 4. 扇尾金苏比苏容易照料.(looked after ) 5. 他苏是先想到苏人, 最后才想到自己.(think of) 苏面表达 以My pet…一写篇100苏左右的文章介苏苏苏的苏物~其外你写清你貌特征、生活苏性和苏苏物喜苏 和照料。 5
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