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女阻击手女阻击手 前苏联在卫国战争之前就大力开展青少年的军体活动,在苏联各地建立了许多航空俱乐部及射击俱乐部,培养了不少射击的等级运动员,其中有不少女射击手。在卫国战争进入相持阶段后,阻击成为阵地战中消耗德军有生力量的重要手段之一。由于绝大部分男性已经征召入伍,红军就开始征召一部分有射击经验的女青年入伍,成为阻击兵。由于女性所特有的耐心以及细致、精确射击、隐蔽能力,这部分女阻击手获得了显著的战绩。其中不少人获得了战功及奖章。据报道,找整个卫国战争期间,先后有两千余名苏联妇女参加红军成为阻击手,共击毙德军五万余人,战争结...

女阻击手 前苏联在卫国战争之前就大力开展青少年的军体活动,在苏联各地建立了许多航空俱乐部及射击俱乐部,培养了不少射击的等级运动员,其中有不少女射击手。在卫国战争进入相持阶段后,阻击成为阵地战中消耗德军有生力量的重要手段之一。由于绝大部分男性已经征召入伍,红军就开始征召一部分有射击经验的女青年入伍,成为阻击兵。由于女性所特有的耐心以及细致、精确射击、隐蔽能力,这部分女阻击手获得了显著的战绩。其中不少人获得了战功及奖章。据报道,找整个卫国战争期间,先后有两千余名苏联妇女参加红军成为阻击手,共击毙德军五万余人,战争结束时仅有五百余名女阻击手得以生还。 柳德米拉·米哈伊尔洛夫娜·帕夫里琴科(英语:Lyudmila Mykhailivna Pavlichenko,俄语: Людмила Михайловна Павличенко )1916年7月12日生于乌克兰的白采尔科维(英语:Bila Tserkva ,乌克兰语: Бiла Церква,基辅州的一个城市)。14岁移居基辅,她在基辅参加了射击俱乐部并成为了,当时她是基辅兵工厂的一位磨床女工。1937年考入基辅大学历史系。1941年6月德国入侵苏联时,她正好24岁,是基辅大学的四年级学生。她是第一批自愿入伍 投身于卫国战争的女兵之一。加入了红军的陆军第25步兵师。 在一场战斗中她接替牺牲了的战场指挥员,受伤后拒绝下战场,坚持指挥战斗。 柳德米拉·米加伊列甫娜·帕夫里琴科参加了摩尔多瓦和奥德赛战役,在奥德赛被德军占领后,她的部队撤到克里米亚半岛上的塞瓦斯托波尔,她在这里坚守了八个多月,据统计在整个二战期间她一共击毙了309名德军,其中有36名德军的阻击手。随后她成为专门培养苏联阻击手的教官,直至战争结束。 ------------------------------------- 1943年照片。 苏联当局曾两次为她发行纪念邮票。左:1943年.右:1976年。 50年代的照片。 战后她回到基辅大学完成学业,后来成为苏联海军司令部的 一位研究助理,晋升为少校军衔。因为她在二战期间的战功,获得列宁奖章以及苏联英雄称号。六十年代后从事复员军人协会的工作,1974年去世,享年58岁。 每日拂晓,帕夫里琴科单独或是与她同时参军的战友列昂尼德·克申科(Leonid Kutsenko)一起去伏击“打猎”,有时会躺在地上数小时,乃至数天,等待敌人的出现。她常常与德军的阻击手决一死战而获得胜利. 有一次他们两人的隐蔽位置被德军军官发现,德军用迫击炮轰击他们。列昂尼德被爆弹击中而负重伤。帕夫里琴科设法把她的战友拖下了战场,但列昂尼德最终因伤势过重而牺牲。 为她死去的战友复仇,从此帕夫里琴科更勇敢地阻击德军。 1942年6月,帕夫里琴科因受到迫击炮轰击而负伤,由于 她辉煌的战绩得到苏军当局的重视,伤愈一个月后,她被从前线撤了回来。 苏联政府将她派往加拿大和美国宣传苏联人民抗击德国法 西斯的战绩。美国总统富兰克林·罗斯福在白宫接见了她,她成为得到美国总统接见的第一位苏联普通公民。随后,帕夫 里琴科受罗斯福夫人埃莉诺·罗斯福的邀请到美国各地访问并作演讲,介绍她的作战经验。 在伦敦的苏联大使馆里,帕夫里琴科与梅斯基的夫人阿格尼亚·亚历桑德诺夫娜在一起。随后她多次出席在华盛顿及纽约的公众集会并发表演讲。 帕夫里琴科与美国驻苏联大使的夫人戴维斯在一起。 帕夫里琴科和美国驻苏联大使约瑟夫·戴维斯握手。 在访问芝加哥并作演讲时,帕夫里琴科说道:“先生们,我只是一位25岁的女兵,现在我已经消灭了309位法西斯侵略者。先生们,难道你们应当落在我的后面吗?”会场上一片寂静,数秒钟后响起了经久不息的掌声。 战后,她完成了在基辅大学的学业,开始从事历史研究工作。1945-1953年间在苏军海军司令部任研究助理。后来主要在苏联复员军人委员会工作。1974年10月10日去世,享年58岁。 帕夫里琴科是二战红军战绩卓越的45位女阻击手中排名最高的一位。第二位是里波·卢戈(Libo Rugo)共击毙242个德军士兵。 作为一个女阻击兵,奥尔加·瓦西里耶夫娜(Olga Vasilyeva)在1943年首次击毙敌人。整个战争期间共击毙法西斯185名。二战结束后,她回到了家乡沃罗涅日(Voronezh)。她曾获得许多奖章,包括卫国战争勋章和红星勋章。 Natalia Kovshova was born in Ufa in 1920 and joined the front in October, 1941. On the 14th of August 1942, Natalya’s regiment was committed to the fighting near the village of Sutoki-Byakovo in the Novgorod Region. The machine –gunners and snipers resisted the German offensive in trenches. The Russian soldiers were killed one after another. Natalya was one of the few remained alive She waas wounded. She decided to pull the pin of her grenade, and wait to blow the German soldiers up when they reached the trench. When the Germans finally reached the trench, Natalya detonated the grenades, killing herself and many German soldiers. She was posthumously awarded the Hero of the Soviet Union shortly after, in recognition of her sacrifice. Tari Vutchinnik and Catherine Zhdanova destroed 155 German occupants each. Genya Peretyatko completed her sniper cources in 1938 and in 1941 she joined the army. Total number of kills performed by Peretyatko was 148. Maria Polivanova was born in a village in the Tula Region in 1922. She was one of the two snipers who killed themselves and many German soldiers by detonating those grenades in the fight near the village of Sutoki-Byakovo in the Novgorod Region on August 14th, 1942 (along with Natalya Kovshova). Inna Mudretsova killed 138 fascists making her first kill in 1943. She had her left arm amputated after a severe wound. She died shortly before the 55th anniversary of the Great Victory. 尼娜·巴甫洛芙娜·彼得洛娃(Nina Pavlovna Petrova 1893-1945)一等兵,隶属苏联红军第86步兵师286团,优秀女狙击手,共击毙德国兵122人。1945年5月1日死于什切青地区的一场车祸。 尼娜·巴甫洛芙娜·彼得洛娃,1893年7月15日彼得洛娃出生于喀琅施塔得。参加过苏芬战争,战争结束后进入狙击手学校学习,毕业后在列宁格勒斯巴达克体育协会担任射击教练。苏德战争爆发后,志愿加入列宁格勒民兵第4师,被编入该师医疗卫生营,在战争中,她的射击才能立即得到发挥,彼得洛娃很快被提升为大士,然后调到塔尔图步兵第86师第284团第1营担任狙击手。彼得洛娃在战斗中枪法精确,多次与德军狙击手斗智斗勇,每每都能战胜对手。在列宁格勒战役中战功卓著,获得“战功”奖章和“保卫列宁格勒”奖章。到1944年2月,彼得洛娃共击毙敌人23人,因此获得三级光荣勋章。1944年8月解放波罗地海沿岸地区的战斗中,彼得洛娃跟随步兵分队战斗队形,以精确的射击消灭德军士兵,并参与侦察和冲锋,因此获得了二级光荣勋章。1945 年艾尔宾战斗中,彼得洛娃又击毙敌人30多人,从而使她个人击毙敌军官兵人数达到100名。因此被授予一级光荣勋章和二级卫国战争勋章。1945年5月1日,就在战争即将结束的前夜,彼得洛娃在什切青地区作战时牺牲。Tatyana Kostyrina was born in 1924. In 1943 she took command of a battalion which commander was killed but she was later killed herself in that fight. She killed 120 fascists. Holder of the Order of Glory Olga Bordashevskaya killed 108 fascist occupants and was badly wounded in 1945. She couldn’t accept the fact that she was a 26-year old disabled person and one year later she joined an expedition to Antarctica. Natalia Sapyan was born in Leningrad. She volunteered for the military service and served as a medical instructor. She didn’t only kill 102 fascists but saved lives of 109 wounded Soviet people. Vera Petrovskaya killed 100 fascist occupants. Snipers Catherine Golovakha (on the left) and Nina Kovalenko (on the right). Nina Kovalenko killed 100 fascist occupants. Elizabeth Mironova killed 100 enemies. She died in 1943 defending Novorossiysk. Valentina Khokhlova was a medical instructor and a sniper. Khokhlova killed 94 enemies and saved 101 lives. Hero of the Soviet Union Alia Moldagulova (born in Kazakhstan) killed 91 enemies. She died in a battle in January, 1944. Nina Lobkovskaya killed 89 enemies making her first kill as a sniper in 1943. Nina Lobkovskaya. Vera Artamonova (Danilovtseva) killed 89 enemies. Antonina Boltayeva (Vyatkina) killed 87 enemies. Maria Koshkina (Tkalich) killed 85 fascist occupants starting as a medical instructor and then becoming a sniper. When she was wounded in the leg, she kept serving as a medical instructor and a scout. She never wore any of her medals and orders when she was home in a village in the Leningrad Region because she “received them for killing peo ple”. Lyubov Makarova killed 84 fascists. After the war's end, she returned to Perm, her hometown. Tatyana Konstantinova killed 84 fascists. Maria Zubchenko (Solovjeva) killed 83 fascists. Alexandra Vinogradova killed 83 fascists. Tatyana Chernova killed 81 fascists. Julia Belousova killed 80 fascists. Klavdia Marinkina (Fedoseeva) killed 79 fascists. Holder the Order of the Red Star, the Order of Glory 3rd Class Lidia Gudovantseva killed 76 fascists and returned from the war to work as a lecturer-methodologist. Lidia Onyanova killed 76 fascists. Taisia Maximova killed 76 fascists. She was a little girl when a German army entered Leningrad. She watched a lot of defenseless Soviet people being killed, including her first cousin with her two kids, a 5-year old boy and girl who hadn’t even learnt how to walk yet. She attempted to join the army several times but she was just 15 so she would always been denied. Finally, she escaped from the factory she worked at and became a sniper. She went all the way up to Berlin and returned to Leningrad. Maria Morozova killed 57 fascists. She celebrated the victory in Prague where on May, 12th she made her last kill as a sniper. Roza Shanina killed 75 fascists. She persisted on joining the army even though she was 16. She took sniper classes and made her first sniper kill in 1944. She died in a battle on January 28th, 1945. Alexandra Medvedeva (Samonosova) killed over 70 fascists. Maryenkina (Yakusheva) killed 70 fascists. Belobrova (Mironova) killed 70 fascists. Demina (Isaeva) killed 70 fascists. Alexandra Shlyakhova killed 69 fascists. She became a sniper in 1943 and died in 1944. Yevgenia Makeeva killed 68 fascists. Yekaterina Golovakha (on the right) killed 67 fascists. Klavdia Dunaeva killed 67 fascists. She was a medical instructor and a sniper who saved 143 lives of Soviet soldiers and officers. She received 11 awards for her service. Snipers Polina Krestyaninova (on the left) and Anna Nosova (on the right). Polina Krestyaninova killed 65 fascists. She lied about her age to be sent to a shooting school and finished it in summer, 1943. Nina Obukhovskaya killed 64 fascists. Vera Kosolapova killed 63 fascists. She was a sniper and a medical instructor who saved 103 lives. There are more photographs about females participating in WWII. Best snipers of the Kalinin Front. Female snipers before going to the front, 1943. 女阻击手们。 A sniper of the 1st Baltic Front, 1944. Sniper Rosa Shanina (1924—1945) and her commander A. Balaev. Sniper Rosa Shanina. Snipers Zaytseva and Petrova. Training. Snipers of the 33rd Army of the Byelorussian Front.Snipers Natakia Kovshova and Maria Polivanova. Defenders of Sevastopol, June 21st, 1942. Lieutenant Yevdokia Zavaly was a commander of a amphibious rifleman platoon. Medical orderlies Ivashina and Medvedeva. October, 1941. Medical instructors in the Kalinin Front. The Ukrainian Front. Holder of orders, sniper Yevdokia Motina, 1943. Hero of the Soviet Union Maria Dolina. Snipers Razumova and Dolgopalova, 1943. Female snipers, the Moscow Region. Marching female snipers. Podolsk, 1944.
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