首页 关于大学生环保意识的调查报告



关于大学生环保意识的调查报告关于大学生环保意识的调查报告 关于我校大学生环保意识的调查报告 ——来自西南政法大学西园A栋附近的实地 调查报告 内容摘要: 目前我校对生态环保类的公共课程普遍不够重视,虽然一些教材中有所提及,但是不够系统、不够全面。部分专业由于受限于本身特点,根本没有将生态环境保护教育列入教学范围,造成大学生生态环保知识贫乏、意识薄弱、行为习惯落后. 关 键 词: 现状 环保意识 氛围 环保重要性 薄弱 姓 名:李一凡 学 号: 2013062104 前言 近些年来,我国的经济发展日益增强,并且随之而来的也有日趋...

关于大学生环保意识的调查 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 关于我校大学生环保意识的调查报告 ——来自西南政法大学西园A栋附近的实地 调查报告 内容摘要: 目前我校对生态环保类的公共课程普遍不够重视,虽然一些教材中有所提及,但是不够系统、不够全面。部分专业由于受限于本身特点,根本没有将生态环境保护教育列入教学范围,造成大学生生态环保知识贫乏、意识薄弱、行为习惯落后. 关 键 词: 现状 环保意识 氛围 环保重要性 薄弱 姓 名:李一凡 学 号: 2013062104 前言 近些年来,我国的经济发展日益增强,并且随之而来的也有日趋恶劣的生存环境。现在保护生态环境的呼声日益高涨,人们的环保意识也在不断增强,大学生作为时代发展的领军人物,应该在各方面不断完善自己,增强自身的环保意识已经刻不容缓。高校应该针对目前大学生环保意识的现状,有针对性的开展相关的公共课程,引导大学生建立强烈的环保意识,共筑美好家园。因此,为了更深入的了解我校大学生对环境保护的意识程度,并且为了更有力的倡导我校大学生加强对环境的保护,我做了以关于大学生环保意识的调查报告为主题的问卷调查。 一、调查对象和调查方法 (一)调查对象 调查对象是针对个宿舍成员共五十名,其中包括男生25人,女生25人。 (二)调查方法 本次调查地点是西园A栋附近通过宿舍内发放书面问卷的方式进行,在各宿舍随机发放两张,对各MATCH_ word word文档格式规范word作业纸小票打印word模板word简历模板免费word简历 _1714182417938_0学生无要求。 (三)调查内容 书面问卷以选择题为调查内容,共八道题。内容如下: 1. 请问地球日是哪一天, A.3.18 B.4.22 C.6.5 D.12.22 digging; has dual functions of retaining, watertight; typically more economical construction without vibration, noise, less pollution, squeezing slightly, so construction in the downtown area even more advantages. Disadvantages of cement-soil retaining wall: the first is the relatively large displacement, especially in the pit length is large, this may be done between the piers, arches and other measures to limit the displacement is too large, followed by thick, only used in position and the surrounding environment allowing the red line, and in the construction of cement-soil mixing piles to avoid affecting the surrounding environment. 2.1.2 soil-nail wall is a type of slope stability of soil nailing wall support, its role and passive retaining walls are different, it is voluntarily fixing effect, increase the stability of slopes, excavation of Foundation pit slope stability. Soil-nail wall is better soil areas, applied along the northern part of North China and East China, also in southern China, and some has been used to hang 10m deep Foundation pit, stability, construction is simple and short, good, good economy, better soil areas should actively promote. Used soil nail wall of General requirements, ? soil nail wall can applies Yu plastic, not plastic or hard of viscous soil; II in has groundwater of soil in the, soil nail support nursing should in full drop drainage of premise Xia used; ? soil nail wall easy caused soil body displacement, used soil nail wall support nursing should carefully consider, wall body deformation on around environment of effect. 2.1.3 row of piles during excavation, not sloping or due to the limited space and cannot stir pile, depth at around 6 to 10m when you can row pile retaining. 2.你清楚垃圾的分类方法吗, A.不清楚 B.记不太清,但很支持 C.清楚,偶尔会注意行为 D.清楚,同时运用与生活中 3.发现周围存在环境污染的行为,你会怎么做, A.视而不见,一走了之 B.表示不满,期盼得到治理 C.阻止有关行动 D.向环保部门反应 4.如何看待一次性餐具的做法 A.不环保,坚持不用 B.不太环保,但偶尔用一下也没影响 C.一次性餐具挺方便,经常使用 D.别人都在用,所以我也用 5. 您以为下面哪一项是工业“三废”, A.废铜、废铁、废钢 B.废电池、废家电、废家具 C.废电视机、废冰箱、废电脑 D.废水、废气、废渣 6. 您认为下列因素对我国当前环境问题影响最大的是,(选三项) A. 有关环保的法律法规不健全 B. 政府环保执法不严、重视程度不够 C. 环保宣传教育力度不够、公众的环保意识差 D. 国家经济发展速度过快 E. 企业只注重经济效益而忽视环保 7.对于低碳生活,请问你有那些行动,(多选) A.出门按步行,自行车,公交车,私车选择 B.任何电器一旦不用及时关掉电源 C.尽量节约,循环使用水资源等 D. 少用纸巾,重拾手帕,保护森林,低碳生活 E. 不坐电梯爬楼梯,省下大家的电,换自己的健康 F. 尽量少使用一次性牙刷、一次性塑料袋、一次性水杯等一次性物品 G. 关掉不用的电脑程序,减少硬盘工作量,既省电也维护你的电脑 二、调查结果与分析 调查共发放书面问卷50份,得到的有效问卷50份,回收率100%,问卷容 量50。 调查结果如下 选项 问题 A B C D E F G digging; has dual functions of retaining, watertight; typically more economical construction without vibration, noise, less pollution, squeezing slightly, so construction in the downtown area even more advantages. Disadvantages of cement-soil retaining wall: the first is the relatively large displacement, especially in the pit length is large, this may be done between the piers, arches and other measures to limit the displacement is too large, followed by thick, only used in position and the surrounding environment allowing the red line, and in the construction of cement-soil mixing piles to avoid affecting the surrounding environment. 2.1.2 soil-nail wall is a type of slope stability of soil nailing wall support, its role and passive retaining walls are different, it is voluntarily fixing effect, increase the stability of slopes, excavation of Foundation pit slope stability. Soil-nail wall is better soil areas, applied along the northern part of North China and East China, also in southern China, and some has been used to hang 10m deep Foundation pit, stability, construction is simple and short, good, good economy, better soil areas should actively promote. Used soil nail wall of General requirements, ? soil nail wall can applies Yu plastic, not plastic or hard of viscous soil; II in has groundwater of soil in the, soil nail support nursing should in full drop drainage of premise Xia used; ? soil nail wall easy caused soil body displacement, used soil nail wall support nursing should carefully consider, wall body deformation on around environment of effect. 2.1.3 row of piles during excavation, not sloping or due to the limited space and cannot stir pile, depth at around 6 to 10m when you can row pile retaining. 1 9 33 8 0 2 3 13 21 13 3 3 16 22 9 4 5 28 9 8 5 2 4 0 44 6 40 34 25 33 18 7 26 17 21 5 12 34 22 结果分析: 上述结果表明,其中60%的同学了解地球日,其他同学对地球日比较模糊;对于是否清楚垃圾分类方法的问题,其中42%的同学表示“清楚,偶尔会注意自己的行为”各有13%的同学选择了“记不太清,但很支持”、“清楚,同时运用与生活中”只有三个同学不清楚垃圾的分类方法。对于自己身边存在污染环境的行为,44%的同学表示会阻止其行为,32%的同学希表示不满,期盼得到治理,一少部分同学会向有关部门反映,极少数会一走了之。许多同学对使用一次性餐具的看法比较现实,56%的同学选择了“不太环保,但偶尔用一下也没影响”,有些同学却很注意这方面,坚决不使用一次性餐具,同时也有少数会经常使用一次性餐具。关于工业三废调查,使我们看出同学们对工业中的“三废”有很大了解,最起码大多数人都知道“三废”是指什么。说明大家对工业污染比较重视,也说明了“三废”的确是一个很严重的问题。多数学生认为影响我国环境的主要因素是有关环保的法律法规不健全,政府环保执法不严、重视程度不够,这是政府的管理不善,其实可以想到我们约束自己行为的意志也不够坚定,这需要我们社会共同努力,加大宣传共同促进大家的环保意识。对于第七个问题,反映出大家在平时的学习生活中对环保的概念不是特别强烈,所如果改变大家对环保的看法,就要从社会大环境中营造一种良好的环保氛围, 在尊重客观存在的环保意识不太高的规律的基础上,充分发挥主观能动性,同时经济建设是必不可少,我们意识的高度,往往物质基础的影响是很大的。 三、调查问题分析 1.当前我校大学生的环保意识现状 首先,环保意识素养不高,缺乏有关环境保护的基础知识,。这次调查中,发现很多同学对对环境保护的知识了解很少。调查最后,我碰到几个同学,问他们几个问题了解到,关于废弃物会收到再利用的标志也是别不出来,关于自然资源的有限性,电子垃圾的概念等这样的常识也只是略知一二,由此可见,我校大学生环保意识的整体认知水平亟待加强。 2.造成我校大学生环保意识整体薄弱的原因 A.高校缺乏有关环保的课程 目前我校对生态环保类的公共课程普遍不够重视,虽然一些教材中有所提及,但是不够系统、不够全面。部分专业由于受限于本身特点,根本没有将生态环境保护教育列入教学范围,造成我校大学生生态环保知识贫乏、意识薄弱、行为习惯落后。 digging; has dual functions of retaining, watertight; typically more economical construction without vibration, noise, less pollution, squeezing slightly, so construction in the downtown area even more advantages. Disadvantages of cement-soil retaining wall: the first is the relatively large displacement, especially in the pit length is large, this may be done between the piers, arches and other measures to limit the displacement is too large, followed by thick, only used in position and the surrounding environment allowing the red line, and in the construction of cement-soil mixing piles to avoid affecting the surrounding environment. 2.1.2 soil-nail wall is a type of slope stability of soil nailing wall support, its role and passive retaining walls are different, it is voluntarily fixing effect, increase the stability of slopes, excavation of Foundation pit slope stability. Soil-nail wall is better soil areas, applied along the northern part of North China and East China, also in southern China, and some has been used to hang 10m deep Foundation pit, stability, construction is simple and short, good, good economy, better soil areas should actively promote. Used soil nail wall of General requirements, ? soil nail wall can applies Yu plastic, not plastic or hard of viscous soil; II in has groundwater of soil in the, soil nail support nursing should in full drop drainage of premise Xia used; ? soil nail wall easy caused soil body displacement, used soil nail wall support nursing should carefully consider, wall body deformation on around environment of effect. 2.1.3 row of piles during excavation, not sloping or due to the limited space and cannot stir pile, depth at around 6 to 10m when you can row pile retaining. B.社会缺乏宣传力度 社会上一些主流媒体缺乏对生态环境保护的关注,或者缺乏关注的连续性和持久性,很多网站或纸质媒体只在每年的“世界环境日”或“植树节”等特定节日,才会象征性地关注一下环境保护,等日期一过便再无下文,目前甚至很少有关于环境保护的期刊或杂志,大学生很难接触到有关知识。 C.有关环境保护的校园课外活动太少 大学生活是多姿多彩的,大学生的课余时间也是非常充分的,因此诞生了各式各样的社团,以及各种主题的课外活动。虽然我校也会组织环境保护主题的课外活动但是大都仅限于观看资料片、考察野外动物园等初级层次,表面上非常认真重视,短期内也能在校园引起一定的反响,但在教育方面的深度和持久力不够,目前很多大学生了解环保的意义所在,但却缺乏更深一步的了解。 四、解决对策 近年来,素质教育成为高校教育的核心与目标。素质教育是一项系统工程,其目的在于培养完整意义上的人——全面发展的社会主体。一个完整意义上的人应该具备较高的环境意识,有为保护环境而不断调整自身经济活动和社会活动,协调人与环境、人与自身相互关系的实践活动的自觉性。因此,对大学生进行环境意识教育是对其素质教育得以实现的重要环节,是有利于提高大学生素质的重要手段。“21世纪环境意识将成为人类社会文明、发展进步的重要标志,环境意识也将成为21世纪人类必须具备的素质之一,培养大学生的环境意识正是新世纪发展的客观要求。” 1(开设与环境保护知识相关的必修课,并在德育课程中引入环境意识的内容 有调查表明,日前很多大学生已有的环境知识不是来之于学校的教学,而且对现有的环境教学感到不满。因此,有必要在大学课程建设的过程中,增加环境科学知识的教学内容。大学环境教育课程主要应加强三部分课程内容:一是面向全校各专业开设公共必选课,如“环境保护”、“环境与发展”或“环境与可持续发展”等,这类公选课的设置要兼顾全校各专业的特点,教学的重点放在让学生认识环境污染的现状、危害及环境保护的政策和法律法规,了解环境对于人类社会发展的重要性,使学生真正从思想上对环境问题有一个全面的认识,提高学生的环境保护意识。二是根据全校不同专业的特点开设专业必选课,如“清洁生产工艺”、“三废处理”、“可更新资源管理”、“旅游景区环境评估”、“环境监测”等,专业选修课要结合各专业的具体特点,在提高学生环境意识的同时,还提高学生解决环境问题的能力。二是在马克思主义理论与思想政治教育理论课中增加旨在提高大学生环境意识水平的内容,如:在形势与政策课中向学生通报高时效性的国际与国内的环境状况及环境问题,同时通报由环境问题带来的现实与潜在的危害;在“思想道德修养”课教学中加强环境道德教育;在“法律基础”课教学中加强环境法律法规教育;在“马克思主义哲学原理”课教学中引导学生正确认识人与自然的关系;在“邓小平理论和‘三个代表’重要思想概论”课教学中引导学生深刻认识科学发展观的内涵及要求,等等。如此将大学生的环境意识培养有机地渗入马克思主义理论与思想政治教育理论课当中,这既是树立和落digging; has dual functions of retaining, watertight; typically more economical construction without vibration, noise, less pollution, squeezing slightly, so construction in the downtown area even more advantages. Disadvantages of cement-soil retaining wall: the first is the relatively large displacement, especially in the pit length is large, this may be done between the piers, arches and other measures to limit the displacement is too large, followed by thick, only used in position and the surrounding environment allowing the red line, and in the construction of cement-soil mixing piles to avoid affecting the surrounding environment. 2.1.2 soil-nail wall is a type of slope stability of soil nailing wall support, its role and passive retaining walls are different, it is voluntarily fixing effect, increase the stability of slopes, excavation of Foundation pit slope stability. Soil-nail wall is better soil areas, applied along the northern part of North China and East China, also in southern China, and some has been used to hang 10m deep Foundation pit, stability, construction is simple and short, good, good economy, better soil areas should actively promote. Used soil nail wall of General requirements, ? soil nail wall can applies Yu plastic, not plastic or hard of viscous soil; II in has groundwater of soil in the, soil nail support nursing should in full drop drainage of premise Xia used; ? soil nail wall easy caused soil body displacement, used soil nail wall support nursing should carefully consider, wall body deformation on around environment of effect. 2.1.3 row of piles during excavation, not sloping or due to the limited space and cannot stir pile, depth at around 6 to 10m when you can row pile retaining. 实科学发展观的要求,也对高校的思想政治理论课的教学改革具有启示意义,更是提高大学生环境意识水平的有效途径。 3(开展提高大学生环境意识的社会实践活动 大学生的环境意识教育不能局限于课堂,丰富多彩的社会实践活动更有利于将课堂上学到的环保知识加以巩固和应用。社会实践活动的形式很多,例如开展广泛的环境教育宣传,办展览、开讲座、结合环境保护主题节日开展活动等。我们也可以借鉴德国的经验,引导大学生走向户外、走进社区、走向社会,走进大自然,并吸引全社会的广泛关注和参与,以此提升大学生以及公众的环境意识水平。 4(构建并完善提高大学生环境意识水平的激励机制 构建并完善激励机制是促进大学生环境意识提高的有效途径之一。瑞典的成功经验是设立绿色学校奖,尽管其目的是鼓励学校为健康的环境而采取了基于课程的行动,却给了我们很大的启示。我们也可以设立诸如绿色使者、绿色团队等奖项,并使之与继续升学以及就业相联系,激发大学生学习与环境有关的知识并付诸于实践的动力,从而提高大学生的环境意识水平。 总之,提高大学生环境意识的有效方法很多,只要抓住大学生在校学习的有利时机,适时地对其进行熏陶与渗透,必将使大学生的环境意识大大提高,进而有利于我国乃至整个地球的环境与资源的可持续发展。 digging; has dual functions of retaining, watertight; typically more economical construction without vibration, noise, less pollution, squeezing slightly, so construction in the downtown area even more advantages. Disadvantages of cement-soil retaining wall: the first is the relatively large displacement, especially in the pit length is large, this may be done between the piers, arches and other measures to limit the displacement is too large, followed by thick, only used in position and the surrounding environment allowing the red line, and in the construction of cement-soil mixing piles to avoid affecting the surrounding environment. 2.1.2 soil-nail wall is a type of slope stability of soil nailing wall support, its role and passive retaining walls are different, it is voluntarily fixing effect, increase the stability of slopes, excavation of Foundation pit slope stability. Soil-nail wall is better soil areas, applied along the northern part of North China and East China, also in southern China, and some has been used to hang 10m deep Foundation pit, stability, construction is simple and short, good, good economy, better soil areas should actively promote. Used soil nail wall of General requirements, ? soil nail wall can applies Yu plastic, not plastic or hard of viscous soil; II in has groundwater of soil in the, soil nail support nursing should in full drop drainage of premise Xia used; ? soil nail wall easy caused soil body displacement, used soil nail wall support nursing should carefully consider, wall body deformation on around environment of effect. 2.1.3 row of piles during excavation, not sloping or due to the limited space and cannot stir pile, depth at around 6 to 10m when you can row pile retaining.
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