首页 湖北省重点中学高一分班模拟测试英语试题及答案



湖北省重点中学高一分班模拟测试英语试题及答案湖北省重点中学高一分班模拟测试英语试题及答案 精英1对1辅导 湖北省重点中学高一分班模拟测试 英语试题 第I卷 英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分) 第一节 单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,得 分 满分 15 分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选 出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上评卷人 将该项涂黑。 21. By this time of next Friday, I _____ to New York by the Korean Airline. A. will fly B. ...

湖北省重点中学高一分班模拟测试英语试 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 精英1对1辅导 湖北省重点中学高一分班模拟测试 英语试题 第I卷 英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分) 第一节 单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,得 分 满分 15 分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选 出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上评卷人 将该项涂黑。 21. By this time of next Friday, I _____ to New York by the Korean Airline. A. will fly B. will be flying C. am flying D. will have flied 22. One third of the class _____ agreed to be volunteers to help the aged this vocation. A. are B. is C. has D. have 23.She thought I was talking about her daughter,________,in fact,I was talking about my daughter. A(whom B(where C(which D(while 24. Could I have a cigarette? I seem to of them. A. have run out B. use up C. run out D. have used up 25. It’s been years since I _____ myself so much. A. enjoy B. enjoyed C. have enjoyed D. had enjoyed 26. In the Great Depression, the American government couldn’t find good solutions_____ the unemployment problem. A. of B. to C. on D. about 27. Dream of the Red Chamber is _____ worth _____ because we can learn a lot about the noble families in the feudal society. A. very; reading B. well; to be read C. well; reading D. very; to be read 28. —Jack, you water the flower today, ___? — But, dad, I watered it yesterday. A. do you B. will you C. didn’t you D. don’t you 29. — Mary, you should say sorry to your brother immediately. — _________; I did nothing wrong. A. No problem B. No way C. No hurry D. No chance 30.— Excuse me, could I put off this plan? — You have no right to refuse it, and just _________. A. work it out B. carry it out C. put it away D. set it up 31. The island is ______ the mainland by the bridge built ten years ago. A. joined up B. attached to C. related with D. connected to 全国免费咨询热线4008-010-699 前程教育总部电话: 精英1对1辅导 32. Don’t tell a lie any more, ______ most people will lose faith in you. A. nor B. and C. but D. or 33. He went to the station hurriedly only ______that the bus had gone away. A(to tell B(to be told C(telling D(being told 34. The decorations were absolutely beautiful and _________, the children had made them themselves. A. what’s more B. in some ways C. for sure D. in other words 35. Eating habits ____ from country to country. One man’s meat can be another man’s poison. A. turn B. advance C. spread D. vary 第二节 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30得 分 分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯 的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的评卷人 正确形式填空。 A What will the city of the future look like? No one knows for sure, and making (36)_______(predict) is a risky business. But one thing is certain-they are going to get bigger before they get smaller. In the future, care for the environment will become very important (37)_______earth’s natural resources run out. We will use lots of (38)_______(recycle) materials, such as plastic, steel, glass, wood and paper, and we will waste fewer natural (39)_______.We will also have to rely more(40) _______ alternative energy, such as solar and wind power. All this seems certain, but there are plenty of things about city life in the future (41) _______ are not certain. B When I begin planning to move to Auckland to study, my mother was worried about a lack of jobs and (42) _______(culture) differences. (43 )_______( ignore忽视)these concerns, I got there in July 2010. Soon after(44) _______(arrive), I realised the importance getting a job for my living expenses. Determined to do this on my own, I spent several weeks (45) _______(go)door-to-door for a job, (46) _______ found little response. One afternoon, I walked into a building to ask(47)_______there were many job opportunities. The people (48)_______(advice) me not to continue my job search in that way. C Did you know that body language accounts for(占) over 90% of a conversation? That’s (49) _______communicating face-to-face is always better than a telephone conversation-(50) _______(especial) if you are trying to sell something! Your body language will give others a general (51)_______(impressive) of you and it will also show your emotions. It’s very difficult to make your body lie. It’s easy to tell the 全国免费咨询热线4008-010-699 前程教育总部电话: 精英1对1辅导 difference between a genuine(真诚的) smile of pleasure and a false smile. So if you understand body language codes, it is usually possible to know (52 )_______someone really means, whatever they may be saying with words. However, not all of our body language is universal, it’s different from one country to (53) _______and they can lead to(54)_______(misunderstand). Even simple gestures may have a )_______(complete)different meaning in other parts of the world. (55 第II卷 读写能力测试 (共四部分,满分75分) 题第一部分 第二部分 第三部分 第四部分 总 分 号 得 分 第一部分:共两节。(满分30分) 得) 分 第一节:阅读下列短文,按要求答题(共15小题; 评卷人 每题2分,满分20分)。 A In one way of thinking, failure is a part of life. In another way, failure may be a way towards success. The “spider story” is often told. Robert Bruce, leader of the Scots in the 13th century, was hiding in a cave from the English. He watched a spider spinning a web(蜘蛛织 网). The spider tried to reach across a rough place in the rock. He tried six times without success. On the seventh time he made it and went on to spin his web. Bruce is said to have taken heart and to have gone on to defeat the English… Edison, the inventor of the light bulb, made hundreds of models that failed before he found the right way to make one. So what? First, always think about your failure. What caused it? Were conditions right? Were you in top from yourself? What can you change so things will go right next time? Second, is the goal you’re trying to reach the right one? Try to do some thinking about what your real goals may be. Think about his question, “If I do succeed in this, where will it get me?” This may help you prevent failure in things you shouldn’t be doing anyway. The third thing to bear in mind about failure is that it’s a part of life. Learn to “live with yourself” even though you may have failed. Remember, “You can’t win them all.” 56. This passage deals with two sides of failure. In paragraph 1, the author talks mainly about________. A. the value of failure B. how people would fail C. famous failures D. the cause of failure 57. The underlined phrase “made it” means________. A. succeeded B. failed C. gave D. got 58. The lesson the spider taught Robert Bruce seems________. A. productive B. straight forward C. sorrowful D. deep 全国免费咨询热线4008-010-699 前程教育总部电话: 精英1对1辅导 59. The author tells you to do all things except________. A. to think about the cause of your failure B. to check out whether your goals are right for you C. to consider failure as a part or life D. to bear in mind that you will never fail in your life 60. Which of the following is NOT true? A. Bruce and Edison were successful examples. B. Failure may be regarded as a way toward success. C. Edison learned a lot from the lesson the spider taught Robert Bruce. D. One may often raise a question whether his goals are worth attempting. B Taiwan police cannot decide whether to treat it as an extremely act of stealing or an even cheat. Either way, it could be the perfect crime, because the criminals are birds—homing pigeons ! The crime begins with a telephone message to the owner of a stolen car: if you want the car back, pay up. Then, the car owner is directed to a park, told where to find a bird cage and how to attach money to the neck of the pigeon inside. Carrying the money in a tiny bag, the pigeon flies off. There have been at least four such pigeon pick-ups in Changwa. What at first seemed like the work of a clever stay-at-home car thief, however, may in fact be the work of an even lazier and more inventive criminal mind—one that avoids not only collecting money but also going out to steal the car in the first place. Police officer Chen says that the criminal probably has pulled a double trick: he gets money for things he cannot possibly return. Instead of stealing cars, he lets someone else do it and then waits for the car-owner to place an advertisement in the newspaper asking for help. The thought is supported by the fact that, so far, none of the stolen cars have been returned. Also, the amount of money demanded-under 3,000 Taiwanese dollars–seems too little for a car worth many times more. Demands for pigeon-delivered money stopped as soon as the press reported the story. And even if they start again, Chen holds little hope of catching the criminal. “We have more important things to do,” he said. 61. After the car owner received a phone call, he _______. A. went to a certain pigeon and put some money in the bag it carried B. gave the money to the thief and had his car back in a park C. sent some money to the thief by mail D. told the press about it 62. The “lazier and more inventive” criminal refers to _______. A. the car thief who stays at home B. one of those who put the ads in the paper C. one of the policemen in Changwa 全国免费咨询热线4008-010-699 前程教育总部电话: 精英1对1辅导 D. the owner of the pigeons 63. The writer mentions the fact that “none of the stolen cars have been returned” to show _______. A. how easily people get fooled by criminals B. what Chen thinks might be correct C. the thief is extremely clever D. the money paid is too little 64. The underlined word “they” in the last paragraph refers to ____. A. criminals B. pigeons C. the stolen cars D. demands for money 65. We may infer from the text that the criminal knows how to reach the car owners because _______. A. he reads the ads in the newspaper B. he lives in the same neighborhood C. he has seen the car owners in the park D. he has trained the pigeons to follow them 第二节:阅读下面短文, 根据短文内容用完整的句子回答问题。(每小题2分;满分10 分) Gregory Olsen is not an astronaut. He is a 60-year-old businessman from New Jersey where he owned his successful technology company. This week, however, Olsen became the world’s third non-astronaut to pay for a trip into space. On Monday, the Russian-built Soyuz rocket, carrying Olsen, an American astronaut and a Russian astronaut, docked (对接) at the International Space Station (ISS). Olsen’s wish has come true. He is the third “space tourist” in four years to travel on a Russian craft to the space station. American Dennis Tito and South African Mark Shuttleworth have both made round trips to the ISS. Going into space is not easy, however. Olsen has worked hard for two years to prepare for it. The Russian Federal Space Agency offers an ISS trip to anyone who can afford it and pass the necessary training. Olsen reportedly paid $20 million for his trip. The Russian space program has been short of money in recent years and is looking for individuals interested in space travel to _________. NASA(美国宇航局)has relied on the Russian space program and its Soyuz capsule(太 空舱)to transport American astronauts to the ISS since the Columbia space shuttle disaster in 2003. The space shuttle Discovery (发现号宇宙飞船)made a flight earlier this year, but the program stopped halfway because of safety concern. So far, the Russians have not charged the U.S. for trips to the ISS. That may change by the end of the year. As one of the few space tourists, Olsen focuses his attention on the glory of traveling in space. 66. What is the best title of the passage? (Please answer within 5 words.) ________________________________________________________________________________________ 全国免费咨询热线4008-010-699 前程教育总部电话: 精英1对1辅导 67. Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one? Up till now, Russia has been helping American astronauts go to the International Space Station for free. ________________________________________________________________________________________ 68. Fill in the blank with the proper words or phrases. (Please answer within 10 words.) ________________________________________________________________________________________ 69. According to the passage, who can travel into space in the Russian shuttle? (Please answer within 30 words.) ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ 70. Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese. ________________________________________________________________________________________ 第二部分 词汇运用(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 得 分 用方框内所给词的适当形式填空,并把答 案写在句中所标横线上。每词限用一次。 评卷人 locate involve accommodate permit disable single stick history contribute serve 71 I don’t want to get ________in the argument. I know nothing about it. 72. The information office is ________in the city center. 73. Hotel ________is included in the price of your holiday. 74. People with______should enjoy equal rights with normal persons. 75. After having an argument with her best friend, she was too upset to say a _________word. 76. Without the teacher’s ________, no one can play outside the classroom while having classes. 1. ________ in the traffic jam, many people throw away rubbish everywhere, which is a bad behaviour. 78. We went to see a(n) ________ play about the national hero Yue Fei in ancient China yesterday. 79. This invention made a major ______ to road safety. 80. The public transport ______in this country is always a headache for citizens. 第三部分:翻译 全国免费咨询热线4008-010-699 前程教育总部电话: 精英1对1辅导 得 分 根据汉语完成句子(共5小题,每小题2分;满分10分) 评卷人 81. 如果你方便的话,明天到这里来一趟。 ______ _______ _______ __________ to you, come here tomorrow. 82. 公交车可能会很拥挤,尤其是车号是1到100的车辆,他们提供了最让人印象深刻 的路线之一。 The buses______ be very crowded, especially the buses ______1 to 100, _______ offers one of the most impressive______. 83. 这个城市的很多领导都担心正在进行中的道路施工。 Many leaders of the city are______ ______ the road work which is______ ______ now. 84. 北京市交通问题最严重的城市,结果,政府就制定了规则,任何违反交通法则的人 将被罚款。 Beijing is the city______ most serious traffic problems, as a result, the government sets a rule that anyone_______breaks the traffic rules will_______ _______. 85. 好消息就是正在建设中的这条路把我们镇和成都连接起来,这就意味着我们能很容 易去到成都市中心。 The good news is that the road ______ ______connects our town to Chengdu, which means we can_______ go to ________ Chengdu. 第四部分 书面表达(共1题,满分25分) 根据下面信息提示,写一篇短文。 得 分 评卷人 假定你是李雷。你在美国某城市学习期间,发现所在的城市面临严重的交通拥堵。面对 这种情况,你以一个留学生的名义向当地政府提出一些合理化的建议,以缓解现在的拥 堵状况。词数:120左右。提示如下: 现象 道路拥挤,车速很慢 致因 车辆增多,设施落后 1.限制进入市区的车的数量,收“市区税”; 措施 2.修建市区停车场; 3.多修路并改善路况; 4.建立奖惩机制。 参考词汇:市区税:congestion charge Dear Sirs, ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________全国免费咨询热线4008-010-699 前程教育总部电话: 精英1对1辅导 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________Yours sincerely, Li Lei 全国免费咨询热线4008-010-699 前程教育总部电话: 精英1对1辅导 参考答案 单选 21-25 BDDAB 26-30 BCBBB 31-35 DDBAD 完型 (A)36-41 Predictions as recycled resources on which/that (B)42-48 cultural Ignoring arriving going but whether/if advised (C) 49-55 why especially impression what another misunderstandings completely 阅读 AADDC ADBDA 66. Space Tourist 填空 71-75 involved located accommodation disabilities single 76-80 permission Stuck historical contribution service 翻译 81. If it is convenient 82. can numbered which routes 83. concerned/worried about in progress/process 84. with who/that be/get fined 85. under construction easily central 作文 The number of the cars into the city center should be limited. You can also introduce a “congestion charge” as London did. You should build large car parks outside the city and then motorists could take a bus into the city center. At the same time, building large car parks inside the city can solve many parking problems too. 全国免费咨询热线4008-010-699 前程教育总部电话: 精英1对1辅导 更多试卷真题 欢迎访问: 全国免费咨询热线4008-010-699 前程教育总部电话:
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