首页 观赏树木学在线作业



观赏树木学在线作业观赏树木学在线作业 观赏树木学(第2版)_在线作业_A最终成绩:100.0 一 单项选择题 1. 耐荫灌木 群落的发育和形貌特征主要取决于该群落的( )。 优势种 骨干树 基调树 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 优势种 知识点: 5.2 植物群落的结构特征 2. 欧洲琼花 下列树种最不耐荫的是( )。 冷杉 珍珠梅 桃花 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 桃花 知识点: 4.2 各生态因子与观赏树木 3. 钻天杨 树型...

观赏树木学在线作业 观赏树木学(第2版)_在线作业_A最终成绩:100.0 一 单项选择题 1. 耐荫灌木 群落的发育和形貌特征主要取决于该群落的( )。 优势种 骨干树 基调树 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 优势种 知识点: 5.2 植物群落的结构特征 2. 欧洲琼花 下列树种最不耐荫的是( )。 冷杉 珍珠梅 桃花 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 桃花 知识点: 4.2 各生态因子与观赏树木 3. 钻天杨 树型峭立可观的园林树种有( )。 黄连木 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 合欢 刺槐 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 钻天杨 知识点: 3.3 园林树木的美化功能 4. 二氧化碳 下列不属于园林树木生存条件的是( )。 土壤微生物 水分 无机盐 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 土壤微生物 知识点: 4.1 植物与环境 5. 园林树木对空气湿度的调节作用主要依赖于植物的( )。 化感作用 蒸腾作用 呼吸作用 光合作用 本题分值: 5.0 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 蒸腾作用 知识点: 3.2 园林树木的生态功能 6. 刺槐 下列树种属外来树种的是( )。 水杉 国槐 紫薇 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 刺槐 知识点: 5.3 运用群落知识完善栽培群落 7. 锦带花 下列树种属垂直绿化树的是( )。 紫藤 山楂 金银木 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 紫藤 知识点: 2.3 人为分类法 8. 华山松 针叶二针一束的树种是( )。 水松 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 雪松 油松 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 油松 知识点: 8.1 树种形态特征及应用 9. 变种 Sophora japonica var. pendula表示的是( )。 变型 杂交种 品种 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 变种 知识点: 1.1 拉丁学名基础知识 10. 异名法 植物学名命名采用的是( )。 单名法 双名法 同名法 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 双名法 知识点: 1.1 拉丁学名基础知识 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 二 多项选择题 1. 分布集中 我国园林树木资源的特点有( )。 应用广泛 种类繁多 品质优良 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 分布集中 | 种类繁多 | 品质优良 知识点: 0.1 基本概念 2. Prunus × blireana ‘Meiren’ 表示品种学名是( )。 Sophora japonica ‘ Violacea’ Sophora japonica Paeonia suffruticosa 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: Prunus × blireana ‘Meiren’ | Sophora japonica ‘ Violacea’ 知识点: 1.1 拉丁学名基础知识 3. 克朗奎斯特系统 园林树木学中常用的植物自然分类系统有( )。 恩格勒系统 秦仁昌系统 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 哈钦松系统 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 克朗奎斯特系统 | 恩格勒系统 | 哈钦松系统 知识点: 2.2 被子植物的主要分类系统 4. 引导功能 园林树木在城市绿化中的作用有( )。 生产功能 生态功能 美化功能 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 生产功能 | 生态功能 | 美化功能 知识点: 3.2 园林树木的生态功能|3.3 园林树木的美化功能 5. 丝棉木 可用作荒坡绿化的树种有( )。 五叶地锦 油松 沙地柏 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 五叶地锦 | 沙地柏 知识点: 2.3 人为分类法 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 三 判断题 1. 植物的命名为双名法,由属名、种加词和命名人姓氏的缩写三部分组成。( ) FALSE TRUE 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: TRUE 知识点: 1.1 拉丁学名基础知识 2. 悬铃木是我国应用广泛的观赏树种,可做行道树、庭荫树等。( ) TRUE FALSE 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: TRUE 知识点: 2.3 人为分类法 3. 环境是指植物生活所必需的条件,包括温度、光照、空气、土壤等。( ) reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give TRUE FALSE 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: FALSE 知识点: 4.1 植物与环境 4. 园林树木是指茎、叶、花、果或个体、群体具有较高观赏价值的木本植物。 ( ) TRUE FALSE 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: FALSE 知识点: 0.1 基本概念 5. 臭椿、香椿、元宝枫、日本晚樱、七叶树等均是北京春季观红色叶的树种。 ( ) TRUE FALSE 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 用户解答: TRUE 知识点: 3.3 园林树木的美化功能 观赏树木学(第2版)_在线作业_B最终成绩:100.0 一 单项选择题 1. 玉兰 栽培群落中( )经常是入侵种,需要及时清除。 七叶树 槐 构树 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 构树 知识点: 5.3 运用群落知识完善栽培群落 2. 梅 下列树种中可以栽植在建筑北侧的是( )。 珍珠梅 油松 榆叶梅 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 珍珠梅 知识点: 4.2 各生态因子与观赏树木 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 3. 植物为了正常的生长发育,对环境有一定的要求和适应性,这被称为( )。 生态类型 生存条件 生态习性 生态因子 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 生态习性 知识点: 4.1 植物与环境 4. 臭椿 因树皮薄不耐日灼的园林树种有( )。 银杏 玉兰 紫薇 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 玉兰 知识点: 8.1 树种形态特征及应用 5. 决定了群落的形貌特征 下列描述中,不属于对优势种描述的是( )。 决定了植物群落的高度 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 在植物群落中数量最多、所占面积最大的种 决定了群落的发育特征 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 决定了植物群落的高度 知识点: 5.2 植物群落的结构特征 6. 扶芳藤 下列植物中,不能做木本地被的是( )。 紫藤 棣棠 五叶地锦 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 棣棠 知识点: 2.3 人为分类法 7. 山楂 果实成熟后为紫黑色的树种( )。 多花栒子 金银木 女贞 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 女贞 知识点: 3.3 园林树木的美化功能 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 8. 白杄 下列树种中可以作为冬季观干色的是( )。 梧桐 君迁子 栾树 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 梧桐 知识点: 3.3 园林树木的美化功能 9. 鹅掌楸 下列树种,可用作盆栽盆景树的是( )。 榕树 银杏 玉兰 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 榕树 知识点: 2.3 人为分类法 10. 臭椿 下列植物中,综合抗污染能力最强的树种是( )。 牡丹 月季 雪松 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 臭椿 知识点: 4.2 各生态因子与观赏树木 二 多项选择题 1. 迎春 北京春季观黄色花的树种有( )。 黄刺玫 连翘 蜡梅 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 迎春 | 黄刺玫 | 连翘 | 蜡梅 知识点: 3.3 园林树木的美化功能 2. 病虫害少 优质行道树需具备的条件有( )。 分枝点高 冠大荫浓 耐干旱瘠薄 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 病虫害少 | 分枝点高 | 冠大荫浓 | 耐干旱瘠薄 知识点: 2.3 人为分类法 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 3. 树冠宽大 抗风树种的特征包括( )。 叶面积小 材质坚韧 根系深 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 叶面积小 | 材质坚韧 | 根系深 知识点: 4.2 各生态因子与观赏树木 4. 枝叶稀疏 符合下列( )特征的乔木具有较好的透光性。 树形峭立 分枝点高 春季发叶早 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 枝叶稀疏 | 树形峭立 | 分枝点高 知识点: 5.3 运用群落知识完善栽培群落 5. 根系发达 水土保持树种的特征包括( )。 萌蘖性强 耐干旱瘠薄 树姿优美 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 根系发达 | 萌蘖性强 | 耐干旱瘠薄 知识点: 3.2 园林树木的生态功能 三 判断题 1. 池杉、乌桕、刺槐、垂柳都是既耐干旱又耐水湿的树种,应用范围广。( ) TRUE FALSE 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: FALSE 知识点: 4.2 各生态因子与观赏树木 2. 北京冬景园造景可使用的树种有红瑞木、白皮松、白桦、梧桐、木瓜等。 ( ) FALSE TRUE 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: TRUE 知识点: 3.3 园林树木的美化功能 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 3. 环境因子中,对植物有直接作用或间接作用的因子称为生态因子。( ) FALSE TRUE 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: FALSE 知识点: 4.1 植物与环境 4. “双名法”植物学名由属名和种加词构成,比较正规的材料还要加缀命名人。( ) TRUE FALSE 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: TRUE 知识点: 1.1 拉丁学名基础知识 5. 庭荫树种要求冠大荫浓,可观花、观果或观姿态则更佳。( ) TRUE reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give FALSE 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: TRUE 知识点: 2.3 人为分类法 观赏树木学(第2版)_在线作业_C最终成绩:100.0 一 单项选择题 1. 受( )影响,园林树木可分为阳性植物、中性植物、阴性植物。 空气因子 温度因子 水分因子 光因子 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 光因子 知识点: 4.2 各生态因子与观赏树木 2. 海棠花 先花后叶的树种有( )。 栾树 蜡梅 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 欧洲丁香 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 蜡梅 知识点: 8.1 树种形态特征及应用 3. 悬铃木 ( )属于落叶阔叶乔木。 银杏 女贞 油松 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 悬铃木 知识点: 2.3 人为分类法 4. 金叶女贞 ( )属于双色叶植物。 紫叶李 紫叶桃 银白杨 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 银白杨 知识点: 3.3 园林树木的美化功能 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 5. 地锦 下列树种中,可以作为木本地被的是( )。 海棠花 小果海棠 垂丝海棠 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 地锦 知识点: 2.3 人为分类法 6. 刺槐 下列树种属于耐荫小乔木的是( )。 地锦 山楂 锦带花 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 山楂 知识点: 4.2 各生态因子与观赏树木 7. 平枝栒子 下列树种中果实成熟后为白色的是( )。 接骨木 雪果 君迁子 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 雪果 知识点: 3.3 园林树木的美化功能 8. 丝棉木 具肉质根、不耐积水树种有( )。 紫藤 牡丹 栾树 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 牡丹 知识点: 8.1 树种形态特征及应用 9. 洋白蜡 秋色叶是红色的树种为( )。 银杏 无患子 五叶地锦 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 五叶地锦 知识点: 3.3 园林树木的美化功能 10. reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 茉莉 北京可露地栽植的常绿阔叶树种是( )。 桂花 玫瑰 黄杨 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 黄杨 知识点: 2.3 人为分类法 二 多项选择题 1. 柽柳 下列树种中,耐盐渍化土壤的园林树种是( )。 牡丹 绒毛白蜡 杜鹃花 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 柽柳 | 绒毛白蜡 知识点: 4.2 各生态因子与观赏树木 2. 月季 下列树种中,观赏苞片的有( )。 四照花 叶子花 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 珙桐 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 四照花 | 叶子花 | 珙桐 知识点: 3.3 园林树木的美化功能 3. 松 “岁寒三友”指( )。 竹 柏 梅 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 松 | 竹 | 梅 知识点: 8.1 树种形态特征及应用 4. 生长缓慢 理想的绿篱树种应该具备的特征包括( )。 耐修剪 分枝多 株型紧凑 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 生长缓慢 | 耐修剪 | 分枝多 | 株型紧凑 知识点: 2.3 人为分类法 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 5. 黄栌 秋色叶是黄色的树种有( )。 洋白蜡 银杏 鸡爪槭 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 洋白蜡 | 银杏 知识点: 3.3 园林树木的美化功能 三 判断题 1. 耐修剪是行道树和独赏树(园景树)的选择条件之一。( ) FALSE TRUE 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: FALSE 知识点: 2.3 人为分类法 2. 根据温度因子对园林树木的作用,南树北移要解决的首要问题是越夏。( ) reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give FALSE TRUE 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: FALSE 知识点: 4.2 各生态因子与观赏树木 3. 按人们的需要,把不同种的植物栽植在一起,满足生态需求的植物群落称 为自然群落。( ) FALSE TRUE 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: FALSE 知识点: 5.1 概念 4. 城市树种规划是对城市绿化树种做全面的安排,根据城市性质,以树种调 查为基础,大量引进一批观赏价值较高、能较好发挥园林美化功能的树种。 ( ) FALSE TRUE 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 用户解答: FALSE 知识点: 6.3 城市园林树种规划 5. FALSE 名木是指凡树龄达100年以上的树木。( ) TRUE 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: FALSE 知识点: 6.2 城市园林树种调查 观赏树木学(第2版)_在线作业_D 最终成绩:100.0 一 单项选择题 1. 小叶杨 下列树种中,树形为伞形的是( )。 北京杨 鸡爪槭 河北杨 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 鸡爪槭 知识点: 3.3 园林树木的美化功能 2. 桂花 因种种原因不耐移植的园林树种有( )。 蒙椴 玉兰 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 刺槐 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 玉兰 知识点: 8.1 树种形态特征及应用 3. 杜鹃 下列植物中,( )是碱性土树种。 茉莉 含笑 丁香 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 丁香 知识点: 4.2 各生态因子与观赏树木 4. 雪松 园林中可作园景树的是( )。 大叶黄杨 多花栒子 紫藤 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 雪松 知识点: 2.3 人为分类法 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 5. “疏影横斜水清浅,暗香浮动月黄昏。”描述的树种为( )。 山茶 落叶松 梅花 蜡梅 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 梅花 知识点: 8.1 树种形态特征及应用 6. 金银木 下列藤木,可用作灌木状栽植的是( )。 五叶地锦 扶芳藤 紫藤 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 紫藤 知识点: 2.3 人为分类法 7. 受( )影响,园林树木可分为酸土树种、沙生树种、碱土树种。 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 空气因子 光因子 土壤因子 温度因子 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 土壤因子 知识点: 4.2 各生态因子与观赏树木 8. 银杏 ( )属于常年异色叶植物。 臭椿 枫香 变叶木 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 变叶木 知识点: 3.3 园林树木的美化功能 9. 油松 适合栽种于水边进行绿化美化的树种有( )。 丝棉木 泡桐 牡丹 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 丝棉木 知识点: 4.2 各生态因子与观赏树木 10. 栾树 构成北京香山红叶景观的主要观赏树木是( )。 黄栌 银杏 紫薇 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 黄栌 知识点: 8.1 树种形态特征及应用 二 多项选择题 1. 栀子花 下列树种哪些属于酸性土树种( )。 茉莉 柽柳 山茶 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 栀子花 | 茉莉 | 山茶 知识点: 4.2 各生态因子与观赏树木 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 2. 木槿 下列树种中,属于观春花秋实的有( )。 山桃 红瑞木 石榴 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 红瑞木 | 石榴 知识点: 3.3 园林树木的美化功能 3. 苦楝 北京早春开花的树种有( )。 梅花 蜡梅 梓树 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 梅花 | 蜡梅 知识点: 8.1 树种形态特征及应用 4. 枫杨 下列树种哪些耐水湿性较强 ( )。 旱柳 落羽杉 玉兰 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 枫杨 | 旱柳 | 落羽杉 知识点: 4.2 各生态因子与观赏树木 5. 主干通直 具有抗风能力的树种应具备以下特点( )。 冠大荫浓 根系深广 材质坚韧 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: 根系深广 | 材质坚韧 知识点: 4.2 各生态因子与观赏树木 三 判断题 1. 基调树是在城市中表现最优的树种,种类不是越多越好。( ) FALSE TRUE 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: TRUE 知识点: 6.3 城市园林树种规划 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 2. 纪念性园林可适当发挥园林植物的生产功能,在松柏类植物周围配植以核桃、苹果、葡萄等植物,组成复层混交群落。( ) FALSE TRUE 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: FALSE 知识点: 7.2 园林树木的配植原则 3. 园林树木的配植要根据城市和绿地的性质,发挥园林植物的综合功能。( ) FALSE TRUE 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: TRUE 知识点: 7.2 园林树木的配植原则 4. 城市园林树种规划的总体原则是尽可能的发挥园林树木的美化功能。( ) TRUE reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give FALSE 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: FALSE 知识点: 6.3 城市园林树种规划 5. 基调树是在城市中生长最优的树种,种类越多越好。( ) TRUE FALSE 本题分值: 5.0 用户得分: 5.0 用户解答: FALSE 知识点: 6.3 城市园林树种规划 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give
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