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揭秘德国难民营生活,痛并快乐着(组图)揭秘德国难民营生活,痛并快乐着(组图) 揭秘德国难民营生活,痛并快乐着(组图) 2011-12-14 16:58:40 [责编:潘晓慧] 当某些人在醉生梦死,金迷纸醉的时候,有没有想过,还有一些人生活在水深火热之中呢? 德国从来就不是一个移民国家,对外国人的审查是非常严格的.但由于战乱,金钱等各种原因,很多国家的贫困人口通过偷渡的方式来到德国.想在德国继续生活下去.这是一个社会不稳定因素.德国政府为了解决这个问题,设置了难民营供他们居住。 难民营与周围并没有隔离,难民们可以随便走动,我也可以很简单的进去,只...

揭秘德国难民营生活,痛并快乐着(组图) 揭秘德国难民营生活,痛并快乐着(组图) 2011-12-14 16:58:40 [责编:潘晓慧] 当某些人在醉生梦死,金迷纸醉的时候,有没有想过,还有一些人生活在水深火热之中呢? 德国从来就不是一个移民国家,对外国人的审查是非常严格的.但由于战乱,金钱等各种原因,很多国家的贫困人口通过偷渡的方式来到德国.想在德国继续生活下去.这是一个社会不稳定因素.德国政府为了解决这个问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 ,设置了难民营供他们居住。 难民营与周围并没有隔离,难民们可以随便走动,我也可以很简单的进去,只是周围是空旷的荒野.并没有德国人居住。 由于不让打工,这里的大部分人都是依靠德国政府给的200欧元艰难的生活着,每星期必须定时报到.接受审查,由于不会德语,很多人稍不注意就触犯法律,受到指控和传唤.然后又受到德国律师的敲诈和勒索.即便这样,这里的大部分人,还是乐于和你交谈,总是微笑,他们在坚强而乐观的生活着。 这是我第三次去达姆附近的德国难民营了,我一直惦念着营里那些可爱的孩子们。我不是一个有钱人,自己的生活也需要打工维持,我把以前在麦当劳打工所积攒的一些玩具带了去,又带了副跳棋,我希望教那些孩子们跳棋,可是。。。。。。 这两栋简易房屋就是难民营了。从难民营的外观我们可以看出,这是临时建筑。 (3) construct safe volunteers is realistic need to innovate the social management style. Only continuous innovation, our management to adapt to the changing social needs. Especially in today's social security situation is complex, criminal activity appeared subtle, flow, information, science and technology, gangs of new features only continuous innovation in order preventive measures, we can in an invincible position and fight criminals. We set up the peace volunteers, both volunteers is ordinary people, always living in the crowd, for the first time found the problem, information most really the most solid, it is a kind of innovation of the social management is A positive exploration of the mode of social security. Two, strengthen the sense of innovation, do a good job in combination with the article, to promote the smooth development of the public security work One is to with the Bureau of the county Party committee work combined. To carefully control the "Four Construction Bureau of county Party committee deployment project decomposition and the division of tasks, and to identify volunteers safe construction of the starting point, combined with point and the breakthrough point, to achieve the same resonance frequency, benign interaction. Que Baozhi may work and the public security work achieved double harvest. 来自埃塞俄比亚的难民尤素福一家,我们在交谈中,尤素福始终紧紧握着妻子和孩子的 手。那里的黑人没有我们想象的那样黑,而是好看的咖啡色。回忆前两次去难民营的经历, 都和中国难民有关,第一次是和一中国同胞在车站偶遇,他一句德语也不会说,又急需帮忙。 第二次是在餐馆打工,和一难民大姐混的很熟,在她盛情之下去难民营住宿。第一次去的时 候是夏天,我认识了一堆来自各国的难民,他们大多和蔼可亲但又忧心忡忡。我说给你们照 个像,他们都很配合,照完还会说谢谢你。 (3) construct safe volunteers is realistic need to innovate the social management style. Only continuous innovation, our management to adapt to the changing social needs. Especially in today's social security situation is complex, criminal activity appeared subtle, flow, information, science and technology, gangs of new features only continuous innovation in order preventive measures, we can in an invincible position and fight criminals. We set up the peace volunteers, both volunteers is ordinary people, always living in the crowd, for the first time found the problem, information most really the most solid, it is a kind of innovation of the social management is A positive exploration of the mode of social security. Two, strengthen the sense of innovation, do a good job in combination with the article, to promote the smooth development of the public security work One is to with the Bureau of the county Party committee work combined. To carefully control the "Four Construction Bureau of county Party committee deployment project decomposition and the division of tasks, and to identify volunteers safe construction of the starting point, combined with point and the breakthrough point, to achieve the same resonance frequency, benign interaction. Que Baozhi may work and the public security work achieved double harvest. 我当时和他们的孩子玩了一下午,德国人给这些孩子们提供学习的机会,所以他们的德语问题不大。我教他们中国的“跳房子”,他们是玩的不亦乐乎。。。。。。这是好长时间以前的事情了。达姆附近的难民营,是可以随意进出的。难民们只是没有打工的机会,他们靠着政府每月的300欧元维持生计。多数的难民整日的在家呆着,有些无所适从。尤其是冬天到了,他们更不愿出去。我这次去的时候,个别人竟还认识我,我问他们身份问题,他们多数都苦着脸说难办,处于一种半死不活的状态。我说给你们照张相,他们把隔壁几个宿舍的人都叫来,留下了下面的照片。这些难民多来自非洲和科索沃及车臣。 (3) construct safe volunteers is realistic need to innovate the social management style. Only continuous innovation, our management to adapt to the changing social needs. Especially in today's social security situation is complex, criminal activity appeared subtle, flow, information, science and technology, gangs of new features only continuous innovation in order preventive measures, we can in an invincible position and fight criminals. We set up the peace volunteers, both volunteers is ordinary people, always living in the crowd, for the first time found the problem, information most really the most solid, it is a kind of innovation of the social management is A positive exploration of the mode of social security. Two, strengthen the sense of innovation, do a good job in combination with the article, to promote the smooth development of the public security work One is to with the Bureau of the county Party committee work combined. To carefully control the "Four Construction Bureau of county Party committee deployment project decomposition and the division of tasks, and to identify volunteers safe construction of the starting point, combined with point and the breakthrough point, to achieve the same resonance frequency, benign interaction. Que Baozhi may work and the public security work achieved double harvest. 难民们的卧室 (3) construct safe volunteers is realistic need to innovate the social management style. Only continuous innovation, our management to adapt to the changing social needs. Especially in today's social security situation is complex, criminal activity appeared subtle, flow, information, science and technology, gangs of new features only continuous innovation in order preventive measures, we can in an invincible position and fight criminals. We set up the peace volunteers, both volunteers is ordinary people, always living in the crowd, for the first time found the problem, information most really the most solid, it is a kind of innovation of the social management is A positive exploration of the mode of social security. Two, strengthen the sense of innovation, do a good job in combination with the article, to promote the smooth development of the public security work One is to with the Bureau of the county Party committee work combined. To carefully control the "Four Construction Bureau of county Party committee deployment project decomposition and the division of tasks, and to identify volunteers safe construction of the starting point, combined with point and the breakthrough point, to achieve the same resonance frequency, benign interaction. Que Baozhi may work and the public security work achieved double harvest. 通常情况下,大的房间,会住到5到八个人,也有为家庭准备的房间。 难民营的整体布局有点像以前国内的筒子楼,一层里面一个厨房和卫生间。每天都会有专人来打扫,而这个人并不是难民而是有德国护照的工人。 这些难民每周必须点名两次。我特别遗憾的是,我第一次来时看到的孩子,都不见了。没有人知道这些家庭去哪了。谁也不知道。我不知道德国人怎么安置他们,希望他们有好的归宿。我把那些玩具送给了一些新的家庭。可没什么心情和他们玩了。整栋楼的气氛都很压抑。 (3) construct safe volunteers is realistic need to innovate the social management style. Only continuous innovation, our management to adapt to the changing social needs. Especially in today's social security situation is complex, criminal activity appeared subtle, flow, information, science and technology, gangs of new features only continuous innovation in order preventive measures, we can in an invincible position and fight criminals. We set up the peace volunteers, both volunteers is ordinary people, always living in the crowd, for the first time found the problem, information most really the most solid, it is a kind of innovation of the social management is A positive exploration of the mode of social security. Two, strengthen the sense of innovation, do a good job in combination with the article, to promote the smooth development of the public security work One is to with the Bureau of the county Party committee work combined. To carefully control the "Four Construction Bureau of county Party committee deployment project decomposition and the division of tasks, and to identify volunteers safe construction of the starting point, combined with point and the breakthrough point, to achieve the same resonance frequency, benign interaction. Que Baozhi may work and the public security work achieved double harvest. 当时和我在难民营里玩的孩子们,来自阿富汗的漂亮女孩,全家逃难来到这 里。也许是年龄大一些了吧,她没有她的弟弟笑的那样开心。他父亲用很蹩脚的 英语说,他非常憎恨塔利班。 又是一个阿富汗家庭.孩子在德国出生.平时他们就在这个荒野上闲坐,望着远 出的家乡. (3) construct safe volunteers is realistic need to innovate the social management style. Only continuous innovation, our management to adapt to the changing social needs. Especially in today's social security situation is complex, criminal activity appeared subtle, flow, information, science and technology, gangs of new features only continuous innovation in order preventive measures, we can in an invincible position and fight criminals. We set up the peace volunteers, both volunteers is ordinary people, always living in the crowd, for the first time found the problem, information most really the most solid, it is a kind of innovation of the social management is A positive exploration of the mode of social security. Two, strengthen the sense of innovation, do a good job in combination with the article, to promote the smooth development of the public security work One is to with the Bureau of the county Party committee work combined. To carefully control the "Four Construction Bureau of county Party committee deployment project decomposition and the division of tasks, and to identify volunteers safe construction of the starting point, combined with point and the breakthrough point, to achieve the same resonance frequency, benign interaction. Que Baozhi may work and the public security work achieved double harvest. 他来自车臣。故意摆出鬼脸给我看,好可爱的孩子。 两个孩子的合影。孩子当然不知道这里是什么地方,也许明天他们一家就被遣 返回国了,但今天照样玩得无拘无束。 (3) construct safe volunteers is realistic need to innovate the social management style. Only continuous innovation, our management to adapt to the changing social needs. Especially in today's social security situation is complex, criminal activity appeared subtle, flow, information, science and technology, gangs of new features only continuous innovation in order preventive measures, we can in an invincible position and fight criminals. We set up the peace volunteers, both volunteers is ordinary people, always living in the crowd, for the first time found the problem, information most really the most solid, it is a kind of innovation of the social management is A positive exploration of the mode of social security. Two, strengthen the sense of innovation, do a good job in combination with the article, to promote the smooth development of the public security work One is to with the Bureau of the county Party committee work combined. To carefully control the "Four Construction Bureau of county Party committee deployment project decomposition and the division of tasks, and to identify volunteers safe construction of the starting point, combined with point and the breakthrough point, to achieve the same resonance frequency, benign interaction. Que Baozhi may work and the public security work achieved double harvest.
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