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[专题]考研英语模拟题作文[专题]考研英语模拟题作文 模拟题一 Mental Diseases of Chinese College Students 中国大学生的心理疾病 As illustrated by the bar chart ,Chinese college students’ mental diseases have drawn people’s attention dramatically in the past few years. 按照条形图的描述,,在过去的几年里中国大学生 精神疾病已经引起了人们戏剧性地关注。f...

[专 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 ]考研英语模拟题作文 模拟题一 Mental Diseases of Chinese College Students 中国大学生的心理疾病 As illustrated by the bar chart ,Chinese college students’ mental diseases have drawn people’s attention dramatically in the past few years. 按照条形图的描述,,在过去的几年里中国大学生 精神疾病已经引起了人们戏剧性地关注。female students are more like to get mental diseases than male ones, which is twice as much as that of males.女学生比男性的学生更容易得心理疾病,这 差不多是男性的两倍。students aged from 25 to 29 years old having selected mental disorder are 1.8% higher than those who are below 25 years old. 那些挑选出来的年龄在25岁至29岁的学生中有精神 失常的与那些低于25岁的相比高1.8%。however, they almost have the same possibility to get depressed.然而,它们几乎具有相同的可 能性会抑郁。 I think two major factors contribute to this phenomenon.我认 为两个主要因素导致了这种现象。 to start with, the global financial crisis make it hard for college students to get employed or get decent job, which brings them great pressure. 首先,全球金融 危机很难使大学生就业或得到体面的工作,这给他们带来巨大的 压力。This can be best illustrated in the bar chart by the 25-29-year-old students.这可能是最能说明在柱形图由25名29岁 的学生。 In addition, emotional problem is another issue that mostly bothers students, especially the female ones, who are more sensitive.此外,情感问题是另一个主要困扰学生的问题,尤其是女 性的人更敏感。 To solve the problem, I think, the students should keep clam and stay with friends who are optimistic. 为了解决这个问题,我想, 学生们应该保持冷静并且与乐观的朋友呆在一起。If things get worse, they should try to seek help from the professional in or out of school.如果事情变得更糟的是,他们应该试图寻求专业的帮助 或辍学。 模拟题二 The Reasons Why We Blog 我们写博客的原因 As can be seen from the pie chart above, it is obvious that are several reasons for people blogging:being paid to blog , for employer , making money, promoting one’s own business and for pleasure.从上面的饼图可以看出,很明显,人们写博客有几个原 因:收钱的博客,为雇主写博客,赚钱,促进个人业务的发展和 为了取乐。 49% of the people blog for pleasure .49%的人写博客为 取乐。promoting one’s own business accounts for 35% .促进自身业 务的占35%。 It is followed by making money ,writing for employer and being paid to blog ,with 7% ,5% and 4% respectively.紧随其后 的是赚钱,为雇主写博客和被支付给博客的,分别为7%、5%和4%。 This can be best explained by the following reasons .这可以通 过以下原因做最好的解释。 First of all , blogs can be used to document our life as well as inform others of our activities and whereabouts, which can be great fun.首先,博客可以证明我们的生 活也把我们的活动和行踪通知其他人,这可以很有趣。 Furthermore , blogs, as part of the internet , fully exert their influences on business , which can promote sales, increase awareness of the brands or companies, as well as save costs. 此外, 博客,作为互联网的一部分,在商业上充分发挥其影响,这能促进 销售,增加品牌或公司的认知度,以及节省成本。Due to these convenience, people widely use blogs to market.由于这些便利,人 们广泛使用博客到市场 In conclusion , blogs can promote business, however, they deliver false information sometimes.总之,博客可以促进业务,然而, 他们有时提供虚假信息。 People should take the information on them with a grain of salt.人们应该对他们提供的的信息持保留态 度。 Also the authorities related should make laws to ensure the reliability.同时当局还应该制定相关的法律确保可靠性 模拟题三 The Employment Status of College Aged from 20 to 24 大学的就业状况,年龄在20到24 As is shown in the line chart ,college graduates’ employment status aged from 20 to 24 has changed dramatically from 2008 to 2010. 毕业生的就业状况的年龄在20到24已经发生了戏剧性的 变化,从2008年到2010年。In 2008 the percentage of college graduates hired by private enterprises was around 58% , which showed an upward trend during these three years , soaring to approximately 65% in 2010. 在2008年的大学毕业生的比例受雇 于私营企业是58%左右,其中显示了上升趋势在这三年,在2010年 飙升至约65%。Government organizations had a rate of 25% in 2008, which fell dramatically to 18% in 2010. 政府组织已经在2008年 25% 的速度,急剧下降到2010年的18%。The state-owned enterprises and foreign companies employed 10% and 7% respectively in 2008 . 国有企业和外资企业雇佣2008年分别为 10%和7%。In 2010 ,the state-owned enterprises increased slightly to 12% and foreign companies dropped slightly to 4%.2010年,国有企 业略微增加了12%,外国公司,微跌至4%。 The general trend can be explained by the following reason.总 的趋势可以解释下面的原因。 On account of the limited positions in government organizations and state-owned enterprise , their employment rates declined more or less .由于有限的位置在政府 机构和国有企业,他们的就业率下降或多或少。 The private enterprises have steadily expanded due to their flexible mechanism , which results in their attracting more talents. 私营企业稳步扩大 由于其灵活的机制,从而导致他们吸引更多的人才。What’s more , the government encourages the young to become self-employed ,which also increases the number of the jobs in private enterprise.更重要的是,政府鼓励年轻人成为自由职业者, 这也会增加就业数量的私营企业。 Recently,plenty of graduates take part in the civil service exams to get a chance to work in the government organizations or state-owned enterprises. 最近,很多毕业生参加公务员考试来获 得工作的机会,在政府机构或国有企业。I think no matter where we work , if we have dreams and stick to it , we can be successful then.我认为无论我们的工作,如果我们有梦想和坚持,我们可以成 功的然后。 12、a considerable increase/decrease occurred from……to… ……到……发生急剧上升。 13、from this year on,there was a gradual decline reduction in the……,reaching a figure of…… 从这年起,……逐渐下降至…… over the period from…to…the…remained level. 在…至…期间,…基本不变。 模拟题四 The Rising Market Scale of US Online Advertising As is shown in the table , the advertising market scale become largest year by year, of which ,the proportion of online advertising increased from 2008 to 2010 .广告市场规模逐年成为最大,其中,在线广告的比例从2008到2010是增加的。 In 2008 ,the whole market scale of advertising was 293.3 billion dollars , which continued to ascend to 316 billion in 2011.在2008年,整个广告市场规模是2933亿美元,继续提升到2011年的3160亿。 During the same period , the online advertising went up rapidly from 25.9 to 41 billion dollars , which also led to the rise of the market share of online advertising . 在同一时期,美国在线广告上去迅速从25.9到 410亿美元,这也导致了上升的市场份额的在线广告。Online advertising only account for 8.8% in the whole advertising field in 2008, while in 2011 it increased significantly to 13%.在线广告只占 8.8%,整个广告领域在2008年,虽然它在2011年显著增加到13%。 This phenomenon results from the following reasons. 这一现 象的结果从以下的原因。The rapid popularization of internet promotes the development of online advertising.互联网的迅速普 及,在线广告的发展起到了推动作用。 Compared with the traditional advertising, online advertising has lost of advantages , such as stronger interactivity , no limitation of time and space, well-targeted, higher economic character, and more objective. 相 比传统广告,网络广告已经失去了优势,比如更强的交互性,没有 限制的时间和空间,目标明确,更高的经济角色,和更多的目标。All of the good sides cause the continuous growth of its market scale.所有的好的方面导致持续增长的市场规模。 In my opinion , the online advertising tends to be a strong trend in marketing.在我看来,在线广告往往是一个强大的趋势在 市场营销。 It both saves costs and gains popularity. 它既节省成本 和获得流行。However , the merchants should spare no pains to ensure its reliability , which is the basis of a sound internet environment.然而,商人们应该不遗余力以确保其可靠性,这是基 于网络环境的声音。 模拟题五 The Current Situation of World Illiteracy As is shown in the bar chart , the estimated world illiteracy rates differ a lot by gender and region for the year 2011.估 计全世界文盲率不同性别与地区大量的2011年。 The rates in Developed Countries , Latin America/Caribbean and East Asia/Oceania are apparently lower than those in the other three areas.在发达国家的利率,拉丁美洲/加勒比海地区和东亚/大洋洲 明显低于其他三个领域。 In addition , the rates of female illiteracy are much higher than those of males relatively in each area, however, in Developed Countries and Latin America/Caribbean, the rates are only slightly higher.此外,利率的女性文盲率远高于男性 相对在每个区域,然而,在发达国家和拉丁美洲/加勒比海,利率仅 略高。 The lowest rates are in Developed Countries ,with about 1% for males and 2% for females , while the highest rates are in South Asia , with approximately 34% for males and 56% for females.最低 的利率是在发达国家,大约有1%的男性和2%的女性,而最高的利 率是在南亚,大约有34%的男性和56%的女性。 The diversity of illiteracy rates in the world is mainly due to the level of economic development of the country , the popularization of education and the attention paid by the government , while the relatively higher rates of females result from complicated factors , such as social , political, economic and conventional factors of the region.文盲率的多样性在世界主要是 由于国家的经济发展水平,教育的普及和政府的关注,然而女性比 率相对较高的因素是复杂的,如社会、政治、经济和地区的传统。 To reduce the world illiteracy , I think the first thing we need to do is to fight against poverty and to strengthen the idea that knowledge is power. 减少世界文盲,我想我们要做的第一件事是 抗击贫困和加强了这个观念:知识就是力量。It needs the effort from all sides; especially the government should give due attention and help.它需要来自各方的努力,特别是政府应给予足够的重视 和帮助。 模拟题六 The Obesity Problem in China During The Past Six Years As is shown by in the bar chart , the number of fat people in china has increased dramatically from 2005 to 2008 ,with a minimum growth of 13 million per year.肥胖的人的数量在中国已 大大增加了从2005年到2008年,每年的最低增长1300万。 However , from 2008 to 2010, the growth of the obese plunged. 然 而,从2008年到2010年,增长的肥胖的暴跌。Compared with the previous year, the obese only increased 6 million in 2009, and 5 million in 2010.与上年相比,肥胖的只会增加600万,2009年和500 万年的2010。 Poor diet and inactivity lead to a rapid rise in obesity . 不 良的饮食习惯和活动导致肥胖的快速增长。The increasingly fast pace of people’s life today brings dramatic change to the traditional Chinese diet.越来越快节奏的人民今天的生活带来戏剧性的变化, 中国传统的饮食。 Meanwhile , since people spend most of their time engaging in daily office work instead of physical exercise, their physical conditions get worse. 与此同时,由于人们大部分时间都 从事日常办公室工作,而不是体育锻炼,其身体状况变得更糟。 What’s more , people who suffer more pressure get fat easily. 更重 要的是,那些承受更大的压力很容易发胖。However , during the past two years, the obesity has drawn people’s attention and most people have improved the diet structure , and strengthened exercise and health care , which slowed down the amount of the obese.然而,在过去的两年里,肥胖已经引起了人们的关注和大多 数人的饮食结构,改善和加强锻炼和健康护理,这减慢数量的肥 胖。 Due to the disease caused by obesity, we should begin to recognize the importance of healthy diet and lifestyle, but it is far from enough .由于肥胖引起的疾病,我们应该开始认识到健康的 饮食和生活方式的重要性,但这远远不够。The government should strengthen supervision of food and build more facilities for everyone to exercise.政府应加强监管食品和建造更多的设施,让 每个人都能锻炼。 With the rapid development of social economy, people in meet the material enjoy at the same time, more is the pursuit of spiritual level of increase 随着社会经济的快速发展,人们在满足物质享受的同 时,更多的是追求精神水平的提高 12、Nowadays more and more people begin to realize,be aware of,notice the importance,significance, seriousness of the problem of education,pollution, unemployment( 现在越来越多的人开始认识到(注意到)教育(污染,失 业)问题的重要性(严重性)。 To solve the problem, I think, 为了解决这个问题,我想, It needs the effort from all sides; especially the government should give due attention and help.As for us,we should arouse the awareness of public towards。 它需要来自各方的努力,特别是政府应给予足够的重 视和帮助。至于我们,我们应该唤起大众对意识。 However, it is easier said than done. 不过,说来容易做来难our efforts will eventually pay off.我们的努力最终会还清
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