首页 我的优点与缺点



我的优点与缺点我的优点与缺点 一、 认识自我 一位哲人曾说过“人生下来就是一个齿轮。”的确,玉皆有瑕,人无完人。我也不例外。然而我们也许有着相异不大的缺点却是天壤之别的未来。聪明的人之所以不会被绊倒于自己的缺陷,一方面是他们除了会将自己的有点发挥得淋漓尽致之外,他们还能很好地看待和认识自己的缺点,做到扬长辟短。 人虽无翅,但是人们利用智慧和超越的精神,最终会飞起来!谁会想到身高不到一米六的拿破仑,在军队里简直就是改版的矮小人 ,却是曾带兵席卷澳洲大陆的巍巍将军。以此为鉴,我们不能局限于我们的缺点,我们要积极面对人生,一扬长...

我的优点与缺点 一、 认识自我 一位哲人曾说过“人生下来就是一个齿轮。”的确,玉皆有瑕,人无完人。我也不例外。然而我们也许有着相异不大的缺点却是天壤之别的未来。聪明的人之所以不会被绊倒于自己的缺陷,一方面是他们除了会将自己的有点发挥得淋漓尽致之外,他们还能很好地看待和认识自己的缺点,做到扬长辟短。 人虽无翅,但是人们利用智慧和超越的精神,最终会飞起来!谁会想到身高不到一米六的拿破仑,在军队里简直就是改版的矮小人 ,却是曾带兵席卷澳洲大陆的巍巍将军。以此为鉴,我们不能局限于我们的缺点,我们要积极面对人生,一扬长辟短为主,同时做到 见贤思齐焉,见不贤而内自省也,development direction, prevention medical patient disputes, bad event, hospital of technology of, digital, network, intelligent of, information became currently and future measure hospital management level and operation efficiency of a key factors. currently domestic of medium hospital are this aspects constantly improve hospital information level, Technology management level, medical level in order to occupy a strong position in the market competition. The weak electricity system construction project is going digital, centralized management of the network. perform advanced, stable, reasonable structure, strong expansion, economic and practical standards of the integrated management system. Engineering range this times weak system construction project of engineering covers following system: integrated wiring system (including network system and voice communications system), wired TV system, information guide and the released system, monitoring system, access management system, parking management system, surgery monitoring teaching system, ICU visits system, call on told management system, queued station system, buildings control system, weak intelligent of management system. In the construction of weak current system, we believe that the needs of each independent and stable operation of the subsystem, and mutual interaction between and mutual support is a very important step. Because 即见到有德行的人就向他看齐,见到没有德行的人就反省自身的缺点。 我是一个自小生长于农村的女生,父母的朴实憨厚对我的性格塑造起到了非常重要的作用,我质朴、隐忍,不怕苦,不怕累,乐观向上,意志力坚强。从小担负起照顾弟弟的责任,让我拥有了强烈的责任感。我的性格可以说具有两面性,在平时我一般在陌生人面前较为内向,但是在重要场合比如聚会、晚会等我又会 很快变被动为主动,成为活跃分子。当遇到挫折时会有自卑心理。能力上,以前的班干经历培养了我的组织协调能力、团队合作意识,虽然是个理科生,但我喜欢阅读,这使我拥有了较好的写作能力,然而口语表达能力还较为欠缺。我的情感较为丰富,同情心很强,乐于关心帮助他人。 我喜欢按照自己的想法来行事;我很自信,对待每一件事都充满信心,决定有能力将它做好,且做事有始有终,坚持到底。 总而概之,我的优点与缺点有以下几点 A、我的缺点: 1不善于言辞 2性格慢 3、处理问题不果断 4、考虑事情不全面 5、过于幻想不现实 6、有些倔犟不够温和 7、不修边幅 ,给人形象不够好 development direction, prevention medical patient disputes, bad event, hospital of technology of, digital, network, intelligent of, information became currently and future measure hospital management level and operation efficiency of a key factors. currently domestic of medium hospital are this aspects constantly improve hospital information level, Technology management level, medical level in order to occupy a strong position in the market competition. The weak electricity system construction project is going digital, centralized management of the network. perform advanced, stable, reasonable structure, strong expansion, economic and practical standards of the integrated management system. Engineering range this times weak system construction project of engineering covers following system: integrated wiring system (including network system and voice communications system), wired TV system, information guide and the released system, monitoring system, access management system, parking management system, surgery monitoring teaching system, ICU visits system, call on told management system, queued station system, buildings control system, weak intelligent of management system. In the construction of weak current system, we believe that the needs of each independent and stable operation of the subsystem, and mutual interaction between and mutual support is a very important step. Because 8、不能冷静、理智处理复杂问题 9、对自己的未来不能正确看待,没有紧迫感 10、没能全面认识自己,对自己所许下的诺言和我一直 以来的努力不知是否真会梦想成真,有些迷茫。 B、我的优点: 1、喜欢阅读2、学习勤奋 生活勤俭 3、勤于思考与讨论问题 4、有强烈的进取心 5、能吃苦耐劳 6自刻能力强、7、做事认真 负责 8尊敬师长孝敬父母9待人真诚乐于助人 10、善于合作,富有团队精神 二、我对大学生活的所感所思 在将近一年的大学生活里,我感慨多多,其中有我感到欣慰的事情,也有令我困惑的。我的大学一年级的生活就要结束了。也是时间来总结总结了,是作业,同时也是我人生中必完成的一张空白卷。 在进入大学之前,我读了两个高三,努力拼搏了两回。因此我对我的大学生活抱着很大的期望和憧憬。我曾发誓,到了development direction, prevention medical patient disputes, bad event, hospital of technology of, digital, network, intelligent of, information became currently and future measure hospital management level and operation efficiency of a key factors. currently domestic of medium hospital are this aspects constantly improve hospital information level, Technology management level, medical level in order to occupy a strong position in the market competition. The weak electricity system construction project is going digital, centralized management of the network. perform advanced, stable, reasonable structure, strong expansion, economic and practical standards of the integrated management system. Engineering range this times weak system construction project of engineering covers following system: integrated wiring system (including network system and voice communications system), wired TV system, information guide and the released system, monitoring system, access management system, parking management system, surgery monitoring teaching system, ICU visits system, call on told management system, queued station system, buildings control system, weak intelligent of management system. In the construction of weak current system, we believe that the needs of each independent and stable operation of the subsystem, and mutual interaction between and mutual support is a very important step. Because 大学之后我要刻苦发奋四年,把所有的证书一一拿下,把我所想看的书,尽量挤出时间多看一些,要争取拿奖学金,有时间要练好字,多写一些论文,尝试着发表发表。可当我真正进入大学之后,我感受到了突如其来的自由和新奇感。开始我拿到课本时,我还是满怀的兴奋,好想一下子就看完,可是在一天天上课,自习后,这种激情慢慢的消退,就开始进入迷茫阶段,怀念高中同学,怀念高中生活,茫然,没有方向。就是天天背着书包去上课,晚上去自习,周六周日有时候也就是跑到自习教室里。因为除了自习,当时根本就不知道还有什么其他事可以做。后来也经常去图书馆,因为图书馆有太多的资源了,总觉得那么多书放在那里,不利用起来,过于浪费了。所以对图书馆我算是比较熟悉的。 有人说:大学一年级往往"不知道自己不知道",大学二年级就进了一步"知道自己 不知道",大学三年级时"不知道自己知道",大学四年级"知道自己知道”也许吧,我就还是一个“不知道自己不知道”的。 有同学觉得大学的生活很枯燥,然而这不是大学的错,大学给了我们充分的自由,我们要做的是利用好这种自由,充分发掘自己的生活。所以我觉得我大一总结起来有两件件事是值得庆幸 的,第一是认真学习,第二是懂得去图书馆。 development direction, prevention medical patient disputes, bad event, hospital of technology of, digital, network, intelligent of, information became currently and future measure hospital management level and operation efficiency of a key factors. currently domestic of medium hospital are this aspects constantly improve hospital information level, Technology management level, medical level in order to occupy a strong position in the market competition. The weak electricity system construction project is going digital, centralized management of the network. perform advanced, stable, reasonable structure, strong expansion, economic and practical standards of the integrated management system. Engineering range this times weak system construction project of engineering covers following system: integrated wiring system (including network system and voice communications system), wired TV system, information guide and the released system, monitoring system, access management system, parking management system, surgery monitoring teaching system, ICU visits system, call on told management system, queued station system, buildings control system, weak intelligent of management system. In the construction of weak current system, we believe that the needs of each independent and stable operation of the subsystem, and mutual interaction between and mutual support is a very important step. Because 然而在我的学习上,我虽然好学,可事情却好像不是我想象的那么容易,在我所选的专业的学习上,我渐渐的感觉到了压力和难度。尤其是数学分析和高等代数,有时这两科真可谓是圣书那么难。当然我还是依然是个好学的学生,碰到不懂的就喜欢串宿舍去问问其他同学,303宿舍是我去的最多的一个,应为那里有几个高手,不过有时碰到我们都不会的,这是我们就会一起讨论。虽然如此,但我这次的高等代数和数学分析的期末考试好像还是考得不够好,不过相对来说我是尽力了。如果这次的成绩不好,那能给我安慰的也许就那一句话吧,“过程中我努力了,结果就顺其自然。”毕竟我收获的是大一的一年而不是一张试卷。在学习的过程中,我认真思考过,提问过,讨论过,最终弄明白。 在生活中我总希望快乐伴随着成功,微笑在每一个青春的季节里,我深知:有大海的呼唤我们就不能让搏击的勇气在海浪中却步,有蓝天的呼唤,就不能过让纷飞的翅膀在暗云中退化。 三、选择恋人的标准 进了大学,我们除了有足够的时间学习和参加自己喜欢的活动这一自由之外,我们也真正有了恋爱的自由。恋爱development direction, prevention medical patient disputes, bad event, hospital of technology of, digital, network, intelligent of, information became currently and future measure hospital management level and operation efficiency of a key factors. currently domestic of medium hospital are this aspects constantly improve hospital information level, Technology management level, medical level in order to occupy a strong position in the market competition. The weak electricity system construction project is going digital, centralized management of the network. perform advanced, stable, reasonable structure, strong expansion, economic and practical standards of the integrated management system. Engineering range this times weak system construction project of engineering covers following system: integrated wiring system (including network system and voice communications system), wired TV system, information guide and the released system, monitoring system, access management system, parking management system, surgery monitoring teaching system, ICU visits system, call on told management system, queued station system, buildings control system, weak intelligent of management system. In the construction of weak current system, we believe that the needs of each independent and stable operation of the subsystem, and mutual interaction between and mutual support is a very important step. Because 在大学里已是一个普遍的话题。可当身边的同学们,朋友们都陆续的有了恋爱的对象时。我依然是一个人。对于他们恋爱的事,我没有明确的赞成还是反对的看法。我只希望他们是真心对待对方,能彼此相互促进就好。可有些却在我看来像是在玩弄感情,有着一些炫耀,还有着一些利用的利益,但也没啥好说的,毕竟是彼此愿意才会走到一起。有是同学们开我玩笑时,我笑笑说:“我要找的不是男朋友,是一生一世的伴侣”之所以我有这样的想法,是应为我觉得人生太短了,没必要浪费不必要浪费的时间。我的一生的美好回忆里不能分成几段。 我想找的恋人标准是首先是彼此投缘的,因为怎么说感情这东西是不能勉强的,就算他再优秀,如果他对我一点感觉都没有,那这样在一起我会感到很累,同时我也不会幸福。又如果是和我不喜欢的在一起,这样我也不会开心,当然他也不开心。那就没必要勉强对方。 有句话说“通过男人看世界的女人是幸福的,而一生就活在一个男人的世界里的女是不幸的。”所以还须是一个在我的面前就像一本字典一样的,我不懂的,问问就明白,这样博学的。 宽容是一个家庭幸福的根基,因为在生活中难免会有摩擦,由此要互相宽容对方,理解,信任对方。 development direction, prevention medical patient disputes, bad event, hospital of technology of, digital, network, intelligent of, information became currently and future measure hospital management level and operation efficiency of a key factors. currently domestic of medium hospital are this aspects constantly improve hospital information level, Technology management level, medical level in order to occupy a strong position in the market competition. The weak electricity system construction project is going digital, centralized management of the network. perform advanced, stable, reasonable structure, strong expansion, economic and practical standards of the integrated management system. Engineering range this times weak system construction project of engineering covers following system: integrated wiring system (including network system and voice communications system), wired TV system, information guide and the released system, monitoring system, access management system, parking management system, surgery monitoring teaching system, ICU visits system, call on told management system, queued station system, buildings control system, weak intelligent of management system. In the construction of weak current system, we believe that the needs of each independent and stable operation of the subsystem, and mutual interaction between and mutual support is a very important step. Because development direction, prevention medical patient disputes, bad event, hospital of technology of, digital, network, intelligent of, information became currently and future measure hospital management level and operation efficiency of a key factors. currently domestic of medium hospital are this aspects constantly improve hospital information level, Technology management level, medical level in order to occupy a strong position in the market competition. The weak electricity system construction project is going digital, centralized management of the network. perform advanced, stable, reasonable structure, strong expansion, economic and practical standards of the integrated management system. Engineering range this times weak system construction project of engineering covers following system: integrated wiring system (including network system and voice communications system), wired TV system, information guide and the released system, monitoring system, access management system, parking management system, surgery monitoring teaching system, ICU visits system, call on told management system, queued station system, buildings control system, weak intelligent of management system. In the construction of weak current system, we believe that the needs of each independent and stable operation of the subsystem, and mutual interaction between and mutual support is a very important step. Because
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