首页 杭州海关对自理报关单位注册操作规程



杭州海关对自理报关单位注册操作规程杭州海关对自理报关单位注册操作规程 中华人民共和国杭州海关自理报关企业管理办法 第一条 为加强自理报关企业的监督管理~规范自理报关企业的报关行为~提高货物通关效率~根据《中华人民共和国海关法》及其他有关法律、法规~制定本操作规程。 第二条 自理报关单位是指具有进出口经营权~并在海关办理报关注册登记手续~仅为本单位办理进出口货物报关纳税等事宜的境内法人。 企业注册 第三条 注册登记所需文件资料 ,一,商务部门出具的《对外贸易经营者备案登记表》, ,二,《报关注册登记申请书》, ,三,法人营业执照副本复...

杭州海关对自理报关单位注册操作规程 中华人民共和国杭州海关自理报关企业管理办法 第一条 为加强自理报关企业的监督管理~ 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 自理报关企业的报关行为~提高货物通关效率~根据《中华人民共和国海关法》及其他有关法律、法规~制定本操作规程。 第二条 自理报关单位是指具有进出口经营权~并在海关办理报关注册登记手续~仅为本单位办理进出口货物报关纳税等事宜的境内法人。 企业注册 第三条 注册登记所需文件资料 ,一,商务部门出具的《对外贸易经营者备案 登记表 调解登记表下载应聘登记表下载调解登记表下载调解登记表下载调解登记表下载 》, ,二,《报关注册登记申请书》, ,三,法人营业执照副本复印件,个人独资企业、个人合伙企业或个体工商户提交营业执照副本复印件,, ,四,税务登记证书副本复印件, ,五,银行开户许可证复印件, ,六,组织机构代码证书副本复印件, ,七,固定生产经营场所证明,产权凭证、租赁协议等,, ,八,企业法定代表人或个人独资企业、个人合伙企业或个体工商户负责人身份证件复印件, ,九,企业 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 章程 公司章程范本下载项目章程下载公司章程下载公司章程下载公司章程下载 ,内资企业提交,及政府主管部门对合同章程的批准文件,限外商投资企业提交~其中外商独资企业只提交章 程,, ,十,《企业情况登记表》、《企业管理人员情况登记表》 ,十一,其他海关要求提交的证明文件。 第四条 自理报关企业注册登记实行备案登记制~对符合条件的企业~应当及时办理报关注册登记手续 第五条、自理报关企业异地报关备案 1、本关区企业转外关区备案应递交单证: ,1,《报关备案申请书》,一式二联,、有报关员备案的还需《报关员情况登记表》,在海关领取, ,2,《报关单位注册登记证明书》正本及复印件, ,3,《企业情况登记表》,加盖海关业务专用章 ,4,报关企业印章和报关专用章印模, ,5,企业管理类别通知单,由海关开出,, ,6,海关认为需要的其他材料。 申请企业向主管海关提供上述材料~经办关员审核制作“关封” 交申请企业~申请企业将“关封”送异地海关办理异地报关备案 手续 2、外关区企业转本关区备案应向备入地海关递交企业注册地海关制作的异地备案“关封”~经办关员审核并查询总署底帐库后~由申请企业交录入公司录入~备入地海关颁发《报关单位报关备案证书》 the weight of the weighing bottle W2 g, ... When; microbalance and 100mg to 20G when have to use tweezers gently picking up using weight values as needed in the box. 8. the object and the center of the big weight on the scale plate and around the small weights weights should be given in sequence. 9. each balance fixed a pair of weights, no swap. Weights are only permitted at the weights on the specified location in the box, placed at the base of the scale, or operation is not allowed on stage. Weighing several times measured on the same sample, apply the same scales and weights to offset errors due to scales and weights. 10. mechanical coded scale readings directly by index and a projection screen. Cyborg overweight scales, Gram and the projection screen of the following reading coded knob indicates numerical; more balance in the scale pan weight value. On balance, 100mg weight of rotating mechanical raise the knob to increase or decrease in weight and over 100mg weight, weights in the weight box to compare. 11. record balance weight value, closing balance, according to the open note the quality weights in the weight box, back when to check it again. The weighing result is recorded on the record. 12. the weighingChinese (company name). Which are easy, elementary school textbooks, and General books, generally recommend to use unit symbols. (2) unit symbols shall be according to their company name, or referred to as read, and not according to the pronunciation of the letters. Should not be used in a combo unit unit symbols and Chinese symbols. For example, the speed units km/hour, there are two mistakes: "hour" is a name, not as a symbol while mixing unit and Chinese symbols. Correct should be km/h or km/h (3) legal units of measurement and prefix symbols, are traditional. Unit symbols have no plural form may attach any additional tags. Usage error: mins (4) multiplication combination unit consisting of two or more units, multiplying units available are the No. However, Chinese symbol must be used when multiplying by points. For example: NM: n • m Nm ...A Effective digital processing, significant figures in section III 1. actual measured figures in the analysis job is called significant digits. 2. effective numbers in the records, which allow several Milkmen regularity, poor and only 1. Second, significant figure rounding rules "four homes and six into the 50%" rules give too many numbers. ? 4 o'clock when the mantissa, the homes; mantissa ? 6 o'clock, then the; tail equal to 5 o'clock, if an even 5 front shed, is odd then go into. When the 5 and there are not any number other than zero, 5 front is the singular is used occasionally when making excursions into. For example, the following rounding off numbers to three significant digits to the left of 2.324 ? 2.325 ? 2.32 ? 2.335 ? 2.32501 ? 2.33 2.33 three, effective digital algorithms 1. addition and subtraction, number and the sum or difference of the effective number of 企业年审 第六条 企业年审程序 1、年审时间。海关对已办理报关注册登记的自理报关单位实行年审 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 ~企业应在每年的1月1日至4月30日以前向注册地海关提交有关材料~办理年审。海关于5月31日前完成审核汇总上报工作。 2、企业应递交的年审材料: 非外商投资企业应提供: ,1,、经外经贸部及授权机关年审的《进出口企业资格证书》正本及复印件, ,2,、海关注册登记企业年审报告书、报关员年审报告书及全部 报关员证件,包括资格证、条码卡、报关员证,, ,3,、《报关注册登记证明书正本》, ,4,、经工商行政管理部门加贴本年度通过年审标识的营业执照正本及企业法人营业执照副本复印件, ,5,、海关认为需要的其他资料。 ,6,、经会计师事物所审计的本年度资产负债表和损益表~进出 口商品销售利润,亏损,表 外商投资企业应提供: ,1,、联合年检报告书复印件, ,2,、经会计事务所审计的本年度资产负债表和损益表复印件, ,3,、外商投资企业进出口报关业务情况表、报关员年审报告书 以及全部的报关员证,包括资格证、报关员证,, ,4,、《报关注册登记证明书》正本, ,5,、海关认为需要的其他资料。 3、经办关员对企业递交的材料进行审核~无误后分别在企业注册登记证书和报关员证上签注延长1年的报关有效期~加盖统一规定的“注册备案专用章”。 4、经办关员在“企业档案数据库”中根据年审内容对原有的企业数据进行核对~及时更新数据~通过企业及报关员本年度的年审并修改企业报关有效期,非外商投资企业不用填写企业报关有效期,。 1、 海关工作时限:当场办理。 企业变更 第七条 企业发生变更~应按下列规定办理: 1、企业改制发生性质变更~依据其公司章程及其他相关文件~确定企业性质。如有外资参股的分别视情况区分为外商合资、合作和独资企业,没有外资股份的~按照大股东的所有制性质~区分为国有、集体、私营性质~然后编制海关注册编码~注销原企业。 如原企业加工贸易合同未履行完毕~新企业已成立~则两个企业代码同时并存~待加工贸易合同履行完毕后~原企业代码予以删除~但最长期限不能超过三个月。 2、企业注册登记表中的其他内容发生变更~包括公司名称、公司地址、法定代表人、联系人、联系电话等~企业应向主管海关办理变the weight of the weighing bottle W2 g, ... When; microbalance and 100mg to 20G when have to use tweezers gently picking up using weight values as needed in the box. 8. the object and the center of the big weight on the scale plate and around the small weights weights should be given in sequence. 9. each balance fixed a pair of weights, no swap. Weights are only permitted at the weights on the specified location in the box, placed at the base of the scale, or operation is not allowed on stage. Weighing several times measured on the same sample, apply the same scales and weights to offset errors due to scales and weights. 10. mechanical coded scale readings directly by index and a projection screen. Cyborg overweight scales, Gram and the projection screen of the following reading coded knob indicates numerical; more balance in the scale pan weight value. On balance, 100mg weight of rotating mechanical raise the knob to increase or decrease in weight and over 100mg weight, weights in the weight box to compare. 11. record balance weight value, closing balance, according to the open note the quality weights in the weight box, back when to check it again. The weighing result is recorded on the record. 12. the weighingChinese (company name). Which are easy, elementary school textbooks, and General books, generally recommend to use unit symbols. (2) unit symbols shall be according to their company name, or referred to as read, and not according to the pronunciation of the letters. Should not be used in a combo unit unit symbols and Chinese symbols. For example, the speed units km/hour, there are two mistakes: "hour" is a name, not as a symbol while mixing unit and Chinese symbols. Correct should be km/h or km/h (3) legal units of measurement and prefix symbols, are traditional. Unit symbols have no plural form may attach any additional tags. Usage error: mins (4) multiplication combination unit consisting of two or more units, multiplying units available are the No. However, Chinese symbol must be used when multiplying by points. For example: NM: n • m Nm ...A Effective digital processing, significant figures in section III 1. actual measured figures in the analysis job is called significant digits. 2. effective numbers in the records, which allow several Milkmen regularity, poor and only 1. Second, significant figure rounding rules "four homes and six into the 50%" rules give too many numbers. ? 4 o'clock when the mantissa, the homes; mantissa ? 6 o'clock, then the; tail equal to 5 o'clock, if an even 5 front shed, is odd then go into. When the 5 and there are not any number other than zero, 5 front is the singular is used occasionally when making excursions into. For example, the following rounding off numbers to three significant digits to the left of 2.324 ? 2.325 ? 2.32 ? 2.335 ? 2.32501 ? 2.33 2.33 three, effective digital algorithms 1. addition and subtraction, number and the sum or difference of the effective number of 更手续。 具体程序: 1、企业向主管海关递交:申请报告、变更的有关文件、自理报关单位注册登记证明书和海关认为需要提供的其他资料。 2、经办关员审核后~在企业注册档案数据库和自理报关单位注册登记证明书上作相应修改。 3、海关工作时限:当场办理。 企业注销 第八条 企业办理海关注销手续程序 1、企业因撤消倒闭、合同到期或提前终止合同到海关办理注销手续的~应提供:企业申请报告书、主管部门的批文、自理报关单位注册证明书、报关员证和海关认为需要的其他资料。 2、经办关员收到企业的有关材料后~制作流转单~送各业务部门~查询该企业在海关有无拖欠海关税款、减免税设备海关监管期限有无到期、加工贸易手册是否按期核销等海关未了事宜。并根据反馈情况通知有关部门及时办结有关手续。 3、企业办理完所有海关手续后~根据海关出具的《办结海关手续通知书》~由企业管理部门在数据库中将该企业档案数据予以删除。 第九条 以上条文由杭州海关调查局企管处负责解释。
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