首页 坏账准备的计提方法三种



坏账准备的计提方法三种坏账准备的计提方法三种 二、坏账准备的计提方法 具体来说坏账准备的计提方法有四种:即“余额百分比法”、“账龄分析法”、“销货百分比法”和“个别认定法”。 (一)余额百分比法 这是按照期末应收账款余额的一定百分比估计坏账损失的方法。坏账百分比由企业根据以往的资料或经验自行确定。在余额百分比法下,企业应在每个会计期末根据本期末应收账款的余额和相应的坏账率估计出期末坏账准备账户应有的余额,它与调整前坏账准备账户已有的余额的差额,就是当期应提的坏账准备金额。 采用余额百分比法计提坏账准备的计算公式如下: 1.首...

坏账准备的计提 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 三种 二、坏账准备的计提方法 具体来说坏账准备的计提方法有四种:即“余额百分比法”、“账龄 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 法”、“销货百分比法”和“个别认定法”。 (一)余额百分比法 这是按照期末应收账款余额的一定百分比估计坏账损失的方法。坏账百分比由企业根据以往的 资料 新概念英语资料下载李居明饿命改运学pdf成本会计期末资料社会工作导论资料工程结算所需资料清单 或经验自行确定。在余额百分比法下,企业应在每个会计期末根据本期末应收账款的余额和相应的坏账率估计出期末坏账准备账户应有的余额,它与调整前坏账准备账户已有的余额的差额,就是当期应提的坏账准备金额。 采用余额百分比法计提坏账准备的计算 公式 小学单位换算公式大全免费下载公式下载行测公式大全下载excel公式下载逻辑回归公式下载 如下: 1.首次计提坏账准备的计算公式: 当期应计提的坏账准备=期末应收账款余额×坏账准备计提百分比 2.以后计提坏账准备的计算公式: 当期应计提的坏账准备=当期按应收账款计算应计提的坏账准备金额+(或-)坏账准备账户借方余额(或贷方余额) 例:泰山企业2006年末应收账款余额为800 000元,企业根据风险特征估计坏账准备的提取比例为应收账款余额的0.4%。2007年发生坏账4 000元,该年末应收账款余额为980 000元。2008年发生坏账损失3 000元,上年冲销的账款中有2 000slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short-range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances, 元本年度又收回。该年度末应收账款余额为600 000元。假设坏账准备科目在2006年初余额为0。 要求:计算各年提取的坏账准备并编制会计分录。 解:(1)2006年应提坏账准备=800 000×0.4%=3 200(元) 根据上述计算结果应编制如下会计分录: 借:资产减值损失3 200 贷:坏账准备 3 200 2007年发生坏账损失时,应编制如下会计分录: 借:坏账准备4 000 贷:应收账款4 000 (2)2007年年末计提坏账前坏账准备账户的余额为:4 000 -3 200=800(借方) 而要使坏账准备的余额为贷方980 000×0.4%=3 920(元),则2007年应提坏账准备=3 920+800=4 720(元)(贷方)。 根据上述计算结果,应编制如下会计分录: 借:资产减值损失 4 720 贷:坏账准备4 720 (3)2008年发生坏账损失时,应编制如下的会计分录: 借:坏账准备3 000 贷:应收账款3 000 2008年收回已冲销的应收账款时,应编制如下会计分录: 借:应收账款 2 000 slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short-range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances, 贷:坏账准备2 000 借:银行存款2 000 贷:应收账款 2 000 2008年年末计提坏账前坏账准备的金额为-800+4 720-3 000 +2 000=2 920(元)(贷方)。 而要使坏账准备的余额为贷方600 000×0.4%=2 400(元)(贷方),则应冲销坏账准备2 920-2 400=520(元),即2008年应提坏账准备-520元。 根据上述计算结果,应编制如下会计分录: 借:坏账准备520 贷:资产减值损失 520 (二)账龄分析法 这是根据应收账款账龄的长短来估计坏账损失的方法。通常而言,应收账款的账龄越长,发生坏账的可能性越大。为此,将企业的应收账款按账龄长短进行分组,分别确定不同的计提百分比估算坏账损失,使坏账损失的计算结果更符合客观情况。 采用账龄分析法计提坏账准备的计算公式如下: 1. 首次计提坏账准备的计算公式: 当期应计提的坏账准备= ?(期末各账龄组应收账款余额×各账龄组坏账准备计提百分比) 2. 以后计提坏账准备的计算公式: 当期应计提的坏账准备=当期按应收账款计算应计提的坏账slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short-range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances, 准备金额+(或-)坏账准备账户借方余额(或贷方余额) 例:甲公司坏账准备核算采用账龄分析法,对未到期、逾期半年内和逾期半年以上的应收账款分别按1%、5%、10%估计坏账损失。该公司2007年12月31日有关应收款项账户的年末余额如下。按照类似信用风险特征将这些应收款项划分为若干组合,具体情况如下: 若甲公司“坏账准备”账户2007年年初贷方余额为60 000元,2007年确认的坏账损失为120 000元,则甲公司2007年12月31日计提坏账准备计入“资产减值损失”账户的金额为多少, 分析:(1) 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 目中给出了各个明细账的情况,则根据应收账款明细账户的借方余额合计数和预收账款明细账科目的借方余额合计数再加上其他应收款明细科目的借方余额合计数计提。 (2)预收账款的借方余额具有应收账款的性质,要计提坏账准备。 (3)企业的预付账款如有确凿证据表明其不符合预付账款性质,或者因供货单位破产、撤销等原因已无望再收到所购货物的,应当将原计入预付账款的金额转入其他应收款,并按规定计提坏账准备。 (4)企业持有的未到期应收票据,如有确凿证据证明不能够收回或收回的可能性不大时,期末应考虑计提坏账准备。 综合以上分析,甲公司2007年12月31日计提坏账准备计slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short-range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances, 入“资产减值损失”账户的金额=2 000 000×5%+300 000×10% +1 000 000×1%+400 000×10%+120 000-60 000=240 000 (元)。 账龄分析法和余额百分比法一样在计提坏账准备时,考虑到了该账户原有的余额再做出调整。这两种方法都是从资产负债表的观点来估计坏账,注重的是期末坏账准备应有的余额,使资产负债表中的应收账款能更合理地按变现价值评价。但是,期末的应收账款并不都是本期的赊销产生的,可能含有以往年度销售产生的账款,采用这两种方法计算出的坏账费用就不能完全于本期的销售收入配合,在实务上,账龄分析法也使得账务处理的成本有所提高。 (三)销货百分比法 这是根据企业销售总额的一定百分比估计坏账损失的方法。百分比按本企业以往实际发生的坏账与销售总额的关系结合生产经营与销售政策变动情况测定。在实际工作中,企业也可以按赊销百分比估计坏账损失。 采用销货百分比法计提坏账准备的计算公式如下: 当期应计提的坏账准备=本期销售总额(或赊销额)× 坏账准备计提比例 例:丙公司2006年赊销金额为20 000元,根据以往资料和经验,估计坏账损失率为1%,2006年初坏账准备账户余额为贷方200元。计算2006年应计提的坏账准备和2006年末坏账准备slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short-range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances, 科目余额。 解:丙公司2006年应计提的坏账准备为:20 000×1%,200元, 借:资产减值损失200 贷:坏账准备 200 2006年末坏账准备科目余额为:200+200,400元。 可以看出,采用销货百分比法,在决定各年度应提的坏账准备金额时,并不需要考虑坏账准备账户上已有的余额。从利润表的观点看,由于这种方法主要是根据当期利润表上的销货收入数字来估计当期的坏账损失,因此坏账费用与销货收入能较好地配合,比较符合配比概念。但是由于计提坏账时没有考虑到坏账准备账户以往原有的余额,如果以往年度出现坏账损失估计错误的情况就不能自动更正,资产负债表上的应收账款净额也就不一定能正确的反映其变现价值。因此,采用销货百分比法还应该定期地评估坏账准备是否适当,及时做出调整,以便能更加合理地反映企业的财务状况。 (四)个别认定法 这是针对每项应收款项的实际情况分别估计坏账损失的方法。例如公司是根据应收单位账款的5,来计算坏账,但是有一企业有明显的迹象还款困难,就可以对这一企业的应收账款进行个别认定法计提坏账准备金按10,或其他。 在同一会计期间内运用个别认定法的应收账款应从其他方slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short-range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances, 法计提坏账准备的应收账款中剔除。 个别认定法区别于余额百分比法和销货百分比法的主要特点在于两个方面,一是对坏账准备计提的依据不再是销货总额或赊销总额,而是客户的信用状况和偿还能力;二是计提坏账准备的比率不再是所有的欠款客户都用一个相同的比例,而是信用状况不同其适用的比率也不同。只要调查清楚了每个客户的信用状况和偿还能力,再据此确定每个客户的计提比率和欠款数额,就能核算坏账准备。 slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short-range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances,
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