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Academic Word List 1-10讲解注释


Academic Word List 1-10讲解注释Academic Word List 1-10讲解注释 Academic Word List Sublist 1 of the Academic Word List - Most Frequent Words in Families If works can be finished by alysis n.分析 anestimate v.&n.估计,评估 machines or robots, there will be few analyze evidence n.证据 economic opportun...

Academic Word List  1-10讲解注释
Academic Word List 1-10讲解注释 Academic Word List Sublist 1 of the Academic Word List - Most Frequent Words in Families If works can be finished by alysis n.分析 anestimate v.&n.估计,评估 machines or robots, there will be few analyze evidence n.证据 economic opportunities available to approach n.方法, vt.接近 evident 写作 individuals, which may bring about export vt.输出, 出口 approach后面接地点、人物和目标high unemployment rate. factor n.因素, 要素 时是及物动词,否则是不及物动词。benefit n.利益, 好处 vt.有益于 financial adj.财政的, 金融的 写作词汇必备搭配 formula n.公式 作及物动词时还可引申为研究,考 A is beneficial to B function n.功能, 职责, 函数 虑,商洽等义,作名词时,可表示 A brings benefit to B identify vt.识别, 鉴定, v.确定 途径,态度等。 A is of great benefit to B identification鉴别,证明 The time is approaching when we mu st be on board. The discovery of oil brought many identity card He decided to adopt a different income n.收入 小作文写作图表 benefits to the town. beneficial /?ben.??f??.?l/ approach and teach theBible 同义词 wage/salary/ through story-telling. The improvement in sales figures had indicate vt.指示, 表明 造句子练习 area n.区域 a beneficial (= helpful or good) 优秀的学习成绩有可能象征着在将effect/influence on the company as a assessment n.评估 听力 来工作中取得成功 whole. estimate暗示评价的主观性和不精Excellent academic achievements A stay in the country will be overestimate.underestimate may indicate potential success in beneficial to his health. 确 appraise ,表示专业水准的评估名词future career. concept n.观念, 概念 indicate表示词语或符号可以清楚appraisal consistent adj.一致的 assess 表示为确定某物的应税价值明白的显示内容; be consistent with suggest则表示通过词语或符号暗示The results are consistent with 而作出的权威估价 evaluate 表示在确定价值时经过了内容; earlier research. imply表示这种暗示更复杂,来自补充讲解consist of 深思熟虑,不一定是金钱价值 听力词汇 ply层次,故此是有一定结构的复constitutional adj.宪法的, 本质的 Assessment method 扩充词根 杂,名词implication; 写作词汇 assume vt.假定, 承担 context n.上下文, 语境 suppose最不正式,表示根据一定证contract n. 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 v.收缩 The table indicates/ shows that 据作出的见解,assume用于逻辑推词根扩展 individual n.个人adj.个人的 理,强调一种缺乏证据的结论,以create vt.创造, 创作 interpretation n.解释, 翻译 检验某种建议。 be creative involved adj.复杂的, 涉及的 sum, sumpt = take 表示”拿,取” 写作词汇 data n.datum的复数, 资料, 数据 consume v 消费,吃光 个人与政府都应该参与到环境保护definition n.定义 define 定义 definite确定的 consumer n 消费者 当中 Both individuals and governments There's a definite link between assumption n 假设,承担 should be involved in the authority n.权威, 权力 smoking and some types of cancer. environmental protection. indefinite无限的,不定的 available adj.可利用的, 可得到的 听力 an indefinite number of people issue n.问题 vt.发行 There is no room available. derive vt得到, 源自 Controversial issue I am not available tonight. Many English words are derived fromlabour n.劳动, 分娩 可以课下翻译 Latin. labour force 劳动力 如果机器或机器人可以完成工作,distribution n.分配, 分布 legal adj.合法的, 法律的 词根扩展tribute legislation n.立法, 法律 人们的就业机会就会减少,这有可 establish v.建立, 创办 major adj.主要的 能带来高失业 majority percent n.百分比 differences between the two The majority of people interviewed period n.时期 groups of students prefer TV to radio. policy n.政策, 方针 There has been a significant ? The majority was / were in principle n.原理, 理念 increase in the number of women favour of banning smoking. procedure n.程序, 手续, 步骤 students in recent years.? This treatment is not available process n.过程vt.加工, 处理 similar adj.类似的 in the vast majority of hospitals. required adj.必需的 similarity n. It requires that ... 有...的必要 口语 the majority of require sth. of sb. 对某人有...的要求 反义词 minority We have some similarities. be similar to与...相似, 类似于 method n.方法 research n.研究, 调查 occur vi.发生, 出现 response n.回答, 响应, 反应 source n. 来源;水源 occurrence n.发生 conserve energy sources role n.角色, 作用 【辨析】happen强调偶然性 natural resources play an important role in 在...中起重要作用 There happen to be no money with specific adj.具体的 教师在教学起中的关键作用 me. structure n.结构, 构造, 建筑物 【助记法】struct表示结构 It so happens that... Teachers play a key role in the take place指有计划的使某事发生 【衍】construct 建筑con表示加强,learning process destruction 毁坏, Great changes have taken place in mysection n.部分, 地区 hometown. theory n.理论, 学说 sector n.部门, 扇形 occur则包括了以上二者的意义,比vsignificant adj. 重要的, 重大的, ariable n.变量 adj.易变的 较含糊。 There are no significant Sublist 2 of Academic Word List –Second Most Frequent Words in Families achieve vt.实现, 达到, 取得 feature n. 特色, 特征 achievement compute n.&v.计算 final adj最后的, 最终的 acquisition vt.获得 conclusion n.结论 focus vt. (使)集中 n. 焦点; 中心 acquire 写作口语 In conclusion/To conclude, I'd like to impact n.影响, 撞击 在国外学习的好处之一就是能学到give an impact to对....起冲击作用 express my thanks to my family. 一门流利的外语。 arrive at(come to, draw, reach) a conchave (make) a strong (great, full) lusion得出结论,告一段落 impact on对....有巨大影响 One of the advantages of studying abroad is to acquire a fluent foreign conduct v. 实施 n.行为 injury n. 伤害, 受伤 language. consequence n. 结果, 后果 institute n. 协会; 学院vt. 制定; 我们通过参加各种有趣的活动学到课件 investment n.投资 知识 construction n.建设; 建筑物 item n.项目, 条目 We can acquire knowledge through consumer n.消费者, 顾客 journal n. 期刊,日记 various kinds of interesting credit n.信誉;贷款;学分v. 相维修 maintenance n.维护; 信 activities. maintain administration n.管理 cultural adj.文化的 normal adj. 正常的 affect vt. 影响 design n.&v.设计 obtain v.获得 appropriate adj适当的, 合适的 distinction n.区别 gain/attain 造句子练习 aspect n. 方面 draw (make) a distinction between 对…加以区别 In order to obtain the real and assistance n.帮助, 援助 reliable information, we have no financial assistance A is distinct from B choice but to appeal to different category n.种类, 类别 The two concepts are quite distinct sources. chapter n.章, 回, 篇 (from each other). commission n.委员会, 佣金 Element n. 要素, 元素 participation n.参与, 参加 community n. 社区, 团体 equation n. 方程式, 等式 perceive v.认识到, 理解 complex adj. 复杂的complicated evaluation n.评价 写作/阅读 perceive sth as or are transient-associated with the primary education Children who do badly in school early phases of industrilalisation purchase n+vt购买 range n.范围, 系列 and therefore best cured not by tests often perceive themselves to a wide range of knowledge广博的知restricting economic growth, but by be failures. 识 accelerating it. 8-2-3 region n. 地区 security n. 安全, 保障 Our noses are able to recongnise for security为了确保安全; 为了安全regulation n.规则; 法规 thousands of smells, and to 起见 relevant adj.有关的, 相关的 perceive odous which are present resident n.居民 sought seek的过去式和过去分词 only in extremely small quantities. residential area positive adj.积极的, 正面的 select vt. 选择; 挑选 permanent resident 听力词汇selective course potential adj.潜在的 n.潜能 optional course resource n.资源 previous adj.先前的, 以前的 阅读词汇 restrict vt.限制 site n.位置, 场所, 地点 题目: 剑桥原文 5-1-1 strategy n. 策略, 战略 Working to a deadline, he had to It would be best to attempt to slow survey vt调查;测量 draw on the best of all previous down economic growth text n. 文本, 课文 dictionaries, and to make his work 原文: And finally, most forms of traditional adj.传统的 one of heroic synthesis. environmental pollution either transfer v.& n.转移; 转让 银行、交通appear to have been exaggerated, primary adj 主要的; 初级的 Dominate 控制,支配 Sublist 3 of Academic Word List – Third Most Frequent Words in Families 例子:world science is dominated today by a small number of alternative adj.两者选一的 n.选considerable adj.相当大(或多)的 languages. 择 写作必备: The issue of climate change was 写作:alternative energy Considerable amounts of renewable energy large amounts of the dominant theme of the alter v. 例子: conference. alternate v. 实际上现代通信技术带来了很多问 阅读: 题和挑战。 7-2-3 Actually, considerable amounts of emphasis n.强调,重点 Road traffic was extremely rare problems and challenges have emphasise the importance of sth within the district, and alternative emerged as a result of modern lay/place/put emphasis on sth means of transport were restricted to communications technology. ensure v.确保,保证 donkeys in the north of the district. Considerate—thoughtful exclude v.排除,排斥 【同】choice, option, preference consider sb/sth as/to be 词根:clude 【辨析】 choice 表示从一个系列的constant adj.经常的,不断的 framework n.框架 人或物中进行挑选; 词根:stant fund n.基金v.投资,资助 例子: there is a constant stream of alternative强调在只有两种可能性illustrate v.阐明,举例说明 visitors to QD every year. 课件练习或者行为方式之间所作的选择: optionconstraint n.局促,约束 常常侧重于已经被权威等所immigration n.移民 contribution n.贡献,捐赠 emigrant 授予的一种选择能力或自由: 词根tribute preference指基于个人价值观、偏imply v.暗示,意味 见或偏好上的选择,不一定很理性: Contribute to 导致同义词课件indicate、suggest We were offered our preference of winconvention n.大会,惯例,习俗 initial adj.最初的 an initial word首字母词(如NATO) es. coordination n.协调 我们可以选择自己喜欢的葡萄酒。 core n.果核,核心 instance n.例子 写作必备for instance selection含有可供选择的许多不同corporation n.公司 的人或物的意思; corresponding adj. 相应的, 对应interaction n.相互作用,交互 的 circumstance n.环境, 情况 词缀inter corresponding period of last year去词根 课件补充stance interact 写作必备短语 justification n.理由;辩护 年同期 under no circumstances无论如何just The new exam is longer and justify 不;决不correspondingly more difficult to 例子:under no circumstances layer n.层,层次 pass. 新的考试需时较长, 因而相 should we ignore the negative effect . link n.&v.连接,联系 应地较难及格 of the internet. correspondent 指现场报道的记者,阅读、写作 On no account can we ignore the 指对一定的事件作出反应,There's a direct link between diet importance of health. journalist指期刊记者,着重写稿件,and heart disease. reporter 指记者的泛称 comment n.意见, 评论v. 评论 Exposure to ultraviolet light is compensation n.补偿, 赔偿 criteria n. 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 closely linked to skin cancer. make compensation for补,赔,偿 雅思口语考试 【辨析】join暗指使本无关联的事component n.成分,组件 deduction n.扣除,减除;演绎 阅读 computer conponets demonstrate v.证明,展示;示威 物有接触或联系; combine写作 indicate、show, demonstrate 指联合之后使得个体被忽consent n. 同意, 答应 consent仅用于对别人的意见,建议 document n.公文,文件, 略,强调整体性; unite强调多个个体单位结合,丧失dominant adj.占优势的,主导的 要求给予答应,暗示着保留否定的 例子:Unemployment will be a 了个体特性,如权利,常用于上级对下级的应允; agree强调平等主体意见的相合,有the United States (uni-有统一的意dominant issue at the next ,承担义务的暗示。 签定协议思);election. connect这是一种松散的联合,没有Positive 按时间顺序描述 as a consequence 失去个体特征;outcome n.结果,结局 associate强调空间或逻辑上共同发组合记忆法 课件补充 consequently partnership n.合作,合伙 sex n.性别,性 生或存在,强调作为一个整体; be associated with /to be philosophy n.哲学,人生观 shift n.移动,转变,转移 physical adj.身体的,物质的,物理的 specify v.指定 connected with something in some physical and mental health sufficient adj.足够的 way: 【同】adequate, enough His social problems were proportion n.比例 写作必备词汇 【辨析】adequate表示符合一个客associated with heavy drinking. relate指一种真实的连接客观存在。 publish vt.出版,发表 观标准,兼有适当的意思; enough和sufficient偏重数量的足Experts believe that the large reaction n.反应,回应 enough能放在名词后面,register n.&v.注册,登记 够,number of cancer cases in the area 听力学术场景 sufficient不能 are directly related to the new reliance n.依赖,信赖 task n.工作,任务 nuclear power station. rely location n.位置,场所 technical n.技术的 写作词汇 Many people now rely on the technique n.技术,技巧 advanced technique be located/be situated/ lies in Internet for news. Reliable/dependable man maximum adj.最大的,最高的 technology n.技术 minimum remove v.移动,迁移;搬家 validity n.有效性 valid adj. scheme n.计划, 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 ;阴谋,诡计 minority adj.少数的n.少数民族 the majority of sequence n.顺序,次序 volume n.卷,册;音量;体积 a low volume of business 少量的生意 negative adj.消极的n.底片 subsequent 随后的/后来的 adverse effect 同义:describe the sequence of events a considerable volume of Sublist 4 of Academic Word List –Fourth Most Frequent Words in Families 构词法 access n.& v. 接近; 使用; 访问 civil adj. 公民的,民间的;有礼貌的 have access to code n.密码, 代码 Submerge /emergency Students must have access to a good commitment n. 承诺;委托 library. error n. 错误, 过失 communication n. 交流; 通讯,通 信 adequate adj. 足够的; 充分的 ethnic adj. 种族的; 民族的 annual adj. 每年的; 年度的n.年鉴 concentration n. 集中;浓度;浓缩 ethnic minorities 写作 apparent adj. 显然的; 明显的 the country's population consists approximate v.近似adj. 近似的 conference n. 会议; 讨论会 of three main ethnic groups.写作词汇 课件展示 goal n. 目标, 得分, 终点 contrast n. 对比 v. 使对比 In 1940,the proportion of old people 写作,课件展示 grant v.授予;允许 例子:accounted for approximately grant sb/sth,grant sth to sb There is a sharp contrast between hiattitude n. 态度; 看法 例子:The bank finally granted a 例子:his attitude to life really s earlier and later works. ?400 loan to me. ? The bank encouraged me . cycle n.周期; 循环;自行车 finally granted me a ?400 loan. take it for granted认为理所当然 attribute n. 属性; v. 把…归于 debate n. &v.辩论,争论 attribute to 课件 despite prep.尽管 hence adv. 因此 They attributed their success to their 写作 例子:The cost of transport is a friends’ encouragement. In spite of major expense for an industry. The global increase in greenhouse dimension n. 维度, 尺寸 Hence factory location is an gases has been attributed to domestic adj.家庭的,国内的 important consideration. industrial pollution in developed domestic goods (products)国产, 国货 hypothesis n. 假设 countries emerge v. 浮现, 出现;暴露 implementation n. 执行; 实施 implication n. 含义, 暗示 overall adj. 总体的adv. 总的来说 series n.系列; 丛书 impose v.把...强加于; 征税 parallel n. 平行线 adj. 平行的 statistic adj. 统计的, 统计学的 口语. 写作 parameter n. 参数, 参量 status n. 地位,状态 Parents usually impose their wills on phase n. 时期, 阶段 stress n.& v.强调,压力 their children. stressful predict v. 预言; 预报; 预测 Integration n. 集成,整合 principal adj. 主要的n. 校长 principal food主食 Internal adj. 内部的;内在的 subsequent adj. 后来的, 随后的 the principal points要点 Investigation n. 调查; 研究 Subsequent events proved me Job n. 工作, 职业 prior adj. 在前的;更重要的 wrong. 後来发生的事证明我错了.label n.标签;商标v. 标注 professional adj. 专业的, 职业的 sum n.总数, 金额v.总结; 合计 mechanism n.机制 project n. 计划, 项目 v. 计划 in sum 总之 obvious adj. 明显的 promote v. 促进;晋升;促销 sum up 总结 promote the sale of sth occupation n.职业, 占有 summary n. 摘要,总结 option n.选择, 选项 regime n. 政体,政体 undertake v. 承担,从事 optional course/optional subject resolution n. 决心; 决议 undertake the responsibility /a task output n.产量 vt. 输出 retain v. 保持,保留 Sublist 5 of Academic Word List – Fifth Most Frequent Words in Families 口语、阅读 consulting their accountants about academic adj.学科的 必备Expand one’s vision/knowledge the tax laws. adjustment n.调整 adjust to /adapt to Our economy has expanded rapidly contact v.联系 adust oneself to different teaching keep in contact with/ lose contact /gradually quickly/constantly in methods recent years. with a well-adjusted adult适应力强的人 The computer industry has expanded decline v.下降;拒绝 greatly over the last decade. 写作词汇 alter v.改变 alter-change-transform 课件补充小作文词汇 exposure n.暴露, 曝光 alternative 写作例子: a rapid decline in unemployment alternate Long-term exposure to certain discretion n.谨慎;判断力 Don't keep asking me what to do; commercials will have a profound amendment n. 改正;修正案 use your own discretion impact on people’s behaviours, aware adj.意识到的 be aware of / be unaware of including eating habits. draft n/v.草稿, 草案;起草 make sb aware of 长期的接触某些广告会深深的影响 课下翻译例子: Before solutions enable v.使能够 人们的行为包括饮食习惯。could be proposed, a necessary step 写作/口 接触到 is to make public aware of the fact Be exposed to sth/ exposure to sth 写作广告话题 that their activities may lead to Some advertisements provide much external adj.外部的,外面的 extinction of some plant and animal needed information and education to This cream is for external use only species. parents, enabling parents to have a minister of external affairs外交部 better understanding of children’s 长 The children are aware of the products. facilitate v. 促进,使便利,方便 danger of taking drugs. 口语 写作必备: capacity n.能力 ability The art enable us to look honestly at —make …easy/promote the capacity to do sth ourselves and our society. 在家和在公司办公 例子:the capacity to communicate Enable sb to do e.g: working in the office has its with people from different cultural advantage too. For instance, it can energy n.能量 backgrounds is important. facilitate the communication and enforcement n. 执行,实施 Parking restrictions will be strictly collaboration among colleagues and challenge n/v.挑战 口语,写作 enforced . different sectors. meet the challenge完成任务 在办公室工作同样有优势。 比如, entity n.实体 impersonal entity 法人单位 它有助于员工之间的,不同部门的clause n. 条款;从句 taxable entity 纳税单位 compound v. 混合, 合成n.化合物 的沟通与合作 阅读 Good design brings a house and fundamental adj/ n.基本的,根本的 garden together as a single entity . 写作,阅读 conflict n/v.冲突 阅读翻译句子 阅读原句翻译 equivalent adj/ n相等的, 等价的 One helpful step is to train 搭配:a be equivalent to b Significant advances have been lunchtime supervisors to distinguish 写作、阅读 made in the understanding of the bullying from playful fighting, and biological and chemical nature of I hold the viewpoint that heavy help them break up conflicts. olfaction, but many fundamental smoking is equivalent to committing 一个有效的步骤就是培训午餐时段suicide. questions have yet to be answered. 我认为大量吸烟就等于自杀 虽然在了解嗅觉的生物和化学属性监督员把欺凌行为与嬉闹区分开, evolution n.进化 上取得了重大进步,但是很多基本帮助他们化解冲突。 consultation n.咨询;磋商 阅读 课件扩展词根volve 的问题还没有解决。 写作翻译 consult sb about sth The theory of evolution 进化论 改善教学质量,尤其是基础教育,consult with sb expansion n.扩大;扩张;膨胀 An increasing number of people are expand 对于一个国家来说是一个长远的至 efficient 关重要的任务。 The ratio of nursing staff to doctors Improving education, especially monitor v.监控,监测 n.监视器 is 2:1. elementary education, is a long-term network n.网络 reject v.拒绝 and fundamental task for a nation. notion n.概念, 观念 revenue n.收入;税收 fundamental比basic正式,常用于抽objective adj.客观的n.目标 stability n.稳定(性) ,而basic则表示实际stable/steady orientation n.方向, 定向 象的原理范畴 ; 听力:new student orientation social stablity 上需要的事物 essential表示某物绝对不可缺少,一perspective n.观点;远景adj.透视的 style n.风格;样式 ; 词根看:spect课件扩展 substitution n.代替 旦缺少就无法构成该物 vital表示维持生命所必须的物质,可precise adj.精确的;准确的 The coach has to find a substitute accurate指程度上与一定的标准符 以比喻表示极为重要。for Tim. 合,暗示经过努力才达到这一标准; generate v. 生成,产生 sustainable adj.可持续的 exact具有极高的准确性,不论在质sustainable development generation n.一代(人) 量还是数量上都与某种范例一致; image n.形象;图像 symbolic adj.象征的;符号的 precise常用于描写人,强调细节的惟liberal a.自由的;自由主义的 target n.目标;靶子 反义Conservative 妙惟肖。 transition n.转换;过渡;转变 accurate exact licence n.执照 trend n.趋势, 倾向 写作 logic n.逻辑 prime dj.主要的n.全盛时期 prime minister Show a downward trend marginal adj.边缘的 Show an upward trend margin n. 页边缘 The prime cause of the trouble If I have any comments to make, I'll was bad management. 造成麻烦There's been a downward/upward write them in the margin. 的根本原因在於管理不善. trend in sales in the last few years. psychology n.心理学 version n.版本 medical adj.医学的;医疗的 welfare n.福利mental adj.精神的;心理的 pursue v.追求; 从事;追赶 physical and mental health to pursue pleasure寻乐 whereas conj.然而;鉴于 pursue one's studies从事研究 modify v.修改 He must be about sixty, whereas change/alter ratio n.比例;比率 his wife looks about thirty. in direct ratio正比 The heating system has recently in inverse (reciprocal) ratio反比 been modified to make it more Sublist 6 of Academic Word List – Sixth Most Frequent Words in Families ignored Aristotle’s view on the abstract adj.抽象的 Discrimination against women is not allowed.不准歧视妇女。 subject. abstract art accurate adj.精确的,准确的 Racial discrimination incentive n. 激励; 刺激; 动机 口语、写作 accurate information/description display n.&v.陈列,展览;显示 口语 The atmosphere of the library can diversity n.多样性 cultural diversity/ give me a strong incentive to study acknowledge vt.承认 阅读、写作 hard. domain n.范围, 领域 5-3-1 the domain of medicine医学领域 激励give sb. an incentive to do sth. It is generally acknowledged that edition n.版本 某人做某事young people from poorer enhance vt.增强,提高 incidence n.发生率, 发病率 socio-economic backgrounds tend to enhance the efficiency of learning incorporate v.合并;包含 do less well in our education system. enhance the quality of life index n.指标;指数;索引 一般认为,家庭社会和经济地位不口语/写作 inhibition n. 抑制 Competitiveness can enhance initiative n.积极性,主动 太好的孩子往往在学校表现不佳。 individual’s adaptability to some aggregate vt.&n.集合;聚集;合计 input n.输入, 投入 extent. allocation n.分配 instruction n.指令;教导;说明书 竞争力可以在一定程度上提高个人allocate intelligence n.智力,情报 You should allocate the same amount interval n.间隔 的适应能力。 of time to each question. estate n.房地产;财产 lecture n. 演讲; 讲座 the allocation of resources/funds/time exceed vt.超过; 超越 migration n.迁移, 移居 写作必备:assign v. 分配;指派 minimum n.最小值 adj.最小的 Exceedingly The teacher has assigned each of us a ministry n. (政府的)部 holiday task. Some exceedingly dangerous 教师给我们每个人都motivation n. 动力; 动机 outdoor activities should be neutral adj.中立的 分配了假日的工作 听力: assignment discouraged since they may lead to nevertheless conj.然而,不过 unexpected injuries. attach v.附加;依附 应该阻止一些极度危险的户外运Attach a recent photograph to your overseas adj.&adv.海外的,国外的 application form. preceding adj.在前的,前面的动,因为这些活动可能会导致意外 I attached a photo to my application presumption n.假定,推测 伤害。 expert n.专家 form. rational adj.理性的 explicit adj.明确的, 清楚的 author n.作者,作家 recovery n.恢复, 复原;痊愈 阅读 bond n.联系, 结合;债券 vt.结合 reveal n.显示,透露,揭露 brief adj.简短的,短暂的 federal adj.联邦的 scope n. 范围;视野 make a brief visittelescope 作一个简短的访问 the Federal Bureau bju?r?u of Investigation subsidiary adj. 附属的n.子公司 capable adj.有能力的, 能干的 fees n.费用 tape n. 磁带;胶带;卷尺 be capable of flexibility n.弹性,灵活性 trace vt.追踪n.痕迹 It suggests that humans are capable transformation n.转换 of adapting to a wide range of noise furthermore adj.而且, 此外 transport vt.运输 levels. 这证明人们有能力去适应不 underlying adj.潜在的,基本的 gender n.性别 同程度的噪音utility n.实用, 效用 ignore n.忽略,忽视 cite v.引用 take no notice of sth cooperative adj.合作的 Utilize cooperate 阅读5-2-2 utilize solar power as a source of Current thinking on humour has energy 利用太阳能作为能源discrimination n.歧视 Sublist 7 of Academic Word List – Seventh Most Frequent Words in Families define adaptation n.适应; 改编 isolated adj.孤立的;绝缘的 defination adapt media n.媒体 adult n.成年人adj.成年的 deny vt.否认;拒绝 mode n.模式;方式 advocate vt.提倡,主张,拥护 differentiation n.区别,差异 paradigm n.范例,典范 例子:people who advocate working disposal n.处理;处置 phenomenon n.现象 at home via modern technology dispose of phenomena(复) argue that such practice may benefit 课件pose priority n.优先; 优先权 not only employees but also give priority to dynamic adj.动态的;动力的 employers. 人 精力充沛的 prohibit vt.禁止 提倡在家里通过现代技术工作的人dynamic and ambitious people publication n. 出版;发表;公布 eliminate vt.消除 认为,这种做法不仅让员工受益,quotation n.引用;报价 eliminate the negative effect of sth release vt &n释放;发行;发布 也让雇主受益 aid n&vt帮助;援助 empirical adj.经验主义的 release pressure first aid/with the aid of sth equipment n.设备;装备 channel n.通道;频道;海峡 extract vt& n提取;摘录 reverse vt& n倒退;逆转;相反的 词根 verse chemical n.化学的 adj.化学药品 file n.文件;档案 classical adj.古典的; 经典的 finite adj.有限的 simulation n.模仿;模拟;仿真 the earth's finite resources comprehensive adj.全面的;综合的 solely adv.单独地;仅仅 solar infinite comprise vt.包含;构成 be composed of somewhat adv.有点 You need infinite patience for The class is comprised mainly of submit vt.提交 this job. 做这项工作要有极大的 Italian and French students. mit 耐心. Comprise/ consist of/comprise transmit、emit infinite be composed of foundation n.基础 successive adj.连续的 confirm vt.确认;证实 global adj.全球的 There has been low rainfall for two contrary adj.相反的 grade n.年级;等级;级别 successive years.;on the contrary, quite the opposite guarantee n &vt担保;保证 survive vi.生存;生还 Contrary to the above, some people hierarchical adj.分等级的;分层的thesis n.论文 hold that the development of tourism /ha??rɑ?k?k?l the social / topic n.话题;主题 produces some negative influence on political hierarchy transmission n.传递;传送;传输 traditional culture. identical adj.相同的 ultimately adv.最后;最终 convert vt.转变;转换 The tests are identical to those vert 转变 unique adj.独特的;独一无二的 carried out last year.They converted the spare bedroom visible adj.看得见的;可见的 ideology n.意识形态,思维方式 into an office. vis infer vt .推断 Introverted/extroverted revise、visual innovation n.创新 couple n.一双,一对;夫妻 She was an imaginative and voluntary adj.自愿的;志愿的 a couple of years innovative manager. decades n.几十年 insert vt.插入 intervention n.介入;干预,干涉 definite adj.明确的 Sublist 8 of Academic Word List – Eighth Most Frequent Words in Families 的 abandon n.放弃;抛弃 fluctuation n.波动;起伏 写作小作文 accompany v.陪伴;伴奏 contradiction n.矛盾 the statement contradicts the writer’s Their total leisure time per week 阅读6-2-3 But in real situations the number fluctuated between 22 hours and 5 views. and words are often accompanied by hours. crucial adj. 至关重要的;决定性 gestures to help resolve any 他们每周的空闲时间在22个小时的 confusion. 35个小时上下波动。 阅读: 到 在实际情况中,数字与词会伴随着It is crucial that we look at the facts guideline n.指导方针;指南 if we want to make the best possible highlighted adj.突出的 手势来解决困惑问题。 我喜欢养宠物,因为他们可以在我decisions for the future. 要做出有关未来的最佳决定就是应implicit adj.隐含的, 含蓄的 孤独的时候陪伴我。 阅读 explicit accumulation n.积累 当审视事实,这一点很关键。 口语 写作 induce v.诱导;引诱;引起 Accumulate experience、wealth currency n.货币 inevitably adv.不可避免地;必然We must acquire new knowledge, currency exchange 地 constantly accumulate new denote v.指示,表示 infrastructure n.基础设施 experience and develop new skills in However, public infrastructure did detect v.察觉, 检测 modern society. 阅读 not keep pace with urban sprawl, 我们必须获取新的知识,不断积累Some sounds cannot be detected by causing massive congestion the human ear. problems which now make 新的经验提高新的技能。 commuting times far higher. ambiguous adj.含糊的, 暧昧的 deviation n.偏差,误差; 背离 公共基础设施无法跟上城市扩张的appendix n.附录; 阑尾 displacement n.取代, 代替 这就导致了大规模的交通堵appreciation n.欣赏, 感激 dramatic adj.戏剧性的 步伐, dramatic effect 并且使上下班时间大大延appreciate 塞问题,I really appreciate his help at the eventually adv.最后, 终于 长。 crucial moment. 写作六大逻辑关系词 inspection n.检查,视察 我很感谢他在关键时刻的帮助。 Firstly/at first/ first of all/ first and spect -help/ assistance/ opportunity foremost/in the first place/ in the advice . beginning/start with/start with intensity n.强烈, 强度 Secondly/furthermore/besides/in the arbitrary adj.任意的;专制的,武断阅读intensive、extensive 的 second place/ moreover/what’s more/ manipulation n.操作, 操纵 阅读 in addition/ additionally/ man 词根手 Lastly/last but not automatically adv.自动地 minimise vt.使最小化 least/eventually/ultimately/ bias n.偏见, 偏爱 v.对…有偏见 nuclear adj.核能的, 原子能的 Above all/in summary/ above all/ nuclear power/ nuclear family The newspapers gave a very conclude. offset v.&n.抵消; 弥补, 补偿 biased report of the meeting. exhibit v.展览, 显示 n.展览品 Prices have risen in order to The university has a bias exhibition offset the increased cost of towards/in favour of/against the exploitation n.开发; 利用; 剥削 materials.sciences. 该大学偏重[侧重/歧视] 阅读utilise paragraph n.段落 理科. 5-4-1 chart n.图表 plus prep.加上 Most of the Arctic tourist clarity n.清晰,清楚 practitioner n.从业者,实习者 destinations have been exploited by conformity n.一致 predominantly adv.主要的,显著的 outside companies. dominant ? 强调权威。 commodity n.商品 许多北极地带的旅游区已经被外来complement n.&v.补充 predominant ? 侧重指影响与 contemporary adj.当代的;同时代的公司开发。新近的优势。 prospect n.前景, 前途; 景象 termination n.结束, 终止 Their twins are virtually identical. job prospect spect 课件The airport's passenger terminal widespread adj.普遍的, 广泛的 阅读原句:6-2-1 radical adj.根本的; 激进的; 彻底theme n.主题 的 There is a widespread belief that thereby adv.因此,从而 increasing wealth encourages people random n.随机的 uniform adj.一致的,统一的n.制 to live farther our where cars are the 服 The winning numbers are only viable transport. unique randomly selected by computer. 有一种广泛的说法是: 财富的不断reinforce v.巩固, 加强 vehicle n.车辆, 交通工具 Automobile restore v.恢复, 修复 增长促使人们到更远的地方居住, 而汽车是哪里唯一可行的交通工revision n.修正,修订 via prep.通过, 经由 schedule n.时间表; 议事日程 You can access our homepage via 具。 tension n.(心理, 形势)紧张 visual adj.视觉的 the Internet. Tension is a major cause of heart virtually adv.实际上, 事实上 口语 visual and sound effect is almost: better .disease Sublist 9 of Academic Word List – Ninth Most Frequent Words in Families ? 指暂时的、瞬间的停顿,pause the siting of the new airport aroused accommodation n.住宿;和解 听力 a lot of controversy 隐含有再进行之意。 stop ?指动作、运行、进展等被停analogous adj.类似的;模拟极的 conversely adv.相反地 However, the converse of this theory anticipate vt.预期;期望 下来,含突然、断然的意味。 The contractor gave assurances that may also be true. coherence n.一致;连贯性 the work would be completed on There was no coherence between the 写作 :American consumers prefer time. first and the second half of the film. white eggs; conversely, British Anticipate doing sth/that… Coherent buyers like brown eggs. to imagine or expect that something a coherent group.有凝聚力的团队 device n.装置 will happen, sometimes taking action coincide vi.一致,符合;同时发生 devote vt.致力于;投身于;奉献 in preparation for it happening: Our views on this issue coincide devote your time/energy/attention etc closely with those of the British to sth assurance n.保证;保险 government. She devoted herself full-time to her attain vt.达到,实现;获得 gain/obtain growing business. commence vt.开始;着手 Most of our students attained five 'A' Unfortunately, he commenced diminish vt.减少;减弱 grades in their exams. speaking before all the guests had 写作,阅读 finished eating. 7-1-2 behalf n.代表 As a result, the pressure to build new on ~ of concurrent adj.并发的;同时发生 On behalf of the entire company, I 的 water infrastructures has diminished would like to thank you for all your over the past two decades. confined adj.受限制的;狭窄的 work. 阅读a confined space or area 因此,在过去20年中, 建设新水 Finite 有限的 bulk n.体积; 大部分; 大块 利项目的压力也随之渐渐消退。 distort v.扭曲;歪曲;变形 cease vt. &n.停止 controversy n.争论,争议 写作 My original statement has been cease fire! (=used to order soldiers to stop Whether dangers sports such as completely distorted by the media. shooting) bungee jumping should be forbidden duration n.持续 cease ? 指逐渐、徐徐中止某种状is still a controversial issue. sat quietly through the duration of controversial 有争议的 the speech. 态的存在。书面用词。 export restraints on some productsmanufacture v/n制造,加工 在演讲期间安静地坐着 Endure/endurance revolution n.革命immature adj.成熟的 He can't endure being defeated. mediation n.调解;调停;斡旋 rigid adj.严格的;死板的;坚硬的 erosion n.侵蚀,腐蚀 UN officials mediated between the a rigid steel and concrete erode rebel fighters and the government. structure flexible soil/coastal erosion medium adj.中间的;中等的n.媒介 ethical adj.伦理的;道德的 medium height/length/build route n.路线;航线;通道 ethical /moral military adj.军事的 n. 军队;军人 scenario n.场景; 方案 issues/questions/problems minimal adj.最小的 a situation that could possibly format n.格式;版式 mutual adj.共同的;相互的 happen found vt.创立, 建立; 创办 8-4-1 Imagine a scenario where only Teachers begin with a formal incompatible adj.不相容的 20% of people have a job.This software may not be compatible address and mutual bowing, and sphere n.范围; 球体 with older operating systems. then concentrate on whole-class atmosphere、political sphere teaching. inherent adj.固有的;内在的;天生的 subordinate aj.从属的;次要的n.下 教师先正式发言并与学生互相鞠躬属 There are dangers/risks supplementary adj.补充的 致敬,然后集中精力授课。inherent in almost every sport. insight n.洞察(力) norm n. 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 ; 标准; 准则 additional The book gives us fascinating overlap vt. &n.重叠 supplementary information The study of sociology overlaps insights into life in Mexico. a supplementary payment suspend vt.暂停;使悬浮 with the study of economics.The article gives us a real passive adj.被动的,消极的 to officially stop something from insight into the causes of the portion n.部分; 一份 continuing, especially for a short present economic crisis. integral adj.完整的n. [数]积分 The front portion of the rocket time , 暂不决断 Vegetables are an integral part breaks off.suspend judgement preliminary adj.初步的n.预赛 team n.团队 necessary part of our diet. an integral design 完整的设计 temporary adj.暂时的,临时的 after a few preliminary -accommodation / job remarks 在几句开场白之後 The arms and legs are integral trigger vt.引发;触发n.扳机 a preliminary contestparts of the human body; they are protocol n.协议;草案;条约 Certain forms of mental illness can integral to the human body diplomatic protocol 外交礼节 intermediate adj.中间的 be triggered by food allergies. an intermediate class, course etc is qualitative adj.定性的 Intense sunlight may be a trigger Women's experiences are at a level of knowledge or skill that to skin cancer. unify vt.统一 qualitatively different from men's.is between the basic level and the quantitative adj.定量的 violation n.违反;违背;侵害 advanced level refine vt.精炼,精制;改善 a violation of international law 中级的课程 manual adj.手工的;体力的n. 手册 华为质量管理手册 下载焊接手册下载团建手册下载团建手册下载ld手册下载 Car makers are constantly violates people's privacy . manual job/labour/worker vision n.视野; 视觉; 愿景 refining their designs. Enlarge/expand one’s vision relaxed adj.放松的 My camera has manual and restraint n.克制;约束 automatic functions The government has imposed manuscript medium rare rare 三分熟 medium rare 四分熟 medium 五分熟 medium well 七分熟 well done 全熟 Sublist 10 of the Academic Word List –Tenth Most Frequent Words in Families Commercials on various forms of adjacent adj.临近的, 相邻的 Notwithstanding differences, there media have an enormous impact on We stayed in adjacent rooms. are clear similarities in all of the ’ eating habits. individuals adjacent toworld's religions. 各种媒体上的广告对人们的饮食习albeit conj.虽然,尽管odd adj.奇数的; 古怪的 even ??l?bi??t ongoing adj.持续的, 正在进行的 惯产生了巨大影响。 He accepted the job, albeit with forthcoming adj.即将来临的 The discussions are still ongoing. Keep an eye on the panel n.面板, 仪表板; 专家组 some hesitation. The evening was very pleasant, solar panel noticeboards for forthcoming albeit a little quiet. persistent adj.持久的;坚持的 events . She appeared on the persistent bullying is one of the inclination n.倾向,爱好; 倾斜 show, albeit briefly. worst experiences a child can face. inclination to do sth 6-4-3 It was an amazing Teachers simply do not have the computer, albeit expensive 不断受到欺凌是孩子所面临的最糟time or the inclination to assembly n.装配;集会,大会 糕的经历之一。investigate these matters.assembly rooms 会议室 integrity n.完整;正直;诚实 pose n.姿势 v.引起, 造成 collapse n/v倒塌;崩溃;暴跌 a man of great moral integrity reluctant adj.不情愿的;勉强的 colleague n.同事 reluctant to do sth He's a man of integrity; he won't compiled v.编译, 编辑 we reluctantly agreed. break his promise. 他为人诚实正直, 决不食言 conceive v.构思, 设想; 怀孕 so-called adj.所谓的 straightforward adj.直接的;坦率I think my uncle still conceives integral 的 He's an integral part of the of me as a four-year-old. convinced vt.说服 Jack is tough, but always team and we can't do without 口语 写作 straightforward and fair.him. Undeniably, advertisement has intrinsic adj.固有的, 内在的 The procedure is quite successfully convinced customers to a man's intrinsic worth,内在价值 手续很简单. straightforward. buy unnecessary items. invoke vt. 调用;引起 undergo vt.经历, 经受 广告已经能成功的让消费者买不必invoke help, assistance, etc in The country has undergone 要的物品。a desperate situationmassive changes recently. depression n.沮丧;萧条 levy n/v征税; 征兵 undergo great hardship,encounter n/v 遭遇,邂逅; 遇到 whereby adv.凭什么; 凭借 They imposed a 5% levy on 口语 They have introduced a new alcohol. There is no doubt thatsome likewise adv.同样地; 也 system whereby all employees challenges young people Just water these plants twice a must undergo regular encounter today are unique to week, and likewise the ones in the training.their generation. bedroom. 毫无疑问,现在年轻人所面临nonetheless conj.尽管如此,但是 The region was extremely 的一些挑战是他们这代人独有 beautiful. Nonetheless Gerard 的。 enormous adj.巨大的, 庞大的 could not imagine spending the 同义词扩充 rest of his life there. An enormous number of Nevertheless 写作,口语 notwithstanding conj.尽管,虽然
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