首页 建筑工程班组级安全教育试卷



建筑工程班组级安全教育试卷建筑工程班组级安全教育试卷 建筑工人安全教育试卷 (普通工部分) 姓名: 项目名称: 培训时间 分数: 填空题(每题10分) 1、凡从事建筑安装工程的各种工人必须严格遵守本工种(安全操作技术规程)。 2、作业工人进入施工现场,必须戴好安全帽并(扣牢帽带)。禁止穿拖鞋或(赤脚)。 3、施工现场脚手架、防护设施、安全标志和警告牌,不得擅自拆动,需要拆动的,必须经(工地施工负责人)同意。 4、作业工人应定期参加(安全活动),加强自我保护意识。 5、高空作业所用材料要(堆放平稳),工具应随手放入工具袋内,上...

建筑 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 班组级安全教育试卷 建筑工人安全教育试卷 (普通工部分) 姓名: 项目名称: 培训时间 分数: 填空题(每题10分) 1、凡从事建筑安装工程的各种工人必须严格遵守本工种(安全操作技术 规程 煤矿测量规程下载煤矿测量规程下载配电网检修规程下载地籍调查规程pdf稳定性研究规程下载 )。 2、作业工人进入 施工 文明施工目标施工进度表下载283施工进度表下载施工现场晴雨表下载施工日志模板免费下载 现场,必须戴好安全帽并(扣牢帽带)。禁止穿拖鞋或(赤脚)。 3、施工现场脚手架、防护设施、安全标志和警告牌,不得擅自拆动,需要拆动的,必须经(工地施工负责人)同意。 4、作业工人应定期参加(安全活动),加强自我保护意识。 5、高空作业所用材料要(堆放平稳),工具应随手放入工具袋内,上下传递物件禁止(抛掷)。 6、开挖沟槽、基坑等,挖出的泥土应堆放在沟边(1)米以外,并且高度不得超过(1.5)米。 7、使用蛙式打夯机,电源电缆必须(完好无损)。操作时,应戴好(绝缘手套),严禁夯打电源线。 8、用手推车装运物料,应注意平稳,掌握重心,不得(猛跑)和(撒把溜放)。 9、从砖垛上取砖应(由上而下)阶梯式拿取,禁止一码拆到底或在下面掏取。 10、脚手架上放砖的高度不准超过(三层)侧砖。 in the total catch, going to the front, front command, do a good job key and difficult problems to solve. County, a city office to give full play to the coordination, task decomposition, daily scheduling and supervision and evaluation functions, control version of < civilized city evaluation system >, detailed list of responsibilities, project work ledger, a clear timetable and roadmap, task book, staring at the key and difficult, do a good job and supervise the implementation. Comrade of the principal leaders of the county at all levels and departments to seriously directly to study the deployment and direct supervision of scheduling, to ensure that the implemented. Loopholes in the understanding to speak clearly, 3 propaganda to more widely. Propaganda the main purpose is to the public a city urban tree image, people get affordable truth, speak to understand a city every citizen should shoulder the responsibility and obligation to the broad masses of the people support, active participation, and consciously abide by. The county television, < today the state of Chu > to set up special column, reported in a timely manner to create work dynamics, propaganda of advanced models and the advanced experience of the civilized etiquette knowledge and civilized life common sense. At the same time, to a city of the dead, the public is not civilized behavior, working poor single bit to timely exposure. To make full use of traditional media and Internet, mobile phone text messages, floor Yu television and other new media, to carry out deep 建筑工人安全教育试卷 (架子工部分) 姓名: 项目名称: 培训时间 分数: 填空题(每题10分) 1、凡从事建筑安装工程的各种工人必须严格遵守本工种(安全操作技术规程)。 2、作业工人进入施工现场,必须戴好安全帽并(扣牢帽带)。禁止穿拖鞋或(赤脚)。 3、施工现场脚手架、防护设施、安全标志和警告牌,不得擅自拆动,需要拆动的,必须经(工地施工负责人)同意。 4、作业工人应定期参加(安全活动),加强自我保护意识。 5、高空作业所用材料要(堆放平稳),工具应随手放入工具袋内,上下传递物件禁止(抛掷)。 6、架子工属(特殊)工种,操作人员必须持有效证件上岗作业。 7、工人作业时,必须头戴(安全帽),身系(安全带),脚穿软底鞋。 8、搭设中应(统一指挥),思想集中,相互配合,严禁在脚手架搭设过程中(嬉笑打闹),禁止多人集中在同一块脚手板上进行工作。 9、凡遇(六级)以上大风、重雾、雷雨或下雪时,均不得进行高空作业 10、钢管脚手架必须按规定设置(避雷接地)装置,以防雷击。 in the total catch, going to the front, front command, do a good job key and difficult problems to solve. County, a city office to give full play to the coordination, task decomposition, daily scheduling and supervision and evaluation functions, control version of < civilized city evaluation system >, detailed list of responsibilities, project work ledger, a clear timetable and roadmap, task book, staring at the key and difficult, do a good job and supervise the implementation. Comrade of the principal leaders of the county at all levels and departments to seriously directly to study the deployment and direct supervision of scheduling, to ensure that the implemented. Loopholes in the understanding to speak clearly, 3 propaganda to more widely. Propaganda the main purpose is to the public a city urban tree image, people get affordable truth, speak to understand a city every citizen should shoulder the responsibility and obligation to the broad masses of the people support, active participation, and consciously abide by. The county television, < today the state of Chu > to set up special column, reported in a timely manner to create work dynamics, propaganda of advanced models and the advanced experience of the civilized etiquette knowledge and civilized life common sense. At the same time, to a city of the dead, the public is not civilized behavior, working poor single bit to timely exposure. To make full use of traditional media and Internet, mobile phone text messages, floor Yu television and other new media, to carry out deep 建筑工人安全教育试卷 (瓦工部分) 姓名: 项目名称: 培训时间 分数: 填空题(每题10分) 1、凡从事建筑安装工程的各种工人必须严格遵守本工种(安全操作技术规程)。 2、作业工人进入施工现场,必须戴好安全帽并(扣牢帽带)。禁止穿拖鞋或(赤脚)。 3、施工现场脚手架、防护设施、安全标志和警告牌,不得擅自拆动,需要拆动的,必须经(工地施工负责人)同意。 4、作业工人应定期参加(安全活动),加强自我保护意识。 5、高空作业所用材料要(堆放平稳),工具应随手放入工具袋内,上下传递物件禁止(抛掷)。 6、瓦工施工不准站在砖墙上做(砌筑)、(勒缝),检查大垂直尺度和(清扫)墙面等工作。 7、瓦工斩砖时应面向(墙面),工作完毕应将脚手板砖墙上的碎砖、灰浆(清扫干净),防止(掉落伤人)。 8、山墙砌完后应立即安装(桁条)或加临时支撑,防止倒塌。 9、起吊砌块的(夹具)要牢固,就位放稳后,方得松开(夹具)。 10、瓦工砌筑临边砖墙时,也要系好(安全带)方可施工。 in the total catch, going to the front, front command, do a good job key and difficult problems to solve. County, a city office to give full play to the coordination, task decomposition, daily scheduling and supervision and evaluation functions, control version of < civilized city evaluation system >, detailed list of responsibilities, project work ledger, a clear timetable and roadmap, task book, staring at the key and difficult, do a good job and supervise the implementation. Comrade of the principal leaders of the county at all levels and departments to seriously directly to study the deployment and direct supervision of scheduling, to ensure that the implemented. Loopholes in the understanding to speak clearly, 3 propaganda to more widely. Propaganda the main purpose is to the public a city urban tree image, people get affordable truth, speak to understand a city every citizen should shoulder the responsibility and obligation to the broad masses of the people support, active participation, and consciously abide by. The county television, < today the state of Chu > to set up special column, reported in a timely manner to create work dynamics, propaganda of advanced models and the advanced experience of the civilized etiquette knowledge and civilized life common sense. At the same time, to a city of the dead, the public is not civilized behavior, working poor single bit to timely exposure. To make full use of traditional media and Internet, mobile phone text messages, floor Yu television and other new media, to carry out deep 建筑工人安全教育试卷 (抹灰工部分) 姓名: 项目名称: 培训时间 分数: 填空题(每题10分) 1、凡从事建筑安装工程的各种工人必须严格遵守本工种(安全操作技术规程)。 2、作业工人进入施工现场,必须戴好安全帽并(扣牢帽带)。禁止穿拖鞋或(赤脚)。 3、施工现场脚手架、防护设施、安全标志和警告牌,不得擅自拆动,需要拆动的,必须经(工地施工负责人)同意。 4、作业工人应定期参加(安全活动),加强自我保护意识。 5、高空作业所用材料要(堆放平稳),工具应随手放入工具袋内,上下传递物件禁止(抛掷)。 6、室内抹灰使用的木凳、金属支架应搭设(平稳牢固)。架上堆放材料不得过于集中,在同一跨度内不应超过(2)人。 7、不准在门窗、(暖气片)、(洗脸池)等器物上搭设脚手板。 8、严禁踩踏脚手架的(护身栏杆)和在阳台栏板上进行操作。 9、阳台部位粉刷,外侧必须挂设(安全网)。 10、机械喷灰喷涂应戴(防护用品),压力表、安全阀应灵敏可靠,输浆管各部接口应拧紧卡牢。 in the total catch, going to the front, front command, do a good job key and difficult problems to solve. County, a city office to give full play to the coordination, task decomposition, daily scheduling and supervision and evaluation functions, control version of < civilized city evaluation system >, detailed list of responsibilities, project work ledger, a clear timetable and roadmap, task book, staring at the key and difficult, do a good job and supervise the implementation. Comrade of the principal leaders of the county at all levels and departments to seriously directly to study the deployment and direct supervision of scheduling, to ensure that the implemented. Loopholes in the understanding to speak clearly, 3 propaganda to more widely. Propaganda the main purpose is to the public a city urban tree image, people get affordable truth, speak to understand a city every citizen should shoulder the responsibility and obligation to the broad masses of the people support, active participation, and consciously abide by. The county television, < today the state of Chu > to set up special column, reported in a timely manner to create work dynamics, propaganda of advanced models and the advanced experience of the civilized etiquette knowledge and civilized life common sense. At the same time, to a city of the dead, the public is not civilized behavior, working poor single bit to timely exposure. To make full use of traditional media and Internet, mobile phone text messages, floor Yu television and other new media, to carry out deep 建筑工人安全教育试卷 (木工部分) 姓名: 项目名称: 培训时间 分数: 填空题(每题10分) 1、凡从事建筑安装工程的各种工人必须严格遵守本工种(安全操作技术规程)。 2、作业工人进入施工现场,必须戴好安全帽并(扣牢帽带)。禁止穿拖鞋或(赤脚)。 3、施工现场脚手架、防护设施、安全标志和警告牌,不得擅自拆动,需要拆动的,必须经(工地施工负责人)同意。 4、作业工人应定期参加(安全活动),加强自我保护意识。 5、高空作业所用材料要(堆放平稳),工具应随手放入工具袋内,上下传递物件禁止(抛掷)。 6、模板支撑不得使用(腐朽)、扭裂、(劈裂)的材料。 7、支设(4)m以上的立柱模板,四周必须顶牢。操作时要搭设工作台;不足(4)m的,可使用马凳操作。 8、拆除模板应经(施工技术人员)同意。操作时应按顺序分段进行,严禁(猛撬)、硬砸或大面积(撬落)和拉倒。 9、木工使用木工机械应遵守木工机械(安全操作规程)。 10、支设独立梁模应设临时(工作台),不得站在柱模上操作和在梁底模上行走。 in the total catch, going to the front, front command, do a good job key and difficult problems to solve. County, a city office to give full play to the coordination, task decomposition, daily scheduling and supervision and evaluation functions, control version of < civilized city evaluation system >, detailed list of responsibilities, project work ledger, a clear timetable and roadmap, task book, staring at the key and difficult, do a good job and supervise the implementation. Comrade of the principal leaders of the county at all levels and departments to seriously directly to study the deployment and direct supervision of scheduling, to ensure that the implemented. Loopholes in the understanding to speak clearly, 3 propaganda to more widely. Propaganda the main purpose is to the public a city urban tree image, people get affordable truth, speak to understand a city every citizen should shoulder the responsibility and obligation to the broad masses of the people support, active participation, and consciously abide by. The county television, < today the state of Chu > to set up special column, reported in a timely manner to create work dynamics, propaganda of advanced models and the advanced experience of the civilized etiquette knowledge and civilized life common sense. At the same time, to a city of the dead, the public is not civilized behavior, working poor single bit to timely exposure. To make full use of traditional media and Internet, mobile phone text messages, floor Yu television and other new media, to carry out deep 建筑工人安全教育试卷 (钢筋工部分) 姓名: 项目名称: 培训时间 分数: 填空题(每题10分) 1、凡从事建筑安装工程的各种工人必须严格遵守本工种(安全操作技术规程)。 2、作业工人进入施工现场,必须戴好安全帽并(扣牢帽带)。禁止穿拖鞋或(赤脚)。 3、施工现场脚手架、防护设施、安全标志和警告牌,不得擅自拆动,需要拆动的,必须经(工地施工负责人)同意。 4、作业工人应定期参加(安全活动),加强自我保护意识。 5、高空作业所用材料要(堆放平稳),工具应随手放入工具袋内,上下传递物件禁止(抛掷)。 6、在高空、深坑绑扎钢筋和安装骨架,须搭设(脚手架)和(马道)。 7、绑扎高层基础建筑的圈梁、挑檐、外墙、边柱钢筋,应搭设(外挂架)或安全网。绑扎时挂好(安全带)。 8、切断机运转正常,方准断料,断料时,手与刀口距离不得少于(15)cm活动刀片前进时禁止送料。 9、弯曲长钢筋,应有专人扶住并站在(钢筋弯曲)方向的外面,互相配合,不得拖拉。 10、料架、料槽应安装平直,对准(导向筒)、(调直筒)和下切刀孔的中心线。 in the total catch, going to the front, front command, do a good job key and difficult problems to solve. County, a city office to give full play to the coordination, task decomposition, daily scheduling and supervision and evaluation functions, control version of < civilized city evaluation system >, detailed list of responsibilities, project work ledger, a clear timetable and roadmap, task book, staring at the key and difficult, do a good job and supervise the implementation. Comrade of the principal leaders of the county at all levels and departments to seriously directly to study the deployment and direct supervision of scheduling, to ensure that the implemented. Loopholes in the understanding to speak clearly, 3 propaganda to more widely. Propaganda the main purpose is to the public a city urban tree image, people get affordable truth, speak to understand a city every citizen should shoulder the responsibility and obligation to the broad masses of the people support, active participation, and consciously abide by. The county television, < today the state of Chu > to set up special column, reported in a timely manner to create work dynamics, propaganda of advanced models and the advanced experience of the civilized etiquette knowledge and civilized life common sense. At the same time, to a city of the dead, the public is not civilized behavior, working poor single bit to timely exposure. To make full use of traditional media and Internet, mobile phone text messages, floor Yu television and other new media, to carry out deep 建筑工人安全教育试卷 (混凝土工部分) 姓名: 项目名称: 培训时间 分数: 填空题(每题10分) 1、凡从事建筑安装工程的各种工人必须严格遵守本工种(安全操作技术规程)。 2、作业工人进入施工现场,必须戴好安全帽并(扣牢帽带)。禁止穿拖鞋或(赤脚)。 3、施工现场脚手架、防护设施、安全标志和警告牌,不得擅自拆动,需要拆动的,必须经(工地施工负责人)同意。 4、作业工人应定期参加(安全活动),加强自我保护意识。 5、高空作业所用材料要(堆放平稳),工具应随手放入工具袋内,上下传递物件禁止(抛掷)。 6、车子向料斗倒料,应有(挡车) 措施 《全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观软件质量保证措施下载工地伤害及预防措施下载关于贯彻落实的具体措施 ,不得用力过猛和撒把。 7、浇灌框架、梁、柱混凝土,应设(操作台),不得直接站在模板或支模上操作。 8、使用震动棒应穿(胶鞋),湿手不得接触开关,电源线不得(破皮漏电)。 9、用井架运输时,小车把不得(伸出)笼外,车轮前后要(挡牢),稳起稳落。 10、浇捣拱形结构,应自(两边拱脚)对称同时进行。 in the total catch, going to the front, front command, do a good job key and difficult problems to solve. County, a city office to give full play to the coordination, task decomposition, daily scheduling and supervision and evaluation functions, control version of < civilized city evaluation system >, detailed list of responsibilities, project work ledger, a clear timetable and roadmap, task book, staring at the key and difficult, do a good job and supervise the implementation. Comrade of the principal leaders of the county at all levels and departments to seriously directly to study the deployment and direct supervision of scheduling, to ensure that the implemented. Loopholes in the understanding to speak clearly, 3 propaganda to more widely. Propaganda the main purpose is to the public a city urban tree image, people get affordable truth, speak to understand a city every citizen should shoulder the responsibility and obligation to the broad masses of the people support, active participation, and consciously abide by. The county television, < today the state of Chu > to set up special column, reported in a timely manner to create work dynamics, propaganda of advanced models and the advanced experience of the civilized etiquette knowledge and civilized life common sense. At the same time, to a city of the dead, the public is not civilized behavior, working poor single bit to timely exposure. To make full use of traditional media and Internet, mobile phone text messages, floor Yu television and other new media, to carry out deep 建筑工人安全教育试卷 (防水工部分) 姓名: 项目名称: 培训时间 分数: 填空题(每题10分) 1、凡从事建筑安装工程的各种工人必须严格遵守本工种(安全操作技术规程)。 2、作业工人进入施工现场,必须戴好安全帽并(扣牢帽带)。禁止穿拖鞋或(赤脚)。 3、施工现场脚手架、防护设施、安全标志和警告牌,不得擅自拆动,需要拆动的,必须经(工地施工负责人)同意。 4、作业工人应定期参加(安全活动),加强自我保护意识。 5、高空作业所用材料要(堆放平稳),工具应随手放入工具袋内,上下传递物件禁止(抛掷)。 6、防水卷材存放于专人负责的库房,严禁(烟火)并挂有醒目的(警告标志)和防火措施。 7、涂刷处理剂和胶粘剂时,必须戴(防毒口罩)和防护眼镜。外露皮肤应涂擦(防护膏)。操作时严禁用手直接(揉擦)皮肤。 8、施工过程中发生恶心、头晕、过敏等,应(停止作业)。 9、使用液化气喷枪及汽油喷灯,点火时,(火嘴)不准对人。汽油喷灯加油(不得过满),打气(不能过足)。 10、防水卷材采用热熔粘结,使用明火(如喷灯)操作时,周围(30)m以内不准有易燃物。 in the total catch, going to the front, front command, do a good job key and difficult problems to solve. County, a city office to give full play to the coordination, task decomposition, daily scheduling and supervision and evaluation functions, control version of < civilized city evaluation system >, detailed list of responsibilities, project work ledger, a clear timetable and roadmap, task book, staring at the key and difficult, do a good job and supervise the implementation. Comrade of the principal leaders of the county at all levels and departments to seriously directly to study the deployment and direct supervision of scheduling, to ensure that the implemented. Loopholes in the understanding to speak clearly, 3 propaganda to more widely. Propaganda the main purpose is to the public a city urban tree image, people get affordable truth, speak to understand a city every citizen should shoulder the responsibility and obligation to the broad masses of the people support, active participation, and consciously abide by. The county television, < today the state of Chu > to set up special column, reported in a timely manner to create work dynamics, propaganda of advanced models and the advanced experience of the civilized etiquette knowledge and civilized life common sense. At the same time, to a city of the dead, the public is not civilized behavior, working poor single bit to timely exposure. To make full use of traditional media and Internet, mobile phone text messages, floor Yu television and other new media, to carry out deep 建筑工人安全教育试卷 (防水工部分) 姓名: 项目名称: 培训时间 分数: 填空题(每题10分) 1、凡从事建筑安装工程的各种工人必须严格遵守本工种(安全操作技术规程)。 2、作业工人进入施工现场,必须戴好安全帽并(扣牢帽带)。禁止穿拖鞋或(赤脚)。 3、施工现场脚手架、防护设施、安全标志和警告牌,不得擅自拆动,需要拆动的,必须经(工地施工负责人)同意。 4、作业工人应定期参加(安全活动),加强自我保护意识。 5、高空作业所用材料要(堆放平稳),工具应随手放入工具袋内,上下传递物件禁止(抛掷)。 6、现场施工用高低压设备及线路,应按照(施工 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 )及有关电气安全技术规程安装和架设。 7、线路上禁止带负荷接电或断电,并禁止(带电操作)。 8、有人触电,立即(切断电源),进行急救;电气着火,应立即将有关(电源切断),使用泡沫灭火器或干砂灭火。 9、电气设备的金属外壳,必须(接地或接零)。同一设备可做接地或接零。同一供电网(不允许)有的接地有的接零。 10、电力传动装置系统及高低压各型开关调试时,应将有关的(开关手柄)取下或锁上,悬挂标示牌,防止误合闸。 in the total catch, going to the front, front command, do a good job key and difficult problems to solve. County, a city office to give full play to the coordination, task decomposition, daily scheduling and supervision and evaluation functions, control version of < civilized city evaluation system >, detailed list of responsibilities, project work ledger, a clear timetable and roadmap, task book, staring at the key and difficult, do a good job and supervise the implementation. Comrade of the principal leaders of the county at all levels and departments to seriously directly to study the deployment and direct supervision of scheduling, to ensure that the implemented. Loopholes in the understanding to speak clearly, 3 propaganda to more widely. Propaganda the main purpose is to the public a city urban tree image, people get affordable truth, speak to understand a city every citizen should shoulder the responsibility and obligation to the broad masses of the people support, active participation, and consciously abide by. The county television, < today the state of Chu > to set up special column, reported in a timely manner to create work dynamics, propaganda of advanced models and the advanced experience of the civilized etiquette knowledge and civilized life common sense. At the same time, to a city of the dead, the public is not civilized behavior, working poor single bit to timely exposure. To make full use of traditional media and Internet, mobile phone text messages, floor Yu television and other new media, to carry out deep 建筑工人安全教育试卷 (电焊工部分) 姓名: 项目名称: 培训时间 分数: 填空题(每题10分) 1、凡从事建筑安装工程的各种工人必须严格遵守本工种(安全操作技术规程)。 2、作业工人进入施工现场,必须戴好安全帽并(扣牢帽带)。禁止穿拖鞋或(赤脚)。 3、施工现场脚手架、防护设施、安全标志和警告牌,不得擅自拆动,需要拆动的,必须经(工地施工负责人)同意。 4、作业工人应定期参加(安全活动),加强自我保护意识。 5、乙炔发生器不得放置在(电线)正下方,与氧气瓶不得同放一处,距易燃、易爆物品和明火的距离不得小于(10)m。 6、电焊机外壳,必须(接地良好),其电源的装拆应同电工进行。 7、电焊机要设单独的开关,开关应放在(防雨)的闸箱内,拉合时应(戴手套)侧向操作。 8、严禁在带压力的容器或(管道)上施焊,焊接带电的设备必须先(切断电源)。 9、在密闭金属容器内施焊时,容器必须(可靠接地),通风良好,并应(有人监护),严禁向容器内输入氧气。 10、多台焊机在一起集中施焊时,焊接平台或焊件(必须接地),并应用隔光板。 in the total catch, going to the front, front command, do a good job key and difficult problems to solve. County, a city office to give full play to the coordination, task decomposition, daily scheduling and supervision and evaluation functions, control version of < civilized city evaluation system >, detailed list of responsibilities, project work ledger, a clear timetable and roadmap, task book, staring at the key and difficult, do a good job and supervise the implementation. Comrade of the principal leaders of the county at all levels and departments to seriously directly to study the deployment and direct supervision of scheduling, to ensure that the implemented. Loopholes in the understanding to speak clearly, 3 propaganda to more widely. Propaganda the main purpose is to the public a city urban tree image, people get affordable truth, speak to understand a city every citizen should shoulder the responsibility and obligation to the broad masses of the people support, active participation, and consciously abide by. The county television, < today the state of Chu > to set up special column, reported in a timely manner to create work dynamics, propaganda of advanced models and the advanced experience of the civilized etiquette knowledge and civilized life common sense. At the same time, to a city of the dead, the public is not civilized behavior, working poor single bit to timely exposure. To make full use of traditional media and Internet, mobile phone text messages, floor Yu television and other new media, to carry out deep 建筑工人安全教育试卷 (起重信号指挥部分) 姓名: 项目名称: 培训时间 分数: 填空题(每题10分) 1、凡从事建筑安装工程的各种工人必须严格遵守本工种(安全操作技术规程)。 2、作业工人进入施工现场,必须戴好安全帽并(扣牢帽带)。禁止穿拖鞋或(赤脚)。 3、施工现场脚手架、防护设施、安全标志和警告牌,不得擅自拆动,需要拆动的,必须经(工地施工负责人)同意。 4、作业工人应定期参加(安全活动),加强自我保护意识。 5、高空作业所用材料要(堆放平稳),工具应随手放入工具袋内,上下传递物件禁止(抛掷)。 6、(起重机司机)、(指挥信号)在作业前,应共同交底,统一信号。 7、信号工应正确选择位置,不准站在吊物(易碰难躲)和无防护措施的危险部位。 8、作业中必须戴好(安全帽),佩戴好专用标志服装,严禁(酒后)作业。 9、在吊装异形构件时,必须首先弄清楚构件(重量)再进行起吊。 10、群塔作业时,必须了解防碰撞措施,作业指挥时要(注意避让),(防止碰撞)。 in the total catch, going to the front, front command, do a good job key and difficult problems to solve. County, a city office to give full play to the coordination, task decomposition, daily scheduling and supervision and evaluation functions, control version of < civilized city evaluation system >, detailed list of responsibilities, project work ledger, a clear timetable and roadmap, task book, staring at the key and difficult, do a good job and supervise the implementation. Comrade of the principal leaders of the county at all levels and departments to seriously directly to study the deployment and direct supervision of scheduling, to ensure that the implemented. Loopholes in the understanding to speak clearly, 3 propaganda to more widely. Propaganda the main purpose is to the public a city urban tree image, people get affordable truth, speak to understand a city every citizen should shoulder the responsibility and obligation to the broad masses of the people support, active participation, and consciously abide by. The county television, < today the state of Chu > to set up special column, reported in a timely manner to create work dynamics, propaganda of advanced models and the advanced experience of the civilized etiquette knowledge and civilized life common sense. At the same time, to a city of the dead, the public is not civilized behavior, working poor single bit to timely exposure. To make full use of traditional media and Internet, mobile phone text messages, floor Yu television and other new media, to carry out deep 建筑工人安全教育试卷 (起重司机部分) 姓名: 项目名称: 培训时间 分数: 填空题(每题10分) 1、凡从事建筑安装工程的各种工人必须严格遵守本工种(安全操作技术规程)。 2、作业工人进入施工现场,必须戴好安全帽并(扣牢帽带)。禁止穿拖鞋或(赤脚)。 3、施工现场脚手架、防护设施、安全标志和警告牌,不得擅自拆动,需要拆动的,必须经(工地施工负责人)同意。 4、作业工人应定期参加(安全活动),加强自我保护意识。 5、高空作业所用材料要(堆放平稳),工具应随手放入工具袋内,上下传递物件禁止(抛掷)。 6、钢丝绳在卷筒上必须排列整齐,尾部卡牢,工作中最少保留(三)圈以上。 7、两机或多机塔吊时,必须有(统一)指挥,动作配合协调。 8、操作中要听从(指挥人员)的信号。信号不明或可能引起事故时,应暂停操作。 9、起吊时重臂下不得有人(停留)和(行走),起重臂、物件必须与(架空电线)保持安全距离。 10、严禁(斜吊)和吊起拔埋在地下或凝结在地面,设备上的物件。 in the total catch, going to the front, front command, do a good job key and difficult problems to solve. County, a city office to give full play to the coordination, task decomposition, daily scheduling and supervision and evaluation functions, control version of < civilized city evaluation system >, detailed list of responsibilities, project work ledger, a clear timetable and roadmap, task book, staring at the key and difficult, do a good job and supervise the implementation. Comrade of the principal leaders of the county at all levels and departments to seriously directly to study the deployment and direct supervision of scheduling, to ensure that the implemented. Loopholes in the understanding to speak clearly, 3 propaganda to more widely. Propaganda the main purpose is to the public a city urban tree image, people get affordable truth, speak to understand a city every citizen should shoulder the responsibility and obligation to the broad masses of the people support, active participation, and consciously abide by. The county television, < today the state of Chu > to set up special column, reported in a timely manner to create work dynamics, propaganda of advanced models and the advanced experience of the civilized etiquette knowledge and civilized life common sense. At the same time, to a city of the dead, the public is not civilized behavior, working poor single bit to timely exposure. To make full use of traditional media and Internet, mobile phone text messages, floor Yu television and other new media, to carry out deep 建筑工人安全教育试卷 (打桩工部分) 姓名: 项目名称: 培训时间 分数: 填空题(每题10分) 1、凡从事建筑安装工程的各种工人必须严格遵守本工种(安全操作技术规程)。 2、作业工人进入施工现场,必须戴好安全帽并(扣牢帽带)。禁止穿拖鞋或(赤脚)。 3、施工现场脚手架、防护设施、安全标志和警告牌,不得擅自拆动,需要拆动的,必须经(工地施工负责人)同意。 4、作业工人应定期参加(安全活动),加强自我保护意识。 5、高空作业所用材料要(堆放平稳),工具应随手放入工具袋内,上下传递物件禁止(抛掷)。 6、移动塔式桩架时,禁止(行人)跨越滑车组。 7、吊桩前应将桩锤提升到一定位置固定牢靠,防止吊桩时(桩锤坠落)。 8、吊桩与运桩发生干扰时,应(停止运桩)。 9、打桩时应采取与桩型、桩架和桩锤(相适应)的桩帽及衬垫,发现损坏应及时修整或更换。 10、钻孔灌注桩浇注混凝土前,孔口应加(盖板),附近不准堆放重物。 in the total catch, going to the front, front command, do a good job key and difficult problems to solve. County, a city office to give full play to the coordination, task decomposition, daily scheduling and supervision and evaluation functions, control version of < civilized city evaluation system >, detailed list of responsibilities, project work ledger, a clear timetable and roadmap, task book, staring at the key and difficult, do a good job and supervise the implementation. Comrade of the principal leaders of the county at all levels and departments to seriously directly to study the deployment and direct supervision of scheduling, to ensure that the implemented. Loopholes in the understanding to speak clearly, 3 propaganda to more widely. Propaganda the main purpose is to the public a city urban tree image, people get affordable truth, speak to understand a city every citizen should shoulder the responsibility and obligation to the broad masses of the people support, active participation, and consciously abide by. The county television, < today the state of Chu > to set up special column, reported in a timely manner to create work dynamics, propaganda of advanced models and the advanced experience of the civilized etiquette knowledge and civilized life common sense. At the same time, to a city of the dead, the public is not civilized behavior, working poor single bit to timely exposure. To make full use of traditional media and Internet, mobile phone text messages, floor Yu television and other new media, to carry out deep 建筑工人安全教育试卷 (高空作业吊篮部分) 姓名: 项目名称: 培训时间 分数: 填空题(每题10分) 1、凡从事建筑安装工程的各种工人必须严格遵守本工种(安全操作技术规程)。 2、作业工人进入施工现场,必须戴好安全帽并(扣牢帽带)。禁止穿拖鞋或(赤脚)。 3、施工现场脚手架、防护设施、安全标志和警告牌,不得擅自拆动,需要拆动的,必须经(工地施工负责人)同意。 4、作业工人应定期参加(安全活动),加强自我保护意识。 5、高空作业所用材料要(堆放平稳),工具应随手放入工具袋内,上下传递物件禁止(抛掷) 6、操作人员必须经过(培训),对操作规程、安全注意事项熟悉了解。 7、操作人员在每次使用前应检查(安全绳)和(安全锁)的连接是否可靠,动作是否正常。 8、吊篮工作人员必须系安全带,并将安全带系在牢固固定在建筑物上的(安全绳)上。 9、吊篮内的(载荷)应大致均匀,并及时调偏。 10、提升器钢丝绳严禁有(油污)、杂物。 in the total catch, going to the front, front command, do a good job key and difficult problems to solve. County, a city office to give full play to the coordination, task decomposition, daily scheduling and supervision and evaluation functions, control version of < civilized city evaluation system >, detailed list of responsibilities, project work ledger, a clear timetable and roadmap, task book, staring at the key and difficult, do a good job and supervise the implementation. Comrade of the principal leaders of the county at all levels and departments to seriously directly to study the deployment and direct supervision of scheduling, to ensure that the implemented. Loopholes in the understanding to speak clearly, 3 propaganda to more widely. Propaganda the main purpose is to the public a city urban tree image, people get affordable truth, speak to understand a city every citizen should shoulder the responsibility and obligation to the broad masses of the people support, active participation, and consciously abide by. The county television, < today the state of Chu > to set up special column, reported in a timely manner to create work dynamics, propaganda of advanced models and the advanced experience of the civilized etiquette knowledge and civilized life common sense. At the same time, to a city of the dead, the public is not civilized behavior, working poor single bit to timely exposure. To make full use of traditional media and Internet, mobile phone text messages, floor Yu television and other new media, to carry out deep 建筑工人安全教育试卷 (电梯司机部分) 姓名: 项目名称: 培训时间 分数: 填空题(每题10分) 1、凡从事建筑安装工程的各种工人必须严格遵守本工种(安全操作技术规程)。 2、作业工人进入施工现场,必须戴好安全帽并(扣牢帽带)。禁止穿拖鞋或(赤脚)。 3、施工现场脚手架、防护设施、安全标志和警告牌,不得擅自拆动,需要拆动的,必须经(工地施工负责人)同意。 4、作业工人应定期参加(安全活动),加强自我保护意识。 5、高空作业所用材料要(堆放平稳),工具应随手放入工具袋内,上下传递物件禁止(抛掷) 6、每日开始工作前,须将电梯(上下行驶)数次,视其有无异常现象。 7、电梯司机如必须离开轿厢时,将轿厢停于(基站),断开轿厢内电源开关,关闭厅门。 8、施工电梯不允许开启轿厢顶(安全窗)及(安全门)来装运长物体。 9、施工电梯轿厢(顶上部)不得放置它物。 10、当电梯在行驶时,突然发生停驶或失控时,司机应保持镇静,立即按(急停、警铃)按钮。 in the total catch, going to the front, front command, do a good job key and difficult problems to solve. County, a city office to give full play to the coordination, task decomposition, daily scheduling and supervision and evaluation functions, control version of < civilized city evaluation system >, detailed list of responsibilities, project work ledger, a clear timetable and roadmap, task book, staring at the key and difficult, do a good job and supervise the implementation. Comrade of the principal leaders of the county at all levels and departments to seriously directly to study the deployment and direct supervision of scheduling, to ensure that the implemented. Loopholes in the understanding to speak clearly, 3 propaganda to more widely. Propaganda the main purpose is to the public a city urban tree image, people get affordable truth, speak to understand a city every citizen should shoulder the responsibility and obligation to the broad masses of the people support, active participation, and consciously abide by. The county television, < today the state of Chu > to set up special column, reported in a timely manner to create work dynamics, propaganda of advanced models and the advanced experience of the civilized etiquette knowledge and civilized life common sense. At the same time, to a city of the dead, the public is not civilized behavior, working poor single bit to timely exposure. To make full use of traditional media and Internet, mobile phone text messages, floor Yu television and other new media, to carry out deep
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